After having written a considerable portion of the next following treatise, I am aware that I cannot encompass within so few pages as I am desirous to do, what is to be communicated there to nations, and I take from this treatise some sheets away, in which I have given disclosures, why we have mentioned in our Epistle to Bishop Anthony Slomshek also the Bishops of Triest and Goricia, whose predecessors should have at the same time opened the way to the circulation of our message of Peace in which time Bishop Anthony Aloysy Wolf should have been their co-operator for Peace. But Matthew Raunicher, who was at that time Bishop of Triest, should have been the leader of this work; because amongst those who belonged to the Austrian Government he was the first who received the first two volumes of my works. But he was formerly Professor of Dogmatics and as such also my professor, and was so fixed in the Dogmas of his infallible Church, that he could not study my books, to learn what all dogmatists of the so called christian denominations require, to with signs according to prophecies by which an "extraordinary ambassador" to the churches should prove his mission. I hope, that Raunicher's disciples, Bishop Baraga and Bishops and Priests in Illyria and elsewhere will learn at length that we have superabundance of signs according to prophecies testifying our mission against the infallibility of the Church, and for the great truth, that many of the Dogmas of the church are the most shocking absurdities, of they are taken as they have been delivered by the Papal Imperial Royal Hierarchy, but that we show a deeper sense, in which sound reason and science are reconciled with religion. But we close this treatise to get more room for the next following treatise, to assist the Pope and his bishops to prepare for their own and the ressurrection of their departed predecessors.
Pious IX Bishop of Rome, Louis Napoleon Emperor of France, Francis Joseph Emperor of Austria, the three extraordinary witnesses of our on the title-page of this book expressed mission and powerful preachers to all governments and in the first place to the Government of the United States of North America, that they should submit to the Government of our Lord and his Christ and become with us messengers to introduce the promised universal Republic of Truth and Justice, Harmony and Peace on the whole Globe.
In the first three of my five German volumes the magnetic chain of memorable events to bind the dragon. Revel xx: 2, is so developed, that the proper position of the existing governments of the so called Christians is made manifest. They belong to the Beast with seven heads and to its ten horns either in the old or in a new fashion. Those three volumes having been published from A.D. 1838 to 1840, Pope Pius IX and the two named Emperors to whom the world's attention is now directed, have not been mentioned in those volumes nor known to mortal men, that they will occupy the position, on which they appear according to prophecies, nor they themselves nor other men know at this time that position, if they have not studied the magnetic chain exhibited in those volumes to bind the dragon, Revel, xx.:2, the large serpent, the image of the spirit of delusion and destruction by whom rulers and their supporters have been inspired with such a madness as to apply their studies how to kill men in the most cunning manner and to strip the remnant of their property and keep them in bondage. Each of those volumes is of a considerable size; the third is the largest containing 864 pages. But the substance of their contents is concentrated in the Latin manuscript, written at the commencement of 1849.
If Theologians had studied my German volumes or attended the Latin Convention to which they have been most earnestly invited, they had known without my explanation the position of these three great representatives, or rather they had converted them long ago into the messengers of Peace. But after matters had arrived so far as they are now manifest, we must do what we can for the benefit of these three witnesses and of those who are attached to one or the other as well as for the benefit of all governments and their subjects; because all are preparing instruments for destruction of human life and property and drilling men to destroy or wound their fellow men in the most artful and cunning manner, and to reward with the highest premiums those who perform best this most criminal work.
If you ask, by whose authority they are doing this, the answer is given: "and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great authority," Revel. xiii: 2. to wit, to the representative of the Beast with seven heads and ten horns. Under the Christian mask he became such a terrible monster, that no other epithet was more suitable for him than that of a Therion, of a ferocious beast having seven heads and ten horns. Having been inspired and directed by the Dragon and his host, he could not teach his sons and daughters, emperors and empresses, kings and queens, a better doctrine than that which was infixed in his heads by the Dragon and his host. "The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth; and they are seven kings; five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space," Revel. xvii: 9 and 10.
It is to be understood, that in a brief treatise we can give only some hints in regard to certain links of the long chain of events, which is exhibited in the first three from A.D. 1838 to 1840 published volumes. The three at the head of this treatise mentioned witnesses are so extraordinary links added to that chain, that while I was writing those three volumes I thought that the chain was long and strong enought to bind the Dragon and to establish Peace on the whole Globe. But when people would not spread that chain, it was after that much protracted. In the years 1841 and 1842 the 4th and 5th German volumes and then a number of English pamphlets were added; but the last links of the chain cannot be understood without some knowledge of the preceding links.
In every age men were awakened, whose intellectual and moral improvement was above the general course of the age, and who were endeavoring to warn and elevate the fallen generation. They were preparing the way for our advent, and disclosing what belonged to their sphere, that it might receive more light in "the dispensation of the fulness of times" Ephes. 1: 10, to introduce which we are commissioned. One of those forerunners, was Doctor Bengel, disclosing what belonged to his mission in the first half of the last century, so that in the same years of the 18th century remarkable disclosures have been made by his instrumentality, in which years in the 19th century Heavenly messengers have given great disclosures by my instrumentality regarding Christ's peaceable reign on earth. A.D. 1740 his German work "Erklaerte Offenbarung" (Revelation explained) was published; and exactly one hundred years after that, on Easter Saturday, 1840, my third German volume, by which the chain to bind the Dragon was complete, issued from the press. To wit, in the first and second volumes the "memorable events" are reported, which took place at our experience for the abolition of Popery, or what is the same, for the abolition of monarchy; and in the third volume is shown, that memorable events which are explained in my first two volumes, happened according to prophecies which are in the Bible and also in other works of ancient times and have been repeated through the course of centuries of the Christian Era, and that the memorable events which happened at our experience, would not have scared priests and preachers, but would have been expected by them, if they had not been ignoramuses of what our forerunners had disclosed before us, or stubborn materialistic hypocrites, not beleaving what they preach and profess by their performance.
The principal of those forerunners have been mentioned in that volume, and how far each in his situation saw the objects, which have received in our mission a light which could not be obtained in former ages. Doctor Bengel occupies amongst those forerunners a peculiar place; because he is the second angel or messenger, spoken of in Revel. xiv: 8, that is, the representative of messengers by whom the contents of that verse are fulfilled, because he was the first amongst those, who have proclaimed prophetically Christ's coming or Christ's manifestation to effect the fall of Babylon while they were showing the time in which it had to take place, and disclosing many other deep things which were not known before, and have warned people powerfully, to prepare for Christ's coming. This was done by Doctor Bengel and his disciples prophetically, I mean, that they saw Christ's coming only in the image of the Biblical prophets, and did not know the manner of his coming, and pointed out the year 1836, as the tropical year for his coming. But when that year expired, those who had before great confidence in Dr. Bengel's disclosures, said, that he was mistaken in the calculation of the times. But we have shown according to our mission in the 3rd. of the mentioned volumes, that Doctor Bengel was not mistaken in what belonged to the sphere of his mission, and his wonderful calculation was correct regarding the time, but that what he wrote regarding the manner of Christ's coming and other things were not correct, which not he but the third angel, Revel. xiv. 8, had to disclose; because the year 1836 was the tropical year, at the expiration of which the 3d angel had to appear, and then to perform his task and explain the prophetical images and other things which have not been understood before that explanation; because the Lord came at that time as a thief, Revel. xvi: 15. The thief is not seen, when he takes away what he finds suitable for his use. And the same have we done in our mission in which was gradually disclosed, that Christ comes by us, his messengers, and discloses what is needed, by the direction of his invisible agents who are operating through our mediumship.
If you keep all that has been said in this book, you will comprehend the hints which we have given as preparations at our approach to the development of what we have promised in the inscription of this treatise. Others have tried to show from their position, and Doctor Bengel with application of historical and astronomical erudition endeavoured to make it most evident, that the Beast with seven heads and ten horns in the 13th chapter of the Revelation, is the papal monarchy. At length came the 3rd angel or messenger, Revel. xiv: 9, by whose mediumship the whole chain was developed, which testifies the same. And Heavenly Congress of the 144,000 martyrs, Revel. xiv: 1, who superintend, that prophecy given under their direction, is exactly fulfilled, (as there is the case with the prophecies of the Revelation,) have given also such testimonies of this truth, that the most stubborn materialist if he studies to learn truth, finds superabundance of most striking evidences, that hosts of spirits were co-operating, that prophecy was fulfilling, till at length by unexpected events the Divine seal was attached to its fulfilment by our mediumship. We will give later in this treatise striking testimonies of this truth. But here was the preparation, that you may understand the following hints on the 9th and 10th verses of the 17th chapter of the Revelation in connection with the inscription of this treatise.
