There are many unmarried women, maiden ladies, and especially widows, who would greatly improve their health if they practiced some form of auto-erotism, occasionally. When husbands and wives are forced to be much away from each other, it is right for them to occasionally satisfy themselves in this way, their souls filled with loving thoughts of the absent one the while.
There is any amount of nonsense current about auto-erotism. As a matter of fact, all boys masturbate, and many girls also. Some authors claim that more than half of all women engage in some form of auto-erotism, at some time in their lives, and the estimate is probably too low rather than too high. But, unless they carry the act to excess, they are guilty of no wrong. Not infrequently, they may make the act a means of great good to themselves. The sex organs are alive! They constantly secrete fluids that need to be excreted, as all other organs of the body do. They ought to be relieved, as their nature requires they should be. If this cannot be accomplished as the most natural way prescribes, it is only right to do the next best thing. Only, it should not be carried to excess. Be temperate in all things. Gratify yourself, but don't ABUSE yourself. Auto-erotism, or masturbation, should never be permitted to become "self-abuse," nor is there any need that it should ever do so. It should be self-upbuilding, not self degrading. Rightly used it can be thus.
This brings us to another item in the matter of sexual exercise on the part of the husband and wife, as follows:—
It should be the constant aim and endeavor of both parties to continually lift all sex affairs above the plane of animality, mere physical gratification, into the realm of mental and spiritual delight. To this end, let it be said at once that such a condition can be reached, in the greatest degree, by the practice of what is known, in scientific terms, as "coitus reservatus," which, translated, means going only part of the way in the act, and not carrying it to its climax, the orgasm. Described in terms with which the reader is now familiar, it means, carrying the act only through the first and second stages, the "courting" stage, and the union of the organs, and stopping there! This may seem, at first thought, neither right nor wise, but, as a matter of fact, it is both, as thousands of most happily married people have proved.
Going a bit into details, this act of "reservatus" really unites the first two parts of the act into a common whole, making it simply one continuous piece of "courting," merely that, and nothing more. It is almost entirely a mental and spiritual love-embrace; and in its perfection, it exalts the husband and wife to the topmost heights of mental and spiritual enjoyment and expression.
To engage in this form of coitus, not nearly the effort should be made to arouse the sexual passions of either of the parties, as has already been described as fitting for complete coitus. The orgasm is not the desideratum in this case, but it is just a delightful expression of mutual love. It is a sort of prolonged and all-embracing kiss, in which the sex organs are included as well as the lips. They kiss each other, as the lips kiss each other. It is "courting," par excellence, without the hampering of clothes or conventionality of any kind.
In this act, the lovers simply drift, petting each other, chatting with each other, visiting, loving, caressing in any one or all of a thousand ways. The hands "wander idly over the body," the husband's right hand being specially free and in perfect position to stroke his wife's back, her hips, her legs, and pet her from top to toe.
As this part of the act continues, it is the most natural thing in the world that the sex organs should tumesce, and that there should be a flow of both prostatic and pre-coital fluids. That is, the organs quietly and naturally make themselves ready for meeting. And when they are duly tumescent, are properly enlarged and lubricated, let the wife come over into her lover's arms, IN THE SECOND POSITION described, and the organs be slipped together easily, delightfully, and then, let them stay so, fully together, but do not go on with the third part of the act, the motion of the organs. Just lie still and enjoy the embrace, kiss, chat, court, love, dream, enjoy!
This union can be protracted to almost any length, after the lovers learn how to do it. Sometimes the organs may be together only a few minutes, sometimes for an hour, or even longer. If the parties get tired, or sleepy, part the organs, kiss good-night, and go to sleep. Although it is not at all uncommon for such lovers, who have fully learned this art, to go to sleep thus, in each other's arms, their sex organs united; and, in this position, have the organs detumesce, the penis grow limp and slip out of the vagina of its own accord, while the vagina also grows small and the clitoris subsides. This experience is most delightful and if once experienced, once well mastered by the husband and wife, it will continually grow in favor, to their mutual benefit.
