For the sake of those who would like to perform it, we shall add that Mr. David takes care to bend his body in the form of an arch in such a way that the convexity shall be beneath. As Mr. Harmington never fails to place himself in the center of the line that joins Mr. David's head and heels, his weight is divided into two parts, that is to say, 88 pounds on each side of the point of support. The result is that the stress necessary is less than that of a strong man of the Halle lifting a bag of wheat to his shoulder or of an athlete supporting a human pyramid. The force of contraction of the muscular fibers brought into play in this experiment is much greater than is commonly believed. In his lectures on physiology, Milne-Edwards cites some facts that prove that it may exceed 600 pounds per square inch of section.
The experiment on cadaveric rigidity is followed by others in insensibility. Mr. David, without wincing, allows a poignard to be thrust into his arm, which Mr. Harmington has previously "cataleptized" (Fig. 3). This trick is performed by means of a blade divided into two parts that are connected by a semicircle. This process is well known to prestidigitators, but it might be executed in a genuine manner. In fact, on replacing the poignard by one of the gold needles used by physicians for acupuncture, it would be possible to dispense with prestidigitation. Under such conditions it is possible to transpierce a person's arm. The pain is supportable, and consists in the sensation of a prick produced in the passage of the needle through the skin. As for the muscular flesh, that is of itself perfectly insensible. The needle, upon the necessary antiseptic precautions being taken, may traverse the veins and arteries with impunity, provided that it is not allowed to remain long enough to bring about the formation of a clot of coagulated blood (Fig. 4).
We think it of interest to add that it is necessary that the experiment be performed by a practitioner if one desires to demonstrate upon himself a very curious physiological fact that has been known from the remotest antiquity. It has been employed for several thousand years in Chinese medicine, for opening a passage for the bad spirits that produce diseases. For some years past a much more serious use has been made of it in European medicine for introducing electric currents into the interior of the organism. In this case the perimeter of the needle is insulated, and the electricity flows into the organism through the point. We have several times had these operations performed upon ourselves, and this permits us to assert that the above mentioned facts are absolutely true.—La Nature.
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Physiology has for many decades been a science founded on experiment, and pathology has been rapidly pressing forward in the same direction. To read the accounts of how certain conclusions have been arrived at in the laboratory, by ingenious devices and by skillful manipulations, is as fascinating as any tale of adventure.
When the microscope began its work, how discouraging was the vastness and complexity of the discoveries which it brought to light; how many years has it been diligently used, and how uncertain are we still about many of its revelations! But what a happy conjecture of man, and as proper environment takes place we may reach better results! Let me give an illustration:
Some thirty years ago, Virchow began his studies and lectures upon cellular pathology. The enthusiasm which he awakened spread over the whole medical world. The wonderful attention to detail, the broad philosophy which signalized his observations, were alike remarkable. His class room was packed with students from every country, who thought it no hardship to struggle for a seat at eight o'clock in the morning. With his blackboard behind him and specimens of pathology before him, and microscopes coursing upon railway tracks around the tables which filled the room, he was the embodiment of the teacher; his highest honor was as discoverer. The life and importance of the cell, both in health and disease, it has been his work to discover and to teach. The point of view from which he has classified tumors is founded on this basis, and remains the accepted method. The light which he cast upon the nature of inflammation has not yet been obscured, and while other phenomena appear, the multiplication of cells and nuclei and the formation of connective tissue in the process of inflammation will always call to mind his labors.
To one of Virchow's pupils, Prof. Recklinghausen, we chiefly owe our knowledge of the phenomena of diapedesis as a part of the inflammatory activity. How incredible it seems that masses of living matter can make their way through the walls of blood vessels which do not rupture and which have no visible apertures!
Virchow fixed his attention upon the forms and activities of the cells, their multiplication and degradation, and how they build up tissues, both healthy and morbid.
To another matter with which, both literally and metaphorically, the air is filled, we must also make allusion. The existence of micro-organisms in countless numbers is no new fact, but the influence they may exert over living tissues has only lately become the subject of earnest attention. So long as they were not known to have any practical bearing upon human welfare, they interested almost nobody, but when, however, it was shown that putrefaction of meat is due to the agency of the bacterium termo, and the decomposition of albumen to the bacillus subtilis; when anthrax in cattle and sheep was found to depend on the bacillus anthracis, and that in human beings it caused malignant pustules; when suppuration of wounds was found to be associated with micrococci; and when it was announced that by a process of inoculation cattle could be protected against anthrax, and that by carbolic spray and other well known precautions the suppuration of wounds could be prevented—all the world lent its ears and investigation at once began.
Because labors in bacteriology promised to be fruitful in practical results, the workers speedily became innumerable, and we are accumulating a wondrous store of facts. How long now is the list of diseases in which germs make their appearance—in pneumonia, in endocarditis, in erysipelas, in pyaemia, in tuberculosis, and so on and so on. One of the most striking illustrations is the gonococcus of gonorrhoea, whose presence in and around gives to the pus cells their virulent properties, and when transferred to the eye works such lamentable mischief. Without their existence the inoculation of pus in the healthy eye is harmless; pus bearing the gonococci excites the most intense inflammation. Similar suppurative action in the cornea is often caused by infection of cocci. The proof of causation may be found in the fact that the most effective cure now practiced for such suppuration is to sterilize them by the actual cautery. Rosenbach says that he knows six distinct microbes which are capable of exciting suppuration in man. Their activity may be productive of a poison, or putrefactive alkaloid, which is absorbed.
