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School, Church, and Home Games
by George O. Draper
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Then the other group goes out and they display their noses. The group making the largest number of correct guesses wins.

A modification of this game is made by showing the eye through the hole in the sheet instead of the nose, and the group in front of the sheet endeavors to guess whose eye it is.


The men are lined up on one side of the room. To each is given three or four buttons, a needle and thread, and a piece of cloth. They race to see which can sew the buttons in a straight line on the piece of cloth, securely, in the quickest time.

The women are lined up on the opposite side of the room before a plank. To each is given a hammer and six or eight nails. They race to see who first can drive the nails into the plank without bending them over.


Ten or twenty are as many as can well play this game. The group is arranged in seats around the room. The leader starts the game by saying, "My father had a rooster". His left hand neighbor says, "A what?" The leader answers, "A rooster". The left hand neighbor then turns to his left hand neighbor and says, "My father had a rooster", and that neighbor says, "A what?", and his answer is "A rooster". This question is asked of each left hand neighbor until it has travelled around the room. When it becomes the leader's turn, he again says, "My father had a rooster", and his left hand neighbor says, "A what?". He answers, "A rooster". The left hand neighbor says, "Could he crow?" And the leader answers, "Crow he could". This dialogue is passed on around the room, each repeating the exact words of the leader to his left hand neighbor.

When it again becomes the leader's turn, he repeats the dialogue previously used and his left hand neighbor inquires, "How could he crow?" And the leader replies, "Cock-a-doodle-do", imitating a rooster. This is passed around the room. No one is supposed to laugh during the whole game. Whoever does may either pay a forfeit or is out of the game. It is well to have a player who knows the game sit next to the leader, so that it may start correctly.

Poor Pussy

The group is arranged in a circle around the room. One player is selected to be "Pussy" and takes his place in the centre of the group. He takes a position on all fours before each member of the group, in turn saying "Meow". Thereupon the one before whom he is kneeling must stroke the back of his head and say, "Poor pussy". Pussy meows three times and in return for each meow has the back of his head stroked and is addressed, "Poor pussy". Should the one patting pussy laugh during the performance, he must take pussy's place.


The group is arranged in a circle around the room. The leader whispers some information to his left hand neighbor, remembering the exact sentence or sentences. His left hand neighbor is expected to whisper the same information to the next left hand neighbor and so it is passed around the circle until it is returned to the leader. The leader then tells what the original sentence was, and tells what it is after passing from ear to ear about the group.


A member of the group thinks of some object, and without disclosing to the other members of the group what he is thinking about, he addresses in turn all of the others, asking, "What is my thought like?" The first one addressed, without having any idea as to what the leader has in mind, says, "Like a star". The second in answer to his question, says, "Like a book", and so every one is given an opportunity to state what they think his thought is like. Then the leader tells the group the thing he had in mind, which, we will say for illustration, was a fountain pen. He then asks the one who suggested that it was like a star why his fountain pen was like a star. Thereupon that one must give some reason why he thought it was like a star and replies, "Your fountain pen is like a star because it can enlighten the world". The next one says, "The fountain pen is like a book because it has the possibility of conveying thoughts", and so every one in the group must give the why of his previous answer. This demands quick thinking and initiative on the part of the players.


The group sits in a circle about the room. The leader starts the game by giving a letter of the alphabet. The one at his left adds a letter to the first with the view of making a word. The third adds another letter and so the game continues.

Illustration—The leader gives the letter "a". The one at his left, thinking of the word "adds" adds "d". The third one, thinking of the word "advertisement", adds "v". The fourth, thinking of the word "adversity" adds "e", and so the word continues to grow.

If one finishes the word or completes a word without realizing it, that one is given the title of "Half-ghost". Anyone speaking to the Half-ghost, becomes a Half-ghost. Should a half-ghost chance to finish another word when it again becomes his turn to add a letter to the spelling of a word, then the Half-ghost becomes a Full-ghost and is out of the game. Any one speaking to a Full-ghost becomes a Full-ghost. Full-ghosts and Half-ghosts naturally endeavor to get as many others into their class as possible, so between thinking of letters to complete the word in turn and avoiding becoming ghosts, the group is kept in a very difficult frame of mind. The game continues until there are no players who have failed to qualify as Half-ghosts or Full-ghosts.


Five of the group are selected to act out a charade. These five act out a word in pantomime. While they are doing this a second group of five is selected and prepares to act out another word, immediately following the presentation by the first group. The audience is given three minutes to guess each charade. Should it succeed in doing this, then the members of the group each choose a substitute for themselves, thus making a third group of five. While this last group is preparing a charade, the second group is putting on its pantomime, and so the game continues. If the audience fails to guess the word within the required time, then the same group is given an opportunity to act another word. Good charade words are as follows:

Aeroplane Air-oh-plane Antarctic Aunt-ark-tick Buccaneer Buck-can-ear Charlatan Char-lay-tan Falcon Fall-con Handicap Hand-eye-cap Handkerchief Hand-cur-chief Microscope My-crow-scope Automobile Ought-oh-mob-eel Pilgrimage Pill-grim-age Sausage Saw-sage Stiletto Still-let-toe Bandage Band-age Stationary Station-airy Feline Fee-line Rainbow Reign-beau Bookworm Book-worm Handsome Hand-some Penitent Pen-eye-tent Cribbage Crib-age Broomstick Broom-stick Infancy In-fan-sea Hornpipe Horn-pipe Eyelash I-lash Forswear Four-swear Masquerade Mass-cur-aid Melancholy Melon-collie Pantry Pan-tree Tennessee Ten-I-see Antidote Aunt-I-dote Definite Deaf-in-ate

Knight of the Cracker

The ladies are lined up on one side of the room. Each is provided with a cracker. The men are lined up on the opposite side. At the signal to go the men rush forward and try to secure a cracker from one of the ladies. They then return to their original line and devour the cracker. Having succeeded in doing this, they return and whistle a tune which must be recognized by the lady.

Match Boxing

Competitors are divided into equal teams and the teams are arranged in parallel lines. The outside cover of a small safety match box is given to the first man on each team. He slips this over the end of his nose and holds his hands behind his back with the box on his nose. All other players must hold their hands behind their backs.

At the signal to start the players having the box on the end of the nose transfer the same to the nose of their neighbor without the use of their hands. The box is passed in this way to the far end of the lines and back. Should it fall upon the floor it is picked up by the one from whose nose it fell, placed on his own nose again, and the game continues as before.



What Animal?

The leader whispers the name of a different animal or object to each individual. When called upon each must try to represent the noise or action of the animal or object. The rest of the group guess what is represented and write the same on a slip of paper. The one guessing the most wins.

Rhyming Verbs

Half of the group leaves the room while the others decide upon a verb. The group which left the room is then called back and tries to guess the verb from the clues which are given by those who determined the verb. These clues are given in the form of sentences containing words rhyming with the verb. Should the group which is to guess think they have found the right verb, they retire from the room without stating it and returning act out the verb. If they have been successful in guessing the verb, then the other group is given an opportunity to guess a verb in the same manner.

Fruit Basket

The group is seated in a circle and counted off in 4's. The number 1's are given the name of oranges, number 2's lemons, number 3's bananas, number 4's apples. One of the individuals is selected to be "It". He takes his place in the centre of the group and one chair is taken out of the circle, leaving one less chair than there are players. "It" then calls the name of two fruits, for example, oranges and lemons. Thereupon all of the oranges must exchange places with all of the lemons and "It" endeavors to capture one of the seats. Succeeding, the one left without a seat is "It" and calls two other kinds of fruit. These two must change places and "It" endeavors to capture a seat. Should "It" say "Fruit basket", instead of naming two fruits, all must change seats.


The group is arranged in seats around the room. "It" takes a place in the centre. All of the players are given a different number. "It" is blindfolded. The game is started by "It" calling two numbers. Thereupon the numbers called must change seats. "It" tries to either tag one of the players seeking to change seats or occupy one of the vacant seats, in which case the one without a chair becomes "It".

Barnyard Chorus

Each player in the group is given some barnyard noise to represent. The leader takes his place in the centre of the room. If he holds up his left hand, all is quiet; if he holds up his right hand, they all imitate their various noises in concert. Should one of the players make a noise while the leader is holding up his left hand, that player must stand up before his chair and imitate the noise he has been given to imitate, until some member of the group can guess what the noise is supposed to represent.

Donkey Solo

This is a good game to follow immediately after the Barnyard Chorus. The leader announces that he is to whisper to each member of the group the name of some animal that is to be imitated by that member in chorus with the others. He then goes about and whispers in the ear of every member of the group that he is to keep perfectly quiet, excepting to one individual to whom he suggests that he is to imitate the braying of a donkey. He then takes his position in the centre of the group and instructs the players to give as much volume to their imitation as possible. He gives the signal to start. Naturally, all are quiet except the poor donkey who brays his solo, to the amusement of the other members of the group.

