Secret Enemies of True Republicanism
by Andrew B. Smolnikar
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The man who has brought me to Mr. Noyse, left soon after that spectacle his own wife, a good natured woman, and went with another "Lady" to unknown regions. And Noyse left, not long after that that place, and founded in the State of New York, the Oneida community, in which his followers professed publicly and published their Free Love doctrine, and put it in practice in that community and elsewhere, when they had opportunity to deceive and ruin the incautious, abusing the Bible in the most horrible manner and anathematizing the true messengers of God. Such imposters must also give testimony to our mission in a manner convenient to their position, as I have given at the close of this treatise some hints, although I could write a volume of memorable events connected with John H. Noyse's "Perfectionist" and confirming the given hints. But this treatise being already weighty, we do not need to add an explanation, why our leaders were pleased to furnish Noyse's pamphlet to give occasion to these solemn warnings with which we close this treatise, which should be thankfully received from our directors by all parties and especially by Abolitionists and Republicans and by all kinds of Perfectionists and Spiritualists of the last fashion, who are by the abomination, called Free Love, so stupified, that they cannot comprehend our message, although they pretend to be Reformers. But those who will become true Reformers, must come on our ground according to the plan made public in the last treatise of this book by your sincere brother Andrew B. Smolnikar, "extraordinary Ambassador" for the introduction of the New Era of Harmony and Peace.


"The War in Europe, its remote and recent causes" in connexion with our Epistle to the Bishops of Illyria, to be communicated to the Emperors of Austria and France for the resurrection of the mortals as well as their departed friends from their misery and distress into the state of true happiness.

Instead of the treatise which was prepared to occupy this place in this book, we write on the 4th day of July, 1859, a New Treatise, while others are keeping the shadow for reality, rejoicing in companies and filling my ears with explosions of crackers and thunders of guns and my nostrils with the most disagreeable smell of gun powder, while I am mourning in my solitude in the midst of hundreds of thousands of people of the City of New York and neighbourhood, because they would not receive our message of peace and learn how to bring forth fruits of the true liberty of nations. This treatise was occasioned by the book "The War in Europe, its remote and recent causes" written by J. H. Duganne, and published a few days ago by R. M. DeWitt, Nassau St., No. 60, New York. I mention it here, because it contains a collection of facts and events, by the perusal of which any body, if he reflects upon what he reads, may be aware of what we continuously repeat, that people and their political and ecclesiastical governments have apostatized from Truth and Justice, and cannot establish the promised peace, except according to the plan which is given in the fifth or last treatise of this book. The causes of Revolutions and Wars and manifold other plagues are contained in the apostasy of men from Truth and Righteousness. This apostasy brings mortal men into the association with departed deluding and destroying spirits, as you know, if you have comprehended the preceding treatises, and you will receive the more proof of this important truth, the farther you will proceed in studying this book. Mortal men are in close connexion with congenial departed spirits. The life of man in his mortal body is a manifestation of influence from the sphere of spirits, for whose society he is prepared. By them he is moved and supported for action; they influence those who are congenial with them. But men, if they are not versed in the inner life, are not aware of this influence; although this is the first and most necessary knowledge for the abolition of revolutions and wars and manifold other plagues, which originate from the influence of destroying spirits, who themselves may be so ignorant, that the magnetic fluid which they communicate to men is pestilential, as a man who is infected with one or the other kind of plague, may be ignorant of his dreadful condition, and of the fact that he infects also others who, in their ignorance of matters, are united with his deleterious condition. If, for instance, the Emperors of Austria and France, and their Generals and other Officers, and all who sympathize with one or the other, and contribute their share for the destruction of the enemy, would know the proper condition of spirits with whom they are associated and by whom they are inspired in their destructive work, they would be exceedingly frightened, and would cry: "What shall we do to be saved?"

Many years before I knew anything about my present mission, I was aware by comparing the reports of the Bible with the reports of other ancient and modern works and with our own experience in regard to the spirit world, that angels and demons in the Bible are departed men and women of different high and low spheres, made manifest to men in mortal bodies, when there was suitable to give to men tangible testimonies, that mortals are in close connexion with departed congenial spirits. The legion, for instance, in the fifth chapter of Mark, is a legion or regiment of soldiers who have been destroyed in a battle. The captain and his legion had the grave or the cave in which dead bodies were located, for a suitable location to their degraded condition; and the magnetic fluid, which they inhaled into their inner or magnetic bodies which are used by spirits, came from the decomposed and rotten cadavers, and was the most delicious influence which they could communicate to their worshipers, and their captain has shewn his terrible madness by the attacks upon his medium, while he was compelled to make manifest, what he really was. But when he was not compelled to show his real condition, he was deceiving in like manner, as now departed Emperors, Kings, Generals and other warlike spirits are deceiving, till they bring their worshippers on the battlefield, where they effect such carnages, as we read now many reports in newspapers. In this madness the victors and their bishops and priests are feasting and singing "Te Deum," while the defeated are praying for the reverse, and neither party are prepared to reflect upon the crimes which they have committed by having killed their fellow men, who should have been educated and should have progressed in knowledge of truth and practice of virtue as long as their constitutions by applying the right means for the support of their physical strength and health, would have admitted. But alas! they have been wantonly killed, when they were least prepared for Heaven and best disposed for the infernal regions! And others have been mangled and wounded, so that they are crippled for all their lifetime and also hindered in the right use of their intellectual and moral faculties. And all who were drilled for war, were instead of progressing in virtue, retrogressing into corruption. Volumes could be written on this point of the deepest humiliation of the human race. Which are "the remote and recent causes of the war in Europe?" The book which occasioned this treatise, contains a series of most detestable facts and proceedings as forerunners of the eruption of the volcanoes of the infernal furies which are destroying now in the wholesale human life and property; because governments and nations are not in truth, but in delusion and confusion, the necessary consequence of which is destruction. Truth will make you free. This is the teaching of the master whose religion the belligerent parties profess with words, while their actions are instigated by the infernal furies. Also this book contains superabundance of testimonies of our mission, which is expressed on the title page. In my five German volumes published within the years 1838 and 1842, the mystery of iniquity of all governments which profess to be christian governments, has been disclosed, and their highest duty has been made evident to abolish those abominations and to unite with us for the introduction of Christ's reign, which will be the universal Republic of Truth and Justice, Harmony and Peace on the whole globe. In those volumes as well as in all my following publications it is made evident that Peace can never be established on the globe in the present course of political and ecclesiastical affairs, and that, what they call peace, is only an armistice, during which the dragon and his host are inspiring the governments to amass means for new eruptions of revolutions and wars. The book which occasioned this treatise, contains a collection of testimonies confirming and illustrating our teaching, that true peace cannot be established, till governments and nations arrive on our ground. If the Emperor of Austria would evacuate this moment all places which he occupies in Italy, and if the Emperor of France and his allies would have in sincerity no other object in view, but the only one to make Italy perfectly free, I mean to make Italy a true Republic, and would sacrifice all their strength and influence to this only object, they could not realize their object, till they would learn and receive our message of Peace and adopt the plan given in this book for the introduction of the promised New Era. As long as they neglect to do this, they remain under the influence of deluding and destroying spirits. But these their masters are so controlled by our leaders, that when the measure of crimes of governments and nations is again and again filled, new eruptions of destructive revolutions and wars take place on such days and under such circumstances, that by our explanations of correspondences they become peculiar warnings; as we have already given specimens of this kind also in this book; and many more will be given on suitable places of the following pages. Readers should not forget that we are preparing them for the Epistle to the Bishops of Illyria.