There are at present two prominent theories in regard to the infections which produce disease. The first is based upon chemical processes, the second upon the multiplication of living organisms. The chemical theory maintains that after the infectious element has been received into the body it acts as a ferment, and gives rise to certain morbid processes, upon the principle of catalysis. The theory of organisms, or the germ theory, maintains that the infectious elements are living organisms, which, being received into the system, are reproduced indefinitely, and excite morbid processes which are characteristic of certain types of disease. This latter theory so readily explains many of the facts connected with the development and reproduction of infectious diseases, that it has been unqualifiedly adopted by a large number of investigators. The proofs of this theory had not, however, advanced beyond the demonstrations of the presence of certain forms of bacteria in the pathological changes of a very limited number of infectious diseases, until February, 1882, when Koch announced his discovery of the tubercle bacillus, since which time nearly every disease has its supposed microbe, and the race is, indeed, swift in which the would-be discoverers press forward with new germs for public favor.
The term bacteria or microbe refers to particles of matter, microscopic in size, which belong to the vegetable kingdom, where they are known as fungi. If we examine a drop of stagnant water under the microscope, amplifying say four hundred diameters, we see it loaded with minute bodies, some mere points, others slightly elongated into rods, all actively in motion and in various positions, a countless confusion. If evaporation now takes place, all is still. If we now apply moisture, the dried-up granules will show activity, as though they had not been disturbed.
All these different organisms have become familiar to us under the generic term bacteria, which is a very unfortunate application, as it really applies to only a single class of fungi. Cohn calls them schizomycetes, and makes the following classifications:
1. Sphero-bacteria, or microbes. 2. Micro-bacteria, or bacteria. 3. Desmo-bacteria, or bacilli. 4. Spiroteria, or spirillae.
The spiro-bacteria, or micrococci, are the simplest of the fungi, and appear as minute organisms of spherical form. They multiply by fission, a single coccus forming two, these two producing four, and so on. They present a variety of appearances under the microscope. From single isolated specimens (which under the highest magnifying power present nothing beyond minute points) you will observe them in pairs, again in fours, or in clusters of hundreds (forming zooeglea) and still adhering together, forming chains. When a given specimen is about to divide, it is seen to elongate slightly, then a constriction is formed, which deepens until complete fission ensues.
Micrococci possess no visible structure. They consist of a minute droplet of protoplasm (mycroprotein) surrounded by a delicate cell membrane. Certain forms are embedded in a capsule (diameter 0.0008 to 0.0001 millimeter).
These little organisms, when observed in a fluid like blood, sputum, etc., are found to present very active movements, although provided with no organs of locomotion.
This Brownian motion is possessed by almost every minute particle of matter, organic and inorganic, and is not due to any inherent power of the individual. They are almost omnipresent, abounding in the air, the earth, the water, are always found in millions where moist organic matter is undergoing decomposition, and are associated with the processes of fermentation—in fact, they are essential to it. The souring of milk succeeds the multiplication of these germs. Certain varieties are pigmented, and we observe colonies of chromogenic cocci multiplying upon slices of boiled potato, eggs, etc., presenting all the colors of the rainbow. All of these germs are not the cause of disease. Certain species, however (termed pathogenic), are always associated with certain diseased conditions.
The bacteria-termo—micro-bacteria—are slightly elongated, and inasmuch as they multiply by division, frequently appear coupled together, linked in pairs, and in chains. They are generally found in putrefying liquids, especially infusions of vegetable matter. They possess mobility to a remarkable degree. Observing a field of bacteria-termo under the microscope, they may be seen actively engaged in twining and twisting. A flagellum has been demonstrated as attached to one or both extremities. This is too minute to be generally resolved, even if it is a common appendage.
Desmo-bacteria (or bacilli) are rod-like organisms, occurring of various lengths and different thicknesses. In a slide of the bacillus of tuberculosis and anthrax, we notice at intervals dots which represent the spores from which, as the rods break up, future bacilli are developed.
Then we have spiro-bacteria, the spirilla and the spirochetae; the former having short open spirals, the latter long and closely wound spirals. The spirillum, volutans is often found in drinking water, and in common with some other specimens of this class is provided with flagellae, sometimes at both extremities, which furnish the means of rapid locomotion. The spiro-bacteria multiply by spores, although little is at present known of their life history. They frequently are attached together at their extremities, forming zigzag chains.
We have seen that bacteria differ greatly in appearance from the elongated dot of the bacterium proper, to the elongated rod or cylinder of the bacillus, and the long spirals of spiro-bacteria. It is unfortunate that they are not sufficiently constant in habit to always attach themselves to one or the other of these genera. The micrococcus has a habit of elongating at times until it is impossible to recognize him except as a bacterium; while bacilli, again, break up until their particles exactly resemble micrococci.
Bacteria cannot exist without water; certain forms require oxygen, while others thrive equally well without it; some thrive in solution of simple salts, while others require albuminoid material.
Bacteriology, with its relation to the science of medicine, is of importance to every investigating physician; it covers our knowledge of the relation of these minute organisms to the aetiology of disease. What has been gained as to practical application in the treatment of disease? This question is not infrequently asked in a sneering manner. We can, in reply, say that the results are not all in the future. It is encouraging that results have been attained which have had a very important practical bearing, and that these complaints come generally from individuals least acquainted with scientific investigations in bacteriology.
In the study of the relation of a given bacterium to a certain disease, it becomes necessary to attend carefully to three different operations: First, the organism supposed to cause the disease must be found and isolated. Second, it must be cultivated through several generations in order that absolute purity may be secured. Lastly, the germ must be again introduced into a healthy living being. If the preceding steps be carried out, and the original disease be communicated by inoculation, and the germs be again found in the diseased body, we have no alternative; we must conclude that we have ascertained the cause of the disease. The importance of being familiar with the aetiology of the disease before we can expect to combat it with any well-grounded hope of success is evident.
