In throwing small quantities of certain high explosives, powder guns can be used satisfactorily, but when large quantities are required, the mechanical system of guns possess numerous advantages. All the high explosives are subject to premature detonation by shock; each of them is supposed to have its own peculiar shock to which it is sensitive; but what this shock may be is at present unknown. We do know, however, that premature explosions in guns are more liable to occur when the charge in the shell is large than when it is small. This is due to the fact that when the gun is fired, the inertia of the charge in the shell is overcome by a pressure proportional to the mass and acceleration, which pressure is communicated to the shell charge by the rear surface of the cavity, and the pressure per unit of mass will vary inversely as this surface. If, then, the quantity of explosive in the shell forms a large proportion of the total weight of the shell, we approach in powder guns a condition of shock to it which is always dangerous and frequently fatal. The pressure behind the projectile varies from twelve to fifteen tons per square inch, but it is liable to rise to seventeen and eighteen tons, and in the present state of the manufacture of gunpowder we cannot in ordinary guns regulate it nearer than that. It is not a matter of so much importance so far as the guns are concerned, when using ordinary projectiles, as the gun will endure a pressure of from twenty-five to thirty tons per square inch; but with high explosives in the shell it is a vitally serious matter. From all I can learn regarding European practice, it appears that not only are the explosives made sluggish, but the quantity seldom exceeds thirty per cent. of the weight of the shell, and the velocities, notwithstanding, are kept very low. In the pneumatic gun the velocity is low also, but so is the pressure in the gun. The pressure in the firing reservoir is kept at the relatively low figure of 1,000 pounds per square inch or less, and the air is admitted to the chamber of the gun by a balance valve which cuts off just the quantity of air (within a very few pounds) that is required to make the shot. The gun is long, and advantage is taken of the expansion of the air. In no case can the pressure rise in the gun beyond that in the reservoir.
Up to the present time there have been no accidents in using the most powerful explosives in their natural state, and in quantities over fifty per cent. of the weight of the projectile. I have seen projectiles weighing 950 pounds, and containing 500 pounds of explosives (300 pounds of the blasting gelatine and 200 pounds of No. 1 dynamite) thrown nearly a mile and exploded after disappearing under water. According to Gen. Abbot's formula such a projectile would have sunk any armorclad floating within forty-seven feet of where it struck. Apparently there is no limit to the percentage of explosive that can be placed in the shell except the mechanical one of having the walls thick enough to prevent being crushed by the shock of discharge. In the large projectiles a transverse diaphragm is introduced to strengthen the walls and to subdivide the charge.
The development of the pneumatic gun has been attended with some other important discoveries, which may be of interest. It is well known that mortar fire is very inaccurate, except at fixed long distances, in consequence of the high angle, the slowness of flight of the projectile, the variability of the powder pressure, and the inability to change the elevation and the charge of powder rapidly. In the pneumatic gun, the complete control of the pressure remedies the most important of the mortar's defects and makes the fire accurate from long ranges down to within a few yards of the gun. It is obvious that the pressure can be usefully controlled in two ways: (1) by keeping the elevation of the gun fixed and using a valve that can be set to cut off any quantity of air, according to the range desired; (2) by keeping the pressure in the reservoir constant, and using a valve which will cut off the same quantity of air every time, changing the elevation of the gun according to the distance. Another important discovery consists in the application of subcalibered projectiles for obtaining increased range.
The gun is smooth-bored and a full-sized projectile is a cylinder with hemispherical ends, to the rear of which is attached a shaft having metal vanes placed at an angle, which causes the projectile to revolve round its longer axis during flight. A subcalibered projectile, however, being of less diameter than the bore of the gun, has the vanes on its exterior, and is held in the axis of the gun by means of gas checks which drop off as the projectile leaves the muzzle. The shock to the explosive is, of course, greater than in the full-sized projectile, but the increase can be calculated, and so far a dangerous limit has not been reached. From the fifteen-inch gun with a pressure of 1,000 pounds per square inch and a velocity of about 800 f.s., a range of 4,000 yards has been obtained at an elevation of 30 deg. 20, with a ten-inch subcalibered projectile, about eight calibers long and weighing 500 pounds. This projectile will contain 220 pounds of blasting gelatine. With improved full-sized projectiles weighing 1,000 pounds, a range of 2,500 yards will doubtless be obtained.
At elevations below 15 deg. these long projectiles are liable to ricochet, and what is now wanted is a projectile which will stay under water at all angles of fall and will run parallel to the surface like a locomotive torpedo. Such a projectile has yet to be invented; but I have seen a linked shell, which has been experimented with from a nine-inch powder gun, that partially meets this condition. It is made of several sections united by means of rope or electric wire in lengths of 100 to 150 feet. When fired all sections remain together for some distance; the rear section then first begins to separate; then the next, and so on. It is primarily intended to envelop an enemy's vessel, and to remedy the present uncertainty of elevation in a gun mounted in a pitching boat; but it is found that when it strikes the water in its lengthened out condition, it will neither dive nor ricochet, but will continue for some distance just under the surface until all momentum is lost, when it will sink. This projectile is at present crude, and has never been tried loaded, but it will probably be developed into something useful in time.
I have confined my remarks in the foregoing discussion principally to such methods of using high explosives in shells as have proved themselves successful beyond an experimental degree, and practically they reduce themselves to two, viz., using a sluggish explosive in small quantities from an ordinary powder gun, and using any explosive from a pneumatic or other mechanical gun. Naturally, the success of the latter method will soon induce the manufacture of powders having an abnormally low maximum pressure. There is undoubtedly a field for the use of such powders in connection with an air space in the gun to still further regulate the pressure; but nothing of this sort has yet been attempted. Many methods of padding the shell have been devised for reducing the shock in powder guns, but the variability of the powder pressure is too great to have yet rendered any such method successful. A method was patented by Gruson in Germany of filling a shell with the two harmless constituents of an explosive and having them unite and explode by means of a fulminate fuse on striking an object. He used for the constituents nitric acid and dinitro-benzine, and was quite successful; but the system has not met with favor, on account of the inconvenience. The explosive was about four times as powerful as gunpowder.
That the advantage of using the most powerful explosives is a real one can be easily shown. The eight inch pneumatic gun in New York harbor, with a projectile containing fifty pounds of blasting gelatine and five pounds of dynamite, easily sunk a schooner at 1,864 yards range from the torpedo effect of the shell falling alongside it.
This same shell, if filled with gunpowder, would have contained but twenty-five pounds, and have had but one-ninth the power.
The principal European nations are now building armored turrets sunk in enormous masses of cement, as a result of their experiences with gun-cotton and melenite. The fifteen inch pneumatic projectile, which I described as being capable of sinking an armorclad at forty-seven feet from where it struck, would have been capable of penetrating fifty feet of cement had it struck upon a fortification. It was not only a much larger quantity of high explosive than Europeans have experimented with, but the explosive itself is probably more than twice as strong as their gun-cotton and five or six times as strong as their melenite. In the plans of Gen. Brialmont, one of the most eminent of European engineers, he allows in his fortifications about ten feet of cement over casements, magazines, etc. It is evident that this is insufficient for dynamite shells such as I have described.
At Fort Wagner, a sand work built during our war, Gen. Gillmore estimated that he threw one pound of metal for every 3.27 pounds of sand removed. He fired over 122,230 pounds of metal, and one night's work would have repaired the damage. The new fifteen inch pneumatic shell will contain 600 pounds of blasting gelatine, and judging from the German experiments at Kummsdorf, which I have cited, one of these fifteen inch shells would throw out a prodigious quantity of sand; either 500 pounds to one of shell, or 2,000 pounds to one of shell, according as the estimate of Gen. Abbot or of Capt. Zalinski is used. The former considers that the radius of destructive effect increases as the square root of the charge; the latter that the area of destructive effect for this kind of work is directly proportional to the charge.
The effect of the high explosives upon horizontal armor is very great; but we have yet to learn how to make it shatter vertical armor. No fact about high explosives is more curious than this, and there is no theory to account for it satisfactorily. As previously stated, the French have found that four inches of vertical armor is ample to keep out the largest melenite shells, and experiments at Annapolis, in 1884, showed that masses of dynamite No. 1, weighing from seventy-five to 100 pounds, could be detonated with impunity when hung against a vertical target composed of a dozen one inch iron plates bolted together.
In conclusion, I may say that in this country we are prone to think that the perfection of the methods of throwing high explosives in shell is vastly in favor of an unprotected nation like ourselves, because we could easily make it very uncomfortable for any vessels that might attempt to bombard our sea coast cities.
