Every country has national standards of measures and weights which are made and kept by the governments as patterns, for measuring and comparing the instruments made for business purposes. The units of measure have been fixed by law, for it is most important that people and countries in dealing with each other shall know exactly what is meant by such words as yard, foot, pint and pound.
The unit of length used in this country is the yard. It is divided into three feet and each foot into twelve inches. The foot refers to the length of a man's foot. It is said that the length of the yard was based upon the length of the arm of an English king, but that sounds like a fairy tale. Many of our units of distance and weight have been borrowed from the English and are more complicated than those used by the French, whose unit of length is the meter. In 1799, or thereabouts, an international convention met at Paris to decide what the exact length of a meter should be, for several countries at that time were using what was known as the Metric System of Weights and Measures. It was finally agreed that the length of a meter should be equal to one ten-millionth of the distance on the earth's surface, from the pole to the equator, or 39.37 inches.
At the same convention a unit of weight was determined. Because water is so important and familiar it was chosen as the basis for this unit. A cube of water at 40 centigrade, and measuring on each edge 1/100 of a meter was taken and called a gram, which is about equal to 15 of our grains.
All peoples find it necessary in the house, out in the open and in nearly all forms of occupation to measure and weigh in order to accomplish their work.
It is part of a Scout's preparedness to know how to measure and weigh and how to judge measurements and numbers without using measures and weights.
There are rules for determining length and weight, and it is important to understand them. Measuring a distance means to find out the length of the straight line from one point to another. To get a straight line in the open when walking fix the eyes upon two objects directly in front, one nearer and smaller than the other. With eyes high walk toward these objects keeping them always in line. When approaching the first one choose another to take its place in line with it and the second. Always have two objects in direct line with the eyes.
This method can be used in marching, rowing, swimming, and when staking out the points of triangles for measuring distance and height, as it will give the shortest distance between two points.
There are three general methods of measuring distance accurately. (1) chaining or taping; (2) telemetry, and (3) triangulation. Less accurate means of measuring are by sound, pacing and timing.
(1) Chaining and Taping. The regulation chain or tape used by surveyors is 100 feet long. A Scout may use a shorter line but must follow the same rules.
Three things must be kept in mind when using a line. a. The straight distance between two points is to be obtained. b. The point where the end of the line comes each time must be marked. c. The line must be stretched tight.
This method can be used in measuring off the distance for pacing to obtain the average length of one's pace, as suggested in a later paragraph under Useful Personal Measurements.
(2) Telemetry. The second method is used in determining long distances for artillery practice and in surveying. It is called telemetry and the use of an instrument is necessary.
(3) Triangulation. This is a long word but one a Scout can learn to know and use. It means that the length of the distance can be computed by means of triangles staked out on the ground, when to measure with a line would be impossible or not satisfactory. It is not necessary to make the sides of the triangles, only the points need to be indicated as it is the relative position of the points which make a triangle and not the lines. These can be marked in the country with poles, stakes or stones; in the city Scouts could stand in position at the necessary points.
When using triangles where shall a Scout place the points?
If the width of a stream, road or field is wanted choose a place where its sides are on about the same level and if possible fairly straight. Then proceed as shown in the accompanying diagram A. Select a conspicuous object on the farther bank of the stream, such as a tree, bush or stone and call it X. Stand opposite it at the near edge of the stream or on the bank, and place a stake A in front of you keeping X and A in direct line, walk backward a few feet and plant a stake B in direct line with them. Right or left face—(for a right angle is necessary at this point). Pace a straight line for say 20 feet and plant a stake C, one high enough to be plainly seen; continue the straight line for say 10 feet more and plant a stake D. Turn inland, (another right angle is here necessary) and pace to the point where the object X on the far side of the stream can be seen in direct line with the stake C. At this point place stake E. Measure the distance from E to D. With paper and pencil mark down the example—for such it is—in this way:
DC : CB :: DE : BX or as the length from D to C is to the length of C to B so is the length from D to E to the length from B to X or as in this example,
as 10 is to 20 so 8 is to the distance from B to X, which would be 16. Having discovered the distance between A and B in the case given, to be 4 feet, take this from the distance between B and X and the result will give the width of the stream, which is 12 feet.
It may not be always necessary to use the line A—B but if the edge of the stream or road is crooked it is necessary in order to make B—D a straight line at right angles to A—X.
In calculating a height, as that of a tree, house or tower, the triangles can again be used, as shown in diagram B. Choose a level strip of ground; pace the distance in a straight line, from the base of the tree A, or tower, to a point some distance from the tree, and plant a pole or stake say 5 feet high B; continue pacing the straight line to the point where, lying down with eyes level with the tree base, the top of the tree can be seen on a line with the top of the pole; plant here stake C. The height of the tree AA' will be to the length of the distance from C to A as the height of the pole, BB' is to the distance between B and C. A Scout can stand in the place of the stake B.
There are other ways of determining height. As shown in the diagram C, place a mirror (M) horizontally on the ground reflector side up, some distance from the base of the object to be measured, in this case a tent. Walk backward from the mirror in a straight line until the top of the tent pole can be seen in it. The problem will read in this way: the distance from the mirror to your heels (MS) is to the distance from your heels to your eyes (GS) as the distance from the mirror to the base of the object (MT) is to the height of the object (TT'). Water in a dark pan or tray or a pool on a still day will answer for a mirror.
A right angle can be tested by measuring off 3 feet on one side of the corner and 4 feet on the other side, as shown in diagram d. If the distance between the two points is 5 feet the angle is true; if not 5 feet move one point as much as is necessary to make 5 feet.
South American natives estimate height fairly correctly by turning the back to the object, walking straight away from it to the point where the top of the object can be seen by bending over and looking between the legs. Plant a peg at this point and the distance from the peg to the base of the object is roughly equal to the height.
Sound travels at the rate of 365 yards every second, as many yards as there are days in the year. By counting the seconds between seeing the flash from a gun, or the steam puff from a locomotive and hearing the sound of the explosion or whistle it is possible to figure the length of the distance between yourself and the gun or locomotive.
It is said that the number of seconds between a flash of lightning and the thunder will give the distance between you and the place where the lightning struck.
We use weighing machines or scales in buying food, so that we may compare the actual amount of food we buy with a standard weight, otherwise there would be much confusion and business could not be carried on between peoples. For this reason we use pint, quart, peck and bushel measures, all of which are regulated by law as to the amount they hold.
There are some people who have a true feeling or sense for weight and can tell almost to an ounce the weight of a parcel by lifting it. Others have a good memory and can tell the weight of a quantity by looking at it. Others know distance and can estimate it correctly without use of rule or measure, and likewise judge numbers.
Very few people have this ability naturally, but many have acquired it by practice and patience and a Scout can do so: she will find many times that this particular form of knowledge whether in or out of doors is of benefit.
How often a housekeeper wishes she could tell about how much material to buy for this or that purpose without getting the yard stick and measuring. The seamstress and dressmaker must judge length and width and even height, and the cook constantly has need of a sense of quantity and size. The photographer, the pioneer, the camper, all must know measurements. This matter of judging is something we are called upon to do much more than we have realized. The point is how can we learn the trick? We should start with something we know and compare to it something whose size we do not know. This is where knowing your personal measurement will be of value. Always prove when practicing your idea, otherwise you will not improve your ability. That is, make your estimate, then see how near right it is by measuring. Learn to know how an inch, a foot, a yard look. Then work with longer lengths out of doors with several feet, and several yards. Fences, roads, streets, dooryards, houses, all can be judged as to length.
Height is less easy to estimate for we are not so accustomed to looking up and down as we are to looking forward or back and forth, but the same rules hold good. Learn to know the height of a chair seat, a table, your own height, a room, a house, trees: by measuring and looking, and looking and measuring, you will accomplish much.
To learn to judge weight begin by holding in your hand something that weighs a pound; after holding it a few moments put it down and then take it up again always trying to sense the weight. Do not use your eyes, only your hand. Try a two pound weight and so on. Then take up something else the weight of which you do not know and see if you can tell its weight. Practice, patience and memory are necessary in this work.
There is another way of judging weight, one in which our eyes help us. Knowing how a pound of butter looks as to size we can judge the weight of a mass of butter by looking at it and comparing it mentally with what we know. We can follow this method in judging the weight of different goods, but as each kind when put in pound quantities looks more or less different from every other kind, experience and knowledge of the character of the goods is necessary. A pound of butter and a pound of feathers do not make the same size bundle so the weight of each could not be judged by the same eye standard.
By practice a Girl Scout should be able to do the following things in the way of judging height, weight and distance:
(1) Be able to judge within 25 per cent the following: Height of a tree, house, pole, etc., not exceeding 50 feet. Material, 1, 3, 15, 18, 27, 30, 36, 42 and 56 inches. Diameter of the trunk of a tree, a pole, water pipe or similar object. Distance of 6, 10, 15, 25 and 100 feet. (This is useful in camera work.)
(2) Pick out from a miscellaneous assortment bottles of 2, 4, 6 and 8 ounces. Bottles of 1 pint, 1 quart, 1 gallon. Pails, 1 pint, 1 quart, 2 quarts, 1 gallon.
(3) Be able without scales to weigh out specified amounts of sugar, flour or other household materials, for example, 1, 5 or 10 pounds.
(4) Be able to pick out from an assortment, packages of rice, tea, cornmeal, etc., weighing 1/2, 1, 2, 5 and 10 pounds.