Before we commence to translate that epistle, we must give a brief epitome of the contents of the treatise, which was to be printed in lieu of this treatise, and to which reference has been made in the preceding treatise, and we must write on this 4th of July, 1859 in the midst of great noise and continuous cracking and thunder of guns and so much smell of powder, that it becomes very tedious. This morning it appeared in newspapers, that Samuel Jackson's pyrotechnical establishment on 10th and Reed Streets in Philadelphia was yesterday afternoon destroyed by the explosion of fireworks, which were prepared for the exhibition on this day; but they yesterday burned Mr. Beck to death. We mention this case, because we saw it besides many other cases amongst the news of this day, and this Jackson is one of the many strong mediums of destroying spirits whom we endeavored many years ago to deliver from those spirits; but they continue to prepare tremendous fireworks. In the octava of the outbreak of the infernal furies in the French Revolution of February, 1848, spirits commenced to awaken materialists by raps through the Fox Girls in the vicinity of Rochester of this State of New-York. They became at length generally known as Rochester Rapping Spirits; because in the City of Rochester people first commenced to assemble in large numbers and hear those rappings, or also carefully to investigate, whether those raps came, as they purported, from spirits or from some other cause. As soon as I read in newspapers the reports of those manifestations, I understood the correspondences and also, why our leaders let the infernal powers exhibit their craft in this manner. Deluding and destroying spirits from the same spheres from which they have inspired their fighting mediums in Europe, commenced to give testimony in this country that there is truly such a relation between the living in the mortal bodies and the departed as has been disclosed in our publications, and at the same time also to show how they were duping and deluding such as would not hear our explanations regarding the true condition of spirits, but were quite pleasing with the answers which they received through the daughters of Mr. Fox and other mediums who commenced then to be developed in large numbers, that is, deluding and destroying spirits or infernal demons shewed by manifold perceivable possessions, that they were closely attached to congenial men and women. I made use of that opportunity and assured citizens of the United States, that rapping spirits would be dreadful destroying spirits also in this country, if their operations will not be stopped by the application of the means which are comprehended in our message of Peace. But I did not try those spirits in circles of spiritualists, till I received order from my leaders to do so. Opportunity was given in Pittsburgh, Pa. by the reports published in some English and German newspapers regarding the mediumship of Christina Beil, (as the name of that medium of German parents is correctly written, but English reporters wrote it Beail, although it is the German Beil, that means a hatchet or axe)[T]. Her mediumship aroused a general attention, and while crowds of attendants were convinced that raps by which questions were answered, were produced by spirits, sceptics denied it, and Mrs. Swisshelm published in her "Saturday Visitor" the results of her investigations of spirit rappers at Christina Beil's mediumship. She thought, that raps must have been produced by some trick of one or the other mortal, although she was not able to discover the trick. The same confession was made in German newspapers by a German Lutheran Pastor. The excitement moved a skilful German chemist who was also a strong materialist, to investigate the matter in the expectation that he might find out the trick. But he was sincere and confessed, that raps purporting to come from spirits, were produced by beings who understood the questions. But under the circumstances of his investigations they could not be produced by mortal men, and must have been produced by invisible agents.

A few days before my reading of those reports, a rapping spirit had been shown to me in an extraordinary manner, to relate which in this epitome there is no room. But by that manifestation I was instructed, that I should try the rapping spirits of Christiana Beil in the presence of sufficient witnesses. The same German learned chemist, and a German Pastor of the Reformed Church and other witnesses were present, when I tried the spirits of Christina Beil. Also that pastor belonged to that school of theologians who send their departed into such an eternity, from whence there is no return to mortal men. Such folly is according to our knowledge of the condition of the departed most pitiful materialism in disguise. But at our meeting with that medium in the house of her mother, soon a number of rappers commenced to show by raps in a number of places of the room, that they were ready to give answers to our questions. The medium commenced to ask, and instantly all others became silent, and the strongest amongst them gave answers with raps. To the question with whom he wished to converse, the pastor was shown by strong raps as the person with whom the spirit wished to converse, and he signified by raps also that he was ready to give his name by pointing out the letters of his name with raps. The pastor repeated the alphabet, and was quite astonished, that the letters spelled the name of his peculiar friend, a medical doctor and open materialist, who was expressedly denying man's immortality while he was in his mortal body, from which he departed a few months before that meeting. The pastor gave a number of questions, and expected to get some answer, with which he would be able to show, that such an answer could not come from that doctor. But at length the pastor confessed, that by nobody else except by that departed doctor he would expect all those answers which he had received.

When all was done which would convince the greatest sceptic, if he was prepared to reflect upon the facts, I interfered and remarked, that after having received sufficient testimony from that spirit, we wished to converse with some other, if any is present. Soon raps were heard of so different a sound from the former, that any observer could perceive the exchange of spirits. The first gave answers to German questions; therefore also the second was asked, whether he wished to converse in German. He answered in the negative, and the medium was pointed out by raps as the person with whom he wished to converse. Then English questions were given and he consented to give his name. The alphabet was repeated, till all the letters of his name were pointed out by raps. And his name alarmed the medium exceedingly, that she commenced to cry, and also all her acquaintances were very much excited. I asked the reason, and was told, that that spirit was expected amongst the first when that girl became a medium, but they had never any test that he was present, and that they gave up all their hopes of getting any answer from him. Therefore his manifestation was so unexpected, that it produced such an effect upon the medium. I understood the whole matter. That spirit was the principal guardian of that medium or she was principally possessed by him, and he had rapped generally in the name of others, when the inquirers were so congenial with the medium, that he could look into their wishes. But he did not give his name, that he might not be discovered as the deceiver who rapped in the name of others. At length I came in the charge of my mission in March, 1851. I was acquainted several years before that with that pastor and exhorted him to study my books and then to proclaim our message of Peace. But my message was not popular and it teaches, that the belief of the close connexion of men in mortal bodies with congenial departed spirits is the A B C, to arrive gradually to a deep knowledge of true religion and to the true freedom and deliverance from lying destroying spirits. But pastors who became materialists, were scared when they perceived, that my message presupposes the close connexion with congenial departed. At length mediums or possessed by departed spirits alarmed the materialistic pastors. The mother of the medium belonged to the congregation of that pastor and she invited that pastor to come and be a witness. My leaders were controlling the legion of spirits, who came from different quarters with their witnesses, and in those circumstances the medical doctor Reitz, a peculiar friend of that pastor, was the strong rapper and the next was the lying spirit who, when there was no stronger than he, rapped in the name of others, till he was at length in our presence compelled to give his name. After that remarkable trial of spirits, I said to the pastor, that he should instruct the trustees of his church, to give me permission to deliver some lectures in that church and to explain that of which he was a witness, but which he could not understand in the connexion of things, in which it must be understood for the commencement of the New Era, which according to the testimonies given in his congregation, should be powerfully proclaimed from his church. But the pastor thought that his congregation were not prepared for so deep things. Although I insisted, that I would make them very popular in the German language, which was the language of his congregation, and that it was his highest duty to make use of the opportunity to learn what is most necessary for Harmony and Peace of nations, he remained as obstinate as other Roman Catholic and Protestant Pastors.

Then I wrote an article for newspapers, in which I have shown what should be generally known regarding the spirit manifestations which commenced with raps by the mediumship of the Fox Girls to delude, as cunning foxes are accustomed to delude, such as would not receive truth which was disclosed in our message, and were discovered, when they were tried according to our mission at the medium Christina Beil's, which, means the Christian hatchet or the Christian axe, an instrument for destruction, that they were deluding and destroying spirits, by whose influence destruction of life and property will continue until it will be stopped by receiving and spreading our message of Peace. That article was prepared in English and in German; but editors who have spread deceiving reports regarding spiritualism, refused to publish my article. I sent it then to Boston, to be published there in a paper of spiritualists. But it was not popular and could not be published. Matters were to arrive so far as those will find them, who study and comprehend this whole book.

After that trial of spirits I returned several times to Pittsburgh and paid always my visit to that learned chemist, who was converted from a materialist into an enthusiastic spiritualist. He, like many others, was expecting through his mediums to receive truth regarding the spirit world. But he was offended, when I endeavored to make him comprehend, that those spirits with whom he came in communication by his mediums, were materialistic spirits who did not speak through his mediums from the miserable condition of their inner life but from the surface of their outward condition as they while in their mortal bodies were accustomed to boast, and to cheat and delude their fellow men. In the treatise which would have occupied this place, if I had net been moved to prepare this for the celebration of the 4th of July, 1859, and its octava, that people might commence to learn, how they could become independent from the invisible and visible tyrants by whom they are now enslaved, and inspired for revolutions, wars and other crimes, I have explained some very important spirit manifestations at my meetings with the learned chemist in Pittsburgh as preparations to the spirit manifestations which took place at my last visit to the City of Boston and neighborhood, and which constitute the principal part of that treatise, the publication of the whole of which must be delayed, and we give here in a synopsis as preparation to our Epistle to the Bishops of Illyria, the following items:

Boston is the City, in the cathedral Church of which by our mediumship A.D. 1838, such, spirit manifestations took place, by which we have received the key to open the door for the promised New Era of Harmony and Peace on earth. We will give in the next following treatise of this book some light on those manifestations. But when our disclosures on those manifestations had not been received, at length spiritualism of the last fashion gained a peculiar stronghold in Boston, although materialism made great exertions to check also the modern fashion of spiritualism. Since A.D. 1838 I returned several times to Boston, and was trying to move some influential men or congregations for an examination of our message and of the credentials of our mission. When I arrived at the end of October, 1858, again in Boston I attended on the next Sunday the conference of spiritualists, which was at that time on Sundays usually held in Boston. As soon as they finished their ceremonies by which their conference was opened, I found proper to speak a little in my Illyrian mother tongue, to arouse the attention to what I spoke then in English, and in the English language I rebuked materialists and testified our mission to restore true spiritualism. After my speech a medium arose, whom I did not know, but found out afterwards, that he was Agent of the Fountain House, where spiritualists had their resort and their speculations. He was rebuking a lecturer who was opposed to spiritualism, and, as I understood from the rebuke, misrepresenting facts, and came to that conference to expose spiritualism from his materialistic position, denying any manifestation from the departed. During that rebuke, for a proof, that spirits manifest themselves, he invited that lecturer and other materialists to a meeting, in which he offered to give an exact description of my mother whom he affirmed to have seen standing on my side, while I was speaking in the conference, and that although I was a perfect stranger to him, he was certain that she was my mother, and that he would give an exact description of her, so that he was confident, that I would confirm his description. There were spiritualists in the Conference who knew me, that I troubled them in the Utica Convention and elsewhere, and they seemed not to be favorable to that proposition.

