Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
Author: Various
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This complexity of chemical composition of saponin is admirably adapted for the nutrition of the plant, and it is associated with the corresponding complexity of the morphological elements of the plant's organs. According to M. Perrey,[44] it seems that the power of a plant to direct the distribution of its carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen to form complex glucosides is indicative of its higher functions and developments.

The solvent action of saponin on resins has been already discussed. Saponin likewise acts as a solvent upon barium[45] sulphate and calcium[46] oxalate, and as a solvent of insoluble or slightly soluble salts would assist the plant in obtaining food, otherwise difficult of access.

The botanical classifications based upon morphology are so frequently Saponin is found in endogens and exogens. The line dividing these two groups is not always clearly defined. Statements pointing to this are found in the works of Haeckel, Bentham, and others.

Smilax belongs to a transition class, partaking somewhat of the nature of endogen and of exogen. It is worthy of note that this intermediate group of the sarsaparillas should contain saponin.

It is a significant fact that all the groups above named containing saponin belong to Heckel's middle division.

It may be suggested that saponin is thus a constructive element in developing the plant from the multiplicity of floral elements to the cephalization of those organs.

It has been observed that the composite occurs where the materials for growth are supplied in greatest abundance, and the more simple forms arise where sources of nutrition are remote. We may gather from this fact that the simpler organs of plants low in the evolutionary scale contain simpler non-nitrogenous chemical compounds for their nutrition.

The presence of saponin seems essential to the life of the plant where it is found, and it is an indispensable principle in the progression of certain lines of plants, passing from their lower to their higher stages.

Saponin is invariably absent where the floral elements are simple; it is invariably absent where the floral elements are condensed to their greatest extent. Its position is plainly that of a factor in the great middle realm of vegetable life, where the elements of the individual are striving to condense, and thus increase their physiological action and the economy of parts.

It may be suggested as a line of research to study what are the conditions which control the synthesis and gradual formation of saponin in plants. The simpler compounds of which this complex substance is built up, if located as compounds of lower plants, would indicate the lines of progression from the lower to the saponin groups.

In my paper[47] read in Buffalo at the last meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, various suggestions were offered why chemical compounds should be used as a means of botanical classification.

The botanical classifications based upon morphology are so frequently unsatisfactory, that efforts in some directions have been made to introduce other methods.[48]

There has been comparatively little study of the chemical principles of plants from a purely botanical view. It promises to become a new field of research.

The leguminosae are conspicuous as furnishing us with important dyes, e.g., indigo, logwood, catechin. The former is obtained principally from different species of the genus Indigofera, and logwood from the Haematoxylon and Saraca indica.

The discovery[49] of haematoxylin in the Saraca indica illustrates very well how this plant in its chemical, as well as botanical, character is related to the Haematoxylon campechianum; also, I found a substance like catechin in the Saraca. This compound is found in the acacias, to which class Saraca is related by its chemical position, as well as botanically. Saponin is found in both of these plants, as well as in many other plants of the leguminosae. The leguminosae come under the middle plane or multiplicity of floral elements, and the presence of saponin in these plants was to be expected.

From many of the facts above stated, it may be inferred that the chemical compounds of plants do not occur at random. Each stage of growth and development has its own particular chemistry.

It is said that many of the constituents found in plants are the result of destructive metabolism, and are of no further use in the plant's economy. This subject is by no means settled, and even should we be forced to accept that ground, it is a significant fact that certain cells, tissues, or organs peculiar to a plant secrete or excrete chemical compounds peculiar to them, which are to be found in one family, or in species closely allied to it.

It is a fact that the chemical compounds are there, no matter why or whence they came. They will serve our purposes of study and classification.

The result of experiment shows that the presence of certain compounds is essential to the vigor and development of all plants and particular compounds to the development of certain plants. Plant chemistry and morphology are related. Future investigations will demonstrate this relation.

In general terms, we may say that amides and carbohydrates are utilized in the manufacture of proteids. Organic acids cause a turgescence of cells. Glucosides may be a form of reserve food material.

Resins and waxes may serve only as protection to the surfaces of plants; coloring matters, as screens to shut off or admit certain of the sun's rays; but we are still far from penetrating the mystery of life.

