Troubles, indeed, came not singly, for, in addition to sorrows of a domestic nature, his friends one by one were taken from him by death, and on November 12, 1869, he writes to William Stickney, Esq., son-in-law of Amos Kendall:—
"Although prepared by recent notices in the papers to expect the sad news, which a telegram this moment received announces to me, of the death of my excellent, long-tried friend Mr. Kendall, I confess that the intelligence has come with a shock which has quite unnerved me. I feel the loss as of a father rather than of a brother in age, for he was one in whom I confided as a father, so sure was I of affectionate and sound advice....
"I need not tell you how deeply I feel this sad bereavement. I am truly and severely bereaved in the loss of such a friend, a friend, indeed, upon whose faithfulness and unswerving integrity I have ever reposed with perfect confidence, a confidence which has never been betrayed, and a friend to whose energy and skill, in the conduct of the agency which I had confided to him, I owe (under God) the comparative comfort which a kind Providence has permitted me to enjoy in my advanced age."
In the following year he was called upon to mourn the death of still another of his good friends, for, on August 24, 1870, George Wood died very suddenly at Saratoga.
While much of sadness and sorrow clouded the evening of the life of this truly great man, the sun, ere it sank to rest, tinged the clouds with a glory seldom vouchsafed to a mortal, for he was to see a statue erected to him while he was yet living. Of many men it has been said that— "Wanting bread they receive only a stone, and not even that until long after they have been starved to death." It was Morse's good fortune not only to see the child of his brain grow to a sturdy manhood, but to be honored during his lifetime to a truly remarkable degree.
The project of a memorial of some sort to the Inventor of the Telegraph was first broached by Robert B. Hoover, manager of the Western Union Telegraph office, Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. The idea once started spread with the rapidity of the electric fluid itself, and, under the able management of James D. Reid, a fund was raised, partly by dollar subscriptions largely made by telegraph operators all over the country, including Canada, and it was decided that the testimonial should take the form of a bronze statue to be erected in Central Park, New York. Byron M. Pickett was chosen as the sculptor, and the Park Commission readily granted permission to place the statue in the park.
It was at first hoped that the unveiling might take place on the 27th of April, 1871, Morse's eightieth birthday; but unavoidable delays arose, and it was not until the 10th of June that everything was in readiness. It was a perfect June day and the hundreds of telegraphers from all parts of the country, with their families, spent the forenoon in a steamboat excursion around the city. In the afternoon crowds flocked to the park where, near what is now called the "Inventor's Gate," the statue stood in the angle between two platforms for the invited guests. Morse himself refused to attend the ceremonies of the unveiling of his counterfeit presentment, as being too great a strain on his innate modesty. Some persons and some papers said that he was present, but, as Mr. James D. Reid says in his "Telegraph in America," "Mr. Morse was incapable of such an indelicacy.... Men of refinement and modesty would justly have marvelled had they seen him in such a place."
At about four o'clock the Governor of New York, John T. Hoffman, delivered the opening address, saying, in the course of his speech: "In our day a new era has dawned. Again, for the second time in the history of the world, the power of language is increased by human agency. Thanks to Samuel F.B. Morse men speak to one another now, though separated by the width of the earth, with the lightning's speed and as if standing face to face. If the inventor of the alphabet be deserving of the highest honors, so is he whose great achievement marks this epoch in the history of language—the inventor of the Electric Telegraph. We intend, so far as in us lies, that the men who come after us shall be at no loss to discover his name for want of recorded testimony."
Governor Claflin, of Massachusetts, and William Orton, president of the Western Union Telegraph Company, then drew aside the drapery amidst the cheers and applause of the multitude, while the Governor's Island band played the "Star-Spangled Banner."
William Cullen Bryant, who was an early friend of the inventor, then presented the statue to the city in an eloquent address, from which I shall quote the following words:—
"It may be said, I know, that the civilized world is already full of memorials which speak the merit of our friend and the grandeur and utility of his invention. Every telegraphic station is such a memorial. Every message sent from one of these stations to another may be counted among the honors paid to his name. Every telegraphic wire strung from post to post, as it hums in the wind, murmurs his eulogy. Every sheaf of wires laid down in the deep sea, occupying the bottom of soundless abysses to which human sight has never penetrated, and carrying the electric pulse, charged with the burden of human thought, from continent to continent, from the Old World to the New, is a testimonial to his greatness.... The Latin inscription in the church of St. Paul's in London, referring to Sir Christopher Wren, its architect,—'If you would behold his monument, look around you,'—may be applied in a far more comprehensive sense to our friend, since the great globe itself has become his monument."
The Mayor of New York, A. Oakey Hall, accepted the statue in a short speech, and, after a prayer by the Reverend Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., the assembled multitude joined in singing the doxology, and the ceremonies at the park were ended.
But other honors still awaited the venerable inventor, for, on the evening of that day, the old Academy of Music on Fourteenth Street was packed with a dense throng gathered together to listen to eulogies on this benefactor of his race, and to hear him bid farewell to his children of the Telegraph. A table was placed in the centre of the stage on which was the original instrument used on the first line from Washington to Baltimore. This was connected with all the lines of telegraph extending to all parts of the world. The Honorable William Orton presided, and, after the Reverend Howard Crosby had opened the ceremonies with prayer, speeches were delivered by Mr. Orton, Dr. George B. Loring, of Salem, and the Reverend Dr. George W. Samson.
At nine o'clock Mr. Orton announced that all lines were clear for the farewell message of the inventor to his children; that this message would be flashed to thousands of waiting operators all over the world, and that answers would be received during the course of the evening. The pleasant task of sending the message had been delegated to Miss Sadie E. Cornwell, a skilful young operator of attractive personality, and Morse himself was to manipulate the key which sent his name, in the dots and dashes of his own alphabet, over the wires.
The vast audience was hushed into absolute silence as Miss Cornwell clicked off the message which Morse had composed for the occasion: "Greeting and thanks to the Telegraph fraternity throughout the world. Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will to men."
As Mr. Orton escorted Morse to the table a tremendous burst of applause broke out, but was silenced by a gesture from the presiding officer, and again the great audience was still. Slowly the inventor spelled out the letters of his name, the click of the instrument being clearly heard in every part of the house, and as clearly understood by the hundreds of telegraphers present, so that without waiting for the final dot, which typified the letter e, the whole vast assembly rose amid deafening cheers and the waving of handkerchiefs.
It was an inspiring moment, and the venerable man was almost overcome by his emotions, and sat for some time with his head buried in his hands, striving to regain his self-control.
When the excitement had somewhat subsided, Mr. Orton said: "Thus the Father of the Telegraph bids farewell to his children."
The current was then switched to an instrument behind the scenes, and answers came pouring in, first from near-by towns and cities, and then from New Orleans, Quebec, San Francisco, Halifax, Havana, and finally from Hongkong, Bombay, and Singapore.
Mr. Reid has given a detailed account of these messages in his "Telegraph in America," but I shall not pause to reproduce them here; neither shall I quote from the eloquent speeches which followed, delivered by General N.P. Banks, the Reverend H.M. Gallagher, G.K. Walcott, and James D. Reid. After Miss Antoinette Sterling had sung "Auld Lang Syne," to the great delight of the audience, who recalled her several times, Chief Justice Charles P. Daly introduced Professor Morse in an appropriate address.
As the white-haired inventor, in whose honor this great demonstration had been organized, stepped forward to deliver his, valedictory, he was greeted with another round of cheering and applause. At first almost overcome by emotion, he soon recovered his self-control, and he read his address in a clear, resonant voice which carried to every part of the house. The address was a long one, and as most of it is but a recapitulation of what has been already given, I shall only quote from it in part:—
"Friends and children of the telegraph,—When I was solicited to be present this evening, in compliance with the wishes of those who, with such zeal and success, responded to the suggestion of one of your number that a commemorative statue should be erected in our unrivaled Park, and which has this day been placed in position and unveiled, I hesitated to comply. Not that I did not feel a wish in person to return to you my heartfelt thanks for this unique proof of your personal regard, but truly from a fear that I could use no terms which would adequately express my appreciation of your kindness. Whatever I say must fall short of expressing the grateful feelings or conflicting emotions which agitate me on an occasion so unexampled in the history of invention. Gladly would I have shrunk from this public demonstration were it not that my absence to-night, under the circumstances, might be construed into an apathy which I do not feel, and which your overpowering kindness would justly rebuke....
"You have chosen to impersonate in my humble effigy an invention which, cradled upon the ocean, had its birth in an American ship. It was nursed and cherished not so much from personal as from patriotic motives. Forecasting its future, even at its birth, my most powerful stimulus to perseverance through all the perils and trials of its early days—and they were neither few nor insignificant—was the thought that it must inevitably be world-wide in its application, and, moreover, that it would everywhere be hailed as a grateful American gift to the nations. It is in this aspect of the present occasion that I look upon your proceedings as intended, not so much as homage to an individual, as to the invention, 'whose lines [from America] have gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.'
"In the carrying-out of any plan of improvement, however grand or feasible, no single individual could possibly accomplish it without the aid of others. We are none of us so powerful that we can dispense with the assistance, in various departments of the work, of those whose experience and knowledge must supply the needed aid of their expertness. It is not sufficient that a brilliant project be proposed, that its modes of accomplishment are foreseen and properly devised; there are, in every part of the enterprise, other minds and other agencies to be consulted for information and counsel to perfect the whole plan. The Chief Justice, in delivering the decision of the Supreme Court, says: 'It can make no difference whether he [the inventor] derives his information from books or from conversation with men skilled in the science.' And: 'The fact that Morse sought and obtained the necessary information and counsel from the best sources, and acted upon it, neither impairs his rights as an inventor nor detracts from his merits.'
"The inventor must seek and employ the skilled mechanician in his workshop to put the invention into practical form, and for this purpose some pecuniary means are required as well as mechanical skill. Both these were at hand. Alfred Vail, of Morristown, New Jersey, with his father and brother, came to the help of the unclothed infant, and with their funds and mechanical skill put it into a condition to appear before the Congress of the nation. To these New Jersey friends is due the first important aid in the progress of the invention. Aided also by the talent and scientific skill of Professor Gale, my esteemed colleague in the University, the Telegraph appeared in Washington in 1838, a suppliant for the means to demonstrate its power. To the Honorable F.O.J. Smith, then chairman of the House Committee of Commerce, belongs the credit of a just appreciation of the new invention, and of a zealous advocacy of an experimental essay, and the inditing of an admirably written report in its favor, signed by every member of the committee.... To Ezra Cornell, whose noble benefactions to his state and the country have placed his name by the side of Cooper and Peabody high on the roll of public benefactors, is due the credit of early and effective aid in the superintendence and erection of the first public line of telegraph ever established."
After paying tribute to the names of Amos Kendall, Cyrus Field, Volta, Oersted, Arago, Schweigger, Gauss and Weber, Steinheil, Daniell, Grove, Cooke, Dana, Henry, and others, he continued:—
"There is not a name I have mentioned, and many whom I have not mentioned, whose career in science or experience in mechanical and engineering and nautical tactics, or in financial practice, might not be the theme of volumes rather than of brief mention in an ephemeral address.
"To-night you have before you a sublime proof of the grand progress of the Telegraph in its march round the globe. It is but a few days since that our veritable antipodes became telegraphically united to us. We can speak to and receive an answer in a few seconds of time from Hongkong in China, where ten o'clock to-night here is ten o'clock in the day there, and it is, perhaps, a debatable question whether their ten o'clock is ten to-day or ten to-morrow. China and New York are in interlocutory communication. We know the fact, but can imagination realize the fact?