This method is of special service during the "unfree time." If rightly used, it will not tend to increase the desire for "spending," but it will, on the contrary, allay and satisfy the sexual desires, most perfectly. If, while learning how, sometimes the inexperienced should "get run away with," and feel that it is better to go on and have the climax, all right. But, as time goes on, the practice of carrying the act only to the end of the second part, will grow, and in due time be well established. Those who have mastered this wholesome and loving art will sometimes meet in this way a score of times during a month or so, without once coming to the climax. Such meeting can be as often as the parties choose, and of as long, or as short duration as they elect. It is often an excellent way, to say "good-night;" and if, on waking in the morning, there is time before rising for a "little court," this slipping the organs together, for "just a minute," is a most excellent way to begin the day. The art is worth learning, and most people can learn it, if they try, and are of the right spirit!
To go back a little: In speaking of mutual masturbation on the part of the husband and wife, this method of satisfying the sex nature is of great value, sometimes, especially for use during the unfree time. If, during these two weeks, the parties get "waked up," and feel the need of sex exercise, they can satisfy each other with their hands in a way that will be a great relief to each. This is specially true for the husband; and a wife, who is enough of a woman to thus meet her husband's sex-needs, with her hand, when it is not expedient for him to meet her otherwise, is a wife to worship!
Sometimes, during the five days of menstruation, during which time the union of the organs is deemed not best, the wife can thus help her lover with her hand, to their delight and benefit. Let love direct the way here, and all will be well.
And here is a curious fact: The hand of the opposite sex will produce effects on the genitals of the other which will not be produced in any other way. Thus, a man may hold his penis in his own hand for a given length of time, longer or shorter, and no result will be effected, no secretion of prostate fluid be made, at all. But let his wife take his penis in her hand for the same length of time, and the flow of prostatic fluid will at once take place. This is true whether the penis be erect or detumescent. If the wife will hold her husband's limp penis in her hand for but a few minutes, even though the organ remains limp, the flow of prostatic fluid will take place! The same is true with regard to the husband's putting his hand on his wife's vulva. Should she hold her hand there, no pre-coital fluid would be secreted. With her husband's hand there, the flow would at once begin.
This is a remarkable physical and psychological phenomenon, and it is one especially worthy of note. It is this fact that makes mutual masturbation far superior to auto-erotism. A husband can thus satisfy a wife with his fingers, or a wife her husband with her hand, far better than either could bring himself or herself to the climax alone. This point is of great import, in considering many of the sex acts of husband and wife.
As a rule, let the husband and wife do whatever their desire prompts or suggests, and just as they feel they would LIKE to. Only this, let all be in moderation. Carry nothing to excess!
Which suggests the question often asked: How frequently may coitus be engaged in? The answer is, just as often as is desired by both parties, but never to the point of weariness or depletion of the physical, mental or spiritual body. Use good sense here as elsewhere. We eat when we are hungry, but it is wrong to gorge oneself with food. The same rule holds with regard to sex exercise. Satisfy the calls of nature, but NEVER, overdo the matter. BE TEMPERATE, MANLY, WOMANLY! Don't be afraid or ashamed to do what your desire and your best judgment say is right. Use common sense, and you will not go wrong.
And don't wear each other out, either both together, or the one the other. Many men insist on their rights (THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS) and greatly debilitate themselves by excess of coition with their wives. Per contra, there are some women who wear the lives out of their husbands by the excessive calls they make upon them for sex-gratification. In the latter case, a man will "go to pieces" much faster than a woman who is over-taxed. To satisfy such a woman, a man must spend at least once every time his wife calls on him. This draws on his vital fluids, at every embrace; but, as has been stated, there is no escape of vital fluid from the woman, when she spends, and so she can reach and pass the orgasm, time and again, and still not have her vitality taxed. Indeed, in some cases, the oftener a woman spends, the more animated, robust and healthful she becomes. In case unmatched people meet as husband and wife, they should do their best to adjust themselves to each other's condition, keeping always in mind the best welfare, each of the other.
There are records of women who delight to spend a dozen times in a single night. One queen made a law that every man should cohabit with his wife at least seven times each night! Of course, she was an abnormal woman, though the author once knew a good orthodox deacon who would have been delighted to live under the rule of such a law, for seven times a night was the limit his wife imposed upon him! He was also abnormal.
Luther said twice a week was the rule for coitus, and this is a very common practice. No absolute rule can be given, however, except for each couple to act as they feel, keeping always within the bounds of common sense and true temperance.
