Secret Enemies of True Republicanism
by Andrew B. Smolnikar
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To commence with power the grand work which is to be accomplished by co-operation of men and women, who are associated amongst themselves and united with Heavenly messengers who are commissioned to prepare for the promised New Era, we unite and form an Association which we call Peace-Union (Friedens-Verein), a union of co-operation for establishing peace. Real, perpetual peace comprehends the restoration of human rights. Our co-operation for this purpose needs a centre, a place on which we concentrate the means to attain our object. Hence, we according to our mission, invite all who are able to contribute their share, either in money or property or any kind of mental and physical labor for the realization of the object, that they might co-operate with us to establish first a centre of our work, and according to the pattern of the centre as many other settlements as may be required for accommodation of all who would enter into the New Era.

The first centre should be a provisional centre, that is, a place for concentrating our co-operation so long as may be necessary, till for the same purpose a more suitable place be furnished. But not all who are invited to co-operate can have accommodation on the first central station, nor would all be ready at once, who might so desire, if buildings and other necessary conveniences were provided, which, however, is primarely to be attended to. We need co-operators everywhere to arouse as many as can be aroused for co-operation with us in these days of Noah, at the approach of the flood of tribulations. In my former publications as well as in this book and in my manuscripts a superabundance of credentials are exhibited, that those men and women, who are united with us in Christ's spirit, that is, in the spirit of truth and righteousness, and are living in accordance with what is required by that Spirit, and are spreading the glorious news made manifest by our instrumentality for redemption of oppressed humanity, are true messengers of Christ; but those clergymen who, instead of co-operating with us, are keeping people in shackles of their sects and despising our message of peace, are messengers of the deluding and destroying spirit and supporting the Beast or monarchy which receives its power from the dragon, the deluding and destroying serpent which is the image of that spirit, Revelation xiii: 2. We expect they will comprehend this book and commence to act with all their strength as our fellow-laborers, and become with us partakers of the blessings which will originate from our co-operation.

After this preparation we ask, whether according to the common stock association or according to a true community of goods the centre and other settlements of our Peace-Union should be established. I wrote many years ago a plan according to a common stock association, according to which members of the Peace-Union should have prepared themselves and others for a true community of goods, but within seven years an exact accouut of labor furnished and of its worth as well as of other property should have been kept, and at the expiration of that period the division of profits according to the shares of labor furnished and other property invested should have taken place, and during the period of seven years all the members should have been prepared for the great community or true republic, into which mankind will finally associate, that those who would not be sufficiently prepared before the expiration of seven years to commence a true community, might at least, in seven years be prepared for it. At the end of that plan is the paragraph a portion of which we copy here as preparatory to what follows:

"I have mentioned only some of the many points which are to be mentioned in more suitable times, or in the periodical; because that which has been mentioned may suffice to move those who are culled and chosen to be the first champions in starting the centre of our action. They may easily comprehend, why we are compelled to commence on so low a station, on which continuous accounts and calculations as well as many other inconveniences will make much trouble. If we would expect good success on a higher ground, we would commence on that ground. But this generation is found in such a degradation and corruption, that also the proposed plan to draw mankind from lower to higher stations, will probably not find directly sufficient support of what we need to bring mankind quickly and powerfully into the New Era, which in its splendor and glory will be the great community of goods, based on true republican principles, &c."

This paragraph was to be copied, because we must give some explanation of the matter, that mankind were to be prepared in manifold ways, to become gragually ready to enter into the right order of things. Readers of this book know, that from A.D. 1838 till 1842 my five German volumes containing "Memorable Events" developing the dreadful social, ecclesiastical and political state of mankind and testifying our mission to introduce the promised New Era, have been published. During and after the publication of those volumes it was evident, that our duty was to make known to those who have read or heard somewhat regarding our mission, that for a powerful co-operation we would need a centre of our action. Adolph Etzler published that time a book entitled: "The New World or Mechanical System to Perform Labour of Man and Beast by Inanimate Powers." I have read it and found the principles correct, and that although all that he proposed, would not be practicable, some of his propositions could be put in practice. And when I saw that Germans were so chained either by materialism or sectarianism, that instead of studying those my five German volumes and of acting accordingly they followed rather after their sectarian and materialistic leaders who have published all kinds of delusion against my books, and spoke also in a like manner publicly and privately against them, my directors moved me to tell to those who took more or less interest in the contents of my books and were skilful mechanics, that they should study Etzler's book, and if they would find his propositions practicable, they should try to awaken Germans with Etzler's machine to study my German volumes. The best mechanic among them, after having studied Etzler's book, and having seen the draughts of all parts of Etzler's machine and heard Etzler's explanation of all its parts, has assured me in words and in writing that he gave all his property as security, that he would put Etzler's machine in operation. But a seeress who belonged to our association, and gave amongst all women the strongest testimony to our mission, although she did not see the pattern of the machine, received in a vision its whole structure and described exactly the portions which she saw in the vision, that they broke. She received that vision a considerable time before those who were expecting certain success, commenced to build Etzlers machine. I was certain that the prophetical vision would be fulfilled, but I expected that afterwards would be shown how Etzler's mistakes should be repaired, and that great lessons would be given to nations by the trial of that machine, the inventor of which was a great materialist, not knowing that he himself was a strong medium of spirits of a similar character as spirits of Napoleon I. were, to subdue the world by physical means, while I considered that machine as the means of peculiar spirit manifestations to awaken nations from their materialism to our message of peace containing the true spiritualism. The machine was built under Etzler's direction in Warren County, Pa., the trial was made, and the pieces broke which have been foreseen and foretold as breaking.

There was a great jubilee of those who have been deluded by priestcraft, that they thought when Christ was killed, that he would arise no more, When Etzler as well as the man who has given me in words and in writing the pledge with his whole property that he would put the machine in operation, have left the place I said to those who have remained on the place, that in the next night would be revealed to one of them, how the mistakes made by Etzler, should be corrected and the machine should be put in operation. George Karle, a young lame shoemaker, a sincere seeker after truth and firm believer in our mission, was the man to whom the mystery was revealed, and he has explained at our meeting the matter in such a manner, that also those who were most opposed, have at length been convinced, after having heard his explanation how Etzler's mistakes should be repaired, that he had received a true revelation, and agreed that he should be the director in rebuilding Etzler's machine, to make a new trial. But before this has been done, he was brought into the Allegheny River and drowned by the instrumentality of the departed Mormon Prophet Joe Smith, not directly but indirectly by the instrumentality of a cow. But a week after that, on the 30th of July, 1844, the same destroying spirit Joe Smith was allowed to attack me directly, to show how he would be able to kill a man in a minute, if he would be permitted. But he was seized by my guardian and cast into a combustible matter which was by his infernal electricity instantly kindled. George Karle was permitted to be drowned, because the time for establishing our centre had not yet arrived, and Karle had an important mission in the spirit world, and in that great mission he continues to be engaged.