On the next following Sunday I made again an attempt in said Conference to find out, whether there was any influential person amongst them ready to take an active interest in examining our message and the credentials of our mission. I commenced to speak from the point which was mentioned in the last conference by the medium testifying, that he saw my departed mother standing in her glory on my side while I was speaking. But I made the remark that I had two mothers in the spirit world, to wit, my first mother by whom I was born, She had great care during her life for my welfare, and having been a great medium of spirit manifestations before her departure, always anxious to know truth and act accordingly, she progressed with me also after her departure and became one of those my guardians, who take care for my provisions and protection against danger. In this her care she found a strong medium of spirit manifestations, an aged lady who was looking for the third angel, REVEL. xiv:9, because according to the testimonies which she had received, she was certain, that since A.D. 1836 he was preparing somewhat, and while she was looking for him since that year in Europe, she was directed by her guardian to America with the assurance that she would find him in this country. At length she heard one of my German lectures and comprehended, that I had the mission of the third angel. When she commenced to testify this, my mother appeared to her and entrusted her the care, which she herself had for me before her departure. My mother was an Illyrian, but this new mother was a German. Whenever I had opportunity to stop and write in her house, great spirit manifestations occurred. At length also she departed and is acting amongst the women who have amongst the departed peculiar offices for the introduction of the New Era. When I mentioned in said Conference somewhat about these matters and understood from the speeches of others that their spirits were drawing the audience in other directions, I turned also to other places, and tried besides others those professors at Cambridge, Mass. who were appointed A.D. 1857 as a committee to investigate the physical phenomena which were believed by some to have been caused by spirits, while others attributed them to other causes, and those professors, after having performed their investigations, published their opinion that spirits had nothing to do with the phenomena which they had investigated.

When I read that publication, I saw that readers, by the authority of those professors, were strengthened in materialism. Therefore, at my return to Boston I felt it to be my duty to try to move those professors of Cambridge from their materialism, I saw personally those three, who belonged to the committee who have published their opinion regarding the phenomena, called spirit manifestations, and also the fourth who did not belong to the committee, but was the strongest operator to explode the truth, that departed spirits are in close connexion with congenial mortals, and that they, when circumstances are favorable and it agrees with the Plan of Divine Government, give also to exterior senses of men perceivable proofs of this connexion. I said to them, that A.D. 1838 were greater spirit manifestations in the Roman Catholic Cathedral Church of Boston by my mediumship and the mediumship of 144 witnesses, than mortal men could expect. Whereas that catalogue of witnesses as well as the events which happened in connexion with our proceedings, have been published in my books, I could by the means of that catalogue in a short time convince the professors of the great Truth of close connexion and mutual influence between mortals and their congenial departed, and by the public testimony of the professors the pernicious influence of their report regarding the spiritual phenomena would be abolished, and the way for the circulation of our message of Peace would be opened. They should therefore appoint time and place to meet with me for this most important investigation of what departed spirits are able to effect through mortal men. With all my exertions to move the professors they remained obstinate sinners against the Holy Ghost who gave them opportunity to learn what is most important to correct the pernicious effect of their report and to cease to brutalize their students with their materialism. I started from Massachussets to New Hampshire, because in that State besides other spirit manifestations in Concord a Convention of those adventists was held, who besides other blasphemies of the living God and his Christ teach also, that man dies as a beast, but that when Christ comes on the clouds, he will awaken the righteous from death, but the wicked will be eternally annihilated. As all other pestilence which is spread in the Papal and in the Protestant sects is supported by the use and abuse of the Bible, likewise also these "annihilators" made their discoveries of the annihilation of the wicked by the means of the Bible. They are spread through the country and especially through the States of New England, and are only a branch of the dreadful materialism which has brought the human beings so on the surface of the matter, that they stifled the most needful knowledge regarding the spirit world. I warned all sects of Adventists as well as others, everywhere. At length I met in October, 1858, with a portion of the Adventist annihilators in a Conference in Providence of Rhode Island, and tried to convert them from their folly. But they were not ready to hear facts and then reflect upon them with a sound reason, to know man in his interior life.

There are different sects of the Adventist annihilators; but that same sect, with whom I met in Providence, have appointed for November, 1858, a Convention in Concord N.H. The appointment contained a general invitation, without confinement to their sect, and I thought that there might be an opportunity for me to find some investigating minds who would listen to our message of Peace. But when I commenced to speak in their Convention, and their Popes saw that there was danger for their spirit annihilation, they applied to the audience with their complaint, that they found in Providence, that I did not believe in Christ's coming on the clouds and annihilation of the wicked and am rather a kind of a spiritualist. Therefore if I would remain I had to be silent, or I had to leave the Hall. I replied, that in their circular was no confinement to their sect, but their invitation contained exactly the opportunity for the proclamation of our message. But the possessed Popes by spirits of delusion and destruction became fierce and enraged, and I found best to leave them in their hall. My leader showed me that I should return towards Boston. At my return I was trying spirits on several places. It is to be understood that volumes could be written, if I would explain what I mention in this synopsis preparatory to my Epistle which I have sent in my hand-writing to the Bishops in Illyria to be communicated to the Emperors of Austria and France, and which is to be printed in this treatise, that it might reach monarchs and their agents in this book, if it should not have reached them in hand-writing. But the events which occupy the largest portion of the treatise which would have appeared here, if the celebration of the 4th of July had not moved me to write and publish this in lieu of the other, may be expressed in this epitome in the following sentences:

During my travelling I am most time walking on foot. While I was walking on foot from Linn, Mass. to Chelsea City, I found the tollgate keeper standing without occupation on the turnpike, and asked him for a direction to the strongest spiritualist in Chelsea City. He directed me to a merchant. He was not at home, and I asked his clerk, to give me directions to some other spiritualist. He put several on a paper, the first of whom was Mr. Mansfield, and I was impressed to go to him. I was quite a stranger and without asking about the occupation of this Mansfield, I asked only for a direction to his house. When I found it, I was told that Mansfield was at his office No. 3. Winter Street in Boston. Without asking, what his occupation was, I came at length on the 3d of December, 1858, into his office. When I was in his office, the portraits of the dead drawn by some entranced medium with whom I was personally acquainted, and other paraphernalia reminded me, that that must be the celebrated medium J. V. Mansfield, of whom I read in newspapers, that many sealed letters not only from different quarters of America but also from other parts of the Globe, were directed to departed acquaintances of the writers, and answers were asked from the departed which he could not give also in the case, if he would read the letters. But answers were to be given without opening the letters, by him as writing medium of spirits. He had to return the letters without opening the seal, and to add the answers as written by his mediumship. While reading the reports regarding that medium, I thought to see him, when I would come again to Boston. But while I was in the first part of November, 1858, in Boston I did not remember this, and came at my return from New Hampshire in the briefly related manner on the third December, 1858, against all my expectation to him. I think that he was present at the two above mentioned Conferences in Boston, in which I spoke before starting for New Hampshire. When I conversed on the 3d of December with him in his office, he invited me to come on Saturday, December 4th 1858, to his office and from thence to ride with him to his house in Chelsea City and spend Sunday, December 5th, with him. I was impressed to do so. That Sunday was the second Sunday in Advent. On the 4th, after the arrival in his house we both were tired and went to bed at 10 o'clock P.M. I rested well, till I was awakened by a female departed spirit who was in great distress and entreated me to give her assistance to kill her husband. I understood it in a spiritual sense to stop the pernicious course of her husband, and promised her my assistance. As soon as I promised her my assistance my leaders took her in protection and they expelled at the same time the whole company of her task masters out of the room, and then from two places on the outside of the house, from which they were compelled to remove. After that spectacle, the detail of which here is not the place to explain, the clock struck four. From this circumstance I understood, that the scene commenced at three o'clock.

