[Footnote 4: A series of the eggs of butterflies were then shown, as were the objects successively referred to, but not here reproduced.]
Now these minute creatures also deposit eggs. They are placed with wonderful instinct in the part of the plumage and the part of the feather which will most conserve their safety; and they are either glued or fixed by their shape or by their spine in the position in which they shall be hatched. I show here a group of the eggs of these minute creatures. I need not call your attention to their beauty; it is palpable. But I am fain to show you that, subtle and refined as that beauty is, it is clearly brought out. The flower-like beauty of the egg of the peacock's parasite, the delicate symmetry and subtle carving of the others, simply entrance an observer. Note then that it is not merely enlarged specks of form that we are beholding, but such true magnifications of the objects as bring out all their subtlest details. And it is this quality that must characterize our most powerful lenses. I am almost compelled to note in passing that the beauty of these delicate and minute objects must not be considered an end—a purpose—in nature. It is not so. The form is what it is because it must be so to serve the end for which the egg is formed. There is not a superfluous spine, not a useless petal in the floral egg, not an unneeded line of chasing in the decorated shell. It is shaped beautifully because its shape is needed. In short, it is Nature's method; the identification of beauty and use. But to resume. We may at this point continue our illustrations of the analytical power of moderate lenses by a beautiful instance. We are indebted to Albert Michael, of the Linnean Society of England, for a masterly treatise on a group of acari, or mites, known as the oribatidae. Many of these he has discovered. The one before you is a full grown nymph of what is known as a palmicinctum. It is deeply interesting as a form; but for us its interest is that it is minute, being only a millimeter in length. But it repeatedly casts the dorsal skin of the abdomen. Each skin is bordered by a row of exquisite scales; and then successive rows of these scales persist, forming a protection to the entire organism. Mark then that we not only reveal the general form of the nymph, but the lens reveals the true structure of the scales, not enlargement merely, but detail. The egg of the organism, still more magnified, is also seen.
To vary our examples and still progress. We all know the appearance and structure of chalk. The minute foraminifera have, by their accumulated tests, mainly built up its enormous masses. But there is another chalk known as Barbados earth; it is silicious, and is ultimately composed of minute and beautiful skeletons such as those which, enormously magnified, you now see. These were the glassy envelopes which protected the living speck that dwelt within and built it. They are the minutest of the Radiolaria, which peopled in inconceivable multitudes the tertiary oceans; and, as they died, their minute skeletons fell down in a continuous rain upon the ocean bed, and became cemented into solid rock which geologic action has brought to the surface in Barbados and many other parts of the earth. If a piece of this earth, the size of a bean, be boiled in dilute acid and washed, it will fall into powder, the ultimate grains of which are such forms as these which you see. The one before you is an instance of exquisite refinement of detail. The form from which the drawing of the magnified image was made was extremely small—a mere white speck in the strongest light upon a black ground. But you observe it is not a speck of form merely enlarged. It is not merely beauty of outline made bigger. But there is—as in the delicate group you now see—a perfect opening up of otherwise absolutely invisible details. We may strengthen this evidence in favor of the analytical power of our higher lenses by one more familiar example, and then advance to the most striking illustration of this power which our most perfect and powerful lenses can afford. I fear that may be taking too much for granted to assume that every one in an audience like this has seen a human flea! Most, however, will have a dim recollection or suggestive instinct as to its size in nature. Nothing striking is revealed by this amount of magnification excepting the existence of breathing pores or spiracles along the scale armor of its body. But there is a trace of structure in the terminal ring of the exo-skeleton which we cannot clearly define, and of which we may desire to know more. This can be done only by the use of far higher powers.
To effect this, we must carefully cut off this delicate structure, and so prepare it that we may employ upon it the first of a series of our highest powers. The result of that examination is given here.[5] You see that the whole organ has a distinct form and border, and that its carefully carved surface gives origin to wheel-like areolae which form the bases of delicate hairs. The function of this organ is really unknown. It is known from its position as the pygidium; and from the extreme sensitiveness of the hairs to the slightest aerial movement, may be a tactile organ warning of the approach of enemies; the eyes have no power to see. But we have not reached the ultimate accessible structure of this organ. If we place a portion of the surface under one of the finest of our most powerful lenses, this will be the result.[6] Now, without discussing the real optical or anatomical value of this result as it stands, what I desire to remind you of is:
1. The natural size of the flea.
2. The increase of knowledge gained by its general enlargement.
3. The relation in size between the flea and its pygidium.
4. The manner in which our lenses reveal its structure, not merely amplify its form.
[Footnote 5: The pygidium of the flea, very highly magnified, was here shown.]