(5) Be able to give in the usual measures, either avoirdupois or metric, capacity of the standard teaspoon, tablespoon, teacup.
(6) Be able to tell when you have walked a mile in open country. This may be done by using Scout's Pace for 12 minutes, on a fifty walk, fifty run rhythm, or by knowing one's own walking step length.
(7) Be able to judge of spaces between distant objects such as the distance between two trees, the width of a road, or a brook, by the triangulation method.
It is sometimes a great convenience to measure a length of ribbon, lace or other goods without the use of a rule or tape measure; but what shall we use in their place? Look at your thumb—how long is it from the end to the first joint? And the middle finger, from the end to the knuckle on the back of the hand? Isn't it nearly four and one-half inches or one-eighth of a yard? That is what the average grown person's finger measures. To get the correct length of your finger, hold the end of a tape line to the end of the finger with the thumb of the same hand, draw the tape measure tight over the bent finger to the knuckle. This is a very useful measure for short lengths.
Another measure for longer lengths is the distance from the end of your nose, when your head is turned sharply to one side, to the end of your thumb when your arm is stretched straight out from the shoulder in the opposite direction. Measure and find out this distance for yourself by holding the very end of a ribbon, tape or rope with the left hand to the end of the nose, head turned to the left, and with the right hand run the fingers along the edge of the ribbon until it is stretched to arm's length. Marking the ribbon with a pin where the right thumb and forefinger have held it, measure the distance with a yard measure or rule from the end of the ribbon to the pin. This length will be about the same as the standard unit of length used in this country. When measuring a long length of goods, use the point held by the right hand as the starting point to be held by left hand.
If you know the distance between the end of your little finger and the end of your thumb when they are stretched apart, the palm of the hand being flat, you can measure a distance such as the length of a table, shelf, pole, etc. When judging the height of a person, remember that the distance from the top of the head to the chin is about one-ninth of the height of the body. The distance between the middle fingers when the arms are stretched straight out from the shoulders is about equal to the height of the body.
Another personal measure that is of value is the length of one's average pace or stride; that is, the distance from the toe of one boot to the toe of the other when walking a natural gait. It is also useful to know the average number of paces taken in walking a given distance, such as a mile, and the time required to make them. All of this information can be obtained in a very simple way. Measure off as accurately as possible 220 yards, which is one-eighth of a mile, or take a known distance, and pace it back and forth at least eight times, but not all in one day. Each time keep a record of the number of paces taken and the time required to pace the distance. Divide the sum of the paces by the number of times paced and the result will be the average number of paces for the distance. Then divide the whole distance by the average number of paces and get the average length of your pace. Divide the sum of the minutes spent in pacing the distance by the number of times paced, and get the average length of time required to walk the distance. When the average length of pace is known, the distance between two points can be quite accurately estimated by pacing, if the ground is open, level and solid. If up or down grade, if the ground is muddy or heavy, or there are other causes which retard the gait, a reduction must be made.
None of the above methods for measuring are scientific, therefore are not accurate, but they are useful ways of measuring approximately lengths and distances by means of a guide always at hand.
The word map calls to our mind a picture of lines, angles, dots and circles which tell us something about a position of the surface of the earth. It gives us an idea of distance and direction, indicates heights and sometimes tells of interesting land conditions. What we see are but symbols representing a more or less true picture. This method of telling a story is very old; as long ago as 1370 B. C. it was used to show the location of the then famous Nubian Gold Mines. This ancient map is now preserved in the Museum of Turin.
Later, in 611 B. C. the first map of the world was made—the world as men knew it then. They thought it was like a hollow cylinder and surrounded by a river. By 276 B. C. maps were used and understood quite generally.
They were named originally after the material upon which they were painted or drawn. Map from Mappa, meaning cloth, and chart from charta, meaning parchment. Even today maps are made on cloth when for use in the open by cyclists, military men, and so forth, and charts are those maps filling the needs of seamen. Savage tribes used maps made of horn, bone and wood.
In the 15th century the first printed maps were made and now many processes are used in reproducing these valuable and necessary graphic pictures, every line and dot of which have been made out of someone's experience. The explorer, the pioneer, the navigator, all contributing to the store of knowledge of the earth's surface, and many times having thrilling adventures, surviving terrible conditions that the earth may be known as it really appears.
Although maps are made to scale and every distance computed most accurately by the use of very fine instruments, Scouts can accomplish the real purpose of maps in a small and simple way, for they are after all, but guides to those who follow.
Knowing a delightful road or trail, one can by a map guide others to it, or by making a map of a city, or country district helps a stranger to find his way about. Our maps must contain as the all important features: Direction, Distance, Points of Identification, and the explanation on the margin of the map of all symbols or conventional signs used. For hiking purposes a starting-point and a goal are necessary, all cross-roads must be indicated—streams, bridges, trails, springs, points of interest, vantage points for extended views, and so forth.
A city map should note beside streets, the car lines or bus lines, public buildings, library, churches, hotels, stores, police station, public telephone booths, a doctor's office, fire alarm box and post box.
A village map should show in addition the way to the nearest large town or city, give the railroad station, and so forth.
Direction is shown by symbol, an arrow or a line with an N pointing to the North, which should be at the top of the map, and all lines and signs should be made in relation to it.
Distance is shown by what is known as scale. It would be impossible and unnecessary in making a map to use the exact measurements of distances existing in any given portion of the country, but we can indicate those distances by drawing our map even though very small so that lines, angles, circles and dots will bear the same relation to each other as the points they represent bear to each other. This is done by using a small measure to represent a large measure. If 1 inch was used to represent a mile, a map showing 80 square miles of ground, measuring 8x10 miles could be drawn on a comparatively small piece of paper. Whatever scale is used must be noted on the map, however.
The true distances are found by pacing or by triangulation. The interesting, helpful and necessary points are learned by observation. These are the real guides when using a map and these should be placed most correctly. Some of the symbols most generally used in map making are shown in the accompanying cut.
To be able to read a map is quite as important as making one. Signs must be understood, distances read, and directions known. It will help in ascertaining the latter point to hold the map so its position will be true to the points of the compass—the East to the East. This is called orienting a map.
Camp Post office Telegraph office
City, Town or Buildings Church village
School W. W. Hos. Water works Hospital
Windmill cem. Ruins Cemetery
Fence Barbed smooth Stone (any or board) Wire Fence Fence
Wagon Footpath or Wagon Road Road Trail (unfenced)
Railroad Double Track Trolley Station R. R. Line]
A sketch map, not made to scale or true as to direction or distance, but giving enough accurate information to serve in guiding a stranger truly, can be made very quickly and easily if the district sketched has been observed closely. Observation is at the root of map making.
The reproduced sketch of a map made by Girl Scout, will be a guide to the Scout who is learning how to tell a story by symbols.
The Mariner's Compass is an instrument which shows where the North, and other directions, are. Boxing the Compass consists in enumerating the points beginning with North and working around the circle as follows:
NORTH North by East North, Northeast Northeast by North Northeast Northeast by East East, Northeast East by North
EAST East by South East, Southeast Southeast by East Southeast Southeast by South South, Southeast South by East
SOUTH South by West South, Southwest Southwest by South Southwest Southwest by West West, Southwest West by South
WEST West by North West, Northwest Northwest by West Northwest Northwest by North North by West
How to Find Points of Compass Without a Compass
Every Scout should be able to find the North without a compass. By day the sun will tell you where the North is, and the stars by night.
How to Tell the Points of the Compass by the Sun
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Any time before noon, if you stand facing the sun, North is at your left hand: after noon, if you face the sun, North is at your right hand.
The Phoenicians, who sailed round Africa in ancient times, noticed that when they started the sun rose on their left-hand side—they were going south. Then they reported that they got to a strange country where the sun got up in the wrong quarter, namely on their right hand. The truth was that they had gone round the Cape of Good Hope and were steering north again up the coast of Africa.
Probably the most accurate way to find North, if you have no compass, is to use an open-faced watch. Holding the watch flat, turn it so that the small or hour hand points directly toward the sun. The South will then be half way between the hour hand and the figure XII on the dial. Before noon the halfway point is between the hour hand and XII clockwise, and after noon it is between the hour hand and XII counter-clockwise.
How to Find North by the Stars
All stars appear to rise in the east and set in the west, which is really due to our earth turning around under them. But one star never moves in relation to us, and that is Polaris, the North Star, which stands still over the north pole to show us where North is.
It doubtless seems very strange to you that a Girl Scout should have to know how to handle a rope and tie knots according to rules. Most people have never dreamed that there are rules for these things; they have made knots, when necessary, in a way peculiar to themselves and have been quite surprised that the knots come out when they are expected to hold fast and hold fast when they are expected to come out.
Ropes and knots have been in use by all peoples for many years. The rules concerning them have been developed and perfected as time has passed until now there is no question as to the usefulness of these things and the way to handle them correctly.
As the sailors and the engineers have worked with ropes and knots more than others, it is to them that we go for our information. We need all we can get, for today in nearly all forms of occupation twine, cord and rope are used and knots are tied. As the Girl Scout who wants to be a Golden Eaglet takes up many of these occupations, she needs to know how to tie knots quickly, in the dark if necessary, and correctly, for then they will hold fast yet can be readily untied. These are essential requirements to be remembered, but just as important is the fact that purposes and uses of knots differ greatly.
