[Footnote 37: Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria, 1749-1767.]
[Footnote 38: House of Burgesses Journal, 1761-1765, 246.]
[Footnote 39: Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria, 1749-1767.]
[Footnote 40: Order Book, Fairfax Court House, 1768-1770, 338.]
[Footnote 41: The Charter and Laws of Alexandria, Va., 78.]
[Footnote 42: Harrison, Landmarks of Old Prince William, II, 416, note 46.]
[Footnote 43: Letter to George Washington from Lund Washington, April 28, 1792. Toner Transcripts, Library of Congress. Copied from notes in Mount Vernon Ladies Association Library.]
[Footnote 44: Wilstack, Mount Vernon, 138.]
[Footnote 45: Ibid.]
[Footnote 46: Fitzpatrick, Diaries of George Washington, II, 209.]
[Footnote 47: Letter of Olney Winsor to his wife in Providence, Rhode Island. Original in archives, State Library, Richmond, Virginia.]
[Footnote 48: Harrison, Landmarks of Old Prince William, II, 409.]
[Footnote 49: Morse, The American Geography, 381.]
[Footnote 50: Harrison, Landmarks of Old Prince William, II, 408.]
[Footnote 51: Ibid.]
[Footnote 52: Ibid.]
[Footnote 53: A Stranger in America (Anonymous), 213.]
[Footnote 54: Snowden, The Laws of the Corporation of the Town of Alexandria from 1779 to 1811, 32.]
[Footnote 55: Fitzpatrick, Writings of George Washington, III, 18.]
[Footnote 56: Caton, Jottings, 115.]
Chapter 1. WILLIAM RAMSAY: Romulus of Alexandria.
[Footnote 57: Harrison, Landmarks of Old Prince William, II, 371, quoting President Madison in 1827.]
[Footnote 58: Harrison, Landmarks of Old Prince William, II, 406.]
[Footnote 59: Ibid., 663. Alexandria, 1749. Record Hening, I, 214, C.O. 5, 1895, No. 20. Description: "60 Acres ... parcel of the land of Philip Alexander, John Alexander, and Hugh West, situate ... on the south side of Potomack River about the mouth of Great Hunting Creek in the county of Fairfax." Trustees: Thomas, Lord Fairfax, William Fairfax, George William Fairfax, Richard Osborne, Lawrence Washington, William Ramsay, John Carlyle, John Pagan, Gerard Alexander, Hugh West, Philip Alexander.]
[Footnote 60: Hamilton, Letters, II, 164.]
[Footnote 61: Harrison, Landmarks, II, 414; Hayden, Virginia Genealogies, 88; William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, IV, 17; Maryland Gazette (Copy in Ramsay Family records).]
[Footnote 62: Maryland Gazette, December 1761, Ramsay Family records.]
[Footnote 63: Lipscomb, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, IV, 90, Memorial Edition.]
[Footnote 64: Letter of Martha Washington to Betty Ramsay, dated Cambridge, December 30, 1775. Courtesy Pierpont Morgan Library.]
[Footnote 65: Ramsay Family records.]
[Footnote 66: See reference No. 8, supra.]
[Footnote 67: Deed Book P, 365, December 20, 1784. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 68: Deed Book B, 168, July 14, 1785. Alexandria Land Records.]
[Footnote 69: Fitzpatrick, Diaries of George Washington, II, 342.]
[Footnote 70: From a newspaper clipping in Ramsay Family records.]
[Footnote 71: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, II, 356.]
[Footnote 72: From a newspaper clipping in Ramsay Family records.]
Alexandria Deed Book F, 331.
Alexandria Will Book 4, 92.
Fairfax Deed Books: D, No. 1, Part I, 436; D, 380; M, No. 1, 286.
[Footnote 73: Will Book I-D, 368. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 74: Minute Book, 1753 Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 75: Will Book, I-D, 368. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 76: Will Book I-D, 203-207. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 77: Harrison, Early American Turf Stock, I, 152, 155-156.]
[Footnote 78: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, I, 308.]
[Footnote 79: Ibid., 366.]
[Footnote 80: Deed Book E, 63. Alexandria.]
[Footnote 81: From information furnished by Mr. Taylor Burke.]
Alexandria Deed Books: 43, 445; E, 90, 316; L-3, 474; P-3, 650; Q-3, 19; T-3, 537; V-3, 383; W, 398; W-3, 453.
Alexandria Will Book 4, 63.
Fairfax Will Book D, 17-20.
[Footnote 82: Neill, The Fairfaxes of England and America, 49.]
[Footnote 83: Fitzpatrick, Writings, I, 166.]
[Footnote 84: Ibid., 122-123.]
[Footnote 85: Cary, Sally Cary, 50.]
[Footnote 86: Neill, The Fairfaxes of England and America, 95-97.]
[Footnote 87: Minute Book, Court held August 15, 1758, 501-502.]
[Footnote 88: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, II, 118.]
[Footnote 89: Fitzpatrick, Writings, XXVII, 58].
[Footnote 90: Ibid., 57.]
[Footnote 91: Ibid., XXXVI, 262-265.]
[Footnote 92: Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria, 1749-1767; Deed Book G-1, 116. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 93: Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria, 1749-1767.]
[Footnote 94: Fairfax Court House Records. Missing Liber K (now in the Library of Congress), 124-127.]
[Footnote 95: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, II, 42.]
[Footnote 96: Personal Property Tax, Fairfax County (1782-1793). Virginia State Library Archives, No. 400.]
[Footnote 97: Lee, Lee of Virginia, 235-254.]
[Footnote 98: Shepperson, John Paradise and Lucy Ludwell, 98.]
[Footnote 99: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, IV, 270, 280.]
Alexandria Deed Books: B, 364; D, No. 2, 177.
