908. Malediction — N. malediction, malison^, curse, imprecation, denunciation, execration, anathema, ban, proscription, excommunication, commination^, thunders of the Vatican, fulmination, maranatha^; aspersion, disparagement, vilification, vituperation. abuse; foul language, bad language, strong language, unparliamentary language; billingsgate, sauce, evil speaking; cursing &c v.; profane swearing, oath; foul invective, ribaldry, rude reproach, scurrility. threat &c 909; more bark than bite; invective &c (disapprobation) 932. V. curse, accurse^, imprecate, damn, swear at; curse with bell book and candle; invoke curses on the head of, call down curses on the head of; devote to destruction. execrate, beshrew^, scold; anathematize &c (censure) 932; bold up to execration, denounce, proscribe, excommunicate, fulminate, thunder against; threaten &c 909. curse and swear; swear, swear like a trooper; fall a cursing, rap out an oath, damn. Adj. cursing, cursed &c v.. Int. woe to!, beshrew!^, ruat coelum! [Lat.], ill betide, woe betide; confusion seize!, damn!, damn it!, damn you!, damn you to hell!, go to hell!, go to blazes!, confound!, blast!, curse!, devil take!, hang!, out with!, a plague upon!, out upon!, aroynt!^, honi soit! [Fr.], parbleu! [Fr.], Phr. delenda est Carthago [Lat.].
909. Threat — N. threat, menace; defiance &c 715; abuse, minacity^, intimidation; denunciation; fulmination; commination &c (curse) 908 [Obs.]; gathering clouds &c (warning) 668. V. threat, threaten; menace; snarl, growl, gnarl, mutter, bark, bully. defy &c 715; intimidate &c 860; keep in terrorem [Lat.], hold up in terrorem [Lat.], hold out in terrorem [Lat.]; shake the fist at, double the fist at, clinch the fist at; thunder, talk big, fulminate, use big words, bluster, look daggers, stare daggers. Adj. threatening, menacing; minatory, minacious^; comminatory^, abusive; in terrorem [Lat.]; ominous &c (predicting) 511; defiant &c 715; under the ban. Int. vae victis! [Lat.], at your peril!, do your worst!,
910. Philanthropy — N. philanthropy, humanity, humanitarianism universal benevolence; endaemonism^, deliciae humani generis [Lat.]; cosmopolitanism utilitarianism, the greatest happiness of the greatest number, social science, sociology common weal; socialism, communism, Fourierism^, phalansterianism^, Saint Simonianism^. patriotism, civism^, nationality, love of country, amor patriae [Lat.], public spirit. chivalry, knight errantry^; generosity &c 942. philanthropist, endaemonist^, utilitarian, Benthamite, socialist, communist, cosmopolite, citizen of the world, amicus humani generis [Lat.]; knight errant; patriot. Adj. philanthropic, humanitarian, utilitarian, cosmopolitan; public- spirited, patriotic; humane, large-hearted &c (benevolent) 906; chivalric; generous &c 942. Adv. pro bono publico [Lat.], pro aris et focis [Cicero]. Phr. humani nihil a me alienum puto [Lat.] [Terence]; omne solum forti patria [Lat.] [Ovid]; un bien fait n'est jamais perdu [Fr.].
911. Misanthropy — N. misanthropy, incivism; egotism &c (selfishness) 943; moroseness &c 901.1; cynicism. misanthrope, misanthropist, egotist, cynic, man hater, Timon, Diogenes. woman hater, misogynist. Adj. misanthropic, antisocial, unpatriotic; egotistical &c (selfish) 943; morose &c 901.1.
912. Benefactor — N. benefactor, savior, good genius, tutelary saint, guardian angel, good Samaritan; pater patriae [Lat.]; salt of the earth &c (good man);; 948; auxiliary &c 711.
913. [Maleficent being] Evil doer — N. evil doer, evil worker; wrongdoer &c 949; mischief-maker, marplot; oppressor, tyrant; destroyer, Vandal; iconoclast^. firebrand, incendiary, fire bug [U.S.], pyromaniac; anarchist, communist^, terrorist. savage, brute, ruffian, barbarian, semibarbarian^, caitiff, desperado; Apache^, hoodlum, hood, plug-ugly [U.S.], Red Skin, tough [U.S.]; Mohawk, Mo-hock, Mo-hawk; bludgeon man, bully, rough, hooligan, larrikin^, dangerous classes, ugly customer; thief &c 792. cockatrice, scorpion, hornet. snake, viper, adder, snake in the grass; serpent, cobra, asp, rattlesnake, anaconda^. canker-worm, wire-worm; locust, Colorado beetle; alacran^, alligator, caymon^, crocodile, mosquito, mugger, octopus; torpedo; bane &c 663. cutthroat &c (killer) 461. cannibal; anthropophagus^, anthropophagist^; bloodsucker, vampire, ogre, ghoul, gorilla, vulture; gyrfalcon^, gerfalcon^. wild beast, tiger, hyena, butcher, hangman; blood-hound, hell- hound, sleuth-hound; catamount [U.S.], cougar, jaguar, puma. hag, hellhag^, beldam, Jezebel. monster; fiend &c (demon) 980; devil incarnate, demon in human shape; Frankenstein's monster. harpy, siren; Furies, Eumenides. Hun, Attila^, scourge of the human race. Phr. faenum habet in cornu [Lat.].
914. Pity — N. pity, compassion, commiseration; bowels, of compassion; sympathy, fellow-feeling, tenderness, yearning, forbearance, humanity, mercy, clemency; leniency &c (lenity) 740; charity, ruth, long- suffering. melting mood; argumentum ad misericordiam [Lat.], quarter, grace, locus paenitentiae [Lat.]. sympathizer; advocate, friend, partisan, patron, wellwisher. V. pity; have pity, show pity, take pity &c n.; commiserate, compassionate; condole &c 915; sympathize; feel for, be sorry for, yearn for; weep, melt, thaw, enter into the feelings of. forbear, relent, relax, give quarter, wipe the tears, parcere subjectis [Lat.], give a coup de gr=ace, put out of one's misery. raise pity, excite pity &c n.; touch, soften; melt, melt the heart; propitiate, disarm. ask for mercy &c v.; supplicate &c (request) 765; cry for quarter, beg one's life, kneel; deprecate. Adj. pitying &c v.; pitiful, compassionate, sympathetic, touched. merciful, clement, ruthful; humane; humanitarian &c (philanthropic) 910; tender, tender hearted, tender as a chicken; soft, soft hearted; unhardened^; lenient &c 740; exorable^, forbearing; melting &c v.; weak. Int. for pity's sake!, mercy!, have mercy!, cry you mercy!, God help you!, poor thing!, poor dear!, poor fellow!, woe betide!, quis talia fando temperet a lachrymiss! [Lat.] [Vergil]. Phr. one's heart bleeding for; haud ignara mali miseris succurrere disco [Lat.] [Vergil]; a fellow feeling makes one wondrous kind; onor di bocca assai giova e poco costa [It] [Garrick].
914a. Pitilessness — N. pitilessness &c adj.; inclemency; severity &c 739; malevolence &c 907. V. have no mercy, shut the gates of mercy &c 914; give no quarter. Adj. pitiless, merciless, ruthless, bowelless; unpitying, unmerciful, inclement; grim-faced, grim-visaged; incompassionate^, uncompassionate; inexorable; harsh &c 739; unrelenting &c 919.
915. Condolence — N. condolence; lamentation &c 839; sympathy, consolation. V. condole with, console, sympathize express pity, testify pity; afford consolation, supply consolation; lament with &c 839; express sympathy for; feel grief in common with, feel sorrow in common with; share one's sorrow.
916. Gratitude — N. gratitude, thankfulness, feeling of obligation, sense of obligation. acknowledgment, recognition, thanksgiving, thanksgiving, giving thanks; thankful good will. thanks, praise, benediction; paean; Te Deum &c (worship) 990 [Lat.]; grace, grace before meat, grace after meat, grace before meals, grace after meals; thank offering. requital. V. be grateful &c adj.; thank; give thanks, render thanks, return thanks, offer thanks, tender thanks &c n.; acknowledge, requite. feel under an obligation, be under an obligation, lie under an obligation; savoir gr_e [Fr.]; not look a gift horse in the mouth; never forget, overflow with gratitude; thank one's stars, thank one's lucky stars, bless one's stars; fall on one's knees. Adj. grateful, thankful, obliged, beholden, indebted to, under obligation. Int. thanks!, many thanks!, gramercy!^, much obliged!, thank you!, thank you very much!, thanks a lot!, thanks a heap, thanks loads [Coll.]; thank Heaven!, Heaven be praised!, Gott sei Dank! G.
917. Ingratitude — N. ingratitude, thanklessness, oblivion of benefits, unthankfulness^. benefits forgot; thankless task, thankless office. V. be ungrateful &c adj.; forget benefits; look a gift horse in the mouth. Adj. ungrateful, unmindful, unthankful; thankless, ingrate, wanting in gratitude, insensible of benefits. forgotten; unacknowledged, unthanked^, unrequited, unrewarded; ill- requited. Int. thank you for nothing!, thanks for nothing!, et tu Brute! [Julius Caesar]. Phr. ingratitude! thou marble-hearted fiend [Lear].
918. Forgiveness — N. forgiveness, pardon, condonation, grace, remission, absolution, amnesty, oblivion; indulgence; reprieve. conciliation; reconcilement; reconciliation &c (pacification) 723; propitiation. excuse, exoneration, quittance, release, indemnity; bill of indemnity, act of indemnity, covenant of indemnity, deed of indemnity; exculpation &c (acquittal) 970. longanimity^, placability; amantium irae [Lat.]; locus paenitentiae [Lat.]; forbearance. V. forgive, forgive and forget; pardon, condone, think no more of, let bygones be bygones, shake hands; forget an injury. excuse, pass over, overlook; wink at &c (neglect) 460; bear with; allow for, make allowances for; let one down easily, not be too hard upon, pocket the affront. let off, remit, absolve, give absolution, reprieve; acquit &c 970. beg pardon, ask pardon, implore pardon &c n.; conciliate, propitiate, placate; make up a quarrel &c (pacify) 723; let the wound heal. Adj. forgiving, placable, conciliatory, forgiven &c v.; unresented^, unavenged, unrevenged^. Adv. cry you mercy. Phr. veniam petimusque damusque vicissim [Lat.] [Horace]; more in sorrow than in anger; comprendre tout c'est tout pardonner [Fr.]; the offender never pardons [Herbert].