[Footnote 6: An illustration of the pygidium structure seen with one-thirty-fifth immersion was given.]
Now with these simple and yet needful preliminaries you will be able to follow me in a careful study of the least, the very lowliest and smallest, of all living things. It lies on the very verge of our present powers of optical aid, and what we know concerning it will convince you that we are prepared with competent skill to attack the problem of the life-histories of the smallest living forms. The group to which the subject of our present study belongs is the bacteria. They are primarily staff-like organisms of extreme minuteness, but may be straight, or bent, or curved, or spiral, or twisted rods. This entire projection is drawn on glass, with camera lucida, each object being magnified 2,000 diameters, that is to say, 4,000,000 of times in area. Yet the entire drawing is made upon an area of not quite 3 inches in diameter, and afterward projected here. The objects therefore are all equally magnified, and their relative sizes may be seen. The giant of the series is known as Spirillum volutans; and you will see that the representative species given become less and less in size until we reach the smallest of all the definite forms, and known to science as Bacterium termo.
Now within given limits this organism varies in size, but if a fair average be taken its size is such that 50,000,000 laid in order would only fill the hundredth of a cubic inch. Now the majority of these forms move with rapidity and grace in the fluids they inhabit. But how? By what means? By looking at the largest form of this group, you will see that it is provided with two delicate fibers, one at each end. Ehrenberg and others strongly suspected their existence, and we were enabled, with more perfect lenses, to demonstrate their presence some twelve years ago. They are actually the swimming organs of this Spirillum. The fluid is lashed rhythmically by these fibers, and a spiral movement of the utmost grace results. Then do the intermediate forms that move also possess these flagella, and does this least form in nature, viz., Bacterium termo, accomplish its bounding and rebounding movements in the same way? Yes! by a series of resolute efforts, in using a new battery of lenses—the finest that at that time had ever been put into the hands of man—I was enabled to show in succession that each motile form of Bacterium up to B. lineola accomplished its movements by fibers or flagella; and that in the act of self-division, constantly taking place, a new fiber was drawn out for each half before separation.
But the point of difficulty was B. termo. The demonstration of its flagella was a task of difficulty which only patient purpose could conquer. But by the use of our new lenses, and special illumination we—my colleague and I—were enabled to demonstrate clearly a flagellum at each end of this least of living organisms, as you see, and by the rapid lashing of the fluid, alternately or together, with these flagella, the powerful, rapid, and graceful movements of this smallest known living thing are accomplished. Of course these fibers are inconceivably fine—indeed for this very reason it was desirable, if possible, to measure it, to discover its actual thickness. We all know that, both for the telescope and the microscope, beautiful apparatus are made for measuring minute magnified details. But unfortunately no instrument manufactured was delicate enough to measure directly this fiber. If it were measured it must be by an indirect progress, which I accomplished thus: The diameter of the body of B. termo, i.e., from; side to side, may in different forms vary from the 1/20000 to the 1/50000 of an inch. That is a measurement which we may easily make directly with a micrometer. Haying ascertained this, I determined to discover the ratio of thickness between the body of the Bacterium and its flagellum—that is to say, to discover how many of the flagella laid side by side would make up the width of the body.
I proceeded thus: This is a complicated microscope placed on a tripod, so arranged that it may be conveniently worked upright. There is a special instrument for centering and illuminating. On the stage of the instrument, the Bacterium with its flagellum in distinct focus is placed. Instead of the simple eyepiece, camera lucida is placed upon it. This instrument is so constructed that it appears to throw the image of the object upon the white sheet of paper on the small table at the right hand where the drawing is made, at the, same time that it enables the same eye to see the pencil and the right hand. In this way I made a careful drawing of B. termo and its flagellum, magnified 5,000 diameters. Here is a projection of the drawing made. But I subsequently avoided paper, and used under the camera most carefully prepared surface of ground glass. When the drawing was made I placed on the drawing a drop of Canada balsam, and covered it with a circle of thin glass, just like any other microscopic mounted object. This is a micro-slide so prepared. Now you can see that I only have to lay this on the stage of a microscope, make it an object for a low power, and use a screw micrometer to find how many flagella go to the making of a body. The result is given in the figure; you see that ten flagella would fill the area occupied by the diameter of the body.
