O Artisan born in the purple, — Workman Heat, — Parter of passionate atoms that travail to meet And be mixed in the death-cold oneness, — innermost Guest At the marriage of elements, — fellow of publicans, — blest King in the blouse of flame, that loiterest o'er The idle skies yet laborest fast evermore, — Thou, in the fine forge-thunder, thou, in the beat Of the heart of a man, thou Motive, — Laborer Heat: Yea, Artist, thou, of whose art yon sea's all news, [161] With his inshore greens and manifold mid-sea blues, Pearl-glint, shell-tint, ancientest perfectest hues Ever shaming the maidens, — lily and rose Confess thee, and each mild flame that glows In the clarified virginal bosoms of stones that shine, It is thine, it is thine:
Thou chemist of storms, whether driving the winds a-swirl Or a-flicker the subtiler essences polar that whirl In the magnet earth, — yea, thou with a storm for a heart, Rent with debate, many-spotted with question, part [171] From part oft sundered, yet ever a globed light, Yet ever the artist, ever more large and bright Than the eye of a man may avail of: — manifold One, I must pass from thy face, I must pass from the face of the Sun: Old Want is awake and agog, every wrinkle a-frown; The worker must pass to his work in the terrible town: But I fear not, nay, and I fear not the thing to be done; I am strong with the strength of my lord the Sun: How dark, how dark soever the race that must needs be run, I am lit with the Sun. [181]
Oh, never the mast-high run of the seas Of traffic shall hide thee, Never the hell-colored smoke of the factories Hide thee, Never the reek of the time's fen-politics Hide thee, And ever my heart through the night shall with knowledge abide thee, And ever by day shall my spirit, as one that hath tried thee, Labor, at leisure, in art, — till yonder beside thee My soul shall float, friend Sun, [191] The day being done.
_ Baltimore, December, 1880.
Notes: Sunrise
In the words of Mrs. Lanier, "'Sunrise', Mr. Lanier's latest completed poem, was written while his sun of life seemed fairly at the setting, and the hand which first pencilled its lines had not strength to carry nourishment to the lips." See 'Introduction', p. xviii [Part I]. Lanier has two other poems on the same theme, both short: 'A Sunrise Song' and 'Between Dawn and Sunrise' (entered under 'Marsh Hymns').
As already pointed out ('Introduction', pp. xxxi [Part III], xlvii [Part IV]), 'Sunrise' shows in a powerful way the delicacy and the comprehensiveness of Lanier's love for nature. True, as I have elsewhere stated ('Introduction', p. xlvi [Part IV]), the poem has some serious limitations, more I think than has 'The Marshes of Glynn'; but, despite its shortcomings, 'Sunrise' is from an absolute stand-point a great poem; while, if we consider the circumstances under which it was produced, it is, in the words of Professor Kent, "a world-marvel".
Aside from the numerous unapproachable snatches in Shakespeare,* I know of nothing on the subject in English literature comparable to 'Sunrise'. Mr. W. W. Story's 'Sunrise' is perhaps the closest parallel, and yet it is far inferior to Lanier's, as every reader of the two will admit. If one wishes to make further comparisons, he may find sunrise poems in the following authors: Blake, Cowper, Emerson, Hood, Keats, Longfellow, Southey, Thompson, Willis, etc. I may add that an interesting, though superficial article on 'The Poetry of Sunrise and Sunset' may be found in 'Chambers's Edinburgh Journal', 22, 234, October 7, 1854.
— * Among others I may cite the following passages: "Hark! hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings," in 'Cymbeline', 2, 3; "But look the morn in russet mantle clad Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastern hill," in 'Hamlet', 1, 1; "Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain-tops," in 'Romeo and Juliet', 3, 5; and "Full many a glorious morning have I seen" etc., 'Sonnet xxxiii'. —
3, 13-14. See 'Introduction', p. xxxii [Part III], and compare l. 26.
