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Now, when the C^{3} tuning fork has been vibrating for some time, but still sounding audibly, Prof. Carter determined that its amplitude of stroke was only the 1/17000 of an inch, or its velocity of motion was at the rate of 1/33 of an inch in one second, or one inch in 33 seconds (over half a minute), or less than one foot in one hour.
Assuming one prong to weigh two ounces, we have a two-ounce mass moving 1/17000 of an inch with a velocity of 1/33 of an inch in one second. The prong, then, has a momentum or can exercise an amount of energy equivalent to 1/200 of an ounce, or can overcome the momentum of 1,000 molecules.
It would be difficult to discover not only how a locust can expend sufficient energy to impart to molecules of the air, so as to set them in a forced vibration, and thus enable a pulse of the energy imparted to control the motion of the supposed molecules of the air for a mile in all directions, but also to estimate the amount of energy the locust must expend.
According to the wave theory, a condensation and rarefaction are necessary to constitute a sound wave. Surely, if a condensation is not produced, there can be no sound wave! We have then no need to consider anything but the condensation or compression of the supposed air molecules, which will shorten the discussion. The property of mobility of the air and fluidity of water are well known. In the case of water, which is almost incompressible, this property is well marked, and unquestionably would be very nearly the same if water were wholly incompressible. In the case of the air, it is conceded by Tyndall, Thomson, Daniell, Helmholtz, and others that any compression or condensation of the air must be well marked or defined to secure the transmission of a sound pulse. The reason for this is on account of this very property of mobility. Tyndall says: "The prong of the fork in its swift advancement condenses the air." Thomson says: "If I move my hand vehemently through the air, I produce a condensation." Helmholtz says: "The pendulum swings from right to left with a uniform motion. Near to either end of its path it moves slowly, and in the middle fast. Among sonorous bodies which move in the same way, only very much faster, we may mention tuning forks." Tyndall says again: "When a common pendulum oscillates, it tends to form a condensation in front and a rarefaction behind. But it is only a tendency; the motion is so slow, and the air so elastic, that it moves away in front before it is sensibly condensed, and fills the space behind before it can become sensibly dilated. Hence waves or pulses are not generated by the pendulum." And finally, Daniell says: "A vibrating body, before it can act as a sounding body, must produce alternate compressions and rarefactions in the air, and these must be well marked. If, however, the vibrating body be so small that at each oscillation the surrounding air has time to flow round it, there is at every oscillation a local rearrangement—a local flow and reflow of the air; but the air at a distance is almost wholly unaffected by this."
Now, as Prof. Carter has shown by experiment that a tuning fork while still sounding had only an amplitude of swing of 1/17000 of an inch, and only traveled an aggregate distance of 1/33 of an inch in one second, or one inch in 33 seconds, surely such a motion is neither "swift," "fast," nor "vehement," and is unquestionably much "slower" than the motion of a pendulum. We have only to consider one forward motion of the prong, and if that motion cannot condense the air, then no wave can be produced; for after a prong has advanced and stopped moving (no matter for how short a time), if it has not compressed the air, its return motion (on the same side) cannot do anything toward making a compression. If one such motion of 1/17000 of an inch in 1/512 of a second cannot compress the air, then the remaining motions cannot. There is unquestionably a "union limit" between mobility and compressibility, and unless this limit is passed, mobility holds sway and prevents condensation or compression of the air; but when this limit is passed by the exercise of sufficient energy, then compression of the air results. Just imagine the finger to be moved through the air at a velocity of one foot in one hour; is it possible that any scientist who considers the problem in connection with the mobility of the air, could risk his reputation by saying that the air would be compressed? Heretofore it was supposed that a praeong of a tuning fork was traveling fast because it vibrated so many times in a second, never stopping to think that its velocity of motion was entirely dependent upon the distance it traveled. At the start the prong travels 1/20 of an inch, but in a short time, while still sounding, the distance is reduced to 1/17000 of an inch. While the first motion was quite fast, about 25 inches in a second, the last motion was only about 1/33 of an inch in the same time, and is consequently 825 times slower motion. The momentum of the prong, the amount of work it can do, is likewise proportionately reduced.