Every Scout should have five feet of one-quarter inch Manila rope, whipped at both ends. With this small piece, which only represents the much larger rope needed in many cases for practical purposes, all of the required knots can be made and nearly all of their uses demonstrated.
Have you ever made a blanket roll, put it across your shoulder, hiked through the woods or over the hills for a sleep in the open? Where would all your necessary articles have been if you had not tied them snugly in the roll? Without them you would have been far from happy.
Or have you pulled a sled up a long hill over and over again for the sake of the slide down? How about the little knots that held the rope in place—did you ever think of them? There are many things we do for the sake of a good time where knots and rope are indispensable.
An interesting story is told by a Girl Scout who watched two men trying to hang a very large and heavy curtain which was to be used as part of the stage setting for an entertainment. The men tried to tie two ropes together, one of which was considerably larger than the other. Every knot they tied was pulled out by the weight of the curtains. Finally the men were quite ready to say "It cannot be done." It was then that the Girl Scout offered her services. The men looked at her doubtfully, but said, "Go ahead." Of course she tied a knot that held fast; then she had to teach it to the men. You see, she could be helpful, for she knew the kind of knot that would hold two ropes of unequal thickness together and knew how to make it.
Did you ever notice how few people know how to tie bundles and packages securely and neatly? Yet this is a most helpful thing to do. Parcels that go through the post or by express are handled roughly and unless tied with special care they are not delivered in good condition.
Sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of unusual surroundings where we can be of service if we know what to do and how to do it. A Scout is sometimes called upon to give First Aid, possibly to tie on splints, a bandage, or a sling; or use a life-line.
Once a boat was swept over one of the lesser falls at Niagara. In it were three people—a father, mother and their son. A group of men and women standing on the bridge saw the accident; one of them ran for a rope and threw the end over the side of the bridge calling to those in the water to catch it. One succeeded, but the rope slipped through his hands almost immediately because there was neither a loop nor a knot to hold on to.
These stories, which are true, make us realize the importance of knowing something of ropes and knots, that we may Be Prepared when our services are needed.
Parts of a Rope
The three parts of a rope are:
1. The End, the part used in leading;
2. The Bight, a loop made by bending the rope back on itself and holding it in place;
3. The Standing Part, the long portion of the rope not used when tying a knot.
1. Square or Reef Knot
The name of the knot the purpose of which is to tie together two ends of equal thickness, either to make them fast or to lengthen a rope, is the Square or Reef knot. It is made so that the ends come out alongside of the standing part and the knot will not jam. It is used when tying bundles, such as the blanket-roll, and packages; for tying on splints, fastening the ends of a sling or mending broken strings, ropes or cords, as shoestrings, clotheslines, etc. It is the knot used more commonly than any other.
To make the Square Knot:
Take an end in each hand;
Cross the end in the right hand over the end in the left hand;
Bend it around the rope in the left hand;
Cross the end in the left hand over the end in the right hand;
Bend it around the rope in the right hand;
Pull tight.
2. Sheet-bend
Another knot that is used for tying two ends together, generally those of unequal thickness, or for fastening an end to a permanent loop, is the Sheet-bend.
To make a Sheet-bend:
Make in the end of the larger rope a small bight or use the permanent loop in its place;
Pass the end of the smaller rope up through the bight;
Under the bight;
Over the bight;
Under its own standing part;
Pull the loops tight.
This is the way the Girl Scout tied the rope together for the stage hands.
3. Bowline-Knot
If the people on the bridge at Niagara Falls had made a Bowline-knot in the end of the rope before throwing it as a life-line they might have saved one if not three lives. A Bowline is used chiefly for hoisting and lowering; it can be used for a halter or with the Sheet-bend in making a guard-line or fence. It is a knot holding fast a loop which can be made of any size and which will not jam or give.
To make a Bowline-knot:
Take the end in the right hand;
Draw the rope toward you over the palm of the left hand, measuring off as much as is needed to make the required size loop;
Drop the end;
Make a small bight in the palm of the left hand by turning the rope toward the ends of the fingers;
Take the end in the right hand;
Pass it up through the bight;
Back of and around the standing part;
Down through the bight;
Pull the end and the rope forming the loop against the standing part.
When the Bowline is used for hoisting or lowering a person as in case of fire, the loop should be large enough to be used as a seat; it should be passed over the head and shoulders, the standing part in front of the body, to be held on to with both hands.
When using a rope for a life-line:
Fasten securely one end to something that will not give.
Make a Bowline at the other end of the line large enough to go over the head and shoulders;
Hold the knot in the right hand, the end toward you;
Take the standing part in the left hand, measure off about three feet of rope;
Draw the rope toward you, pass it over the palm of the right hand and hold fast.
Again measure off the same amount, draw the rope toward you, pass it over the palm of the right hand, and hold fast;
Continue this process until enough rope is coiled to more than cover the distance to the person in the water.
Grasp the coil firmly in the right hand;
Hold the standing part in the left hand;
Draw the right arm back from the shoulder;
Swing the arm forward and throw the coil out over the water to the person in distress;
Make sure that the person in the water gets a firm grasp on the rope;
Quickly take the standing part in both hands;
Pull on the rope with a hand over hand motion, keep the line taut and pull the person to safety.
Do not make the mistake of throwing the coil "up"; throw it out over the water.
The important points to remember when using a rope for rescue work are to fasten the free end so the rope will not slip out of reach; to coil the rope properly so it will not kink or knot when let out; and to make a Bowline large enough to go around the body.
When a group of Scouts make a guard line, each girl makes a Bowline in the end of her rope, large enough to put her hand through, fasten her right-hand neighbor's rope to it by means of a Sheet-bend and holds her portion of the line in place by using the Bowline in her rope for a handle.
Two Half-hitches are used to make fast an end of rope to a pole, post, etc. It is a knot that can be easily undone. It is used for hauling, fastening awning ropes, flag ropes, etc.
To make a Half-hitch:
Take the end in the right hand;
Pass the end under and around the pole;
Around the standing part:
Under itself, forming a bight out of which the standing part comes. Repeat this for the second half-hitch, using standing part in place of pole.
The purpose of a Clove-hitch, which is also called the Builders' Knot, is to make fast an end of rope, generally to a post or tree. This knot holds securely and does not slip laterally. It is of value when tethering an animal or tying a boat. It can be used for fastening an awning rope, tent ropes, for tying on splints or fastening the end of a bandage when it is used to confine a delirious person.
A fence or guard-line can be made where trees or posts are available by tying the end of the rope by means of a Half-hitch to the first tree, and then using a Clove-hitch on the other trees or posts.
To tie the Clove-hitch:
Take the end in the right hand;
Pass it around the post;
Over the standing part;
Continue around the post;
Under the standing part;
Slip the end up through the lower loop;
Pull tight.
The purpose of a Sheep-shank is to take up slack or shorten a rope temporarily. It is used on tent ropes, tow lines.
To make the Sheep-shank:
Cross the hands and take hold of the rope;
Take up the slack by drawing the hands past each other;
Hold the two long loops firmly in one hand;
Make a bight in the rope between the loop and the end;
Pass the loop through the bight;
Do the same thing at the other end.
The knot will stay in place so long as the rope is taut.
If it is necessary to shorten a rope when neither end is held fast, make the Sheep-shank and pass each end through the bight nearest to it.
When in uniform a Girl Scout hangs her rope on a belt-hook placed in her belt or skirt-binding.
To have the rope in a convenient form:
Make two loops five or six inches long at one end of the rope;
Leaving a small bight at the top to go over the hook, bind the loops together by winding the standing part around them;
Hold the end fast by putting it through the remaining bight.
To serve or whip the ends of a Scout rope so they will not fray:
Take a piece of soft twine twelve or fourteen inches long;
Make a loop two inches long at one end;
Lay the loop on the rope, the end of the twine extending beyond the rope end an inch;
Bind the rope and loop together by winding the standing part tightly and closely around them;
Slip the end down through the loop, which must not be entirely covered by the binding;
Pull the other end of the twine and draw the loop under the binding.
As the twine will be held fast, the ends can be cut off close to the rope.
A "knot board," showing the various knots tied perfectly and names attached, ends of rope whipped, bights, loops and coils, is an interesting bit of work for a Troop of Girl Scouts to do. The board hung in the Troop room would be a help to new Scouts, and it could be loaned to Troops that are not registered, but are learning the Tenderfoot test, which includes knot-tying.
Belt-hook—A double hook in the form of the letter S. Sometimes called S-hook.
Bight—A loop made by bending a rope back on itself and holding it in place.
Coil—A series of rings, one on top of another, into which a rope is wound.
Cord—A string or small rope composed of several strands of thread or vegetable fiber twisted and woven together.
End—One of the terminal points of that which has more length than breadth. The part of a rope used in leading.
Hemp—An annual herbaceous plant. The fiber, obtained from the skin or rind by rotting the stalks of the plant under moisture is prepared in various ways for twisting into ropes, cables, and weaving coarse fabrics.
Knot—An interlacement of twine, cord, rope or other flexible material formed by twisting the ends about each other and then drawing tight the loop thus made.
Life-line—A rope used in rescuing; it should have a Bowline in one end and the other end should be secured to something that will not give.
Loop—An opening through which something can be passed.
Manila rope—A rope made from Manila hemp, a fibrous material which is obtained from the leaves of plants which grow in the Philippine Islands.
