+D+iscite a me{;} q{uia} mitis sum [&] humil{is} cord{e}. lerne of me for [/] ich am milde [&] admod on herte. [&] o tweien sander bodes ferden [&] cudden in e bureh. [/] e helende was ider ward. [&] funden an asse mid fole. [&] ledden hit to{}genes him. [&] e holie apostles leiden he're cloes er{}uppe [&] ure helende rod er{}one{;}{20} into e holie burh. [&] [/] burh'folc hihten e hege strete [&] bihe{n}gen it mid palmes. [&] mid ore riche wedes. er he wolde urh{}faren to e holi te{m}ple. [&] wenden ut togenes him. [&] beren on here honde blostme sum palm twig. [&] sum boh of oliue alse e holie boc sei.
[Linenote: 21. folc added in margin in different ink.]
+O+ccurrunt turbe cu{m} florib{us} [&] palmis redemtori o[b]uiam.{25} [&]c'. et [f.43v] folc com to{}genes him. mid{}blostmen. [&] mid{}palmes. [&] understoden him mid p{ro}cession. swo me ki[n]g shal. [&] o e ferden biforen him. [&] o e after him comen. remden lude stefne us q{ue}inde.
[O]sanna f{ilio} d{auid} b{enedictus} q{ui} u{enit} i{n} n{omine} d{omini}. Silof dauies bern blesced bie he e cume a godes name.{30} [&] o children e were{n} biforen diden alse e godspel sei.
+P+ueri hebreor{um} v{estimenta} p{rosternebant} [&]c' e children briggeden e wei biforen ure drihten. sume mid here cloes. [&] sume mid boges e hie breken of e trewes [&] swo him brohten in{}to e holie te{m}ple. alse in his heorliche heg settle. us makede ure helende his holie p{ro}cession.{35} fro betfage to ier{usa}l{e}m. [&] elhc cristene man make is dai p{ro}cession fro chirche to chirche. [&] eft agen. [&] bitocne e holie p{ro}cession e he makede is dai. [&] [/] mai ech man understonden. e wot wat bitocne ese tweie names. betfage. [&] ier{usa}l{e}m.
+B+etfage int{er}p{re}tat{ur} dom{us} bucce. {ue}l buccaru{m} siue maxillar{um}. [&] signif{icat}{40} eccl{es}ia{m} in q{ua} bucce fungu{n}t{ur} off{ici}o suo pecc{at}a {con}fite{n}do uenia{m} postula{n}do. d{eu}m laudando. Carne{m} xpi{sti} ma{n}duca{n}do. [&] sanguine{m} ei{us} bib{e}ndo. gr{ati}as agendo. Betfage is cleped on englisse muene hus. [&] bitocne holie chirche. [/] men noten inne here mues wike. anne hie seien{45} here sinnes. [&] forgiuenesse bidden. [&] ure lou{er}d ih{es}u x{r}i{st} herien. [&] bruken his fles [&] his blod. [/] his e holi husel. [&] him [f.44r] anken.
+I+er{usa}l{e}m int{er}p{re}tat{ur} uisio pacis [&] ite{m} sig{nificat} eccl{es}iam. in q{ua} pax uera uidet{ur}. du{m} passio x{rist}i recolit{ur}. et pacis osc{u}l{u}m dat{ur}. Ier{usa}l{e}m is cleped so of sahtnesse.{50} [&] bitocne holie chirche er bileffulle men inne be sehte. enne p{re}st c{ri}stes roweinge minege. [&] of e calice understonde tocne of sehtnesse. [/] is messe cos. [&] e folc sent. [&] er{}mide bitocne [/] ure drihten is ureh e holie loc wi bileffulle men maked sehte. [&] erfore chirche haue e tocninge of bethphage enne{55} e p{ro}ession ut go of ier{usa}l{e}m. [&] eft enne it{}in cume. Nime we enne geme gif ure p{ro}cession bi maked aft{er} ure helendes p{ro}cession.
On his p{ro}cession ferde sume biforen him [&] makede his weie to{}ward ier{usa}l{e}m. [&] sume briggeden e asse mid here cloes. [&] sume mid boges e hie breken of e trewes. o e e weie{60} makeden biforen him. bien folkes loreawes. bisshopes [&] p{re}stɇs. e mid here wise lore ride. [&] make{} godes weie in to mannes heorte. o e briggeden e asse mid here cloes. ben o e wisse e folc mid faire forbisne of here weldede. o e briggeden e asse mid e brokene boges. ben o e leren e folc to understonden god noht mid{65} wel dede. ac mid wise speche. o e aft{er} hi{m} comen ben o e here lif [leden] alse here loreawes hem lere. o e bisides weren on his riht half. ben o e clene lif leden to quemende gode{;} noht for hereworde. o e on his lift hond comen ben o e clenliche liuen [f.44v] noht forto q{ue}mende gode{;} ac for hereword to haue{n}.
[Linenotes: 62.maked MS. 64.hereweldede MS.]
e{70} asse e ure helende uppe set. ben o forsinegede e hauen al here onc uppen eorliche richeise. [&] sinne hem is lo to leten. [&] unwill[i]che to bete. for hem inche [/] godes hese heuieliche seme. [&] naeles gif hie ful don hie shulen on heuene endelese mede fon. Ure lou{er}d ih{es}u x{r}i{st} e makede i{n}to ier{usa}l{e}m is dai his holie p{ro}cession. e ech chirche to{}dai minege. wisse [&] fulste us swo to folgen his holi eorliche p{ro}cession [/] we mo ben on e holie p{ro}cession e he wile maken adomes dai mid hise chosene{;} fro e dome i{n} to heuene. Q{uod} nob{is} p{re}stet q{ui} s{e}cla p{er} o{mn}ia regnat.{80}
[Headnote: Panis Angelicus Fit Panis Hominum]
+Hec est dies q{uam} fecit d{omi}n{u}s exultem{us} [&] letem{ur} in ea. is dai haue ure drihten maked to gladien. [&] to blissen us onked wure him. [&] giarked [/] holie gestni{n}ge. e he offe spe'c us q{ue}inde.
+E+cce p{ra}ndiu{m} meu{m} paratu{m}. Mi bord{85} is maked. [&] us bidde{} alle er{}to us seggende. +V+enite p{ra}ndiu{m}. Cume to borde [&] understonde bred. ac er enne e holie bord bugen. [&] [/] bred understonde do we alse e ap{ostel} bad. seiende us. P{ro}bet au{tem} se ip{su}m h{om}o. [&] sic d{e} pane illo edat [&] d{e} calice bibat. P{ro}ue ech man him seluen. [&] gif he fele{90} [/] he is wure er{}to{;} enne understonde he [/] husel. [&] drinke of e calice. e man hit understo{n}de wurliche e cume erto on bicumeliche wise. [&] mid bicumeliche wede. [&] on bicumeliche time. On bicumeliche wise [f.45r] cume e man e Erest shewe p{re}ste his sinnes [&] forlete [&] bim{ur}ne [&] nime erof god wissinge. [&] oer{95} sie e holie acxen uppen his heued. [&] e six pinen e erto bilien.
[Linenote: 86. bidded MS.]
s{cilicet} vigilias. labores. saccu{m}. i{n}edia. siti{m}. [/] is wecche [&] swinch. harde cloes. smerte dintes. selde eten [&] lesse drinken. ridde sie palm sunedeies p{ro}cession. feore sies shereuresdaies absolucio[n] e lie e sinne bendes. e fifte sie crepe to cruche on{100} lange fridai[.] sixte sie on ester euen gon abuten e fantston. e bitocne e holie sepulc{re}. [&] e seuee sie [/] holie bord bugen [&] [/] bred bruken. bicumeliche wede ben tweire kinne. lichamliche [&] gostliche. e lichamliche wedes ben manie kinnes. ac of hem ne speke ich noht ac do of e gostliche. e ben ec fele kinnes. [&] alle hie bien{105} faire hi{m} e e husel underfo. ac two er{}offe ben swiche [/] no man ne mai under{}fo. him selue{n} to hele bute he haue here oer on him. e ben us clepede.
+V+estis innoce{n}cie. +V+estis m{isericord}ie. an is lolesnesse oe'r sinbote. +V+estis innocencie restituit{ur} in baptismo dicente sac{er}dote. [A]ccipe ueste{m} ca{n}dida{m} [&]{110} i{m}mac{u}lata{m}. lolesnesse understonde e man at his folcni{n}ge. [&] [/] bitocne e c{ri}sme clo. e e p{re}st bi{}winde [/] child mide. [&] us sei. Underfo shrud wit [&] clene. is shrud haue ech man on him aft{er} his fulcni{n}ge. alle e wile e he hi{m} berege [/] he ne do ne ne q{ue}e. ne ne enche no ing for at he bie unwurere gode{;}{115} [f.45v] ne loere men{;} e iuele is soule. is wede is wel bicumeliche [&] biheue ech man to hauen enne he husel underfo. et oer gostliche shrud ich embe spece{;} is mildhertnesse. e is nemed ec{;} armhertnesse armheorted is e man. e swiere reowe his sinne. [&] he he{m} for{}let [&] bet. [&] milce bit. alse ure drihte{n} bad seien us.{120}
+M+iserere a{n}i{m}e tue place{n}s d{e}o. haue reoe of in ogen sovle. enne likeste gode. Mildheorted be e man e reou his nehgebures unsele. [&] like here alre sele [&] ofin sore wrecche mannes wanrede. [&] freure hem mid his wel dede. No ma{n} e sineged haue ne mai wi{}uten is{e} wedes holi husel u{n}derfon{;} bute to eche harme{125} his soule [&] lichame [&] ech ma{n} e hit u{n}derfo wi{}uten eier ese wedes shal ben shameliche driuen ut of is holi gestni{n}ge. [&] bu{n}den togedere his honden. [&] his fet. [&] worpen i{n} to e ateliche pit of helle bi ure drihtenes word e sei to swiche men.
[Linenote: 125. ise] is MS.]
+A+mice q{uo}m{odo} huc i{n}t{ra}sti n{on} h{abe}ns ueste{m} nupciale{m}. [&]c hwu come u ider{130} in mid u{n}bicumliche weden. is dai is bicumelich time husel to u{n}derfon. Q{ui}a h{ec} dies q{uam} fec{it} d{omi}n{us}. n{on} q{uod} mag{is} ha{n}c q{uam} alias. s{ed} q{uia} maiora q{uam} {i}n aliis morte resurge{n}do. [&] nos morte resuscitando. for [/] is makede ure drihte{n} e makede alle ore. ac he kidde oerluker his mihte.{135} [&] ma{n}kin more milce dide on is dai{;} anne on ani ore. o he aros of deae [[&]] rerde us mid hi{m}.
+V+nde exultem{us} [&] letem{ur} i{n} ea. he us fette ut of helle wowe. [&] er{}mide us gledede. [&] gif we hi{m} folgie he gif us heuene wele [&] er{}mide. us blisse to dai onked. wure hi{m}. for{}i is dai is cleped est{re}ne dai. [/] is aristes dai. for{140} [/] e he is dai aros of deae. [&] we alle don{;} [f.46r] anne we holi husel unde'rnimen. gif we ben e[r] togenes on clene liflode. [&] on rihte leue. [&] wi alle men sehte. Ure lou{er}d e us bit to is gestni{n}ge. [&] bri{n}ge us to 'his holi fleis [&] to his holi blod [&] leue us he{m} to bruken. [&] us q{ue}dinde.
+A+ccipite [&] co{m}medite ex h{oc} o{mne}s{145} h{ic} {est} e{nim} c{alix} s{anguinis} m{ei} n{ovi}. [&] c' Understonde is [&] bruke it alle. for it is mi lichame e giu shal alle lesen. he bet us ec his holi blod e shal ben shad giu to lesende [&] sei [/] ese two ing bien ure bileue.
+C+aro mea u{er}e {est} cib{us} [&] sanguis m{eu}s u{er}e {est} pot{us}. Mi fleis is wis mete. [&] mi blod iwis dri{n}ke [&] aft{er} [/]{150} he sei. +N+isi ma{n}ducau{er}itis carne{m} filii h{ominis} [&] b{iberitis} e{ius} s{anguinem} n{on} h{abebitis} u{itam} i{n} uob{is}. Ne muge haue{n} no lif on giu bute ge liue{n} bi mi fleis [&] bi mi blod. [/] husel e ge understonden{;} is his holi fleis [&] his blod. Erest it be ouelete [&] win. [&] ureh e holi word e ure helende hi{m} self seide mid his holi{155} mu{;} [&] eft{er} hi{m} p{re}st he{m} sei atte swimesse t{ur}ne e bred to fleis [&] e win to blod.
+S+et in carne remanet forma color [&] sapor. ac on e holi fleis bileue e shap [&] hiu. [&] smul of ouelete. [&] on e holi blod hw [&] smul of win. More mihte do ure helende enne e holi word e he urh his mu spec. anne he giue ma{n}nes cuinde.{160} [his fleis [&] his blod.] [&] Naeles anne man ete [&] drinke ureh e lichames cunde [/] bred wur to fleis. [&] e drinke to blod. for i mai godes word t{ur}nen e ouelete to fleis. [&] [/] win to blod. [&] swo do. [&] [/] is e felefolde heste. e is alre hestene heste [/] alle c{ri}stene men agen to dai to note{n}. for [/] is dai is cleped estre dai{165} [/] is estene da[i]. [&] te este is husel. [&] no man ne mai seien husel{;} wu god it is.
Q{ui}a {est} p{re}ciu{m} mu{n}di. for it is wur al e wereld. [&] bet{er}e ene [f.46v] al e wereld. is is e holi manne e ure driht{en} sende alse snow slerende alse e p{ro}ph{et}e sei. +P+luit ill{is} ma{n}na ad ma{n}duca{n}d{um} [&] pane{m} celi dedit eis.{170} [P]ane{m} ang{e}lor{um} ma{n}ducau{it} h{om}o. he let he{m} reine ma{n}ne to bi{}liue. [&] gef he{m} bred of heuene. [&] men ete{n} englene [bred].
+M+anna i{n}t{er}p{re}tat{ur}. q{ui}d {est} h{oc}? Manne bitocne wat is tis{;} [&] o ure drihte{n} sende is mete fro heuene e israelisse folke{;} it war on eches mu wat mete se he mest luuede. [&] bitocne holi{175} husel{;} e ech c{ri}steman understont nue. e is e ma{n}ne hegeste sweteste este e is of sinne clensed. oer bigunne to clensende. [&] alre bit{er}e bit{er}est eches mannes soule e ne haue alle michele sinnes forleten. [&] bet. oer bigunnen alse {e} ap{ostel} sei.
[Linenote: 179.e] a MS.]
