(25) In the Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects for April 11, 1914 (xxi. 333), Mr. W. R. Davidge prints a lecture on the Development of London which deals mostly with present and future London but also contains a new theory as to the Roman town. Hitherto, most writers have agreed that, while Londinium may have been laid out on a regular town-plan, no discoverable trace of such plan survived, nor could any existing street be said to run to any serious extent on Roman lines. Mr. Davidge devises a rectangular plan of oblong blocks, and finds vestiges of Roman streets in the present Cheapside, Cannon Street, Gracechurch Street, and Birchin Lane. In a later number of the same journal (Aug. 29, p. 52) I have given some reasons for not accepting this view. First, Mr. Davidge's list of four survivals would be too brief to prove much if the survivals were proved. Secondly, Roman structural remains seem to have been found under all the streets in question, and it is, therefore, plain that they do not run on the lines of Roman thoroughfares. Thirdly, his suggested plan brings none of his conjectured Roman streets (except one) to any of the various known gates of Londinium; it requires us to assume a number of other gates for which there is neither probability nor proof.
(26) In the Post Office Magazine, St. Martin's-le-Grand (Jan. and July 1914), Mr. Thos. Wilson, then Clerk of the Works, gives details, with illustrations, of the Roman rubbish-pits lately excavated at the General Post Office (see above, p. 23).
(27) In the earlier pages (1-45) of his Roman Camp at Burgh Castle (London, 1913) Mr. L. H. Dahl deals with the Roman fort at Burgh Castle (Gariannonum), near Yarmouth, which formed part of the fourth-century Litus Saxonicum. His account, which is not very technical, seems based on previous writers, Ives, Harrod, Fox. I note a list of thirty coins which, save for an uncertain specimen of Domitian and one of Marcus, belong entirely to the late third and the fourth centuries, and end with two silver of Honorius (Virtus Romanorum, Cohen 59). He detects a Roman road running east from Burgh Castle towards Gorleston, preserved (he thinks) in an old road sometimes called the Jews' Way; this, however, seems unlikely. He also maintains the view, which others have held, that the fort had no defences towards the water. This again seems unlikely. Burgh Castle, like Richborough, Stutfall, and other forts of the Litus, may well have had different arrangements on its water-front from the walls on its other three faces. But it cannot have lacked defences, and excavations prove, here as elsewhere, that walls did actually exist on this side.
Northumberland: Corbridge
(28) A paper by the present writer and Prof. P. Gardner, entitled 'Roman silver in Northumberland' (Journal of Roman Studies, iv. 1-12), discusses the relics of what was seemingly a hoard—or perhaps a service—of Roman silver plate, lost in the Tyne or on its banks near Corbridge in the fourth century. Of five pieces, four were picked up between 1731 and 1736, about 100-150 yards below the present bridge at Corbridge; a fifth was found in 1760 floating in the stream four miles lower down. One was a silver 'basin', of which no more is recorded. Another was a small two-handled cup with figures of men and beasts round it. A third was a round flat-bottomed bowl, with a decorated rim bearing the Chi-Rho amidst its other ornament. A fourth was a small ovoid cup, 4 inches high, with the inscription Desideri vivas. Last, not least, is the Corbridge Lanx, the only surviving piece of the five, and probably the finest piece of Roman engraved silver found in these islands, an oblong dish measuring 15 x 19 inches, weighing 148 ounces, and ornamented with figures of deities from classical mythology. That all five pieces belonged together can hardly be doubted, though it cannot be proved outright. That they all belong to the later Roman period, and probably to the fourth century, seems highly probable. Whether they were buried in the river-bank to conceal them from raiders or were lost from a boat or otherwise, is not now discoverable. But the occurrence of such silver close to the Roman Wall is in itself notable. It is to be attributed rather to a Roman officer residing in or passing through Corbridge than to either a Romanized Briton or a Pictish looter.