If the sputum of a phthisical patient be submitted to the skilled microscopist, he is nearly always able to demonstrate bacilli, but this goes for very little. Because bacilli are found in phthisis, it is no more certain that they are the cause of phthisis than it is certain that cheese mites are the cause of cheese. Well, suppose we were to inject sputum from a phthisical person into the lower animal and tuberculosis follows, and then announce to the profession that we have demonstrated the relation of the cause and effect between bacilli and phthisis? Why we would start such an uproar of objections as would speedily convince us that there was much work yet in the domain of bacteriology.
The scientific investigators would say you have injected with the sputum into the blood of your unfortunate patient, pus, morphological elements, and perhaps half a dozen other forms of bacteria, any one of which is just as likely to produce the disease as the bacillus you have selected.
The first important step is, first isolate your bacillus. If I were to take a glass plate, one side of which is coated with a thick solution of peptonized gelatin, and allow the water to collect, the gelatinous matter will become solid. If now, with a wire dipped in some tuberculous matter, I draw a line along the gelatin, I have deposited at intervals along this line, specimens of tubercle bacilli. If this plate be now kept at a proper temperature, after a few days, wherever the bacilli have been caught, a grayish spot will appear, which, easily seen with the naked eye, gradually spreads and becomes larger. These spots are colonies containing thousands of bacilli. Let us return to our gelatin plate.
We find a spot which answers to the description of a colony of tubercle bacilli. We now take a minute particle from this colony on a wire and convey it to the surface of some hardened blood serum in a test tube. We plug the tube so that no air germs may drop in, and place it in an incubator at the proper temperature. After several days, if no contamination be present, a colony of bacilli will appear around the spot where we sowed the spores. Let us repeat the process.
Take a particle from this colony, and transfer it to another tube. This is our second culture. This must be repeated until we are satisfied that we have secured a pure culture. If this be carried to the twenty-fifth generation, we may be assured that there remains no pus, no ptomaines, nothing but the desired bacilli.
It is a proper material now for inoculation, and if we inoculate some of the lower animals, for instance the monkey, we produce a disease identical with phthisis pulmpnalis. Bacteria also afford peculiar chemical reactions. For example, nitric acid will discharge all the color from all bacilli artificially dyed with anilin, except those of tubercle and anthrax. One species is stained readily with a dye that leaves another unaltered. Thus we are enabled in the laboratory to determine whether the bacilli found in sputum, for example, are from tubercle or are the bacteria of decomposition.
From what I have said of the tubercle bacillus, it would seem thoroughly demonstrated that it is the cause of tubercle in these animals. But we must walk cautiously here. These are not human beings, who know that like results would follow their inoculation. The animals used by Koch are animals very subject to tubercle.
We must, from the very nature of our environment, be constantly inhaling these germs as we pass through the wards of our hospitals; yes, they are floating in the air of our streets and dwellings. It becomes necessary then for us to inquire: If bacteria cause disease, in what manner do they produce it? The healthy organism is always beset with a multitude of non-pathogenic bacteria. They occupy the natural cavities, especially the alimentary canal. They feed on the substances lying in their neighborhood, whether brought into the body or secreted by the tissues. In so doing they set up chemical changes in their substances. Where the organs are acting normally these fungi work no mischief. The products of decomposition thus set up are harmless, or are conveyed out of the body before they begin to be active.
If bacteria develop to an inordinate degree, if the contents of organs are not frequently discharged, fermentative processes may be set up, which result in disease. Bacteria must always multiply and exist at the expense of the body which they infest, and the more weakened the vital forces become, the more favorable is the soil for their development.
Septicaemia is caused by the absorption of the products of putrefaction, induced before bacteria can multiply inside or outside the body. Bacteria must find a congenial soil. The so-called cholera bacillus must gain access to the intestinal tract before it finds conditions suitable to colonization. It does not seem to multiply in the stomach or in the blood, but once injected into the duodenum develops with astonishing rapidity, and the delicate epithelial cells of the villi become swollen, soften and break down, exposing the mucosa.
It has been shown that bouillon in which Loeffler's diphtheria bacillus has grown, and which has been passed through unglazed porcelain filters, shows the presence of a poison which is capable of producing the same results upon inoculation as the pure culture of the bacillus itself. Zarniko, working upon the same organism, obtained a number of positive results that led him to declare this bacillus is the cause of epidemic diphtheria, in spite of many assertions to the contrary. Chantmesse and Widal record the results of their work as to what will most easily and effectively destroy the bacillus of diphtheria.
The only three substances that actually checked and destroyed its vitality were phenic acid (5 per cent.), camphor (20 per cent.), olive oil (25 per cent.), in combination. For the last I substitute glycerine, because this allows the mixture to penetrate farther into the mucous membrane than oil, the latter favoring a tendency to pass over the surface. This mixture when heated separates into two layers, the upper one viscid and forming a sort of "glycerol," the lower clear. The latter will completely sterilize a thread dipped in a pure culture of the diphtheria bacillus. Corrosive sublimate was not examined because in strong enough doses it would be dangerous and in weaker ones it would be useless.
The facts obtained in regards to the streptococcus of erysipelas are reported as follows: That both chemical and experimental evidence teach the extreme ease of a renewed attack of the disease; that it is possible to kill guinea pigs by an intoxication when they are immune to an inoculation of the culture in ordinary quantities. And this latter fact should warn experimenters trying to obtain immunity in man by the inoculation of non-pathogenic bacteria, because the same results may be reached.
