Asef. You must let me mend your clothes as I do Rafael's.
Mig. Faith, Senora, you would have to begin too many months back. No, I'll hang out my banners as a knight of liberty should, and be Don Miguel de Tejada still. Asleep, my Lerdo? A good example, too. (Lies down) Good-night, Senora the Blessed!
Asef. Good-night, Don Miguel de Tejada! (The soldiers sleep. She waits and listens. Runs aside and looks down the valley)
Asef. Rafael! (Steps approach. Enter Rafael)
Raf. (Embracing her) Here's Heaven for the weary!
Asef. So tired? And I have nothing for you! (Looks toward soldiers) They were so hungry.
Raf. They're welcome to it. (Kissing her) Here is my banquet,—my feast of beauty and my wine of love!
(Staggers to a rock and sits feebly)
Asef. Oh! You've been so far!—too far!
Raf. We rode all day, but made no terms for food. The people are afraid. Whoever gives us bread forfeits his life and home.
Asef. I bought some meat of a poor woman to-day. She needed the money.
Raf. And if the Imperials find her out they'll murder her and set her hut in flames!
Asef. Oh! What shall we do?
Raf. We are an army. We'll do as armies do. Take food where we can find it.
Asef. O, Rafael!
Raf. Yes, love, we'll play the robber to fill the mouth of Liberty,—she's fed too long on thistles.
Asef. She's a stern mistress, Rafael.
Raf. But sweeter, love, Her harshest frown that summer smiles of kings! O, I reproach her not, even when I see My dearest friends lie dying in her name! A bed of stones is soft enough for me If she but rock to sleep,—a crust to-day, To-morrow none, and at her board I'm fed. But when I look on you, my traitor blood Flies from her service. Oh, to see these hands That plucked no beauty ruder than the rose, So meanly laboring in the basest needs! Your gentle body resting on cold earth, Glad of a blanket 'tween you and the sod, While in your bed the foreign robber sleeps! This shakes my loyalty till I could hate The fair, unspotted cause my sword is drawn in!
Asef. Stop, Rafael! O thank God these hands have known That blessed of all fortunes,—to toil for love! These eyes that sought for but a face more fair, A flower more sweet, have found the stars that rise Where Truth and Courage wander in the night! In southern vales maybe we'll hear again The morning birds sing at our bowered windows, But we will not forget the nobler song Now borne by winds about these mountain peaks,— The song of man made free!
Raf. We'll not forget. But will that sweet day come? Tell me, Aseffa, You who are half a sibyl,—shall we go down That valley to our home?
Asef. 'Tis not to gain Our father's halls, and sit 'neath fig and vine, We hide and starve and stagger in these hills, But to keep noble the last hour of life, That Death who gathers it may read thereon The seal immortal of approving God.
Raf. Yes—dear Aseffa—but—(Faints)
Asef. Rafael! Rafael! Ah dying! O my prating virtue's gone! I care for naught but that my love shall live! O, Liberty, wilt spare me this one life? ... Ho! Miguel! Up!
Mig. Hey! What! Senora!... Ah!
Lerdo. What's here?
Asef. There's wine in the general's tent! Rafael! My love, my love, look up!... O Mexico, With all thy veins of gold thou art not worth One dear drop of his blood!
(Enter General Trevino)
Trev. What's this new grief? Not Rafael!... He faints. 'Tis hunger ... hunger. Miguel! Lerdo! Bear him to my tent. Give him what food you find there. First the wine!
(Soldiers go out with Rafael. Aseffa follows. As she passes the general she drops to her knees and kisses his hands)
Trev. (Alone) Starvation now or plunder. We'll quarter where We can.... A horseman! If 'tis Ignacio We shall have news.
(Enter Ignacio, from riding)
Ig. Who's here?
Trev. Ignacio?
Ig. (Saluting) Your pardon, sir!
Trev. You're from the capital?
Ig. Three days ago I left the city. I've slept On horseback since.
Trev. Your news!
Ig. We fight an empire. The Austrian is crowned.
Trev. Impossible! Where are our people? Salas? and LeVal?
Ig. They shouted at his welcome. At Vera Cruz Began the unholy pageantry, that showed As Christ had come again and all men knew him! Each province drained its beauty by the way; The mules that drew him caught the vanity And picked their steps on flowers.
Trev. Tell me no more. O Gratitude, thou hast no home on earth! Twelve months did Juarez rule, and in twelve months Did what no man can do but God is with him! He healed contention's wounds, set up new schools, Released the land from priestcraft's ancient grip, Rebuilt our credit, destroyed by Miramon, The robber president, who bonded the land To France, then set the sword of Europe 'gainst us Because we could not pay the unjust debt From treasuries that his own hands had emptied. O, 'twas a crime too big for Heaven's eye, And so God let it pass! France could not know— But our own people knew—how Juarez toiled To shape the nation to his noble thought!
Ig. Yes—yes—they knew!
Trev. We'll break our swords, my boy. We have no country.
Ig. Is my uncle yet In Texas?
Trev. Ay, and we will go to him. ... Ungrateful ground that casts all goodness from it, And sucks a gilded poison!
(Enter Rafael, Aseffa, Miguel, Lerdo, and others of the camp)
Raf. (To Trevino) Sir, you will miss Your breakfast, but I pledge my sword you'll have To-morrow's supper!... Ignacio!
Ig. You here, My Rafael! (They embrace) Aseffa too!
Asef. Dear friend! (They greet affectionately)
Raf. And Maximilian is crowned?
Ig. Yes ... crowned.
Raf. You saw him?
Ig. In the cathedral, with the empress.
Asef. The empress?
Raf. What looks he like? This Austrian duke That with a stolen crown mocks majesty!
Ig. He looks like majesty, and yet is graced With Nature's gentlest stamp; his countenance Takes beauty from his smile; his smile, one thinks, Takes sweetness from a heart that has its own Nobility from heaven.
Trev. An enemy Well praised!
Asef. The empress? She bewitched you too?
(Ignacio is silent)
Come, sir! The truth of her!
Ig. The truth? Go ask The angels. They've tongues for such sweet purpose.
Trev. What! Ignacio turned squire o' the empire?
Ig. No. But I can read a holy woman's face, Though she by some strange counterfeit of truth Would put an empress' foot upon our necks.
Asef. What is she like?
Ig. Like nothing but herself. She is not gentle, for gentleness is but Rude servant to that quality in her; Gracious she's not, for grace herself doth serve A poor handmaiden to her excellence; Nor beautiful, for Beauty asks her name To wear but that and know her own no more.
(In the silence that follows a rider rushes up and dismounts)
Messenger. Where is the general, Trevino?
Trev. Here.
Mess. Juarez approaches. (Saluting)
Trev. Juarez! Call up the camp! Light all the beacons! Juarez! Build up the fires!
Shouts. Juarez! Juarez! Hurrah! El presidente!
Trev. We'll let him know the hearts he left i' the hills Still beat with loyal blood!
Shouts. Juarez! Juarez! (Enter Juarez. Silence)
Jua. Trevino!
Trev. Your Excellency! (They embrace) You've heard?
Jua. I know. Now monarchy has spread her gilded sails, And from the East comes like another sun To blind our eyes with wonder of a crown While shackling us by hand and foot to earth. But from these mountains will arise a queen, The figure grey of ancient Liberty, Mourning and wronged, but with the unpaling star Of God's own favor set upon her brow: These two shall meet—and that mock sun go down!
Trev. You still have hope when Mexico deserts us?
Jua. Dost read your country in the smile she shows Her conqueror? She has a heart beneath! Ay, sir, did she not prove it at Puebla? Where dead fell on the dead with gun in hand Still pointed to the French! Where, hope once lost, And the enemy pouring through the shattered gates, Our men blew up their city and themselves To keep their souls free from Napoleon! These men have brothers left, and sons, And they are Mexico!
Soldiers. El presidente! Liberty and Juarez!
A soldier. (Waving his sword) We'll be revenged, Or spill more blood than hell can drink!
Soldiers. Down with the empire! Death to Maximilian!
Jua. No, not revenge,—but justice. That's enough. We've but to wait—and strike. Yon mists now spread Their fair illusion o'er the eternal mountains 'Till 't seems they are the world, and the great hills Are naught. But by to-morrow's noon-sun see Their fortunes faded as a dream of night, While the rock peak looks up as if to say From the foundation of the world I am! So will this glamour o'er our godly cause Pass as a breath, while all the world shall read Our right and title to unbonded life In our free bosoms founded and God-set!
A soldier. We'll die for freedom!
Jua. Die? That's the one thing We can not do. We may lie down in graves, But from our living dust will spring new challenge To make in noble minds continual war Until our race be righted!
Trev. Many fly From our misfortunes. Amaldo and LeVal—
Jua. Call 't not misfortune that teaches us our friends. Now are we sifted and the chaff is known! ... LeVal! ... But Diaz is true?
Trev. On yonder mountain His fires make answer for him.
Jua. (Looking into distance) Forgive me, comrade! I know you true, and sooner will yon moon Make her last change and fall than you change once From the full circle of a complete man.... (Turns and sees Ignacio) My nephew here?
Ig. Just from the capital.
Jua. Where you must back again. Rafael, too! Both my young soldiers! My right arm and my left,— Though which is which I know not. Ignacio, You saw the Austrian? No matter. He's but The drift-piece of a rotten monarchy That thinks to graft upon the living tree Of our new-sprung republic! We'll shake him off As a June oak a spray of winter wreck, Nor ever know he clung upon our boughs!
Ig. The church is powerful yet, and seeks to join Her cause with his.
Jua. The church? Say not the church, But mockers in Christ's name, who steal the land And drain its fruitage into Satan's purse, Keeping the poor a race of hopeless slaves Who worship their own shackles! O, Ignorance, Thou art the great slave-master! Thy very chains Are vital and beget themselves; and he Who strikes them seems the monster of the earth To the poor serf who thinks it is himself That bleeds! The church be with our foe, with us Be God, we'll ask no more. Hear me, my men! The great republic of the North's our friend. When her own war is done you'll hear her speak To France in cannon tones that will make quake Napoleon on his throne! That great mock-god. Who seeks to free all men that he may fit Their necks to his own yoke! (With growing intensity) That adder who Would coil about the world! That serpent scruffed With white deceit and low ambition's slime, That crept into the garden of my dream And cankered bud and root, nursed by my toil, Fed with my dearest blood! Ay, he will quake, And cry for mercy to a stony Heaven Whose pity drops long since were drained upon The woe that he hath made! Ay, he—
Trev. (Touching him) But now, My friend?