Q{ui} ma{n}ducat c{orpus} d{omini} [&] b{ibit} [&]c. Ech e understande [/] holi husel{180} unwurliche he understant hi{m} seluen eche pine. [&] endelese wowe. Nime we nu geme ure ech agen hi{m} seluen. gif we bien cumen on bicumeliche wise. [/] is to so shrifte. to hol[i] axen a palm sunedai{;} to p{ro}cession. a shereursdai to absoluciun. a langefridai to holi c{ru}che. an ester euen to p{ro}cession. [&] gif we ben cumene mid{185} bicumeliche wede. of lodlesnesse [/] is clensinge. swo [/] we hauen ure sinnes forleten. [&] bi shriftes wissenge bet. oer bigu{n}nen to beten. [&] milce bidden. anne muge we bicumeliche to godes bord{;} bugen. [&] his bode wurliche bruken. [&] ureh e holi este cumen to driste. Quod nobis prestet qui hodie surrex{it} [&] uiuit c{um} deo p{at}re{190} in unitate sp{iritu}s s{an}c{t}i.
[Linenotes: 189.driste] d corr. out of e.]
[[MS description from Notes volume:
"Stowe 34, British Museum: of the early part of the thirteenth century; written on vellum, 223 160 mm., by three scribes, with numerous corrections by at least three other hands."]]
[[Each selection was printed as a single paragraph. They have been broken up for this e-text.]]
[f. 14v] +e gastliche hierdes e scule{n} boe loki{n} [&] stiere{n}. o e bie i{n} are woreld{;} [&] ec 'o e bie ute. hie fol[gh]i noe ane gode stieres{}ma{n}n e god{e} was swie lief. [&] [gh]ecweme. For are muchele hersumnesse e he mani[gh]e wi{n}tre swanc. r he 'a arche mihte habbe{n} [gh]emaked. [&] seen hie swa stierd{e} on e muchele{5} wilde flode. e ouer[gh]iede all midde{n}eard. mang stro{n}ge wi{n}des [&] stormes at he arof ne forleas naing. e godd hi{m} hadde betaht to liue [&] to lo{n}de to bri{n}ge{n}. Swa scule a gastlich'e stieres{}me{n}n. 'steren a arche of e hali cherche at hie arof ne for{}liesen ne lichame ne saule. For none wi{n}de of ma{n}nliche fandi{n}ge. [f.15r]{10} Ne for none storme of dieuliche fandi{n}ge.
[Linenote: 8. gastliche] e above erasure.]
[&] eft on faire wedere ne bien hie naht to sikere. foran swo mani[gh]e litle dropes of mani[gh]es ke{n}nes [gh]emeleastes mihte{n} cume{n} in to e saule bote at hie mihte{n} sinke{n}. mid alle hire bi[gh]eates. Ac lokie{n} hie alle e wi{}i{n}nen scipes borde wuni[gh]e. [/] hie bie{n} hersum. [&] leebei[gh]e here stieres ma{n}ne.{15} swa swa hie wille cume{n} to e liuiende land{e} mid saule [&] mid lichame. And hleste hwat e hlauerd sei. e at scip auh to e stieresma{n}ne{n} [&] to alle e ar inne wuni[gh]e.
[Linenote: 14.lokie MS.]
Q{ui} uos audit me audit. Se e [gh]e'wer ra'd hlest he sei. he hlest me selue{n}. [&] se e [gh]ew forsak [&] [gh]ewere lare he forsak full[gh]ewiss me seluen. is he{20} sei{} to a stieresma{n}ne{n}. On michele hahte we fare alle e fare i{n} h{oc} mare magnu{m}. on essere michele sea of are bitere woreld. Of ure stieresma{n} is [gh]ewriten Asce{n}du{n}t usq{ue} ad celos. [&] desce{n}du{nt} usq{ue} ad abissos. Hie stie up to heuene mid here gastliche ohtes for to sceawi{n} e michele merhe of heuene riche.{25} for to sceawi{n} e wi{n}des [&] e euele stormes. e cume of deules blastes [&] for us te warni{n} [/] ure ropes ne to{}breke{n}. e bie i{}broide{n} mid rie strnges. Of rihte ileaue. [&] of faste hope te god{e}. And of are soe luue e is ihote{n} carite e Crist mst luue.
[Linenotes: 19.gewer] w above [.u.]. rad] d above erasure. 21.seid MS.]
[[19 "gewer" shown as printed: body text has "[gh]ewer"]]
Eft hit sei at hie stik nier i{n} to nielnesse mid here ohtes. for us eft to{30} warni{n} wi o stanroches of e hard{e} hierte e nure ne wile nexi{n}. for none wat{er}e of wisdome. Ac [gh]if ar cu{m} scip to hit tobrek. Alswo do at unwise ma{n}n e cu{m} to an unbiliefde ma{n}ne e ne wile ne ne mai godes lare understa{n}de{n} for his h{er}te hardnesse[.] he tobrek{} [gh]if he ani god wille haf. foran he hert his gode wille{35} [&] hie tobrec. [f.15v] mid elliche wordes. Hwat dest u{;} he sei u dalst al at tu hafst. Wile u hleste{n}. spelleres. [&] pr'iestes. [&] munekes. [&] ese hadede ma{n}ne{n}. Ne scalt u nure habben god{;} Hie wolde{n} for'iswel[gh]en all e woreld [gh]if hie mihte{n}. be trewe ma{n}n [&] halt ti{n} god. u finst feawe e wile [gh]iue{n} e ani i{n}g. bute{40} hie wite{n} hwarfore.
[Linenotes: 30.nielnesse] on margin abissos. 35.tobrekd MS.: in lower margin, qui cu{m} in forma dei e'sset no{n} rapina{m} arbit{ra}tus est semet.]
e unware ma{n}n e is [gh]eher. ing at he sei hi{m} god rad. [Gh]if he arrer dede litel te gode. ar after he do michel'e lasse. [&] swo he forfar. for an e he his priestes lare ne his rd lesten ne fol[gh]in ne wile Carite sprat his bowes o{n} brde [&] o{n} le{n}ge swie ferr. Hie me haue ido{n} speke{n}. forer ane ic{45} hadde [gh]eouht. Ac nu ic wile wnden to e hali mihtes al{}swo ich r hadde i[gh]u{n}nen be god{e}s fultume. Ac me inc at tu lokest aweiward [&] heuiliche latst. And hit is me to muchel iswinch ar embe to e{n}nke{n} oer to speke{n}, bute [gh]if u woldest mid god wille ar{}to lheste{n}. [&] hes understande{n}.{50}
[Linenotes: 42.[Gh]if] [gh] corr. out of G. 44.bowes] w corr. out of u.]
Hu andswere e saule [&] sei:
+Ich e bidde for an ilche hlauerd e e iscop me to helpe. at alswo u hauest [gh]egu{n}ne{n} [&] ane gru{n}dwall ileid. Of ese hali mihtes at tu hes for{}bri{n}ge [&] me hes tche. foran hie bie me swie unbecnawe for e mani[gh]e uneawes e ic mid me to longe{55} habbe ihafd. Ac nu ic hes wile lete{n}. [&] mid godes fultume of he{m} [gh]eswike{n}. And mi{n} [gh]eanc to ine lore healde{n}. For are hali mihte e carite is icleped ic e beseche [&] bidde at tu ese halwe{n}de lore o{n} write sette. for an ic am michel e{n}chi{n}d{e} ar hwile e ic o{n} ese wrecche lichame am wuniende. [&] ofte for[gh]ete at me god{;} wre{60} te healde{n}. and ec sum oer saule hit wile helpe{n}.
[Linenote: 54. tche] c corr. out of s.]
Hu andswere scadwisnesse. [&] us sei. [f. 16r
+as e me inc u wilt godes lore blieliche understonden. [&] lierni{n}. [&] at me like swie wel. fori at hit sei on e hali godspelle. Q{ui} {est} ex deo uerba dei audit. Se e is of god{e} he{65} harke bleeliche godes wordes. Nu me cu{m} on ianke an forbisne. e sa{n}ct{us} Gregori{us} us sei{}: Q{ui} uirtutes sine humilitate {con}gregat q{ua}si i{n} ue{n}to puluere{m} portat. Se e gadere mihtes wiute{n} eadmodnesse he sei. he is ilich o ma{n}ne e ber dust amideward{e} e wi{n}de. For i me ing [/] is wisdo{m} at we{70} alre inge arst speken of essere hali mihte wi{}{}uten hwam no{n} ne mai bie{n} wi{}healde{n} te none freme ne te none gode.
[Linenotes: 67. seid MS. 71. wid MS.]
Of teares. [f. 47r
+Wite u to soe at ese teares e we embe speke{} hie bie iwis godes [gh]iue. [&] swie niedfulle to an inede at iherd sculen [bien] of gode. Of hem sade e p{ro}phete: Fuerunt m{ihi}{75} lacrime me[e] panes die ac nocte. Mine teares he sade me waren bred dai[gh] [&] niht swa gode hie ouhten. Of ores kennes teares he sade: Lac{ri}mis meis stratu{m} meum rigabo: Ich scal watrien min bedd mid mine teares. ies bedd tacne e {con}sciencia. at is at in[gh]ied wiinnen. ar e gode sawle{80} haue hire reste{;} ar haue se eule sawle hire pine. For i he sade at he wolde mid teares wascen at in[gh]ied ar of e his herte him wrei[gh]ede. Ne finde we nawher at godd wernde ani ing e ani ma{n}n mid teares him besouhte. Godd sante to Ezechie e kinge be his p{ro}phete. [&] sade: Dispone domui tue quia morieris [&] tu{85} [&] non uiues. Becwe ine [f.47v] cwide he sade. for an u scalt bien dead. [&] naht ne scalt tu libben. e king war sari. alswa richeise is la to laten [&] swie lef to libben. He wante o to e wau[gh]e [&] dede at betste. 'a hlauerd godd sade he ench nu at ich e habbe [gh]e luued. [&] for ine luue blieliche idon. [&] [gh]if me [gh]iet{90} a litel ferst for ine godnesse. ies was god in[gh]ied. [/] he mihte his gode dade forsceawin a e he niede hadde. For i him [gh]eherde godd [&] sade to is {pro}phete e was ham ward. Wand a[gh]ean cwa he [&] sai to e kinge. Vidi lacrimam tua{m}. Ich iseih cwa he ine tear. [&] ich iherde ine bene. u scalt [gh]iet libben fiftene [gh]ear.{95} Swa michel ich habbe ieiht i lif. anne u on michele niede gode wilt beseken anne is e wel god [/] u mu[gh]e fordra[gh]en sume gode dade. in hierte bie e gladdere. [&] e sikerliker u miht bidden. Segge we nu for mid e p{ro}phete Ciba nos pane lacrimar{um}. Hlauerd fed us mid o breade of swete teares. [&] potu{m} da nobis{100} in lacrimis in me{n}sura. [&] [gh]if us drinken of oreskennes teares [&] at mid imete. at ich wile at u wel be iwarned. {[gh]}if godd e [gh]if ese swete teares at non win in are world nis swa swete. [&] alswa alswa man to michel mai drinken of are wine alswa mai e mann to michel wepen. eih hie swete bien. [&] for i e is god{105} [/] u beseke at gode one mihte. e hatte discrecio. at is [f.48r] sckelewisnesse.
[Linenotes: 73. speked MS. 74. inede] n corr. out of h. 80.is corr. out of . 88.la] corr. out of d. 89.at on an erasure. 97.god] MS. gode, with e partly erased. 102.[gh]if] Gif MS.]
+Hie is swie beheue mang alle e ore mihtes. is e hali faderes segge Hie is moder of alle e ore mihtes. ar e he rixi ne mai naure man forfaren. e hire wile rixin [&] fol[gh]in. Hit{110} sei in uitas patru{m}. at at sume sal waren e hali faderes to{}gedere igadered. [&] waren spekinde betwen hem on 'hwilliche wise me mihte rihtist [&] sikerest to gode cumen. Sum sade urh fasten. sum urh wacche{n}. sum urh bede. sum sade urh hersumnesse. sum sade urh annesse. sum sade urh herbor[gh]in{115} wrecche me{n}n. [&] feden [&] screden. Sum sade urh seke me{n}n to lokin. [&] on manieskennes wisen hie namden after an e at hali goddspell sei. a sade on of a eldes[t] [&] on of a wisest. urh alle esen we habbe ise[gh]en [&] iherd swie mani[gh]e [gh]ebor[gh]en. [&] manie of alle esen inamde mihten forfaren for i at hem trukede{120} discrecio. at is scadwisnesse and skele. For i sume deden michel mare an hie mihtin wel andin Sume deden to litel. Sume deden euele. [&] wenden wel don. Sume wel a{}gunnen [&] euele andeden. Ac naure ne [gh]esei[gh]e we manne at hadde ese hali mihte mid him at he aure misferde[.] be[gh]ete se e muge.{125}
[Linenotes: 115. herbor[gh]in] [gh] on erasure. 118. eldest] hole in MS. 121.i on erasure.]
+Perseuerancia hatte an hali mihte. Hie nis naht [f.48v] to laten for an hie make anne man e godd 'his. to sant [/] he urwune on his godnesse. On are ealde la[gh]e hit was i[h]oten [/] alle dier. e me gode scolde offrin at hie lokeden wel at e tail ware on auriche netene. at tocne at ilke mann e gode ani seruise{130} offre. at he ar on ur[gh]wunie[.] on essere newe la[gh]e sade crist. Qvi p{er}seuerauerit usq{ue} in finem hic saluus erit. Se {}ur[gh] wune on his godnesse e he haf agunnen he wor ibor[gh]en [&] naht elles for none gode e he don haf. hwat 'hwat it is.
[Linenotes: 128. ihoten] io corr. by erasure. 129.Before e, e erased. 132.On margin {Ew}angelista in red. 133.ur[gh]] dur[gh] MS. 134.'hwat on erasure.]
Ratio dicit a{n}i{m}e:{135}
+Lieue 'saule, is little writt ic 'habbe sare beswonken he it wat [/] wot alle ing for e to wissin. for e to warnin. [&] for e to helpen [&] for e to ber[gh]in. {[gh]}if u wilt wel hit understonden [&] liernin [&] fol[gh]in [&] [h]ealden wi{}uten alche twene u miht mid godes felste e ber[gh]en [&] heuneriches merche mid ese halie mihtes sike'rliche{140} iwinnen.
[Linenotes: 136. habbe above write deleted. 137.[/]] [/]ạ MS. 138.[gh]if] Gif MS. 139.alche] c corr. out of l.]
N{un}c autor loq{ui}t{ur} final{ite}r.
