That Doctor Bengel was the 2nd angel representing the body of messengers spoken of in REVELATION xiv. 8, has been shown in my above mentioned 3d volume, in which it is made manifest, that the mission of the 2nd angel is as well prophetical, as the mission of the first angel, REVEL. xiv. 6. But in this treatise we had only to mention matters, which have been explained in my quoted volume. Doctor Bengel and the whole body of messengers who came from his school proclaiming the coming of Christ about the year 1836, and Wm. Miller and the army of preachers with him who were proclaiming Christ's coming about the year 1843, and others proclaiming it in some other period, were ignorant about the manner of his coming or of his manifestation for establishing his peaceable reign. All these and many other things have been reserved to the 3d angel or messenger, spoken of in REVEL. xiv. 9. This is our mission. The martyr on the white cloud in the 14th verse, having "in his hand a sharp Sickle," was my leader in what I had to perform in the Roman Catholic Church in the year 1838 as the 3d angel REVEL.: xiv. 9, representing the body of messengers, by whom the proclamation of the contents of REVEL.: xiv. 9, 10, 11, must be made everywhere. And those great events and the prophecies in which they have been predicted, have been explained in the first three of my above mentioned German volumes; and we have so many credentials or signs according to prophecies testifying our mission, that while we were writing the fifth of my above mentioned five volumes, we were repeating, that sensible readers of those volumes were aware, that five hundred volumes could be written, testifying our mission. And when they study this whole volume and comprehend it, they will be convinced of the same truth.
The third angel or the messenger representing the body of messengers, by whose efficacy the beast and its image and the false prophet supporting them, will disappear from the globe, gives in the last treatise of this book the plan according to which the beast and its image and the false prophet will disappear and Christ's peaceable reign will be established on the whole globe. Peace would have been already established amongst nations of the Christian name and they would have labored at this time powerfully in the conversion of Heathens not to one or the other sect but into the peaceable reign of Christ, which will be the universal Republic of Truth and Justice, if those who have been exhorted first, to study our message of peace had fulfilled their highest duty. The first who have been powerfully urged to study our message of peace and the credentials of our mission, were bishops, doctors of divinity and other clergymen of all parties and sects where I had opportunity to reach them. But when they refused to fulfill their highest duty, I was particularly engaged to move abolitionists to study what has been providentially prepared by our instrumentality to move slaveholders themselves for co-operation with us to introduce the millennium or the universel Republic of Truth and Justice and Peace amongst all nations: because I was certain, that if the abolitionists would study it, slaveholders themselves would do the same. But alas! when Jesus was explaining the dreadful condition of Jerusalem, the Jews did not see it. Likewise also citizens of the United States do not see theirs as we see it from the position of our mission. The principal elements of the vulcano the eruption of which is yet latent, are in leaders of abolitionists, who are obstinate materialists refusing to make use of the means which are offered them in our message to extinguish the burning vulcano. They have lost discernment and judgment, when it is most necessary to make the right use of it, to liberate the country from the yoke of tyrants. Although I could write volumes to illustrate my assertion, at this occasion I mention only a little of my experience in the Convention to overcome evil with good, and which was in the newspapers announced under the specious title: Philanthropic Convention to overcome evil with good, and which was held on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of September, 1858, in Utica of the State of New-York. The most influential persons in that Convention were Abolitionists of the Garrisonian and Gerrit Smith's parties and Spiritulists belonging to those and to the Republican party. I attended that Convention to offer the remedy against the pernicious effects, which are produced by the wrong course which leaders of those parties pursue for destruction of this Republic, and to show the course which all true reformers have to pursue for Harmony and Peace of all nations.
That those who are concerned and their followers might be converted to the true Republican cause, and all true Republicans might be strengthened not to be deceived by secret and open servants of tyrants and by deluding and destroying spirits and sectarian ministers of darkness, I find proper to insert here the article which I wrote shortly after the Convention, but I did not find a chance to publish; because we are not popular, when we dare to express so great truths as are comprehended in said lengthy article which reads as follows:
Preparations for the resolutions "to overcome evil with good;" also: introductory remarks to expose the league by which the Utica "Philantrophic Convention" was governed.
There are many such pretenders as the Garrisonian Liberator of Boston, who, under the specious pretext to liberate slaves, are the greatest supporters of slavery, by rejecting the means providentially prepared for deliverance of all men and women from the yoke of tyrants, and by instigating people to Revolutions and other sacrilegious enterprises to ruin this country and bring it under the yoke of monarchs. While I was endeavoring in many places, to move people to study our disclosures regarding the divine plan for a peaceful abolition of all kinds of slavery by co-operation of slaveholders themselves, and for the introduction of the promised universal Republic of Harmony and Peace, which is usually although improperly called the millennium, I found them everywhere so deluded by the infernal league, that they have neglected to study "the one thing needfull" for the true freedom of all nations.
During my travelling in more than twenty of the United States I stopped several times in the Western Reserve of Ohio. I found more worshippers of the Garrisonian Liberator there than in other sections of the country of the same population, those places excepted, which are inhabited by that sect of Quakers who are called "Progressive Friends," who are progressing very fast in the arts of the infernal league for the ruin of the true Republican cause. I arrived A.D. 1847 at the Quaker settlement, called Green Plane, near Xenia in Ohio, and appointed there in a Wesleyan meeting-house a Convention, in which I proposed to explain the signs of our mission and the plan according to which, when it will be understood and spread on the globe, all kinds of slavery will be abolished. I expected that Quakers and other Abolitionists of that section of the country would take great interest in our movement. But I experienced afterwards, that the small Popes of that section were against it, although they themselves did not disturb our Convention; but a Quaker and a Wesleyan minister, both from a distance, were so great disturbers of it, that whenever an important point was to be examined, they directed the attention of the audience to other subjects; although that Convention has been called for an examination of the points concentrated in my manuscript. When I saw, that they were in conspiracy with others in the Convention, I myself dissolved it. I asked then the Quaker preacher Joseph Dugdale, whose residence was next to the meeting-house of the Convention, why he did not attend it. He answered, that he received from the spirit what he needed. I started from thence for the Western Reserve of Ohio, and appointed in Trumbol County a Convention, and sent an article to the Garrisonian Liberator. In that article I assured the Abolitionists, that from my documents which should be examined in the Convention, it would be evident, that we have received the mission, and that we have as credentials of our mission a long chain of signs according to prophecies, by which we are assured, that we will abolish all kinds of slavery and monarchy by the power of the spirit, with the assistance of slaveholders themselves, when abolitionists shall comprehend our message and spread it on the globe.
Lloyd Garrison, the head medium of the infernal league, has published my article, but with such editorial remarks, as were quite agreeable to his master, the infernal Holiness. I forgot to inquire, whether my article appeared or not in the Liberator, till on the first day of our Convention a man remarked that our Convention was small on account of Garrison's editorial remarks to my article and his grand tent meeting in the neighborhood at the same time with our Convention. I came from a distance, and was ignorant of the great provisions made by the infernal holiness to retain his slaves in bondage at the appointment of our Convention for their deliverance. The same man had a copy of the Liberator containing my article with Garrison's remarks. They were read to the Convention. Then I made my remarks[J] and the proposition, to finish our Convention so as to reach on the last day Garrison's[K] grand tent meeting in Lima, Ohio, and proclaim there our resolutions.
We did so. A committee from our convention went with me, and we arrived in Lima at the Garrisonian tent meeting on the last day. Several thousand persons were assembled, and the first business after our arrival was the reading of a resolution, in which Garrison and his fellow laborers were declared as the true ministers of the Gospel, in connexsion with a fatal blow to the ministers of other sects. A general reception of the resolution was testified with "yes" from a thousand voices; but when the contrary vote was required, there was only my "no" heard; but it was so strong, that it surprised the whole audience. I added that I came to show, who the true ministers of the Gospel[L] were.