Shifting Seats

The group is seated in a circle. There is one more chair than there are players. One individual is selected to be "It" and takes his place in the centre of the room. "It" gives the command to shift right. Thereupon, the one at the left of the vacant chair moves into the vacant chair, leaving his own chair vacant. The one at the left of his chair, moves into that, each one trying to get into the vacant chair to the right before "It" can succeed in touching him. "It" can give the command "Shift left" at any time, which means that they must move into the vacant chair to the left. Should "It" succeed in sitting in an empty chair, the one who should have occupied that chair becomes "It".

Guess the Sound

The group is arranged in a circle. The one selected to be "It" is blindfolded and takes a position in the centre of the circle. After the blindfolded player has been spun around a few times so that he does not know his location, he is given a wand or short stick. He holds this stick out in front of one member of the group. That member must grasp the end of the stick. Then "It" names some animal which the player on the other end of the stick must imitate by some sound. Thereupon, the blindfolded player tries to guess who has hold of the other end of the stick. Succeeding, the player guessed is blindfolded.

Rapid Transit

The players form in a circle. To each is given some article to be passed. These articles should vary in size anywhere from a peanut to a flat iron. The game starts by the leader commanding them to pass to the right. He then passes his article on to his right hand neighbor and receives in turn from his left hand neighbor the article coming to him. The passing continues until the leader gives the command "Change". Then the articles are passed in the opposite direction. Should a player drop one of the articles to be passed or should any one of the players have in his possession more than two articles at one time, that individual drops out of the game, taking one article with him. The game continues until but one is left in the circle. The passing can be complicated, if so desired, by having one or two of the articles passed in the opposite direction.

Feather Tag

The group sits in a circle in the centre of the room, holding a large sheet stretched tightly between them. A fluffy feather is placed in the centre of the sheet. One of the group who is "It" endeavors by running about, to catch the feather. Those sitting around the edge of the sheet keep the feather from "It" by blowing it beyond "It's" reach. Should "It" capture the feather, the one sitting at the edge of the sheet nearest to the feather becomes "It".


All the players sit in a circle. Each is given the name of a bird. The keeper takes a position in the centre of the room and begins to tell a story about birds. When a bird's name is mentioned, that bird must stand up and turn around once in front of his chair. Failing to do this, he must pay a forfeit. When the keeper utters the word "migrate" in his story, all of the birds must change seats and he tries to get one of the seats. Succeeding, the one left without a seat, continues the bird story. Otherwise the first keeper continues his story.

Simple Simon's Silly Smile

The group is arranged in chairs around the room. The one who is selected to be "It" goes from one to another asking questions. All questions must be answered by "Simple Simon's Silly Smile", without laughing. Should the one questioned laugh, he must take the place of the one who is "It".


Chairs are arranged around the room in a circle, with the boys standing behind each chair. There should be one more chair than there are girls in the group. The boy standing behind the empty chair winks at one of the girls who endeavors to get to the vacant chair before the boy in whose chair she is sitting can tag her. If she succeeds, the boy behind the chair last vacated continues the game by winking at another girl.


The group sits in a circle in a room which is semi-dark. The leader goes around inside of the circle and slips a button in the hands of one of the players. He does this after making an offer to do it to several others, so as to disguise where he finally deposits the button. All then have a turn to guess in whose hands the button lies. The one who guesses right becomes the leader, and the leader becomes a ghost. The game then continues as before. The ghost asks questions of any of the players, and they are not supposed to answer any question asked them except by the leader. Should they do so, they also become ghosts. As the ghosts multiply the game becomes more difficult. The game continues until but two are left of the circle.

Jack's Alive

The group sits in a circle in the room. A lighted splinter is handed to one of the group in the circle. It is then passed around the circle, still lighted. Should the flame become extinguished, the one in whose hand the splinter rests at that time must pay a forfeit. The forfeit sometimes demanded is that a mustache be made on the upper lip of that individual with the charred end of the splinter.

In passing the splinter the player must say Jack's Alive; failing to do this the splinter is returned to him and should it become extinguished before he can say this, it counts against him.

Going to Jerusalem

The chairs are arranged in a circle in the center of the room, with the seats away from the center. There should be one less chair than there are participants in the game. The participants form a line around the outside of the chairs and march forward around the chairs, while the piano, phonograph, or some other musical instrument is being played. The instant the music stops each player tries to sit in a chair. The one failing to get a chair drops out of the game. A chair is taken from the circle and the group starts marching again with the music. When the music stops they seek chairs as before, the one failing to secure one dropping out. A chair is taken out of the circle after each scramble and so the group diminishes until all are eliminated except one, who is crowned King of Jerusalem. If the group be large more than one chair can be eliminated at a time.



Hindoo Blind Reading

Slips of paper are given to all of the guests and they are instructed to write thereupon a brief sentence of three or four words and to carefully fold the paper. These messages are then collected, and the Hindoo Mystic proceeds to amaze his auditors by rubbing the messages, still folded, one after another across his forehead and telling what is written on the folded paper.

The Trick—The message reader has an accomplice who is instructed to acknowledge that he wrote the first note read by the mystic, no matter what that note may be. The mystic makes up in his mind a brief sentence after rubbing the first slip of paper on his head. This sentence is acknowledged by the accomplice. The mystic, after having the note acknowledged, opens it apparently to corroborate his reading, but in reality he is reading the note written by someone else. Upon rubbing the next slip of paper across his forehead, he announces the contents of the note last read, which naturally is acknowledged with wonderment on the part of the individual who wrote it. He then apparently looks at this slip of paper, but in reality he looks at the paper which he next intends to read.

Mental Telepathy

The group is told that if enough people think hard enough about one object they can communicate the thought to a person who knows nothing about it. One or two "unwise" persons are asked to leave the room and nothing is decided upon. But the group is told that when each "unwise" person comes in in turn, the second thing that is named must be admitted to be the right object. Great disappointment should be shown at his failure to get the right object the first time and he should be heartily congratulated on his success the second time. This continues until he realizes that he is duped.

The Paper Artist

A sheet of newspaper or any other kind of paper can be used for this game. The accomplice is sent from the room. The one performing the trick then holds the paper in front of the face of one of the individuals in the room. Returning to his seat, the accomplice is called into the room and handed the sheet of paper. The accomplice then studies the paper carefully and announces to the group whose photograph he sees thereupon.

The Trick—The one who takes the impression of the individual assumes the same sitting position that the individual photographed has assumed, thus portraying to the one who left the room whose photograph is on the blank paper.

Magic Answers

An accomplice is sent from the room. Those remaining in the room determine upon some object, this object to be recognized by the accomplice. When the object has been selected, the accomplice is called back. The one who is to deal with the accomplice asks if several objects in the room are the thing which has been suggested. The accomplice answers, "No," but answers correctly when the object selected is mentioned.

The Trick—The one asking the questions of the accomplice names some black object immediately preceding the object which is the correct one, thus giving the clue.


The one who plays this trick must have an accomplice. The accomplice is sent from the room. It is announced that the accomplice will name the person pointed to. The demonstrator points at an individual and the accomplice on the outside of the room gives the name of the individual pointed at.

The Trick—The accomplice knows that the one last speaking before he left the room will be the one pointed at by the demonstrator. In pointing at an individual, the one doing the pointing asks of the accomplice, "Does the spirit move?" The one on the outside answers, if he knows who is being pointed at, "It does." The first speaker then says, "Whom am I pointing at?" The accomplice then gives the individual's name.

Scissors Crossed

A simple catch game. The group is seated in a circle. It is best to have two of the company know how to play the game. One of these hands a closed pair of scissors to the other, who takes it and says, "I received these scissors uncrossed and give them crossed" (opening the scissors as he says, "and give them crossed"). He passes them to the player on his left, who should say, "I received these scissors crossed and give them crossed"—(if they are left open; if closed, "uncrossed"). If the players do not know the game, they will cross and uncross the scissors in an attempt to pass them correctly. Each one is given a turn and the game continues until some bright player notices that the scissors are called "crossed" when they are open and "uncrossed" when they are closed, and that the player who started the game crossed his feet if the scissors were crossed and, if not, his feet were uncrossed. Thus, the object of the game is to change the words and the position of the feet in accordance with the position of the scissors.