Alexandria Will Book 2, 278 (Orphans' Court).
Fairfax Deed Books: C-1, 382; G-1, 116.
Fairfax Deed Book K, 119-127; 302-307, 368, 370. Now in Library of Congress.
[Footnote 100: Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, XVI, No. 4, 233.]
[Footnote 101: So-called by Thomas T. Waterman, author of The Mansions of Virginia.]
[Footnote 102: Columbia Mirror and Alexandria Gazette, October 30, 1793.]
[Footnote 103: Ibid., November 6, 1793.]
[Footnote 104: Ibid.]
[Footnote 105: A number of years ago the Metropolitan Museum acquired by purchase the woodwork of the great ballroom, where so many of Alexandria's social events had taken place. It is an outstanding exhibit in the American wing.]
[Footnote 106: Custis, Recollections and Private Memoirs, 451-452.]
[Footnote 107: Liber R, No. 2, 372. 1809. Alexandria.]
[Footnote 108: Alexandria Gazette, October 19, 1824.]
[Footnote 109: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, IV, 298.]
[Footnote 110: Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, XVI, No. 4, 238.]
[Footnote 111: Ibid.]
Alexandria Liber P, No. 2, 421. Indenture, July 8, 1802.
[Footnote 112: Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria, 1749-1767.]
[Footnote 113: Liber D (1755-1761), 452. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 114: Ibid.]
[Footnote 115: Liber B, 375. July 25, 1786. Alexandria.]
Alexandria Deed Book X, 330.
Fairfax Liber I, No. 1, 321-322; N, No. 1, 226.
Chapter 8. DR. WILLIAM BROWN Author of the First American Pharmacopoeia AND HIS DWELLING.
[Footnote 116: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, II, 64.]
[Footnote 117: Fitzpatrick, Writings, XXX, 133.]
[Footnote 118: Lund Washington's ledger, 148. Manuscript Collection of the Mount Vernon Ladies Association.]
[Footnote 119: Washington's Papers, Ledger B, 119. Library of Congress.]
Alexandria Liber B, No. 3, 273; H, No. 1, 140.
Fairfax Deed Books: D, No. 1, Part 1, 436; M, No. 1, 25, 261; O, No. 1, 82.
Fairfax Liber M, 259; S, No. 1, 419.
[Footnote 120: Order Book, 333-334. (April 18, 1759.) Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 121: Liber J (I), 236. Alexandria.]
Alexandria Deed Books: F, 483; S, 420; V, 114.
Alexandria Liber O, No. 2, 453.
Fairfax Deed Books: C, 306; G, 119; P, No. 1, 385.
Fairfax Liber D, 169.
[Footnote 122: Truro Parish Vestry Book (Manuscript), sub. June 4, 1753.]
[Footnote 123: Ibid., November 22, 1754.]
[Footnote 124: Ibid., November 29, 1756.]
[Footnote 125: Slaughter, Truro Parish, 96-100.]
[Footnote 126: Papers of George Washington, Library of Congress, Vol. 258.]
[Footnote 127: Dr. Muir's Report, in the files of the Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia.]
[Footnote 128: Minutes of the Session.]
[Footnote 129: Committee Book, October 4, 1825, 132.]
[Footnote 130: Alexandria Gazette, 1831.]
[Footnote 131: Committee Minutes, 208.]
[Footnote 132: Ibid., 209.]
[Footnote 133: Ibid., 212.]
[Footnote 134: Session Book, Session 210, 134 (April 29, 1837).]
Fairfax Liber L, No. 1, 215.
[Footnote 135: Minutes of the Sun Fire Company. Courtesy of Miss Cora Duffey.]
[Footnote 136: Papers of George Washington. Library of Congress. Vol. 275 (August 24-October 19, 1795), sub. October 7, 1795.]
[Footnote 137: Minutes of the Trustees of Alexandria, 1749-1767; Deed Book G. No. 1, 116. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 138: Hamilton, Letters to Washington, IV, 196.]
[Footnote 139: Liber G, No. 1, 28, Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 140: Powell, Old Alexandria, 313-314.]
Alexandria Deed Book E, 128.
Alexandria Land Book (1798-1800), Virginia State Library and Archives.
Alexandria Will Book B, 16-161.
Fairfax Liber K, No. 1, 270-275.
[Footnote 141: Letters of his great-grandson, J.A. Pearce, to Dr. A.M. Toner, August 30, 1885. From copies given the author by Mr. W.B. McGroarty.]
[Footnote 142: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, II, 340.]
[Footnote 143: Deed Book I, 41. Alexandria.]
[Footnote 144: Lindsey, Historic Homes and Landmarks of Alexandria, Virginia, 37.]
[Footnote 145: Freeman, R.E. Lee.]
[Footnote 146: Liber M, 121. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 147: Ibid.]
[Footnote 148: Liber N, No. 2, 42. Fairfax Court House.]
Alexandria Deed Books: A, 53; B, 23; C, 113; V, 445.
Fairfax Deed Books: B, 336; G, 39-42.
Fairfax Liber D, No. 2, 25.
[Footnote 149: Fitzpatrick, Writings, III, 114. Letter to Burwell Bassett.]
[Footnote 150: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, II, 339 and 344.]
[Footnote 151: A Stranger in America (Anonymous), 212.]
[Footnote 152: Contributed by Mr. W.B. McGroarty.]
[Footnote 153: Courtesy Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Joynt.]
Alexandria Deed Book T, 508.
Fairfax Deed Book O, 75.
[Footnote 154: From an address on James Craik, Physician General, by Major General Robert A. Patterson in The Military Surgeon, February 1932.]
[Footnote 155: Will Book A, 128, April 13, 1803. Alexandria.]