39-53. See 'Introduction', p. xxxiii [Part III].
42. I had made the comparison between Lanier and St. Francis before reading Dr. Gates's essay on Lanier, and was delighted to find my judgment confirmed by so competent a critic. Dr. Gates is quite emphatic: "Since St. Francis, no soul has seemed so heavily overcharged with this feeling of brotherhood for all created things." 'The Canticle of the Sun', otherwise known as 'The Song of the Creatures', may be found in metrical form in Mrs. Oliphant's life of St. Francis (New York, 1870) and in prose in Sabatier's (Scribners, New York, 1894).
54. Lanier has an 'Owl against Robin'.
57. See 'Introduction', p. xli [Part IV].
80-85. See 'Introduction', p. xliii [Part IV].
86-152. See 'Introduction', p. xlvii [Part IV]. Mr. F. F. Browne says that in lyric sweetness ll. 86-97 recall the best of Keats and Shelley.
114-115. See 'Introduction', p. xliv [Part IV].
127. Lanier has a poem entitled 'The Bee'.
134-136. See 'Introduction', p. xliii [Part IV].
181. Compare Mrs. Easter's tribute, 'Lit with the Sun'.
189-192. See 'Introduction', p. xxi [Part I], and compare Cowdin's tribute, 'Hopeset and Sunrise', and the closing stanza of Hamlin Garland's: "While heart's blood ebbed at every breath He passed life's head-land bleak and dun, Flew through the western gate of Death And took his place beside the sun."
I. Collected Prose Works
Tiger-lilies: A Novel. 16mo, pp. v, 252. Hurd & Houghton, New York, 1867. Out of print.
Florida: Its Scenery, Climate, and History. 12mo, pp. 336. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1876.
The Boy's Froissart. Being Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of Adventure, Battle, and Custom in England, France, Spain, etc. Edited for Boys. Crown 8vo, pp. xxviii, 422. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1878.
The Science of English Verse. Crown 8vo, pp. xv, 315. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1880.
The Boy's King Arthur. Being Sir Thomas Malory's History of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Edited for Boys. Crown 8vo, pp. xlviii, 404. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1880.
The Boy's Mabinogion. Being the Earliest Welsh Tales of King Arthur in the famous Red Book of Hergest. Edited for Boys. Crown 8vo, pp. xxiv, 378. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1881.
The Boy's Percy. Being Old Ballads of War, Adventure, and Love, from Bishop Thomas Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Edited for Boys. Crown 8vo, pp. xxxii, 442. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1882.
The English Novel and the Principles of its Development. Crown 8vo, pp. 293. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1883.
II. Collected Poetical Works
Poems. Pp. 94. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1877. Contained 'To Charlotte Cushman' (dedication), 'Corn', 'The Symphony', 'The Psalm of the West', 'In Absence', 'Acknowledgment', 'Betrayal', 'Special Pleading', 'To Charlotte Cushman', 'Rose-morals', 'To —— with a Rose'.
Poems of Sidney Lanier, Edited by his Wife, with a Memorial by William Hayes Ward. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1884, 252 pp., 12mo.
III. Uncollected Prose Pieces
Three Waterfalls: 'Scott's Magazine' (Atlanta, Ga.), August, September, 1867.
Address before the Furlow Masonic Female College (Ga.), June 30, 1869: 'Catalogue' of the College for 1869.
Confederate Memorial Address at Macon, Ga., April 26, 1870: 'Macon Daily Telegraph' of April 27, 1870, and reprinted in same for April 27, 1887.
Retrospects and Prospects: 'Southern Magazine' (Baltimore) 8. 283-290, 446-456, March, April, 1871.
Nature-Metaphors: 'Southern Magazine' 10. 172-182, February, 1872.
San Antonio de Bexar: 'Southern Magazine' 13. 83-99, 138-152, July, August, 1873.
Peace: 'Southern Magazine' 15. 406-410, October, 1874.