Rope—A cord of considerable thickness, technically over one inch in circumference. Ropes are made of hemp, manila, flax, cotton or other vegetable fiber or of iron, steel or other metallic wire. A rope is sometimes called a line. They are composed of threads which are spun or twisted into strands and the finished ropes have special names, according to the number of the strands, and the various sizes are indicated by the circumference in inches.
Standing part—The long portion of a rope not used when tying a knot.
String—A slender cord, a thick thread.
Twine—A double thread; a thread made of two strands twisted.
For details regarding these badges see the "BLUE BOOK OF RULES FOR GIRL SCOUT CAPTAINS"
I. Introduction to Proficiency Tests.
II. Proficiency Tests:
*** Subjects marked thus are specially recommended for First Class Scouts or girls at least sixteen years old.
**** Subjects marked thus are for Scouts eighteen years and over.
Artist Athlete*** Bee-Keeper Bird Hunter Bugler Business Women*** Canner Child Nurse Citizen*** Cook Craftsman Cyclist Dairy Maid Dancer Dressmaker Drummer Economist Electrician Farmer First Aide*** Flower Finder Gardener Handy Woman Health Guardian*** Health Winner Home Maker Home Nurse*** Horsewoman Hostess Interpreter Journalist**** Laundress Milliner Motorist**** Musician Needlewoman Pathfinder Photographer Pioneer*** Rock Tapper Sailor*** Scribe Signaller Star Gazer Swimmer Telegrapher Zoologist
III. Group Badge
IV. Golden Eaglet.
V. Special Medals: Attendance Stars Life Saving Medals Bronze Cross Silver Cross Medal of Merit Thanks Badge Community Service Award Scholarship Badge
Proficiency Tests and Merit Badges
A girl must be a Second Class Scout before receiving a Merit Badge in any subject. However, this does not mean that she cannot begin to study her subject and plan for passing the test at any time.
Proficiency in these tests is to be determined by the Local Council, or by persons competent (in the opinion of the Council) to judge it. If no Local Council exists, certificates should be secured from persons competent to judge each subject, such as teachers of music, dancing or drawing, riding masters, motorists, electricians, milliners, dressmakers, artists, craftsmen, scientists and so forth. These certificates should be sent to the National Headquarters or to the nearest District Headquarters for inspection. Headquarters will either pass on these, or indicate the nearest local body competent to deal with them.
The tests as given are topical outlines of what a Scout should know about the subject rather than formal questions. Captains and others giving the tests will adapt the wording to the needs of the particular case.
With many subjects a list of standard references is given. It is desirable that a girl should read at least one of these books, not in order to pass an examination but that she may be familiar with the general field and the great names and principles associated with it. Where a whole troop is working on a subject, portions of the books may be read at troop meetings, or several Scouts can read together and discuss their impressions.
It is important that every Girl Scout should understand that the winning of any one of the following Merit Badges does not mean that she is a finished expert in the subject.
What does it mean then? It means three things:
1. She has an intelligent interest in the subject
2. She has a reasonable knowledge of its broad principles
3. She is able to present some practicable proofs of her knowledge, so that a competent examiner can see that she has not simply "crammed it up" from a book. Doing, not talking or writing is the principle of the Girl Scouts
One of the great things about these Merit Badges is that they require a definite amount of perseverance. This is a quality in which women are sometimes said to be lacking; if this is a fair criticism, the Merit Badges will certainly test it.
Nobody compels any Scout to earn these Badges; she deliberately chooses to do so. Therefore, to fail in a task she has voluntarily set herself, comes straight back to her and shows her what stuff she is made of. For while it is of no particular importance how many things you start in this life, it is of great importance how many things you finish! Out OF GOODNESS of heart, or quick interest, or sudden resolution, a girl will start out to master a subject, earn a certain sum of money, make something for herself or someone else, form some good habit or break some bad one; and after her first enthusiasm has died out, where is she? So that a great many people laugh at a girl's plans—and with reason.
Now while this may be merely amusing, so long as it affects only the girl herself, it becomes very annoying when other people's affairs are involved, and may be positively dangerous if carried too far. If your life depended upon a Girl Scout's efforts to resuscitate you from drowning, you would be very glad if she stuck to it. But if she happened to be a girl who had started to win five different Merit Badges, and had given them all up, half way through, what sort of chance do you think you would have?
Girl Scouts are slower to begin than other girls, perhaps, but they stick to it till they've made good. "She carried that through like a Girl Scout" ought to become a common saying.
Submit a drawing, a painting, or a model of sculpture which in the judgment of a competent professional represents a sufficiently high order of ability to merit recognition.
This badge is offered with the object of encouraging a talent already existing, and it is not suggested that Girl Scouts should select this badge unless they are possessed of sufficient natural talent to warrant presenting their work to a good judge. The standard required for winning the badge is left to the judgment of the professional as it is impossible for the organization to lay down strict requirements in these subjects.
"Children's Book of Art," A. E. Conway, Adam and Charles Black.
"Knights of Art," Amy Steedman, George W. Jacobs and Company.
"Gabriel and the Hour Book," Evaleen Stein.
"Apollo," by S. Reinach, from the French by Florence Simmonds, Scribners.
To qualify for this a Girl Scout must be at least fourteen, and must hold the badge for personal health, the "Health Winner."
1. State briefly the value and effect of exercise.
2. Demonstrate habitual good posture, sitting and standing.
3. Demonstrate (a) marching steps, quick and double time, and Scout's Pace.
(b) Setting-up exercises, (as shown in Handbook).
4. Present statement from troop Captain, of a hike of at least 5 miles.
5. Demonstrate with basket ball 5 goals out of 7 trials standing at least 5 feet from basket, OR demonstrate with basket ball distance throw of 40 feet.
6. Demonstrate with indoor base ball accurate pitching for distance of forty feet.
7. Write brief description of rules for five popular games.
8. Play well and be able to coach in any three of the following games: Basket Ball, Battle Ball, Bowling, Captain Ball, Dodge Ball, Long Ball, Punch Ball, Indoor Baseball, Hockey—field or ice, Prisoners' Base, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Volley Ball Newcomb.
9. Hold swimming badge or bring statement of ability to demonstrate three strokes, swim 100 yards, float and dive. Note: For alternate to swimming requirements see First Class Test, question 7, page 65.
10. Demonstrate three folk dances, using any nationality, OR be a qualified member of a school or society athletic team, playing one summer and one winter sport, OR be able to qualify for entry in a regular competition in some sport such as Tennis, Skating, Skiing. Running, Pitching Quoits, etc.
"Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium," Jessie H. Bancroft, Macmillan.
"Summer in the Girls' Camp," A. W. Coale, Century.
"Book of Athletics," Paul Withington, Lothrop.
"Outdoor Sports and Games," C. H. Miller, Doubleday Page.
1. What constitutes a swarm of bees? How do they live? Tell how honey is gathered and stored and honeycomb is built, and what part the queen, drones and workers play in the life of the colony.
2. Be able to recognize and describe each of the following: queen, drones, workers, eggs, larvae, pupae, honey, bee food, wax, pollen, propolis, brood-nest, comb, different queen cells.
3. Have a practicable knowledge of bee keeping and assist in hiving a swarm, examining a colony, removing the comb, finding the queen, putting foundation in sections, filling and removing supers, and preparing honey in comb and strained for market, and present a certificate to this effect.
4. Know which flowers afford the best food for bees, and how honey varies according to the flowers in color and flavor.
"Productive Bee Keeping," Pellett.
Bulletins from Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.
"Life of the Bee," Maurice Maeterlinck, Dodd.
"Queen Bee," Carl Ewald, Thomas Nelson and Sons.
"How to Keep Bees," A. B. Comstock, Doubleday Page.
To qualify for this badge a Girl Scout should belong to the Audubon Society[8] and be able to answer the following:
1. Give list of twenty wild birds personally observed and identified in the open and show field notes including at least the date seen, markings, food habits, nesting habits if known, and migration, if any.
2. Give game-bird laws of her State.
3. Name five birds that destroy rats and mice.
4. Give list of ten birds of value to farmers and fruit growers in the destruction of insects on crops and trees.
5. (a) Tell what the Audubon Society is and how it endeavors to protect the birds.
(b) Give name and location of two large bird refuges; explain the reason for their establishment and give names of the birds they protect.
6. (a) Know what an aigret is. How obtained and from what bird.
(b) Tell methods to attract birds winter and summer.
1. GENERAL REFERENCES: (At least one must be read to qualify for badge).
"Method of Attracting Wild Birds," Gilbert H. Trafton, Houghton, Mifflin Co.
"Bird Study Book," T. Gilbert Pearson, Doubleday Page Co.
"Wild Bird Guests," Ernest Harold Baynes, E. P. Dutton Co.
"Hawks and Owls of the United States," A. K. Fisher.
"Useful Birds and Their Protection," Edward H. Forbush, Massachusetts Board of Agriculture.
"Home Life of Wild Birds," F. H. Herrick, G. F. Putnam Co.
"Land Birds East of the Rockies," Chester A. Reed, Doubleday Page Co.
"Water and Game Birds," Chester A. Reed, Doubleday Page Co.
"Western Birds," Chester A. Reed, Doubleday Page Co.
"Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America," Frank M. Chapman, D. Appleton and Co.
"Bird Life," Frank M. Chapman, D. Appleton and Co.
"Handbook of Birds of Western United States," Florence Merriam Bailey, Houghton, Mifflin and Co.
"Children's Book of Birds," O. T. Miller, Houghton, Mifflin Co.