It is to be understood that the given hints regarding Joe Smith would need a peculiar treatise. I did not know him personally in his mortal body, but urged preachers of his sect to move him to meet me either in a written correspondence or personally, to learn to know his dreadful delusion. The same I published in "The one thing needful," and urged his Elders, to send to him an English copy of that volume, which as readers of this book know, has been translated from the German into English. But in that year matters did not yet arrive to maturity for the conversion of Mormon Apostles and Elders. Their infernal President had to show, how his army had the power to prevent my starting the centre of our operation. But that my meeting with the departed Joe Smith occasioned my meeting with the mortal Brigham Young, while he was yet in Nauvoo, but although I preached to him and his disciples the judgment dipensation, they were not yet mature to be converted, and my manuscripts in which dreadful mysteries of the Mormon Spiritualism are developed, must wait to be published, when nations will be prepared to read so important disclosures.

I have given here some hints of my experience at and after the trial of Etzler's machine, by the means of which so much regarding the inner life of man and the spirit world and the dreadful condition of mankind has been disclosed, that volumes would be needed to explain it. That experience is testifying, that time did not yet arrive for establishing the centre. People were ridiculing me and reproaching the machine, not knowing that I have only occasioned its building, and that I warned those who undertook to build it, that they should reflect upon the point, that at its first trial the pieces foretold by the seeres would break, although they would be repaired and the mistake of the inventor corrected, if they would persevere in the work of the Lord. But the wife of the man who undertook the work and gave the pledge, was instigated by Jesuites and their agents and made him blind in the work in which he had to persevere, that by our experience it became at length manifest, that the trial of the machine was made for great instruction of nations. People were deluded by the blind leaders of the blind and would not hear us, when we invited them after the trial for co-operation to establish a centre without trying any machine, but only using machines which have been tried by others and found to be useful. But when we will be in all directions secured with abundant means, we will support inventions for the common welfare.

Here is no room for further explanations, that wherever I endeavoured to start a centre of our co-operation on the plan of the common stock association, great spirit manifestations showing the dreadful condition in the existing Babylon took place, and the inner life of man was more and more developed and all our sufferings have been abundantly rewarded with imperishable treasures. We give here some hints on one case the full explanation of which would need as large a volume as this volume is. During the building of Etzler's machine George Karle found John Zeigler in a hermitage in which he employed one half of his time to chopping wood and the other to studying the Bible and to prepare for a happy home in the spirit world. Karle gave him some instructions regarding our mission and some of my books. Zeigler discovered soon that by studying my books he would receive light which he could not obtain in other ways, and then he studied them deeper than any other mortal man, and whenever his presence was required, he came to give us assistance, and then he returned to his hermitage. In the latter part of 1849 and the commencement of 1850 I was preparing in Indiana and Illinois and especially near the line of both states people for our message and for co-operation to establish on the grand prairie our centre. When I thought to have found the best location for it, I found soon a man of property who paid for the land according to our plan. Then I wrote to J. G. Zeigler who was from his hermitage preparing people by letters for our message, that he should come, and then we would write together to such as we would invite to come as pioneers. He wrote, that he was ready to start directly. He started, but he was pushed into the Ohio River in the night of the 10th of April, 1850, between 11 and 12 o'clock by a papist instigated by the power of darkness. The whole conspiracy was then detected to us; but we committed the murderer to the Judgment of the Heavenly Court, and Zeigler continues to work with us amongst the departed. He was an American well versed in English and in German, and his work is extensive. The spirit language by numbers should be known in a certain measure to biblical students; although the most celebrated amongst them know very little about it. But those who comprehend this book, may easily find out, why I met with the departed Napoleon I. in the 20th line of the 20th page, and why the spirit directed me to repeat this important fact with additional circumstances on the 39th page, and why I meet with Napoleon in the 39th line on the 39th page in this book. Readers in looking into these mysteries should keep in mind, that the battle of Solferino was fought on the same day in the year 1859, on which day I met with Napoleon A.D. 1839. If you understand this book, you will easily comprehend also, why the spirit was pleased to prepare on the same 39th page before the departed Napoleon the departed President Taylor and Buchanan in the Presidential administration, who appears to live although he is yet dead. But his friends should awaken him to study this book and to co-operate with us, that he might escape the judgment in which President Taylor was executed, and John George Zeigler was sent by the Heavenly Congress to give orders to destroying spirits to carry Zach. Taylor into their infernal regions. "Zeigler was the angel of the Lord," mentioned in the first line of the 37th page of this book. He has shown to Zach. Taylor, when he entered from his mortal body into his inner life, my handwriting testifying, that he had neglected to fulfil his highest duty. And I have mentioned in this connexion of things this incident, that you might do what your predecessors have neglected to do.

When by the departure of our martyr John George Zeigler was shown, that the Grand Prairie was not the place for starting our centre, I wrote to the man who has bought and paid for the land, that he was at liberty either to keep that land for his use or to sell it, and then I was preparing in other States people for our message, showing them also the necessity for starting a centre of our co-operation. At lenght at the end of February and at the commencement of March of this year, 1859, was in peculiar manner made manifest, that we should start the "Centre of our Community" or the Centre for establishing the True Republic, which, as has been made manifest, will be a true Community of Goods, and a true matrimony of one man with one woman, as has been prophesied by the first Christians at Jerusalem, but could not be accomplished in practice till the dispensation of the fulness of times, Ephes. 1: 10. or the New Jerusalem, will be introduced by messengers whom I represent. If we should find before finishing the last of the 24 pages of the 8th sheet some space, we will give hints on the wonders and signs by which it has been shown, but explanation of these matters must be delayed, till we establish a Printing office at the Centre of our Peace Union Community.

"And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common. And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need." Acts ii: 43, 44, & 45. "And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart, and of one soul, neither said any of them that aught of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of all things that were sold, and laid them down at the Apostles feet; and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need." Acts iv: 32, 34, & 35.