+Hvte we nu 'ankin [&] herien ure hlauerde almihtin gode of ese witte and of ese wisdome. e we hier habbe igadered of 'hishorde. [&] of mani[gh]es [f.49r] hali[gh]es mannes [gh]eswinkes e michel{145} sw'unken for e luue of gode. [&] for us to wissin. Hit is riht at we heri[gh]en [&] ankin [&] bledscin fader [&] sune [&] hali gast on a hali ri{n}nesse. se e is on so godd in onnesse. se e l'iue [&] rixe aure ma a woreld. amen. at ne for[gh]eit u naure. at u godd ne heri[gh]e. [&] anke of alle gode. Alswa swa we habbe niede him to bidden be{150} dai[gh] [&] be nihte. [&] ofte [&] [gh]elome alswa hit is niede{;} him to heri[gh]en. Amen.
Veni creator sp{iritu}s mentes tuor{um} uisita implet sup{er}na gr{aci}a que tu creasti p'ectora.
[Linenotes: 142. ankin] a over ẹ. 146. swunken] u over ị. 148.liue] i over ẹ. 149.for[gh]eit] i over erasure.]
[[142: error for 143]]
[[MS description from Notes volume:
"i. Cotton Caligula A 9, British Museum (C); on vellum, 216 153 mm.; 192 folios in double columns of 32 to 34 lines, written by two scribes in the first quarter of the thirteenth century. It is bound up with another manuscript containing the Owl and the Nightingale and other pieces.
"ii. Cotton Otho C 13, British Museum (O); injured in the fire of 1731; on vellum; 145 folios in double columns of 38 lines; written in one hand, of the third quarter of the thirteenth century.
".... Mistakes common to both versions have been derived from an intermediate manuscript X."]]
(MS. Caligula)
(MS. Otho)
[[In the original text, line numbers were printed only on the MS. Caligula pages. Numbers have been added to MS. Otho when needed to identify linenotes.]]
Vnder an comen tiende{;} to vortiger an kinge. [f. 81r [/] ouer s weoren icumen{;} swie selcue gumen. Jnne ere Temese{;} to londe heo weore{n} icu{m}men. reo scipen gode{;} comen mid an flode. reo hundred cnihten{;} Alse hit weoren kinges. 5 wi{}uten an scipen mo{n}nen{;} e weoren er wi{}inne{n}. is weoren a freste men{;} at auere her comen. Ah heo weore hene{;} [/] wes hrm a mare.
vnder an com tẏdinge: to vortiger an kinge. [f. 65v at ouer s weren icome{;} swie selliche gomes. reo sipes gode{;} i{}come were mid an flode ar{}on reo hundred cnihtes{;} alse hit were kempes. es weren e faireste men at euere come here. ac hii weren heene at was har[m] e more.
Uortiger heom sende to{;} And axede hu heo weoren idon. [Gh]if heo gri sohten{;} [&] of his freond{}scipe rohte{n}. 10 heo wisliche and{}swerden{;} Swa heo wel cuen. [&] seiden [/] heo walden{;} speken wi an kinge. [&] Leofliche him heren{;} [&] hlden hine for hrre. And swa heo gunnen wenden{;} ffor to an kinge. a wes Uortigerne a ki{n}g{;} In Cantuarie{}buri. 15 er he mid his hirede{;} Hhliche spilede. er as cnihtes come{n}{;} Bi{}fore{n} an folc{}kinge. Sone swa heo hine imetten{;} fire heo hine igrtten. [f. 81v [&] seiden at heo him wolden{;} hren iisse londe. [gh]if he heom wolde{;} mid rihten at{}halden. 20 a and{}swerede vortig{er}{;} of elchen vuele he wes war. An alle mine iliue{;} e ich iluued habbe. bi die no bi nihtes{;} ne sh ich nauere r swulche cnihtes. for eouwer cume{n} ich m blie{;} [&] mid me [gh]e sculle{n} bilfuen. [&] eouwer wille ich wulle dri[gh]en{;} bi mine quicke liuen. 25
[Linenote: 25. bimi ne MS.]
eos comen to an kinge and faire hine grette. and seide at hii wolde{;} him sarui in his lo{n}de [gh]if vs ou wolle{;} mid rihte at{}holde. o answerede vortiger{;} at of eche vuele he was war. In al mine lifue{;} at ich ileued habbe{;} Bi dai no bi nihte{;} Ne seh ich soche cnihtes. for [gh]ou ich ham blie{;} and mid me [gh]e solle bi{}lefue.
Ah of eou ich wulle iwiten{;} urh soen eouwer wur{}scipen. wht cnihte{n} [gh]e seon{;} [&] whnnenen [gh]e icumen beon. [&] whar [gh]e wullen beon treowe{;} alde [&] c neowe. a answerede e oer{;} at wes e aldeste broer. lust me nu lauerd king{;} [&] ich e wullen cuen. 30 what cnihtes we beo{;} [&] whanene we icumen seo.
[Linenote: 27. wht] whaht MS.]
Ac forst ich wolle wite{;} for [gh]oure mochele worsipe. wat cnihtes beo [gh]eo{;} and wanene [gh]eo i{}comen beo. [f. 65v o answerede e oer{;} at was e elder broer.
+Ich hatte he{n}ges{;} hors is mi broer. we beo of alemai{n}ne{;} aelest alre londe. of at ilken nde{;} e angles is ihaten. Beo in ure londe{;} selcue tiende. 35 vmbe fiftene [gh]er{;} at folc hi[s] isomned. Al ure iledene folc{;} [&] heore loten werpe. vppen an e hit fal[l]ed{;} he scal uaren of londe. Biluen scul len a fiue{;} a sexte scal for lie. [f. 81v ut of an leode{;} to u[n]cue londe. 40
[Linenotes: 36. his] hɨ MS. 38. falled] faled MS.]
Ich hatte Hengest{;} Hors hatte min broer. we beo of Alemaine{;} of one riche londe. of an ilke hende at nglis his ihote. Beo in vre londe wonder enges gonde. bi eche fiftene [gh]er. at folk his i{}somned. And werpe are hire lotes{;} fo[r] to londes seche. v{p} wan at lot falle{;} he mot neod wende. 38
[Linenote: 38. vp] vt MS.]
Ne beo he na swa leof mon{;} uor he scal lien. For er is folc swie muchel{;} mre ene heo walden. a wif fre mid childe{;} swa e deor wilde. ueralche [gh]ere{;} heo bere child ere{;} [/] beo an us feole{;} at we fren scolden. 45 Ne mihte we bilue{;} for liue ne for de. Ne for nauer nane inge{;} for an folc{}kinge.
Ne beo he noht so riche{;} he mot lond seche. For{}e wifues go are mid childe{;} alse e deor wilde. bi euereche [gh]ere{;} hii go mid childe ere. at lot on vs ful{;} at we faren solde. Ne moste we bi{}lefue{;} for life ne for deae.
us we uerden ere{;} [&] for{}i beo nu here. to sechen vnder lu{f}te{;} lond [&] godne lauerd. Nu u hfuest iherd lauerd ki[n]g{;} So of us urh alle i[n]g. 50 a a{n}swarede vortiger{;} of alc an vfele he wes war. Ich ileue e cniht{;} [/] u me sugge so{}riht. [&] wulche beo oure ileuen{;} [/] [gh]e on ileue. [&] eoure leofue godd{;} e [gh]e to luted. a and{}swarede Hnges{;} cnihtene alre firest. 55 Nis in al is kine{}lond{;} cniht swa muchel ne swa strong.
[Linenotes: 49. luste MS. 56. muchel over erasure.]
us hit fare ere{;} ar{}fore we beo nou here. Nou ou hauest ihord louerd king{;} so of vs and no lesing. o saide vortiger at was wis and swie war. And woche beo [gh]oure bilue{;} at [gh]eo an bi{}lfe.
We habbe gode's gode{;} e we luuie an ure mode. a we habbe hope to{;} [&] heore heom mid mihte. e an hhte phebus{;} e oer Saturn{us}. e ridde hhte wode{n}{;} [/] is an weoli godd. 60 e feore hh [te] Jupit{er}{;} of alle i{n}ge he is whar. [f. 82r e fifte hhte Mercuri{us}{;} at {i}s e hhste ouer us. sxte hhte appollin{;} [/] is a godd wel idon.
[Linenotes: 58. mid mid MS. is] us MS.]
We habbe godes gode{;} e we louie in mode. e on hatte phebus{;} e oer Saturnus e ri[d]de hatte Woden{;} at was a mihti ing. e feore hatte Jubiter of alle inges He his war. e fife hatte Merchuri{us}{;} at his e hehest ouer vs. [f. 66r e sixte hatte appolin{;} at his a god of gret win.
[Linenote: 63. e] e partly destroyed.]
e seouee hatte teruagant{;} an hh godd in ure lon. [Gh]et we habbe anne luedi{;} e hh is [&] mhti. 65 heh heo is [&] hali{;} hired{}men heo luuie for{}i. heo js ihate Fr{;} wel heo heom dihte. Ah for alle ure goden deore{;} a we scullen hren.
[Linenotes: 64. _seouee_ MS. _dihte_] _ corr. out of _s_.]
e souee hatte Teruagant{;} an heh god in vre lond. [Gh]et we habbe an leafdi{;} at heh his and mihti. [gh]eo his i{}hote frea. heredmen hire louie. To alle eos godes we worsipe werche. And for hire loue{;} eos da[gh]es we heom [gh]efue. Mone we [gh]efue monedaẏ. Tẏdea we [gh]efue tisdei.
Woden hehde a hhste la[gh]e{;} an ure lderne d[gh]en. he heom wes leof{;} fne al swa heore lif. 70 he wes heore walden{;} And heom wurscipe duden. ene feore di iere wike{;} heo [gh]ifuen him to wurscipe. a unre heo [gh]iuen u{n}res di{;} for{}i at heo heom helpen mi. Freon heore lfdi{;} heo [gh]iuen hire fridi. Saturnus heo [gh]iuen stterdi{;} ene sunne heo [gh]iuen sonedi. 75 Monen heo [gh]ifuen mone{}di{;} Tidea heo [gh]euen tis{}di.
[Linenote: 76. Monenen heo [gh]ifuenen MS.]
Woden we [gh]efue wendesdei. ane onre we [gh]efue orisdai. Frea ane fridaẏ. Saturnus ane sateresdai.
us seide h[n]gest{;} cnihten alre hendest. a answerede vortig{er}{;} of lchen vfel he ws wr. Cnihtes [gh]e beo me leofue{;} ah as tiende me beo lae. eouwer ileuen beo vnwraste{;} [Gh]e ne ileoue noht an criste. 80 Ah [gh]e ileoue a ene wurse{;} e godd seolf awariede. [f. 82r eoure godes ne beo nohtes{;} In helle heo nier ligge.
[Linenotes: 80. ileuen written over ilauerd deleted. cristre MS.]
us saide Hengest{;} cniht alre hendest. o answerede vortiger{;} of alle harme he was war. Cnihtes [gh]eo beo me leofue{;} ac [gh]oure bilefues me beo loe.
Ah neoeles ich wulle eou at{}hlde{;} An mine anwalde. for nor Beo a Peohtes{;} swie ohte cnihtes. e ofte lede in mine londe{;} ferde swie stronge. 85 [&] ofte dod me muchele scome{;} [&] erfore ich habbe grome. [&] [gh]if [gh]e me wulle wrken{;} [&] heore hfden me bi[gh]eten. Ich eou wullen [gh]euen lond{;} muchel seolueR [&] gold. a andswerede hngest{;} cnihtene alre feirest. [Gh]if hit wulle saturnus{;} al hit scal iwure us. 90 [&] Woden ure lauerd{;} e we on bi{}liue.
[Linenote: 86. me] e corr. out of u.]
Ac ich wolle ou at{}holde{;} in min anwolde. For nor beo e peutes{;} swie ohte cnihtes. at ofte do me same{;} and ar{}vore ich habbe grame. And [gh]ef [gh]e wolle me wreke{;} of [hire] wiere dedes{;} Ich [gh]ou wolle [gh]eue{;} [gh]eftes swie deore. o saide Hengest{;} al hit sal iwore us.
Hengest no{m} lue{;} [&] to scipen gon lie. er wes moni cniht strong{;} heo dro[gh]en heore scipe{n} uppe e lo{n}d. for wenden dringches{;} to vortigerne an kenge. Biuoren wende hengest{;} [&] hors him alre hndest. 95
[Linenote: 93. uppe on an erasure.]
Hengest nam lefue{;} and to sipe gan wende. And al hire godes{;} hii beore to londe. [f. 66r
Seoen a alemainisce men{;} a aele weore{n} an deden. [&] seoen heo senden him to{;} heore sxisce cnihtes wel idon. hengestes cunnesmen{;} of his aldene cude. heo comen in to halle{;} hndeliche alle. Bett weoren iscrudde{;} [&] bed weoren iudde. 100 hngest swaine{;} ene vortigernes. eines. [f. 82v a wes vortigernes hired{;} for hehne ihalden. Bruttes weoren sri{;} for swulchere isihe. Nes hit nawiht longe{;} at ne comen to an kinge. Cnihtes sunen uiue{;} a i{}faren hafden biliue. 105 heo siden to an kinge{;} neowe tie{n}den.
[Linenotes: 100. Bett corr. out of Bette. 102. ihaldenḍẹ MS.]
For hii wende alle{;} to vortiger his halle. Bed weren i{}scrud{;} and bet weren ived. Hengestes sweines{;} ane vortiger his cnihtes. 101 Bruttes weren sori{;} for an ilke sihte. Nas noht longe{;} at ne come tẏdinge.
[Linenote: 101. swenise MS.]
nu for{}rihtes{;} Icume{n} beo a peohtes. urh i lond heo rne{;} [&] hr[gh]ie [&] berne. [&] al ene nor nde{;} iuald to a{n} gru{n}de. her{}of u most rden{;} oer all we beo dden. 110 e king hine bi{}ohte{;} wht he don mihte. he sende to an innen{;} after al his monnen er com hengest er com hors{;} er com m{a}ni mon ful oht. er come{n} a saxisce men{;} hengestes cunnes{}men. [&] a Alemainisce cnihtes{;} e beo gode to fihte. 115
at o for{}rihtes icomen were e peutes. Oueral in lond hii erne{;} and slea in folk and bearne. and alle ane nor ende{;} hii falle to an gru{n}de. her{}of ou most reade{;} oer alle we beo deade. e king sende his sonde{;} to eos cnihtes hinne. at hii swie sone to him seolue come. ar com Hengest and his broer{;} and manian oer.
is ish e king vortiger{;} blie wes he a er. a peohtes duden heore iwune{;} a as hlf ere humbre. heo weoren icume. [&] e king VortigeR{;} of heore cume wes ful war. To{}gadere heo comen{;} [&] feole er of{}slo[gh]en. er wes feht swide strong{;} Comp swie sturne. 120
at e king vortiger{;} blie was o er. e Peutes dude hire wone{;} a is half vmbre hii were icome. And e king vortiger{;} of hire come was war. To{}gadere hii comen{;} and manie ar of{}slo[gh]en.
e Peohtes weoren ofte{}iwuned{;} [f. 82v Vortige[r]ne to ou{er} cumen. [&] a heo ohten a[l]swa{;} Ah hit ilomp an oer a. for hit wes heom al hele{;} at hngest wes ere. [&] a cnihtes stronge{;} e comen of saxelo{n}de. [&] a ohte alemanisce{;} e ider comen mid horse. 125 Swie monie peohtes{;} heo slo[gh]en ian fehte. feondliche heo fuhten{;} feollen a fie.
