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Brown, G. Healthy Foundations. (Science Series No. 80.) 16mo, 0 50
Brown, H. Irrigation 8vo, *5 00
Brown, H. Rubber 8vo, *2 00
—— W. A. Portland Cement Industry 8vo, 3 00
Brown, Wm. N. Dipping, Burnishing, Lacquering and Bronzing Brass Ware 12mo, *1 25
—— Handbook on Japanning 12mo, *1 50
Brown, Wm. N. The Art of Enamelling on Metal 12mo, *1 00
—— House Decorating and Painting 12mo, *1 50
—— History of Decorative Art 12mo, *1 25
—— Workshop Wrinkles 8vo, *1 00
Browne, C. L. Fitting and Erecting of Engines 8vo, *1 50
Browne, R. E. Water Meters. (Science Series No. 81.) 16mo, 0 50
Bruce, E. M. Pure Food Tests 12mo, *1 25
Brunner, R. Manufacture of Lubricants, Shoe Polishes and Leather Dressings. Trans. by C. Salt 8vo, *3 00
Buel, R. H. Safety Valves. (Science Series No. 21.) 16mo, 0 50
Burley, G. W. Lathes, Their Construction and Operation 12mo, 1 25
Burnside, W. Bridge Foundations 12mo, *1 50
Burstall, F. W. Energy Diagram for Gas. With Text 8vo, 1 50
—— Diagram. Sold separately *1 00
Burt, W. A. Key to the Solar Compass 16mo, leather, 2 50
Buskett, E. W. Fire Assaying 12mo, *1 25
Butler, H. J. Motor Bodies and Chassis 8vo, *2 50
Byers, H. G., and Knight, H. G. Notes on Qualitative Analysis 8vo, *1 50
Cain, W. Brief Course in the Calculus 12mo, *1 75
—— Elastic Arches. (Science Series No. 48.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Maximum Stresses. (Science Series No. 38.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Practical Designing Retaining of Walls. (Science Series No. 3.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Theory of Steel-concrete Arches and of Vaulted Structures. (Science Series No. 42.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Theory of Voussoir Arches. (Science Series No. 12.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Symbolic Algebra. (Science Series No. 73.) 16mo, 0 50
Carpenter, F. D. Geographical Surveying. (Science Series No. 37.) 16mo,
Carpenter, R. C., and Diederichs, H. Internal Combustion Engines 8vo, *5 00
Carter, H. A. Ramie (Rhea), China Grass 12mo, *2 00
Carter, H. R. Modern Flax, Hemp, and Jute Spinning 8vo, *3 00
—— Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing of Fabrics 8vo, *1 00
Cary, E. R. Solution of Railroad Problems with the Slide Rule 16mo, *1 00
Casler, M. D. Simplified Reinforced Concrete Mathematics 12mo, *1 00
Cathcart, W. L. Machine Design. Part I. Fastenings 8vo, *3 00
Cathcart, W. L., and Chaffee, J. I. Elements of Graphic Statics 8vo, *3 00
—— Short Course in Graphics 12mo, 1 50
Caven, R. M., and Lander, G. D. Systematic Inorganic Chemistry 12mo, *2 00
Chalkley, A. P. Diesel Engines 8vo, *4 00
Chambers' Mathematical Tables 8vo, 1 75
Chambers, G. F. Astronomy 16mo, *1 50
Chappel, E. Five Figure Mathematical Tables 8vo, *2 00
Charnock, Mechanical Technology 8vo, *3 00
Charpentier, P. Timber 8vo, *6 00
Chatley, H. Principles and Designs of Aeroplanes. (Science Series No. 126) 16mo, 0 50
—— How to Use Water Power 12mo, *1 00
—— Gyrostatic Balancing 8vo, *1 00
Child, C. D. Electric Arc 8vo, *2 00
Christian, M. Disinfection and Disinfectants. Trans. by Chas. Salter 12mo, 2 00
Christie, W. W. Boiler-waters, Scale, Corrosion, Foaming 8vo, *3 00
—— Chimney Design and Theory 8vo, *3 00
—— Furnace Draft. (Science Series No. 123.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Water: Its Purification and Use in the Industries 8vo, *2 00
Church's Laboratory Guide. Rewritten by Edward Kinch 8vo, *1 50
Clapham, J. H. Woolen and Worsted Industries 8vo, 2 00
Clapperton, G. Practical Papermaking 8vo, 2 50
Clark, A. G. Motor Car Engineering. Vol. I. Construction *3 00 Vol. II. Design 8vo, *3 00
Clark, C. H. Marine Gas Engines 12mo, *1 50
Clark, J. M. New System of Laying Out Railway Turnouts 12mo, 1 00
Clarke, J. W., and Scott, W. Plumbing Practice. Vol. I. Lead Working and Plumbers' Materials 8vo, *4 00 Vol. II. Sanitary Plumbing and Fittings (In Press.) Vol. III. Practical Lead Working on Roofs (In Press.)
Clarkson, R. B. Elementary Electrical Engineering (In Press.)
Clausen-Thue, W. A B C Universal Commercial Telegraphic Code. Sixth Edition (In Press.)
Clerk, D., and Idell, F. E. Theory of the Gas Engine. (Science Series No. 62.) 16mo, 0 50
Clevenger, S. R. Treatise on the Method of Government Surveying. 16mo, morocco, 2 50
Clouth, F. Rubber, Gutta-Percha, and Balata 8vo, *5 00
Cochran, J. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Specifications 8vo, *2 50
—— Inspection of Concrete Construction 8vo, *4 00
—— Treatise on Cement Specifications 8vo, *1 00
Cocking, W. C. Calculations for Steel-Frame Structures 12mo, *2 25
Coffin, J. H. C. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy 12mo, *3 50
Colburn, Z., and Thurston, R. H. Steam Boiler Explosions. (Science Series No. 2.) 16mo, 0 50
Cole, R. S. Treatise on Photographic Optics 12mo, 1 50
Coles-Finch, W. Water, Its Origin and Use 8vo, *5 00
Collins, J. E. Useful Alloys and Memoranda for Goldsmiths, Jewelers. 16mo, 0 50
Collis, A. G. High and Low Tension Switch-Gear Design 8vo, *3 50
—— Switchgear. (Installation Manuals Series.) 12mo, *0 50
Comstock, D. F., and Troland, L. T. The Nature of Electricity and Matter 8vo, *2 00
Coombs, H. A. Gear Teeth. (Science Series No. 120.) 16mo, 0 50
Cooper, W. R. Primary Batteries 8vo, *4 00
Copperthwaite, W. C. Tunnel Shields 4to, *9 00
Corfield, W. H. Dwelling Houses. (Science Series No. 50.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Water and Water-Supply. (Science Series No. 17.) 16mo, 0 50
Cornwall, H. B. Manual of Blow-pipe Analysis 8vo, *2 50
Cowee, G. A. Practical Safety Methods and Devices 8vo, *3 00
Cowell, W. B. Pure Air, Ozone, and Water 12mo, *2 00
Craig, J. W., and Woodward, W. P. Questions and Answers About Electrical Apparatus 12mo, leather, 1 50
Craig, T. Motion of a Solid in a Fuel. (Science Series No. 49.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Wave and Vortex Motion. (Science Series No. 43.) 16mo, 0 50
Cramp, W. Continuous Current Machine Design 8vo, *2 50
Crehore, A. C. Mystery of Matter and Energy 8vo, 1 00
Creedy, F. Single Phase Commutator Motors 8vo, *2 00
Crocker, F. B. Electric Lighting. Two Volumes. 8vo, Vol. I. The Generating Plant 3 00 Vol. II. Distributing Systems and Lamps
Crocker, F. B., and Arendt, M. Electric Motors 8vo, *2 50
Crocker, F. B., and Wheeler, S. S. The Management of Electrical Machinery 12mo, *1 00
Cross, C. F., Bevan, E. J., and Sindall, R. W. Wood Pulp and Its Applications. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Crosskey, L. R. Elementary Perspective 8vo, 1 25
Crosskey, L. R., and Thaw, J. Advanced Perspective 8vo, 1 50
Culley, J. L. Theory of Arches. (Science Series No. 87.) 16mo, 0 50
Cushing, H. C., Jr., and Harrison, N. Central Station Management *2 00
Dadourian, H. M. Analytical Mechanics 12mo, *3 00
Dana, R. T. Handbook of Construction plant 12mo, leather, *5 00
Danby, A. Natural Rock Asphalts and Bitumens 8vo, *2 50
Davenport, C. The Book. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Davey, N. The Gas Turbine 8vo, *4 00
Davies, F. H. Electric Power and Traction 8vo, *2 00
—— Foundations and Machinery Fixing. (Installation Manual Series.) 16mo, *1 00
Deerr, N. Sugar Cane 8vo, 8 00
Deite, C. Manual of Soapmaking. Trans. by S. T. King 4to, *5 00
De la Coux, H. The Industrial Uses of Water. Trans. by A. Morris. 8vo, *4 50
Del Mar, W. A. Electric Power Conductors 8vo, *2 00
Denny, G. A. Deep-level Mines of the Rand 4to, *10 00
—— Diamond Drilling for Gold *5 00
De Roos, J. D. C. Linkages. (Science Series No. 47.) 16mo, 0 50
Derr, W. L. Block Signal Operation Oblong 12mo, *1 50
—— Maintenance-of-Way Engineering (In Preparation.)
