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2. If the round timber must be left in the woods or on the skidways during the danger period, every precaution should be taken to facilitate rapid drying of the inner bark, by keeping the logs off the ground in the sun, or in loose piles; or else the opposite extreme should be adopted and the logs kept in water.
3. The immediate removal of all the bark from poles, posts, and other material which will not be seriously damaged by checking or season checks.
4. To determine and utilize the proper months or seasons to girdle or fell different kinds of trees: Bald cypress in the swamps of the South are "girdled" in order that they may die, and in a few weeks or months dry out and become light enough to float. This method has been extensively adopted in sections where it is the only practicable one by which the timber can be transported to the sawmills. It is found, however, that some of these "girdled" trees are especially attractive to several species of ambrosia beetles (Figs. 22 and 23), round-headed borers (Fig. 24) and timber worms (Fig. 25), which cause serious injury to the sapwood or heartwood, while other trees "girdled" at a different time or season are not injured. This suggested to the writer the importance of experiments to determine the proper time to "girdle" trees to avoid losses, and they are now being conducted on an extensive scale by the United States Forest Service, in co-operation with prominent cypress operators in different sections of the cypress-growing region.
Saplings, including hickory and other round hoop-poles and similiar products, are subject to serious injuries and destruction by round- and flat-headed borers (Fig. 24), and certain species of powder post borers (Figs. 26 and 27) before the bark and wood are dead or dry, and also by other powder post borers (Fig. 28) after they are dried and seasoned. The conditions favoring attack by the former class are those resulting from leaving the poles in piles or bundles in or near the forest for a few weeks during the season of insect activity, and by the latter from leaving them stored in one place for several months.
Stave, Heading and Shingle Bolts
These are attacked by ambrosia beetles (Figs. 22 and 23), and the oak timber worm (Fig. 25, a), which, as has been frequently reported, cause serious losses. The conditions favoring attack by these insects are similiar to those mentioned under "Round Timber." The insects may enter the wood before the bolts are cut from the log or afterward, especially if the bolts are left in moist, shady places in the woods, in close piles during the danger period. If cut during the warm season, the bark should be removed and the bolts converted into the smallest practicable size and piled in such manner as to facilitate rapid drying.
Unseasoned Products in the Rough
Freshly sawn hardwood, placed in close piles during warm, damp weather in July and September, presents especially favorable conditions for injury by ambrosia beetles (Figs. 22, a, and 23, a). This is due to the continued moist condition of such material.
Heavy two-inch or three-inch stuff is also liable to attack even in loose piles with lumber or cross sticks. An example of the latter was found in a valuable lot of mahogany lumber of first grade, the value of which was reduced two thirds by injury from a native ambrosia beetle. Numerous complaints have been received from different sections of the country of this class of injury to oak, poplar, gum, and other hardwoods. In all cases it is the moist condition and retarded drying of the lumber which induces attack; therefore, any method which will provide for the rapid drying of the wood before or after piling will tend to prevent losses.
It is important that heavy lumber should, as far as possible, be cut in the winter months and piled so that it will be well dried out before the middle of March. Square timber, stave and heading bolts, with the bark on, often suffer from injuries by flat- or round-headed borers, hatching from eggs deposited in the bark of the logs before they are sawed and piled. One example of serious damage and loss was reported in which white pine staves for paint buckets and other small wooden vessels, which had been sawed from small logs, and the bark left on the edges, were attacked by a round-headed borer, the adults having deposited their eggs in the bark after the stock was sawn and piled. The character of the injury is shown in Fig. 29. Another example was reported from a manufacturer in the South, where the pieces of lumber which had strips of bark on one side were seriously damaged by the same kind of borer, the eggs having been deposited in the logs before sawing or in the bark after the lumber was piled. If the eggs are deposited in the logs, and the borers have entered the inner bark or the wood before sawing, they may continue their work regardless of methods of piling, but if such lumber is cut from new logs and placed in the pile while green, with the bark surface up, it will be much less liable to attack than if piled with the bark edges down. This liability of lumber with bark edges or sides to be attacked by insects suggests the importance of the removal of the bark, to prevent damage, or, if this is not practicable, the lumber with the bark on the sides should be piled in open, loose piles with the bark up, while that with the bark on the edges should be placed on the outer edges of the piles, exposed to the light and air.
In the Southern States it is difficult to keep green timber in the woods or in piles for any length of time, because of the rapidity which wood-destroying fungi attack it. This is particularly true during the summer season, when the humidity is greatest. There is really no easily-applied, general specific for these summer troubles in the handling of wood, but there are some suggestions that are worth while that it may be well to mention. One of these, and the most important, is to remove all the bark from the timber that has been cut, just as soon as possible after felling. And, in this, emphasis should be laid on the ALL, as a piece of bark no larger than a man's little finger will furnish an entering place for insects, and once they get in, it is a difficult matter to get rid of them, for they seldom stop boring until they ruin the stick. And again, after the timber has been felled and the bark removed, it is well to get it to the mill pond or cut up into merchantable sizes and on to the pile as soon as possible. What is wanted is to get the timber up off the ground, to a place where it can get plenty of air, to enable the sap to dry up before it sours; and, besides, large units of wood are more likely to crack open on the ends from the heat than they would if cut up into the smaller units for merchandizing.
A moist condition of lumber and square timber, such as results from close or solid piles, with the bottom layers on the ground or on foundations of old decaying logs or near decaying stumps and logs, offers especially favorable conditions for the attack of white ants.
Seasoned Products in the Rough
Seasoned or dry timber in stacks or storage is liable to injury by powder post borers (Fig. 28). The conditions favoring attack are: (1) The presence of a large proportion of sapwood, as in hickory, ash, and similiar woods; (2) material which is two or more years old, or that which has been kept in one place for a long time; (3) access to old infested material. Therefore, such stock should be frequently examined for evidence of the presence of these insects. This is always indicated by fine, flour-like powder on or beneath the piles, or otherwise associated with such material. All infested material should be at once removed and the infested parts destroyed by burning.
Dry Cooperage Stock and Wooden Truss Hoops
These are especially liable to attack and serious injury by powder post borers (Fig. 28), under the same or similiar conditions as the preceding.
Staves and Heads of Barrels containing Alcoholic Liquids
These are liable to attack by ambrosia beetles (Figs. 22, a, and 23, a), which are attracted by the moist condition and possibly by the peculiar odor of the wood, resembling that of dying sapwood of trees and logs, which is their normal breeding place.
There are many examples on record of serious losses of liquors from leakage caused by the beetles boring through the staves and heads of the barrels and casks in cellars and storerooms.
The condition, in addition to the moisture of the wood, which is favorable for the presence of the beetles, is proximity to their breeding places, such as the trunks and stumps of recently felled or dying oak, maple, and other hardwood or deciduous trees; lumber yards, sawmills, freshly-cut cordwood, from living or dead trees, and forests of hardwood timber. Under such conditions the beetles occur in great numbers, and if the storerooms and cellars in which the barrels are kept stored are damp, poorly ventilated, and readily accessible to them, serious injury is almost certain to follow.
Local Distribution of Water in Wood
As seasoning means essentially the more or less rapid evaporation of water from wood, it will be necessary to discuss at the very outset where water is found in wood, and its local seasonal distribution in a tree.
Water may occur in wood in three conditions: (1) It forms the greater part (over 90 per cent) of the protoplasmic contents of the living cells; (2) it saturates the walls of all cells; and (3) it entirely or at least partly fills the cavities of the lifeless cells, fibres, and vessels.
In the sapwood of pine it occurs in all three forms; in the heartwood only in the second form, it merely saturates the walls.
Of 100 pounds of water associated with 100 pounds of dry wood substance taken from 200 pounds of fresh sapwood of white pine, about 35 pounds are needed to saturate the cell walls, less than 5 pounds are contained in the living cells, and the remaining 60 pounds partly fill the cavities of the wood fibres. This latter forms the sap as ordinarily understood.
The wood next to the bark contains the most water. In the species which do not form heartwood, the decrease toward the pith is gradual, but where heartwood is formed the change from a more moist to a drier condition is usually quite abrupt at the sapwood limit.