This was not the commencement of the Community in the Jewish Church, but of the great conversion of those who have been attached to the sects of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Besides these two sects there was a third sect, called the Esseni or Therapeutes. They understood that the letter of the Jewish Bible kills and that there was in those prophetical books a deeper, a spiritual sense of what was to come, and they retired into the deserts of Egypt, and were acting from thence to convert the world to their community principles. From that association the Christian Religion originated. Jesus Christ was the descendant or offspring of the Therapeutes or Healers, who were powerful in healing diseases of demoniac influence. Their spirittual power came from their strictly moral life, they did not abuse the procreative powers, but those who were married, used them only for obtaining children in the right season, and many of them lived in celibacy in the strictest continence all their life time. Such was the life of the Therapeute Monk Eli or Heli, the Father of Jesus Christ, Luke 1:23. He, while living in the strictest celibacy arrived to an advanced age, and when the time arrived for the procreation of the Messiah of the Jews, he became the medium of the spirit who was selected by the Heavenly Congress to seize him and to procreate by his instrumentality the Messiah. And when the departed spirit called Gabriel or the power of God, was operating through Eli that is "My God," Mary was seized by her guardian and submitted, that the offspring was not the origin of a carnal co-operation, but the work of a Holy Spirit, so that Jesus Christ was the concentration of the spiritual power of the highest association amongst the Jews as well as of the prophecy of the Jewish Nation. In one of my former writings I have given more disclosure regarding this mystery, but when we will have our own Printing office, I will give a more complete explanation of the mystery, as well as of my generation, because if you comprehend this book, you know that we have superabundance of signs according to prophecies, by virtue of which I appear as the first born son of Jesus Christ for the introduction of his peaceable reign on earth or the great Community or Republic, for which we must prepare by establishing a centre of our co-operatian.

Here is to be mentioned that regarding the community great abuse was made of the above quoted verses from the above quoted and other biblical passages in monasteries and nunneries as well as in other associations. Christ says to the Angel of the church of Ephesus: "But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate." Revelation, ii: 6. And to the angel of the church in Pergamos he reproaches: "So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate." Rev. ii: 15. Nicolaitanes in the Revelation are the same who are in our days known as Free-lovers. Some called them Dr. Nichol's people. But that Doctor was at length converted to Romanism, lecturing for the Roman Catholic Church, and the day before yesterday or on the 14th of August, I read the advertisement of his lecturing here in New York. We expect, that he will get this book, comprehend our spiritualism and draw many Roman Catholics into the true Catholic Church, or what is the same, into our Peace Union. Man must be restored to his true condition. A chaste, pure life in celibacy, and a true matrimony in which carnal copulation is usued only for obtaining children when sound reason or true christian spirit requires it, this is the true condition of man for his true happiness in this and in the future life. All excess in this respect is injurious to body and soul of parents and children. As long as mankind are not reduced to the right order in this respect, they remain in their degradation and misery. How they will be brought lo the right order in the true community as the only refuge for the restoration of the human race will be explained in our Periodical for the common use and particularly to those who will come to our Peace Union, here not being room except to give hints on many points the full explanation of which requires large treatises. Here we give the following hints.

In the present Babylon dollars and cents as the means in this state of affairs used for what man needs to support his mortal life and for committing all kinds of sins and crimes against his fellow men, occupy in so dreadful a manner the minds of men and women in general in their present degraded condition, that the one thing needful, their spiritual progress is so neglected, that probably if some few comprehend this book so far as to apply all their energy to spread it, they will have a hard task to move the public in general to study it so as it should be studied and comprehended. Reader should recollect, that when I came the first time in my present charge before the public, the passage Luke viii: from the 4th to the 15th verse, was prepared for my use. Besides dollars and cents there are especially the sexual disorders which ruin mankind so, that they appear as dead to the truly spiritual things, for which they will get the right taste, when in the community they comprehend, that mankind belongs to two houses. Americans are quite accustomed to two Houses in the Capitol of Washington; but in the true community they will learn to be accustomed to the two Houses, or two departments in one and the same house, to which mankind belong, when they arrive to the higher perfect order, so that males belong to their own House or department and females to their own, although each husband has his own wife, and each wife her own husband; but they do not meet together for carnal copulation, except in the right season for the only object to get a child, with due preparation to transfuse a holy spirit into the child. Nothing is more injurious to the parents and to the child than the act of procreation without due preparation, which is in this present Babylon generally neglected. Besides this in this present abominable situation of mankind, the act of carnal copulation is oftentimes repeated during the pregnancy and before the child is weaned. All this has a very injurious effect upon the child and degrades and ruins also the parents. Here is no room to explain the hints showing the origin of the hereditary sins, which will be abolished, when the true community will be flourishing, and the whole House of males as well as the whole House of females will support every individual belonging to the House, as well as the whole community in their common meetings will support each other in the progression towards perfection.

These hints may appear quite strange to many readers. But if they will come out from the existing corruption, they may be assured, that they will comprehend me, when I give in a long dissertation a complete explanation of the given hints, in the supposition that those who have comprehended this book know our mission, and that we have received the knowledge which is required to our mission to bring nations out of their present corruption which kills many when they arrive to manhood and womanhood; and many more before that age, and not a small portion of them before or soon after they are born. And all this originates from the corrupt state introduced by the follies of men. When these follies will be removed, mankind in general will commence, within few generations, to become old and will enter into the spirit world with great imperishable riches.

We read: "Verily I say unto you, there is no man that has left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake and the gospel's, but he shall receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands, 'after persecution,' and in the world to come eternal life." Mark x: 29, 30. According to our reading in the Greek text we translate: "after persecution." When the persecution is abolished, the promised great advantages will be made manifest in the true community. There will not be plurality of wives, but each husband will have his own wife. Now father, mother, wife or children might resist to the determination of a person to join with the true community. Those who comprehend, that this will be the true life in the true reign of Christ, in his Peace-Union, will co-operate with us for its introduction without regard to any opposition of their nearest relatives. Every one who forsakes all and acts with us as much as he can, for establishing the Peace-Union, will when persecution ceases and the Peace-Union flourishes, consider those, who are old, as his fathers and mothers, those of equal age as brothers and sisters, and those who are younger as his children, and all the property belonging to the Peace-Union as ours, and we will truly pray to God: "Our Father."

Not being yet in this happy condition but endeavoring to arouse a general turn towards it, we must make some provisions to support the feeble in their turn, and those who turn towards our Peace-Union that they might easier settle matters with those who belong to their family and will not turn into our Peace-Union.