"But I must not further trespass on your patience at this late hour. I cannot close without the expression of my cordial thanks to my long-known, long-tried and honored friend Reid, whose unwearied labors early contributed so effectively to the establishment of telegraph lines, and who, in a special manner as chairman of your Memorial Fund, has so faithfully, and successfully, and admirably carried to completion your flattering design. To the eminent Governors of this state and the state of Massachusetts, who have given to this demonstration their honored presence; to my excellent friend the distinguished orator of the day; to the Mayor and city authorities of New York; to the Park Commissioners; to the officers and managers of the various, and even rival, telegraph companies, who have so cordially united on this occasion; to the numerous citizens, ladies and gentlemen; and, though last not least, to every one of my large and increasing family of telegraph children who have honored me with the proud title of Father, I tender my cordial thanks."
JUNE 14, 1871—APRIL 16, 1872
Nearing the end.—Estimate of the Reverend F.B. Wheeler.—Early poem.— Leaves "Locust Grove" for last time.—Death of his brother Sidney.— Letter to Cyrus Field on neutrality of telegraph.—Letter of F.O.J. Smith to H.J. Rogers.—Reply by Professor Gale.—Vicious attack by F.O.J. Smith.—Death prevents reply by Morse.—Unveils statue of Franklin in last public appearance.—Last hours.—Death.—Tributes of James D. Reid, New York "Evening Post," New York "Herald," and Louisville "Courier-Journal."—Funeral.—Monument in Greenwood Cemetery.—Memorial services in House of Representatives, Washington.—Address of James G. Blaine.—Other memorial services.—Mr. Prime's review of Morse's character.—Epilogue.
The excitement caused by all these enthusiastic demonstrations in his honor told upon the inventor both physically and mentally, as we learn from a letter of June 14, 1871, to his daughter Mrs. Lind and her husband:—
"So fatigued that I can scarcely keep my eyes open, I nevertheless, before retiring to my bed, must drop you a line of enquiry to know what is your condition. We have only heard of your arrival and of your first unfavorable impressions. I hope these latter are removed, and that you are both benefiting by change of air and the waters of the Clifton Springs.
"You know how, in the last few days, we have all been overwhelmed with unusual cares. The grand ceremonies of the Park and the Academy of Music are over, but have left me in a good-for-nothing condition. Everything went off splendidly, indeed, as you will learn from the papers.... I find it more difficult to bear up with the overwhelming praise that is poured out without measure, than with the trials of my former life. There is something so remarkable in this universal laudation that the effect on me, strange as it may seem, is rather depressing than exhilarating.
"When I review my past life and see the way in which I have been led, I am so convinced of the faithfulness of God in answer to the prayers of faith, which I have been enabled in times of trial to offer to Him, that I find the temper of my mind is to constant praise: 'Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits!' is ever recurring to me. It is doubtless this continued referring all to Him that prevents this universal demonstration of kindly feeling from puffing me up with the false notion that I am anything but the feeblest of instruments. I cannot give you any idea of the peculiar feelings which gratify and yet oppress me."
He had planned to cross the ocean once more, partly as a delegate to Russia from the Evangelical Alliance, and partly to see whether it would not be possible to induce Prussia and Switzerland and other European nations, from whom he had as yet received no pecuniary remuneration, to do him simple justice. But, for various reasons, this trip was abandoned, and from those nations he never received anything but medals and praise.
So the last summer of the aged inventor's life was spent at his beloved Locust Grove, not free from care and anxiety, as he so well deserved, but nevertheless, thanks to his Christian philosophy, in comparative serenity and happiness. His pastor in Poughkeepsie, the Reverend F.B. Wheeler, says of him in a letter to Mr. Prune: "In his whole character and in all his relations he was one of the most remarkable men of his age. He was one who drew all who came in contact with him to his heart, disarming all prejudices, silencing all cavil. In his family he was light, life, and love; with those in his employ he was ever considerate and kind, never exacting and harsh, but honorable and just, seeking the good of every dependent; in the community he was a pillar of strength and beauty, commanding the homage of universal respect; in the Church he walked with God and men."
That he was a man of great versatility has been shown, in the recital of his activities as artist, inventor, and writer; that he had no mean ability as a poet is also on record. On January 6, 1872, he says in a letter to his cousin, Mrs. Thomas R. Walker: "Some years ago, when both of us were younger, I remember addressing to you a trifle entitled 'The Serenade,' which, on being shown to Mr. Verplanck, was requested for publication in the 'Talisman,' edited and conducted by him and Mr. Sands. I have not seen a copy of that work for many years, and have preserved no copy of 'The Serenade.' If you have a copy I should be pleased to have it."
He was delicately discreet in saying "some years ago," for this poem was written in 1827 as the result of a wager between Morse and his young cousin, he having asserted that he could write poetry as well as paint pictures, and requesting her to give him a theme. It seems that the young lady had been paid the compliment of a serenade a few nights previously, but she had, most unromantically, slept through it all, so she gave as her theme "The Serenade," and the next day Morse produced the following poem:—
Haste! 't is the stillest hour of night, The Moon sheds down her palest light, And sleep has chained the lake and hill, The wood, the plain, the babbling rill; And where yon ivied lattice shows My fair one slumbers in repose. Come, ye that know the lovely maid, And help prepare the serenade. Hither, before the night is flown, Bring instruments of every tone. But lest with noise ye wake, not lull, Her dreaming fancy, ye must cull Such only as shall soothe the mind And leave the harshest all behind. Bring not the thundering drum, nor yet The harshly-shrieking clarionet, Nor screaming hautboy, trumpet shrill, Nor clanging cymbals; but, with skill, Exclude each one that would disturb The fairy architects, or curb The wild creations of their mirth, All that would wake the soul to earth. Choose ye the softly-breathing-flute, The mellow horn, the loving lute; The viol you must not forget, And take the sprightly flageolet And grave bassoon; choose too the fife, Whose warblings in the tuneful strife, Mingling in mystery with the words, May seem like notes of blithest birds.
Are ye prepared? Now lightly tread As if by elfin minstrels led, And fling no sound upon the air Shall rudely wake my slumbering fair. Softly! Now breathe the symphony, So gently breathe the tones may vie In softness with the magic notes In visions heard; music that floats So buoyant that it well may seem, With strains ethereal in her dream, One song of such mysterious birth She doubts it comes from heaven or earth. Play on! My loved one slumbers still. Play on! She wakes not with the thrill Of joy produced by strains so mild, But fancy moulds them gay and wild. Now, as the music low declines, 'T is sighing of the forest pines; Or 't is the fitful, varied war Of distant falls or troubled shore. Now, as the tone grows full or sharp, 'T is whispering of the AEolian harp. The viol swells, now low, now loud, 'T is spirits chanting on a cloud That passes by. It dies away; So gently dies she scarce can say 'T is gone; listens; 't is lost she fears; Listens, and thinks again she hears. As dew drops mingling in a stream To her 't is all one blissful dream, A song of angels throned in light. Softly! Away! Fair one, good-night.
In the autumn of 1871 Morse returned with his family to New York, and it is recorded that, with an apparent premonition that he should never see his beloved Locust Grove again, he ordered the carriage to stop as he drove out of the gate, and, standing up, looked long and lovingly at the familiar scene before telling the coachman to drive on. And as he passed the rural cemetery on the way to the station he exclaimed: "Beautiful! beautiful! but I shall not lie there. I have prepared a place elsewhere."
Not long after his return to the city death once more laid its heavy hand upon him in the loss of his sole surviving brother, Sidney. While this was a crushing blow, for these two brothers had been peculiarly attached to each other, he bore it with Christian resignation, confident that the separation would be for a short time only—"We must soon follow, I also am over eighty years, and am waiting till my change comes."
But his mind was active to the very end, and he never ceased to do all in his power for the welfare of mankind. One of the last letters written by him on a subject of public importance was sent on December 4, 1871, to Cyrus Field, who was then attending an important telegraphic convention in Rome:—
"Excuse my delay in writing you. The excitement occasioned by the visit of the Grand Duke Alexis has but just ceased, and I have been wholly engrossed by the various duties connected with his presence. I have wished for a few calm moments to put on paper some thoughts respecting the doings of the great Telegraphic Convention to which you are a delegate.
"The Telegraph has now assumed such a marvellous position in human affairs throughout the world, its influences are so great and important in all the varied concerns of nations, that its efficient protection from injury has become a necessity. It is a powerful advocate for universal peace. Not that of itself it can command a 'Peace, be still!' to the angry waves of human passions, but that, by its rapid interchange of thought and opinion, it gives the opportunity of explanations to acts and to laws which, in their ordinary wording, often create doubt and suspicion. Were there no means of quick explanation it is readily seen that doubt and suspicion, working on the susceptibilities of the public mind, would engender misconception, hatred and strife. How important then that, in the intercourse of nations, there should be the ready means at hand for prompt correction and explanation.
"Could there not be passed in the great International Convention some resolution to the effect that, in whatever condition, whether of Peace or War between the nations, the Telegraph should be deemed a sacred thing, to be by common consent effectually protected both on the land and beneath the waters?
"In the interest of human happiness, of that 'Peace on Earth' which, in announcing the advent of the Saviour, the angels proclaimed with 'good will to men,' I hope that the convention will not adjourn without adopting a resolution asking of the nations their united, effective protection to this great agent of civilization."
Richly as he deserved that his sun should set in an unclouded sky, this was not to be. Sorrows of a most intimate nature crowded upon him. He was also made the victim of a conscienceless swindler who fleeced him of many thousand dollars, and, to crown all, his old and indefatigable enemy, F.O.J. Smith, administered a cowardly thrust in the back when his weakening powers prevented him from defending himself with his oldtime vigor. From a very long letter written by Smith on December 11, 1871, to Henry J. Rogers in Washington, I shall quote only the first sentences:—
Dear Sir,—In my absence your letter of the 11th ult. was received here, with the printed circular of the National Monumental Society, in reply to which I feel constrained to say if that highly laudable association resolves "to erect at the national capital of the United States a memorial monument" to symbolize in statuary of colossal proportions the "history of the electromagnetic telegraph," before that history has been authentically written, it is my conviction: that the statue most worthy to stand upon the pedestal of such monument would be that of the man of true science, who explored the laws of nature ahead of all other men, and was "the first to wrest electron-magnetism from Nature's embrace and make it a missionary to, the cause of human progress," and that man is Professor Joseph Henry, of the Smithsonian Institution.
Professor Morse and his early coadjutors would more appropriately occupy, in groups of high relief, the sides of that pedestal, symbolizing, by their established merits and cooperative works, the grandeur of the researches and resulting discoveries of their leader and chief, who was the first to announce and to demonstrate to a despairing world, by actual mechanical agencies, the practicability of; an electro-magnetic telegraph through any distances.
Much more of the same flatulent bombast follows which it will not be necessary to introduce here. While Morse himself naturally felt some delicacy in noticing such an attack as this, he found a willing, and efficient champion in his old friend (and the friend of Henry as well) Professor Leonard D. Gale, who writes to him on January 22, 1872:—
"I have lately seen a mean, unfair, and villainous letter of F.O.J. Smith, addressed to H.J. Rogers (officer of the Morse Monumental Association), alleging that the place on the monument designed to be occupied by the statue of Morse, should be awarded to Henry; that Morse was not a scientific man, etc., etc. It was written in his own peculiar style. The allegations were so outrageous that I felt it my duty to reply to it without delay. As Smith's letter was to Rogers, as an officer of the Association, I sent my reply to the same person. I enclose a copy herewith.