In long-leaf pine, the wood of the outer one inch of a disk may contain 50 per cent of water, that of the next, or the second inch, only 35 per cent, and that of the heartwood, only 20 per cent. In such a tree the amount of water in any one section varies with the amount of sapwood, and is greater for the upper than the lower cuts, greater for the limbs than the stems, and greatest of all in the roots.
Different trees, even of the same kind and from the same place, differ as to the amount of water they contain. A thrifty tree contains more water than a stunted one, and a young tree more than on old one, while the wood of all trees varies in its moisture relations with the season of the year.
Seasonal Distribution of Water in Wood
It is generally supposed that trees contain less water in winter than in summer. This is evidenced by the popular saying that "the sap is down in the winter." This is probably not always the case; some trees contain as much water in winter as in summer, if not more. Trees normally contain the greatest amount of water during that period when the roots are active and the leaves are not yet out. This activity commonly begins in January, February, and March, the exact time varying with the kind of timber and the local atmospheric conditions. And it has been found that green wood becomes lighter or contains less water in late spring or early summer, when transpiration through the foliage is most rapid. The amount of water at any one season, however, is doubtless much influenced by the amount of moisture in the soil. The fact that the bark peels easily in the spring depends on the presence of incomplete, soft tissue found between wood and bark during this season, and has little to do with the total amount of water contained in the wood of the stem.
Even in the living tree a flow of sap from a cut occurs only in certain kinds of trees and under special circumstances. From boards, felled timber, etc., the water does not flow out, as is sometimes believed, but must be evaporated. The seeming exceptions to this rule are mostly referable to two causes; clefts or "shakes" will allow water contained in them to flow out, and water is forced out of sound wood, if very sappy, whenever the wood is warmed, just as water flows from green wood when put in a stove.
Composition of Sap
The term "sap" is an ambiguous expression. The sap in the tree descends through the bark, and except in early spring is not present in the wood of the tree except in the medullary rays and living tissues in the "sapwood."
What flows through the "sapwood" is chiefly water brought from the soil. It is not pure water, but contains many substances in solution, such as mineral salts, and in certain species—maple, birch, etc., it also contains at certain times a small percentage of sugar and other organic matter.
The water rises from the roots through the sapwood to the leaves, where it is converted into true "sap" which descends through the bark and feeds the living tissues between the bark and the wood, which tissues make the annual growth of the trunk. The wood itself contains very little true sap and the heartwood none.
The wood contains, however, mineral substances, organic acids, volatile oils and gums, as resin, cedar oil, etc.
All the conifers—pines, cedars, junipers, cypresses, sequoias, yews, and spruces—contain resin. The sap of deciduous trees—those which shed their leaves at stated seasons—is lacking in this element, and its constituents vary greatly in the different species. But there is one element common to all trees, and for that matter to almost all plant growth, and that is albumen.
Both resin and albumen, as they exist in the sap of woods, are soluble in water; and both harden with heat, much the same as the white of an egg, which is almost pure albumen.
These organic substances are the dissolved reserve food, stored during the winter in the pith rays, etc., of the wood and bark; generally but a mere trace of them is to be found. From this it appears that the solids contained in the sap, such as albumen, gum, sugar, etc., cannot exercise the influence on the strength of the wood which is so commonly claimed for them.
Effects of Moisture on Wood
The question of the effect of moisture upon the strength and stiffness of wood offers a wide scope for study, and authorities consulted differ in conclusions. Two authorities give the tensile strength in pounds per square inch for white oak as 10,000 and 19,500, respectively; for spruce, 8,000 to 19,500, and other species in similiar startling contrasts.
Wood, we are told, is composed of organic products. The chief material is cellulose, and this in its natural state in the living plant or green wood contains from 25 to 35 per cent of its weight in moisture. The moisture renders the cellulose substance pliable. What the physical action of the water is upon the molecular structure of organic material, to render it softer and more pliable, is largely a matter of conjecture.
The strength of a timber depends not only upon its relative freedom from imperfections, such as knots, crookedness of grain, decay, wormholes or ring-shakes, but also upon its density; upon the rate at which it grew, and upon the arrangement of the various elements which compose it.
The factors effecting the strength of wood are therefore of two classes: (1) Those inherent in the wood itself and which may cause differences to exist between two pieces from the same species of wood or even between the two ends of a piece, and (2) those which are foreign to the wood itself, such as moisture, oils, and heat.
Though the effect of moisture is generally temporary, it is far more important than is generally realized. So great, indeed, is the effect of moisture that under some conditions it outweighs all the other causes which effect strength, with the exception, perhaps of decided imperfections in the wood itself.
The Fibre Saturation Point in Wood
Water exists in green wood in two forms: (1) As liquid water contained in the cavities of the cells or pores, and (2) as "imbibed" water intimately absorbed in the substance of which the wood is composed. The removal of the free water from the cells or pores will evidently have no effect upon the physical properties or shrinkage of the wood, but as soon as any of the "imbibed" moisture is removed from the cell walls, shrinkage begins to take place and other changes occur. The strength also begins to increase at this time.
The point where the cell walls or wood substance becomes saturated is called the "fibre saturation point," and is a very significant point in the drying of wood.
It is easy to remove the free water from woods which will stand a high temperature, as it is only necessary to heat the wood slightly above the boiling point in a closed vessel, which will allow the escape of the steam as it is formed, but will not allow dry air to come in contact with the wood, so that the surface will not become dried below its saturation point. This can be accomplished with most of the softwoods, but not as a rule with the hardwoods, as they are injured by the temperature necessary.
The chief difficulties are encountered in evaporating the "imbibed" moisture and also where the free water has to be removed through its gradual transfusion instead of boiling. As soon as the imbibed moisture begins to be extracted from any portion, shrinkage takes place and stresses are set up in the wood which tend to cause checking.
The fibre saturation point lies between moisture conditions of 25 and 30 per cent of the dry weight of the wood, depending on the species. Certain species of eucalyptus, and probably other woods, however, appear to be exceptional in this respect, in that shrinkage begins to take place at a moisture condition of 80 to 90 per cent of the dry weight.
Seasoning is ordinarily understood to mean drying. When exposed to the sun and air, the water in green wood rapidly evaporates. The rate of evaporation will depend on: (1) the kind of wood; (2) the shape and thickness of the timber; and (3) the conditions under which the wood is placed or piled.
Pieces of wood completely surrounded by air, exposed to the wind and the sun, and protected by a roof from rain and snow, will dry out very rapidly, while wood piled or packed close together so as to exclude the air, or left in the shade and exposed to rain and snow, will dry out very slowly and will also be subject to mould and decay.
But seasoning implies other changes besides the evaporation of water. Although we have as yet only a vague conception as to the exact nature of the difference between seasoned and unseasoned wood, it is very probable that one of these consists in changes in the albuminous substances in the wood fibres, and possibly also in the tannins, resins, and other incrusting substances. Whether the change in these substances is merely a drying-out, or whether it consists in a partial decomposition is at yet undetermined. That the change during the seasoning process is a profound one there can be no doubt, because experience has shown again and again that seasoned wood fibre is very much more permeable, both for liquids and gases than the living, unseasoned fibre.
One can picture the albuminous substances as forming a coating which dries out and possibly disintegrates when the wood dries. The drying-out may result in considerable shrinkage, which may make the wood fibre more porous. It is also possible that there are oxidizing influences at work within these substances which result in their disintegration. Whatever the exact nature of the change may be, one can say without hesitation that exposure to the wind and air brings about changes in the wood, which are of such a nature that the wood becomes drier and more permeable.
When seasoned by exposure to live steam, similiar changes may take place; the water leaves the wood in the form of steam, while the organic compounds in the walls probably coagulate or disintegrate under the high temperature.
The most effective seasoning is without doubt that obtained by the uniform, slow drying which takes place in properly constructed piles outdoors, under exposure to the winds and the sun and under cover from the rain and snow, and is what has been termed "air-seasoning." By air-seasoning oak and similiar hardwoods, nature performs certain functions that cannot be duplicated by any artificial means. Because of this, woods of this class cannot be successfully kiln-dried green from the saw.