Jua. (Composed) You're right. No more of that. Nephew!
Ig. Here, sir!
Jua. Your place will be the capital. We must have eyes there, and a heart to serve us. This hour set out. Here are instructions. (Gives papers)
Trev. Sir, He's had no rest.
Jua. True ... true....
Ig. And need none when Juarez commands.
Jua. (Taking his hand) Thou'rt still my son. My house Will not fall down when I no longer prop it.
Raf. May I not beg this office, sir?
Trev. Send him! His heart is in the hills, and he'll come back. Ignacio's yet unanchored. Trust him not To high tides of a court.
Jua. I trust them both. But my own blood I know. (To Ig.) Kneel for the oath.
(Ignacio kneels. Murmurs around, then silence. Juarez takes a crucifix from his bosom and holds it over Ignacio)
Jua. By this true image of the bleeding Christ, May you be damned to everlasting fire, Nor prayers of saints lift up your soul from hell, If you prove false in what you undertake This night for Mexico!
Ig. By Christ's own blood. I swear, and may that blood be powerless To save me from the damned if I prove false!
Jua. The stars that hold The witness angels of the Lord have heard Thy oath.
Ig. (Rising and looking up) Let them record it.
Asef. (Fearfully) Ah!
Trev. (Holding out a brand) The brand!
Jua. Not that!
Ig. (Baring his arm) I choose it!
(Trevino quickly brands his arm with a cross. Juarez, too late, dashes the brand from his hand)
Ig. (Throwing up his arm) Sealed to the cause!
(Hurries to go)
Jua. My boy! (Ignacio returns for Juarez' embrace)
Ig. (Going) Liberty and Juarez!
Soldiers. Juarez! Liberty and Juarez!
(All but Juarez follow Ignatius out, cheering)
Hurrah! hurrah!
(Juarez draws his grey mantle about him and stands silent. The fires die down. The moon clouds. He looks up invoking)
Jua. Spirit of Montezuma, be thou here And on thy son drop wisdom out of Heaven, That these thy children he may lead to peace, And this thy country give again to him Who set his iron in the earth and said "Man, make thy weapon; there shall be no slaves!"
Scene I: Palace of Chapultapec. Hall adjoining ball room. Gaily dressed women, and men in glittering official costumes passing doors. Marquez and Mejia talking.
Mar. You've caught Trevino!
Mejia. Rafael Mendorez too.
Mar. Still better. You'll have them shot at once?
Mejia. They've too many friends. I must have the emperor's warrant.
Mar. He will sign the decree to-night.
Mejia. The Lord be thanked! I'm tired of risking life and men taking prisoners that his majesty may have the pleasure of pardoning them.
Mar. If he signs the decree he will be sure to reserve the right to pardon. You must try my method.
Mejia. And that?
Mar. Shoot on the spot, and report no captures.
(Enter from the ball room Maximilian, Marshal Bazaine, General Miramon, and Count Charles)
Mir. Your majesty will sign the law to-night?
Max. These men wear the brave name of soldiers; fight Beneath a flag, and claim the rights of war.
Baz. They borrow war's fair name to kill and plunder!
Max. It was my dream when I took up this crown To claim each subject of the land my own.
Mir. And so you may, your majesty. 'Tis true. These men are subjects to no law or nation; They are not Mexico's; they are not God's; But from the heavenly and the human pale They have outbarred themselves. Our honest land Has cast them out as venom to her health! Nurse not this canker in your realm, my lord!
Max. I do not know ... but here's my head and heart,
(Touching Prince Salm-Salm and Count Charles)
And they may answer. Prince, what do you say?
Prince Salm. As friend and soldier to your majesty, I must advise the passage of the law.
Max. You, Charles?
Char. My lord, if as you say, these men Fight 'neath a flag, and for supposed rights, You violate the law of noble nations In sentencing to death the prisoners Of recognized war.
Baz. (Sneering) Sir, recognized?
Char. Does not the United States still call Juarez The president of Mexico?
Baz. Why, count, You'd best consult those books of yours again! Juarez has fled and given up his cause. These men are robbers! Your majesty will sign?
Max. Forgive me, friends, if I again say no.
Mir. Your majesty, 'tis we should ask your pardon For having failed to lustre as we should This seeming-dark decree,—so wise, so just, And as undoubtedly your duteous act As though some stern necessity of the stars Enjoined it.
Max. (Uneasily) Press it not now. The people wait.
(All but Marquez go into ballroom)
Mar. Some fools have sat on crowns but not for long. He'll sign. The Liberals must be dispatched Fast as we capture them, for we've short time. The United States will soon be free again To turn to us, and what we wish to do Must be well done ere that. Dispatch! Dispatch! Use Maximilian and the French to crush The Liberals, then with the church unite To pull down Maximilian and set up— Marquez!... The Empress—and Ignacio! One I suspect,—a half-breed full of pride! Who'd have the court forget his Indian mother And bear in mind his father was a noble!
(Goes aside. Enter Carlotta and Ignacio, followed by Prince and Princess Zichy, Prince and Princess Salm-Salm, Princess Josefa de Varela, Colonel Lopez, making merry with a fortune teller. The Empress steps apart with Ignacio)
Car. Ignacio! I've met strange looks to-night!
Ig. But not unkind ones, noble madam?
Car. O, such As can not be distinguished by a word, Cold, warm, or dark or fair, bitter or kind! Ah, looks that will not advertise the heart, And yet betray too much!
Ig. Your majesty—
Car. A little coldness that might melt to love, A little pity that might soon be hate, A fair 'God with you' shaping to a curse—
Ig. What eye can harbor evil meeting yours Where lies a grace that turns all ill to virtue?
Car. Would all were true as you, Ignacio!
(Looks to ballroom and shudders)
Those eyes! Would I looked not so deep in eyes! ... You love my lord?
Ig. I do, your majesty.
Car. Above all other men? (He is silent) Nay, do not answer! 'Twas wrong to ask, for you have kinsmen maybe, Brother, or uncle, some one dear in blood Whom Heaven bids you cherish. But you will guard Your Emperor! You'll watch with me for foes? For foes? He has none! How the thought Blasphemes his excellence! But 'tis a world Where whitest merit draws the darkest souls To prey upon it, while mere indifferent good Escapes!... Ignacio, is it true, Juarez Is not in Mexico?
Ig. O, madam!
Car. Ah! Is 't true the Liberals are disbanded?
Ig. True?
Car. You do not answer, sir!
Ig. It is not true.
Car. You know it! You? And they still hope?
Ig. They do.
Car. Then we are playing with an enemy! How do you know?... You traitor, too!... O Heaven! 'Tis time now to be up or treachery Will take us all asleep! (Goes from him)
Ig. (Following her) O madam! madam! My heart is all your own!
Car. (Turning to him) Forgive me, friend, And I will wrong no more these honest eyes. But there is danger here, and we must strike! We hold a nation's future in our hands, And now defence is virtue, patience crime!
Ig. Your majesty—
Car. (Not heeding) Shall we stand here and smile Till rebel blows have shattered life and throne? ... Dupin shall drive these desperate people back— This law be signed—
Ig. (With horror) Dear Christ!
Car. What do you mean?
Ig. Will Maximilian pass a law of death, Condemning patriots to a robber's grave? O, Empress, sue upon your knees that he Do not this thing, for every act of his Not marked with justice to his enemies Will rob him of the pity they would show When victory is theirs! He writes his doom As certainly as he doth set his name To that black law, and gives Dupin his will Among our helpless people!
Princess Zichy. (From group about the gipsy, as all laugh) Your majesty, You heard?
Car. I heard. (To Ignacio, much disturbed) Go join them! Go! (Ignacio joins group) He's true! My lord in danger!
Princess de Varela. Now mother, my hand next!
(Gipsy scans her hand)
Car. 'Rob him of pity!' 'When victory is theirs!' I know the pity given to the fallen In this blood-drunken land! There's but one way... We must not fall!... 'Tis war, then,—war! Not for An empire, no,—but Maximilian's life! And we must use the weapons in our hands!
Gip. (Reading)
Days of brightness, days of smiles, Read I here or Fate beguiles!
Princess S. O these fortunes are like lines from a fairy book! Surely we are not all going to be happy!
Gip. I'll read for you, madam.
Princess S. But let not your change of song begin with me, dark mother!
Gip. (Reading)
Days of darkness, days of moan! A friend shall sigh, a friend shall fall, And wring thy bosom more than all The sorrow that thou yet hast known!
Princess S. O think better of it, mother!
Gip. Your sweet eyes deserve a better portion than tears, and I read too,
But ere thy last hour be nigh Sorrow from thy breast shall fly!
Princess S. A friend, you say? I thank you, 'twas not my husband!
Gip. And yet a husband he, And many tears thou'lt see!
Car. (Aside) A friend—a husband—and a fall!
Gip. Shall I read for her majesty?
Car. No! no!
Lopez. She has peeped into Fate's urn, madam, I assure you!
Car. Nay, I'm content. What I choose for myself I will abide, and what I choose not is the gift of God and I'll abide that too!
Prince Zichy. I congratulate you! Majesty is not always able to show such noble indifference to the future, and lesser mortals—never!
Gip. Please the stars, may I read for you, sir?
Prince Zichy. I give you a proxy,—Senor Ignacio. If the fortune be fair, I take it, if not, I leave it with him.
Ladies. O, hear Ignacio's fortune! (They crowd about him and the gypsy)
Car. (To Lopez) A favor, sir! Will you take a message to his majesty?
Lopez. I am twice blest—to bear your message—and bear it to the emperor. (They talk apart)
Gip. Here's a secret matter, sir. Shall I speak it out?
Ig. O spare me! Come aside!
Ladies. Nay, nay, Ignacio! You heard our fortunes!