A new theory in regard to fevers and the relation of micro-organisms is suggested by Roussy, viz.: That it is a fermentation produced by a diastase or soluble ferment found in all micro-organisms and cells, and which they use in attacking and transforming matter, either inside their substance or without it.
The resemblance of the malaria parasite to that of recurrent fever is noted in the work of Sacharoff. He states that there exists in the blood of those suffering from recurrent fever a haematozoon, which is most prominent after the fever has begun to fall, when it is of enormous proportions, twenty or more diameters of a red blood corpuscle, although smaller ones may still be found. The parasite consists of a delicate amoeboid body containing a multitude of dark, round, uniform, sharply outlined, movable granules. Besides these, the protoplasm contains a generally grayish homogeneous nucleus as large as one or two red blood corpuscles. The protoplasm sends out pseudopodia (with granules), which sometimes separate and appear as small delicate pieces of protoplasm. They vary in size, and are often swallowed by the red blood corpuscles in which they grow, and finally develop into the above mentioned amoeboid bodies.
Prof. J. Lewis Smith has made a great many autopsies of children dead from cholera infantum, and almost invariably found the stomach and liver in a comparatively healthy condition. Ganghen, who has given this subject considerable study, denies the existence of any specific germ in the summer diarrhea of infants, but claims to have found three different germs in the intestines of children suffering from cholera infantum, each producing a chemical poison which is capable of producing vomiting, purging, and even death. A great variety of germs are found in drinking water, and no doubt countless numbers are taken into the digestive tract, and the principal reason why pathological conditions do not occur more frequently is on account of the germicidal qualities of the gastric juice.
The comma bacillus of Koch, and the typhoid fever germ of Eberth, are especially destroyed in normal gastric juice. When the germs are very numerous, they run the gauntlet of the stomach (as the gastric juice is secreted only during digestion); and once in the alkaline intestinal canal they are capable of setting up disease, other conditions contributing—ill health, deranged digestion, etc.
Mittnam has made a study of bacteria beneath the nails, and reports, after examining persons following different occupations, having found numerous varieties of micro-organisms; which are interesting from a scientific standpoint relative to the importance of thoroughly cleansing the hands before undertaking any surgical procedure. He found, out of twenty-five experiments, 78 varieties of bacteria, of which 36 were classed as micrococci, 21 diplococci, 18 rods, 3 sarcinae, and 1 yeast. Cooks, barbers, waiters, etc., were examined.
The blood, defibrinated and freshly drawn, has marked germicidal action; for bacteria its action is decidedly deadly, even hours after it has been drawn from the body. Especially were anti-germic qualities noticed upon pathogenic bacteria. Buchner put the bacilli of anthrax in a quantity of blood, and in two hours the number was reduced from 4,800 to 56, and in three hours only 3 living bacteria remained. Other bacteria were experimented upon in blood with similar results, but the destruction of the organism from putrefaction was much less marked, and on some varieties the blood had little or no action.
It is not the object of these remarks to even give a resume of the status praesens of bacteriology, but simply to stimulate thought in that direction. The claims of some of the ultra-bacteriologists may never be realized, but enough has been accomplished to revolutionize the treatment of certain diseases, and the observing student will do well to keep his eye on the microbe, as it seems from the latest investigations that its star is in the ascendant. And who can prognosticate but that in the next decade an entire revolution in the aetiology and treatment of many diseases may take place?
Detroit, Mich.
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(By Cable to the Medical Record.)
BERLIN, January 15, 1891.
The curiosity to know the composition of the famous lymph has been gratified by the publication to-day of an article by Professor Koch on the subject. In the following, as will be seen, he reaffirms his original convictions and acknowledges the valuable assistance he has received from those who have used his fluid, and thus helped him in the accumulation of experience.
Professor Koch says: Two months ago I published the results of my experiments with the new remedy for tuberculosis, since which time many physicians who received the preparation have been enabled to become acquainted with its properties through their own experiments. So far as I have been able to review the statements published and the communications received by letter, my predictions have been fully and completely confirmed. The general consensus of opinion is that the remedy has a specific action upon tubercular tissues, and is, therefore, applicable as a very delicate and sure reagent for discovering latent and diagnosing doubtful tuberculous processes. Regarding the curative effects of the remedy, most reports agree that, despite the comparatively short duration of its application, many patients have shown more or less pronounced improvement. It has been affirmed that in not a few cases even a cure has been established. Standing quite by itself is the assertion that the remedy may not only be dangerous in cases which have advanced too far—a fact which may forthwith be conceded—but also that it actually promotes the tuberculous process, being therefore injurious.
During the past six weeks I myself have had opportunity to bring together further experiences touching the curative effects and diagnostic application of the remedy in the cases of about one hundred and fifty sufferers from tuberculosis of the most varied types in this city and in the Moabit Hospital.
I can only say that everything I have latterly seen accords with my previous observations. There has been nothing to modify in what I before reported. As long as it was only a question of proving the accuracy of my indications, it was needless for any one to know what the remedy contained or whence it was derived. On the contrary, subsequent testing would necessarily be more unbiased, the less people knew of the remedy itself. Now, after sufficient confirmatory testing, the importance of the remedy is proved, my next task is to extend my study of the remedy beyond the field where it has hitherto been applied, and if possible to apply the principle underlying the discovery to other diseases.
This task naturally demands a full knowledge of the remedy. I therefore consider that the time has arrived when the requisite indications in this direction shall be made. This is done in what follows.