Doctor Bengel was the first who has discovered, after an investigation for many years in the Bullarium Romanum, in which the dates of the papal letters which are known under the name of the Papal Bulls, bear besides the time, the place from which they issued, that is, the place of the Papal See or Chair, or of the papal government. In the 17th chapter is the same Beast with the seven heads and ten horns which appears in the first verse of the 13th chapter, only that in the 17th chapter it appears in another state, to wit, the seer says in Revelation, xvii: 3d, "I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." This woman is called in the 5th verse: "Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations." The same woman is called in the 3d verse of the second chapter in the second epistle to the Thessalonians "the apostasia or apostasy," what your translators expressed with "a falling away." In the preceding treatise we quoted a prophecy in the 33d song of Purgatory in Dante's Divine comedy, in which the five hundred ten and five messenger of God strangles the harlot and the giant who sins with the harlot. That harlot is the same old woman, which is called in the 17th chapter of the Revelation, "the mother of harlots and abominations," and the giant is the representative of the Beast, at this time Pius ix, carrying on his shoulders the whole burden of abominations and blasphemies of the whole succession of the apostles whose master is the apocalyptical dragon, who has given him "power, seat and great authority," Revel. xiii: 2. The word which is in your translation seat, is in Greek "throne," which you understand. But by the worshipers of the Beast it is usually called "the Holy See," and you know if you have comprehended this book until this page, that the Pope had received his holy see from "his infernal holiness, the dragon." And we will concentrate and kindle an admireable light upon this subject in this treatise.
In the the 7th chapter of Daniel is the 4th Beast, having ten horns, the Roman Monarchy. This same monarchy became at length the papal monarchy, when the Bishop of Rome became monarch of the church and extended his monarchy or superintendency over the other monarchs and nations as far as he could, with the same view, as the heathen Roman Emperors had, to make Rome the mistress of the globe; only that the Roman bishop did this under a christian title, although his government was an antichristian government under a christian pretext. There was inspiration; but the inspiration was from the dragon and his host. The foundation of that Empire is expressed in Revel. xiii: 2. Any body who has a christian spirit and compares that which happened in Italy from Easter Sunday of this year until this day, July, 21st, 1859, is convinced of this truth. These are the fruits of the Papal monarchy! I have superabundance of other business, and am writing occasionally since the 4th of this month the preceding and this treatise, and the reader should keep continuously in his mind, that I give only some links in this time of great delusion preparing great destruction also in this country, that there not being opportunity to study the whole chain of our disclosures people might receive as much as necessary to know the "secret ememies of true Republicanism," and the inner life of man and the spirit world, that they might be saved, instead of being ruined and destroyed. "The seven heads are seven mountains. Also seven kings, five of whom are fallen, and one is and the other is not yet come." This is the state of things at the time, in the 9th and 10th verses of the 17th chapter of the Revelation. Rome is located on a number of hills, the seven principal of which are called by the ancient writers the seven mountains. Doctor Bengel has shown from the Ballarium Romanum and other documents regarding the Papal government, that since the Roman Emperor Constantine I. the Pope had the seat of his administration until the time in which Doctor Bengel wrote, on five of the seven mountains, to wit, 1. on the mountain Coelius, 2. mountain Aventinus, 3. Vaticanus, 4. Qurinalis, 5. Esquilinus. Farther is to be remarked that although Popes had some times their seats in other places, for instance in Avignon of France, others in opposition to them had at the same time their seat in Rome, or when in some Revolution they were driven from Rome, they returned as soon as they could. Doctor Bengel when he found, that in his time the seat of the Papal government was the fifth of the seven mountains, assured most solemnly, that that government would not be translocated from that upon another mountain until it crumbled to pieces, and he, by his admirable calculation, showed, that it would take place before the expiration of his century. It took place A.D. 1798, when Pope Pius VI. was taken captive and carried to France, and the French Directory located the seat of their government in Rome, not upon one of the five mountains which were successively occupied as the seat of the Papal government, but upon the mountain Capitolinus. On that mountain was the temple which was dedicated during the heathen Rome to all heathen Gods, and during the Papal Rome to all Saints or all Gods whom the Pope professed to worship. But then it was taken by the French Directory for the seat of the government.
All these things were axactly performed, by the influence of spirits of different spheres. Every actor in the great drama was influenced by spirits for whose inspiration he was best prepared. But all that took place under the vigilance of the highest order of spirits for the accomplishment of prophecies. In Revelation, xvii: 10 the seven mountains are called seven kings, that is seven monarchial or dospotic or antichristian governments, governments which originated from the inspiration of the dragon, the spirit of delusion and destruction. The seven mountains are types of these seven governments. But five are fallen, that is five kings or five monarchial governments are fallen at the time which the Revelator saw, that is, at the time, when the woman was sitting on the Beast having seven heads and ten horns. During those five kings or during the Papal governments on the live mountains that woman, which is the mother of harlots and abominations, was prepared and fostered by all the anti-christian deeds which have been perpetrated by the authority of the Papal Bulls which issued from the five mountains. People who came out from the exterior fashion of Popery, did not return to the christian truth and christian spirit, but progressed into materialism and endeavoured to effect with weapons of war, what can only be effected according to the plan given in the following treatise. The French Revolution broke out A.D. 1789, and progressed in tremendous destruction of life and property and in terrorism and distress of the survivors, that at length A.D. 1798 Pope Pious VI was carried captive to France, where he died; the Papal Monarchy or the Beast having seven heads, disappeared, or the woman was sitting upon the Beast, that is, took possession of the monarchy. That woman is called the harlot and the mother of harlots, and the apostasy, or defection from truth and righteousness. People polluted with this defection appear under the image of a harlot. And those who professed to act in the name of the Republic or the people, after having removed the Pope from his seat, located their government on the Mountain Capitolinus, in contempt of the saints or gods of the Pope, and supported their government with a more terrible despotism, than their predecessors, the popes, did. This government of the French Directory on the Mountain Capitolinus, is in this calculation the sixth government, or the government introduced in Rome after the fall of the governments on the five of the seven mountains. When the government on those five mountains was translocated from one mountain upon an other, the government was not destroyed but only changed, as circumstances required. But when the sixth government, (called in Revel. xvii: 10 "the one is" that is, the one which was in existence after the fall of the preceding five), was introduced, the former governments of the Papal monarchy were entirely abolished. When this took place, "the other" in Revel, xvii: 10 "was not yet come," and the government of the French Republic was in the greatest danger of being overturned. In those circumstances, "the other," that is Napoleon came. He returned from Egypt and saved the republic; but the republic could not be sustained, and Napoleon advanced gradually so far that he became at length Emperor; and of him is said: "he must continue a short space." Revel. xvii: 10. His government is in this calculation the seventh government. He thought, that the secular monarchy of the Pope was injurious to his Empire, and he required that the Pope, Pious VII, successor of Pius VI who died in France, should give up his secular monarchy. And when the Pope refused to do so, he was taken captive and brought at length to France.
Napoleon is in our magnetic chain the same, who according to the vulgar reading and translation is called "the man of sin, the son of perdition." 2d Ep. Thessal. ii: 3. We give only as many hints as are sufficient, to arouse governments and nations from their lethargy. Theologians not knowing how the Bible originated, nor how to make the right use of it, had made already of the first chapter of the Bible the greatest abuse, and came in collision with developments of astronomy and geology as well as with the true history of man, being in that chapter nothing else but the vision or the image of the creation of the mosaic Heaven and the mosaic Earth, or the mosaic ecclesiastical and political institutions, which are abolished by virtue of our mission in which we show the new Heaven and the new Earth. Interpreters and translators commenced to dupe people with the first verse of the Bible, where the Hebrew word "Elohim" is in the plural number. But they translated that word, "God;" although those who know somewhat about the true spiritualism, may easily comprehend, that those Elohim are the guardian gods or the guardian angels, departed ancestors of the Jewish Nation. At the administration of those guardians Moses produced the ecclesiastical and political institutions of that nation. Of those institutions, and of the books of that nation such a tremendous abuse was made, that from that abuse at length "the man of sin, the son of perdition" was produced. But this vulgar reading is taken in the first place from a wrong Greek reading. The genuine reading gives in the first place the translation "the man of lawlessness" that is, the man who came out from a lawless state, from a state in which the ecclesiastical and political laws have been overthrown. In the second place instead of "the son of perdition" should be translated "the son of destruction," that is, the man who came through that dreadful destruction of human life and property which is preserved in history, upon the Imperial Throne of France, that all in him has been fulfilled, what we read in the quoted chapter, and is explained in our magnetic chain in which we have given also the genuine reading and the genuine translation, where needed to understand the prophecy, as far as it has been fulfilled[X] in Napoleon I. But the explanation cannot be here repeated; but we had here to mention as much as necessary, that the supplement of its fulfilment might be understood by Napoleon III. and that the two fighting emperors and their tremendous armies in Italy, as well as all other monarchs, might learn their true position and be converted from the Dragon to Christ and become with us messengers of Peace. For this purpose we must give the following hints:
"And the Beast that was and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Revel. xvii: 11. You must keep in mind, that the Revelator saw the state in which the harlot was sitting on the Beast, that is, occupying the place of the Papal monarchy. In that state of things the Beast or Papal monarchy was not in existence. But when the Revelator was contemplating that state with marvel, the angel who has shown him this state of things, gives some prophecies of what would follow after that state.