Knights of the Sacred Whistle

One or two of the group are informed that they are to be initiated into the Order of the Knights of the Sacred Whistle. They are shown a whistle and told that to become a member they must find this whistle. It is then pretended that the whistle is handed to one of the members of the party. An apron is hung around the shoulders of the victim and the whistle is attached to the back of the apron on a piece of string. The trick is for some of the players to blow the whistle behind the person's back, immediately dropping it and when he turns the person on the other side will blow. As all are standing in a circle, with the person who is being initiated in the centre, he is kept guessing for some time before he finds out where the whistle is located.

Hay Stack

Chairs are piled to a considerable height in the centre of the room and the person to be initiated is instructed to take off his shoes and jump over them. The leader insists that this is possible, but the uninitiated remonstrates, "It can't be done." The catch is that the individual is supposed to jump over his shoes instead of the chairs.

Boots Without Shoes

The leader asks one of the players to say as he directs and then asks him to say, "Boots without shoes." The player immediately says, "Boots without shoes." The leader says, "That is not correct," and goes to the next. The next one also says, "Boots without shoes," and so do most of the other members of the group, until one bright individual, discovering the trick, simply says, "Boots," which is the correct answer.

Newspaper Touch

Two individuals are instructed to stand upon a sheet of newspaper, so as not to be able to touch each other. This seems impossible and the individuals taking their places upon the paper endeavor to maneuver in impossible positions, but find they still can touch each other. The trick is to spread the newspaper over the sill of a door. One individual stands on one side of the closed door upon the newspaper, while the other takes his position on the other side of the door.

Coin and Card Snap

A card is balanced upon the end of the middle finger of the left hand, flat side down. A quarter or some small coin is placed upon the card, directly over the end of the finger. The trick is to snap the card from under the coin so that the coin will remain on the end of the finger.

Blind Blow

A lighted candle is placed upon a table. The players are blindfolded in turn, spun around, and instructed to blow out the candle. The time of each player is recorded and the one succeeding in blowing out the candle in the quickest time wins the game.

Tricks with Matches

Six matches are given to an individual and he is requested to make with them four equilateral triangles.

The Trick—Three matches are laid upon the table, forming an equilateral triangle. The other three are held above the three on the table in the form of a pyramid, with the triangle on the table as a base.

Twelve matches are placed upon the table as herewith illustrated. Then those trying to accomplish the trick are instructed to illustrate what matches are made of by moving two matches.

The Trick—It is natural that the ones trying to solve the trick endeavor to make the word "wood" out of the combination of forms, but by taking the top match off the first square, a "v" can be made by adding it to the third figure. By taking the right hand side off the first square, the letter "e" can be made by adding it to the last figure, spelling the word "love."

Pigs in Pen

A farmer has six pigs and five pens. He desires to place the pigs in the pens so that there will be an odd number of pigs in each pen. How can he accomplish this?

The Trick—He places a pen within a pen. Then he places a pig in each of the other pens, and two pigs in the one which encloses the pen, and another pig in the enclosed pen.

Number Trick

How can four be made out of three 3's?


Penny Wise

The players are provided with a bright new penny, a piece of paper and a pencil. On the paper have been written the following requirements, each player being expected to write the answers, the one having the largest number of correct answers, winning the game:

Find on the penny the name of a song. (Ans. America.)

A privilege. (Ans. Liberty.)

A part of Indian corn. (Ans. Ear.)

A part of a hill. (Ans. Brow.)

Something denoting self. (Ans. I (Eye).)

Part of a door. (Ans. Lock (of hair).)

A weapon of war. (Ans. Arrow.)

An act of protection. (Ans. Shield.)

A gallant. (Ans. Beau (Bow).)

A punishment. (Ans. Stripes.)

Part of a plant. (Ans. Leaf.)

A piece of jewelry. (Ans. Ring.)

A nut. (Ans. Acorn.)

A musical term. (Ans. Bar.)

An occupation. (Ans. Milling.)

A foreign fruit. (Ans. Date.)

Trimming for a hat. (Ans. Feather.)

What ships sail on. (Ans. Sea.)

A perfume. (Ans. Scent (cent).)

A religious edifice. (Ans. Temple.)

A messenger. (Ans. One sent (One cent).)

A method of voting. (Ans. Ayes and noes (Eyes and nose).)

A Chinese beverage. (Ans. Tea (T).)

A gaudy flower. (Ans. Tulips (Two lips).)

Comfort. (Ans. Ease (e e).)

A small animal. (Ans. Hare (Hair).)

A term of marriage. (Ans. United State.)

An ancient honor. (Ans. Wreath.)

One of the first families. (Ans. Indian.)

Reading Temples

The group is told that thoughts can be transmitted through the temples. The demonstrator of the game has to have an accomplice knowing the trick, who leaves the room. The others decide upon a number, not greater than ten. The accomplice is called back into the room, and by placing his hands upon the temples of the demonstrator after having requested every one to concentrate their thoughts upon the number selected, he tells what the number is.

The Trick—He is told the number by the demonstrator, who clinches and relaxes his jaw, which gives a movement of the temple which can be felt by the accomplice.

Aeroplane Ride

The player selected to take the ride is sent from the room and blindfolded. A strong board is held a few inches from the floor by several of the players. The blindfolded player is then called back into the room and invited to step into the aeroplane and is aided in stepping upon the board. His hands are placed upon the shoulders of two other players for support. As soon as the individual has stepped upon the board, it is raised a few inches and the two individuals upon whose shoulders rest his hands slowly and together bend their knees, so as to lower their shoulders, giving the impression to the rider that he has been lifted some distance from the floor.

The rider is then told to jump down, but not to fear, as mattresses have been placed upon the floor, so that he is in no danger of injury. The fear of jumping from so great a height as the blindfolded aviator has been caused to feel he has attained, and the surprise of striking the floor in so short a distance after the jump, are very amusing.

Egg Smash

Several players of the group are blindfolded and take a kneeling position upon the floor. Each is given a fake egg and is told to knock it upon the floor to summon the good spirit. They do this very carefully the first time, thinking they have an egg. The eggs are taken away and the group waits to see if a spirit appears. As it does not appear, the eggs are again handed to the players. This time they are not so careful in hitting the eggs down upon the floor, their first experience telling them they are fake. Again the eggs are taken from them and the spirit waited for. Failing to appear the second time, the eggs are returned to the blindfolded individuals for the third time, but this time instead of fake, they are the real article, much to the surprise and grief of those who break them vigorously upon the floor.

Musical Notes

This trick is easily played where a group is sitting around a bare wooden table. The player knowing the trick, pricks the prongs of a fork with his finger nails, causing it to vibrate as a tuning fork. He then makes his audience think that he pulls music from the nose of another player by reaching with his free hand and touching the nose of said player, and to the surprise of his auditors, music is heard.

The Trick—The instant the one who plays the trick touches the nose, he unobserved allows the end of the fork to come in contact with the hard surface of the table. The vibration of the fork is inaudible until its end comes in contact with the table.

Siam Club

Players are invited to join the Siam Club, for which certain rites and ceremonies are necessary. Those to be initiated into the club then kneel in a circle in the centre of the room and after bowing forward so that their foreheads touch the floor, they repeat after the leader the following sacred secret words, which they are instructed not to disclose to anyone else, under any conditions: "O whattagoo Siam." They repeat this over and over again until they begin to realize that they are saying, "Oh, what a goose I am."


The trick is to remove the vest of one of the players while he is still wearing his coat. To accomplish the trick one must stand in front of the subject, unbutton the vest, loosening the buckles on the strap behind. Next he runs his left hand under the coat, raises the lower end of the back of the vest, while with his right hand he grasps the end of the vest around the neck of the person, who is instructed to hold his arms high above his head. The back of the vest may then be pulled over the head of the subject. One of the lower ends of the vest is then pushed down the coat sleeve. The operator then runs his hand up the coat sleeve and pulls the vest down the sleeve until the arm hole is free from the subject's hand. The vest is then drawn back up the sleeve and pulled through the sleeve and over the hand of the other arm. It can then easily be removed either by pulling down or up the sleeve.



Standing Broad Jump

The group is divided into competing teams. Each team lines up behind the starting line. Each is instructed to see how many feet he can have credited to him in this event. The first player on each team is then instructed to heel the starting line with his right foot and to place his left foot immediately in front of and in line with his right foot, so that the heel touches the toe. The second player on each team then places his right foot in front of and in line with and against the advance foot of Number 1, and places his left foot in front of his right. All of the players take this position. The team having the longest feet wins the game by measuring the greatest distance in front of the starting line.

Standing High Jump

Doughnuts are suspended by means of a string, so that one hangs about eight inches above the head of each contestant. The one first succeeding in eating his doughnut without the use of his hands, wins the event.

Bawl Game

Competitors are lined up and directed to bawl. The one doing this the best, in the judgment of the judges, wins.

