Revelation xii. 4. And his tail drew the third part of the 563:24 stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
Animal tendency
563:27 The serpentine form stands for subtlety, winding its way amidst all evil, but doing this in the name of good. Its sting is spoken of by Paul, when he refers 563:30 to "spiritual wickedness in high places." It is the animal instinct in mortals, which would impel 564:1 them to devour each other and cast out devils through Beelzebub.
564:3 As of old, evil still charges the spiritual idea with error's own nature and methods. This malicious animal in- stinct, of which the dragon is the type, incites mortals to 564:6 kill morally and physically even their fellow-mortals, and worse still, to charge the innocent with the crime. This last infirmity of sin will sink its perpetrator into a night 564:9 without a star.
Malicious barbarity
The author is convinced that the accusations against Jesus of Nazareth and even his crucifixion were instigated 564:12 by the criminal instinct here described. The Revelator speaks of Jesus as the Lamb of God and of the dragon as warring against innocence. Since Jesus 564:15 must have been tempted in all points, he, the immaculate, met and conquered sin in every form. The brutal bar- barity of his foes could emanate from no source except the 564:18 highest degree of human depravity. Jesus "opened not his mouth." Until the majesty of Truth should be demon- strated in divine Science, the spiritual idea was arraigned 564:21 before the tribunal of so-called mortal mind, which was unloosed in order that the false claim of mind in matter might uncover its own crime of defying immortal Mind.
Doom of the dragon
564:24 From Genesis to the Apocalypse, sin, sickness, and death, envy, hatred, and revenge, - all evil, - are typi- fied by a serpent, or animal subtlety. Jesus 564:27 said, quoting a line from the Psalms, "They hated me without a cause." The serpent is perpetually close upon the heel of harmony. From the beginning 564:30 to the end, the serpent pursues with hatred the spiritual idea. In Genesis, this allegorical, talking serpent typi- fies mortal mind, "more subtle than any beast of the 565:1 field." In the Apocalypse, when nearing its doom, this evil increases and becomes the great red dragon, swollen 565:3 with sin, inflamed with war against spirituality, and ripe for destruction. It is full of lust and hate, loathing the brightness of divine glory.
565:6 Revelation xii. 5. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to His throne.
The conflict with purity
565:9 Led on by the grossest element of mortal mind, Herod decreed the death of every male child in order that the man Jesus, the masculine representative of the 565:12 spiritual idea might never hold sway and de- prive Herod of his crown. The impersonation of the spiritual idea had a brief history in the earthly life of our 565:15 Master; but "of his kingdom there shall be no end," for Christ, God's idea, will eventually rule all nations and peoples - imperatively, absolutely, finally - with di- 565:18 vine Science. This immaculate idea, represented first by man and, according to the Revelator, last by woman, will baptize with fire; and the fiery baptism will burn up 565:21 the chaff of error with the fervent heat of Truth and Love, melting and purifying even the gold of human character. After the stars sang together and all was primeval har- 565:24 mony, the material lie made war upon the spiritual idea; but this only impelled the idea to rise to the zenith of demonstration, destroying sin, sickness, and death, and 565:27 to be caught up unto God, - to be found in its divine Principle.
Revelation xii. 6. And the woman fled into the wilder- 565:30 ness, where she hath a place prepared of God.
Spiritual guidance
566:1 As the children of Israel were guided triumphantly through the Red Sea, the dark ebbing and flowing tides 566:3 of human fear, - as they were led through the wilderness, walking wearily through the great desert of human hopes, and anticipating the promised 566:6 joy, - so shall the spiritual idea guide all right desires in their passage from sense to Soul, from a material sense of existence to the spiritual, up to the glory prepared for 566:9 them who love God. Stately Science pauses not, but moves before them, a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night, leading to divine heights.
566:12 If we remember the beautiful description which Sir Walter Scott puts into the mouth of Rebecca the Jewess in the story of Ivanhoe, - 566:15 When Israel, of the Lord beloved, Out of the land of bondage came, Her fathers' God before her moved, 566:18 An awful guide, in smoke and flame, -
we may also offer the prayer which concludes the same hymn, - 566:21 And oh, when stoops on Judah's path In shade and storm the frequent night, Be Thou, longsuffering, slow to wrath, 566:24 A burning and a shining light!
Revelation xii. 7, 8. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the 566:27 dragon fought, and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
Angelic offices
The Old Testament assigns to the angels, God's divine 566:30 messages, different offices. Michael's charac- teristic is spiritual strength. He leads the hosts of heaven against the power of sin, Satan, and 567:1 fights the holy wars. Gabriel has the more quiet task of imparting a sense of the ever-presence of ministering 567:3 Love. These angels deliver us from the depths. Truth and Love come nearer in the hour of woe, when strong faith or spiritual strength wrestles and prevails through 567:6 the understanding of God. The Gabriel of His presence has no contests. To infinite, ever-present Love, all is Love, and there is no error, no sin, sickness, nor death. 567:9 Against Love, the dragon warreth not long, for he is killed by the divine Principle. Truth and Love prevail against the dragon because the dragon cannot war with 567:12 them. Thus endeth the conflict between the flesh and Spirit.
Revelation xii. 9. And the great dragon was cast out, 567:15 that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiv- eth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Dragon cast down to earth
567:18 That false claim - that ancient belief, that old serpent whose name is devil (evil), claiming that there is intelli- gence in matter either to benefit or to injure 567:21 men - is pure delusion, the red dragon; and it is cast out by Christ, Truth, the spiritual idea, and so proved to be powerless. The words "cast 567:24 unto the earth" show the dragon to be nothingness, dust to dust; and therefore, in his pretence of being a talker, he must be a lie from the beginning. His angels, or mes- 567:27 sages, are cast out with their author. The beast and the false prophets are lust and hypocrisy. These wolves in sheep's clothing are detected and killed by innocence, the 567:30 Lamb of Love.
Warfare with error
Divine Science shows how the Lamb slays the wolf. 568:1 Innocence and Truth overcome guilt and error. Ever since the foundation of the world, ever since error would 568:3 establish material belief, evil has tried to slay the Lamb; but Science is able to destroy this lie, called evil. The twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse 568:6 typifies the divine method of warfare in Science, and the glorious results of this warfare. The following chapters depict the fatal effects of trying to meet error with error. 568:9 The narrative follows the order used in Genesis. In Genesis, first the true method of creation is set forth and then the false. Here, also, the Revelator first exhibits 568:12 the true warfare and then the false.
Revelation xii. 10 - 12. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the 568:15 kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by 568:18 the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the 568:21 inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
Paean of jubilee
568:24 For victory over a single sin, we give thanks and mag- nify the Lord of Hosts. What shall we say of the mighty conquest over all sin? A louder song, sweeter 568:27 than has ever before reached high heaven, now rises clearer and nearer to the great heart of Christ; for the accuser is not there, and Love sends forth her 568:30 primal and everlasting strain. Self-abnegation, by which we lay down all for Truth, or Christ, in our warfare against error, is a rule in Christian Science. This rule clearly 569:1 interprets God as divine Principle, - as Life, represented by the Father; as Truth, represented by the Son; as Love, 569:3 represented by the Mother. Every mortal at some period, here or hereafter, must grapple with and overcome the mortal belief in a power opposed to God.
The robe of Science
569:6 The Scripture, "Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many," is literally ful- filled, when we are conscious of the supremacy 569:9 of Truth, by which the nothingness of error is seen; and we know that the nothingness of error is in proportion to its wickedness. He that touches the hem 569:12 of Christ's robe and masters his mortal beliefs, animality, and hate, rejoices in the proof of healing, - in a sweet and certain sense that God is Love. Alas for those who 569:15 break faith with divine Science and fail to strangle the serpent of sin as well as of sickness! They are dwellers still in the deep darkness of belief. They are in the surg- 569:18 ing sea of error, not struggling to lift their heads above the drowning wave.
Expiation by suffering
What must the end be? They must eventually expi- 569:21 ate their sin through suffering. The sin, which one has made his bosom companion, comes back to him at last with accelerated force, for the devil 569:24 knoweth his time is short. Here the Scriptures declare that evil is temporal, not eternal. The dragon is at last stung to death by his own malice; but how many periods 569:27 of torture it may take to remove all sin, must depend upon sin's obduracy.
Revelation xii. 13. And when the dragon saw that he 569:30 was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
Apathy to occultism
570:1 The march of mind and of honest investigation will bring the hour when the people will chain, with fetters of 570:3 some sort, the growing occultism of this period. The present apathy as to the tendency of certain active yet unseen mental agencies will finally be 570:6 shocked into another extreme mortal mood, - into human indignation; for one extreme follows another.
Revelation xii. 15, 16. And the serpent cast out of his 570:9 mouth water as a flood, after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and 570:12 swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
Receptive hearts
Millions of unprejudiced minds - simple seekers for 570:15 Truth, weary wanderers, athirst in the desert - are wait- ing and watching for rest and drink. Give them a cup of cold water in Christ's name, 570:18 and never fear the consequences. What if the old dragon should send forth a new flood to drown the Christ-idea? He can neither drown your voice with its roar, nor again 570:21 sink the world into the deep waters of chaos and old night. In this age the earth will help the woman; the spiritual idea will be understood. Those ready for the blessing 570:24 you impart will give thanks. The waters will be paci- fied, and Christ will command the wave.