"The Beast that thou sawest, was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition" Revel. xvii: 8. The Papal monarchy, which disappeared for a certain time, had to re-appear, and that re-appearance is its ascension from the abyss, from so deep a cave that its bottom is not seen, from the realm of darkness in reference to Revel. xiii: 2, when it came into existence first by the spirit of delusion effecting great destruction, at the incursion of barbarian[Y] nations into the Roman Empire in the 4th, 5th, and 6th centuries. At that time the Bishop of Rome took advantage to commence to be Superintendent of the kingdoms which originated from the Roman Empire, and their number was successively ten, which are called the ten horns of the Beast. Napoleon's Empire "which continued a short space," having been the seventh government, the Papal monarchy which ascended out of the abyss Revel. xvii: 8, was in this calculation the eighth king or government, Revel. xvii: 11, and came out of the seven preceding governments, and commenced, when A.D. 1814 Pope Pius VII took possession of his territory after his triumphant return to Rome. Then the ten horns of the Beast, who "are ten kings" Revel. xvii: 12, (to wit, in reference to the origin of the kingdoms out of the Roman Empire in connexion with the origin of the papal monarchy,) the monarchs or their Representatives who after the overthrow of Napoleon's Empire assembled in the Congress of Vienna, "These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast." Revel. xvii: 13. The translation being not exact, we give only the sense, that they agreed, that the representative of the Beast or the Pope should be with them a partaker of his temporal power, or of his monarchy, which he has lost entirely during the sixth government, and died in captivity. His successor Pius VII, who commenced to restore it, was then taken by Napoleon; but after Napoleon's fall the old dynasties with the Papal monarchy were restored. And the people continued in the great apostasy which is called the harlot, and the monarchs were fulfilling and continue to fulfil at this time in the most tremendous manner the 16th verse of the 17th chapter of the Revelation, "making the harlot desolate and naked, eating her flesh and burning her with fire." In this tremendous condition they continued since they took again possession of their governments. Their proceedings and the whole management of their affairs appear anti-christian. These governments "make war with the lamb." Revel. xvii: 14. This they do continously, till at length we read reports of such destructions as are now in Italy. But to those who are with the lamb, called and chosen and faithful, the victory against the antichristian governments is promised in the same verse. Without having room for farther hints in this confinement to a small book, that it might be studied by many who could not be moved or would not have time to study a large work or would not have the means to buy it, we must give here some hints, how our victory against those who are in war with the lamb, has been secured by the most solemn promises and fulfilment of the most sublime prophecies. Readers should keep in mind all hints given on the preceding pages, and should know, that I was called to America by a Heavenly messenger. Then followed continuous signs, by which all things were prepared the right moment, that I was directed to Boston, Mass., and arrived in that city on my birth day, November, 29, 1837, when I was exactly 42 years old. I had no knowledge, that my invisible guardians had prepared all that was required, that in that city great works have been performed by my instrumentality. On memorable events which happened in the Roman Catholic Church of that city from December, 1837, until the 3d Sunday after Easter, 1838, by my mediumship and assistance of 144 witnesses many hundred pages have been written in my often mentioned five German volumes.
Readers of this book are accustomed to hear unexpected events, and we mention without explanations the following as preparatory to the light which we shall give in this treatise upon the present meeting of Emperor Napoleon and his army with Emperor Francis Joseph and his army in Italy, and upon the present Pope in their vicinity.
While I was preparing to start from Boston to other places, I was instructed by unexpected wonders and signs that I must remain in Boston and take care of the German Catholic congregation, and the priest who had charge of it, was by invisible agents compelled to leave directly Boston. For the use of our German Congregation the Roman Catholic Cathedral Church was granted at the time, during which it was not occupied by the Irish and American Congregation. We had our service on Sundays from 8 to 10 o'clock A.M. in that Church, and I explained prophecies in reference to our time and the necessity of true Reformation for those who would be partakers of the great promises for the fulfilment of which the time was approaching. This I knew as well as also, that I came to America to work in this country for their fulfilment according to the direction of my leaders. But I did not know, what, according to their plan was to be done.
On the 6th day of January, 1838, which was Saturday and the feast of Epiphany or Christ's manifestation, a great prophetical feast for our mission, I received the order from my guardian, the martyr in Revel. xiv: 14, who was crucified and burned by the Pope, and found by the Heavenly Congress, Revel. xiv: 1, as best qualified to be my principal director in what I had to perform in the cathedral Church in Boston. The name of that martyr and why he was found to be my leader in that work, is in other of my writings. By him I was instructed to prepare the congregation on that feast, that those who would be willing to co-operate with us for the great Reformation which was required for the fulfilment of prophecies, should be ready to come on the next following day after our Sunday service in my school room and sign their names and what they would be willing to do for defraying expenses in our enterprises. On sunday the 7th of January, 1838, I delivered again a sermon suitable to inspire the congregation for the great enterprise, and asked that those who were ready for co-operation, should come directly after the service in our school room. That was a step against all precedence. The catalogue of those who belonged to the congregation, was given to me before, and trustees took great care to collect large subscriptions for us. But all this should be rejected, and only those who would be ready to work with me for the great reformation without regard to the bishop, should come and sign their names and contributions, to be regarded as my fellow labourers in the great reformation. Although I have explained to them in my sermons as many signs as they could bear, that I came against all my expectations to America to prepare people for the reformation necessary for the fulfilment of the greatest promises, I, according to human insight into matters, did not expect that any would dare to sign his name. But I did, as I was ordered by my leader.
After our service on Sunday, January 7, 1859, there came so many that our school room was crowded. Trustees and others came with them to warn the others, not to do any step for such an enterprise, without asking first the bishop, what should be done in this case. Others remarked, that I knew well what I was doing. And I repeated what I have explained at our meetings in the church, that I was doing nothing except what was showed to me by the spirit, who had given also in their presence sufficient testimonies, that he was a spirit of truth and righteousness. Then all were so inspired, that those who resisted most signed first their names. Having been agreed that they must sign their names before me and witnesses in my catalogue the business required time, and those who came from a distance, remained to sign their names amongst the first, and the others went home, and returned afternoon. On the next following Sunday we assembled again, that the names of the signers were read solemnly and distinctly in the presence of the whole congregation for other purposes, which to mention here is no room, as well as for the purpose which must be mentioned, that the congregation were expressly admonished, that at the reading of the names of the signers they should pay pecular attention, that if any mistake should be found, it might be corrected, and that all might be witnesses of what every one had signed to contribute for our enterprise. Every one, called by the name, answered. Most of them, if not all, were present. And if any one, for I do not recollect any case, was absent, certainly those who knew him and were present when he came to sign his name, testified, that they saw him, when he signed his name and contribution, and that his name was correctly written into my catalogue. In this manner that which was signed January 7th 1838, before witnesses was on the 14th of the same month testified by the whole congregation.
Signs and wonders became more manifest. I was commanded by my leader to write an Encyclic Latin Epistle, directed to the Bishops of the Austrian Empire, showing the necessity of true Reformation that nations might become partakers of the promises. I have shown in that Epistle of seven closely written sheets, what was first and most necessary; and I mentioned a number of signs which have been given in the Austrian Empire before I started thence to America, and a number of signs in Boston after my arrival there, by which our mission was testified. After having finished writing that Epistle, I was directed by the same spirit, to write to Benedict Fenwick Roman Catholic Bishop of Boston, a short letter, as addition to the Encyclic Epistle to the Bishops of Austria, showing to the bishops, that whereas some signs have been mentioned, which took place in the Austrian Empire in the presence of witnesses who have been named in the Epistle, and other signs happened in Boston, and of those signs he was a witness, he was in duty bound to sign first the circular Epistle and to promise his co-operation with us for the great Reformation of the Church, which is necessary to stop judgments and to make nations partakers of the greatest promises. I added, that if he would refuse to sign, I could not go any more into his Church. The bishop was a cunning Jesuite. He understood that by signing that Epistle he could not satisfy his Pope, and he wrote to me a very enticing letter, to stop me in my Reformation. But I assembled directly those of the congregation, who could be assembled that evening, Friday, February 16th 1838, and explained what had happened, showing to them their duty, to make known to the congregation to assemble on next Sunday in a Protestant School-house in which I would explain, why I could not go any more into the Church of the Bishop. I convinced them after sufficient explanation of the matter, that they were satisfied, that I had to obey rather the direction of the spirit, than the wishes of the bishop.