Peanut Relay

A bowl full of peanuts is placed before each competitor. An empty bowl is placed at some distance opposite each. Each competitor is given a table knife. At the signal to go, keeping his left hand behind his back, he takes one or more peanuts on the flat of his knife from the full bowl and deposits it or them in the empty bowl. He returns for more peanuts. He is not allowed to use his free hand in helping the peanuts on to the knife, or keeping them thereupon. The player first succeeding in transferring the peanuts wins the event.

Shot Put

Competitors endeavor to throw a handkerchief unknotted from a given line for distance.


A number of bags are suspended in such a way as to hang four feet above the heads of the competitors. One bag contains candy; one contains flour; another peanuts; another water, etc. An individual is blindfolded, given a short stick and headed in the direction of the bags. He then endeavors to strike one of the bags. Succeeding in knocking the bag of candy, that shall be his prize; likewise the peanuts, flour, or water.

Peanut Throw

Each contestant is given an equal number of peanuts. The one succeeding in dropping the largest number of peanuts into the mouth of a jug, wins. The peanuts must be dropped from a distance equal to the height of the shoulders.

Head Toss

A salt bag is filled with sand. Competitors heel a given line and place the bag of sand upon the back of their necks and without the use of the hands, endeavor to throw the bag as far back into the line as possible.

Duel Tug of War

Two opponents are given a piece of rope about three feet long. Each takes a position on the opposite side of a line drawn upon the floor. One tries to pull the other across the line by means of the rope. If successful in drawing the opponent so that both feet are on his side of the line, that player wins.

Discus Throw

Contestants are given some object like a quoit, a block of wood, etc. A small circle about eighteen inches in diameter is drawn upon the ground. The contestant places the object to be thrown between his feet and endeavors to throw it forward from the circle as great a distance as possible. Both feet must work together in making the throw and neither can touch the ground outside of the circle.

Ring the Bell

In the centre of a hoop eighteen inches in diameter—(an ordinary barrel hoop)—is hung a bell. The hoop is suspended from the ceiling or a door, so that it will be five feet above the floor. The group is divided into two teams. One team lines up on one side, one on the other. Each is given two bean bags. The first player on each team endeavors to throw his two bean bags through the hoop without ringing the bell. Succeeding or failing, he takes his place at the rear of the line and the next player repeats his performance. The players on the opposing team are expected to recover and to use the bags thrown through the hoop by the opponents, for their throw. A point is scored for the team by each player successfully tossing a bean bag through the hoop without ringing the bell.

Chair Tilting

Opponents are placed upon chairs and must stand thereon upon one foot. Each is armed with a long pole, the end of which is padded with a wad of cloth. The object is to dislodge the opponent from the chair. Dropping the pole or putting the foot down counts the same as being forced from the chair.

As soon as one member of a team has been dislodged, another may take his place and the game continues until all of one team have been eliminated.

Hammer Throw

An inflated paper bag tied on the end of a yard of string is used as the hammer for this event. Each contestant by swinging the bag from the end of the string tries to throw it as great a distance as possible.

Twenty Yard Dash

Contestants carry an egg to the distance line and return with a spoon held at full arm's length from the body.

Running Broad Grin

Have each competitor grin as broadly as possible. The judges measure the grins with a tape measure.

Light Weight Race

Contestants carry a lighted candle in one hand and a glass or bowl brim full of water in the other. If the water is spilled over or the candle blows out, the contestant is out of the race.

Javelin Throw

Contestants endeavor to throw a short stick through a rolling hoop.

One Mile Run

Contestants are required to add a column of figures, the total of which will be 5280.

Long Glum

The player who can keep from smiling the longest in spite of the jeers and efforts to make him laugh, on the part of the others, wins.

Turtle Race

Contestants lie flat upon their backs and throw an object over their heads with their two feet, for distance.

Elimination Race

An equal number of chalk marks are made upon the floor in front of each contestant. A damp rag is then handed to each, and at the signal to go they are to run to and rub off the chalk mark on the floor. After erasing each mark, they must return to the starting line. When the last mark has been erased and the contestant crosses the starting line, the race ends.



Suitable for Sociables and Entertainers

These stunts may be used as a means of amusement at social functions. In order to avoid calling for volunteers to come forward to participate in the various stunts, cards may be distributed among those who are expected to take part in the stunt program. On these cards are numbers or letters. The one who has prepared the program has determined beforehand how many participants he wants in each stunt. If, in the first stunt, he desires six participants, he will have prepared six letter A's to be distributed. If, for the second stunt, he desires two participants, he will have prepared two letter B's. Then when he is ready to put on his program he calls for all the individuals holding the letter A, etc. If there are certain individuals whom he is particularly anxious to have take part in certain stunts, he can instruct the distributor of the letters to this effect.

Brick Relay

Have four contestants to a team and as many teams as there is space for. Two lines are drawn upon the floor about ten yards apart. Two members from each team line up opposite to and facing each other, behind each line. Two brick bats are placed upon the starting line in front of each team. At the signal to go, the first contestant on each team stands on the two brick bats. Bending forward he grasps the front end of each brick with his hands. Shifting his weight to one foot, he slides the other foot forward, drawing the brick bat with it by means of his hands. He then shifts his weight to that foot and draws the other foot forward with the brick bat and in this way proceeds to the far line, behind which he turns the bricks over to the second member of his team who races back in the opposite direction by the same method of progress. The third member takes the bricks from the second and covers the intervening space between the lines, and when the fourth member, following the example of his team, has crossed the starting line, the race ends.

Chair-i-ot Race

Competitors stand on the starting line. Two chairs are given to each. They place the chairs behind the starting line, side by side, with the backs of the chairs forward, and stand upon the seats of the chairs. At the signal to go they grasp the backs of the chairs with their hands and shifting the weight from one foot to the other, slide the chairs forward until the distance line has been crossed.

Chair Stubbing

Each contestant sits upon a chair with his legs straddling the back and his toes on the bottom side round. Keeping his feet off the floor, he advances the chair forward by jerking it with his body until it has crossed the distance line.

This race can be made a relay by having four men on the team, two men placed behind each line.

Aviation Meet

Each team is made up of two mechanicians and four aviators. The two mechanicians hold stretched between them a piece of string upon which have been placed two funnels of paper made in the form of cornucopias, point to point. The first aviator on each team, at the signal to go, blows the cornucopia across the string from one mechanician to the other; the second blows it back across; the third blows it in the same direction as the first and the fourth ends the race by blowing it in the same direction that the second aviator blew it, until it touches the hands of the mechanician.

Equal pieces of string should be used, a loop having been tied in each end through which the mechanicians may slip their fingers for the purpose of holding the string. Mechanicians must keep the string level at all times.

Feather Blowing Relay

Four contestants constitute a team. A feather is placed on the starting line and is blown by the first member of each team to the distance line. Then the second member of the team blows it back to the starting line and after the third contestant has completed his blow, the fourth blows it back across the finish line.

Balloon Race

An inflated rubber balloon and a palm leaf fan must be provided for each team. Four players constitute a team. A balloon is placed on the starting line before each team and a fan handed to the first competitor. At the signal to go the balloon is blown forward by means of the fan across the distance line, blown back by the second player, forward again by the third and back across the finish line by the fourth. The team first succeeding wins the honors.

Lobster Race

Each competitor gets down on the starting line on all fours and at the signal to go travels backward on all fours to the distance line and returns.

Prune Tug of War

Prunes are tied in the middle of a piece of string, three yards long. Opponents are placed opposite each other, each with an end of the string in his mouth. At the signal to go they are to chew the string towards the prune. The one first reaching the prune may eat his prize.

Whistle Race

Contestants take a deep breath and whistle. The one who can whistle longest on one breath, wins.

Cracker Relay

Six players to a team. The players on each team sit in a row. Four crackers are given to each player. The one on the rear of each team starts the race by standing up and eating the crackers. When he has eaten all four crackers and is able to whistle, his whistle is the signal for the man next in front of him to stand up and eat his crackers, while the first man resumes his seat. So each in turn eats four crackers. When the last, or front man on each team is able to whistle after devouring his crackers, the race ends.

Blindfold Obstacles

Obstacles, such as vases of flowers, china ware, chairs, etc., are placed in four or more long rows. Each contestant is given a row and is requested to try distances before being blindfolded. They then are all blindfolded, placed at the starting point, and told to race down through the line of obstacles without touching anything. In the meantime the objects have been removed.