A simple plant does what animals more highly endowed cannot do. From simplest substances they manufacture the most complex. We owe our existence to plants, as they do theirs to the air and soil.

The elements carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen pass through a cycle of changes from simple inorganic substances to the complex compounds of the living cell. Upon the decomposition of these bodies the elements return to their original state. During this transition those properties of protoplasm which were mentioned at the beginning, in turn, follow their path. From germination to death this course appears like a crescent, the other half of the circle closed from view. Where chemistry begins and ends it is difficult to say.—Jour. Fr. Inst.

[Footnote 1: A lecture delivered before the Franklin Institute, January 24, 1887.]

[Footnote 2: Studien uber das Protoplasm, 1881.]

[Footnote 3: Vines, p. 1. Rostafinski: Mem. de la Soc. des Sc. Nat. de Cherbourg, 1875. Strasburger: Zeitschr., xii, 1878.]

[Footnote 4: Botany: Prantl and Vines. London, 1886, p. 110.]

[Footnote 5: For the literature of starch, see p. 115, Die Pflanzenstoffe, von Hilger and Husemann.]

[Footnote 6: Kutzing: Arch. Pharm., xli, 38. Kraus and Millardet: Bul. Soc. Sciences Nat., Strasbourg, 1868, 22. Sorby: Jour. Lin. Soc., xv, 34. J. Reinke: Jahrb. Wissenscht. Botan., x, B. 399. Phipson: Phar. Jour. Trans., clxii, 479.]

[Footnote 7: Prantl and Vines, p. 111.]

[Footnote 8: L. Crie: Compt. Rend., lxxxviii, 759 and 985. J. De Seynes, 820, 1043.]

[Footnote 9: Page 279.]

[Footnote 10: M. Nencki and F. Schaffer. N. Sieher: Jour. Pract. Chem., 23, 412.]

[Footnote 11: E. Klein: Quar. Jour. Micros. Science, 1875, 381. O. Helm: Arch. Pharm., 1875, 19-24. G. Gugini: Gaz. Chem., 7, 4. W. Thorner: Bul. Ber, xi, 533.]

[Footnote 12: Handbook of Dyeing. By W. Crookes, London, 1874. p. 367. Schunck: Ann. Chem. Pharm., 41, 157; 54, 261; 61, 72; 61, 64; 61, 78. Rochelder and Heldt, ibid., 48, 2; 48, 9. Stenhouse, ibid., 68, 57; 68, 72; 68, 97, 104; 125, 353. See also researches of Strecker, O. Hesse, Reymann, Liebermann, Lamparter, Knop, and Schnedermann.]

[Footnote 13: Stahlschmidt.]

[Footnote 14: E. Treffner: Inaugur. Diss. Dorpat, 1880.]

[Footnote 15: W. Pfeffer: Flora, 1874.]

[Footnote 16: Die Pflanzenstoffe, p. 323 W. Lange: Bul. Ber., xi, 822.]

[Footnote 17: Ann. Chim. Phys., 41, 62, 208; Ann. Chim. Pharm., 77, 295.]

[Footnote 18: Fluckiger: Pharmakognosie. Kamp: Ann. Chim. Pharm., 100, 300.]

[Footnote 19: Revue Scientifiqe, 13 Mars, 1886.]

[Footnote 20: Dictionary of Economic Plants. By J. Smith. London, 1882, p. 294.]

[Footnote 21: Ibid., p. 160. Pharmakognosie des Pflanzenreichs, Wittstein, p. 736. Ann. Chem. Pharm., 77, 295.]

[Footnote 22: Rabenhorst: Repert. Pharm., lx, 214. Moore: Chem. Centralbl., 1862, 779, Dana.]

[Footnote 23: Johansen: Arch. Pharm., 3, ix, 210. Ibid., 3, ix 103. Bente: Berl. Ber., viii, 476. Braconnot: Ann. Chim. Phys., 2, 44, 296.]

[Footnote 24: Wittstein; Pharm. des Pflanzenreichs, p. 249.]

[Footnote 25: John; Ibid., p. 651.]

[Footnote 26: Dulong. Oersted, Lucas, Pontet; Ibid., p. 640.]