We agreed with the committee consisting of three public speakers, that they should make use of the first opportunity to proclaim the resolutions which have been unanimously adopted in our Convention. Soon after my tremendous "no" one of our committee arose and told the assembled thousands, that a committee sent from an anti-slavery Convention had arrived with most important resolutions, to be publicly read in the grand tent meeting. The chairman replied, that next after the address of the man who occupied the floor, they should deliver their resolutions. They went directly on the platform. But the pharisees on the platform were anxious to find out, who the man was, that gave the strong negative vote to their resolution. Some amongst them knew me personally. Therefore as soon as our committee came upon the platform, the above mentioned Quaker preacher Joseph Dugdale came to me inquiring, whether that committee belonged to my association or not. I said, that he should not ask me, but the committee, to which association they belonged.
One of the deepest English investigators into the Jewish and Christian antiquities wrote in one of his publications, that there is no society more like the society of the Old Pharisees, than the Society of Quakers is. He knew them in England, and I know them in America, and confess that it is true in regard to the Quaker speculators, who have enslaved the whole Quaker society, to be in their servitude and to prepare in their ignorance of matters the subjugation of the whole country under the yoke of monarchs. Joseph Dugdale is the principal medium who was carried soon after that spectacle to Pennsylvania, and demons were powerfully operating through him in starting the sect of the "Progressive Friends." But at that tent meeting he inspired the heads to be cautious in admitting our committee to speak. Therefore after the address of the man after whom our committee according to the promise of the chairman were to address the tent meeting, another was announced by name, to speak, and then a second, a third, and so on, although our committee were waiting on the platform from 9 o'clock A.M. till 2 or 3 P.M. At length the chairman announced, that teams had arrived, to carry the tent from that to another place. Provisions had been made, that if there should be danger for the infernal league, things might be prepared, to break of the tent. Therefore when the chairman announced the advent of the teams, another pharisee mentioned, that the waiting committee had not yet spoken and the chairman said, that they should speak.
The speaker, instead of reading directly the resolutions of our Convention, undertook to prepare the audience by telling them, that he knew how to value the great zeal of Mr. Garrison for the deliverance of slaves. And as far Mr. Garrison and others on the platform seemed to be pleased. But as soon as he mentioned, that "Garrison is not infallible," those who were ready for action, commenced to break off the tent, and there arose such a tumult amongst the assembled people, that nobody could distinguish the voice of the speaker from the noise of the crowd.
These items may suffice, to make known the infallible Pope, the Garrisonian Liberator, although I could write many volumes of extroardinary spirit manifestations in public and private meetings with members of that party, while I was endeavoring to deliver them from the shackles of the infernal Holiness and his armies. But they remained so fastened, as in their "Philanthropic Convention" in Utica, which I attended because we had been informed, that the Poughkeepsie seer, Andrew Jackson Davis, was the principal author of said Convention, or, the principal medium of speculators calculating to extend the government of the infernal liberator by using said Convention. Andrew Jackson Davis is the prince of mediums of spirits, who appear as angels of light, but when they are tried by us, they are made manifest as dreadful deluding and destroying demons. After they had been made manifest to me by his deceiving publications, I tried several times to reach him personally, and to show him his dreadful situation and how he could arrive on our ground. But his cunning demons carried him away from my presence. At length I met with him on the tenth of this month September, 1858, in the "Philanthropic Convention" of Utica. Ira Hitchcock was appointed chairman. His first name means in Latin "wrath" or "vengence," and the second name is in the English language appropriate to the important office which our duped and deceived friend did receive in said Convention. Mr. Davis offered some rules, to be observed in the Convention They were adopted. One of those rules was, that no speaker should occupy more than twenty minutes, except the audience should desire, that after the expiration of twenty minutes he should continue to speak.
Mr. Davis was called, to open the Convention with his speech. It was read from a manuscript and contained a very imposing and deceiving view of the past and the present in the history of mankind. Since his reading lasted more than one hour, I asked after its close, that it should be decided, whether those who open the meeting, should be bound by the adopted rule of twenty minutes, or be permitted to speak or read as long as they would be pleased also when they misrepresent the history in such an absurd manner as the speaker did. No regard was taken of what I said, and they proceeded in singing and speaking.
The afternoon session was opened with as long a reading as the forenoon session. After the reading they debated, whether it should be directly printed in a newspaper of the place and in extra copies, or not. It was unanimously decided that it should be printed, except that I disturbed the unanimous vote with a powerful "no." But when I desired to give my reasons, that its publication would not serve "to overcome evil with good," but to increase the evil, I was stopped, as being not in order in opposition to a resolution which had been unanimously carried out.
For a better understanding of the spectacles which will be mentioned afterwards, we must remark the following incident, which happened on that day, to wit, somebody mentioned, that there came many female mediums from a great distance in the expectation to be moved in the Convention by spirits to speak, that therefore all these mediums should come on the platform, and speak, whenever any of them should be moved by a spirit to do so. I think that others felt the absurdity of that proposition, which if it had been, accepted, would have created great confusion and hindrance to the realization of their speculations; therefore they did not respond to his suggestion. Readers should know, that if not all, certainly most of the heads and the agents of that Convention were spiritualists of the latest fashion.
On the afternoon of that day, after singing, I suddenly took the stand, to make use of the twenty minutes time, conceded by the rule of the Convention to every speaker. I wished to show, that nobody in the Convention touched the root of the evil; and that when others have neglected to study our message of Peace, which shows that root and how to extirpate it, at length spiritualists have been urged to do so. But they, instead of progressing and learning by our message, how to overcome evil with good, were attached to evil spirits, and they deluded people regarding our message of Peace, when we endeavored to move them to study it and act accordingly. Instead of many instances of our experience testifying this, I would mention only my experience at the last public meeting of spiritualists which I attended in the City of New York. A female medium whose lying spirits were exposed by me in a public meeting of spiritualists in Philadelphia on the first day of the last month (August 1858) came on the 22d of the same month to a meeting of spiritualists in New-York, in which meeting I spoke. During my speech the demon by whom she was possessed, propelled her three times to stop my speech. But when he was rebuked so terribly, that her friends could not bear any longer, they awakened her from her sleep and carried her out of the hall. But as soon as I ceased to speak, she returned; and the demon shut instantly her eyes, and said through her, that I am a Judas Jscariot, a Jesuit, an emissary of the Pope, &c. The chairman was induced, to ask the name of the spirit; but he refused to tell his name. Then he said through his medium, that he is "Donquixote Thomas Paine." The first name he pronounced so that I knew by the pronunciation, who amongst my departed friends was the controller of the lying spirit, by whom the medium was possessed. My departed friend compelled him in the first place to tell, that he was Don Quixote, known as the hero in the celebrated Spanish romance or fable called Don Quixote. A similar fiction was also the speech of the demon by whom that medium was possessed, only that those who do not know me, might take the calumny of the devil for truth. After the confession that he was Don Quixote, to make which he was compelled by a higher power, he added according to his lying propensity, that he was Thomas Paine, although he was not Thomas Paine.
When I desired to explain, from which sphere of spirits that liar came, I was stopped by a man crying behind me to the chairman, asking him whether I should be permitted or not to occupy an hour, while nobody could understand me. At such interruptions I strike sometimes the impudent demons, as they deserve to be stricken. I think, that I did not speak ten minutes, when that interruption took place. To draw my attention from the disturbing demon, Henry C. Wright jumped to me, saying that I should not speak, because I am not understood, and he told the audience that he knew me to be a good man, but that I could not be understood by Americans. I interrupted him saying with indignation, that he did not know me and that those do not understand me, who have ears and will not hear and eyes and will not see. I felt that the audience were not prepared for further explanations; but the truth is, that while I have been speaking English on more than one thousand places in America, those who have acquired some education and paid attention to my discourses, understood me; but enemies of truth complained, that they could not understand me, or they made disturbance. Not to give to demons any opportunity to enrage their mediums against me at the night session of that day, I would not attend that session.
On the 11th inst. at the first opportunity at the forenoon session I offered the resolutions to be read, for a better understanding of which these remarks are a preparation. But the chairman remarked, that that was not the proper time for reading my resolutions. Then I kept silence at that session. But during the afternoon session I offered several times my resolutions to be read. But Ira Hitchcock always interfered, pointing to some other, that he was in order to speak, although I did not see, that he arose before me for this purpose.