Desaint, A. Three Hundred Shades and How to Mix Them 8vo, *8 00
De Varona, A. Sewer Gases. (Science Series No. 55.) 16mo, 0 50
Devey, R. G. Mill and Factory Wiring. (Installation Manuals Series.) 12mo, *1 00
Dibdin, W. J. Purification of Sewage and Water 8vo, 6 50
Dichmann, Carl. Basic Open-Hearth Steel Process 12mo, *3 50
Dieterich, K. Analysis of Resins, Balsams, and Gum Resins 8vo, *3 00
Dilworth, E. C. Steel Railway Bridges 4to, *4 00
Dinger, Lieut. H. C. Care and Operation of Naval Machinery 12mo, *2 00
Dixon, D. B. Machinist's and Steam Engineer's Practical Calculator. 16mo, morocco, 1 25
Dodge, G. F. Diagrams for Designing Reinforced Concrete Structures, folio, *4 00
Dommett, W. E. Motor Car Mechanism 12mo, *1 50
Dorr, B. F. The Surveyor's Guide and Pocket Table-book. 16mo, morocco, 2 00
Draper, C. H. Elementary Text-book of Light, Heat and Sound 12mo, 1 00
—— Heat and the Principles of Thermo-dynamics 12mo, *2 00
Dron, R. W. Mining Formulas 12mo, 1 00
Dubbel, H. High Power Gas Engines 8vo, *5 00
Dumesny, P., and Noyer, J. Wood Products, Distillates, and Extracts. 8vo, *4 50
Duncan, W. G., and Penman, D. The Electrical Equipment of Collieries. 8vo, *4 00
Dunkley, W. G. Design of Machine Elements 8vo, 1 50
Dunstan, A. E., and Thole, F. B. T. Textbook of Practical Chemistry. 12mo, *1 40
Durham, H. W. Saws 8vo, 2 50
Duthie, A. L. Decorative Glass Processes. (Westminster Series.). 8vo, *2 00
Dwight, H. B. Transmission Line Formulas 8vo, *2 00
Dyson, S. S. Practical Testing of Raw Materials 8vo, *5 00
Dyson, S. S., and Clarkson, S. S. Chemical Works 8vo, *7 50
Eccles, W. H. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony 12mo, *4 50
Eck, J. Light, Radiation and Illumination. Trans. by Paul Hogner, 8vo, *2 50
Eddy, H. T. Maximum Stresses under Concentrated Loads 8vo, 1 50
Eddy, L. C. Laboratory Manual of Alternating Currents 12mo, 0 50
Edelman, P. Inventions and Patents 12mo, *1 50
Edgcumbe, K. Industrial Electrical Measuring Instruments 8vo, (In Press.)
Edler, R. Switches and Switchgear. Trans. by Ph. Laubach 8vo, *4 00
Eissler, M. The Metallurgy of Gold 8vo, 7 50
—— The Metallurgy of Silver 8vo, 4 00
—— The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead 8vo, 5 00
—— A Handbook on Modern Explosives 8vo, 5 00
Ekin, T. C. Water Pipe and Sewage Discharge Diagrams folio, *3 00
Electric Light Carbons, Manufacture of 8vo, 1 00
Eliot, C. W., and Storer, F. H. Compendious Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis 12mo, *1 25
Ellis, C. Hydrogenation of Oils 8vo, (In Press.)
Ellis, G. Modern Technical Drawing 8vo, *2 00
Ennis, Wm. D. Linseed Oil and Other Seed Oils 8vo, *4 00
—— Applied Thermodynamics 8vo, *4 50
—— Flying Machines To-day 12mo, *1 50
—— Vapors for Heat Engines 12mo, *1 00
Ermen, W. F. A. Materials Used in Sizing 8vo, *2 00
Erwin, M. The Universe and the Atom 12mo, *2 00
Evans, C. A. Macadamized Roads (In Press.)
Ewing, A. J. Magnetic Induction in Iron 8vo, *4 00
Fairie, J. Notes on Lead Ores 12mo, *0 50
—— Notes on Pottery Clays 12mo, *1 50
Fairley, W., and Andre, Geo. J. Ventilation of Coal Mines. (Science Series No. 58.) 16mo, 0 50
Fairweather, W. C. Foreign and Colonial Patent Laws 8vo, *3 00
Falk, M. S. Cement Mortars and Concretes 8vo, *2 50
Fanning, J. T. Hydraulic and Water-supply Engineering 8vo, *5 00
Fay, I. W. The Coal-tar Colors 8vo, *4 00
Fernbach, R. L. Glue and Gelatine 8vo, *3 00
Firth, J. B. Practical Physical Chemistry 12mo, *1 00
Fischer, E. The Preparation of Organic Compounds. Trans. by R. V. Stanford 12mo, *1 25
Fish, J. C. L. Lettering of Working Drawings Oblong 8vo, 1 00
—— Mathematics of the Paper Location of a Railroad paper 12mo, *0 25
Fisher, H. K. C., and Darby, W. C. Submarine Cable Testing 8vo, *3 50
Fleischmann, W. The Book of the Dairy. Trans. by C. M. Aikman 8vo, 4 00
Fleming, J. A. The Alternate-current Transformer. Two Volumes. 8vo. Vol. I. The Induction of Electric Currents *5 00 Vol. II. The Utilization of Induced Currents *5 00
—— Propagation of Electric Currents 8vo, *3 00
—— A Handbook for the Electrical Laboratory and Testing Room. Two Volumes 8vo, each, *5 00
Fleury, P. Preparation and Uses of White Zinc Paints 8vo, *2 50
Flynn, P. J. Flow of Water. (Science Series No. 84.) 12mo, 0 50
—— Hydraulic Tables. (Science Series No. 66.) 16mo, 0 50
Forgie, J. Shield Tunneling 8vo. (In Press.)