There are some men and women so constituted, nervously, or by temperament, that they are obliged to rigorously limit their acts of coition. Some men cannot engage in the act more than once or twice a month and maintain their health. For them, the act draws on their vitality so severely that it quite upsets them, in almost every case. During the act, they are subjected to nervous shocks, they "see stars," and undergo rigors and nervous sweats which are severely debilitating. Often, too, they will lie awake all night after engaging in the act, and be more or less of a wreck for a day or two afterwards.
Some women, too, are of a similar nature of organization, and undergo similar experiences. Of course, in all such cases, unusual care should be taken never to reach the point of excess.
It is unfortunate if people are married who are ill-matched in this regard, especially so if the difference between the two is of a pronounced nature, as when the husband or the wife is very amorous and virile, while his or her mate is unable to engage in the act, to any considerable extent, without suffering therefrom. If such case arises, the best should be made of the situation, the more robust party accommodating himself or herself to the incompetency or inability of the other, and the weaker one doing all that can rightly be done to strengthen and develop his or her infirmity. If this is done, the chances are many to one that, as times goes on, the parties will grow more and more alike—the strong becoming more docile and the weaker one more robust. Take time, love each other, court and be courted, and only the best results trill come of it all.
Now there are some women who are called "anesthetic," that is, they have no sex-passion, though the sex parts may be normal. Many physicians declare that as high as forty per cent of the women who are reared in modern social life are thus lacking. These women engage in coitus, though they get no pleasure from the act. They never reach the orgasm, and have no sensation of delight from the act; they seldom secrete the pre-coital fluid, and hence the union of the organs, or their motion, are never easy or pleasurable. They can become mothers, and often such bear many children. Such condition is greatly to be regretted, and many women suffer greatly from this cause.
It is highly probable, though, that many women who are counted as thus lacking are not, really, so! Many women will begin married life wholly anesthetic, and, often, sometime will become normal in this regard. This often happens. The probability is that many wives are not properly "courted" by their husbands—THE FIRST PART OF THE ACT IS NEGLECTED, or the husband merely acts on his rights—cohabits like a goat, all in an instant, anxious only to gratify his own lust; and that, under such treatment, the wife never gets a fair chance to really know her own powers. Such cases are sad beyond telling. For the most part, they are the result of ignorance on the part of the husband, and innocence and wrong teaching—wrong mental attitude—on the part of the wife. HENCE THE NEED OF INSTRUCTIONS TO BOTH.
But if almost any woman will get the right mental attitude toward sex-meeting, and then can be courted, as has been prescribed in these pages, the cases are rare indeed where a woman can be found who is really anesthetic. If you, wife, or you, husband, are "up against" such a condition, try "courting," as herewith laid down, in a proper mood and spirit, and you will come out all right. There is no doubt of it.
On the contrary, if the man is "impotent" there is small hope of his ever coming out of such condition, and the chances are many to one that he will never be able to satisfy his wife sexually. He may be a "good man," in a way, but he can never be a good husband, in the full meaning of that word.
On the other hand, if a woman marries for money, or a home, or position, or place, or power, or a "meal-ticket"—for anything but love, she will doubtless be anesthetic and stay so. She deserves to! She sells herself for a mess of pottage, whoever she is. She may be a "good woman," but she can never be a good wife.
The question is sometimes asked as to how late in life the sex organs can function pleasurably and wholesomely for the parties concerned. And here, as elsewhere, the reply can only be that it all depends on the individual. But this is true, that, as a rule, the status of the individual during the years of active life will persist, even to old age, if the sex-functions are used and not abused. There is no function of the body, however, which will "go to pieces" quicker, and ever after be a wreck, as will the sex organs, if they are not treated rightly.
And this works both ways: If too rigorously held in check, if denied all functioning whatever, the parts will atrophy, to the detriment of the whole nature, physical, mental, and spiritual. The body will become "dried up," the sex organs shriveled, and a corresponding shrinking of the whole man or woman, in all parts of the being, is very apt to follow.
On the other hand, an excess of sex-functioning will soon deprive the individual of all such power whatsoever. A man will, in his comparatively early life, lose the power of erection, or tumescence entirely, as a result of excess, either by masturbation or from too frequent coitus; and on the part of the woman, many unfortunate conditions are liable to arise. However, for reasons that have already been stated, a woman who is strongly sexed, and of a pronounced amorous nature, can maintain even great excess of sex exercise without suffering such ill results as would befall a man who should so indulge. That is, an excessively passionate wife can far sooner wear the life out of a husband who is only moderately amorous, than can an abnormally passionate husband wear out a moderately amorous wife.