"Mrs. Gale suggests an additional figure to the group on the monument—a serpent with the face of F.O.J.S., biting the heel of Morse, but with the fangs extracted."
Professor Gale's letter to Henry J. Rogers is worthy of being quoted in full:—
"I have just read a letter from F.O.J. Smith, dated December 11, 1871, addressed to you, and designed to throw discredit on Morse's invention of the Telegraph, the burden of which seems to be rebuke to the designer of the monument, for elevating Morse to the apex of the monument and claiming for Professor J. Henry, of the Smithsonian Institution, that high distinction.
"The first question of an impartial inquirer is: 'To which of these gentlemen is the honor due?' To ascertain this we will ask a second question: 'Was the subject of the invention a machine, or was it a new fact in science?' The answer is: 'It was a machine.' The first was Morse's, the latter was Henry's. Henry stated that electric currents might be sent through long distances applicable to telegraphic purposes. Morse took the facts as they then existed, invented a machine, harnessed the steed therein, and set the creature to work. There is honor due to Henry for his great discovery of the scientific principle; there is honor also due to Morse for his invention of the ingenious machine which accomplishes the work.
"Men of science regard the discovery of a new fact in science as a higher attainment than the application of it to useful purposes, while the world at large regards the application of the principle or fact in science to the useful arts as of paramount importance. All honor to the discoverer of a new fact in science; equal honor to him who utilizes that fact for the benefit of mankind.
"Has the world forgotten what Robert Fulton did for the navigation of the waters by steamboats? It was he who first applied steam to propel a vessel and navigated the Hudson for the first time with steam and paddle-wheels and vessel in 1807. Do not we honor him as the Father of steamboats? Yet Fulton did not invent steam, nor the steam-engine, nor paddle-wheels, nor the vessel. He merely adapted a steam-engine to a vessel armed with paddle-wheels. The combination was his invention.
"There is another example on record. Cyrus H. McCormick, the Father of the Reaping and Mowing Machine, took out the first successful patent in 1837, and is justly acknowledged the world over as the inventor of this great machine. Although one hundred and forty-six patents were granted in England previous to McCormick's time, they are but so many unsuccessful efforts to perfect a practical machine. The cutting apparatus, the device to raise and lower the cutters, the levers, the platform, the wheels, the framework, had all been used before McCormick's time. But McCormick was the first genius able to put these separate devices together in a practical, harmonious operation. The combination was his invention.
"Morse did more. He invented the form of the various parts of his machine as well as their combination; he was the first to put such a machine into practical operation; and for such a purpose who can question his title as the Inventor of the Electric Telegraph?"
To the letter of Professor Gale, Morse replied on January 25:—
"Thank you sincerely for your effective interference in my favor in the recent, but not unexpected, attack of F.O.J.S. I will, so soon as I can free myself from some very pressing matters, write you more fully on the subject. Yet I can add nothing to your perfectly clear exposition of the difference between a discovery of a principle in science and its application to a useful purpose. As for Smith's suggestion of putting Henry on the top of the proposed monument, I can hardly suppose Professor H. would feel much gratification on learning the character of his zealous advocate. It is simply a matter of spite; carrying out his intense and smothered antipathy to me, and not for any particular regard for Professor H.
"As I have had nothing to do with the proposed monument, I have no feeling on the subject. If they who have the direction of that monument think the putting of Professor H. on the apex will meet the applause of the public, including the expressed opinion of the entire world, by all means put him there. I certainly shall make no complaint."
The monument was never erected, and this effort of Smith's to humiliate Morse proved abortive. But his spite did not end there, as we learn from the following letter written by Morse on February 26, 1872, to the Reverend Aspinwall Hodge, of Hartford, Connecticut, the husband of one of his nieces:—
"Some unknown person has sent me the advance sheets of a work (the pages between 1233 and 1249) publishing in Hartford, the title of which is not given, but I think is something like 'The Great Industries of the United States.' The pages sent me are entitled 'The American Magnetic Telegraph.' They contain the most atrocious and vile attack upon me which has ever appeared in print. I shall be glad to learn who are the publishers of this work, what are the characters of the publishers, and whether they will give me the name or names of the author or authors of this diatribe, and whether they vouch for the character of those who furnished the article for their work.
"I know well enough, indeed, who the libellers are and their motives, which arise from pure spite and revenge for having been legally defeated parties in cases relating to the Telegraph before the courts. To you I can say the concocters of this tirade are F.O.J. Smith, of bad notoriety, and Henry O'Reilly.
"Are the publishers responsible men, and are they aware of the character of those who have given them that article, particularly the moral character of Smith, notorious for his debaucheries and condemned in court for subornation of perjury, and one of the most revengeful men, who has artfully got up this tirade because my agent, the late Honorable Amos Kendall, was compelled to resist his unrighteous claim upon me for some $25,000 which, after repeated trials lasting some twelve years, was at length, by a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, decided against him, and he was adjudged to owe me some $14,000?
"Mr. Kendall, previous to his decease, managed the case which has thus resulted. The necessity of seizing some property of his in the city of Williamsburg, through the course of the legal proceedings, has aroused his revengeful feelings, and he has openly threatened that he would be revenged upon me for it, and he has for two or three years past with O'Reilly been concocting this mode of revenge.
"If the publishers are respectable men, I think they will regret that they have been the dupes of these arch conspirators. If not too late to suppress that article I should be glad of an interview with them, in which I will satisfy them that they have been most egregiously imposed upon."
This was the last flash of that old fire which, when he was sufficiently aroused by righteous indignation at unjust attacks, had enabled him to strike out vigorously in self-defense, and had won him many a victory. He was now nearing the end of his physical resources. He had fought the good fight and he had no misgivings as to the verdict of posterity on his achievements. He could fight no more, willing and mentally able though he was to confound his enemies again. He must leave it to others to defend his fame and good name in the future. The last letter which was copied into his letter-press book was written on March 14, not three weeks before the last summons came to him, and it refers to his old enemy who thus pursued him even to the brink of the grave. It is addressed to F.J. Mead, Esq.:—
"Although forbidden to read or write by my physician, who finds me prostrate with a severe attack of neuralgia in the head, I yet must thank you for your kind letter of the 12th inst.
"I should be much gratified to know what part Professor Henry has taken, if any, in this atrocious and absurd attack of F.O.J.S. I have no fears of the result, but no desire either to suspect any agency on the part of Professor Henry. It is difficult for me to conceive that a man in his position should not see the true position of the matter."
This vicious attack had no effect upon his fame. Dying as soon as it was born, choked by its own venom, it was overwhelmed by the wave of sorrow and sympathy which swept over the earth at the announcement of the death of the great inventor.
His last public appearance was on January 17, 1872, when he, in company with Horace Greeley, unveiled the statue of Benjamin Franklin in Printing House Square, New York. It was a very cold day, but, against the advice of his physician and his family, he insisted on being present. As he drove up in his carriage and, escorted by the committee, ascended to the platform, he was loudly cheered by the multitude which had assembled. Standing uncovered in the biting air, he delivered the following short address:—
"MR. DE GROOT AND FELLOW-CITIZENS,—I esteem it one of my highest honors that I should have been designated to perform the office of unveiling this day the fine statue of our illustrious and immortal Franklin. When requested to accept this duty I was confined to my bed, but I could not refuse, and I said: 'Yes, if I have to be lifted to the spot!'
"Franklin needs no eulogy from me. No one has more reason to venerate his name than myself. May his illustrious example of devotion to the interest of universal humanity be the seed of further fruit for the good of the world."
Morse was to have been an honored guest at the banquet in the evening, where in the speeches his name was coupled with that of Franklin as one of the great benefactors of mankind; but, yielding to the wishes of his family, he remained at home. He had all his life been a sufferer from severe headaches, and now these neuralgic pains increased in severity, no doubt aggravated by his exposure at the unveiling. When the paroxysms were upon him he walked the floor in agony, pressing his hands to his temples; but these seizures were, mercifully, not continuous, and he still wrote voluminous letters, and tried to solve the problems which were thrust upon him, even to the end.
One of the last acts of his life was to go down town with his youngest son, whose birthday was the 29th of March, to purchase for him his first gold watch, and that watch the son still carries, a precious memento of his father.
Gradually the pains in the head grew less severe, but great weakness followed, and he was compelled to keep to his bed, sinking into a peaceful, painless unconsciousness relieved by an occasional flash of his old vigor. To his pastor, Reverend Dr. William Adams, he expressed his gratitude for the goodness of God to him, but added: "The best is yet to come." He roused himself on the 29th of March, the birthday of his son, kissing him and gazing with pleasure on a drawing sent to the boy by his cousin, Mary Goodrich, pronouncing it excellent.
Shortly before the end pneumonia set in, and one of the attending physicians, tapping on his chest, said "This is the way we doctors telegraph"; and the dying man, with a momentary gleam of the old humor lighting up his fading eyes, whispered, "Very good." These were the last words spoken by him.
From a letter written by one who was present at his bedside to another member of the family I shall quote a few words: "He is fast passing away. It is touching to see him so still, so unconscious of all that is passing, waiting for death. He has suffered much with neuralgia of the head, increased of late by a miserable pamphlet by F.O.J.S. Poor dear man! Strange that they could not leave him in peace in his old age. But now all sorrow is forgotten. He lies quiet infant. Heaven is opening to him with its peace and perfect rest. The doctor calls his sickness 'exhaustion of the brain.' He looks very handsome; the light of Heaven seems shining on his beautiful eyes."
On April 1, consciousness returned for a few moments and he recognized his wife and those around him with a smile, but without being able to speak. Then he gradually sank to sleep and on the next day he gently breathed his last.
His faithful and loving friend, James D. Reid, in the Journal of the Telegraph, of which he was editor, paid tribute to his memory in the following touching words:—
"In the ripeness and mellow sunshine of the end of an honored and protracted life Professor Morse, the father of the American Telegraph system, our own beloved friend and father, has gone to his rest. The telegraph, the child of his own brain, has long since whispered to every home in all the civilized world that the great inventor has passed away. Men, as they pass each other on the street, say, with the subdued voice of personal sorrow, 'Morse is dead.' Yet to us he lives. If he is dead it is only to those who did not know him.
"It is not the habit of ardent affection to be garrulous in the excitement of such an occasion as this. It would fain gaze on the dead face in silence. The pen, conscious of its weakness, hesitates in its work of endeavoring to reveal that which the heart can alone interpret in a language sacred to itself, and by tears no eye may ever see. For such reason we, who have so much enjoyed the sweetness of the presence of this venerable man, now so calm in his last sacred sleep, to whom he often came, with his cheerful and gentle ways, as to a son, so confiding of his heart's tenderest thoughts, so free in the expression of his hopes of the life beyond, find difficulty in making the necessary record of his decease. We can only tell what the world has already known by the everywhere present wires, that, on the evening of Tuesday, April 2, Professor Morse, in the beautiful serenity of Christian hope, after a life extended beyond fourscore years, folded his hands upon his breast and bade the earth, and generation, and nation he had honored, farewell."