Candle Roll Over

Four players are chosen for each team. Two are lined up in front of the starting line and two opposite on the distance line. One of the players on the starting line is given a lighted candle. A mat is placed half way between the starting and the distance lines. At the signal to start the player holding the candle advances to the mat, executes a forward roll on the mat, holding the candle in his hand. Should the candle go out during the roll, he must go back to the starting line and start over after lighting the candle. When he has succeeded in making the roll without extinguishing the candle, he proceeds to the distance line where he passes on the lighted candle to the second member of his team. This one returns to the starting line, rolling on the mat as did his predecessor. Should the candle in his hand become extinguished, he must go back to the line from which he started, light his candle and start over. This continues until all four men have covered the required distance, each having rolled over without having extinguished the candle.

Boat Race

Two players constitute a team in this race. One of the players on each team sits upon the floor. His knees are raised so as to allow his feet to rest flat upon the floor. The other member of the team then sits upon his teammate's feet, facing him, and places his feet and legs in a similar position to that of his teammate, so that each may sit upon the other's feet. They then place their hands upon each other's shoulders.

To race in this position, Number 1, the player whose back is in the direction to be traveled, leans well forward so that his weight is well on his own feet. This makes it possible for his teammate, Number 2, to slide his feet forward along the floor, carrying Number 1 backward upon them. Number 2 then leans forward so that his weight is well on his own feet, which allows Number 1 to draw his feet towards him and Number 2 slides forward with them. By swaying backward and forward in this way, the two members of the team, by alternating the sliding of their feet, progress across the floor to the distance line. Upon reaching the same, they reverse their direction without turning around. The race ends when they have crossed the starting line.

Necktie Race

Two players constitute a team. Each team may stand opposite each other at different ends of the room. At the signal to go Number 1 runs forward to Number 2, who must wear a four-in-hand necktie. Number 1 unties Number 2's necktie, takes it off his neck and reties it in a four-in-hand knot. Number 1 then runs back to his former position with Number 2 following him. When behind the starting line Number 2 starts to untie Number 1's necktie, takes it from his neck, replaces it and ties it in a four-in-hand knot. When he has accomplished this, he races back to his original position. The first team accomplishing this, wins the game.

Part III




Push Cross Line

Three parallel lines are marked upon the ground about six feet apart. The group is divided into two teams. Each team lines up behind one of the outside lines, facing the opponents. At the signal to start, both groups rush forward and endeavor to push their opponents back over their own base line. Should they succeed in pushing the opponent so that both of his feet are behind the base line, that opponent is out of the game and retires to a position behind his own base line. At the end of thirty seconds the team having pushed the greatest number of opponents back across their own base line, wins.


This game is similar to the preceding game. Three parallel lines are made around a hollow square not less than 25 to 40 feet in dimensions. This square is known as the fortress. A small space is marked off in the centre of the fortress for a prison. Two captains are selected. These two choose the members of their own teams, in turn. One team is known as the defenders, the other as the attackers. The defending party takes a position within the fortress and the attacking party is scattered around the outside of the fort. Both are under the command of their captains.

The attacking party may charge the fort as a group or may use any tactics the captain may decide upon. He may feign an attack on one side to draw the defenders' attention, while his principal attack may be directed towards another point of the fortress. The methods of engagement are as follows:

Opponents endeavor to push, pull, or carry each other across the guard line. The defending players seek to force as many of the attacking players in across the inside line as possible. Succeeding in this, such players as have been drawn beyond the inside line are prisoners and must take their place in the prison. The attacking party seeks to force as many of the defenders beyond the outside line as possible. Succeeding in this, all those so forced are placed in a small area, which constitutes the prison of the attacking army. The captain should seek to direct the strong against the strong as much as possible in personal combat. The captains may exchange prisoners if they so desire.

The battle is won by either party making prisoners of all the opponents, or it may be won by the besiegers, if one of their number enters unattacked the prison within the fortress. Should the player accomplish this, he shouts, "Hole's won," whereupon the defenders must yield the fortress and the two armies change places, the defenders becoming the attackers, and vice versa. If an old fence is used for one side of the fortress, the other guard line should be drawn five feet inside of the fence line.

The attacking captain may withdraw his forces at any time for rest or consultation. Either captain may use a flag of truce for similar purposes. Under such conditions they arrange for an exchange of prisoners, etc.

Forcing the City Gates

This is an old Chinese game. Two captains are selected, who in turn choose all the other players. The two teams are first formed in two lines, facing each other and about ten feet apart, with the players grasping hands. Each line represents a city gate. The captain should arrange the players so that the weakest may be between two strong players.

The play begins when the captain of one of the teams sends forward one of his men. This man can make three attempts to break through the opponent's city gate. He can do this, either by breaking the grasp of two of the players or by dodging underneath their arms or between their legs. Should he succeed in doing this, he takes back to reinforce his own line the two players who are responsible for his getting through. Should he fail, he enlists his efforts with those of his opponents by joining their line. The game is won when one team has succeeded in taking over all of the opponents.

Hare and Hound

This is an old game which is always popular. Two or three players are designated as hares. Each is given a large bag filled with paper torn into small bits. The hares are allowed a few minutes' start ahead of the rest of the players, who are known as hounds. The hounds follow the hares by means of the torn bits of paper scattered on the ground, in an effort to overtake them.

When the hares have used up all of their paper they hide their three bags near the end of the trail and race back from that point to the place from which the run started. When the hounds have discovered the bags, they also race back to the starting place. The game is won by the first player reaching said place.

Human Targets

An old flour or salt bag stuffed with straw or cloth may be used for this game. One player is selected to be the target. The others endeavor to hit the target by throwing the bag. The target may run or dodge in any way he desires, but the one who holds the bag cannot advance towards him in making his throw. If he is not near enough to hit the target, he can throw the bag to some other player who is nearer. When the target has been hit, the leader selects some one else to act as target.

Sling the Sack

Either a good sized sack well stuffed with rags or straw, or a small cloth sack filled with sand, may be used for this game. The game can be played on a level stretch of road or in a good sized field. The group is divided into two equal teams. A starting line is marked near the center of the playing space. A player from each team takes a position behind this starting line and in turn, with his left foot on the starting line and with his shoulders at right angles to it, slings the sack with his right arm straight at the elbow, over his head as far as possible. A left-handed player may reverse this position. The spot where the sack hits the ground is marked. The player from the opposing team stands in the same position at the starting line, as did the first player, and makes his throw in the same direction, and his throw is marked. These two throws are made in order to measure what constitutes a good throw of the sack. A line is drawn parallel to the starting line at the point where the farther of the two preliminary throws landed. The starting line and this other line are now known as goal lines. A centre line is drawn parallel to the goal lines and half way between them. A coin is flipped up between the two captains for the choice of goals.

The captain who wins the toss can choose either the first throw or the goal he desires to have. When this is determined, each team scatters about on the territory in the vicinity of its own goal line, and the captain of the team which has the first throw designates which player on his team he desires to sling the sack first. This player (team A) must take a position with his advanced foot on the goal line and sling the sack with a straight arm over his head towards the opponent's goal line. The opponents (team B) endeavor to catch the sack before it touches the ground. Succeeding, the one catching the sack advances three paces and from that position slings the sack over his head towards team A's goal line. Team A players endeavor to catch the sack and if successful, that player succeeding advances three paces towards team B's goal line and slings the sack as before. Should any member of the team fail to catch the sack when it is thrown into their territory, the player first touching the sack in an effort to catch it, or the player nearest to where the sack lands, must make the sling from the point behind where the sack is picked up from the ground. The players may move anywhere about in their territory. The captain should endeavor to place them in a position so as to cover as much space as possible. Side boundaries can be used if desired, in which case the team supposed to receive the sack which gets out of bounds may advance three paces whether the sack is caught or not, from the point in line with where it first hits the ground.

A score is made each time the one member of a team catches the sack with both his feet on the opponent's side of the centre line. In making the catch, should he step back with one or both feet on or across the centre line, or be driven back by the impetus of the sack, it shall not constitute a point. After each point is made, goals are changed, the losing team puts the ball into play. The team having the largest score at the end of thirty minutes wins.

Game of Goose

A good sized level field should be used for this game. Two gander poles, five feet high, are erected, one at each end of the field, each having two forks at the top, opposite each other. Stout tree crotches may be used. The goose is made from a stout cloth bag, such as a ham cover, stuffed, leaving the ends which can be easily grasped. Midway between the gander poles a large circle is marked upon the ground, its size being determined by the number playing. Mark a circle six feet in diameter around each gander pole to designate the safety limit.