Review of Hayne's Poems: 'Southern Magazine', 1874.
The Ocklawaha in May: 'Lippincott's Magazine' (Philadelphia) 16. 403-413, October, 1875.
St. Augustine in April: 'Lippincott's Magazine' 16. 537-550, November, 1875.
Sketches of India, published anonymously: 'Lippincott's Magazine' 17. 37-51, 172-183, 283-301, 409-427, January-April, 1876.
Defence of Centennial Cantata: 'The Tribune' (New York), 1876.
Musical Festival in Baltimore: 'The Sun' (Baltimore), May 28, 29, 30, 1878.
Criticism of Rubinstein's Ocean Symphony: 'The Sun' (Baltimore), January 31, 1880.
The Story of a Proverb: 'Lippincott's Magazine' 23. 109-113, January, 1879.
Letter to Mr. J. F. D. Lanier, a banker of New York, giving an account of the Laniers in Europe and of their coming to America: privately printed, Baltimore, April 2, 1879, pp. 17.
A Fairy Tale for Grown People: 'St. Nicholas Magazine', 1879.
The Orchestra of To-day: 'Scribner's Monthly' (New York) 19. 897-904, April, 1880.
The New South: 'Scribner's Monthly' 20. 840-851. October, 1880.
Bob: 'The Independent' (New York) 34. 1-3, August 3, 1882.
Moral Purpose in Art: 'The Century Magazine' (New York) 4. 131-137, May, 1883.
Two Letters to Bayard Taylor: Taylor (M. H.) and Scudder's 'Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor' (Boston, 1884), vol. ii., 677, 693-94.
The Legend of St. Leonor, a Fragment from an Unfinished Lecture on "The Relations of Poetry and Science": 'The Independent' 37. 1627, December 17, 1885.
The Happy Soul's Address to the Dead Body, from Shakespeare Course of Lectures: 'The Independent', 1886.
A Great Man Wanted, Extract from Letter of November 15, 1874, to Judge L. E. Bleckley, of Georgia: 'The Acorn' (Towson, Md.), June, 1887; reprinted in 'The Critic' (New York) 7. 309, June 18, 1887.
From Bacon to Beethoven, published anonymously: 'Lippincott's Magazine' 41. 643-655, May, 1888.
Chaucer and Shakespeare: 'The Independent' 43. 1337-1338, 1371-1372, September 10 and 17, 1891.
Chaucer and Shakespeare Compared: 'The Independent' 43. 1401-1402, September 24, 1891.
What I Know about Flowers, a S. S. address delivered about 1868, but first published in 'The Sunday-school Times' (Philadelphia) 33. 739, November 21, 1891.
How to Read Chaucer: 'The Independent' 43. 1748, November 26, 1891.
Blood-red Flower of War, an extract from 'Tiger-lilies' (pp. 115-121): 'The Sunday News' (Baltimore), November 27, 1892.
Letters to Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Peacock, from January 26, 1875, to June 1, 1880, edited by Wm. R. Thayer: 'The Atlantic Monthly' (Boston) 74. 14-28, 181-193, July, August, 1894.
IV. Uncollected Poems
Laughter in the Senate: 'The Round Table' (New York), 1868.
Civil Rights: 'The Herald' (Atlanta, Ga.), 1874.
Songs Against Death (five stanzas, the last fragmentary): 'The Century Magazine' 10. 377, July, 1886.
One in Two: 'Century Magazine' 12. 417, July, 1887.
Two in One: 'Century Magazine' 12. 417, July, 1887.
To "The White Flower" of The English Novel, written in 1878, but printed in 1890 by L. Prang (Boston) on an illustrated Christmas Card.
On the Receipt of a Jar of Marmalade, written for Mrs. C. N. Hawkins in 1877, but printed in her husband's paper, 'The New Castle (Va.) Record', April 11, 1891.
The Lord's Romance of Time, an Outline: 'Sunday-school Times' (Philadelphia), 1892.