Foster, H. A. Electrical Engineers' Pocket-book. (Seventh Edition.) 12mo, leather, 5 00
—— Engineering Valuation of Public Utilities and Factories 8vo, *3 00
—— Handbook of Electrical Cost Data 8vo (In Press.)
Fowle, F. F. Overhead Transmission Line Crossings 12mo, *1 50
—— The Solution of Alternating Current Problems 8vo (In Press.)
Fox, W. G. Transition Curves. (Science Series No. 110.) 16mo, 0 50
Fox, W., and Thomas, C. W. Practical Course in Mechanical Drawing 12mo, 1 25
Foye, J. C. Chemical Problems. (Science Series No. 69.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Handbook of Mineralogy. (Science Series No. 86.) 16mo, 0 50
Francis, J. B. Lowell Hydraulic Experiments 4to, 15 00
Franzen, H. Exercises in Gas Analysis 12mo, *1 00
Freudemacher, P. W. Electrical Mining Installations. (Installation Manuals Series.) 12mo, *1 00
Frith, J. Alternating Current Design 8vo, *2 00
Fritsch, J. Manufacture of Chemical Manures. Trans. by D. Grant. 8vo, *4 00
Frye, A. I. Civil Engineers' Pocket-book 12mo, leather, *5 00
Fuller, G. W. Investigations into the Purification of the Ohio River 4to, *10 00
Furnell, J. Paints, Colors, Oils, and Varnishes 8vo, *1 00
Gairdner, J. W. I. Earthwork 8vo (In Press.)
Gant, L. W. Elements of Electric Traction 8vo, *2 50
Garcia, A. J. R. V. Spanish-English Railway Terms 8vo, *4 50
Gardner, H. A. Paint Researches, and Their Practical Applications 8vo, *5 00
Garforth, W. E. Rules for Recovering Coal Mines after Explosions and Fires 12mo, leather, 1 50
Garrard, C. C. Electric Switch and Controlling Gear 8vo, *6 00
Gaudard, J. Foundations. (Science Series No. 34.) 16mo, 0 50
Gear, H. B., and Williams, P. F. Electric Central Station Distribution Systems 8vo, *3 50
Geerligs, H. C. P. Cane Sugar and Its Manufacture 8vo, *5 00
Geikie, J. Structural and Field Geology 8vo, *4 00
—— Mountains. Their Growth, Origin and Decay 8vo, *4 00
—— The Antiquity of Man in Europe 8vo, *3 00
Georgi, F., and Schubert, A. Sheet Metal Working. Trans. by C. Salter 8vo, 3 00
Gerhard, W. P. Sanitation, Watersupply and Sewage Disposal of Country Houses 12mo, *2 00
—— Gas Lighting (Science Series No. 111.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Household Wastes. (Science Series No. 97.) 16mo, 0 50
—— House Drainage. (Science Series No. 63.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Sanitary Drainage of Buildings. (Science Series No. 93.) 16mo, 0 50
Gerhardi, C. W. H. Electricity Meters 8vo, *4 00
Geschwind, L. Manufacture of Alum and Sulphates. Trans. by C. Salter 8vo, *5 00
Gibbings, A. H. Oil Fuel Equipment for Locomotives 8vo, *5 00
Gibbs, W. E. Lighting by Acetylene 12mo, *1 50
Gibson, A. H. Hydraulics and Its Application 8vo, *5 00
—— Water Hammer in Hydraulic Pipe Lines 12mo, *2 00
Gibson, A. H., and Ritchie, E. G. Circular Arc Bow Girder 4to, *3 50
Gilbreth, F. B. Motion Study 12mo, *2 00
—— Bricklaying System 8vo, *3 00
—— Field System 12mo, leather, *3 00
—— Primer of Scientific Management 12mo, *1 00
Gillette, H. P. Handbook of Cost Data 12mo, leather, *5 00
—— Rock Excavation Methods and Cost 12mo, *5 00
—— and Dana, R. T. Cost Keeping and Management Engineering 8vo, *3 50
—— and Hill, C. S. Concrete Construction, Methods and Cost 8vo, *5 00
Gillmore, Gen. Q. A. Roads, Streets, and Pavements 12mo, 1 25
Godfrey, E. Tables for Structural Engineers 16mo, leather, *2 50
Golding, H. A. The Theta-Phi Diagram 12mo, *1 25
Goldschmidt, R. Alternating Current Commutator Motor 8vo, *3 00
Goodchild, W. Precious Stones. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Goodeve, T. M. Textbook on the Steam-engine 12mo, 2 00
Gore, G. Electrolytic Separation of Metals 8vo, *3 50
Gould, E. S. Arithmetic of the Steam-engine 12mo, 1 00
—— Calculus. (Science Series No. 112.) 16mo, 0 50
—— High Masonry Dams. (Science Series No. 22.) 16mo, 0 50
Gould, E. S. Practical Hydrostatics and Hydrostatic Formulas. (Science Series No. 117.) 16mo, 0 50
Gratacap, L. P. A Popular Guide to Minerals 8vo, *3 00
Gray, J. Electrical Influence Machines 12mo, 2 00
—— Marine Boiler Design 12mo, *1 25
Greenhill, G. Dynamics of Mechanical Flight 8vo, *2 50
Gregorius, R. Mineral Waxes. Trans. by C. Salter 12mo, *3 00
Grierson, R. Some Modern Methods of Ventilation 8vo, *3 00
Griffiths, A. B. A Treatise on Manures 12mo, 3 00
—— Dental Metallurgy 8vo, *3 50
Gross, E. Hops 8vo, *4 50
Grossman, J. Ammonia and Its Compounds 12mo, *1 25
Groth, L. A. Welding and Cutting Metals by Gases or Electricity. (Westminster Series) 8vo, *2 00
Grover, F. Modern Gas and Oil Engines 8vo, *2 00
Gruner, A. Power-loom Weaving 8vo, *3 00
Gueldner, Hugo. Internal Combustion Engines. Trans. by H. Diederichs 4to, *15 00
Gunther, C. O. Integration 8vo, *1 25
Gurden, R. L. Traverse Tables folio, half morocco, *7 50
Guy, A. E. Experiments on the Flexure of Beams 8vo, *1 25
Haenig, A. Emery and Emery Industry 8vo, *2 50
Hainbach, R. Pottery Decoration. Trans. by C. Salter 12mo, *3 00
Hale, W. J. Calculations of General Chemistry 12mo, *1 00
Hall, C. H. Chemistry of Paints and Paint Vehicles 12mo, *2 00
Hall, G. L. Elementary Theory of Alternate Current Working 8vo, *1 50
Hall, R. H. Governors and Governing Mechanism 12mo, *2 00
Hall, W. S. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus 8vo, *2 25
—— Descriptive Geometry 8vo volume and a 4to atlas, *3 50
Haller, G. F., and Cunningham, E. T. The Tesla Coil 12mo, *1 25
Halsey, F. A. Slide Valve Gears 12mo, 1 50
—— The Use of the Slide Rule. (Science Series No. 114.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Worm and Spiral Gearing. (Science Series No. 116.) 16mo, 0 50
Hancock, H. Textbook of Mechanics and Hydrostatics 8vo, 1 50
Hancock, W. C. Refractory Materials. (Metallurgy Series.) (In Press.)