In the case chosen the body was the 1/20,400 of an inch wide, and therefore, when divided by ten, gave for the flagellum a thickness of the 1/204,000 of an English inch. In the end I made fifty separate drawings with four separate lenses. I averaged the result in each fifty, and then took the average of the total of 200, and the mean value of the width of the flagellum was the 1/204,700 of an English inch. It will be seen, then, that we are possessed of instruments which, when competently used, will enable us to study the life-histories of the putrefactive organisms, although they are the minutest forms of life. I have stated that they were the inevitable accompaniments of putrescence and decay. You learned from a previous illustration the general appearance of the Bacteria; they are the earliest to appear whenever putrefaction shows itself. In fact the pioneer is this—the ubiquitous Bacterium termo. The order of succession of the other forms is by no means certain. But whenever a high stage of decomposition is reached, a group of forms represented by these three will swarm the fluid. These are the Monads, they are strictly putrefactive organisms, they are midway in size between the least and largest Bacteria, and are, from their form and other conditions, more amenable to research, and twelve years ago I resolved, with the highest power lenses and considerable practice in their use, to attack the problem of their origin; whether as physical products of the not-living, or as the natural progeny of parents.
But you will remember that only a minute drop of fluid containing them can be examined at one time. This minute drop has to be covered with a minute film of glass not more than the 1/200 of an inch thick. The highest lenses are employed, working so near as almost to touch the delicate cover. Clearly, then, the film of fluid would rapidly evaporate and cause the destruction of the object studied. To prevent this an arrangement was devised by which the lens and the covered fluid under examination were used in an air-tight chamber, the air of which was kept in a saturated condition; so that being, like a saturated sponge, unable to take in any more, it left the film of fluid unaffected. But to make the work efficient I soon found that there must be a second observer. Observation by leaps was of no avail. To be accurate it must be unbroken. There must be no gap in a chain of demonstration. A thousand mishaps would occur in trying to follow a single organism through all the changes of successive hours to the end. But, however many failures, it was evident, we must begin on another form at the earliest point again, and follow it to the close. I saw soon that every other method would have been merely empirical, a mere piecemeal of imagination and fact. When one observer's ability to continue a long observation was exhausted, there must be another at hand to take up the thread and continue it; and thus to the end. I was fortunate indeed at this time in securing the ready and enthusiastic aid of Dr. J.J. Drysdale, of Liverpool, who practically lived with me for the purpose, and went side by side with me to the work. We admitted nothing which we had not both seen, and we succeeded each other consecutively, whenever needful, in following to the end the complete life-histories of six of these remarkable forms.
I will now give you the facts in relation to two which shall be typical. We obtained them in enormous abundance in a maceration of fish. I will not take them in the order of our researches, but shall find it best to examine the largest and the smallest. The appearance of the former is now before you. It is divergent from the common type when seen in its perfect condition, avoiding the oval form, but it resumes it in metamorphosis. It is comparatively huge in its proportions, its average extreme length being the 1/1000 of an inch. Its normal form is rigidly adhered to as that of a rotifer or a crustacean. Its body-substance is a structureless sarcode. Its differentiations are a nucleus-like body, not common to the monads; generally a pair of dilating vacuoles, which open and close, like the human eyelid, ten to twenty times in every minute; and lastly, the usual number of four flagella. That the power of motion in these forms and in the Bacteria is dependent upon these flagella I believe there can be no reasonable doubt. In the monads, the versatility, rapidity, and power of movement are always correlated with the number of these. The one before us could sweep across the field with majestic slowness, or dart with lightning swiftness and a swallow's grace. It could gyrate in a spiral, or spin on its axis in a rectilinear path like a rifled bullet. It could dart up or down, and begin, arrest, or change its motion with a grace and power which at once astonish and entrance. Fixing on one of these monads then, we followed it doggedly by a never-ceasing movement of a "mechanical stage," never for an instant losing it through all its wanderings and gyrations; We found that in the course of minutes, or of hours, the sharpness of its outline slowly vanish, its vacuoles disappeared, and it lost its sharp caudal extremity, and was sluggishly amoeboid. This condition tensified, the amoeboid action quickened as here depicted, the agility of motion ceased, the nucleus body became strongly developed, and the whole sarcode was in a state of vivid and glittering action.