Ig. But yours were fair and innocent, and mine is dark and guilty—maybe with crime!
Ladies. Oh! A crime!
Ig. Come, witch! (They go aside, near where Marquez is stationed unseen) Aseffa!
Asef. Rafael is prisoner at Savarro! Trevino is taken, too!
Ig. O Heaven! (To ladies) Stay back! 'Tis crime indeed!
Ladies. Villain!
Asef. Help me to Maximilian! O, I must see him! You called him gentle! When I tell him what Rafael is—the fairest soul man ever called a foe—
Ig. Softly, Aseffa! You can not see the emperor to-night.
Asef. I must! To-morrow 't will be too late! He dies at sunrise!
Ig. Rafael! My friend! my brother!—
Asef. Quiet! quiet! Smile, Ignacio! Ha! ha! I'll pray it be not true, sir!
Ig. But you can see Count Charles. He's Maximilian's very heart, and once you win him the Emperor is won. Go in! Go in! I'll bring you to the count! Be light of heart! Our Rafael is safe!
Asef. Ignacio, the Empress is all you said. Prayers on their way to Heaven meeting her Would think their journey ended. Can you be true?
Ig. (Touching his arm) I bear the seal.
Asef. God help thee!
Ig. Go! (To ladies) 'Tis done! I know my sins!
Princess de V. But what a smiling sinner!
Princess Salm. A cloud is hovering. Come, sir! I shall know it!
(Takes his arm. Mexican national dance begins. All go into ballroom, the Empress with Lopez)
Mar. Ignacio a Liberal! And branded! He's finished! But I'll pick my hour for it! Mendorez safe! Ay, if he's bullet-proof!
(Re-enter Carlotta with Archbishop Labastida)
Lab. I thank your Highness for this gracious moment! Most holy Empress—
Car. Not holy, sir, and yet I hope with touch of God's anointment on me.
Lab. Did it but rest with you His love would soon Like cloud of rose veil Mexico in beauty.
Car. But rest with me?
Lab. Ay, noble lady, you. I bear a letter from his Holiness, In which he says his Empress daughter's zeal Is jewelled in his heart,—but urges me To speak to Maximilian of his strange Reluctance to fulfill his promise.
Car. Promise?
Lab. To give the Church the olden glory that She shone with here! Restore her rights—
Car. 'Tis true He promised that, and he has kept his word As an account with God. He is convinced The rights claimed by the Church are stolen rights She wrung from ignorance for her earthly glory, And he's resolved to maintain Juarez' law So far as it accords with justice.
Lab. Madness! Call back Juarez to power! Yield the throne To the republican! For 't will so end If Maximilian scorns us and our help!
Car. He does not scorn you, sir, but seeks to find Where the division comes 'tween you and Christ And set himself upon the side of Heaven.
Lab. You will divorce the favor of the pope, Without whose help you may not hope to stand. Plead with your lord again to probe our claim, And find therein some wise and prudent reason To give us aid,—and thereby keep his crown.
Car. Yes, I will speak; but I shall not forget, Whate'er I say, he is an Emperor! (Exit)
Mar. (Coming forward) A pair of fools are jiggling with a crown.
Lab. You heard, Marquez?
Mar. And knew before I heard.
Lab. And you are patient?
Mar. Maximilian Means France, and France we must keep ours,—at least Till we have finished with the Liberals,—
Lab. And then?
Mar. We need not go so far to make A wiser choice.
Lab. (Looking at him meaningly) Not far indeed!
Mar. I thank you. But that's hereafter. Come with me, your grace. I'd speak of something more immediate.
(Exeunt left)
(Enter from ballroom General Miramon, Marshal Bazaine and Colonel Dupin, the last a large, vain, blustering man, gorgeously and expensively arrayed from head to foot. A sombrero wonderfully trimmed with gold and silver is carried in his hand and used in sweeping salutations)
Dup. At last I am called to court! I thought his majesty would soon or late have need of my experience in throat-cutting.
Mir. But, my dear Dupin, it is not in your capacity of throat-cutter that we introduce you. These towns that have given aid to the Liberals must be punished without the Emperor's knowledge. You will make an example of them?
Dup. Will I? Hear him, Marshal! Will I?
Mir. But not a word to the Emperor!
Dup. Softish, eh?
Mir. His spongy heart is filled with water of compassion. Touch it anywhere it pours!
Baz. I'm not going to throw away the lives of any more Frenchmen just to give him a chance to play at clemency! An emperor should be a sort of vitalized stone, capable of action but incapable of impression.
Dup. Then I'm the man for emperor! I've always suspected my qualifications for the part. By the lord, I've made women who were hungry enough to eat their own children watch my soldiers throw bread into the sea! And when I was with the French and English in old Chinee—well, they've called me the 'Tigre' since then. You've heard about that! (Struts and sings)
I'm the tigre of the East, Got my claws in old Pekin When the yellow kids we fleeced And held up the mandarin!
O we caught him by the queue, As he from our captains flew, That quaking little, shaking little mandarin. And we dragged him out to view By that most convenient queue, When we sacked the summer palace at Pekin!
My friends, if you will excuse me, there are several dozens of ladies in the ball room waiting for a dance with the costume par excellence of the evening. I am not always sure of a welcome for my face, but my costume is never in doubt. Ah, sweet woman! you can please me twice. I can dance with you—and I can kill you! When the Emperor asks for me I shall not decline an introduction,—though he was not born an emperor and I was born Dupin! (Exit)
Baz. Is he as villainous as his conversation?
Mir. His talk is but the mildest prologue to his deeds.
Baz. Then he's the man for us. We shall never drive back the Liberals but by methods of unmitigated severity.
Mir. There is no barbarity too great for the intimidation of these towns.
Baz. The only absolutely safe plan is to raze them from the earth.
Mir. Trust Dupin! (They go into ballroom. Enter, right, Count Charles and Aseffa. Her disguise is thrown back revealing her beauty)
Asef. You help me though a Liberal and your foe!
Char. A foe! Dear lady, when you besought my aid Methought it was divinity that spoke, So sacred sweet seemed the request. I'll save Your brother.
Asef. Ah, dearer than a brother, sir. It is my husband!
Char. Husband!
Asef. Yes, my lord. And dearer than—You have a wife?
Char. No, lady.
Asef. O, then you can not know! But you have loved?
Char. I love.
Asef. A lover—not a husband. Ah! Add to thy love a thousand dearer loves And take their sum a thousand times a thousand, 'T will be the smallest part divisible Of my dear love for Rafael! You'll save him?
Char. Yes—I will save him. Do you trust me?
Asef. Trust you? As I would Heaven! (Kisses his hands and goes out, right)
Char. Gone! Aseffa! Gone? No, never gone! Her kisses here! O lips That swept like drifting roses o'er my hands— Both hands,—sweet equity! Still are they warm As they were dipped in summer, though her touch Was maiden light nor robbed him of a jot Who should have all. Her husband—'twas a word She used to slay me with!... Even in sorrow She is more fair than any other fair Met on a holiday. But when she smiled She seemed like Fortune giving away a world. So gracious was her splendor. Thou art revenged, O little demon god so long my scorn! Would I had given my heart by piecemeal out Since I was ten than to have lost it so, For going all at once it takes my life And I must lose my life or follow it. Ah, love should come like waves unto a shore, Soft creeping up and back and up again. Till taught to stand receptive we are firm When the last, highest wave envelops us. ... May God restore me!... O her beauty burns As she were limned by lightning on the night! Her eyes are torches that Eternity Lends life to read her dreams! Her cheek Is June within a bud! Her veins have caught The falling sun that in them strives to rise To a new dawn!... And I must save him—save him! This unknown man that holds the flaming sword Above my paradise!... If this decree Is signed she will be widowed ... (Stops in horror) I am mad!... ... She will be free ... Away, sweet hell, whose face Is masked like heaven!... Let solid earth be air, The air be lead, light change to dark, and dark Be as the sun, 't will be no miracle When murder finds a welcome in my heart!
(Enter Maximilian, Bazaine, Miramon, Dupin, Berzabal, Ruiz, Estrada, Ignacio)
Max. (To Dupin) We're glad to welcome you. 'T will be your charge to guard the unprotected towns now suffering from the raids of Liberals.
Mir. Of men, your majesty, who steal that title to grace a brigand's life!
Max. So we're assured.
Dup. I'll see to it, sir, that these towns play no love-tricks with the enemy!
Baz. Sh!
Max. No danger that way. Your duty is to protect them!
Dup. No offense, I hope. But treason is a lively beast and hard to keep low. As your majesty's officer I must cudgel it down wherever I find it.
Max. If unhappily you find it, sir—
Dup. I'll cut the throat of every man dog of 'em!
Max. Sir? (Turns to Bazaine) The Colonel's speech is very figurative, good Marshal. (To Dupin) All instances of treason, (and God forbid there should be one!) will be reported to me for careful investigation.
Dup. A thousand pardons, your Highness! I was swept away by my devotion to your majesty! I shall remember that you wish me to observe the mildest temperance in dealing with your majesty's enemies. (As the emperor looks questioningly at Bazaine, Dupin snarls, then repeats suavely) The mildest temperance in dealing with your majesty's enemies.
Max. That is our wish. The mildest temperance. And this decree, Colonel Dupin? Would you advise its passage?
Dup. I should be so hot to sign it, sir, my zeal would boil the ink in the bottle!
Max. Very figurative, Marshal! (To Dupin) As yet we have not reconciled the matter with our conscience.
(Lopez enters and comes up to the Emperor)
Lop. (Handing him a slip of paper) Your majesty, the Empress sends you this.
(Maximilian reads aside:) 'Sign the decree.'
Max. (Aside) What has she heard?
Dup. (At a distance, in rear of Maximilian, folds his hands meekly on his breast and whistles softly)
'When we sacked the summer palace at Pekin!' (Mimics) 'As yet we have not reconciled the matter with our conscience.' Does he think he can govern Mexico with a prayer-book? Put him in his cradle and sing by-lo-baby!
Max. (To Miramon, who has spoken to him) There's only one left to oppose it—Charles.