In drying wood, the free water within the cells passes through the cell walls until the cells are empty, while the cell walls remain saturated. When all the free water has been removed, the cell walls begin to yield up their moisture. Heat raises the absorptive power of the fibres and so aids the passage of water from the interior of the cells. A confusion in the word "sap" is to be found in many discussions of kiln-drying; in some instances it means water, in other cases it is applied to the organic substances held in a water solution in the cell cavities. The term is best confined to the organic substances from the living cell. These substances, for the most part of the nature of sugar, have a strong attraction for water and water vapor, and so retard drying and absorb moisture into dried wood. High temperatures, especially those produced by live steam, appear to destroy these organic compounds and therefore both to retard and to limit the reabsorption of moisture when the wood is subsequently exposed to the atmosphere.
Air-dried wood, under ordinary atmospheric temperatures, retains from 10 to 20 per cent of moisture, whereas kiln-dried wood may have no more than 5 per cent as it comes from the kiln. The exact figures for a given species depend in the first case upon the weather conditions, and in the second case upon the temperature in the kiln and the time during which the wood is exposed to it. When wood that has been kiln-dried is allowed to stand in the open, it apparently ceases to reabsorb moisture from the air before its moisture content equals that of wood which has merely been air-dried in the same place, and under the same conditions, in other words kiln-dried wood will not absorb as much moisture as air-dried wood under the same conditions.
Difference between Seasoned and Unseasoned Wood
Although it has been known for a long time that there is a marked difference in the length of life of seasoned and of unseasoned wood, the consumers of wood have shown very little interest in its seasoning, except for the purpose of doing away with the evils which result from checking, warping, and shrinking. For this purpose both kiln-drying and air-seasoning are largely in use.
The drying of material is a subject which is extremely important to most industries, and in no industry is it of more importance than in the lumber trade. Timber drying means not only the extracting of so much water, but goes very deeply into the quality of the wood, its workability and its cell strength, etc.
Kiln-drying, which dries the wood at a uniformly rapid rate by artificially heating it in inclosed rooms, has become a part of almost every woodworking industry, as without it the construction of the finished product would often be impossible. Nevertheless much unseasoned or imperfectly seasoned wood is used, as is evidenced by the frequent shrinkage and warping of the finished articles. This is explained to a certain extent by the fact that the manufacturer is often so hard pressed for his product that he is forced to send out an inferior article, which the consumer is willing to accept in that condition rather than to wait several weeks or months for an article made up of thoroughly seasoned material, and also that dry kilns are at present constructed and operated largely without thoroughgoing system.
Forms of kilns and mode of operation have commonly been copied by one woodworking plant after the example of some neighboring establishment. In this way it has been brought about that the present practices have many shortcomings. The most progressive operators, however, have experimented freely in the effort to secure special results desirable for their peculiar products. Despite the diversity of practice, it is possible to find among the larger and more enterprising operators a measure of agreement, as to both methods and results, and from this to outline the essentials of a correct theory. As a result, properly seasoned wood commands a high price, and in some cases cannot be obtained at all.
Wood seasoned out of doors, which by many is supposed to be much superior to kiln-dried material, is becoming very scarce, as the demand for any kind of wood is so great that it is thought not to pay to hold it for the time necessary to season it properly. How long this state of affairs is going to last it is difficult to say, but it is believed that a reaction will come when the consumer learns that in the long run it does not pay to use poorly seasoned material. Such a condition has now arisen in connection with another phase of the seasoning of wood; it is a commonly accepted fact that dry wood will not decay nearly so fast as wet or green wood; nevertheless, the immense superiority of seasoned over unseasoned wood for all purposes where resistance to decay is necessary has not been sufficiently recognized. In the times when wood of all kinds was both plentiful and cheap, it mattered little in most cases how long it lasted or resisted decay. Wood used for furniture, flooring, car construction, cooperage, etc., usually got some chance to dry out before or after it was placed in use. The wood which was exposed to decaying influences was generally selected from those woods which, whatever their other qualities might be, would resist decay longest.
To-day conditions have changed, so that wood can no longer be used to the same extent as in former years. Inferior woods with less lasting qualities have been pressed into service. Although haphazard methods of cutting and subsequent use are still much in vogue, there are many signs that both lumbermen and consumers are awakening to the fact that such carelessness and wasteful methods of handling wood will no longer do, and must give way to more exact and economical methods. The reason why many manufacturers and consumers of wood are still using the older methods is perhaps because of long custom, and because they have not yet learned that, though the saving to be obtained by the application of good methods has at all times been appreciable, now, when wood is more valuable, a much greater saving is possible. The increased cost of applying economical methods is really very slight, and is many times exceeded by the value of the increased service which can be secured through its use.
Manner of Evaporation of Water
The evaporation of water from wood takes place largely through the ends, i.e., in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the wood fibres. The evaporation from the other surfaces takes place very slowly out of doors, and with greater rapidity in a dry kiln. The rate of evaporation differs both with the kind of timber and its shape; that is, thin material will dry more rapidly than heavier stock. Sapwood dries faster than heartwood, and pine more rapidly than oak or other hardwoods.
Tests made show little difference in the rate of evaporation in sawn and hewn stock, the results, however, not being conclusive. Air-drying out of doors takes from two months to a year, the time depending on the kind of timber, its thickness, and the climatic conditions. After wood has reached an air-dry condition it absorbs water in small quantities after a rain or during damp weather, much of which is immediately lost again when a few warm, dry days follow. In this way wood exposed to the weather will continue to absorb water and lose it for indefinite periods.
When soaked in water, seasoned woods absorb water rapidly. This at first enters into the wood through the cell walls; when these are soaked, the water will fill the cell lumen, so that if constantly submerged the wood may become completely filled with water.
The following figures show the gain in weight by absorption of several coniferous woods, air-dry at the start, expressed in per cent of the kiln-dry weight:
ABSORPTION OF WATER BY DRY WOOD - White Pine Red Cedar Hemlock Tamarack - Air-dried 108 109 111 108 Kiln-dried 100 100 100 100 In water 1 day 135 120 133 129 In water 2 days 147 126 144 136 In water 3 days 154 132 149 142 In water 4 days 162 137 154 147 In water 5 days 165 140 158 150 In water 7 days 176 143 164 156 In water 9 days 179 147 168 157 In water 11 days 184 149 173 159 In water 14 days 187 150 176 159 In water 17 days 192 152 176 161 In water 25 days 198 155 180 161 In water 30 days 207 158 183 166 -
Rapidity of Evaporation
The rapidity with which water is evaporated, that is, the rate of drying, depends on the size and shape of the piece and on the structure of the wood. An inch board dries more than four times as fast as a four-inch plank, and more than twenty times as fast as a ten-inch timber. White pine dries faster than oak. A very moist piece of pine or oak will, during one hour, lose more than four times as much water per square inch from the cross-section, but only one half as much from the tangential as from the radial section. In a long timber, where the ends or cross-sections form but a small part of the drying surface, this difference is not so evident. Nevertheless, the ends dry and shrink first, and being opposed in this shrinkage by the more moist adjoining parts, they check, the cracks largely disappearing as seasoning progresses.
High temperatures are very effective in evaporating the water from wood, no matter how humid the air, and a fresh piece of sapwood may lose weight in boiling water, and can be dried to quite an extent in hot steam.
In drying chemicals or fabrics, all that is required is to provide heat enough to vaporize the moisture and circulation enough to carry off the vapor thus secured, and the quickest and most economical means to these ends may be used. While on the other hand, in drying wood, whether in the form of standard stock or the finished product, the application of the requisite heat and circulation must be carefully regulated throughout the entire process, or warping and checking are almost certain to result. Moreover, wood of different shapes and thicknesses is very differently effected by the same treatment. Finally, the tissues composing the wood, which vary in form and physical properties, and which cross each other in regular directions, exert their own peculiar influences upon its behavior during drying. With our native woods, for instance, summer-wood and spring-wood show distinct tendencies in drying, and the same is true in a less degree of heartwood, as contrasted with sapwood. Or, again, pronounced medullary rays further complicate the drying problem.
Physical Properties that influence Drying
The principal properties which render the drying of wood peculiarly difficult are: (1) The irregular shrinkage; (2) the different ways in which water is contained; (3) the manner in which moisture transfuses through the wood from the center to the surface; (4) the plasticity of the wood substance while moist and hot; (5) the changes which take place in the hygroscopic and chemical nature of the surface; and (6) the difference produced in the total shrinkage by different rates of drying.