[Linenotes: 113. muni MS. 116. a a MS.]
e peutes weren ofte iwoned{;} vortiger to ouercome. And o iohten al so{;} ac hit bi{}ful oerweies o. for hii hadde mochel care{;} for Hengest was are. for swie manie peutes{;} hii slo[gh]en in an fihte.
a e non wes icumen{;} a weoren Peohtes ouer{}cumen. [&] swue heo awi flo[gh]en{;} an lche helue heo for flu[gh]en. [&] alle dai heo flu[gh]en{;} monie [&] vnnifo[gh]e. 130 e king vortigerne{;} wende to herberwe. [&] uere him weore{n} on{}uast{;} Hors [&] hngest. Hngest wes an kinge leof{;} [&] him lindesa[gh]e [gh]ef. and he [gh]f horse{;} madmes ino[gh]e. [&] alle heore cnihtes{;} he swie wel dihte. 135 [&] hit gode stu{n}de{;} stod a an ilke.
[Linenote: 133. leof{;} [&] him linde over an erasure.]
o at non was icome{;} o were Peutes ouer{}come. And swie hii awey flo[gh]e. on euereche side. [f. 66v and vortiger e king{;} wende a[gh]en to his hin. and to hengest an his cnihtes he [gh]ef riche [gh]eftes.
Ne durste nauere peohtes{;} cumen i an londes. no rueres no utla[gh]en{;} [/] heo neoren sone of{}sl[gh]en. [&] hngest swie fire{;} herede ane king. a ilo{m}p hit in ane time{;} [/] e king wes swie blie. 140 An ane h[gh]e die{;} imong his du[gh]ee monnen. Hengest hine bi{}ohte{;} what he don mihte. for he wolde wi an ki{n}ge{;} holde{n} runi{n}ge. [f. 83r an kinge he eode to{;} foren{;} [&] fire hine gon greten. e king sone up stod{;} [&] stte hine bi him seoluen. 145 heo drunken heo dremden{;} blisse wes among heom.
[Linenotes: 137. peohtestes MS. gonḍẹ MS. 146. heoṇ dremden MS.]
Ne dorste neuere peutes{;} come in isse londe. at hii nere sone of{}sla[gh]e{;} and idon of lifda[gh]e. and Hengest swie hendeliche{;} cwemde an kinge. o hit bi{}ful in on time{;} at e king was swie blie. 140 Hengest wolde wi an kinge{;} holde rouni{n}g. ane kinge he come bi{}vore and faire hine grette.
[Linenote: 140. After e, ṛeṇ MS.]
a que hengest to an kinge{;} lauerd hrcne tiende. [&] ich e wulle rcchen{;} deorne runen. [gh]if u mine lare{;} wel wult lusten. [&] noht halden to wrae{;} at ich wel leare. 150 e king answarede{;} swa henges hit wolde. a side hngest{;} cnihten alre firest. lauerd ich habbe moni a di{;} ine monscipe ih[gh]ed. [&] in holde mon ibeo{n}{;} i richen ine hirede. [&] in lche fhte{;} hhst of ine cnihte{n}. 155
o saide hengest to an kinge{;} louerd hercne tẏdinge. And ich e wolle telle{;} of deorne rouni{n}ges. [gh]ef ou mine lore wel wolt i{}hure. And noht holde to wrae{;} [gh]ef ich e wel leore. And e king answerede{;} alse Hengest hit wolde.
[&] ich habbe ofte ihrd{;} hohfulle ronen. Imong ine hired{}monnen{;} heo hatie e swie. In to an bare de{;} [gh]if heo hit dursten cue. Ofte heo stilleliche spke{;} [&] spilie mid runen. of twam [gh]u{n}ge monnen{;} at feor wunie hennen. 160 e an hhte VtheR{;} e oer ambrosie. e ridde hhte Co[n]stance{;} es wes king i isse 'lond. [&] he her wes of{}sla[gh]en{;} urh swicfulle la[gh]en.
[Linenotes: 156. ronenen MS. stilledliche MS.]
louerd ofte ich habbe ihord{;} among ine cnihtes. at hii e hatie swie{;} into are bare deathe. Ofte hii stille speke. of two [gh]onge cheldre{n}. e on hatte vther{;} e oer Aurelie. e ridde hehte Constance{;} at ou dedest to deae.
Nu wulle cume a oere{;} [&] wrken heore broer. Al forbr nen i lond{;} [&] sln ine leoden. [f. 83r 165 e seoluen [&] ine du[gh]een; driuen ut of londe. [&] us sugge ine men{;} er heo somned sitte. for a twene broere{;} beo 'beyne kine{}borne. Of androeinnes kunne{;} as aele bruttes. [&] us ine du[gh]ee{;} stille e fordemed. 170
[Linenote: 168. beyne added in margin, beoren deleted.]
Nou wolle come e oer{;} and wreken hire broer. Al for{}bearne i lond{;} and slean ine leo de. [f. 66v And us segge ine men{;} stille bi{}twine heom.
Ah ich e wulle rde{;} Of muchele ire neode. [/] u bi{}[gh]ite {cn}ihtes{;} a gode beo to fihte. [&] bi{}tache me nne castel{;} Oer ane kineliche burh. at ich mai inne ligge{;} a while a ich libbe. Ic am uor e iuaid{;} r{}fore ic wene beon dd. 175 fare er ic auer fare{;} nm ich nuere bute care. Buten ich ligge faste{;} biclused inne castle. [gh]if u is me wult don{;} Ich hit wulle mid luue a{}fon. [&] ich wulle biliue{;} senden after mine wiue. at is a sexisc wimmon{;} of wisdome wel idon. 180 [&] after rouwe{n}ne{;} mire dohter; e me is swie deore. enne ich habbe mi wif{;} [&] mine wine{}maies.
[Linenote: 172. cnihtes] mihtest MS.]
Ac ich e wolle reade{;} of mochele ine neode. at ou bi[gh]ete cnihtes{;} at gode beon to fihte. And bi{}tak me one castel{;} at ich mai on wonie. For ich ham for e i{}veied{;} at ich wene beo dead. are ware ich euere vare{;} nam ich neuere boute care. Bote ihc ligge faste{;} bi{}clused in on castle. [Gh]ef ou is woldes don{;} Mi wif solde come sone. and mi dohter Rowenne{;} and moche of mine cunne.
[&] ich beo i ine londe{;} fulliche at{}stonde. a bet ich wullen hiren e{;} [gh]if u is [gh]ettest me. a answerede vortiger{;} Of lchen vuele he wes war. [f. 83v 185 Nim cnihtes biliue{;} [&] send fter ine wiue. [&] fter ine children{;} an [gh]u{n}gen [&] an olden. [&] fter ine cunnen{;} [&] afeoh heom mid wunne. enne heo to e cume{;} u scat habben grsume. hhliche heom to uede{n}{;} [&] wurliche scruden. 190 Ah nulle ich castel na burh{;} nane e bi{}techen. for men me wolden scenden{;} I mine kine{}lond. for [gh]e halde a hene la[gh]e{;} at stod on eoure lderen d[gh]e. [&] we halde cristes la[gh]e{;} [&] wulle auere an ure d[gh]e.
[Linenote: 192. kine kine lond MS.]
Wan we os beo in londe{;} folliche at{}stonde. e bet we wolle cweme e{;} [gh]ef ou is wolt granti me. o answerede vortiger{;} at of ech vuele was war. Nim cnihtes swie{;} and send after ine wifue. And after ine childre{n}{;} e [gh]ong and e heoldre And after ine cunne{;} and onderfang heom mid winne. wane hii to e come{;} ou salt habbe garisome. hehliche heom to fede{;} and worliche to scrude. Ac nelle ich Castel ne Borh{;} nanne e bi{}take. For men me wolde sende{;} in mine kinelonde. [gh]ef ich heene men{;} londes bi{}toke. [f. 67r
a [gh]et spc hngest{;} cnihten alre hendest. 195 lauerd ich wulle in iwil{;} dri[gh]e{n} her [&] ouer{}al. [&] don al mine dde{;} fter ine rde. Nu ic wulle biliue{;} sende afteR mine wiue. [&] fter mire dohter{;} e me is swa deore. [&] fter ohte mo{n}nen{;} a bezste of mine cunne. 200
[Linenote: 197. don ḍoṇ MS.]
e [gh]et spac hengest{;} cniht alre hendest. louerd nou ich wolle{;} don al ine wille. Nou ich wolle bliue{;} sende after mine wifue.
And u [gh]if me swa muchel lond{;} to stonden a mire a[gh]ere ho{n}d. Swa wule anes bule hude{;} lches weies ouer{}sprden. feor from lche castle{;} amidden ane ualde. en{n}e ne mai e atwite{;} e hne ne e riche. [/] u i hhne burh[gh]e{;} hene monne habbe bi{}tht. [f. 83v 205
And ou [gh]ef me so mochel lond{;} to stonde on min owe hond. Ase wole a Bole hude{;} in grene ouer{}sprede. For fram eche Castle{;} a{}midde one felde. anne ne mai e atwite{;} e pore no e riche. at ou eni heh Borh{;} heene Man bi{}takest.
e king him i[gh]ette{;} swa hengest [gh]irnde. Hengest nom lue{;} [&] for he gon lie. [&] fter his wiue sende sonde{;} to his a[gh]ene lo{n}de. [&] he seolf wende [gh]eond is lo{n}d{;} to sechen nne br[d]ne fld. er he mihte wel sprde{;} On his feire hude. 210 He com n enne ende{;} In enne fire uelde. he hafde ane hude{;} bi{}[gh]ite to his neode. o ane wilde bule{;} e wes wunder ane strong.
[Linenote: 207. nom corr. out of mom.]
And e ki{n}g him [gh]af{;} at lutel at he [gh]ornde. Hengest nam lefue{;} and for he gan wende. And after his wifue he sende sonde{;} to his owene londe. And him seolf wende{;} oueral to bi{}holde. ware he mihte wel sprede{;} his Bole hude.
He hfden nne wisne mon{;} e wel cue a craften. e nom as hude{;} [&] a bord leide. 215 and whtte his sres{;} alse he schren wolde. Of ere hude he krf enne wong{;} swie s{m}al [&] swie long. Nes e wong noht swie brd{;} buten swulc a twines rd. a al islit wes e ong{;} He wes wunder ane long.
[Linenote: 217. swal MS.]
Hengest hadde one wisneman{;} at wel coue of crafte. He nam eos bole hude{;} and a borde laide. ar of he makede ane wang{;} swie smal and swie lang. Nas e wang noht brod bote ase hit were a twined red. 218
[Linenote: 218. atwined MS.]
a{}buten he bilde{;} muche del of londe. 220 He bigon to deluen{;} dic swie muchele. er{}uppe stenene wal{;} e wes strong oueral. ane burh he arerde{;} muchele [&] mare. a e burh we{s} al [gh]are{;} a scop he hire nome. he hhte heo ful iwis{;} KaeR{}Carrai an Bruttisc. 225 [&] nglis ce cnihtes{;} heo Cleopeden wong{}Chastre. [f. 84r Nu and auere mare{;} e nome sto[n]de ere. [&] for nan odere gome{;} nueden burh ene nome.
[Linenote: 224. wes] wel MS.]
A{}boute ar{}mid he leide{;} moche deal of londe. He lette o delue{;} on euerech halue. ar vppe stonene wal{;} swie strong oueral. [f. 67r ane castel he arerde{;} fair to bi{}holde. o e Borh was al [gh]arue{;} o sette he hire name. he hehte hire foliwis{;} Caẏr{}Karri in Bruttesse. and Englisse cnihtes{;} wangchestre. Nou and euere more{;} e name stonde [are].
a et come densce men{;} and driuen ut a bruttes. ene ridde nome heo er stte{;} [&] lane{}castel hine hhten. 230 [&] for swulche gomen{;} tun hafde as reo nomen. Vnder an com lien hider{;} hengestes wif mid hire scipen. heo hfde to iueren{;} fiftene hu{n}d{r}ed ridern. mid hire come{n} to iwiten{;} muchele htene scipen. er comen inne{;} muchel of hengestes cunne. 235
[Linenote: 233. hud'ed MS.]
forte at Dence men driuen vt e cnihtes. ane ridde name ar sette{;} and leane Castel hine cleopede. vnder an com lie hider{;} Hengestes wif mid hire sipes. [gh]eo hadde to ivere{;} fiftene hundred Rideres.
[&] Rouwe{n} his dohter{;} e him we's swide deore. Hit wes umbe{}while{;} [/] com e ilke time. [/] i[gh]arked wes a burh{;} mid an alre bezste. He{n}gest com to an kinge{;} [&] bad him gistninge. [&] seide [/] he hafde an in{;} I[gh]arked to{}[gh]eines him. 240 [&] bad at he come er{}to{;} [&] he scolde beon fire under{}fon.
And Rowen his dohter{;} at was him swie deore. Hit was bi on wile{;} at com e ilke time. at 'i[gh]arked was e borh{;} mid an alre beste. And Hengest wende to an kinge{;} and bad hine to gẏstni{n}ge. And seide at he hadde on In{;} hi{}makede to{}[gh]enes him.
[&] e king him [gh]ette{;} swa hengest hit wolde. Hit com to an time{;} [/] e king gon for lie. Mi an deoreste monnen{;} of alle his du[gh]ee. for he gon bu[gh]en{;} [/] he to burh com. [f. 84r 245 he bi{}heold ene wal{;} up and dun ouer{}al. al him wel likede{;} [/] he o{n} lokede. He wende in to halle{;} [&] his helees mid him alle. Bemen heo bleowen{;} gome{n} men gunnen cleopien.
And e king him grantede{;} alse Hengest wolde. For hii gonne wende{;} at hii come to an ende. e king bi{}heold ane wal{;} vp and dun oueral. Al him wel likede{;} at he on lokede. He wende in to halle{;} and his cnihtes mid him alle.