This is true as far as it goes, but unfortunately the use of high explosives will not stop there. I lately had explained to me the details of a system which is certainly not impossible for damaging New York from the sea by means of dynamite balloons. The inventor simply proposed to take advantage of the sea breeze which blows toward New York every summer's afternoon and evening. Without ever coming in sight of land, he could locate his vessel in such a position that his balloons would float directly over the city and let fall a ton or two of dynamite by means of a clock work attachment. The inventor had all the minor details very plausibly worked out, such as locating by means of pilot balloons the air currents at the proper height for the large balloons, automatic arrangements for keeping the balloon at the proper height after it was let go from the vessel, and so on. His scheme is nothing but the idea of the drifting or current torpedo, which was so popular during our war, transferred to the upper air. An automatic flying machine would be one step farther than this inventor's idea, and would be an exact parallel in the air to the much dreaded locomotive water torpedo of to-day. There seems to be no limit to the possibilities of high explosives when intelligently applied to the warfare of the future, and the advantage will always be on the side of the nation that is best prepared to use them.
* * * * *
It has long been a familiar fact that gypsum yields on baking a material which possesses the power of setting with water to a firm mass, this setting being accomplished much more quickly than is the case with mortar.
The explanation of the setting of plaster was first given by Lavoisier, who pointed out that gypsum is an hydrated salt, and that the set plaster is in fact gypsum reformed, the change brought about by baking being merely loss of water of crystallization. The beds of gypsum of most importance both formerly and at the present time in the plaster manufacture occur in the neighborhood of Paris in the lower tertiary formation. Different beds differ (1) in respect of character and quantity of admixed materials and (2) in the structure of the gypsum itself. With regard to the first point, some deposits contain a notable proportion of carbonate of lime, a fact which under certain circumstances may considerably influence the character of the plaster. In the matter of structure two principal varieties occur (1) granular and (2) fibrous. Further, hardness of the granular kind varies considerably. These differences of structure in the original material appear to exercise an influence on the properties of the plaster. Thus according to Payen the plaster formed from the granular variety sets more gradually than that derived from the fibrous, and forms a denser mass. The softer kinds of the granular gypsum are those principally used in the production of plaster for the moulds of potteries.
In the old fashioned process which is still employed for making the common kinds of plaster, the material is exposed to the direct action of flame. Large lumps are placed in the lower part of the furnace, above them smaller lumps, and, after the heating has been carried on for some time, finely divided material is filled in at the top. The outer portion of the larger lumps is always overburnt, and in the upper part of the furnace the presence of shining crystalline particles generally indicates the fact that some gypsum has remained unchanged. Provided that the amount of unburnt and overburnt material does not exceed about 30 per cent. of the total, the plaster is suitable for many applications.
It was early observed that set plaster could be revivified by a second baking, but attempts in this direction were not uniformly successful, it being found that the dehydrated substance in some cases refused to set with water. It behaved in fact similarly to the natural anhydrous calcium sulphate which is unaffected by water. These failures were found to be due to the employment of too high a temperature, and such plaster was termed dead burnt. Although this fact was ascertained long ago, yet ignorance of what had already been done has probably been the cause of many disappointments in attempts at revivification which have been made from time to time by persons unacquainted with the history of the subject.
The view generally adopted with regard to the theory of these processes is that plaster consists of anhydrous calcium sulphate, CaSO4, in a condition probably amorphous, different from that of natural crystallized CaSO4, known to mineralogists under the name of anhydrite. By the influence of a high temperature it appears probable that a molecular change is gradually induced with production of a crystalline structure, and probably an increase of specific gravity, resulting in the artificial reproduction of the mineral anhydrite. No determination appears to have been published of the specific gravity of plaster prepared by complete baking at a low temperature. The theory is, however, confirmed by the results obtained by workers on the subject of mineralogical synthesis, who have shown that the material which has been produced at high temperatures has the specific gravity and other physical properties of the mineral anhydrite.
It was formerly supposed that plaster prepared by baking at a temperature above 300 degrees loses completely its power of setting. Later observations, however, as those of Landrin, negative this view. Between 300 degrees and 400 degrees Landrin obtained plasters setting almost instantaneously when mixed with a small amount of water. When the temperature employed approached 400 degrees, the set plaster was softer, but the setting still took place quickly. These observations appear to show that the change to anhydrite is a very gradual process at temperatures below a red heat.
Reference has been made to the differences in (1) time of setting of plaster and (2) in hardness of the resulting material. Both of these properties are affected by the mode of baking. The hardest material is frequently obtained from the quick-setting plasters, but for certain purposes this rapidity in setting is of great practical inconvenience. Thus the moulder in pottery work must have leisure to fill in every detail of a design often complicated and intricate before the material with which he is working becomes intractable. Thus for many of the more refined purposes to which plaster is applied, extreme hardness in the set plaster is of less vital importance than a convenient period of setting. On the other hand, plasters which set very slowly give as a rule too soft a material, as well as being inconvenient in use. Plasters which hit off the happy medium are alone suitable for the work of the potter. The finer varieties of plaster prepared especially for use in potteries are obtained by a treatment which differs in many respects from that described above for the commoner kinds. In the first place, the direct contact of fuel or even flame is avoided, since this reduces some of the sulphate to sulphide of calcium, the presence of which is in many respects objectionable. Secondly, it is necessary that there should be a better control over the temperature, since, as has been seen, if the heating be carried too far the plaster, if not partially dead burnt, will set too quickly for the particular purpose to which it is to be put.
The arrangement employed in France is known as the four a boulanger, or baker's furnace. The temperature attained in the furnace itself never exceeds low redness. The material preferred is the softer kind of the granular variety of gypsum. This is put in in pieces of about 21/2 inches in thickness. After the baking several lumps are broken up and examined to see that there are no shining crystalline particles, which would indicate that some of the gypsum had remained unchanged. Before use the plaster is ground very fine. This point is of considerable practical importance. The consistency attained should be such that the material may be rubbed between the finger and thumb without any feeling of grittiness. Should there be particles of a size to be characterized as "grit," these will after use appear at the surface of the mould, with the result that the mould will have to be abandoned long before it is really worn out, i.e., before the details have lost their sharpness.
It is manifestly of considerable practical importance to understand the conditions which determine the time of the setting up of plaster. According to Payen, the rapidity of setting, provided the plaster has dehydrated at a temperature sufficiently low, depends entirely on the structure of gypsum employed. Thus, according to him, the fibrous kinds gives a plaster setting almost instantaneously. The water, he says, penetrates the material freely, setting takes places almost simultaneously throughout the mass. The hydration of each particle is accompanied by an expansion, and under the conditions specified, this expansion being unresisted takes place to the maximum extent, with the result of leaving cavities between the crystals, and producing a set plaster of less coherence and density. On the other hand, where granular crystalline gypsum has been used, setting begins at the surface of each group of crystals before the water has penetrated to the interior; the hydration is in consequence more gradual, and resistance being offered to the expansion of the inner parts, a harder and denser material is obtained. That this expansion contains an element of truth is indicated by the practice of employing the granular crystalline variety for the preparation of moulding plaster. The explanation appears, however, to be inadequate in several respects, especially in view of the fact that plasters for moulding are reduced to a fine state of division before use. It seems as if this treatment must, in great part at any rate, break up the crystalline aggregates.
In order to discover a more satisfactory explanation, let us examine the results of the chemical analysis of plasters used in commerce. One is struck by the large percentage of water they usually contain. Thus, four samples of ordinary plaster analyzed by Landrin have an average of 90.17 per cent. of CaSO4 and 7.5 per cent. of water, while two samples of best plaster contained 89.8 per cent. of CaSO4 and 7.93 per cent. of water. These numbers do not add up to 100, the difference being due to silica and other impurities of the original gypsum, amounting altogether to about 3 per cent.
It might be suggested that the reason why these plasters set more slowly than completely dehydrated plaster is owing simply to the fact that they contain, apparently, some unaltered gypsum, which serves to dilute the action. Were this so, a similar result, as far as time of setting is concerned, should be obtained with a plaster containing a corresponding quantity of dead-burnt material. This, however, is not found to be the case. The time of setting appears, then, to be connected in some special and peculiar manner with the retention of water by the burnt plaster.
The following explanation of this connection is offered, an explanation only tentative at present, owing to want of experimental data.
The following substances are known:
Gypsum, and set plaster, CaSO4 + 2 H2O, containing 20.93 per cent. of water.
Plaster completely burned at moderate temperature, CaSO4, probably amorphous.
Anhydrite and dead-burned plaster, CaSO4, crystalline.
Selenitic deposit from boilers, 2 CaSO4 + H2O, or CaSO4 + 1/2 H2O, containing 6.2 per cent. of water.
The circumstance that the hot calcium sulphate can crystallize with 1/4 its normal amount of water indicates that for this proportion of water it has a greater attraction than for the other 3/4. Having a similar bearing is the fact that when burned at lower temperatures, gypsum only loses the last portions of water with extreme slowness.
Now, if it be the case that anhydrous calcium sulphate has a greater attraction for the first half molecule of water, then the operation of hydration will proceed very rapidly at first, more slowly afterward. Many such cases are known, e.g., that of copper sulphate. Conversely, if only 3/4 of the water of hydration be expelled during the baking of gypsum, the material obtained should hydrate itself more slowly. For our present purpose it will be convenient to recalculate the numbers given by Landrin (vide supra) so as to make the calcium sulphate and water add up to 100. This treatment of the numbers gives a mean result for the six analyses of 7.68 per cent. of water, the amounts not varying by more than 1 per cent.