Apart from its findspot, the Lanx is important for its excellent art and for the place which it seems to hold in the history of later Greek art. It is, of course, not Romano-British work; it is purely Greek in all its details and no doubt of Greek workmanship. The deities figured on it have long been a puzzle. They are evidently classical deities; three of them, indeed, are Apollo, Artemis, and Athena. But the identity of the other two figures and the meaning of the whole scene have been much disputed. Roger Gale, the first to attempt its unravelment, suggested in 1735 that it was 'just an assemblage of deities', and at one time I inclined to this view—that we had here merely (let us say) a tea-party at Apollo's; Dr. Drexel, too, wrote to me lately to express the same idea. But I must confess that nearly all the best archaeologists demand a definite mythological identification, and my colleague, Prof. Gardner, suggests a new view—that the scene is the so-called Judgement of Paris. This mythological incident was often depicted in ancient art, and—strange as it may sound—in the later versions Paris was not seldom omitted, Apollo was made arbiter, and the scene was removed from Mount Ida to Delphi.[11] The two hitherto disputable figures are, Prof. Gardner thinks, Hera (seated) and Aphrodite (standing, with a long sceptre). He ascribes the work to the third or early part of the fourth century, and believes that it was made in the Eastern Empire; from the prominence granted to Artemis, he conjectures that Ephesus may have been its origin. But he adds that he would not be sure that the artist of the piece, while copying a Judgement of Paris, was consciously aware of the meaning of the original before him. His views will be published in fuller detail in the Journal of Hellenic Studies.
[Footnote 11: Compare the Roman provincial bas-reliefs of Actaeon surprising Diana, with Actaeon omitted (R. Cagnat, Archaeological Journal, lxiv. 42).]
I am glad, further, to have been able to illustrate this paper by what I believe to be a better illustration of the Lanx than has been published before, and also to set out in more accurate fashion the curious legal history of the object after it was found.
(29) In the new History of Northumberland, issued by the Northumberland County History Committee in vol. x (edited by Mr. H. H. Craster, Newcastle, 1914, pp. 455-522) I have given a long account of the known Roman remains in Corbridge parish. These are the settlement of Corstopitum, a small stretch of Roman road and another of the Roman Wall, and the fort of Halton (Hunnum) on the Wall. The account is necessarily historical rather than archaeological; it tries to sum up the finds and estimate their historical bearing, and it also catalogues all the inscribed and sculptured stones found at Corbridge and Halton, with the 'literature' relating to them. Mr. Knowles contributes a plan of the Corbridge excavations to the end of 1912.
(30) The Corbridge excavations of 1913 are described by Mr. R. H. Forster, who was in personal charge of the work, Mr. W. H. Knowles, and myself, in Archaeologia Aeliana (third series, 1914, xi. 279-310); see also a short account by myself in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (xxvi. 185-9). The discoveries were comparatively few; they comprised some ill-preserved and mostly insignificant buildings on the north side of the site, some ditches, and a stretch of the road leading to the north (Dere Street). Among small objects were an interesting but imperfect altar to 'Panthea ...', a bronze 'balsamarium' showing a puzzling variety of barbarian's head, and another piece of the Corbridge grey applique ware. A short account of the excavations of 1914 (see above, p. 9) is contained in the Journal of the British Archaeological Association (xx. 343).
(31) The Proceedings of the Berwick Naturalists' Club (vol. xxxii, part 2) print an agreeable paper by Mr. James Curle, describing Dere Street and some Roman posts on it between Tyne and Tweed.
(32) About ten miles east from Nottingham, and a mile south of the village of East Bridgeford, the Fosse-way crosses a Roman site which has usually been identified with the Margidunum of the Antonine Itinerary. Lately excavation has been attempted, and the Antiquary of December 1914 contains an interesting account of the results attained up to the end of 1913, with some illustrations.[12] A very broad earthwork and ditch surround an area of 7 acres, rhomboidal in shape (fig. 23). In this area the excavators, Drs. Felix Oswald and T. D. Pryce, have turned up floor-tesserae, roof-slates, flue-tiles, window-glass, painted wall-plaster, potsherds of the first and later centuries, including a black bowl with a well-modelled figure of Mercury in relief, coins ranging down to the end of the fourth century (Eugenius), and other small objects of interest, such as the small seal-box with Late-Celtic enamel, shown in fig. 24. No foundations in situ have yet come to light, but that is doubtless to follow; only a tiny part of the whole area has, as yet, been touched. Margidunum may have begun as a fort coeval with the Fosse-way, which (if I am right) dates from the earliest years of the Roman Conquest. Whether any of the first-century potsherds as yet found there can be assigned to these years (say A.D. 45-75) is not clear. But the excavations plainly deserve to be continued.
[Footnote 12: By the courtesy of the publisher of the Antiquary, Mr. Elliot Stock, I am able to reproduce two of these illustrations (figs. 23, 24).]
(33) Mr. Bushe-Fox's second Report on his excavations at Wroxeter (Reports of the Research Committee of the London Society of Antiquaries, No. II, Oxford, 1914) deserves all the praise accorded to his first Report. I can only repeat what I said of that; it is an excellent description, full and careful, minute in its account of the smaller finds, lavishly illustrated, admirably printed, and sold for half a crown. The finds which it enumerates in detail I summarized in my Report for 1913, pp. 19-20—the temple with its interesting Italian plan, the fragments of sculpture which seem to belong to it, the crowd of small objects, the masses of Samian (indefatigably recorded), the 528 coins; all combine to make up an admirable pamphlet.