919. Revenge — N. revenge, revengement^; vengeance; avengement^, avengeance^, sweet revenge, vendetta, death feud, blood for blood retaliation &c 718; day of reckoning. rancor, vindictiveness, implacability; malevolence &c 907; ruthlessness &c 914.1. avenger, vindicator, Nemesis, Eumenides. V. revenge, avenge; vindicate; take one's revenge, have one's revenge; breathe revenge, breathe vengeance; wreak one's vengeance, wreak one's anger. have accounts to settle, have a crow to pluck, have a bone to pick, have a rod in pickle. keep the wound green; harbor revenge, harbor vindictive feeling; bear malice; rankle, rankle in the breast. Adj. revengeful, vengeful; vindictive, rancorous; pitiless &c 914.1; ruthless, rigorous, avenging. unforgiving, unrelenting; inexorable, stony-hearted, implacable; relentless, remorseless. aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus [Lat.]; rankling; immitigable. Phr. manet ciratrix [Lat.], manet alid mente repostum [Lat.]; dies irae dies illa [Lat.]; in high vengeance there is noble scorn [G. Eliot]; inhumanum verbum est ultio [Lat.] [Seneca]; malevolus animus abditos dentes habet [Syrus]; now infidel I have thee on the hip [Merchant of Venice].
920. Jealousy — N. jealousy, jealousness; jaundiced eye; envious suspicion, suspicion; green-eyed monster [Othello]; yellows; Juno. V. be jealous &c adj.; view with jealousy, view with a jealous eye. Adj. jealous, jealous as a barbary pigeon^; jaundiced, yellow-eyed, envious, hornmad.
921. Envy — N. envy; enviousness &c adj.; rivalry; jalousie de milier [Fr.]; illwill, spite. V. envy, covet, burst with envy. Adj. envious, invidious, covetous; alieni appetens [Lat.]. Phr. base envy withers at another's joy [Thomson]; caeca invidia est [Lat.] [Livy]; multa petentibus desunt multa [Lat.] [Horace]; summa petit livor [Lat.] [Ovid].
922. Right — N. right; what ought to be, what should be; fitness &c adj.; summum jus [Lat.]. justice, equity; equitableness &c adj.; propriety; fair play, impartiality, measure for measure, give and take, lex talionis [Lat.]. Astraea^, Nemesis, Themis. scales of justice, evenhanded justice, karma; suum cuique [Lat.]; clear stage, fair field and no favor, level playing field. morals &c (duty) 926; law &c 963; honor &c (probity) 939; virtue &c 944. V. be right &c adj.; stand to reason. see justice done, see one righted, see fair play; do justice to; recompense &c (reward) 973; bold the scales even, give and take; serve one right, put the saddle on the right horse; give every one his due, give the devil his due; audire alteram partem [Lat.]. deserve &c (be entitled to) 924. Adj. right, good; just, reasonable; fit &c 924; equal, equable, equatable^; evenhanded, fair. legitimate, justifiable, rightful; as it should be, as it ought to be; lawful &c (permitted) 760, (legal) 963. deserved &c 924. Adv. rightly &c adj.; +a bon droit [Fr.], au bon droit [Fr.], in justice, in equity, in reason. without distinction of persons, without regard to persons, without respect to persons; upon even terms. Int. all right!, fair's fair. Phr. Dieu et mon droit [Fr.]; in equal scale weighing delight and dole [Hamlet]; justitia cuum cuique distribuit [Lat.] [Cicero]; justitiae soror incorrupta fides [Lat.]; justitia virtutem regina [Lat.]; thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just [Henry VI].
923. Wrong — N. wrong; what ought not to be, what should not be; malum in se [Lat.]; unreasonableness, grievance; shame. injustice; tort [Law]; unfairness &c adj.; iniquity, foul play. partiality, leaning, bias; favor, favoritism; nepotism, party spirit, partisanship; bigotry. undueness &c 925; wrongdoing (vice) 945; unlawfulness &c 964. robbing Peter to pay Paul &c v.; the wolf and the lamb; vice &c 945. a custom more honored in the breach than the observance [Hamlet]. V. be wrong &c adj.; cry to heaven for vengeance. do wrong &c n.; be inequitable &c adj.; favor, lean towards; encroach upon, impose upon; reap where one has not sown; give an inch and take an ell, give an inch and take an mile; rob Peter to pay Paul. Adj. wrong, wrongful; bad, too bad; unjust, unfair; inequitable, unequitable^; unequal, partial, one-sided; injurious, tortious [Law]. objectionable; unreasonable, unallowable, unwarrantable, unjustifiable; improper, unfit; unjustified &c 925; illegal &c 964; iniquitous; immoral &c 945. in the wrong, in the wrong box. Adv. wrongly &c adj.. Phr. it will not do.
924. Dueness — N. due, dueness; right, privilege, prerogative, prescription, title, claim, pretension, demand, birthright. immunity, license, liberty, franchise; vested interest, vested right. sanction, authority, warranty, charter; warrant &c (permission) 760; constitution &c (law) 963; tenure; bond &c (security) 771. claimant, appellant; plaintiff &c 938. V. be due &c adj.. to, be the due &c n.. of; have right to, have title to, have claim to; be entitled to; have a claim upon; belong to &c (property) 780. deserve, merit, be worthy of, richly deserve. demand, claim; call upon for, come upon for, appeal to for; revendicate^, reclaim; exact; insist on, insist upon; challenge; take one's stand, make a point of, require, lay claim to, assert, assume, arrogate, make good; substantiate; vindicate a claim, vindicate a right; fit for, qualify for; make out a case. give a right, confer a right; entitle; authorize &c 760; sanctify, legalize, ordain, prescribe, allot. give every one his due &c 922; pay one's dues; have one's due, have one's rights. use a right, assert, enforce, put in force, lay under contribution. Adj. having a right to &c v.; entitled to; claiming; deserving, meriting, worthy of. privileged, allowed, sanctioned, warranted, authorized; ordained, prescribed, constitutional, chartered, enfranchised. prescriptive, presumptive; absolute, indefeasible; unalienable, inalienable; imprescriptible^, inviolable, unimpeachable, unchallenged; sacrosanct. due to, merited, deserved, condign, richly deserved. allowable &c (permitted) 760; lawful, licit, legitimate, legal; legalized &c (law) 963. square, unexceptionable, right; equitable &c 922; due, en r gle; fit, fitting; correct, proper, meet, befitting, becoming, seemly; decorous; creditable, up to the mark, right as a trivet; just the thing, quite the thing; selon les r gles [Fr.]. Adv. duly, ex officio, de jure [Lat.]; by right, by divine right; jure divino [Lat.], Dei gratia [Lat.], in the name of. Phr. civis Romanus sum [Lat.] [Cicero]; +a chaque saint sa chandelle [Fr.].
925. [Absence of right.] Undueness — N. undueness &c adj.; malum prohibitum [Lat.]; impropriety; illegality &c 964. falseness &c adj.; emptiness of title, invalidity of title; illegitimacy. loss of right, disfranchisement, forfeiture. usurpation, tort, violation, breach, encroachment, presumption, assumption, seizure; stretch, exaction, imposition, lion's share. usurper, pretender. V. be undue &c adj.; not be due &c 924. infringe, encroach, trench on, exact; arrogate, arrogate to oneself; give an inch and take an ell; stretch a point, strain a point; usurp, violate, do violence to. disfranchise, disentitle, disqualify; invalidate. relax &c (be lax) 738; misbehave &c (vice) 945; misbecome^. Adj. undue; unlawful &c (illegal) 964; unconstitutional; illicit; unauthorized, unwarranted, disallowed, unallowed^, unsanctioned, unjustified; unentitled^, disentitled, unqualified, disqualified; unprivileged, unchartered. illegitimate, bastard, spurious, supposititious, false; usurped. tortious [Law]. undeserved, unmerited, unearned; unfulfilled. forfeited, disfranchised. improper; unmeet, unfit, unbefitting, unseemly; unbecoming, misbecoming^; seemless^; contra bonos mores [Lat.]; not the thing, out of the question, not to be thought of; preposterous, pretentious, would-be. Phr. filius nullius.
926. Duty — N. duty, what ought to be done, moral obligation, accountableness^, liability, onus, responsibility; bounden duty, imperative duty; call, call of duty; accountability. allegiance, fealty, tie engagement &c (promise) 768; part; function, calling &c (business) 625. morality, morals, decalogue; case of conscience; conscientiousness &c (probity) 939; conscience, inward monitor, still small voice within, sense of duty, tender conscience, superego; the hell within [Paradise Lost]. dueness &c 924; propriety, fitness, seemliness, amenability, decorum, to prepon; the thing, the proper thing; the right thing to do, the proper thing to do. [Science of morals] ethics, ethology.; deontology^, aretology^; moral philosophy, ethical philosophy; casuistry, polity. observance, fulfillment, discharge, performance, acquittal, satisfaction, redemption; good behavior. V. be the duty of; be incumbent &c adj.. on, be responsible &c adj.; behoove, become, befit, beseem; belong to, pertain to; fall to one's lot; devolve on; lie upon, lie on one's head, lie at one's door; rest with, rest on the shoulders of. take upon oneself &c (promise) 768; be bound to, become bound to, be sponsor for, become sponsor for; incur a responsibility &c n.; be under an obligation, stand under an obligation, lie under an obligation; have to answer for, owe to it oneself. impose a duty, &c n.; enjoin, require, exact; bind, bind over; saddle with, prescribe, assign, call upon, look to, oblige. enter upon a duty, perform a duty, observe a duty, fulfill a duty, discharge a duty, adhere to a duty, acquit oneself of a duty, satisfy a duty, enter upon an obligation, perform an obligation, observe an obligation, fulfill an obligation, discharge an obligation, adhere to an obligation, acquit oneself of an obligation, satisfy an obligation; act one's part, redeem one's pledge, do justice to, be at one's post; do duty; do one's duty &c (be virtuous) 944. be on one's good behavior, mind one's P's and Q's. Adj. obligatory, binding; imperative, peremptory; stringent &c (severe) 739; behooving &c v.; incumbent on, chargeable on; under obligation; obliged by, bound by, tied by; saddled with. due to, beholden to, bound to, indebted to; tied down; compromised &c (promised) 768; in duty bound. amenable, liable, accountable, responsible, answerable. right, meet &c (due) 924; moral, ethical, casuistical, conscientious, ethological. Adv. with a safe conscience, as in duty, bound, on one's own responsibility, at one's own risk, suo periculo [Lat.]; in foro conscientiae [Lat.]; quamdiu se bene gesserit [Lat.]. Phr. dura lex sed lex [Lat.]; dulce et decorum est pro patria mori [Lat.]; honos habet onus [Lat.]; leve fit quod bene fertur onus [Lat.] [Ovid]; loyaute m'oblige [Fr.]; simple duty bath no place for fear [Whittier]; stern daughter of the voice of God [Wordsworth]; there is a higher law than the Constitution [Wm. Seward].