It will be seen that the dehydration has never passed the composition corresponding to 2 CaSO4 + H2O; indeed, the material approximates more nearly to the composition 3 CaSO4 + H2O. It appears probable, therefore, that in the successful preparation of plaster the whole, or nearly the whole, of the gypsum is changed, but that this change does not result in the production of CaSO4, or of a mixture of CaSO4 and CaSO4 + 2 H2O, but of a lower hydrate of calcium sulphate.
In the case of the analyses, given by Landrin, of fine plaster for potteries, the percentages of water (8.14 and 8.08) correspond closely to that of a hydrate, 3 CaSO4 + 2 H2O, which would contain 8.1 per cent. of water.
Some surprise may have been excited by the fact that the well known method of revivifying hydrated calcium sulphate has recently formed the subject of a patent (Eng. pat., No. 15,406).
The method described in the specification consists in reducing the materials (waste moulds, etc.) to small lumps, and baking between the temperatures of 95 deg. and 300 deg.. It is mentioned that the whole of the water must not be expelled. This is no doubt correct, but it must be effected by regulating the time of baking, since by prolonging the operation all the water of crystallization can be expelled far below 300 deg.. To secure even baking the mass is kept stirred by mechanical stirrers, a necessary precaution, since the operation is to be carried out in an ordinary kiln. The process is stopped when a portion of the plaster is found to set in the required time, a method of regulation which will probably be found to work well in practice.—Chem. Trade Jour.
* * * * *
The amateur performer on the banjo, if he be of a mechanical turn, is often tempted to exercise his skill by making an instrument for himself; and the temptation is the greater because he can confine himself to the essentials. The excellence of a banjo in respect to power and tone depends mainly upon the rim and the neck, that is, supposing the parchment head to be of proper quality; but then the preparation of the heads is a business of itself, and the amateur is no more expected to make the head than to make the strings. So again, all the minor accessories, such as pegs and tail pieces, brackets and bridges, are kept in stock for his benefit, and he may justly claim all the credit if his efforts in connection with the two principal parts first mentioned result in the production of a superior instrument. Among these ready-made items is a "fret wire" of peculiar section, furnished with a flange ready for insertion into fine saw cuts across the neck, which much facilitates his work.
Of course, the correctness of the notes depends entirely upon the accuracy with which the frets are spaced, and the accompanying diagram exhibits a convenient method of determining the spaces by graphic means.
It is to be understood that when the distance from the "nut," N, to the bridge, B, has been determined, the first fret is to be placed at 1/18 of that distance from the nut, the distance from the first to the second is to be 1/18 of the remainder, and so on. To determine these distances by computation, then, is a simple enough arithmetical exercise; but it is exceedingly tedious, since the denominators of the fractions involved increase with great rapidity; being successive powers of the comparatively large number 18, they soon become enormous.
In the large diagram, the distance, A C, on the horizontal line corresponds to the distance, N B, on the instrument. At A erect a vertical line, and mark upon it a point B such that B C shall be exactly eighteen times any convenient unit, B I. In the illustration B C is 26 inches, and B I is 11/2 inches, so that B C is 27 inches in length. About C as a center describe the arcs, B L, I K, and through I draw a vertical line, cutting B L in D; draw the radius D C, cutting the inner arc, I K, in J, through J draw another vertical, cutting B L in E, and so on.
In the triangles, A B C, 1 D C, 2 E C, we have B I = D J = E F = 1/18 of the hypotenuse in each case, therefore the bases, A C, 1 C, 2 C, are divided in the same proportion, as required, at the points 1, 2, 3. And we might extend the arcs, B L, I K, and repeat the above operation until all the frets were located. But should that be done, the diagram might become inconveniently large, and some of the intersections might not be reliably determined. In order to avoid this, the spacing of the outer arc may be stopped at any convenient division, as L. The vertical by which that point is determined cuts B C at B', and through B' a new arc, B' L', is described. Through the points in which this arc cuts the radial lines already drawn, a new series of verticals is passed, which will divide another portion of A C as required, and by repeating this process the spacing of the whole neck may be effected by a diagram of reasonable size.
* * * * *
Glove making is almost a century old in this country, having been begun in the neighborhood of Gloversville and Johnstown, N.Y., about 1803. Until 1862 the manufacture of gloves in Fulton County, although even then the chief manufacturing industry, was of comparatively small importance. Gloversville and Johnstown were then quiet villages of from three to four thousand people. The flourishing establishments of to-day, or such of them as then existed, were small and comparatively unimportant. In 1862 the stimulating influence of a high protective tariff showed itself in the increased business at Gloversville, Johnstown, and the adjoining hamlet, Kingsboro. These became at once the leading sources of supply for the home market gloves of a medium grade. The quality of the product has steadily improved, and the variety has been increased, until now American-made gloves are steadily driving out the foreign gloves. The skill of American glovers is equal to that of foreign glove makers, and in some respects—notably in the quality of the stitching, and, in some grades, the shape—the American gloves are the best. Foreign expert workmen have been drawn over here from the great glove centers of Europe, so that the greatest skill has been secured here. The annual value of the glove industry in Fulton County has reached about $7,000,000.
One hundred and seventy-five glove makers and 20,000 people in Fulton County draw their subsistence directly from glove making. Some of the firms have a business reaching from $100,000 to $500,000 yearly. The majority, however, have small shops, and do a small but profitable business. Most of the work in Fulton County, as abroad, is done at the homes of the workers. The streets of Gloversville and Johnstown are lined with pretty and tasteful homes, in which the hum of the sewing machine is constantly heard during the working hours of the day, but the workers are exceptionally fortunate in being able while earning good wages to enjoy all the comforts and surroundings of home, and in being practically their own masters and mistresses.
Before the leather can be cut and sewed into the handsome articles that are sold over the counters of the retail dry goods houses and furnishing goods stores as gloves, the skins from which they are made must be specially prepared. The two important points in this preparation are the removal of the albuminous portion of the skin and the retention and chemical changing of the gelatinous part, so that it shall become pliable, elastic, and resist decomposition.
There are various methods which produce these results, and they are technically known as tanning, alum dressing, oil dressing, and Indian dressing. Each method produces a leather distinctly different from that produced by any other. All the preliminary processes of these various methods are alike in principle, although they vary somewhat in detail. The object in all is to remove the hair from the hide, separate the fleshy and albuminous matter, and leave only the gelatinous, which alone is susceptible to the chemical action and can be transformed by it into leather.
When the skins are received in the factory they are thoroughly soaked to open out the texture and prepare them for the removal of the hair. Then the skins are placed in vats of lime water, where, for two or three weeks, the lime works into the flesh and albuminous matter, and loosens the hair. The skins having thus been properly softened, the dirty but picturesque operation of beaming for removing the hair ensues. Before each beamer, as the workman is called, is an inclined semi-cylindrical slab of wood covered with zinc. The skin is first spread upon this, and the broad, curved beam of the knife glides across it from end to end, scraping and removing all the loosened hair, the scarf skin, and the small portion of animal matter adhering to the skin.
After the unhairing, kid skins must be fermented in a drench of bran, whose purpose is to completely decompose the remaining albuminous matter, and also to remove all traces of the lime. The operation is extremely delicate. While the gelatine is not so sensitive to the decomposing action of the ferment, nevertheless great care is required to prevent overfermentation and resulting damage to the texture of the skin. It is impossible for even the most experienced to tell just how long the fermentation should continue. Sometimes the work is done in two or three hours, and sometimes it requires as many days. Incessant watchfulness both day and night is required to detect the critical moment. With the less delicate skins this bran bath is not necessary. Lime and acid solutions accomplish the same purpose. When the gelatine matter is all removed the skins are ready for the actual curative process.
Oil dressing or Indian dressing—which merely differ in application, but are founded upon the same principle—is the most simple method of curing skins. The principle of each is the soaking of the gelatine fibers of the skin with oil, the union of the latter and the gelatine appearing in the form of oxide, and resulting in the insoluble, undecomposable, pliant, and tough material known to the commercial world as leather. The first step in the oil dressing, after the skins have been duly soaked to render them porous and absorptive, is to cover them with fish oil and place them in the stocks or fulling machines—huge wooden hammers with notched faces working in iron cases—where they are beaten and turned, and subjected to a uniform pressure until the oil is gradually absorbed. After taking them out, hanging them up, and stretching them, the oil and fulling process is repeated according to the thickness of the skin, and until every part of it is full of oil. After this the skins are dried in a mild heat that causes the oxidization of the oil. This being completed, all the superfluous oil is removed by putting the skins in an alkali bath. Then the curing process is complete.