To Lucie, written on St. Valentine's Day, 1880, published in 'From Dixie', Richmond, Va., 1893.
V. Poems in Anthologies
Blackman, O.: see 'Lawrence, W. M.'
Hutchinson, Ellen M.: see 'Stedman, E. C.'
Lawrence (W. M.) and Blackman (O.): 'The Riverside Song Book' (Boston, 1893) has 'Baby Charley' (p. 91) and 'May the Maiden' (p. 97), both set to music.
Putnam, S. A. Brock: 'The Poetry of America' (New York, 1894) has 'Life and Song', 'Nirvana', 'Ballad of Trees and the Master', and 'Sunrise'.
Roberts, C. G. D.: 'Poems of Wild Life' (London, 1888) has 'The Revenge of Hamish' (pp. 57-62).
Sladen, Douglas: 'Younger American Poets' (New York, 1891) gives (pp. 131-145) 'Sunrise', 'The Marshes of Glynn', 'Song of the Chattahoochee', 'A Ballad of Trees and the Master', an extract from 'The Symphony', and 'The Crystal'.
Stedman (E. C.) and Hutchinson (Ellen M.): 'A Library of American Literature' (New York, 1891) gives (vol. x., pp. 145-151) 'The Marshes of Glynn', 'Song of the Chattahoochee', 'The Mocking-bird', 'The Revenge of Hamish', 'Night and Day', and a portrait.
VI. Criticisms* of Lanier's Life and Works
* Unless the title of the criticism is given, the article treats Lanier's life and works in general. Except in special cases no account is made of articles in the daily papers. — For brevity's sake I cite under this head the music composed for several of Lanier's poems.
American Youth (Chicago): 3. 102.
Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia (New York): 1881, p. 685: 'Obituary'.
Black, G. D.: 'The Antiochian' (Yellow Springs, O.) 2: 4. 4-6, February, 1886.
Black, G. D.: 'Belford's Magazine' (Chicago) 6. 187-190, January, 1891.
Blackman, O.: see 'Lawrence' under 'V'.
Boykin, Laurette N.: 'Home Life of Sidney Lanier', Atlanta, Ga., 1889, 12 pp.
Browne, F. F.: 'The Dial' (Chicago) 5. 244-246, January, 1885.
Browne, Wm. H.: 'Memorial Address' before the Johns Hopkins University, October 22, 1881, 8 pp. Privately printed.
Browne, Wm. H.: 'Letter at the Unveiling of a Bust of the Poet at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, in 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Browne, Wm. H.: 'From Dixie' (Richmond, Va., 1893), pp. 40-51.
Buck, Dudley: Music to Lanier's 'Centennial Cantata'. New York: G. Schirmer, 1876.
Buck, Dudley: 'Sunset', music to Lanier's 'Evening Song'. New York: G. Schirmer, 1877.
Buckham, J.: 'An Account of the Hopkins Memorial Meeting of February 3, 1888', 'Literary World' (Boston) 19. 56-57, February 18, 1888.
Burton, R. E.: 'An Account of the Hopkins Memorial Meeting of February 3, 1888', 'The Critic' (New York), 9. 63-64, February 11, 1888; also in Gilman's 'Memorial of Sidney Lanier', pp. 47-50.
Burton, Richard E.: 'Lanier Bibliography', in Gilman's 'Memorial of Sidney Lanier' (Baltimore, 1888), pp. 51-56.
Calvert, G. H.: 'The Golden Age', June 12, 1875.
Carmichael, Mary: 'A May Song', music to Lanier's 'Song for the Jacquerie'. London: Stanley, Lucas, Weber & Co., 1889.
Century Magazine (New York): 1. 475, January, 1882: 'Boy's Mabinogion'.
Chamberlain, D. H.: 'The New Englander' (New Haven, Conn.) 44. 227-238, March, 1885.