Hidden ways of iniquity
When God heals the sick or the sinning, they should 570:27 know the great benefit which Mind has wrought. They should also know the great delusion of mor- tal mind, when it makes them sick or sinful. 570:30 Many are willing to open the eyes of the people to the power of good resident in divine Mind, but they are 571:1 not so willing to point out the evil in human thought, and expose evil's hidden mental ways of accomplishing 571:3 iniquity.
Christly warning
Why this backwardness, since exposure is necessary to ensure the avoidance of the evil? Because people like 571:6 you better when you tell them their virtues than when you tell them their vices. It re- quires the spirit of our blessed Master to tell a man his 571:9 faults, and so risk human displeasure for the sake of doing right and benefiting our race. Who is telling mankind of the foe in ambush? Is the informer one who sees the 571:12 foe? If so, listen and be wise. Escape from evil, and designate those as unfaithful stewards who have seen the danger and yet have given no warning.
The armor of divinity
571:15 At all times and under all circumstances, overcome evil with good. Know thyself, and God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory 571:18 over evil. Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one 571:21 divinity.
Pure religion enthroned
Through trope and metaphor, the Revelator, immortal scribe of Spirit and of a true idealism, furnishes the 571:24 mirror in which mortals may see their own image. In significant figures he depicts the thoughts which he beholds in mortal mind. Thus he 571:27 rebukes the conceit of sin, and foreshadows its doom. With his spiritual strength, he has opened wide the gates of glory, and illumined the night of paganism with the 571:30 sublime grandeur of divine Science, outshining sin, sorcery, lust, and hypocrisy. He takes away mitre and sceptre. He enthrones pure and undefiled religion, and lifts on 572:1 high only those who have washed their robes white in obedience and suffering.
Native nothingness of sin
572:3 Thus we see, in both the first and last books of the Bible, - in Genesis and in the Apocalypse, - that sin is to be Christianly and scientifically reduced 572:6 to its native nothingness. "Love one an- other" (I John, iii. 23), is the most simple and profound counsel of the inspired writer. In Science we are chil- 572:9 dren of God; but whatever is of material sense, or mor- tal, belongs not to His children, for materiality is the inverted image of spirituality.
Fulfilment of the Law
572:12 Love fulfils the law of Christian Science, and nothing short of this divine Principle, understood and demon- strated, can ever furnish the vision of the 572:15 Apocalypse, open the seven seals of error with Truth, or uncover the myriad illusions of sin, sickness, and death. Under the supremacy of Spirit, it will be seen 572:18 and acknowledged that matter must disappear.
In Revelation xxi. 1 we read: -
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first 572:21 heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
Man's present possibilities
The Revelator had not yet passed the transitional 572:24 stage in human experience called death, but he already saw a new heaven and a new earth. Through what sense came this vision to St. John? Not 572:27 through the material visual organs for seeing, for optics are inadequate to take in so wonderful a scene. Were this new heaven and new earth terrestrial or celestial, mate- 573:1 rial or spiritual? They could not be the former, for the human sense of space is unable to grasp such a view. 573:3 The Revelator was on our plane of existence, while yet beholding what the eye cannot see, - that which is in- visible to the uninspired thought. This testimony of Holy 573:6 Writ sustains the fact in Science, that the heavens and earth to one human consciousness, that consciousness which God bestows, are spiritual, while to another, the 573:9 unillumined human mind, the vision is material. This shows unmistakably that what the human mind terms matter and spirit indicates states and stages of con- 573:12 sciousness.
Nearness of Deity
Accompanying this scientific consciousness was an- other revelation, even the declaration from heaven, su- 573:15 preme harmony, that God, the divine Principle of harmony, is ever with men, and they are His people. Thus man was no longer regarded as a mis- 573:18 erable sinner, but as the blessed child of God. Why? Because St. John's corporeal sense of the heavens and earth had vanished, and in place of this false sense was 573:21 the spiritual sense, the subjective state by which he could see the new heaven and new earth, which involve the spiritual idea and consciousness of reality. This is Scrip- 573:24 tural authority for concluding that such a recognition of being is, and has been, possible to men in this present state of existence, - that we can become conscious, 573:27 here and now, of a cessation of death, sorrow, and pain. This is indeed a foretaste of absolute Christian Science. Take heart, dear sufferer, for this reality of being will 573:30 surely appear sometime and in some way. There will be no more pain, and all tears will be wiped away. When you read this, remember Jesus' words, "The kingdom of 574:1 God is within you." This spiritual consciousness is therefore a present possibility.
574:3 The Revelator also takes in another view, adapted to console the weary pilgrim, journeying "uphill all the way."
He writes, in Revelation xxi. 9: -
574:6 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, 574:9 the Lamb's wife.
Vials of wrath and consolation
This ministry of Truth, this message from divine Love, carried John away in spirit. It exalted him till he be- 574:12 came conscious of the spiritual facts of being and the "New Jerusalem, coming down from God, out of heaven," - the spiritual outpour- 574:15 ing of bliss and glory, which he describes as the city which "lieth foursquare." The beauty of this text is, that the sum total of human misery, represented by 574:18 the seven angelic vials full of seven plagues, has full compensation in the law of Love. Note this, - that the very message, or swift-winged thought, which poured 574:21 forth hatred and torment, brought also the experience which at last lifted the seer to behold the great city, the four equal sides of which were heaven-bestowed and 574:24 heaven-bestowing.
Spiritual wedlock
Think of this, dear reader, for it will lift the sack- cloth from your eyes, and you will behold the soft- 574:27 winged dove descending upon you. The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel 574:30 entertained unawares. Then thought gently whispers: 575:1 "Come hither! Arise from your false consciousness into the true sense of Love, and behold the Lamb's 575:3 wife, - Love wedded to its own spiritual idea." Then cometh the marriage feast, for this revelation will de- stroy forever the physical plagues imposed by material 575:6 sense.
The city foursquare
This sacred city, described in the Apocalypse (xxi. 16) as one that "lieth foursquare" and cometh "down from 575:9 God, out of heaven," represents the light and glory of divine Science. The builder and maker of this New Jerusalem is God, as we read in the 575:12 book of Hebrews; and it is "a city which hath founda- tions." The description is metaphoric. Spiritual teach- ing must always be by symbols. Did not Jesus illustrate 575:15 the truths he taught by the mustard-seed and the prodi- gal? Taken in its allegorical sense, the description of the city as foursquare has a profound meaning. The 575:18 four sides of our city are the Word, Christ, Christianity, and divine Science; "and the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there." This 575:21 city is wholly spiritual, as its four sides indicate.
The royally divine gates
As the Psalmist saith, "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of 575:24 the north, the city of the great King." It is indeed a city of the Spirit, fair, royal, and square. Northward, its gates open to the North Star, 575:27 the Word, the polar magnet of Revelation; eastward, to the star seen by the Wisemen of the Orient, who fol- lowed it to the manger of Jesus; southward, to the 575:30 genial tropics, with the Southern Cross in the skies, - the Cross of Calvary, which binds human society into solemn union; westward, to the grand realization 576:1 of the Golden Shore of Love and the Peaceful Sea of Harmony.
Revelation's pure zenith
576:3 This heavenly city, lighted by the Sun of Righteous- ness, - this New Jerusalem, this infinite All, which to us seems hidden in the mist of remoteness, - 576:6 reached St. John's vision while yet he taber- nacled with mortals.
In Revelation xxi. 22, further describing this holy city, 576:9 the beloved Disciple writes: -
And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
The shrine celestial
576:12 There was no temple, - that is, no material structure in which to worship God, for He must be worshipped in spirit and in love. The word temple also 576:15 means body. The Revelator was familiar with Jesus' use of this word, as when Jesus spoke of his material body as the temple to be temporarily rebuilt 576:18 (John ii. 21). What further indication need we of the real man's incorporeality than this, that John saw heaven and earth with "no temple [body] therein"? 576:21 This kingdom of God "is within you," - is within reach of man's consciousness here, and the spiritual idea reveals it. In divine Science, man possesses this 576:24 recognition of harmony consciously in proportion to his understanding of God.
Divine sense of Deity
The term Lord, as used in our version of the Old 576:27 Testament, is often synonymous with Jehovah, and ex- presses the Jewish concept, not yet elevated to deific apprehension through spiritual trans- 576:30 figuration. Yet the word gradually approaches a higher meaning. This human sense of Deity yields to the divine 577:1 sense, even as the material sense of personality yields to the incorporeal sense of God and man as the infinite 577:3 Principle and infinite idea, - as one Father with His uni- versal family, held in the gospel of Love. The Lamb's wife presents the unity of male and female as no longer 577:6 two wedded individuals, but as two individual natures in one; and this compounded spiritual individuality re- flects God as Father-Mother, not as a corporeal being. 577:9 In this divinely united spiritual consciousness, there is no impediment to eternal bliss, - to the perfectibility of God's creation.
The city of our God
577:12 This spiritual, holy habitation has no boundary nor limit, but its four cardinal points are: first, the Word of Life, Truth, and Love; second, 577:15 the Christ, the spiritual idea of God; third, Christianity, which is the outcome of the divine Prin- ciple of the Christ-idea in Christian history; fourth, 577:18 Christian Science, which to-day and forever interprets this great example and the great Exemplar. This city of our God has no need of sun or satellite, for Love 577:21 is the light of it, and divine Mind is its own interpreter. All who are saved must walk in this light. Mighty potentates and dynasties will lay down their honors 577:24 within the heavenly city. Its gates open towards light and glory both within and without, for all is good, and nothing can enter that city, which "defileth. . . . or 577:27 maketh a lie."