But if the sex nature of the husband and wife are well cared for during the years of active life, neither too much restrained or too profusely exercised, the functioning power of the sex organs will remain, even to old age, with all their pleasure-giving powers and sensations intact. This is a wonderful physiological fact, which leads to a conclusion, as follows:—
This fact of the staying qualities of the power of sex functioning, even to old age, is the supreme proof of the fact that sex, in the human family, serves a purpose other than reproduction!
For, see! A woman loses the power to conceive when she reaches the "turn of life," when her menses cease, that is, when she is between forty and fifty years of age. And if pleasure in coition serves only to induce her to engage in the act for the purpose of increasing the probability of her becoming pregnant, if this is the sole purpose of desire for sex intercourse, such desire, such pleasure, ought to cease at that period of feminine life. But this is by no means the case! If a wife is a normal woman, sexually, and has neither abused her sex nature or had it abused, or neglected, and is a well woman, she will enjoy coitus as much after she has passed her three score and ten date in her life as she did before! She may not care to engage in the act as frequently as in her younger days; but if she is well courted by her old lover, all the joys of the former days are still hers, to as great a degree as ever. And what is true of her is true of her husband, if he is well preserved, as she is, has never abused himself or been abused.
This is a reward of virtue, for old lovers, that pays a big premium on righteous sex-action in earlier years! More than all, it is a proof, beyond all question, that the purpose of sex in humanity is something more than procreation, that there is such a thing as the Art of Love, and that it ought to be taught and well learned by every husband and wife, in their early married life.
It would hardly seem necessary to be said, and yet many experiences of husbands and wives prove that it needs to be said, that both parties should take great pains to keep their bodies, all parts of them, always sweet and clean. Strange as it may seem, many wives are exceedingly careless in this respect! It is a matter of common report among men, that harlots take more pains to make and keep their bodies, and especially their genitals, clean and attractive, than many wives do! Surely, this ought not to be so, and yet it often is.
And that it is, is only one more unfortunate result that springs from the feeling of "Oh, we are married now." The wife or the husband feels that there is no longer any need of wooing each other. All of which leads to woe, woe, woe! The wife should keep her whole body so sweet and clean that her husband can kiss her from top to toe, if he wants to—and the chances are that he will want to, if she so keeps herself! In the one case, such a caress is a bit of heaven to a husband, in the other it is a bit of hell! It will disgust where it ought to delight. And when a wife disgusts her husband, the end of a happy married life has come!
The wife should always wash her vulva with soap and warm water before retiring, and if reservatus is to be engaged in in the morning, after urination, she should thoroughly cleanse the parts before union takes place. Let her be ever mindful to keep her "love cup" worthy to meet its lover.
And the husband should be equally careful to keep his body sweet and clean. He should wash the glans penis thoroughly, with soap and water, at least once every day, drawing the foreskin back so as to fully cleanse the indenture above the gland, which secretes a substance that very soon emits an offensive odor unless removed. Both parties should keep their arm pits so that they will not be "smelly," and the feet should likewise be kept inodorous.
One of the chief objections to smoking or chewing tobacco is that it spoils the breath, and so makes it offensive to the wife, whereas it should be most attractive. In a word, both the husband and wife cannot be too careful, in all ways, in making and keeping their bodies mutually attractive. As has already been said, the sole aim of all the sexual experience of a husband and wife should be to raise the function more and more away from the plane of physical gratification and elevate it continually towards the realm of mental and spiritual delight. This is a mission of sex in the human family that should be made the most of. It involves the cultivation of the Art of Love, which is truly the art of arts, par excellence.
The secret of success in establishing righteous and happy sex relations between husband and wife is, on the part of the man, that all his actions should be those of a loving gentleman. This does not mean effeminacy on his part—he must be virile, bold, strong, aggressive, positive, compelling. And yet, all these manly virtues must be expressed in terms of loving and gentle ACTS. This is a paradox, but it is true!