The shrinkage is unequal in different directions and in different portions of the same piece. It is greatest in the circumferential direction of the tree, being generally twice as great in this direction as in the radial direction. In the longitudinal direction, for most woods, it is almost negligible, being from 20 to over 100 times as great circumferentially as longitudinally.
There is a great variation in different species in this respect. Consequently, it follows from necessity that large internal strains are set up when the wood shrinks, and were it not for its plasticity it would rupture. There is an enormous difference in the total amount of shrinkage of different species of wood, varying from a shrinkage of only 7 per cent in volume, based on the green dimensions, in the case of some of the cedars to nearly 50 per cent in the case of some species of eucalyptus.
When the free water in the capillary spaces of the wood fibre is evaporated it follows the laws of evaporation from capillary spaces, except that the passages are not all free passages, and much of the water has to pass out by a process of transfusion through the moist cell walls. These cell walls in the green wood completely surround the cell cavities so that there are no openings large enough to offer a passage to water or air.
The well-known "pits" in the cell walls extend through the secondary thickening only, and not through the primary walls. This statement applies to the tracheids and parenchyma cells in the conifer (gymnosperms), and to the tracheids, parenchyma cells, and the wood fibres in the broad-leaved trees (angiosperms); the vessels in the latter, however, form open passages except when clogged by ingrowth called tyloses, and the resin canals in the former sometimes form occasional openings.
By heating the wood above the boiling point, corresponding to the external pressure, the free water passes through the cell walls more readily.
To remove the moisture from the wood substance requires heat in addition to the latent heat of evaporation, because the molecules of moisture are so intimately associated with the molecules, minute particles composing the wood, that energy is required to separate them therefrom.
Carefully conducted experiments show this to be from 16.6 to 19.6 calories per grain of dry wood in the case of beech, long-leaf pine, and sugar maple.
The difficulty imposed in drying, however, is not so much the additional heat required as it is in the rate at which the water transfuses through the solid wood.
Three most important advantages of seasoning have already been made apparent:
1. Seasoned timber lasts much longer than unseasoned. Since the decay of timber is due to the attacks of wood-destroying fungi, and since the most important condition of the growth of these fungi is water, anything which lessens the amount of water in wood aids in its preservation.
2. In the case of treated timber, seasoning before treatment greatly increases the effectiveness of the ordinary methods of treatment, and seasoning after treatment prevents the rapid leaching out of the salts introduced to preserve the timber.
3. The saving in freight where timber is shipped from one place to another. Few persons realize how much water green wood contains, or how much it will lose in a comparatively short time. Experiments along this line with lodge-pole pine, white oak, and chestnut gave results which were a surprise to the companies owning the timber.
Freight charges vary considerably in different parts of the country; but a decrease of 35 to 40 per cent in weight is important enough to deserve everywhere serious consideration from those in charge of timber operations.
When timber is shipped long distances over several roads, as is coming to be more and more the case, the saving in freight will make a material difference in the cost of lumber operations, irrespective of any other advantages of seasoning.
Prevention of Checking and Splitting
Under present methods much timber is rendered unfit for use by improper seasoning. Green timber, particularly when cut during January, February, and March, when the roots are most active, contains a large amount of water. When exposed to the sun and wind or to high temperatures in a drying room, the water will evaporate more rapidly from the outer than from the inner parts of the piece, and more rapidly from the ends than from the sides. As the water evaporates, the wood shrinks, and when the shrinkage is not fairly uniform the wood cracks and splits.
When wet wood is piled in the sun, evaporation goes on with such unevenness that the timbers split and crack in some cases so badly as to become useless for the purpose for which it was intended. Such uneven drying can be prevented by careful piling, keeping the logs immersed in a log pond until wanted, or by piling or storing under an open shed so that the sun cannot get at them.
Experiments have also demonstrated that injury to stock in the way of checking and splitting always develops immediately after the stock is taken into the dry kiln, and is due to the degree of humidity being too low.
The receiving end of the kiln should always be kept moist, where the stock has not been steamed before being put into the kiln, as when the air is too dry it tends to dry the outside of the stock first—which is termed "case-hardening"—and in so doing shrinks and closes up the pores. As the material is moved down the kiln (as in the case of "progressive kilns"), it absorbs a continually increasing amount of heat, which tends to drive off the moisture still present in the center of the piece, the pores on the outside having been closed up, there is no exit for the vapor or steam that is being rapidly formed in the center of the piece. It must find its way out in some manner, and in doing so sets up strains, which result either in checking or splitting. If the humidity had been kept higher, the outside of the piece would not have dried so quickly, and the pores would have remained open for the exit of the moisture from the interior of the piece, and this trouble would have been avoided. (See also article following.)
Shrinkage of Wood
Since in all our woods, cells with thick walls and cells with thin walls are more or less intermixed, and especially as the spring-wood and summer-wood nearly always differ from each other in this respect, strains and tendencies to warp are always active when wood dries out, because the summer-wood shrinks more than the spring-wood, and heavier wood in general shrinks more than light wood of the same kind.
If a thin piece of wood after drying is placed upon a moist surface, the cells on the under side of the piece take up moisture and swell before the upper cells receive any moisture. This causes the under side of the piece to become longer than the upper side, and as a consequence warping occurs. Soon, however, the moisture penetrates to all the cells and the piece straightens out. But while a thin board of pine curves laterally it remains quite straight lengthwise, since in this direction both shrinkage and swelling are small. If one side of a green board is exposed to the sun, warping is produced by the removal of water and consequent shrinkage of the side exposed; this may be eliminated by the frequent turning of the topmost pieces of the piles in order that they may be dried evenly.
As already stated, wood loses water faster from the ends than from the longitudinal faces. Hence the ends shrink at a different rate from the interior parts. The faster the drying at the surface, the greater is the difference in the moisture of the different parts, and hence the greater the strains and consequently also the greater amount of checking. This becomes very evident when freshly cut wood is placed in the sun, and still more when put into a hot, dry kiln. While most of these smaller checks are only temporary, closing up again, some large radial checks remain and even grow larger as drying progresses. Their cause is a different one and will presently be explained. The temporary checks not only appear at the ends, but are developed on the sides also, only to a much smaller degree. They become especially annoying on the surface of thick planks of hardwoods, and also on peeled logs when exposed to the sun.
So far we have considered the wood as if made up only of parallel fibres all placed longitudinally in the log. This, however, is not the case. A large part of the wood is formed by the medullary or pith rays. In pine over 15,000 of these occur on a square inch of a tangential section, and even in oak the very large rays, which are readily visible to the eye, represent scarcely a hundredth part of the number which a microscope reveals, as the cells of these rays have their length at right angles to the direction of the wood fibres.
If a large pith ray of white oak is whittled out and allowed to dry, it is found to shrink greatly in its width, while, as we have stated, the fibres to which the ray is firmly grown in the wood do not shrink in the same direction. Therefore, in the wood, as the cells of the pith ray dry they pull on the longitudinal fibres and try to shorten them, and, being opposed by the rigidity of the fibres, the pith ray is greatly strained. But this is not the only strain it has to bear. Since the fibres shrink as much again as the pith ray, in this its longitudinal direction, the fibres tend to shorten the ray, and the latter in opposing this prevents the former from shrinking as much as they otherwise would.
Thus the structure is subjected to two severe strains at right angles to each other, and herein lies the greatest difficulty of wood seasoning, for whenever the wood dries rapidly these fibres have not the chance to "give" or accommodate themselves, and hence fibres and pith rays separate and checking results, which, whether visible or not, are detrimental in the use of the wood.
The contraction of the pith rays parallel to the length of the board is probably one of the causes of the small amount of longitudinal shrinkage which has been observed in boards. This smaller shrinkage of the pith rays along the radius of the log (the length of the pith ray), opposing the shrinkage of the fibres in this direction, becomes one of the causes of the second great trouble in wood seasoning, namely, the difference in the shrinkage along the radius and that along the rings or tangent. This greater tangential shrinkage appears to be due in part to the causes just mentioned, but also to the fact that the greatly shrinking bands of summer-wood are interrupted along the radius by as many bands of porous spring-wood, while they are continuous in the tangential direction. In this direction, therefore, each such band tends to shrink, as if the entire piece were composed of summer-wood, and since the summer-wood represents the greater part of the wood substance, this greater tendency to tangential shrinkage prevails.