Hardy, E. Elementary Principles of Graphic Statics 12mo, *1 50
Haring, H. Engineering Law Vol. I. Law of Contract 8vo, *4 00
Harper, J. H. Hydraulic Tables on the Flow of Water 16mo, *2 00
Harris, S. M. Practical Topographical Surveying (In Press.)
Harrison, W. B. The Mechanics' Tool-book 12mo, 1 50
Hart, J. W. External Plumbing Work 8vo, *3 00
—— Hints to Plumbers on Joint Wiping 8vo, *3 00
—— Principles of Hot Water Supply 8vo, *3 00
—— Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage 8vo, *3 00
Haskins, C. H. The Galvanometer and Its Uses 16mo, 1 50
Hatt, J. A. H. The Colorist square 12mo, *1 50
Hausbrand, E. Drying by Means of Air and Steam. Trans. by A. C. Wright 12mo, *2 00
—— Evaporating, Condensing and Cooling Apparatus. Trans. by A. C. Wright 8vo, *5 00
Hausmann, E. Telegraph Engineering 8vo, *3 00
Hausner, A. Manufacture of Preserved Foods and Sweetmeats. Trans. by A. Morris and H. Robson 8vo, *3 00
Hawkesworth, J. Graphical Handbook for Reinforced Concrete Design. 4to, *2 50
Hay, A. Continuous Current Engineering 8vo, *2 50
Hayes, H. V. Public Utilities, Their Cost New and Depreciation 8vo, *2 00
—— Public Utilities, Their Fair Present Value and Return 8vo, *2 00
Heath, F. H. Chemistry of Photography 8vo. (In Press.)
Heather, H. J. S. Electrical Engineering 8vo, *3 50
Heaviside, O. Electromagnetic Theory. Vols. I and II 8vo, each, *5 00 Vol. III 8vo, *7 50
Heck, R. C. H. The Steam Engine and Turbine 8vo, *3 50
—— Steam-Engine and Other Steam Motors. Two Volumes. Vol. I. Thermodynamics and the Mechanics 8vo, *3 50 Vol. II. Form, Construction, and Working 8vo, *5 00
—— Notes on Elementary Kinematics 8vo, boards, *1 00
—— Graphics of Machine Forces 8vo, boards, *1 00
Heermann, P. Dyers' Materials. Trans. by A. C. Wright 12mo, *2 50
Heidenreich, E. L. Engineers' Pocketbook of Reinforced Concrete 16mo, leather, *3 00
Hellot, Macquer and D'Apligny. Art of Dyeing Wool, Silk and Cotton 8vo, *2 00
Henrici, O. Skeleton Structures 8vo, 1 50
Hering, C., and Getman, F. H. Standard Tables of Electro-Chemical Equivalents 12mo, *1 50
Hering, D. W. Essentials of Physics for College Students 8vo, *1 75
Hering-Shaw, A. Domestic Sanitation and Plumbing. Two Vols. 8vo, *5 00
Hering-Shaw, A. Elementary Science 8vo, *2 00
Herington, C. F. Powdered Coal and Fuel (In Press.)
Herrmann, G. The Graphical Statics of Mechanism. Trans. by A. P. Smith 12mo, 2 00
Herzfeld, J. Testing of Yarns and Textile Fabrics 8vo, *3 50
Hildebrandt, A. Airships, Past and Present 8vo, *3 50
Hildenbrand, B. W. Cable-Making. (Science Series No. 32.) 16mo, 0 50
Hilditch, T. P. A Concise History of Chemistry 12mo, *1 25
Hill, C. S. Concrete Inspection 16mo, *1 00
Hill, J. W. The Purification of Public Water Supplies. New Edition (In Press.)
—— Interpretation of Water Analysis (In Press.)
Hill, M. J. M. The Theory of Proportion 8vo, *2 50
Hiroi, I. Plate Girder Construction. (Science Series No. 95.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Statically-Indeterminate Stresses 12mo, *2 00
Hirshfeld, C. F. Engineering Thermodynamics. (Science Series No. 45.) 16mo, 0 50
Hoar, A. The Submarine Torpedo Boat 12mo, *2 00
Hobart, H. M. Heavy Electrical Engineering 8vo, *4 50
—— Design of Static Transformers 12mo, *2 00
—— Electricity 8vo, *2 00
—— Electric Trains 8vo, *2 50
—— Electric Propulsion of Ships 8vo, *2 50
Hobart, J. F. Hard Soldering, Soft Soldering and Brazing. 12mo, *1 00
Hobbs, W. R. P. The Arithmetic of Electrical Measurements. 12mo, 0 50
Hoff, J. N. Paint and Varnish Facts and Formulas. 12mo, *1 50
Hole, W. The Distribution of Gas. 8vo, *7 50
Holley, A. L. Railway Practice. folio, 6 00
Hopkins, N. M. Model Engines and Small Boats. 12mo, 1 25
Hopkinson, J., Shoolbred, J. N., and Day, R. E. Dynamic Electricity. (Science Series No. 71.) 16mo, 0 50
Horner, J. Practical Ironfounding. 8vo, *2 00
—— Gear Cutting, in Theory and Practice. 8vo, *3 00
Houghton, C. E. The Elements of Mechanics of Materials. 12mo, *2 00
Houstoun, R. A. Studies in Light Production. 12mo, 2 00
Hovenden, F. Practical Mathematics for Young Engineers. 12mo, *1 50
Howe, G. Mathematics for the Practical Man. 12mo, *1 25
Howorth, J. Repairing and Riveting Glass, China and Earthenware. 8vo, paper, *0 50
Hoyt, W. E. Chemistry by Experimentation. 8vo, *0 70
Hubbard, E. The Utilization of Wood-waste. 8vo, *2 00
Huebner, J. Bleaching and Dyeing of Vegetable and Fibrous Materials. (Outlines of Industrial Chemistry.) 8vo, *5 00
Hudson, O. F. Iron and Steel. (Outlines of Industrial Chemistry.) 8vo, *2 00
Humphrey, J. C. W. Metallography of Strain. (Metallurgy Series.) (In Press.)
Humphreys, A. C. The Business Features of Engineering Practice. 8vo, *1 25
Hunter, A. Bridge Work. 8vo. (In Press.)
Hurst. G. H. Handbook of the Theory of Color. 8vo, *2 50
—— Dictionary of Chemicals and Raw Products. 8vo, *4 50
—— Lubricating Oils, Fats and Greases. 8vo, *4 00
—— Soaps. 8vo, *5 00
Hurst, G. H., and Simmons, W. H. Textile Soaps and Oils. 8vo, 3 00
Hurst, H. E., and Lattey, R. T. Text-book of Physics. 8vo, *3 00
—— Also published in three parts. Part I. Dynamics and Heat. *1 25 Part II. Sound and Light. *1 25 Part III. Magnetism and Electricity. *1 50
Hutchinson, R. W., Jr. Long Distance Electric Power Transmission. 12mo, *3 00
Hutchinson, R. W., Jr., and Thomas, W. A. Electricity in Mining. 12mo, (In Press.)