On the part of the woman, the chief item on her side is, for her to attain a correct mental and spiritual attitude toward her own sex-nature and that of her husband, and toward their common expression. All her training and environment now hinder her from such achievement; but if she be a true woman, her nature will reveal the truth to her, and if she will trust to that—do what that prompts her to do, she will come out all right. It will take time to reach such results; but if she will persist, she will succeed. Let her come to the realization of the fact that sex in men and women is not unclean, vulgar, lowdown, sinful; but that it is clean, pure, lofty, GOD-BORN! Rightly exercised, it leads to the highest well-being of both the husband and wife; it brings them to their physical, mental and spiritual noblest and best. Let the wife get this view of the situation, which is the only true view, and then let her act accordingly, and she will have attained. A husband and wife who have reached this modus vivendi have established a heaven on earth.
Dr. Long's description of "Free Time" should be thoroughly understood by the readers of this book. Since it is practically impossible to conduct exact scientific tests under strict control (the reason for which can be readily understood) there is much difference of opinion among physicians and sexologists on this subject.
Some say there is no such thing as "Free Time." Others agree with Dr. Long that there is a period of "Free Time." Still a third group take the conservative viewpoint that further proof is necessary. The publishers offer this explanation as a necessary comment.
And now just a few words about having children, and this treatise will end.
As has already been said, every true husband and wife who are well enough and strong enough, and who are reasonably furnished with this world's goods, ought to have and rear at least two children. The world needs at least so many, even if all children lived and grew up, to keep up the constant number of people on the earth. But, far more than this, the husband and wife need children to make a home complete, and a complete home is the supreme attainment of human life!
This does not mean that people should not marry unless they can have children; there are many women who should never even try to become mothers. But these should not be deprived of all sexual joys for this reason. On the contrary, it is for their best good, in most cases, that they should marry and so live normal sex lives, in all respects except parenthood.
But, for the most part, husbands and wives can have children, if they so desire, and they SHOULD so desire.
And, so desiring, the question is, How can they best fulfil such desire?
As a matter of fact, there is very little that is really known about the begetting of children, and the securing of the best results from such action. The laws of human heredity are, as yet, for the most part, unknown. But common sense would seem to indicate a few things that must be best in the premises.
Thus, it would seem to be for the best that the husband and wife should be in good physical condition when a child is begotten. More than this, it would seem right that the act of begetting should be a deliberate, and not a mere chance begetting. Hence, in general, it is well for the husband and wife to agree upon a time for the begetting of a child, and deliberately accomplish a sex-meeting for such purpose. Although, one instinctively feels that such a deliberate meeting might be too matter of fact—too cold and formal, lacking in warm blood and genuine emotion; still, the probabilities are that even this could be overcome, if kept in mind and "provided for."
Referring to the things that have already been said, of course an embrace which is to result in pregnancy should be one of the most perfect that can possibly be experienced, one in which, in an ecstasy of love's delight, husband and wife merge their souls and bodies into a perfect oneness—it would seem that from such a meeting the best, and only the best results could come.
And so if the husband and wife will agree that from a given time on, they will cease to have a care to prevent conception; and then, sometime immediately following the fifth day after the beginning of the menstrual flow, they will naturally meet in a perfect embrace, the probabilities are that they will have done the best possible to secure the highest attainable results from the act of begetting a child.
As a rule, the proper time for such begetting is between the fifth and the tenth day after the beginning of the menstrual flow. It is sometimes best, however, to make the meeting earlier than this, even before the flow has ceased. Some women will conceive then who cannot do so at any other time. And so, if a wife should be unable to conceive between the fifth and the tenth day, as noted, let an earlier date be tried. If this should fail, consult a reliable physician.
It ought to be said, too, that putting off having children too long, is very apt to result in the sterility of the wife. Many a young wife, who has really wanted to have children sometime, and who would be greatly grieved if she thought she could not bear a child, has kept putting it off, and has done this so often, and for so long, that, when the "convenient day" does come, she finds that she has "sinned away her day of grace."
Speaking generally, the first baby should be born not much later than two years after marriage. There are, of course, exceptions to this, but it is a good rule to go by.
Have your children when you are young! This is common sense, it comes out best in the long run, and is the best thing to do, ninety-nine times in a hundred. Then, you are nearer the age of your children as they grow up than if you waited till you were in the late thirties before the children came. If your son or daughter is only twenty-some years younger than you are, you can be "kids" with them. If you are forty years old when they are born, you will always be "old folks" to them. Have the babies when you are young. It is far better so.