[Footnote 156: Ford, Writings of Washington, XIV, 245-258; Callahan, Washington: the Man and the Mason, 188-191.]
[Footnote 157: Prussing, The Estate of George Washington, Deceased, 58.]
Alexandria Deed Book BB, 349.
Fairfax Deed Book Y, No. 1, 224.
[Footnote 158: Order Book, 1753. Fairfax Court House.]
[Footnote 159: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, IV, 279.]
[Footnote 160: Washington's Cash Memorandum Book, Toner Transcript in Library of Congress.]
[Footnote 161: Baker, Washington After the Revolution, 361.]
[Footnote 162: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, IV, 309.]
[Footnote 163: Baker, op. cit., 383.]
[Footnote 164: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, IV, 269.]
[Footnote 165: Ibid., 301.]
[Footnote 166: Ibid., 301.]
[Footnote 167: Ibid., 318.
Alexandria Deed Books: 13 (1883-1884), 399; K, No. 2, 234; M, 162; M, No. 2, 343; O, No. 2, 231.
Alexandria Will Book C, 308, 318.]
[Footnote 168: Fitzpatrick, Diaries, sub. April 28, 1760, I, 157.]
[Footnote 169: Powell, Old Alexandria, 76-78.]
[Footnote 170: Fitzpatrick, Writings, II, 448.]
[Footnote 171: Ibid., XXVIII, 25.]
[Footnote 172: Ibid., XXXIV, 503-504. George Washington to Tobias Lear.]
[Footnote 173: Papers of George Washington, 245. Library of Congress.]
[Footnote 174: Fitzpatrick, Writings, XXXV, 496.]
[Footnote 175: Ibid., XXXVI, 25.]
[Footnote 176: Prussing, Estate of George Washington, Deceased, 73 (page 30 of Will).]
[Footnote 177: Ibid., 81 (page 40 of Will).]
[Footnote 178: Liber M. Folio 140 (1804). Deed recorded June 17, 1805. Fairfax Court House.]
Alexandria Deed Books: 4, 206, 209; 8, 459; 19, 10; 45, 205; 120, 464; 218, 532, 550; G, 256; I, No. 3, 165.
Alexandria Liber F, No. 3, 190-192; M, 140; X, No. 2, 524.
[Footnote 179: Liber M, 103. Alexandria.]
[Footnote 180: Deed Book W, 10 and 103. Alexandria.]
[Footnote 181: Powell, Old Alexandria.]
Alexandria Deed Books: B, 195, 485; B-3, 329; L, 209; Q-2 (1826), 195.
[Footnote 182: Lee, Lee of Virginia, 374; Lee, Recollections and Letters of General Lee, 24.]
[Footnote 183: Lee, Recollections And Letters, 28.]
Alexandria Deed Books: A (1801), 264; H, 460.
Alexandria Will Book 4, 320.
[Footnote 184: Deed Book K, 264. Alexandria.]
[Footnote 185: Information contributed by Mr. Worth Bailey. The author is indebted to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association for permission to quote Yeaton's letter which follows in the chapter text.]
Alexandria Deed Books: D, 81; S-2, 669.
Alexandria Liber V-3, 470.
[Footnote 186: Alexandria Gazette, October 19, 1824.]
Fairfax Deed Books: G, 358, 383; K, 181.
[Footnote 187: Hallowell, Autobiography, 99 and 100.]
[Footnote 188: Ibid., 104.]
[Footnote 189: Ibid., 105.]
[Footnote 190: Ibid., 108.]
[Footnote 191: Hallowell, Autobiography, 128-129.]
[Footnote 192: Alexandria Gazette, December 2, 1876.]
[Footnote 193: Liber Y, No. 3, 410. Alexandria.]
Alexandria Deed Book 45, 406.
Alexandria Will Book 10, 414.
[Footnote 194: The material for this sketch was contributed by Mrs. George R. Hill, Sr., daughter of Mrs. Melissa Hussey Wood.]
Alexandria Court Records; Deed Books, Will Books.
[Alexandria], Custom Record Journal of the Port for the Year 1816-1817. Privately owned.
[Alexandria], Minutes of the Trustees and the Council, 1749-1780; 1792-1800.
[Alexandria], Minutes of the Sun Fire Company. Privately owned.
[Alexandria], Personal Tax List, 1782. Virginia State Library and Archives.
Fairfax County Court Records; Deed Books, Will Books, Minutes and Order.
[Fairfax County], Census and List of Tithables for 1749; Personal Tax List, 1782-1793. Virginia State Library and Archives.
[Fairfax County], Liber K. Library of Congress.
[Fairfax County], Truro Parish Vestry Book. Library of Congress.
Lawrason Family Bible. Privately owned.
Letter, Olney Winsor to his wife. Virginia State Library and Archives.
Letters of J.A. Pearce to Dr. A.M. Toner, his great-grandfather. Typescripts prescribed by Mr. William B. McGroarty to the author.
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, Miscellaneous manuscripts.
Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia. Microfilm records. Virginia State Library and Archives.
Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa., Dr. Muir's Report; Minutes of the Session (210); Committee Minutes.
Ramsay Family Records.
Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Shop, Archives. Courtesy of the Alexandria Landmarks Association.
Washington, George, Accounts, Cash memoranda; Ledgers A and B. Library of Congress.
Washington, George, Papers. Library of Congress.
Washington, Lund, Ledger in the collection of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association.
Washington, Martha, Letter to Miss Betsy Ramsay, dated December 30, 1775. Pierpont Morgan Library.
Alexandria Gazette, established as The Virginia Journal and Alexandria Advertiser and underwent many changes of proprietors and names.
American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine, March, 1830.
Carne, William E., "Tiny Town Notes," From Ramsay Family Records.
Carne, William E., "Washington As a Burgher," Harper's New Monthly Magazine. February 1880.