I will venture a suggestion on the temple. This, as I pointed out last year, is on the Italian, not on the Celto-Roman plan. But one item is not quite clear in it. All ordinary classical temples stood on podia or platforms which raised them above the surrounding surface at least to some small extent. Mr. Bushe-Fox speaks of a podium to the Wroxeter temple. But it appears that he does not mean a podium, as generally understood. The masonry which he denotes by that term was, in his opinion, buried underground and merely foundation. The floor of the portico of the temple (he says) was about level with the floor of the court which surrounded the temple; the floor of the cella, though higher, was but a trifle higher (see figs. 26, 27). This view needs more reflection than he has given it in his rather brief account. No doubt a temple in a Celtic land might have been built on a classical plan, though without a classical podium. But it is not what one would most expect. Nor do I feel sure that it was actually done at Wroxeter in this case. The walls which Mr. Bushe-Fox explains as the foundations of the temple are quite needlessly good masonry for foundations never meant to be seen; this will be plain from figs. 27, 28, which I reproduce by permission from his Report. Further, as fig. 26 (from the same source) shows, there was outside the base of this masonry a level cobbled surface, for which no structural reason is to be found. This, one may guess, was a pavement at the original ground-level when the temple was first erected; from this, steps presumably led up to the floor of the portico and cella. The 'podium', then, was at first a real podium. Later, the ground-level rose, and the walls of the podium were buried.
(34) In his handsome volume, Wookey Hole, its caves and cave-dwellers (London, 1914), Mr. H. E. Balch collects for general antiquarian readers the results of his long exploration of this Mendip cave; some of these results were noted in my Report for 1913, p. 47. The cave, as a whole, contained—besides copious prehistoric remains—two well-defined Roman layers, with many potsherds, including a little Samian and one Samian stamp given as PIIR PIIT OFII (apparently a new variety of Perpetuus), broken glass, a few fibulae and other bronze and iron objects, and 106 coins. These coins are:—1 Republican (124-103 B.C., Marcia), 1 Vespasian, 1 Titus, 1 Trajan, 2 Hadrian, 2 Pius; then, 3 Gallienus, 1 Salonina, 1 Carausius, 2 Chlorus, 1 Theodora, 6 Constantinopolis, 1 Crispus, 4 Constantine II, 4 Magnentius, 4 Constantius II, with 20 Valentinian I, 14 Valens, 21 Gratian, 7 Valentinian II, and 6 illegible. Just two-thirds of the coins are later than A.D. 364; they may be set beside the late hoard found at Wookey Hole in 1852, which Mr. Balch might well have mentioned. Plainly, the later Roman layer in the cave belongs to the end of the fourth century. The date of the other layer is harder to fix, since we are not told how the coins and potsherds were distributed between the layers. Probably the cave was long inhabited casually but in the troubled time of the latest Empire became a place of refuge or otherwise attracted more numerous occupants. That, if true, is a more interesting result that Mr. Balch realizes. For in general the cave-life of Roman Britain belonged to the first two or three centuries of our era; it is only rarely, and mostly in the west country, that the caves contain among their Roman relics objects of the late fourth century (see Victoria Hist. Derbyshire, i. 233-42). I must add that Mr. Balch repeats on pp. 57-8 the error about the significance of the Republican coin which was noted in my Report for 1915.
(35) The Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society for 1913 (vol. lix, Taunton, 1914) record small Roman finds at Bratton and Barrington (part i, pp. 24, 65, 76, and part ii, p. 79), and describe in detail Mr. Gray's trial excavations at Cadbury Castle. Cadbury, it seems, was occupied mainly in the Celtic period, before the Roman conquest.