Before going into the remedy itself, I deem it necessary for the better understanding of its mode of operation to state briefly the way by which I arrived at the discovery. If a healthy guinea pig be inoculated with the pure cultivation of German Kultur of tubercle bacilli, the wound caused by the inoculation mostly closes over with a sticky matter, and appears in its early days to heal. Only after ten to fourteen days a hard nodule presents itself, which, soon breaking, forms an ulcerating sore, which continues until the animal dies. Quite a different condition of things occurs when a guinea pig already suffering from tuberculosis is inoculated. An animal successfully inoculated from four to six weeks before is best adapted for this purpose. In such an animal the small indentation assumes the same sticky covering at the beginning, but no nodules form. On the contrary, on the day following, or the second day after the inoculation, the place where the lymph is injected shows a strange change. It becomes hard and assumes a darker coloring, which is not confined to the inoculation spot, but spreads to the neighboring parts until it attains a diameter of from 0.05 to 1 cm.
In a few days it becomes more and more manifest that the skin thus changed is necrotic, finally falling off, leaving a flat ulceration which usually heals rapidly and permanently without any involvement of the adjacent lymphatic glands. Thus the injected tubercular bacilli quite differently affect the skin of a healthy guinea pig from one affected with tuberculosis. This effect is not exclusively produced with living tubercular bacilli, but is also observed with the dead bacilli, the result being the same whether, as I discovered by experiments at the outset, the bacilli are killed by a somewhat prolonged application of a low temperature or boiling heat or by means of certain chemicals. This peculiar fact I followed up in all directions, and this further result was obtained—that killed pure cultivations of tubercular bacilli, after rinsing in water, might be injected in great quantities under healthy guinea pig's skin without anything occurring beyond local suppuration. Such injections belong to the simplest and surest means of producing suppurations free from living bacteria.
Tuberculous guinea pigs, on the other hand, are killed by the injection of very small quantities of such diluted cultivations. In fact, within six to forty-eight hours, according to the strength of the dose, an injection which is not sufficient to produce the death of the animal may cause extended necrosis to the skin in the vicinity of the place of injection. If the dilution is still further diluted until it is scarcely visibly clouded, the animals inoculated remain alive and a noticeable improvement in their condition soon supervenes. If the injections are continued at intervals of from one to two days, the ulcerating inoculation wound becomes smaller and finally scars over, which otherwise it never does; the size of the swollen lymphatic glands is reduced, the body becomes better nourished, and the morbid process ceases, unless it has gone too far, in which case the animal perishes from exhaustion. By this means the basis of a curative process against tuberculosis was established.
Against the practical application of such dilutions of dead tubercle bacilli there presented itself the fact that the tubercle bacilli are not absorbed at the inoculation points, nor do they disappear in another way, but for a long time remain unchanged, and engender greater or smaller suppurative foci. Anything, therefore, intended to exercise a healing effect on the tuberculous process must be a soluble substance which would be liberated to a certain extent by the fluids of the body floating around the tubercle bacilli, and be transferred in a fairly rapid manner to the juices of the body; while the substance producing suppuration apparently remains behind in the tubercular bacilli, or dissolves but very slowly. The only important point was, therefore, to induce outside the body the process going on inside, if possible, and to extract from the tubercular bacilli alone the curative substance. This demanded time and toil, until I finally succeeded, with the aid of a forty to fifty per cent. solution of glycerine, in obtaining an effective substance from the tubercular bacilli. With the fluid so obtained I made further experiments on animals, and finally on human beings. These fluids were given to other physicians to enable them to repeat the experiments.
The remedy which is used in the new treatment consists of a glycerine extract, derived from the pure cultivation of tubercle bacilli. Into the simple extract there naturally passes from the tubercular bacilli, besides the effective substance, all the other matter soluble in fifty per cent. glycerine.
Consequently, it contains a certain quantity of mineral salts, coloring substances, and other unknown extractive matters. Some of these substances can be removed from it tolerably easily. The effective substance is insoluble in absolute alcohol. It can be precipitated by it, though not, indeed, in a pure condition, but still combined with the other extractive matter. It is likewise insoluble in alcohol. The coloring matter may also be removed, rendering it possible to obtain from the extract a colorless, dry substance containing the effective principle in a much more concentrated form than the original glycerine solution. For application in practice this purification of the glycerine extract offers no advantage, because the substances so eliminated are unessential for the human organism. The process of purification would make the cost of the remedy unnecessarily high.
Regarding the constitution of the more effective substances, only surmises may for the present be expressed. It appears to me to be derivative from albuminous bodies, having a close affinity to them. It does not belong to the group of so-called toxalbumins, because it bears high temperatures, and in the dialyzer goes easily and quickly through the membrane. The proportion of the substance in the extract to all appearance is very small. It is estimated at fractions of one per cent., which, if correct, we should have to do with a matter whose effects upon organisms attacked with tuberculosis go far beyond what is known to us of the strongest drugs.
Regarding the manner in which the specific action of the remedy on tuberculous tissue is to be represented, various hypotheses may naturally be put forward. Without wishing to affirm that my view affords the best explanation, I represent the process myself in the following manner:
The tubercle bacilli produced when growing in living tissues, the same as in artificial cultivations, contain substances which variously and notably unfavorably influence living elements in their vicinity. Among these is a substance which in a certain degree of concentration kills or so alters living protoplasm that it passes into a condition that Weigert describes as coagulation necrosis. In tissue thus become necrotic the bacillus finds such unfavorable conditions of nourishment that it can grow no more and sometimes dies.