927. Dereliction of Duty — N. dereliction of duty; fault &c (guilt) 947; sin &c (vice) 945; non-observance, non-performance; neglect, relaxation, infraction, violation, transgression, failure, evasion; dead letter. V. violate; break, break through; infringe; set aside, set at naught; encroach upon, trench upon; trample on, trample under foot; slight, neglect, evade, renounce, forswear, repudiate; wash one's hands of; escape, transgress, fail. call to account &c (disapprobation) 932.
927a. Exemption — N. exemption, freedom, irresponsibility, immunity, liberty, license, release, exoneration, excuse, dispensation, absolution, franchise, renunciation, discharge; exculpation &c 970. V. be exempt &c adj.. exempt, release, acquit, discharge, quitclaim, remise, remit; free, set at liberty, let off, pass over, spare, excuse, dispense with, give dispensation, license; stretch a point; absolve &c (forgive) 918; exonerate &c (exculpate) 970; save the necessity. Adj. exempt, free, immune, at liberty, scot-free; released &c v.; unbound, unencumbered; irresponsible, unaccountable, not answerable; excusable. Phr. bonis nocet quisquis pepercerit malis [Lat.] [Syrus].
928. Respect — N. respect, regard, consideration; courtesy &c 894; attention, deference, reverence, honor, esteem, estimation, veneration, admiration; approbation &c 931. homage, fealty, obeisance, genuflection, kneeling prostration; obsequiousness &c 886; salaam, kowtow, bow, presenting arms, salute. respects, regards, duty, devoirs, egards. devotion &c (piety) 987. V. respect, regard; revere, reverence; hold in reverence, honor, venerate, hallow; esteem &c (approve of) 931; think much of; entertain respect for, bear respect for; look up to, defer to; have a high opinion of, hold a high opinion of; pay attention, pay respect &c n.. to; do honor to, render honor to; do the honors, hail; show courtesy &c 894; salute, present arms; do homage to, pay homage to; pay tribute to, kneel to, bow to, bend the knee to; fall down before, prostrate oneself, kiss the hem of one's garment; worship &c 990. keep one's distance, make room, observe due decorum, stand upon ceremony. command respect, inspire respect; awe, inspire awe, impose, overawe, dazzle. Adj. respecting &c v.; respectful, deferential, decorous, reverential, obsequious, ceremonious, bareheaded, cap in hand, on one's knees; prostrate &c (servile) 886. respected &c v.; in high esteem, in high estimation; time-honored, venerable, emeritus. Adv. in deference to; with all respect, with all due respect, with due respect, with the highest respect; with submission. saving your grace, saving your presence; salva sit reverentia [Lat.]; pace tanti nominis [Lat.]. Int. hail!, all hail!, esto perpetua! [Lat.], may your shadow never be less!, Phr. and pluck up drowned honor by the locks [Henry IV]; his honor rooted in dishonor stood [Tennyson]; honor pricks me on [Henry IV].
929. Disrespect — N. disrespect, disesteem, disestimation^; disparagement &c (dispraise) 932, (detraction) 934. irreverence; slight, neglect, spretae injuria formae [Lat.] [Vergil], superciliousness &c (contempt) 930. vilipendency^, vilification, contumely, affront, dishonor, insult, indignity, outrage, discourtesy &c 895; practical joking; scurrility, scoffing, sibilance, hissing, sibilation; irrision^; derision; mockery; irony &c (ridicule) 856; sarcasm. hiss, hoot, boo, gibe, flout, jeer, scoff, gleek^, taunt, sneer, quip, fling, wipe, slap in the face. V. hold in disrespect &c (despise) 930; misprize, disregard, slight, trifle with, set at naught, pass by, push aside, overlook, turn one's back upon, laugh in one's sleeve; be disrespectful &c adj., be discourteous &c 895; treat with disrespect &c n.; set down, put down, browbeat. dishonor, desecrate; insult, affront, outrage. speak slightingly of; disparage &c (dispraise) 932; vilipend^, vilify, call names; throw dirt, fling dirt; drag through the mud, point at, indulge in personalities; make mouths, make faces; bite the thumb; take by the beard; pluck by the beard; toss in a blanket, tar and feather. have in derision; hold in derision; deride, scoff, barrack, sneer, laugh at, snigger, ridicule, gibe, mock, jeer, hiss, hoot, taunt, twit, niggle^, gleek^, gird, flout, fleer^; roast, turn into ridicule; burlesque &c 856; laugh to scorn &c (contempt) 930; smoke; fool; make game of, make a fool of, make an April fool of^; play a practical joke; lead one a dance, run the rig upon, have a fling at, scout; mob. Adj. disrespectful; aweless, irreverent; disparaging &c 934; insulting &c v.; supercilious, contemptuous, patronizing &c (scornful) 930; rude, derisive, sarcastic; scurrile, scurrilous; contumelious. unrespected^, unworshiped^, unenvied^, unsaluted^; unregarded^, disregarded. Adv. disrespectfully &c adj..
930. Contempt — N. contempt, disdain, scorn, sovereign contempt; despisal^, despiciency^; despisement^; vilipendency^, contumely; slight, sneer, spurn, by-word; despect^. contemptuousness &c adj.; scornful eye; smile of contempt; derision &c (disrespect) 929. despisedness [State of being despised]. V. despise, contemn, scorn, disdain, feel contempt for, view with a scornful eye; disregard, slight, not mind; pass by &c (neglect) 460. look down upon; hold cheap, hold in contempt, hold in disrespect; think nothing of, think small beer of; make light of; underestimate &c 483; esteem slightly, esteem of small or no account; take no account of, care nothing for; set no store by; not care a straw, sneeze at &c (unimportance) 643; set at naught, laugh in one's sleeve, laugh up one's sleeve, snap one's fingers at, shrug one's shoulders, turn up one's nose at, pooh-pooh, damn with faint praise [Pope]; whistle at, sneer at; curl up one's lip, toss the head, traiter de haut enbas [Fr.]; laugh at &c (be disrespectful) 929. point the finger of scorn, hold up to scorn, laugh to scorn; scout, hoot, flout, hiss, scoff at. turn one's back upon, turn a cold shoulder upon; tread upon, trample upon, trample under foot; spurn, kick; fling to the winds &c (repudiate) 610; send away with a flea in the ear. Adj. contemptuous; disdainful, scornful; withering, contumelious, supercilious, cynical, haughty, bumptious, cavalier; derisive. contemptible, despicable; pitiable; pitiful &c (unimportant) 643; despised &c v.; downtrodden; unenvied^. unrespectable (unworthy) 874. Adv. contemptuously &c adj.. Int. a fig for &c (unimportant) 643; bah!, never mind!, away with!, hang it!, fiddlededee!, Phr. a dismal universal hiss, the sound of public scorn [Paradise Lost]; I had rather be a dog and bay the moon than such a Roman [Julius Caesar].
931. Approbation — N. approbation; approval, approvement^; sanction, advocacy; nod of approbation; esteem, estimation, good opinion, golden opinions, admiration; love &c 897; appreciation, regard, account, popularity, kudos, credit; repute &c 873; best seller. commendation, praise; laud, laudation; good word; meed of praise, tribute of praise; encomium; eulogy, eulogium^; eloge [Fr.], panegyric; homage, hero worship; benediction, blessing, benison. applause, plaudit, clap; clapping, clapping of hands; acclaim, acclamation; cheer; paean, hosannah; shout of applause, peal of applause, chorus of applause, chorus of praise &c; Prytaneum. V. approve; approbate, think good, think much of, think well of, think highly of; esteem, value, prize; set great store by, set great store on. do justice to, appreciate; honor, hold in esteem, look up to, admire; like &c 897; be in favor of, wish Godspeed; hail, hail with satisfaction. stand up for, stick up for; uphold, hold up, countenance, sanction; clap on the back, pat on the back; keep in countenance, indorse; give credit, recommend; mark with a white mark, mark with a stone. commend, belaud^, praise, laud, compliment; pay a tribute, bepraise^; clap the hands; applaud, cheer, acclamate^, encore; panegyrize^, eulogize, cry up, proner [Fr.], puff; extol, extol to the skies; magnify, glorify, exalt, swell, make much of; flatter &c 933; bless, give a blessing to; have a good word for, say a good word for; speak well of, speak highly of, speak in high terms of; sing the praises of, sound the praises of, chaunt the praises of; resound the praises of; sing praises to; cheer to the echo, applaud to the echo, applaud to the very echo, cheer to the very echo. redound to the honor, redound to the praise, redound to the credit of; do credit to; deserve praise &c n.; recommend itself; pass muster. be praised &c; receive honorable mention; be in favor with, be in high favor with; ring with the praises of, win golden opinions, gain credit, find favor with, stand well in the opinion of; laudari a laudato viro [Lat.]. Adj. approving &c v.; in favor of; lost in admiration. commendatory, complimentary, benedictory^, laudatory, panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, lavish of praise, uncritical. approved, praised &c v.; uncensured, unimpeached; popular, in good odor; in high esteem &c (respected) 928; in favor, in high favor. deserving of praise, worthy of praise &c n.; praiseworthy, commendable, of estimation; good &c 648; meritorious, estimable, creditable, plausible, unimpeachable; beyond all praise. Adv. with credit, to admiration; well &c 618; with three times three. Int. hear hear!, bully for you! [Slang], well done!, bravo!, bravissimo!, euge! G, macte virtute! [Lat.], so far so good, that's right, quite right; optime!^, one cheer more; may your shadow never be less!, esto perpetua! [Lat.], long life to!, viva!, enviva!^, Godspeed!, valete et plaudite! [Lat.], encore!, bis!^, Phr. probatum est [Lat.]; tacent satis laudant [Lat.]; servant of God, well done! [Paradise Lost].