(36) A little light is thrown on two Somerset 'villas' in Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset (xiv. 1914). (a) Skinner in 1818 excavated a 'villa' near Camerton which he recorded in his manuscripts. (British Mus. Add. 33659, &c.) and which I described in print in the Victoria History of Somerset (i. 315). His account did not, however, enable one to fix the precise site; he said only that it stood south of a certain Ridgeway and next to a field called Chessils. Mr. E. J. Holmroyd has now, with the aid of tithe maps, discovered a field called Chessils in the north of Midsomer Norton parish, about a mile east of Paulton village, at the point where a lane called in the Ordnance Survey 'Coldharbour Lane', which runs north and south, cuts a lane running east and west from Camerton to Paulton; this latter lane keeps to high ground and must be Skinner's Ridgeway. In Chessils and in adjoining fields called Cornwell, just 525 feet above sea-level, he has, further, actually found Roman potsherds, tiles, and rough tesserae. This, as he says (Notes and Queries, xiv. 5, and in a letter to me) will be the site of Skinner's 'villa.' (b) In the same publication (p. 122) I have pointed out that the Parish Award (1798) of Chedzoy, near Bridgwater, contains a field-name Chesters. This, as the Rector of Chedzoy attests, is still in use there, as the name of an orchard on the Manor Farm, just west of Chedzoy village. According to older statements, a hypocaust was long ago found in 'Slapeland', and Slapeland too lies west of Chedzoy village (see Vict. Hist. Somerset, i. 359). Two bits of slender evidence seem thus to confirm each other, although no actual Roman remains have been noted at Chedzoy lately.
(37) In the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (xxvi. 137-44) Mr. A. Bulleid describes, with illustrations, some excavations which he lately made in the marshes north of the Polden Hills, near Cossington and Chilton. Here are curious mounds which have often been taken for some kind of potteries, and are so explained by Mr. Bulleid; many of these mounds were excavated about a hundred years ago, and Mr. Bulleid has now dug into others. His results are not very conclusive, but they seem to imply that the mounds, whatever they were, were not used for pottery making, since among many relics of various sorts no 'wasters' have been found. See further, for an account of the finds in this region, Victoria Hist. of Somerset, i. 351-3.
(38) The Surrey Archaelogical Collections (vol. xxvi) note various small Roman finds—Roman bricks in the walls of Fetcham Church, possibly Roman plaster at Stoke D'Abernon Church (p. 123), some thirty coins and Roman urns and glass from Ewell (pp. 135, 148), and an urn from Camberwell (p. 149). The same journal (vol. xxvii, p. 155) notes the discovery, not hitherto recorded, of over 100 coins of A.D. 296-312 in an urn dug up in 1904 at Normandy Manor Nurseries, near Guildford.
(39) A Schedule of Antiquities in the County of Surrey, by Mr. P. M. Johnston (Guildford, 1913), seems intended for students of mediaeval and modern antiquities, and says little about Roman remains; it has no index and cites no authorities.
(40) A Roman well has been examined near Ham Farm, between Hassocks railway station and Hurstpierpoint. It was 38 feet deep, the upper part round and lined with local blue clay, the lower part square and lined with stout oak planks. The only object recorded from it is a 'first century vase', taken out at half-way down, which suggests that the well collapsed at an early date. Another well, flint-lined, was noted near but not explored; Roman potsherds were picked up not far off (Sussex Archaeological Collections, lvi. 197). The remains probably belong to a farm detected close by in 1857 (S. A. C. xiv. 178). Traces of Roman civilized life are comparatively common in this neighbourhood.
(41) Mr. R. G. Roberts' volume, The Place-names of Sussex (Cambridge University Press, 1914), much resembles the Derbyshire monograph noted above (No. 7). Its selection of place-names is about as limited and its neglect of all but purely phonetic considerations is as marked. Names such as Cold Waltham (beside a Roman road), Adur, Lavant, Arun, Chanctonbury, Mount Caburn, do not find a place in it. From a full criticism by Dr. H. Bradley in the English Historical Review (xxx. 161-6) one would infer that its philology, too, is by no means satisfactory.
(42) The Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society (xiv. 433-65) contain the first Report, by Mr. R. G. Collingwood, of the excavation of the Roman fort at Borrans Ring, near Ambleside, covering the period from August 1913 to April 1914. It is an excellent piece of description and well illustrated; due attention is given to the small objects; the whole is scholarly and satisfactory. It is perhaps as well to add that one or two details first found in April 1914 were further explored in the following August, and some corrections were obtained which will be published in the second Report. For the rest see above, p. 10.
(43) I have contributed to the Proceedings of the Bath and District Branch of the Somersetshire Archaeological Society and Natural History for 1914 (p. 50) a note on the relief of Diana found at Nettleton Scrub, to much the same effect as the paragraph on this sculpture in my Report for 1913 (p. 49).
(44) The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (xxvi. 209) contain a note by Mr. E. H. Binney on Roman remains on the known Roman site, Nythe Farm, about three miles east of Swindon.
(45) The same Proceedings (xxvi. 206) contain an account by Dr. G. B. Grundy of two sections which he dug lately across the line of Rycknield Street on the high ground south-east of Broadway, thereby helping to fix the road at this point. A sketch-map is added.