Mir. My lord, you'd set a scholar's word against A general's in matters of the field? The count's opinion, born within a closet, Would die in open air but for your nursing.
Max. Come, Count, defend your cause.
Char. My cause, my lord?
Max. You are but one against the government. Canst talk above so big a head? If not, I fear we'll pass this law of blood. Come, come! Be eloquent! My heart would have you win!
Char. (Very pale and hesitating) Your majesty—I beg—
Max. Goes it so deep To your good heart?
Mir. My lord—
Max. Forgive me, Charles, For pressing you so much. We'll rest to-night. To-morrow there'll be time.
Char. (Hastily) No! Not to-morrow! Sign the decree! Sign it to-night!
(Maximilian looks with the greatest astonishment at his now flushed face and eager manner, then thinks he understands)
Max. Ah, Charles, This tender heart of yours will kill you yet. No more of this. I'll keep you at your books.
Char. (Recovering, proceeds with suavity, completely sold to his desire) My mind has cleared with deeper thought, my lord, Discord, the ancients tell us, was at first So small a gnat did give her birth, but grew So great her feet o'erturned proud cities while Her head upset the gods in council. So this Small trouble may o'ercast your destiny— And is 't not better, sir, to pass a law, However dreaded, 'gainst the rebel few Than that the nation trusted to your care Should be broad cursed with civil slaughter?
Max. Better? If such a danger threatens 'tis a crime Not to forfend it!
(Enter Marquez and Archbishop Labastida)
Lab. Gracious sovereign!
Max. Most reverend father, you would counsel us?
Lab. We would, your majesty. If yet the wish Of Heaven has power over you; and Christ Be your most high example, you will prove A careful guardian to your trusting people, And crush this villainous and robber race Now preying on the true and innocent, Swelling each day more poisonous and foul!
Max. We are decided. Are we not, good Charles?
Mar. (Hastily) Nay, sire—
Max. We are decided—to pass this law. Convinced that 'tis the honest course.
(All surprised and relieved but Ignacio, who starts with horror)
Ig. My God!
Mir. Blest majesty, we thank you!
Lab. You do but set Your name where Heaven's seal already shines.
Ig. The seal of Hell! O noblest man that breathes This corrupt air, take back that word of death Ere it is stamped in black upon your soul!
Mir. (After a silence) An Aztec, sire, and nephew to Juarez.
Max. You think that is a sin? Among our friends Are many whose nearest kinsmen nobly served The lost Republic. Hear us, Ignacio. This law is subject to a firm condition: Each officer shall make report to us, And every captive who deserves not death Shall have our pardon.
Ig. Then, you'll pardon two Now at Savarro, Trevino and Mendorez, Both doomed to die at sunrise!
Mir. Ravagers! Brigands! Ay, murderers!
Ig. No! Patriots! Soldiers! And martyrs if they die! My lord, If they have plundered, 'twas to feed an army; If they have killed,—that is the aim of war. They are your foes, but noble ones,—and men, Not creatures to be caught in traps and shot Like beasts!
Max. We'll look to this. Marquez, at once Send a dispatch commanding they be held As prisoners of war until we've time To examine them.
Mar. I will, your majesty.
Ig. My lord, at Callovalla when the French Had routed the Republicans, there came At night some student priests into the field To help the wounded and to cheer the dying. This man, Marquez, set on them with his troop And made them prisoners. The morning sun Beheld each saintly minister shot dead. And you would trust this devil with the life Of captive foes? A man whose hands are red With God's own blood?
Mar. He lies! Your majesty, I'll prove him traitor to your very eyes!
Ig. Traitor?
Mar. Ay, sir, and spy! Lay bare his arm, And see the branded cross!—the sacred mark Of those who've sworn to die in Juarez' cause!
(Snatches at Ignacio's arm as if he would expose it)
Ig. Liar and devil! do not touch me!
Mar. Spy!
Lop. The proof is easy, sire. Expose his arm!
Ig. I scorn such proof! And with my sword I'll meet Who dares lay hand upon me!
Lab. Justice, sire! Command him to lay bare his arm!
(Silence. Maximilian approaches Ignacio slowly and lays his hand on his arm)
Max. (Turning to Marquez, his hand still on Ignacio) You are a soldier, able and honorable. I trust you with my captives.... Ignacio, You are no traitor,—and I trust you with My confidence. Both are deceived. 'Tis I Must study how to heal this sad division. ... But now, we'll sign this necessary law. Come in with me, my friends. (Exeunt all but Ignacio)
Ig. Too noble soul! Too gentle heart! O foul, most foul betrayal! He dooms himself. O, Maximilian, We go on different ways, but each to death! The truest heart about thee is my own, And I'm a spy—death-vowed to be thy foe! I'll warn the empress!... No. Sealed to the cause. Dead I may guard her. Death alone may give Me to her service. There's no oath can bind The disembodied spirit. (Takes paper from his pocket) Here's set down All I have learned of the Imperial plans.
(Burns paper in candle flame)
'Tis fixed in memory, and if I live Juarez shall hear it all,—and—if I die— The grave is asked no questions. (Suddenly) Rafael! This signed to-night, to-morrow Rafael dies. Marquez will cut off all reprieve. One way Is left.... I'll go. With life already lost Who would not fling the corpse to save a friend? My honor's bound to freedom and Juarez, My heart bound to the Empress and her lord. O, love, while I have life thou must command me, Then to save honor ... let me die!... Ah, could I save thee too, Carlotta! O, what woe Awaits thy heart, madonna, saint ... and love! Might I but say farewell before I go, Then I could spur to death with happy heart, And I must travel fast to reach Savarro.
(Takes a lady's glove from his bosom) My treasure, come!
(Enter Carlotta)
Car. It must be signed ... it must ... (Sees Ignacio)
Ig. O, little finger casements, do you mourn Your pretty tenants lost?—five rose-sweet nuns That pray at one white shrine! (Kisses glove)
Car. (Advancing) I hope, my friend, She's worthy of your noble love.
Ig. O, madam, In her doth Heaven on earth make sweet beginning. And aspirations tend her from the skies.
Car. And she is beautiful as good?
Ig. O, fair As olden marble walking down to us. Or that immortal Helen on whose lip Poets still feed the dream that's never fed!
Car. She must be fair indeed. I hope she loves As much as she's beloved.
Ig. Nay, she dreams not Of my poor worship.
Car. You must tell her, sir.
Ig. With her I have no tongue, and can not woo. To see her is to think in hurrying dreams That move about some new desire of God. Nay, she's the picture finished, vision complete, That perfect stands where dream no farther goes And shuts the gates to prophecy!
Car. Would you But woo her thus you'd win her, never fear! We women would be beautiful, and love The tongue that makes us so. Go, talk to her As you have talked to me.
Ig. 'Tis not the same. There's something in your smile inviteth speech. Were she but you then would I kneel and say, (kneels) O rest me 'neath the heaven of your eye That gathers blessings as the sun his dews To give again to earth, and let your heart Throb once with pity sweeter than the love That other women give, and yet be dumb, That this sweet moment's balm may wrap my heart Till death bids it be still. O, love me not, But on my head lay thy madonna hand, And bless me as a mother would her child Who goes to death in going from her eyes!
Car. (Laying her hand on his head) And I will bless thee, too, as she would do, True knight of love, gentle Ignacio! And yet I hope you will ask more of her, And she will grant it.
Ig. (Rising) More is too much. Farewell. I leave the court to-night,—but go content,— Ay, happy! (Exit)
Car. He leaves the court!... What a strange youth! But very true and noble, and well deserves The fairest woman's love. (Picks up glove dropped by Ignacio) He's lost her glove. I'll send it after him. (Calls attendant) Andorro!... Ah! It is my own! Yes ... yes ... the same ... here is— My own indeed!... And that is why he leaves The court!... Poor youth! (She drops glove. Enter Andorro) Ignacio just passed out. He dropped this glove. His lady's favor maybe. I'm sure 'tis prized. Haste, take it after him.
And. (Picks up glove) Your pleasure, royal madam! (Going)
Car. No—that way.
(Exit Andorro)
... Unhappy boy!... I'm glad I sent the glove.
(Enter Maximilian and ministers)
Car. (Going to him and taking his arm) 'Tis signed?
Max. 'Tis signed, my love. Come, friends! This act Of wisdom passed gives me a lighter heart!
(All but Marquez go into ballroom)
Mar. The great death-warrant's signed. Ere its black list Be full, there'll be an emperor on the roll!
(National music. Dancers seen through doors, the emperor and empress among them)
Scene I: Before the Imperial Theatre. Brilliant lights. Crowd confusedly assembled. All talking.
Shouts. Long live the Empire!
Citizen. O you mob, you puppet throat, that whistles as you're squeezed!
A Mob Orator. My friends, to-day we gloriously celebrate the birthday of the most glorious empire—
Cit. Long live the Republic! Hail to Juarez!
Voices. To dungeon with him! The traitor! Tear him to pieces!
(Guards dash upon citizen and drag him off)
1st Officer. Don't tell me the Republic is dead when a man is willing to die just to give one shout for it.
2d Officer. Three-fourths of the Mexicans have hearts of that color. But the Empire stands. Miramon is a miracle. How does he manage it?
1st Off. He understands the use of the bayonet. As our friend over the water says, you can do anything with bayonets but sit on them.
2d Off. Isn't this a rabble? Motley's the only wear in Maximilian's court. He might succeed in running this country if so many people hadn't come along to help him do it. You ask a French question and you get a Dutch answer. You give an order in Prussian and it's obeyed in Irish,—
Voices. He comes! Make way! Make way! Hail to Maximilian!
Chief Guard. Back, all of you! The Emperor will greet you yonder! We've orders to clear the plaza! Back! Back! His carriage stops! Go, get your places! Out! out!
(Guards drive mob out)
1st Guard. If all the Empire's birthdays are to be like this I hope it will never come of age. It's work, I tell you! I'm dripping like a squeezed cloud!
2d Guard. If it had pleased the Empire to spend a little of the money it has wasted to-day for the widows and orphans it has made—
1st Guard. Sh! We're paid for our muscle, not our opinions. (Shouts outside)
2d Guard. And the mob is paid for its lungs!