There are certain hours, according to our spirit language by numbers most convenient for certain communications. As the communication requires, also the hour is selelected by my leaders in which they draw me into the inner state in which they show me, what is congruous to my mission. They put me, in that instance, from my sleep into the inner state of knowledge of what was going on. In this state I not see the female, although I was conscious, that she was surrounded by enemies of her happiness. The whole scene and explanation belonging to the treatise which will be published in an other time, these hints may suffice, to understand the following items. As soon as I saw after that scene Mr. Mansfield and his wife at breakfast, I told them that I had a great spirit manifestation, which Mr. Mansfield could not understand, except if he would study some of my writings to know somewhat about my mission He read and I explained the substance of some points in my writings to make him known somewhat about my mission. Afternoon, while reading one of my pamphlets, he started suddenly and went very fast into another room, and brought directly some paper, put it on the table and said, that while he was reading my pamphlet, a spirit was impressing him to ask me to write questions which he would answer. I knew not who the woman was, who asked at three o'clock in the morning of that day my assistance to kill her husband, but I understood, that if I would follow the direction of my leader, he would reveal it in due time, I knew, that at that spirit battle, at which that female was taken under the protection of our leaders, the principal champion was the martyr John George Zeigler, an American of German descent, who in his mortal body studied deeper than any other man, my five German volumes, and forsook then all for our holy mission. While he was travelling in a steamboat he was pushed into the Ohio River by an enemy of our holy mission, and departed into the spirit world, in which he received such offices as he was most qualified for them. He having been the principal amongst those who took the woman in protection, while she asked my assistance, I thought, that if I would write to him questions, I would receive the information, who that woman was. It is to be understood, that Mr. Mansfield wished, that I should write so, that he could not see what I wrote, and then to wrap my writing, to which the spirit had to give answers. But I thought I could write in German, because I was certain that Mr. Mansfield could not read German. Therefore I said to Mr. Mansfield, that I determined to write in the German language to the spirit whom I had in my mind, to whom while he was a mortal, I wrote sometimes in German, sometimes in English, but he answered always my letters in English, and he, if he is present, will answer also through you in English. But Mr. Mansfield remarked, that I should write my questions in English, that he had lately great troubles with questions which have been sent by Otto Kunz from Pittsburgh in the German language to his departed, and that the last number of the Spirit Age contained an article of Otto Kunz in this respect. I remarked, that I was acquainted with Otto Kunz, (he is the learned chemist, by whom I was preparing my way in this treatise, for what follows) but that I did not hear anything about him for a long time, (to wit, since the summer of 1856, when I saw him the last time before my meeting with Mr. Mansfield). I added that I should like to see, what Otto Kunz had published. He brought then from an other room the number of the Spiritual Age, which has the date December 4th 1859. It must be added, that I had not before looked into that number, nor heard anything about Otto Kunz's article. But when Mr. Mansfield handed me that number, I read Mr. Kunz's article laid the paper on the table and said to Mr. Mansfield: I will write in English to the spirit whom I have in my mind. I had yet John George Zeigler in my mind; but when I took the pencil, I was impressed to write to Charlotte Kunz (the departed wife of Otto Kunz) in English, in the supposition, that she could not write English, while she was a mortal, and that also in the spirit world she did not learn to write English, that therefore to my English address we must receive some unexpected disclosures. I wrote therefore while the medium Mr. Mansfield turned in the opposite direction, that he could not see, what I wrote: "Charlotte Kunz, if you are present, please to write what you find proper." I folded my writing, that Mansfield could not see it. He was soon entranced, and gave the signs, from which I understood, that she was the person who asked at 3 o'clock A.M. my assistance, and then the communication was written by Mr. Mansfield in a correct English style and correct orthography and signed "Charlotte Kunz." The communication contains characteristic marks, that the controlling spirit was intimately connected with deep mysteries explained in my German books, but that he was not the writer, but one of the company belonging to J. V. Mansfield's guardians, wrote through him according to the wishes of Charlotte Kunz, but wrote so, as if she herself had written. After the communication directed to me has been written, and Mr. Mansfield reduced into his normal state, I requested him, to copy the communication, and to give the original and the copy to me; because I was asked in the communication by Charlotte Kunz, professing that she was the writer, that I might write to her husband. The handwriting of the copy was different from the original. I preserved the copy and sent the original to Otto Kunz, with my handwriting, remarking, that that communication has been produced by his wife under the assistance of our leaders, that he, Otto Kunz, might contribute his share for starting the centre of our Peace Union. I have quoted in my writings to Otto Kunz one of the characteristic notes testifying that the communication had certainly been produced under the assistance or control of my leaders. And that characteristic note had reference to Dante's Prophecy in the 33d Song of Purgatory. I speak of that prophecy in the Epistle to which we are preparing the way. I have explained also to Mr. Kunz several years before my meeting with his departed wife the substance of that prophecy. I thought, if he at the receipt of that unexpected communication would remember my explanation of that prophecy and other testimonies of my mission, he would not be too hasty in judging about what he could not understand in the communication but would expect my farther explanation regarding my communication; because the explanation could not be given in a letter, and he was also not prepared in those circumstances to study the treatise in which that communication is copied verbatim, and the preparation for its understanding and its explanation is given, and that treatise would have been published instead of this treatise, if we would not have prefered this in the expectation, that this might be more congruous to the present European War, which gives me opportunity to exhort nations and governments. And for this purpose, to communicate other important things in this treatise, we give only an epitome of the treatise which will be published in another convenient time. But Mr. Mansfield who has astonished many people in all quarters of the Globe by having given more than forty thousand answers to sealed letters directed to departed persons, became so remarkable, that he in connexion with the well known spiritualist Otto Kunz deserved a peculiar treatise, and appears also in this connexion of matters as a peculiar witness; because that which has been made evident in many cases in which we tried remarkable mediums, was in a peculiar manner confirmed, while we tried the spirits of J. V. Mansfield, to wit, that he has certain guardians by whom many are deluded, because those guardians give through him answers which are found correct, when they reach and control the writers of the sealed letters directed to their departed. But when this is not the case, answers are not correct. Mr. Mansfield told me, that the largest portion of his answers is correct. Such points in regard to the relations in which the departed have been with the inquirers are revealed in the answers, as Mr. Mansfield could not know them. From this circumstance is also explicable, how people could be so moved, that he had received many thousands of letters, although each applicant had to send one dollar fee to the medium, and three dollars in case of a guarantee that either an answer, if received would be sent, or the money returned. When we speak of correct statements in many cases, we add that in those communications was much of delusion regarding the spirit world. At length when the measure of abominations was filled, I had to try his spirits in the manner, the substance of which is given in this epitome, the treatise being prepared to be published, whenever a publisher is ready to publish a new book, which would contain that and other treatises. From that treatise it is evident, that when Otto Kunz wrote his letter to his departed wife and sent it to Mr. Mansfield to be answered by his mediumship, the tyrants by whom Mr. Mansfield is guarded, took her under their subjection. But to give in a new manner a most solemn warning to all spiritualists who will not progress on our ground, I was sent to Mansfield, and our guardians took under their control Charlotte Kunz and the spirits who are writing through Mr. Mansfield. The enemies of the truth, that departed spirits may use men as their writingrnediums must explain the answers by assertions which in most cases appear most ridiculous, for instance, I heard the assertion, that Mansfield opens the letters. But he returns sealed letters as he receives them; although we would not deny the possibility of temptation to open one or the other letter of persons, with whom his guardians were not congenial, and therefore could not give an answer. But if I had shown to him my line directed to the departed Charlotte Kunz, although he has been before that in correspondence with her husband, Mr. Mansfield with all his guardians would not have been able to give the characteristic notes which are in the communication testifying, that some of our leaders was the superior, while J. V. Mansfield's guardian was writing that communication with Charlotte Kunz's signature, although there are the strongest marks in the communication, that she could not write it, but that a deluding and destroying guardian of J. V. Mansfield wrote it, partly according to her wishes, partly according to his own impulse, partly according to the dictation of our leader who controlled him, that he inserted the characteristic notes given by our leader. This is the epitome of that treatise, which was to be given in this treatise as a peculiar preparation to my epistle to the Bishops of Illyria. But before we commence to translate it, we must add also the following remarks. When our leaders compel in one place "the Secret Enemies of True Republicanism" to bring to daylight their abominations for our peculiar use to enlighten this degraded generation, they send us corresponding testimonies also from other places, and we have collected in said treatise some extraordinary testimonies for an illustration of the answers of the sealed letters by J. V. Mansfield's mediumship. A peculiar witness in this repect was Doctor Randolph, whose spirits I tried several years before my meeting with Mansfield; but he was not ready to be converted from darkness to the light which is kindled by our disclosures. At length when I tried Mansfield's spirits, newspapers commenced to publish Dr. Randolph's confessions. He tells: "I was a medium about eight years, during which time I made three thousand speeches," &c. "And to day I had rather seen the Cholera in my house than be a spiritual medium! for years I have lived alone for spiritualism and its cognates. Henceforth I live to combat many of the identical doctrines that I once accepted as Heavenly truths." "I enter the arena," says he "as the champion of common sense, against what in my soul I believe to be the most tremendous enemy of God, morals and religion, that ever found foothold on the earth—the most seductive, hence most dangerous form of sensualism that ever cursed a nation, age or people." If Dr. Randolph had been brought from spirits of delusion on our ground, he would have assisted us to open the door for the New Era. But he returned to the sects, from which spirits commenced to manifest themselves in their materialistic deluding manner, till we commenced to show, what they were, and then they commenced to be caught in their lies, and many spiritualists commenced to be scared; but they would not progress on our ground, and returned to professed materialism and sectarianism. But the concentration of all abominations of the perverted spiritualism is in the Papal Imperial Royal Courts. Many spirits delude monarchs and their supporters either openly by peculiar manifestations, or without such manifestations deceiving secretly monarchs and supporters, that they prepare at length for war and commence to fight in horrible battles, which is the highest manifestation of the infernal furies. That they might stop this abominable work in which they are now engaged, I wrote the following epistle, which I give in a free translation, and then I will add some remarks for a conclusion of this treatise. You will find in this epistle some repetitions of what has been mentioned in the first treatise of this book, because when they were setting that in type I did not think about writing this treatise in which what is repeated, should be repeated so often till it is comprehended.