This explains the remarkable phenomenon that in organs newly attacked with tuberculosis, for instance in guinea pigs' spleen and liver, which then are covered with gray nodules, numbers of bacilli are found, whereas they are rare or wholly absent when the enormously enlarged spleen consists almost entirely of whitish substance in a condition of coagulation necrosis, such as is often found in cases of natural death in tuberculous guinea pigs. The single bacillus cannot, therefore, induce necrosis at a great distance, for as soon as necrosis attains a certain extension the growth of the bacillus subsides, and therewith the production of the necrotizing substance. A kind of reciprocal compensation thus occurs, causing the vegetation of isolated bacilli to remain so extraordinarily restricted, as, for instance, in lupus and scrofulous glands.
In such cases the necrosis generally extends only to a part of the cells, which then, with further growth, assume the peculiar form of riesen zelle, or giant cells. Thus, in this interpretation, follow first the explanation Weigert gives of the production of giant cells.
If now one increased artificially in the vicinity of the bacillus the amount of necrotizing substance in the tissue, the necrosis would spread a greater distance. The conditions of nourishment for the bacillus would thereby become more unfavorable than usual.
In the first place the tissue which had become necrotic over a large extent would decay and detach itself, and where such were possible would carry off the inclosed bacilli and eject them outwardly, so far disturbing their vegetation that they would much more speedily be killed than under ordinary circumstances.
It is just in looking at such changes that the effect of the remedy appears to consist. It contains a certain quantity of necrotizing substance, a correspondingly large dose of which injures certain tissue elements even in a healthy person, and perhaps the white blood corpuscles or adjacent cells, thereby producing fever and a complication of symptoms, whereas with tuberculous patients a much smaller quantity suffices to induce at certain places, namely, where tubercle bacilli are vegetating and have already impregnated the adjacent region with the same necrotizing matter, more or less extensive necrosis of the cells, with the phenomena in the whole organism which result from and are connected with it.
For the present, at least, it is impossible to explain the specific influence which the remedy, in accurately defined doses, exercises upon tuberculous tissue, and the possibility of increasing the doses with such remarkable rapidity, and the remedial effects which have unquestionably been produced under not too favorable circumstances.
Of the consumptive patients whom he described as temporarily cured, two have been returned to the Moabit Hospital for further observation.
No bacilli have appeared in their sputum for the past three months, and their phthisical symptoms have gradually and completely disappeared.
* * * * *
One of the plainest points connected with the study of living things is the power we apparently possess of separating animals from plants. So self-evident appears this power that the popular notion scoffs at the idea of science modestly disclaiming its ability to separate the one group of living beings from the other. Is there any danger of confusing a bird with the tree amid the foliage of which it builds its nest, or of mistaking a cow for the grass it eats? These queries are, of course, answerable in one way only. Unfortunately (for the querists), however, they do not include or comprehend the whole difficulty. They merely assert, what is perfectly true, that we are able, without trouble, to mark off the higher animals from the higher plants. What science inquires is, whether we are able to separate all animals from all plants, and to fix a definite boundary line, so as to say that all the organisms on the one side of the line are assuredly animals, while all the others on the opposite side of the line may be declared to be truly plants. It is exactly this task which science declares to be among the impossibilities of knowledge. Away down in the depths of existence and among the groundlings of life the identity of living things becomes of a nature which is worse than confusing, and which renders it a futile task to attempt to separate the two worlds of life. The hopelessness of the task, indeed, has struck some observers so forcibly that they have proposed to constitute a third kingdom—the Regnum Protisticum—between the animal and the plant worlds, for the reception of the host of doubtful organisms. This third kingdom would resemble the casual ward of a workhouse, in that it would receive the waifs and strays of life which could not find a refuge anywhere else.
A very slight incursion into biological fields may serve to show forth the difficulties of naturalists when the task of separating animals from plants is mooted for discussion. To begin with, if we suppose our popular disbeliever to assert that animals and plants are always to be distinguished by shape and form, it is easy enough to show him that here, as elsewhere, appearances are deceptive. What are we to say of a sponge, or a sea anemone, of corals, of zoophytes growing rooted from oyster shells, of sea squirts, and of sea mats? These, each and all of them, are true animals, but they are so plant-like that, as a matter of fact, they are often mistaken by seaside visitors for plants. This last remark holds especially true of the zoophytes and the sea mats. Then, on the other hand, we can point to hundreds of lower plants, from the yeast plant onward, which show none of the ordinary features of plant life at all. They possess neither roots, stems, branches, leaves, nor flowers, so that on this first count of the indictment the naturalist gains the day.
Power of movement, to which the popular doubter is certain to appeal, is an equally baseless ground of separation. For all the animals I have above named are rooted and fixed, while many true plants of lower grade are never rooted at all. The yeast plant, the Algae that swarm in our ponds, and the diatoms that crowd the waters, exemplify plants that are as free as animals; and many of them, besides, in their young state especially (e.g., the seaweeds), swim about freely in the water as if they were roving animalcules. On the second count, also, science gains the day; power of motion is no legitimate ground at all for distinguishing one living being as an animal, while absence of movement is similarly no reason for assuming that the fixed organism must of necessity be a plant. Then comes the microscopic evidence. What can this wonder glass do in the way of drawing boundary lines betwixt the living worlds? The reply again is disappointing to the doubter; for the microscope teaches us that the tissues of animals and plants are built upon kindred lines. We meet with cells and fibers in both. The cell is in each case the primitive expression of the whole organism. Beyond cells and fibers we see the wonderful living substance, protoplasm, which is alike to our senses in the two kingdoms, although, indeed, differing much here and there in the results of its work. On purely microscopic grounds, we cannot separate animals from plants. There is no justification for rigidly assuming that this is a plant or that an animal on account of anything the microscope can disclose. A still more important point in connection with this protoplasm question consists in the fact that as we go backward to the beginnings of life, both in animals and plants, we seem to approach nearer and nearer to an identity of substance which baffles the microscope with all its powers of discernment. Every animal and every plant begins existence as a mere speck of this living jelly. The germ of each is a protoplasm particle, which, whatever traces of structure it may exhibit, is practically unrecognizable as being definitely animal or plant in respect of its nature. Later on, as we know, the egg or germ shows traces of structure in the case of the higher animals and plants; while even lowly forms of life exhibit more or less characteristic phases when they reach their adult stage. But, of life's beginnings, the microscope is as futile as a kind scientific touchstone for distinguishing animals from plants as is power of movement, or shape, or form.