Some seem to imagine, without thinking, that the elasticity of the air can add additional energy. This is perfectly erroneous; for elasticity is a mere property, which permits a body to be compressed on the application of a force, and to be dilated by the exercise of the force stored up in it by the compression. No property of the air can impart any energy. If the momentum of a molecule or a series of molecules extending in all directions for a mile is to be overcome so as to control the character of the movements of the molecules, then sufficient external energy must be applied to accomplish the task: and when we think that one cubic inch of air contains 3,505,519,800,000,000,000 molecules, to say nothing about the number in a cubic mile, which a locust can transmit sound through, we are naturally compelled to stop and think whether the vibrations of supposed molecules have anything or can have anything to do with the transference of sound through the air.
If control was only had of the distance the vibrating molecule travels from its start to the end of its journey, then only the intensity of the sound would be under subjection; but if at every infinitesimal instant control was had of its amplitude of swing, then the character, timbre, or quality of the sound is under subjection. It is evident, then, that the blows normally given by one molecule to another in their supposed constant bombardment must not be sufficient to alter the character of vibration a molecule set in oscillation by a sounding body must maintain, to preserve the timbre or quality of the sound in process of transmission; for if any such alteration should take place, then, naturally, while the pitch, and perhaps intensity, might be transmitted, the quality of the sound would be destroyed.
Again, it is certain that no molecule can perform two sets of vibrations, two separate movements, at the same time, any more than it can be in two places at the same time.
When a band of music is playing, the molecule is supposed to make a complex vibration, a resultant motion of all acting influences, which the ear is supposed to analyze. It remains for the mathematician to show how a molecule influenced by twenty or more degrees of applied energy, and twenty or more required number of frequences of vibration at the same time, can establish a resultant motion which will transmit the required pitch, intensity, and timbre of each instrument.
When a molecule is acted on by various forces, a resultant motion is unquestionably produced, but this would only tend to send the molecule forward and back in one direction, and, in fact, a direction it might have taken in the first place if hit properly.
How any resultant can be established as regards the time necessary for the molecule to take so as to complete a full vibration for the note C_{11}, which requires 1/16 of a second, and for other notes up to C''''', which only requires 1/4176 of a second, as when an orchestra is playing, is certainly beyond human comprehension, if it is not beyond the "transcendental mathematics" of the present day.
Unquestionably, the able mathematicians Lord Rayleigh, Stokes, or Maxwell, if the problem was submitted to them, would start directly to work, and deduce by so called "higher mathematics" the required motions the molecules would have to undergo to accomplish this marvelous task—the same as they have established the diameter of the supposed molecules, their velocity, distance apart, and number of bombardments, without any shadow of positive proof that any such things as molecules exist.
As S. Caunizzana has said: "Some of the followers of the modern school push their faith to the borders of fanaticism; they often speak on molecular subjects with as much dogmatic assurance as though they had actually realized the ingenious fiction of Laplace, and had constructed a microscope by which they could detect the molecule and count the number of its constituent atoms."
Speaking of the "modern manufacturers of mathematical hypotheses," Mattieu Williams says: "It matters not to them how 'wild and visionary,' how utterly gratuitous, any assumption may be, it is not unscientific provided it can be vested in formulae and worked out mathematically.
"These transcendental mathematicians are struggling to carry philosophy back to the era of Duns Scotus, when the greatest triumph of learning was to sophisticate so profoundly an obvious absurdity that no ordinary intellect could refute it.... The close study of pure mathematics, by directing the mind to processes of calculation rather than to phenomena, induces that sublime indifference to facts which has characterized the purely mathematical intellect of all ages."