Hutchinson, W. B. Patents and How to Make Money Out of Them. 12mo, 1 00
Hutton, W. S. The Works' Manager's Handbook. 8vo, 6 00
Hyde, E. W. Skew Arches. (Science Series No. 15.) 16mo, 0 50
Hyde, F. S. Solvents, Oils, Gums, Waxes. 8vo, *2 00
Induction Coils. (Science Series No. 53.) 16mo, 0 50
Ingham, A. E. Gearing. A practical treatise. 8vo, *2 50
Ingle, H. Manual of Agricultural Chemistry. 8vo, *3 00
Inness, C. H. Problems in Machine Design. 12mo, *2 00
—— Air Compressors and Blowing Engines. 12mo, *2 00
—— Centrifugal Pumps. 12mo, *2 00
—— The Fan. 12mo, *2 00
Jacob, A., and Gould, E. S. On the Designing and Construction of Storage Reservoirs. (Science Series No. 6) 16mo, 0 50
Jannettaz, E. Guide to the Determination of Rocks. Trans. by G. W. Plympton. 12mo, 1 50
Jehl, F. Manufacture of Carbons. 8vo, *4 00
Jennings, A. S. Commercial Paints and Paintings. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Jennison, F. H. The Manufacture of Lake Pigments. 8vo, *3 00
Jepson, G. Cams and the Principles of their Construction. 8vo, *1 50
—— Mechanical Drawing. 8vo. (In Preparation.)
Jervis-Smith, F. J. Dynamometers. 8vo, *3 50
Jockin, W. Arithmetic of the Gold and Silversmith. 12mo, *1 00
Johnson, J. H. Arc Lamps and Accessory Apparatus. (Installation Manuals Series.) 12mo, *0 75
Johnson, T. M. Ship Wiring and Fitting. (Installation Manuals Series.) 12mo, *0 75
Johnson, W. McA. The Metallurgy of Nickel. (In Preparation.)
Johnston, J. F. W., and Cameron, C. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 12mo, 2 60
Joly, J. Radioactivity and Geology. 12mo, *3 00
Jones, H. C. Electrical Nature of Matter and Radioactivity. 12mo, *2 00
—— Nature of Solution. 8vo, *3 50
—— New Era in Chemistry. 12mo, *2 00
Jones, J. H. Tinplate Industry. 8vo, *3 00
Jones, M. W. Testing Raw Materials Used in Paint. 12mo, *2 00
Jordan, L. C. Practical Railway Spiral. 12mo, leather, *1 50
Joynson, F. H. Designing and Construction of Machine Gearing. 8vo, 2 00
Jueptner, H. F. V. Siderology: The Science of Iron. 8vo, *5 00
Kapp, G. Alternate Current Machinery. (Science Series No. 96.) 16mo, 0 50
Kapper, F. Overhead Transmission Lines. 4to, *4 00
Keim, A. W. Prevention of Dampness in Buildings. 8vo, *2 00
Keller, S. S. Mathematics for Engineering Students. 12mo, half leather.
—— and Knox, W. E. Analytical Geometry and Calculus. *2 00
Kelsey, W. R. Continuous-current Dynamos and Motors. 8vo, *2 50
Kemble, W. T., and Underhill, C. R. The Periodic Law and the Hydrogen Spectrum. 8vo, paper, *0 50
Kennedy, A. B. W., and Thurston, R. H. Kinematics of Machinery. (Science Series No. 54.) 16mo, 0 50
Kennedy, A. B. W., Unwin, W. C., and Idell, F. E. Compressed Air. (Science Series No. 106.) 16mo, 0 50
Kennedy, R. Electrical Installations. Five Volumes. 4to, 15 00 Single Volumes. each, 3 50
—— Flying Machines; Practice and Design. 12mo, *2 00
—— Principles of Aeroplane Construction. 8vo, *1 50
Kennelly, A. E. Electro-dynamic Machinery. 8vo, 1 50
Kent, W. Strength of Materials. (Science Series No. 41.) 16mo, 0 50
Kershaw, J. B. C. Fuel, Water and Gas Analysis. 8vo, *2 50
—— Electrometallurgy. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
—— The Electric Furnace in Iron and Steel Production. 12mo, *1 50
—— Electro-Thermal Methods of Iron and Steel Production. 8vo, *3 00
Kindelan, J. Trackman's Helper. 12mo, 2 00
Kinzbrunner, C. Alternate Current Windings. 8vo, *1 50
—— Continuous Current Armatures. 8vo, *1 50
—— Testing of Alternating Current Machines. 8vo, *2 00
Kirkaldy, A. W., and Evans, A. D. History and Economics of Transport. 8vo, *3 00
Kirkaldy, W. G. David Kirkaldy's System of Mechanical Testing. 4to, 10 00
Kirkbride, J. Engraving for Illustration. 8vo, *1 50
Kirkham, J. E. Structural Engineering. 8vo, *5 00
Kirkwood, J. P. Filtration of River Waters. 4to, 7 50
Kirschke, A. Gas and Oil Engines. 12mo, *1 25
Klein, J. F. Design of a High-speed Steam-engine. 8vo, *5 00
—— Physical Significance of Entropy. 8vo, *1 50
Klingenberg, G. Large Electric Power Stations. 4to, *5 00
Knight, R.-Adm. A. M. Modern Seamanship. 8vo, *6 50
Knott, C. G., and Mackay, J. S. Practical Mathematics. 8vo, 2 00
Knox, G. D. Spirit of the Soil. 12mo, *1 25
Knox, J. Physico-Chemical Calculations. 12mo, *1 25
—— Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen. (Chemical Monographs.) 12mo, *0 75
Koester, F. Steam-Electric Power Plants. 4to, *5 00
—— Hydroelectric Developments and Engineering. 4to, *5 00
Koller, T. The Utilization of Waste Products. 8vo, *3 00
—— Cosmetics. 8vo, *2 50
Koppe, S. W. Glycerine. 12mo, *2 50
Kozmin, P. A. Flour Milling. Trans. by M. Falkner. 8vo. (In Press.)
Kremann, R. Application of the Physico-Chemical Theory to Technical Processes and Manufacturing Methods. Trans. by H. E. Potts. 8vo, *3 00
Kretchmar, K. Yarn and Warp Sizing. 8vo, *4 00
Lallier, E. V. Elementary Manual of the Steam Engine. 12mo, *2 00
Lambert, T. Lead and Its Compounds. 8vo, *3 50
—— Bone Products and Manures. 8vo, *3 00
Lamborn, L. L. Cottonseed Products. 8vo, *3 00
—— Modern Soaps, Candles, and Glycerin. 8vo, *7 50
Lamprecht, R. Recovery Work After Pit Fires. Trans. by C. Salter. 8vo, *4 00
Lancaster, M. Electric Cooking, Heating and Cleaning. 8vo, *1 00
Lanchester, F. W. Aerial Flight. Two Volumes. 8vo. Vol. I. Aerodynamics. *6 00 Vol. II. Aerodonetics. *6 00
Lanchester, F. W. The Flying Machine. 8vo, *3 00
Lange, K. R. By-Products of Coal-Gas Manufacture. 12mo, 2 00
Larner, E. T. Principles of Alternating Currents. 12mo, *1 25
La Rue, B. F. Swing Bridges. (Science Series No. 107.) 16mo, 0 50
Lassar-Cohn. Dr. Modern Scientific Chemistry. Trans. by M. M. Pattison Muir 12mo, *2 00
Latimer, L. H., Field, C. J., and Howell, J. W. Incandescent Electric Lighting. (Science Series No. 57.) 16mo, 0 50
Latta, M. N. Handbook of American Gas-Engineering Practice. 8vo, *4 50
—— American Producer Gas Practice. 4to, *6 00
Laws, B. C. Stability and Equilibrium of Floating Bodies. 8vo, *3 50
Lawson, W. R. British Railways. A Financial and Commercial Survey. 8vo, 2 00
Leask, A. R. Breakdowns at Sea. 12mo, 2 00
—— Refrigerating Machinery. 12mo, 2 00
Lecky, S. T. S. "Wrinkles" in Practical Navigation. 8vo, 10 00
Le Doux, M. Ice-Making Machines. (Science Series No. 46.) 16mo, 0 50
Leeds, C. C. Mechanical Drawing for Trade Schools. oblong 4to, *2 00
—— Mechanical Drawing for High and Vocational Schools. 4to, *1 25
Lefevre, L. Architectural Pottery. Trans. by H. K. Bird and W. M. Binns. 4to, *7 50
Lehner, S. Ink Manufacture. Trans. by A. Morris and H. Robson. 8vo, *2 50
Lemstrom, S. Electricity in Agriculture and Horticulture. 8vo, *1 50
Letts, E. A. Fundamental Problems in Chemistry. 8vo, *2 00
Le Van, W. B. Steam-Engine Indicator. (Science Series No. 78.) 16mo, 0 50
Lewes, V. B. Liquid and Gaseous Fuels. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
—— Carbonization of Coal. 8vo, *3 00
Lewis, L. P. Railway Signal Engineering. 8vo, *3 50
Lewis Automatic Machine Rifle; Operation of. 16mo, *0 75
Licks, H. E. Recreations in Mathematics. 12mo, *1 25
Lieber, B. F. Lieber's Five Letter Standard Telegraphic Code. 8vo, *10 00
—— Code. German Edition. 8vo, *10 00
—— —— Spanish Edition. 8vo, *10 00
—— —— French Edition. 8vo, *10 00
—— Terminal Index. 8vo, *2 50
—— Lieber's Appendix. folio, *15 00
—— —— Handy Tables. 4to, *2 50
—— Bankers and Stockbrokers' Code and Merchants and Shippers' Blank Tables. 8vo, *15 00
—— 100,000,000 Combination Code. 8vo, *10 00
—— Engineering Code. 8vo, *12 50
Livermore, V. P., and Williams, J. How to Become a Competent Motorman 12mo, *1 00
Livingstone, R. Design and Construction of Commutators. 8vo, *2 25
—— Mechanical Design and Construction of Generators. 8vo, *3 50
Lloyd, S. L. Fertilizer Materials. (In Press.)