A fourth point of appeal in the matter is found within the domain of the chemist. Chemistry, with its subtile powers of analysis, with its many-sided possibilities of discovering the composition of things, and with its ability to analyze for us even the light of the far distant stars, only complicates the difficulties of the biologist. For, while of old it was assumed that a particular element, nitrogen, was peculiar to animals, and that carbon was an element peculiar to plants, we now know that both elements are found in animals, just as both occur in plants. The chemistry of living things, moreover, when it did grow to become a staple part of science, revealed other and greater anomalies than these. It showed that certain substances which were supposed to be peculiar to plants, and to be made and manufactured by them alone, were also found in animals. Chlorophyl is the green coloring matter of plants, and is, of course, a typical product of the vegetable world; yet it is made by such animals as the hydra of the brooks and ponds, and by many animalcules and some worms. Starch is surely a typical plant product, yet it is undoubtedly manufactured, or at least stored up, by animals—a work illustrated by the liver of man himself, which occasionally produces sugar out of its starch.
Again, there is a substance called cellulose, found well nigh universally in plants. Of this substance, which is akin to starch, the walls or envelopes of the cells of plant tissues are composed. Yet we find those curious animals, the sea squirts, found on rocks and stones at low-water mark, manufacturing cellulose to form part and parcel of the outer covering of their sac-like bodies. Here it is as if the animal, like a dishonest manufacturer, had infringed the patent rights of the plant. On the fourth count, then—that of chemical composition—the verdict is that nothing that chemistry can teach us may serve definitely, clearly, and exactly to set a boundary line or to erect a partition wall between the two worlds of life. There yet remains for us to consider a fifth head—that of the food.
In the matter of the feeding of the two great living worlds we might perchance light upon some adequate grounds for making up the one kingdom from the other. What the consideration of form, movement, chemical composition, and microscopic structure could not effect for us in this way, it might be supposed the investigation of the diet of animals and plants would render clear. Our hopes of distinguishing the one group from the other by reference to the food on which animals and plants subsist are, however, dashed to the ground; and the diet question leaves us, therefore, when it has been discussed, in the same quandary as before.
Nevertheless, it is an interesting story, this of the nutrition of animals and plants. A large amount of scientific information is to be gleaned from such a study, which may very well be commenced by our having regard to the matters on which a green plant feeds. I emphasize the word "green," because it so happens that when a plant has no chlorophyl (as green color is named in the plant world) its feeding is of diverse kind to that which a green plant exhibits. The mushroom or other fungus may be taken as an illustration of a plant which represents the non-green race, while every common plant, from a bit of grass to an oak tree, exemplifies the green-bearing order of the vegetable tribes.
Suppose we were to invite a green plant to dinner, the menu would have to be very differently arranged from that which would satisfy a human or other animal guest. The soup would be represented for the plant's delectation by water, the fish by minerals, the joint by carbonic acid gas, and the dessert by ammonia. On these four items a green plant feeds, out of them it builds up its living frame. Note that its diet is of inorganic or non-living matter. It derives its sustenance from soil and air, yet out of these lifeless matters the green plant elaborates and manufactures its living matter, or protoplasm. It is a more wonderful organism than the animal, for while the latter can only make new protoplasm when living matter is included in its food supply, the green plant, by the exercise of its vital chemistry, can transform that which is not living into that which is life-possessing.
The green plant in other words, raises non-living into living matter, while the animal can only transform living matters into its like. This is why the plant is called a constructive organism, while the animal is, contrariwise, named a destructive one. The result of the plant's existence is to build up, that of the animal's life is to break down its substance, as the result of its work, into non-living matter. The animal's body is, in fact, breaking down into the very things on which the green plant feeds. We ourselves are perpetually dissipating our substance in our acts of life and work into the carbonic acid, water, ammonia, and minerals on which plants feed. We "die daily" in as true a sense as that in which the apostle used the term. And out of the debris of the animal frame the green plant builds up leaf and flower, stein and branch, and all the other tokens of its beauty and its life.
If, then, an animal can only live upon living matter—that is to say on the bodies of other animals or of plants—with water, minerals and oxygen gas from the air thrown in to boot, we might be tempted to hold that in such distinctive ways and works we had at last found a means of separating animals from plants. Unfortunately, this view may be legitimately disputed and rendered null and void, on two grounds. First of all, the mushrooms and their friends and neighbors, all true plants, do not feed as do the green tribes. And secondly, many of the green plants themselves can be shown to have taken very kindly to an animal mode of diet.
A mushroom, thus, because it has no green color, lives upon water, oxygen, minerals, and organic matter. You can only grow mushrooms where there is plenty of animal matter in a state of decay, and as for the oxygen, they habitually inhale that gas as if they were animals. Non-green plants thus want a most characteristic action of their green neighbors. For the latter in daylight take in the carbonic acid gas, which is composed of carbon and oxygen. Under the combined influence of the green color and the light, they split up the gas into its two elements, retaining the carbon for food and allowing the oxygen to escape to the atmosphere. Alas! however, in the dark our green plant becomes essentially like an animal as regards its gas food, for then it is an absorber of oxygen, while it gives off carbonic acid. If to take in carbonic acid and to give out oxygen be held to be a feature characteristic of a plant, it is one, as has been well said, which disappears with the daylight in green plants, and which is not witnessed at all in plants that have no green color.