932. Disapprobation — N. disapprobation, disapproval; improbation^; disesteem, disvaluation^, displacency^; odium; dislike &c 867. dispraise, discommendation^; blame, censure, obloquy; detraction &c 934; disparagement, depreciation; denunciation; condemnation &c 971; ostracism; black list. animadversion, reflection, stricture, objection, exception, criticism; sardonic grin, sardonic laugh; sarcasm, insinuation, innuendo; bad compliment, poor compliment, left-handed compliment. satire; sneer &c (contempt) 930; taunt &c (disrespect) 929; cavil, carping, censoriousness; hypercriticism &c (fastidiousness) 868. reprehension, remonstrance, expostulation, reproof, reprobation, admonition, increpation^, reproach; rebuke, reprimand, castigation, jobation^, lecture, curtain lecture, blow up, wigging, dressing, rating, scolding, trimming; correction, set down, rap on the knuckles, coup de bec [Fr.], rebuff; slap, slap on the face; home thrust, hit; frown, scowl, black look. diatribe; jeremiad, jeremiade; tirade, philippic. clamor, outcry, hue and cry; hiss, hissing; sibilance, sibilation, catcall; execration &c 908. chiding, upbraiding &c v.; exprobation^, abuse, vituperation, invective, objurgation, contumely; hard words, cutting words, bitter words. evil-speaking; bad language &c 908; personality. V. disapprove; dislike &c 867; lament &c 839; object to, take exception to; be scandalized at, think ill of; view with disfavor, view with dark eyes, view with jaundiced eyes; nil admirari [Lat.], disvalue^; improbate^. frown upon, look grave; bend the brows, knit the brows; shake the head at, shrug the shoulders; turn up the nose &c (contempt) 930; look askance, look black upon; look with an evil eye; make a wry face, make a wry mouth at; set one's face against. dispraise, discommend^, disparage; deprecate, speak ill of, not speak well of; condemn &c (find guilty) 971. blame; lay blame upon, cast blame upon; censure, fronder [Fr.], reproach, pass censure on, reprobate, impugn. remonstrate, expostulate, recriminate. reprehend, chide, admonish; berate, betongue^; bring to account, call to account, call over the coals, rake over the coals, call to order; take to task, reprove, lecture, bring to book; read a lesson, read a lecture to; rebuke, correct. reprimand, chastise, castigate, lash, blow up, trounce, trim, laver la tete [Fr.], overhaul; give it one, give it one finely; gibbet. accuse &c 938; impeach, denounce; hold up to reprobation, hold up to execration; expose, brand, gibbet, stigmatize; show up, pull up, take up; cry 'shame' upon; be outspoken; raise a hue and cry against. execrate &c 908; exprobate^, speak daggers, vituperate; abuse, abuse like a pickpocket; scold, rate, objurgate, upbraid, fall foul of; jaw; rail, rail at, rail in good set terms; bark at; anathematize, call names; call by hard names, call by ugly names; avile^, revile; vilify, vilipend^; bespatter; backbite; clapperclaw^; rave against, thunder against, fulminate against; load with reproaches. exclaim against, protest against, inveigh against, declaim against, cry out against, raise one's voice against. decry; cry down, run down, frown down; clamor, hiss, hoot, mob, ostracize, blacklist; draw up a round robin, sign a round robin. animadvert upon, reflect upon; glance at; cast reflection, cast reproach, cast a slur upon; insinuate, damn with faint praise; hint a fault and hesitate dislike; not to be able to say much for. scoff at, point at; twit, taunt &c (disrespect) 929; sneer at &c (despise) 230; satirize, lampoon; defame &c (detract) 934; depreciate, find fault with, criticize, cut up; pull to pieces, pick to pieces; take exception; cavil; peck at, nibble at, carp at; be censorious &c adj.; pick holes, pick a hole, pick a hole in one's coat; make a fuss about. take down, take down a peg, set down; snub, snap one up, give a rap on the knuckles; throw a stone at, throw a stone in one's garden; have a fling, have a snap at; have words with, pluck a crow with; give one a wipe, give one a lick with the rough side of the tongue. incur blame, excite disapprobation, scandalize, shock, revolt; get a bad name, forfeit one's good opinion, be under a cloud, come under the ferule, bring a hornet's nest about one's ears. take blame, stand corrected; have to answer for. Adj. disapproving &c v.; scandalized. disparaging, condemnatory, damnatory^, denunciatory, reproachful, abusive, objurgatory^, clamorous, vituperative; defamatory &c 934. satirical, sarcastic, sardonic, cynical, dry, sharp, cutting, biting, severe, withering, trenchant, hard upon; censorious, critical, captious, carping, hypercritical; fastidious &c 868; sparing of praise, grudging praise. disapproved, chid &c v.; in bad odor, blown upon, unapproved; unblest^; at a discount, exploded; weighed in the balance and found wanting. blameworthy, reprehensible &c (guilt) 947; to blame, worthy of blame; answerable, uncommendable, exceptionable, not to be thought of; bad &c 649; vicious &c 945. unlamented, unbewailed^, unpitied^. Adv. with a wry face; reproachfully &c adj.. Int. it is too bad!, it won't do, it will never do!, marry come up!, Oh!, come!, 'sdeath! [Contr.], forbid it Heaven!, God forbid, Heaven forbid!, out upon, fie upon it!, away with!, tut!, O tempora!^, O mores!, shame!, fie, fie for shame!, out on you!, tell it not in Gath!,
933. Flattery — N. flattery, adulation, gloze; blandishment, blandiloquence^; cajolery; fawning, wheedling &c v.; captation^, coquetry, obsequiousness, sycophancy, flunkeyism^, toadeating^, tuft- hunting; snobbishness. incense, honeyed words, flummery; bunkum, buncombe; blarney, placebo, butter; soft soap, soft sawder^; rose water. voice of the charmer, mouth honor; lip homage; euphemism; unctuousness &c adj.. V. flatter, praise to the skies, puff; wheedle, cajole, glaver^, coax; fawn upon, faun upon; humor, gloze, soothe, pet, coquet, slaver, butter; jolly [U.S.]; bespatter, beslubber^, beplaster^, beslaver^; lay it on thick, overpraise; earwig, cog, collogue^; truckle to, pander to, pandar to^, suck up to, kiss the ass of [Vulg.], pay court to; court; creep into the good graces of, curry favor with, hang on the sleeve of; fool to the top of one's bent; lick the dust. lay the flattering unction to one's soul, gild the pill, make things pleasant. overestimate &c 482; exaggerate &c 549. Adj. flattering &c v.; adulatory; mealy-mouthed, honey-mouthed; honeyed; smooth, smooth-tongued; soapy, oily, unctuous, blandiloquent^, specious; fine-spoken, fair spoken; plausible, servile, sycophantic, fulsome; courtierly^, courtier-like. Adv. ad captandum [Lat.].
934. Detraction — N. detraction, disparagement, depreciation, vilification, obloquy, scurrility, scandal, defamation, aspersion, traducement, slander, calumny, obtrectation^, evil-speaking, backbiting, scandalum magnatum [Lat.]. personality, libel, lampoon, skit, pasquinade; chronique scandaleuse [Fr.]; roorback [U.S.]. sarcasm, cynicism; criticism (disapprobation) 932; invective &c 932; envenomed tongue; spretae injuria formae [Lat.]. personality, libel, lampoon, skit, pasquinade; chronique scandaleuse [Fr.]; roorback [U.S.]. detractor &c 936. V. detract, derogate, decry, deprecate, depreciate, disparage; run down, cry down; backcap [U.S.]; belittle; sneer at &c (contempt) 930; criticize, pull to pieces, pick a hole in one's coat, asperse, cast aspersions, blow upon, bespatter, blacken, vilify, vilipend^; avile^; give a dog a bad name, brand, malign; muckrake; backbite, libel, lampoon, traduce, slander, defame, calumniate, bear false witness against; speak ill of behind one's back. fling dirt &c (disrespect) 929; anathematize &c 932; dip the pen in gall, view in a bad light. impugn (disparage the motives of); assail, attack &c 716; oppose &c 708; denounce, accuse &c 938. Adj. detracting &c v.; defamatory, detractory^, derogatory, deprecatory; catty; disparaging, libelous; scurrile, scurrilous; abusive; foul- spoken, foul-tongued, foul-mouthed; slanderous; calumnious, calumniatory^; sarcastic, sardonic; sarcastic, satirical, cynical. critical &c 932. Phr. damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer; and without sneering, teach the rest to sneer [Pope]; another lie nailed to the counter; cut men's throats with whisperings [B. Jonson]; foul whisperings are abroad [Macbeth]; soft-buzzing slander [Thomson]; virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes [Hamlet].
935. Flatterer — N. flatterer, adulator; eulogist, euphemist; optimist, encomiast, laudator [Lat.], whitewasher. toady, toadeater^; sycophant, courtier, Sir Pertinax MacSycophant; flaneur [Fr.], proneur [Fr.]; puffer, touter^, claqueur [Fr.]; clawback^, earwig, doer of dirty work; parasite, hanger-on &c (servility) 886. yes-man, suckup, ass-kisser [Vulg.], brown-noser [Vulg.], teacher's pet. Phr. pessimum genus inimicorum laudantes [Lat.] [Tacitus].
936. Detractor — N. detractor, reprover; censor, censurer; cynic, critic, caviler, carper, word-catcher, frondeur; barracker^. defamer, backbiter, slanderer, Sir Benjamin Backbite, lampooner, satirist, traducer, libeler, calumniator, dawplucker^, Thersites^; Zoilus; good-natured friend [Iron.]; reviler, vituperator, castigator; shrew &c 901; muckraker. disapprover, laudator temporis acti [Lat.] [Horace]. Adj. black-mouthed, abusive &c 934.
937. Vindication — N. vindication, justification, warrant; exoneration, exculpation; acquittal &c 970; whitewashing. extenuation; palliation, palliative; softening, mitigation. reply, defense; recrimination &c 938. apology, gloss, varnish; plea &c 617; salvo; excuse, extenuating circumstances; allowance, allowance to be made; locus paenitentiae [Lat.]. apologist, vindicator, justifier; defendant &c 938. justifiable charge, true bill. v.. justify, warrant; be an excuse for &c n.; lend a color, furnish a handle; vindicate; exculpate, disculpate^; acquit &c 970; clear, set right, exonerate, whitewash; clear the skirts of. extenuate, palliate, excuse, soften, apologize, varnish, slur, gloze; put a gloss, put a good face upon; mince; gloss over, bolster up, help a lame dog over a stile. advocate, defend, plead one's cause; stand up for, stick up for, speak up for; contend for, speak for; bear out, keep in countenance, support; plead &c, 617; say in defense; plead ignorance; confess and avoid, propugn^, put in a good word for. take the will for the deed, make allowance for, give credit for, do justice to; give one his due, give the Devil his due. make good; prove the truth of, prove one's case; be justified by the event. Adj. vindicated, vindicating &c v.; exculpatory; apologetic. excusable, defensible, pardonable; venial, veniable^; specious, plausible, justifiable. Phr. honi sot qui mal y pense; good wine needs no bush
938. Accusation — N. accusation, charge, imputation, slur, inculpation, exprobration^, delation; crimination; incrimination, accrimination^, recrimination; tu quoque argument [Lat.]; invective &c 932. denunciation, denouncement; libel, challenge, citation, arraignment; impeachment, appeachment^; indictment, bill of indictment, true bill; lawsuit &c 969; condemnation &c 971. gravamen of a charge, head and front of one's offending, argumentum ad hominem [Lat.]; scandal &c (detraction) 934; scandalum magnatum [Lat.]. accuser, prosecutor, plaintiff; relator, informer; appellant. accused, defendant, prisoner, perpetrator, panel, respondent; litigant. V. accuse, charge, tax, impute, twit, taunt with, reproach. brand with reproach; stigmatize, slur; cast a stone at, cast a slur on; incriminate, criminate; inculpate, implicate; call to account &c (censure) 932; take to blame, take to task; put in the black book. inform against, indict, denounce, arraign; impeach, appeach^; have up, show up, pull up; challenge, cite, lodge a complaint; prosecute, bring an action against &c 969; blow upon. charge with, saddle with; lay to one's door, lay charge; lay the blame on, bring home to; cast in one's teeth, throw in one's teeth; cast the first stone at. have a rod in pickle for, keep a rod in pickle for; have a crow to pluck with. trump up a charge. Adj. accusing &c v.; accusatory, accusative; imputative, denunciatory; recriminatory, criminatory^. accused &c v.; suspected; under suspicion, under a cloud, under surveillance; in custody, in detention; in the lockup, in the watch house, in the house of detention. accusable, imputable; indefensible, inexcusable; unpardonable, unjustifiable; vicious &c 845. Int. look at home; tu quoque &c (retaliation) 718 [Lat.]. Phr. the breath of accusation kills an innocent name [Shelley]; thou can'st not say I did it [Macbeth].