The group is divided into two equal teams. These two teams are arranged with their men placed alternately around the circle in the centre of the field. The gander man stands in the centre of the circle with the goose in his hand. At a given signal he swings around and tosses the goose in the air to be received in the arms of some lucky player, who immediately dashes off with it towards his goal. The opponent players endeavor to intercept him and get the goose away from him. When the man carrying the goose is in danger of losing it, he tosses it to some one on his own side, if he can, and the player catching it runs towards his goal. If the second player cannot succeed in making his goal or gander post, he tosses it on to some other member on his team. The player who succeeds in getting both feet inside of the safety circle around the gander pole must not be molested, unless he lets the goose fall to the ground in his attempt to hang it in one of the crotches of the gander pole, in which case he or his team mates may recover it or any one of the opposing team may seize the bird and dash away with it towards his own pole. There must be no scrimmage over the possession of the bird, for as soon as an opponent gets hold of the goose, the player holding the latter must let go his hold. One must not trip an opponent or interfere by body, arm, or leg contact without forfeiting one "honk." Three honks count one goose (or goal) for the opposite side.

Clock Games

The group forms a large circle. If it be a large group, the circle is counted off into 6's or 8's, if small into 4's. If they be counted into 6's each group of six constitutes a team. Number 1 in each case is to act as captain. If it be desired to elect captains, the man elected takes Number 1's place in the group. The captain wears a sash or some other distinguishing mark. In this formation a number of competitive races can be used.

Illustration—The group numbers sixty individuals. It is counted off into 6's. That means that we have ten teams of six men each making up the circle and ready to compete. The leader takes a position in the centre of the circle. The following five games may be played with the teams arranged in clock formation:

Walking Race

See clock games above.

At the signal to go, the number 6 man steps out of his place in the circle and walks to the right around the circle, until he gets back to the point in the circle he left, and tags off the Number 5 man on his team, and this man walks around the circle. This means that all the Number 5 men from all the different teams are walking around the outside of the circle in a race, at the same time. Numbers 4, 3, and 2 follow in turn after 5. Number 2, after completing the circle, tags off Number 1, the captain of the team, wearing a sash. The captain walks about the circle until he gets to the hole in the circle which he left, enters through the hole, bringing his sash to the leader, who stands in the centre of the ring. The first sash to reach the leader decides the winner of the race.

A running race can be substituted for the walking race and various modifications used, such as backward walking, hopping, frog leap, etc.

Chariot Race

See clock games above.

Similar to the preceding walking race, except that instead of running around the ring singly, the competitors go in pairs, as follows:

At the signal to go Number 6 locks his left arm in the right arm of Number 5, and the two of them so linked together proceed around the circle. Having completed the circle, Number 6 takes his original place, while Number 5 links arms with Number 4 and the two travel around the circle. Then 4 links with 3, 3 with 2, and the race ends when 2 and 1 have completed the distance around the circle and have brought their sash to the leader in the centre.

Flathead Race

See clock games above.

Similar to the preceding. A small block of wood or flat stone is given to Number 6 on each team. At the signal to go he places the block on the head of Number 5 and follows Number 5, who walks around the ring. Number 5 must keep his hands upon his hips. Should the block of wood fall from the head of Number 5, he must stand still until it has been replaced by Number 6. The two continue walking around the circle until they reach the point which they left. Then Number 6 takes his place in the circle and Number 5 takes the block from his own head and places it on the head of Number 4, and follows 4 around the ring to replace the block should it fall off. The race ends when Number 1, followed by Number 2, has completed the distance around the circle, still balancing the block of wood on his head, and presents himself to the leader in the centre.

Spin Around Race

See clock games above.

Similar to the preceding race, except that each captain takes a position about four feet outside of the circle near his own team. At the signal to go, Number 6 steps out of his position in the circle and runs to his own captain, linking his right arm in the right arm of the captain, who spins him around twice. He then runs around the circle and returns to his original place in the circle, and tags off 5, who repeats the performance of 6. When 2 has completed his round of the circle, he tags off his captain. The captain must run, without spinning around, clear around the circle on the outside, and enter through the point of the circle he originally held, and tag the leader in the middle.

Leap Frog Race

See clock games above.

Similar to the preceding. In this race, Number 2 will take the place of the captain outside of the ring. At the signal to go, Number 6 leaves the ring and proceeds around the circle, leaping with frog leaps over the backs of the Number 2 men from each team. Returning to his original position, he tags off Number 5. Number 1's turn will come after that of Number 3, and when Number 1 has completed the circle, leaping over the backs of all Number 2 men, he tags off the Number 2 of his own team. The latter runs about the circle once, enters the circle at the point where he originally stood and tags the leader in the centre.

Riding the Snail

A group is divided into two equal teams. These two teams line up in parallel lines about six feet apart, back to back. A safety line is drawn at each end of the field about twenty-five yards from where the teams line up. One team is designated as the "head" team; the other as the "tail" team. The leader tosses a coin. If the coin falls with head up, he calls "heads." Thereupon tails run across their safety line while heads endeavor to tag them before they succeed. Succeeding in doing this the man tagged has to carry the tagger upon his back to the original place of line-up and the coin is again flipped. Should it fall with tail up, tails chase heads to the safety line at the other end of the playing space.



Treasure Hunt

This game is a very adaptable one and can be run in a great number of different ways. It can be as simple or as complex as any leader may desire.

A mysterious letter may be read to the group or a letter in code posted where the group can see it. The contents of this letter will direct any one to a place where he will find detailed information as to the exact location of a buried treasure. By following instructions or working out the code, a boy will discover a second letter in hiding, or a time limit may be allowed to find letter number 3. At the end of that time the information contained in the second letter may be given to the entire group, so that all may hunt for letter number 3. This method keeps everybody in the game. As many letters may be hidden as desired, using the treasure as the last. This game can be used to teach observation, trailing and tracking. Letters using identification of trees, flowers, marks on trees, birds' nests, etc., may be used. Map and chart reading make the game more difficult. Letters may be written in Morse and Continental codes, or easy codes may be made.

A good book on trees or flowers, a small ax, or any useful article may be the hidden treasure.

Hide and Seek

One boy is chosen to be "IT." He blinds his eyes while the others hide. He counts 100 by 5's, then says, "Ready or not, you must be caught." He then endeavors to find the hidden players. Succeeding he must tag the goal and call the name of the player observed. Should he, in seeking a player, pass the spot where one is hidden, that player can race in to the goal and say, "In free." The one who is "It," however, can tag that player or the goal. When all the players have been discovered, the one first discovered or caught by "It" must blind his eyes for the next game. One who succeeds in getting "In free" is not subject to being "It" in the next hide.

Look Out for the Bear

All of the players hide their eyes, except one, who is the Bear. He hides. When sufficient time has been given for him to find a hiding place, the others seek him. When a player finds the bear he calls out, "Look out for the bear." Thereupon all of the players race back to the home base. The bear endeavors to tag as many of the players before they can reach the home base, as he can. All of the players tagged become bears and hide in the next round of the game, which is the same as the first. All of the bears try to tag as many as possible before they return to the home base. The game continues until the last seeker is caught. He has the privilege of being the bear for the next game.


This is a simple tag game. The player selected to be "It" starts the game by saying, "One, two, three, Still-a-feet, One, two, three, Still-a-feet, One, two, three, Still-a-feet, One, two, three; no more moving of the feet, feet, feet." While "It" is saying this, the players can endeavor to get as far away from him as they desire, but when he has completed the statement, they cannot move their feet. Should he see one of the players moving his feet, he may chase that player until captured. Thereupon, that player helps him chase any of the others. A player cannot be tagged until one of the "Its" has seen a movement of his feet. The first player caught is "It" for the next game. "It" does not need to chase the first player whose feet he sees moving unless he so desires. He may chase any one of the players whose feet he has seen move.

Hang Tag

This is a good game to play around a barn or in a grove where there are low limbs. A player is selected to be "It." He may tag any player who is not hanging with feet clear of the ground. The player tagged immediately becomes "It" and may tag back the one who tagged him after that individual has taken five steps.

Fox in Hole

Any number of players may participate in this game. The playing area should not be too large. A four foot circle is marked upon the ground as a base. One player is selected to be the Fox. While the fox is on the base he may stand on two feet, but when he leaves the base to catch any of the other players he must hop on one foot. Should a player become tagged, he becomes the fox, and the other players may slap him on the back until he is safe on the base. Should the fox put the other foot down, he must return to the base, and every player may slap him on the back until he succeeds in doing this, but no player can block his path to the base.

Fence Tag

This is a simple active game which can be played where there is a low fence or bar, over which the players may easily climb or vault. A player is selected to be "It". He takes his place on the opposite side of the fence from the other players and must climb or vault over and endeavor to tag someone who fails to get over the fence in time. "It" cannot tag anyone whose feet are off the ground, in an effort to get over the fence. Neither can he tag anyone who is standing on the other side of the fence from him. This is a very active game, as it keeps the players leaping back and forth over the fence in an effort to avoid being tagged. A player tagged immediately becomes "It". He cannot tag back the one who tagged him, until after that one has a fair chance to get on the other side of the fence.