If now it be sharply and specially looked for, it will be seen that the root of the flagella splits, dividing henceforth into two separate pairs. At the same moment a motion is set up which pulls the divided pairs asunder, making the interval of sarcode to grow constantly greater between them. During this time the nuclear body has commenced and continued a process of self-division; from this moment the organism grows rapidly rounder, the flagella swiftly diverge. A bean-like form is taken; the nucleus divides, and a constriction is suddenly developed; this deepens; the opposite position of the flagella ensues, the nearly divided forms now vigorously pull in opposite directions, the constriction is thus deepened and the tail formed. The fiber of sarcode, to which the constricted part has by tension been reduced, now snaps, and two organisms go free. It will have struck you that the new organism enters upon its career with only two flagella, and the normal organism is possessed of four. But in a few minutes, three or four at most, the full complement were always there. How they were acquired it was the work of months to discover, but at last the mystery was solved. The newly-fissioned form darted irregularly and rapidly for a brief space, then fixed itself to the floor or to a rigid object by the ends of its flagella, and, with its body motionless, an intense vibratory action was set up along the entire length of these exquisite fibers. Rapidly the ends split, one-half being in each fiber set free, and the other remaining fixed, and in 130 seconds each entire flagellum was divided into a perfect pair.
Now the amoeboid state is a notable phenomenon throughout the monads as precursive of striking change. It appears to subserve the purpose of the more facile acquisition and digestion of food at a crisis. And this augmented the difficulty of discovering further change; and only persistent effort enabled us to discover that with comparative rareness there appeared a form in an amoeboid state that was unique. It was a condition chiefly confined to the caudal end, the sarcode having became diffluent, hyaline, and intensely rapid in the protrusion and retraction of its substance, while the nuclear body becomes enormously enlarged. These never appear alone; forms in a like condition are diffused throughout the fluid, and may swim in this state for hours. Meanwhile, the diffluence causes a spreading and flattening of the sarcode and swimming gives place to creeping, while the flagella violently lash. In this condition two forms meet by apparent accident, the protrusions touch, and instant fusion supervenes. In the course of a few seconds there is no disconnected sarcode visible, and in five to seven minutes the organism is a union of two of the organisms, the swimming being again resumed, the flagella acting in apparent concert. This may continue for a short time, when movement begins to flag and then ceases. Meanwhile, the bodies close together, and the eyenots or vacuoles melt together, the two nuclei become one and disappear, and in eighteen hours the entire body of "either has melted into other," and a motionless, and for a time irregular, sac is left. This now becomes smooth, spherical, and tight, being fixed and motionless. This is a typical process; but the mingled weariness and pleasure realized in following such a form without a break through all the varied changes into this condition is not easily expressed.
But now the utmost power of lenses, the most delicate adjustment of light, and the keenest powers of eyesight and attention must do the rest. Before the end of six hours the delicate glossy sac opens gently at one place, then there streams out a glairy fluid densely packed with semi-opaque granules, just fairly visible when their area was increased six millions of times, and this continued until the whole sac was empty and its entire contents diffused. To follow with our utmost powers these exquisite specks was an unspeakable pleasure, a group seen to roll from the sac, when nearly empty, were fixed and never left. They soon palpably changed by apparent swelling or growth, but were perfectly inactive; but at the end of three hours a beaked appearance was presented. Rapid growth set in, and at the end of another hour, how has entirely baffled us, they acquired flagella and swam freely; in thirty-five minutes more they possessed a nucleus and rapidly developed, until at the end of nine hours after emission a sporule was followed to the parent condition and left in the act of fission. In this way, with what difficulties I need not weary you, a complete life-cycle was made out.