(46) In the Bradford Antiquary for October 1914 (iv. 117-34) Dr. F. Villy continues his inquiries into a supposed Roman road running past Harden, a little north-west of Bradford. Dr. Villy actually excavates for his roads, in very praiseworthy fashion. But I do not feel sure that he has actually proved a Roman road on the line which he has here examined; he has found interesting and indubitable traces of an old road, but not decisive evidence of its date. The same volume includes a note of eight Roman coins of the 'Thirty Tyrants', from Yew Bank, Utley.
(47) Archaeologia Cambrensis for 1914 (series vi, vol. xiv) contains useful papers on Roman remains. Mr. H. G. Evelyn White describes in detail his excavations carried out at Castell Collen in 1913—see my Report for that year, pp. 1-58. One must regret that they have not been continued in 1914. Mr. F. N. Pryce describes his work at Cae Gaer, near Llangurig (pp. 205-20), also noted in that Report. The Rev. J. Fisher quotes place-names possibly indicative of a Roman road near St. Asaph, and quotes a suggestion by Mr. Egerton Phillimore that the township name Wigfair, once Wicware, stands for Gwig-wair, and that the second half of this represents the name Varis which the Antonine Itinerary places on the Roman road from Chester to Carnarvon at a point which cannot be far from St. Asaph and the Clwydd river (see my Military Aspects of Roman Wales, pp. 26-8, and Owen's forthcoming Pembrokeshire, ii. 524). Lastly, Mr. J. Ward reports on further finds of the fort wall at Cardiff Castle (pp. 407-10): see above, p. 21.
(48) The excavation of the Roman fort at Gellygaer, thirteen miles north of Cardiff, was brought in 1913 to a point at which (as I learn) it is considered to be for the present finished. I referred to it in my Report for 1913; Mr. John Ward's full description of the results obtained in 1913 is now issued in the Transactions of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society (vol. xlvi). The principal finds were a supposed 'drill-ground' on the north-east of the fort, a bit of another inscription of Trajan, a kiln in the churchyard, and a largish earthwork on the north-west of the fort. This last is a regular oblong of not quite five acres internal area, fortified by an earthen mound and a ditch; trenching across the interior showed no trace of buildings or indeed of any occupation, but the search was not carried very far. Several explanations have been offered of it—that it was a temporary affair, thrown up while the actual fort was abuilding; that it was intended for troops marching past and needing to camp for a night at the spot; that it was an earlier fort, begun when the first invasion of the Silures was made, about A.D. 50-2, but never finished. This third view is Mr. Ward's own. Without more excavation, it is rash to pronounce positively, and perhaps even a minute search might be fruitless. Analogies somewhat favour the first theory, but there will always be room for difference of opinion in explaining these excrescences (so to speak) of permanent forts, which are slight in themselves and slightly explored.
As the exploration of this site appears to be closed for the present, and indeed is nearly complete, it may be convenient to give a conspectus of the whole in a small plan (fig. 29).
(49) The fourth volume issued by the Welsh Monuments Commission (Inventory of Ancient Monuments in the County of Denbigh, H.M. Stationery Office, 1914) enumerates the few Roman remains of Denbighshire. The one important item is the group of tile and pottery kilns lately excavated by Mr. A. Acton at Holt, eight miles south of Chester, which I have described above (p. 15); the Commissioners' plan of the site seems to have an incorrect scale. Chance finds, important if not yet fully understood, have been found in British camps at Pen-y-corddin, Moel Fenlli, Moel y Gaer, and especially at Parc-y-Meirch or Dinorben (above, p. 28). Isolated coins have been found scantily—a hoard of perhaps 6,000 Constantinian copper at Moel Fenlli, a gold coin of Nero from the same hill, another coin of Nero at Llanarmon, 200-300 Constantinian at Llanelidan. A parcel of bronze 'cooking vessels' was found near Abergele (Eph. Epigr. iii. 130) but has unfortunately disappeared. The index also mentions coins under 'No. 458', which does not appear in the volume itself. A Roman road probably ran across the county from St. Asaph to Caerhyn (Canovium); its east end is pretty certain, as far as Glascoed, though the 'Inventory' hardly makes this clear.
(50) A partial plan and some views of the west gate of the Roman fort at the Gaer, near Brecon, are given in the Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club for 1908-11.