The Epistle is entitled:

"Most important events for rulers of nations."

To P. T. Anthony Slomshek, Prince Bishop of Laibach. Long Island, State of New-York, June 13th 1859.

Reverend Bishop! Being in occupations of my office on this anniversary of momentous events on this Island, I am impressed by the spirit who has brought me to America, to write again after a long interruption, to my native country, and to direct my Epistle to you, to communicate copies of it also to the bishops of Triest and Goricia. I asseverate before you, three witnesses, that I am not guilty of the blood which is shed in the present terrible war; although I would be most guilty, if I had not faithfully fulfilled the duties of my charge. If those to whom I have written at Vienna, in our native country, and also in other countries of Europe, had discharged as conscientiously the duties of their office, as I did those of my office, the promised universal peace would have been established not only in the whole of Europe, but also in other parts of the globe. But whereas there was deficiency in respect to the intellectual and moral preparations of those who were in the office, the terrible consequences therof are more and more visible. To bishops I write usually in Latin. But this epistle should be delivered by you to the government of Austria, and published to the nations not only in German, but also in as many other languages as possible.

Prince Bishop Anthony Slomshek! Having had more opportunity than others who are at present bishops under the Austrian government, to obtain knowledge about me during my residence in Europe and by wise providence having become a bishop of the diocese, in which I was born, educated and ordained a priest, I expect that you will receive light from the spirit, to comprehend correctly the hints which may be concentrated into the space of an ordinary epistle. You know that I had from my youth an extraordinary desire to search not only the Jewish and Christian but also the antiquities of other nations, and to compare the results of my investigations with what others have brought to light in former times and recently, to find out, how the promised universal peace will be established. After my having been six years secular priest of the diocese of Laibach, I entered the Benedictine Order of the Monastery of Saint Paul in Carinthia, for the purpose of obtaining more time and opportunity in that order which furnishes learned professors, than in my native country for a continuation of my investigations for the peace of nations. After my having searched two years in the library of the monastery, I became Professor of Biblical Literature in Clagenfurt, and in that city I became acquainted with you, you having been there Spiritual Adviser of Students of Divinity.

During the ten years of my Professorship I had opportunity to examine many points, which I would never have had opportunity to examine in the Diocese of Laibach. But I did not know that the spirit who was my guide from my youth, was preparing me for the office which has been entrusted to me in America. Moreover, notwithstanding I had from my youth peculiar inclination to study the Bible and to read not only the writings of the Church Fathers but also the writings of the old Heathen and Jews for the purpose of getting more light on the Bible, during the last ten years of my Professorship I did not yet know that the office with which I am commissioned in America, had been manifoldly prophesied in the Bible, and the prophecy repeated by prophets of the christian centuries as well as in our time by images suitable to the seasons. Neither had I any thought to make a voyage to America, till the spirit of truth showed by evident testimonials, that he called me to this country. Then he opened also the way for me hither so wonderfully, that although the Prelate of the monastery of Saint Paul resisted with all his power, and the monks who were my friends, united with him to hinder my voyage, Emperor Ferdinand was enlightened to let me have my passport to America.

Signs and wonders preceded and accompanied my voyage to America, and I reached this continent first in Boston of the State of Massachusetts on my birth-day, November 29, 1837. In that city all that was required for the continuation of our work, has been so prepared by invisible agents, that although I had not the least foreboding to remain in that city, I became convinced by the signs which happened there, that in the Roman Catholic Cathedral Church in Boston important ocupations had been prepared for me. I did not yet know the particular occupations: but I followed faithfully the directions of the spirit and performed in that church all, that had been shown to be performed by me. On the 7th of January, 1838, one hundred and forty-four witnesses signed their names in my catalogue. Also those witnesses were guided by invisible agents in such a manner, that they, too, performed in that church, what was required of them, so that on Easter Sunday, April 15, 1838, in the Cathedral Church in Boston, in the presence of these 144 and many other witnesses by my instrumentality the solemn excommunication of the Beast with seven heads and ten horns from the Church of Christ has been performed, that is, solemn declaration has been made, that the mysteries which are contained in those figuritive expressions, do not belong to the Church of Christ and must be therefore abolished from the earth. A long chain of signs, according to the prophecies, preceded that excommunication, and signs succeeded and are continually repeated. By these signs our mission, that is, my mission and the mission of my fellow labourers has been confirmed, and the dreadful condition of those who are opposed to our action has been most evidently developed. In the years 1838 and 1839 the first two volumes of Memorable Events appeared in print. Those events took place in my experience for a testimony, that Christ appears by His messengers for the foundation of the promised peace on earth. A box of those volumes was sent to the Emperor of Austria, and my written explanation was given, that in my books the will of the most High Majesty has been made manifest, to whom Emperors and Kings are bound to submit and to learn to know the events which have been explained in my books and to become with us messengers of peace to the nations, and for this purpose to give my books to the best theologians for the strictest examination, that the result of their examination might be sent to me, to be published with my remarks, that nations might learn what is required for the foundation of the peace of the world. I assured the Emperor, that dreadful revolutions and wars will be the consequence if my advice will be rejected.

After having received no answer to my writings to the Emperor, to the parson of his court, to a number of bishops and other influential men of the Empire, and A.D. 1840, my third volume appeared, in which was shown, that the unexpected events which have been explained in the first and second volumes, happened according to prophecies, and would not have been unexpected to bishops, if they had studied prophecies and observed the signs of the times, and reflected upon the disclosures given by our forerunners upon these matters, I did not send that volume straightway to Austria, but I sent a box of all three volumes to the King of Bavaria, with a similar written warning to the King, as in the preceding year to the Emperor of Austria, and with the most urgent demand, that after the Emperor of Austria and his bishops had neglected to fulfil their highest duty, he should become the messenger of peace to all other monarchs and open the way to the circulation of our message. At the same time a copy of all three volumes was sent to the King of France with the most urgent written petition that he should order without delay a French translation of the three volumes to be spread everywhere in France, and our solemn assurence was added, that, if he neglects to fulfil this highest duty, Revolutions and Wars will be the necessary consequence of this neglect.

In an ordinary epistle farther hints cannot be given in regard to what was done on our side, to move the one or the other government to order the strictest examination of our message, which contains the means for abolition[U] of all Revolutions and for the foundation of the universal peace on the whole globe; but I remark, that when they would not hear our warning voice, Revolution broke out in February, 1848, under such preparatory, concomitant signs, and under such corresponding events, that after having studied those events in my writings which have been after that partly published in the English language partly preserved for publication, you will see, that, after our warnings given under Heavenly inspiration had been contemptuously rejected, the infernal furies had received the power, to commence to spread the flood of Revolution exactly on the same day, which gives the most evident testimony, that Revolution broke out according to a higher calculation on account of the contempt of our message of peace.