The effect of this greater tangential shrinkage effects every phase of woodworking. It leads to permanent checks and causes the log or piece to split open on drying. Sawed in two, the flat sides of the log become convex; sawed into timber, it checks along the median line of the four faces, and if converted into boards, the latter checks considerably from the end through the center, all owing to the greater tangential shrinkage of the wood.
Briefly, then, shrinkage of wood is due to the fact that the cell walls grow thinner on drying. The thicker cell walls and therefore the heavier wood shrinks most, while the water in the cell cavities does not influence the volume of the wood.
Owing to the great difference of cells in shape, size, and thickness of walls, and still more in their arrangement, shrinkage is not uniform in any kind of wood. This irregularity produces strains, which grow with the difference between adjoining cells and are greatest at the pith rays. These strains cause warping and checking, but exist even where no outward signs are visible. They are greater if the wood is dried rapidly than if dried slowly, but can never be entirely avoided.
Temporary checks are caused by the more rapid drying of the outer parts of any stick; permanent checks are due to the greater shrinkage, tangentially, along the rings than along the radius. This, too, is the cause of most of the ordinary phenomena of shrinkage, such as the difference in behavior of the entire and quartered logs, "bastard" (tangent) and rift (radial) boards, etc., and explains many of the phenomena erroneously attributed to the influence of bark, or of the greater shrinkage of outer and inner parts of any log.
Once dry, wood may be swelled again to its original size by soaking in water, boiling, or steaming. Soaked pieces on drying shrink again as before; boiled and steamed pieces do the same, but to a slightly less degree. Neither hygroscopicity, i.e., the capacity of taking up water, nor shrinkage of wood can be overcome by drying at temperatures below 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Higher temperatures, however, reduce these qualities, but nothing short of a coaling heat robs wood of the capacity to shrink and swell.
Rapidly dried in a kiln, the wood of oak and other hardwoods "case-harden," that is, the outer part dries and shrinks before the interior has a chance to do the same, and thus forms a firm shell or case of shrunken, commonly checked wood around the interior. This shell does not prevent the interior from drying, but when this drying occurs the interior is commonly checked along the medullary rays, commonly called "honeycombing" or "hollow-horning." In practice this occurrence can be prevented by steaming or sweating the wood in the kiln, and still better by drying the wood in the open air or in a shed before placing in the kiln. Since only the first shrinkage is apt to check the wood, any kind of lumber which has once been air-dried (three to six months for one-inch stuff) may be subjected to kiln heat without any danger from this source.
Kept in a bent or warped condition during the first shrinkage, the wood retains the shape to which it has been bent and firmly opposes any attempt at subsequent straightening.
Sapwood, as a rule, shrinks more than heartwood of the same weight, but very heavy heartwood may shrink more than lighter sapwood. The amount of water in wood is no criterion of its shrinkage, since in wet wood most of the water is held in the cavities, where it has no effect on the volume.
The wood of pine, spruce, cypress, etc., with its very regular structure, dries and shrinks evenly, and suffers much less in seasoning than the wood of broad-leaved (hardwood) trees. Among the latter, oak is the most difficult to dry without injury.
Desiccating the air with certain chemicals will cause the wood to dry, but wood thus dried at 80 degrees Fahrenheit will still lose water in the kiln. Wood dried at 120 degrees Fahrenheit loses water still if dried at 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and this again will lose more water if the temperature be raised, so that absolutely dry wood cannot be obtained, and chemical destruction sets in before all the water is driven off.
On removal from the kiln, the dry wood at once takes up moisture from the air, even in the driest weather. At first the absorption is quite rapid; at the end of a week a short piece of pine, 1-1/2 inches thick, has regained two thirds of, and, in a few months, all the moisture which it had when air-dry, 8 to 10 per cent, and also its former dimensions. In thin boards all parts soon attain the same degree of dryness. In heavy timbers the interior remains more moist for many months, and even years, than the exterior parts. Finally an equilibrium is reached, and then only the outer parts change with the weather.
With kiln-dried woods all parts are equally dry, and when exposed, the moisture coming from the air must pass through the outer parts, and thus the order is reversed. Ordinary timber requires months before it is at its best. Kiln-dried timber, if properly handled, is prime at once.
Dry wood if soaked in water soon regains its original volume, and in the heartwood portion it may even surpass it; that is to say, swell to a larger dimension than it had when green. With the soaking it continues to increase in weight, the cell cavities filling with water, and if left many months all pieces sink. Yet after a year's immersion a piece of oak 2 by 2 inches and only 6 inches long still contains air; i.e., it has not taken up all the water it can. By rafting or prolonged immersion, wood loses some of its weight, soluble materials being leached out, but it is not impaired either as fuel or as building material. Immersion, and still more boiling and steaming, reduce the hygroscopicity of wood and therefore also the troublesome "working," or shrinking and swelling.
Exposure in dry air to a temperature of 300 degrees Fahrenheit for a short time reduces but does not destroy the hygroscopicity, and with it the tendency to shrink and swell. A piece of red oak which has been subjected to a temperature of over 300 degrees Fahrenheit still swells in hot water and shrinks in a dry kiln.
Expansion of Wood
It must not be forgotten that timber, in common with every other material, expands as well as contracts. If we extract the moisture from a piece of wood and so cause it to shrink, it may be swelled to its original volume by soaking it in water, but owing to the protection given to most timber in dwelling-houses it is not much affected by wet or damp weather. The shrinkage is more apparent, more lasting, and of more consequence to the architect, builder, or owner than the slight expansion which takes place, as, although the amount of moisture contained in wood varies with the climate conditions, the consequence of dampness or moisture on good timber used in houses only makes itself apparent by the occasional jamming of a door or window in wet or damp weather.
Considerable expansion, however, takes place in the wood-paving of streets, and when this form of paving was in its infancy much trouble occurred owing to all allowances not having been made for this contingency, the trouble being doubtless increased owing to the blocks not being properly seasoned; curbing was lifted or pushed out of line and gully grids were broken by this action. As a rule in street paving a space of one or two inches wide is now left next to the curb, which is filled with sand or some soft material, so that the blocks may expand longitudinally without injuring the contour or affecting the curbs. But even with this arrangement it is not at all unusual for an inch or more to have to be cut off paving blocks parallel to the channels some time after the paving has been laid, owing to the expansion of the wood exceeding the amounts allowed.
Considerable variation occurs in the expansion of wood blocks, and it is noticeable in the hardwoods as well as in the softwoods, and is often greater in the former than in the latter.
Expansion takes place in the direction of the length of the blocks as they are laid across the street, and causes no trouble in the other direction, the reason being that the lengthway of a block of wood is across the grain, of the timber, and it expands or contracts as a plank does. On one occasion, in a roadway forty feet wide, expansion occurred until it amounted to four inches on each side, or eight inches in all. This continual expansion and contraction is doubtless the cause of a considerable amount of wood street-paving bulging and becoming filled with ridges and depressions.
Elimination of Stain and Mildew
A great many manufacturers, and particularly those located in the Southern States, experience a great amount of difficulty in their timber becoming stained and mildewed. This is particularly true with gum wood, as it will frequently stain and mould in twenty-four hours, and they have experienced so much of this trouble that they have, in a great many instances, discontinued cutting it during the summer season.
If this matter were given proper attention they should be able to eliminate a great deal of this difficulty, as no doubt they will find after investigation that the mould has been caused by the stock being improperly piled to the weather.
Freshly sawn wood, placed in close piles during warm, damp weather in the months of July and August, presents especially favorable conditions for mould and stain. In all cases it is the moist condition and retarded drying of the wood which causes this. Therefore, any method which will provide for the rapid drying of the wood before or after piling will tend to prevent the difficulty, and the best method for eliminating mould is (1) to provide for as little delay as possible between the felling of the tree, and its manufacture into rough products before the sap has had an opportunity of becoming sour. This is especially necessary with trees felled from April to September, in the region north of the Gulf States, and from March to November in the latter, while the late fall and winter cutting should all be worked up by March or April. (2) The material should be piled to the weather immediately after being sawn or cut, and every precaution should be taken in piling to facilitate rapid drying, by keeping the piles or ricks up off the ground. (3) All weeds (and emphasis should be placed on the ALL) and other vegetation should be kept well clear of the piles, in order that the air may have a clear and unobstructed passage through and around the piles, and (4) the piles should be so constructed that each stick or piece will have as much air space about it as it is possible to give to it.