The writer's present feeble sense of Christian Science closes with St. John's Revelation as recorded by the 577:30 great apostle, for his vision is the acme of this Science as the Bible reveals it.
In the following Psalm one word shows, though faintly, 578:1 the light which Christian Science throws on the Scriptures by substituting for the corporeal sense, the incorporeal 578:3 or spiritual sense of Deity: -
[DIVINE LOVE] is my shepherd; I shall not want.
578:6 [LOVE] maketh me to lie down in green pastures: [LOVE] leadeth me beside the still waters.
[LOVE] restoreth my soul [spiritual sense]: [Love] lead- 578:9 eth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for [LOVE] is with me; [LOVE's] 578:12 rod and [LOVE'S] staff they comfort me.
[LOVE] prepareth a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: [LOVE] anointeth my head with oil; my cup 578:15 runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house [the consciousness] 578:18 of [LOVE] for ever.
These things saith He that is holy, He that is true, He that hath the key of David, He that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it. - REVELATION.
579:1 In Christian Science we learn that the substitution of the spiritual for the material definition of a Scrip- 579:3 tural word often elucidates the meaning of the inspired writer. On this account this chapter is added. It con- tains the metaphysical interpretation of Bible terms, 579:6 giving their spiritual sense, which is also their original meaning.
ABEL. Watchfulness; self-offering; surrendering to 579:9 the creator the early fruits of experience.
ABRAHAM. Fidelity; faith in the divine Life and in the eternal Principle of being. 579:12 This patriarch illustrated the purpose of Love to create trust in good, and showed the life-preserving power of spiritual understanding.
579:15 ADAM. Error; a falsity; the belief in "original sin," sickness, and death; evil; the opposite of good, - of God and His creation; a curse; a belief in intelligent matter, 580:1 finiteness, and mortality; "dust to dust;" red sand- stone; nothingness; the first god of mythology; not 580:3 God's man, who represents the one God and is His own image and likeness; the opposite of Spirit and His crea- tions; that which is not the image and likeness of good, 580:6 but a material belief, opposed to the one Mind, or Spirit; a so-called finite mind, producing other minds, thus mak- ing "gods many and lords many" (I Corinthians viii. 5); 580:9 a product of nothing as the mimicry of something; an unreality as opposed to the great reality of spiritual ex- istence and creation; a so-called man, whose origin, 580:12 substance, and mind are found to be the antipode of God, or Spirit; an inverted image of Spirit; the image and likeness of what God has not created, namely, mat- 580:15 ter, sin, sickness, and death; the opposer of Truth, termed error; Life's counterfeit, which ultimates in death; the opposite of Love, called hate; the usurper 580:18 of Spirit's creation, called self-creative matter; immor- tality's opposite, mortality; that of which wisdom saith, "Thou shalt surely die."
580:21 The name Adam represents the false supposition that Life is not eternal, but has beginning and end; that the infinite enters the finite, that intelligence passes into non- 580:24 intelligence, and that Soul dwells in material sense; that immortal Mind results in matter, and matter in mortal mind; that the one God and creator entered what He cre- 580:27 ated, and then disappeared in the atheism of matter.
ADVERSARY. An adversary is one who opposes, denies, disputes, not one who constructs and sustains reality and 580:30 Truth. Jesus said of the devil, "He was a murderer from the beginning, . . . he is a liar and the father of it." 581:1 This view of Satan is confirmed by the name often con- ferred upon him in Scripture, the "adversary."
581:3 ALMIGHTY. All-power; infinity; omnipotence.
ANGELS. God's thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, 581:6 purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality.
ARK. Safety; the idea, or reflection, of Truth, proved 581:9 to be as immortal as its Principle; the understanding of Spirit, destroying belief in matter.
God and man coexistent and eternal; Science show- 581:12 ing that the spiritual realities of all things are created by Him and exist forever. The ark indicates temptation overcome and followed by exaltation.
581:15 ASHER (Jacob's son). Hope and faith; spiritual com- pensation; the ills of the flesh rebuked.
BABEL. Self-destroying error; a kingdom divided 581:18 against itself, which cannot stand; material knowledge.
The higher false knowledge builds on the basis of evi- dence obtained from the five corporeal senses, the more 581:21 confusion ensues, and the more certain is the downfall of its structure.
BAPTISM. Purification by Spirit; submergence in 581:24 Spirit.
We are "willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord." (II Corinthians v. 8.)
582:1 BELIEVING. Firmness and constancy; not a faltering nor a blind faith, but the perception of spiritual Truth. 582:3 Mortal thoughts, illusion.
BENJAMIN (Jacob's son). A physical belief as to life, substance, and mind; human knowledge, or so-called 582:6 mortal mind, devoted to matter; pride; envy; fame; illusion; a false belief; error masquerading as the pos- sessor of life, strength, animation, and power to act.
582:9 Renewal of affections; self-offering; an improved state of mortal mind; the introduction of a more spiritual origin; a gleam of the infinite idea of the infinite Prin- 582:12 ciple; a spiritual type; that which comforts, consoles, and supports.
BRIDE. Purity and innocence, conceiving man in the 582:15 idea of God; a sense of Soul, which has spiritual bliss and enjoys but cannot suffer.
BRIDEGROOM. Spiritual understanding; the pure con- 582:18 sciousness that God, the divine Principle, creates man as His own spiritual idea, and that God is the only crea- tive power.
582:21 BURIAL. Corporeality and physical sense put out of sight and hearing; annihilation. Submergence in Spirit; immortality brought to light. 582:24 CANAAN (the son of Ham). A sensuous belief; the testimony of what is termed material sense; the error which would make man mortal and would make mortal 582:27 mind a slave to the body.
CHILDREN. The spiritual thoughts and representa- tives of Life, Truth, and Love.
583:1 Sensual and mortal beliefs; counterfeits of creation, whose better originals are God's thoughts, not in em- 583:3 bryo, but in maturity; material suppositions of life, sub- stance, and intelligence, opposed to the Science of being.
CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. The representatives of Soul, not 583:6 corporeal sense; the offspring of Spirit, who, having wrestled with error, sin, and sense, are governed by divine Science; some of the ideas of God beheld as men, casting 583:9 out error and healing the sick; Christ's offspring.
CHRIST. The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error. 583:12 CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; what- ever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.
The Church is that institution, which affords proof of 583:15 its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the ap- prehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of 583:18 divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick.
CREATOR. Spirit; Mind; intelligence; the animating 583:21 divine Principle of all that is real and good; self-existent Life, Truth, and Love; that which is perfect and eternal; the opposite of matter and evil, which have no Prin- 583:24 ciple; God, who made all that was made and could not create an atom or an element the opposite of Himself.
DAN (Jacob's son). Animal magnetism; so-called mor- 583:27 tal mind controlling mortal mind; error, working out the designs of error; one belief preying upon another.
584:1 DAY. The irradiance of Life; light, the spiritual idea of Truth and Love.
584:3 "And the evening and the morning were the first day." (Genesis i. 5.) The objects of time and sense disappear in the illumination of spiritual understanding, and Mind 584:6 measures time according to the good that is unfolded. This unfolding is God's day, and "there shall be no night there."
584:9 DEATH. An illusion, the lie of life in matter; the un- real and untrue; the opposite of Life.
Matter has no life, hence it has no real existence. Mind 584:12 is immortal. The flesh, warring against Spirit; that which frets itself free from one belief only to be fettered by another, until every belief of life where Life is not 584:15 yields to eternal Life. Any material evidence of death is false, for it contradicts the spiritual facts of being.
DEVIL. Evil; a lie; error; neither corporeality nor 584:18 mind; the opposite of Truth; a belief in sin, sickness, and death; animal magnetism or hypnotism; the lust of the flesh, which saith: "I am life and intelligence in 584:21 matter. There is more than one mind, for I am mind, - a wicked mind, self-made or created by a tribal god and put into the opposite of mind, termed matter, thence to 584:24 reproduce a mortal universe, including man, not after the image and likeness of Spirit, but after its own image."
DOVE. A symbol of divine Science; purity and peace; 584:27 hope and faith.
DUST. Nothingness; the absence of substance, life, or intelligence.
585:1 EARS. Not organs of the so-called corporeal senses, but spiritual understanding.
585:3 Jesus said, referring to spiritual perception, "Having ears, hear ye not?" (Mark viii. 18.)
EARTH. A sphere; a type of eternity and immortality, 585:6 which are likewise without beginning or end.
To material sense, earth is matter; to spiritual sense, it is a compound idea.
585:9 ELIAS. Prophecy; spiritual evidence opposed to mate- rial sense; Christian Science, with which can be discerned the spiritual fact of whatever the material senses behold; 585:12 the basis of immortality.
"Elias truly shall first come and restore all things." (Matthew xvii. 11.) 585:15 ERROR. See chapter on Recapitulation, page 472.
EUPHRATES (river). Divine Science encompassing the universe and man; the true idea of God; a type 585:18 of the glory which is to come; metaphysics taking the place of physics; the reign of righteousness. The atmos- phere of human belief before it accepts sin, sickness, or 585:21 death; a state of mortal thought, the only error of which is limitation; finity; the opposite of infinity.
EVE. A beginning; mortality; that which does not 585:24 last forever; a finite belief concerning life, substance, and intelligence in matter; error; the belief that the hu- man race originated materially instead of spiritually, - 585:27 that man started first from dust, second from a rib, and third from an egg.