With the preparation of kid leather alum is the astringent curative agent. Its operation is accompanied by that of others whose purpose is to secure elasticity and pliability, and mainly to preserve that beautiful texture which makes kid leather superior to all others. These assistants in the process are eggs, flour, and salt. They are combined into what is called a custard. A proper quantity of the custard and a number of skins having been put together in a dash wheel, where they are thrown about for some time, the open pores of the skin absorb the custard freely, and become swelled by the chemical union of the custard and the skin. In trade parlance this swelling is known as "plumping." This having progressed satisfactorily, the skins are folded together with the fleshy side outward, and are dried by a gentle heat.
They are now cured, but they are yet hard and rough. Another objectionable feature is that they are of unequal thickness. Breaking and staking, as they are called, are now resorted to, to make the skins soft, pliable, and of even texture, removing the superfluous chemicals with which they become charged, and the stiffness by manipulating the fibers. Much trained skill and dexterity, especially in knee and arm staking, are required in the stretching, which is the essential feature of these operations. Breaking is first resorted to. The break beam, which is armed at each end with a knife edge, oscillates up and down. In a frame beneath it the operator stretches the dried and stiff skin. The break beam comes down upon the skin, stretches and softens it, and removes much surplus custard. The operator presents a new surface to each stroke of the break beam, and in a very short space of time the entire skin is rendered soft and pliable.
Further manipulation upon the arm or knee stake—of which a dull, semicircular knife blade, supported upon a suitable standard upon the floor or upon a beam about opposite the worker's elbow is the main feature—is required. The skin must be drawn across this knife blade with a considerable application of force so as to reduce the unduly thick parts, stretch the skin and secure a uniform thickness suitable for gloves. Much dexterity, especially in the case of fine skins, is required in this operation to avoid cutting or tearing. The operator places the fleshy side of the skin over the knife, grasps the two ends of the skin, and placing his knee upon it and slowly drawing the skin across the knife edge, he brings his weight to bear upon it. If the operator is skilled and experienced the skin yields quickly, when needed, to the strain applied and a uniform texture is secured. The operation of transforming the skin into leather is now finished, but age is necessary to secure perfect pliability and softness. The skins are, therefore, laid away to let the slow chemical operation going on within them be completed.
The visitor can now watch the further processes of manufacture by visiting the dye rooms. Skins which have already been aged are immersed in dye vats, where the delicate colors are imparted to them. The same care is not required in obtaining the ordinary range of dark colors, for these are "brushed" on, the skin being spread upon a glass slab and the dye being painted on with a brush. After they are dyed the skins are sometimes somewhat hard, and in some classes have to be staked again in order to restore their pliability. The finishing touches to a kid skin are secured by rubbing the grain side over with a size, which imparts a gloss. The experience of Gloversville manufacturers with "buck" gloves has enabled them to impart a special finish to a skin which is very popular under the title of "Mocha." This is the same as suede finish, which is produced in other countries by shaving off the grain side of the skin at an early stage of its progress. The Gloversville method is much better, however, and has more perfect results. Here the grain is removed, and the velvet finish secured by buffing the surface on an emery wheel. The surface of the leather is cut away in minute particles by this process, and the result is an exceedingly even and velvety texture, superior to that obtained by other methods. European manufacturers do not approach the Americans in this respect.
The leathermaker leaves off and the glovemaker begins.
A marble slab lies before the cutter on a table, and every particle of dirt or other inequality is removed before "doling." The skin is spread, flesh side up, upon the slab, and the cutter goes over it with a broad bladed chisel or knife, shaving down inequalities and removing all the porous portions. The dexterity with which this is done makes the operation appear extremely simple, but any but a skilled and experienced operative would almost surely cut through the skin. The most delicate part of the glovemaker's art, in which exact judgment is required, comes in preparing the "tranks" or slips, from which the separate gloves are cut. The trank must be so cut as to have just enough leather to make a glove of a certain size and number. The operation would be easy enough if the material were hard and stiff, and if the elasticity were uniform, but this is rarely the case.
To accomplish this operation the trank must be firmly stretched in one direction, and while so stretched a "redell" stamps the proper dimensions in the other direction, to which the leather is trimmed. Upon the nicety with which this operation is performed depends the question of whether the finished glove will stretch evenly or too much or too little in one direction or the other. After this the trank or outline of the glove must be cut out. In olden times of glove manufacture an outline was traced upon the leather and the pattern was cut with shears. Modern invention has produced dies and presses which are universally used. The steel die has the outline of a double glove, including the opening for the thumb piece. The die rests upon the bed of the press. Several tranks are laid upon it, the lever is drawn, and in a moment the blanks are cut out clean and smooth. The gussets, facings, etc., are cut from the waste leather in the thumb opening at the same operation. Similar dies are used in the cutting of the thumb pieces and fourchettes or strips forming the sides of the fingers.
The pieces now go to the great sewing rooms of the factory, where are long rows of busy sewing girls. If the manufacturer of years ago could revisit the scenes of his earthly toil, and wander through the sewing rooms of a modern factory, he would doubtless be greatly amazed at the sight presented there. In his day such a thing was unknown. The glove was then held in position by a hand clamp, while the sewing girl pushed the needle in and out, making an overseam. All this is done now in an infinitely more rapid manner by machine, and with resulting seams that are more regular and strong than those made by the hand sewer. The overseam sewers earn large wages, and their places are much coveted. Overlapping seams are produced on the pique machine, which is a most ingenious mechanism. The essential feature of this machine is a long steel finger with a shuttle and bobbin working within, and the finger of the glove is drawn upon this steel finger, permitting the seam to be sewn through and through. The visitor to the factory can see also the minor operations of embroidering, lining—in finished gloves—sewing the facing, sewing the buttonholes, putting on the buttons, and trimming with various kinds of thread. Before the gloves are ready for the boxes one more operation remains. The gloves are somewhat unsightly as they come from the sewers' hands, and must be made trim and neat. To secure these desirable results the gloves are taken to the "laying-off" room.
In this are long tables with a long row of brass hands projecting at an acute angle. These are filled with steam and are too hot to touch. These steam tables by ingenious devices are so arranged that it is impossible to burn the glove or stiffen the leather by too much heat, a common defect in ordinary methods. The operation of the "laying-off" room is finished with surprising quickness. Before each table stands an operator, who slips a glove over each frame, draws it down to shape, and after a moment's exposure to the warmth removes it, smooth, shapely, and ready for the box. The frames upon which the gloves are drawn are long and narrow for fine gloves and short and stubby for common ones. Then the glove is taken to the stock room, where there are endless shelves and bins to testify to the chief drawback to glove making, the necessity for innumerable patterns.—The Mercer.
* * * * *
The object of this invention is to produce a firm, solid, dust-resisting, and durable woven cloth, composed, preferably, entirely of cotton, but it may be of a cotton warp combined with a linen or other weft, and is particularly applicable for covering the seats and cushions of railway and other carriages, for upholstering purposes, for bed ticking, and for various other uses. To effect this object, a cotton warp and, preferably, a cotton weft also are employed, or a linen, worsted, or other weft may be used. Both the yarns for warp and weft may be either dull or polished, according to the appearance and finish of cloth desired. The fabric is woven in a plain loom, and the ends are drawn through say eight heald shafts, but four, sixteen, or thirty-two heald shafts might be employed. When eight heald shafts are employed, the warp is drawn as follows: The 1st warp end in the first heald shaft, the 2d warp end in the second heald shaft, and so on, the remaining six warp ends being drawn in, in consecutive order, through the remaining six heald shafts; the 9th warp end is drawn in through the first heald shaft, and so on, the drawing in of the other ends being repeated as above. The order of the shedding is as follows: 1st change. The 1st and 3d heald shafts fall, the rest remaining up. 2d change. The 5th and 7th shafts fall, and the 1st and 3d rise. 3d change. The 2d and 4th shafts fall, and the 5th and 7th rise. 4th change. The 6th and 8th shafts fall, and the 2d and 4th shafts rise. The result is that each weft thread, a, passes under six warp threads, b, and over two warp threads, in the manner illustrated by the accompanying diagram. In drawing in, when four heald shafts are employed, the 1st warp end is drawn in through the 1st heald shaft, the 2d through the 2d shaft, the 3d through the 1st, the 4th through the 2d, the 5th through the 3d, the 6th through the 4th, the 7th through the 3d, and 8th through the 4th shaft, and repeating with the 9th end through the 1st shaft. In shedding, the 1st heald shaft is lowered, then the 3d, then the 2d, and then 4th. The result, in this case, is still the same, viz., that each weft thread passes under six warp ends and over two warp ends. Although a cotton warp is spoken of in some cases, worsted or other yarn can be added to the cotton warp to obtain a variation in the pattern or design.—Jour. of Fabrics.