On Saturday, Feb. 17, 1838, I was again awakened at 3 o'clock A.M. as at my former commission, and commanded by my leader, to write again to the bishop and explain my message given to the congregation to assemble on the next day in a Protestant School house unless the bishop would acknowledge his fault and do what was required. I assured him most solemnly, that all those steps were done under strict direction of the spirit who had confirmed my mission; therefore "nisi haec feceris, tecum in sacris communicare non possum." It is to be understood, that I wrote to him in Latin, and said: "If thou, Bishop, wilt not do this," that is, if thou wilt not sign the Epistle and co-operate with us, "I can have no ecclesiastical communion with thee." The Epistle was then carried and handed to him at 8 o'clock A.M. of that day.
Soon after that a deputation of our congregation came to me. They reported that our message according to our agreement, was spread in the congregation, but there was a means, to satisfy the spirit; because the Catholic Cathedral Church does not belong to the bishop, but to the nations. The deputation assured me that Roman Catholics and Protestants of different nations have contributed freely to build that church, and I could explain freely in the church what I had to communicate to the congregation; since neither the bishop nor any of his priests understood German. It was evident, that one of the three was under the influence of a prudent spirit. But I replied, that in steps of such consequence I must act strictly according to the order of the spirit. They should therefore go to the bishop. Perhaps they might move him to sign the Epistle. They went; but they returned with the message, that they found the bishop not well, entreating me very much that although he could not sign my encyclic Epistle, I should go in the church, and difficulties would be then amicably settled. From that circumstance I understood, that the bishop did not comprehend what it was, to receive a commission by Heavenly messengers, which was sufficiently attested as sent from Heaven. Therefore I said to the committee, that after the bishop had remained in such a darkness, I must strictly act according to the direction of the spirit who has sent me. Then the man who was under influence was stronger moved to urge me to go in the church, without regard to the bishop, and explain what I wished to communicate to the congregation. When the other two belonging to the committee thought that I could not be moved, they left my room. Then the third was stronger moved by his leader than before, to urge me to go in the church. Then my leader brought to me the distinct message that I should go into the church and perform independently from all bishops, what would be shown to me to be performed. At that unexpected message I said to the man, that I have received the communication which I needed to tell to the congregation, that they should assemble on the next day in the church.
From the message I understood, that after having excommunicated the bishop from my ecclesiastical communion, and in my last letter more distinctly than in my first, I had to omit in my performances in the church all that shows any communication with the bishop or with the Pope, whose representative the bishop was. But I knew long before that, that the Roman Catholic Church was a prophetical church, and I had to perform the prophetical ceremonies which were in use at those days on which I had to go in the church. The prophetical spirit has so provided for what I had to perform from that moment in the church, that at every performance also the passages which were taken from the Bible into the Roman Catholic mass-book and ritual, corresponded exactly with what I was doing.
On the 18th February, 1838, which was Sunday Sexagesima, I came the first time independently from all bishops, into the Roman Catholic Cathedral Church of Boston, Mass. to do what would be shown to me by inspiration. The church has prepared for that Sunday from the 11th and 12th chapters of the 2d Epistle to Corinthians the sufferings of the Apostle Paul and his report, that he was caught up to the third Heaven. When I was reading at the Altar that section, and came to the quoted passage, "I was caught up to Heaven." Paul the Prophet, as he appears in our mission, did not know, whether it was in or out of his body. But I know I was entranced, while my body was immoveable at the Altar, and Heavenly power was communicated to me, and I was ordered to explain to the audience the testimonies of my mission, commencing with the initiation which I have received twelve years before that. To wit, A.D. 1825 after my having been six years secular Priest, testimonies were given, that I was called to join with Priests of the Benedictine Order. I felt that there were sufficient testimonies of my call from Heaven. But after my having moved into the monastery, matters appeared so contrary to my expectation, that I thought, that my surest way would be to write to the next bishop and to continue to labor as secular Priest. In that my determination to write on the next following day to the Bishop of Lavant, I went to rest. But I came from my sleep into a trance of unspeakable Heavenly light, during which I was surrounded by a company of spirits and magnetized or initiated by them for the great labor which I had to perform, and the temptations against which I had to act. At that initiation I did not see my mother, but I heard so distinctly her voice and with so powerful impression that it could not be effaced from my mind, when she said that I should remain in the monastery. Amongst all communications which I received in Europe from Heavenly guides, this was the only one, which I have received from my mother; and nobody else could impress a stronger conviction than she did, in the most momentous instance in which I needed a Heavenly comfort. And that initiation by Heavenly messengers strengthened me, till I received on Sunday Sexagesima, February 18, 1838, the great initiation at the Altar of the Cathedral Church of Boston for my public appearance in my present charge and was commanded by the martyr Revel. xiv: 14 to commence my address with the initiation which I had received twelve years before that. The Roman Catholic Church has prepared for that Sunday Luke viii 4-15, and I explained according to the 10th verse the mystery of our mission. I had to mention some points at my public initiation to my present mission in which I had to perform in the first place in the Roman Catholic Church what was required according to prophecies to give the Pope and his bishops the most solemn divine testimony, that their prophetical administration is accomplished, and that their highest duty is to become with us messengers of the dispensation of the fulness of times Ephes. 1:10, in which all in Heaven and on Earth should be united and pacified in Christ. For this purpose the church or the people must be cleansed. To show them the necessity of the cleansing of the sanctuary, after that my public appearance in the glorious mission, demons were compelled to bring to daylight the secret abominations, of which we have in the brief hints of this treatise to mention one instance, which is in peculiar connexion with the three on the title-page named witnesses and with other regents. One man was found in our congregation, who was not in the catalogue of the 144, who have signed their names into our catalogue on the 7th January, 1838; but he was in the catalogue of those who have been given to me before that signing as belonging to the congregation, and that man appeared in that catalogue as being married, and when after our public appearance in the present mission the abominations commenced to be detected, that man was found, that he was not married with the woman with whom he lived as being married. I sent to him word, that if he wished to know his duty, he should come to me. But he would not come. This happened in the week after my public appearance in my present charge. I asked, whether the case was known in the congregation, and I was told, that it was known. On the next following Sunday, which was Quinquagesima or the next Sunday before Lent, I received the order from my leader to excommunicate that man publicly. I delivered a sermon appropriate to the case, mentioned that such a man was in the congregation, without naming him, and made the declaration that such a man does not belong to the church of Christ or to our congregation till he is converted from his illegal connection.
After that many other performances of our mission took place, which cannot be mentioned here, except the following:
According to the agreement the signers of their names and contributions for our support and to defray the necessary expenses, had to bring a portion of their contribution before Palm Sunday 1838 which is the Sunday before Easter, and if somebody should be hindered in doing what he agreed to do, he should come and mention his reason, or if he could not come himself, he should send word by some other. In the case, that he would neglect to do the one or the other, we would send, to inquire for the reason of his having neglected his duty. This was to be mentioned for the right comprehension of the unexpected events which we must in this connexion of things report as briefly as possible.
In the night from Palm Sunday to Monday I was at one o'clock by a shock suddenly awakened and I heard the voice: "Arise and take from the catalogue those who had neither brought their contributions, nor the excuse why they could not do so, and excommunicate them on the next Sunday solemnly from Christ's Church." I arose directly, made light, took them from my catalogue and put them on another paper. Then I became suddenly very drowsy and returned to bed. When I arose at the usual time, I reflected upon the unexpected communication, and I thought, that my duty was to inquire for the men, and that only under the condition that they would obstinately resist to submit to the rules of our order, they would deserve a public declaration, that they do not belong to Christ's Church. Also it appeared quite strange, that Easter Sunday was appointed for that excommunication. I thought, that if I would send for and converse with them, I would perhaps find out the reason of such an unexpected order. Besides all other things I had also the most convenient lodging for my performances in the new mission. But here we select only those points which are preparatory to the development of deep secrets by which the three extraordinary men mentioned on the title-page become extraordinary witnesses of our mission. The merchant with whom I boarded knew most persons of our congregation. Therefore I took the paper on which I put the names according to the Heavenly commission, and asked him whether he knew any of those persons who were on the paper. After his negative answer I called our messenger to give him the paper with the order to inquire at those who were acquainted with most people of our congregation, to find out those persons and invite them to come to me about important matters, without telling the case which I myself did not understand. But at the moment, when I would give him the paper, I was severly shaken and heard the voice, not to inquire for any body but to perform that which I had been commanded to do. The order having been given by the leader from whom other most important orders came, I was satisfied, that with the order were deeper things connected than I could expect. I asked the messenger whether he heard any voice. He replied, in the negative. I understood that I was taken by him into the inner state, when he shook me and said to me not to inquire for anybody, but to perform the order.