586:1 EVENING. Mistiness of mortal thought; weariness of mortal mind; obscured views; peace and rest.
586:3 EYES. Spiritual discernment, - not material but mental. Jesus said, thinking of the outward vision, "Having 586:6 eyes, see ye not?" (Mark viii. 18.)
FAN. Separator of fable from fact; that which gives action to thought.
586:9 FATHER. Eternal Life; the one Mind; the divine Principle, commonly called God.
FEAR. Heat; inflammation; anxiety; ignorance; error; 586:12 desire; caution.
FIRE. Fear; remorse; lust; hatred; destruction; afflic- tion purifying and elevating man.
586:15 FIRMAMENT. Spiritual understanding; the scientific line of demarcation between Truth and error, between Spirit and so-called matter.
586:18 FLESH. An error of physical belief; a supposition that life, substance, and intelligence are in matter; an illusion; a belief that matter has sensation.
586:21 GAD (Jacob's son). Science; spiritual being under- stood; haste towards harmony.
GETHSEMANE. Patient woe; the human yielding to 586:24 the divine; love meeting no response, but still remaining love.
587:1 GHOST. An illusion; a belief that mind is outlined and limited; a supposition that spirit is finite.
587:3 GIHON (river). The rights of woman acknowledged morally, civilly, and socially.
GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, 587:6 all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.
587:9 GODS. Mythology; a belief that life, substance, and intelligence are both mental and material; a supposition of sentient physicality; the belief that infinite Mind is in 587:12 finite forms; the various theories that hold mind to be a material sense, existing in brain, nerve, matter; supposi- titious minds, or souls, going in and out of matter, erring 587:15 and mortal; the serpents of error, which say, "Ye shall be as gods."
God is one God, infinite and perfect, and cannot be- 587:18 come finite and imperfect.
GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; om- nipresence; omni-action.
587:21 HAM (Noah's son). Corporeal belief; sensuality; slavery; tyranny.
HEART. Mortal feelings, motives, affections, joys, and 587:24 sorrows.
HEAVEN. Harmony; the reign of Spirit; government by divine Principle; spirituality; bliss; the atmosphere 587:27 of Soul.
588:1 HELL. Mortal belief; error; lust; remorse; hatred; revenge; sin; sickness; death; suffering and self-de- 588:3 struction, self-imposed agony; effects of sin; that which "worketh abomination or maketh a lie."
HIDDEKEL (river). Divine Science understood and 588:6 acknowledged.
HOLY GHOST. Divine Science; the development of eternal Life, Truth, and Love.
588:9 I, or EGO. Divine Principle; Spirit; Soul; incor- poreal, unerring, immortal, and eternal Mind.
There is but one I, or Us, but one divine Principle, or 588:12 Mind, governing all existence; man and woman un- changed forever in their individual characters, even as numbers which never blend with each other, though they 588:15 are governed by one Principle. All the objects of God's creation reflect one Mind, and whatever reflects not this one Mind, is false and erroneous, even the belief that 588:18 life, substance, and intelligence are both mental and material.
I AM. God; incorporeal and eternal Mind; divine 588:21 Principle; the only Ego.
IN. A term obsolete in Science if used with reference to Spirit, or Deity.
588:24 INTELLIGENCE. Substance; self-existent and eternal Mind; that which is never unconscious nor limited.
See chapter on Recapitulation, page 469.
589:1 ISSACHAR (Jacob's son). A corporeal belief; the offspring of error; envy; hatred; selfishness; self-will; 589:3 lust.
JACOB. A corporeal mortal embracing duplicity, re- pentance, sensualism. Inspiration; the revelation of 589:6 Science, in which the so-called material senses yield to the spiritual sense of Life and Love.
JAPHET (Noah's son). A type of spiritual peace, flow- 589:9 ing from the understanding that God is the divine Prin- ciple of all existence, and that man is His idea, the child of His care.
589:12 JERUSALEM. Mortal belief and knowledge obtained from the five corporeal senses; the pride of power and the power of pride; sensuality; envy; oppression; tyr- 589:15 anny. Home, heaven.
JESUS. The highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea, rebuking and destroying error and bringing 589:18 to light man's immortality.
JOSEPH. A corporeal mortal; a higher sense of Truth rebuking mortal belief, or error, and showing the immor- 589:21 tality and supremacy of Truth; pure affection blessing its enemies.
JUDAH. A corporeal material belief progressing and 589:24 disappearing; the spiritual understanding of God and man appearing.
590:1 KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. The rein of harmony in divine Science; the realm of unerring, eternal, and omnipotent 590:3 Mind; the atmosphere of Spirit, where Soul is supreme.
KNOWLEDGE. Evidence obtained from the five cor- poreal senses; mortality; beliefs and opinions; human 590:6 theories, doctrines, hypotheses; that which is not divine and is the origin of sin, sickness, and death; the oppo- site of spiritual Truth and understanding.
590:9 LAMB OF GOD. The spiritual idea of Love; self-im- molation; innocence and purity; sacrifice.
LEVI (Jacob's son). A corporeal and sensual belief; 590:12 mortal man; denial of the fulness of God's creation; ecclesiastical despotism.
LIFE. See chapter on Recapitulation, page 468.
590:15 LORD. In the Hebrew, this term is sometimes em- ployed as a title, which has the inferior sense of master, or ruler. In the Greek, the word kurios almost always 590:18 has this lower sense, unless specially coupled with the name God. Its higher signification is Supreme Ruler.
LORD GOD. Jehovah.
590:21 This double term is not used in the first chapter of Genesis, the record of spiritual creation. It is intro- duced in the second and following chapters, when the 590:24 spiritual sense of God and of infinity is disappearing from the recorder's thought, - when the true scientific statements of the Scriptures become clouded through a 591:1 physical sense of God as finite and corporeal. From this follow idolatry and mythology, - belief in many gods, or 591:3 material intelligences, as the opposite of the one Spirit, or intelligence, named Elohim, or God.
MAN. The compound idea of infinite Spirit; the spirit- 591:6 ual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind.
MATTER. Mythology; mortality; another name for 591:9 mortal mind; illusion; intelligence, substance, and life in non-intelligence and mortality; life resulting in death, and death in life; sensation in the sensationless; mind 591:12 originating in matter; the opposite of Truth; the oppo- site of Spirit; the opposite of God; that of which immortal Mind takes no cognizance; that which mortal mind sees, 591:15 feels, hears, tastes, and smells only in belief.
MIND. The only I, or Us; the only Spirit, Soul, divine Principle, substance, Life, Truth, Love; the one God; 591:18 not that which is in man, but the divine Principle, or God, of whom man is the full and perfect expression; Deity, which outlines but is not outlined.
591:21 MIRACLE. That which is divinely natural, but must be learned humanly; a phenomenon of Science.
MORNING. Light; symbol of Truth; revelation and 591:24 progress.
MORTAL MIND. Nothing claiming to be something, for Mind is immortal; mythology; error creating other 591:27 errors; a suppositional material sense, alias the belief 592:1 that sensation is in matter, which is sensationless; a be- lief that life, substance, and intelligence are in and of 592:3 matter; the opposite of Spirit, and therefore the opposite of God, or good; the belief that life has a beginning and therefore an end; the belief that man is the off- 592:6 spring of mortals; the belief that there can be more than one creator; idolatry; the subjective states of error; material senses; that which neither exists in Science nor 592:9 can be recognized by the spiritual sense; sin; sickness; death.
MOSES. A corporeal mortal; moral courage; a type 592:12 of moral law and the demonstration thereof; the proof that, without the gospel, - the union of justice and affec- tion, - there is something spiritually lacking, since justice 592:15 demands penalties under the law.
MOTHER. God; divine and eternal Principle; Life, Truth, and Love.
592:18 NEW JERUSALEM. Divine Science; the spiritual facts and harmony of the universe; the kingdom of heaven, or reign of harmony.
592:21 NIGHT. Darkness; doubt; fear.
NOAH. A corporeal mortal; knowledge of the noth- ingness of material things and of the immortality of all 592:24 that is spiritual.
OIL. Consecration; charity; gentleness; prayer; heav- enly inspiration.
592:27 PHARISEE. Corporeal and sensuous belief; self-right- eousness; vanity; hypocrisy.
593:1 PISON (river). The love of the good and beautiful, and their immortality.
593:3 PRINCIPLE. See chapter on Recapitulation, page 465.
PROPHET. A spiritual seer; disappearance of mate- rial sense before the conscious facts of spiritual Truth.
593:6 PURSE. Laying up treasures in matter; error.
RED DRAGON. Error; fear; inflammation; sensuality; subtlety; animal magnetism; envy; revenge.
593:9 RESURRECTION. Spiritualization of thought; a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding.
593:12 REUBEN (Jacob's son). Corporeality; sensuality; de- lusion; mortality; error.
RIVER. Channel of thought.
593:15 When smooth and unobstructed, it typifies the course of Truth; but muddy, foaming, and dashing, it is a type of error.
593:18 ROCK. Spiritual foundation; Truth. Coldness and stubbornness.
SALVATION. Life, Truth, and Love understood and 593:21 demonstrated as supreme over all; sin, sickness, and death destroyed.
SEAL. The signet of error revealed by Truth
594:1 SERPENT (ophis, in Greek; nacash, in Hebrew). Subtlety; a lie; the opposite of Truth, named error; 594:3 the first statement of mythology and idolatry; the belief in more than one God; animal magnetism; the first lie of limitation; finity; the first claim that there is an oppo- 594:6 site of Spirit, or good, termed matter, or evil; the first delusion that error exists as fact; the first claim that sin, sickness, and death are the realities of life. The first 594:9 audible claim that God was not omnipotent and that there was another power, named evil, which was as real and eternal as God, good.