Tyndall, however, states in all frankness, and without the aid of mathematical considerations, that "when we try to visualize the motions of the air having one thousand separate tones, to present to the eye of the mind the battling of the pulses, direct and reverberated, the imagination retires baffled at the attempt;" and he might have added, the shallowness and fallacy of the wave theory of sound was made apparent. He, however, does express himself as follows: "Assuredly, no question of science ever stood so much in need of revision as this of the transmission of sound through the atmosphere. Slowly but surely we mastered the question, and the further we advance, the more plainly it appeared that our reputed knowledge regarding it was erroneous from beginning to end."
Until physicists are willing to admit that the physical forces of nature are objective things—actual entities, and not mere modes of motion—a full and clear comprehension of the phenomena of nature will never be revealed to them. The motion of all bodies, whether small or great, is due to the entitative force stored up in them, and the energy they exercise is in proportion to the stored-up force.
Tyndall says that "heat itself, its essence and quiddity, IS MOTION, AND NOTHING ELSE." Surely, no scientist who considers what motion is can admit such a fallacious statement, for motion is simply "position in space changing;" it is a phenomenon, the result of the application of entitative force to a body. It is no more an entity than shadow, which is likewise a phenomenon. Motion, per se, is nothing and can do nothing in physics. Matter and force are the two great entities of the universe—both being objective things. Sound, heat, light, electricity, etc., are different forms of manifestation of an all-pervading force element—substantial, yet not material.
* * * * *
Mr. Thiselton Dyer has rendered a great service, not only to botanists, but also to physicists and mineralogists, by recalling attention to the very interesting substance known as "tabasheer." As he truly states, very little fresh information has been published on the subject during recent years, a circumstance for which I can only account by the fact that botanists may justly feel some doubt as to whether it belongs to the vegetable kingdom, while mineralogists seem to have equal ground for hesitation in accepting it as a member of the mineral kingdom.
It is very interesting to hear that so able a physiologist as Prof. Cohn intends to investigate the conditions under which living plants separate this substance from their tissues. That unicellular algae, like the Diatomaceae, living in a medium which may contain only one part in 10,000 by weight of dissolved silica, or even less than that amount, should be able to separate this substance to form their exquisitely ornamented frustules is one of the most striking facts in natural history, whether we regard it in its physiological or its chemical aspects.
Sir David Brewster long ago pointed out the remarkable physical characters presented by the curious product of the vegetable world known as "tabasheer," though so far as I can find out it has not in recent years received that attention from physicists which the experiments and observations of the great Scotch philosopher show it to be worthy of.
Tabasheer seems to stand in the same relation to the mineral kingdom as do ambers and pearls. It is in fact an opal formed under somewhat remarkable and anomalous conditions which we are able to study; and in this aspect I have for some time past been devoting a considerable amount of attention to the minute structure of the substance by making thin sections and examining them under the microscope. It may be as well, perhaps, to give a short sketch of the information upon the subject which I have up to the present time been able to obtain, and in this way to call attention to points upon which further research seems to be necessary.
From time immemorial tabasheer has enjoyed a very high reputation in Eastern countries as a drug. Its supposed medicinal virtues, like those of the fossil teeth of China and the belemnites ("thunderbolts") of this country, seem to have been suggested by the peculiarity of its mode of occurrence. A knowledge of the substance was introduced into Western Europe by the Arabian physicians, and the name by which the substance is generally known is said to be of Arabic origin. Much of the material which under the name of "tabasheer" finds its way to Syria and Turkey is said, however, to be fictitious or adulterated.
In 1788 Dr. Patrick Russell, F.R.S., then resident at Vizagapatam, wrote a letter to Sir Joseph Banks in which he gave an account of all the facts which he had been able to collect with respect to this curious substance and its mode of occurrence, and his interesting letter was published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1790 (vol. lxxx., p. 273).