From Monday to Tuesday in the week before Easter I was again shaken and awakened by my leader at 1 o'clock A.M. and heard his voice: "Arise and write for the book the order given on the preceding night to be executed on next Sunday." To understand this order I must remark, that soon after my declaration made to Bishop Fenwick of Boston, that if he refuses to sign the Epistle I can have no ecclesiastical communion with him, which declaration was a polite manner in which I excommunicated the bishop, I commenced to write a book, showing that my extraordinary steps were made under higher direction testifying my extraordinary mission; because as soon as I was ordered to separate from the bishop, and to perform independently from all bishops in the Roman Catholic Cathedral Church, what would be shown me by the spirit, I understood my extraordinary mission; although I did not know, what the Heavenly Congress intended to perform by my mediumship. And when I was commanded by the spirit at 1 o'clock from Monday to Tuesday before Easter 1838, to arise and to write for the book, which is now called the first of my five German volumes, I felt more than before the importance of the obligations of the 144 witnesses who have signed their names in my catalogue; and from this view I wrote that night what I inserted in the most suitable place of the manuscript, that it was then published for a testimony to all nations, that I did know nothing in regard to the deepest mystery which was intended by the Heavenly Congress with that excommunication.
One point more as preparation for the great celebration of the Easter Sunday, April 15, 1838. On Wednesday before Easter the man who was excommunicated on Sunday Quinquagesima from our congregation, came to me after having separated from the woman with whom he was not married. I understood that he was under influence of an invisible power brought to me, and that I had to take him into our communion and make it publicly known on Easter Sunday in the same general terms without mentioning his name, in which he was separated. And I said to him, that I will mention this in our next meeting on Easter Sunday.
When all was prepared on that great Easter Sunday, in the midst of our usual prophetical performances at the Mass I ascended the pulpit and delivered under inspiration a sermon preparatory to the excommunication, instructed the audience then regarding the excommunicated by a distinct report, how I was three times ordered to perform that excommunication, that therefore those who are comprehended under the names of the excommunication, are as certainly excommunicated from Christ's Church, as I am confirmed as his messenger for establishing his reign of Truth and Justice, Harmony and Peace on the whole Globe by all the signs and wonders many of which they had already heard in my addresses, others they will read in the book. The congregation knew, that I was printing a book in Cambridge near Boston, showing that what I was doing I was doing under the direction of Heavenly messengers for the fulfilment of the greatest promises. Amongst all the signs and wonders many of which you have also read in this book, one of the most remarkable signs was, that after my having excommunicated Benedict Fenwick, Bishop of Boston, in both letters, that of the 16th as well as that of the 17th February 1838, although more expressedly in the last than in the first, neither the Bishop nor any other Priest did interfere with my using the Roman Catholic Cathedral Church of Boston, but I performed without the least disturbance all that has been shown to me by the holy martyr Revel. xiv:14 and his company. I assured the congregation at the same time that the excommunication will not injure those who are comprehended in the names of the excommunicated, except if they remain obstinate after the excommunication is made known.
After the necessary solemn preparation, the excommunication was performed in the most vigorous manner, and the names of the excommunicated were read so loud and distinctly, that they could be heard in every corner of the church, for the peculiar purpose that no name might be confounded with another name.
After that act I continued the Mass and distributed the Eucharist to a large number of the congregation whom I prepared on the previous days by hearing their confessions; because, as I have mentioned before, in my extraordinary mission in the Roman Catholic Cathedral Church all that which was practised was to be repeated for a testimony that it was accomplished. Without there being room here to write about the confession we mark only in general, that it had also its time in the old Heaven, but we have better means of education in the new Heaven. But it is to be remarked that also the man who had been excommunicated on Sunday Quinquagesima, came to me to the confession before Easter and was received into our congregation, and this was then on Easter Sunday directly after my solemn sermon before I commenced to prepare the audience for hearing the excommunication of those who were to be excommunicated, distinctly announced to the congregation, and that same man received then with the others the Eucharist from my hand. Then he, after our service, accompanied me closely, without saying a word, to my lodging, and said when I was entering the house, that he wished to talk with me privately. When we were alone, he entreated me pitifully to receive him in Christ's Church or in our congregation. I was surprised, and asked him, whether he forgot, that I received him first privately, and whether he did not hear that I made that known to the congregation on that same day, and that he took also the Eucharist from my hand as the confirmation of being in our congregation. He replied that all this was true, but that he heard distinctly his name, when I read those who were excommunicated, and that the Spirit said to him, that he should go directly to me and tell me this.
I saw that he was acting under the influence of a spirit, and to get some more information, asked him, how he could hear his name, when I pronounced loud and distinctly those who were on my paper for the excommunication, when I read them from the paper as being excommunicated, and that I could not be such a fool as to put the same name amongst the excommunicated, whom I took before privately into our Communion, and announced this also publicly, immediately before the performance of the excommunication. He replied, that he did not only hear distinctly his name, but saw it also on the paper from which I read those who were excommunicated, and if I would show him the paper, on which those are who were excommunicated, he would show me his name. Neither he nor any other man could read the names from that paper, which I had in the New Testament book, in my pocket, and from which I read to the audience, what was to be read from that book on Easter Sunday; but my pulpit was so arranged, that nobody besides me could see what I read. When he demanded to see that paper, to show me his name, I took the paper from that book, to satisfy him, that he was mistaken. As soon as I had shown him the paper, he fixed his finger to a name and exclaimed: "This is my name! this is my name!" The more I assured him, that he was mistaken and that he should look better the letters of the name, to see that it was not his but quite another name, the more he affirmed, that it was his name; and the more he looked at the name, the more he asserted, that it was his name. Then I named each letter of that name, asking him, whether he saw that it was the named letter, and when he answered in the affirmative to all letters, I urged him to spell the whole name. And he spelt the whole name, and it was "Kaiser." This German name means in English "Emperor."
As soon as the man, or rather the departed spirit who urged him, that he performed all this, spelt the name Kaiser, that is, Emperor, the spirit seemed to be quite satisfied. After a short pause he again operated upon the man powerfully, saying, that he had brought his name on the 7th Jan. into my catalogue. I understood always, that he meant that man whose name was Kaiser, and I said, that his name is not in the catalogue. But when he continued to assert, that it is in the catalogue, and I repeated that I perused oftentimes that catalogue and was quite certain, that his name is not in the catalogue, and we both remained, each on his point of certainty, I said at length, that I would convince him, that I was correct, if he would tell me, who was the next before him, who put his name in the catalogue. And when he named him and also others before and after him, I opened the catalogue, and saw, that on the 100th place, which was according to that direction his place, was the name "Kaiser," that means "Emperor," instead of the name "Geyer" that means "hawk" or "vulture." Geyer was the name of the man who had brought on the 7th January, 1838, instead of his own, the name Kaiser. But by all our precautions, that there might not be a mistake in any name and by all our uses of that catalogue until that moment no body discovered this!
That my business with that man required more time than could be spared, because others were waiting till I dispatched him, and then all that Easter Sunday there was other work so that I had no time to reflect upon that case, nor, if there had been time, had I dared to think, what might have been, behind the vail, without having received peculiar revelation. Having been occupied on that Easter Sunday with other business as well as with hearing confessions of those who came from far, I was then tired and went to rest. During my rest I was awakened by an Angel of the Lord, and heard the voice, that I should arise and write a communication. I arose, kindled a light and saw by the watch, that it was one o'clock after midnight, and felt that there was a company of Spirits present, while I received from one the communication which was to be delivered on that day to the congregation. That was the second day of Easter, a festival in the Roman Catholic Church, and we had our service. That communication not belonging into this epitome, was mentioned, because it was a preparation to what follows.
After having finished writing that communication between 1 and 2 o'clock, A.M. on Easter Monday, April 16, 1838, I felt much stronger than at the receipt of the first communication that I was surrounded by a company of Spirits, amongst whom, at that moment, my mother approached next to me, and with an unexpected power of her voice which made such an impression upon my spirit and my whole system as may be easier felt than expressed with words, delivered the message that, I received in our ecclesiastical communion the man who directed my attention to the Emperor who was excommunicated, and that that Emperor was excommunicated who pretends to be Apostolic Majesty, and that I must write down this and publish in the book which was at that time in composition.
I mentioned above, that I received by my departed mother one communication twelve years before that; and this was the second and also until this hour the last communication which I have received by the instrumentality of my mother. Never in my life, at all my experience from the Spirit world, I was so affected as at that communication. It was delivered after having written the first communication, and thought to extinguish the light and return to bed. At that moment I felt that, I was surrounded by a company of Heavenly Messengers amongst whom one was approaching nearest, and the powerful communication came. After that there was no inclination to return to bed, nor is there room here to repeat, what has been explained in the first and second of my five often mentioned German volumes, for the correct understanding of said communication, and the prophecies which have been fulfilled in said excommunication and explained in my third volume. From those explanations it is evident, that the Emperor of Austria who has besides other anti-Christian titles also the title "Apostolic Majesty," is representing in that excommunication the whole body of Monarchs and Tyrants, who keep people in the anti-Christian servitude, from which they are to be redeemed at the present manifestation of Christ by his Messengers.
Since the female sex has been much more injured and abused by monarchs and other tyrants than the masculine sex, Beatrice Dante's departed wife was found as most suitable Heavenly messenger by whom the great prophecy in the 33d and last Song of Purgatory was communicated to the Poet and most remarkable Prophet Dante, and my mother was found most suitable to deliver the above mentioned communication and to make greater impression than any other Heavenly messenger upon me, when the first message was to be delivered to understand that great prophecy and thousands of other prophecies which have been locked until that time. At that moment a key was given to commence to unlock them.