594:12 SHEEP. Innocence; inoffensiveness; those who follow their leader.
SHEM (Noah's son). A corporeal mortal; kindly affec- 594:1 tion; love rebuking error; reproof of sensualism.
SON. The Son of God, the Messiah or Christ. The son of man, the offspring of the flesh. "Son of a year."
594:18 SOULS. See chapter on Recapitulation, page 466.
SPIRIT. Divine substance; Mind; divine Principle; all that is good; God; that only which is perfect, ever- 594:21 lasting, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinite.
SPIRITS. Mortal beliefs; corporeality; evil minds; supposed intelligences, or gods; the opposites of God; 594:24 errors; hallucinations. (See page 466.)
SUBSTANCE. See chapter on Recapitulation, page 468.
595:1 SUN. The symbol of Soul governing man, - of Truth, Life, and Love.
595:3 SWORD. The idea of Truth; justice. Revenge; anger.
TARES. Mortality; error; sin; sickness; disease; 595:6 death.
TEMPLE. Body; the idea of Life, substance, and in- telligence; the superstructure of Truth; the shrine of 595:9 Love; a material superstructure, where mortals congre- gate for worship.
THUMMIM. Perfection; the eternal demand of divine 595:12 Science.
The Urim and Thummim, which were to be on Aaron's breast when he went before Jehovah, were holiness and 595:15 purification of thought and deed, which alone can fit us for the office of spiritual teaching.
TIME. Mortal measurements; limits, in which are 595:18 summed up all human acts, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, knowledge; matter; error; that which begins before, and continues after, what is termed death, until the mortal 595:21 disappears and spiritual perfection appears.
TITHE. Contribution; tenth part; homage; gratitude. A sacrifice to the gods.
595:24 UNCLEANLINESS. Impure thoughts; error; sin; dirt.
UNGODLINESS. Opposition to the divine Principle and its spiritual idea.
596:1 UNKNOWN. That which spiritual sense alone compre- hends, and which is unknown to the material senses.
596:3 Paganism and agnosticism may define Deity as "the great unknowable;" but Christian Science brings God much nearer to man, and makes Him better known as 596:6 the All-in-all, forever near.
Paul saw in Athens an altar dedicated "to the unknown God." Referring to it, he said to the Athenians: "Whom 596:9 therefore ye ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you." (Acts xvii. 23.)
URIM. Light.
596:12 The rabbins believed that the stones in the breast- plate of the high-priest had supernatural illumination, but Christian Science reveals Spirit, not matter, as the 596:15 illuminator of all. The illuminations of Science give us a sense of the nothingness of error, and they show the spiritual inspiration of Love and Truth to be the only fit 596:18 preparation for admission to the presence and power of the Most High.
VALLEY. Depression; meekness; darkness.
596:21 "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." (Psalm xxiii.4.)
Though the way is dark in mortal sense, divine Life 596:24 and Love illumine it, destroy the unrest of mortal thought, the fear of death, and the supposed reality of error. Chris- tian Science, contradicting sense, maketh the valley to bud 596:27 and blossom as the rose.
VEIL. A cover; concealment; hiding; hypocrisy.
The Jewish women wore veils over their faces in token 597:1 of reverence and submission and in accordance with Pharisaical notions.
597:3 The Judaic religion consisted mostly of rites and cere- monies. The motives and affections of a man were of little value, if only he appeared unto men to fast. The 597:6 great Nazarene, as meek as he was mighty, rebuked the hypocrisy, which offered long petitions for blessings upon material methods, but cloaked the crime, latent in thought, 597:9 which was ready to spring into action and crucify God's anointed. The martyrdom of Jesus was the culminating sin of Pharisaism. It rent the veil of the temple. It re- 597:12 vealed the false foundations and superstructures of super- ficial religion, tore from bigotry and superstition their coverings, and opened the sepulchre with divine Science, 597:15 - immortality and Love.
WILDERNESS. Loneliness; doubt; darkness. Spon- taneity of thought and idea; the vestibule in which a 597:18 material sense of things disappears, and spiritual sense unfolds the great facts of existence.
WILL. The motive-power of error; mortal belief; ani- 597:21 mal power. The might and wisdom of God.
"For this is the will of God." (I Thessalonians iv. 3.)
597:24 Will, as a quality of so-called mortal mind, is a wrong- doer; hence it should not be confounded with the term as applied to Mind or to one of God's qualities.
597:27 WIND. That which indicates the might of omnipo- tence and the movements of God's spiritual government, encompassing all things. Destruction; anger; mortal 597:30 passions.
598:1 The Greek word for wind (pneuma) is used also for spirit, as in the passage in John's Gospel, the third chap- 598:3 ter, where we read: "The wind [pneuma] bloweth where it listeth. . . . So is every one that is born of the Spirit [pneuma]." Here the original word is the same in both 598:6 cases, yet it has received different translations, as in other passages in this same chapter and elsewhere in the New Testament. This shows how our Master had constantly 598:9 to employ words of material significance in order to unfold spiritual thoughts. In the record of Jesus' supposed death, we read: "He bowed his head, and gave up the 598:12 ghost;" but this word ghost is pneuma. It might be trans- lated wind or air, and the phrase is equivalent to our common statement, "He breathed his last." What 598:15 Jesus gave up was indeed air, an etherealized form of matter, for never did he give up Spirit, or Soul.
WINE. Inspiration; understanding. Error; fornica- 598:18 tion; temptation; passion.
YEAR. A solar measurement of time; mortality; space for repentance.
598:21 "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years." (II Peter iii. 8.)
One moment of divine consciousness, or the spiritual 598:24 understanding of Life and Love, is a foretaste of eternity. This exalted view, obtained and retained when the Sci- ence of being is understood, would bridge over with life 598:27 discerned spiritually the interval of death, and man would be in the full consciousness of his immortality and eternal harmony, where sin, sickness, and death are un- 598:30 known. Time is a mortal thought, the divisor of which 599:1 is the solar year. Eternity is God's measurement of Soul- filled years.
599:3 YOU. As applied to corporeality, a mortal; finity.
ZEAL. The reflected animation of Life, Truth, and Love. Blind enthusiasm; mortal will.
599:6 ZION. Spiritual foundation and superstructure; in- spiration; spiritual strength. Emptiness; unfaithful- ness; desolation.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. - JESUS.
That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. - PAUL.
Let us get up early to the vineyards: let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, and the pomegranates bud forth. - SOLOMON'S SONG.
THOUSANDS of letters could be presented in testimony of the healing efficacy of Christian Science and particularly concerning the vast number of people who have been reformed and healed through the perusal or study of this book.
For the assurance and encouragement of the reader, a few of these letters are here republished from THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE JOURNAL and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SENTINEL. The originals are in the possession of the Editor, who can authenticate the testimonials which follow.
I was a great sufferer from a serious form of rheumatic trouble, my hands being affected to such an extent that it was impossible for me even to dress without assistance. The trouble finally reached the knees, and I became very lame and had to be assisted in and out of bed. I went to the different health resorts for the benefit I hoped to derive from the baths and waters that were prescribed by physicians, but found no permanent relief. I was placed under an X-ray examination, and was told that the joints were becoming ossified. I then consulted a celebrated specialist, who after a thorough examination said my condition would continue to grow worse and that I would become completely helpless.
At that time a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy was loaned me. I read it more from curiosity than with the thought of any physical benefit. As the truth was unfolded to me, I realized that the mental condition was what needed correcting, and that the Spirit of truth which inspired this book was my physician. My healing is complete, and the liberation in thought is manifest in a life of active usefulness rather than the bondage of helpless invalidism and suffering. I owe to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, gratitude which words cannot express. Her revelation of the practical rather than the merely theoretical application of Jesus' words, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," proved to be my redeemer. I did not even have to apply to a practitioner, but am most grateful for the helpful words of loving friends. - E. B. B., Pasadena, Cal.
It is nearly five years since I bought my first copy of Science and Health, the reading of which cured me of chronic constipation, nervous headache, astigmatism, and hernia, in less than four months.
Where would I be now, had not this blessed truth been brought to me by much persuasion of a very dear friend?
I certainly should have been deep in the slough of despond, if not in the grave. Am I truly thankful for all the good that has come to me and mine? I try to let my works testify of that; but to those whom I do not meet in person, I can truly say, Yes; I am indeed more thankful than words can express for the glorious healing that has come to me, both physical, mental, and moral, and I also convey herein, my song of gratitude to the dear Leader who has through her fidelity to Truth enabled me to touch at least the hem of Christ's garment. - B. S. J., Sioux City, Iowa.
It was about fifteen years ago that Christian Science first came to my notice. At that time I had been a chronic invalid for a good many years. I had acute bowel trouble, bronchitis, and a number of other troubles. One physician had told me that my lungs were like wet paper, ready to tear at any time, and I was filled with fear, as my mother, two brothers, and a sister had been victims of consumption. I tried many physicians and every material remedy that promised help, but no help came until I found a copy of Mrs. Eddy's book, Science and Health. The book was placed in my hands by one who did not then appreciate it, and I was told that it would be hard for me to understand it. I commenced reading it with this thought, but I caught beautiful glimpses of Truth, which took away my fear and healed me of all those diseases, and they have never returned.