[Footnote 27: Braconnot: Ann. Chim. Phys., 2, 3. 277. Stenhouse: Ann. Chim. Phann., 198, 166].

[Footnote 28: 3 Pflanzenstoffe, p. 412.]

[Footnote 29: Lecocq: Braconnot: Pharmacog. Pflan, p. 693.]

[Footnote 30: Gorup-Besanez.]

[Footnote 31: Siebold and Brodbury: Phar. Jour. Trans., 3, 590, 1881, 326.]

[Footnote 32: Wagner: Jour. Prakt. Chem., 58, 352. B. Peters, v. Gohren: Jahresb. Agric., viii, 114; ix, 105; v. 58. Ann. Jour. Pharm., 4, 49.]

[Footnote 33: Dragendorff: Pharm. Zeitschr. Russ., xvii, 65-97.]

[Footnote 34: Bonssingault: Ann. Chim. Phys., 2, 27, 315. Erdmann: Jour. Pract. Chem., 71, 198.]

[Footnote 35: Die Pflanzenstoffe, p. 21.]

[Footnote 36: Ibid.]

[Footnote 37: Meehan: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences.]

[Footnote 38: Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. Introduction.]

[Footnote 39: Meehan: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences.]

[Footnote 40: H.C. De S. Abbott: Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1886.]

[Footnote 41: For further facts confirming this theory, see "Comparative Chemistry of Higher and Lower Plants." By H.C. De S. Abbott. Amer. Naturalist, August, 1887.]

[Footnote 42: Different genera and species of the following: Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae, Carophyllaceae, Polygalaceae, Bromeliaceae, Liliaceae, Smilaceae, Yuccas, Amaryllideae, Leguminosae, Primulaceae, Rosaceae, Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae]

[Footnote 43: Kobert: Chem Ztg.]

[Footnote 44: Compt. Rend., xciv, p. 1124.]

[Footnote 45: Bul. de la Soc. Chim.]

[Footnote 46: "Yucca angus." Trans. Am. Philos. Soc., Dec., 1885.]

[Footnote 47: Botanical Gazette, October, 1886.]

[Footnote 48: Borodin: Pharm. Jour. Trans., xvi, 369. Pax. Firemy: Ann. Sci. Nat., xiii.]

[Footnote 49: H.C. De S. Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Nov. 30, 1886.]

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The author maintains that unsatisfactory results are obtained in determinations of starch when the method employed is based upon the inversion of sugar, formed as an intermediate product, since maltose, dextrose, and levulose are partly decomposed by boiling with dilute acids. He proposes to replace the methods hitherto employed by one which depends upon the formation of a barium salt of starch, to which he assigns the formula BaO.C_{24}H_{40}O_{20}. This salt is sparingly soluble in water and insoluble in dilute alcohol.

In making a determination a weighed quantity of starch is saccharified with water, then mixed with an excess of normal baryta solution, dilute alcohol added to make up to a certain volume, and, after the precipitate has settled, the excess of baryta is titrated back with acid.

The author also describes the apparatus he employs for storing and titrating with baryta solution. The latter is contained in the bottle, A, and the drying tube attached to the neck of the same is filled with quicklime. The burette, B, which is in direct connection with the bottle, may be filled with the solution by opening the stop cock, and the small drying tube, _n_, is filled with dry KOH, thus preventing the entrance of any CO_{2}. Numbers are appended which seem to testify to the excellence of the method employed. The author finally gives a detailed account of the entire analysis of various cereals.—_A.R. in Jour. Soc. Chem. Indus._