The Magazine Antiques, special issue devoted to Alexandria, February 1945.
Maryland Gazette, Annapolis, Md.
Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C.
Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Richmond, Va.
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Richmond, Va.
William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, series I and II. Williamsburg, Va.
[Alexandria], The Charter and Laws of the City of Alexandria, Va., and Historical Sketch of Its Government, published by the city council, Alexandria, 1874.
Baker, William Spohn, Washington After the Revolution, Philadelphia, 1898.
Blanton, Wyndham B., Medicine in Virginia in the Eighteenth Century. Richmond, 1931.
Brockett, F.L., The Lodge of Washington, 1783-1876, Alexandria, 1890.
Burnaby, Rev. Andrew, Travels Through the Middle Settlements in North America, 1759-1760, London, 1775.
Callahan, Charles H., The Memorial to Washington: an Historical Souvenir, Alexandria Memorial Committee, c. 1923.
Callahan, Charles H., Washington: The Man and the Mason, published under the auspices of the Memorial Temple Committee of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association, 1913.
Cary, Wilson Miles, Sally Cary, A Long Hidden Romance of Washington's Life. With Notes by Another Hand. New York, 1916. Privately printed.
Caton, James R., Legislative Chronicles of the City of Alexandria, or Jottings from the Annals of Alexandria, Alexandria, 1933.
Conway, Moncure D., Barons of the Potomack and the Rappahannock, New York, 1892.
Custis, George Washington Parke, Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington, New York, 1860.
Davis, Deering, Stephen P. Dorsey, and Ralph Cole Hall, Alexandria Houses, 1750-1830, New York, 1946.
Dictionary of American Biography. Edited by Allen Johnson and Dumas Malone, New York, 1928-36. 20 Vols. and supplement.
Fairfax, Thomas, Journey from Virginia to Salem, Massachusetts, 1799, London, 1936. Privately printed.
Fitzpatrick, John C., ed., The Diaries of George Washington 1748-1798. Published for the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. New York, 1925. 4 Vols.
Fitzpatrick, John C., ed., The Writings of George Washington. Bicentennial Edition. Washington, D.C., 1932. 37 Vols. and index.
Ford, Worthington Chauncey, ed., The Writings of George Washington. New York and London, 1889-93. 14 Vols.
Freeman, Douglas Southall, R.E. Lee, New York, 1934. 4 Vols.
Hamilton, S.M., ed., Letters to George Washington, Boston and New York. 5 Vols.
Harrison, Constance (Cary), "Mrs. Burton Harrison," Crow's Nest and Belle Haven Tales. New York, 1892.
Harrison, Constance (Cary), "Mrs. Burton Harrison," Recollections Grave and Gay. New York, 1916.
Harrison, Fairfax, The Background of the American Stud Book. Richmond, 1933. Privately printed.
Harrison, Fairfax, Early American Turf Stock, 1730-1830. Richmond, 1934. 2 Vols. Privately printed.
Harrison, Fairfax, The Equine F.F.V.'s, Richmond, 1928. Privately printed.
Harrison, Fairfax, Landmarks of Old Prince William, Richmond, 1924. Privately printed. 2 Vols.
Harrison, Fairfax, Virginia Land Grants, Richmond, 1928. Privately printed.
Hayden, Rev. Horace Edwin, Virginia Genealogies, Washington, D.C., 1931.
Hening, William Waller, comp., The Statutes at Large Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature in the Year 1619. Richmond, 1810-23. 13 Vols.
Hallowell, Benjamin, Autobiography, Philadelphia, Pa., 1883.
Jackson, Rev. Eugene B., The Romance of Historic Alexandria. Alexandria, 1923.
Janson, Charles William, The Stranger in America. London, 1807.
Kettell, Russell Howes, ed., Early American Rooms ... Portland, Me., 1936.
Knox, Katharine McCook, The Sharples, Their Portraits of George Washington and His Contemporaries, New York, 1930.
Lee, Edmund Jennings, Lee of Virginia, 1642-1892. Philadelphia, 1895.
Lee, Robert E. Jr., Recollections and Letters of Robert E. Lee, New York, 1905.
Lindsey, Mary, Historic Homes and Landmarks of Alexandria, Virginia. 1931. Privately printed.
Lipscomb, Andrew Adgate, ed., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Washington, D.C. (Memorial Edition) 1903-04. 20 Vols.
Lossing, Benson J., Mount Vernon and Its Associations. New York, 1859.
MacDonald, Rose Mortimer E., Mrs. Robert E. Lee, Boston, 1939.
McGroarty, William Buckner, The Old Presbyterian Meeting House at Alexandria, Virginia 1774-1874. Richmond, 1940.
McIlwaine, H.R., ed., Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. 11 Vols.
McIlwaine, H.R., ed., Legislative Journals of The Council of Colonial Virginia, Richmond, 1925-28, 3 Vols.
Morrison, A.J., ed., Travels in Virginia in Revolutionary Times, Lynchburg, Va., 1922.
Morse, Jedidiah, The American Geography, London, 1792.
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, Annual Reports, 1938-48.
Neill, Edward D., The Fairfaxes of England and America. Albany, N.Y., 1868.
Norfleet, Fillmore, St. Memin in Virginia, Richmond, 1942.
Powell, Mary G., The History of Old Alexandria, Virginia. Richmond, Va., 1928. Privately printed.
Prussing, Eugene E., The Estate of George Washington, Deceased, Boston, 1927.
Ramsay, A.M.H., A Short Life of Sir Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie. From Ramsay Family Records.
Ritson, Mrs. A., A Poetical Picture of America Being Observations Made During a Residence of Several Years at Alexandria and Norfolk in Virginia, London, 1809.