Every individual who determines to enter into our community, brings all his property into it, after having settled all his business in the world. This property, according to our principles will be taken in possession by the community; and if it is not money but other property, it will be valued according to a very moderate price, and its value and the amount of money if he brings any, will be put into the ledger of the community, and a receipt will be given to him or her under the provisions mentioned as follows: In the possible but not probable case, that he or she should return to the former fashion, the value of the property would be returned, although not directly, but when the community would find easy to do so. In the mean time they would exchange the receipt which he or she received at the delivery of their property, with a note containing the amount of money and the time when the community promise to pay according to the value or course of money at the time received and at the time in which it would be paid to him. For instance, if a dollar received would have at the time in which it would be paid, only the value of ten cents, ten cents would be paid to him or her instead of a dollar, without any interest; because the step should be made after earnest reflection and determination, and with this provision we must deter hypocrites from joining our Peace-Union; but to those who would be feeble, all possible assistance would be given to strenghten them in the work which they would commence. In the true community when it will flourish, everybody will enjoy as much of its riches as is required for his bodily strength and for such an intellectual and moral improvement as to enrich as much his spirit as his faculties will be prepared to receive, that after his departure he or she enters into a happy abode of our Peace Union.

I and other pioneers, who are preparing for the happy state which the Peace-Union community when flourishing will enjoy, must suffer many privations. But the spiritual treasures which during our great struggle with the opposition we acquire, we carry with us at our departure, and where our community will flourish, we will rejoice with them who will partake of the fruits of our labor, so that I will not be less happy than the happiest who will be born in our Peace-Union thousands of years after my departure. With this consolation every reader should follow my example and act with us for the introduction of the New Era.

After these hints some rules must be mentioned regarding the economy and management of affairs for the introduction and maintenance of the Peace-Union to realize what in Christ's peaceable reign on earth is expected.

As soon as circumstances will admit, a printing-office will be established on the place on which we commence our provisional Peace-Union centre, and a Periodical based on and directed by the principle of free discussion will be published, as the nature of the case, reason and arguments for the restoration of human rights demand. And previous steps, made before we are enabled to publish the Periodical, are subject to be criticized in the Periodical, and we undertake such enterprises or actions as we are ready to support before the tribunal of truth and righteousness.

This rule contains all that a sensible man or woman using his or her intellectual and moral faculties may demand. If we had used our whole book to develop our plan, we would not have finished our work, if the volume had been much larger than it is. But the points belonging to our plan, must be gradually developed in our Periodical, and those who comprehend this book and our mission, superabundance of credentials of which are contained here, will not tarry for a moment to co-operate with all their strength with us, and to draw their mortal and their departed friends into our Peace-Union.

Members of the Peace-Union agree to support whatever may be shown by free discussion through our Periodical to be suitable, practicable and necessary to promote the common welfare of the Peace-Union, which is the welfare of mankind. Those who would refuse to support it, had to show the contrary in the same Periodical, that it might be discussed, otherwise they would be disturbers, and if they could be by no means corrected, they would deserve to be excluded, and the Peace-Union, after having exhausted the means to bring them to the right order, would be compelled to declare them to be separated, and to give them the note or the certificate of their claim according to the rule above, and they return the receipt which they have obtained when they have brought their property into the Peace-Union.

We illustrate the point with an example. I have given, for instance, some hints regarding the two departments of males separately and females separately, notwithstanding the true matrimony of one husband with one wife. When there is the right time for them to procreate a child, they will have a convenient place for the performance of the most responsible duty. This my hint, when sufficiently explained, will satisfy every friend of progression into truth, righteousness and happiness, and will give to the human affairs quite a new turn, and deliver both sexes from temptations, in which until now the whole human race succumbed and descended much under the degree of the nobler classes of brutes, and parents depraved and ruined themselves and children. From all the strange and unexpected things disclosed in this book readers may expect that I have also regarding the true matrimony and the restitution of mankind in such a condition in which they will be truly happy, a glorious message and such truths which when sufficiently explained, will satisfy all lovers of progression into the true happiness. But there may join with our Peace-Union some self-conceited person who would not give up what would be shown by us as necessary to be removed for the restoration of mankind to their true happiness, and what he would not be able to refute, and notwithstanding this he would remain in his bad habit. In this case he would compel us to remove him. At his removal he receives the note or certificate, while he returns the receipt which he had obtained for what he had put into the Peace-Union, as is explained above. But we have to add here, that if those who would be separated, had damaged the whole Peace-Union or some individual, the damage is to be deducted from their claim. And it is to be repeated, that nobody who joins with the Peace-Union, has any claim to any pay or reward for the labor performed in the Peace-Union, into which all men and women are invited to come and to remain in it in this mortal body and in all eternity, and to partake for him or her and their families of all riches, spiritual and physical in exchange for what they furnish. But what they brought in at their joining, is returned to them, with deduction of the damages, if they have caused any at their turn into enemies of the Peace-Union, or which originated by their fault, although it could not be proved, that they had a malicious intention in causing damages. This point is here to be remarked, that children before they acquire the legal age, if by whatever means they would be withdrawn from the Peace-Union, while their parents are living there or did not depart, should not receive the portion of the property brought for them into the Peace-Union, till they arrive at the legal age in which they have the right according to the laws of the country to depart from their parents; because the Peace-Union have the parental duties towards children who are received with their parents into the Peace-Union. Also this is to be mentioned, that no others except who come with their parents or with their children into the Peace-Union, have any claim to the property which they bring into it. They settle their business with all others, when they join with the Peace-Union, and in the same time they make their will, how much they themselves if they would leave the Peace-Union and some of their children would remain in it, and how much each of the children when in full legal age, would receive, if he or she would leave the Peace-Union.

We thought proper to concede so much to the feebleness of those who are desirous to join with the Peace Union, but imagine the possible case, that they might be turned out and lose their property. For them their property is secured, althought without interest, and their possible case is rather imagination, and they would become gradually so strong as to give good example to others. But we have mentioned a point which must terrify hypocrites to join to our Peace Union; because their hypocrisy would become in due time manifest, and then they could not stand and would be turned out with demand to repair damages. Therefore they should remain in Babylon till they have a sincere desire to join with us for their true conversion to our principles and corresponding acting with us. When they are determined to act for this purpose they should not be afraid to join the Peace Union on account of the possibility of being separated; because no person will be separated except such as deserves in consequence of immoral acts or gross omissions of what is absolutely necessary for obtaining the object of our association, after having been sufficiently instructed and exhorted that their toleration would ruin the Peace Union. A separate person, if he or she would think there was not sufficient cause for separation, will be permitted to publish in our Periodical the reason or reasons of his or her complaint. By doing so, however, he gives occasion for members of the Peace Union to publish their remarks on his reasons, that truth might be made manifest; because the object of the Peace Union is the restoration of human rights, and therefore her members engage and promise to correct any mistake, when it is shown and it is proven.