(51) The fifth Report of the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments in Scotland, Inventory of Monuments in Galloway. II. Stewartry of Kirkcudbright (Edinburgh, 1914) shows that the eastern half of Galloway, like the western half described in the fourth Report in 1912, contains nothing that can be called a 'Roman site' and very few Roman remains of any sort. Indeed this eastern half, the land between Dumfries and Newton Stewart, seems even poorer in such remains than the district between Newton Stewart and the Irish Sea. Its only items are some trifles of Samian, &c., found in the Borness Cave, and some iron implements found in a bronze caldron in Carlingwark Loch. This result is, of course, contrary to the views of older Scottish writers like Skene, who talked of 'numerous Roman camps and stations' in Galloway, but it will surprise no recent student. Probably the Romans never got far west of a line roughly coinciding with that of the Caledonian Railway from Carlisle by Carstairs to Glasgow. Their failure or omission to hold the south-west weakened the left flank and rear of their position on the Wall of Pius and helped materially to shorten their dominion in Scotland in the second century.
(52) In the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland for 1913-4 (vol. xlviii) Mr. J. M. Corrie describes some polishers and other small objects found casually at Newstead (p. 338), and Dr. Macdonald expands (p. 395) the account of the Balcreggan hoard which he had contributed to the Scotsman (my Report for 1913, p. 11). Mr. A. O. Curle (p. 161) records the discovery and exploration of a vitrified fort at the Mote of Mark near Dalbeattie (Kirkcudbright), and the discovery in it of two clearly Roman potsherds. The main body of the finds made here seem to belong to the ninth century; whether any of them can be earlier than has been thought, I am not competent to decide.
(53) The well-known and remarkable earthworks at Birrenswark, near Lockerbie in Dumfriesshire, have long been explained as a Roman circumvallation[13] or at least as siege-works round a native hill-fort. In 1913 they were visited by Prof. Schulten, of Erlangen, the excavator of a Roman circumvallation round the Spanish fortress of Numantia; they naturally interested him, and he has now described them for German readers (Neue Jahrbuecher fuer das klassische Altertum, xxxiii, 1914, pp. 607-17) and added some remarks on their date. His description is clear and readable; his chronological arguments are less satisfactory. He adopts[14] the view generally adopted by English archaeologists (except Roy) for the last two centuries, that these camps date from Agricola; he supports this old conclusion by reasons which are in part novel. I may summarize his position thus: Two Roman roads led from the Tyne and the Solway to Caledonia, an eastern road by Corbridge and Newstead, and a western one by Annandale and Upper Clydesdale. On the eastern road, a little north of Newstead, is the camp of Channelkirk; on the western are the three camps of Torwood Moor (near Lockerbie), Tassie's Holm (north of Moffat), and Cleghorn in Clydesdale, near Carstairs. These four camps are—so far as preserved—of the same size, 1,250 x 1,800 feet; they all have six gates (two in each of the longer sides); they all have traverses in front of the gates; lastly, Torwood Moor is fourteen Roman miles, a day's march, from Tassie's Holm, and that is twenty-eight miles from Cleghorn. Plainly they belong to the same date. Further, Agricola is the only Roman general who used both eastern and western routes together; accordingly, these camps date from him. Finally, as Birrenswark is near Torwood Moor, it too must be Agricolan.
[Footnote 13: It is proper to add a warning that the traces of the 'circumvallation' are dim, and high authorities like Dr. Macdonald are sceptical about them. The two camps are, however, certain, and there must have been communication between them of some sort, if they were occupied at the same time.]
[Footnote 14: No doubt it is by oversight that Dr. Schulten omits to state that the view which he is supporting is the ordinary view and not his own.]
Dr. Schulten has not advanced matters by this speculation. His first point, that the four camps are coeval, and his reasons for that idea, are mainly taken from Roy—he does not make this clear in his paper. But he has not heeded Roy's warnings that the reasons are not cogent. Actually, they are very weak. At Channelkirk, only two sides of a camp remained in Roy's time; they measured not 1,250 x 1,800 feet but 1,330 x 1,660 feet, and the longer side had one gate in the middle, not two; to-day, next to nothing is visible. At Tassie's Holm there was only a corner of a perhaps quite small earthwork—not necessarily Roman—and the distance to Torwood Moor is nearer twenty than fourteen Roman miles. At Torwood Moor only one side, 1,780 feet long with two gates, was clear in Roy's time; the width of the camp is unknown. Cleghorn seems to have been fairly complete, but modern measurers give its size as 1,000 x 1,700 feet. Dr. Schulten builds on imaginary foundations when he calls these four camps coeval. He has not even proof that there were four camps.