1st Guard. Yes. Miramon sees to that.
2d Guard. Only the Emperor's carriage approaches the door?
1st Guard. None but his.
2d Guard. If I were he I wouldn't make such a glittering show of myself in that Milan carriage—all gold and silver and tortoise shell, and an angel at every corner—while there are so many hearts breaking in sound of it.
1st Guard. Ph! He knows nothing of the breaking hearts! Miramon sees to that.
2d Guard. He'll have to know soon, or Juarez will tell him in the capital.
1st Guard. Not a word! On your life! (Shouts without) Here they are! By Jesu! The fools have taken the mules from the carriage and draw it themselves! Now I wonder how much a head Miramon pays for that!
(Enter rabble of shouting citizens drawing carriage in which sit the Emperor and Empress. They are followed by a brilliant party of ladies and gentlemen. General and Madam Miramon, Princess de Varela, Prince and Princess Zichy, Prince and Princess Salm-Salm, Lopez, Count Charles, Marquez, Archbishop Labastida, Estrada, Berzabal, and others)
Max. (To citizens) My friends, though I protest against this honor, I thank you from my heart for such kind proof Of your affection. (Alights)
Voices. Long live Maximilian!
One of the rabble, awkward and ignorant. Long live the President of the Empire!
Max. (Smiling) I've no objection to that title, friend, but I fear it would be criticised in Europe.
(Crowd passes out shouting and dragging carriage)
Max. (To Carlotta, as he looks at theatre) A noble building! Fair and magnificent!
Car. How yonder gardens gleam beneath the lights Like some soft dream of worlds we do not know!
Max. And all is yours, my sweet,—all planned by you! O love, you shall be mistress of a land The fairest ever smiled up to the sun! What say you, Charles? Does not this hour repay Even the sacrifice of Miramar?
Car. (Smiling) Nay, he longs still for the old nooks and books.
Char. Let me admit it. This mistress Pleasure, sir, Though she is fair is not so wondrous fair As goddess Knowledge. Beautiful as bride To her lord's eye is she to worshippers, Who seek and woo her till she yieldeth up Her locked virginity—the Truth!
Max. (Affectionately) Ay, Charles, Get knowledge if thou canst, and yet despair not, For none so poor but virtue may be his; And though your knowledge is earth's silver key That opens man's and nature's heart, 'Tis golden virtue opens Heaven and shows The God among his stars.... But, come, dear friends! Pleasure is a true goddess too. We'll show Her fair respect.
(All go into theatre but Charles, who drops back unnoticed)
Char. He constantly unmasks me And knows it not. Knowledge! 'Tis withered leaves Amid a world of dewy boughs! Knowledge! To one school will I go—one book I'll read, The school of love, the page of woman's eye, And I'll know more than sages and divines Who study stars and Scripture!... 'For none so poor but virtue may be his' O noble soul, had I been true to thee I now could open thy deceived eyes. Crime seals my lips. I can but pray This empire built on blood may stand. We are The creatures of our deeds, more bound to them Than slave to master, for the terms of service Are fast indentured in the soul and know No razure!... But I will find Aseffa! Then, Though sin should set a darkness on my life To draw each night out to a winter's length That constant storms from sallow leaf to green, Still love's sweet lamp shall light me! In my heart 'T will be as day!
(Enter Aseffa veiled, her dress covered with a black cloak. An attendant following. She tries to cross over to side entrance of theatre. A guard stops her)
Asef. I am a singer.
Guard. Show Your pass.
Asef. Here, sir.
(Guard signs for her to pass on. She sees Charles and stops. Steps before him, throwing back her veil)
Asef. You swore to save him!
Char. You! Aseffa! Blest—
Asef. You swore it!
Char. And would have died To keep my oath could I have kept it dying.
Asef. The Emperor refused you? (He bows his head) Demon! Oh!
(Turns to go, moaning)
Char. (Aside) I lose her!... Stay! Is there no hope for grief?
Asef. Not mine! Can you not read it here?
Char. Too well. Thy sorrow is a veil through which thy beauty Burns like a shrouded sun.
Asef. You pity me?
Char. As Heaven knows!
Asef. Then you will help me, sir?
Char. I'll give my life to do it!
Asef. Ah, you will? Then get me access to the Emperor.
Char. O sweet Aseffa, you ask a miracle, And I am sadly mortal.
Asef. I knew! I knew! My misery is your plaything!
Char. His ministers So hedge him with their care—
Asef. O spare excuse! But I shall see him, sir! Ay, face to face!
Char. Why would you see him? He can not call the dead.
Asef. The dead! Thou hast but daggers for me! Ah!
Char. Aseffa—
Asef. Yes, I'll see him! What think you? Should I go shouting 'murderer' through that hall, Would he arise and answer to his name?
Char. You're mad, Aseffa!
Asef. Thank Heaven I am! 'T would be The shame of woman to know all that I know And not be mad!
Char. You must not go in there.
Asef. (Fiercely) Must not! (Suddenly calm) Nay, sir! Why see, I go to sing A welcome to the noble Emperor. (Throws back her cloak) As this dark cloak now hides my gay apparel, So shall my gay demeanor hide my woe.
Char. You would not harm the Emperor?
Asef. No need! Yon moon is worshipped for her borrowed gold, Though charred and cold without a leaf to dower Her black sterility. So Maximilian. Napoleon's favor is the sun that gilds His worthless crown. But now the French are going—
Char. What?
Asef. Ah! The French are going.
Char. No!
Asef. And Maximilian shall fade to air, Unheeded as the moon no eye could find Without her sun!
Char. But hearts can live and love Though Maximilian falls.
Asef. Can live—and love! You torture me!
Char. Forgive me. But the share Must rip the glebe before the corn may spring.
Asef. What do you mean, cold Austrian?
Char. Austrian! No! Your southern sun has poured into my veins A life that makes me new! I feel as you Those throbs that shake the stars until they fall Into the heart and make it heaven! My lips Can move toward lips as haste rose-gloried clouds To swoon into the sun!
Asef. Ah, yes—I know— You told me that you loved. But why say this To one who has lost all?
Char. I'd have you learn That you must live, Aseffa, and life for you Means love. Your eyes, your lips, your hands, your hair, Like coiled sweetness of the night, and all Your swaying, melting body, gather love As roses gather smiles, as waves draw down The heart-flood of the moon and hold it deep And trembling.
Asef. Sir, your roses, waves, and smiles, Are poet-nothings. You play with them as shells, Stirring chance colors for an idle eye. It is your way of saying, is it not, That I shall love again?
Char. You must! you must!
Asef. Such words are like bright raindrops falling in Another world. They glitter, but I hear No sound, grief has so closed my ears. Take back Your comfort. You would be kind, but noble count, You talk of what a man can never know,— A woman's sorrow for a husband loved. So high no height can reach it, so great and deep The sea can not embrace it, and yet her heart Can hold it all. O strangest of all love, That makes her rather stoop in beggar rags To kiss the happy dust where his foot pressed Than from a throne lean down to give her lips Unto a kneeling king!
Char. Aseffa, grief Is not for you. You must—you must be happy! The shy and tender Dawn creeps up in fear That Night has laid some blight upon the world, But finding all is well, steps forth, and lo! Out of her courage the great sun is born. So doth the heart look outward after grief To find the world all dark, but nay, the light Is more of heaven than it was before, Because a face is shining from the clouds. You dim your loved one's eyes in paradise With your earth-tears. He mourns your splendor paled,— Though 't must be beautiful to the last tint, As sunset clouds that bear the heart of day Into the night.
Asef. You but offend my grief. Sir, keep your flattery for her you love!
Char. I flatter thee? It is not possible! Who dares to add fire to the sun, or bring The Spring a flower? Be angry if you will. The morning's eye is not more glorious Rising above a storm! I flatter thee! When but to praise thee as thou art would put A blush on Poesy that ne'er has rhymed As I would speak! E'en thy defects would make Another fair, and were they merchantable Women would buy thy faults to adorn themselves! O, sweet—
Asef. (Shrinking in horror) What do you mean?
Char. (Seizing her hands) You know! O, all my life has been but dreams of you, And when I saw you first, my love!—my love!— As lightning makes the midnight landscape speak The language of the day, your beauty flashed O'er all my years and made their meaning clear! 'Twas you made sweet the song of every bird, 'Twas you I found in every book I loved, 'Twas you that gave a soul to every star! I can not speak it! Kiss me once—but once— And you will understand!
Asef. What thing is this? It is not man, for man respecteth sorrow, Nor brute, for it doth speak!
Char. O look not down! Thou canst not guard thee! Every silken sweep Of thine eyes' soft defence but whets assault! You shall not go! You are the element In which I breathe! Go from me and I fall A lifeless thing! Aseffa, pity me! 'Tis I who die, not you! (Drops her hands and kneels) O blame me not That I must worship here—
Asef. Ah, Rafael, I'll live an hour to pray this wrong away Before I meet thine eyes! (Goes. Charles grasps her cloak) Beast! Claw me not!
(Goes in. Charles gazes after her in a bewildered way. Tries to steady himself, and goes into theatre by main entrance)
Scene II: Within the theatre. Gay decorations. Part of stage shown, on which chorus is assembled. The Emperor and Empress in royal box. Imperial cabinet and friends in boxes adjoining. Part of pit shown, filled with brightly dressed people.
Max. (To Carlotta) O, this is welcome! Are you not happy now? There's not a wrinkle on these smiling brows Where discontent may write her annals dark! My empire now is fixed, and strength and love Are gathering to my side. I can not put My hand out but 'tis clasped by some new friend.
Car. And true?
Max. And true. You are too fearful, sweet.
Car. And you too trustful.
Max. Nay, we can not trust Too much. Brutus spoke noblest when he said 'My heart doth joy that yet in all my life I found no man but he was true to me.' And I would hope as much.
Car. (Aside) None, none are true! Even I am false who fear to speak my fears And ease his own when I should quicken them!
(Chorus from stage)
Hail, ye royal pair, O hail! Like two souls within one star May your heavenly light ne'er fail. Empress and great Emperor!
Hail to thee who ruleth mild As the manger-cradled child! Hail to her who long may be Guardian of us and thee!