If the above instructions are properly carried out, there will be little or no difficulty experienced with mould appearing on the lumber.
Seasoning and kiln-drying is so important a process in the manufacture of woods that a need is keenly felt for fuller information regarding it, based upon scientific study of the behavior of various species at different mechanical temperatures and under different mechanical drying processes. The special precautions necessary to prevent loss of strength or distortion of shape render the drying of wood especially difficult.
All wood when undergoing a seasoning process, either natural (by air) or mechanical (by steam or heat in a dry kiln), checks or splits more or less. This is due to the uneven drying-out of the wood and the consequent strains exerted in opposite directions by the wood fibres in shrinking. This shrinkage, it has been proven, takes place both end-wise and across the grain of the wood. The old tradition that wood does not shrink end-wise has long since been shattered, and it has long been demonstrated that there is an end-wise shrinkage.
In some woods it is very light, while in others it is easily perceptible. It is claimed that the average end shrinkage, taking all the woods, is only about 1-1/2 per cent. This, however, probably has relation to the average shrinkage on ordinary lumber as it is used and cut and dried. Now if we depart from this and take veneer, or basket stock, or even stave bolts where they are boiled, causing swelling both end-wise and across the grain or in dimension, after they are thoroughly dried, there is considerably more evidence of end shrinkage. In other words, a slack barrel stave of elm, say, 28 or 30 inches in length, after being boiled might shrink as much in thoroughly drying-out as compared to its length when freshly cut, as a 12-foot elm board.
It is in cutting veneer that this end shrinkage becomes most readily apparent. In trimming with scoring knives it is done to exact measure, and where stock is cut to fit some specific place there has been observed a shrinkage on some of the softer woods, like cottonwood, amounting to fully 1/8 of an inch in 36 inches. And at times where drying has been thorough the writer has noted a shrinkage of 1/8 of an inch on an ordinary elm cabbage-crate strip 36 inches long, sawed from the log without boiling.
There are really no fixed rules of measurement or allowance, however, because the same piece of wood may vary under different conditions, and, again, the grain may cross a little or wind around the tree, and this of itself has a decided effect on the amount of what is termed "end shrinkage."
There is more checking in the wood of the broad-leaf (hardwood) trees than in that of the coniferous (softwood) trees, more in sapwood than in heartwood, and more in summer-wood than in spring-wood.
Inasmuch as under normal conditions of weather, water evaporates less rapidly during the early seasoning of winter, wood that is cut in the autumn and early winter is considered less subject to checking than that which is cut in spring and summer.
Rapid seasoning, except after wood has been thoroughly soaked or steamed, almost invariably results in more or less serious checking. All hardwoods which check or warp badly during the seasoning should be reduced to the smallest practicable size before drying to avoid the injuries involved in this process, and wood once seasoned should never again be exposed to the weather, since all injuries due to seasoning are thereby aggravated.
Seasoning increases the strength of wood in every respect, and it is therefore of great importance to protect the wood against moisture.
Changes rendering Drying difficult
An important property rendering drying of wood peculiarly difficult is the changes which occur in the hygroscopic properties of the surface of a stick, and the rate at which it will allow moisture to pass through it. If wood is dried rapidly the surface soon reaches a condition where the transfusion is greatly hindered and sometimes appears almost to cease. The nature of this action is not well understood and it differs greatly in different species. Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) is an example in which this property is particularly troublesome. The difficulty can be overcome by regulating the humidity during the drying operation. It is one of the factors entering into production of what is called "case-hardening" of wood, where the surface of the piece becomes hardened in a stretched or expanded condition, and subsequent shrinkage of the interior causes "honeycombing," "hollow-horning," or internal checking. The outer surface of the wood appears to undergo a chemical change in the nature of hydrolization or oxidization, which alters the rate of absorption and evaporation in the air.
As the total amount of shrinkage varies with the rate at which the wood is dried, it follows that the outer surface of a rapidly dried board shrinks less than the interior. This sets up an internal stress, which, if the board be afterward resawed into two thinner boards by slicing it through the middle, causes the two halves to cup with their convex surfaces outward. This effect may occur even though the moisture distribution in the board has reached a uniform condition, and the board is thoroughly dry before it is resawed. It is distinct from the well-known "case-hardening" effect spoken of above, which is caused by unequal moisture conditions.
The manner in which the water passes from the interior of a piece of wood to its surface has not as yet been fully determined, although it is one of the most important factors which influence drying. This must involve a transfusion of moisture through the cell walls, since, as already mentioned, except for the open vessels in the hardwoods, free resin ducts in the softwoods, and possibly the intercellular spaces, the cells of green wood are enclosed by membranes and the water must pass through the walls or the membranes of the pits. Heat appears to increase this transfusion, but experimental data are lacking.
It is evident that to dry wood properly a great many factors must be taken into consideration aside from the mere evaporation of moisture.
Losses Due to Improper Kiln-drying
In some cases there is practically no loss in drying, but more often it ranges from 1 to 3 per cent, and 7 to 10 per cent in refractory woods such as gum. In exceptional instances the losses are as high as 33 per cent.
In air-drying there is little or no control over the process; it may take place too rapidly on some days and too slowly on others, and it may be very non-uniform.
Hardwoods in large sizes almost invariably check.
By proper kiln-drying these unfavorable circumstances may be eliminated. However, air-drying is unquestionably to be preferred to bad kiln-drying, and when there is any doubt in the case it is generally safer to trust to air-drying.
If the fundamental principles are all taken care of, green lumber can be better dried in the dry kiln.
Properties of Wood that affect Drying
It is clear, from the previous discussion of the structure of wood, that this property is of first importance among those influencing the seasoning of wood. The free water way usually be extracted quite readily from porous hardwoods. The presence of tyloses in white oak makes even this a difficult problem. On the other hand, its more complex structure usually renders the hygroscopic moisture quite difficult to extract.
The lack of an open, porous structure renders the transfusion of moisture through some woods very slow, while the reverse may be true of other species. The point of interest is that all the different variations in structure affect the drying rates of woods. The structure of the gums suggests relatively easy seasoning.
Shrinkage is a very important factor affecting the drying of woods. Generally speaking, the greater the shrinkage the more difficult it is to dry wood. Wood shrinks about twice as much tangentially as radially, thus introducing very serious stresses which may cause loss in woods whose total shrinkage is large. It has been found that the amount of shrinkage depends, to some extent, on the rate and temperature at which woods season. Rapid drying at high or low temperature results in slight shrinkage, while slow drying, especially at high temperature, increases the shrinkage.
As some woods must be dried in one way and others in other ways, to obtain the best general results, this effect may be for the best in one case and the reverse in others. As an example one might cite the case of Southern white oak. This species must be dried very slowly at low temperatures in order to avoid the many evils to which it is heir. It is interesting to note that this method tends to increase the shrinkage, so that one might logically expect such treatment merely to aggravate the evils. Such is not the case, however, as too fast drying results in other defects much worse than that of excessive shrinkage.
Thus we see that the shrinkage of any given species of wood depends to a great extent on the method of drying. Just how much the shrinkage of gum is affected by the temperature and drying rate is not known at present. There is no doubt that the method of seasoning affects the shrinkage of the gums, however. It is just possible that these woods may shrink longitudinally more than is normal, thus furnishing another cause for their peculiar action under certain circumstances. It has been found that the properties of wood which affect the seasoning of the gums are, in the order of their importance: (1) The indeterminate and erratic grain; (2) the uneven shrinkage with the resultant opposing stresses; (3) the plasticity under high temperature while moist; and (4) the slight apparent lack of cohesion between the fibres. The first, second, and fourth properties are clearly detrimental, while the third may possibly be an advantage in reducing checking and "case-hardening."
The grain of the wood is a prominent factor also affecting the problem. It is this factor, coupled with uneven shrinkage, which is probably responsible, to a large extent, for the action of the gums in drying. The grain may be said to be more or less indeterminate. It is usually spiral, and the spiral may reverse from year to year of the tree's growth. When a board in which this condition exists begins to shrink, the result is the development of opposing stresses, the effect of which is sometimes disastrous. The shrinkage around the knots seems to be particularly uneven, so that checking at the knots is quite common.