Body Guard

A small space is marked off at one end of the ground as a base or goal. One player is chosen to be the chief, an important personage requiring two body guards. The game starts with these three players in the goal and the balance of the players at large. The three come forth, and the two players who act as body guards clasp each other by the hand, and preceding the chief as a shield, endeavor to prevent the other players at large from tagging the chief. The chief himself may avoid being tagged by moving around the guards. Whenever a guard succeeds in tagging a player, the chief and his guards return home, whereupon the player tagged changes places with the man who tagged him. Any player succeeding in tagging the chief becomes the chief.


One of the players in the group hides, while the other players seek to find him. Should a player succeed, he endeavors to get into the hiding place unobserved by the others and hides with the first player. As the game continues, and other players succeed in finding the hiding place, the number of hiding players continues to increase until they are packed in like sardines, hence the name. It is difficult for them, crowded together, in this way, to keep from disclosing the hiding place to the remaining players. The game continues until the last player has discovered the hiding place. The first one to make the discovery hides in the next round.

This is a good game to be played around a farm house where there are a number of hiding places, or in the woods where there are trees, boulders and ravines.


This is a good game for boys and girls. It has furnished amusement for many generations of children. Each player must secure a stick about 2-1/2 feet long. An alder stick with a small bend at one end furnishes an ideal implement for this game. An old baseball or where this is not procurable, a tin can or a block of wood, may be used. The players are divided into two teams. Two stones, placed about five feet apart at each end of the playing space, serve as goals. The playing space should be about 30 to 50 yards in length. A level stretch of road can be used, or an open field. The game starts by each team taking a position anywhere in the half of the field nearest the goal they are defending.

The ball is placed in the centre of the playing space. Two opposing players, known as centres, take a position on opposite sides of the ball, within a distance of two feet of it, with the end of their clubs on the ground. The process of putting the ball into play is called "facing off". In facing off, the two centres raise their clubs from the ground and hit them together above the ball. They do this three times and after hitting them above the ball for the third time, they are allowed to hit at the ball, endeavoring to knock it towards their own players or towards the opponent's goal. The game is now on and each player endeavors to knock the ball, by means of his club, towards and through the opponent's goal. Swinging the club higher than the shoulder is barred. Should the ball be knocked outside of the playing space, it is brought back in and faced off by any two opposing players at a point well within the playing space, opposite to where it went out of bounds.

A goal counts one point and after each goal the ball is faced off in the centre. Goals should be changed in the middle of the game, so that no team may have an advantage over the other because of location of goals.

One Step Off and All the Way Across

Two goal lines about fifteen yards apart are marked upon the playing space. This game can be played on the road, using the opposite curb stones as goal lines. A player is selected to be "It" and takes his place between the goal lines. He starts the game by saying, "One step off and all the way across". Thereupon, all the players who may be behind either goal line, upon stepping over the goal line, must run across the space between the goal lines towards the opposite goal. "It" endeavors to tag the players as they run between the goal lines. Each player tagged, helps "It" in tagging the others. After the game starts the players may run back and forth between the goal lines at will. The game continues until all the players are tagged. The first player tagged becomes "It" for the next game.

Wheel Away

This game is similar to the preceding game except the players must be behind the same goal line, and the one who is "It" says, "Wheel away", which is the signal for all of the players to run across the space to the other goal. Those tagged by "It" in their effort to do this, help him to tag the other players. All of the players are expected to run immediately upon hearing "Wheel away". Otherwise "It" may cross the goal line and tag them. The one first "It" is the one to say "Wheel away" each time, until all of the players have been caught. The one first caught is "It" for the next game.


This is a game enjoyed by boys. It is necessary to have half a dozen soft yarn balls or indoor baseballs or bean bags for this game. A large number of players can participate. A playing space is marked off on the ground with a line drawn through the centre. The group is divided into two equal teams. The teams take positions on opposite sides of the center line. The balls are divided equally between the two teams. At the signal to start the balls are thrown at such opponents as may hold one of the balls. The players may move around in their playing space, but are not allowed to step over the centre line. Any player can recover a ball, but so long as he holds the ball in his hands, he is the target for the fire of the opponents. Each time a player, holding a ball, is hit by an opponent, he drops out of the game. The team first retiring all of the opponents wins.

Bombardment No. 2

This game is similar to the preceding, except that each player must secure a stick not over two feet long, which can be stuck loosely into the ground in a vertical position. A 2x4 block of wood, about 8 inches long, with a flat end which can be balanced upon the ground, can be used in place of the stick if desired. Each player sticks his stick up near the back end of his playing space. They must be at least three feet distant from any boundary line and from each other. Each player takes a position in front of his stick. The object of the game is to knock over the opponents' sticks. Should a player knock over his own stick accidentally, or that of any player on his side, it counts as though it were knocked over by the opponent. When a player's stick is knocked over, that player is dead and takes his stick and leaves the game. The side first succeeding in knocking over all of their opponents' sticks wins the game. The players are not allowed to step over the centre line.



Taking the Heights

This is a good rough and tumble game for boys. A bank, a low platform, a pile of dirt or some elevated position is necessary. The object of the game is for the players to strive to get upon the bank and maintain their position thereupon to the exclusion of all other players. Hitting, kicking, or the grasping of clothing is barred.

Wrestle Tug of War

Opponents are so arranged on opposite sides of a line marked upon the ground that those of equal size and strength are facing each other. Each player puts his right hand on the back of his opponent's neck and his left hand on his opponent's right elbow. Each tries to pull the other over the mark. At the end of the pull, the side having the most players on its side of the line wins the game.

Referee's Hold

Opponents take the same position as in the preceding event, but instead of attempting to pull across the line, each endeavors to make the other move one or both feet. The best two out of three are used to determine the winner.

Finger Wrestling

Opponents are arranged as in the preceding game on opposite sides of a line. Holding their hands well above their heads, opposing players grasp each other's hands, interlacing fingers, and each endeavors to bend the opponent's wrist backward. Succeeding in this, the vanquished drop out of the game.

One Leg Tug of War

Opponents are arranged as in the preceding game on opposite sides of a line. They turn their backs towards each other and standing upon their right foot, raise their left leg to the rear and hook the foot in that of the opponent. Each endeavors to pull his opponent across the line in this position.

Hog Tie

Two players of equal strength are each given a piece of quarter-inch rope or a strap. Each endeavors to tie together the other's ankles.

Cumberland Wrestling

Players face each other and take a waist hold, arms around opponent's waist, and stand close up. At the signal to "go" each player tries to lift his opponent off his feet. No throwing is allowed. Three tries are permitted.

Greco-Roman Wrestling

Opponents face each other and may take any legitimate wrestling hold in their effort to secure a fall from the other. Should any part of the body other than the feet touch the ground, it constitutes a fall.

Shoulder and Arm Push

Opponents face each other with a line marked upon the ground between them and place their right hand on the other's left shoulder and their left hand on the opponent's upper right arm. In this position they endeavor to push the opponent back from the centre line, so as to get on the opponent's side of the line.

A modification of the preceding may be made by allowing the use of but one hand—the right placed against the opponent's chest, with the left held behind the back.

Squatting Tug

Opposing players sit upon the ground facing each other, with the soles of their feet flat against each other's. They then bend forward without bending the knees any more than necessary and grasp the opponent's hand. In this position they endeavor to lift the opponent from the sitting position on the ground.

Neck Tug of War

Opponents interlace their fingers behind each other's necks and endeavor in this position to pull the other across a center line.

Hand Tug of War

Opponents grasp each other's hands and each endeavors to pull the other across a center line.

Cane Wrestling

Opponents are given a stick, like a broomstick, which is grasped with both hands. Each endeavors to break the grasp of the other upon the stick.

Part IV




Banquet Games

Oysterette Race

Those sitting on one side of the table constitute team "A", those opposite them, team "B". The two captains should be sitting opposite each other. At one end of the table place a dish containing ten to twenty oysterette crackers, in front of the men on the opposite end of each line from the captain, and an empty dish in front of every other man. The opponents having the dish of crackers in front of them are given a spoon, and at the signal to "go" they pass the crackers by means of the spoon from their dish to that of the next on their team. When the last cracker has been transferred, the spoon is handed to the next man on the team, who repeats the performance of the first. (Dishes cannot be moved from their original position). The team first succeeding in getting the crackers to the dish of the captain wins.