I found proper not to attend any of the following sessions of said Convention, in which I have offered the means, "to overcome evil with good;" but the infernal league hindered their communication to the people, and when the mediums of the infernal league thought, that they were removing evil and promoting good, they were doing just the contrary. If we have the mission which is proved in many of my volumes and expressed at the end of the resolutions for which we are preparing readers by these remarks, then all those who are hindering the circulation of our message of Peace, are the most dreadful slaveholders and destroyers of human life and property. They keep people in shackles of delusion and ignorance of what they should know, to prevent destruction of many and subjugation of the remnant by cruel tyrants.
I saw the report of the proceedings on the first day of the Convention in two Utica daily papers. I quote from the Utica Morning Herald, September 11th, 1858, the following passage regarding my first interference, as follows: "at the conclusion of Mr. Davis' lengthy harangue, a German arose and said, he hopes that those who opens the meetings, speaks no more as twenty minutes, or not! I have prepared a speech on the root of all evil that will not dake so mooch dime as the friends who have speak!" The devil, that means calumniator, by whom this reporter was so possessed, that he knew neither orthography nor grammar, was not so bad as the devil, by whom the evening 'Telegraph' was possessed. He, in the service of the heads of the Convention, calls me "the member from Germany," also "the teutonic individual," and what he reports, he so reports for the benefit of the infernal league according to the wishes of mediums of lying spirits, that I had to write much if I would explain the cunning malice, which is comprehended in the misrepresentations and lies in regard to the exertions which I made to move the "Philanthropic Convention" to an investigation of my written documents showing that which is first necessary to overcome evil with good. But here not being room, I quote only the following passage, which the Telegraph has published as my saying: "I knew Don Ke Shott; some call him Don Quixote, but I call him Don Ke Shott. I can tell you all about him."
Mediums of lying and destroying spirits have been brought to that Convention from the Cities of New-York, Boston and many other places of several States. To deliver those slaves from their tyrants, I mentioned, that at my last attendance of a public meeting of spiritualists in New-York a female medium was seized by a terrible devil who declared, that I was "Judas Iscariot[M], an emissary from the Pope, a Jesuit," although after my having been from A.D. 1819, till 1838 a Roman Catholic Priest, I was working since the year 1838, according to my mission, with great zeal for the abolition of all kinds of Popery. On this account I am abused and persecuted not only by the agents of the grand Pope of Rome, but also by such small Popes, as have been assembled in said "Philanthropic Convention" as well as by their reporters. I mentioned in my address, that the lying spirit who said through the female medium, that I am a "Judas Iscariot[M], a Jesuit, an emissary from the Pope," did confess then, that he is "Don Quixote Thomas Paine." But that my remark was then so terribly abused, as the above quoted passage testifies. Lying spirits are supported by speakers and by editors of newspapers.
The reader should recollect what I said above regarding Henry C. Wright's assisting his colleague interrupting my speech. The Herald reports it, as follows: "Mr. Wright finally said he had known Smollnikar for some time, he was a very worthy man, but the Convention could not understand him when he tried to speak English." Smollnikar—"They have ears and will not hear, they have eyes and will not see."
The Herald has given here the substance and also the name of Mr. Wright. But this did not agree with the position of the heads of the Convention, who have promised free speech, and then one of the principal heads of Abolitionists came as Judas Jscariot to me, and assisted the murderer of my message, with a hypocritical address to the audience, as if he was my best friend. Therefore instead of his name Henry C. Wright there appeared in the Telegraph "a lagerbeer," as if I had spoken so in the Convention, that intoxicated Germans themselves had found it necessary to stop me in my speech.
I did not see any German in the Convention; but it would be too mild to call Henry C. Wright a "lagerbeer." He is a "Wright" or a workman, an emissary of the infernal "Ira Hitchcock," The Latin word "Ira" means the wrath or vengence, which appeared in the chairman Ira Hitchcock, or hitch, that means catch the cock, that he might not cry and awaken people from their lethargy, to save the country from the infernal wrath and vengeance, which is kindled by such emissaries of His Infernal Holiness, as Henry C. Wright is, a blasphemer of the Living God and His Christ, and a rebel against Divine Decrees made manifest in our mission, but which have been despised by Henry C. Wright, Ira Hitchcock and other heads of said Convention. Those rebels against God and His Christ had many years ago opportunity to learn the Divine Decrees for redemption of oppressed humanity; but they have conspired also in their last Convention, to check their proclamation and to open the infernal crater of a volcano to destroy the country by rebellion and other crimes, which have been openly defended by Henry C. Wright and others in that Convention, in which by our mission the means were offered to abolish all kinds of slavery in a peaceable manner.
In my signature at the end of the resolutions as well as in my publications, you find my name correctly written. But the mentioned reporters were mediums of deluding and destroying spirits by whom they were magnetized and were made deaf and blind, so that they thought, I was a German; although they should have so much sense of discernment, and judgment, as to know from my pronunciation, that I am not a German. If I had been a German, I could not have received[N] the mission with which I am charged—because the messenger in the mission with which I am charged, must come, according to prophecies, from the Slavonian nation, from the country called Illyria or Illyricum, from the town, named in my mother tongue Kamnik, in Greek and Latin Lithopolis, in German Stein, in English Stone.
Against the impudence with which also my language was so terribly misrepresented there is no room to make more than this remark:
A.D. 1835, I wrote a Latin treatise "On the congeniality of languages," showing how by the comparative study of languages many deep truths for the introduction of Christ's peaceable Reign or of the universal Republic of Truth and Justice would be unravelled. Before I was qualified to write such a treatise, I had to study many ancient and modern languages, some more thoroughly, and some only by looking over the grammar and dictionary. Here is no room to explain the reasons, why I devoted, before writing said treatise, only some few hours and learned more than the Herald and the Telegraph and other scoffers of our mission have learned all their life time regarding the etymology of their own English mother tongue. If they cannot comprehend this our assertion without our explanation, I am ready to explain it in an article, if they promise to publish it in their newspapers: because it may awaken many scholars for co-operation with us to introduce the new Era of Union and Peace of nations, who have in their ignorance of matters worked until now for disunion of nations and for destruction of human life and property.
We hope, that editors and publishers of newspapers, who have by their reports misrepresented our mission, will not remain mediums of lying and destroying spirits, but will, as their duty requires, publish this article, and comprehend the importance of the preceding remarks as well as of the "Resolutions" which follow and what is annexed to the resolutions, to move the American nation and by their mediumship all nations for action, to redeem oppressed humanity from the yoke of tyrants, and that those for whom it would be impossible, to publish the whole in one number, will publish it in two or three numbers. Our resolutions have been offered to the Convention in the following words:
Resolutions for the "Philanthropic Convention to overcome evil with good," held in Utica on the 10th, 11th, and 12th September 1858.
Whereas the writer of the following resolutions did hear nothing in this Convention of "the general fundamental cause of the existing evils in the social, religious and political relations of mankind," and according to his knowledge in no Convention of the so called reformers has this general fundamental cause been found out, and will not be comprehended by them, till they come on the ground which the writer occupies, according to his mission, which is made manifest in the documents which have been offered to be read in this Convention. When those documents will be read and comprehended, the following resolutions will be adopted:
Resolved 1st, that the general fundamental cause of the evils which are to be removed from the social, political and religious relations of mankind, is founded in the Old Heavens and in the Old Earth, that means the old institutions, which will be removed when they shall be comprehended by true reformers, since the so called reformers who are warring against those institutions from their materialistic position, are supporting those institutions, because they are mediums of those spirits who are subject to and controlled by the Papal Imperial Royal Spirits, so that materialism and the modern spiritualism are the last outbreaks of Popery, and materialists and modern spiritualists are the means of the outbreak of the worst evils, which remain latent, till the materialistic spirits come in collision with the rules given by their controllers, the Popish spirits. From this collision of spirits originate riots, wars and other evils, which will be removed, when the pretended reformers and mediums of deluding and destroying spirits will receive the light which has been kindled by the mediumship of the writer.