"Burgess Bird Book for Children," W. T. Burgess, Little Brown Co.
Play correctly as to notes and time the following calls and marches and play at sight any calls selected:
1, First Call; 2, Reveille; 3, Assembly; 4, Mess; 5, Recall; 6, Fire; 7, Drill; 8, Officers; 9, Retreat; 10, To Colors; 11, To quarters; 12, Taps.
Reference: Cadet Manual, E. L. Steever, Lippincott.
1. Must have a legible and neat handwriting and show a knowledge of spelling and punctuation by writing from dictation a paragraph necessitating use of commas, periods, quotation marks, apostrophe.
2. Must typewrite 40 words a minute, or as an alternative write in shorthand from dictation 70 words a minute as a minimum, and transcribe them at the rate of 35 words.
3. Must show a knowledge of simple bookkeeping and arithmetic.
4. Must show how to make out, and know how and when to use receipts, notes and drafts, and money orders.
5. Must know how to write a simple business letter, such as asking for employment, or a letter recommending a person for employment.
6. Must show how to keep a check book, make out checks and deposit slips, endorse checks, and balance checking accounts.
7. Must keep a simple cash account to show receipts and expenditures of personal funds for three months, OR the household accounts of the family for three months. (This account may be fictitious.)
8. Must be able to write a letter from memory on facts given five minutes previously.
"Thrift by Household Accounting," American Economics Association, Baltimore.
"Household Accounts and Economics," Shaeffer, Macmillan.
"What every Business Woman Should Know," Lillian C. Kearney, Stokes.
"Bookkeeping and Accounting," J. J. Klein, Appleton.
"Essential Elements of Business Character," H. G. Stockwell, Revell.
1. Submit the following specimens of canning work: (a) six pint jars of two kinds of vegetables, showing the cold pack method; (b) six jars of preserved fruit, at least two kinds; (c) six glasses of jelly, jam or marmalade.
2. What are the essential things to be considered when selecting vegetables to be canned, fruit to be preserved or made into jelly, jam or marmalade?
3. Give general rules for preparing fruits and vegetables for preserving in any way.
4. What kind of jars are considered best for preserving? What other materials are used for making holders besides glass? How should all utensils and jars, glasses, rubbers, be prepared before using?
5. What is essential regarding the heat?
6. What are the general rules for preserving fruit? Give proportions by measure or weight, time of cooking, amount of sugar, water or any other ingredient for the fruits that you have preserved, and for at least two others.
7. Give same rules for jams, marmalades and jellies.
8. Give directions for filling and sealing jars. How can jars be tested within twenty-four hours after filling? If not air tight what should be done?
9. What should be done to all jars, tumblers, etc., before storing? How are canned goods best stored?
Government Bulletin—U. S. Department of Agriculture.
"Canning, Preserving and Jelly Making," J. McK. Hill, Little.
1. During a period of three months care for a little child, under two years, for a time equivalent to two hours daily for four weeks. During this period all of the necessary work for routine care of a child must be demonstrated, including feeding, bathing, dressing, preparing for bed, arranging bed and windows, amusing, giving the air, and exercise, and so forth, according to directions in Handbook.
2. What are the most necessary things to be considered when caring for a child under three years of age? Elaborate on these points.
3. What are some of the results of neglecting to do these things? What is the importance of regularity in care, to child, to mother, or nurse?
4. Should a child be picked up or fed every time he cries? What is the result of so doing?
5. What are the important things to remember in lifting and handling children?
6. What things are important in connection with their sleeping, either in or out of doors? Up to what age should a child have two naps a day? One nap? What time should a child be put to bed?
7. How can a baby be encouraged to move itself and take exercise?
8. What should be done when preparing a baby's bath? How should the bath be given to a little baby? To an older child?
9. How is a child prepared for bed? How are the bed and room prepared?
10. What is the best food for a child up to nine months? If he cannot have this food, what can take its place, and how should it be given? What are the principal things to remember concerning the ingredients and preparation of this food, and the care of utensils?
11. At what age may a child be given solid food with safety? What foods are best and how should they be prepared?
12. When feeding a child either from a bottle or a spoon, what precautions should be taken? How often should a child under one year be fed? from one to two years?
13. When suffering from a cold what precautions should be taken? If it is necessary to continue to care for a child in spite of your cold? What is the wisest thing to do first if a child is ill?
"The Baby, His Care and Training," M. Wheeler, Harper.
"Care and Feeding of Children," Ernest Holt, Appleton.
"The Home and Family," Kinne and Cooley, Macmillan.
1. Who is responsible for the government of your country?
2. Whose business is it to see that the laws are enforced?
3. How can you help make your Government better?
4. Give the best definition you know of our Government.
5. What are the principal qualifications for the vote in your State?
6. a. Who is a citizen? b. How can a person not a citizen become a citizen? c. What is the advantage of being a citizen?
7. Who makes the law for you in your State?
8. What part will you have in making that law?
9. What are the duties of the President of the United States and of each of his Cabinet?
10. Name five things on which the comfort and welfare of your family depend, which are controlled by your Government.
11. a. What is meant by a secret ballot? b. How can anyone tell how you vote?
12. What is the difference between registering to vote and enrolling in a political party?
13. If you enroll in a political party must you vote the straight ticket of that party?
"The Woman Movement in America," McClurg and Co., Chicago.
"The Woman Voter's Manual," Forman and Shuler, Century Co., 1918.
"Democracy in Reconstruction," Houghton Mifflin, 1919. Cleveland and Schafer.
"History of Politics," Edward Jenks, Macmillan Co.
"The Subjection of Women," John Stuart Mill, Frederick Stokes.
"Your Vote and How to Use It," Mrs. Raymond Brown, Harper Bros.
"The Story of a Pioneer," Anna Howard Shaw.
"American Commonwealth," James Bryce.
"Promised Land," Mary Antin, Houghton Mifflin.
"Land of Fair Play," Geoffrey Parsons, Scribner.
"Making of an American," J. A. Rils, Macmillan.
"Peace and Patriotism," E. S. Smith, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard.
"The Children in the Shadow," Ernest Kent Coulter, McBride Nest and Co.
"American Citizenship," Charles and Mary Beard, Macmillan.
This test is based on the thorough knowledge of the article on "Cooking" in the handbook. It may be taken in sections. A certificate may be presented from a Domestic Science teacher, or from the mother if the Captain knows her and can testify to her competency to judge.
1. Build and regulate the fire in a coal or wood stove, or if a gas range is used know how to regulate the heat in the oven, broiler and top.
2. What does it mean to boil a food? To broil? To bake? Why is it not advisable to fry food?
3. How many cupfuls make a quart? How many tablespoonfuls to a cup? Teaspoonfuls to a tablespoon?
4. Be able to cook two kinds of cereal.
5. Be able to make tea, coffee and cocoa properly.
6. Be able to cook a dried and a fresh fruit.
7. Be able to cook three common vegetables in two ways.
8. Be able to prepare two kinds of salad. How are salads kept crisp?
9. Know the difference in food value between whole milk and skimmed milk.
10. Be able to boil or coddle or poach eggs properly.
11. Be able to select meat and prepare the cuts for broiling, roasting and stewing OR be able to clean, dress and cook a fowl.
12. Be able to make two kinds of quick bread, such as biscuits or muffins.
13. Be able to plan menus for one day, choosing at least three dishes in which left-overs may be utilized.
"The Junior Cook Book," Girl Scout Edition, Clara Ingram, Barse and Hopkins.
"Fun of Cooking," C. F. Benton, Century.
"Boston Cooking School Cook Book," Little.
"Hot Weather Dishes," S. T. Rorer, Arnold and Co.
"Food and Health," Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley, Macmillan.
To earn this badge a Girl Scout must qualify in at least one of the following and must read at least one general reference:
1. Tie-dying: Make a tie-dyed scarf using two kinds of tying.
Reference: "Dyes and Dyeing," Charles E. Pellew, McBride.
"Industrial and Applied Art Books, Book 6," Bush.
2. Block Printing: Make an original design for a block print unit using a flower or bird motif. Apply to a bag or collar in one color using oil paint or dyes.
3. Stencilling: Make an original stencil design for a border, use flower, bird, boat or tree motif. Apply in two colors to a bag, collar or scarf using oil paint or dyes.
4. Crochet, Cross-stitch, Darning: Make an original border design on square paper using any two geometric units, or a conventional flower or animal form. Apply the design to a towel in crochet, cross-stitch or darning.
Reference: "Cross-stitch Patterns," Dorothy Bradford, "Industrial Art Text Books, Book 6," "Modern Priscilla," Snow.
6. Weaving, Baskets: Design a basket shape with its widest dimension not less than six inches, and make the basket of raffia over a reed or cord foundation. Use eight stitch or lazy squaw.
Reference: "How To Make Baskets," White—"Practical Basketry," McKay. "Inexpensive Basketry," Marten. "Raffia and Reed Weaving," Knapp.
Weaving Wool: Weave a girdle, a hat band, or a dress ornament use a simple striped or geometric design, in three or more colors.
Reference: "Hand Weaving," Dorothy Bradford. "Hand-loom Weaving," Todd.
Weaving Beads: Design and weave a bead chain or a bead band for trimming: use two or more colors.
7. Applique: Design an applique unit in a 7-inch square that might be applied to a pin cushion top, a bag or a square for a patchwork quilt. Use geometric units or conventional flower or bird forms suggested by cretonnes. Work out in cotton materials using two tones of one color or closely related colors, as brown and orange; grey and violet.