* * * * *
The object of this invention is to manufacture, in a cheap fabric, a closer imitation of Brussels carpets. As is well known, an ordinary Brussels carpet is made with a pattern on one side only, but according to this invention, it is intended to produce a pattern on both sides of the ingrain or pro-Brussels carpet, so that it will be reversible. In manufacturing a reversible carpet of this class according to the present invention, the pattern is formed by means of the warp and weft combined, and any suitable ingrain warp operated by the harness or jacquard of the loom may be used. In combination with ingrain warp, a fine catching or binding warp, operated by the gear or jacquard harness of the loom, is employed, such fine catching warp being used to bind the weft into the fabric, therefore, if the fabric be woven two-ply, the ingrain warps are thrown on both the under and upper surfaces of the fabric, as well as in between the weft, according to the pattern being woven, by which means four colors are shown on both sides of the fabric, two being produced by the weft, and two by the ingrain warps. More than four colors, however, can be produced upon each side by multiplying the number of colored wefts and warps employed. If the fabric woven be a three-ply, with the addition of the ingrain warps thrown on each face of the fabric, then five or more colors would be imparted to the carpet, as any number of colors can be used to form a given pattern, by planting or arranging the colors in the warp, and the remaining colors by the wefts, and so on. The ingrain warp thread, therefore, together with the weft, used as stated above, produces an effective pattern on both sides of the carpet; consequently, it becomes reversible, and this can be accomplished whether the carpet woven be two, three, or other number of ply. By reference to the accompanying sheets of drawings, this invention will be better understood. Fig. 1 is an enlarged cross section of an improved carpet, a three-ply, that is to say, it is a carpet wherein three shuttles are employed, each carrying a differently colored weft; a represents the weft threads which may be composed of any suitable fiber, b and c are cotton or other fine warp threads, which are employed for binding the weft together, while d and e represent the ingrain or woolen warp, where it will be seen that each ingrain warp, besides lying between the weft, is thrown on both sides of the fabric, for the purpose of forming figures thereon. It will, therefore, be seen that a carpet made according to Fig. 1 will show five colors—three colors produced by the weft and two colors produced by the ingrain warp. Fig. 2 represents a carpet made with two-ply, in which case only four colors will be produced, two by the weft and two by the ingrain warp. It is, consequently, obvious that a carpet made in the manner above described will have a corresponding pattern or figure on both its sides, allowing it to be used on both sides. Fig. 3 also shows a two-ply carpet, but, in this case, six colors are produced, i.e., two colors by the weft and four by the ingrain warp, marked d, d, e, and e, the warp being so manipulated by the harness as to make the carpet reversible, and having a corresponding pattern or figure on both sides.—Journal of Fabrics.
* * * * *
A modified araeometer has been recently patented by Aug. Eichhorn, in Dresden, Germany (Deutsches Reichs-Patent, No. 49,683), which will prove a great boon to chemists, distillers, physicians, etc., as it affords an easy means of determining the specific gravity of liquids, especially such of which only small quantities can be conveniently obtained.
With the ordinary araeometers, as hitherto constructed, a considerable quantity of the test fluid is required, and an elaborate calculation necessary for each determination. In the new araeo-picnometer these drawbacks are ingeniously avoided, so that the specific gravity of any liquid can be quickly and easily obtained with astonishing accuracy.
The new and important feature of this instrument consists in a glass bulb, c—see accompanying sketch—which is filled with the liquid whose gravity is to be determined. Thus, instead of floating the entire apparatus in the test fluid, only a very small quantity of the latter is required, an advantage which can hardly be overestimated, considering how difficult it is in many instances to procure the necessary supply.
^ = = = = a = = = / = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - = - - - - = - - - = - - - - = - - / - - - b - / - - e//- -d - c - - _ / - / - - = - - = - - - - f/ - - - v - - /
The glass bulb, c, when filled with the test fluid, is closed by means of an accurately fitting glass stopper, d, and the instrument is then placed in a glass cylinder filled with distilled water of 17.5 deg. temperature (Centigrade). The gravity is then at once shown on the divided scale in the tube, a. The lower bulb, f, contains some mercury; e is a small glass knob, which serves to maintain the balance, while b is an empty glass bulb (floater).
These instruments are admirably adapted for determining the gravity of alcohol, petroleum, benzine, and every kind of oil, also for testing beer, milk, vinegar, grape juice, lye, glycerine, urine, etc.
As the process is an exceedingly simple one and free from the drawbacks of the araeometer, we are justified in concluding that the araeo-picnometer will soon be in general use.
Petrographical Laboratory, School of Mines, Columbia College.
* * * * *
[Continued from SUPPLEMENT, No. 793, page 12669.]
[Footnote: Lectures recently delivered before the Society of Arts, London. From the Journal of the Society.]
Mr. Frank Livesey, in the concluding sentence of a paper read before the Southern District Association of Gas Managers and Engineers during the past month, on "A Ready Means of Enriching Coal Gas," speaking of enrichment by gasolene by the Maxim-Clarke process, said "it should, in many cases, take the place of cannel, to be replaced in its turn, probably, by a water gas carbureted to 20 or 25 candle power." And now, having fully reviewed the methods either in use or proposed for the enrichment of gas, we will pass on to this, the probable cannel of the future.
Discovered by Fontana, in 1780, and first worked by Ibbetson, in England, in 1824, water gas has added a voluminous chapter to the patent records of England, France, and America, no less than sixty patents being taken out between 1824 and 1858, in which the action of steam on incandescent carbon was the basis for the production of an inflammable gas.
Up to the latter date the attempts to make and utilize water gas all met with failure; but about this time the subject began to be taken up in America, and the principle of the regenerator, enunciated by Siemens in 1856, having been pressed into service in the water-gas generator under the name of fixing chambers or superheaters, we find water gas gradually approaching the successful development to which it has attained in the United States during the last ten years. Having now, by the aid of American skill, been brought into practical form, it is once more attempting to gain a foothold in Western Europe—the land of its birth.
When carbon is acted upon at high temperatures by steam, the first action which takes place is the decomposition of the water vapor, the hydrogen being liberated, while the oxygen unites with the carbon to form carbon dioxide:
Carbon. Water. C + 2H2O = CO2 + 4H2
And the carbon dioxide so produced interacts with more red-hot carbon, forming the lower oxide—carbon monoxide:
CO2 + C = 2CO
So that the completed reaction may be looked upon as yielding a mixture of equal volumes of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, both of them inflammable but non-luminous flames. This decomposition, however, is rarely completed, and a certain proportion of carbon dioxide is invariably to be found in the water gas, which, in practice, generally consists of a mixture of about this composition:
Hydrogen 48.31 Carbon monoxide 35.93 Carbon dioxide 4.25 Nitrogen 8.75 Methane 1.05 Sulphureted hydrogen 1.20 Oxygen 0.51 ——— 100.00
The above is an analysis of water gas made from ordinary gas coke in a Van Steenbergh generator.
The ratio of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide present entirely depends upon the temperature of the generator, and the kind of carbonaceous matter employed. With a hard, dense anthracite coal, for instance, it is quite possible to attain a temperature at which there is practically no carbon dioxide produced, while with an ordinary form of generator and a loose fuel like coke, a large proportion of carbon dioxide is generally to be found.
The sulphureted hydrogen in the analysis quoted is, of course, due to the high amount of sulphur to be found in the gas coke, and is practically absent from water gas made with anthracite, while the nitrogen is due to the method of manufacture, the coke being, in the first instance, raised to incandescence by an air blast, which leaves the generator and pipes full of a mixture of nitrogen and carbon monoxide (producer gas), which is carried over by the first portions of water gas into the holder. The water gas so made has no photometric value, its constituents being perfectly non-luminous, and attempts to use it as an illuminant have all taken the form of incandescent burners, in which thin mantles or combs of highly refractory metallic oxides have been heated to incandescence. In carbureted water gas this gas is only used as the carrier of illuminating hydrocarbon gases, made by decomposing various grades of hydrocarbon oils into permanent gases by heat.
Many forms of generator have been used in the United States for the production of water gas, which, after or during manufacture, is mixed with the vapors and permanent gases obtained by cracking various grades of paraffin oil, and "fixing" them by subjecting them to a high temperature; and in considering the subject of enrichment of coal gas by carbureted water gas, I shall be forced, by the limited time at my disposal, to confine myself to the most successful of these processes, or those which are already undergoing trial in this country.
In considering these methods, we find they can be divided into two classes:
1. Continuous processes, in which the heat necessary to bring about the interaction of the carbon and steam is obtained by performing the operation in retorts externally heated in a furnace; and
2. Intermittent processes, in which carbon is first heated to incandescence by an air blast, and then, the air blast being cut off, superheated steam is blown in until the temperature is reduced to a point at which the carbon begins to fail in its action, when the air is again admitted to bring the fuel up to the required temperature, the process consisting of alternate formation of producer gas with rise of temperature, and of water gas with lowering of the temperature.
Of the first class of generator, none, as far as I know, have as yet been practically successful, the nearest approach to this system being the "Meeze," in which fire clay retorts in an ordinary setting are employed. In the center of each retort is a pipe leading nearly to the rear end of the retort, and containing baffle plates. Through this a jet of superheated steam and hydrocarbon vapor is injected, and the mixture passes the length of the inner tube, and then back through the retort itself—which is also fitted with baffle plates—to the front of the retort, whence the fixed gases escape by the stand pipe to the hydraulic main, and the rich gas thus formed is used either to enrich coal gas or is mixed with water gas made in a separate generator. In some forms the water gas is passed with the oil through the retort. In such a process, the complete breaking down of some of the heavy hydrocarbons takes place, and the superheated steam, acting on the carbon so liberated, forms water gas which bears the lower hydrocarbons formed with it; but inasmuch as oil is not an economical source of carbon for the production of water gas, this would probably make the cost of production higher than necessary. This system has been extensively tried, and indeed used to a certain extent, but the results have not been altogether satisfactory, one of the troubles which have had to be contended with being choking of the retorts.