939. Probity — N. probity, integrity, rectitude; uprightness &c adj.; honesty, faith; honor; bonne foi [Fr.], good faith, bona fides [Lat.]; purity, clean hands. fairness &c adj.; fair play, justice, equity, impartiality, principle, even-handedness; grace. constancy; faithfulness &c adj.; fidelity, loyalty; incorruption, incorruptibility. trustworthiness &c adj.; truth, candor, singleness of heart; veracity &c 543; tender conscience &c (sense of duty) 926. punctilio, delicacy, nicety; scrupulosity, scrupulousness &c adj.; scruple; point, point of honor; punctuality. dignity &c, (repute) 873; respectability, respectableness &c adj.; gentilhomme [Fr.], gentleman; man of honor, man of his word; fidus Achates [Lat.], preux chevalier [Fr.], galantuomo [It]; truepenny^, trump, brick; true Briton; white man [U.S.]. court of honor, a fair field and no favor; argumentum ad verecundiam [Lat.]. V. be honorable &c adj.; deal honorably, deal squarely, deal impartially, deal fairly; speak the truth &c (veracity) 543; draw a straight furrow; tell the truth and shame the Devil, vitam impendere vero [Lat.]; show a proper spirit, make a point of; do one's duty &c (virtue) 944. redeem one's pledge &c 926; keep one's promise, be as good as one's promise, be as good as one's word; keep faith with, not fail. give and take, audire alteram partem [Lat.], give the Devil his due, put the saddle on the right horse. redound to one's honor. Adj. upright; honest, honest as daylight; veracious &c 543; virtuous &c 944; honorable; fair, right, just, equitable, impartial, evenhanded, square; fair and aboveboard, open and aboveboard; white [U.S.]. constant, constant as the northern star; faithful, loyal, staunch; true, true blue, true to one's colors, true to the core, true as the needle to the pole; marble-constant [Antony and Cleopatra]; true- hearted, trusty, trustworthy; as good as one's word, to be depended on, incorruptible. straightforward &c (ingenuous) 703; frank, candid, open-hearted. conscientious, tender-conscienced, right-minded; high-principled, high-minded; scrupulous, religious, strict; nice, punctilious, correct, punctual; respectable, reputable; gentlemanlike^. inviolable, inviolate; unviolated^, unbroken, unbetrayed; unbought, unbribed^. innocent &c 946; pure, stainless; unstained, untarnished, unsullied, untainted, unperjured^; uncorrupt, uncorrupted; undefiled, undepraved^, undebauched^; integer vitae scelerisque purus [Lat.] [Horace]; justus et tenax propositi [Lat.] [Horace]. chivalrous, jealous of honor, sans peur et sans reproche [Fr.]; high-spirited. supramundane^, unworldly, other-worldly, overscrupulous^. Adv. honorable &c adj.; bona fide; on the square, in good faith, honor bright, foro conscientiae [Lat.], with clean hands. Phr. a face untaught to feign [Pope]; bene qui latuit bene vixit [Lat.] [Ovid]; mens sibi conscia recti [Lat.]; probitas laudatur et alget [Juvenal]; fidelis ad urnam [Lat.]; his heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth [Two Gentlemen]; loyaute m'oblige [Fr.]; loyaute n'a honte [Fr.]; what stronger breastplate than a heart untainted? [Henry VI].
940. Improbity — N. improbity^; dishonesty, dishonor; deviation from rectitude; disgrace &c (disrepute) 874; fraud &c (deception) 545; lying &c 544; bad faith, Punic faith; mala fides [Lat.], Punica fides [Lat.]; infidelity; faithlessness &c adj.; Judas kiss, betrayal. breach of promise, breach of trust, breach of faith; prodition^, disloyalty, treason, high treason; apostasy &c (tergiversation) 607; nonobservance &c 773. shabbiness &c adj.; villainy, villany^; baseness &c adj.; abjection, debasement, turpitude, moral turpitude, laxity, trimming, shuffling. perfidy; perfidiousness &c adj.; treachery, double dealing; unfairness &c adj.; knavery, roguery, rascality, foul play; jobbing, jobbery; graft, bribery; venality, nepotism; corruption, job, shuffle, fishy transaction; barratry, sharp practice, heads I win tails you lose; mouth honor &c (flattery) 933. V. be dishonest &c adj.; play false; break one's word, break one's faith, break one's promise; jilt, betray, forswear; shuffle &c (lie) 544; live by one's wits, sail near the wind. disgrace oneself, dishonor oneself, demean oneself; derogate, stoop, grovel, sneak, lose caste; sell oneself, go over to the enemy; seal one's infamy. Adj. dishonest, dishonorable; unconscientious, unscrupulous; fraudulent &c 545; knavish; disgraceful &c (disreputable) 974; wicked &c 945. false-hearted, disingenuous; unfair, one-sided; double, double- hearted, double-tongued, double-faced; timeserving^, crooked, tortuous, insidious, Machiavelian, dark, slippery; fishy; perfidious, treacherous, perjured. infamous, arrant, foul, base, vile, ignominious, blackguard. contemptible, unrespectable, abject, mean, shabby, little, paltry, dirty, scurvy, scabby, sneaking, groveling, scrubby, rascally, pettifogging; beneath one. low-minded, low-thoughted^; base-minded. undignified, indign^; unbecoming, unbeseeming^, unbefitting; derogatory, degrading; infra dignitatem [Lat.], beneath one's dignity; ungentlemanly, ungentlemanlike; unknightly^, unchivalric^, unmanly, unhandsome; recreant, inglorious. corrupt, venal; debased, mongrel. faithless, of bad faith, false, unfaithful, disloyal; untrustworthy; trustless, trothless^; lost to shame, dead to honor; barratrous. Adv. dishonestly &c adj.; mala fide [Lat.], like a thief in the night, by crooked paths. Int. O tempora!^, O mores!, [Cicero]. Phr. corruptissima respublica plurimae leges [Lat.] [Tacitus].
941. Knave — N. knave, rogue; Scapin^, rascal; Lazarillo de Tormes; bad man &c 949; blackguard &c 949; barrater^, barrator^; shyster [U.S.]. traitor, betrayer, archtraitor^, conspirator, Judas, Catiline; reptile, serpent, snake in the grass, wolf in sheep's clothing, sneak, Jerry Sneak, squealer [Slang], tell-tale, mischief-maker; trimmer, fence-sitter, renegade &c (tergiversation) 607; truant, recreant; sycophant &c (servility) 886.
942. Disinterestedness — N. disinterestedness &c adj.; generosity; liberality, liberalism; altruism; benevolence &c 906; elevation, loftiness of purpose, exaltation, magnanimity; chivalry, chivalrous spirit; heroism, sublimity. self-denial, self-abnegation, self-sacrifice, self-immolation, self-control &c (resolution) 604; stoicism, devotion, martyrdom, suttee. labor of love. V. be disinterested &c adj.; make a sacrifice, lay one's head on the block; put oneself in the place of others, do as one would be done by, do unto others as we would men should do unto us. Adj. disinterested; unselfish; self-denying, self-sacrificing, self- devoted; generous. handsome, liberal, noble, broad-minded; noble-minded, high-minded; princely, great, high, elevated, lofty, exalted, spirited, stoical, magnanimous; great-hearted, large-hearted; chivalrous, heroic, sublime. unbought, unbribed^; uncorrupted &c (upright) 939. Phr. non vobis solum [Lat.].
943. Selfishness — N. selfishness &c adj.; self-love, self-indulgence, self-worship, self-interest; egotism, egoism; amour propre [Fr.], &c (vanity) 880; nepotism. worldliness &c adj.; world wisdom. illiberality; meanness &c adj.. time-pleaser, time-server; tuft- hunter, fortune-hunter; jobber, worldling; egotist, egoist, monopolist, nepotist; dog in the manger, charity that begins at home; canis in praesepi [Lat.], foes to nobleness, temporizer, trimmer. V. be selfish &c adj.; please oneself, indulge oneself, coddle oneself; consult one's own wishes, consult one's own pleasure; look after one's own interest; feather one's nest; take care of number one, have an eye to the main chance, know on which side one's bread is buttered; give an inch and take an ell. Adj. selfish; self-seeking, self-indulgent, self-interested, self- centered; wrapped up in self, wrapt up in self^, centered in self; egotistic, egotistical; egoistical^. illiberal, mean, ungenerous, narrow-minded; mercenary, venal; covetous &c 819. unspiritual, earthly, earthly-minded; mundane; worldly, worldly- minded; worldly-wise; timeserving^. interested; alieni appetens sui profusus [Lat.]. Adv. ungenerously &c adj.; to gain some private ends, from interested motives. Phr. apres nous le deluge [Fr.].