Lobben, P. Machinists' and Draftsmen's Handbook. 8vo, 2 50
Lockwood, T. D. Electricity, Magnetism, and Electro-telegraph. 8vo, 2 50
—— Electrical Measurement and the Galvanometer. 12mo, 0 75
Lodge, O. J. Elementary Mechanics. 12mo, 1 50
—— Signalling Across Space without Wires. 8vo, *2 00
Loewenstein, L. C., and Crissey, C. P. Centrifugal Pumps. *4 50
Lomax, J. W. Cotton Spinning. 12mo, 1 50
Lord, R. T. Decorative and Fancy Fabrics. 8vo, *3 50
Loring, A. E. A Handbook of the Electromagnetic Telegraph. 16mo, 0 50
—— Handbook. (Science Series No. 39.) 16mo, 0 50
Lovell, D. H. Practical Switchwork. 12mo, *1 00
Low, D. A. Applied Mechanics (Elementary). 16mo, 0 80
Lubschez, B. J. Perspective. 12mo, *1 50
Lucke, C. E. Gas Engine Design. 8vo, *3 00
—— Power Plants: Design, Efficiency, and Power Costs. 2 vols. (In Preparation.)
Luckiesh, M. Color and Its Application. 8vo, *3 00
—— Light and Shade and Their Applications. 8vo, *2 50
Lunge, G. Coal-tar and Ammonia. Three Volumes. 8vo, *20 00
—— Technical Gas Analysis. 8vo, *4 00
—— Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and Alkali. Four Volumes. 8vo, Vol. I. Sulphuric Acid. In three parts. 18 00 —— Vol. I. Supplement. 8vo, 5 00 Vol. II. Salt Cake, Hydrochloric Acid and Leblanc Soda. In two parts. *15 00 Vol. III. Ammonia Soda. *10 00 Vol. IV. Electrolytic Methods. (In Press.)
—— Technical Chemists' Handbook. 12mo, leather, *3 50
—— Technical Methods of Chemical Analysis. Trans. by C. A. Keane in collaboration with the corps of specialists. Vol. I. In two parts. 8vo, *15 00 Vol. II. In two parts. 8vo, *18 00 Vol. III. In two parts. 8vo, *18 00 The set (3 vols.) complete. *50 00
Luquer, L. M. Minerals in Rock Sections. 8vo, *1 50
Macewen, H. A. Food Inspection. 8vo, *2 50
Mackenzie, N. F. Notes on Irrigation Works. 8vo, *2 50
Mackie, J. How to Make a Woolen Mill Pay. 8vo, *2 00
Maguire, Wm. R. Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing. 8vo, 4 00
Malcolm, C. W. Textbook on Graphic Statics. 8vo, *3 00
Malcolm, H. W. Submarine Telegraph Cable. (In Press.)
Mallet, A. Compound Engines. Trans. by R. R. Buel. (Science Series No. 10.) 16mo,
Mansfield, A. N. Electro-magnets. (Science Series No. 64.) 16mo, 0 50
Marks, E. C. R. Construction of Cranes and Lifting Machinery. 12mo, *1 50
—— Construction and Working of Pumps. 12mo, *1 50
—— Manufacture of Iron and Steel Tubes. 12mo, *2 00
—— Mechanical Engineering Materials. 12mo, *1 00
Marks, G. C. Hydraulic Power Engineering. 8vo, 3 50
—— Inventions, Patents and Designs. 12mo, *1 00
Marlow, T. G. Drying Machinery and Practice. 8vo, *5 00
Marsh, C. F. Concise Treatise on Reinforced Concrete. 8vo, *2 50
—— Reinforced Concrete Compression Member Diagram. Mounted on Cloth Boards. *1 50
Marsh, C. F., and Dunn, W. Manual of Reinforced Concrete and Concrete Block Construction. 16mo, morocco, *2 50
Marshall, W. J., and Sankey, H. R. Gas Engines. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Martin, G. Triumphs and Wonders of Modern Chemistry. 8vo, *2 00
—— Modern Chemistry and Its Wonders. 8vo, *2 00
Martin, N. Properties and Design of Reinforced Concrete. 12mo, *2 50
Martin, W. D. Hints to Engineers. 12mo, *1 50
Massie, W. W., and Underhill, C. R. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony. 12mo, *1 00
Mathot, R. E. Internal Combustion Engines. 8vo, *4 00
Maurice, W. Electric Blasting Apparatus and Explosives. 8vo, *3 50
—— Shot Firer's Guide. 8vo, *1 50
Maxwell, J. C. Matter and Motion. (Science Series No. 36.) 16mo, 0 50
Maxwell, W. H., and Brown, J. T. Encyclopedia of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering. 4to, *10 00
Mayer, A. M. Lecture Notes on Physics. 8vo, 2 00
Mayer, C., and Slippy, J. C. Telephone Line Construction. 8vo, *3 00
McCullough, E. Practical Surveying. 12mo, *2 00
—— Engineering Work in Cities and Towns. 8vo, *3 00
—— Reinforced Concrete. 12mo, *1 50
McCullough, R. S. Mechanical Theory of Heat. 8vo, 3 50
McGibbon, W. C. Indicator Diagrams for Marine Engineers. 8vo, *3 00
—— Marine Engineers' Drawing Book. oblong 4to, *2 50
McIntosh, J. G. Technology of Sugar. 8vo, *5 00
—— Industrial Alcohol. 8vo, *3 00
—— Manufacture of Varnishes and Kindred Industries. Three Volumes. 8vo. Vol. I. Oil Crushing, Refining and Boiling. *3 50 Vol. II. Varnish Materials and Oil Varnish Making. *4 00 Vol. III. Spirit Varnishes and Materials. *4 50