Of the intermittent processes, the one most in use in America is the "Lowe," in which the coke or anthracite is heated to incandescence in a generator lined with firebrick, by an air blast, the heated products of combustion as they leave the generator and enter the superheaters being supplied with more air, which causes the combustion of the carbon monoxide present in the producer gas, and heats up the firebrick "baffles" with which the superheater is filled. When the necessary temperature of fuel and superheater has been reached, the air blasts are cut off, and steam is blown through the generator, forming water gas, which meets the enriching oil at the top of the first superheater, called the 'carbureter,' and carries the vapors with it through the main superheater, where the "fixing" of the hydrocarbons takes place.
The chief advantage of this apparatus is that the enormous superheating space enables a lower temperature to be used for the "fixing." This does away, to a certain extent, with the too great breaking down of the hydrocarbons, and consequent deposition of carbon. This form of apparatus has just found its way to this country, and I describe it as being the one most used in the States, and the type upon which, practically, all water gas plant with superheaters has been founded.
The Springer apparatus, which is under trial by one of the large gas companies, differs from the Lowe merely in construction. In this apparatus the superheater is directly above the generator; and there is only one superheating chamber instead of two. The air blast is admitted at the bottom, and the producer gases heat the superheater in the usual way, and when the required temperature is reached, the steam is blown in at the top of the generator, and is made to pass through the incandescent fuel, the water gas being led from the bottom of the apparatus to the top, where it enters at the summit of the superheater, meets the oil, and passes down with it through the chamber, the finished gas escaping at the middle of the apparatus.
This same idea of making the air blast pass up through the fuel, while in the subsequent operation the steam passes down, is also to be found in the Loomis plant, and is a distinct advantage, as the fuel is at its hottest where the blast has entered, and, in order to keep down the percentage of carbon dioxide, it is important that the fuel through which the water gas last passes should be as hot as possible, to insure its reduction to carbon monoxide.
The Flannery apparatus is again but a slight modification of the Lowe plant, the chief difference being that, as the gas leaves the generator, the oil is fed into it, and, with the gas, passes through a D-shaped retort tube, which is arranged round three sides of the top of the generator; and in this the oil is volatilized, and passes, with the gas, to the bottom of the superheater, in which the vapors are converted into permanent gases.
The Van Steenbergh plant, with which I have been experimenting for some time, stands apart from all other forms of carbureted water gas plant, in that the upper layer of the fuel itself forms the superheater, and that no second part of any kind is needed for the fixation of the hydrocarbons, an arrangement which reduces the apparatus to the simplest form, and leaves no part which can choke or get out of order, an advantage which will not be underrated by any one who has had experience of these plants. While, however, this enormous advantage is gained, there is also the drawback that the apparatus is not fitted for use with crude oils of heavy specific gravity, such as can be dealt with in the big external superheaters of the Lowe class of water gas plant, but the lighter grades of oil must be used in it for carbureting purposes.
I am not sure in my own mind that this, which appears at first a disadvantage, is altogether one, as, in the first place, the lighter grades of oil, if judged by the amount of carbureting power which they have, are cheaper per candle power, added to the gas, than the crude oils, while their use entirely does away with the formation of pitch and carbon in the pipes and purifying apparatus—a factor of the greatest importance to the gas manufacturer.
The fact that light oils give a higher carburation per gallon than heavy crude oil is due to the fact that the latter have to be heated to a higher temperature to convert them into permanent gas, and this causes an over-cracking of the most valuable illuminating constituents; and this trouble cannot be avoided, as, if a lower temperature is employed, easily condensible vapors are the result, which, by their condensation in the pipes, give rise to much trouble.
The simplicity of the apparatus is a factor which causes a great saving of time and expense, as it reduces to a minimum the risk of stoppages for repairs, while the initial cost of the apparatus is, of course, low, and the expense of keeping in order practically nil.
When I first made the acquaintance of this form of plant, a few years ago, the promoters were confident that nothing could be used in it but American anthracite, of the kind they had been in the habit of using in America, and a light naphtha of about 0.689 specific gravity, known commercially as 76 deg Baume.
A few weeks' work with the apparatus, however, quickly showed that, with a slightly increased blow, and a rather higher column of fuel, gas coke could be used just as well as anthracite, and that by increasing the column of fuel, a lower grade of oil could be employed; so that during a considerable portion of the experimental work nothing but gas coke from the Horseferry Road Works and a petroleum of a specific gravity of about 0.709 were employed.
Having had control of the apparatus for several months, and, with the aid of a reliable assistant, having checked everything that went in and came out of the generator, I am in a position to state authoritatively that, using ordinary gas coke and a petroleum of specific gravity ranging from 0.689 to 0.709, 1,000 cubic feet of gas, having an illuminating power of twenty-two candles, can be made with an expenditure of 28 to 32 lb. of coke and 21/2 gallons of petroleum. The most important factors, i.e., the quantity of petroleum and the illuminating value of the gas, have also been checked and corroborated by Mr. Heisch and Mr. Leicester Greville.
Total gas made = 8,700 cubic feet.
Time taken: Blowing. 1 hour. Time taken: Making. 50 minutes.
Fuel used: Gas coke. 270 lb. = 31 lb. per 1,000 c.f. Fuel used: Naphtha, sp. gr. 0.709. 34 gals. = 2.7 gals. per 1,000 c.f.
Illuminating power of gas = 21.9 candles.
I must admit that these results far exceeded my expectations, although they only confirmed the figures claimed by the patentee; and there are not wanting indications that, when worked on a large scale and continuously, they might be even still further lowered, as it is impossible to obtain the most economical results when making less than 10,000 cubic feet of the gas, as the proper temperature of the walls of the generator are not obtained until after several makes; and it is only after about 8,000 cubic feet of gas has been made that the best conditions are fulfilled.
It will enable a sounder judgment to be formed of the working of the process if the complete experimental figures for a make of gas be taken.
Hydrogen. 46.75 Olefines. 7.59 Ethane. 6.82 Methane. 11.27 Carbon monoxide. 11.65 Carbon dioxide. 0.50 Oxygen. 0.17 Nitrogen. 8.25 ———- 100.00
Carbon dioxide. 2.32 per cent. Sulphureted hydrogen. 2.84 " Total sulphur per 100 cu. ft. = 6.67 Ammonia. nil Bisulphide of carbon. nil
Gas produced Naphtha used Gals. Pts. 1st. Make. 3,600 cu. ft. 10 7 2d. " 2,800 " 7 6 3d. " 2,300 " 5 3 ——— —- — 8,700 24 0
The last portion of the table shows the economy which arises as the whole apparatus gets properly heated. Thus the first make used 3 gallons naphtha per 1,000 cubic feet, the second 2 gallons 6 pints per 1,000 cubic feet, and the third 2 gallons 4 pints per 1,000 cubic feet, and it is, therefore, not unreasonable to suppose that in a continuous make these figures could be kept up, if not actually reduced still lower.
In introducing the oil it is not injected, but is simply allowed to flow in by gravity, at a point about half way up the column of fuel, the taps for its admission being placed at intervals around the circumference of the generator, and oil at first begins to flow down the inside wall of the generator, but being vaporized by the heat, the vapor is borne up by the rush of steam and water gas, and is cracked to a permanent gas in the upper layer of fuel. This I think is the secret of not being able to use heavier grades of oil, these being sufficiently non-volatile to trickle down the side into the fire box at the bottom, and so to escape volatilization. I have tried to steam-inject the oil, but have not found that it yields any better results.
One of the first things that strikes any one on seeing a make of gas by this system is the enormous rapidity of generation. Mr. Leicester Greville, who is chemist to the Commercial Gas Company, in reporting on the process, says, "The make of gas was at the rate of about 86,000 cubic feet in 24 hours. A remarkable result, taking into consideration the size of the apparatus." It is quite possible, with the small apparatus, to make 100,000 cubic feet in 24 hours; indeed the run for which the figures are given are over this estimate; and it must be borne in mind that this rapidity of make gives the gas manager complete control over any such sudden strains as result from fog or other unexpected demands on the gas-producing power of his works; while a still more important point is that it does away with the necessity of keeping an enormous bulk of gas ready to meet any such emergency, and so renders unnecessary the enormous gasholders, which add so much to the expense of a works, and take up so much room.