In the "Evening Post," probably from the pen of his old friend William Cullen Bryant, was the following:—
"The name of Morse will always stand in the foremost rank of the great inventors, each of whom has changed the face of society and given a new direction to the growth of civilization by the application to the arts of one great thought. It will always be read side by side with those of Gutenberg and Schoeffer, or Watt and Fulton. This eminence he fairly earned by one splendid invention. But none who knew the man will be satisfied to let this world-wide and forever growing monument be the sole record of his greatness.
"Had he never thought of the telegraph he would still receive, in death, the highest honors friendship and admiration can offer to distinguished and varied abilities, associated with a noble character. In early life he showed the genius of a truly great artist. In after years he exercised all the powers of a masterly scientific investigator. Throughout his career he was eminent for the loftiness of his aims, for his resolute faith in the strength of truth, for his capacity to endure and to wait; and for his fidelity alike to his convictions and to his friends.
"His intellectual eminence was limited to no one branch of human effort, but, in the judgment of men who knew him best, he had endowments which might have made him, had he not been the chief of inventors, the most powerful of advocates, the boldest and most effective of artists, the most discerning of scientific physicians, or an administrative officer worthy of the highest place and of the best days in American history."
The New York "Herald" said:—
"Morse was, perhaps, the most illustrious American of his age. Looking over the expanse of the ages, we think more earnestly and lovingly of Cadmus, who gave us the alphabet; of Archimedes, who invented the lever; of Euclid, with his demonstrations in geometry; of Faust, who taught us how to print; of Watt, with his development of steam, than of the resonant orators who inflamed the passions of mankind, and the gallant chieftains who led mankind to war. We decorate history with our Napoleons and Wellingtons, but it was better for the world that steam was demonstrated to be an active, manageable force, than that a French Emperor and his army should win the battle of Austerlitz. And when a Napoleon of peace, like the dead Morse, has passed away, and we come to sum up his life, we gladly see that the world is better, society more generous and enlarged, and mankind nearer the ultimate fulfillment of its earthly mission because he lived; and did the work that was in him."
The Louisville "Courier-Journal" went even higher in its praise:—
"If it is legitimate to measure a man by the magnitude of his achievements, the greatest man of the nineteenth century is dead. Some days ago the electric current brought us the intelligence that S.F.B. Morse was smitten with, paralysis. Since then it has brought us the bulletins of his condition as promptly as if we had been living in the same square, entertaining us with hopes which the mournful sequel has proven to be delusive, for the magic wires have just thrilled with the tidings to all nations that the father of telegraphy has passed to the eternal world. Almost as quietly as the all-seeing eye saw the soul depart from that venerable form, mortal men, thousands of miles distant, are apprised of the same fact by the swift messenger which he won from the unknown—speaking, as it goes around its world-wide circuit, in all the languages of earth.
"Professor Morse took no royal road to this discovery. Indeed it is never a characteristic of genius to seek such roads. He was dependent, necessarily, upon facts and principles brought to light by similar diligent, patient minds which had gone before him. Volta, Galvani, Morcel, Grove, Faraday, Franklin, and a host of others had laid a basis of laws and theories upon which he humbly and reverently mounted and arranged his great problem for the hoped-for solution. But to him was reserved the sole, undivided glory of discovering the priceless gem, 'richer than all its tribe,' which lay just beneath the surface, and around which so many savans had blindly groped.
"He is dead, but his mission was fully completed. It has been no man's fortune to leave behind him a more magnificent legacy to earth, or a more absolute title to a glorious immortality. To the honor of being one of the most distinguished benefactors of the human race, he added the personal and social graces and virtues of a true gentleman and a Christian philosopher; The memory of his private worth will be kept green amid the immortals of sorrowing friendship for a lifetime only, but his life monument will endure among men as long as the human race exists upon earth."
The funeral services were held on Friday, April 5, at the Madison Square Presbyterian Church. At eleven o'clock the long procession entered the church in the following order:—
Rev. Wm. Adams, D.D., Rev. F.B. Wheeler, D.D.
William Orton, Cyrus W. Field, Daniel Huntington, Charles Butler, Peter Cooper, John A. Dix, Cambridge Livingston, Ezra Cornell.
The Family.
Governor Hoffman and Staff. Members of the Legislature. Directors of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company. Directors of the Western Union Telegraph Company and officers and operators. Members of the National Academy of Design. Members of the Evangelical Alliance. Members of the Chamber of Commerce. Members of the Association for the Advancement of Science and Art. Members of the New York Stock Exchange. Delegations from the Common Councils of New York, Brooklyn and Poughkeepsie and many of the Yale Alumni. The Legislative Committee: Messrs. James W. Husted, L. Bradford Prince, Samuel J. Tilden, Severn D. Moulton and John Simpson.
The funeral address, delivered by Dr. Adams, was long and eloquent, and near the conclusion he said:—
"To-day we part forever with all that is mortal of that man who has done so much in the cause of Christian civilization. Less than one year ago his fellow-citizens, chiefly telegraphic operators, who loved him as children love a father, raised his statue in Central Park. To-day all we can give him is a grave. That venerable form, that face so saintly in its purity and refinement, we shall see no more. How much we shall miss him in our homes, our churches, in public gatherings, in the streets and in society which he adorned and blessed. But his life has been so useful, so happy and so complete that, for him, nothing remains to be wished. Congratulate the man who, leaving to his family, friends and country a name spotless, untarnished, beloved of nations, to be repeated in foreign tongues and by sparkling seas, has died in the bright and blessed hope of everlasting life.
"Farewell, beloved friend, honored citizen, public benefactor, good and faithful servant!"
The three Morse brothers were united in death as they had been in life. In Greenwood Cemetery a little hill had been purchased by the brothers and divided into three equal portions. On the summit of the hill there now stands a beautiful three-sided monument, and at its base reposes all that is mortal of these three upright men, each surrounded by those whom they had loved on earth, and who have now joined them in their last resting place.
Resolutions of sympathy came to the family from all over the world, and from bodies political, scientific, artistic, and mercantile, and letters of condolence from friends and from strangers.
In the House of Representatives, in Washington, the Honorable S.S. Cox offered a concurrent resolution, declaring that Congress has heard—"with profound regret of the death of Professor Morse, whose distinguished and varied abilities have contributed more than those of any other person to the development and progress of the practical arts, and that his purity of private life, his loftiness of scientific aims, and his resolute faith in truth, render it highly proper that the Representatives and Senators should solemnly testify to his worth and greatness."
This was unanimously agreed to. The Honorable Fernando Wood, after a brief history of the legislation which resulted in the grant of $30,000 to enable Morse to test his invention, added that he was proud to say that his name had been recorded in the affirmative on that historic occasion, and that he was then the only living member of either house who had so voted.
Similar resolutions were passed in the Senate, and a committee was appointed by both houses to arrange for a suitable memorial service, and, on April 9, the following letter was sent to Mrs. Morse by A.S. Solomons, Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements:—
DEAR MADAM,—Congress and the citizens of Washington purpose holding memorial services in honor of your late respected husband in the Hall of the House of Representatives, on Tuesday evening next, the 16th of April, and have directed me to request that yourself and family become the guests of the nation on that truly solemn occasion. If agreeable, be good enough to inform me when you will likely be here.
The widow was not able to accept this graceful invitation, but members of the family were present.
The Hall was crowded with a representative audience. James G. Blaine, Speaker of the House, presided, assisted by Vice-President Colfax. President Grant and his Cabinet, Judges of the Supreme Court, Governors of States, and other dignitaries were present in person or by proxy. In front of the main gallery an oil portrait of Morse had been placed, and around the frame was inscribed the historic first message: "What hath God wrought."
After the opening prayer by Dr. William Adams, Speaker Blaine said:—
"Less than thirty years ago a man of genius and learning was an earnest petitioner before Congress for a small pecuniary aid that enabled him to test certain occult theories of science which he had laboriously evolved. To-night the representatives of forty million people assemble in their legislative hall to do homage and honor to the name of 'Morse.' Great discoverers and inventors rarely live to witness the full development and perfection of their mighty conceptions, but to him whose death we now mourn, and whose fame we celebrate, it was, in God's good providence, vouchsafed otherwise. The little thread of wire, placed as a timid experiment between the national capital and a neighboring city, grew and lengthened and multiplied with almost the rapidity of the electric current that darted along its iron nerves, until, within his own lifetime, continent was bound unto continent, hemisphere answered through ocean's depths unto hemisphere, and an encircled globe flashed forth his eulogy in the unmatched elements of a grand achievement.
"Charged by the House of Representatives with the agreeable and honorable duty of presiding here, and of announcing the various participants in the exercises of the evening, I welcome to this hall those who join with us in this expressive tribute to the memory and to the merit of a great man."
After Mr. Blaine had concluded his remarks the exercises were conducted as follows:—
Resolutions by the Honorable C.C. Cox, M.D., of Washington, D.C.
Address by the Honorable J.W. Patterson, of New Hampshire.
Address by the Honorable Fernando Wood, of New York.
Vocal music by the Choral Society of Washington.
Address by the Honorable J.A. Garfield, of Ohio.
Address by the Honorable S.S. Cox, of New York.
Address by the Honorable N.P. Banks, of Massachusetts.
Vocal music by the Choral Society of Washington.
Benediction by the Reverend Dr. Wheeler of Poughkeepsie.
Once again the invention which made him famous paid marvellous tribute to the man of science. While less than a year before, joyous messages of congratulation had flashed over the wires from the four quarters of the globe, to greet the living inventor, now came words of sorrow and condolence from Europe, Asia, Africa, and America mourning that inventor dead, and again were they read to a wondering audience by that other man of indomitable perseverance, Cyrus W. Field.
On the same evening memorial services were held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, at which the mayor of the city presided, and addresses were made by Josiah Quincy, Professor E.N. Horsford, the Honorable Richard H. Dana, and others.
Other cities all over the country, and in foreign lands, held commemorative services, and every telegraph office in the country was draped in mourning, in sad remembrance of him whom all delighted to call "Father."
Mr. Prime, in his closing review of Morse's character, uses the following words:—
"It is not given to mortals to leave a perfect example for the admiration and imitation of posterity, but it is safe to say that the life and character of few men, whose history is left on record, afford less opportunity for criticism than is found in the conspicuous career of the Inventor of the Telegraph.
"Having followed him step by step from the birth to the grave, in public, social and private relations; in struggles with poverty, enemies and wrongs; in courts of law, the press and halls of science; having seen him tempted, assailed, defeated, and again in victory, honor and renown; having read thousands of his private letters, his essays and pamphlets, and volumes in which his claims are canvassed, his merits discussed and his character reviewed; having had access to his most private papers and confidential correspondence, in which all that is most secret and sacred in the life of man is hid—it is right to say that, in this mass of testimony by friends and foes, there is not a line that requires to be erased or changed to preserve the lustre of his name....
"It was the device and purpose of those who sought to rob him of his honors and his rights to depreciate his intellectual ability and his scientific attainments. But among all the men of science and of learning in the law, there was not one who was a match for him when he gave his mind to a subject which required his perfect mastery....
"He drew up the brief with his own hand for one of the distinguished counsel in a great lawsuit involving his patent rights, and his lawyer said it was the argument that carried conviction to every unprejudiced mind.