The nature and object of the Peace Union is, that science or knowledge in every department and every branch of enterprise directs and governs the work. Therefore the man or woman who is found to be most skilful in any art, business or work, is to be elected as foreman, and continues to act as such, till some one more skilful is found. And then to him the place is to be given, however, not before it is shown, that by exchanging the place sufficient advantage will accrue to the community. The member who thinks he is able to show this, may assemble members belonging to the branch of that business, or if the case is a general case, members in general, the body of females having their votes as well as the body of males in general affairs; in particular branches the body decide who belong to that branch. Whoever calls members together, shows them the case, and if the majority find his reasons to be sufficient, the person proposed obtains the office. But before votes are taken, those who are assembled, must also hear the objections. But if there is any member who thinks, that the decision was not made according to justice, he may announce the matter to the assembled, showing them their mistake and his duty that if they will not correct their mistake, he will make known the reasons of his complaint against the decision in the Periodical of the Peace Union. And the assembled, if they see that he is right, are bound to receive thankfully that which is right, but if they see that he is wrong, they are bound to show him this. But if he, notwithstanding this, publishes his reasons, those who do not agree with him, are bound to show in their replies that he will riot act according to sound reasons, but is disposed to make disturbance, deserving to be expelled. In this case if he continues to be obstinate against evidence, he should be expelled peaceably.

In the first place we need a centre. And according to the pattern of the centre as many settlements on other places will be established as will be needed to accommodate all who will find best to move from their present situation to a settlement of our Peace Union. But everywhere persons of our principles will be needed to instruct and strengthen the neighbours. The hints given here will be so modified to their situation as their circumstances will require.

In the centre is to be concentrated, what is to be spread everywhere, to benefit in the first place members of the Peace Union and by their instrumentality as many others as can be reached. Therefore co-operation and support from all who comprehend this book and their application to others is necessary to raise means, for establishing what is required in the centre. Although all who contribute for the centre, will not have chance to reside there, they will have a chance to send some of their children or relations to the institutions of the University for the New Era, which will be established there, according to our plan, according to which a great change will take place in studies, that all intellectual and moral faculties of students will be harmoniously developed, and much time will be gained for learning every day for some hours in the school and for some hours in the shops and elsewhere that to learn which each will be most qualified and inclined. Wherefore those who afford money and other property for the centre and what is needed there, acquire the right to reside there, when needed as teachers, or for mechanical branches, arts, sciences, for agriculture, horticulture, &c. What mankind need for the New Era, should be shown there to students theoretically and practically. Therefore all who have superabundant means, if they comprehend this book, will send such an amount as they can spare, as donations, which will become spiritual treasures to the donors. When the institutions which according to our plan should be at our centre, will be established, there will be such competition of students, that there will not be room for accommodation of all. All that is given as donation for raising our institutions, will be put in our ledger for the benefit of the donors, so that, when all students could not be accommodated at our centre, those recommended by the donors would be prefered to others, the case excepted, that others be found more useful in our mission, if they study the branches.

Those who have no superabundance of means to give a donation, are invited to invest for establishing the centre as much as their cicumstances permit, to be invested for their benefit, as belonging to them, although without any interest in money, but with the advantage, that when all students could not be accommodated at our centre, their sons and daughters would have the preference before such as have done nothing towards the foundation of the centre. And if any have land, who are desirous that on their land a settlement might be started according to our plan for the New Era, by their furnishing means for starting the centre they acquire the claim and right that their land shall be taken for that purpose rather than the land of another who had done nothing for the centre, when circumstances would not require the preference of the land of other for a new settlement of our Peace Union.

From what has been mentioned, the following general rule may be derived: Without having a centre of our communities we cannot accomplish our work. Therefore all who comprehend us, are solemnly entreated to contribute without delay what their circumstances allow. If they cannot send a donation, they are entreated to send what will be regarded as theirs without bearing interests, but bearing to them all the advantages to which according to the circumstances they are qualified, to come, when all will be prepared, to the centre, if they can be employed there; otherwise they may be useful to our community on the place which they now occupy, or they may join with an other place of our community. In this case the centre settles with that community in reference to what they have advanced to the centre, to be sent, when the centre is able to do so, to that community for them, if they should not prefer to leave it in the centre to be consumed there by such students as they would send to the University in the centre of our Peace Union, where all the knowledge and wisdom which can be obtained, will be concentrated to bring mankind into that situation which is promised and mankind are able to attain by the right application of their intellectual and moral faculties and their physical strength, and the proper use and right application of all the knowledge which has been propagated through the course of centuries and improved in our age.

No money or other property can or will be taken into the Peace Union, settlements to be put into their ledger for the benefit of the person who invests it, to be returned in the case that the person or one of his or her family should leave the Peace Union, except money that has been acquired in an honest manner. By the term honest we mean a manner which is not only justifiable according to the laws of the country, but also according to the moral laws attributable to the person who invests it, at least so far, that no person or society is known to whom it should be restored. We do not mean the severest scrutiny, but the usual course of affairs; because according to our plan by those who will join the Peace Union, the way will be opened for a final restoration of all human affairs into the right order. To this point we must gradually proceed.

By what we have remarked in regard to money as the root of all evil, if it is not managed for the commom welfere, it is a necessary evil as far as business is done with those who do not belong to our Peace Union, and we are compelled to make use of many evils which are yet in existence, to bring nations out of the evil into the New Era. We must make such use of money as to promote the welfere of the Peace Union which encloses the welfere of all nations, which would not he promoted, if we would take any amount of money from those who enter into our Peace Union under the condition to return it in case, they would leave the Peace Union. Under this condition we could take no more than one thousand dollars, so that, if any man or woman would come with his or her family, and bring more than one thousand dollars for each person belonging to his or her family, after having settled all matters of business with others, we could not take more than the mentioned sum under the mentioned condition, to wit, if husband and wife with parents and children, would join, for each of them one thousand dollars: the surplus they had to give as donation, if they would not accept the advice which is given below.

Also this is to be mentioned, that if a family comes on the place of the Peace Union and they invest for each member of the family a certain sum, and some of the family would be taken into the spirit world, and the others would leave the Peace Union, in this case only that has been invested for them, would belong to them. What was given for the departed, remains in the Peace Union. Also in the case, that a father would come with a large or with a small family and give for each individual a certain sum, and then the others would remain, but he himself would become a backslider, his claim would be only to the money which he had invested for his own person. The same priciple is to be applied in every case, in which somebody invests a certain sum for himself, and besides also sums for others.