8. Pottery: Design an original shape for a bowl, vase or paper weight, and model shape in clay.
Reference: "The Potter's Craft," Binns—"Pottery," Cox. "Industrial Work for the Middle Grades," E. Z. Worst.
9. Posters: Design a Girl Scout poster that will illustrate some law or activity. Poster to be at least 9x12 inches and to consist of a simple illustration and not less than three words of lettering. Finish in crayon, water color, pen and ink, or tempera.
Reference: "School Arts Magazine," Jan. 1920. "Poster Magazine."
10. China Painting: Make a conventional design for a border that can be used on a plate, bowl, or cup and saucer. Work out on the object in one color in a tinted background.
References: Keramic Studio—any number.
11. Decoration: Make an original design for a box top or a tray center adapting units found in cretonnes. Apply to the object using enamel paints and in a color scheme suggested by the same or another cretonne.
Read regularly: School Arts Magazine, Davis Press. Art Crafts for Beginners, Frank G. Sanford, Century; Handicraft for Girls, McGloughlin—See also: "Wood Carving," P. Hasbruck, McKay.
1. Own a bicycle, and care for it, cleaning, oiling, and making minor repairs, readjusting chain, bars and seat.
2. Be able to mend a tire.
3. Demonstrate the use of a road map.
4. Demonstrate leading another bicycle while riding.
5. Know the laws of the road, right of way, lighting and so forth.
6. Make satisfactory report to Captain, of a bicycle Scouting expedition as to the condition of a road with camping site for an overnight hike.
7. Pledge the bicycle to the Government in time of need.
"American Girl's Handibook," L. Beard, Scribner.
"For Playground, Field and Forest," D. C. Beard, Scribner.
1. Take entire care of a cow and the milk of one cow for one month, keeping a record of quantity of each milking.
2. Make butter at four different times, and submit statement of amount made and of the process followed in making.
3. Make pot cheese; give method.
4. Name four breeds of cows. How can they be distinguished? Which breed gives the most milk? Which breed gives the richest milk?
5. What are the rules for feeding, watering and pasturing cows? What feed is best for cows? What care should be given cows to keep them in perfect condition? What diseases must be guarded against in cows? Why is it so imperative to have a cow barn, all implements, workers and cows scrupulously clean?
6. Of what is milk composed? How is cream separated from milk? Name two processes and explain each. How and why should milk be strained and cooled before being bottled or canned?
"Stories of Industry," Vol. 2, A. Chase, Educational Pub. Co.
"How the World is Fed," F. G. Carpenter, American Book Co.
"Foods and their uses," F. G. Carpenter, Scribner.
This test is being revised. Following is a Temporary ruling (July 1922).
1. Demonstrate three folk dances.
2. Demonstrate three modern social dances in correct form. See rules of American Association of Dancing Masters. OR
3. Where social dancing is not given approval by parents, three additional folk dances may be substituted.
"Dances of the People," Elizabeth Burchenal, Schirmer.
"Folk Dances and Singing Games," Elizabeth Burchenal, Schirmer.
"Social Games and Group Dances," J. C. Elsom, Lippincott.
"Country Dance Book," C. J. Sharp, Novello.
1. Must hold Needlewoman's Badge.
2. Must know the bias, selvage, and straight width of goods.
3. Must cut and make a garment from a pattern following all rules and directions given. It is suggested that two girls work together on this.
4. Be able to clean, oil and use a sewing machine.
5. Demonstrate on other persons the way to measure for length of skirt, length of sleeve, length from neck to waist line. Sew on hooks and eyes so they will not show. Hang a skirt, make a placket, put skirt on belt. Skirt must be hemmed evenly and hang evenly.
6. Know what to do if a waist is too long from the neck to the waist line and does not fit well.
"Complete Dressmaker," C. E. Laughlin, Appleton.
"The Dress You Wear and How to Make It," M. J. Rhoe, Putnam.
"The Dressmaker," Butterick Publishing Co.
"Clothing and Health," Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley, Macmillan.
"Clothing: Choice, Care, Cost," Mary Schenet Woolman, Lippincott 1920.
Be prepared to play all of the following taps and steps and in order further to show proficiency on the drum, perform any feat selected.
1. "Roll off"; 2. Flam (right and left hand); 3. Five-stroke roll; 4. Seven-stroke roll; 5. "Taps" step; 6. Six-eight step; 7. two-four step; 8. Single Stroke.
"Recollections of a Drummer Boy," H. M. Kieffer, Houghton Mifflin
A Girl Scout must qualify for 1 and 2, and either 3 or 4.
1. Offer record of ten per cent. savings from earnings or allowance for three months.
Show card for Postal Savings, or a Savings Bank Account.
2. Show record from parent or guardian that she has:
a. Darned stockings.
b. Keep shoes shined and repaired.
c. Not used safety pins or other makeshift for buttons, hooks, hems of skirts, belts, etc.
d. Kept clothes mended and cleansed from small spots.
3. For girls who have the spending of their money, either in allowance or earnings, show by character of shoes, stockings and gloves, hair-ribbons, handkerchiefs and other accessories that they know how to select them for wearing qualities and how to keep them in repair.
4. Show record of one week's buying and menus with plans for using food economically, such as left-overs, cheap but nourishing cuts of meat, butter substitutes, thrifty use of milk such as sour, skimmed or powdered milk, and so forth.
"Scout Law in Practice," A. A. Carey, Little.
"Thrift and Conservation," A. H. Chamberlain, Lippincott.
1. Explain the use of magnets for attraction and repulsion.
2. Describe the use of electricity for forming electro-magnets and their use in: Electric bell; Telegraph; Telephone.
3. What is meant by low and high voltage in electric current? Describe the use of current in: Dry cell; Storage Battery; Dynamo.
4. a. Describe how current is sent through resistance wire resulting in heat and light, in case of Electric lights, Electric stoves, toasters, flat irons, etc., and
b. How it is converted into working energy in Motors.
5. Describe fuses and their use, and how to replace a burnt-out fuse.
6. Connect two batteries in series with a bell and push button.
7. Demonstrate methods of rescuing a person in contact with live wires, and of resuscitating a person insensible from shock.
8. Know how electricity is used as motive power for street cars, trains, and automobiles.
9. Know the proper way to connect electric appliances such as flat irons, toasters, etc.
"Electricity in Every Day Use," J. F. Woodfull, Doubleday Page.
"How to Understand Electrical Work," W. H. Onken, Harper.
"Harper's Electricity Book for Boys," J. H. Adams, Harper.
"Electricity for Young People," Tudor Jenks, Stokes.
"Heroes of Progress in America," Charles Morris, Lippincott.
This badge is given for proficiency in general farming. A Scout farmer may have her chief interest in rearing animals but she should know something about the main business of the farmer which is tilling the soil. Therefore, the Scout must fulfill four requirements: either A or B under I, and II, III, and IV.
I. A. Animal Care
A Scout must have reared successfully one of the following:
a) A brood of at least 12 chickens under hen or with incubator.
b) A flock of at least 12 pigeons, 12 ducks, 12 geese or 12 guinea-fowl.
c) A family of rabbits or guinea pigs.
d) A calf, a colt, or a pig.
A certificate as to the condition of the animals must be presented, made by some competent judge who has seen them. Wherever possible a chart should be made by the Scout, showing the schedule of care followed, including feeding, and notes on the development of the animals.
AND she must also have planted and cultivated a small vegetable garden like the one described in the Handbook, in the Section "The Girl Scout's Own Garden" OR
B. Vegetable raising
A Scout may make her main interest the raising of some sort of vegetable or fruit and may do one of the following:
1. Plant, cultivate and gather the crop from
(a) A small truck garden, with at least six vegetables, two berries, and two salads or greens, OR
(b) Where the soil is not suitable for a variety of plants, she may raise a single vegetable, like corn or tomatoes, or tubers.
2. Tend and gather a fruit crop such as apples, peaches, pears, cherries, oranges, or any other tree fruit, OR Cultivate and tend a small vineyard or grape arbor, and gather the grapes, OR
Plant and cultivate and gather the berries from strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, currant or gooseberry plants. Whatever the vegetable or fruit chosen a chart should be made and presented, showing the schedule of digging, planting, sowing and tending, with notes on the time of appearance of the first shoots, the size and condition of the crop and so forth. Any obstacles met and overcome, such as insect pests, drouths or storms should be mentioned. No special size is mentioned for the garden, as the conditions vary so greatly in different parts of the country. The quality of the work, and the knowledge gained is the important thing.
II. Identify and collect ten common weeds and tell how to get rid of each.
III. Identify ten common insect pests, tell what plant or animal each attacks, and how to get rid of each.
IV. Describe four different kinds of soil and tell what is best planted in each. Tell what sort of fertilizer should be used in each soil. Explain the value of stable manure.
Farmers Bulletin, published by the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Write for catalogue and select the titles bearing on your special interest. The bulletins are free.
The Beginner's Garden Book by Allen French, Macmillan Co.
Manual of Gardening, L. H. Bailey, Macmillan.
Principles of Agriculture, L. H. Bailey, Macmillan.
Essentials of Agriculture, H. J. Waters, Ginn.