Bord heo hetten breden{;} cnihtes setten er to. 250 heo ten heo drunken{;} drm wes iburh[gh]en. a e du[gh]ee hafde i[gh]eten{;} a wes heom a bet iloten. Hngest eode in to an inne{;} er wunede Rouwenne. he heo lette scruden{;} mid vnime'te prude. al [/] scrud e heo hafde on{;} heo weoren {s}wie wel ibon. 255 heo weoren mid an bezste{;} ibrusted mid golde.
[Linenote: 255. swie] iwie MS.]
Bordes hii lette sprede{;} cnihtes ar to sete. hii eoten hii drongken{;} blisse was a{}mang heom. [f. 67v Hengest we{n}de to e in{n}e{;} ar Rowenne was hinne. he hire lette scrude{;} mid onimete prude.
heo bar an hir{e} honde{;} Ane guldene bolle. I{}uulled mid wine{;} e wes wunder ane god. h[gh]e ibore{n}ne men{;} heo ldden to hallen. biuoren an kinge{;} f{i}rest alre inge. 260 Reowen st acneowe{;} [&] Cleopede to an kinge. [&] us rest side{;} In nglene londe. lauerd king ws hil{;} for ine kime ich m uin. e king is ihrde{;} [&] nuste what heo seide.
[Linenote: 260. farrest MS.]
[Gh]eo bar in hire hond{;} ane goldene bolle. Hi{}fulled mid w[i]ne{;} ne mihte non be rich[ere]. Heh[gh]e ibore me{n}{;} hire ladde in to halle. bi{}vore an kinge{;} fairest alle ing. Rowenne sat a cnouwe{;} and seide to a{n} kinge. us erest [gh]eo spac{;} in Englene lond. Louerd king wassaẏl{;} for * ine comes me beo hail. e ki{n}g hit ihorde{;} and nuste wat [gh]eo saide.
[Linenote: 258. wine: richere] MS. defective here.]
e king vortigerne{;} frinede his cnihtes sone. 265 what weoren at speche{;} e [/] maide spilede. a andswere de Keredic{;} a cniht swie sellic. [f. 84v he wes e bezste latimer{;} at r com her. lust me nu lauerd king{;} [&] ich e wulle cuen. wht sei Rouwenne{;} firest wimmonnen. 270 Hit beo tiende{;} Inne sxe{}londe. whr swa i du[gh]ee{;} gladie of drenche{;}
[Linenote: 272. gladẹie MS.]
e king vortigerne{;} haxede his cnihte's. wat were e speche{;} at e maide speke. o answerede{;} Keereh{;} cniht mid e wisest. he was e beste latimer{;} at euere wone[de] her. 268 Lust nou mi louerd king{;} and ich e wolle cuen. wat sei Rowenne{;} fairest of al wommanne. Hit his e wone{;} Ine sax{}londe.
[Linenote: 268. wone MS.]
at freond sie to freonde{;} Mid fire loten hende. leofue freond ws hail{;} e oer si drinc hail. e ilke at halt ene nap{;} he hine drinke up. 275 oder uul me ideR fare{;} [&] bi{}teche his iuere{n}. enne at uul beo icumen{;} enne cusseo heo reoien. is beo sele la[gh]en{;} Inne saxe{}londe. [&] Inne alemaine{;} heo beo ihalden aele.
[Linenotes: 273. _sie_] _ corr. out of _d_. 276._bi{}theche_ MS.]
at freond sai to his freond{;} wane he sal [dri]nge. leofue freond wassail{;} e oer sai dringhail. e ilke at halt ane nap{;} ane dringe dring vp. 275 And a[gh][ein]es me hine ful{;} and take his ivere. is beo e lawes{;} ine sax{}londe. [f. 67v
[Linenotes: 273. dringe]; 276 a[gh]eines] MS. defective here.]
is iherde uortiger{;} of alche{n} uuele he wes war. 280 [&] seide hit an bruttisc{;} ne cue he nan nglisc. maiden Rouwenne{;} drinc blueliche enne. at maide dronc up at win{;} [&] lette don oer er{}in. [&] bi{}thten an kinge{;} [&] rien hine custe. [&] urh a ilke leode{n}{;} a la[gh]en comen to issen londe. 285 ws{}hail [&] drinc{}hil. moni mon er{}of is fain{;} Rouwenne e hende{;} sat bi an kinge. e king heo [gh]eorne biheold{;} heo was him an heorte leof. ofte he heo custe{;} ofte he heo clupte. Al his mod [&] his main{;} halde to an midene. 290
[Linenote: 280. alchel MS.]
is ihorde vortiger{;} of eche vuele he was war. And saide hit on Bruttesse{;} ne coue he noht on [OE]nglisse. Maẏde Rowenne{;} dring bloeliche anne. at maide drong vt at win{;} and lette don oer ar{}in. And bi{}tahte an kinge{;} and he hit vp swipte. And orh isne ilke game{;} e lawe come to londe. wassaẏl and dring{}haẏl{;} at mani me{n} lofuie. e faire Rowenne{;} sat bi an kinge. e king hire [gh]eorne bi{}heold{;} [gh]eo was him leof on heorte. Ofte he hire custe{;} and ofte he hire clupte.
e wurse wes er ful neh{;} e in lche gomene iS ful rh. [f. 84v e wurse ne dude nuere god{;} he mingde as kinge's mod. he murnede ful swie{;} to habben at mide{n} to wiue. at wes swide ladlic ing{;} at e cristine king. luuede at haene maide{;} leoden to hrme. 295 [/] maiden wes an kinge leof{;} fne alse his a[gh]ene lif.
e worse was are wel neh{;} at to soche game his wel sleh. e worse at neuere ne do god{;} he meẏnde are es kinges mod e king mornede swie{;} for habbe hire to wifue. at was swie lolich ing{;} at e cristene king. louede at Maide heaene{;} folk to harme.
he bad hengest his dring{;} [gh]iuen him at maide child. He{n}gest funde an his rd{;} to don [/] e king him bed. he [gh]ef him Rouwenne{;} wimmon swie hende.
To Hengest bad e king{;} at he at maide [gh]efue him. Hengest funde on his Reade{;} don at e king him beade. He [gh]ef him Rowenne{;} womman swie hende.
[[MS description from Notes volume:
"Junius 1, Bodleian Library, Oxford: an oblong folio, written in double columns on 118 leaves of parchment varying considerably in size, the largest being 508 200 mm.; about 1210 A.D., and an autograph, but corrected by a second and third hand."]]
[[Further detail from Notes volume:
"Orm supplemented the current graphic methods by devices of his own. Thus he systematically doubled a consonant after a short vowel in a closed syllable, so tunnderrstanndenn 109. Whether he meant thereby to indicate shortness of the vowel or length of the consonant is disputed.... Where the consonant after an open syllable is in fact short, Orm often places a breve over the preceding short vowel.... Likewise he uses very seldom an almost horizontal accent to indicate vowel length, as 174, but more frequently, as if to emphasize his warning against possible error, doubles it ... even for greater insistence trebles it ... mostly before final t.
"Furthermore, Orm invented a special symbol {g} with a flat top projecting on both sides for the guttural stop g, reserving the continental g for the dzh sound in such words as egge (edge), leggen, seggen: the latter occurs in this extract only in gluternesse 167, and that by mistake."]]
[[In the original text, the linenotes used yogh for insular g, and plain g for Orm's unique {g}. In this version of the e-text, insular g has been shown as yogh [gh].
In this selection, all lines have been split at the caesura for length, with the second half shown deeply indented.]]
+Forrrihht anan se iesu crist. Wass borenn off hiss moderr{;} [gh]ho wand hi{mm} sone iwinndecl[-]t. [&] le[gh][gh]de himm inn a'n cribbe. Acc uss birr wĭtenn [/] he warr. All wi hiss a[gh]henn wille. Vnnorne. [&] wrecche [&] usell child{;} Inn ure mennisscnesse: Forr [/] he wollde inn heffness rd{;} Vss alle makenn riche. 5 [&] he [/] all iss middellrd. Onn alle wise shride{;} He wollde wundenn ben forr uss. [f. 34v I wrecche wi{nn}de clutess. Forr [/] he wollde shridenn uss{;} Wi hefennlike wde [&] he [/] all iss werelld shop [&] alle shaffte stere{;} He lɇt hi{mm} bae bindenn her. Wi bandess fɇt [&] hande{;} 10 Forr [/] he wollde unnbindenn uss. Off hellepiness bandess. [&] heffne. [&] lifft. [&] land. [&] s. Wi {g}oddcunndnesse fille{;} att illke child. tatt tr wass le[gh][gh]d. Inn an full naru cribbe{;} Forr [/] he wollde [gh]ifenn uss. All heffness rume riche.
[Linenotes: 5. heffness] erasure of o after he; so also in hefennlike, l.8; werelld, l.9, &c.; see notes. 13.full naru over an erasure.]
[&] he [/] fede enn{g}le ed. [&] alle cwike shaffte{;} 15 He la[gh][gh] all alls hiss wille wass. Biforenn asse i cribbe. Swa summ he wre [gh]ifenn hi{mm}{;} To wurrenn hi{mm} to fode. Forr [/] he wollde brinn{g}enn uss{;} Vpp inntill heffness blisse. [&] [gh]ifenn uss hi{mm} sellfenn r{;} Wi enn{g}less eche fode. uss {g}odess sune allmahhti[gh] {g}odd{;} Warr wrecche mann onn ere. 20 Forr swa to bri{nn}genn mann{}kinn onn{;} To [gh]ernenn afft{err} litell. Forr [/] he lufe alle a{;} [/] hise la[gh]hess haldenn. [&] lufenn forr e lufe off hi{mm}{;} To libbenn her onn ere. Full wrecchelike inn uselldom{;} Off metess. [&] off claess. [&] tatt te laferrd iesu crist. Wass le[gh][gh]d inn asse cribbe. 25 att tacne uss. [/] he co{mm} her. To wurrenn mann onn ere. Wi mannkinn. [/] wass stunnt. [&] dill{;} [&] skill ls swa su{mm} asse. [&] asse. ohh itt litell be. Itt hafe mikell afell. To berenn upp well mikell sm{;} [Gh]iff mann itt do ronne. [&] swa wass neh all follc [/] da[gh][gh]. att c{ri}st co{mm} her to manne. 30 Neh all itt wass a strang inoh. To ewwtenn lae {g}astess. To berenn upp [/] lae sm{;} To don all e[gh][gh]re wille. [&] urrh [/] {g}odd wass wurrenn mann. Forr ure miccle nede{;} urrh [/] wass he. 'att witt tu wel. All wi hiss lefe wille. Niredd. [&] wannsedd wunnderrli[gh]. [&] la[gh]hedd inn hi{mm} sellfenn. [f. 34v 35 Forr o [/] hallf [/] he wass mann{;} Mann mihhte hi{mm} fon. [&] pinenn. Wi hⱥt. [&] kald. wi nesshe. [&] harrd Wi pine off risst. [&] hunngerr. [&] cwellenn himm mann mihhte wel{;} Inn ure mennisscnesse. [&] {g}odd wass wurrenn swa forr uss{;} [Gh][-]t lasse ann an enn{g}ell. Forr mann ne ma[gh][gh] nohht enn{g}ell sen{;} Ne tăkenn hi{mm} ne bindenn. 40 Ne pinenn hi{mm}. ne cwellenn hi{mm}. Forr he ne de[gh]e nfre. Acc drihhtin {g}odd warr her forr e [Gh]ɇt lasse ann hiss enn{g}ell. [&] lah[gh]hre inoh. forr i att he{;} e wollde [gh]ifenn bisne. att te birr a[gh][gh] e sellfenn her{;} urrh so mecnesse la[gh]henn. [&] ltenn swie unorneli[gh]{;} [&] litell off e sellfenn. 45
[Linenotes: 34. att witt tu wel substituted at bottom of column for att se[gh][gh] e boc in text. 37.kald over an erasure. 41.pinenn] i over an erasure. nfre] r changed into n by erasure. 42.godd warr over an erasure. 45.unorneli[gh] with erasure over the first n.]
+att hirdess wokenn o [/]at nahht. att crist wass borenn onne{;} att wass swa su{mm} hiss wille wass. Forr [/] itt shollde tacnenn. att he forr{}i wass wurrenn mann{;} Forr [/] he wollde sammnenn. An flocc off menn till cristenndom{;} [&] till e rihhte lfe. att sholldenn wurrenn hise shep{;} urrh here unnshai[gh]nesse. 50 [&] sholldenn habbenn oferr he{mm}{;} Bisscopess. prestess. dcness Forr [/] te[gh][gh] sholldenn hirdess ben{;} To [gh]emenn he{mm}. [&] {g}tenn. [&] ec forr [/] he wollde ben. Himm sellf ut numenn hirde. Swa [/] he wollde hiss a[gh]henn lif{;} Forr hise shep forrltenn. att {g}odess enn{g}ell co{mm} o nihht. Swa su{mm} e {g}oddspell kie. 55 To spekenn wi{}a wake menn. att wokenn heore faldess{;} [&] tatt he comm [/] nihht till he{mm}. Wi heoffness lihht. [&] leome. [&] tatt te[gh][gh] wrenn forr [/] lihht. [&] forr att enn{g}less sihhe. Forr dredde swie fasste anan. Swa summ e {g}oddspell kie{;} [&] ec att {g}odess enn{g}ell toc. To frofrenn he{mm} wi worde. 60 All [/] wass don urrh iesu c{ri}st. [f. 35r Forr mikell in{g} to tacnenn. Itt tacne uss att ure {g}odd. Well offte sennde enn{g}less. Inn till iss middell{}rd. tatt iss. All full off esst{err}nesse: att iss off all [/] ifell iss{;} Inn alle kinne sinne{;} Itt tacne [/] he sennde hemm{;} Inn till iss eossterrnesse. 65 To frofrenn a [/] wakenn wel{;} Onn[gh]ness lae {g}astess. [&] stanndenn inn to shildenn he{mm}{;} Fra deofless swikedomess. [&] all [/] flocc [/] he{mm} iss sɇtt{;} To [gh]emenn. [&] to {g}tenn. To frofrenn swillke sennde {g}odd. Enn{g}less. [&] hall[gh]he sawless. [&] a[gh][gh] e[gh][gh] cumenn dun till a{;} Wi heoffness lihht. [&] leome. 70 att iss wi witt. [&] {g}od innsihht{;} Inn alle kinne in{g}e. Forr drihhtin [gh]ife her hiss eww{;} {g}od witt. [&] mahht. [&] wille. To stanndenn [gh]n e lae {g}ast. [&] [gh]n all [/] he lre. Acc a[gh][gh] e[gh][gh] sinndenn ohh swa ehh{;} Well swie sare off{}dredde. Off domess da[gh][gh]es starrke dom{;} [&] off e demess irre. 75 All all swa su{mm} a wăke menn{;} Well swie offdredde wrenn. Off heoffness brihhte lihht [&] lem {;} [&] off [/] enn{g}less sihhe. Ace hihht. [&] hope o drihhtin {g}odd. [&] onn hiss mildheorrtnesse{;} att frofre hemm. [&] belde he{mm}{;} To foll[gh]henn {g}odess lare. To fandenn [gh]iff e[gh][gh] mu[gh]henn swa{;} e demess are winnenn. 80 [&] tatt wass uss bitacnedd wel{;} urrh att tatt {g}odess enn{g}ell. Toc sone anan wi milde word{;} a wăke menn to frofrenn. For{r} [/] he wisste wel [/] te[gh][gh]{;} Off hi{mm} forrdredde wrenn. Forr {g}odess enn{g}ell frofre mann{;} [Gh]iff [/] he se hi{mm} fredd. Forr {g}odess enn{g}ell iss full mec{;} [&] soffte. [&] milde. [&] blie. 85 [&] defell iss all full off ni{;} [&] full off {g}ra{mm}cunndnesse. [&] full off hĕte towarrd mann{;} [&] full off modi[gh]nesse [&] [gh]iff he se e mann forrdredd{;} He wile hi{mm} skerrenn mare. [&] rfenn himm hiss rihhte witt{;} [&] shetenn inn hiss herrte. Acc whas itt iss [/] wpnedd iss. Wi fulle trowwe o criste{;} [f. 35r 90 ohh [/] he {g}risli[gh] defell seo. Niss he rihht nohht forrfredd. att enn{g}ell se[gh][gh]de att he wass{;} a cumenn forr to kienn. O {g}odess hallfe r till he{mm}. A'n swie mikell blisse. att shollde ben till all e follc. att se[gh][gh]de he forr [/] tanne{;} Wass cumenn i iss middellrd. Full mikell blisse. [&] selle. 95 Till alle 'a [/] sholldenn wel{;} O {g}odess sune lefenn. O iesu c{ri}st. tatt borenn wass. [/] illke nahht to manne. He se[gh][gh]de [/] te laferrd crist. Wass borenn her to manne. Nohht o e nahht. acc o e da[gh][gh]. Forr mikell ing to tacnenn. Forr da[gh][gh]ess lihht bitacne uss{;} All eche lifess blisse 100 [&] nahht bitacne all [/] wa{;} [/] iss i{nn} helle pine. [&] c{ri}st wass borenn i iss lif{;} To lesenn uss off helle. Forr [/] he wollde [gh]ifenn uss{;} Wi enn{g}less eche blisse. [&] tatt wass uss bitacnedd ec. urrh [/] tatt {g}odess enn{g}ell. Wass aww{n}edd till a wăke menn{;} Wi heffness lihht [&] leme. 105 Forr {g}odess sune iesu crist{;} Wass wurrenn mann onn ere. To [gh]ifenn heoffness lihht. [&] lem{;} [/] follc. [/] shollde hi{mm} foll[gh]henn.