Tabasheer is said to be sometimes found among the ashes of bamboos that have been set on fire (by mutual friction?). Ordinarily, however, it is sought for by splitting open those bamboo stems which give a rattling sound when shaken. Such rattling sounds do not, however, afford infallible criteria as to the presence or absence of tabasheer in a bamboo, for where the quantity is small it is often found to be closely adherent to the bottom and sides of the cavity. Tabasheer is by no means found in all stems or in all joints of the same stem of the bamboos. Whether certain species produce it in greater abundance than others, and what is the influence of soil, situation, and season upon the production of the substance, are questions which do not seem as yet to have been accurately investigated.
Dr. Russell found that the bamboos which produce tabasheer often contain a fluid, usually clear, transparent, and colorless or of greenish tint, but sometimes thicker and of a white color, and at other times darker and of the consistency of honey. Occasionally the thicker varieties were found passing into a solid state, and forming tabasheer.
Dr. Russell performed the interesting experiment of drawing off the liquid from the bamboo stem and allowing it to stand in stoppered bottles. A "whitish, cottony sediment" was formed at the bottom, with a thin film of the same kind at the top. When the whole was well shaken together and allowed to evaporate, it left a residue of a whitish brown color resembling the inferior kinds of tabasheer. By splitting up different joints of bamboo Dr. Russell was also able to satisfy himself of the gradual deposition within them of the solid tabasheer by the evaporation of the liquid solvent.
In 1791, Mr. James Louis Macie, F.R.S. (who afterward took the name of Smithson), gave an account of his examination of the properties of the specimens of tabasheer sent home by Dr. Russell (Phil. Trans., vol. lxxxi., 1791, p. 368). These specimens came from Vellore, Hyderabad, Masulipatam, and other localities in India. They were submitted to a number of tests which induced Mr. Macie to believe that they consisted principally of silica, but that before calcination some vegetable matter must have been present. A determination of the specific gravity of the substance by Mr. Macie gave 2.188 as the result. Another determination by Mr. Cavendish gave 2.169.
In this same paper it is stated that a bamboo grown in a hot-house at Islington gave a rattling noise, and on being split open by Sir Joseph Banks yielded, not an ordinary tabasheer, but a small pebble about the size of half a pea, externally of a dark brown or black color, and within of a reddish brown tint. This stone is said to have been so hard as to cut glass, and to have been in parts of a crystalline structure. Its behavior with reagents was found to be different in many respects from that of the ordinary tabasheer; and it was proved to contain silica and iron. The specimen is referred to in a letter to Berthollet published in the Annales de Chimie for the same year (October, 1791). There may be some doubt as to whether this specimen was really of the nature of tabasheer. If such were the case, it would seem to have been a tabasheer in which a crystalline structure had begun to be set up.
In the year 1806, MM. Foureroy and Vauquelin gave an account of a specimen of tabasheer brought from South America in 1804 by Humboldt and Bonpland (Mem. de l'Inst., vol. vi., p. 382). It was procured from a species of bamboo growing on the west of Pichincha, and is described as being of a milk white color, in part apparently crystalline in structure, and in part semi-transparent and gelatinous. It was seen to contain traces of the vegetable structure of the plant from which it had been extracted. On ignition it became black, and emitted pungent fumes.
An analysis of this tabasheer from the Andes showed that it contained 70 per cent. of silica and 30 per cent. of potash, lime, and water, with some organic matter. It would, perhaps, be rash to conclude from this single observation that the American bamboo produced tabasheer of different composition from that of the Old World; but the subject is evidently one worthy of careful investigation.
It was in the year 1819 that Sir David Brewster published the first account of his long and important series of observations upon the physical peculiarities of tabasheer (Phil. Trans., vol. cix., 1819, p. 283). The specimens which he first examined were obtained from India by Dr. Kennedy, by whom they were given to Brewster.
Brewster found the specimens which he examined to be perfectly isotropic, exercising no influence in depolarizing light. When heated, however, it proved to be remarkably phosphorescent. The translucent varieties were found to transmit a yellowish and to reflect a bluish white light—or, in other words, to exhibit the phenomenon of opalescence. When tabasheer is slightly wetted, it becomes white and opaque; but when thoroughly saturated with water, perfectly transparent.