"Such was the versatility and variety of his mental endowments that he would have been great in any department of human pursuits. His wonderful rapidity of thought was associated with patient, plodding perseverance, a combination rare but mightily effective. He leaped to a possible conclusion, and then slowly developed the successive steps by which the end was gained and the result made secure. He covered thousands of pages with his pencil notes, annotated large and numerous volumes, filled huge folios with valuable excerpts from newspapers, illustrated processes of thought with diagrams, and was thus fortified and enriched with stores of knowledge and masses of facts, so digested, combined and arranged, that he had them at his easy command to defend the past or to help him onward to fresh conquests in the fields of truth. Yet such was his modesty and reticence in regard to himself that none outside of his household were aware of his resources, and his attainments were only known when displayed in self-defense. Then they never failed to be ample for the occasion, as every opponent had reason to remember.
"Yet he was gentle as he was great. Many thought him weak because he was simple, childlike and unworldly. Often he suffered wrong rather than resist, and this disposition to yield was frequently his loss. The firmness, tenacity and perseverance with which he fought his foes were the fruits of his integrity, principle and profound convictions of right and duty.... His nature was a rare combination of solid intellect and delicate sensibility. Thoughtful, sober and quiet, he readily entered into the enjoyments of domestic and social life, indulging in sallies of humor, and readily appreciating and greatly enjoying the wit of others. Dignified in his intercourse with men, courteous and affable with the gentler sex, he was a good husband, a judicious father, a generous and faithful friend.
"He had the misfortune to incur the hostility of men who would deprive him of his merit and the reward of his labors. But this is the common fate of great inventors. He lived until his rights were vindicated by every tribunal to which they could be referred, and acknowledged by all civilized nations, and he died leaving to his children a spotless and illustrious name, and to his country the honor of having given birth to the only Electro-Magnetic Recording Telegraph whose line is gone out through all the earth, and its words to the end of the world."
And now my pleasant task is ended. After the lapse of so many years it has been possible for me to introduce much more evidence of a personal nature, to reveal the character of those with whom Morse had to contend, than would have been discreet or judicious during the lifetime of some of the actors in the drama. Many attempts have been made since the death of the inventor to minimize his fame, and to exalt others at his expense, but, while these attempts have seemed to triumph for a time, while they may have influenced a few minds and caused erroneous attributions to be made in some publications, their effect is ephemeral, for "Truth is mighty and will prevail," and the more carefully and exhaustively this complicated subject is studied, the more apparent will it be that Morse never claimed more than was his due; that his upright, truthloving character, as revealed in his intimate correspondence and in the testimony of his contemporaries, forbade his ever stooping to deceit or wilful appropriation of the ideas of others.
A summary, in as few words as possible, of what Morse actually invented or discovered may be, at this point, appropriate.
In 1832, he conceived the idea of a true electric telegraph—a writing at a distance by means of the electromagnet. The use of the electro-magnet for this purpose was original with him; it was entirely different from any form of telegraph devised by others, and he was not aware, at the time, that any other person had even combined the words "electric" and "telegraph."
The mechanism to produce the desired result, roughly drawn in the 1832 sketch-book, was elaborated and made by Morse alone, and produced actual results in 1835, 1836, and 1837. Still further perfected by him, with the legitimate assistance of others, it became the universal telegraph of to-day, holding its own and successfully contending with all other plans of telegraphs devised by others.
He devised and perfected the dot-and-dash alphabet.
In 1836, he discovered the principle of the relay.
In 1838, he received a French patent for a system of railway telegraph, which also embodies the principle of the police and fire-alarm telegraph. At the same time he suggested a practical form of military telegraph.
In 1842, he laid the first subaqueous cable.
In 1842, he discovered, with Dr. Fisher, the principle of duplex telegraphy, and he was also the first to experiment with wireless telegraphy.
In addition to his electrical inventions and discoveries he was the first to experiment with the Daguerreotype in America, and, with Professor Draper, was the first in the world to take portraits by this means, Daguerre himself not thinking it possible.
The verdict of the world, as pronounced at the time of his death, has been strengthened with the lapse of years. He was one of the first to be immortalized in the Hall of Fame. His name, like those of Volta, Galvani, Ampere, and others, has been incorporated into everyday speech, and is now used to symbolize the language of that simple but marvellous invention which brings the whole world into intimate touch.
Abbott, Gorham, American Asiatic Society, 2, 443 Abbott, J.S.C., from M. (1867) on Louis Napoleon in New York. 2, 451 Abdul Mejid, decorates M., 2, 297 Abernethy, John, personality, 1, 98, 99 Abolitionism, M.'s antagonism, 2, 390, 415, 416, 418, 420, 430, 446 Accidents to M., runaway (1828), 1, 293-295 in 1844, 2, 232 fall (1846), 268 during laying of Atlantic cable (1857), 376, 377, 383 breaks leg (1869), 480 Acton, ——. and M. at Peterhoff (1856), 2, 363 Adams, J.Q., and election to Presidency, Jackson's congratulations, 1, 263 and M.'s failure to get commission for painting for Capitol, 2, 28-30 Adams, John, portrait by M., 1, 196 Adams, Nehemiah, and Civil War, 2, 416 Adams, William, and M.'s last illness, 2, 506 at M.'s funeral, address, 511, 512 at memorial services, 514 Agamemnon, and laying of first Atlantic cable, 2, 378 Agate. F.S., pupil of M., 1, 257, 275 and origin of Academy of Design, 280 Albany, M. as portrait painter at (1823), 1, 245-249 Alexander I of Russia, in London (1814), appearance, anecdotes, 1, 142-146 Alexander II of Russia. M. on presentation to (1856), 2, 356-364 attempt on life at Paris (1867), 455 Allan, Sir Hugh, at banquet to M., 2, 473 Allegorical painting, M. on, 1, 318 Allegri, Gregorio, M. on Miserere, 2, 345 Allston, Washington, M. desires to study under, 1, 21 M. accompanies to England (1811), 31, 83 journey to London, 86, 38 on M. as artist, 46, 55, 56, 131 and Leslie, 59, 156 and death of wife, Coleridge's prescription, 59, 168 and M., Interest, influence and criticism, 74, 76, 83, 86, 104, 162, 197-199, 436 and War of 1812, 89 at premier of Coleridge's Remorse, 96 illness, 96 and Dr. Abernethy, 98, 99 M. on, as artist, 102, 105 M. on character. 105, 108 Dead Man restored to Life, 105, 122, 124, 148, 197, 199 poems, 110 on French school of art, 114 at Bristol (1814), 142, 153, 156, 171 painting for steamer, 289 Uriel in the Sun, 307 compliment to, 308 M. and death, 2, 207, 208 brush of, 207 M. presents portrait and brush to Academy of Design, 436, 437 Letters: to M. (1814) on Dead Man, Bluecher, 1, 147 with M. (1816) on sale of Dead Man, personal relations, 197, 198 from M. (1819) on work at Charleston, Albton as R.A., 221 to M. (1837) on rejection for government painting, 2, 32 from M. (1839) on daguerreotype and art, 143 with M. (1843) on telegraph act, illness, painting, 202 Allston, Mrs. Washington, Journey to England, 1, 33, 35 in England, health, 38 death, 168 Alphabet. See Dot-and-dash. Alston, J.A., and M., 1, 208, 214, 215, 233 to M. (1818-19) on portraits, 214, 224, 225 Amalfi, M. at (1830), 1, 364-367 American Academy of Art, condition (1825), 1, 276, 277 and union with Academy of Design, 2, 23 American Asiatic Society, 2, 443 American Society for promoting National Unity, 2, 415 Americans, M. on Cooper's patriotism (1832), 1, 426-428 on European criticism, 428, 429 Amyot, ——, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 122, 147 Anderson, Alexander, and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280 Andrews, Solomon, from M. (1849) on aviation, 2, 299 Angouleme, Duchesse d', in London (1814), 1, 138 Annunciation, M. on feast at Rome (1830), 1, 341 Arabia, transatlantic steamer (1857), 2, 384 Arago, D.F., and M.'s telegraph, 2, 104, 107, 108, 255 Art, conditions in America (1813), 1, 100, 101 Boston and (1816), 197 See also Painting. Atlantic cable, M. prophesies (1843), 2, 208, 209 organisation of company, 341-843 M. as electrician, 343, 347 M.'s enthusiasm, 344 attempt to lay cable across Gulf of St. Lawrence (1855), 345 experiments of M. and Whitehouse, 348, 366 Kendall's caution to M. on company, 372 M.'s account of laying of first, 374-382 parting of first, 382 delay, offer to purchase remainder of first, 383 M.'s forced resignation from company, 384 M. on first message over completed (1858), his prediction of cessation, 386, 387 proposed, between Spain and West Indies, 404-406 M. on final success, 451 greeting of company to M. (1868), 469 "Attention the Universe" message, 2, 75 Australia, M.'s telegraph in, 2, 321 Austria, testimonials to M., 2, 392 Austro-Prussian War, influence of telegraph, 2, 463 Aviation, M. on (1849), 2, 300, 301 Avignon, M. at (1830), 1, 324, 325 Aycrigg, J.B., and telegraph, 2, 187, 189 from M. (1844) on ground circuit, 221 Aylmer, Lord, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 124