So far, we have seen that not even the food of plants and animals can separate the one kingdom of life from the other. The mushroom bars the way and the green plant's curious behavior by night and by day respectively, in the matter of its gas food, once more assimilates animal life and plant life in a remarkable manner. Still more interesting is the fact, already noticed, that even among the green tribes there are to be found many and various lapses from the stated rules of their feeding. Thus what are we to say of the parasitic mistletoe, which, while it has grown leaves of its own, and can, therefore, obtain so much carbon food from the air on its own account, nevertheless drinks up the sap of the oak or apple which forms its host, and thus illustrates the spectacle of a green plant feeding like an animal, on living matter? Or, what may we think of such plants as the sundew, the Venus' fly trap, the pitcher plants, the side saddle plants, the butterworts and bladderworts, and others of their kind, which not only capture insects, often by ingenious and complex lures, but also digest the animal food thus captured? A sundew thus spreads out its lure in the shape of its leaf studded with sensitive tentacles, each capped by a glistening drop of gummy secretion. Entangled in this secretion, the fly is further fixed to the leaf by the tentacles which bend over it and inclose it in their fold. Then is poured out upon the insect's body a digestive acid fluid, and the substance of the dissolved and digested animal is duly absorbed by the plant. So also the Venus' fly trap captures insects by means of its leaf, which closes upon the prey when certain sensitive hairs have given the signal that the animal has been trapped. Within the leaf the insect is duly digested as before, and its substance applied to the nutrition of the plant. Such plants, moreover, cannot flourish perfectly unless duly supplied with their animal food. Such illustrations of exceptions to the rule of green plant feeding simply have the effect of abolishing the distinctions which the diet question might be supposed to raise between animals and plants. We may return to the sundews and other insect catchers; meanwhile, I have said enough to show that to the question, "Can we separate animals from plants?" a very decided negative reply must be given. Life everywhere exhibits too many points of contact to admit of any boundary line being drawn between the two great groups which make up the sum total of organic existence.—Illustrated London News.
* * * * *
In view of the rapid development and extension of the methods of electro-plating with silver and gold, and of the large amount of spent liquors containing silver or gold thus produced, it has long been desirable to find methods by which these metals can be recovered from the spent liquors. The processes hitherto adopted generally necessitate the tedious and unpleasant evaporation of the cyanide liquors, or else involve a series of chemical operations which are somewhat difficult to carry out, so that actually the used-up baths are sold to some firm which undertakes this recovery as a particular branch of its business.
A process invented by Stockmuir and Fleischmann, and worked out by them in the chemical laboratory of the Bavarian Industrial Museum, is, however, exceedingly simple, and is employed in many establishments.
In order to remove silver from a potassium cyanide silver solution, it is only necessary to allow a clean piece of plate zinc to remain in the liquid for two days; even better results are obtained by the use of iron conjointly with the zinc. In the first case, the silver often adheres firmly to the zinc, while in the second it always separates out as a powder. It is then only necessary to wash the precipitated powder, which usually contains copper (since spent silver solutions always contain copper), dry it, and then dissolve it in hot concentrated sulphuric acid, water being added, and the dissolved silver precipitated by strips of copper. The silver thus obtained is perfectly pure. If the amount of copper present is only small, it can usually be removed by fusing the precipitated powder with a little niter and borax.
In this way a spent silver bath was found to contain per liter
1st experiment 1.5706 grms. 2d " 1.5694 " ——— Mean 1.5700 "
The presence of silver could not be qualitatively ascertained in the residual liquor.
Although sheet zinc, or zinc and iron sheets, serve so well for the precipitation of silver, they cannot be employed for the recovery of gold. The latter separates out in such a case very incompletely and as a firmly adhering lustrous film in the zinc. On the other hand, finely divided zinc, the so-called zinc dust, is an excellent substance to employ for precipitating gold quantitatively and in the form of powder from spent cyanide liquors. When zinc dust is added to a spent gold bath and the liquid periodically stirred or shaken, all the gold is precipitated in two or three days. The amount of zinc to be added naturally depends on the quantity of gold present. Freshly prepared gold baths for gilding in the cold contain on the average 3.5 grms. gold per liter, while those used for the hot process contain 10.75 grms. To precipitate all the gold in the original bath, 1.74 grms. or 0.37-0.5 grms. zinc dust would be necessary, and, of course, a much smaller quantity would be sufficient for the spent liquors. Since the precipitation takes place more rapidly when an excess of zinc dust is present, it is generally advisable to add 1/4 or at the most 1/2 kilo, of zinc dust to every 100 liters of solution.
The precipitated gold, which contains zinc dust and usually silver and copper, is washed, freed from zinc by hydrochloric acid, and then from silver and copper by nitric acid and thus obtained pure.
A spent bath treated in this way gave the following amounts of gold per liter:
1st experiment 0.2626 2d " 0.2634 Mean 0.2630 grms.
The presence of gold in the residual cyanide solution could not be qualitatively detected. The potassium cyanide of the solutions obtained by this process should be converted into ferrocyanide by heating with ferrous sulphate and milk of lime, since this substance is not poisonous and can therefore be got rid of without danger. It would, however, be more economical and, considering the large amount of cyanide present, more profitable to work it up into Prussian blue.
* * * * *
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