944. Virtue — N. virtue; virtuousness &c adj.; morality; moral rectitude; integrity &c (probity) 939; nobleness &c 873. morals; ethics &c (duty) 926; cardinal virtues. merit, worth, desert, excellence, credit; self-control &c (resolution) 604; self-denial &c (temperance) 953. well-doing; good actions, good behavior; discharge of duty, fulfillment of duty, performance of duty; well-spent life; innocence &c 946. V. be virtuous &c adj.; practice virtue &c n.; do one's duty, fulfill one's duty, perform one's duty, discharge one's duty; redeem one's pledge, keep one's promise &c 926; act well, act one's part; fight the good fight; acquit oneself well; command one's passions, master one's passions; keep in the right path. set an example, set a good example; be on one's good behavior, be on one's best behavior. Adj. virtuous, good; innocent &c 946; meritorious, deserving, worthy, desertful^, correct; dutiful, duteous; moral; right, righteous, right- minded; well-intentioned, creditable, laudable, commendable, praiseworthy; above all praise, beyond all praise; excellent, admirable; sterling, pure, noble; whole-souled^. exemplary; matchless, peerless; saintly, saint-like; heaven-born, angelic, seraphic, godlike. Adv. virtuously &c, adj.; e merito [Lat.]. Phr. esse quam videri bonus malebat [Lat.] [Sallust]; Schonheit vergeht Tugend besteht G; virtue the greatest of all monarchies [Swift]; virtus laudatur et alget [Juvenal]; virtus vincit invidiam [Lat.].
945. Vice — N. vice; evil-doing, evil courses; wrongdoing; wickedness, viciousness &c adj.; iniquity, peccability^, demerit; sin, Adam^; old Adam^, offending Adam^. immorality, impropriety, indecorum, scandal, laxity, looseness of morals; enphagy^, dophagy^, exophagy^; want of principle, want of ballast; obliquity, backsliding, infamy, demoralization, pravity^, depravity, pollution; hardness of heart; brutality &c (malevolence) 907; corruption &c (debasement) 659; knavery &c (improbity) 940 [Obs.]; profligacy; flagrancy, atrocity; cannibalism; lesbianism, Sadism. infirmity; weakness &c adj.; weakness of the flesh, frailty, imperfection; error; weak side; foible; failing, failure; crying sin, besetting sin; defect, deficiency; cloven foot. lowest dregs of vice, sink of iniquity, Alsatian den^; gusto picaresco [It]. fault, crime; criminality &c (guilt) 947. sinner &c 949. [Resorts] brothel &c 961; gambling house &c 621; joint [Slang], opium den, shooting gallery, crack house. V. be vicious &c adj.; sin, commit sin, do amiss, err, transgress; misdemean oneself^, forget oneself, misconduct oneself; misdo^, misbehave; fall, lapse, slip, trip, offend, trespass; deviate from the line of duty, deviate from the path of virtue &c 944; take a wrong course, go astray; hug a sin, hug a fault; sow one's wild oats. render vicious &c adj.; demoralize, brutalize; corrupt &c (degrade) 659. Adj. vicious; sinful; sinning &c v.; wicked, iniquitous, immoral, unrighteous, wrong, criminal; naughty, incorrect; unduteous^, undutiful. unprincipled, lawless, disorderly, contra bonos mores [Lat.], indecorous, unseemly, improper; dissolute, profligate, scampish; unworthy; worthless; desertless^; disgraceful, recreant; reprehensible, blameworthy, uncommendable; discreditable, disreputable; Sadistic. base, sinister, scurvy, foul, gross, vile, black, grave, facinorous^, felonious, nefarious, shameful, scandalous, infamous, villainous, of a deep dye, heinous; flagrant, flagitious; atrocious, incarnate, accursed. Mephistophelian, satanic, diabolic, hellish, infernal, stygian, fiendlike^, hell-born, demoniacal, devilish, fiendish. miscreated^, misbegotten; demoralized, corrupt, depraved. evil-minded, evil-disposed; ill-conditioned; malevolent &c 907; heartless, graceless, shameless, virtueless; abandoned, lost to virtue; unconscionable; sunk in iniquity, lost in iniquity, steeped in iniquity. incorrigible, irreclaimable, obdurate, reprobate, past praying for; culpable, reprehensible &c (guilty) 947. unjustifiable; indefensible, inexcusable; inexpiable, unpardonable, irremissible^. weak, frail, lax, infirm, imperfect; indiscrete; demoralizing, degrading. Adv. wrong; sinfully &c adj.; without excuse. Int. O tempora!^, O mores!, Phr. alitur vitium vivitque tegendo [Vergil]; genus est mortis male vivere [Lat.] [Ovid]; mala mens malus animus [Lat.] [Terence]; nemo repente fuit turpissimus [Lat.]; the trail of the serpent is over them all [Moore]; to sanction vice and hunt decorum down [Bryon].
946. Innocence — N. innocence; guiltlessness &c adj.; incorruption, impeccability. clean hands, clear conscience, mens sibi conscia recti [Lat.] [Vergil]. innocent, lamb, dove. V. be innocent &c adj.; nil conscire sibi nulla pallescere culpa [Lat.] [Horace]. acquit &c 970; exculpate &c (vindicate) 937. Adj. innocent, not guilty; unguilty^; guiltless, faultless, sinless, stainless, bloodless, spotless; clear, immaculate; rectus in curia [Lat.]; unspotted, unblemished, unerring; undefiled &c 939; unhardened^, Saturnian; Arcadian &c (artless) 703 [Obs.]. inculpable, unculpable^; unblamed, unblamable^; blameless, unfallen^, inerrable^, above suspicion; irreproachable, irreprovable^, irreprehensible^; unexceptionable, unobjectionable, unimpeachable; salvable^; venial &c 937. harmless; inoffensive, innoxious^, innocuous; dove-like, lamb-like; pure, harmless as doves; innocent as a lamb, innocent as the babe unborn; more sinned against than sinning [Lear]. virtuous &c 944; unreproved^, unimpeached, unreproached^. Adv. innocently &c adj.; with clean hands; with a clear conscience, with a safe conscience. Phr. murus aeneus conscientia sana [Horace].
947. Guilt — N. guilt, guiltiness; culpability; criminality, criminousness^; deviation from rectitude &c (improbity) 940 [Obs.]; sinfulness &c (vice) 945. misconduct, misbehavior, misdoing, misdeed; malpractice, fault, sin, error, transgression; dereliction, delinquency; indiscretion, lapse, slip, trip, faux pas [Fr.], peccadillo; flaw, blot, omission; failing, failure; break, bad break! [U.S.], capital crime, delictum [Lat.]. offense, trespass; misdemeanor, misfeasance, misprision; malefaction, malfeasance, malversation; crime, felony. enormity, atrocity, outrage; deadly sin, mortal sin; deed without a name [Macbeth]. corpus delicti. Adj. guilty, to blame, culpable, peccable^, in fault, at fault, censurable, reprehensible, blameworthy, uncommendable, illaudable^; weighed in the balance and found wanting; exceptionable. Adv. in flagrante delicto [Lat.]; red-handed, in the very act, with one's hand in the cookie jar. Phr. cui prodest scelus in fecit [Lat.] [Seneca]; culpam paena premit comes [Lat.] [Horace]; O would the deed were good! [Richard II]; responsibility prevents crimes se judice nemo nocens absolvitur [Lat.] [Juvenal]; so many laws argues so many sins [Paradise Lost].
948. Good Man — N. good man, honest man, worthy. good woman, perfect lady, Madonna. model, paragon &c (perfection) 650; good example; hero, heroine, demigod, seraph, angel; innocent &c 946; saint &c (piety) 987; benefactor &c 912; philanthropist &c 910; Aristides^; noble liver^, pattern. brick [Slang], trump [Slang], gem, jewel, good fellow, prince, diamond in the rough, rough diamond, ugly duckling^. salt of the earth; one in ten thousand; one in a million; a gentleman and a scholar; pillar of society, pillar of the community, a man among men. Phr. si sic omnes! [Lat.]
949. Bad Man — N. bad man, wrongdoer, worker of iniquity; evildoer &c 913; sinner; the wicked &c 945; bad example. villain, rascal, scoundrel, miscreant, budmash^, caitiff^; wretch, reptile, viper, serpent, cockatrice, basilisk, urchin; tiger^, monster; devil &c (demon) 980; devil incarnate; demon in human shape, Nana Sahib; hellhound, hellcat; rakehell^. bad woman, jade, Jezebel. scamp, scapegrace, rip, runagate, ne'er-do-well, reprobate, scalawag, scallawag. rou_e [Fr.], rake; Sadist; skeesicks [Slang], skeezix [U.S.]; limb; one who has sold himself to the devil, fallen angel, ame damnee [Fr.], vaurien^, mauvais sujet [Fr.], loose fish, sad dog; rounder [Slang]; lost sheep, black sheep; castaway, recreant, defaulter; prodigal &c 818. rough, rowdy, hooligan, tough, ugly customer, mean mother [Coll.], ruffian, bully, meanie [Joc.]; Jonathan Wild; hangman. incendiary, arsonist, fire bug [U.S.]. thief &c 792; murderer, terrorist &c 361. [person who violates the criminal law] culprit, delinquent, crook, hoodlum, hood, criminal, thug, malefactor, offender, perpetrator, perp [Coll.]; disorderly person, misdemeanant [Law]; outlaw; scofflaw; vandal; felon, (convicted criminal); criminal; convict, prisoner, inmate, jail bird, ticket of leave man; multiple offender. blackguard, polisson^, loafer, sneak; rapscallion, rascallion^; cullion^, mean wretch, varlet, kern^, ame-de-boue [Fr.], drole^; cur, dog, hound^, whelp^, mongrel^; lown^, loon, runnion^, outcast, vagabond; rogue &c (knave) 941; ronian^; scum of the earth, riffraff; Arcades ambo^. Int. sirrah!^, Phr. Acherontis pabulum^; gibier de potence [Fr.].
950. Penitence — N. penitence, contrition, compunction, repentance, remorse; regret &c 833. self-reproach, self-reproof, self-accusation, self-condemnation, self-humiliation; stings of conscience, pangs of conscience, qualms of conscience, prickings of conscience^, twinge of conscience, twitch of conscience, touch of conscience, voice of conscience; compunctious visitings of nature^. acknowledgment, confession &c (disclosure) 529; apology &c 952; recantation &c 607; penance &c 952; resipiscence^. awakened conscience, deathbed repentance, locus paenitentiae [Lat.], stool of repentance, cuttystool^. penitent, repentant, Magdalen, prodigal son, a sadder and a wiser man [Coleridge]. V. repent, be sorry for; be penitent &c adj.; rue; regret &c 833; think better of; recant &c 607; knock under &c (submit) 725; plead guilty; sing miserere [Lat.], sing de profundis [Lat.]; cry peccavi; own oneself in the wrong; acknowledge, confess &c, (disclose) 529; humble oneself; beg pardon &c (apologize) 952; turn over a new leaf, put on the new man, turn from sin; reclaim; repent in sackcloth and ashes &c, (do penance) 952; learn by experience. Adj. penitent; repenting &c v.; repentant, contrite; conscience- smitten, conscience-stricken; self-accusing, self-convicted. penitential, penitentiary; reclaimed, reborn; not hardened; unhardened^. Adv. mea culpa. Phr. peccavi; erubuit [Lat.]; salva res est [Lat.] [Terence]; Tu l'as voulu [Fr.], Georges Dandin; and wet his grave with my repentant tears [Richard III].