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In the note on the constitution of alkaloids in a recent issue, we referred more especially to what we may term the less highly organized bases. Most of our knowledge, as we now have it, regarding such alkaloids as muscarine and choline has been acquired during the past dozen years. This is not exactly the case with the higher groups of alkaloids—the derivatives of pyridine and quinoline. It so happens that the oldest alkaloids are in these groups. They have, almost necessarily, been subjected to a longer period of attack, but the extreme complexity of their molecules, and the infinite number of differing parts or substances into which these molecules split up when attacked, are the main cause of the small progress which has been made in this department. All, however, yield one or more bodies or bases in common, while each has its distinctive and peculiar decomposition product. For example, cinchonine and quinine both afford the basic quinoline under certain conditions, but on oxidation of cinchonine, an acid—cinchoninic acid (C{10}H{7}NO{2})—is the principal body formed, while in the case of quinine, quininic acid (C{10}H{9}NO{3}) is the principal product. The acquirement through experiment of such knowledge as that is, however, so much gained. We find, indeed, that obstacles are gradually being cleared away, and the actual synthetic formation of such alkaloids as piperidine and coniine is a proof that the chemist is on the right track in studying the decomposition products, and building up from them, theoretically, bodies of similar constitution. It is noteworthy that the synthesis of the alkaloids has led to some of the most brilliant discoveries of the present day, especially in the discovery of dye stuffs. Many of our quinine substitutes, such as thalline, for example, are the result of endeavors to make quinine artificially. If there is romance in chemistry at all, it is to be found certainly in this branch of it, which is generally considered the most uninteresting and unfathomable. We may take piperidine and coniine as examples of the methods followed in alkaloidal synthesis; these are pyridine bases. Pyridine has the formula C{5}H{5}N, that is, it is benzene with CH replaced by N. The relationship between these and piperidine is seen in the following formulae:

CH N NH / / / HC CH HC CH H_{2}C CH_{2} HC CH HC CH H_{2}C CH_{2} / / / CH CH CH_{2}

(Benzene,) (Pyridine,) (Piperidine,) (C{6}H{6}) (C{5}H{5}N) (C{5}H{11}N)

If we introduce six hydrogen atoms into pyridine, we convert it into piperidine. Ladenburg succeeded in so hydrogenizing pyridine by acting upon an alcoholic solution with sodium, and from the base which was formed he obtained a platinochloride which agreed with the similar double salt of piperidine. He has also prepared it from trimethyline cyanide by the action of sodium. Pentamethylinediamine is the principal intermediary product, and this gives piperidine when distilled with superheated steam. He has proved that the alkaloid so obtained is identical with that prepared from piperine. Another curious point which Ladenburg has lately proved is that cadaverine (one of the products of flesh decomposition) is identical with pentamethylinediamine, and that its imine is the same as piperidine. The synthesis of coniine by Ladenburg is one of the most notable achievements of modern chemistry. He at first supposed that this alkaloid was piperidine in which two hydrogen atoms were replaced by the isopropyl radical (C{3}H{7}), its formula being taken as C{5}H{9}(C{3}H{7})NH. But he has since changed his view, as will be seen from what follows. In its synthesis 1,000 grammes of picoline were first converted into alphapicoline, 380 grammes being obtained. This was heated with paraldehyde, whereby it was converted into allylpyridine (48 grammes), and this by reduction with sodium yielded alpha-propylpyridine, a body in almost every respect identical with coniine. The more important difference was its optical inactivity, but he succeeded in splitting up a solution of the acid tartrate of the base by means of Penicillium glaucum. Crystals separated which had a dextro-rotatory power of [a]{D} = 31 deg. 87' as compared with the [a]{D} = 13 deg. 79' of natural coniine. This brief account conveys but a faint idea of the difficulties which were encountered in these researches. Optical methods of examination have proved of great value, and are destined to play an important part in such work.

Among the most complex alkaloids are those of the quinine group. As yet chemists have got no further with these than the oxidation products; but the study has afforded us several new antipyretics and many interesting facts. It has been found, for example, that artificial quinine-like bodies, which fluoresce and give the green color with chlorine water and ammonia, have antipyretic properties like quinine, but their secondary effects are so pernicious as to prevent their use. If, however, such bodies are hydrogenized or methylated they lose their fluorescing property, do not give the green color, and their secondary effects are removed. Knowledge of these facts led to the discovery of thalline. It is prepared from paraquinanisol, one of the objectionable bodies, by reduction with tin and hydrochloric acid. The following formulae show the constitutional relationship of these compounds:

CH CH CH CH_{2} / / / / (CH_{3}O)C C CH (CH_{3}O)C C CH_{2} HC C CH HC C CH_{2} / / / / CH N CH NH

Paraquinanisol Thalline C{9}H{6}.CH{3}.NO. C{9}H{10}.CH{3}.NO.