And now I will invite your attention to the developmental history of the most minute of the six forms we studied. In form it is a long oval, it is without visible structure or differentiation within, and is possessed of only a single flagellum. Its utmost length is the 1/5000 of an inch. Its motion is continuous in a straight line, and not intensely rapid, nor greatly varied, being wholly wanting in curves and dartings. The copiousness of its increase was, even to our accustomed eyes, remarkable in the extreme, but the reason was discovered with comparative ease. Its fission was not a division into two, but into many. The first indication of its approach in following this delicate form was the assumption rapidly of a rounder shape. Then followed an amoeboid and uncertain form, with an increased intensity of action which lasted a few moments, when lassitude supervened, then perfect stillness of the body, which is now globular in form, while the flagellum feebly lashed, and then fell upon and fused with the substance of the sarcode. And the result is a solid, flattened, homogeneous ball of living jelly.
To properly study this in its further changes, a power of from three to four thousand diameters must be used, and with this I know of few things in the whole range of minute beauty more beautiful than the effect of what is seen. In the perfectly motionless flattened sphere, without the shimmer of premonition and with inconceivable suddenness, a white cross smites itself, as it were, through the sarcode. Then another with equal suddenness at right angles, and while with admiration and amazement one for the first time is realizing the shining radii, an invisible energy seizes the tiny speck, and fixing its center, twists its entire circumference, and endows it with a turbined aspect. From that moment intense interior activity became manifest. Now the sarcode was, as it were, kneading its own substance, and again an inner whirling motion was visible, reminding one of the rush of water round the interior of a hollow sphere on its way to a jet or fountain. Deep fissures or indentations showed themselves all over the sphere; and then at the end of ten or more minutes all interior action ceased, and the sphere had segmented into a coiled mass. There was no trace of an investing membrane; the constituent parts were related to each other simply as the two separating parts of an ordinary fission; and they now commenced a quick, writhing motion like a knot of eels, and then, in the course of from seven to thirty minutes, separated, and fully endowed with flagella swam freely away, minute but perfect forms, which by the rapid absorption of pabulum attained speedily to the parent size.
It is characteristic of this group of organic forms that multiplication by self-division is the common and continuous method of increase. The other and essential method was comparatively rare and always obscure. In this instance, on the first occasion the continuous observation of the same "field" for five days failed to disclose to us any other method of increase but this multiple-fission, and it was only the intense suggestiveness of past experience that kept us still alert and prevented us from inferring that it was the only method. But eventually we perceived that while this was the prevailing phenomenon, there were scattered among the other forms of the same monad larger than the rest, and with a singular granular aspect toward the flagellate end. It may be easily contrasted with the normal or ordinary form. Now by doggedly following one of these through all its wanderings a wholly new phase in the morphology of the creature was revealed. This roughened or granular form seized upon and fastened itself to a form in the ordinary condition. The two swam freely together, both flagella being in action, but it was shortly palpable that the larger one was absorbing the lesser. The flagellum of the smaller one at length moved slower, then sluggishly, then fell upon the sarcode, which rapidly diminished, while the bigger form expanded and became vividly active until the two bodies had actually fused into one. After this its activity diminished, in a few minutes the body became quite still, leaving only a feeble motion in the flagellum, which soon fell upon the body-substance and was lost. All that was left now was a still spheroidal glossy speck, tinted with a brownish yellow. A peculiarity of this monad is the extreme uncertainty of the length of time which may elapse before even the most delicate change in this sac is visible. Its absolute stillness may continue for ten or more hours. During this time it is absolutely inert, but at last the sac—for such it is—opens gently, and there is poured out a brownish glairy fluid. At first the stream is small, but at length its flow enlarges the rift in the cyst, and the cloudy volume of its contents rolls out, and the hyaline film that inclosed it is all that is left.
The nature of the outflow was like that produced by the pouring of strong spirit into water. But no power that we could employ was capable of detecting a granule in it. To our most delicate manipulation of light, our finest optical appliances, and our most riveted attention, it was a homogeneous fluid and nothing more. This for a while baffled and disturbed us. It lured us off the scent. We inferred that it might possibly be a fertilizing fluid, and that we must look in other directions for the issue. But this was fruitless, and we were driven again to the old point, and having once more obtained the emitted fluid, determined to fix a lens magnifying 5,000 diameters upon a clear space over which the fluid had rolled, and near to the exhausted sac, and ply our old trade of watching with unbroken observation.