We give only some hints regarding the points which are the substance of the contents of the five Germam volumes published from 1838 to 1842; and many volumes would be required, if we would explain the memorable events which happened afterwards for new illustrations and confirmations of the preceding events. There is a concatenation of the most solemn warnings to all the upholders and supporters of the old ruined Babylon, that they should come out not to be partakers of her plagues. Besides the mentioned mystery on the 100th place of our catalogue there is another mystery on the 90th place. Besides those two, four or five others as you may read the whole report in those volumes, have neglected to fulfil their highest duty, and were excommunicated on Easter Sunday, 1838. But those four or five came after that excommunication to me and were received in our communion; but the 90th and the 100th have been brought by their mediums for the fulfilment of prophecies and for the most solemn divine assurance to political and ecclesiastical rulers, that they are in such a tremendous condition, in which they would not remain a moment, but would become directly with us messengers of Peace, if they would comprehend but a little of what we know regarding their condition.
After having received such an astonishing unexpected light regarding the 100th of the 144 witnesses of our catalogue, that only those can duly appreciate it who have studied my volumes, others who have neglected their duty and came in the number of the excommunicated only for an illustration of those on the 90th and 100th places, as we have explained in those volumes, came then without having been called, to me, and were received in our communion. But the 90th did not come, and his place and his names had a peculiar reference to all that which has been performed in the Cathedral Church of Boston by our instrumentality; but I had received no communication in regard to him. Therefore I thought proper to send Messengers to inquire, whether anybody knew a man having the name "Leo Hefner" and having been in Boston at the time in which the 144 witnesses signed their names in my catalogue. But after the most careful inquiry nobody brought any account of Leo Hefner. After that I received the communication, that that name which is on the 90th place of our catalogue, is a mystery which must be explained by me.
Then I commenced to explain, that most suitable names have been selected by Divine wisdom for the excommunication, of the Beast which has the mouth of a Leo, that means in English a Lion, Revelation, xiii: 2, and the Beast is the Papal Monarchy, for the foundation of which although several predecessors of Pope Leo I. were preparing the way, that Leo or Lion contributed most by his energy and principles which are expressed in his writings, to that monarchy, which afterwards Pope Gregory VII. endeavoured to establish with great power, and his successors triumphed at length against their adversaries, and the mouth of these lions under the Christian mask swallowed as much of human life and property as it could reach, and the whole succession or family of the Popes produced a "Hefner." In the explanation of the expressive names which have been prepared by the Heavenly Congress, we take the most suitable significations which appear obviously in the names. We took the name "Hefner" as a composition of German Hef or Hefe, which means "dregs" or "sediment," and the Hebrew "Ner," which means Lamp, so that Hefner means "dregs of the Lamp" in our interpretation. The Pope used the Hebrew Lamp and besides others especially German scholars gave him the greatest assistance, that by his anti-christian management the Lamp of Truth and Righteousness could not burn, because there was oil consumed and dregs of the most dreadful materialism were destroying and ruining mankind.
It is to be understood, that we give only some hints of what we explained in the first volume as far as our leaders found proper to do, showing gradually the great apostasy from the christian truth and immersion into materialism and ceremonialism, produced by the anti-christian management[Z] of the "Hefner or Dregs of the Lamp." In the second volume we cotinued the explanation, that is, I under the direction of invisible agents, was writing for the second volume. When I thought that regarding the Beast with ten Horns was sufficient explanation given for that volume, I heard on the 20th November, 1838 at noon time a Heavenly voice: "Count the number of the name of the Beast." Revelation, xiii: 17 and 18. I replied "Lord! I counted it long time ago." Then the Heavenly voice was repeated. I asked, "Is'nt Lateinos" the right name? I received the answer: No. Then I understood, that neither that name which was delivered by the old Church Father Irenaeus and written with Greek letters gives the number 666 and points to the affairs of the Latin Man, nor any other name found for an illustration of the prophecy and containing 666, expresses what is prophesied about the beast; but that Hefner, contains the whole mystery; because each pope as pope has the mouth of a leo or lion, and the whole family or succession of the popes have produced the Hefner, or dregs in the lamp, which cannot burn, because oil is consumed with the mouth of the Leo. After my having explained for the second volume, that all circumstances testified that by "Leo Hefner" the Papal Monarchy was excommunicated from Christ's Church, and that in this name the whole history of Popery is comprehended, showing what every pope as pope is, and what the whole succession of the popes had poduced, the heavenly voice "Count the number of the name of the beast," has given the most striking divine confirmation or divine seal to our interpretation of the mystery. I wrote the family name, after having received the heavenly order, with Greek letters, and to my astonishment they gave exactly the number 666, Revel. xiii: 18. Greek scholars should keep in mind, that the German H is expressed by the Greek mark which is called by grammarians spiritus asper, and that in both syllables of Hefner e is long, and with this remark they will find by writing Hefner with Greek letters, in the name exactly the number 666.
After having received the Heavenly order, that I counted the number of the beast, while I was writing the manuscript and preparing the print of the second volume in Philadelphia, I received soon a letter from Boston containing the information, that Matthew Arnold who is on the 86th place of the 144 witnesses and in the deputation who after my having excommunicated Bishop Benedict Fenwick from my ecclesiastical communion, came to move me to occupy the church for my performances, was inspired and remained when the other left my room when I received the communication to occupy the church for our work, that same man learned who the man was who brought the name Leo Hefner into my catalogue. Since there were usually besides the witnesses also a number of others in the school room, in which names were signed in my catalogue, it seemed to be an easy task to discover the man, who had brought the name, by asking those who signed their names next the 90th. But there are thousands of discoveries quite easy, but they could not be made, till the time for their use arrived. Besides me, all the 144 were also under so strict a control of invisible agents, that all happened in due time. After all other things regarding the mystery have been disclosed and also the number of the beast has been counted, I received the information, that the man who has brought the name, was a single man, quite suitable that he became a medium of Pope Leo xii. The first name of that medium was not Leo, but he was known under the French name Louis, although his German name was Ludwig; and his family name was Hefner. But Leo Hefner was not his name. He was brought as a medium of the departed Pope Leo XII. and he gave the name which we needed. His family name corresponded with the whole mystery of the fruits of the family or succession of the Popes, but he was only a medium, and instead of his proper name a name was to be given which suited the mystery, and the Pope amongst the departed who represented the succession of the Popes, had to give his own name. Here is no room to repeat the explanation from my often mentioned volumes, how tangibly it was shown by signs, that Pope Leo XII. was the leader who had brought that medium for the most astonishing excommunication of popery. The name Leo has given also the stopping place, from which we count in different directions the epochs of the duration of the Papal monarchy. We have done so in the third German volume and in the work which exists in Latin, German and English for our monthly theological course and for the Latin convention, if the Emperors of France and Austria comprehend us and call their bishops together, to learn the great things which are disclosed for the pacification of the world. Bible Students may explain many things by the hints, given in this book, for instance, how the three verses of the 18th chapter of the Revelation have been fulfilled on Easter Sunday, April, 15, 1838, by the excommunication of the Beast and its image or its ten Horns from Christ's Church. We could name here the powerful Angel, Revelation, xviii: 1. But here is no room to explain, why that martyr was found most qualified for that office, that he delivered to me three times the command to perform that excommunication[AA], in which the proclamation is included: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul beast, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." Revelation, xviii: 2. Interpreters did not know, how to read the text, because some manuscripts have the word "beast" and others have instead of that word "spirit." But the powerful Angel who had the superintendency in these affairs, has shown, that you have to read the word "Beast," because he has given to Pope Leo XII. the order to inspire his medium, to give for our use the name "Leo," or Lion who is the king amongst the Beasts, for our use in the excommunication of the Papal monarchy from Christ's Church, and the medium, although of German parents, was secreted under the French name Louis, in reference to the French Kings, who were for a great support, and at length for a great fall of popery.
But with the Imperial Family of Austria is an other phase. "Petra dedit Petro et Petrus Diadema Rudolpho." This was the motto when the infernal holiness inspired the Pope, to send the crown to the Count of Hapsburgh, to have that count when he becomes Emperor of Germany, his obedient servant. At length, after the support of all kinds of Papal Imperial Royal abominations the departed Emperor Francis was allowed to take the most suitable medium in possession. The proper name of the medium should have been Eagle according to the delight of Emperors in that Fowl. But our superintendent in those affairs took rather the Hawk or Vulture as a more suitable rapacious fowl, who put the name Emperor instead of his name into our catalogue. That the departed Emperor Francis of Austria became the leader of that his medium, will be shown below for a peculiar instruction of Emperor Francis Joseph, that he might become with us messenger of the New Era. But before this we must give here a very brief lesson to Pope Pius IX, although this whole book and especialy this treatise contain extraordinary lessons for him, and we could write a large volume of correspondences of wonders and signs in Pope Pious IX actions with our apostolic actions.