Scott, Sir Walter, Historical Passages in the Life of Sir A. Ramsay. From Ramsay Family Records.
The Scottish Tartans, Edinburgh and London, 1886. From Ramsay Family Records.
Shepperson, Archibald Bolling, John Paradise and Lucy Ludwell, Richmond, Va., 1942.
Slaughter, Rev. Philip, The History of Truro Parish in Virginia, Philadelphia, 1907.
Smoot, Mrs. Betty Carter (McGuire), Days in an Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, 1934. Privately printed.
Snowden, Samuel, The Laws of the Corporation of The Town of Alexandria from 1779 to 1811. Alexandria, 1811.
Snowden, W.H., Some Old Historical Landmarks, Philadelphia, 1894.
Spencer, Richard Henry, Carlyle Family, Richmond, Va., 1910.
Swem, Earl G., Virginia Historical Index, Roanoke, Va., 1934-36. 2 Vols.
Wedderburn, Alexander J., Historic Alexandria, Va., Past and Present, Souvenir of Virginia Tercentennial, 1907.
Wilkes, Marion R., Rosemont and Its Famous Daughter, mimeographed edition, 1947.
Wilstach, Paul, Mount Vernon, Garden City, N.Y., 1916.
Acton, R.C., 44
Adam, James, 43
Adam, John, 43
Adam, Robert, 21, 25; disposition of property, 91; real estate transactions, 90, 157; Masonic activities, 91; migration to Virginia, 91
Adam silversmiths, 43f
Adam, William W., 43
Advertisements, 32, 40, 44, 69, 100, 102, 104, 188, 198, 204, 220, 235
Alexander, Charles Francis, 215
Alexander, Gerard, 5
Alexander, John, 3; donation of land to Christ Church, 132; real estate transactions, 169, 182, 242
Alexander, Philip, 5
Alexander, William Thornton, 182; real estate transactions, 217, 223, 242
Alexandria Academy, 25
Alexandria, Town of. See Town of Alexandria
Amusements, 28f
Anderson, James, 224
Apothecary Shop, 195f
Apprentices, 25
Architecture (See entry of specific structure); ability of citizens, 39; influence of English design, 40
Arrell, David, 182
Barcourt, Adolph, 111
Bakeries, 33
Balls, 29, 100
Barbee, David Rankin, 100
Bartle, Samuel, 215
Barton, Benjamin, 44
Beale, Howard, 226
Belhaven, name rejected, 12
Belle Haven, 4
Belvoir, settlement by Fairfax, 78; visitors to, 79
Berkeley, Sir William, 3
Bird, Thomas, 46
Black, Hon. & Mrs. Hugo L., 222
Bounties of land, 186
Braddock, Gen. Edward, 14; expedition, 16
Braddock House, 262
Brissot de Warville, 37
Brockett, Robert, 40, 140
Brook, James, 104
Brown, Dr. Gustavus, 192
Brown House, 119f; visitors to, 122
Brown, John, raid of, 196
Brown, John Douglas, 170
Brown, Ward, 161
Brown, Dr. William, antecedents, 120; civic services, 122; epitaph, 119; medical writings, 122; migration to Virginia, 120; necrology, 122; real estate transactions, 120; treasurer of Fire Company, 150
Building, delinquency in, 14
Buildings, municipal. See Public Works
Burke, John W., 76
Burnett, Charles, 44
Capital, National, establishment, 39. See also District of Columbia.
Capitol, cornerstone laid, 164
Captains' Row, 159
Captains' Walk, 244
Carlyle House, 62f; visitors to, 67
Carlyle, John, 5, 14, 17, 21; ability as architect, 39, 69; bequests, 67, 69; builds Christ Church, 132; civic services, 62, 64, 67f, 69; death, 69; mercantile activities, 64; real estate, 65
Carlyle, Sarah Fairfax, 67
Carlyle, Sybil West, 67
Caton, William, 104
Cazenove, Antoine Charles de, civic services, 246; migration to Virginia, 245
Chatham, 203
Christ Church, 131f; attended by R.E. Lee, 229; lands of, 226-227
Cincinnati, Society of the, 37
Circuses, 31
City Tavern. See Gadsby's Tavern
Civil War, effect on town, 48f
Claggett's Hotel, 242
Coachmaking, 42
Cockfights, 28
Coffee House. See Gadsby's Tavern
Cohen, William, 44
Committee of Safety, 35
Confederate States Army, contribution to, 48
Conway Cabal, 187
Cook, Joseph Francis, 215
Coryell, George, 40, 187; civic services, 188
Coryton, Josiah, 46
Cox, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh B., 112
Craik, George Washington, 190
Craik House, 184f
Craik, Dr. James, 47; antecedents, 184; attends Mrs. Washington, 194; attends Gen. Washington, 192; children of, 190; death, 194; migration to Virginia, 185; militia service, 185; real estate transactions, 187; Revolutionary services, 187
Crilly, Misses, 232
Cunningham, Ann Pamela, 75
Currency, use of pistoles, 9
Currie, James, 170
Customs, taboos, 223
Custis, George Washington Parke, 102
Custis, Nelly, 27
Custis, Washington, 204
Dade, Rev. Townsend, 135
Daingerfield, John B., acquires Lyceum, 256
Dalton, General, 112
Dalton House, 71f
Dalton, John, 14, 21; bequests, 71, 72; civic services, 71; mercantile activities, 71; real estate transactions, 71; visits by Washington, 72
Danna, Rev. Charles B., 136
Davis, Rev. Thomas, 135
Dawe, Philip, 43
Decatur House, bought by Gadsby, 111
De Cazenove. See Cazenove
De Kalb, Baron, 37
Delacour, Joshua, 42