The result was a reward indeed. At first the space was clear and white, but in the course of a hundred minutes there came suddenly into view the minutest conceivable specks. I can only compare the coming of these to the growth of the stars in a starless space upon the eye of an intense watcher in a summer twilight. You knew but a few minutes since a star was not visible there, and now there is no mistaking its pale beauty. It was so with these inexpressibly minute sporules; they were not there a short time since, but they grew large enough for our optical aids to reveal them, and there they were. Such a field after one hour's watching I present to you. And here I would remark that these delicate specks were unlike any which we saw emerge directly from the sac as granules. In that condition they were always semi-opaque, but here they were transparent, and a brown yellow, the condition always sequent upon a certain measure of growth.
To follow these without the loss of an instant's vision was pleasure of the highest kind. In an hour and ten minutes from their first discovery they had grown to oval points. In one hour more the specks had become beaked and long. And this pointed end was universally the end from which the flagellum emerged. With the flagellum comes motion, and with that abundant pabulum, and therefore rapid growth. But when motion is attained we are compelled to abandon the mass and follow one in all its impetuous travels in its little world; and by doing so we are enabled to follow the developed speck into the parent condition and size, and not to leave it until it had, like its predecessors, entered on and completed its wonderful self-division by fission.
It becomes then clearly manifest that these organisms, lowly and little as they are, arise in fertilized parental products. There is no more caprice in their mode of origin than in that of a crustacean or a bird. Their minuteness, enormous abundance, and universal distribution is the explanation of their rapid and practically ubiquitous appearance in a germinating and adult condition. The presence of putrefiable or putrescent matter determines at once the germination of the always-present spore. But a new question arises. These spores are definite products. In the face of some experimental facts one was tempted to inquire: Have these spores any capacity to resist heat greater than the adults? It was not easy to determine this question. But we at length were enabled to isolate the germs of seven separate forms, and by means of delicate apparatus, and some twelve months of research, to place each spore sac in an apparatus so constructed that it could be raised to successive temperatures, and without any change of conditions examined on the stage of the microscope.
In this way we reached successive temperatures higher and higher until the death point—the point beyond which no subsequent germination ever occurred—was reached in regard to each organism. The result was striking. The normal death point for the adult was 140 deg. F. One of the monads emitted from its sac minute mobile specks—evidently living bodies—which rapidly grew. These we always destroyed at a temperature of 180 deg. F. Three of the sacs emitted spores that germinated at every temperature under 250 deg. F. Two more only had their power of germination destroyed at 260 deg. F. And one, the least of all the monad forms, in a heat partially fluid and partially dry, at all points up to 300 deg. F. But if wholly in fluid it was destroyed at the point of 290 deg. F. The average being that the power of heat resistance in the spore was to that of the adult as 11 to 6. From this it is clear that we dare not infer spontaneous generation after heat until we know the life-history of the organism.
In proof of this I close with a practical case. A trenchant and resolute advocate of the origin of living forms de novo has published what he considers a crucial illustration in support of his case. He took a strong infusion of common cress, placed it in a flask, boiled it, and, while boiling, hermetically sealed it. He then heated it up in a digester to 270 deg. F. It was kept for nine weeks and then opened, and, in his own language, on microscopical examination of the earliest drop "there appeared more than a dozen very active monads." He has fortunately measured and roughly drawn these. A facsimile of his drawing is here. He says that they were possessed of a rapidly moving lash, and that there were other forms without tails, which he assumed were developmental stages of the form. This is nothing less than the monad whose life-history I gave you last. My drawings, magnified 2,500 diams., of the active organism and the developing sac are here.
Now this experimenter says that he took these monads and heated them to a temperature of about 140 deg. F., and they were all absolutely killed. This is accurately our experience. But he says these monads arose in a closed flask, the fluid of which had been heated up to 270 deg. F. Therefore, since they are killed at 140 deg. F., and arose in a fluid after being heated to 270 deg. F., they must have arisen de novo! But the truth is that this is the monad whose spore only loses its power to germinate at a temperature (in fluid) of 290 deg., that is to say, 20 deg. F. higher than the heat to which, in this experiment, they had been subjected. And therefore the facts compel the deduction that these monads in the cress arose, not by a change of dead matter into living, but that they germinated naturally from the parental spore which the heat employed had been incompetent to injure. Then we conclude with a definite issue, viz., by experiment it is established that living forms do not now arise in dead matter. And by study of the forms themselves it is proved that, like all the more complex forms above them, they arise in parental products. The law is as ever, only that which is living can give origin to that which lives.
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