[Linenote: 105. awwredd in MS.]
att {g}odd all{}mahhti[gh] wurrenn wass. [Gh]un{g} child i{nn} ure ki{n}de. [&] wrecche child. off wrecche kinn{;} att do uss tunnderrstanndenn. att uss birr mikell lufenn crist. [&] lofenn hi{mm} [&] wurrenn. 110 Off att he wollde hi{mm} sellfenn swa{;} Forr ure lufe la[gh]henn. [&] off att he warr wrecche mann{;} Forr uss to makenn riche. Wi enn{g}less upp inn heoffness rd{;} Wi{}utenn ende i blisse. Annd urrh [/] tatt tr awwnedd wass. An here off {g}odess enn{g}less. att time [/] te laferrd crist. Wass borenn her to manne{;} 115 urrh [/] wass uss don r full wel. To sen. [&] tunnderrstanndenn. att enn{g}less stanndenn a[gh][gh] occ a[gh][gh]. To lofenn {g}odd [&] wurrenn. [&] urrh [/] illke wass uss ec. [f. 35v Don full wel tunnderrstanndenn. att uss birr lofenn drihhtin a[gh][gh]{;} Wi innwarrd herrtess tunge. [&] annkenn hi{mm} [/] miccle {g}od{;} att he do uss onn ere. 120 [&] urrh [/] illke wass uss ec. Don full wel tunnderrstanndenn. att crist all enn{g}le ede ki{n}{g}. Wass borenn her to manne. Alls iff he [gh]n e lae {g}ast. Wi hĕre wollde fihhtenn. To winnenn adam. [&] hiss kinn{;} Ṽt off e defless walde. [&] settenn enn{g}less oferr he{mm}{;} To [gh]emenn he{mm} [&] {g}tenn. 125 [&] forr to shildenn hemm onn{}[gh]n{;} e deofless lae wiless.
[Linenote: 124. walde] After l, l erased.]
Annd {g}odess enn{g}less wrenn a{;} Well swie glade wurrenn. Off att tatt {g}odd wass wurrenn mann. Forr [/] te[gh][gh] wisstenn alle. att te[gh][gh]re {g}en{g}e shollde ben{;} Wi {g}ode sawless ekedd. [&] wurredd ec. [&] all forri{;} e[gh][gh] wrenn swie blie. 130 [&] all forr i e[gh][gh] sun{g}enn a. iss san{g} wi mikell blisse. Si drihhtin upp inn heffness rd{;} Wurrshipe. [&] loff. [&] wullderr. [&] upp{}onn ere {g}ri. [&] fri{;} urrh {g}odess mildherrtnesse. Till iwhillc mann [/] habbenn shall{;} {g}od herte [&] 'a[gh][gh] {g}od wille.
[Linenote: 134.a[gh][gh] added in margin and god corrected out of gode, so too in ll.147, 154.]
iss sun{g}enn e[gh][gh]. forr{}i [/] te[gh][gh]. Full wel r unnderrstodenn. 135 att te[gh][gh]re {g}en{g}e shollde ben{;} urrh hall[gh]he sawles. ekedd. urrh whatt biforenn drihhtin {g}odd [Gh]iff [/] itt waxenn mihhte. Wurrshipe [&] wullderr shollde ben{;} Swa su{mm} itt waxenn wre. [&] ec forr att te[gh][gh] wisstenn wel. att {g}odd co{mm} her to manne. Forr [/] he wollde {g}ri [&] fri. [&] so sahhtnesse settenn. 140 Bitwenenn drihhtin heffness king{;} [&] mannkinn her onn ere. att mann kinn shollde mu[gh]henn wel{;} Vpp cumenn i{nn} till heffne. att heffness here mihhte swa{;} urrh hall[gh]he sawless waxenn. urrh whatt bi{}forenn drihhtin {g}odd{;} Wurrshipe waxenn shollde. [Gh]iff [/] himm mihhte waxenn ohht{;} [&] wurrenn bettre [&] mare. 145 att {g}ri wass sett till alle a. Swa su{mm} e {g}oddspell kie. att sholl denn wurrenn {g}ode{}menn{;} [&] habbenn 'a[gh][gh] {g}od{}wille. [f. 35v Till a [/] sholldenn unnderrfon{;} Wi blisse cristess come. [&] nohht till a [/] sholldenn hi{mm}{;} Forrho[gh]henn [&] forrwerrpenn. Forr niss nohht {g}odess {g}ri wi a{;} [/] wirenn {g}odd onn{}[gh]ness. 150 Acc helle wawenn iss till a{;} All afft{err} e[gh][gh]re wrihhte. [&] her mann unnderrstanndenn ma[gh][gh]{;} Whillc mann iss drihhtin cweme. att illke mann iss drihhtin lef{;} [/] hafe {g}ode wille. Forr wha{}se itt iss att illke mann att hafe 'a[gh][gh] {g}od wille att illke mann ne sinn[gh]he nohht. Ne {g}illte hise annkess. 155 Ne towarrd {g}odd ne towarrd mann{;} [Gh]iff [/] he ma[gh][gh] hi{mm} lokenn. [&] [gh]iff [/] iss [/] he missdo. Onn ani[gh] kinne wise{;} Itt rewe hi{mm}. [&] sone anan{;} He sta{nn}t itt inn to betenn.
att {g}odess e{nn}{g}ell co{mm} o nahht. Wi heffness lihht onn ere{;} att tacne [/] tiss middellrd. Wass full off essterrnesse. 160 urrh illkess kinness henndom. Inn iwhillc unnclnnesse{;} att time [/] te laferrd crist. Wass borenn her to manne. To [gh]ifenn heffness lihht. [&] lem{;} [/] follc [/] shollde hi{mm} cwemenn.
[Linenote: 159. enngell comm o nahht over an erasure.]
[&] tatt tatt enn{g}ell nohht ne co{mm}. Till kin{g}ess ne till erless. Ne till [/] lae riche flocc. att foll[gh]he modi[gh]nesse{;} 165 att do uss tunnderrstanndenn wel{;} [/] drihhtin {g}odd forrwerrpe. All modi[gh]le[gh][gh]c. [&] {g}reditle[gh][gh]c: [&] irre. [&] gluterrnesse. [&] all [/] foll[gh]he horedom. [&] swikedom onn ere. att mann ma[gh][gh] findenn allre mast. I a [/] sinndenn riche. att {g}odess enn{g}ell awwnedd wass. In aness weress hewe{;} 170 att wass forr{}i [/] enn{g}ell ma[gh][gh]. Wi hiss drihhtiness wille. Hi{mm} awwnenn alls he wre a mann. I manness limess alle. I bodi[gh]. [/] he do hi{mm} inn{;} Off hefennlike kinde. '[&] {g}odd wi enn{g}less gife uss. . To brukenn heffness blisse. Am{n}.
[Linenotes: 170._att_] between _ and _a_ an erasure. 174.Added lengthwise on the margin.]
[[MS description from Notes volume:
"i. Bodleian 34, Oxford (B); on vellum, 165 120 mm.; written in one hand throughout about 1210 A.D.... It has lost two leaves after f. 80, which is very faint and defective. Entries in fourteenth-century hands connect it with Ledbury, Godstow, and Magna Coworne (Much Cowarne) in Herefordshire. The text is printed from this manuscript up to its end at 127/4.
"The writing is sometimes difficult to decipher; the letters are often crowded and hesitating, a, e, o are sometimes hard to distinguish. Doubts are permissible in the following cases, hwen or hwon 118/24, ihaten or ihoten 37, hondon or honden 51; in sent 55, the last letter wavers between t and d; in [gh]emelese 56, [gh] appears to have been corrected out of g; after mei 60, there is a half-formed c; under the second o of preoouin 72, there is what looks like a casual pen mark, not a dot of erasure; in seoueuald 287, d is corrected out of t, or the reverse.
"ii. Royal 17 A 27, British Museum (R); on vellum, 160 117 mm.; early thirteenth century. Has all the pieces in B except Hali Meidenhad, with the addition of an incomplete copy of the Oreisun of Seinte Marie (printed in OEH i., p. 305). This manuscript supplies the end here from 127/4.
"iii. Cotton Titus D 18, British Museum (T). See [IX, Ancrene Wisse]."]]
[Headnote: Si Sciret Paterfamilias]
her bigine{;} sawles warde. [f. 72r
+Si sciret paterfamilias q{ua} hora fur uent{ur}us e{ss}et{;} vigilaret utiq{ue} [&] no{n} sineret p{er}fodi domu{m} sua{m}. +U+re lau{er}d i e godspel teache us urh abisne. hu we ahen wearliche to biwiten us seoluen wi e unwiht of helle. [&] wi his wernches.{5} [gh]ef es lau{er}d wiste he sei. hwenne [&] hwuch time. e eof walde cume to his hus{;} he walde wakien. ne nalde he nawt olien e eof forte breoken hire. +is hus e ure lau{er} speke of{;} is seolf e mon inwi e monnes wit. I is hus. is e huse lau{er}d. ant te fulitohe wif{;} mei beon wil ihaten. [/] ga e hus eft{er} hire{;} ha diht hit al to wundre.{10} bute wit ase lau{er}d chasti hire e bet{er}e. [&] bi{}neome hire muchel of [/] ha walde. ant tah walde al hire hird folhin hire ouer al{;} gef wit ne forbude ham. for alle hit beo untohene. [&] rechelese hinen{;} bute [gh]ef he ham rihte. Ant hwucche beo eos hinen{;} Su{m}me beo wi{}vten. [&] su{m}me wi in{}nen. eo wi{}vten beo.
e monnes fif{15} wittes. Sihe. [&] heru{n}ge. smechunge. [&] smeallunge. [&] euch limes felunge. eos beo hinen vnder wit. as under huse lau{er}d. [&] hwer se he is [gh]emeles{;} nis hare nan e ne feare ofte untoheliche. [&] gulte ilome. oer ifol semblant{;} oder in vuel dede. In wi beo his hinen. in se moni mislich onc to cwemen wel e husewif{;} a[gh]ein godes{20} wille. [&] swerie somet realiche. [/] eft{er} hire hit schal [f.72v] gan. ah we hit ne here nawt{;} we mahen 'ilen hare nurh. [&] hare untohe bere. a et hit cume for. [&] ba wi eie. [&] wi luue tuhte ham e bet{er}e. Ne bi neau{er} his hus for eos hinen wel iwist. for hwen [/] he slepe. oer ohwider from hame. [/] is hwen mon for[gh]et his wit.{25} [&] let ham i{}wuren. ah ne bihoue hit nawt. [/] tis hus beo irobbet. for er is inne e tre[sor] [/] godd [gh]ef him seolf fore. [/] is monnes sawle. forte breoke is hus eft{er} is tresor. [/] godd bohte mid his dea. [&] lette lif o rode{;} is moni eof a{}buten ba bi dei [&] bi niht. vnseheliche gasttes wi alle unwreaste eawes. [&] a{}[gh]ein euch god eaw. e biwite{30} iis hus godes deore castel . vnder wittes wissunge [/] is huse lau{er}d. is eau{er} hire uneaw forte sechen in[gh]ong{e} abute e wahes to a{}murrin hire rinne. [/] heaued rof is e feont. e meistre ham alle a[gh]eines him [&] his keis. e husebonde [/] is wit. warne his hus {us}. vre lau{er}d haue ileanett him froure of his dehtren. [/] beo to{35} vnderstonden e fowr heaued eawes. e earste is warschipe icleopet. ant te oer is ihaten gasteli'ch strenge. [&] te ridde is mea. rihtwisnesse e feore.
[Linenotes: 17. hwer] r over ṭ. 37.After gastelich, e erased.]