It is evident from the difficulties which have been encountered in this department of chemistry, and more especially from the costly nature of the work, that it will be many years before it will influence the manufacture of alkaloids from the drugs which yield them. Ladenburg has synthetized coniine, but he has not yet ventured to assert that his product will replace the natural alkaloid.—Chem. and Druggist.

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The Southern California Advocate reports another magnificent donation of lands to the University of Southern California by Mr. D. Freeman, the owner of the Centinella ranch near Los Angeles—six hundred thousand dollars in all given to found a school of applied sciences, $100,000 for building and apparatus and $500,000 for endowment. The buildings will be in the vicinity of Inglewood, the new and beautiful town on the Ballona branch of the California Central.

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The Hampshire Down breed of sheep originated about 80 years ago by a cross of South Downs on the horned, white-faced sheep which had for ages been native of the open, untilled, hilly stretch of land known as the Hampshire Downs, in the county of that name bordering on the English Channel, in the South of England. From time immemorial the South Downs had dark brown or black legs, matured early, produced the best of mutton and a fine quality of medium wool. The original Hampshire was larger, coarser, but hardier, slower to mature, with inferior flesh, and a longer but coarser wool. The South Down has always been remarkable for its power of transmitting its special characteristics to its progeny by other kinds of sheep, and hence it soon impressed its own characteristics on its progeny by the Hampshire. The horns of the original breed have disappeared; the face and legs have become dark, the frame has become more compact, the bones smaller, the back broader and straighter, the legs shorter, and the flesh and wool of better quality, while the superior hardiness and greater size, as well as the large head and Roman nose of the old breed, still remain. The Hampshires of to-day mature early and fatten readily. They clip from six to seven pounds of wool, suitable for combing, which is longer than South Down wool, but less fine. The mutton has a desirable proportion of fat and lean, and is juicy and fine flavored. The lambs are of large size and are usually dropped early and fed for market. Indeed, the Hampshire may be considered a larger and trifle coarser and hardier South Down. The breed is occasionally crossed with Cotswolds, when it produces a wool more valuable for worsted manufacturers than the pure Cotswold. Indeed, there is little doubt that in addition to South Down, the Hampshire has a dash of Cotswold blood in its composition. Considerable importations of the breed have been made into this country, but it has not become so popular as the South Down and some other English breeds. The excellent group shown is owned by Mr. James Wood, of Mount Kisco, New York.—Rural New-Yorker.

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[Footnote 1: "Determination of the Relative Positions of the Principal Stars in the Group of the Pleiades." By William L. Elkin. Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University, Vol. I., Part I. (New Haven: 1887.)]

The Messrs. Repsold have established, and for the present seem likely to maintain, a practical monopoly in the construction of heliometers. That completed by them for the observatory of Yale College in 1882 leaves so little to be desired as to show excellence not to be the exclusive result of competition. In mere size it does not indeed take the highest rank. Its aperture is of only six inches, while that of the Oxford heliometer is of seven and a half; but the perfection of the arrangements adapting it to the twofold function of equatorial and micrometer stamps it as a model not easy to be surpassed. Steel has been almost exclusively used in the mounting. Recommended as the material for the objective cell by its quality of changing volume under variations of temperature nearly paripassu with glass, its employment was extended to the telescope tube and other portions of the mechanism. The optical part of the work was done by Merz, Alvan Clark having declined the responsibility of dividing the object lens. Its segments are separable to the extent of 2 deg., and through the contrivance of cylindrical slides (originally suggested by Bessel) perfect definition is preserved in all positions, giving a range of accurate measurement just six times that with a filar micrometer. (Gill, "Encyc. Brit.," vol. xvi., p. 253; Fischer, Sirius, vol. xvii., p. 145.)

This beautiful engine of research was in 1883 placed in the already practiced and skillful hands of Dr. Elkin. He lost no time in fixing upon a task suited both to test the powers of the new instrument and to employ them to the highest advantage.