Bishops would have converted long time ago Pope Pius IX into a powerful preacher of the New Era if they themselves had studied our message of Peace, or rather the Papal monarchy would have been extinguished long time before the appearance of Pope Pius IX. Gregory XVI was the last Pope in the ordinary course of affairs. While I was reading his book: "Il trionfo della Santa Sede e della Chiesa" (the triumph of the Holy See and of the Church,) my Lord has opened my eyes, that he was near to overthrow the See of his infernal holiness, supported by such an abominable delusion as is contained in that pestilential book and other similar impositions. But I did not know at that time, by what kind of means it would be effected, till A.D. 1838 the wonderful works were executed in the Cathedral Church of Boston, so that I expected, that bishops would, after the publication of my explanation of those events, comprehend them and instruct their Pope in what was his highest duty. But they proved to be miserable servants of this their grandmaster of abominations.
Popes with their whole Hierarchy are continuously repeating prophecies and at the same time refusing to do what is their highest duty for the fulfilment of prophecies. I could not have expected, that Pope Gregory XVI, that machine of darkness, would have paid attention, if I had applied directly to him. But if bishops had studied our writings and comprehended our mission and its credentials, they might have drawn also their master Gregory XVI, to look into our matters. But he vegatated and died in the fulness of his prophetical position, whereas he was not ready to enter into the Dispensation of the fulness of times, Ephes. 1: 10, which is to be introduced by messengers whom I represent, I mentioned that the whole Papal Church is prophetical. In her is concentrated the prophecy of Judaism and Heathenism. Popes who had a peculiar charge, had also names and numbers correspondent to their charge. When in Pope Leo XII the apostolic number was complete he prophesied, as readers must recollect, according to his Leonine wisdom about a Church Doctor or Apostle of the higher mission, and after his departure he had to inspire and bring the man into our school-room, to sign the most suitable-mysteries on the 90th place of our catalogue for the excommunication of Popery from Christ's Church. And Pope Gregory XVI had to write the above quoted book, while he was yet a monk. But by that book the way was opened for him to the Papal Chair. He prophesied on the title-page of that book in the first place the triumph of the Holy See or the Papal Government. And it triumphed so, when he became Pope that with his successor the whole miserable machinery is breaking and breaking, till at length the Church, that is, the people will triumph by receiving our message of Peace, by which all kinds of Popery will be abolished from the Globe. He on the Papal Chair concentrated in his name and number of the name the whole mystery of his position. He was Gregory, that means a watchman, as prophets are called, and he stands as prophet, in the full number XVI, which is as remarkable in the developments of Popery as the number 666, so that the disciples of the Revelator were debating, whether the spirit had given to their master the number 666, or the number 16 in Revel. xiii: 18, till the spirit had shown by our instrumentality, that the number 666 is the principal number in counting the name and the periods of the duration of the government of that Beast, but the number 16 comprehends many of its deep mysteries. The 4th Beast in the 7th chapter of Daniel was formed gradually into the shape of the Papal monarchy, and 4 times 4 is the complete number in which the last ordinary Pope appeared in his glory; he is the "infallible monarch of the church," as he himself has proved while he was yet a monk, in the above quoted book, that the Pope is the infallible monarch of the church. By the means of that book my Lord of truth and righteousness has opened my eyes, that I commenced to comprehend the infernal imposition of the dragon and his host, by which nations were so duped that they believed the Papal infallibility, holiness and all other abominations and blasphemies of the living God and his Christ, and that I have performed and explained what is required for the abolition of all kinds of Popery. The number of the Biblical writing mediums or prophets, whose books are collected in one section of the books of the Old Testament, is sixteen. They were as little understood as to who they were and where they were, as the Popes. The number of the Popes each of whom appears under the name Gregory or watchman, is also sixteen, or two times eight. The last of them or the sixteenth Gregory was the Pope under whose administration the mysteries were performed by our instrumentality for the abolition of all kinds of popery. But he continued to rule in all his glory and to keep disturbers of his infallible monarchy in prison. He was the most glorious during the time, in which the Beast or the Papal monarchy is in the number eight, Revelation, xvii: 11.
The often mentioned catalogue of the 144 witnesses which appears in the English translation of my 4th German volume, entitled "The one thing needful," from the 533d till 538th page, is a concentration of wonders and signs, which were effected under the control of the 144,000 martyrs, Revelation xiv: 1. In reference to this mystery as well as in reference to the 144 cubits of the wall of the New Jerusalem, Revelation, xxi: 17, their number is exactly 144. They were the stones used while we were performing in the Roman Catholic Cathedral Church what was required according to prophecies for the removal of Babylon and bilding of the New Jerusalem. "Behold I come as a thief." Revelation xvi: 15. He came so secretly, that neither on the 7th Jan., 1838, while those 144 witnesses were signing their names into my catalogue nor afterwards, while they were performing each his task, we understood much of what was behind the vail, till after the great excommunication on Easter Sunday, 1838, the great mystery commenced gradually to be developed, and I received on the third Sunday after Easter, 1838, directly before the service, from my guardian the direction to deliver the valedictory sermon in order that all which, was to be executed in that church according to prophecies, had been accomplished. The church had prepared for our use on that Sunday the 16th chapter of John. And I selected the text: "A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again a little while and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father." John, xvi: 16.
If you have comprehended this book to this page, you know, that I am Jesus Christ's first-born son in the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. Ephes. 1: 10. But also after having been publicly initiated to this ministry on Sunday Sexagesima, February 18th, 1838, at the altar of the Cathedral Church of Boston, I progressed slowly in the development of the mystery.
All disclosures which I give are preparatory for an easier understanding of the great testimony of the three witnesses named at the caption of this treatise. I am partly going around and applying to all kinds of mediums in the cities of New York and Brooklyn, and in all directions is somewhat prepared for an illustration of the testimony of the three extraordinary witnesses. On Sunday, 24th inst., when the message of "the Treaty of Peace" between the Emperors of Austria and France arrived in America but was not communicated to us on that day, I wrote some of the last disclosures before this paragraph. After that I wrote two letters. But before having finished the second, I was inspired to go and I thought that I was going to a Conference meeting of Spiritualists; but on my way I met with one who is holding his own meetings publicly to draw the incautious into private "Free Love Meetings," and I went with him to his public meeting. When I returned to my room I was tired, went to bed, and then I arose yesterday, July 25th, and finished at fish-oil light the second letter of July 24th, 1859. Then I wrote three other letters before breakfast, at which I heard the first report of "the Peace Treaty." After that I was occupied all day in the cities of New York and Brooklyn. I thought proper, to write this episode this morning, July 26th, before my starting to other business; because it is in such a connexion with the "Peace Treaty," that it will be in the proper place more particularly explained for a great illustration of the three extra-ordinary witnesses.
"Christ's first-born Son in the Dispensation of Universal Harmony and Peace on the whole globe" is the third angel preaching powerfully in the 9th, 10th and 11th verses of the 14th chapter of the Revelation. There have been a number of prophecies which have been referred to Christ who has been crucified by the Jews more than eighteen hundred years ago, but which cannot be understood except in regard to his first-born son and the whole Body of Messengers whom he represents. Since our public appearance some mediums have preached that now Christ's first-born son appears, and were quoting a number of Biblical passages testifying this. If there would be room, I would write some pages regarding my meetings in Cincinnati of Ohio with the principal of those mediums. He after having been an elder in the Mormon Church, separated from them and was preaching "the Judgment Dispensation," and that Christ's first-born Son Was coming now. Although my meetings with that prophet would be for a peculiar illustration of the testimony of the three extraordinary witnesses, I can mention here only the substance, that he was often times possesed by some of the generals of Napoleon I. to give from his position peculiar testimonies to our mission. Once, for instance, was he so strongly inspired by his leader, that he wrote a decree by the authority of that his god, in which he appointed me to be "Pope Andrew I." It was A.D. 1846. He gave a copy of that decree to an editor of a newspaper in Cincinnati,—to the same who publishes now in Washington City the National Era, which will be used before the close of this treatise in a peculiar connexion with the three witnesses, and he handed to me a copy of the same decree. At the perusal of that decree I saw that a dragon was the god by whom he was inspired, and I wrote directy a protest, to accept any office from his God who was a spirit of delusion and destruction, I handed my protest to the same editor with the remark that if he publishes the appointment for me to be Pope Andrew I, he must publish also my protest. He made known this to that medium who under those circumstances withdrew the decree. He was a rich general, and there is no doubt, that as Pope in a new shape I had found soon support of other rich, persons to carry out the plan of the dragon for destruction.