Some woods, such as Western red cedar, redwood, and eucalyptus, become very plastic when hot and moist. The result of drying-out the free water at high temperature may be to collapse the cells. The gums are known to be quite soft and plastic, if they are moist, at high temperature, but they do not collapse so far as we have been able to determine.
The cells of certain species of wood appear to lack cohesion, especially at the junction between the annual rings. As a result, checks and ring shakes are very common in Western larch and hemlock. The parenchyma cells of the medullary rays in oak do not cohere strongly and often check open, especially when steamed too severely.
Unsolved Problems in Kiln-drying
1. Physical data of the properties of wood in relation to heat are meagre.
2. Figures on the specific heat of wood are not readily available, though upon this rests not only the exact operation of heating coils for kilns, but the theory of kiln-drying as a whole.
3. Great divergence is shown in the results of experiments in the conductivity of wood. It remains to be seen whether the known variation of conductivity with moisture content will reduce these results to uniformity.
4. The maximum or highest temperature to which the different species of wood may be exposed without serious loss of strength has not yet been determined.
5. The optimum or absolute correct temperature for drying the different species of wood is as yet entirely unsettled.
6. The inter-relation between wood and water is as imperfectly known to dry-kiln operators as that between wood and heat.
7. What moisture conditions obtain in a stick of air-dried wood?
8. How is the moisture distinguished?
9. What is its form?
10. What is the meaning of the peculiar surface conditions which even in air-dried wood appear to indicate incipient "case-hardening"?
11. The manner in which the water passes from the interior of a piece of wood to its surface has not as yet been fully determined.
These questions can be answered thus far only by speculation or, at best, on the basis of incomplete data.
Until these problems are solved, kiln-drying must necessarily remain without the guidance of complete scientific theory.
A correct understanding of the principles of drying is rare, and opinions in regard to the subject are very diverse. The same lack of knowledge exists in regard to dry kilns. The physical properties of the wood which complicate the drying operation and render it distinct from that of merely evaporating free water from some substance like a piece of cloth must be studied experimentally. It cannot well be worked out theoretically.
Methods of Drying
The choice of a method of drying depends largely upon the object in view. The principal objects may be grouped under three main heads, as follows:
1. To reduce shipping weight.
2. To reduce the quantity necessary to carry in stock.
3. To prepare the wood for its ultimate use and improve its qualities.
When wood will stand the temperature without excessive checking or undue shrinkage or loss in strength, the first object is most readily attained by heating the wood above the boiling point in a closed chamber, with a large circulation of air or vapor, so arranged that the excess steam produced will escape. This process manifestly does not apply to many of the hardwoods, but is applicable to many of the softwoods. It is used especially in the northwestern part of the United States, where Douglas fir boards one inch thick are dried in from 40 to 65 hours, and sometimes in as short a time as 24 hours. In the latter case superheated steam at 300 degrees Fahrenheit was forced into the chamber but, of course, the lumber could not be heated thereby much above the boiling point so long as it contained any free water.
This lumber, however, contained but 34 per cent moisture to start with, and the most rapid rate was 1.6 per cent loss per hour.
The heat of evaporation may be supplied either by superheated steam or by steam pipes within the kiln itself.
The quantity of wood it is necessary to carry in stock is naturally reduced when either of the other two objects is attained and, therefore, need not necessarily be discussed.
In drying to prepare for use and to improve quality, careful and scientific drying is called for. This applies more particularly to the hardwoods, although it may be required for softwoods also.
Drying at Atmospheric Pressure
Present practice of kiln-drying varies tremendously and there is no uniformity or standard method.
Temperatures vary anywhere from 65 to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, or even higher, and inch boards three to six months on the sticks are being dried in from four days to three weeks, and three-inch material in from two to five months.
All methods in use at atmospheric pressure may be classified under the following headings. The kilns may be either progressive or compartment, and preliminary steaming may or may not be used with any one of these methods:
1. Dry air heated. This is generally obsolete. 2. Moist air. a. Ventilated. b. Forced draft. c. Condensing. d. Humidity regulated. e. Boiling. 3. Superheated steam.
Drying under Pressure and Vacuum
Various methods of drying wood under pressures other than atmospheric have been tried. Only a brief mention of this subject will be made. Where the apparatus is available probably the quickest way to dry wood is first to heat it in saturated steam at as high a temperature as the species can endure without serious chemical change until the heat has penetrated to the center, then follow this with a vacuum.
By this means the self-contained specific heat of the wood and the water is made available for the evaporation, and the drying takes place from the inside outwardly, just the reverse of that which occurs by drying by means of external heat.
When the specimen has cooled this process is then to be repeated until it has dried down to fibre-saturation point. It cannot be dried much below this point by this method, since the absorption during the heating operation will then equal the evaporation during the cooling. It may be carried further, however, by heating in partially humidified air, proportioning the relative humidity each time it is heated to the degree of moisture present in the wood.
The point to be considered in this operation is that during the heating process no evaporation shall be allowed to take place, but only during the cooling. In this way surface drying and "case-hardening" are prevented since the heat is from within and the moisture passes from the inside outwardly. However, with some species, notably oak, surface cracks appear as a network of fine checks along the medullary rays.
In the first place, it should be borne in mind that it is the heat which produces evaporation and not the air nor any mysterious property assigned to a "vacuum."
For every pound of water evaporated at ordinary temperatures approximately 1,000 British thermal units of heat are used up, or "become latent," as it is called. This is true whether the evaporation takes place in a vacuum or under a moderate air pressure. If this heat is not supplied from an outside source it must be supplied by the water itself (or the material being dried), the temperature of which will consequently fall until the surrounding space becomes saturated with vapor at a pressure corresponding to the temperature which the water has reached; evaporation will then cease. The pressure of the vapor in a space saturated with water vapor increases rapidly with increase of temperature. At a so-called vacuum of 28 inches, which is about the limit in commercial operations, and in reality signifies an actual pressure of 2 inches of mercury column, the space will be saturated with vapor at 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Consequently, no evaporation will take place in such a vacuum unless the water be warmer than 101 degrees Fahrenheit, provided there is no air leakage. The qualification in regard to air is necessary, for the sake of exactness, for the following reason: In any given space the total actual pressure is made up of the combined pressures of all the gases present. If the total pressure ("vacuum") is 2 inches, and there is no air present, it is all produced by the water vapor (which saturates the space at 101 degrees Fahrenheit); but if some air is present and the total pressure is still maintained at 2 inches, then there must be less vapor present, since the air is producing part of the pressure and the space is no longer saturated at the given temperature. Consequently further evaporation may occur, with a corresponding lowering of the temperature of the water, until a balance is again reached. Without further explanation it is easy to see that but little water can be evaporated by a vacuum alone without addition of heat, and that the prevalent idea that a vacuum can of itself produce evaporation is a fallacy. If heat be supplied to the water, however, either by conduction or radiation, evaporation will take place in direct proportion to the amount of heat supplied, so long as the pressure is kept down by the vacuum pump.
At 30 inches of mercury pressure (one atmosphere) the space becomes saturated with vapor and equilibrium is established at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. If heat be now supplied to the water, however, evaporation will take place in proportion to the amount of heat supplied, so long as the pressure remains that of one atmosphere, just as in the case of the vacuum. Evaporation in this condition, where the vapor pressure at the temperature of the water is equal to the gas pressure on the water, is commonly called "boiling," and the saturated vapor entirely displaces the air under continuous operation. Whenever the space is not saturated with vapor, whether air is present or not, evaporation will take place, by boiling if no air be present or by diffusion under the presence of air, until an equilibrium between temperature and vapor pressure is resumed.
Relative humidity is simply the ratio of the actual vapor pressure present in a given space to the vapor pressure when the space is saturated with vapor at the given temperature. It matters not whether air be present or not. One hundred per cent humidity means that the space contains all the vapor which it can hold at the given temperature—it is saturated. Thus at 100 per cent humidity and 212 degrees Fahrenheit the space is saturated, and since the pressure of saturated vapor at this temperature is one atmosphere, no air can be present under these conditions. If, however, the total pressure at this temperature were 20 pounds (5 pounds gauge), then it would mean that there was 5 pounds air pressure present in addition to the vapor, yet the space would still be saturated at the given temperature. Again, if the temperature were 101 degrees Fahrenheit, the pressure of saturated vapor would be only 1 pound, and the additional pressure of 14 pounds, if the total pressure were atmospheric, would be made up of air. In order to have no air present and the space still saturated at 101 degrees Fahrenheit, the total pressure must be reduced to 1 pound by a vacuum pump. Fifty per cent relative humidity, therefore, signifies that only half the amount of vapor required to saturate the space at the given temperature is present. Thus at 212 degrees Fahrenheit temperature the vapor pressure would only be 7-1/2 pounds (vacuum of 15 inches gauge). If the total pressure were atmospheric, then the additional 7-1/2 pounds would be simply air.