Bain, Alexander, and telegraph, 2, 242, 3O4 and ground circuit, 243 Ball, Mrs.——, M.'s portrait and trouble with, letters from M. (1820), 1, 231-234 Balloon ascension at London (1811), 1, 49 Baltic, transatlantic steamer (1856), 2, 347 Baltimore, construction of first telegraph line, 2, 204-228 Bancroft, ——, transatlantic voyage (1815), 1, 188 Bancroft, George, and M. at Berlin, 2, 461 Banks, N.P., at M.'s farewell message to telegraph, 2, 486 at memorial services, 315 Banquets to M., at London (1856), 2, 368, 369 at Paris (1858), 396 at New York (1869), 467-475 Barberini, Cardinal, 1, 342 Barrell, Samuel, at Yale, 1, 9. 10 Battery, Gale's improvement of telegraph, 2, 55 M.'s improvement, 182 See also Relay. Beecher, Lyman, and M., 1, 238 Beechy, Sir William, M. on, 1, 63 Beggars, M. on Italian, 1, 330, 332, 341, 355, 363, 369 Belgium, interest in M.'s telegraph, 2, 244 and gratuity to M., 393 Belknap, Jeremy, on birth of M., 1, 2 Bellingham, John, assassinates Perceval, 1, 71 execution, 72 Bellows, H.W. from M. (1864) on Sanitary Commission, 2, 428 Benedict, Aaron, and wire for experimental line, 2, 208 Benevolence, as female virtue, 1, 323 Bennett, J.G., at French court (1867), 2, 449 Berkshire, Mass., M.'s trip (1821), 1, 238, 239 Berlin, M. at (1866), 2, 365 (1868), 461 Bernard, Simon, and M., 2, 104 and telegraph, 132 Bern, Duchesse de, appearance (1830), 1, 316 Bertassoli, Cardinal, death, 1, 347 Bettner, Dr. ——, and Henry-Morse controversy, 2, 318 Biddle, James, return to America (1832), 1, 430 Biddulph, T.T., as minister, 1, 121 Bigelow, John, farewell banquet to (1867), 2, 451 Blaine. J.G., address at memorial services to M., 2, 514, 515 Blake, W.P., to M. (1869) on M.'s report, 2, 475 on Henry controversy, 475 from M. on same, 478 Blanchard, Thomas, machine for carving marble, 1, 245 Blenheim estates, reduced condition (1829), 1, 307 Bliss, Seth, and Civil War, 2, 416 Bluecher, G.L. von, at London (1814), appearance, 1, 146, 147 Boardman, W.W., and telegraph, letters with M. (1842), 2, 173-177, 187, 189. Bodisco, Alexander de, from M. (1844) on telegraph, 2, 240 state dinner, 245 Bologna, M. on, 1, 391 Boorman, James, and Civil War, 2, 416 Borland, Catherine, 1, 111 Boston, and art (1816), 1, 197 Boston Recorder, founding, 1, 208 Boudy, Comte, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 112, 123 Breese, Arthur, and marriage of daughter, 1, 228 Breese, Catherine, marriage, 1, 229 See also Griswold. Breese, Elisabeth A. (Mrs. Jedediah Morse), 1, 2 Breese, Samuel, in navy, 1, 88 under Perry, 140 Breese, Sidney, and M., 2, 411 Breguet, Louis, from M. (1851) on rewards for invention, 2, 313 Brett, J.W., and Atlantic cable, 2 343 and M. in England (1856), 348, 349, 351 from M. (1858) on withdrawal from cable company, 385 and proposed Spanish cable, 406 Bristol, England, M. at (1813, 1814), 1, 119. 121, 153, 163, 169-171 Broek, M. van der, and gratuity to M., 2, 391 Broek, Holland, M. on unnatural neatness, 2, 261-283 Bromfield, Henry, and M. in England, 1, 39, 152 from M. (1820) on family at New Haven, 234 Brooklyn, N.Y., defences (1814), 1, 150 Brooks, David, and telegraph, 2, 290 Brougham, Lord, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 95, 125 Brown, James, banquet to M., 2, 467 Bryant, W. C., and The Club, 1, 282 from M. (1865) on Allston's portrait, 2, 436 at banquet to M., 472 address at unveiling of statue to M., 484 tribute to M., 508 Buchanan, James, official letter introducing M. (1845), 2, 248 M. on election (1856), 371 Budd, T.A., and Perry's Japanese expedition, 2, 317 Bulfinch, Charles, and M., 2, 188 Bullock, A.H., sentiment for banquet to M., 2, 469 Bunker Hill Monument, Greenough on plans, 1, 413 Burbank, David, from M. (1844) on price for invention, 2, 235 Burder, George, minister at London (1811), 1, 120 Burritt, Benjamin, prisoner of war, M.'s efforts for release, 1, 124-127 Butler, Charles, at M.'s funeral, 2, 611
Cadwalader, Thomas, return to America (1832), 1, 430 Caledonia, transatlantic steamer (1846), 2, 266 Calhoun, J.C., and M.'s effort for commission for painting for Capitol, 2, 28 California, graft in telegraph organisation, 2, 338, 339 Campagna, Roman, dangers at night, 1, 359 Campbell, Sir John, and M.'s application for patent, 2, 93, 98 Campo Santo at Naples, 1, 367-369 Camucoini, Vincenso, M. on, as artist, 1, 350 Canterbury, M. on cathedral and service, 1, 310-312 Cardinals, lying in state, 1, 344 Carmichael, James, and proposed Spanish cable, 2, 405 Caroline, Queen, palace, 1, 309 Carrara, M. on quarries (1830), 1, 333-336 Carter, William, courier, 2, 362 Cass, Lewis, and M. at Paris (1838), 2, 109, 111 Cass, Mrs. Lewis, from M. (1836) on lotteries, 2 131 Castlereagh, Lord, and Orders in Council (1812), 1, 76 Catalogue Raisonne, 1, 196, 200 Causici, Enrico, at Washington (1825), 1, 263 Ceres, transatlantic voyage (1815), 1, 186-195 Chamberlain, Capt. ——, transatlantic voyage (1815), 1, 188 Chamberlain, ——, exhibition of telegraph in European centers, 2, 148, 149 drowned, 149 Champlin, E.H., American Asiatic Society, 2, 444 Chapin, C.L., and M.'s telegraph in Europe, 2, 255 Charivari, M. on, 1, 78 Charles X of France, New Year (1830), 1, 315 Charleston, M. as portrait painter at (1818-21), 1, 214-217, 216-225, 226-237 portrait of President Monroe, 222 M. and art academy, 235, 236 Charlestown, Mass., dual celebration of Fourth (1805), 1, 7 Jedediah Morse's church troubles, 223-225, 229 Charlotte Augusta, Princess, appearance (1814), 1, 137 Charlotte Sophia, Queen, appearance (1814), 2, 137 Chase, ——, and experimental line, 2, 209 Chase, S.P., presides at banquet to M., speeches, 2, 468-170, 475 Chauncey, Isaac, Cooper on, 1, 263 Chauvin, —— von, and M. at Berlin, 2, 461 Chesapeake, U.S.S., defeat, 1, 109, 110 Chevalier, Michael, from M. (1868) on leaving Paris, 2, 464 Cholera, in Paris (1832), 1, 417, 422 political effect, 431 Christ before Pilate, West's painting, 1, 44, 47 Christ healing the Side, West's painting, 1, 44 Christian IX of Denmark, and M., 2, 465 Christy, David, from M. (1863) on slavery, 2, 426 Church and State, M. on union, 2, 458 Church of England, disestablishment in Virginia, 1, 13 M. on service, 311 Circuit, single, of M.'s telegraph, 2, 18, 102 ground, 221, 367, 470 Cisco, J.J., banquet to M., 2, 467 Civil War, M.'s hope of prevention, 2, 414, 418 his attitude during, 415, 424, 432 his belief in foreign machinations, 420 M. and McClellan's candidacy, 427, 429-431 M. and Sanitary Commission, 428 M.'s denunciation of rejoicing over success, 438-441 Claflin, William, and statue to M., 2, 483 Clarke, George, buys M.'s painting of Louvre, M.'s letter on this (1834), 2, 27, 28 Clay, Henry, and M.'s effort for commission for painting for Capitol, 2, 28 Clinton, ——, of Albany, and M. (1823), 1, 247 Club, The, of New York, 1, 282, 451 Coat of arms, Morse, 1, 110, 2, 268 Coffin, I.N., and lobbying for telegraph grant, 2, 164, 173 Cogdell, J.S., artist at Charleston (1819), 1, 221 and art academy there, 236 Colt, Daniel, gift to Academy of Design, 1, 384 Cole, Thomas, and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280 at Royal Academy (1829), 308 to M. (1837) on presidency of Academy of Design, 2, 32 Coleridge, S.T., mental prescription for Allston, 1, 60 and hat-wearing, 60 and M., traits, 95, 96 premier of Remorse, 96 and Knickerbocker's History of New York, 97 Colfax, Schuyler, and banquet to M., 2, 468 at memorial services, 514 Color, M.'s theory and experiments, 1, 436 Colt, ——, with M. at Peterhoff (1856), 2, 357 Como, Lake of, M. at (1831), 1, 400 Concentration of effort, Jedediah Morse on, 1, 4 Concord, N.H., M. at and on (1816), 1, 201, 209 Congregational Church, Jedediah Morse and orthodoxy, 1, 4 Congress, M.'s painting of House (1822), 1, 240-242, 252 conduct of presidential election (1825), 263 resolution to investigate telegraph (1837), 2, 71 skeptical of M.'s invention, 72 exhibition of telegraph before (1838) but no grant, 81, 88, 103, 135, 137, 150 Smith's report on telegraph, 87 renewal of effort for telegraph grant without result (1841-42), 164, 166, 173-177 second exhibition of telegraph (1842), 185 workers for telegraph grant, 186, 189 bill for experimental line in House (1843), 190-195 passage of bill in House, 195 no action expected in Senate, 197-199 passage of act, 199-201 refuses to purchase telegraph, 228, 229, 232, 244, 245 memorial services to M., 513-516 Consolidation of telegraph lines, 2, 320, 326, 341, 405 M. on beneficent monopoly, 444 See also Public ownership. Constant, Benjamin, appearance (1830), 1, 316 Constitution, M. on loyalty, 2, 429 Cooke, O.F., rival of Kemble, 1, 77 Cooke, Sir W.F., telegraph, 2, 50 M. on telegraph and his own, 92, 93, 242 opposes patent to M., 93 proposition to M. rejected, 158 telegraph displaced by M.'s, 313 personal relations with M., 350 advocates use of M.'s telegraph, 368 presides at banquet to M., speech, 368, 369 Cooper, H., and M.'s application for British patent, 1, 98, 99 Cooper, J.F., characteristic remark, 1, 263 at Rome (1830), 338 read in Poland, 388 to M. (1832) on Verboeckhoven and portrait of C., 414 on criticisms, bitterness against America, 416 statement of M.'s hints on telegraph (1831), 418, 419 from M. (1849) on this, 420 at Fourth dinner at Paris (1832), 424 M. on principles and patriotism, 426-428 from M. (1832) on departure for America, Leslie's politics, 2, 3-5 from M. (1833) on illness, cares, conditions in New York, Cooper's friends, art future, nullification, 21-24 and rejection of M. for painting for Capitol, 30 from M. (1849) on failure as painter, 31 from M. (1849) on newspaper libels, Home as Found, 304 M. on death and character, 314 Cooper, Peter, and Atlantic cable, 1, 343, 372 banquet to M., 467 at M.'s funeral, 511 Copenhagen. M. at (1856), 1, 351, 354 Copley, J.S., M. on, in old age. 1, 47, 102 Corcoran, W.W., telegraph company, 2, 247 Corcoran Gallery, M.'s House of Representatives, 1, 242 Cornell, Ezra, and construction of experimental line, 2, 214-216, 489 M. on benevolences, 442, 489 at M.'s funeral, 511 Cornell University, M. on founding, 2, 442 Cornwell, Sadie E., and M.'s farewell message to telegraph, 2, 486 Corpus Domini, procession at Rome (1830), 1, 352 Cox, S.S., resolutions on death of M., 1, 513 at memorial services, 515 Coyle, James, and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280 Crawford, W.H., Edwards' charges against (1824), 1, 256 Cries of London, 1, 48 Crinoline, M. on, 2, 373 Crosby, Howard, and M.'s farewell message to telegraph, 2, 485 Cummings, T.S., and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280 and M. as president of Academy, 280 on M.'s connection with Academy, 281 and commission to M. for historical painting, 2, 33 and telegraph, 74, 75 Curtin, A.G., banquet to M., 2, 467, 473 Curtis, B.R., telegraph decision, 2, 347, 370 Curtis, G.T., M.'s attorney, 2, 370 from M. (1860) on Smith's claim to gratuity, 409-411 and on law, 411