Resolved 2d, That the particular and in the exterior life of people manifest evils, which are easily observed by those materialists who are falsely called reformers, cannot be removed from the society, till true reformers understand the real position of the existing churches and the spiritualism in the churches as well as the modern spiritualism out of the churches; because without this understanding there is neither knowledge nor strength in the so called reformers, to effect the true reformation, and to establish the promised Peace amongst all nations, for which the means are developed in the publications and manuscripts of the writer of these resolutions.
It is expected, that those who have called this Convention, and those who attend it are not so blind that they having called "a Convention to overcome evil with good,"[O] and granted freedom of speech in this Convention, this freedom being accepted by the assembly, would reject the good which is offered by the writer to overcome evil; since the writer affirms that those who are anxious to speak in this Convention, have nothing to say, which has not been already many times repeated in Conventions, if it is for any use at all to remove evil, but that the writer has to communicate matters to remove evil, which are not known to those who attend this Convention, as will be evident, if the two documents which are offered to be read in this Convention, and which have been written, one the last month, and the other during the travelling of the writer from New-York to this Convention, will be read publicly to this assembly. The writer remarks especially in regard to the mediums of spirits by whom they have been brought, to speak with closed eyes in this Convention, that from the documents offered to be read, it will be made manifest, that their spirits are deluding spirits, from whom the mediums will be delivered, and enlightened by spirits of Truth, if they study with attention the writings which have been produced by the mediumship of the writer who signs his name and the charges which he has received for the introduction of the New Heaven.
ANDREW B. SMOLNIKER, &c. see title page.
Neither this lengthy nor other shorter articles which have been offered since that time to editors of newspepers did suit their taste in the general corruption of the press. I saw since that time, to wit in December, 1858, again personally Mr. Garrisson in his office in Boston, but he was as stubborn in his pernicious course as in former times. I called very seldom, when I was in Philadelphia, in the "Garrisonian" antislavery office. But it happened, I think, towards the end of the winter season, A.D. 1858, while I was passing that office, that I was impressed to enter it. I found there a rich Mulatto with whom I had been acquainted for years, but who was so chained by the Garrisonian imposition, that although I walked several times some miles from Philadelphia to teach him in his house, how our master had decreed to deliver slaves by co-operation of slaveholders themselves, the rich Mulatto had never time to study our message of Peace, although he seemed to burn with great zeal for redeeming slaves, and he and his wife had superabundance of time to attend antislavery meetings and conventions and to perform all prescriptions of "the Garrisonian Liberator." At that my meeting with him in the "Anti-slavery Office" I understood from his conversation with others, that they had appointed a meeting at candle-light of that day, and that that Mulatto was by virtue of his office president of that meeting. I did not inquire, for what antislavery purpose that meeting was appointed, and without asking this I said to the Mulatto, that I was also inclined to attend that meeting, if he would tell after their meeting to the audience, that I had a message which would need no more than three minutes time, and that my message would not interfere with their meeting. The rich Mulatto accepted my offer.
That meeting was held in a large church of the colored people and the church was crowded. But I was quite surprised, when I understood from their proceedings and harangues, that it was an "underground railroad" meeting, in which they disclosed so much of their secret proceedings of the transportation of slaves to Canada, and endeavored by their revolutionary speeches to kindle the animal passions of the audience to rebellion that if such a meeting would have been held in France or Austria or several other monarchies, all speakers would have been imprisoned in the State's Prison and if not all, certainly several of them would have remained perpetually in prison. After their meeting the rich Mulatto chairman announced, that I had to deliver a short message independent from their meeting. I mentioned briefly, that I am a messenger of Peace, having superabundance of credentials for delivering slaves by co-operation of slaveholders themselves, if abolitionists would learn our message and give good example to slaveholders; and that, since there was no time for an explanation of the matter, they should appoint a committee to whom a manuscript of mine should be read, containing that which those should know, who are working for redemption of slaves. A committee of five colored men was appointed; but at our first meeting all members of the committee were not present, and those who came to the first meeting were so distracted with other business, that they did not pay attention to what has been read the first time, and the others had their excuses to come again, except a Mulatto from West India who would have persevered, if others had done the same. But he alone could do nothing, because he was not a long time in Philadelphia and had not much influence there.
I have given here one case of my experience, instead of hundreds of cases, how dreadfully the colored people are duped and deceived by the heads of antislavery armies, while these heads or popes appear to have great zeal for deliverance of slaves, although they are the cause, that some of them are killed, and those who are brought to Canada, become more miserable slaves than they have been before, because they are drilled in weapons to kill and be killed, while our master offers by our instrumentality to the anti-slavery champions the means to deliver white and black slaves from all forms of oppression[P] and slavery. But there are many, under the specious name of the antislavery cause, agents of monarchs and traitors of the true Republican or true anti-slavery cause. And those who are not directly bribed by monarchial agents for the conversion of this country into monarchies, are mediums or instruments of deluding and destroying spirits, by whom they are so blinded that they, really believe, that they are working "for deliverance of the poor slave," while they are assisting monarchs, to enslave the whole country.
I think that our friend Grerrit Smith is such a medium. We have tried to convert him many years ago from his delusion, and after previous preparations which we have made in his house, it was, I think, on the 18th of February, 1845, (which is the anniversary of great events in our mission,) that I met with him in a convention of antislavery ministers and other abolitionists, which was held in Syracuse, N.Y. He was chairman. A number of resolutions for operations in the antislavery movements had been read and adopted. Then I arose and assured the audience, that if my document which I had prepared for that occasion, would be read, they could comprehend that those resolutions would be for no use, and that better means have been providentially prepared for the redemption of slaves by co-operation of slaveholders themselves, if anti-slavery champions would study to know those means and make use of them. The chairman Gerrit Smith asked the audience, whether my document should be read. The majority answered "Yes." He asked the votes of those who would be against its reading. Some voices were heard, that it should not be read. And the chairman Smith said: "Smolnikar, you have lost the floor." He was right, if the Convention was ruled by those who had made the resolutions and by their colleagues. And I said, that if they would not receive light, they should continue in darkness, and I left directly. At length rapping spirits broke out and had great influence in his house, because he shut his eyes, when light has been offered to him from the spirit of truth by our mediumships. I tried in different times to move our friend Gerrit Smith to study our message and the credentials of our mission. But deluding and destroying spirits drew him in other directions. At length A.D. 1854 I tried particularly to move the Congress of the United States to appoint a Convention in which I promised to exhibit the means to deliver this country from monarchial influence and to establish the promised universal Republic of Truth, Justice and Peace on earth, and the credentials of our mission, and I applied to a number of congressmen in both Houses to bring the subject before their respective bodies. At length, when all others had neglected to fulfil this their highest duty, I applied to Hon. Gerrit Smith, who was at that time in the House of Representatives.