While I was writing the 4th of the five often mentioned German volumes I had to quote oftentimes the catalogue of the 144 witnesses, and was continuously aware, that not only the 90th, and the 100th, who have brought as Mediums not their own names but the names which were suitable to the office of those, by whom they were inspired, obtained the places which according to our language by numbers were most suitable to the mystery which they contain, but that also those who have brought their own names, brought them as mediums of invisible agents by whom they were controlled in such a manner, that those who had peculiar charges, obtained also the places with numbers corresponding to their charges. After having observed many times this phenomenon I saw at length the necessity of publishing that catalogue with the names in the same order, in which they had been brought into the catalogue. But at that time I was not aware, that the catalogue contains exactly 144 witnesses, the complete mystical number of their represensation; because on the 538th page of "the One Thing needful" that catalogue ends with "143 Anthony Larger," and in my first three volumes as well as in "The One thing Needful" or in the 4th volume these witnesses are named "the 143 witnesses." On the 538th page the paragraph after the close of that catalogue commences: "This is the foundation catalogue of the new reign of Christ on earth," and in the same paragraph these witnesses are called the 143 witnesses; because they occupy 143 places, and I was not aware that there were 144 witnesses in that catalogue, till at length I heard the voice: "Count exactly the number of the witnesses." I looked then at every place, and found that on each place of the catalogue is only one witness, except the 81st place in which are two sisters together, and therefore the number of witnesses in that catalogue is 144 in reference to the 144, 000 members of the Heavenly Congress Revelation xiv: 1, by whose wisdom names for that catalogue were wonderfully provided, and in reference to the 144 cubits of the measure of the walls of the New Jerusalem, Revelation xxi: 17, the chief corner stone of which being Jesus Christ, and the members of his peaceable kingdom are named lively stones. 1 Peter ii: 5. And, those 144 were given to me as assistants to show what is to be done for the establishment of Christ's peaceable reign on earth, to wit, all the ecclesiastical and political powers must co-operate with us to draw all nations into the new era. Here we give only some hints, how wonderfully they are exhorted and urged by all other events, as well as by the formation of that catalogue in which is the concentration of wonders and signs.
We quote the following places from the catalogue as peculiar instances in reference to the three "extra-ordinary" witnesses: "80, Bischofberger with two, 81 sisters." This man came under the strong control of his guardian, and when the quoted words were signed, and on the place "81 sisters" appeared, we required the names of his sisters. But he said, the names will be made known to me another time. Each signer had to give his name, but Bischofberger after having put the name "sisters" on the 81st place of the catalogue, refused to give their names, and assured me that they will be made known in due time, and I received orders from my leader to let it remain as it was written. When the unexpected wonders which are concealed in that catalogue, commenced to be disclosed, it was manifest, that on the 80th place was put the representative of the Beast which itself is the eighth king, Revelation xvii: 11 and has ten horns. To show, that it was in the complete age or in the fulness of its glory in our age, it was put on the ten times the eighth place with suitable names. To wit, Alexis means one who hinders. He hinders the redemption of mankind from oppression and the development of truth and justice, which is required for this redemption. And the family name shows who this man is, to wit, "Bischofberger." The first part of this compound name is the same word, as the English word "Bishop," and the German "Berge" are "Mountains," so that this Bishop is Bishop of the Mountains, or on the Mountains, having his seat on the mountains, in reference to the seven mountains, on which Rome is located. In this his glory he has two sisters, which represent the two powers of the Pope, to wit, the ecclesiastical and political power. He himself in his glory and both his powers have been typified on the 80th and 81st places of our catalogue showing to the Pope his highest duty, to become with us messenger of Christ's peaceable reign.
On the six places which precede immediately the 80th place, those are represented who have raised the Pope so high as he stands. We remark, that the German name Ochs is pronounced as the English name Ox and means the same beast. Those representatives are in our catalogue in the following order: 74 Joseph Ochs, 75 Conrad Ochs. 76 Aloysius Ochs. 77 John Ochs. 78 Iidorus Ochs. 79 Joseph Januarius Ochs. The number six is the fundamental number of the number of the name of the Beast 666, Revelation xiii: 18, and to one or the other of the six classes of men who appear here as oxen, all orders of monks may be reduced. The name which stands before the name "Ochs," defines nearer the position of the representative Ochs. Monks of all Papal orders appear in reference to the Pope as Oxen, tame useful animals, working for the support of Popery, without knowledge of their own and the true condition of the Pope. But Revelation xiii: 11 we read: "I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." Here are the orders of monks under the image of a Therion, a ferocious beast, which appears as a lamb to those whom it entraps for the Pope, but it is ferocious, although it hides its ferocity, as a dragon, till its delusion is made manifest, when it destroys the enemies of the Pope. It is caught in all six shapes into our catalogue, the explanation of the mysteries of which in our volumes shows to all monks and priests the urgent necessity to become with us messengers of the new era And the explanation from the 11th verse to the end of the 13th chapter of the Revelation and of other mysteries is in our volumes showing the dreadful condition of monks and priests in their present course.
We have given some hints without explanations which are in my printed volumes and in the manuscript, which N.B. On this great prophetical Feast, August 15, 1859, of Mary's Assumption into Heaven and of Napoleon I's Birthday, I mention that I was since the twenty-first day of June last, on which day agreement was made with the printer and the manuscript of the First Treatise was given him for printing this book, confined to New York, wishing to have it printed as soon as possible. But those Messengers from our sphere who have the commission to count according to our spirit language by numbers, pages and lines in my publications and days for their printing in agreement with the calendar, for this purpose controlling the spirits of the compositors, did not hinder them to annoy me in manifold ways. At length I wrote on the 1st inst. my complaint and carried it to the same attorney who without charge wrote the agreement; but not having found him in his office, I myself carried it to the printer, expecting a good effect. But I was as much disappointed, as when I commenced to write the Fourth Treatise and thought that it would not become larger than the largest of the preceding Treatises. But having become more than twice as large, we stopped the composition of the Fourth Treatise at the end of the 168th page, which according to the printer's calculation will be finished on the 17th inst. The portion of the Fourth Treatise which appears in this edition is a necessary preparation to comprehend the proper position of Pope Pius IX. and of the Emperors of France and Austria, and to understand the mysteries of the dates of the remarkable events in the last war in Italy. Those dates testify that those events happened under strict control of our leaders watching the infernal furies destroying men, and in so exact a correspondence with events of our mission, that if you comprehend this book and act accordingly, you will open soon the door for the New Era in America and in Europe; but if you neglect this the three extraordinary witnesses have such a position as to continue judgments.
Those who comprehend this book, will be anxious to read also the continuation and the end of the Fourth Treatise, and will collect as many subscribers as possible. As soon as they secure us to call a printer to our Peace Union Centre and to publish a new edition of this book, we will send gratis to them in an extra pamphlet the "Supplement to the Fourth Treatise," which will appear in the next edition. Therefore we request those who buy this book, to give their exact direction either to those from whom they buy or to send it according to the direction on the title-page.
The Plan for Redemption of Nations from monarchical and other oppressive speculations and for the introduction of the promised New Era of Harmony, Truth and Righteousness on the whole globe.
We write the following pages only for those who have studied all the preceding pages of this book, and concentrate the subject of what would require volumes, on few pages, to be gradually developed in our Periodical. On the title-page of this book our Mission is expressed, and the four preceding Treatises contain superabundance of credentials or testimonials of our mission as well as the great truth, that the social, political and ecclesiastical relations of mankind are rotten and corrupt, the whole structure is a Babylon, confusion and delusion, which is to be abolished and on its place truth and justice, harmony and peace are to be established by virtue of our mission.
Readers of this book know that I speak as medium of messengers from the Heavenly Congress who have the commission to introduce the New Era, and as representative of messengers by whom nations are to be moved for action to escape from the plagues which continue in the ruins of Babylon till people come out and establish the New Jerusalem, the new order of things, in which persons of both sexes will receive such development of their intellectual and moral faculties and of their physical skill and strength as they will be qualified to receive, to enjoy themselves in their mortal bodies as well as after their departure such happiness as their persons will be capable of enjoying while they themselves will contribute, each member his or her share to the common welfare of mankind, that the whole society will progress as far as circumstances will allow.
This development demands time. It could not take place in a moment, but means which have been in preparation and prepared through the course of ages may be concentrated, and when thus concentrated they may be usefully applied in accelerating the true and right education of degraded humanity, and in a few years that may be effected, which past centuries did not effect. But with all the knowledge which we have acquired for promoting the true happiness of mankind, we can do nothing for them, if they are not reached and aroused from their lethargy. If they will be redeemed from their present miserable and wretched condition, they must begin to comprehend where they are and to what point of intellectual and moral perfection with corresponding happiness and health and strength of body and mind they could arrive, if they would apply their energy and the means which are prepared by nature as well as by human skill, art and science to be used in bringing mankind from their present Babylon or from the existing confusion and delusion into the new Jerusalem, into the New Era, into the new order of things, which is usually called the Millennium, about which there are many false and wrong notions, but which will be the universal republic in which truth and righteousness will reign and all nations will be united in the great brotherhood in which they will enjoy perpetual peace. We have received the commission and the credentials of the Mission to introduce this state of things. |