Hail, O hail, ye pair divine! As two souls within one star May your light forever shine, Empress and great Emperor!
(Estrada appears on stage in front of chorus)
Est. Great Majesties, forgive our feeble welcome. We are in all things spotted and imperfect Save in affection for your Highnesses.
Max. (Rising) No, no! My friend—and friends—had you not hearts That turn to virtue as the flowers to sun, We had not made such progress to an hour When all the Empire wears the smile of peace, And we may rest like Love with folded arms Round his desire.
Est. 'Tis you have led us, sire. Pardon this mockery of what we'd do To celebrate this day had we but means. We shout thy name, but not above the clouds; We send up fires, but lightnings higher reach: We have adorned the city and ourselves, But India and the sea keep back the pearls We would pour here!
Max. Enough—and more, my friends. O, far too much! None mourn now but the gods Who are made indigent by this display Of wealth and joy!
Est. (Making low obeisance) We thank your majesty. This land shall e'er be called the happy land, And he who rules it—
Asef. (Stepping wildly from chorus) Prince of Murderers! The happy land! O land where widows' cries Choke Heaven, and mothers' tears make each new day A flood!
Mir. Guards there! Take her away! The guards!
Max. No! Let her stay! We'll answer her!
Mir. My lord—
Max. Madam, we seek your country's love.
Asef. How do you seek it? By killing her dear sons! Setting your tigers loose among her children! Mejia from your very breast makes fire On patriot virtue! Dupin wets his teeth By day and night in infant and mother's blood! Maximilian, In brave Trevino's name, Salazar's name, In name of all as noble and as dear To Mexico as they, who daily die Beneath their country's flag the death of dogs, Shot down by your black law—signed by your hand— In name of him as dear to me as thou To that proud woman who shall know what 'tis To clasp a ghost where throbbed her living love,— I tell thee—die!
(Leaps from stage to Emperor's box attempting to stab him. As she leaps Carlotta springs before the Emperor)
Car. This heart—not that!
(Aseffa drops her dagger and stands bewildered. An officer seizes her. Utter confusion in theatre. Maximilian goes onto the stage. Silence)
Max. My friends,— All you who love me see me here unhurt, And you who love me not, if any's here,
(Cries of "none, none!")
Take aim now as you will.
(Cries of "No! no! no! no!")
A Voice. Long live the Emperor! Maximilian!
Max. Then if you love me, friends, I beg you'll leave This place of song and go to the Cathedral. There pray for me to Him who spared my life, And, if you will, pray that He yet may spare it To work His will and yours.
(Crowd goes out silently)
Mar. (To Labastida) That was well done.
Lab. Sincerity is once a diplomat.
Car. (To Princess Salm-Salm) Princess, take this poor creature to your care.
(Officer releases Aseffa, who goes out as in a dream with Prince and Princess Salm-Salm and several ladies)
Mar. (Approaching Maximilian) Your Majesty, let me congratulate— Ill, sire?
Max. Sick, sick, O sick of compliments! If I've a friend here let me hear the truth! What did that creature mean? The truth, I say! (Silence) You, Miramon? Lopez? (Silence) Trevino's dead?
Lop. He is.
Max. And Rafael Mendorez?
Lop. Dead. The woman is his widow.
Max. Oh!... And this! (Taking out message) This from Dupin! 'All quiet in Savarro.' It means—
Lop. The town is ashes.
Max. O God! O God! You ministers! Ay, ministers of hell! Didst think ye served the devil?
Est. O, my lord—
Max. No friend! Not one! Charles! Charles! you must have known! These foreign hearts have their excuse, but you— The tower of confidence between us two, Built part by part by faithful mason hours, Is shaken to atoms!
Char. I will build it o'er!
Max. First will the wind-strewn rose upgather all Her petals from the dust, and cheek by cheek, Hang them new-smiling on the nodding bough!
Mir. Your Majesty, what we have done was done To save our country and your beloved life. Your noble heart was blind to your great danger, And 'twas our duty and our work of love To save you from your fatal tenderness.
Lop. (Kneeling) O gracious sovereign, had I but known You did not know, I would have dared the wrath Of all the court, and spoken to you but truth!
Max. (Lifting him up) And 'twas your tongue at last that broke the silence, I must forgive you.
Mar. By your necessity, Your Majesty, we may all hope for pardon. Juarez, encouraged by the United States, Is roused again to war. We have appealed For compromise and terms of friendly union, But his one answer for us all is—death! Yet are we faithful to you, sire.
Max. O Heaven! What poisonous opiate have you fed me with And called it peace? But war is not the worst! Oh, Miramon, did you not swear to me All prisoners taken by that cruel law Should be reported day or night to me That I might pardon or remit their sentence?
Mir. O, sir, you knew not your extremity, Nor could you know it though we told it you, The hearts of Mexicans once turned to hate Are far too deep for sincere eyes to pierce. But I thank God we knew the danger, sire, And struck the serpent raised even at your life. When you, all gentleness, could not have given The necessary blow. Ay, God be thanked, although You cast me from your heart. 'T will be my comfort To know I served you better than you dreamed. And 'tis the penalty of over-love To suffer by the hand that (kneels and kisses Maximilian's hand) it would kiss!
Max. Must I forgive him, Heaven?
Lab. Ay, sir, you must, For his deceit was but the greater truth That served your blind necessity.
Est. O, sir, Do not desert us! If now the Empire falls 'Tis death to all that have been true to you. Juarez will give no quarter to your friends.
Max. The Liberals advance?
Mar. Each day they're nearer; And towns and provinces fall by the way.
Berz. Without you, sir, our cause will die in blood, And Mexico be but a grave for those Who've loved and served you!
Mar. The United States has ranked Full sixty thousand men on our frontiers,— But we have France—
Max. I am awake! At last! From now no man shall risk his life for me But I take equal chance with him! Ah, this Is war, not murder!
Mar. You will lead our troops?
Max. I will.
Mar. Then Mexico is saved! The way To win the southern hearts is but to trust them. Leave at your capital the foreign troops And lead your native soldiers 'gainst the foe!
Car. (Aside) No! Never! Never! Alone with those dark hearts!
(Enter Marshal Bazaine with envoy from France, Comte de St. Sueveur, Marquis de Gallifet, and General Castlenau)
Baz. My lord, we bring new messages from France.
Gen. Cast. Your majesty, we beg your gracious pardon For this unseemly pressure.
Max. You have it, sir. What says Napoleon?
Cast. He greets you, sire, with my unworthy tongue, And sends this letter. (Maximilian reads)
Max. My eyes, I think, turn wizards And conjure 'gainst the truth that must be here. For I read false. (Puzzled) What does he mean? Not this—
Baz. My lord, my letters make the import clear. I have instructions here to counsel you To make immediate abdication.
Max. No!
Car. What? Abdication?
Baz. Ay! That is the word.
Car. A word for fear and weakness, not for strength, And Maximilian is as strong as France While great Napoleon respects his oath! His troops are ours—
Baz. Nay, princess—
Mir. (Fiercely) Her Majesty!
Baz. (Sneers) You prize the feather when the cap is lost? (To the Empress) Pardon a slipping tongue, your Majesty. Those troops you speak of go with me to France. Such is my order—such the firm demand Of the United States.
Car. Is France a province Of the United States? Napoleon Page, lackey, footboy to America? Is she an Empire, he an Emperor? Or have we dreamed he is Napoleon?
Max. (Recovered from his bewilderment) Withdraw his troops! He can not—dare not do it! 'T would blister history's page to set it down, And 'tis his burning wish to be the star Of human chronicles. I'll not believe it, Though all my senses brand confirming yea Upon my mind. O shout it in my ears, And let me see the troops go marching out, Still I'll believe it is my eyes and ears That mutiny, not France turned traitor!
Baz. Your Majesty, you must believe the truth, And make you ready for a swift departure. 'T will not be safe here let a moon go by.
Max. If danger's here, then here I stay to share it. Dost think I'll leave my friends to die alone While I by flight dishonor Majesty?
Baz. 'Tis death to stay. You would not be so mad.
Mir. Hail to our new-born king! New-born thou art Unto our love. Nay, we did love before, But now we'll worship thee.
Car. Napoleon! You shall not do this monstrous thing! You shall not!
Baz. The crown of France doth ask consent of none.
Car. I'll go to him and say such words that from His shame-marked brow his outraged crown will fall In horror. I will go! Take out the troops, Bazaine. Ay, take them out! He will be glad To send them back and purchase with his blood Redemption from such shame. He'll empty France To do it! I will go. But I'll not kneel. A thousand years my blood has run through kings, And he's the third Napoleon!
(Sinks, exhausted with emotion. Ladies attend her)
Mir. The traitor! We have no need of him! To France, Bazaine, And tell your Emperor our Emperor Needs not his fickle strength to stand upon! Sire, we have men, and money in our banks—
Lab. A mighty church whose power is untold If you restore her rights, as now we hope, And thus united we shall defy the world!
Max. And Heaven, too? For that is what we do When we set up the church in her old wrongs. Nay, keep your aid, and I will keep my soul.
Lop. Your virtuous angel strives to make you god.
Max. No, but to keep me honest.
Mar. (Aside to Lab.) Yield to him. 'Tis not the hour to cast him off.
Lab. My lord, Your virtue conquers, and unto your hands I yield the power o' the church.
Max. I thank your grace, Nor for myself, but Mexico.
Baz. I go to France. What message have you for Napoleon?
Max. Tell him that he has placed me here between Death and dishonor—and my choice is made.
(Bazaine and French ambassadors turn slowly and go out)
Max. (Quietly to Miramon) We'll join you at the door.
(Exeunt all but Carlotta and Maximilian. He holds out his arms, and she goes silently to his embrace)
Scene I: Queretaro. Plaza La Cruz before church and convent. Grey light before dawn. Occasional distant firing of guns. Maximilian comes out of church and walks about plaza.