Coleman, C. W., Jr.: 'Homes of Some Southern Authors IV.', 'The Chautauquan' (Meadville, Pa.) 8. 343-344.
Critic, The (New York): 3. 3-4, January 3, 1885: 'Poems'; 9. 97, February 28, 1888: 'Professor J. H. Gilmore's Lecture on Lanier'; 9. 224, May 5, 1888; 9. 245, May 19, 1888; 15. 130, March 7, 1891; 16. 197, October 17, 1891: 'Poems' (ed. of 1891); 20. 95, August 5, 1893: 'Professor W. D. McClintock's Lecture on Lanier'.
Cummings, Miss M. A.: 'Catholic Mirror' (Baltimore), May 7, 1892.
Dewey, T. E.: 'Address before the Kansas Academy of Language and Literature', at Baker University, Baldwin, April 7, 1892, 34 pp.
Dial, The (Chicago): 2. 182-3, December, 1881: 'Boy's Mabinogion'; 3. 176, December, 1882: 'Boy's Percy'; 4. 40, June, 1883.
Fiske, John: see 'Wilson, J. G.'
Gates, M. E.: 'Sidney Lanier's Moral Earnestness', 'The Critic' 3. 227, May 9, 1885, as quoted from the Rutgers College 'Targum'.
Gates, M. E.: 'Presbyterian Review' (New York), 8. 669-701, October, 1887; also in pamphlet form; summarized in Sladen's 'Younger American Poets' (pp. 635-644).
Gates, M. E.: 'On the Ethical Influence of Lanier', in Gilman's 'Memorial', pp. 31-36.
Gilder, R. W.: 'Letter to President Gilman', in latter's 'Memorial', pp. 27-29.
Gilman, D. C.: 'Our Continent' (Chicago), February, 1882.
Gilman, D. C. (ed.): 'A Memorial of Sidney Lanier' (Baltimore, 1888), 52 pp.
Gilman, D. C.: 'Letter at the Unveiling of a Bust of the Poet at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, in 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Gosse, Edmund: 'Questions at Issue', London, 1893, pp. 78-81.
Hankins, V. W.: 'Southern Bivouac' (Louisville, Ky.), 2. 760-61, May, 1887.
Harper's Magazine (New York): 54. 617, March, 1877: 'Poems' (1877 ed.); 60. 474, February, 1880: 'Boy's Froissart'; 61. 796-97, October, 1880: 'Science of English Verse'; 62. 315, January, 1881: 'Boy's King Arthur'; 64. 316, January, 1882: 'Boy's Mabinogion'; 66. 316, January, 1883: 'Boy's Percy'; 67. 798-99, October, 1883: 'The English Novel'.
Harris, Joel Chandler: 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of September 12, 1881.
Harris, J. C.: 'Letter at Unveiling of a Bust of the Poet at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Hawthorne (J.) and Lemmon (L.): 'American Literature', Boston, 1893, pp. 276-77.
Hayne, Paul H.: 'A Poet's Letters to a Friend', 'The Critic' 5. 77-78, 89-90, February 13, 20, 1886.
Higginson, T. W.: 'The Chautauquan' (Meadville, Pa.) 7. 416-418, April, 1887.
Higginson, T. W.: 'Women and Men', Boston, 1888, chap. 58.
Hill, Mrs. K.: 'Marie', music to Lanier's 'Song for the Jacquerie', Riga, P. Neldner, 1891.
Hill, W. B.: 'Address in Presenting Bust of the Poet to City of Macon, Ga.', 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Hubner, Chas. W.: 'The American', Atlanta, Ga., November 29, 1888.
Kent, C. W.: 'A Study of Lanier's Poems, in Publications of the Modern Language Association' (Baltimore) 7: 2. 33-63, April-June, 1892.
Kirk, J. F.: 'A Supplement to Allibone's Dictionary of English Literature' (Philadelphia), 1891, vol. ii., 973, has a brief sketch of Lanier.