A Girl Scout should know:
1. What to do first in case of emergency.
2. Symptoms and treatment of shock.
3. How and when to apply stimulants.
4. How to put on a sling.
5. How to bandage the head, arm, hand, finger, leg ankle, eye, jaw.
6. What to do for: a. bruises, strains, sprains, dislocations, fractures; b. wounds; c. burns, frost bite, freezing, sunstroke, heat exhaustion; d. drowning, electric shock, gas accidents; e. apoplexy, convulsions; f. snake bite; g. common emergencies such as: 1. cinders in the eye; 2. splinter under the nail; 3. wound from rusty nail; 4. oak and ivy poisoning; 5. insect in the ear.
A Girl Scout should demonstrate:
7. Applying a sterile dressing.
8. Stopping bleeding.
9. Putting on a splint.
10. Making a stretcher from uniform blanket or Scout neckerchief and poles.
11. The Schaefer method of artificial respiration.
Section on First Aid in this Handbook.
American Red Cross Abridged Text Books on First Aid, Blakiston.
1. To pass this test a Scout must be able to tell the difference between plants and animals and the difference between the two general types of plants.
2. A Scout must also pass either the test for Flowers and Ferns or Trees given below.
1. Make a collection of fifty kinds of wild flowers and ferns and correctly name them or make twenty-five photographs or colored drawings of wild flowers and ferns.
2. Why were the following ferns so named: Christmas Fern, Sensitive Fern, Walkingleaf Fern, Cinnamon Fern, Flowering Fern?
3. Name and describe twenty cultivated plants in your locality.
4. Be able to recognize ten weeds.
5. How can you distinguish Poison Ivy from Virginia Creeper? What part of Pokeweed is poisonous? What part of Jimsonweed is poisonous? Be able to recognize at least one poisonous mushroom.
1. Give examples of the two great groups of trees and distinguish between them.
2. Why is forest conservation important? What are the laws of your State concerning forest conservation?
3. Mention at least three uses of trees.
4. Collect, identify and preserve leaves from twenty-five different species of trees.
5. Mention three trees that have opposite branching and three that have alternate.
6. How do the flower-buds of Flowering Dogwood differ from the leaf-buds? When are the flower-buds formed?
7. The buds of what tree are protected by a natural varnish?
8. Mention one whose outer bud-scales are covered by fine hairs. Can you find a tree that has naked buds?
9. From a Sassafras-tree or from a Tulip-tree collect and preserve leaves of as many shapes as possible.
10. Name five trees in this country which produce edible nuts.
"New Manual of Botany," Asa Gray, American Book Co.
"Illustrated Flora of the Northern States and Canada," (three volumes), N. L. Britton, Brown and Addison, Scribner.
"Flower Guide," Chester A. Reed, Doubleday Page.
"Flora of the Southeastern States," John K. Small, published by the author, New York Botanical Garden.
"Flora of the Rocky Mountain Region," P. A. Rydberg, published by the author, New York Botanical Garden.
"State Floras."—There are some excellent State Floras, and in order to keep this list from being too long, it is suggested that the Scout leader write to the Professor of Botany in her State University and ask for the name, author and publisher of the best Flora of her State. Especially is this advisable for those living in sections of the country not covered by the above references.
"Our Native Orchids," William Hamilton Gibson.
"Wild Flower Book for Young People," A. Lounsberry, Stokes.
"Field Book of American Wild Flowers," F. S. Matthews, Putnam.
"Emerald Story Book," A. M. Skinner, Duffield.
"Mushrooms," George F. Atkinson, Henry Holt Co., (See Handbook, "Scouting for Girls," Section on Woodcraft.)
"Field Book of American Trees and Shrubs," F. S. Matthews, Putnam.
"Trees of the Northern United States," Austin C. Apgar, American Book Co.
"Manual of Trees of North America," Charles S. Sargent, Houghton Mifflin Co.
"Handbook of the Trees of United States and Canada," Romeyn B. Hough, published by the author, Lowville, N. Y.
"Trees in Winter," A. F. Blakeslee, and C. D. Jarvis, Macmillan Co.
"The Book of Forestry," F. F. Moon, Appleton.
The test may well be worked for by a patrol or even a troop who can share expenses for tools, and cultivate together a larger plot of ground than would be possible for any one girl. Arrangements may frequently be made through the school garden authorities.
Alternate: For Scouts already members of the Girls' Garden and Canning Club throughout the country, a duplicate of their reports, sent in for their season's work, to the State agricultural agents, or agricultural colleges, in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture of the United States, may be submitted as their test material for this badge, in place of the Test given.
1. What are the necessary things to be considered before starting a garden? List them in the correct order.
2. What exposure is best for the garden? Why? At what season of the year is it best to prepare the soil? What care should be given garden tools?
3. Why is it necessary to fertilize the soil for a garden? What kind of fertilizer will you use in your garden, and why?
4. Do all seeds germinate? What precautions must be taken when purchasing seed? During what month should seed be sown in the ground in your locality? What are the rules for sowing seed as regards depth?
5. What does it mean to thin out and to transplant? When and why are both done?
6. What does it mean to cultivate? Why is it very important? How is it best done? What should be done with pulled weeds?
7. When is the proper time of day to water a garden? Is moistening the surface of the ground sufficient? If not, why not?
8. Name five garden pests common in your locality and tell how to eradicate them. Name three garden friends and tell what they do.
9. At what time of day is it best to pick flowers and vegetables? Mention two things to be considered in both cases.
10. What are tender and hardy plants? Herbaceous plants, annuals, perennials and biennials? Bulbs and tubers?
11. Select a garden site, or if space is lacking use boxes, barrels, window boxes, tubs and so forth; prepare the soil, choose the seed of not less than six flowers, and six vegetables that will grow well in the soil and climate in which they are planted; take entire care of the garden and bring to blossom and fruit at least 75 per cent. of the seed planted. Keep and submit a record of the garden, including size, time and money spent, dates of planting, blooming, and gathering of vegetables, or colors of flowers, and so forth.
"Harper's Book for Young Gardeners," A. H. Verill, Harper.
"Beginner's Garden Book," Allen French, Macmillan.
"Home Vegetable Gardening from A to Z," Adolph Krulm, Doubleday.
"Suburban Gardens," Grace Tabor, Outing Publishing Co.
"The Vegetable Garden," R. L. Watts, Outing Publishing Co.
1. Know how to mend, temporarily with soap, a small leak in a water or gas pipe.
2. Know how to turn off the water or gas supply for the house and whom to notify in case of accident, OR
Know what to do to thaw out frozen water pipes, OR
Be able to put on a washer on a faucet, OR
Cover a hot water boiler neatly and securely to conserve the heat, using newspaper and string.
3. Know the use of and how to use a wrench and pliers.
4. Demonstrate the way to use a hammer, screw-driver, awl, saw can-opener, corkscrew.
5. Locate by sounding, an upright in a plaster wall, and know why and when this is necessary to be done.
6. Put up a shelf using brackets, strips of wood or both and know under what conditions to use either.
7. Be able to put up hooks for clothes or other articles and properly space them.
8. Be able to measure for and put up a rod in a clothes closet, OR
Be able to repair the spring in a window shade and tack the shade on the roller, OR
Know how to keep clean and care for window and door screens.
9. Must wrap, tie securely and neatly, and label a parcel for delivery by express or parcel post.
10. Be able to sharpen knives using either a grindstone, whetstone, the edge of an iron stove, or another knife.
11. Clean, trim and fill an oil lamp, or put on a gas mantle, OR Clean, oil and know how to repair the belt of a sewing machine, OR Lay a fire in a fireplace and tell what to do with the ashes.
12. Choose a wall space for a picture, measure for the wire, fasten the wire to the picture frame and give the rule concerning height for hanging pictures.
13. State how brooms, dry mops, dustpans, and brushes should be placed when not in use, and be able to wash brushes and place them properly for drying.
"What a Girl Can Make and Do," Lina Beard, Scribner.
"Harper's Handy Book for Girls," A. P. Paret, Harper.
"Handicraft for Handy Girls," A. N. Hall, Lothrop.
"In the Days of the Guild," L. Lamprey, Stokes.
I. Recreation and Health. What is offered to the public in the town you live in, or in that part of the city in which you live, in the way of Play Grounds, Gymnasiums, Baths, Skating Rinks, Tennis Courts, Golf Links, Water Sports?
If there is a public park in or near the town; what privileges does it offer, especially for young people? Is it well taken care of? Well patronized?
Discuss briefly why you think the Government should provide these things and what results may be expected when it does not supply them. How does the lack of them affect the grown people of a town, in the end?
II. Special Health Facilities in your Locality.
1. What is the rule as to registering births? What is the advantage of this? What is the infant mortality rate?
Of what diseases should the local authorities be notified?
What diseases must be quarantined? Isolated? Posted? Reported?
2. Food Supplies. What are milk stations? Does your community control the marketing of milk to any degree? Why is the milk question so important?
Are there any laws for your bakeries?
What are the regulations as to the storage and protection of meat in local markets?
3. Housing. If three families are willing to live in three rooms in your town, may they do so?
Is there anything to prevent your erecting a building of any size and material you wish in any place?
4. Medical Institutions. Is there a public hospital in your town? Who has a right to use it? Who pays for it?
Is there a public clinic? Why should there be?
Is there a public laboratory? How would it benefit your community if there were?
Is there a district nurse? How could Girl Scouts assist such a nurse?
5. Schools. Is there any medical inspection in your schools? How did it ever effect you?
Is its work followed up in the home? How are Girl Scouts particularly fitted to help in this?