I would also like to tell how I was healed of a sprained ankle. The accident occurred in the morning, and all that day and during the night I gave myself Christian Science treatment, as best I could. The next morning it seemed to be no better, being very sore, badly swollen, and much discolored. Feeling that I had done all I could, I decided to stop thinking about it. I took my copy of Science and Health and began reading. Very soon I became so absorbed in the book that I forgot all about my ankle; it went entirely out of my thought, for I had a glimpse of all God's creation as spiritual, and for the time being lost sight of my material selfhood. After two hours I laid the book down and walked into another room. When next I thought of my ankle, I found it was not hurting me. The swelling had gone down, the black and blue appearance had nearly vanished, and it was perfectly well. It was healed while I was "absent from the body" and "present with the Lord." This experience was worth a great deal to me, for it showed me how the healing is done. - C. H., Portland, Ore.
My gratitude for Christian Science is boundless. I was afflicted with a fibroid tumor which weighed not less than fifty pounds, attended by a continuous hemorrhage for eleven years. The tumor was a growth of eighteen years.
I lived in Fort Worth, Tex., and I had never heard of Christian Science before leaving there for Chicago in the year 1887. I had tried to live near to God, and I feel sure He guided me in all my steps to this healing and saving truth. After being there several weeks I received letters from a Texas lady who had herself been healed, and who wrote urging me to try Christian Science.
Changing my boarding-place, I met a lady who owned a copy of Science and Health, and in speaking to her of having seen the book, she informed me she had one, and she got it and told me I could read it. The revelation was marvelous and brought a great spiritual awakening. This awakened sense never left me, and one day when walking alone it came to me very suddenly that I was healed, and I walked the faster declaring every step that I was healed. When I reached my boarding-place, I found my hostess and told her I was healed. She looked the picture of amazement. The tumor began to disappear at once, the hemorrhage ceased, and perfect strength was manifest.
There was no joy ever greater than mine for this Christ-cure, for I was very weary and heavy laden. I thought very little of either sleeping or eating, and my heart was filled with gratitude, since I knew I had touched the hem of his garment.
I must add that the reading of Science and Health, and that alone, healed me, and it was the second copy I ever saw. - S. L., Fort Worth, Tex.
While an inmate of the State asylum for the insane at Middletown, Conn., an epileptic, and at times confined to my bed with bilious attacks, pronounced incurable by the doctors (at least six in number), the book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mrs. Eddy was placed in my hands. After reading a few pages, I became very much impressed with the truth therein stated, and although I was surrounded with opposition, I knew that "underneath are the everlasting arms." Since that time - past the middle of the year 1899 - I have kept pressing on, until I have been healed by reading Science and Health. At times I was beset by what seemed unconquerable opposition, until the first week in October, 1904, when, upon going to my home in Darien for a visit, I was given my liberty, and I am now earning my living in this city. After having been subject to epileptic attacks since 1892, and at one time pronounced dying by the doctor in charge, I am now well. I have had no fit, or symptoms of any, since the first week in May, 1904.
I trust that this testimony to the healing power of Truth, realized by reading Science and Health (for I had no treatment), may reach the eye of some to whom the battle seems long, and inspire them with fresh courage and a realization of the worth of the victory. I am filled with inexpressible gratitude and love to God, and to Mrs. Eddy. - Mrs. B. B. C., Stamford, Conn.
I have felt for some time I should give my experience in mental surgery. In May, 1902, going home for lunch, on a bicycle, and while riding down a hill at a rapid gait, I was thrown from the wheel, and falling on my left side with my arm under my head, the bone was broken about half-way between the shoulder and elbow. While the pain was intense, I lay still in the dust, declaring the truth and denying that there could be a break or accident in the realm of divine Love, until a gentleman came to assist me, saying, he thought I had been stunned. I was only two and a half blocks from home, so I mounted my wheel again and managed to reach it. On arriving there I lay down and asked my little boy to bring me our textbook. He immediately brought Science and Health, which I read for about ten minutes, when all pain left.
I said nothing to my family of the accident, but attended to some duties and was about half an hour late in returning to the office, this being my only loss of time from work. My friends claimed that the arm had not been broken, as it would have been impossible for me to continue my work without having it set, and carrying it in a sling until the bone knit together. Their insistence almost persuaded me that I might have been mistaken, until one of my friends invited me to visit a physician's office where they were experimenting with an X-ray machine. The physician was asked to examine my left arm to see if it differed from the ordinary. On looking through it, he said, "Yes, it has been broken, but whoever set it made a perfect job of it, and you will never have any further trouble from that break." My friend then asked the doctor to show how he could tell where the break had been. The doctor pointed out the place as being slightly thicker at that part, like a piece of steel that had been welded. This was the first of several cases of mental surgery that have come under my notice, and it made a deep impression on me.
For the benefit of others who may have something similar to meet, I will say that I have overcome almost constant attacks of sick headaches, extending back to my earliest recollection. - L. C. S., Salt Lake City, Utah.
I wish to add my testimony to those of others, and hope that it may be the means of bringing some poor sufferer to health, to happiness, and to God. I was healed through simply reading this wonderful book, Science and Health. I had been troubled periodically for many years with sore eyes, and had been to many doctors, who called the disease iritis and cataract. They told me that my eyes would always give me trouble, and that I would eventually lose my sight if I remained in an office, and advised me to go under an operation. Later on I had to wear glasses at my work, also out of doors as I could not bear the winds, and my eyes were gradually becoming worse. I could not read for longer than a few minutes at a time, otherwise they would smart severely. I had to rest my eyes each evening to enable me to use them the next day; in fact gas-light was getting unbearable because of the pain, and I made home miserable. A dear brother told me about Christian Science, and said that if I would read Science and Health it would help me. He procured for me the loan of the book. The first night I read it, it so interested me I quite forgot all about my eyes until my wife remarked that it was eleven o'clock. I found that I had been reading this book for nearly four hours, and I remarked immediately after, "I believe my eyes are cured," which was really the case. The next day, on looking at my eyes, my wife noticed that the cataract had disappeared. I put away my outdoor glasses, which I have not required since, and through the understanding gained by studying Christian Science I have been able to do away with my indoor glasses also, and have had no return of pain in my eyes since. This is now a year and a half ago. - G. F. S., Liverpool, England.
Fourteen years ago my heart awoke to gratitude to God and the dear Leader at the same time. After a patient and persistent effort of three months' duration, to procure a copy of Science and Health (during which time I had visited every bookstore, and many of the second-hand bookstores in the city of St. Paul), and had failed to find it, I at last remembered that the stranger who told me I might be healed, had mentioned a name, and McVicker's Theatre Building in Chicago as being in some way connected with the work. I sent there for information regarding a book called Health and Science, and the return mail brought me the book, Science and Health, and in it I at once found sure promise of deliverance from valvular heart disease, with all the accompaniments, such as extreme nervousness, weakness, dyspepsia, and insomnia. I had suffered from these all my life, finding no permanent relief, even, in material remedies, and no hope of cure at any time. Only those who have been held in such bondage and have been liberated by the same means, can know the eager joy of the first perusal of that wonderful book.
Half a day's reading convinced me that I had found the way to holiness and health. I read on, thinking only of the spiritual enlightenment, content to wait until I should be led to some person who would heal me; but old things had passed away, and all things had become new. I was completely healed before I had met a Scientist, or one who knew anything about Christian Science, and before I had read a line of any other Christian Science literature except one leaf of a tract; so it is absolutely certain that the healing was entirely impersonal, as was also the teaching, which enabled me to begin at once demonstrating the power of Truth to destroy all forms of error. - E. J. W., North Yakima, Wash.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I send the particulars of my healing through Christian Science. While visiting friends in the southwestern part of Ontario, about three years ago, my attention was called to Christian Science and the wonderful healing it was doing. I had lived in New York for twenty-five years, but had never heard of Christian Science before, to my recollection.
Up to that time, for seventeen years, I had suffered with indigestion and gastritis in the worst form, often being overcome from a seeming pressure against the heart. I had asthma for four years, also had worn glasses for four years. It seemed to me that I had swallowed every known medicine to relieve my indigestion, but they only gave me temporary benefit. I purchased a copy of Science and Health, and simply from the reading of that grand book I was completely healed of all my physical ailments in two weeks' time. I have used no medicine from that day to this, and with God's help, and the wonderful light revealed to me through the reading of Mrs. Eddy's book, I never expect to again. I used to smoke eight or ten cigars a day, and also took an occasional drink, but the desire for these has gone, - I feel forever. I travel on the road, and am constantly being invited to indulge, but it is no effort to abstain, and in many instances I find that my refusal helps others.
While I fully appreciate the release from my physical troubles, this pales into insignificance in comparison with the spiritual uplifting Christian Science has brought me. I had not been inside a church for more than ten years, to attend regular services, until I entered a Christian Science church. What I saw and realized there, seemed so genuine that I loved Christian Science from the very start. I have never taken a treatment, - every inch of the way has been through study and practical demonstration, and I know that all can do the same thing if they will try.
Since I have been in Science I have overcome a case of ulcerated tooth in one night through the reading of Science and Health; also a severe attack of grip in thirty-six hours by obeying the Scripture saying, "Physician, heal thyself." - B. H. N., New York, N. Y.