I mention strange things; but they will not appear strange, if readers keep in mind, that I represent the body of messengers, who are collectively called the third angel in REVEL. xiv: 9. In this book I give on many subjects only hints; otherwise I should have to write also a large volume of wonders and signs which happened, while I was trying in that year President Pierce and members of the cabinet and the congress. But if editors of the Tribune wish besides what I offered in the first treatise to show regarding their pet Fremont, that they might commence to be sober in forwarding candidates for high offices, I would like to write also an other article comparing Hon. Gerrit Smith with Senator Seward and to publish what happened while I was trying both in Washington City; because at that our trial it was in an extraordinary mariner made manifest, that although Gerrit Smith was badly chained by the spirit of delusion, Senator Seward was found much more chained than Gerrit Smith. On this account our leaders moved me at the last campaign of candidates for governor of the State of New York, A.D. 1858, and I was acting in my mission in that State, while Gerrit Smith was proclaimed candidate by his party so that I wrote to him, what he had to do, to be favored by our leaders in his course for a high office; because the time has at length arrived in which our leaders will commence to show publicly, how they have the power to interfere in the election business of officers. And then candidates for offices and officers will commence to see the necessity of studying our message and the credentials for our mission, to become with us messengers of Peace, and people will commence to abhor electing such as are so degraded, that they are not prepared to study the Heavenly message made manifest for the redemption of oppressed humanity and the establishment of the promised universal Republic. But how until now those who have been solemnly warned by us, to do what they as professing to be Republicans and occupying high offices, were particularly bound to do, have neglected to fulfil their highest duty, we will show with few instances, that those who will be named, might arise from death to life, and all readers might be inspired for co-operation with us, since Providence is instructing mankind by so remarkable cases, as are the following:
At the commencement of the year 1856 I arrived in Columbus, Ohio, and endeavored to move the Republican anti-slavery Governor Chase and the Republican Party which was the strongest in the legislature of Ohio, to co-operation with us to establish the universal Republic of Peace on earth. For this purpose I wrote "an address to the legislature and the citizens of Ohio" and sent the manuscript with an urgent recommendation to Governor Chase, that he after having perused the manuscript might forward it with his recommendation to the legislature of Ohio. In my manuscript or my written address to the legislature as many testimonies of our mission were mentioned as would have been sufficient to move a man who has discernment in spiritual things, for co-operation with us. But the Governor, after having perused my manuscript in which I urged the legislature by virtue of the memorable events which have been mentioned in it, to appoint a monthly theological course, to which qualified persons would be invited to hear the explanation of my manuscript which contains the system for the foundation of the universal Republic, and for the commencement of the New Era called the millennium, said when he returned it to me, that he was not the proper person to forward the manuscript to the legislature. I do not know, whether he would have entered into a discussion of the matter, if I had offered him to show, that he was not only the proper person, but that it was his most urgent duty to forward my address to the legislature. I thought that he in his new highest office of that State was too much distracted and was not prepared for our extraordinary business. Wherefore I sent that same address which was directed to the legislature of Ohio, to the speaker in the House, and instructed him in an extra letter of his duty, to forward my address to the House. But he belonged to the Republican Party and had no capacity for what was needed to establish the true Republic of Harmony and Peace on earth, and could not be moved to do, what was shown to him to be most necessary in his circumstances. He returned my address. From him I went to the Lieutenant Governor or speaker in the Senate. He belonged to the American. Party and by his application the Senate appointed a committee for examining my document. In that committee was a member of the Republican Party, who assured his colleagues, that he knew me, that I was a madman, having come from Geauga County in which I held a Convention in the year 1851. Notwithstanding the most malicious conspiracy of the Sectarian neighborhood we succeeded so far, that a number of resolutions in which I have concentrated what has been explained in the Convention for the commencement of the millennium, have been unanimously adopted, and then published with other documents for an easier understanding of the resolutions. But materialists, papists and other sectarians, instead of having reflected upon the unexpected glorious news made manifest in that pamphlet and put them into circulation, did all in their power that the largest portion of copies of that pamphlet and the man to whom they have been given in care, disappeared, and the calumny was put into circulation, that I became mad. And when that same calumny was renewed in the Senate chamber of Ohio, I wrote a resolution, to be offered to that body. But members of the Senate became so scared, that I could find nobody, to undertake to offer it to the Senate. I wished by that resolution to move the Senate to give me their chamber for a lecture, in which I wished to explain the madness of those who instead of studying our disclosures for Harmony and Peace of nations, are slandering and calumniating me, and ruining this country and preparing it more and more to become a spoil to enrich monarchs and their agents.
Then I published that address and other documents which I supposed, would be strong enough to move the legislature and other citizens of Ohio to send qualified persons to the monthly theological course, which was appointed in that pamphlet.
Here we must extract passages from the last page for a great lesson to Republicans and others that they might not be duped any longer by the blind leaders of the blind. That page contains "a great appeal to the Governor, the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Ohio." It was written, mark well, on the 2d day of February, as is mentioned on that 32d page as well, as on the pages 31 and 29; because on the 29th page I commenced to write a paragraph as follows: "I had to wait till the composition of this epistle advanced so far, that I must finish it on this 2d day of February" &c. On that day I wrote what follows from that passage to the end of the pamphlet. And the "great appeal" reads: "Fellow laborers in the great cause of human redemption! If you have studied this pamphlet with such attention as it deserves to be studied you will accept this title with gratitude to the Most High, that he has chosen us in his mercy for the accomplishment of the most glorious promises".... "The first most urgent work" (which the legislature of Ohio in those circumstances could do) "is to kindle with this pamphlet a light in the Cabinet and the Congress of the United States. 'And Babylon is become a habitation of demons.' REVEL. xviii: 2. The fall of Babylon has been proclaimed by my instrumentality for the fulfilment of the first three verses of the 18th chapter of the REVELATION, on Easter Sunday, 1838, under the direction of the powerful angel, who was sent from the Heavenly Congress. And since that proclamation, the habitation of demons on every place of Babylon, on which my message is rejected, is made manifest ... and the numbers of votes which members of the House of Representatives were casting since my first publication of the 'testimony for the superabundance of miracles,' which is reprinted on the 9th and 10th pages of this pamphlet, are testifying, from which quarters of pitfalls and deep holes the demons came who took possesion of the Capitol at the present session.... On this 2nd day of February in my Country Roman Catholic men and women bring each his own candle into the church and burn them" &c.
I quoted these passages, written on the 2d day of Feb., which was Saturday, and given on the same day to the printer; because I had an engagement on the next following day in the country and left Columbus on that Saturday, Feb, 2d 1856. When I returned on the next following week from the country, I heard that on that same day February 2d, 1856, the House of Representatives finished at length their voting for speaker and that Nathanael Banks was elected Speaker in the House. There is a spirit language by numbers. Representatives in the House were casting votes from the time in which my article "Testimony for the superabundance of miracles" appeared in two newspapers of Cleveland and was then copied in my pamphlet for the legislature of Ohio, to make use of it for the conversion of the Congress in Washington; because I saw, whenever I looked the numbers of votes cast to elect the speaker, that members of the parties casting votes were under a strong Papal Imperial Royal delusion. When I wrote the above quoted passages on the 2nd day of February, 1856, I did not know, that at that same time they finished their voting with Nathanael Banks as speaker in the House. Nathanael means a "gift of God." And the name Banks was prophetical for what followed then in regard to the Banks; because this generation could receive no more suitable gift than Banks are. There is not only in numbers but also in names and in manifold other correspondences a spirit language which we understand; and in this our mission events connected with our steps testify the condition in which those are, who neglect to make use of our message of Peace. The Governor and the legislature of Ohio did not care about our urgent appeal made to them in writing and in print, and the same time in Washington the name of Banks announced the terrible condition of this same country founding their trust in banks and paper-money, which will be eventually made manifest with a terrible crash.
After that experience made at the Republican Legislature of Ohio, in which we could not find assistance for the circulation of our message of Peace, and for holding our monthly theological course, I remained in Ohio, till I heard Governor Chase in a campaign for candidate Fremont assert with great boldness, that he knew Fremont. I did not know Fremont at that time. But after having studied as much as was required to know him, I pitied Governor Chase and other Republicans very much, that they either by ignorance of matters or by preferring private interest to the common welfare, should have ruined the country and destroyed an enormous amount of human life and property, so that the Kansas affairs alone cost more than fifty millions of dollars. All the evils would have been avoided, if Hon. Giddings and his co-operators who have been most urgently invited to attend the above mentioned Convention which was held in their vicinity in the year 1851, had not despised our invitation. But at that time matters had not arrived to that maturity in which they are now. And we write and mention some champions and leaders of parties, that they themselves and by their instrumentality many others might be awakened from their lethargy and attend at length our monthly theological course the appointment of which they will find at the end of this book, and learn that which is most needed for the support of the true Republican, or what is the same, true Christian against the monarchial cause.