The stars of the Pleiades have, from the earliest times, attracted the special notice of observers, whether savage or civilized. Hence, on the one hand, their prominence in stellar mythology all over the world; on the other, their unique interest for purposes of scientific study and comparison. They constitute an undoubted cluster; that is to say, they are really, and not simply in appearance, grouped together in space, so as to fall under the sway of prevailing mutual influences. And since there is, perhaps, no other stellar cluster so near the sun, the chance of perceptible displacements among them in a moderate lapse of time is greater than in any other similar case. Authentic data regarding them, besides, have now been so long garnered that their fruit may confidently be expected at least to begin to ripen.

Dr. Elkin determined, accordingly, to repeat the survey of the Pleiades executed by Bessel at Konigsberg during about twelve years previous to 1841. Wolf and Pritchard had, it is true, been beforehand with him; but the wide scattering of the grouped stars puts the filar micrometer at a disadvantage in measuring them, producing minute errors which the arduous conditions of the problem render of serious account. The heliometer, there can be no doubt, is the special instrument for the purpose, and it was, moreover, that employed by Bessel; so that the Konigsberg and Yale results are comparable in a stricter sense than any others so far obtained.

One of Bessel's fifty-three stars was omitted by Dr. Elkin as too faint for accurate determination. He added, however, seventeen stars from the Bonn Durchmusterung, so that his list comprised sixty-nine, down to 9.2 magnitude. Two independent triangulations were executed by him in 1884-85. For the first, four stars situated near the outskirts of the group, and marking the angles of quadrilateral by which it was inclosed, were chosen as reference points. The second rested upon measures of distance and position angle outward from Alcyone ([eta] Tauri). Thus, two wholly unconnected sets of positions were secured, the close accordance of which testified strongly to the high quality of the entire work. They were combined, with nearly equal weights, in the final results. A fresh reduction of the Konigsberg observations, necessitated by recent improvements in the value of some of the corrections employed, was the preliminary to their comparison with those made, after an interval of forty-five years, at Yale College. The conclusions thus laboriously arrived at are not devoid of significance, and appear perfectly secure, so far as they go.

It has been known for some time that the stars of the Pleiades possess a small identical proper motion. Its direction, as ascertained by Newcomb in 1878, is about south-southeast; its amount is somewhat less than six seconds of arc in a century. The double star 61 Cygni, in fact, is displaced very nearly as much in one year as Alcyone with its train in one hundred. Nor is there much probability that this slow secular shifting is other than apparent; since it pretty accurately reverses the course of the sun's translation through space, it may be presumed that the backward current of movement in which the Pleiades seem to float is purely an effect of our own onward traveling.

Now the curious fact emerges from Dr. Elkin's inquiries that six of Bessel's stars are exempt from the general drift of the group. They are being progressively left behind. The inference is obvious that they do not in reality belong to, but are merely accidentally projected upon, it; or, rather, that it is projected upon them; for their apparent immobility (which, in two of the six, may be called absolute) shows them with tolerable certainty to be indefinitely more remote—so remote that the path, moderately estimated at 21,000,000,000 miles in length, traversed by the solar system during the forty-five years elapsed since the Konigsberg measures dwindles into visual insensibility when beheld from them. The brightest of these six far-off stars is just above the eighth (7.9) magnitude; the others range from 8.5 down to below the ninth.

A chart of the relative displacements indicated for Bessel's stars by the differences in their inter-mutual positions as determined at Konigsberg and Yale accompanies the paper before us. Divergences exceeding 0.40" (taken as the limit of probable error) are regarded as due to real motion; and this is the case with twenty-six stars besides the half dozen already mentioned as destined deserters from the group. With these last may be associated two stars surmised, for an opposite reason, to stand aloof from it. Instead of tarrying behind, they are hurrying on in front.

An excess of the proper movement of their companions belongs to them; and since that movement is presumably an effect of secular parallax, we are justified in inferring their possession of an extra share of it to signify their greater proximity to the sun. Hence, of all the stars in the Pleiades these are the most likely to have a measurable annual parallax. One is a star a little above the seventh magnitude, distinguished as s Pleiadum; the other, of about the eighth, is numbered 25 in Bessel's list. Dr. Elkin has not omitted to remark that the conjecture of their disconnection from the cluster is confirmed by the circumstance that its typical spectrum (as shown on Prof. Pickering's plates) is varied in s by the marked character of the K line. The spectrum of its fellow traveler (No. 25) is still undetermined.