Nor is his reason any more convincing for assigning these camps, and Birrenswark with them, to Agricola. Here he parts company from Roy and adduces an argument of his own—that Agricola was the only general who used both eastern and western routes. That is a mere assertion, unproven and improbable. Roman generals were operating in Scotland in the reigns of Pius and Marcus (A.D. 140-80) and Septimius Severus; if there were two routes, it is merely arbitrary to limit these men to the eastern route. As a matter of fact, the history of the western route is rather obscure; doubts have been thrown on its very existence north of Birrens. But if it did exist, the sites most obviously connected with it are the second-century sites of Birrens, Lyne, and Carstairs; at Birrenswark itself the only definitely datable finds, four coins, include two issues of Trajan.[15]
[Footnote 15: Gordon, p. 184, Minutes of the Soc. Antiq. i. 183 (2 February, 1725). It has been suggested that Gordon mixed up Birrens and Birrenswark. But though the Soc. Antiq. Minutes only describe the coins as 'found in a Roman camp in Annandale, ... the first Roman camp to be seen in Scotland', Gordon obviously knew more than the Minutes contain—he gives, e.g. the name of a local antiquary who noted the find—and the distinction between the 'town' (as it was then thought) of Middelby (as it was then called) and the camp of Burnswork, was well recognized in his time.]
The truth is that the question is more complex than Dr. Schulten has realized. Possibly it is not ripe for solution. I have myself ventured, in previous publications, to date Birrenswark to Agricola—for reasons quite different from those of Dr. Schulten. But I would emphasize that we need, both there and at many earth-camps, full archaeological use of the spade. The circumstances of the hour are unfavourable to that altogether.
(54) As I go to press, I receive the Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club for 1908-11 (Hereford, 1914), a volume which, despite the date on its title-page, does not appear to have been actually issued till April 1915. It contains on pp. 68-73 and 105-9 two illustrated papers on three Roman roads of Herefordshire—Stone Street, the puzzling road near Leominster, and Blackwardine, the itinerary route between Gloucester and Monmouth. The find made at Donnington in 1906, which is explained on p. 69 as a 'villa' and on p. 109 as an agrimensorial pit—this latter an impossibility—was, I think, really a kiln, though there may have been a dwelling-house near. The most interesting of the Roman finds made lately in Herefordshire, those of Kenchester, do not come into this volume, but belong in point of date to the volume which will succeed it.
The following list enumerates the archaeological and other periodicals published in these islands which sometimes or often contain noteworthy articles relating to Roman Britain. Those which contained such articles in 1914 are marked by an asterisk, and references are given in square brackets to the numbered paragraphs in the preceding section (pp. 38-63).
Archaeologia (Society of Antiquaries of London).
*Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London [see 30, 37, 44, 45].
English Historical Review (London).
Scottish Historical Review (Glasgow).
*Numismatic Chronicle (London) [see 8].
British Numismatic Journal (London).
*Journal of Roman Studies (London) [see 28].
*Archaeological Journal (Royal Archaeological Institute, London) [see 2].
*Journal of the British Archaeological Association (London) [see 17, 24, 30].
*Antiquary (London) [see 3, 32].
Athenaeum (London).
Architectural Review (London).
*Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archaeological Journal (Reading) [see 5].
Records of Buckinghamshire (Aylesbury). See also Berks.
Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society (Cambridge).
Proceedings of the Cambridge and Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society (Ely).
Journal of the Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society of Chester and North Wales (Chester).
See also Lancashire.
Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall (Plymouth).
See also Devon.
*Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society (Kendal). Includes also Lancashire north of the Sands [see 42].
*Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Derby) [see 7].
Report and Transactions of the Devon Association (Plymouth).
Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries (Exeter).
*Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club (Dorchester) [see 8, 9].
Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society (Newcastle-on-Tyne).
See also Northumberland, Archaeologia Aeliana.
*Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society (Colchester) [see 10, 11].
Essex Review (Colchester).
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia (London).
*Transactions of the British and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (Bristol) [see 12].
*Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society (Southampton) [see 14, 15].
*Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club (Hereford) [see 50, 54].
*Transactions of the East Herts Archaeological Society (Hertford) [see 16].
See under Cambridgeshire.
*Archaeologia Cantiana, Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society (London) [see 17].
*Transactions of the Greenwich Antiquarian Society (London) [see 18].
*Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society (Manchester) [see 19, 20].
Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society (Liverpool).
(For Lancashire north of the Sands see also Cumberland.)
Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological Society (Leicester).
Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of Lincoln, York, Northampton and Oakham, Worcester and Leicester, called Associated Architectural Societies (Lincoln).
*Lincolnshire Notes and Queries (Horncastle) [see 21, 22].
See also under Leicestershire.
Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society (London).
London Topographical Record (London).
Norfolk Archaeology (Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, Norwich).
See also under Essex.
Northamptonshire Notes and Queries (London).
See also under Leicestershire.
*Archaeologia Aeliana (Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Newcastle) [see 30].
Proceedings of the same Society.