I have sent to speaker Banks a copy of the pamphlet, from the last page of which I have quoted above some passages, on which page there is the admirable correspondence of the governor and the legislature of Ohio with his election for speaker. But I think, that other trifling business did hinder Mr. Banks' comprehending wonders and signs contained in that pamphlet, and that he did not study it so deep as to comprehend the correspondence of the contents of the last page of said pamphlet with his election for speaker on the same day on which I wrote that page. In this book is no room to explain the language by numbers; but we may generally observe, that the election took place under the spell of the Papel Imperial Royal spirits; and it was said, that it did not happen, till a Roman catholic priest came into the House of Representatives and performed his prayer. Whether that report was true or not, is is not my business to investigate; but it is true, that the spell was taken away, when I in my application to the governor and the legislature of Ohio wrote on the last page of the above quoted pamphlet: "You are requested to cast so many copies of this pamphlet in the Cabinet and Congress of Washington, and also into the legislature of each State, as are required to kindle a great light everywhere." Reference is made to the "Candle-mass," as the feast of the 2d February is called. It is Mary's purification and Christ's presentation in the temple; and that our reference to the casting of votes for the speaker in the House of the United States destroyed the spell and they agreed at length in the prophetical name Banks, with which there was already great trouble, and the greater troubles will follow the longer nations delay to apply our remedies against the manifold enormous evils with which nations are harrassed and ruined. I made some acquaintance with Governor Banks after my last arrival in Boston in Nov. 1858. I found proper to write to him a lengthy letter in which I assured him, that if he would become a great supporter of the true Republican cause, he would need[Q] some private lessons to know what happened in our age for the introduction of the universal Republic of Harmony and Peace; because without that knowledge he in the present course of the Republican Party would contribute his share not for Peace, but for revolutions and war. I offered in that letter to give him some private lessons in his house, if he would wish to receive them regarding our message of Peace and the credentials of our mission, and I added, that in that season of short days and long nights there would be at candle-light good opportunity for our lessons. I went then to his house in Waltham, several miles from Boston. But on that evening he had not yet returned from his office, and I was informed, that on the next morning would be the best chance to speak with him. I then went there but he had not much time to speak, because he had to go to his office, and he invited me to see him in his office. From that circumstance I concluded, that he did not keep in mind the contents of my letter in which I assured him, that his office would not be the proper place for our lessons, but that the night hours in his house would suit best for our lessons; but then there was no time to expostulate with him on this point. I started then for New Hampshire, and at my return to Boston I wrote to him again, that I intended to see him again, but not in his office which would not be the proper place for our lessons, but in his house, that if he would be desirous to receive lessons I would remain for some days in his village and give to him lessons at candle-light. I came then to his village, and prepared one of his acquaintances, a zealous spiritualist who appeared to comprehend easier than other spiritualists! that Presidents, Governors and other officers cannot save this Republic from the grasp of monarchs except by the use of the spiritual weapons which are concentrated in my writings for the commencement of the promised New Era and that Governor Banks to use his influence for Harmony and Peace of all nations, had to take lessons from me. When I thought, that the spiritualist partly by hearing me partly by reading one of my pamphlets had understood the matter so far as necessary to move the Governor to accept my proposition, he went to see Governor Banks. But he returned with the message, that the Governor had started for Hartford.
I could not stay longer in Waltham and understood from this circumstance that Governor Banks was not the officer, who would commence to open the door at the government for commencing the New Era. I thought that if he would comprehend our message, by his instrumentality the Legislature of Massachusetts and by their instrumentality the Congress of the United States might be moved for using our spiritual weapons against the anti-Republican powers, I heard in November 1858, in the night before the election of the Governor and the congress members Governor Banks deliver his speech in Chelsea City. He affirmed that he did not speak for himself but for his friend Burlingame, that he might be re-elected for Congress. I heard this same Burlingame haranguing against Buchanan and for Fremont during the last Presidential campaign, and understood that his speech was nothing else but a heap of "burly games." Mark well, that in our meetings with remarkable persons, names are expressive, but sometimes their signification is so hidden, that some letter is to be changed, to be understood. The great heap of burly games spread in newspapers and in public speeches against Buchanan instead of studying our message of Peace and communicating it to President Buchanan to save the country, prove nothing else except that this degraded generation are preparing the way to such a tyranny as will destroy the largest part and chain the remnant of the people in such a manner that no word will be heard against the cruelty and tyranny which will keep them in slavery, if they do not sooner open their eyes and make use of our message of Peace. I thought[R], that if Governor Banks would be converted, he would convert also his friend Burlingame and act through him in the congress. I came after that in Boston, to the office of Governor Banks to see him there; but I was told, that he was expected to be in half an hour in the office. But instead of waiting at, or returning to the office, I was told by my leader, that I had accomplished my mission in the State of Massachusetts and was carried directly to other States.
Wonders and signs which have been given in Boston and Chelsea City near Boston at that my visit there, are spoken of in the following treatise. But before we finish this treatise, we should mention somewhat regarding the Governor of New York in connexion with the Governors of Ohio and Massachussetts. We do not take any interest in the campaign for officers, except when we are directed by our leaders to give in this way a great lesson to nations: as it was the case in the first treatise of this book.
While I intended in Summer, 1858, to start from Philadelphia for the West, I was directed by my leaders to New York. I arrived the same hour in the City of New York, in which the laying of the Atlantic Cable had been accomplished, and while spiritualists were rejoicing in a public meeting at the success, in the supposition that the success was certain and that it was a great blessing for the United States, I explained in that meeting, that the success would be a great scourge for this country, if people would not receive our message of Peace and convert monarchs into true Republicans. My explanation was then confirmed by signs. After the exchange of President Buchanan's message with the message of Queen Victoria the use of the Atlantic Telegraph has been suspended by invisible agency, and while the City of New York, the great Babylon of the United States, was celebrating the first time the success of the Atlantic Telegraph, the tower, the cupola and so much of the interior of the building of the City Hall was destroyed, as could be reached by fire. And at the second solemn celebration of the success of the Atlantic Telegraph the whole Quarantine with numerous buildings was destroyed by fire. The materialistic spectators who looked only on the surface, were not aware of the interior agency. But in connexion with these warning fires other signs were given testifying also in this connexsion of matters the subjugation of this country by Papal Imperial Royal or Monarchial spirits, while citizens of the United States are not yet aware of. I wrote a peculiar treatise on those signs, which will be published in due time. There was a coalescence of strange correspondences, While the Queen of England was celebrating with Emperor Napoleon the tremendous naval exhibition at Cobourgh, for the subjugation of the world by monarchs, the laying of the Atlantic Telegraph was accomplished and the President of the United States exchanged the message with the Queen; and the destroying fires accompanied the celebration of its success, till at length also the Crystal Palace was consumed by fire; and the spirits who are subject to Popish prelates and monks, announced the "Philanthropic Convention in Utica," and the Archbishop of New-York laid the corner stone to his new cathedral by the assistance of six suffragan bishops. All these in connexion with other memorable events happened according to the spirit language of the prophetical calendar, and I was directed to perform corresponding memorable actions which are explained in this treatise, and amongst those actions here I mention the trial of the three candidates for the Governor's office of the State of New-York. I have already remarked, that I wrote to Hon. Gerrit Smith after he had been proclaimed candidate by his party. But when he was not ready to become messenger of the New Era, I wrote then two lengthy articles, one to be used by Judge Parker, the Democratic candidate, if he would receive our message, and another to be used by the merchant Morgan, the candidate of the Republican Party. I do not belong to any party, and I had only to try spirits of the candidates for Governor in the State in which is the concentration of all monarchial speculations, against which and for the true Republican cause only that Governor could act with power, who would have so much understanding in spiritual things as to comprehend the substance of our message and of the credentials of our mission. Such a man would be a blessing not only for his State, but for the whole country. Both my articles have been written in a manner, that only that Candidate could make use of the article prepared for his use, who would be convinced of our mission, which I intended to explain to him privately, if he would take an interest in my article.
Here follows only a synopsis of our trials of spirits at the two candidates, to wit, the Democratic and the Republican for the office of Governor in the State of New York.