De Lancey, Governor, 15
Delarue, Joseph, 43
Dick, Dr. Elisha Cullen, 28; attends Washington, 163, 192; Masonic services, 164; medical advice, 166; migration to Virginia, 162f; militia service, 164; real estate transactions, 170
Dick, Hannah Harmon, 163
Dinwiddie, Governor, 15
District of Columbia, cession of land to, 39; withdrawal from, 48
Dixon, John, real estate transactions, 114
Domestic economy, 31f
Doughton, Francis, 139
Dowdney, William, 43
Duffey, George, 44
Duffey, John, 44
Dulany, Benjamin, acquaintance with Washington, 173; behavior, 176; poem dedicated to, 178; steward of Jockey Club, 176
Dulany House, 173f
Dunmore, Governor, 35
Du Quesne, Fort, 16
Education, early, 22. See also Schools
English, Samuel, 170
Epidemics, 46, 164
Fairfax, Anne, 77
Fairfax, Bryan, 35, 77, 135
Fairfax, Deborah Gedney Clarke, 77
Fairfax family, antecedents, 77; contribution to Alexandria, 237; intermarriages of, 237
Fairfax, George, 5, 8
Fairfax, George William, 7, 77; aspersions on birth, 83; letter to Sally, 83; move to England, 84; real estate transactions, 88
Fairfax, Hannah, 77
Fairfax (George William) House, 87f
Fairfax, Henry, 77
Fairfax, Dr. Orlando, 235
Fairfax, Sally Cary, social activities, 79
Fairfax, Sarah Walker, 77
Fairfax, Thomas, 5, 53, 77; incensed with Washington, 34; real estate transactions, 234
Fairfax, William, 5, 8, 77; civic services, 78; Fairfax Street home, 60; migration to Virginia, 77; real estate transactions, 88, 157
Fairs, 31; source of income, 9
Fawcett, House, 162f
Female Stranger, legend of, 106f
Fire companies, 47
Fire engines, purchase of, 149f
Fire fighting techniques, 150
Fire insurance, list of properties covered, 154
Fires, 46
First Virginia Regiment, 186
Fitzhugh House, 202f
Fitzhugh, Mary Lee, 204
Fitzhugh, William, 7, 8, 202f; association with Washington, 203; bequests, 205; real estate transactions, 202
Fitzhugh, William Henry, 206
Fleming, Mary E., 207
Fleming, Thomas, 25, 40
Fowle, William, 40, 218
Fox hunting, 31
Frazer, Margaret, 160
Freemasons, Lodge of, 25, 91; contribution to, 106; entertains La Fayette, 110
French, hostile attitude of, 14
Friendship Fire Company, 150, 154
Fry, Joshua, 13
Gadsby, John, 99f; buys Decatur House, 111
Gadsby's Tavern, 242, 99f; fame of, 102; fare, 102; meetings held in, 103; patrons, 100f, 102; visit of Female Stranger, 106; Washington's association, 110f
Galt, James, 46
Galt, William, 46
Ganet, James, 44
Georgian Cottage, 217f
Ghost, of Spring Gardens, 201; of Swope House, 112f
Glebe lands, 226
Goat Castle, 137
Goldsborough, Anna Maria, 206
Goldsmiths. See Silversmiths
Gooch, Governor, 5
Governors, conference of, 15
Great Hunting Creek warehouse, 3
Green, Rev. Charles, 131
Green's Mansions, 262
Greetner, Margaret, 42
Gregory, William, 215
Griffith, Rev. David, 135
Hadsel, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Latimer, 210
Halket, Col. Peter, 15
Hallowell, Benjamin, 40, 208, 240; civic services, 251; describes La Fayette's visit, 247f; early difficulties, 248; financial difficulties, 250; migration to Virginia, 247; reputation grows, 251; sponsors Lyceum, 254
Hamilton, Mrs. Donald M., 246
Hansen, Samuel, 27
Hardware merchants, 44
Harper Houses, 156f
Harper, John, 91; civic services, 161; family history, 160; division of Fairfax property, 93; real estate transactions, 157, 160
Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 237
Harrison, Rev. Elias, 142
Herbert, William, 28
Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Westcott, 259
Hodgson, William, disposition of Fairfax property, 96; migration to Virginia, 95; political offenses, 95; real estate transactions, 207
Hog, Peter, 13
Homes, designed layouts, 41
Hooe, James H., 166
Hooe, John Daingerfield, 258
Hooe, Robert Townsend, 255
Horse racing, 28, 176, 198
Horses, importation of, 29, 69
Hough, John, real estate transactions, 157
Houses, distinguished: Apothecary Shop, 195f; Braddock House, 262; Brown House, 119f; Captains' Row, 159; Carlyle House, 62f; Christ Church, 131f; Coffee House, 99; Craik House, 184f; Dalton House, 71f; Dulany House, 173f; Fairfax House, 87f; Fawcett House, 162f; Fitzhugh House, 202f; Gadsby's Tavern, 99f; Harper Houses, 156f; La Fayette-Lawrason-Cazenove House, 239f; Lee House, 225f; Lloyd House, 248; Married Houses, 71f; Marsteller House, 25; Peruke Shop, 127f; Presbyterian Meetinghouse, 139f; Ramsay House, 52f; Sea Captain's Daughter's House, 259f; Sea Captains' Houses, 159; Spring Gardens, 197f; Stratford Hall, 93; Swope House, 112f; Thompson House, 71f; Vowell-Snowden House, 222f; Washington Public School, 25; Yeaton-Fairfax House, 232f
Howsing, Robert, 3
Huges, Benjamin, 215
Hussey, Melissa Ann (Wood), 259f