Emperor Ferdinand having been compelled by that Revolution to issue a constitution, I read that constitution in a newspaper on the 18th of April, 1848, and was moved on the 19th April, which was the birth-day of the Emperor, to give him in consequence of my charge a written assurance that by that constitution the government and people will be saved from ruin, if the Emperor accepts my offer; because in this case I was ready, to start directly for Vienna, and show how the Free Press which was guarantied by the constitution, would be properly used for developing and spreading truth, as people have a right to demand, and its abuse impeded, as the government is bound to impede it. I have given the Emperor the assurance, that this, our offer, was made under higher direction for the true happiness of the Imperial Family and the people. I have sent in the same writing our proclamation to the nations of the empire, and exhorted the emperor, that if he would write to me, that I should come to Vienna, he should at the same time publish our proclamation in all languages of the empire; because, if he accomplishes this, by our use of the free press the door will be opened for the introduction of the promised peace of the world, but on the contrary revolutions and wars would be repeated and governments and nations ruined. Those highly momentous documents were sent to the minister of the Austrian government in Washington to be forwarded to the emperor. Informatian was given to the minister in my next letter, to which post office he should send the answer, if he should receive any for me from the Austrian government. After having thus notified him I have received no answer; but very important signs were given of the approaching war in which the emperor resigned the throne and Hungary was wasted.

The three monarchs to whom my books have been sent, but who have neglected to make use of the means contained therein for the peace of nations, have been compelled to give up their thrones, but nations could not become partakers of the promise of the universal peace; because it will not be established by the sword but by the means contained in our message of peace, and we have received so many signs according to prophecies as evidences of our mission, that whereas since the year 1838 to 1842 five volumes have been written in this respect, I repeated while I was writing the fifth volume, that five hundred volumes could be written, if we would continue to explain prophecies of past ages and their development in the preparations for our mission and during our mission, and the signs by which our mission is confirmed. But we have explained superabundance of them, because by our explanation the dreadful condition of governments and nations has been disclosed. Signs continue steadily, although the blind leaders of the blind, while the Lord appears as a thief, comprehend them as little, as the Pharisees did, when Christ appeared and prophesied the destruction of the city and the temple.

Confined to a common letter, I can give only some hints. While the terrible war was raging principally in Hungary, I laboured industriously at the commencement of the year 1849 to move the American bishops, to appear either personally or to send their Theologians to a convention in the city of New York, to whom I offered to read in the Latin language my system for the abolition of revolutions and Wars and introduction of the world's peace.

I did all I could to move the bishops to attend our Latin convention, and to make as many objections and remarks as they would find suitable, although all must have been made in writing and handed to me, to be annexed with my remarks to my system and published in Latin and in translations, that men everywhere, could learn our message of peace and all nations might become partakers of the greatest promises and the world's peace could be established.

After bishops had neglected their highest duty, I translated the Latin system into English and German, and made most urgent applications to several Presidents and to congressmen of the United States, to move the American government, to assemble a convention for the same object, for which I endeavoured to move bishops. In the meantime Lewis Kossuth arrived in America, and I considered it to be my peculiar duty, to make use of what was in my power, to direct him from the spirit of destruction to peace and to explain to him my system in which is shown, how without soldiers the rights of men will be restored and the peace of the world established. After several letters of preparation, at length I met personally with him in Cincinnati. But he was cunning and let me come to him in company with others, and when I required to speak privately with him, he excused himself with not having time to speak with me privately, and directed me to Count Pulski, who was his associate. I paid to this man several visits, and shewed to him that it was necessary for Kossuth and his assistants, to study my system and to retire with me for this purpose. But the result of all my labour was, that at length Kossuth had sent to me the message that it was impossible for him to give up his plan. He is a strong "Medium," as those are called here who are possessed, and those who are possessed by destroying spirits, have their work, to torment rulers or also to destroy them, if they will not find salvation in our message of peace.

Having here only opportunity to give hints on points, on which I could write volumes, I remark, that when the American government could not be moved to call a convention for an examination of our message of peace, I wrote, when Emperor Napoleon III. was preparing for war against Russia, to his ambassador in Washington, that the emperor would gather together the highest merits for himself and mankind, if he, instead of the war preparations against Russia, would call bishops of his empire to Paris, to examine with me my Latin system for the foundation of the world's peace. By doing this he would make himself and his friends and at the same time all nations happy; but in the opposite course he would prepare misfortune for himself and France. I assured the ambassador of the French government in Washington, that if he before he would write to the emperor, himself wished to be convinced of my assertion, I was ready if he would call me, to come myself to Washington and to explain to him my system as long as would be necessary to convince him, that we have truly received from Heaven the commission and credentials for the foundation of the worlds peace, and that those regents will be in this and in the future life most unhappy, who refuse to accept our invitation. I have received no answer from the ambassador of the French government.

Although I am writing very closely in my advanced age without spectacles, which I never used in my life, I have very little space in a common letter, to mention also the following items: The nearer we were approaching to the present Revolutionary Wars in Europe the stronger were also the signs of warning, and they are building just now on the land which has been bought for our Peace-Union, a hall for our conventions, in which our system for the foundation of the world's peace will be explained and messengers of peace will be educated to be sent in all quarters of the world. But whereas, before their labors will establish the world's peace everywhere on the globe, all monarchs and their families might be exterminated, if they would not make use of the means for the foundation of the world's peace, I write this letter on this Feast of Pentecost and anniversary of momentous events. Your predecessor, Anthony Aloysy Wolf, Prince-Bishop of Laibach, was one of those Prince Wolves, who have received my first two volumes, but were not prepared to study them, and to proclaim to Emperor Ferdinand and to the nations, the great things which the Lord has done. Those wolves have deceived in regard to our mission the Emperor, the priests and the people, and by this deception they became the originators of all those murders, which have been perpetrated in revolutions and wars and manifold other manners, which would have been prevented by receiving and spreading our message of peace. These are the fruits, when wolves are made pastors of nations! By murders which are perpetrated in revolutions, wars and other ways, those who are murdered, are turned into infernal furies, instead of having been converted by suitable education, into Heavenly Angels. By these furies which have been murdered in revolutions and wars, nations which are now living, are instigated to murders in revolutions and wars and in manifold other manners and also to all kinds of other criminal deeds, the atmosphere is disturbed and men are tormented with all kinds of plagues, and if they are not murdered cruelly by force, their lives are shortened manifoldly, so that also those who live longest, would have lived much longer, if it would have been introduced amongst nations and duly used, what we know, but cannot use till governments introduce that which we demand.

I was Professor of Divinity in Babylon which is spoken of in the Revelation; but whereas I was sincerely searching after truth for my own and the welfare of my fellow-men, matters have been disclosed to me, which I had never expected, while I was prepared without my knowledge by invisible agents for my present charge. According to this charge I am now Professor of Divinity or Church-Doctor for the promised peaceable Reign of God on Earth. As Church-doctor I will teach bishops and priests as well as monarchs and other grandees of the kingdoms of this world, when they will be ready to hear the Heavenly voice which is made manifest through so feeble an instrument as I am, how to pacify the furies into which men are converted by murders and how to draw them into the resurrection, that is, from their low to a higher condition. My apostolic name which I have obtained on the feast of the apostle Andrew, November 30, 1795, is Andrew. But when on the 30th November, 1826, at the solemn profession of the Benedictine order I adopted by higher impulse the name Bernardus, then also Pope Leo XII. was inspired, that he promulgated Bernardus a Church-doctor. He in his shortsightedness, had in his mind the celebrated monk of the twelth century. But neither that monk who was preaching crusades, nor Pope Leo XII. knew, that Turks, heretics and other nations will be converted in true Christians without blood shedding and Christ's peaceable reign will be established on the whole earth. But the Pope spoke as prophet of our mission who was at that time High Priest and prophesied, that, whereas I adopted in the prophetical profession of the Benedictine Order the name Bernardus, I had to pass as monk through the last epoch of my studies of preparations for my present charge, till I became Doctor Ecclesiae, Church-Doctor, teaching what bishops and doctors of Divinity do not understand, although it is highly necessary for the peace of nations. From my first arrival in the Benedictine Order, when I determined to live there, till I started for America, exactly twelve years passed.