+W+it e husbonde godes cunestable cleope warschipe [f.73r] for. [&] makid hire durewart. e warliche loki hwam ha leote in [&] ut. [&] of feor bihalde alle e cuminde. hwuch beo wure{40} in[gh]ong{e} to habben{;} oer beon bisteke{n} rute. Strenge stont nest hire. [/] [gh]ef ei wule in{;} warschipes vn{}onkes. warni strenge fore. [/] is hire suster{;} [&] heo hit ut warpe. e ridde sust{er} [/] is mea. hire he make meistre ou{er} his willesfule hir [/] we ear of speken. [/] ha leare ham mete . [/] me meosure hat. e middel of twa uueles . for{45} [/] is eaw in euch stude [&] tuht forte halden. [&] hate ham alle [/] nan of ham a[gh]ein hire{;} nohwer wid vnmeo{;} ne ga ou{er} mete. e feore suster rihtwisnesse. sit on hest as deme . [&] beate eo e a[gh]ulte. [&] crune eo e wel do. [&] deme euchan his dom eft{er} his rihte. for dret of hire nime his hir euch eft{er} [/] he is warde to witene . e{50} ehnen hare. e mu his. e earen hare. e hondon hare. [&] euch alswa of e ore wit [/] onont him ne schal nan un{}eaw cumen iN.
+As is is ido us. [&] is al stille rinne{;} warschipe [/] is waker is offearet lest sum for{}truste him. [&] feole o{}slepe. [&] for[gh]eme his warde. [&] sent ham. in a sonde. [/] ha wel cnawe. of feorren icumen. forte{55} offearen eo e beo [f.73v] ou{er} hardi. [&] eo e [gh]emelese beo{;} halden ham wakere. he is underuon in. [&] swie bihalden of ha{m} alle. for lonc he is. [&] leane. [&] his leor dealich. [&] blac [&] elheowet. [&] euch her unc'he [/] stont in his heaued up{;} warschipe hat hi{m} tellen biuoren. hwet he beo [&] hweonene he co{m}me [&] hwet he er seche. Ne mei{60} ich he sei. nohwer speoken. bute ich habbe god lust{;} lustni me enne. fearlac ich hatte. ant am deaes sonde. [&] deaes munegunge. [&] am icumen biuore hire to warnin ow of hire cume. warschipe [/] best con bisetten hire wordes. [&] ec hire werkes{;} speke for ham alle. [&] freine hweonene he cume. [&] hwuch hird ha leade. fearlac{65} hire ontswere. Ich nat nawt e time{;} for ha ne seide hit me nawt. ah eau{er} loki hwenne. for hire wune is to cumen bi stale ferliche [&] unmundlunge hwen me least wene. of hire hird [/] tu easkest.
[Linenote: 58. Before leane, feier erased.]
Ich e ondswerie. ha lihte hwer se ha eau{er} kime wi a usent deoflen. [&] euch an bere a gret boc al of sunnen iwriten wi swarte smeale{70} leattres. [&] an unrude raketehe gled{}read of fure. forte binden [&] to drahen in to in{}warde helle. hwuch se he mei preoouin urh his boc [/] is on euch sunne enbre[f.74r]uet. [/] he wi wil. oer wi word. oer wi werc. wrahtte in al his lif sie. bute [/] he haue i{}bet earon wi so schrift. [&] wi deadbote. ant warschipe hire easke. Hweonene {75} cumest tu fearlac deaes munegunge. Ich cume he sei of helle. Of helle ha sei warschipe. [&] hauest tu isehen helle? [Gh]e sei fearlac wit{er}liche. ofte [&] ilome. Nu sei enne warschipe. fori trowe treoweliche tele us hwuch is helle. [&] hwet tu hauest isehen rin. ant ich he sei fearlac omi trowe blueliche. nawt tah eft{er} [/] hit is. for [/] ne mei na{80} tunge 'tellen. ah eft{er} [/] ich mei [&] con{;} er towart ich chulle readien.
[Linenote: 73.enbreueḍt MS.]
+Helle is [wid] wi{}ute met. [&] deop wi{}ute grunde. ful of brune uneuenlich . for ne mei nan eorlich fur euenin er towart. ful of stench unolelich. for ne mahte in eore na cwic ing{e} hit olien. ful of sorhe untalelich. for ne mei na mu for wrecchedom{85} ne for wa{;} rikenin hit ne tellen. Se icke is rinne e ost{er}nesse{;} [/] me hire mei grapin. for [/] fur. ne [gh]eue na liht. ah blent ham e ehnen. e er beo wi a smorrinde smeke smeche forcuest. [&] tah i[/] ilke swarte eost{er}nesse swarte inges ha iseo as deoflen [/] ham mealli [&] derue [&] drecche wi alles cunnes pinen. [&] iteilede{90} draken g{ri}'sliche ase deoflen e forswolhe ham ihal. [&] speowe ham [f.74v] eft ut biuoren [&] bihinden. oer hwile torende ham [&] to{}cheowe ham euch greot. ant heo eft iwure hal. to a swuch bale bute bote as ha ear weren. ant ful wel ha i{}seo ham to grisle [&] to grure. [&] to echen hare pine. e lae helle wurmes. tadden [&] froggen.{95} e freote ham ut te ehnen. [&] te nease g{ri}stles. ant snike in. [&] ut neddren. [&] eauraskes. nawt ilich eose her{;} ah hundret sie g{ri}sluker et mu. [&] et earen. ed ehne{n}. [&] ed neauele. ant ed te breoste holke as meaen iforrotet flesch eau{er}[gh]ete ickest. er is remu{n}ge ie brune. [&] toes hechelunge ie snawi weattres. ferliche ha flutte from e{100} heate{;} in{}to e chele.
Ne neau{er} nuten ha of eos twa{;} hweer ham unche wurse. for eier is unolelich. ant iis ferliche mong{e} e leat{er}e urh e earre derue e mare. [/] fur ham forbearne al to colen calde. [/] pich ha{m} forwalle aet ha beon for{}mealte. [&] eft acwikie anan to drehen al [/] ilke{;} ant muchedeale wurse wi{}uten{105} ende. Ant tis ilke unhope is ham meast pine. [/] nan naue neau{er} mare hope of nan a{}couerunge. Ah aren sikere of euch uuel to urh{}leasten iwa from world in to worlde on echnesse. Euch arusme oer. [&] euch is ores pine. Ant euchan heate oer. [&] him seoluen as [f.75r] e blake deouel. [&] eau{er} se ha i is world luueden{110} ha{m} mare{;} se ha er heatie ham swiere. [&] eier curse oer. [&] fret of e ores earen. [&] te nease alswa.
Ich habbe bigunne to tellen of ing [/] ich ne mahte nawt bringe to eni ende. ah ich hefde a usent tungen of stele [&] talde aet ha were{n} alle forwerede. Ah enche nu her urh hwuch e measte pine beo{;} for e leaste pine is{115} se heard [/] hefde a mon i{}slein ba mi feader. [&] mi moder ant al e ende of mi cun. [&] i{}do me seoluen al e scheome [&] te hearm [/] cwic mon mahte olien. [&] ich isehe es mon i e ilke leaste pine. [/] ich iseh in helle{;} Ich walde [gh]ef hit mahte beon. olien a usent deaes to a{}rudden him ut rof. swa is e sihe g{ri}slich [&] reowful to bihalden.{120} for ah neau{er} nere nan oer pine bute to i{}seon eau{er} e unseli gastes. [&] hare g{ri}sliche schape. biseon on hare g{ri}mfule. [&] grurefule nebbes. [&] heren hare rarunge. [&] hu ha wi hokeres edwite [&] up breide euchan his sunnen. is schenlac [&] te grure of ham were unimete pine{;} [&] hure olien [&] a{}beoren hare unirude duntes wi{125} mealles istelet. [&] wi hare eawles gled{}reade hare dustlunges. as ah hit were a pilche{}clut euchan towart oer imisliche pinen.
O helle deaes hus. wununge of wanunge. of grure ant of granunge. heatel [f.75v] ham. [&] heard wan. of alle wontreaes. buri of bale. [&] bold of eau{er} euch bitternesse . u laest lont of alle. u dorc stude ifullet{130} of alle dreorinesses. Ich cwakie of g{ri}sle [&] of grure. [&] euch ban scheke me. [&] euch her me rue up of i munegunge. for nis er na steuene bi{t}uhhe e fordemde bute wu{m}me. [&] wa is me. [&] wa beo e. [&] wa beo e. wa ha [gh]eie. [&] wa ha habbe ne of al [/] eau{er} wa is{;} ne schal ha{m} neau{er} wontin. e swuch wununge of earne. for ei hwilinde{135} blisse her o isse worlde{;} wel were him [gh]ef [/] he neau{er} ibore nere. bi is [gh]e mahen sumdel witen hwuch is helle. for i{}wis ich habbe rin isehen a usent sie wurse. [&] from eonne kime dea wi a usent deoflen hiderwart as ich seide. ant ich com {us} q{uo} fearlac forte warnin ow fore{;} [&] tellen ow eos tidinges.{140}
[Linenote: 133. bicuhhe MS.]
+Nv lau{er}d godd q{uo} warschipe wardi us [&] werie. [&] rihte us [&] reade hwet us beo to donne. ant we beon e warre [&] wakere to witen us on euch half under godes wengen. [gh]ef we wel werie [&] wite ure hus [&] godes deore tresor [/] he haue bitaht us{;} cume dea hwen he wule. Ne urue we nower beon 'ofdred for hire. ne{145} for helle. for ure dea bi deore godd [&] i{n}{}[gh]ong in to heouene. of eos fikelinde world{;} ne of hire false blisse : ne neome we neau{er} [gh]eme. for al [/] is on eore. nis bute as a schadewe{;} for al wure [f.76r] to noht bute [/] deore tresor godes deorewure feh [/] is us bitaht to witene. Ich habbe eruore sar care for ich iseo sei warschipe hu e{150} unwhiht wi his ferd ase liun iburst. [gh]ea abuten ure hus sechinde [gh]eornliche hu he hit forswolhe. [&] tis ich mei sei warschipe warnin ow of his la [&] for his wrenches. ah ich ne mei nawt a[gh]eines his strenge.
[Linenotes: 142. donne] the second n corr. out of t. 145.of over ạ MS.]
[[Linenote 142 was printed out of sequence, after 159.]]
+Do nu q{uo} strenge. warschipe suster [/] te limpet to e [&] warne us of his wiheles. for of al his strenge ne drede{155} we nawiht. for nis his strenge noht wur bute hwer{}se he ifinde eeliche. [&] wake unwarnede of treowe bileaue. e apostle sei. Etstont. en feont. [&] he fli anan riht. schulde we enne fleon him? [gh]e nis godd ure scheld. [&] alle beo ure wepnen of his deore g{ra}ce. ant godd is on ure half. [&] stont bi us ifehte. [gh]ef he schute{160} towart me wi weole [&] wunne of e world. wi este of flesches lustes. of ulliche nesche wepnen ich mahte carien summes weis. ah ne mei me na ing heardes offearen. ne nowcin. ne na wone falsi min heorte ne wursi mi bileaue towart him [/] [gh]eue me alle mine strengen.
[Linenote: 159. [gh]enis MS.]
+For ba me ah. q{uo} mea. ant for heart of nowcin. [&] for wone of{165} wunne dreden. [&] carien. for moni for to muchel heard of wa [/] he d'rehe. for[gh]et ure lau{er}d. ant ma ah for nesche ant for flesches licunge for [f.76v] [gh]eme ham ofte. bituhhen heard [&] nesche. bituhhe wa of is world ant to muche wunne. bituhhe muchel [&] lutel is in euch worldlich ing e middel wei [gh]uldene. [gh]ef we hire halde{170} enne gawe sikerliche ne erf us nower for dea ne for deouel dreden. hwet{}se beo of heardes ne drede ich nawiht nesches for ne meina wunne. ne na flesches licunge ne licomlich este bringe me ou{er} e midel of mesure. [&] of mete.
[Linenotes: 166. caṛien MS. 170. we] weị MS.]
+Rihtwissnesse speke nu. Mi sust{er} ha sei warschipe e haue{175} wit. [&] schad bituhhe god. [&] uuel. [&] wat hwet is in euch ing{e} to cheosen [&] to schunien{;} reade us [&] leare forte [gh]eme lutel alle fallinde ing. [&] witen warliche eo e schulen lesten. [&] sei as ha so sei [/] urh unweotenesse ne mei ha nawt sunegin. [&] tah nis nawt siker of e unwihtes strengde as eo e halt hire wac{180} ah ha beo muche wur. [&] ure alre ehnen deme hire unmihti onont hire seoluen to etstonden wi his. t{ur}nes [&] de ase e wise. Mi sust{er} strenge is swie bald. [&] sei [/] nawiht heardes ne mei hire offearen. ah ah ha ne trust nawt on hire ahne wepnen{;} ah de o goes g{ra}ce [&] [/] ich demi riht [&] wisdom to donne. Mi{185} ridde sust{er}. mea speke of e middel sti. bituhhe riht [&] luft [/] lut cunnen halden. [f.77r] [&] sei inesche ha is bald. [&] heard mei hire offearen. [&] for{}i ne [gh]elpe ha of na sikernesse ant de as e wise.
Mi meoster is to do riht forte demen ant ich deme me seolf [/] ich urh me ne do hit nawt{;} for al [/] god is of godd [/] we her{190} habbe. Nu is riht enne [/] we demen us seolf eau{er} unmihtie to werien [&] to witen us oer ei god to halden wi ute godes helpe. e rihtwise godd wule [/] we demen us seolf eeliche [&] lahe. Ne beo we neau{er} swucche{;} for enne deme he us muche wur [&] gode ant halt for his dehtren. for ah mi forme sust{er} war beo of euch uuel{;}{195} ant min oer strong beo to [gh]eines euch nowcin{;} ant mi ridde meaul in alles cunnes estes{;} [&] ich do riht [&] deme. bute we wi al is milde beon [&] meoke{;} [&] halden us wake. godd mei mid rihte fordemen us of al is urh ure prude. ant for{}i is riht dom et we al ure god onkin him ane. +W+jit e husebonde godes cunestable here{200} alle hare sahen [&] onke god [gh]eorne wi swie glead heorte of se riche lane as beo eos sustren his fowr dehtren [/] he haue ileanet him on helpe forte wite wel [&] werien his castel. [&] godes deorewure feh. [/] is biloke rinne.
+e willesfule husewif halt hire al stille. ant al [/] hird [/] ha wes{205} i wunet to dreaien eft{er} hire{;} turne [f.77v] ham treowliliche to wit hare lau{er}d. [&] to eos fowr sustren. +V+mben ane stunde speke eft warschipe. [&] sei ich iseo a sonde cumen swide gledd icheret. feier [&] freolich [&] leofliche aturnet. let him in sei wit [gh]ef godd wule he bringe us gleade tidinges. ant [/] us were muche{210} neod. for fearlac deaes sonde haue wi his{;} offearet us swie mid alle. warschipe let him in. [&] he gret wit en lau{er}d. [&] al [/] hird seoen. wi lahhinde chere. ant ha [gh]elde him his gretunge. [&] beo alle ilihtet [&] igleadet ham u{n}che of his on{}sihe. for al [/] hus schine. [&] schimme of his leome. he easke ham [gh]ef ham biluue to{215} heren him ane hwile. [gh]e q{uo} ha rihtwisnesse. wel us biluue hit. [&] wel is riht [/] we e lieliche lustnin.