By preparing prisms of different varieties of tabasheer, Brewster proceeded to determine its refractive index, arriving at the remarkable result that tabasheer "has a lower index of refraction than any other known solid or liquid, and that it actually holds an intermediate place between water and gaseous bodies!" This excessively low refractive power Brewster believes to afford a complete explanation of the extraordinary behavior exhibited by tabasheer when wholly or partially saturated with fluids. A number of interesting experiments were performed by saturating the tabasheer with oils of different refractive powers, and by heating it in various ways and under different conditions, and also by introducing carbonaceous matter into the minute pores of the substance by setting fire to paper in which fragments were wrapped.
The mean of experiments undertaken by Mr. James Jardine, on behalf of Brewster, for determining the specific gravity of tabasheer, gave as a result 2.235. From these experiments Brewster concluded that the space occupied by the pores of the tabasheer is about two and a half times as great as that of the colloid silica itself!
From this time forward Brewster seems to have manifested the keenest interest in all questions connected with the origin and history of a substance possessing such singular physical properties. By the aid of Mr. Swinton, secretary to the government at Calcutta, he formed a large and interesting collection of all the different varieties of tabasheer from various parts of India. He also obtained specimens of the bamboo with the tabasheer in situ. In 1828 he published an interesting paper on "The Natural History and Properties of Tabasheer" (Edinburgh Journal of Science, vol. viii., 1828, p. 288), in which he discussed many of the important problems connected with the origin of the substance. From his inquiries and observations, Brewster was led to conclude that tabasheer was only produced in those joints of bamboos which are in an injured, unhealthy, or malformed condition, and that the siliceous fluid only finds its way into the hollow spaces between the joints of the stem when the membrane lining the cavities is destroyed or rent by disease.
Prof. Edward Turner, of the University of London, undertook an analysis of tabasheer, the specimens being supplied from Brewster's collection (Edinburgh Journal of Science, vol. viii., 1828, p. 335). His determinations of the specific gravities of different varieties were as follows:
Chalky tabasheer. 2.189 Translucent tabasheer. 2.167 Transparent tabasheer. 2.160
All the varieties lose air and hygroscopic water at 100 deg. C., and a larger quantity of water and organic matter (indicated by faint smoke and an empyreumatic odor) at a red heat. The results obtained were as follows:
Loss at 100 deg. C. Loss at red heat. Chalky tabasheer. 0.838 per cent. 1.277 per cent. Translucent tabasheer. 1.620 " " 3.840 " " Transparent tabasheer. 2.411 " " 4.518 " "
Dr. Turner found the ignited Indian tabasheer to consist almost entirely of pure silica with a minute quantity of lime and vegetable matter. He failed to find any trace of alkalies in it.
In 1855, Guibourt (Journ. de Pharm. [3], xxvii., 81, 161, 252; Phil. Mag, [4], x., 229) analyzed a specimen of tabasheer having a specific gravity of 2.148. It gave the following result:
Silica. = 96.94 Potash and lime. = 0.13 Water. = 2.93 Organic matter. = trace
Guibourt criticised some of the conclusions arrived at by Brewster, and sought to explain the source of the silica by studying the composition of different parts of the bamboo. While the ashes of the wood contained 0.0612 of the whole weight of the wood, the pith was found to contain 0.448 per cent., the inner wood much less, and the greatest proportion occurred in the external wood. On these determinations Guibourt founded a theory of the mode of formation of tabasheer based on the suggestion that at certain periods of its growth the bamboo needed less silica than at other times, and that when not needed, the silica was carried inward and deposited in the interior.