By the memorable events which happened in the Cathedral Church in Boston, a key was given us to unlock prophecies, which have been before either entirely locked, or only in some measure unlocked. Some interpreters have known, that the seven churches in the second and third chapters of the Revelation were prophetical churches, typifying the seven states, to which all churches of the Christian name since the edition of the Revelation until the foundation of the universal peace on earth may be reduced, so that every portion of the Christian name belongs to the one or the other of the seven churches. In the third of the above mentioned volumes, we, that is, I under the direction of invisible assistants, have disclosed so much regarding the fulfilment of the prophecies in our time, as is abundantly sufficient for testimony of our mission. In our disclosure Thyatira in the 18th verse of the second chapter of the Revelation is the type of the Roman Catholic Church. What is said concerning that church until the end of that chapter, you Bishops should at length consider and digest well. You kept fast what you did not understand, till at length the Lord comes by our mission, and unlocks by our mediumship the Divinity for His Reign of peace. We have overcome and to us was given "the Rod of Iron and the Morning Star." I speak in the name of all those who are co-operating with me according to the Plan of the Most High for the universal peace of all nations. We have "the iron rod," but not the iron sword. The iron rod is only a symbol of our office to announce judgments to the disobedient nations and to their rulers. They are bruised enough and broken. Those who remain, should at length hear our voice, then their wrong systems will be broken to pieces, but men will be saved. For we have received not only the iron rod, but also the morning star. In the great temptations through which we had to pass, we remembered the morning star which appeared several times during the sun shine in close connexion with our steps, and once in a peculiar connection with you, Prince Bishop Anthony Slomshek! as well as in connection with the Emperor of Austria! You remember that I wrote at a certain occasion my opinion in regard to your sermons which appeared in print in our Slavonian mother tongue, and in that my article I made also some extracts from my Latin manuscript, "On the congeniality of languages[V]," to publish them with that article in the "Carinthia"[W]. I finished writing that article on the 6th February, 1835. When I was on the 7th February well nigh ready to go to my students in the college, I was moved by the spirit to write instantly a prophetical conclusion to that article. When I finished that conclusion, I hurried to be in the college. After that there was much talking among the Professors and others about the morning star which appeared on that forenoon during sunshine. I explored exactly the time, and found that the star appeared, when I commenced writing that prophetical conclusion, and disappeared, when I finished writing. I handed then that article to you, to deliver it to the editor of the Carinthia. But there occured an accident, that the article appeared later than I expected, so in the Carinthia, that the last part with the great prophecy regarding the peace of nations was published on Easter Saturday April 18, 1835, or on the Eve of the birth-day of the Emperor Ferdinand the first year of his government. His birth day was celebrated that year on Easter Sunday. An exact calculation was made by our invisible agents. The poems of two panegyrists of the birthday of the Emperor appeared in the same number immediately before our prophecy. Those two adulators were types of the two adulators, Joseph Pletz Parson of the Imperial Court, and Anthony Alosy Wolf, Prince Bishop of Laibach. These two prelates have deluded the Emperor in regard to our mission, and as a consequence terrible judgments came upon governments and nations. But this writing is connected with the Morning Star, which should be delivered by you to the young Emperor Francis Joseph and to many nations as well as the ancestors of the Emperor, who are waiting in the Empire of death for their redemption by our Message. It should be delivered by you in the midst of terrible judgments. If you have the spirit which I expect in you, you yourself will carry this letter without delay to the Emperor, and explain personally, what is necessary for his resurrection and strength. Now he belongs in the 16th verse of the 17th chapter of the REVELATION. Kossuth, Mazzini and other heroes of the Revolution are preparing the Harlot for Emperors and Kings, who are fulfilling the judgments which are announced in that verse. But we to whom this victory is promised, belong to those, who are united with the lamb in the 14th verse of the 17th chapter of the REVELATION and will overcome the Beast and its ten horns. To wit, we have the chain, with which the Dragon, the seducing and destroying Serpent, will be bound and cast into the abyss, REVEL. xx: 2, That is the magnetic chain of events of past times in connexion with events of this time. In this chain the genuine condition of the existing political and ecclesiastical governments appears in its true light, so that, when this chain will be duly spread and made known to Nations, they will be carried from the existing Babylon into the New Jerusalem. Who ever amongst the rulers comprehends this and carries the people into the New Jerusalem, into the promised Reign of Peace, he himself and his family, as well as his departed or yet in mortal bodies living congenial relations will be brought into the true happiness; but on the contrary those rulers and who are attached to them, who despise our apostolic voice, will be exterminated. Judgement will not cease, till at length it destroys themselves also. I have given in this Epistle as many hints as are sufficient for such Bishops who are not entirely dead, to believe, when I assure them, that, in our writings it has been made clear and evident, that our chain or our system, which, for Peace of Nations, should be made known to all political and ecclesiastical Governments, is astronomically and historically correct. Therefore that of the three named bishops, who receives first this Epistle, should inform the other two of the matter and summon them to go directly with him to the Emperor. Who comprehends this, and is inspired by the Holy Ghost who is our director, for the accomplishment of Divine Decrees, is with us a messenger of God. He should as such appear before the Emperor with this Epistle, read to him the Epistle, and explain it, and summon the Emperor to become with us a messenger of God, and may he be seemingly in profit or seemingly in loss in regard to the Emperor Napoleon, to send this Epistle to Emperor Napoleon, and require instantly an armistic under the condition, that he is desirous to make immediately, with condescension, a treaty of Peace, to hear the "Messo di dio," the messenger of God, spoken of by the prophets of the Old and New Testament as well as by the prophets of the succeeding ages of the Christian Era, and to fulfil the will of the Most High for the welfare of nations. Amongst those prophecies is one of the most remarkable in the 33rd Song of Purgatory in the Divine Comedy of the great Italian Poet Dante, in which the spirit Beatrice, Dante's departed wife, speaks of the "five hundred, ten and five messenger of God," that is, of "Smolnker messenger of God."

The number 500, 10 and 5, that is the number 515, is opposed to the number 666 in the Revelation, xiii: 18. The name which comprehends the mysteries which are contained in the 17th and 18th verses of the 13th chapter of the Revelation and also the number 666, has been delivered into our hands, and all that belongs to the name, has been explained in my books, in which to obtain the number 666, we had to write the name with Greek letters, because the Revelation appeared in the Greek language. And likewise also my name SMOLNKER, as it was originally exactly pronounced, to wit, with short o and short e must be written with Greek letters. This was the exact pronunciation of my name, as I heard it pronounced by my grandparents and my parents. And the Greek letters with short o and short e exactly pronounced in my name SMOLNKER, give exactly the number 515, which is the number of the messenger of God in Dante's prophecy. If you add this number to the year 1321, in which Dante died, you obtain the year 1836. "The messenger of God" is in the quoted prophecy the same as the 3d Angel in Revel, xiv. 9. That the third Angel regarding whom the prophecy commences in the 9th verse of the 14th chapter of the Revelation, had to appear before the public about the year 1836, and also that that Angel or messenger would not be a departed but a man living in his mortal body, has been shown in the last century by Doctor Bengel and his disciples using admirable astronomical calculations by the means of the prophetical numbers in the Revelation. My first German teacher, a Franciscan Monk from Bavaria, inserted the letter i into my name, and taught me to write my name SMOLNIKER, till at length Professor Valentine Vodnik wrote my name as I write it now. The numbers of my name, after having received those changes, if you calculate the years, commencing with Dante's death, give also highly important stopping points in the development of the mysteries of the Theology for Christ's peaceable reign. I can give in an epistle only some hints.

By many of our forerunners many points have received partial disclosures, or there have been prepared several links for the chain, with which we will strangle the Harlot and the Giant who sins with the Harlot, without hurting the flock and the fields, according to Dante's prophecy. This prophecy mentions also the stars by which our advent is announced, and in my books several apparitions of unexpected stars are remembered in close connection with our office. In Dante's prophecy is the messenger of God a collective name as well as the third Angel or messenger in the 9th verse of the 14th chapter of the Revelation. One man is representing the whole society by whom is accomplished what is comprehended in the prophecy. The representative had to execute and explain the mystery. At the expiration of the year 1836, which year has been so mysteriously announced by the prophets, that I knew nothing about it, I was called on the 5th day of January, 1837, at 5 o'clock p.m. to this office. The call was delivered to me by an Angel of the Lord, that I should make the resolution to prepare for my voyage to America. And when I said: "O Lord! Thy will be done!" the same moment a great light appeared over the City of Klagenfurt, where I was Professor of Biblical Literature and you were Spiritual Adviser in the Theological Seminary. You yourself have perhaps seen the light-ball, or certainly heard much and read in newspapers about it. I myself have not seen it, because I was in a deep trance and received at the same moment the order by a Heavenly messenger.

