DAVIDSON, HUGH S. "Marriage and Motherhood." Dodge. $.25.
DAVIS, E.P. "Mother and Child." Lippincott. $1.50.
FOERSTER, F.W. "Marriage and the Sex Problem." Stokes. $1.35. (An important book.)
HOLT, L.E. "Care and Feeding of Children." Appleton. $.75. (The well-known nursery guide by the famous pediatrician.)
HOWARD, W.L. "Facts for the Married." Clode. $1.00. (Good, from a physician's standpoint.)
JORDAN, W.J. "Little Problems of Married Life." Revell. $1.00. (Essays which touch many problems of home life.)
KEY, ELLEN. "Love and Marriage." Putnam. $1.50. (The greatest work of this famous Swedish author.)
SALEEBY, C.W. "Parenthood and Race Culture." Moffat, Yard. $2.50. (Popular eugenics.)
SPERRY, LYMAN B. "Confidential Talks with Husband and Wife." Revell. $1.00.
WOOD-ALLEN, MARY. "Ideal Married Life." Revell. $1.25. (Best book by this well-known physician and author.)
CASTLE, W.E. "Heredity in Relation to Evolution and Animal Breeding." Appleton. $1.50.
CONKLIN, F.G. "Heredity and Environment in the Development of Men." Princeton University Press. $2.00.
DAVENPORT, C.B. "Heredity in Relation to Eugenics." Holt. $2.00.
DAWSON, G.E. "Right of the Child to be Well Born." Funk. $.75.
DONCASTER, L. "Heredity in the Light of Recent Research." Putnam. $.40.
GEDDES, P., and THOMSON, J.A. "Evolution." Holt. $.50.
GUYER, M.F. "Being Well Born." Bobbs-Merrill. $1.00.
KELLICOTT, W.E. "The Social Direction of Human Evolution." Appleton. $1.50.
PUNNETT, R.C. "Mendelism." Macmillan. $.50.
SALEEBY, C.W. "Parenthood and Race Culture." Moffat, Yard. $2.50.
THOMSON, J.A. "Heredity." Putnam. $3.50.
WALTER, H.E. "Genetics." Macmillan. $1.50.
Abnormality, in literature, 129 ff.
Adolescence, and sex-instruction, 146 ff.
Adults, and special sex-instruction, 26.
AEsthetics of sex, 4, 74, 197.
Affection, 163; "consecration of," 210; in marriage, 189.
Aims, of sex-education, 92, 94; of sex-education societies, 228.
Animals, and human sexuality, 72.
Arguments, for sex-instruction, 28 ff.
Asceticism, 69.
Athletics, and sex, 141.
Attitude, towards sex, 26, 67 ff.; and morals, 75.
Bibliography, 238 ff.
Biology, 56, 65; and ethics, 102 ff.; and sex-instruction, 147; moral value, 217.
Books, as teachers, 121 ff., 241 ff.; see also literature.
Boys, influence on, 158; special instruction, 148-250.
Cabot, R.C., 63, 210 ff.
Childhood, 25.
Children, ignorant of sex, 204.
Circumcision, 139.
Coeducation, in sex-instruction, 109; and sex adjustment, 80.
Continence, 160 ff., 176 ff.; of women, 190 ff.
Contraception, and ethics, 219.
Control, of sex instincts, 18.
Criticisms, of sex-education, 203 ff.; conclusions regarding, 226.
Curiosity, denied by Repplier and Taft, q.v.
Dancing, 169 ff., 200.
Diseases, social or venereal, 37 ff.
Dress, of women, 174 ff., 200.
Education, as a solution, 19, 88; coeducation, 80; sex-differentiated, 82.
Eliot, C.W., 71.
Emissions, 149.
Ethics, and biology, 102; and sex-hygiene, 61 ff; of sex, 4.
Eugenics, 86 ff.; aim of, 105; and ethics, 103.
Europe, and sex problems, 59 ff.; morality in, 59; sex-hygiene in, 230.
Evolution, and vulgarity, 75.
Fiction, and sex tragedies, 127.
Foerster, 70.
Frankness, 206.
Friendships, of children, 136.