I was a great sufferer for many years from internal cancer and consumption. I was treated by the best of physicians in New York, Minneapolis, and Duluth, and was finally given up as incurable, when I heard of Christian Science. A neighbor who had been healed of consumption, kindly loaned me Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, which I read and became interested in. In three months' time, I was healed, the truth conveyed to me by this book being the healer, and not only of these diseases, but I was made whole mentally as well. I have not been in bed one day since, or rather in eleven years. I have had many good demonstrations during this time, have passed through many a "fiery trial," but this blessed truth has caused me to stand, at times seemingly alone, and God was with me.
I will mention a demonstration of painless childbirth which I have had since coming to Idaho. Perhaps it may help some sister who is looking through the Journal for a demonstration of this kind, as I was before my baby came. Good help being scarce here, I did my housework up to the time I was confined, and was in perfect health. I awoke my husband one morning at five o'clock, and at half past five baby was born, no one being present but my husband and myself. It was quite a surprise to the rest of the family to see me sitting by the fire with a new baby on my lap. My son got the breakfast, of which I ate heartily; at noon I joined the family in the dining-room. I was out on the porch the second day, around the yard the third day, and have been perfectly well ever since, which has been now over three years. To one who had previously passed through agony untold, with a physician in attendance, this seemed wonderful. I hope this will interest some one who is seeking the truth, and I wish to express my sincere love for our beloved Leader, who has given us the "Key to the Scriptures." - E. C. C., Lewiston, Idaho.
Nine years ago my only child was hovering between life and death. Some of the best physicians in Boston had pronounced his case incurable, saying that if he lived he would always be an invalid and a cripple. One of the diseases was gastric catarrh. He was allowed to eat but very few things, and even after taking every precaution, he suffered to the extent that he would lie in spasms for half a day. He also had rickets; physicians saying that there was not a natural bone in his body.
It was while he was in what seemed to be his greatest agony, and when I was in the darkest despair, that I first heard of Christian Science. The bearer of the joyful tidings could only tell me to come and hear of the wonderful things that Christian Science was doing. I accepted the invitation, for I was willing to try anything to save my child, and the following Friday evening I attended my first meeting, which was in The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist. Long before the service began every seat was filled, which was amazing to me, being an ordinary weekly meeting, and that night I realized from the testimonies given that Christian Science was the religion for which I had been searching for years. The next day I went to find a practitioner, but was unable to get the one who had been recommended, he being too busy. On my way home I thought of some of the testimonies which I had heard the night before, - of people being healed by simply reading Science and Health. I resolved at once to borrow a copy, and not dreaming of the sacrifice that my friend would make by conferring such a favor, I went and asked her for a loan of Science and Health. I never saw any one part so reluctantly with a book as my friend did with her copy of the textbook.
I read it silently and audibly, day and night, in my home, and although I could not seem to understand it, yet the healing commenced to take place at once. The little mouth which had been twisted by spasms grew natural and the child was soon able to be up, playing and romping about the house as any child should. About this time we decided to move to the far West.
I was young in Science at the time, and my husband greatly feared that the journey would cause a relapse for the child, but instead, he continued to improve. I constantly read the Bible, Science and Health, and Miscellaneous Writings, the two weeks we traveled, and we were the only ones in our car who, throughout the journey, did not get train sick. The child's limbs grew perfectly straight, he ate anything he wanted, and for years he has been a natural, healthy child in every way. He has passed through some of the worst forms of contagion untouched and unharmed.
I had been reading Science and Health several months, before I gave any thought to myself and my numerous complaints. I had never been very strong, and some of my ailments were supposed to be hereditary and chronic, hence I dragged through many tedious years with a belief in medical laws and hereditary laws resting upon me.
Just before I commenced reading Science and Health I spent a half day in having my eyes examined by one of the leading oculists in Boston. His verdict was that my eyes were in a dreadful condition, and that I would always need to wear glasses. In the meantime I commenced to read Science and Health, and when I thought of my eyes, I had no need for glasses. The years that I have been in Science I have used my eyes incessantly, night as well as day, doing all kinds of trying work and without requiring the aid of glasses. I was healed of all my complaints whilst seeking the truth for my child, and many of them have never returned. Those that appeared simply came to the surface to be destroyed. Teeth have been restored and facial blemishes removed, unconsciously, simply by reading Science and Health. All of this is, however, nothing to compare with the spiritual uplifting which I have received, and I have everything to be thankful for. - M. T. W., Los Angeles, Cal.
For about five years I was afflicted with sciatic rheumatism, in such a severe form that my body was drawn out of shape. When able to be around, I walked with the assistance of a cane. The attacks were periodical, recurring every few months; any exposure to rain or dampness would bring one. At one time I was in bed eleven weeks, suffering intensely all the time except when relieved by hypodermic injections. When I had these attacks, my regular physician was always in attendance. My daughter consulted another physician, who said there would have to be an operation which would include the exposing and scraping of the sciatic nerve. There was also another physician who, knowing of the case, examined my heart and claimed that it was weak and that I was liable to pass on at any time from heart trouble.
After suffering three years I heard of Christian Science, but did not avail myself of it for two years, when I decided to give up all other means and rely wholly upon it. It was not convenient to call a practitioner, so I took Science and Health and applied its teachings as best I could. In three days the trouble completely left me and there has never been the slightest return. My health has been good ever since, and I am at present in perfect physical health. I have been benefited in every way by Christian Science, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and would not be without my understanding of it for anything. - Mrs. E. A. K., Billings, Mont.
I am very thankful to God for what He has done for me. I was suddenly left alone, with many troubles and trials, and I took up the study of the Bible. I was trying to understand it, prior to joining some church, as it seemed to me this would be expected. I had attended all sorts of churches from my childhood up, but never could find any that met my need. As time passed on, my condition became very alarming. Sciatic rheumatism, that had troubled me for some years, became so severe I could scarcely do anything.
Then there appeared some complications, so distressing that I was unable to walk far, and had to sit down frequently by the way. I thought I had Bright's disease, - such excruciating pains, no tongue could tell my sufferings. With all these things upon me, death seemed very near. I had never joined any church, and I thought it now too late, as I would have to wait six months on probation, and I would be dead before that.
About this time I made some inquiries of my sister in reference to Christian Science, as she had already turned to that faith, and I soon found that it was just what I had been looking for. I saw at once that it declared the truth and nothing but the truth. I commenced reading Science and Health, also the New Testament. I wanted to find out what Jesus said, as I did not expect then to live long. I did not go to the meetings, nor did I read Science and Health to be cured, - not thinking of that, - but to be saved from an everlasting hell hereafter. My sister urged me to have a practitioner, but I kept on reading, and praying to God in silence, and what happened? Where had the diseases gone? I persisted in reading Science and Health, together with the Bible, with the knowledge that God as revealed by Christ Jesus can do everything, that He made everything that was made, that He can and does heal the afflicted. He has healed me, thanks to His most holy name. - G. J. H., Charleston, Ill.
In the year 1901, Christian Science found me a hopeless invalid. I had suffered for seven years previous with a very painful back, the result of an operation. I could get no rest or sleep at night, as I could not lie down, but had to sit propped in a chair with pillows around me. Only those who have suffered as I did can know the full misery of it. I had come to the end of material means and never hoped to get well. One day, however, while out walking, it was my good fortune to come to a Christian Scientist's house, and there the teaching was explained to me. I was advised to buy Science and Health, which I did, and the study of this book has healed my back entirely. Christian Science has also cured me of long-standing catarrh of the throat, and neuralgia with which I had been afflicted from childhood. Before coming into Science I had doctored with three of the best physicians in Seattle, but none could give me relief.
I am no longer a sufferer, but rejoice exceedingly in Christian Science. God's promise has been fulfilled to me, "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings." - E. O., Georgetown, Wash.
Christian Science found in me a minister's son who had failed to profit by continuous teaching in the old thought. Some years ago I was pronounced by a professor of materia medica, whose works are in general use, a neurasthenic. I had been in this condition more or less for eight years, and up to two years ago, when Christian Science was first brought to my attention (thanks to Almighty God) through a kind friend, I was almost constantly taking medicine and had in all eleven physicians who undoubtedly did their best, but without avail, not- withstanding almost all known drugs were prescribed, and further I had tried very many patent medicines. I was also put through forms of hygienic treatment and other things that offered inducements. At the time of coming into Science I was taking three times daily forty minims of cod-liver oil and three of creosote, also three drops of Fowler's solution of arsenic, and on the month or so previous had bought eighteen dollars' worth of patent medicine. I was restricted to the simplest means of diet, - all stews, fries, sweets, berries, and tomatoes I had not touched for two years.
I started to read Science and Health, and before I had half finished the book once I was eating everything that any one does. I read the book eleven times straight ahead and many times skipping about. The book has done the work and I am a well man. - C. E. M., Philadelphia, Pa.
I have received much help, spiritually and physically, through Christian Science. I had what the doctors diagnosed as muscular rheumatism, dropsy, and constipation of thirty years' standing. A dear friend whom I had known as an invalid had been healed by Christian Science and advised me to read Science and Health. I did so, having a desire to know the truth. One of my troubles was that I could not sleep. I began reading the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, and troubles of every kind disappeared before I had read Science and Health through. The thought came, What about the old remedies? but truth prevailed, and I took all the material remedies I had and threw them away. That was seven years ago, and I have not had any use for them since. My husband was healed of the tobacco habit of fifty years' standing, also of kidney trouble, by reading Science and Health. I have not words to express the gratitude I feel to-day for the many blessings that have come to our home. - Mrs. M. K. O., Seattle, Wash.