Kirkus, Wm.: 'American Literary Churchman', October, 1881.
Lanier, Charles: 'Letter at Unveiling of Poet's Bust at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Lanier, Clifford: 'Letter at Unveiling of Poet's Bust at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Lawrence, W. M.: see under 'V'.
Lemmon, L.: see 'Hawthorne'.
Lind, W. Murdoch: 'Sidney Lanier's Library', 'The Daily News' (Baltimore), July 24, 1892.
Link, S. A.: 'New England Magazine' (Boston) 10. 14-19, March, 1894.
Literary World, The (Boston): 6. 116, January, 1876: 'Florida'; 7. 103, December, 1876: 'Poems' (Lippincott ed.); 11. 227, July 3, 1880: 'Science of English Verse'; 11. 441, December 4, 1880: 'Boy's King Arthur'; 12. 215, June 18, 1881: 'Florida'; 12. 449, December 3, 1881: 'Boy's Mabinogion'; 14. 204-205, June 30, 1883: 'English Novel'; 16. 40-41, February 7, 1885: 'Poems'; 16. 350-352, April 10, 1885: 'Poems'.
Lowell, James Russell: 'Letter to President Gilman' in latter's 'Memorial', p. 25.
Macmechan, A.: 'The Varsity' (Toronto), March 3, 1888.
Marble, E.: 'Cottage Hearth' (Boston), 4. 141-142, June, 1877.
Morris, H. S.: 'The Poetry of S. L.', 'The American' (Philadelphia), No. 393, pp. 284-285, February 18, 1888.
Nation, The (New York): 31. 310-311, October 28, 1880: 'Science of English Verse'; 33. 216, September 15, 1881; 33. 994, November 17, 1881; 35. 468, November 30, 1882: 'Boy's Percy'; 37. 38, July 12, 1883: 'English Novel'; 39. 528, December 18, 1884: 'Poems'; 46. 51-52, February 9, 1888; 53. 297, October 15, 1891: 'Poems' (1891 ed.).
Newell, A. C.: 'Lanier's Life at Oglethorpe College', 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of February 27, 1894.
New Englander (New Haven, Conn.): 39. 566, July, 1880: 'Science of English Verse'.
Penn, A.: 'S. L. on the English Novel', 'Century Magazine', 5. 957-958, April, 1884.
Pitts, W. A.: 'Wofford College Journal' (Spartanburg, S.C.) 4. 307-312, June, 1893.
Poet-lore (Philadelphia): 2. 303, 1890; 3. 369, 1891.
Putnam, S. A. Brock: 'The Poetry of America', New York, 1894, has a short Sketch of Lanier.
Richardson, Charles F.: 'American Literature' (1607-1885), 2 vols., New York, 1889-1891; vol. 2. 231-2, 242, 398.
Roberts, Chas. G. D.: 'St. John (N. B.) Globe', April 25, 1885.
Roberts, Chas. G. D. (ed.): 'Poems of Wild Life', London, 1888, has a short sketch of Lanier.
Roberts, C. G. D.: 'Letter at Unveiling of Poet's Bust at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Rutherford, Mildred: 'American Authors', Atlanta, Ga., 1894, pp. 368-375.
Scott, W. J.: 'Quarterly Review of M. E. Church, South' (Nashville), New Series, 5. 157-171, October, 1888.
Scribner's Monthly (New York): 20. 473-4, July, 1880: 'Science of English Verse'; 21. 322, December, 1880: 'Boy's King Arthur'.
Semple, Patty B.: 'Southern Bivouac' (Louisville) 2. 661-7, April, 1887.
Sladen, Douglas: 'Some Younger American Poets I.', 'The Independent' (New York) 42. 806, June 12, 1890.
Sladen, Douglas: 'Younger American Poets', New York, 1891, pp. xxvi-xxviii, 635-655: a slightly expanded form of the preceding. See, too, 'Gates' and 'Turnbull'.