Is there a school nurse? Why does it pay the community to employ one?
Are luncheons served in your school free, or at low cost? Mention at least two advantages in this and one disadvantage.
Are there school clinics for eyes and teeth? Why are some cities providing such clinics?
6. Baby Hygiene. Is there any place in your town where young or ignorant mothers can ask advice and instruction in the care of infants? State briefly why you think such help would benefit the community in the end.
III. Public Services and Sanitation.
1. Who is responsible for the cleaning of the streets? Dry or wet method used?
2. What are the laws concerning the public collection and disposal of garbage? How much responsibility in this line has your family? Can you do what you please? Is there any practical use for garbage?
3. What is the source of your local water supply? What measures are taken to make and keep it pure?—State some of the results of lack of care in this matter.
4. Why should there be regulations about spitting in public places? Why are common towels and drinking cups forbidden? What are the general rules for prevention and treatment of tuberculosis?
5. Trace the life history of the house fly or filth fly and tell why it is a menace. How may the fly be exterminated? How are mosquitoes dangerous? How may they be eliminated?
"Democracy in Reconstruction," Frederick A. Cleveland and Joseph Schafer, Houghton Mifflin.
"A Manual for Health Officers," J. Scott MacNutt, John Wiley and Sons.
"House of the Good Neighbor," Esther Lovejoy, Macmillan.
"Community Civics," J. Field, Macmillan.
"Town and City," F. G. Jewett, Ginn and Co.
"Good Citizenship," J. Richman, American Book Co.
"Healthy Living," Charles E. Winslow, Merrill Co.
I. To earn this badge a Girl Scout must for three months pay attention to those conditions upon which health depends. She should keep a Health Record like that shown in the Handbook, which must cover at least the following points:
1. Position of body: Show improvement in posture.
2. Exercise (a) Walk a mile briskly or walk steadily and vigorously for fifteen minutes, or take some other active and vigorous outdoor exercise for at least thirty minutes. OR in case of bad weather, (b) Do setting-up exercises as given in Handbook every day. At least twenty minutes should be spent on these, either at one time, or ten minutes night and morning. To make this point will require a record of compliance for at least seventy-five days in three months.
3. Rest. (a) Go to bed early. Be in bed by at least 9:30 and sleep from eight to ten hours. Do not go to parties, the theatre, movies or any other late entertainment on nights before school or work.
4. Supply needs for Air, Water and Food in the right way:
(a) Sleep with window open.
(b) Drink at least six glasses of water during the day, between meals; taking one before breakfast, two between breakfast and lunch, two between lunch and dinner, and one before going to bed.
(c) Eat no sweets, candy, cake or ice cream except as dessert after meals.
5. Keep Clean:
(a) Have a bowel movement at least once every day, preferably immediately after breakfast or the last thing at night.
(b) Wash hands after going to the toilet, and before eating. Take a daily tub, shower or sponge bath, or rub down with a rough towel every day; and take a full bath of some sort at least twice a week.
(c) Brush teeth twice a day: after breakfast and just before bed.
(d) Wash hair at least once a month, and brush well every day.
II. In addition to doing the things that make for health, the Girl Scout must know the answers to the following questions:
1. What is the best way to care for your teeth?
2. Why is care for the eyes especially necessary? How are the eyes rested? What are the points to remember about light for work?
3. What is the difference in effect between a hot and cold bath?
4. How can you care for your feet on a hike so that they will not become blistered or over-tired?
"Good Health," F. G. Jewett, Ginn and Co.
"How to Get Strong and How to Stay So," William Blaikie, Harper.
"Keeping Physically Fit," Wm. J. Cromie, Macmillan.
"Exercise and Health," Woods Hutcheson, Outing Pub. Co.
"Handbook of Health and Nursing," American School of Home Economics, Chicago.
"Food and Health," Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley, Macmillan.
"Healthy Living," Chas. E. Winslow, Chas E. Merrill Co.
1. In planning a house and choosing a site for it what things should be considered?
2. Draw the floor plan of an imaginary house or apartment to be built in your locality for a family of four, and list the furnishings for each room.
3. Choose a system for heating and state reasons for choice.
4. How will water be furnished? What precautions should always be taken about the water supply and why?
5. How will the house be lighted? How will it be ventilated?
6. State how the walls and floors will be finished and why?
7. Describe the cook stove and the ice box; tell why they were selected and the best way to keep them clean.
8. List the utensils used in keeping the house clean.
9. State why it is particularly necessary to keep the cellar, closets, cupboards, wash basins, toilets, sinks, clean. Give ways of cleaning each.
10. State the proper way to prepare dishes for washing and the order in which silver, glass, table and kitchen dishes should be washed.
11. How should rugs, mattresses, pillows, upholstered furniture, paper walls, and windows be cleaned?
12. How should winter clothes and blankets be stored during the summer? What should be done with soiled laundry prior to washing?
13. What is the most economical way to buy flour, sugar, cereals, butter and vegetables? How should they be kept in the house?
14. What is the law in your community concerning the disposition of trash, ashes and garbage? How will you care for these things in the house? If there is no law what will you do with them and why?
15. Under what conditions do germs thrive and vermin infest? How can both be kept away?
16. Plan the work in your house for one week giving the daily schedule and covering all necessary points.
17. Tell how to make and use a fireless cooker. Explain what it is good for.
18. Take care of your own bedroom for one month. Report just what you do and how long it takes.
"Housewifery," L. Ray Balderston, Lippincott.
"The Home and the Family," Helen Kinne and Anna Cooley, The Macmillan Co.
"Foods and Household Management," Helen Kinne and Anna Cooley, Macmillan.
"Shelter and Clothing," Helen Kinne and Anna Cooley, Macmillan.
"Feeding the Family," M. S. Rose, Macmillan.
"Handbook of Food and Diet," American School of Home Economics, Chicago.
"The House Beautiful," "Ladies Home Journal," "Delineator," "Good Housekeeping."
1. Describe care of the room under following points:
(a) Ventilation heat and sun; (b) Character and amount of furniture; (c) Cleanliness and order; (d) Daily routine; (e) General "atmosphere."
2. Demonstrate bed making with patient in bed. Bed must be made in fifteen minutes.
3. (a) Show how to help a patient in the use of a bedpan. (b) Care of utensils, dishes, linen and their disinfection.
4. Bodily care of patient. Know all the following and be able to demonstrate any two points asked for:
(a) Bathing; (b) Rubbing; (c) Changing of body linen; (d) Combing hair; (e) Lifting and changing position; (f) Arranging of supports; (g) Temperature, pulse and respiration; (h) Feeding when helpless.
5. Local applications, hot and cold, (fomentations, compresses etc.) (Demonstrate at least one point).
6. Common household remedies and their use: castor oil, soda, olive oil, epsom salts, aromatic spirits of ammonia.
7. First treatment of some common household emergencies, cramps, earache, headache, cold, chills, choking, nosebleed, and fainting.
8. How to give an enema.
9. Proper food for invalids and serving it. Be able to prepare and serve five of the following. Two foods must be shown to examiner and three may be certified to by mother or other responsible person.
1. Cereal, as oatmeal, gruel; cereal water, as barley water.
2. Toast, toast water, milk toast, cream toast.
3. Plain albumen, albuminized water, albuminized milk.
4. Eggnog, soft cooked egg, poached egg.
5. Pasteurized milk, junket, custard.
6. Beef, mutton, chicken, clam or oyster broth.
7. Fruit beverage, stewed dried fruit, baked apple.
8. Gelatin jellies, chicken jelly.
9. Tea, coffee, cocoa.
"Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick." Red Cross Text by Jane A. Delano, R. N. Revised by Anne H. Strong, R. N., Blakiston, Philadelphia, 1922.
"What to do Before the Doctor Comes," Frieda E. Lippert, Lippincott.
"Home Nurses Handbook of Practical Nursing," C. A. Aikens, Saunders.
"Home Nursing," Louisa C. Lippitt, World Book Co.
1. Demonstrate saddling and bridling a saddle horse.
2. Demonstrate riding at a walk, trot and gallop.
3. Demonstrate harnessing correctly in single harness.
4. Demonstrate driving in single harness.
5. What are the rules of the road as to turning out?
6. What are the rules for feeding and watering a horse, and how do these vary according to conditions?
7. What implements are used for grooming a horse? Show how they should be used.
8. Hitch a horse, using the best knot for that purpose.
9. Know principal causes of and how to detect and how to remedy lameness and sore back.
10. Know how to detect and remove a stone from the foot.
11. Know the principal points of a horse, and the different parts of the harness.
"Riding and Driving for Women," B. Beach, Scribner.
"Horsemanship," C. C. Fraser.
1. Demonstrate receiving, introducing and bidding guests goodbye.
2. Write notes of invitation for a luncheon, dinner party, and write a letter inviting a friend to make a visit.
3. Give an out of door party or picnic planning entertainment, and prepare and serve refreshments, OR
Demonstrate ability to plan for an indoor party, arranging the rooms, a place for wraps, entertainment of guests, serving of refreshments.
4. Set a table and entertain guests for lunch or dinner or afternoon tea and demonstrate the duties of a hostess who has no maid, or one who has a maid, to serve.
5. What are the duties of a hostess when entertaining a house guest for a few days or more?
6. When entertained as a house guest what are some of the necessary things to be remembered?
7. What is a "bread and butter" letter? Write one. |