I became interested in Christian Science about eleven years ago, and was healed of neuralgia of the stomach, from which I had suffered from a child. As I grew older, the spells became more frequent and more severe; the only relief physicians could give me was by hypodermic injections of morphine. Finally, after each spell, I would be prostrated for a day or two with the after-effect of the morphine. I was entirely healed of this trouble through the study of Science and Health. I think I never realized what fear meant until I began to try and put into practice my understanding of Christian Science for my children. I have proved, however, many times, that fear can neither help nor hinder in our demonstration of truth. The first time I realized this was in the overcoming of a severe case of croup for my little boy. I was awakened one night by the sound that seems to bring terror to every mother's heart, and found the little fellow sitting up in bed, gasping for breath. I got up, took him in my arms, and went into the next room. My first thought was, "O if only there was another Christian Scientist in town!" But there was not, and the work must be done and done quickly. I tried to treat him, but was so frightened I could not think; so I picked up Science and Health, which lay on the table beside me, and began reading aloud. I had read but a few lines when these words came to me as though a voice spoke, "The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword." Almost immediately after, the little one said, "Mamma, sing 'Shepherd,'" - our Leader's hymn, that both the big and the little children love. I began singing, and commencing with the second line, the little voice joined me. I shall never forget the feeling of joy and peace that came over me, when I realized how quickly God's word, through Science and Health and the beautiful hymn, had accomplished the healing work. This is only one of many instances in which the power of God's word to heal has been demonstrated in our home. - A. J. G., Riverside, Cal.
Paul said, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." In my own case deafness has been overcome by an enlarged understanding of God's word, as explained by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health. Many times I have been enabled to turn to God, to know it was His will to help in trouble, and obtained the needed benefit. Catarrh has disappeared; tonsilitis, which very frequently laid me aside from duties in the schoolroom and home, is no longer manifest. When temptation comes (for Christian Science is both preventive and curative), I turn to that wonderful book, Science and Health, and my precious Bible, grown dearer since read in the new light of spiritual understanding, until I know that my mind is renewed, because the action is changed and the inflammation has abated.
Thus in my experience in Christian Science, I have seen the transformation begun, and Truth is able to perfect that which is begun in me so gloriously. - Mrs. C.A. McL., Brooklyn, Nova Scotia.
For fifteen years I was a great sufferer physically and mentally. Eminent physicians treated me for hereditary consumption, torpid liver, and many other diseases. I sought relief at famous springs, the ozone of Florida, and the pure air of Colorado, but in vain. My life was one ceaseless torture.
During all this time, however, I was an earnest seeker after Truth. I examined every religious teaching with a calm and unprejudiced attention. From an orthodox Protestant I became a skeptic, and a follower of Voltaire, Tom Paine, and Ingersoll; yet all the while I retained faith in a supreme intelligent Being who made all. Sick, weary, doubting, and despairing, I accidentally went into a Christian Science church in New York City, on a Wednesday evening, not knowing what kind of a place it was. Seeing a large number of people going into the building, I followed, supposing that a marriage ceremony had attracted the crowd. Being informed it was their regular Wednesday evening service, I inquired as to the denomination. I concluded that it was another new fad, but after investigation I procured a copy of Science and Health, promising I would read it carefully. I began reading the book on Tuesday and finished on Friday of the same week. I was still in the dark. I laid the book down, involuntarily closed my eyes, and silently prayed to God.
I remained in that attitude a few moments, when I felt like the mariner who had been tossed for days upon a boisterous sea, the clouds bending low, the billows rolling high, all nature wrapped in darkness; in his despair he kneels and commits his soul to God, when he suddenly beholds the North Star breaking through the clouds, enabling him to guide his ship to the shores of safety. Many things were made plain to me. I saw that there is one Fatherhood of God and one brotherhood of man; that though "once I was blind, now I see;" that there was no more pain, nor aches, no fear, nor indigestion. I slept that night like a babe and awoke next morning refreshed. There are now no traces whatever of my former complaint and I feel like a new being. - L. P., New York, N. Y.
About nine years ago I was drawn to Christian Science by a relative whose many afflictions had given place to health and harmony, and whose loving gratitude was reflected in every word and deed. The thought came to me, God indeed healeth all our diseases.
My first reading of Science and Health was without understanding. I was full of darkness and gloom, and it was laid aside for a time. The good seed had been sown, however, and erelong the reading was resumed, and with such interest that my afflictions disappeared "like mist before the morning sun." Asthma (thought to be hereditary), neuralgia in an aggravated form, and besides these, the tobacco and liquor habit of many years' standing left me. Bless the Lord, "He sent his word" and healed me, - for the reading of Science and Health brought to my consciousness the truth that makes free. - S., Shellman, Ga.
I became interested in Christian Science nearly five years ago through the healing of my wife of what the doctors called consumption in its last stages. I had tried everything that I could get in the way of materia medica, and every doctor would tell me nearly the same story about the case. At last they recommended for her only a higher, drier climate, and when she would be at her worst to give her something to quiet her.
I tried different climates, but she was no better, indeed worse. At last she struggled along until the first of March, 1899. She had taken to her bed again. For two days and nights she suffered, and I called a physician. He came and diagnosed the case, and said that he could do nothing for her but give her some morphine tablets to make her rest. I gave her two of them according to direction, and just before the time to give her the third, she called me to her bedside, and said, "Don't give me any more of that stuff, for it does me more harm than good," so I turned and placed them in the fire, though I did not then know anything about Christian Science. We had heard of it, but that was all. I gave her the last tablet at eight o'clock that night, and about nine o'clock the next day a lady who had been healed in Christian Science visited her, and introduced her to this great truth. She accepted it and thought she would try it. The lady loaned her Science and Health. She got the book about ten o'clock that day and read it until dinner was called. She ate a hearty dinner, the first in about three days, and that same evening she dressed herself, walked into the dining-room, ate a hearty supper and enjoyed it. She slept well that night. She borrowed this lady's copy of Science and Health two hours each day for eight days, and was healed. The first day that she read Science and Health she weighed about ninety-five pounds. Three months later she weighed one hundred and thirty-five pounds. - A. J. D., Houston, Tex.
It may help others to know that some one was really healed of severe illness through Christian Science. It is over nine years since we first became interested in the Science, and it would be hard to find a healthier person than I am now. I can go all day, from morning till night, upheld by the thought that "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." I can truly say that I scarcely know what physical weariness is any more. Before I came into Science the physicians said that one lung was gone, and that the other was affected with tuberculosis; so, from their standpoint, there was little left for me to hope for. We had tried every remedy that they had suggested. I had gone to the mountains, but could not stay there on account of the altitude; and when they did not know what else to do, they said we would better go to England - that the ocean air would be beneficial. So we spent three months in the British Isles, and when I came back I seemed much better, but this only lasted a short time. In little more than a month I was worse than ever, and my mother was told that I had but a few weeks, or at most months, to live.
At that time, a lady, a stranger to us, suggested that we try Christian Science. There was no prejudice against it, as we did not even know what it was. We knew of no Scientists in the Western town where we were living, and when we were told that we could send to Kansas City for absent treatment, we thought it was absurd. We were then told that many people had been healed through the reading of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, and to us this seemed a little worse than the absent treatment, but as we had tried everything we had heard of up to that time, my mother sent for the book.
It came in the middle of October and we began to read it together. It seemed to me from the first that it was something I had always believed, but did not know how to express - it seemed such a natural thing. My improvement was very gradual, but I felt I was recovering. After the Christmas holidays I started in at school and went the whole term without missing a day, - something I had never done before. I finished my school course without missing a day - in fact, I have not spent a day in bed since that time. I feel absolutely certain that I have two sound, healthy lungs now. The hollows in my chest have filled out, and I breathe perfectly on both sides; rarely have a cold to meet, and have not a sign of a cough.
People sometimes say, "Oh, well, maybe you never had consumption." Well, I had all the symptoms, and they are every one gone through the reading of Science and Health. - E. L. B., Chicago, Ill.
I feel compelled to write my testimony and hope that I may be accepted as one more witness to the Truth as contained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
In the year 1883 I first heard of Christian Science. I was sitting in a saloon in Leadville, Col., reading a daily paper of that place. My eyes lighted upon an article which spoke of some peculiar people in Boston who claimed to have discovered how to heal as Jesus healed. I do not remember much of the article, but those words stayed with me.
I had drifted out to Colorado from New York City (my home), where I had been under the treatment of many leading physicians. The last one, who was too honest to take my money knowing that he could not cure me, advised me to keep away from doctors and quit taking medicine, as nothing but death could cure me. My trouble was pronounced by some to be Bright's disease, by others gravel on the kidneys with very acute inflammation of the bladder and prostate gland.
In the spring of 1888 my wife and myself were spending the evening at the house of a gentleman whose wife had been healed in the East by Christian Science. The gentleman took a book from its bookcase saying, "Here is a work on Christian Science." It proved to be Science and Health. I knew as soon as I had read the title-page that this was the very book we wanted. We immediately sent for the book, and when it arrived we obeyed the angel and feasted on it. I was very much prejudiced against the Bible, and my first demonstration over self was to consent to read the four Gospels. My wife bought me a New Testament and I began to read it. What a change came over me! All my prejudice was gone in an instant! When I read the Master's words, I caught his meaning and the lesson he tried to convey. It was not difficult for me to accept the whole Bible, for I could not help myself, I was just captured. The disease with which I had been troubled for years tormented me worse than ever for about six months, as if trying to turn me aside; but I lost all fear of it. |