Sladen, Douglas: 'The American Rossetti', 'Literary World' (London), pp. 378-9, November 17, 1893.
Smyth, A. H.: 'American Literature', Philadelphia, 1889, p. 132.
Spann, Minnie: 'Sidney Lanier's Youth, S. L.'s Manhood', 'The Independent' (New York) 46. 800, 821-2, June 21, 28, 1894.
Spectator, The (London): 65. 828-9, December 6, 1890.
Stedman, E. C.: 'Letter to President Gilman', pp. 12-14 of Browne's 'Memorial Address'.
Stedman, E. C.: 'The Critic' (New York), 1. 298, 1881.
Stedman, E. C.: 'Poets of America', Boston, 1885, pp. 449-451.
Stedman, E. C.: 'Letter to President Gilman' in latter's 'Memorial', pp. 25-27.
Stedman (E. C.) and Hutchinson (Ellen M.): 'Library of American Literature' (New York, 1891), vol. xi., 542, gives brief sketches of Sidney and Clifford Lanier.
Stoddard, F. H.: 'Review of The English Novel', 'New Englander' (New Haven, Conn.) 43. 97-104, January, 1884.
Tabb, J. B.: 'Sidney Lanier's Last Lines', 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Tait, John R.: 'Lippincott's Magazine' (Phila.) 40. 723-724, November, 1887.
Taylor, Bayard: 'The Tribune' (New York), 1876.
Taylor (M. H.) and Scudder's 'Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor', vol. 2. 669-723, has several letters from B. T. to S. L.
Thayer, W. R.: 'The Independent' (New York), 1883; March, 1884; June 12, 1884; December 18, 1884; 1886: 'Stedman's Poets of America'.
Thayer, W. R.: 'The American' (Phila.) December 20, 1884; February 18, 1888.
Thayer, W. R. (ed.): 'Letters of Sidney Lanier' [to Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Peacock], 'The Atlantic Monthly' (Boston) 74. 14-28, 181-193, July and August, 1894.
Tolman, A. H.: 'Lanier's Science of English Verse', in Gilman's 'Memorial', pp. 37-45.
Travelers' Record, The (Hartford, Conn.): October, 1885: 'Owl against Robin'.
Turnbull, Mrs. Lawrence: 'The Catholic Man: A Study', Boston, 1890, gives, in Paul, the poet, an imaginative study of the character of Mr. Lanier, with whom the author was intimately acquainted and to whom she was devoted.
Turnbull, Francese L. (= Mrs. Lawrence T.): 'Sidney Lanier: A Study', in Sladen's 'Younger American Poets', New York, 1891, pp. 645-655.
Urban, Francis: Music to Lanier's 'A Ballad of Trees and the Master'. Baltimore: Otto Sutro & Co., 1886.
Von Sturmer, H. H.: 'A Soldier-poet', 'Excelsior' (Barbados) 1. 233-236, October, 1890.
Walker, Geo. W.: 'Quarterly Review of M. E. Church, South' (Macon, Ga.) 7. 193-206, April, 1885.
Ward, Wm. Hayes: 'Sidney Lanier on Moral Purpose in Art', 'The Independent' (New York), May 3, 1883.
Ward, Wm. Hayes: 'Sidney Lanier, Poet', 'Century Magazine' 5. 816-821, April, 1884.
Ward, Wm. Hayes: 'Memorial', prefixed to 'Poems of Sidney Lanier', edited by his wife, pp. xi-xl.
Warner, Charles Dudley: 'Letter at Unveiling of Poet's Bust at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Washington, Hugh V.: 'Address on Accepting the Bust of Lanier for the City of Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
West, Charles N.: 'Address before the Georgia Historical Society', Savannah, December 5, 1887, 25 pp.
Wilkinson, W. C.: 'The Independent' (New York), September, 1886.
Wilson, Heileman: 'Fetter's Southern Magazine' (Louisville, Ky.) 2. 11-15, February, 1893.