951. Impenitence — N. impenitence, irrepentance^, recusance^; lack of contrition. hardness of heart, seared conscience, induration, obduracy. V. be impenitent &c adj.; steel the heart, harden the heart; die game, die and make no sign, die unshriven, die without benefit of clergy. Adj. impenitent, uncontrite, obdurate; hard, hardened; seared, recusant; unrepentant; relentless, remorseless, graceless, shriftless^. lost, incorrigible, irreclaimable. unreconstructed, unregenerate, unreformed; unrepented^, unreclaimed^, unatoned.
952. Atonement — N. atonement, reparation; compromise, composition; compensation &c 30; quittance, quits; expiation, redemption, reclamation, conciliation, propitiation; indemnification, redress. amends, apology, amende honorable^, satisfaction; peace offering, sin offering, burnt offering; scapegoat, sacrifice. penance, fasting, maceration, sackcloth and ashes, white sheet, shrift, flagellation, lustration^; purgation, purgatory. V. atone, atone for; expiate; propitiate; make amends, make good; reclaim, redeem, repair, ransom, absolve, purge, shrive, do penance, stand in a white sheet, repent in sackcloth and ashes, wear a hairshirt. set one's house in order, wipe off old scores, make matters up; pay the forfeit, pay the penalty. apologize, beg pardon, fair l'amende honorable [Fr.], give satisfaction; come down on one's knees, fall down on one's knees, down on one's marrow bones.
953. Temperance — N. temperance, moderation, sobriety, soberness. forbearance, abnegation; self-denial, self-restraint, self-control &c (resolution) 604. frugality; vegetarianism, teetotalism, total abstinence; abstinence, abstemiousness; Encratism^, prohibition; system of Pythagoras, system of Cornaro; Pythagorism, Stoicism. vegetarian; Pythagorean, gymnosophist^. teetotaler &c 958; abstainer; designated driver; Encratite^, fruitarian^, hydropot^. V. be temperate &c adj.; abstain, forbear, refrain, deny oneself, spare, swear off. know when one has had enough, know one's limit. take the pledge, go on the wagon. Adj. temperate, moderate, sober, frugal, sparing; abstemious, abstinent; within compass; measured &c (sufficient) 639. on the wagon, on the water wagon. [Locations where alcoholic beverages are prohibited] dry. Pythagorean; vegetarian; teetotal. Phr. appetitus rationi obediant [Lat.] [Cicero]; l'abstenir pour jouir c'est l'epicurisme de la raison [Rousseau]; trahit sua quemque voluptas [Lat.] [Vergil].
954. Intemperance — N. intemperance; sensuality, animalism, carnality; tragalism^; pleasure; effeminacy, silkiness; luxury, luxuriousness; lap of pleasure, lap of luxury; free living. indulgence; high living, wild living, inabstinence^, self- indulgence; voluptuousness &c adj.; epicurism, epicureanism; sybaritism; drug habit. dissipation; licentiousness &c adj.; debauchery; crapulence^. revels, revelry; debauch, carousal, jollification, drinking bout, wassail, saturnalia, orgies; excess, too much. Circean cup. [drugs of abuse: list] bhang, hashish, marijuana, pot [Coll.], hemp [Coll.], grass [Coll.]; opium, cocaine, morphine, heroin; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide [Chem]; phencyclidine, angel dust, PCP; barbiturates; amphetamines, speed [Coll.]. V. be intemperate &c adj.; indulge, exceed; live well, live high, live high on the fat of the land, live it up, live high on the hog; give a loose to indulgence &c n.; wallow in voluptuousness &c n.; plunge into dissipation. revel; rake, live hard, run riot, sow one's wild oats; slake one's appetite, slake one's thirst; swill; pamper. Adj. intemperate, inabstinent^; sensual, self-indulgent; voluptuous, luxurious, licentious, wild, dissolute, rakish, fast, debauched. brutish, crapulous^, swinish, piggish. Paphian, Epicurean, Sybaritical; bred in the lap of luxury, nursed in the lap of luxury; indulged, pampered; full-fed, high-fed. Phr. being full of supper and distempering draughts [Othello].
954a. Sensualist — N. Sybarite, voluptuary, Sardanaphalus, man of pleasure, carpet knight; epicure, epicurean, gourmet, gourmand; pig, hog; votary of Epicurus, swine of Epicurus; sensualist; Heliogabalus; free liver, hard liver; libertine &c 962; hedonist; tragalist^.
955. Asceticism — N. asceticism, puritanism, sabbatarianism^; cynicism^, austerity; total abstinence; nephalism^. mortification, maceration, sackcloth and ashes, flagellation; penance &c 952; fasting &c 956; martyrdom. ascetic; anchoret^, anchorite; martyr; Heautontimorumenos^; hermit &c (recluse) 893; puritan, sabbatarian^, cynic, sanyasi^, yogi. Adj. ascetic, austere, puritanical; cynical; over-religious; acerbic.
956. Fasting — N. fasting; xerophagy^; famishment, starvation. fast, jour maigre [Fr.]; fast day, banyan day; Lent, quadragesima^; Ramadan, Ramazan; spare diet, meager diet; lenten diet, lenten entertainment; soupe maigre [Fr.], short commons, Barmecide feast^; short rations. V. fast, starve, clem^, famish, perish with hunger; dine with Duke Humphrey^; make two bites of a cherry. Adj. lenten, quadragesimal^; unfed^; starved &c v.; half-starved; fasting &c v.; hungry &c 865.
957. Gluttony — N. gluttony; greed, avarice; greediness &c adj.; voracity. epicurism; good living, high living; edacity^, gulosity^, crapulence^; guttling^, guzzling; pantophagy^. good cheer, blow out; feast &c (food) 298; gastronomy, batterie de cuisine [Fr.]. epicure, bon vivant, gourmand; glutton, cormorant, hog, belly god, Apicius^, gastronome; gourmet &c 954.1, 868. v.. gormandize, gorge; overgorge^, overeat oneself; engorge, eat one's fill, cram, stuff; guttle^, guzzle; bolt, devour, gobble up; gulp &c (swallow food) 298; raven, eat out of house and home. have the stomach of an ostrich; play a good knife and fork &c (appetite) 865. pamper. Adj. gluttonous, greedy; gormandizing &c v.; edacious^, omnivorous, crapulent^, swinish. avaricious &c 819; selfish &c 918. pampered; overfed, overgorged^. Phr. jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit [Lat.] [Horace].
958. Sobriety — N. sobriety; teetotalism. temperance &c 953. water-drinker; hydropot^; prohibitionist; teetotaler, teetotalist; abstainer, Good Templar, band of hope. V. take the pledge. Adj. sober, sober as a judge.
959. Drunkenness — N. drunkenness &c adj.; intemperance; drinking &c v.; inebriety^, inebriation; ebriety^, ebriosity^; insobriety; intoxication; temulency^, bibacity^, wine bibbing; comtation^, potation; deep potations, bacchanals, bacchanalia, libations; bender [U.S.]. oinomania^, dipsomania; delirium tremens; alcohol, alcoholism; mania a potu [Fr.]. drink; alcoholic drinks; blue ruin [Slang], grog, port wine; punch, punch bowl; cup, rosy wine, flowing bowl; drop, drop too much; dram; beer &c (beverage) 298; aguardiente^; apple brandy, applejack; brandy, brandy smash [U.S.]; chain lightning [Slang], champagne, cocktail; gin, ginsling^; highball [U.S.], peg, rum, rye, schnapps [U.S.], sherry, sling [U.S.], uisquebaugh [Ire.], usquebaugh [Scot.], whisky, xeres^. drunkard, sot, toper, tippler, bibber^, wine-bibber, lush; hard drinker, gin drinker, dram drinker; soaker [Slang], sponge, tun; love pot, toss pot; thirsty soul, reveler, carouser, Bacchanal, Bacchanalian; Bacchal^, Bacchante^; devotee to Bacchus^; bum [U.S.], guzzler, tavern haunter. V. get drunk, be drunk &c adj.; see double; take a drop too much, take a glass too much; drink; tipple, tope, booze, bouse [Fr.], guzzle, swill [Slang], soak [Slang], sot, bum [U.S.], besot, have a jag on, have a buzz on, lush [Slang], bib, swig, carouse; sacrifice at the shrine of Bacchus^; take to drinking; drink hard, drink deep, drink like a fish; have one's swill [Slang], drain the cup, splice the main brace, take a hair of the dog that bit you. liquor, liquor up; wet one's whistle, take a whet; crack a bottle, pass the bottle; toss off &c (drink up) 298; go to the alehouse, go to the public house. make one drunk &c adj.; inebriate, fuddle, befuddle, fuzzle^, get into one's head. Adj. drunk, tipsy; intoxicated; inebrious^, inebriate, inebriated; in one's cups; in a state of intoxication &c n.; temulent^, temulentive^; bombed, smashed; fuddled, mellow, cut, boozy, fou^, fresh, merry, elevated; flustered, disguised, groggy, beery; top-heavy; potvaliant^, glorious; potulent^; squiffy [Slang]; overcome, overtaken; whittled, screwed [Slang], tight, primed, corned, raddled^, sewed up [Slang], lushy [Slang], nappy^, muddled, muzzy^, obfuscated, maudlin; crapulous^, dead drunk. woozy [slightly drunk], buzzed, flush, flushed. inter pocula^; in liquor, the worse for liquor; having had a drop too much, half seas over, three sheets in the wind, three sheets to the wind; under the table. drunk as a lord, drunk as a skunk, drunk as a piper, drunk as a fiddler, drunk as Chloe, drunk as an owl, drunk as David's sow, drunk as a wheelbarrow. drunken, bibacious^, sottish; given to drink, addicted to drink, addicted to the bottle; toping &c v.. Phr. nunc est bibendum [Lat.]; Bacchus ever fair and young [Dryden]; drink down all unkindness [Merry Wives]; O that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains [Othello].
960. Purity — N. purity; decency, decorum, delicacy; continence, chastity, honesty, virtue, modesty, shame; pudicity^, pucelage^, virginity. vestal, virgin, Joseph, Hippolytus; Lucretia, Diana; prude. Adj. pure, undefiled, modest, delicate, decent, decorous; virginibus puerisque [Lat.]; simon-pure; chaste, continent, virtuous, honest, Platonic. virgin, unsullied; cherry [Coll.]. Phr. as chaste as unsunn'd snow [Cymbeline]; a soul as white as heaven [Beaumont and Fletcher]; 'tis Chastity, my brother, Chastity [Milton]; to the pure all things are pure [Shelley].