If no children come from the meeting of husband and wife consult a good doctor. But, in such event, if neither of the parties is to blame—or even otherwise, make the best of the situation, love each other, and make the most of wedded life with what is left.
Above all, with children or without (and a thousand times better with) make a home that is a home. That is what sex in the human family, what married life is for—to make a home. Nearly all that makes a home is centered around sex. No two normal men can make a home! No two normal women can make a home! It takes a man and a woman to make a home. It takes father, mother and children to make the most perfect home. Make up your minds to have a most perfect home, and do your utmost to reach that goal!
The query often arises in the minds of conscientious husbands and wives whether or not it is right to engage in coitus during pregnancy. On this point authorities differ, though most of them hold against such practice. The reasons they give for such adverse decision are all based on the same old infernal lie, namely, that, sexually, man is a mere animal, and so is subject to the laws and practices of mere animality. This is the worst outrage ever perfected by a false philosophy, which is heralded as the will of God. Out on it, altogether!
The simple truth, is that, if the husband and wife have mastered the Art of Love, so that they mutually desire each other, and both long for sex exercise during the gestation period, it is perfectly right and WISE for them to satisfy their natural COMMON wishes.
Of course, in such exercise, the utmost care should be taken not to press too hard upon the pelvic region of the woman, and in this regard, the word of caution needs to be heeded, as much by the prospective mother as by her mate. For, in the intensity of an orgasm, she may be tempted to crowd her body too violently against her husband, and so possible harm might result. Especially if the husband-superior position is taken during the act, he should be doubly careful not to permit the weight of his body to rest upon the enlarged part of the wife's anatomy, not in the least.
Indeed, the safest position for coitus, during pregnancy is, the woman on her back, and the man with his hips on the bed below hers, so that there is no possibility of pressure on her abdomen, which is perfectly free, in this position. In this position, the act may be engaged in, during pregnancy, as often as mutually desired, to the benefit of both parties.
Many pregnant women are more than usually passionate during the period of gestation. This is especially the case when the wife is happy in her condition, when she rejoices with exceeding great joy that she is on the way to experience the divine crown of wifehood—maternity! When such a woman desires her husband in love's embrace, it is cruel to deprive her of her longed-for delight.
Again, a wife, unpregnant, and when she rightfully wishes to remain so, may be somewhat fearful of becoming pregnant when she meets her husband, and so hesitate to give her passion full play, thereby missing the utmost delights of an embrace—but if she be pregnant, and so has no fear on this score, she can give herself up to utter abandonment to her impulses.
On this point, the final word is, use common sense, in a spirit of absolute MUTUALITY.
It goes without saying that it would be wicked, not to say a crime, for a husband to compel his wife to engage in coitus during pregnancy, against her will. On the other hand, many a wife has first experienced an orgasm when meeting her husband during pregnancy. The reason for this is that her fear of becoming pregnant is not then present—a condition which has before kept her from the climax.
It is further true that many a wife will greatly relieve and delight her husband if, on occasion, and as both may desire, she will relieve him with her hand; or sometimes, that they engage in mutual relief by this means during pregnancy.
In closing this volume, the author wishes to say, as in opening, that no apology is offered for what has been written or said herewith. All has been set down in love, by a lover, for the sake of lovers yet to be, in the hope of helping them on towards a divine consummation.
As a final direction Master the Art of Love, which is the divinest art in all the world; then study, and do your best to master the Science of Procreation. It is these two, the Art of Love and the Science of Procreation, that, together, make married life a success. Without these, or, surely, without the first, there can be no such thing as true marriage. Hence, this is the first to learn, to master. It is worthy of the most careful study, the most faithful experiment.
It is right for people who never can have children to marry, and to share with each other mutual sex delights. It is far better for a husband and wife, having learned the Art of Love, to have children—and a home.
Thrice happy are the married lovers who live in the spirit of this sentiment, exalted to the highest spiritual plane; and if, out of such love exchanges children are begotten and born, and a perfect home is established, then married life is worth living. God has joined such together and nothing can put them asunder.