Max. Carlotta! Where dost thou pray to-night? In all Our fearful scanning of prophetic heavens No swart star showed us this—our separation. Thou wert the all of me, the breath, the soul! Nature conceived thee when her blood was young, And May was in her spirit, but stayed thy birth Till Time had taught her skill in all perfections! ... I will not weep.... Yon stars have memories too, And tell old tales of grandsire suns that shook Their locks and fell ere they were young who now Are eld of all!... (Walks) To lie so low.... O man, Who in the heavens carvest out redemption, Laying thy golden streets in very skies, Making the stars but eyets of thy port, Must thou compact thee to a little earth, Displace some few small tenants of the sod, And find thou 'st room enough?... (Looks up) City of dream! Time's far ghost inn! Eternity's mirage! Desire's dim temple fashioned out of prayer, Builded and jointured by no carpenter But captious Fancy!... O Carlotta, wife! Thou wert my Christian heart! Faith, faith, my God! Death to the unbeliever is to land Upon a coast dumb in the moonless dark, Where no hands wave a welcome, no eyes shine With promise of sweet hours, no voices call The greeting that makes every shore a home. (Listens) My officers! I can not see them yet. (Goes in. Enter Colonel Lopez in close talk with Lieutenant Garza who is disguised as an Imperial officer)
Garza. I'm satisfied.
Lopez. This hill is the key to the city.
Gar. Yes.
Lop. And yours on terms we have considered.
Gar. Here's Escobedo's guarantee. (Gives paper)
Lop. This to my pocket, and Queretaro to the Liberals!
Gar. 'Tis heavy business. You do it lightly, colonel.
Lop. The world's a feather.
Gar. If we but think so.
Lop. At dawn my troops are yours.
Gar. And you command the Empress' regiment.
Lop. Yes. The pick of Maximilian's soldiers.
Gar. One other question. The southern gate—Hist!
Lop. The nuns. (They draw aside and converse. Two nuns come out of convent and cross plaza)
1st Nun. The good Emperor is not out yet. He is often here long before day walking and thinking, 'Tis then, they say, his mind is on the blessed Empress who has gone across the sea to get help for him. By day he never speaks her name, but thinks only of our poor country.
2d Nun. Hark! The enemy's guns! They can not reach us.
1st Nun. Can not? A shell broke here yesterday. The Emperor stood just there.
2d Nun. Holy mother! What did his Majesty do?
1st Nun. He smiled, and said he might have chosen his place better; then moved to the very spot where the ball had burst, as though he hoped another would follow it.
2d Nun. Blessed virgin! Would he die?
1st Nun. I'm sure he would not live. Come, sister. Ah, we have but one loaf this morning.
2d Nun. Let us be glad we can give that,—for many are hungry.
1st Nun. Many are starved—dead.
2d Nun. But the good Emperor! It is so sad to think of him without food.
1st Nun. He will give this to his officers. Yesterday I saw Prince Salm-Salm and the general Miramon each with a bit of white bread that can not be found in all Queretaro outside of our convent.
2d Nun. The good man! Holy Mother bless and keep him! (They go into the Cruz)
Lop. What will you do with Maximilian?
Gar. Make a Liberal of him.
Lop. Ha! How?
Gar. Shoot him!
Lop. Shoot him?
Gar. Yes. The grave's the great republican senate house,—where each man has the floor.
Lop. (Laughing) And you will introduce him!
Gar. Hark!
Lop. The Emperor! Go! (Exit Garza. Enter Maximilian and Prince Salm-Salm)
Max. (Greeting Lopez affectionately) You're early out, my boy.
Lop. Your majesty, I am the officer of the day.
Max. Yes,—I remember. Who was your friend?
Lop. Ramirez, of Dupin's regiment.
Salm. Ramirez! He's much changed if that was he.
Lop. Shall I call him back, your majesty, that the prince may convince himself that his memory of faces is not infallible?
Max. Nay, my trusted two! (Puts an arm about each) Would you might love each other as I love you both. My prince, whose courage is the very heart of my army, and my young hussar, dear for your own sake—dearer still because—she trusted you!
(Blasio, the Emperor's secretary, comes out of the Cruz)
Blasio. Your majesty, I have finished the letters.
Max. Good. There will be no more to write. (Stumbles over something) What's this?
Blasio. A fallen Christ.
Max. You mean a fallen figure of the risen Christ.
Lop. Here is the crown of thorns.
Max. Give it to me. (Holds it meditatively) How well it suits my fortunes!
Salm. Nay—
Max. Ay, better than my golden one. (Gives it to Blasio) Hang it above my bed. My Queretaro crown!
Salm. Do not, your majesty!
Max. (To Blasio) Take it. (Exit Blasio) Why, prince, 'tis something to have won a crown. My first was given me. (Firing and falling of shells)
Salm. I beg you, sire, to move your quarters to a safer station. This is death at any moment!
Max. Death at any moment—(Regretfully) And I have been here sixty days.
Lop. Courage, sire! Marquez will come!
Max. (Eagerly) Has there been news?
Lop. Not yet, your majesty.
Max. Not yet! What does it mean? You heard him take the oath to bring me help or die. 'Twas here he swore—before us all. Vowed to return with troops in fifteen days! Ah, he is dead.
Salm. No, your majesty.
Max. But if he lives?
Salm. He is a traitor.
Max. You heard his oath—
Salm. A traitor's oath!
Lop. He's true, your majesty. His messengers are murdered.
Salm. He's false!
Max. But that means—death.
Salm. Or flight.
Max. Not flight!
(Enter Miramon and Mendez) You're welcome, gentlemen. Your eyes bring news.
Mir. Your majesty, Metz has returned.
Max. At last! News of Marquez! He comes! I know he comes!
Men. O, sire,—
Max. The faithful Metz! Where is he?
Metz. (Entering) Sire! (Kneels)
Max. Rise, sir.
Metz. O pardon me, your majesty! I bring but wintry news.
Max. Marquez—
Metz. Is false.
Max. Oh, no, no, no! He comes! I know he comes!
Metz. He's leagued with Labastida,—for the church Deserts you too.
Max. The church gone with him! No! no! I can't believe it!
Metz. You do not doubt me!
Max. Not you! But in my ear The tale turns miracle! And I must doubt, Though on your tongue 'tis truth!
Metz. 'Tis truth indeed! The troops he was to bring you from the city, He led for his own glory against Diaz, Thinking to make himself the conqueror And president of Mexico.
Max. My troops! What then?
Metz. Porfirio Diaz routed them To the last man. Marquez himself escaped Alone,—fled unattended from the field.
Max. My troops! my troops!... And this is friendship! O God, Give me but enemies!
Salm. Your Majesty—
Max. Who calls me majesty? There's none in me. I am a riven oak whose leaf-light friends Fly with misfortune's Autumn. (Steps away, bowed in grief)
Salm. (Following him) I love you, sire.
Lop. (Eagerly) So do we all! Your majesty, believe us!
Mir. Canst not spare one who have so many true?
Max. Forgive me, friends. This treachery's the night Wherein your hearts of gold beat out like stars!
Lop. My life is yours, my lord!
Max. Thanks, dear Lopez. (Takes his hand) In friendship lies the joy superlative, And nearest Heaven. We touch God's hand whene'er We clasp a friend's. ... But now we must take counsel.
Salm. No, sire, we must take action. Pardon me, But our sole hope of safety lies in flight.
Max. What! Leave the town to sack and ruin? No! Desert the poor inhabitants, so long our friends? And all our wounded, sick and dying? Never!
Salm. But if you stay, my lord, you sacrifice The living with the dying.
Max. Oh, Heaven, Heaven!
Lop. Your Majesty, this counsel is not wise. It is not honor!
Salm. Honor will lead the flight! To stay were crime! Sire, give the order now. At once! The firing to the north has ceased. All night I've reconnoitered. The way is clear For the last time. We'll arm the citizens To cover flight, and in an hour—
Lop. We'll be Attacked on every side! A madman's counsel!
Salm. O, sire, lose not a moment!
Mir. Lopez is right. To fly from death is not dishonor, but who That values honor throws away one chance Of victory?
Salm. There is no chance. Not one! My word is fly, and I'm no coward, sire.
Max. You've led our troops where every track was blood, And in the throat of battle, hand to hand, Have fought with Death! We know you'll dare a fight As far as any man while there's a hope Of victory.
Salm. But I'll not make my folly The captain to defeat.
Lop. 'Tis not defeat! The Liberals are at their fortune's ebb. They're sick with fear, and tremble in their rags.
Mendez. Let's fight it out, my lord!
Max. With starving men?
Lop. We're starving, but our foes are starved. Our ammunition fails, but theirs has failed—
(A shell breaks near them)
Salm. That, sir, unspeaks your words.
Lop. Not so. One shell But tells how few they are, for yesterday They fell in numbers. And to the north, you say, The guns are silent.
Salm. Sire, a moment lost May mean the loss of all.
(Enter Dupin with two prisoners. Lopez goes to meet him)
Dupin. What did you mean by your infernal order to bring these men here? Don't you know old Saint-face won't let them be shot?
Lop. Keep quiet. They are my captives, not yours.
Dup. I've plugged just ninety-eight this week, and it's too bad not to make an even hundred.
Max. (Approaching) Prisoners?
Dup. Deserters, your majesty. They have confessed it. I've brought them here for sentence. Will you have them shot at once, or wait till sunrise?
Max. None shall be shot. Not one. How often must we say it? If things go well here, good; if not, still is my conscience clear of blood. (To deserter) You've been with the enemy?
1st Des. Yes, curse the day! Your pardon, blessed majesty!
Max. How fare our foes?
1st Des. The best of them as bad as the worst with us.
Lop. You note that, prince?
2d Des. We have a little food, but they have none. The country is eaten bare. Diaz is trying to reach them with supplies, but at present there isn't enough meal in ten miles of the army to make an ash-cake.
Lop. More proof for the prince, your majesty.
Max. Their powder fails?
2d Des. Yes, sire. 'T would be all the same if it didn't, for they've hardly strength left to stand on their toes and fire the guns.
Max. Poor fellows!
Lop. You can not doubt, my lord, that we shall win with the next assault.
Mir. Cast fear to the winds, your majesty!
Salm. Who spoke of fear?
Mir. Not I! Fear is the devil's magic-glass He holds before us to swell out our vision, Turn hares to lions, stones a lamb might skip To beetling cliffs that ne'er knew human foot, And slightest obstacles, that do but make The mind's fair exercise and moral zest, To barriers, high as heaven, to success!