McKnight, J. D., and Brown, A. W. Marine Multitubular Boilers. *1 50
McMaster, J. B. Bridge and Tunnel Centres. (Science Series No. 20.) 16mo, 0 50
McMechen, F. L. Tests for Ores, Minerals and Metals. 12mo, *1 00
McPherson, J. A. Water-works Distribution. 8vo, 2 50
Meade, A. Modern Gas Works Practice. 8vo, *7 50
McGibbon, W. C. Marine Engineers Pocketbook. 12mo, *4 00
Meade, R. K. Design and Equipment of Small Chemical Laboratories, 8vo,
Melick, C. W. Dairy Laboratory Guide. 12mo, *1 25
Mensch, L. J. Reinforced Concrete Pocket Book. 16mo, leather, *4 00
Merck, E. Chemical Reagents; Their Purity and Tests. Trans. by H. E. Schenck. 8vo, 1 00
Merivale, J. H. Notes and Formulae for Mining Students. 12mo, 1 50
Merritt, Wm. H. Field Testing for Gold and Silver. 16mo, leather, 1 50
Mierzinski, S. Waterproofing of Fabrics. Trans. by A. Morris and H. Robson. 8vo, *2 50
Miessner, B. F. Radio Dynamics. 12mo, *2 00
Miller, G. A. Determinants. (Science Series No. 105.) 16mo,
Miller, W. J. Introduction to Historical Geology. 12mo, *2 00
Milroy, M. E. W. Home Lace-making. 12mo, *1 00
Mills, C. N. Elementary Mechanics for Engineers. 8vo, *1 00
Mitchell, C. A. Mineral and Aerated Waters. 8vo, *3 00
Mitchell, C. A., and Prideaux, R. M. Fibres Used in Textile and Allied Industries. 8vo, *3 00
Mitchell, C. F., and G. A. Building Construction and Drawing. 12mo. Elementary Course. *1 50 Advanced Course. *2 50
Monckton, C. C. F. Radiotelegraphy. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Monteverde, R. D. Vest Pocket Glossary of English-Spanish, Spanish-English Technical Terms. 64mo, leather, *1 00
Montgomery, J. H. Electric Wiring Specifications. 16mo, *1 00
Moore, E. C. S. New Tables for the Complete Solution of Ganguillet and Kutter's Formula. 8vo, *5 00
Morecroft, J. H., and Hehre, F. W. Short Course in Electrical Testing. 8vo, *1 50
Morgan, A. P. Wireless Telegraph Apparatus for Amateurs. 12mo, *1 50
Moses, A. J. The Characters of Crystals. 8vo, *2 00
—— and Parsons, C. L. Elements of Mineralogy. 8vo, *3 00
Moss, S. A. Elements of Gas Engine Design. (Science Series No. 121.) 16mo, 0 50
—— The Lay-out of Corliss Valve Gears. (Science Series No. 119.) 16mo, 0 50
Mulford, A. C. Boundaries and Landmarks. 12mo, *1 00
Mullin, J. P. Modern Moulding and Pattern-making. 12mo, 2 50
Munby, A. E. Chemistry and Physics of Building Materials. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Murphy, J. G. Practical Mining. 16mo, 1 00
Murray, J. A. Soils and Manures. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Nasmith, J. The Student's Cotton Spinning. 8vo, 3 00
—— Recent Cotton Mill Construction. 12mo, 2 50
Neave, G. B., and Heilbron, I. M. Identification of Organic Compounds. 12mo, *1 25
Neilson, R. M. Aeroplane Patents. 8vo, *2 00
Nerz, F. Searchlights. Trans. by C. Rodgers. 8vo, *3 00
Neuberger, H., and Noalhat, H. Technology of Petroleum. Trans. by J. G. McIntosh. 8vo, *10 00
Newall, J. W. Drawing, Sizing and Cutting Bevel-gears. 8vo, 1 50
Newell, F. H., and Drayer, C. E. Engineering as a Career 12mo, cloth, *1 00 paper, 0 75
Newbeging, T. Handbook for Gas Engineers and Managers. 8vo, *6 50
Nicol, G. Ship Construction and Calculations. 8vo, *5 00
Nipher, F. E. Theory of Magnetic Measurements. 12mo, 1 00
Nisbet, H. Grammar of Textile Design 8vo, *3 00
Nolan, H. The Telescope. (Science Series No. 51.) 16mo, 0 50
North, H. B. Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry 12mo, *1 00
Nugent, E. Treatise on Optics 12mo, 1 50
O'Connor, H. The Gas Engineer's Pocketbook 12mo, leather, 3 50
Ohm, G. S., and Lockwood, T. D. Galvanic Circuit. Translated by William Francis. (Science Series No. 102.) 16mo, 0 50
Olsen, J. C. Text-book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 8vo, 3 50
Olsson, A. Motor Control, in Turret Turning and Gun Elevating. (U. S. Navy Electrical Series, No. 1.) 12mo, paper, *0 50
Ormsby, M. T. M. Surveying 12mo, 1 50
Oudin, M. A. Standard Polyphase Apparatus and Systems 8vo, *3 00
Owen, D. Recent Physical Research 8vo, *1 50
Pakes, W. C. C., and Nankivell, A. T. The Science of Hygiene 8vo, *1 75
Palaz, A. Industrial Photometry. Trans. by G. W. Patterson, Jr. 8vo, *4 00
Pamely, C. Colliery Manager's Handbook 8vo, *10 00
Parker, P. A. M. The Control of Water 8vo, *5 00
Parr, G. D. A. Electrical Engineering Measuring Instruments 8vo, *3 50
Parry, E. J. Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Perfumes, (In Press.)