To those who have greater riches than one thousand dollars for each individual of their family, is to be said, that they are only administrators of that property to make the poor rich and the rich truly happy. And whereas the Peace Union undertakes this great work, a rich person should be instructed and enlightened, that this will not take place in any other way than by a true community, for which we have given this sketch, only in this point deviating from the course which we would pursue if we would have to deal with perfect persons, that we found proper to concede, that if any body should leave the Peace-Union settlement, he should receive in due time the sum invested not exceeding one thousand dollars. But those whose property reaches higher, will go the safest way according to Christ's direction: "Go thy way, sell whatever thou hast and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven; and come and take up thy cross and follow me." Mark x: 21. This man to whom Christ gave that advice "had great possessions." And we give to those who have great riches the same advice, but with a different application. Jesus Christ, the Father of the New Era which is to be introduced by our mission, had not the chance in Palestine, which we have in the United States. He advised as he could in his circumstances, and we give in our circumstances to the rich who have great possessions the following advice and the best for them to be saved: "Give as a donation as much into our Peace-Union centre as you are able to do for raising our institutions as the best means for the redemption of the poor and degraded people from the existing misery and distress, and come and learn how to administer your possessions for the poor, and we will send with you to your possessions[AB] a man to commence there with you a community for the poor only, and you may call poor people of your choice together. And you should superintend, and our administrator should assist you and labor with you to educate the poor so as to make them truly rich and happy. And you, while you would have enriched our centre as much as would be possible without selling your possessions, would be the presiding elder at the community of the poor made rich by your possessions, and when you would be pleased to stop with those in the centre, you would be received as one of the founders, and you would have treasure in Heaven."

What I say to one I say to all rich men and women. If they receive our advice they will become very rich and happy; but now they are "wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked," Revelation iii: 17. They are the Heads in Laodicea, which means the judgment of the people, whom they are preparing for destruction, and for themselves the hell. Luke xvi: 23. From them is more required to be saved than from those who have only a small property in comparison with the great possessions of the rich, and their small property they have earned with hard labor. But it would be too troublesome to reckon, how they had acquired their riches. But instead of a long reckoning or a general confession of their sins and crimes we show them the shortest and surest way to Heaven.

We must say also to those who invest property not exceeding one thousand dollars for each member of their family into our Peace-Union with the reserve that if they leave the Peace-Union, that property should be returned to them in equivalent without any interest, and at a time in which the Peace-Union can easily do this without hurting their own business, that this reserve will continue only until the time in which they will be sufficiently strengthened in the principles of the true community, and convinced that this is the only way for redemption of oppressed humanity. When they will advance so far, they will sign the covenant of the New Era, they themselves and those of their family who are of age and with them united in the Spirit; and they will transfer the property which is their portion to the community, which secures their rights to the provisions for their body and their spirit to enjoy such happiness as the Peace-Union will be able to afford to prepare them for the society of blessed spirits.

From these hints you see, that the true community consists of members who give all their property, without any reserve, and receive all the advantages which a mutual co-operation in the true brotherly spirit affords. At the commencement they must be tried. On the title-page of this book we have mentioned, that it is published at the "Peace-Union Centre." We intended to give explanation of the matter in this plan. We are starting there the Peace-Union Centre. About five hundred acres of land, with farmhouse, barn, orchard &c. belong to that property, on a beautiful very healthy hill, with excellent springs of soft water, romantic locations for buildings, and all kinds of institutions for the New Era. The soil as far as may be cleared, is good for raising all kinds of fruits, and as much as we will need of vegetables. But our centre will be for literary institutions, surrounded with all kinds of the best mechanics and artists, from whom students will learn all kinds of work. Therefore the largest portion of grain will be obtained from other settlements to which productions at the centre will be sent in exchange. About one hundred acres of the land are cleared and much more can be cleared and used for different purposes, but the largest portion of that land is Toscarora mountain, producing wood, timber, stone for building, and is good for different other purposes, for instance, the top of the mountain for our observatory, &c.

Spring Hill in Racoon Valley belonged to Abraham, the oldest of the twelve sons of my departed friend Christian Long. Christian was one of the students of my German books, and strong witness of our mission; but his son Abraham preaching water baptism was not prepared to receive his testimony. But Christian and others in his company amongst the departed, were operating and preparing this place, while we thought that we had already succeeded in taking another place in possession, seventeen miles from this place, and we have been in quite an unexpected manner instructed that Springhill is the place in which we should start the Peace-Union Centre, and we have received the place as cheap as the worth of its improvements may be valued. This is according to our principles, according to which the land belongs to the whole human family, and to the improvements only each individual may claim as much right as he has consumed labor to produce them. But it is evident also that labor never can be exactly valued, and I had to write a very large volume to expose the manifold forms of labor, in which time is wasted, to corrupt and ruin human society. All the hints given in this book, may convince any investigating mind, that there is no redemption of the degraded and wretched condition of mankind except in the community in which men will be brought gradually into the true happy state in this life and in the spirit world, and will draw their departed friends into higher spheres.

Being compelled by circumstances to take away manuscript containing the spirit battle by which not only this, that we have to start our Peace-Union as a community and in Springhill, but also many other important points have been disclosed, which although they were known to us long time before that, may arouse the attention of those who would not hear us otherwise, except when they hear extraordinary spirit manifestations, which in connexion with starting our Peace-Union Centre on this place may be published another time. But here we must mention that by quite an unexpected vision against the wishes of the medium and his wife our doctrine has been illustrated, to wit, that those who make a covenant with our Peace-Union community, separate so from those who remain in Babylon, that if of those who are married, one partner would make such a covenant, but the other would remain in Babylon, we would do all in our power to draw also that partner into our community. But if he or she would remain obstinate despiser of our Heavenly message, we according to Divine law would consider the person who made the covenant with our Peace-Union as perfectly free to marry a person belonging to our community, and labor at the same time to convert the Government to acknowledge our mission and the Divine law made manifest by our mediumship. "What God hath joined together let no man put asunder." Matth. xix: 6. "What the devil has joined together, God puts asunder." If we have the mission expressed on the title-page, and confirmed by all signs and wonders which have been mentioned in this book, and with which hundreds of volumes could be filled, then it is evident that the devil has joined those together or the devil will keep them together, when one understands our mission and advances so far that he or she makes the covenant with our community and the other resists and will keep him or her in Babylon, when he or she starts to come out of her not to be partaker of her sins. The partner, may be he or she, who remains obstinate, remains in the great whore of the 17th chapter of the Revelation, is an adulterer or adulteress in the spiritual sense, and certainly with whoredom or other abominations he or she became so endarkened, that when the partner progressed so far, as to comprehend our Heavenly message, the destroying devil will detain him or her from the truth made manifest in our message. Those who have comprehended this book to this point, know that our case is just the contrary to the so called Free Love, diametrically opposed to it. A chaste husband or wife will comprehend us, but those who will continue in their fornication and adultery, will cry against us and misrepresent truth for their destruction. Here is no room for explanation of a point, on which I will write an extraordinary treatise, in which I will report and explain also the mentioned vision, when the diseased stomachs will be ready to digest our most wholesome medicine.