According to the direction of our leaders I paid first my personal visit to Judge Parker of Albany, Democratic Candidate. He appointed a certain time for an interview in which he would be ready to read my writing and hear what I had to say. But when I would return at the appointed time, my leader interfered and said, that I had to try the spirits of merchant Morgan of the City of New York, Candidate of the Republican Party. Morgan appeared to be shrewd as I supposed him to be; because otherwise, having commenced in poverty he would not have become a rich merchant. When I mentioned my business with him, he replied that he had a business, which he must attend in the city, and that his clerk who was in that room, would settle my business with him; and he left the room. Then I talked with his young clerk and mentioned my former charges and my present charge, as far as he may have been able to bear, and that I had with me a document which I had prepared for that campaign. I added, that whereas I belong to no party, that candidate would be most qualified for the Governor's office, who would comprehend my document and make use of it. The clerk insisted, that I should go with my document to the editors of the Tribune. But I replied, that my document was not prepared for the Tribune, but to be studied and used by the candidate himself. But the clerk remarked, that Mr. Morgan would not have time to study it. And I said, that if Mr. Morgan would not have time, I would go to Judge Parker; and I assured the Clerk, that if Judge Parker would have time to study my document and to make use of it, he would certainly become Governor. Then the clerk was moved, that he appointed the hour of the next following day, in which I could speak with Mr. Morgan. I came at the appointed hour; but Mr. Morgan spoke with another man, and when he saw me, he went with his man in an other room. In the mean time the clerk insisted, that I should go with my document to the editors of the Tribune. I did not leave directly the room but was waiting till Mr. Morgan dispatched his man. Then without speaking with me a word he went to other business.
After that my experience I thought that in our dealings with material men we must be provided with very tangeable arguments. I made shortly before that trial acquaintance with a stubborn materialist in the City of New York. He had great influence upon people of certan classes, and had all his trust in weapons of iron to put down monarchs. I found him accessible at the point of human magnetism and convinced him by degrees so far, that he confessed that the weapons of the spirit were the right weapons to overcome the monarchial powers. He was, when I made acquaintance with him, running against Judge Parker. But I came after my trial of Mr. Morgan to him, showing that Judge Parker was amongst the three candidates the man who if he would comprehend our message of Peace, would work powerfully for the true Republican cause. During my explanation he was inspired to do all in his power for Judge Parker's election, if the Judge should settle matters with me and pay the expenses for what was to be published in German and in English circulars from each position separately, to be put in circulation in all directions of the State of New-York. That man gave me then in writing the promise to excercise all his influence for Judge Parker's election, if the Judge settles with me the matter.
It is to be repeated, that I according to my mission, am working not for any pay or reward, but only for the great cause of my mission, satisfied with simple food and raiment, which I get when needed, from those who understand that I am working without pay for the great community of mankind. The man who gave me the above mentioned written promise gave me also money to pay my fare from New-York to Albany. I arrived there on a Sunday morning, which was the best time for trying Judge Parker's spirit. I explained to him briefly the reasons why I could not come at the appointed time, without mentioning the invisible direction; because I supposed that the Judge was not yet prepared to comprehend spiritual things. But I insisted, that he, to secure his election, had to spend that Sunday in studying my writings instead of going to church; for he mentioned that I did not come the proper time to him, because he was preparing to go in the church. I showed to him the title page of my pamphlet; "Redemption of oppressed humanity! Christ's manifestation by his messengers for the Abolition of all kinds of Popery." On that page not only my former offices in Babylon are expressed, but also my present office is mentioned, by virtue of, which I represent the messengers by whom the promised New Era will be introduced. If he had read the title page on which the substance of our message is concentrated and our mission is expressed, with such attention as to comprehend it and to reflect upon it, he could have understood, that to spend that Sunday with me was exceedingly more important than to attend his sectarian church. I repeated that to study my documents on that Sunday was most important for him.
Two things seemed to deter him from receiving my advice. In the first place he saw on the title page, that I, after having been eighteen years Roman Catholic Priest, appeared in public for the abolition of all kinds of Popery. He may have been afraid to scare Roman Catholics from voting for him, if he would be in any connexion with me. I found not proper to explain, that what I intended to publish in behalf of his election, would not scare but strengthen Roman Catholics to vote for him, but would scare many Republicans and Abolitionists to vote for their candidates and would draw them to him. In the second place he seemed to have been in the same opinion in which I found Democratic editors of newspapers, who told me expressly that they were certain, that their candidate would be Governor. When I found him not ready to study my document on Sunday instead of going into his sectarian church, I did not show him the writing of the champion who was determined to act under the above mentioned condition for Judge Parker's election, but I reported directly to that champion that which happened at my trial of Judge Parker's spirits and I started straightways for the States of New England.
Attentive readers of this treatise do comprehend, why in the cloud of witnesses of our mission amongst the men and women of the so called Republican Party I selected the three acting Governors, Hon. Chase of Ohio, Banks of Mass, and Hon. Morgan of New York. They appear, because they are Headmen of the three most dangerous States to the true Republican cause. Those are the principal States from which there is spread also into other States much zeal for freedom of nations without knowledge of the means for the true freedom. This their zeal instead of promoting the true Republican cause is promoting the cause of monarchs and ruining this country. I could write much in connexion with these three Governors for a warning example to all Governors and all other officers; but these few hints may suffice, that all might know the necessity to study our message of Peace, to promote in their offices the true Democratic or true Republican cause and establish Peace on the whole globe. There is a general hue raised by Republicans, that there is great corruption at the Federal Government. There is in all parties and sects a general and exceedingly great corruption; and we must repeat, that those political and ecclesiastical heads who belong to the parties of Abolitionists and Republicans, are the principal cause of the horrible degradation and corruption, by which this country is ruined; because since the time in which I commenced to urge the American nation by English addresses and publications, my principal applications were especially to those who profess to belong to the parties of Republicans and Abolitionists. If they had studied our message of Peace and had applied the remedy which is comprehended in it against all kinds of degradation and corruption, we would have seen several years ago the fruits of our work. But when they in their degradation and corruption, instead of having received our message of Peace, did all in their power to stop it, as I have shown, instead of hundreds of instances of our experience only by the remarkable specimen of the Utica Philanthropic Convention, they are to be regarded as the principal cause of such awful warnings, as a specimen was given on Sunday Sexagesima, February 27th 1859, on the President's Square of Washington by the executive power of our leader who has REVEL. xiv:14 a sickle in his hand, and will make use of "sickles" to sweep away the scoundrels and corruptors of females. Their abominations will come to day-light in this "Judgment Dispensation," when the criminals will least expect. The farther you proceed in reading and understanding this book, the more light you will receive in regard to the inner life of man and to the world of spirits, to know the secret enemies of true Republicanism, and how to stop the degradation and corruption, by which Republic is destroyed and monarchy or tyranny is established.
We have selected in the first treatise such facts as should inspire every reader and especially Democrats for co-operation with us, and the facts made public in this treatise, should move especially the parties of Abolitionists and Republicans. We will see, whether President Buchanan's friends or the heads of his opposition will hear sooner the voice of our master made manifest by our mediumship for Harmony and Peace of all nations, and awaken not only the Government of the United States but also other governments from their lethargy.
Human degradation and corruption having been sheltered under the cloak of virtue, and under the specious name of "Free Love" careless males and female having been ruined in body and soul, peculiar opportunity was given us to close this treatise with a brief report on "a treatise on the second coming of Christ. By John H. Noyes, Putney, Vt. 1840," because that treatise was handed to me on this 19th day of March, while I am travelling through Cumberland County, Pa. and by what happened at the reception of that treatise I was aware, that a brief report would suit best for closing this our treatise. On the 29th page of that treatise we read; "Now Swedenborg preached that the second coming of Christ took place in 1757, and that he was himself an eye witness of the transaction. Ann Lee, the mother of the Shakers, preached that the second coming took place in 1770, and that Christ made his appearance in her person. Many similar proclamations have been made from time to time, along the whole period of Christian history, and especially since the Reformation. The latest of this fashion that has come to our notice, is Professor Andreas Bernardus Smolnikar, who teaches that Christ appeared in 1836, and appointed him 'Ambassador Extraordinary'" (Mr. Noyes quotes as his authority "Signs of the times," No. 12. p. 95. Then he continues his tale as follows:) "of all these we may say fearlessly, as Paul says, 'though they be Angels from Heaven, let them be accursed' they have denied the word of God—together with these, another class of visionaries and impostors, less presumptuous, but equally foolish, may be noticed. We refer to those who either by pretended revelation, or by interpretation, have undertaken, from time to time within the last few centuries, to prophesy of the near approach of the second advent. The latest and most notable specimen of this class, is William Miller, who at this time, is confidently proclaiming, 1843 is the appointed year of the second coming."