Passing the Drink

Teams are arranged as in No. 1. A glass of water is given to the man at one end of the table. The glass should be filled to the brim. With the signal to "go" it is passed to the far end of the table and immediately returned. The glass which returns first to the one who started the passing determines the winner, provided that the glass has as much or more water in it at the finish than the opponents' glass. If the winning team has less water in it, the result is a tie game.


Teams arranged as in previous games. A plate or glass must be placed in front of each contestant. Two spoons are handed to contestants at the head of each line. At the signal to "go" the opponents beat on the plate rat-tat-rat-tat-tat, as a drum beats. He then passes it on to the next. Rat-tat-rat-tat-tat is passed on to the far end of the line and back. When the one who started the race has beaten his last rat-tat-rat-tat-tat, he stands up holding both spoons above his head.

Earth, Air, Fire and Water

Teams are arranged as in previous games. A member of team "A" is given an object, which can be conveniently passed or tossed across the table. The game starts by his passing the object to any member of the opposing team. In passing the object, he says one of the four words: "Earth, air, fire or water." If the word "earth" is used, he must name some animal; if the word "air" is used, the one receiving the object must name some bird; if the word "water" is used, he must name some fish, and keep quiet if the word "fire" is used. If the word used requires an answer, the one to whom the object is passed must give the name before the one who has passed the object can count ten. Failing to do this, one point is scored by team "A". The one on team "B" to whom the object was passed, passes same back to any member of team "A" and says any of the four words.

Note.—If the word "Air" is used, the opponent must name some bird, such as robin, thrush, etc. If "water" is used, shad, salmon, etc. If "earth" is used, lion, cow, etc.

Around the Chair

The teams are arranged as in previous games. The opponents at the head of the line are handed an orange. At the signal to "go" they must stand up, push their chair back from the table and run around the chair twice, return to the table, sit down and pass the orange to the next one in line, who repeats the performance of the first. The race ends when the last one in the line has circled the chair twice, sat down and held the orange above his head.

Jenkins Up

Divide the company into two sides. One division sits around the table on one side, the other on the opposite side. The members of the division "A" put their hands under the table and a small coin, dime or quarter, is passed from one to the other. When division "B" thinks they have had enough time, the captain calls out, "Jenkins up!" and the players of "A" hold up their closed hands; and when "Jenkins down!" is called, they must place their open hands, palm down, on the table. The players of "B" must guess under which palm the coin is. Every player may guess, but only the captain is to be obeyed when he orders an opponent to lift a hand. If a player can succeed in finding the whereabouts of the coin by causing an opponent to raise his hand, it is legitimate. The object is to have the hand containing the coin remain on the table last. Every hand left with the palm on the table when the hand hiding the coin is lifted, counts a point for the team holding the coin. The teams alternate the guessing.

Malaga Grapes

One who knows the game takes a spoon in his right hand, then taking it in his left hand, he passes it to the one sitting at his left, saying, "Malaga grapes are very fine grapes, the best to be had in the market". He tells his neighbor to do the same. The spoon is thus passed from one to the other, each telling the same grape story. If anyone passes the spoon with the right hand, which is the natural thing to do, a forfeit can be claimed. The trick must not be told until it has gone around a table once or twice.

Table Football

An egg is blown and the shell used as the football. Two captains are selected, each choosing his side. Teams take places on the opposite sides of the table and endeavor to blow the egg shell over a goal line which is made two inches from and parallel to their opponents' side of the table. After each goal the egg is placed in the centre of the table and the blowing begins with the sound of a whistle. No player can leave his place, and the "football" must be moved entirely by blowing. If the table be long, more than one egg may be used.

Spearing Peanuts

A number of peanuts are placed in the centre of the table. Each guest is armed with a hat pin. A few of the peanuts have black spots marked upon their end. These peanuts count 5 points. All other peanuts count 1 point. The player succeeding in scoring the highest number wins. The pin must be stuck into the shell. Showing the nut is not allowed.

String Winding Race

Those seated at one side of the table compete against those on the opposite side. A ball of string is given to the two players sitting opposite each other at one end of the table. At the signal to go the two players maintaining their hold on the loose end of the string pass the ball to the players next to them. Each player must hold the string in one hand and pass the ball on, unwinding it, as it progresses to the next player. When the ball has reached the last player he immediately starts rewinding the ball. When he has wound up his share, he passes it back to the next, who continues the winding. By the time the ball has returned to the player at the head of the table, it must be entirely wound. The team first succeeding in accomplishing this, wins the race. The string must be wound upon the ball and not snarled.

Name Writing Race

The teams are arranged on opposite sides of the table. A long slip of paper and a pencil are handed to two players sitting opposite at the head of the table. At the signal to "go" the two players holding the paper write their last names upon it and pass the slip on to the next player on their side. The second player on each team must write the first name of the preceding player in its proper place on the slip and write his own last name directly under that of the preceding player and then pass the slip on to the third player, and so it continues until it reaches the last player. He follows the example of the other players, leaving space for his first name. The slips are then passed back to the head of the table where the first name of the last man must be written down by the player at the head of the table. When this is done they stand and hold the paper above their heads. The team first succeeding in this wins. Each player must give to the player next following him his first name. The last player on each team will have to shout his name, so that the one at the head of the table may be able to fill it in before ending the race.

Candle and Plate Race

The teams are arranged on opposite sides of a table. The two players at the head of the table are given a plate and a candle and a box of safety matches. At the signal to "go" the candle is placed on its end on the plate and lighted by the first player. The candle is then balanced upon the plate, as it is passed to the next player, who receives the plate endeavoring to maintain the balance of the candle. Should the candle fall over, the player in whose hand the plate rests must place the plate down upon the table, again stand the candle on its end and pass it on to the next player. Should the flame on the candle become extinguished, the player, in whose possession it is, must place the plate down upon the table, and using the box of safety matches which is on the plate, relight the candle. In this way the candle is passed to the far end of the table and back. The team first succeeding in accomplishing this task wins.

This can be made more difficult by requiring each player to keep one hand in his lap during the passing, balancing and lighting of the candle. In lighting, the next neighbor on the team may hold the box of matches while his teammate strikes the match necessary to relight the candle.



Play programs with everybody in the games, old and young, large and small, are replacing the fakers and chance-men in some of our County Fairs. Instead of a lot of disgusted individuals with empty purses winding their way on the long home trail we want to hear the laughter of the family group, still exhilarated as a result of a pleasant afternoon spent in happy, healthful recreation.

Everybody loves to play but few will admit it. In fact a great many do not realize that it is true. In order to get everybody in the game, it may be necessary to use unusual methods. A heterogeneous group can be led into the play program unconsciously if the leader uses the proper approach; and before old Deacon Hasbrook knows it, he and his good wife, neither of whom have played in nigh on to thirty-five years, will be laughing and frisking about with the rest in a way that you would have said impossible if you had known this sedate dignitary for the past twenty-five years.

The Grand March

Here is one way that it can be done. While the band is playing a lively march at one end of the field which is to be used for the games, have the leaders, who have been previously instructed, get all of the folks lined up in couples around the field for a grand march. A couple trained for the occasion leads the march when everybody is in line, marching about the circumference of the field. The leaders start their fancy marching. At one end they turn and march down the center of the field to the far end where the couples separate, the ladies going to the left and the gentlemen to the right. They reunite at the other end of the field. The march continues with numerous variations such as change of formation from double to formation of fours, marching diagonally across the field, crossing at the middle, etc. The march should end with the group arranged in couples around the circumference of the field with the ladies nearest the center. Have both groups face the center and have the ladies take one step forward and the men take one step backward.

The Games for All

One American flag on a short stick is handed to the leaders of both lines, that is, the leading lady and the leading gentleman, and at the signal to start the flags are passed about the circle (over the head), the ladies competing against the gentlemen to see which can pass the flag from hand to hand all the way around the circle in the quickest time. The race ends when the flag returns to the leader, who waves the same above his head, indicating the close of the race.

If the group is less than 100 in number, the following game can be played:

A ball of string is handed to the leader of each team. Upon the signal to start, the leaders, holding the end of the string, pass the ball to the next one on the team, who passes it to his neighbor, unrolling it as it goes, and so on from hand to hand, each one on the team keeping hold of the string with his right hand. There should be string enough in the ball to reach all the way round the circle. The ball diminishes as it is passed along. When the ball reaches the last one in the circle he starts rewinding the string upon the ball, passes it back to the next one, who winds on the slack, and so the ball is passed, each one winding until the ball returns to the captain. Each team will try to get the ball properly wound back into the captain's hands first. No one can leave his regular position in the line during the race. If the ball has been properly wound, it will be possible to throw the same twenty-five feet to the judges, who take a position within the circle and about this distance in front of the captain. The first one to get the ball into the hands of the judge, by means of this throw, wins the race.

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