In the year 1857, D.W. Host van Tonningen, of Buitenzorg, undertook an investigation of the tabasheer of Java, which is known to the natives of that island under the name of "singkara" (Naturkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie, vol. xiii., 1857, p. 391). The specimens examined were obtained from the Bambusa apus, growing in the Residency of Bantam. It is described as resembling in appearance the Indian tabasheers. Its analysis gave the following result:
Silica. = 86.387 Iron oxide. = 0.424 Lime. = 0.244 Potash. = 4.806 Organic matter. = 0.507 Water. = 7.632 ——— Total. 100.000
Apart from the question of its singular mode of origin, however, and its remarkable and anomalous physical properties, tabasheer is of much interest to mineralogists and geologists. All the varieties hitherto examined, with the exception of the peculiar one from the Andes, are in composition and physical characters true opals. This is the case with all the Indian and Java varieties. They consist essentially of silica in its colloidal form, the water, lime, potash, and organic matter being as small and variable in amount as in the mineral opals; and, as in them, these substances must be regarded merely as mechanical impurities.
The tabasheers must be studied in their relations on the one hand with certain varieties of the natural semi-opals, hydrophanes, beekites, and floatstones, some of which they closely resemble in their physical characters, and on the other hand with specimens of artificially deposited colloid silica formed under different conditions. Prof. Church, who has so successfully studied the beekites, informs me that some of those remarkable bodies present singular points of analogy with tabasheer.
By the study of thin sections I have, during several years, been endeavoring to trace the minute structure of some of these substances. In no class of materials is it more necessary to guard one's self against errors of observation arising from changes induced in the substance during the operations which are necessary to the preparation of transparent sections of hard substances. Unfortunately, too, it is the custom of the natives to prepare the substance for the market by an imperfect calcination, and hitherto I have only been able to study specimens procured in the markets which have been subjected to this process. It is obviously desirable, before attempting to interpret the structures exhibited, under the microscope, to compare the fresh and uncalcined materials with those that have been more or less altered by heat.
Tabasheer would seem, from Brewster's experiments, to be a very intimate admixture of two and a half parts of air with one part of colloidal silica. The interspaces filled with air appear, at all events, in most cases, to be so minute that they cannot be detected by the highest powers of the microscope which I have been able to employ. It is this intimate admixture of a solid with a gas which probably gives rise to the curious and anomalous properties exhibited by this singular substance.
The ultra-microscopical vesicles filled with air in all probability give rise to the opalescence which is so marked a property of the substance. Their size is such as to scatter and throw back the rays at the blue end of the spectrum and to transmit those at the red end.
When the vesicles of the substance are filled with Canada balsam, and a thin slice is cut from it, this opalescence comes out in the most striking manner. Very thin sections are of a rich orange yellow by transmitted light, and a delicate blue tint by reflected light. I do not know of any substance which in such thin films displays such striking opalescence.
That the excessively low refractive power of tabasheer is connected with the mechanical admixture of the colloidal silica with air seems to be proved by the experiments of Brewster, showing that with increase of density there was an increase in the refractive index from 1.111 in specimens of the lowest specific gravity to 1.182 in those of the highest specific gravity. Where the surface was hard and dense, Brewster found the refractive index to approach that of semi opal. The wonderful thing is that a substance so full of cavities containing gas should nevertheless be transparent.
By the kindness of Mr. F. Rutley, F.G.S., I am able to supply a drawing taken from one of my sections of tabasheer.
The accompanying woodcut gives some idea of the interesting structures exhibited in some sections of tabasheer, though much of the delicacy and fidelity of the original drawing has been lost in transferring it to the wood.
In this particular case, the faint punctation of the surface may possibly indicate the presence of air vesicles of a size sufficiently great to be visible under the microscope. But in many other instances I have failed to detect any such indication, even with much higher powers. The small ramifying tubules might at first sight be taken for some traces of a vegetable tissue, but my colleague, Dr. Scott, assures me that they do not in the least resemble any tissue found in the bamboo. I have myself no doubt that it is an inorganic structure. It is not improbably analogous to the peculiar ramifying tubules formed in a solution of water glass when a crystal of copper sulphate is suspended in it, as shown by Dr. Heaton (Proc. Brit. Assoc., 1869, p. 127). Similar forms also occur on a larger scale in some agates, and the artificial cells of Traube may probably be regarded as analogous phenomena.