I would not have noticed "Noyes's treaties," if it had not been unexpectedly handed to me, when I came, while I thought I was going into the house of a man with whom I was acquainted, to his brother whom I did not know until yesterday, when I came against my expectation to him. He commenced to tell that he had a pamphlet in which Mr. Noyes speaks about me. Then he has shown the above quoted passage in Noyes's pamphlet. But I did not yet think to take notice of it, till at length he has brought this morning the pamphlet to his brother-in-law, with whom I stopped last night, and I found proper to quote the passage and to write this edition for the conclusion of this treatise. But the quoted passage is in such connexions and correspondences, that in a new large treatise I could not explain them. Here we can report only the following items.
In the year 1840, on Easter Saturday, my third German volume of "memorable events" issued from the press. Those three volumes exhibit the "magnetic chain" of events to bind the dragon or serpant, the image of the spirit of delusion and destruction, who inspires such "extraordinary ambassadors", as John H. Noyse is. That he belongs to those deceivers who have deluded those who belong to the Anti-slavery and Republican Parties, and are opposed to our message of Peace, is evident by the circumstance, that I commenced this treatise with the three angels or ambassadors or messengers of the 14th chapter of the REVEL., the 3d amongst whom commences his message in the 9th verse of that chapter. I mentioned that each of those angels or messengers represents a body or society of messengers, and that Dr. Bengel has pointed out in the first part of the last century, that Christ will be made manifest about the year 1836; but that neither Dr. Bengel nor any other man did know the manner in which he was to be made manifest, till it was disclosed by the 3d Angel REVEL. xiv: 9, or the representative of angels or ambassadors or messengers by whom the contents of the prophecy xiv. 9, 10, 11, must be fulfilled. Interpreters did not understand many other things nor those verses till they may read their explanation in my above quoted three German volumes. I do not recollect, how I did entitle that my address; but it did not contain 95 pages nor was it published in several numbers, so that I did not know what those "signs of the times" were, to which Noyse has reference, except that Joshuah Himes, the head of the Millerite imposition was publishing at that time a paper, entitled "Signs of the Times," and since he announced, that he would publish also such views regarding Christ's coming, which were not in accordance with the views of his sect, I expected to open the door to the circulation of our message of Peace through that paper. I wrote therefore a preparatory article, in which I touched only such matters as that sect of adventurists could bear. And that my article was published in that paper. But when I offered the second article which touched nearer the Millerites' absurdities and follies, expecting Christ on the clouds and other paraphernalia, he refused to publish it, and is yet deceiving his disciples, although in the year 1840 opportunity was given to Millerites, to come out from their dreadful delusion. Whether Joshuah Himes was the first who misrepresented in so dreadful a manner our message[S], or Noyse perverted what the other deceiver published, they may decide; because the other is also a dreadful deceiver, who had opportunity to communicate to his readers our disclosures concerning Christ's Coming, but he refused to publish our article. But to the conclusion of this treatise Noyse belongs.
On the 5th of January, 1837, at 5 o'clock P.M. I received from a Heavenly messenger the order to prepare for starting to America. But at that time I did not know more than that in this country preparations were to be made for establishing the promised peaceable reign of Christ on earth. But my extraordinary mission commenced to be made manifest after the events which happened A.D. 1838 in connexion with my mission and which are explained in my above mentioned three German volumes. Instead of having studied those volumes and then reported accordingly, there came such ambassadors of darkness as we have here a specimen of John H. Noyse. Greater impudence could not be expected than to write about me without having studied my books in which I have published what should have been translated from the German also In other languages. In the third volume it is shown, where Swedenborg, Wm. Miller and others stand, who wrote before me on the second Coming of Christ. But before I undertook to write about their standing, I read their books; then I have shown, how parties and sects, each in their own way have given testimony to our mission. The principal of those parties have been mentioned in my third volume, which was published A.D. 1840. But John H. Noyse and his sect were not at that time so famous as to having been brought to my notice. At length a "noise" of his existence came to me in the following manner:
About the year 1844, while I had business in New York. Theophilus Gates came to me after having read an address of mine in which I urged readers to co-operate for establishing a centre of our work. T. Gates spoke about a certain point persuading me to adopt it for a sure success in establishing our centre. I said, that I did not know, whether I understood him correctly or not. Therefore I would read if he had published anything on that subject and then I would talk with him about it. Then he brought to me his pamphlet, entitled: "the Battle Axe," in which he endeavored to prove "the free love doctrine" by the Bible as well as by authorities of this time. His greatest authority was a letter of this same John H. Noyse.
I gave a great lesson to Th. Gates who was ruining people by his infernal doctrine; but he did not digest my lesson. Then I made acquaintance with some John H. Noyse's disciples and asked them, how their leader became so blind as to support the damnable doctrine which opens the door to all kinds of lasciviousness, adultery and fornication, which ruins people and is diametrically opposed to the spirit of the New Testament. His disciples said, that he wrote that letter in a haste, and that it was published against his intention, and that he retracted his view expressed in that letter. Then I attended a meeting of Perfectionists in Newark, N.J. Some of them were with Noyse, others were against his supporting the Free Love doctrine. I addressed the audience. Then I was invited to dinner by a Perfectionist who did not belong to Noyse's Party. I was asked by my host, whether I did read or not, what appeared shortly before that in Noyse's "Perfectionist" against me. After my negative answer he gave me the number containing Noyse's article against me. I took it to the meeting which was appointed on the same Sunday afternoon and read that article at the meeting and explained Noyse's misrepresentations of the contents of my article to which reference was made in Noyse's article, and remarked that it was possible, that Mr. Noyse did not make purposely but only in haste those misrepresentations, and that in the case that he is a friend of Truth, he would retract what he had published misrepresenting my statements. I added, that in this case I would like to see him and converse personally with him about the matter. One of his disciples said that Noyse was a man ready to receive truth, and that he wished to go with me to Mr. Noyse and to bear travelling expenses. We started and took also another friend of Mr. Noyse with us. At our arrival we were cordially received, till Mr. Noyse heard my name. At that moment he was entirely changed, took his friends into his room, while I remained on the porch. He spoke with them so loud, that I heard every word, while he reproached to them, that they took me with them. It was nearly dinner time, and I found proper not to speak about our case, till we would be together in his Printing Office. It happened soon after dinner. I said that those who were present, were Mr. Noyse's friends, but that I expected, that they were for truth, and that also Noyse will correct the errors and misrepresentations which he has published regarding my mission and regarding my statements in my article, to which he had reference in his article. But Mr. Noyse pertinaciously denied to have misrepresented my statements. I had in my pocket the number of the paper containing my article and that number of the Perfectionist in which my publication has been misrepresented. I read corresponding passages from both, and asked the witnesses, whether Noyse's report contained the same sense as my report. All his friends remained silent; but he continued to be obdurate, and repeated in the most impudent manner, that he did not misrepresent my statements. I did know nothing until yesterday about his having misrepresented as early as 1840 my doctrine regarding Christ's coming and slandered and calumniated me already in that year. And when I met four or five years after that personally with him in his Printing Office about our business, he appeared as the most stubborn infallible Pope, affirming with the most impudent affront, that what he published against me, was true. But some bystanders commenced to cry: "Snake! snake! snake!" pointing out of the door of the Printing Office in a distance from the door to see what it was. There was a very large snake marching from a distance directly towards us and towards the door of the Printing Office, and went, in spite of the men gazing it, under the threshold, and sheltered its self under the floor of the Printing Office. It was most singular, that the devil, that means calumniator, by whom the snake was possessed, magnetized so the witnesses, that none of them took an instrument to kill the snake, although he could have easily reached one for this purpose in the Printing Office. After having been all so baffled, I said to Mr. Noyse, that the snake or the dragon is the Holy Ghost who comes from the depth of his Printing Office and inspires his readers with such infernal delusion, as appeared in his "Perfectionist" against my mission, and I left directly his place. |