Daggett, ——, of New Haven, M.'s portrait (1811), 2, 25 Daguerre, L.J.M., and M. at Paris (1839), 2, 128-130 from M. on Sabbath, 128 burning of Diorama, 130 French subsidy, 130 from M. (1839) on honorary membership in Academy of Design, exhibition of daguerreotype in New York, 141 reply, 142 and portraits, 145 Daguerreotype, inventor imparts secret to M., 2, 129 discovery made public, 143 M. on effect on art, 143, 144 experiments of M. and Draper, portraits first taken, 144-146 M.'s gallery, 146, 152 first group picture, 146 Daly, C.P., and M.'s farewell message to telegraph, 2, 486 Dana, J.F., M. and lectures on electricity (1827), 1, 290 friendship and discussions with M., 290 Dana, R.H., at memorial services to M., 2, 516 Danforth, M.L. and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280 M. on, 2, 5 Dartmouth College, quarrel (1816), 1, 208 Date of invention of telegraph, 2, 12, 13 Daubeny, C.G.B., inspects early telegraph, 2, 54 Davenport, Ann, 1, 28 Davis, ——, of New Haven, M. rooms at house (1805), 1, 10 Davy, Edward, and relay, 2, 42 M. on telegraph, 101, 102 Day, Jeremiah, and M.'s pump, 1, 211 to M. (1822) on gift to Yale, 243 Dead Man restored to Life, Allston's painting, 1, 105, 122, 124, 148, 197, 199 Deadhead, M.'s characteristic telegraphic, 2, 445 Declaration of Independence, anecdote of George III and, 1, 42, 43 Decorations, foreign, for M., 2, 297, 298, 392, 393, 465 DeForest, D.C., to M. (1823) on portrait, 1, 243 Delaplaine, Joseph, and M., 1, 196 Democratic Convention, reports by telegraph (1844), 2, 224-226 Denmark, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 352 decoration for M., 393, 465 Dennison, William, banquet to M., 2, 467 De Rham, H.C., informal club, 2, 451 Desoulavy, ——, artist at Rome, escapes poisoning (1831), 1, 397 De Witt, Jan, concentration of effort, 1, 4 Dexter, Miss C., and sketch of Southey, 1, 73, 113 Dijon, M. at (1830), 1, 320 Diligence, described, 1, 319 Dining hour, English (1811), 1, 40 Discovery and invention, 2, 13 Dividends, M. on lack, 2, 311, 336. Dix, J.A., to M. (1829) on letters of introduction, 1, 299 at M.'s funeral, 2, 511 Dodge, W.E., banquet to M., 2, 467, 473 Donaldson, R., M.'s painting for, 1, 338 Dot-and-dash code, conception for numbers with hint of alphabet, 2, 7, 11, 12, 17, 18 as recorded by first receiver, 39 numbers principle, dictionary, 61, 74 paternity of alphabet, 62-68 substitution of alphabet for numbers, 74-76 peculiar to M.'s telegraph, 93 M. on reading by sound, 457, 479, 480 Douglas, G.L., from M. (1862) on effort to prevent Civil War, 2, 418 Dover Castle, M. on, 1, 313 Drake, Mrs. ——, transatlantic voyage (1815), 1, 188 Draper, J.W., and daguerreotypes, 2, 145, 146 Drawing-room, M. on Queen Charlotte's (1812), 1, 77; on Mrs. Monroe's (1819), 227 Dresden, M. at (1867), 2, 459 Drummond, Henry, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 95, 126 Dubois, John, at Rome (1830), 1, 340 Dunlap, William, on M.'s Dying Hercules, 1, 105, 106 on M.'s Judgment of Jupiter, 178, 179 and origin of Academy of Design, 280 Duplex telegraphy, Fisher's discovery (1842), 2, 185, 187 Durand, A. B., engraving of M.'s Lafayette, 1, 260 and origin of Academy of Design, 280 Dwight, S.E., and M., 1, 10 from M. (1811) on Daggett portrait, 25 Dwight, Timothy, and M., 1, 10 on Jedediah Morse, 287 Dwight's Tavern, Western, Mass., 1, 9 Dying Hercules, M.'s sculpture and painting, 1, 85, 86, 102-107, 119, 134, 185, 437, 2, 188
Edwards, Ninian, proposed Mexican mission (1824), and charges against Crawford, 1, 253, 256 from M. on mission, 254 Electricity, M.'s interest at college, 1, 18 and in Dana's lectures (1827), 290 Henry on electric power, 2, 171 See also Morse (S.F.B.), Telegraph. Elgin, Earl of, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 95, 124, 128 to M. (1839) on patent, 126 Elgin Marbles, M. on, 1, 47, 2, 124 Elisabeth, Princess, appearance (1814), 1, 137 Ellsworth, Annie, and telegraph, 2, 199, 200, 217, 221 Ellsworth, Henry, and M. abroad, 2, 250 Ellsworth, H.L., marriage, 1, 112 and M.'s telegraph, 2, 69, 189 on telegraph in France, 108, 109 from M. (1843) on construction of experimental line, 217 Ellsworth, Nancy (Goodrich), 1, 112 Ellsworth, William, engagement, 1, 112 Emancipation Proclamation, M. on, 2, 424, 429 Embargo, effect in England, 1, 39 Emotion of taste, M. on, 1, 401 England, appearance of women, 1, 36; wartime travel regulations (1811), 36 condition of laboring classes, 36 treatment of travellers, 37-39 critical condition (1811), effect of American embargo, 39, 56, 57, 63 dining hour, 40 attitude toward art, 46 unpopularity of Regent, crisis (1812), 67, 70, 71 assassination of Perceval, 71 Spanish victories (1813), 110 severe winter (1813), 123 economic depression (1815), 175 Liverpool (1829), 302, 303 stage-coach journey to London, 306-308 peasantry, villages, 306 Canterbury cathedral, church service, 310-312 Dover, 313 M. on social manners, 348 refusal of patent to M., 2, 93-99, 124, 126 coronation of Victoria, 100, 101 use of M.'s telegraph, 367 no share in gratuity to M., 393 M. on, and Civil War, 420 See also London, Napoleonic Wars, Neutral trade, War of 1812. English Channel, steamers (1829), 1, 314 (1845), 2, 250 Erie, Lake, battle, 1, 151 Esterhasy, Prince, M. on, at Peterhoff (1856), 2, 358 Evarts, Jeremiah, to M. (1812) on avoiding politics, 1, 86 Evarts, W.M., at banquet to M., 2, 472 Evers, John, and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280 Experimental line, bill for, in Congress, 2, 189-201 route, 204 M.'s assistants, 204-206, 210, 214 wires, failure of underground, substitution of overhead, 205, 208-210, 214-216 trouble with Smith, 206, 207, 212, 213, 218 progress, 219 operation during construction, 219-221 completion, "What hath God wrought" message, 221-224 reports of Democratic Convention, 224-226 cost of construction, 227 incidents of utility, 227, 228 Fairman, Gideon, and study of live figure, 1, 101 Faraday, Michael, and Atlantic cable, 2, 343 Farewell message to telegraph, ceremony of sending M.'s, 2, 485-491 Farmer, M.G., and duplex telegraph, 2, 189 Farragut, D.G., and banquet to M., 2, 468 Faxton, T.S., from M. (1847) on salaries, 2, 274 Federalists, celebration of Fourth at Charlestown (1805), 1, 7 British opinion (1812), 81 See also War of 1812. Ferguson, ——, travel with M. (1831), 1, 395, 402 Ferris, C.G., and telegraph, 2, 177, 186, 189 Field, ——, pupil of M., 1, 258 Field, C.W., and consolidation of telegraph companies, 2, 341 organisation of Atlantic cable company, 341-343 from M. (1856) on experiments for cable, 348, 366 Kendall's distrust, 372 and M.'s retirement from cable company, 385, 386 from M. (1867) on a visit, success of cable, 450, 451 banquet to M., 467, 469 from M. (1871) on neutralizing telegraph, 497 at M.'s funeral, 511 at memorial service, 516 Field, D.D., and Atlantic cable, 2, 343 at banquet to M., 473 Field, M.D., and telegraph, 2, 342 Finley, J.E.B., and War of 1812, 1, 183 and M. at Charleston, 214, 220 to M. (1818) on portraits, 216 death, 225 Finley, Samuel, 1, 2 Fire-alarm, M.'s invention embodying principle, 2, 132 Fish, Hamilton, at early exhibition of telegraph, 2, 48 banquet to M., 467 Fisher, ——, artist at Charleston (1819), 1, 221 Fisher, J.C., and duplex telegraphy, 2, 185, 187 M.'s assistant at Washington, 186, 196 and construction of experimental line, dismissed, 204, 205, 210-213, 216 Fisher, J.F., return to America (1832), 2, 3 on conception of telegraph, 11 Fleas, M. on Porto Rican, 2, 406 Fleischmann, C.T., on Europe and M.'s telegraph (1845), 2, 254 Florence, M.'s journey to, during revolt (1831), 1, 385 M. at, 386, 390 Flower feast at Genzano, 1, 354-359 Forsyth, Dr. ——, American Asiatic Company, 2, 444 Foss, ——, and F.O.J. Smith, 2, 319 Fourth of July, dual celebration at Charlestown (1805), 1, 7 dinner at Paris (1832), 423-425 Foy, Alphonse, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 105, 109, 255 France, M. on attitude of Americans (1812), 1, 90, 91 M. on first landing in (1829), 314 on Sunday in, 318, 322 cold (1830), 317, 320 winter Journey across, by diligence, 318-326 funeral, 321, 322 M. on social manners, 348 quarantine (1831), M. avoids it, 402-405 Lafayette on results of Revolution of 1830, 430 patent to M., 2, 103 M.'s exhibitions and projects (1838), 104-134 renewed interest in M.'s telegraph, 240, 243, 244, 255, 256, 313, 351 M. on people, 256 testimonials to M., 392 See also Napoleonic Wars, Paris. Francesco Caracoiolo, St., M. on feast, 1, 352 Franklin, Benjamin, name coupled with M.'s, 2, 236, 237, 346, 469 M. unveils statue, 505 Franklin Institute, exhibition of telegraph, 2, 80 Fraser, Charles, artist at Charleston (1819), 1, 221 Frasee, John, and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280 Frederick VII of Denmark, and M., 1, 373, 2, 353 Frederick III of Germany, battle of Koeniggraetz, 2, 463 Frederick William III of Prussia, at London (1814), 1, 146 Fredrick Carl, Prince, battle of Koeniggraetz, 2, 463 Frelinghuysen, Theodore, nomination for Vice-Presidency announced over telegraph, 2, 219 Fremel, ——, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 111 French, B.B., telegraph company, 2, 247 French Academy of Science. See Institute of France. Frischen ,——, and duplex telegraphy, 2, 187 Fry, ——, and telegraph company (1844), 2, 236 Fulton, Robert, and art, 2, 471 Fulton, transatlantic steamer (1856), 2, 386 Funeral, M. on French, 1, 321, 322 on lying in state of cardinal, 344 on Roman, 350 on Italian, 366, 367 of M., 2, 311, 312 Fuseli, J.H., and M., 1, 179