Perhaps the greatest objection to water gas in the public mind is the dread of its poisonous properties, due to the carbon monoxide which it contains; but if we come to consider the evidence before us on the increase of accidents due to this cause, we are struck by the poor case which the opponents of water gas are able to make out. No one can for a moment doubt the fact that carbon monoxide is one of the deadliest of poisons. It acts by diffusing through the air cells of the lungs, and forming, with the coloring matter of the blood corpuscles, a definite compound, which prevents them carrying on their normal function of taking up oxygen and distributing it throughout the body, to carry on that marvelous process of slow combustion which not only gives warmth to the body, but also removes the waste tissue used up by every action, be it voluntary or involuntary, and by hindering this, it at once stops life.
All researches on this subject point to the fact that something under one per cent. only of carbon monoxide in air renders it fatal to animal life, and this at first seems an insuperable objection to the use of water gas, and has, indeed, influenced the authorities in several towns, notably Paris, to forbid its introduction for domestic consumption. Let us, however, carefully examine the subject, and see, by the aid of actual figures, what the risk amounts to compared with the risks of ordinary coal gas.
Many experiments have been made with the view of determining the percentage of carbon monoxide in air which is fatal to human or, rather, animal life, and the most reliable as well as the latest results are those obtained by Dr. Stevenson, of Guy's Hospital, in consequence of the two deaths which took place at the Leeds forge from inhaling uncarbureted water gas containing 40 per cent. of carbon monoxide. He found that one per cent. visibly affected a mouse in one and a half minutes, and in one hour and three quarters killed it, while one-tenth of a per cent. was highly injurious. Let us, for the sake of argument, take this last figure 0.1 per cent. as being a fatal quantity, so as to be well within the mark.
In ordinary carbureted water gas as supplied by the superheater processes, such as the Lowe, Springer, etc., the usual percentage of carbon monoxide is 26 per cent., but in the Van Steenbergh gas—for certain chemical reasons to be discussed later on—it is generally about 18 per cent., and rarely rises to 20 per cent. An ordinary bedroom will be say 12 ft. X 15 ft. X 10 ft., and will therefore contain 1,800 cubic feet of air, and such a room would be lighted by a single bats-wing burner consuming not more than four cubic feet of gas per hour. Suppose now the inmate of that room retires to bed in such a condition of mental aberration that he prefers to blow out the gas rather than take the ordinary course of turning it off—a process, by the way, of putting out gas which is decidedly easier in theory than in practice, especially in his presumed mental condition—you would have in one hour the 1,800 cubic feet of gas in the room mixed with four fifths of a cubic foot of carbon monoxide—the carbureted water gas being supposed to contain 20 per cent.—or 0.04 per cent. In such a room, however, if the doors and windows were absolutely air tight, and there was no fireplace, diffusion through the walls would change the entire air once an hour, so that the percentage would not rise above 0.04; while in any ordinary room imperfect workmanship and an open chimney would change it four times in the hour, reducing the percentage to 0.01, a quantity which the most inveterate enemy of water gas could not claim would do more than produce a bad headache, an ailment quite as likely to have been caused by the same factor that brought about the blowing out of the gas.
Moreover, we are now talking about the use of carbureted water gas as an enricher of coal gas, and not as an illuminant to be consumed per se. and we may calculate that it would be probably used to enrich a 16-candle coal gas up to 17.5 candle power. To do this 25 per cent. of 22 candle power carbureted water gas would have to be mixed with it, and taking the percentage of carbon monoxide in London gas at 5 per cent.—a very fair average figure—and 18 per cent. as the amount present in the Van Steenbergh gas, we have 8.25 per cent. of carbon monoxide in the gas as sent out—a percentage hardly exceeding that which is found in the rich cannel gas supplied to such towns as Glasgow, where I am not aware of an unusual number of deaths occurring from carbon monoxide poisoning.
The carbureted water gas has a smell every bit as strong as coal gas, and a leak would be detected with equal facility by the nose; and I think you will agree with me that the cry raised against the use of carbureted water gas, for this reason, is one of the same character that hampered the introduction of coal gas itself at the commencement of this century.
We must now turn to the chemical actions which are taking place in the generator of the water gas plant, and these are more complex in the case of the Van Steenbergh plant than in those of the Lowe type, and, for that reason, yield a gas of more satisfactory composition.
Taking gas as made by the Lowe or Springer process, and contrasting it with the Van Steenbergh gas, we are at once struck by several marked differences.
In the first place the hydrogen is far higher and the marsh gas or methane lower in the Van Steenbergh than in the Lowe process, this being due to the sharper cracking that takes place in the short column of cherry red coke, as compared with the lower temperature employed for a longer space of time in the Lowe superheater. Next we notice a difference of 10 per cent. in the carbon monoxide, which is greatly reduced in the Steenbergh generator by the carbon monoxide and marsh gas reacting on each other as they pass over the red hot surface of coke with formation of acetylene, which adds to the illuminants, this action also reducing the quantity of marsh gas present.
Lowe Van Steenbergh gas. gas.
Hydrogen..................... 27.14 46.75 Marsh gas.................... 25.35 11.27 Carbon monoxide.............. 26.84 18.65 Illuminants.................. 14.63 7.59 Ethane....................... —— 6.82 Carbon dioxide............... 3.02 0.50 Oxygen....................... 0.15 0.17 Nitrogen..................... 2.87 8.25 ——— ——— 100.00 100.00
In the illuminants, if we add the higher members of the methane series present to the olefines, we see they are about equal in each gas, while the low percentage of nitrogen in the Lowe gas is due to more careful working, and could easily be attained with the Van Steenbergh plant by allowing the first portion of water gas to wash out the producer gas before the hopper on top is closed.
The cracking of the naphtha by the red hot coke is undoubtedly a great advantage, for, as I have pointed out, the cracking of rushing petroleum is an exothermic reaction, so that the coke at the top of the generator gets hotter and hotter, and it is no unusual thing to see the coke at the beginning of the make cherry red at the bottom and dull red at the top, while at the end of the make it is almost black at the bottom and cherry red at the top, in this way attaining the same advantage in working that the Springer and Loomis do by their down blast, that is, having the fuel at its hottest where the gas finally leaves it, so as to reduce the quantity of carbon dioxide, and so lessen the expense of purification.
It will be well now to turn for a few moments to the gas obtained by cracking the light petroleum oils by themselves. The Russian and American petroleum differ so widely in composition that it was necessary to see in what way the gases obtained from them differed; and to do this, equal quantities of American naphtha and a Russian naphtha were cracked, by passing through an iron tube filled with coke, and in each case heated to a cherry red heat, the gases being measured, and then analyzed, with the following results:
American. Russian. No. of cubic feet per gallon... 72 104 —— —— Hydrogen....................... 26.0 45.3 Methane........................ 41.6 22.3 Ethane......................... 12.5 13.9 Olefines....................... 14.1 11.6 Carbon monoxide................ 3.3 3.5 Carbon dioxide................. 1.7 2.3 Oxygen......................... 0.8 1.1 Nitrogen....................... Nil. Nil. ——- ——- 100.0 100.0
Showing that, if the Russian oil is a little lower in illuminants, it quite makes up by extra volume, but it seemed to me to deposit a much larger proportion of carbon.
Taking 21/2 gallons of American naphtha, it would give roughly 180 cubic feet of gas of the above composition, while the remaining gas would be the ordinary water gas. Taking the analysis of this as given, and calculating from it what would be the composition of a mixture of it with the naphtha gas, we obtain:
Calculated. Actual. Hydrogen...................... 47.09 42.09 Methane....................... 5.48 11.27 Olefines...................... 2.53 7.59 Ethane........................ 2.17 6.32 Carbon monoxide............... 30.07 18.65 Carbon dioxide................ 3.78 2.32 Oxygen........................ 0.56 0.17 Nitrogen...................... 7.17 8.25 Sulphureted hydrogen.......... 1.15 2.84 ——— ——— 100.00 100.00
Showing how great the effect is of the diluents in the water gas in preventing the overcracking of the hydrocarbons, as shown by the increase in the percentage of them present in the finished gas; while the enormous reduction in the amount of carbon monoxide present is due to the interaction between it and the paraffin hydrocarbons in the presence of red-hot carbon, a point which makes the Van Steenbergh apparatus enormously superior to any of the superheater forms of plant.
After all said and done, however, the reactions taking place, although they have an intense fascination for the chemist, are not the factors which the gas manager deems the most important, the cost of any given process being the test by which it must stand or fall; and it will be well now to consider, as far as it is possible, the expense of enriching coal gas by the various methods I have brought before you.
In order to be well above the prescribed limit of illuminating power at all parts of an extended service, the gas at the works must be sent out at an illuminating power of 17.5 candles and we may, I think, fairly take it that 16 candle coal gas, as made by the big London companies, costs, as nearly as can be, 1s. per 1,000 cubic feet in the holder, and the question we have now to solve is the cost of enriching it from 16 to 17.5 candle power. When this is done by cannel, the cost is 2.6 pence per candle power, so that the extra 11/2 would cost 4d. per 1,000.
Carbureting by the vapors of gasoline by the Maxim-Clarke process costs 13/4d. per 1,000, so that the extra candle power would mean an expenditure of 2.62 d. Unfortunately I have no figures upon which to calculate the cost of producing such a gas by the Dinsmore process, but with the three important water gas enrichers we can deal.