Wilson (J. G.) and Fiske (J.), eds.: 'Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography', New York, 1888, vol. iii., 613, has brief sketches of S. and C. Lanier.
Wray, J. E.: 'Song of the Chattahoochee', 'Quarterly Review of M. E. Church, South' (Nashville), New Series, 16. 157-163, April, 1894.
VII. Poetical Tributes
Andrews, Maude Annulet: 'Literary World' (Boston) 18. 184, June 11, 1887.
Barbe, Waiteman: in his 'Ashes and Incense', Philadelphia, 1892.
Burroughs, Ellen: 'Literary World' (Boston) 21. 40, February 1, 1890.
Burton, Richard E.: Gilman's 'Memorial', p. 12.
Clark, Simeon Tupper: 'The Buffalo (N. Y.) Courier', November, 1881.
Colquitt, Mel R.: 'The Period', Atlanta, Ga.
Cowdin, Jasper Barnett: 'Hopeset and Sunrise', 'Southern Bivouac' (Louisville, Ky.) 1. 614-615, March, 1886.
Cummings, James: Gilman's 'Memorial', pp. 13-17.
Dandridge, Danske: in her 'Joy and Other Poems', New York and London, 1888.
Easter, Marguerite E.: in her 'Clytie and Other Poems', Boston, 1891.
Edwards, Harry S.: 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Garland, Hamlin: 'Southern Bivouac' (Louisville, Ky.) 2. 759, May, 1887.
Gates, Mrs. Merrill E.: 'Home Journal' (New York), April 16, 1890.
Hayne, Paul Hamilton: 'The Pole of Death', in 'Poems' (Boston, 1882), p. 322.
Hayne, Wm. H.: 'Poem for the Unveiling of the Bust of S. L. at Macon, Ga., October 17, 1890', 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890; 'Sidney Lanier', in his 'Sylvan Lyrics and Other Verses' (New York), 1893.
Hubner, Charles W.: 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of September 12, 1881.
Lanier, Clifford: 'Acknowledgment, To all who love S. L.', 'The Independent' (New York), April 9, 1885.
Reese, Lizette Woodworth: 'Southern Bivouac' (Louisville, Ky.) 2. 488, January, 1887; 'With a Copy of Lanier's Poems', 'The Independent' (New York) 44. 322, March 3, 1892.
Roberts, Charles G. D.: 'To the Memory of S. L.', in his 'In Divers Tones', Boston, 1886, pp. 95-96; 'On Reading the Poems of S. L.', ib., p. 97; 'For a Bust of L.', 'The Independent' (New York) 43. 625, April 30, 1891.
Scollard, Clinton: 'Literary World' (Boston), vol. 18, May 14, 1886.
Tabb, John B.: 'To Sidney Lanier', in Gilman's 'Memorial', p. 11; 'Sidney Lanier', 'The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890; 'Greeting to S. L.', in 'The Times-Democrat' (New Orleans) of December, 1891, and quoted by Spann in 'The Independent' (New York) 46. 822, June 28, 1894.
Thomas, Edith M.: Gilman's 'Memorial', pp. 22-23.
Turnbull, Francese E.: Gilman's 'Memorial', pp. 18-21.
[End of original text.]
Other sources relating to Sidney Lanier:
(No attempt has been made to be complete. This only serves as a pointer to other materials.)
Centennial Edition of the Works of Sidney Lanier (in 10 volumes), ed. Charles R. Anderson and others (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1945).
Flute Concerto of Sidney Lanier, by Myrtle Whittemore (New York: Pageant Press, 1953). *
The Life of Sidney Lanier, by Lincoln Lorenz (New York: Coward-McCann, 1935).
A Living Minstrelsy: The Poetry and Music of Sidney Lanier, by Jane S. Gabin (Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1985). *
Sidney Lanier, by Jack De Bellis (New York: Twayne Publishers, 1972).