In this compression is also to be remembered, that the promise given on the 45th page in regard to the four in Baltimore executed in connexion with my visit to President Buchanan appears in a more dreadful shape in the portion of the 4th treatise which will appear in the second edition of this book if that edition shall be demanded, than I would have expected, when I mentioned that case. When President Buchanan, Governor Hicks and other Grandees of Washington and Maryland were not prepared to afford money for buying Springhill for our Peace Union Centre and for publishing this book, we read on the 42d page: "The same time a great sign was given so that I was sent speedily from Baltimore to the Western Reserve of Ohio." A.D. 1854 we commenced to prepare Brother Robert D. Eldrige in Baltimore for our mission. Then happened many wonders and signs in connexion with him, till at length a sign was given in Baltimore. But the principal of the four executed in Baltimore was brought before me in the Western Reserve of Ohio, and you will hear of strange spectacles in the next edition regarding that manifestation in connexion with the four Presidents Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan. After having performed the trials of spirits in the Western Reserve of Ohio, Eldrige started with me, and after having tried spirits in different places during our travelling, we arrived at length at Abraham Long's, and I showed to Brother Eldrige some of the secret treasures on the premises of Springhill, where Heavenly Wisdom[AC] prepared a great variety of most beautiful sceneries, magnificent fairviews on a number of sites very suitable for excellent buildings, and to all those places excellent springs of soft water may be derived by few rods of pipes, and excellent stone for buildings and superabundance of wood is most handy. We took then the deeds in the name of our Peace Union Community[AD], and we appear as Trustees, I by virtue of my mission, in duty bound to communicate the spirit who has sent me for the fulfilment of the most glorious promises to mankind, with those who will receive this spirit and will be drawn from Babylon into the New Jerusalem, and Robert D. Eldrige by virtue of his mission, who came with money and paid for the place with the rights which are given in this plan to those who invest money, and with the duty of superintendency for a good success. In those our duties all are bound to support us, who join with the Peace Union.

On the 11th day of July, 1859, my Document, entitled: "Great News for the Friends of Progression in Truth and Righteousness towards the promised New Era of Harmony and Peace amongst all nations" was set in type, the proof-sheet corrected by me, and a portion of copies struck off on the same day. We were preparing readers for the first convention which will be held in the New Hall on the Peace Union settlement in the latter part of the next month, and requesting Editors to publish that Document. But I think that the warlike spirit of destruction kept most of them in the servitude of monarchs. But that document was to be set in type and printed on the same day, on which Napoleon and Francis Joseph made their treaty of peace at Villafranca for an important testimony, that spirits from our sphere have controlled the affairs also there, so that if you hurry to do what is required in this book, you will prevent immense destruction of human life and property in this country, otherwise you should know that I have done more than from a mortal man could be expected, to move you for action. But when men become such beasts that they have no sense for spiritual things, destruction is a necessary consequence. At the commencement of the first treatise page 6 you see that Mr. Belly gave occasion to that treatise. Last month he came again to Paris and remains there according to newspapers until the 20th of the next month; and I proposed that on the same day our first convention should commence in the New Hall. We quote from said document in which the title of this book is copied, the close as follows: "The book with the above copied title will be published by Robert D. Eldrige in our Convention, and then copies will be sent by him to those who send to him the money (50 cents fur one copy, twenty dollars for 50 copies, 35 dollars for 100 copies) either before or after or at the Convention. He being a man of property and known as our trusty fellow labourer for improving the condition of mankind, has charge of the business department at our Peace Union, while, I the writer of this book and of this article am bound to devote my precious time to spiritual objects for Harmony and Peace of Nations, requesting to direct letters which do not belong particularly to my sphere, to him under the direction: Robert D. Eldrige, Donnally's Mill, Perry Co: Pa." This book appears small for this price; but remember the contents of page 169, and collect subscribers, and as soon as we print the second edition, we will send a large pamphlet as supplement without additional charge. In the mean time we assure you that also this small book contains so large an amount of most important points for you, that the oftener you study it, the more you will learn to appreciate its value; and the enormous labour for obtaining all the parts contained in this book cannot be paid with money, and my labour never was paid.

On the 11th of this month, August, 1859, there came many people to Springhill. An extraordinary medium who had been in England an Elder amongst the Baptisers wrote on the 13th Instant to me: "I came on foot to Springhill, Peace Union Centre, a long walk of about 17 miles in hot weather. We raised the frame work of the Large Hall. The day (11th inst.) was fine, and all things went on well, and the work that is done, looks well and in good order. All kinds of rumors and talk: What the house is for? What they will do? Why did they not build so as the Hall could be seen? Some one thing, some, other things, &c."

The Periodical, entitled: "Peace Union Message." Conventions at the Peace Union Centre in Springhill Toscarora Township, Perry Co: Pa. 6 miles west of Millerstown, the stopping place for the Cars.

Our Periodical, spoken of in the plan, will be published as soon, as there will be a sufficient number of subscribers. In the expectation that those who are versed in English, will comprehend us first, we will publish it first in English, in Quarto, to be preserved in books and translated in as many other languages as needed; because it will contain social, ecclesiastical and political matters and movements of nations and daily news of importance, considered from our position, to draw nations from the existing confusion and degradation into the new order of things. All that will improve the condition of mankind, and what is hurtful for them, as far as we will have opportunity[AE] to reach it, will be examined from our position. But there not being room in this book, we will publish in the first number which will issue, when we are secured by subscriptions, what we will find proper to draw those amongst all nations who have somewhat new for improving mankind, to send it for publication in our Periodical. Every one who sends somewhat of this kind, will add his full direction and occupation. If his or her communication is found by those whom we find to be competent judges in that branch, to be such as required, it will be published when room will be for it in our Periodical. But if it is not found such as to be published, the writer will be named and the reason given, why it cannot be published. If the writer should think to have been injured, our Periodical would be open to publish his complaint with the preliminary requisites which will be made known in our first number as quite reasonable to save time to him and us and to the readers as well as to the printers and others. I quoted purposely some passages from the letter of our friend Peter assuring that he is ours truly "in bonds for truth waiting for deliverance." If the talkers of nonsense had asked those to whom we told, why we selected that place for that building, near the farm house and the springs, they had received information. The basement of the new building is a large cellar, the first story a large Hall, having in the midst a partition, which we remove when we use the whole Hall, but the second story has a partition which cannot be removed and each department has its own stairs. The farm house and the new building are in a cove. The first story of the building will be provisionally[AF] used for our Conventions, till the substantial edifice within the most magnificent fairview will be established. With this fairview we entreat most earnestly every reader to collect as many subscribers for this book as well as for the Periodical, as he or she is able to collect. The book is to be paid for at the delivery, and the Periodical will cost $2 a year, money to be paid for half a year or a year at the delivery of the first number.