Using Russian fuel oil, which can be obtained in bulk in London at 3d. per gallon, the proprietors of the Springer plant guarantee 51/2 candle power per 1,000 cubic feet of gas per gallon used, so that, to produce a 22 candle gas, 4 gallons would be used. The cost per 1,000 cubic feet may be roughly tabulated, as the coke used amounts to about 40 lb.
s. d. Oil.................................... 1 0 Coke................................... 0 3 Labor and purification................. 0 2 Charge on plant........................ 0 1 —— 1 6
Twenty five per cent. of 12-candle gas when mixed with 75 per cent. of the 16-candle gas gives the required 17.5 candle gas, which would therefore cost 1s. 11/2d., or the enrichment would have cost 11/2d.
By the Lowe process, an increase of 5.3-candle power is guaranteed for the consumption of a gallon of the same oil, so that the cost would be a shade higher, all other factors remaining the same, while with the Van Steenbergh process both grade of oil and consumption of fuel vary from either of these processes. In order to obtain a thousand cubic feet of 22-candle gas, two and a half gallons of the lighter grade oil would be consumed, and I am informed that there is now no difficulty in obtaining oil of the right grade in London in bulk at 4d. per gallon, which would make the cost:
s. d. Two and a half gallons of oil........... 0 10 Thirty pounds of coke................... 0 21/4 Labor and purification.................. 0 2 Charge on plant......................... 0 03/4 ——— 1 3
And the enriched coal gas would, therefore, cost 1s. 3/4d. per thousand, the extra 11/2-candle power having been gained at an expense of 3/4d. or 1/2d. per candle.
Tabulating these results we have—Cost of enriching a 16-candle gas up to 17.5 candle power per 1,000 cubic feet by cannel coal, 4d.; by Maxim-Clarke process, 2-6/10d.; by Lowe or Springer water gas, 11/2d.; by Van Steenbergh water gas, 3/4d.
In reviewing this important subject, and bringing a wide range of experimental work to bear upon it, I have, as far as is possible, divested my mind of bias toward any particular process, and I can honestly claim that the fact of the Van Steenbergh process showing such great superiority is due to the force of carefully obtained experimental figures, corroborated by an experienced and widely known gas chemist, and by the chief gas examiner of the city.
In adopting any new method, the mind of the gas manager must to a great extent be influenced by the circumstances of the times, and the enormous importance of the labor question is a main factor at the present moment; with masters and men living in a strained condition which may at any moment break into open warfare, the adoption of such water gas processes would relieve the manager of a burden which is growing almost too heavy to be borne.
Combining, as such processes do, the maximum rate of production with the minimum amount of labor, they practically solve the labor question. Requiring only one-tenth the number of retort house hands that are at present employed, the carbureted water gas can be used for enrichment until troubles arise, and then the gas can be used pure and simple, with a hardly perceptible increase in expense, while the rapidity of make will also give the gas manager an important ally in the hour of fog, or in case of any other unexpected strain on his resources.
One of the first questions asked by the practical gas maker will be: "What guarantee can you give that as soon as we have erected plant, and got used to the new process of manufacture, a sudden rise in the price of oil will not take place, and leave us in worse plight than we were before?" and the only answer to this is that, as far as it is possible to judge anything, this event is not likely to take place in our time. A year ago the prospects of the oil trade looked black, as the output of American oil was in the hands of a powerful ring, who seemed likely also to obtain control of the Russian supplies; but, fortunately, this was averted, and, at the present moment, the Russian pipe lines are flooding the market with an abundant supply, which those best able to judge tell us is practically inexhaustible, so that prices may be expected to have a downward rather than an upward tendency. But even should a huge monopoly be created, I think I have found a source of light at home which will hold its own against any foreign illuminant in the market.
For a long time I have felt that in this country we had sources of light and power which only needed development, and the discovery of the right way to use them, in order to give an entirely new complexion to the question of carbureting; and now by the aid of the engineering skill and technical knowledge of Mr. Staveley, of Baghill, near Pontefract, I think it is found.
At three or four of the Scotch iron works the Furnace Gases Co. are paying a yearly rental for the right of collecting the smoke and gases from the blast furnaces. These are passed through several miles of wrought iron tubing, diminishing in size from 6 feet down to about 18 inches; and as the gases cool, so there is deposited a considerable yield of oil.
At Messrs. Dixon's, at Glasgow, which is the smallest of these installations, they pump and collect about 60,000,000 cubic feet of furnace gas per day; and recover, on an average, 25,000 gallons of furnace oils per week, using the residual gases, consisting chiefly of carbon monoxide, as fuel for distilling and other purposes, while a considerable yield of sulphate of ammonia is also obtained. In the same way a small percentage of the coke ovens are fitted with condensing gear, and produce a considerable yield of oil, for which, however, there is a very limited market, the chief use being for lucigen and other lamps of the same description, and for pickling timber for railway sleepers, etc.; the result being that, four years ago, it could be obtained in any quantity at 1/2d. per gallon, while since that it has been as high as 21/2d. a gallon, but is now about 2d., and shows a falling tendency. Make a market for this product, and the supply will be practically unlimited, as every blast furnace and coke oven in the kingdom will put up plant for the recovery of the oil, and as with the limited plant now at work it would be perfectly easy to obtain 4,000,000 or 5,000,000 gallons per annum, an extension of the recovery process would mean a supply sufficiently large to meet all demands.
Many gas managers have, from time to time, tried if they could not use some of their creosote for gas producing, but on heating it in retorts, etc., they have found the result has generally been a copious deposit of carbon, and a gas which has possessed little or no illuminating value. Now, the furnace and coke oven oils are in composition somewhat akin to the creosote oil, so that at first sight it does not seem a hopeful field for search after a good carbureter, but the furnace oils have several points in which they differ from the coal tar products. In the first place, they contain a certain percentage of paraffin oil, and in the next, do not contain much naphthalene, in which the coal tar oil is especially rich, and which would be a distinct drawback to their use.
The furnace oil as condensed contains about 30 to 50 per cent. of water, and in any case this has to be removed by distilling; and Mr. Staveley has patented a process by which the distillation is continued after the water has gone off, and by condensing in a fractionating column of special construction, he is able to remove all the paraffin oil, a considerable quantity of cresol, a small quantity of phenol, and about 10 per cent. of pyridine bases, leaving the remainder of the oil in a better condition, and more valuable for pickling timber, which is its chief use.
If the mixed oil so obtained, which we may call "phenoloid oil," is cracked by itself, no very striking result is obtained, the 40 percent. of paraffin present cracking in the usual way, and yielding a certain amount of illuminants, but if this oil be cracked in the presence of carbon, and be made to pass over and through a body of carbon heated to a dull red heat, then it is converted largely into benzene, the most valuable of the illuminants, and also being the one to which coal gas owes the largest proportion of its illuminating power, it is manifestly the right one to use in order to enrich it.
On cracking the phenoloid oil, the paraffins yield ethane, propane, and marsh gas, etc., in the usual way, while the phenol interacts with the carbon to form benzene—
Phenol. Benzene. C6H5HO + C = C6H6 + CO.
And in the same way the cresol first breaks down to toluene in the presence of the carbon, and this in turn is broken down by the heat to benzene.
A great advantage of this oil is that the flashing point is 110, and so is well above the limit, thus doing away with the dangers and troubles inseparable from the storage of light naphtha in bulk.
In using this oil as an enricher, it must be cracked in the presence of carbon, and it is of the greatest importance that the temperature should not be too high, as the benzene is easily broken down to simpler hydrocarbons of far lower illuminating value. This fact is very clearly brought out by a series of experiments I have made, in which the phenoloid oil was cracked by passing it through an iron tube packed with coke and heated to various temperatures, the hydrocarbons being much more easily broken up under these conditions than if mixed with diluents, such as water gas:
Temperature. 600 deg. C. 800 deg. C. 1,000 deg. C. Volume of gas per gallon. 41.6 c.f. 76.8 c.f. 121.6 c.f.
Hydrogen. 34.0 36.0 37.0 Methane. 20.0 26.0 49.0 Olefines. 11.0 5.0 Nil. Ethane. 16.0 9.0 Nil. Carbon monoxide. 13.0 15.0 12.0 Carbon dioxide. 2.0 4.0 2.0 Oxygen. 2.0 1.0 Nil. Nitrogen. 2.0 4.0 Nil.
This analysis shows that if the temperature is allowed to reach a cherry red, complete decomposition of the illuminating hydrocarbons is taking place, and a gas of practically no illuminating value results. The power of regulating the temperature and the body of carbon as a cracking medium in the Van Steenbergh water gas plant especially fits it for using this oil, and removes the objections which could have been urged against the lighter naphthas.
This oil is at present not in the market, but given a demand, it can be produced in four months, at the latest, in very large quantities, as the apparatus is very easy and cheap to erect, and the crude material can be plentifully obtained. |