The aggregates of globular bodies seen in the section so greatly resemble the globulites of slags and natural glasses, and in their arrangement so forcibly recall the structures seen in the well known pitchstone of Corriegills in Arran, that one is tempted to regard them as indicating the beginnings of the development of crystalline structure in the tabasheer. But I have good grounds for believing the structure to have a totally different origin. They seem in fact to be the portions of the mass which the fluid Canada balsam has not succeeded in penetrating. By heating they may be made to grow outward, and as more balsam is imbibed they gradually diminish, and finally disappear.
I must postpone till a future occasion a discussion of all the structures of this remarkable substance and of the resemblances and differences which they present to the mineral opals on the one hand, and to those of the opals of animal origin found in sponge spicules, radiolarians, and the rocks formed from them, some of which have recently been admirably investigated by Dr. G.J. Hinde (Phil. Trans., 1885, pp. 425-83).
I cannot, however, but think that it would be of the greatest service to botanists, physicists, and mineralogists alike, if some resident in India would resume the investigations so admirably commenced by Dr. Patrick Russell nearly a century ago; and it is in the hope of inducing some one to undertake this task that I have put together these notes. There are certain problems with regard to the mode of occurrence of this singular substance which could only be solved by an investigator in the country where it is found.
Most parcels of the commercial tabasheer appear to contain different varieties, from the white, opaque, chalk like forms through the translucent kinds to those that are perfectly transparent. It would be of much interest if the exact relation and modes of origin of these different varieties could be traced. It would also be important to determine if Brewster was right in his conclusion that the particular internodes of a bamboo which contain tabasheer always have their inner lining tissue rent or injured. The repetition of Dr. Russell's experiment of drawing off the liquids from the joints of bamboos and allowing them to evaporate is also greatly to be desired. My colleague, Prof. Rucker, F.R.S., has kindly undertaken to re-examine the results arrived at by Brewster in the light of more recent physical investigations, and I doubt not that some of the curious problems suggested by this very remarkable substance may ere long find a solution.
* * * * *
In 1883 Mr. Hekmeyer, pharmaceutist in chief of the Dutch Indies, exhibited at Amsterdam some specimens of Javanese edible earth, both in a natural state and in the form of various natural objects. A portion of this collection he has placed at our disposal, and has given us some information regarding its nature, use, etc.
These clays, which are eaten not only in Java, but also in Sumatra, New Caledonia, Siberia, Guiana, Terra del Fuego, etc., are essentially composed of silex, alumina, and water in variable proportions, and are colored with various metallic oxides. They are in amorphous masses, are unctuous to the touch, stick to the tongue, and form a fine, smooth paste with water. The natives of Java and Sumatra prepare them in a peculiar way. They free them of foreign substances, spread them out in thin sheets, which they cut into small pieces and parch in an iron saucepan over a coal fire.
Each of these little cakes, when shrunken up into a little roll, looks somewhat like a grayish or reddish fragment of cinnamon bark. The clay is also formed into imitations of various objects.
We have tasted this Javanese dainty, and we must very humbly confess that we have found nothing attractive in the earthy and slightly empyreumatic taste of this singular food. However, a sweet and slightly aromatic taste that follows the first impression is an extenuating circumstance.
According to the account given by Labillardiere, confirmed by the information given by Mr. Hekmeyer, the figures are often craunched by women and children, to the latter of whom they serve as dolls, toys, and even money-boxes, as shown by the slits formed in the upper part of the larger objects, which are usually hollow.
We have not sufficient documents to carry us back to the origin of that tradition that would have it that the human form has been given to certain food preparations from remote times. Savants will not be slow to see in this a vague relic of the horrible festivities that succeeded human sacrifices among primitive peoples. For want of prisoners and of designated victims, a symbolic representation would have gradually developed, and been kept up, though losing its religious character. We merely call brief attention to this obscure problem, not having the pretension to solve it.—Revue d'Ethnographie.
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