Hussey, Capt. Samuel Bancroft, 259
Imports, 33f
Indians, hostile attitude of, 14
Industries, 42
Janney, John, 46
Jefferson, Thomas, ability as architect, 39
Jewelers, 44
Jockey Club, 29, 198; Washington's disagreement with, 176
Johns, Bishop, 136
Johnson, Alexious, 215
Johnson, Thomas, 47
Johnston, George, 14, 21, 53
Jones, Charles, 42
Jones, John Paul, 37
Joynt, Mr. & Mrs. John Howard, 173, 183
Keith, Rev. Isaac Stockton, 140
Klipstein, George T., 215
Knox, Henry, letter from Washington, 213
Korell, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin F., 225
Ladd, John Gardner, 96
La Fayette, Marquis de, 37; entertained by Masonic lodge, 110; toast to town, 49; visit to Alexandria, 176, 239; visit described by Hallowell, 247f; visit to Henry Lee, 208; visit to Lawrason home, 239f
La Fayette-Lawrason-Cazenove House, 239f
Lamphire, Going, 39
Latrobe, Benjamin H., 183
Laundries, 42
Lawrason, Mrs. Elizabeth, 44, 242
Lawrason family, origin of, 244
Lawrason House, visit of La Fayette to, 239f
Lawrason, James, 242
Lawrason, John, 46
Leadbeater, Mr., 195
Lear, Tobias, 192
Lee, Arthur, bequest, 226; civic services, 225f
Lee, Cassius, 134, 227
Lee, Charles, 227; real estate transactions, 226
Lee, Edmund (I.) Jennings, 28; bequests, 227; civic services, 227; real estate transactions, 226, 227; visitor to Mount Vernon, 226
Lee (Edmund Jennings) House, 225f
Lee, Francis, 21
Lee family, connection with Mount Vernon, 226
Lee, Henry ("Light Horse Harry"), 37, 208
Lee, Ludwell, 28
Lee, Mary Custis, 208
Lee, Robert Edward, 27, 196, 202f, 227; accepts Confederate command, 229; association with Lloyds, 252; attends Hallowell school, 248; confirmed at Christ Church, 136; member of Christ Church, 229; resigns from Army, 229
Lee, Thomas, 93
Lee, William, civic services, 93
Lewis, Lawrence, 27
Lewis, Lorenzo, 27
Library, municipal, 255
Lloyd family, association with Lees, 252; idiosyncrasies, 253
Lloyd House, 248
Lloyd, John, 251
Lodge, Henry Cabot, description of Virginia society, 225
Lodging, cost of, 197
London Company, 3
Lots, auction of, 7f; division of town into, 6; prices paid for, 9
Lotteries, source of income, 9, 21
Lyceum, municipal, 254f; sold to Daingerfields, 256
Lyle, William, 92; civic services, 92; mercantile activities, 92
Lynn, Adam, 44
MacCrea, Mrs. Donald, 237
MacKenzie, Lewis, 96
Madison, James, comment on immigrants, 52
Makemie, Francis, 139
Married Houses, 71f
Marshburn, Mrs. Herbert E., 71
Marsteller House, 25
Mason, George, 7, 53; ability as architect, 39
Matthews, Miss Frona, 60
McGuire, Dr. Hugh, 258
McGuire, Sara J., 258
McIver, Colin, real estate transactions, 130
McKenzey, William, 170
Meade, Rev. William, 136
Mercer, George, 188
Merchants, activities of, 42
Meredith, Reese, letter to Washington, 157
Merryman, Joshua, 42
Militia, attachment to Braddock's command, 16; composition, 14
Miller, Mordecai, 44
Moncure, Rev. John, real estate transactions, 127
Moore, Col. & Mrs. Charles B., 87, 99, 215
Moore family, 127; acquisition of Sewell property, 130
Moore, Cleon, 27
Morris, Governor, 15
Morris, Gouverneur, 236
Morris, Patsy J., 236
Mount Vernon, associated with Lee family, 226; funds hidden, 76; visitors to, 57f, 120
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, 75
Muir, Rev. James, 140; burial of, 141
Murray, Mrs. Alexander, 112
Murry, John, 189
Murry, Patrick, real estate transactions, 169
Mutual Assurance Society, 154
New Theatre, 28
Newspapers, 28; Alexandria Gazette, oldest, 222
Newton, William, 170
O'Conner, Eliza Harriot, 27
Organ, Christ Church, 136
Orme, Lt. Robert, 15
Osborne, Richard, 5
Pagan, John, 5
Pain, William, 40
Parsons, James, 39; builds Christ Church, 132
Pastors, distinguished, 135f
Patterson, James, 39
Patton, James, 217; indebtedness, 218
Peake, Col. W.H., 201
Peruke Shop, 127f
Peterkin, Constance Lee, 134
Pew marker, Washington's, 134
Pickens, Mrs. Andrew, 217
Piper, John, 46
Pistole, use in Colony, 9
Pittman, John, 44
Pohick Church, 134
Port of Alexandria, activity, 33; decline in activity, 46f; importance of, 17f
Porter, Thomas, 28
Potomac Navigation Company, 47f
Potomac River, navigation of, 47
Potts, John, 202
Powell, Mary G., 25, 161, 211, 222
Powell, Molly Gregory, 134
Presbyterian Cemetery, 146
Presbyterian Manse, 40
Presbyterian Meetinghouse, 39, 69, 139f
Public works, 12, 21
Publishers, 42
Railroads, 48
Ramsay, Alexander, 52
Ramsay, Ann McCarty, memorial to, 61; patriotic activities, 55
Ramsay House, 52f
Ramsay, William, 5, 14, 17, 21; activities of sons, 56f; bequests, 59; civic services, 54; family, 55; funeral, 60; initial founder, 52f; letter to Dennis, 56; memorial to, 60; mercantile activities, 53; real estate transactions, 55, 114f, 130
Reese, Mrs. Robert M., 99, 195