Whoever secures us five subscribers receives six copies. And those who will act as agents, after having comprehended by studying this book our plan and adopt it, are regarded as our fellow-laborers, when they show practically that they belong to our Peace-Union. If the expected exertions are made, we may be able to publish the first number of our Periodical at the commencement of the year 1860.

Our first Convention next month at the Peace Union Centre is announced in our Circular. But readers of this book are requested to proclaim, that on the first day of November 1859, the second Convention will commence and continue for two weeks, and that only those persons of both sexes are invited to attend, who after having comprehended our mission are ready to act as missionaries or to support with their means our enterprises to establish what is needed at the Centre. And for this purpose we intend to hold successively a number of Conventions. The second could be attended by those who belong to the Cabinet and the Congress of Washington, or to any legislature. Each Convention will last one or two weeks. Those who comprehend this book will tell or write to those with whom they are acquainted, that although the contents of this book are of importance for any body, those who belong to the Government need most to understand them. This book will be taken as the text-book, but also those who may have read it before many times, will receive in the Convention new light to understand it better and to hear many things which are not mentioned in the book. There may be so many aroused to attend the Convention that all could not be accommodated. Therefore whoever and whenever he determines to attend one of our Conventions, he is requested to write directly, and to give an exact direction, and put a letter stamp into his letter, and we will answer it, and tell, whether he could be accommodated in that or in any of the following Conventions. Boarding is to be had as moderately as we can afford it. The rule is to be observed also afterwards in this and in the next year, that whoever wishes to attend our Convention, is requested to write directly, and he will receive an answer when he could be accommodated. Answer may come sooner or later, because it may depend upon circumstances, when after the receipt of his or her letter our next Convention would be held. Probably there is in this last "form" no room, to say more than that our Post-Office address is on the title-page and also three or four pages before this. It has been said that the stopping place for the cars is Millerstown, Perry Co.: Pa. I desire nothing more than to draw you into the sphere of our Heavenly abode as your sincere brother.


Remark. I perused 192 pages of this book while the last form was in composition, and found a moderate number of errata as may be easily corrected by the reader; for instance, he may connect himself in the 7th line of the "Preliminary Remarks" the two particles IN TO in one word, and he may separate where he finds two words close together and change C and E, also N and U and some other letters when required, or add when a letter is omitted, or cast it out when it is superabundant. Such trifles will not trouble those who are anxious to learn to understand this book, nor if they read sometimes CONNEXION and other times CONNECTION, I always write CONNEXION; but I was assured, that according to the present fashion CONNECTION is more used, although this use is irregular.

The general rule is observed by our invisible messengers mentioned on the 169th page, while they are controlling the spirits of the compositors, that they let them commit such errata as disturb the sense on such pages, on which the reader should stop and reflect upon the connexion of matters. An astonishing lesson was given, when I received the order to stop the composition of the Fourth Treatise at the end of the 168th page. The manuscript for that Treatise contains 85 pages, and the 168th page of this book ends in the middle of the 34th page of manuscript. The spirit who made this provision exhorts powerfully readers to digest the 168 pages and to prepare for what follows. I did not know, what our invisible agents intended to put on the 168th page, till I saw in the proof sheet the six oxen, the first of whom is Joseph Ox, on the 74th place of our catalogue. These oxen are supporting the mysteries on the 80th and 81st places of our catalogue, and those two mysteries are in the 4th line of the 168th page. This provision tells that you should pay peculiar attention to the contents from the 74th to the 81st page of this book, and you will find amongst the Americans those who furnish as great assistance to the Beast with ten horns as the six oxen on the 168th page. But on the 21st line of the 82d page, my interpretation[AG] commences, and the omission in the midst of the 83d page exhorts you that you should reflect upon the "Sect of Adventurists" mentioned in the 9th line from the bottom of the 83d page. In my manuscript were only Adventists. But I tell you that the young boy who set in type the largest portion of this book, was a peculiar medium. Noyse and Himes and all those whom they represent belong to the sect of Adventurists who are the greatest supporters of Popery.

All other marvellous things you will hear in our Convention commencing November 1, 1859, on the Feast of All Saints.

My address is page 124 of this book.

Set in type June 27th, 1859.

Transcriber's Notes

A. "DEVELOPMMENTS" changed to "DEVELOPMENTS". B. "WOHLE" changed to "WHOLE". C. "rightousness" changed to "righteousness". D. "uderstanding" changed to "understanding". E. "Febuary" changed to "February". F. "perfetion" changed to "perfection". G. "wickednes" changed to "wickedness". H. "lenghth" changed to "length". I. "axactly" changed to "exactly". J. "remaks" changed to "remarks". K. "Garrsion" changed to "Garrison". L. "Gosple" changed to "Gospel". M. "Jscariot" changed to "Iscariot". N. "recived" changed to "received". O. Opening quotation mark added. P. "oppresion" changed to "oppression". Q. "nead" changed to "need". R. "thougt" changed to "thought". S. "messsage" changed to "message". T. Closing parenthesis added. U. "obolition" changed to "abolition". V. "languuages" changed to "languages". W. Closing quotation mark added. X. "fulfiilled" changed to "fulfilled". Y. "babarian" changed to "barbarian". Z. "mangement" changed to "management". AA. "excommunicatiom" changed to "excommunication". AB. "poseessions" changed to "possessions". AC. "Wisdon" changed to "Wisdom". AD. "Commnuity" changed to "Community". AE. "oportunity" changed to "opportunity". AF. "provisionaly" changed to "provisionally". AG. "interpre-pretation" changed to "interpretation" (original word spanned two lines at hypen).


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