Gale, L.D., first view of telegraph, 2, 41 aid to M. in telegraph, 53-59, 61, 70, 489 partnership in telegraph, 83 loses interest, 136, 139, 151 and subaqueous experiment, 183 and construction of experimental line, 204, 211, 210 Kendall as agent, 246, 326 and estrangement with Henry, 264 and extension of M.'s patent, 325 from M. (1854) on Kendall, 326 (1855) on trip to Newfoundland, 345 M.'s tribute, 471 from M. (1869) on receiving by sound, 479 to M. (1872) on Smith's last attack, 499 to Rogers on invention of telegraph, 500 from M. on Smith, 502 Galen, transatlantic ship (1811), 1, 55 Gallagher, H.M., and M.'s farewell message to telegraph, 2, 486 Gallatin, Albert, informal club, 2, 451 and Louis Napoleon at New York, 452 Galley slaves, at Toulon (1830), 1, 326, 327 Garfield, J.A., at memorial services to M., 2, 515 Gay-Lussac, J.L., and M.'s telegraph, 2, 108 Genoa, Serra Palace, 1, 329 Genzano, festa infiorala (1830), 1, 354-359 George III, anecdote of Declaration of Independence, 1, 42, 43 expected death (1811), 54 George IV, unpopularity as Regent (1812), 1, 67, 71 appearance, 77 George, Sir Rupert, and American prisoner of war, 1, 126 Georgia, and nullification, 2, 23 Ghost, scare at London (1811), 1, 41 Gibbs. Mrs. A.J.C., child, 1, 112 Gibson, ——, artist at Rome, escape from poisoning (1831), 1, 397 Gintl, J.W., and duplex telegraph, 2, 187 Gisborne, F.N., and telegraph, 2, 342 Glenelg, Lord, and War of 1812, 1, 90 Gleson, ——, oration at Charlestown (1805), 1, 7 Goddard, Elisha, return to America (1813), 1, 107 Gonon, ——, visual telegraph, 2, 53, 166 Goodhue, Jonathan, informal club, 2, 451 Goodrich, Mary, drawing, 2, 506 Goodrich, Nancy, marriage, 1, 112 Goodrich, W.H., American Asiatic Society, 2, 444 presented at French court, 448-450 Goodrich, Mrs. W.H. (Griswold), from M. (1862) on prospect of Northern success, 2, 419 at Paris (1866), 448 Gould, James, and M., 1, 238 Grant, Charles. See Glenelg. Grant, U.S., M. on candidacy (1868), 2, 465, 466 and banquet to M., 468 at memorial services, 514 Granville, Countess, M. on, at Peterhoff (1856), 2, 358 Granville, Earl, M. on, at Peterhoff (1856), 2, 362, 363 Gratuity, proposed foreign, to M., 2, 373 award, nations participating, 390, 391 commission to Broek, 391 niggardly, 392 M.'s acknowledgment, 394, 395 Smith's claim to share, 409-411, 423 share for Vail's widow, 422 Greeley, Horace, unveils statue of Franklin, 2, 505 Green, Norvin, from M. (1855) on effect of telegraph, 2, 345 Greenough, Horatio, and M. at Paris (1831), 1, 406 to M. (1832) on art future of America, poverty, religion, Bunker Hill Monument, M.'s. domestic affairs, 412 Gregory XVI, election, 1, 378 coronation, 380, 381 policy, 383 Grier, R.C., telegraph decision, 2, 293 Griswold, A.B., from M. (1861) on being a traitor, 2, 418 Griswold, Catherine (Breese), marriage, 1, 228 in Europe with M. (1858), 2, 396 from M. (1858) on experiences in West Indies, 397, 406 (1866) on Paris quarters, 447 (1867) on presentation at court, 448 Griswold, H.W., marriage, 1, 228 Griswold, R.W., from M. (1852) on Cooper, 2, 314 Griswold, Sarah E., marries M., 2, 289, 290 Gros, A.J., M. on allegorical painting, 1, 318 Gypsies, M. on, 1, 310
Habersham, R.W., and M. at Paris (1832), on hints of telegraph, 1, 417, 418 on M.'s experiments with photography, 421 Halske, J.G., and duplex telegraph, 2, 187 Hamburg, M. at and on (1845), 2, 253, 254 (1856), 352 Hamilton, J.C., informal club, 2, 452 Hamlin, Cyrus, and telegraph in Turkey, 2, 298 Hanover, N.H., M. at (1816), 1, 209 Hare and tortoise fable applied to M. and brother, 2, 388, 389 Harris, Levitt, M. on, 1, 146 Harrison, Thomas, American Asiatic Society, 2, 444 Hart, Ann, marries Isaac Hull, 1, 112 Hart, Eliza, 1, 28 Hart, Jannette, and M., 1, 28-30, 112 Hartford, inn (1805), 1, 9 Harvard College, lottery (1811), 1, 46 Hauser, Martin, from M. (1863) on slavery, 2, 424 Haven, G.W., at Fourth dinner at Paris (1832), 1, 424 Hawks, F.L., and Civil War, 2, 416 Hawley, Dr. ——-, of New Haven, sermon (1810), 1, 20 Hayne, R.Y., and M., 1, 252, 253 Henry, Joseph, and relay, 2, 42, 140, 141 share in M.'s telegraph controversy, 55-57, 261-266, 318, 329, 402, 405, 476-479, 500, 504 letters with M. (1839) on consultation, 138-141 to M. (1842) in praise of telegraph, 170-174 on electric power, 171 and construction of experimental line, 215 Smith on, as inventor of telegraph, 498, 499 Hepburn, H.C., and telegraph, 2, 296 Hillhouse, Joseph, to M. (1813) on M.'s family, social gossip, 1, 111 Hillhouse, Mary, 1, 111 Hilliard, Francis, referee on Smith's claim, 2, 411 Hilton, William, meets M., 1, 308 Hinkley, Ann, death, 1, 8 Hodge, Aspinwall, from M. (1872) on Smith's last attack, 2, 602 Hodgson, ——, proposed Mexican mission (1824), 1, 263 Hoffman, J.T., banquet to M., 2, 467; at unveiling of statue to M., 483; at M.'s funeral, 511 Holland, M. on Broek (1845), 2, 261-253 and gratuity to M., 393 Holmes, I.E., and telegraph, 2, 180 Holy Thursday at St. Peter's (1830), 1, 346, 347 Holy See, and gratuity to M., 2, 393 See also Rome. Holy Week in Rome (1830), 1, 344-347 Hone, Philip, owns M.'s Thorwaldsen, 1, 372 Hoover, R.B., and statue to M., 2, 482 Hopkins, J.H., and Civil War, 2, 416 Horsford, E.N., on invention of telegraph, 2, 14-17 on discovery of relay, 41, 42 at memorial services to M., 516 House, R.E., and telegraph, 2, 271. 276 House of Representatives, M.'s painting, 1, 240-242, 252 Houston, G.S., and telegraph, 2, 194 Howard, Henry, meets M., 1, 308 Howe, S.G., imprisonment at Berlin, 1, 430 Hubbard, R., pupil of M., 2, 156 Hull, Ann (Hart), 1, 112 Hull, Isaac, marriage, 1, 112 Humboldt, Alexander von, and M., 1, 423, 2, 104, 108, 365 inscription on photograph, 366 Hunt, W.G., and Atlantic cable, 2, 343 Huntington, Daniel, and M.'s House of Representatives, 1, 242; estimate of M. as artist, 435-437 early view of telegraph, 2, 48 banquet to M., speech, 467, 473 at M.'s funeral, 511 Huntington, J.W., and telegraph, 2, 187, 199 Husted, J.W., at M.'s funeral, 2, 512 Hutton, M.S., and Civil War, 2, 416
Immigration, M.'s attitude, 2, 331-333 India, and M.'s telegraph, 2, 350 Indians, Jedediah Morse as special commissioner, 1, 228 Ingham, C.C., and portrait of Lafayette, 1, 261 and origin of Academy of Design, 280 to M. (1849) on Academy, 2, 306 Inman, Henry, and portrait of Lafayette, 1, 261 and origin of Academy of Design, 280 to M. (1849) on Academy, 2, 305 Institute of France, M.'s exhibition of telegraph, 2, 104, 107, 108, 256 M.'s membership, 393 Invention, Horsford on necessary elements, 2, 16 See also Morse, S.F.B. (Scientific career.) Ireland, Mrs. ——, at Recoaro (1831), 1, 897 Irving, Washington, and Coleridge, 1, 97 and M. at London (1829), 309 Isham, Samuel, estimate of M. as artist, 1, 437, 438 Isle of Wight, M. on (1867), 2, 466 Italy, travel from Nice to Rome (1830), 1, 328-337 beggars, 330, 332, 341, 355, 363, 369 perils of travel, 332, 400 flower festival at Genzano, 354-359 M. at Naples and Amalfi, 364-370 condition of travel (1831), 391 to Venice by boat on Po, 391-393 M. at Venice, 393-396 testimonials to M., 2, 393 M. on conditions (1867), 468 See also Rome.
Jackson, Andrew, congratulates Adams on election (1825), 1, 263 Jackson. C.T., voyage with M. (1832), 2, 3 talks on electrical progress, later claim of giving M. idea of telegraph, 6, 11, 58, 69, 78, 79, 121, 137, 274, 305 Jacobins, Federalist name for Republicans (1805), 1, 7 Jarvis, ——, with M. at Peterhoff (1856), 2, 357 Jarvis, S.F., to M. (1814) on war from Federalist point of view, 1, 157 Jarvis, Mrs. S.F. (Hart), 1, 28; from M. (1811) on attitude toward art, Copley, West, Elgin Marbles, London cries, knocking, American crisis, 1, 46 to M. (1813) on art in America, 100 Jay, P.A., and Cooper, 2, 22 informal club, 451 Jewett, J.S., on M. and Atlantic cable, 2, 386 Jewett, William, and origin of Academy of Design, 1, 280 Jocelyn, N., travel with M. on continent (1830-31), 1, 309, 317 from M. (1864) on attempt to paint, 2, 433 Johnson, Andrew, M. on, 2, 446 and banquet to M., 468 Johnson, Cave, and telegraph, 2, 192, 194, 225, 232 from M. (1845) on Vail, 275 Johnson, William, informal club, 2, 451 Johnston, J.T., and M.'s Thorwaldsen, from M. (1868) on it, 1, 372-374 Judgment of Jupiter, M.'s painting, 1, 178, 179, 196, 199, 215
Kane, J.K., telegraph decision, 2, 273, 293 Kane, James, and M., 1, 247 Kemble, J.P., M. on, as actor, 1, 77 Kendall, Amos, character as M.'s business agent, M.'s confidence, 2, 246, 326, 336, 372, 389, 409, 471, 481 first telegraph company, 247 progress, 247 and rival companies, 276 on Jackson's claim, 305 and Smith, 308, 309, 503 and consolidation of lines, 320 and extension of patent, 325 benevolences, 442 M. on death, 481 Letters to M: (1849) on despondency, litigation, 2, 301 (1862) on destruction of evidence, 316 (1855) on California telegraph graft, 338 on suspicion of the Vails, 339 on sale of interests, trials of management, 340 (1857) on distrust of cable company, 372 (1858) on foreign gratuity, 392 (1859) on death of Vail, 400 From M: (1847) on mercy to infringers, 272 (1861) on preparation against loss of suits, Smith, 311 (1852) on Smith's triumph, law expenses, 319, 320 (1854) on lack of dividends, 336 on Smith and extension of patent, 346 (1866) on same, 370 (1869) on honors and enmity, 406 on lawyers, 409 (1860) on Smith and gratuity, 410 on ball to Prince of Wales, 414 (1862) on foreign machinations in Civil War, 420 (1866) on telegraph monopoly, 444 Kendall, John, and M., 2, 323 Kennedy, J.P., and telegraph, 2, 189, 192, 193 Kent, James, M.'s portrait, 1, 247, 248, 250 and Cooper, 2, 22 informal club, 451 and Louis Napoleon at New York, 452 Kent, Moss, M.'s portrait, 1, 246 Key. See Sender. King, C.B., Leslie on, 1, 59 to M. (1813) on personal relations, 60 at premier of Coleridge's Remorse, 96; return to America, 100, 101 King's (Liverpool) Arms Hotel, 1, 34, 302 Kingsley, J.L., M.'s profile, 1, 19 Kirk, E.N., and M.'s exhibition of telegraph at Paris, 2, 106, 133 Knocking, M. on custom at London, 1, 48 Know-Nothing Party, M.'s attitude, 2, 332, 337 Koeniggraetz, battle of, influence of telegraph, 2, 463 Krebs, J.M., and Civil War, 2, 416 |