Lop. (Sneering) And Juarez' men of rags to glittering armies!
Max. We'll hazard battle.
Salm. I beg your majesty—
Max. We know your courage, prince, for it is writ In many a scar; but you are wrong in this.
Lop. You'll hear no more of flight, my lord?
Max. No more.
Lop. Then I'll to duty, knowing all is well.
(Exit Lopez)
Dupin. (Aside) And I'll go find a breakfast for my little man-eater. (Clapping his weapon) There's never anything to be done around his saintship. (Exit)
Mir. In half an hour?
Max. Yes. The plans will then be ready. (Turns to go in) You, prince, with me. Though I've dismissed your head from service, I still must have your heart. (Goes into church with Salm-Salm)
Mir. (To Mendez) What do you think of it?
Men. Why, sir, I'd rather die fighting than running. And there's a chance for us. The Liberals are beggared. There's hardly a uniform in camp. If Marquez had kept true, we should have saved the empire.
Mir. Don't speak of him! Hell's throne is empty while he's on earth!
(Exeunt Mendez and Mir.)
1st Des. Well, comrade, here's promotion fast enough. We that were prisoners are captains of the field. Lead on!
2d Des. Be sure the Tigre is not around. He's got a long claw. Ugh! I feel shaky yet.
(Exeunt. It grows lighter. Guard comes out of the Cruz and takes station by door. Enter Princess Salm-Salm, Aseffa, and women of Queretaro)
Princess S. (Excitedly) Admit me to the emperor!
Guard. Your pardon. He must not be disturbed.
Princess S. Oh, but he must! The pity of it that he must!
Guard. Nay, madam—
Princess S. Admit us, sir, or I will beat the door!
(Maximilian comes to door)
Max. Some trouble here? The princess! Always welcome!
Princess S. But such unwelcome news, your majesty! You know I've rooms at Senor Barrio's house. I've long suspected him. Last night he lodged Two men whose conference I overheard. All was not clear, but part was clear enough. One of your trusted officers is false, And you to-day—this hour—will be betrayed Unto your foes.
Max. Impossible!
Princess S. O, sire, Be blind no longer. This lady heard the men As I did. There's no doubt!
Lady. 'Tis certain, sire, That they were officers in the Liberal army, And spoke of things that set me all aghast.
Max. Good women, I thank you, but you are deceived. There's not a man about me whose true face Is not the table where fidelity Writes him my own.
Princess S. O, sir, 'tis one whose hand Is in your bosom.
Max. Nay—
Princess S. That much I know, Though I know not his name.
Max. Bold Miramon Is staunch as death. Mendez would in his breast Receive the bullet meant for me. Dupin Has been too cruel to the enemy To hope for life even at treason's price. And Lopez is my own created love, The Empress' guard,—the only Mexic heart I've taken a very brother's to my own.
Princess S. What shall I do? This moment you must fly! Stand not, your majesty! 'T will be too late!
(Prince Salm-Salm comes to door)
Thank God, my husband! His majesty's betrayed! You've never doubted me!
Prince Salm. Betrayed?
Max. No, prince,—
Prince Salm. I'll visit every post!
Princess S. You but lose time.
(The prince hurries out)
Oh God! Oh God!
Max. Sweet princess, be not troubled. There is no cause.
Princess S. Ah, we are lost!
(The bells of the city begin to ring)
Max. You hear? The bells! The enemy has raised the siege! O joyous news!
Princess S. No, no, your majesty. That is the traitor's signal of success. Oh Heaven!
Max. What madness! 'Tis impossible!
Princess S. Those bells proclaim that every Imperial post Is in a Liberal's command. We're lost!
(Enter citizens and soldiers in confusion)
1st Cit. What mean the bells?
2d Cit. That Escobedo's fled!
3d Cit. Marquez has come!
1st Soldier. No, no! The city's taken!
2d Soldier. Juarez is here! The Liberals are on us!
(Confused talking and shouts continue. Re-enter Prince Salm-Salm)
Max. What is it, prince?
Prince Salm. O dearest majesty—
Max. The worst!
P Salm. 'Tis treachery. We are surrounded!
Max. Those bells—
P Salm. Ring out the enemy's success. Each post is captained by a Liberal.
Max. (Calmly to princess) Forgive me. You were right. (To Prince Salm-Salm) Who is the traitor?
P Salm. Ask not, I beg you.
Max. His name!
P Salm. Lopez.
Max. Lopez? (Staggers) Unsay that word—and take my crown!
P Salm. O, would I could, your majesty! It is too true!
Max. Lopez! Carlotta's chosen officer! And heaped with favors high enough to make A pyramid to faith!... Is this the world, Or some strange fancy spinning in my eyes?
P Salm. My dearest liege—
Max. Who would not leave a life Where such things be, though death were sleep eternal? ... Lead me 'mong shells and bayonets. But not To kill. My God, there's blood enough been shed. Bid all surrender. Let no more lives be lost. Farewell, my prince.... Now for a friendly shell!— Just here! (Striking his heart, rushes out)
Princess S. O save him! I am safe! Go! go! (Exit Salm-Salm)
1st Woman. We shall all be butchered!
Aseffa. Juarez is no butcher.
2d Woman. 'Tis Escobedo leads,—and many have bled by him.
Aseffa. Be not afraid. I know the Liberals.
Voices. They come! they come!
(Miramon and Dupin rush in)
Mir. Where is the Emperor?
Dup. Emperor dunce-cap! We must look to our own skins.
(Enter a score of ragged Liberals led by Rafael. Aseffa stares at him, speechless)
Mir. Too late for that!
Raf. You are our prisoners. (Liberals take Dupin and Miramon)
Soldiers. Shoot them! Shoot them! Miramon and Dupin! The butchers! The dogs!
Raf. Hold! You are soldiers! Not murderers!
Dup. (To soldiers) You rags and bones! Go wash and eat before you touch a gentleman!
Sol. You'll not be so nice to-morrow when the worms are at you!
Asef. Raphael! (Flies to him)
Raf. You here! O blessed fortune! My love! my love!
Asef. O, is it true? You are alive! Alive! I too am resurrected, for I was dead, Slain with the news that you were murdered!
Raf. I've news too bitter for so sweet a moment. Ignacio bribed my guard—stood in my place— And died.
Asef. (Recoiling) You let him die for you?
Raf. No, no! He carefully deceived me. I thought he planned His own escape with mine.
Asef. O noble friend!... Juarez! He knows?
Raf. Not yet.
Asef. What grief for that Great heart!... But you are here—my Rafael!
Raf. By all these kisses—yes!
Asef. These are your lips— Your eyes—your hands—alive! I hear your heart! Your arms are round me, yet this is the earth! My country and my husband safe!
Raf. God gives Some moments out of Heaven, and this is one!
(Enter a soldier)
Sol. The Emperor is captured by Escobedo!
Princess S. Not killed! not killed! Thank Heaven for that!
Sol. 'Twas strange To see him stand like this (folds his arms) among the shells!
Asef. Now I could pity him, for he must die.
Princess S. Die, woman! Die? You know not who he is! Why all the outraged world would rise and raze This devil's country from the face of earth Were Maximilian slain! Let Juarez dare To harm this son of kings and he will learn His beggar's power is but an infant's breath!
Asef. Good madam, you have been my noble friend. I would not wound you, but would have you know That better men than Maximilian Have died for lesser crimes.
(Enter Juarez with soldiers. Dawn has gradually opened and it is now broad sunlight)
Voices. Juarez! Juarez! El Presidente! El Presidente!
Jua. My men, The town is ours, and with it Mexico. Citizens of Queretaro. I give you back More than your homes,—your liberated country.
Voices. Long live the Republic! Liberty forever!
(Enter Escobedo)
Esc. Your Excellency will see the prisoner?
Jua. The illustrious duke? Ay, bring him here.
Esc. He comes.
(Enter Maximilian under guard)
Jua. Great duke, I grieve that I have cause for joy To see you thus. What wishes would your grace Prefer to us?
Max. I have but one request, Your excellency. If more blood must be spilt, Let it be mine alone.
Jua. We grant it, sir, With two exceptions justice doth demand. Dupin and Miramon must die with you. Dupin, who put to most ignoble death The noblest prisoners of righteous war. Dark Miramon, whose cowardly ambition Has sunk his country in her own dear blood, And would do so again did life permit Him opportunity. And you, my lord, Who signed the foulest, most inhuman law Writ down since Roman Sulla's hand grew cold.
Princess S. O spare him! Spare him, sir! He was deceived By treacherous ministers!
Jua. His ministers Were but his many hands, and for their deeds His heart must answer.
Princess S. O could you know that heart!
Max. Dear lady, peace.
Princess S. Beloved majesty, I speak for her who prays beyond the sea. ... O, sir, you can not mean that he must die! Help me, Aseffa! Help me plead for him! Does not your Rafael live?
Asef. He lives because Ignacio is dead. (Juarez starts) I must be just.
Princess S. What has a woman's heart to do with justice? 'Tis mercy is its heavenly quality!
Jua. Is this thing true? My boy.... Speak, Rafael. ... Tears in your eyes. You need not speak. My boy ... Ignacio.... Unto God I give thee!...
Princess S. 'Tis right That they who would be gods to others' woe Should be proved human by their own.
Jua. (Not hearing her) And this Is what so many hearts have borne since first The Austrian came.
Princess S. O mercy, mercy, sir! By your own woe show pity unto those Whose hearts must bleed if Maximilian dies! Be merciful! These tears of mine are but The first few drops of the unbounded tide That weeping as the sea weeps round the world Shall drink thy hated land if this good man Dies by your word! Be Christ, not man, and spare him!
Juarez. Madam, it is the people and the law Demand this expiation, not Juarez. I grieve to see you on your knees before me, But did each queen of Europe—ay, and king,— Kneel in your place, I could not spare that life.
(Silence. Sobs. Juarez signs to Escobedo, who leads prisoners away. Dupin's broad hat is pulled low. Miramon steps proudly. At exit Maximilian turns and salutes the people) |