+Hercni nu enne he sei. [&] [gh]eornliche understonde. [I]ch am mures sonde. [&] munegunge of eche lif. ant liues luue i{}haten [&] cume riht from heouene [/] ich habbe isehen nu ant ofte ear{220} e blisse [/] na monnes tunge ne mei of tellen. e iblescede godd iseh ow offruhte. [&] sumdel drupnin of [/] fearlac talde of dea. [&] of helle. ant sende me to gleadien ow. nawt for{}i [/] hit ne beo al so [/] he seide. [&] [/] schulen alle uuele fondin. [&] ifinden. Ah [gh]e wi e fulst of godd ne urue na i{n}g dreden for he sit on [f.78r] he [/] is{225} ow on helpe. [&] is al wealdent [/] haue ow to witene.
+A sei warschipe welcume liues luue. ant for e luue of godd seolf [gh]ef u eauer sehe him{;} tele us sumhwet of him. [&] of his eche blisse. [gh]e iseo q{uo} liues luue{;} Murhdes sonde. Ich habbe isehen him ofte nawt tah alswa as he is{;} for a[gh]ein e brihtnesse [&] te{230} liht of his leor. e sunne gleam is dosc [&] unche a{}schadewe. ant for{}i ne mahte ich nawt a[gh]ein e leome of his wlite lokin ne bihalden{;} bute urh a schene schawere bituhhe me [&] him [/] schilde mine ehnen. Swa ich habbe ofte isehen e hali ru{m}nesse. feader [&] sune. [&] hali gast. reo an unto{}dealet. ah lutle hwile ich mahte olie{235} e leome. ah su{m}mes weis ich mahte bihalden ure lau{er}d ih{es}u c{ri}st. godes sune [/] bohte us o rode. Hu he sit blisful on his feader riht half [/] is al wealdent rixle i [/] eche lit bute linnunge. se unimete feier{;} [/] te engles ne beo neau{er} ful on him to bihalden. ant [gh]et ich iseh etscene e studen of his wunden. [&] hu he schawe ham his{240} feader to cuen hu he luuede us [&] hu he wes buhsum to him e sende him swa to alesen us [&] biseche him a for mo{n}cu{n}nes heale.
[Linenotes: 229. After habbe, him ofte deleted MS. 234.mine above meine MS.: after habbe, ofsee deleted MS.]
+Eft{er} him ich iseh on heh ou{er} alle heouenliche e eadi meiden his moder marie i ne{m}pnet sitten in [f.78v] a trone se swie briht wid [gh]immes i stirret. [&] hire wlite se weoleful{;} [/] euch eorlich liht{;} is{245} eoster e[r]o{}[gh]eines. ear ich iseh as ha bit hire deore wure sune se [gh]eornliche. [&] se inwardliche for eo [/] hire serui. [&] he hire [gh]ette blideliche al [/] ha bi seche. et liht a ich ne mahte lengre olien{;} Ich biseh to e engles [&] to e archangles ant to e ore{;} e beo buuen ham. iblescede gastes e beo a biuore godd [&] serui him{250} eau{er}. [&] singe a unwerge. Nihe wordes er beo. ah hu ha beo i{}ordret [&] sunderliche isette. e an buue e ore. [&] euchanes meoster were long to tellen. Se muche murhe ich hefde on hare on sihe{;} [/] ne mahte 'ich longe hwile elles hwider lokin.
[Linenote: 245. After se, wle deleted.]
+E+ft{er} ham ich iseh towart te p{at}riarches. [&] te p{ro}ph{et}es e makied swuch murhe [/] ha{255} aren nue i [/] ilke lont of blisse [/] ha hefden of feor igret ear on eore [&] seo nu al [/] isoet. [/] ha hefden longe ear icwiddet of ure lau{er}d as he hefde ischawed ha{m} igastelich sihe. +I+ch iseh e apostles poure. [&] lah on eore. ifullet [&] bigoten al of unimete blisse sitten i trones. ant al under hare uet [/] heh is i e worlde. [gh]arowe forte{260} demen i e dei of dome kinges [&] keiseres. [&] alle cunreadnes of alle cunnes ledenes. [f.79r] +I+ch biheolt te Martyrs. [&] hare unimete murhe e oleden her pinen. [&] dea for ure lau{er}d. [&] lihtliche talden to alles cunnes neowcins. [&] eorliche tintreohen a[gh]eines e blisse [/] godd in hare heorte schawede ham to cumene.
[Linenote: 255. ha] ha ha MS.]
+E+ft{er} ham{265} ich biheolt e cunfessurs hird e liueden igod lif. [&] haliche deiden. e schine as do steorren ie eche blissen. [&] seo godd in his wlite [/] haue alle teares iwipet of hare ehnen. +I+ch iseh [/] schene [&] [/] brihte fer'reden of e eadi meidnes ilikest towart engles. ant feolohlukest wi ham blissin [&] gleadien. e libbinde iflesche ou{er}ga{270} flesches lahe ant ou{er}cume cunde e leade heouenlich lif in eore as ha wunie hare murhe. [&] hare blisse. e feierl'eac of hare wlite. e swetnesse of hare song{;} ne mei na tunge tellen. Alle ha singe e er beo. Ah hare song ne mahe nane buten heo singen. Se swote sme'al ham folhe hwider{}se ha wende. [/] me mahte libben{275} aa bi e swotnesse. hwam se heo biseche fore{;} is sikerliche iborhen. for a[gh]ein hare bisocnen{;} godd him seolf arise [/] alle e ore halhen sittende ihere.
[Linenotes: 266.cunfessurs] urs above ọṛẹṣ MS.]
+Swie wel q{uo} warschipe like us [/] tu seist. Ah nu u hauest se wel isei of euch a setnesse{;} of e seli sunder lepes sumhwet sei{280} us nu hwuch blisse is to alle iliche meane{;} [&] liues luue hire ondswere. [f.79v] e imeane blisse is seouenfald. lenge of lif. wit. [&] luue. [&] of e luue a gleadunge. wi{}ute met murie. loft song. [&] lihtschipe. ant sikernesse. is e seouee. ah ich is sei warschipe sumdel understonde{;} u most unwreo is witerluker [&] openin to eos ore.{285} ant hit schal beon sei liues luue warschipe as u wilnest.
+Ha liuie in awlite. [/] is brihtre seoueuald. [&] schenre en e sunne. ant eau{er} in a strenge to don buten euch swinc al [/] ha wulle. [&] eau{er} mare in a steal in al [/] eauer god is wi{}ute wonunge. wi{}uten euch ing [/] mahe hearmin oer eilin.{290} in al [/] eau{er} is. softe oer swote. [&] hare lif is godes sihe. [&] godes cnawlechunge as ure lau{er}d seide. [/] is q{uo} he eche lif to seon [&] cnawen sod godd. [&] him [/] he sende ih{es}u c{ri}st ure lau{er}d to ure alesnesse [&] beo for i ilich him ie ilke wlite [/] he is. for ha seo him as he is. nebbe to nebbe.
[Linenote: 291. After [&] godes, an erasure MS.]
+H+a beo se wise [/] ha witen{295} alle godes reades. his runes [&] his domes e derne beo. [&] deopre en eni sea dingle. ha seo igodd alle ing. [&] witen of al [/] is [&] wes [&] eau{er} schal iwurden. hwet hit beo. hwi. [&] hwerto [&] hwer{}of hit bigunne. +H+a luuie god wi{}ute met. for [/] ha understonde hu he haue bi ham idon urh his muchele godlec [&] hwet ha ahen his{300} deorewurde milce to [gh]elden. ant euch{}an luue oer ase muchel as him seoluen.
+S+e gleade ha beo of godd{;} [/] al is hare blisse. se muchel [f.80r] [/] ne mei hit munne na mu. ne spealie [na speche] for i [/] euchan luue oer as him seoluen. Euchan haue of odres god ase muche murhe as of his ahne. bi is [gh]e mahen seon [&] witen.{305} [/] euchan haue sunderlepes ase feole gleadschipes{;} as ha beod monie alle. [&] euch of e ilke gleadschipes is to eau{er} euch{}an ase muche gleadunge{;} as his ahne sunderliche. [gh]et ou{er} al is. hwen euchan luue godd mare en him seoluen. [&] en alle e odre{;} mare he gleade of godd wi{}uten ei etlunge en of his ahne gleadunge.{310} [&] of alle e ores. Neome nu enne [gh]eme [gh]ef neau{er} anes heorte ne mei in hire [und]eruon hire ahne gleadunge sunderliche. [iseide. se unim]ete muchel is e anlepi blisse. [/] ha nime i[n] hi[re] us monie. [&] us muchele. for{}i seide ure lau{er}d to eo e him hefden icwemet.
[Linenotes: 303.This leaf of the MS. defective. 312, 313.MS. defective here. ]
Intra in gaudiu{m}. et c'. Ga q{uo} he in{}to i{315} lau{er}des blisse. u most al gan rin. ant al beon bigotten rin for in e ne mei hit nanesweis neomen in. her{}of ha herie godd [&] singe un{}werget eau{er} iliche lusti in is loft songes. as hit iwriten is. Beati q{ui} habitant. et c'. Eadi beo eo lau{er}d. e iin hus wunie. ha schulen herien e from [worlde i{n}to worlde].
+H+a beo{320} alle ase li[hte [&] ase swifte as e sunne.] gleam e sc[heot from est into west. ase in ehe[f.80v]lid tune ant opene for hwer se eau{er} e gast wule e bodi is anan{}riht wi{}ute lettunge. for ne mei ham na ing a[gh]eines etstonden. for euch{}an is al{}mihti to don al [/] he wule. [gh]e makie to cwakien heouene ba [&] eore wi his an finger.{325} +S+ikere ha beo of al is. of ulli lif. of ulli wit. of ulli luue [&] gleadunge rof. [&] of ulli blisse. [/] hit ne me neauer mare lutlin ne wursin. ne neome nan ende. is lutle ich habbe iseid of [/] ich iseh in heouene ah nower neh ne{}{s}eh ich al. ne [/] [gh]et [/] ich [iseh. ne] ne con ich half tellen.
[Linenotes: 320-2.MS. defective here and at ll.337-9. 329.seh] neh MS.]
+W+it{er}[liche quo] warschipe. wel we understonde{330} [/] tu hauest ibeo ear [&] so hauest iseid trof. eft{er} i sihe. ant wel is him [/] is war. [&] bisi him hu he mahe beast halden his hus [/] godes tresor is in a[gh]eines godes unwine e weorre er towart a wi uneawes. for et. schal bringen hi{m} ider as he schal. al is [/] tu hauest ispeken of an hundret sie mare of blisse buten euch bale{335} folhin [&] ifinden. Q{uo} strenge hwen hit swa is{;} hwet mei tweamen us from godd [&] hald[en us eonne. ich] am siker ine godd. [[/] ne schal lif ne dea{;} ne wa] ne wunne nower [to dealen us ant his luue. ah al is] us haue igarc [f.10r] ket. [gh]ef we as treowe tresures wite wel his tresor [/] is bitaht us to{}halden. as we schulen ful wel undeR his wengen.{340}
[Linenotes: 339.MS. Bod. ends with igarc; the rest is from MS. Royal 17 A 27.]
+Varpe ut quo warschipe{;} farlac ure fa. nis nawt riht [/] an hus halde eos tweien. for eR as mures sonde is{;} [&] so luue of eche lif. farlac is fleme. nu ut quo strene farlac ne schaltu na leng{er}e leuen in uRe ende. nu q{uo} 'he ich seide for god al [/] ich seide. [&] ah hit muri nere nes na lessere mi tale e{n} wes murhes{345} sondes ne unbihefre to ow. ah hit ne beo so licwure ne icweme. Eier of ow haue his stunde to speokene. ne nis i{n}ckeR nores tale to schunien in his time. u warnest of wa. he telle of wunne. muche neod is [/] me ow ba [gh]eornliche hercni. Flute nu faRlac ah. hwil liues luue is heRinne. [&] ole wi efne heorte e dom of rihtwisnesse.{350} for u schal[t]. ful blieliche beon under{}fon in as ofte as liues luue stutte forto spekene.
+Nv is wil [/] husewif al stille. [/] eR wes so willesful. Al{}ituht efter wittes wissunge [/] is husebonde. [&] Al [/] hird halt him stille. [/] wes i{}wunet to beon fulitohen [&] don efteR wil haRe lefdi. Ant{355} nawt efteR wit{;} lustne nu his lare. [&] fonde eueR euchan efteR [/] him limpe to. {urh} eos twa sonden. [/] ha i{}heRd habbe. [&] [/] fowr sustren lerden ruppe for euch uneawes in[gh]ong his warde te witene. ant{}te waRden treowliche. [f.10v]
+vs ah mon te enchen ofte Ant ilome. Ant wi ulliche ohtes{360} awecchen his heorte. e islep of [gh]emeles for{}[gh]et hire sawle heale. efter eos twa sonden. +F+rom helle sihe biseon{;} to e blisse of heouene. To habben farlac of [/] an{;} luue toward [/] oeR. ant leaden him ant hinen. [/] beo his limen alle. nawt efteR wil e untohe lefdi [&] his lust leare. ah efteR [/] wit wule [/] is husebonde. tuhten [&] teachen [/] wit ga{365} eueR biuore ant teache wil efter him. to al [/] he dihte [&] deme to donne. ant wi e fowR sustren{;} er{}fore e fowr heued eawes. WaRschipe. Strence in godd. Ant Me. Ant +R+ihtwisnesse. witen godes treosor [/] is his ahne sawle. ie hus of e bodi{;} from e eof of helle. ulli oht make mon te fleon alle uneawes ant ontent his{370} heorte toward e blisse of heouene. [/] ure lauerd [gh]eue us {urh} his hali milce [/] wi e fedeR. ant e sune a{n}t e hali gast rixle in reo had buten ende. AMEN.
+P+ar seinte charite bidde a pateR nost{er} for iohan [/] eos boc w{ra}t.{375}
+Hwa se is writ haue ired. +A+nt crist him haue swa isped. +I+ch bidde p{ar} seinte charite. +et [gh]e bidden ofte for me. +A+a p{ate}R n{oste}R. ant aue maRie. 380 +et ich mote [/] lif heR drehen. +A+nt ure lauerd wel i{}cwemen. +I+ Mi [gh]uhee [&] in min elde. +et ich mote ih{es}u crist mi sawle [gh]elden. |