"Live steam" is simply water-saturated vapor at a pressure usually above atmospheric. We may just as truly have live steam at pressures less than atmospheric, at a vacuum of 28 inches for instance. Only in the latter case its temperature would be lower, viz., 101 degrees Fahrenheit.
Superheated steam is nothing more than water vapor at a relative humidity less than saturation, but is usually considered at pressures above atmospheric, and in the absence of air. The atmosphere at, say, 50 per cent relative humidity really contains superheated steam or vapor, the only difference being that it is at a lower temperature and pressure than we are accustomed to think of in speaking of superheated steam, and it has air mixed with it to make up the deficiency in pressure below the atmosphere.
Two things should now be clear; that evaporation is produced by heat and that the presence or absence of air does not influence the amount of evaporation. It does, however, influence the rate of evaporation, which is retarded by the presence of air. The main things influencing evaporation are, first, the quantity of heat supplied and, second, the relative humidity of the immediately surrounding space.
Drying by Superheated Steam
What this term really signifies is simply water vapor in the absence of air in a condition of less than saturation. Kilns of this type are, properly speaking, vapor kilns, and usually operate at atmospheric pressure, but may be used at greater pressures or at less pressures. As stated before, the vapor present in the air at any humidity less than saturation is really "superheated steam," only at a lower pressure than is ordinarily understood by this term, and mixed with air. The main argument in favor of this process seems to be based on the idea that steam is moist heat. This is true, however, only when the steam is near saturation. When it is superheated it is just as dry as air containing the same relative humidity. For instance, steam at atmospheric pressure and heated to 248 degrees Fahrenheit has a relative humidity of only 50 per cent and is just as dry as air containing the same humidity. If heated to 306 degrees Fahrenheit, its relative humidity is reduced to 20 per cent; that is to say, the ratio of its actual vapor pressure (one atmosphere) to the pressure of saturated vapor at this temperature (five atmospheres) is 1:5, or 20 per cent. Superheated vapor in the absence of air, however, parts with its heat with great rapidity and finally becomes saturated when it has lost all of its ability to cause evaporation. In this respect it is more moist than air when it comes in contact with bodies which are at a lower temperature. When saturated steam is used to heat the lumber it can raise the temperature of the latter to its own temperature, but cannot produce evaporation unless, indeed, the pressure is varied. Only by the heat supplied above the temperature of saturation can evaporation be produced.
Impregnation Methods
Methods of partially overcoming the shrinkage by impregnation of the cell walls with organic materials closely allied to the wood substance itself are in use. In one of these which has been patented, sugar is used as the impregnating material, which is subsequently hardened or "caramelized" by heating. Experiments which the United States Forest Service has made substantiate the claims that the sugar does greatly reduce the shrinkage of the wood; but the use of impregnation processes is determined rather from a financial economic standpoint than by the physical result obtained.
Another process consists in passing a current of electricity through the wet boards or through the green logs before sawing. It is said that the ligno cellulose and the sap are thus transformed by electrolysis, and that the wood subsequently dries more rapidly.
Preliminary Treatments
In many dry kiln operations, especially where the kilns are not designed for treatments with very moist air, the wood is allowed to air-season from several months to a year or more before running it into the dry kiln. In this way the surface dries below its fibre-saturation point and becomes hardened or "set" and the subsequent shrinkage is not so great. Moreover, there is less danger of surface checking in the kiln, since the surface has already passed the danger point. Many woods, however, check severely in air-drying or case-harden in the air. It is thought that such woods can be satisfactorily handled in a humidity-regulated kiln direct from the saw.
Preliminary steaming is frequently used to moisten the surface if case-hardened, and to heat the lumber through to the center before drying begins. This is sometimes done in a separate chamber, but more often in a compartment of the kiln itself, partitioned off by means of a curtain which can be raised or lowered as circumstances require. This steaming is usually conducted at atmospheric pressure and frequently condensed steam is used at temperatures far below 212 degrees Fahrenheit. In a humidity-regulated kiln this preliminary treatment may be omitted, since nearly saturated conditions can be maintained and graduated as the drying progresses.
Recently the process of steaming at pressures up to 20 pounds gauge in a cylinder for short periods of time, varying from 5 to 20 minutes, is being advocated in the United States. The truck load is run into the cylinder, steamed, and then taken directly out into the air. It may subsequently be placed in the dry kiln if further drying is desired. The self-contained heat of the wood evaporates considerable moisture, and the sudden drying of the boards causes the shrinkage to be reduced slightly in some cases. Such short periods of steaming under 20 pounds pressure do not appear to injure the wood mechanically, although they do darken the color appreciably, especially of the sapwood of the species having a light-colored sap, as black walnut (Juglans nigra) and red gum (Liquidamber styraciflua). Longer periods of steaming have been found to weaken the wood. There is a great difference in the effect on different species, however.
Soaking wood for a long time before drying has been practised, but experiments indicate that no particularly beneficial results, from the drying standpoint, are attained thereby. In fact, in some species containing sugars and allied substances it is probably detrimental from the shrinkage standpoint. If soaked in boiling water some species shrink and warp more than if dried without this treatment.
In general, it may be said that, except possibly for short-period steaming as described above, steaming and soaking hardwoods at temperatures of 212 degrees Fahrenheit or over should be avoided if possible.
It is the old saying that wood put into water shortly after it is felled, and left in water for a year or more, will be perfectly seasoned after a short subsequent exposure to the air. For this reason rivermen maintain that timber is made better by rafting. Herzenstein says: "Floating the timber down rivers helps to wash out the sap, and hence must be considered as favorable to its preservation, the more so as it enables it to absorb more preservative."
Wood which has been buried in swamps is eagerly sought after by carpenters and joiners, because it has lost all tendency to warp and twist. When first taken from the swamp the long-immersed logs are very much heavier than water, but they dry with great rapidity. A cypress log from the Mississippi Delta, which two men could barely handle at the time it was taken out some years ago, has dried out so much since then that to-day one man can lift it with ease. White cedar telegraph poles are said to remain floating in the water of the Great Lakes sometimes for several years before they are set in lines and to last better than freshly cut poles.
It is very probable that immersion for long periods in water does materially hasten subsequent seasoning. The tannins, resins, albuminous materials, etc., which are deposited in the cell walls of the fibres of green wood, and which prevent rapid evaporation of the water, undergo changes when under water, probably due to the action of bacteria which live without air, and in the course of time many of these substances are leached out of the wood. The cells thereby become more and more permeable to water, and when the wood is finally brought into the air the water escapes very rapidly and very evenly. Herzenstein's statement that wood prepared by immersion and subsequent drying will absorb more preservative, and that with greater rapidity, is certainly borne out by experience in the United States.
It is sometimes claimed that all seasoning preparatory to treatment with a substance like tar oil might be done away with by putting the green wood into a cylinder with the oil and heating to 225 degrees Fahrenheit, thus driving the water off in the form of steam, after which the tar oil would readily penetrate into the wood. This is the basis of the so-called "Curtiss process" of timber treatment. Without going into any discussion of this method of creosoting, it may be said that the same objection made for steaming holds here. In order to get a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit in the center of the treated wood, the outside temperature would have to be raised so high that the strength of the wood might be seriously injured.
A company on the Pacific coast which treats red fir piling asserts that it avoids this danger by leaving the green timber in the tar oil at a temperature which never exceeds 225 degrees Fahrenheit for from five to twelve hours, until there is no further evidence of water vapor coming out of the wood. The tar oil is then run out, and a vacuum is created for about an hour, after which the oil is run in again and is kept in the cylinders under 100 pounds pressure for from ten to twelve hours, until the required amount of absorption has been reached (about 12 pounds per cubic foot). |
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