It is improbable, however, that even these nearer stars are practicable subjects for the direct determination of annual parallax. By indirect means, however, we can obtain some idea of their distance. All that we want to know for the purpose is the rate of the sun's motion; its direction we may consider as given with approximate accuracy by Airy's investigation. Now, spectroscopic measurements of stellar movements of approach and recession will eventually afford ample materials from which to deduce the solar, velocity; though they are as yet not accurate or numerous enough to found any definitive conclusion upon. Nevertheless, M. Homann's preliminary result of fifteen miles a second as the speed with which our system travels in its vast orbit inspires confidence both from the trustworthiness of the determinations (Mr. Seabroke's) serving as its basis and from its intrinsic probability. Accepting it provisionally, we find the parallax of Alcyone = about 0.02', implying a distance of 954,000,000,000,000 miles and a light journey of 163 years. It is assumed that the whole of its proper motion of 2.61' in forty-five years is the visual projection of oar own movement toward a point in R.A. 261 deg., Decl. +25 deg..

Thus the parallax of the two stars which we suspect to lie between us and the stars forming the genuine group of the Pleiades, at perhaps two-thirds of their distance, can hardly exceed 0.03'. This is just half that found by Dr. Gill for [xi] Toucani, which may be regarded as, up to this, the smallest annual displacement at all satisfactorily determined. And the error of the present estimate is more likely to be on the side of excess than of defect. That is, the stars in question can hardly be much nearer to us than is implied by an annual parallax of 0.03", and they may be considerably more remote.

Dr. Elkin concludes, from the minuteness of the detected changes of position among the Pleiades, that "the hopes of obtaining any clew to the internal mechanism of this cluster seem not likely to be realized in an immediate future;" remarking further: "The bright stars in especial seem to form an almost rigid system, as for only one is there really much evidence of motion, and in this case the total amount is barely 1 per century." This one mobile member of the naked eye group is Electra; and it is noticeable that the apparent direction of its displacement favors the hypothesis of leisurely orbital circulation round the leading star. The larger movements, however, ascribed to some of the fainter associated stars are far from harmonizing with this preconceived notion of what they ought to be.

On the contrary, so far as they are known at present, they force upon our minds the idea that the cluster may be undergoing some slow process of disintegration. M. Wolf's impression of incipient centrifugal tendencies among its components certainly derives some confirmation from Dr. Elkin's chart. Divergent movements are the most strongly marked; and the region round Alcyone suggests, at the first glance, rather a very confused area of radiation for a flight of meteors than the central seat of attraction of a revolving throng of suns.

There are many signs, however, that adjacent stars in the cluster do not pursue independent courses. "Community of drift" is visible in many distinct sets; while there is as yet no perceptible evidence, from orbital motion, of association into subordinate systems. The three eighth-magnitude stars, for instance, arranged in a small isosceles triangle near Alcyone, do not, as might have been expected a priori, constitute a real ternary group. They are all apparently traveling directly away from the large star close by them, in straight lines which may, of course, be the projections of closed curves; but their rates of travel are so different as to involve certain progressive separation. Obviously, the order and method of such movements as are just beginning to develop to our apprehension among the Pleiades will not prove easy to divine.—A.M. Clerke, in Nature.

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I believe Prof. Ehrenberg was one of the first to examine, microscopically, deep sea dredgings, some of which were undertaken for the Atlantic cable expedition, 1857.

I propose to deal with the bottoms brought up from tropical waters of the Atlantic, a few years ago, during certain telegraph cable operations. These soundings were made for survey purposes, and not for any biological or chemical investigations. Still I think that this imperfect record may be a useful contribution to chemical science, bearing especially on marine operations.

Although there is little to be added to the chemistry of this subject, still I think there are few chemists who could successfully make an analysis of a deep sea "bottom" without some sacrifice of time and patience, to say nothing of the risk of wasting a valuable specimen.

The muds, clays, oozes, etc., from deep water are so very fine that they pass readily through the best kinds of filters, and it is necessary to wash out all traces of sea water as a preliminary. The specimen must be repeatedly washed by decantation, until the washings are perfectly free from chlorine, when the whole may be thrown onto a filter merely to drain. The turbid water which passes through is allowed to stand so that the suspended matter may settle, and after decanting the clear supernatant water, the residuum is again thrown on to the filter.