* * * * *
This volume is not something to be read once, and then put aside and forgotten. It should be studied, experimented upon, read again and again, especially by those who have difficulties in married life to overcome. And for all young married people, it should be a sort of Guide to Happiness that should be frequently consulted and its directions "tried out" and followed to the limit.
The fact is that, in true marriage, neither the husband nor the wife can be selfishly supreme. If selfishness asserts itself, on the part of either husband or wife, hell is sure to follow. There can be no true marriage under such circumstances, because there is no supremacy in true love, and it is only true love that can make an abiding true marriage. In true marriage, such as both God and Nature design should be, there is perfect comradery, equals walking with equals, with the principle of love and mutual helpfulness shared alike by both. Let no reader of this book forget these primal facts, or fail to act in accordance with them! For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven!
By Dr. William J. Robinson
416 Pages
No matter what books you have read on sex information, no matter what question is agitating your mind, the information given in this wonderful book will solve your problem. Dr. Robinson not only gives a full treatise on the delicate formation of woman's wonderful body, but he also explains the changes which follow the intimate experiences of her sexual life. Men as well as women must know what these changes are. No one, married or single, can afford to be ignorant of the knowledge contained in this wonderful book. One woman writes: "Woman: Her Sex and Love Life has been a life saver to me. It has prevented a serious error that would have been a blot upon my life."
Reasons why a misstep in a girl is more serious than in a boy
Sex knowledge of paramount importance to girls and women
The wife's attitude toward the marital relations
The female sex organs
The sex instinct
How to keep a husband's love
Who may and may not marry
Advice to girls approaching womanhood
Illegitimate motherhood
Advice to parents of unfortunate girls
What is love?
Late marriages and chastity in men
Harmful advice to young women
Birth control
Regarding flirtation
What a girl has a right to demand of her future husband
Advice to the married or those about to be
Importance of first few weeks of married life
Infatuation mistaken for love
Woman as man's chattel
Advice to the wife of the flirtatious man
The place love occupies in woman's life
Abortion and miscarriage
Three venereal diseases
Measures for prevention after sexual relations
Marital relations and frigid woman
The girl who lost her virginity
Treatment of sterility
Justifiable innocent deception
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Dr. Wm. J. Robinson, Editor
400 Pages
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Partial Table of Contents
Misalliances and unhappy marriages: an important but never referred to cause
Sexual abstinence and nervousness
Coitus interruptus as cause of nervous disease
Sexual hypochondria and morbid scrupulousness
Double standard of morality
Continence in the two sexes
Is it really impossible to make prostitution harmless?
A problem in sexual ethics
Eugenics, sexual sin, ignorance, and superstition
Is Platonic love normal?
Female sex instinct in relation to morality
Regulation of offspring and sexual morality
Coitus and nightmares
Distinctions between male and female sex instinct
Death during sexual intercourse
False accusation of rape
Strikes against marriage in ancient times
Remarkable experiment in venereal prophylaxis
Effects of masturbation; a genuine human document
A remarkable letter by Benjamin Franklin
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By Bernard S. Talmey, M.D.
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Partial Table of Contents
Love and civilization
Sex worship
Male internal sex organs
Female internal sex organs
Male external genitals
Female external genitals
Function of testicles, spermatogenesis, function of seminal vesicles, prostate, urethral glands, semen, erection, ejaculation, nervous control, organism
Function of ovaries, ovum, menstruation, uterus, female ejaculation, function of vagina, of clitoris, course of the sexual act
Quality of pleasure, symptoms of pleasure, orgasm, symptoms of after-lust, intensity of libido, duration of copulation
Love and passion, development of individual love, characteristic of the ideal woman's love
Emotions of eros and libido in men and in women, difference in the two sexes, emotion of jealousy, woman's former love-affairs
Sexual desires in the old, in infants, causes of early masturbation
Impotence in male, satyriasis, nymphomania, continence and impotence, excesses in copulation, practice of withdrawal, four types of impotencies in males, female impotence, frigidity, sterility
Engagement rules, wedding day, positions of conjugation, sequels of great frequency, pain of defloration, conjugation during menstruation, conjugation during pregnancy, preparation of the woman's muliebra in partial frigidity, offspring and sexual life, sterile time for conjugation
History of marriage, promiscuity, consanguineous family, female chastity, adultery, female morality and reason
Prostitution, clandestine vice, injury of abstinence, ethics of evolution
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