Relief Fire Company, 150
Religious tolerance, 139
Revolution, aftermath of, 34
Ricketts, John Thomas, 170
Riddle, Joseph, 28, 46
Roberts, Reuben, 259
Robinson, Joseph, 188
Rochambeau, Count de, 37
Rochefoucauld, Duc de la, 39
Rogers, Walter G., 215
Roofers, 46
Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 56, 162
Saint Mary's Church, 255
Saint Paul's Church, 183
Salkeld, Henry, 9
Sandford, Edward, 43
Sayers, Dr. & Mrs. R.R., 203
Scheffer, Lloyd L., 62
Schools, 22, 141; Hallowell's, 247f
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 196
Sea Captain's Daughter's House, 259f
Sea Captains' Houses, 159
Servants, 31, 128
Seventeenth Virginia Infantry, 48, 258
Sewell, William, indebtedness, 128; real estate mortgaged, 130; real estate purchases, 128
Sharpe, Governor, 15
Sheen, Gordon, 112
Shipbuilding, 18
Shippen, Dr. William, 162
Shipping. See Port of Alexandria
Shirley, Governor, 15
Short, John, 46, 188
Shreve, Benjamin, 242
Shuter's Hill, anonymous poem, 178f
Silversmiths, 42
Sinclair, Mrs. C.A.S., 99
Slaves, 115, 164, 165, 262
Smith, William, 170
Smoot, Mr. & Mrs. W.A., 253
Snowden, Edgar, civic services, 222
Snowden, Samuel, 222
Spaatz, Gen. Carl, 188
Sports, 31
Spring Gardens, 197f
Stabler, Edward, 195
Star Fire Company, 154
Stratford Hall, 93
Stuart, Dr. David, 27
Stuart, Lt. J.E.B., 196
Sun Fire Company, 147f; membership, 151
Swope House, 112f
Swope, Michael, civic services, 116; migration to Alexandria, 117; real estate transactions, 117
Taverns, fame of, 197
Taylor, E.P., 42
Taylor, George, 218
Taylor, J. Frank, 215
Taylor, Lawrence B., 223
Taylor, Robert I., 104, 183, 218
Theatres, erection of, 28
Thom, Rev. William, 140
Thompson House, 71f
Thompson, Jonah, 28; real estate transactions, 74
Tobacco, supplanted by wheat, 32; use as exchange, 4, 17
Tolley, Hon. & Mrs. Howard R., 119, 126
Town of Alexandria, building of, 9f; capital of West Virginia, 48; decline and resurgence, 46f; early growth, 17f; effect of Civil War, 48; effect of War of 1812, 47f; enlargement, 21; establishment, 5; genesis, 3f; name adopted, 12; paradox of location, 49; part of federal district, 39; post-Revolution building, 40; re-ceded to Virginia, 48
Towns, colonial, authority asked to erect, 5
Tradesmen, activities of, 42
Trott, Mr. & Mrs. Harlan, 210
Turner, Charles, 43
Twining, Thomas, 39
Van Braam, Jacob, 13
Virginia Bill of Rights, 103
Virginia Colony, development of, 3f
Vowell, John Cripps, 160
Vowell-Snowden House, 222f
Vowell, Thomas Jr., 160; real estate transactions, 223
Warren, Anne, 110
Washington, Augustine, 7, 14; letter to Lawrence, 7; real estate transactions, 114
Washington, city of. See District of Columbia
Washington, George, 7; ability as architect, 39; activities as farmer, 32; advice to Braddock, 16; association with Fitzhughs, 203; attends Ramsay funeral, 61; bequests, 193, 212, 214; association with Fairfaxes, 78f; disposition of real estate, 215; domestic purchases, 19f; education as surveyor, 79; elected town trustee, 21; encourages navigation, 47; envisions waterways, 186; last illness, 192; letter from Meredith, 157; letter to Cary & Company, 18; letter to Knox, 213; letters to Sally Fairfax, 82, 85; Masonic funeral, 140; mercantile interests, 212; necrology, 230; patron of Gadsby's, 110f; patron of learning, 25; patron of Spring Gardens, 200; pew marker saved, 134; real estate transactions, 210f; resigns commission, 14; service as vestryman, 134; steward of Jockey Club, 29; supervises Fairfax interests, 84; tenements owned by, 210; tomb designed by Yeaton, 237; visit to French commandant, 13; warned of Cabal, 187
Washington, George Steptoe, 27
Washington, John Augustine, 76
Washington, Lawrence, 5, 7, 53
Washington, Lawrence Augustine, 27; real estate transactions, 215
Washington, Lund, 35
Washington, Martha, 35; attended by Dr. Craik, 194; letter to Betty Ramsay, 58
Washington Public School, 25
Washington, Robert W., 215
Washington, Samuel, 27
Watchmakers, 44
Watson, Josiah, 28
Weld, Isaac, 39
West, Anne, 188
West, Hugh, 4, 5
West, John, 8, 17
West, Thomas Wade, 28
West Virginia, town becomes capital of, 48
Weylie, John, 27
Wheat, supplants tobacco, 32
Wheat brokers, 32
Widows, fashion affecting, 253
Wilkinson, Thomas, 242
Williams, William A., 44
Wilson, Daniel, 188
Wise, John, 99f
Wise, N.S., 104
Wood, Melissa Ann Hussey, 259f
Wood, Robert Lewis, 262
Wormley, Ralph, 7
Wren, James, 40; designs Christ Church, 132
Wren, William, 25
Yates Tavern. See Spring Gardens
Yeaton, William, 40; designs Washington's Tomb, 237; migration to Virginia, 232; real estate transactions, 232, 234
Yeaton, William C., 207
Yeaton-Fairfax House, 232f
Yellow fever epidemic, 46
Zimmerman, Henry, 226