The washing and getting ready for the drying oven will, in some cases, require days to carry out, if we wish to avoid losing anything.

So far the proceeding is exactly the same, except draining on a filter, which would be adopted for preparing for the microscope. On no account should the opportunity be missed of mounting several slides permanently for microscopic examination. Drawings or photographic enlargements will render us independent of direct microscopic appeal, which is not at all times convenient.

The substance, if drained and allowed to dry on the filter, will adhere most tenaciously to it, so that it is better to complete the drying in a porcelain or platinum capsule, either by swilling the filter with a jet of water or by carefully removing with a spatula. The most strenuous care must be used not to contaminate the specimen with loose fibers from the filter.

The perfectly dried matter is best treated in exactly the same way as a residuum in water analysis. It is a common thing to ignite the residuum, and to put the loss down, if any, to water. This ought not to satisfy an accurate observer, since organic matter, carbonates—especially in presence of silica—will easily add to the loss. The best plan is to heat a small portion very cautiously, and note if any smell or alteration in color, due to carbon, etc., is perceptible, and to proceed accordingly.

I have seen some very satisfactory analyses made on board ship by a skillful use of the blowpipe, where liquid reagents would be very inconvenient to employ.

It will be necessary to say a few words as to the way in which soundings are made at sea. When the bottom consists of sand, mud, or other loose matter, it is easy enough to bring specimens to the surface, and, of course, we know in such a case that the bottom has been reached, but, in the event of the bottom being hard and rocky, it is not easy to say that our sounding has been successful: and here we meet with a difficulty which unfortunately is most unsatisfactorily provided for.

The lead is "cast," as the saying goes, "armed" for this emergency. An iron sinker is made with a hollow recess in the bottom; this is filled in with tallow, and on striking the bottom any loose matter may adhere by being pressed into the tallow. If the bottom is rocky or hard we get simply an imprint in the arming, and when such a result is obtained the usual construction is that "the bottom is rocky" or hard.

Now, this seems to me a point on which chemistry may give some very valuable help, for I am convinced that no sounding should be accepted unless evidence of the bottom itself is obtained. A few considerations will show that when we are working in very deep water, where there is a difficulty of knowing for certain that we have an "up and down" sounding, and the hardening of the "arming" by the cold and pressure, unless we bring up something we cannot be sure that we have touched the bottom; leaving the doubt on this point on one side, unless we use a very heavy sinker, so as to get an indication of the released strain when it touches the bottom, we encounter another complication.

Sir William Thomson's sounding wire has added the element of reliability to our soundings in this latter case. The note given out by the wire when the bottom is reached is perceptibly different when under strain, even if the dynamometer should give an unreliable indication.

It has been found that when a "bottom" has been recovered by the arming with tallow, the adherent grease seriously detracts from the value of the specimen for scientific purposes. Washing with perfectly pure bisulphide carbon will save the sounding, but of course any living organism is destroyed. As we have plenty of contrivances for bringing up loose "bottoms" without arming, we have nothing to fear on this score.

There is a great difficulty to explain the vast accumulations of clay deposits on the ocean bed, and it has been suggested that some minute organisms may produce these deposits, as others give us carbonate of lime. Is there not a very great probability of some of the apparently insoluble rocky formations being answerable for these accumulations?

We must not forget the peculiar changes which such an apparently stable substance as feldspar undergoes when disintegrated and exposed to the chemical action of sea water. As these deposits contain both sodium and potassium, our chemical operations must provide for the analytical results; in other respects the analysis can be proceeded with according to the operator's analytical knowledge.

Few operators are aware of the usefulness of an ordinary deep sea grapnel rope, as used for cable work, in recovering specimens of the fauna of any locality. The grapnel rope should be left down for a few months, so that the denizens of the deep may get used to it and make it their place of residence and attachment. The stench caused by their decomposition, unless the rope be kept in water, when hauled up will be in a few days intolerable, even to an individual with a sea-going stomach. I tried several chemical solutions for preserving specimens thus recovered, but nothing answered so well as the water itself drawn up from the same depth as the rope was recovered from.—Chem. News.

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