—— Foods and Drugs. Two Volumes. Vol. I. Chemical and Microscopical Analysis of Foods and Drugs *7 50 Vol. II. Sale of Food and Drugs Act *3 00
—— and Coste, J. H. Chemistry of Pigments 8vo, *4 50
Parry, L. Notes on Alloys 8vo, *3 00
—— Metalliferous Wastes 8vo, *2 00
—— Analysis of Ashes and Alloys 8vo, *2 00
Parry, L. A. Risk and Dangers of Various Occupations 8vo, *3 00
Parshall, H. F., and Hobart, H. M. Armature Windings 4to, *7 50
—— Electric Railway Engineering 4to, *10 00
Parsons, J. L. Land Drainage 8vo, *1 50
Parsons, S. J. Malleable Cast Iron 8vo, *2 50
Partington, J. R. Higher Mathematics for Chemical Students 12mo, *2 00
—— Textbook of Thermodynamics 8vo, *4 00
Passmore, A. C. Technical Terms Used in Architecture 8vo, *3 50
Patchell, W. H. Electric Power in Mines 8vo, *4 00
Paterson, G. W. L. Wiring Calculations 12mo, *2 00
—— Electric Mine Signalling Installations 12mo, *1 50
Patterson, D. The Color Printing of Carpet Yarns 8vo, *3 50
—— Color Matching on Textiles 8vo, *3 00
—— Textile Color Mixing 8vo, *3 00
Paulding, C. P. Condensation of Steam in Covered and Bare Pipes 8vo, *2 00
—— Transmission of Heat through Cold-storage Insulation 12mo, *1 00
Payne, D. W. Iron Founders' Handbook 8vo, *4 00
Peckham, S. F. Solid Bitumens 8vo, *5 00
Peddie, R. A. Engineering and Metallurgical Books 12mo, *1 50
Peirce, B. System of Analytic Mechanics 4to, 10 00
—— Linnear Associative Algebra 4to, 3 00
Pendred, V. The Railway Locomotive. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00
Perkin, F. M. Practical Methods of Inorganic Chemistry 12mo, *1 00
Perrin, J. Atoms 8vo, *2 50
—— and Jaggers, E. M. Elementary Chemistry 12mo, *1 00
Perrine, F. A. C. Conductors for Electrical Distribution 8vo, *3 50
Petit, G. White Lead and Zinc White Paints 8vo, *1 50
Petit, R. How to Build an Aeroplane. Trans. by T. O'B. Hubbard, and J. H. Ledeboer 8vo, *1 50
Pettit, Lieut. J. S. Graphic Processes. (Science Series No. 76.) 16mo, 0 50
Philbrick, P. H. Beams and Girders. (Science Series No. 88.) 16mo,
Phillips, J. Gold Assaying 8vo, *2 50
—— Dangerous Goods 8vo, 3 50
Phin, J. Seven Follies of Science 12mo, *1 25
Pickworth, C. N. The Indicator Handbook. Two Volumes 12mo, each, 1 50
—— Logarithms for Beginners 12mo, boards, 0 50
—— The Slide Rule 12mo, 1 00
Plattner's Manual of Blow-pipe Analysis. Eighth Edition, revised. Trans. by H. B. Cornwall 8vo, *4 00
Plympton, G. W. The Aneroid Barometer. (Science Series No. 35.) 16mo, 0 50
—— How to become an Engineer. (Science Series No. 100.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Van Nostrand's Table Book, (Science Series No. 104.) 16mo, 0 50
Pochet, M. L. Steam Injectors. Translated from the French. (Science Series No. 29.) 16mo, 0 50
Pocket Logarithms to Four Places. (Science Series No. 65.) 16mo, 0 50 leather, 1 00
Polleyn, F. Dressings and Finishings for Textile Fabrics 8vo, *3 00
Pope, F. G. Organic Chemistry 12mo, *2 25
Pope, F. L. Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph 8vo, 1 50
Popplewell, W. C. Prevention of Smoke 8vo, *3 50
—— Strength of Materials 8vo, *1 75
Porritt, B. D. The Chemistry of Rubber. (Chemical Monographs, No. 3.) 12mo, *0 75
Porter, J. R. Helicopter Flying Machine 12mo, *1 25
Potts, H. E. Chemistry of the Rubber Industry. (Outlines of Industrial Chemistry) 8vo, *2 50
Practical Compounding of Oils, Tallow and Grease 8vo, *3 50
Pratt, K. Boiler Draught 12mo, *1 25
—— High Speed Steam Engines 8vo, *2 00
Pray, T., Jr. Twenty Years with the Indicator 8vo, 2 50
—— Steam Tables and Engine Constant 8vo, 2 00
Prelini, C. Earth and Rock Excavation 8vo, *3 00
—— Graphical Determination of Earth Slopes 8vo, *2 00
—— Tunneling. New Edition 8vo, *3 00
—— Dredging. A Practical Treatise 8vo, *3 00
Prescott, A. B. Organic Analysis 8vo, 5 00
Prescott, A. B., and Johnson, O. C. Qualitative Chemical Analysis 8vo, *3 50
Prescott, A. B., and Sullivan, E. C. First Book in Qualitative Chemistry 12mo, *1 50
Prideaux, E. B. R. Problems in Physical Chemistry 8vo, *2 00
Primrose, G. S. C. Zinc. (Metallurgy Series.) (In Press.)
Prince, G. T. Flow of Water 12mo, *2 00
Pullen, W. W. F. Application of Graphic Methods to the Design of Structures 12mo, *2 50
—— Injectors: Theory, Construction and Working 12mo, *1 50
—— Indicator Diagrams 8vo, *2 50
—— Engine Testing 8vo, *4 50
Putsch, A. Gas and Coal-dust Firing 8vo, *3 00
Pynchon, T. R. Introduction to Chemical Physics 8vo, 3 00
Rafter G. W. Mechanics of Ventilation. (Science Series No. 33.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Potable Water. (Science Series No. 103.) 16mo, 0 50
—— Treatment of Septic Sewage. (Science Series No. 118.) 16mo, 0 50
Rafter, G. W., and Baker, M. N. Sewage Disposal in the United States. 4to, *6 00
Raikes, H. P. Sewage Disposal Works 8vo, *4 00
Randau, P. Enamels and Enamelling 8vo, *4 00
Rankine, W. J. M. Applied Mechanics 8vo, 5 00
—— Civil Engineering 8vo, 6 50
—— Machinery and Millwork 8vo, 5 00
—— The Steam-engine and Other Prime Movers 8vo, 5 00
Rankine, W. J. M., and Bamber, E. F. A Mechanical Text-book 8vo, 3 50
Ransome, W. R. Freshman Mathematics 12mo, *1 35
Raphael, F. C. Localization of Faults in Electric Light and Power Mains 8vo, 3 50
Rasch, E. Electric Arc Phenomena. Trans. by K. Tornberg 8vo, *2 00
Rateau, A. Flow of Steam through Nozzles and Orifices. Trans. by H. B. Brydon 8vo, *1 50
Rathbone, R. L. B. Simple Jewellery 8vo, *2 00
Rausenberger, F. The Theory of the Recoil of Guns 8vo, *4 50
Rautenstrauch, W. Notes on the Elements of Machine Design 8vo, boards, *1 50
Rautenstrauch, W., and Williams, J. T. Machine Drafting and Empirical Design. Part I. Machine Drafting 8vo, *1 25 Part II. Empirical Design (In Preparation.)
Raymond, E. B. Alternating Current Engineering 12mo, *2 50
Rayner, H. Silk Throwing and Waste Silk Spinning 8vo, *2 50
Recipes for the Color, Paint, Varnish, Oil, Soap and Drysaltery Trades 8vo, *3 50
Recipes for Flint Glass Making 12mo, *4 50
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Transcriber's Note
Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. See the detailed list below.
page 018—typo fixed: changed 'Oregan' to 'Oregon' page 027—fixed: changed 'Michigian' to 'Michigan' page 046—typo fixed: changed 'resistence' to 'resistance' page 058—typo fixed: changed 'homus' to 'humus' page 069—typo fixed: changed 'resistence' to 'resistance' page 074—typo fixed: changed 'ilicijolia' to 'ilicifolia' page 084—typo fixed: changed 'Novia Scota' to 'Nova Scotia' page 086—typo fixed: changed 'visable' to 'visible' page 103—typo fixed: changed 'energed' to 'emerged' page 106—typo fixed: changed 'absolutley' to 'absolutely' page 110—typo fixed: changed 'has' to 'had' page 131—typo fixed: changed 'accomodate' to 'accommodate' page 163—typo fixed: changed 'hydrodeik' to 'hygrodeik' page 181—typo fixed: changed 'longitutudinal' to 'longitudinal' page 198—typo fixed: changed 'accomodate' to 'accommodate' page 202—typo fixed: changed 'ecomony' to 'economy' page 204—typo fixed: changed 'minumim' to 'minimum' page 239—typo fixed: changed 'horizonal' to 'horizontal' page 257—typo fixed: changed 'arrangment' to 'arrangement' page 266—typo fixed: changed 'applicances' to 'appliances' page 267—typo fixed: changed 'specialities' to 'specialties' page 267—typo fixed: changed 'theary' to 'theory' page 274—typo fixed: changed 'Annual of' to 'Annual or'
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