Transactions of the Thornton Society (Nottingham).
Oxford Archaeological Society (Banbury).
See also under Berkshire.
See under Leicestershire.
Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Shrewsbury).
*Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Taunton) [see 35].
*Proceedings of the Bath and District Branch, of the Somersetshire Archaeological Society (Bath) [see 43].
*Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset (Sherborne) [see 36].
Annual Report and Transactions of the North Staffordshire Field Club (Stafford).
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History (Ipswich).
See also under Essex.
*Surrey Archaeological Collections (London) [see 38].
*Sussex Archaeological Collections (Brighton) [see 39].
Transactions of the Birmingham and Midland Institute (Birmingham).
See under Cumberland.
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine (Devizes).
Wiltshire Notes and Queries (Devizes).
See under Leicestershire.
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal (Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Leeds).
Publications of the Thoresby Society (Leeds).
*The Bradford Antiquary (Bradford) [see 46].
Transactions of the Hunter Archaeological Society (Sheffield).
*Archaeologia Cambrensis (Cambrian Archaeological Association, London) [see 47].
Montgomeryshire Collections (Oswestry).
Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion and Y-Cymmrodor (London).
Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club Transactions (Carmarthen).
*Report and Transactions of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society (Cardiff) [see 48].
*Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (Edinburgh) [see 52].
Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society (Glasgow).
*Proceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Field Club (Alnwick) [see 31].
(Mainly of Place-names)
Ambleside, 10, 56.
Appleby, 35.
Balcreggan, 61.
Balmuildy (Wall of Pius), 7, 29.
Beachy Head, 27.
Birrenswark, 61.
Borrans, see Ambleside.
Broom Farm (Hants), 26.
Burgh Castle, 48.
Cae Gaer (Montgom.), 58.
Camerton, 55.
Cardiff, 21, 58.
Castell Collen, 57.
Caves in Roman Britain, 54; Borness, 60.
Chedzoy, 55.
Chester, 41.
Chesterholm (Hadrian's Wall), 8, 31.
Compton (Surrey), 25.
Corbridge, 9, 32, 49.
Derby, Derwent, 42.
Donnington (Heref.), 63.
Dorchester (Dorset), 43.
Dover, 45.
Eastbourne, 27.
East Bridgeford, 51.
East Grimstead (Wilts.), 24.
Ewell, 56.
Featherwood (Northumberland), 30.
Fetcham (Surrey), 55.
Gaer (near Brecon), 60.
Gellygaer, 58.
Gloucester, 22.
Greenwich, Roman road, 45.
Guildford, 56.
Halton (Wall of Hadrian), 50.
Hangingshaw, see Appleby.
Hants, Roman roads, 44.
Harden (Yorks.), 57.
Herefordshire, Roman roads, 62.
Hertfordshire, Roman roads, 45.
Hockley (Essex), 44.
Holt, 15-21, 34, 60.
Hurstpierpoint, 56.
Inveravon (Wall of Pius), 8.
Kingston-on-Thames, 26.
Kintbury (Berks.), 41.
Kirkintilloch, 8.
Lancashire, Roman roads, 45.
Lancaster, 12.
Lincoln, 34, 46.
Litlington (Camb.), 26.
Litus Saxonicum, 49.
London, 22, 35, 46.
Lowbury, 27.
Manchester, 46.
Mersea Island (Essex), 44.
Midsomer Norton, 55.
Mote of Mark (Kirkcudbright), 61.
Mumrills (Wall of Pius), 8.
Nettleton Scrub, 57.
Newstead (Melrose), 61.
North Ash (Kent), 25.
Nythe Farm (near Swindon), 57.
Parc-y-Meirch, 28, 60
Place-names of Derbyshire, 42; of Sussex, 56.
Polden Hills (Som.), 55.
Puncknoll (Dorset), 43.
Raedykes (near Stonehaven), 7.
Ribchester, 12, 45.
Richborough, 21.
Rockbourne Down, 44.
Rycknield Street, 57.
St. Asaph (road near), 58.
Sea Mills, 44.
Silchester, 44.
Slack, 13.
Suetonius Paulinus, topography of campaign against Boudicca, 40.
Tituli (tutuli), age of, 7.
Traprain Law, 8, 30.
Ulceby (South Lincs.), 46.
Varis (of Ant. Itin.), 58.
Vindolanda, 31.
Wall of Hadrian, 8, 38-40.
Wall of Pius, 7, 8.
Weardale (co. Durham), 9, 33.
Wigfair (St. Asaph), 58.
Witcombe (Glouc.), 44.
Wookey Hole (Mendip), 54.
Wroxeter, 21, 52.