Fulton, J.S., 40.
Future, of sex-education, 234-237.
Genetics, 87.
Girls, special instruction, 151; unprotected, 191.
Gonorrhea, see Diseases.
Good, and evil, 215.
Hamilton, Cosmo, 208.
Hartley, C. Gasquoine, 82 ff.
Heredity, 87; and sex-education, 104.
History, of sex-education, 227 ff.
Homes, and sex-instruction, 21.
Hunger, two kinds, 73.
Hygiene, and ethics, 210 ff.; of sex, 1-4, 25.
Ideals, of manhood, 185; of womanhood, 157; of love and marriage, 159, 187.
Ignorance, 45, 50, 54; of children, 12-14.
Illegitimacy, 52 ff., 59.
Immorality, 38; danger in teaching, 67.
Instincts, sexual, 16-18.
Intellectualism, and sex, 83.
Kallikak family, 103.
Key, Ellen, 64, 79.
Knowledge, and will, 217.
Lectures, on sex-hygiene, 100.
Legislation, and social diseases, 47.
Literature, general list, 241 ff.; for parents, 33; on marriage, 79; on diseases, 39; on sex, 11; on social evil, 52; general and sex, 124 ff.; general references, 238 ff.; for young men, 161, 183; for young women, 201; radical sex, 193.
Marriage, 159, 187; a sex problem, 71 ff.
Masturbation, 137 ff.
Maxwell, W.H., 221.
Men, as leaders in love, 188; instruction for, 156 ff.
Misunderstanding, of sex, 5.
Monogamy, 59.
Morality, 58 ff.; double standard, 42.
Morrow, P.A., 37, 70; leader, 227.
Mothercraft, 155.
Mothers, and boys, 111; first teachers, 111.
Mystery, and sex, 15.
Names, of sex organs, 148 ff.
National Education Association, resolution on sex-instruction, 232.
Nature-study, 133.
Need, of sex-instruction, 11, 19.
Neumann, H., 221.
Oliphant, James, 159.
Optimism, sex, 196.
Organization, of sex-education, 96 ff.
Parents, and daughters, 184, 190; cooperation of, 23; responsibility, 14; attitude, 30.
Parkinson, W.D., 41.
Passion, 58.
Pessimism, sex, 72, 84, 196.
Poetry, 124 ff.
Pre-adolescence, 25, 133 ff.
Problems of sex, 28 ff., 92, 95.
Promiscuity, 38.
Propagandism, needed, 28 ff.
Prophylactics, venereal, 219.
Prostitution, 48 ff., 164; protective knowledge for women, 199.
Reading, concerning perversion and vice, 51.
Refinement, of men, 167.
Religion, approach to sex-instruction, 209.
Repplier, Agnes, 203.
Reproduction, and sex, 5.
Responsibility, indirect of women, 195; individual, 18; of parents, 30.
Sanitation, and morals, 229; see also hygiene and ethics.
Self-abuse, 137 ff.
Self-control, 70, 173, 176-182; of women, 190 ff.
Sensationalism, 233.
Sex-education, definition, 1; larger view of, 27; need of, 11; problems of, 28 ff.; relations, 4.
Sex-hygiene, 1-5; adequacy, 43; personal, 35 ff.; social, 3; and eugenics, 86; and ethics, 114, 212 ff.; personal, 98 ff.
Sex-instruction, in schools, 20, 23; in homes, 21; in high schools, 24; many-sided, 89.
Sex, meaning of the word, 6-10.
Social diseases, 166; essential knowledge to be taught, 107.
Social evil, 4, 48 ff.
Social hygiene, 3; and ethics, 101.
Societies, for sex problems, 231, 232.
Society for Prophylaxis, 62.
Super-morality, 64 ff.
Syphilis, see Diseases.
Taft, W.H., 224.
Task, of sex-education, 90.
Teachers, of sex facts, 108; for classes, 113; married women, 110; same sex as pupils, 109; undesirable, 115.
Teaching, morals, 216 ff.; personal, 205, 214.
Tennyson, and sex lessons, 125.
Vulgarity, 67 ff.
Women, and diseases, 45; instruction for, 184 ff.
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