Here is no space to say more about Dante's prophecy. In my third volume of Memorable Events more than one hundred pages have been used for disclosing Dante's strange prophecy regarding the Messenger of God in the 33d or the last Song of Purgatory, in connection with other prophecies with which it is parallel and in connection with the prophecies which have been given A.D. 1814 at the first distribution of premiums after the fall of Emperor Napoleon I, when our city of Laibach returned under the Austrian government, and I received Dante's Divine Comedy for the first premium out of the Italian language. And whereas I am labouring since my arrival in America with the greatest zeal to save men and to bring them from Purgatory into Heaven, warlike spirits are murdering and casting them into hell. Yet I have great confidence that by your intermediation not only the Emperor of Austria but also the Emperor of France will hear the Heavenly voice, which is sounding in this letter. I have written several months before the outbreak of this war a book in the English language ("this same book from which we take away other manuscript and publish this epistle,") to publish it as soon as circumstances will be favourable. I have shown in that book by peculiar events which occurred with Emperor Louis Napoleon, but which are not comprehended by him and his mediums till they study to know our chain to bind the dragon, Revelation, xx: 2. that Emperor Napoleon is a very strong medium of destroying spirits, but that I foster the hope, that he will comprehend our message of peace and draw also his Uncle Nepoleon I. into our reign of peace and become a great apostle of peace to the nations.

Both Emperors, the Emperor of Austria as well as the Emperor of France, will become truly great if they accept our message of Peace, which contains the substance, that they should directly conclude Peace, with all mutual condescension and with our assurance, that soldiers who will not be needed in God's Keign of Peace on Earth, will obtain according to the plan which is to be published in the above mentioned book "(in this book)" and which after the English edition may be translated also in other languages, occupations most suitable to their strength and the best spiritual education, to be truly happy in their mortal bodies as well as after their departure.

But whereas no treaty of Peace can be of duration in our time, unless the governments enter into Christ's Peaceable Reign, which to establish we have obtained the mission, you, Prince Bishop Anthony Slomshek, and also the other two witnesses who are bound to give you all possible assistance, are particularly summoned to recommend most urgently to both emperors, as soon as they conclude an armistice and prepare the way to the treaty of Peace, to appoint also a healthy place, where according to the geographical situation and other circumstances bishops of both empires can easiest meet, for our Convention in which my Latin manuscript which should have been examined A.D. 1849 by the American Bishops in the Convention which was appointed in the City of New-York, is to be examined according to the same rules mentioned above, and to give me as well as the bishops information of this affair; because I am ready to do all in my power for the Peace of Nations. You, Bishop Anthony Slomshek are requested, to send me directly the result, after having received and read this letter in your Consistory, and direct your letter to


We cannot enter into explanations of the paints mentioned in this Epistle to Bishop Anthony Slomshek. The substance of the remote and recent causes of the war in Europe and of the causes of all revolutions and wars is, that men are living on the surface, in materialism, according to their animal lusts and passions, using their reason to accomplish their animal desires, and neglecting the one thing needful to grow in the knowledge of their true inner condition and the true condition of the departed, and in corresponding virtue for high spheres of spirits to promote the true welfare of the whole human race while they are promoting their own welfare. The treasures which I collected from my early youth to this advanced age for the promotion of the common welfare, I carry with me into the spirit world. But those who, instead of having cultivated their inner man, came on the surface into the materialistic life, and lived according to their animal passions and carnal lusts and according to the custom of their party and sect, and supported blindly the performances contained in the traditions and systems which have been delivered to them by their predecessors, were preparing in their way for revolutions and wars, instead of having learned our disclosures that the time had arrived for the abolition of the Old Heavens and the Old Earth, that is, of the old ecclesiastical and political institutions, and how they are to be abolished in the most peaceable manner.

In this ignorance of things which have been disclosed in our publications, those who keep up those Institutions, come in collision with those who endeavour to destroy them without knowledge of their prophetical meaning and of the truth which is behind the vail of the outward form, and without preparation for a better state of human affairs. This collision is continuously preparing revolutions and wars. Men on the surface, not knowing the right means for true liberty, use the means which destroy not only liberty, but also human life and property, and life is wantonly destroyed, because men in their dreadful degraded condition do not know how to appreciate it. In this condition, if the old systems would succeed so far as to crush down with absolute despotism all movements for deliverance, they could not keep for a long time people in bondage of absolutism. Crevices would be always found, from which the movements of the secret aspirations for liberty would commence to be made manifest, till the eruption of the flood of revolution and war would effect great destruction of life and property. But also in the case, that the enemies of the old institutions would succeed so far as to sweep away every vestige of them on the surface of the Globe, they would be as little able as the supporters of the old systems to preserve Peace; because there is no pacification in the spirit world, except by receiving and spreading the means shown us from the spheres of spirits by whom we are commissioned to introduce the New Era of Harmony and Peace amongst mortals as well as amongst their congenial departed. But the more materialism subdues the Globe, the more the inner causes for new out-breaks of revolutions and wars are operating to find crevices for the outbreak, so that there is absolutism and despotism as necessary for those who without the use of the old forms promise to make people free, as for those who promise the same in the support of the new systems. Emperor Louis Napoleon and Emperor Francis Joseph are quite remarkable representatives of the two systems, while Napoleon makes such a use of the old form as to satisfy many of the open opposers to it, and the Emperor of Austria endeavours to sustain with hundreds of thousands of soldiers the inheritance of the old abominations which should have been abolished by the application of our message without murder of any man and for the greatest benefit of the departed and the mortals of the family of Hapsburgh, while the whole empire and all nations would have been benefited.

From the scattered hints in this book you may collect, that since Francis Joseph's Government I was rather endeavouring to effect in one or the other manner a movement in this country, by which at length also the Bishops and the Government of Austria might be awakened from their fatal lethargy; because I saw that my direct applications to the young Emperor would have been for no use. I am in no direct correspondence with my native country, and I receive news either in newspapers or from occasional reports, and shortly before I wrote the weighty Epistle to Anthony Slomshek I met with a countryman who was professor in Vienna, during the revolution of 1848, and on account that he inspired students for fighting, he had to leave the country, and he told me besides other news, that he heard that Anthony Slomshek was Prince Bishop in Laibach. Several years before that I received the news that he was Prince Bishop at Saint Andrew in Lavant Valley of Carinthia, only five miles from the monastery of Saint Paul, where I became a monk of the Benedictine order. I wrote to him, when I received that report; but I received no answer. At length the Epistle which appears in this treatise, has been sent to him as to Prince Bishop of Laibach, on the above mentioned authority. The Epistle would retain in this book the same value also in the case, that the report should not be correct that he is Bishop of Laibach; because the facts which I relate in the Epistle as facts known to him are facts of my own experience and such as occurred in close connection with my experience, and have been attested by many witnesses directly after they happened.

Although I made few applications directly to Austria during the Government of Emperor Francis Joseph, my fellow student Frederick Baraga, Bishop at the Falls of Saint Mary at Lake Superior, extending his diocese widely amongst Indians of North America, a peculiar favorite at the Austrian Court, after having neglected the former opportunities to study our message of Peace and to spread it in the Austrian Government, was brought on the great Popish Feast of Christ's Body (Festum Corporis Christi) May 22, 1856, to me in quite an unexpected manner for both but in such a connexion with the present war in Europe, that if this man, at least at that time had fulfilled his highest duty, instead of the tremendous war, Christ's Peace would have already been established in Europe. Therefore, not having room to write much, I must mention at least somewhat about that our meeting showing the secret causes of the present war and of all revolutions and wars since our first proclamation of the great message entrusted to our care.

On that feast, which was celebrated A.D. 1856 on the 22d day of May, my pamphlet: "Redemption of oppressed Humanity! Christ's manifestation for the abolition of all kinds of Popery!" issued from the press in the same Printing Establishment of Cincinnati, into which Bishop Baraga came on that feast to see the proof-sheet of the title page of his Latin Book for his missionaries. Our meeting on that feast in a Protestant Printing Office was so unexpected, that we did not know each other, when we met at the compositors' room which he left while I was entering into it. I was then instructed by the compositors, that that gentleman was the same Bishop Baraga about whom I spoke in the pamphlet showing that while bishops were consecrating him or made him a bishop, they were crucifying Christ in his members; to wit, that bishop after having become so great an apostle of the Indians, that he was very renowned in our native country and at the Austrian Government, was made a medium by my leaders, that he opened the way for my voyage to America. But after having discovered, that our mission was not for, but against the Pope, he instead of having studied my books and examined our message of Peace and the credentials of our mission, became enraged. I expected that at a personal meeting with him I would make him comprehend our mission. But there was no opportunity until that feast on the 22d May, 1856, which was selected for the commencement of the spirit manifestations at my personal meetings with that medium of spirits of delusion and destruction.

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