961. Impurity — N. impurity; uncleanness &c (filth) 653; immodesty; grossness &c adj.; indelicacy, indecency; impudicity^; obscenity, ribaldry, Fescennine, smut, bawdry^, double entente, equivoque [Fr.]. concupiscence, lust, carnality, flesh, salacity; pruriency, lechery, lasciviency^, lubricity; Sadism, sapphism^. incontinence, intrigue, faux pas [Fr.]; amour, amourette^; gallantry; debauchery, libertinish^, libertinage^, fornication; liaison; wenching, venery, dissipation. seduction; defloration, defilement, abuse, violation, rape; incest. prostitution, social evil, harlotry, stupration^, whoredom, concubinage, cuckoldom^, adultery, advoutry^, crim. con.; free love. seraglio, harem; brothel, bagnio^, stew, bawdyhouse^, cat house, lupanar^, house of ill fame, bordel^, bordello. V. be impure &c adj.; intrigue; debauch, defile, seduce; prostitute; abuse, violate, deflower; commit adultery &c n.. Adj. impure; unclean &c (dirty) 653; not to be mentioned to ears polite; immodest, shameless; indecorous, indelicate, indecent; Fescennine; loose, risque [Fr.], coarse, gross, broad, free, equivocal, smutty, fulsome, ribald, obscene, bawdy, pornographic. concupiscent, prurient, lickerish^, rampant, lustful; carnal, carnal-minded; lewd, lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, erotic, ruttish, salacious; Paphian; voluptuous; goatish, must, musty. unchaste, light, wanton, licentious, debauched, dissolute; of loose character, of easy virtue; frail, gay, riggish^, incontinent, meretricious, rakish, gallant, dissipated; no better than she should be; on the town, on the streets, on the pave, on the loose. adulterous, incestuous, bestial.
962. Libertine — N. libertine; voluptuary &c 954.1; rake, debauchee, loose fish, rip, rakehell^, fast man; intrigant^, gallant, seducer, fornicator, lecher, satyr, goat, whoremonger, paillard^, adulterer, gay deceiver, Lothario, Don Juan, Bluebeard^; chartered libertine. adulteress, advoutress^, courtesan, prostitute, strumpet, harlot, whore, punk, fille de joie [Fr.]; woman, woman of the town; streetwalker, Cyprian, miss, piece [Fr.]; frail sisterhood; demirep, wench, trollop, trull^, baggage, hussy, drab, bitch, jade, skit, rig, quean^, mopsy^, slut, minx, harridan; unfortunate, unfortunate female, unfortunate woman; woman of easy virtue &c (unchaste) 961; wanton, fornicatress^; Jezebel, Messalina, Delilah, Thais, Phryne, Aspasia^, Lais, lorette^, cocotte^, petite dame, grisette^; demimonde; chippy [U.S.]; sapphist^; spiritual wife; white slave. concubine, mistress, doxy^, chere amie [Fr.], bona roba [It]. pimp, procurer; pander, pandar^; bawd, conciliatrix^, procuress^, mackerel, wittol^.
963. Legality — N. legality; legitimacy, legitimateness. legislature; law, code, corpus juris [Lat.], constitution, pandect^, charter, enactment, statute, rule; canon &c (precept) 697; ordinance, institution, regulation; bylaw, byelaw; decree &c (order) 741; ordonnance^; standing order; plebiscite &c (choice) 609. legal process; form, formula, formality; rite, arm of the law; habeas corpus; fieri facias [Lat.]. [Science of law] jurisprudence, nomology^; legislation, codification. equity, common law; lex [Lat.], lex nonscripta [Lat.]; law of nations, droit des gens [Fr.], international law, jus gentium [Lat.]; jus civile [Lat.]; civil law, canon law, crown law, criminal law, statute law, ecclesiastical law, administrative law; lex mercatoria [Lat.]. constitutionalism, constitutionality; justice &c 922. [institution for deciding questions of law] court, tribunal &c 966. [person who presides at a court or tribunal] judge &c 967. [specialist in questions of law] lawyer, attorney, legal counsel &c 968. V. legalize; enact, ordain; decree &c (order) 741; pass a law, enact a regulation; legislate; codify, formulate; regulate. Adj. legal, legitimate; according to law; vested, constitutional, chartered, legalized; lawful &c (permitted) 760; statutable^, statutory; legislatorial, legislative; regulatory, regulated. Adv. legally &c adj.; in the eye of the law; de jure [Lat.]. Phr. ignorantia legis neminem excusat [Lat.], ignorance of the law is no excuse; where law ends tyranny begins [Earl of Chatham].
964. [Absence or violation of law.] Illegality — N. lawlessness; illicitness; breach of law, violation of law, infraction of the law; disobedience &c 742; unconformity &c 83. arbitrariness &c adj.; antinomy, violence, brute force, despotism, outlawry. mob law, lynch law, club law, Lydford law, martial law, drumhead law; coup d'etat [Fr.]; le droit du plus fort [Fr.]; argumentum baculinum [Lat.]. illegality, informality, unlawfulness, illegitimacy, bar sinister. trover and conversion [Law]; smuggling, poaching; simony. [person who violates the law] outlaw, bad man &c 949. v.. offend against the law; violate the law, infringe the law, break the law; set the law at defiance, ride roughshod over, drive a coach and six through a statute; ignore the law, make the law a dead letter, take the law into one's own hands. smuggle, run, poach. Adj. illegal [contrary to law], unlawful, illegitimate; not allowed, prohibited &c 761; illicit, contraband; actionable. unwarranted, unwarrantable; unauthorized; informal, unofficial; injudicial^, extrajudicial. lawless, arbitrary; despotic, despotical^; corrupt, summary, irresponsible; unanswerable, unaccountable. [of invalid or expired law] expired, invalid; unchartered, unconstitutional; null and void; a dead letter. [in absence of law] lawless, unregulated Adv. illegally &c adj.; with a high hand, in violation of law.
965. Jurisdiction [Executive.] — N. jurisdiction, judicature, administration of justice, soc; executive, commission of the peace; magistracy &c (authority) 737. judge &c 967; tribunal &c 966; municipality, corporation, bailiwick, shrievalty [Brit.]; lord lieutenant, sheriff, shire reeve, shrieve^, constable; selectman; police, police force, the fuzz [Sarc.]; constabulary, bumbledom^, gendarmerie [Fr.]. officer, bailiff, tipstaff, bum-bailiff, catchpoll, beadle; policeman, cop [Coll.], police constable, police sergeant; sbirro^, alguazil^, gendarme, kavass^, lictor^, mace bearer, huissier [Fr.], bedel^; tithingman^. press gang; exciseman^, gauger, gager^, customhouse officer, douanier [Fr.]. coroner, edile^, aedile^, portreeve^, paritor^; posse comitatus [Lat.]. bureau, cutcherry^, department, secretariat. [extension of jurisdiction] long arm of the law, extradition. V. judge, sit in judgment; extradite. Adj. executive, administrative, municipal; inquisitorial, causidical^; judicatory^, judiciary, judicial; juridical. Adv. coram judice [Lat.].
966. Tribunal — N. tribunal, court, board, bench, judicatory^; court of justice, court of law, court of arbitration, administrative court; inquisition; guild. justice seat; judgment seat, mercy seat; woolsack^; bar of justice; dock; forum, hustings, bureau, drumhead; jury box, witness box. senate house, town hall, theater; House of Commons, House of Lords; statehouse [U.S.], townhouse. assize, eyre; wardmote^, burghmote^; barmote^; superior courts of Westminster; court of record, court oyer and terminer [Law], court assize, court of appeal, court of error; High court of Judicature, High court of Appeal; Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; Star Chamber; Court of Chancery, Court of King's or Queen's Bench, Court of Exchequer, Court of Common Pleas, Court of Probate, Court of Arches, Court of Admiralty; Lords Justices' court, Rolls court, Vice Chancellor's court, Stannary court^, Divorce court, Family court, Palatine court, county court, district court, police court; sessions; quarter sessions, petty sessions; court-leet [Fr.], court-baron, court of pie poudre [Fr.], court of common council; board of green cloth. court martial; drumhead court martial; durbar^, divan; Areopagus^; Irota. Adj. judicial &c 965; appellate. Phr. die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht G.
967. Judge — N. judge; justice, justiciar^, justiciary^; chancellor; justice of assize, judge of assize; recorder, common sergeant; puisne judge, assistant judge, county court judge; conservator of the peace, justice of the peace; J.P.; court &c (tribunal) 966; magistrate, police magistrate, beak [Slang]; his worship, his honor, his lordship. jury, twelve men in a box. Lord Chancellor, Lord Justice; Master of the Rolls, Vice Chancellor; Lord Chief Justice, Chief Baron; Mr. Justice, Associate Justice, Chief Justice; Baron, Baron of the Exchequer. jurat [Lat.], assessor; arbiter, arbitrator; umpire; referee, referendary^; revising barrister; domesman^; censor &c (critic) 480; barmaster^, ephor^; grand juror, grand juryman; juryman, talesman. archon, tribune, praetor, syndic, podesta^, mollah^, ulema, mufti, cadi^, kadi^; Rhadamanthus^. litigant &c (accusation) 938. V. adjudge &c (determine) 480; try a case, try a prisoner. Adj. judicial &c 965. Phr. a Daniel come to judgment [Merchant of Venice].
968. Lawyer — N. lawyer, attorney, legal counsel; counsel, counsellor, counsellor at law, attorney at law; jurist, legist^, civilian, pundit, publicist, juris consult [Lat.], legal adviser, advocate; barrister, barrister at law; King's or Queen's counsel; K.C.; Q.C.; silk gown, leader, sergeant-at-law, bencher; tubman^, judge &c 967. bar, legal profession, bar association, association of trial lawyers; officer of the court; gentleman of the long robe; junior bar, outer bar, inner bar; equity draftsman, conveyancer, pleader, special pleader. solicitor, proctor; notary, notary public; scrivener, cursitor^; writer, writer to the signet; S.S.C.; limb of the law; pettifogger; vakil^. legal beagle [Coll.]. [persons accessory to lawyers] legal secretary; legal assistant; law student. V. practice law, practice at the bar, practice within the bar; plead; call to the bar, be called to the bar, be called within the bar; take silk; take to the law. give legal counsel, provide legal counsel. Adj. learned in the law; at the bar; forensic; esquire, esquired. Phr. banco regis [Lat.].
969. Lawsuit — N. lawsuit, suit, action, cause; litigation; suit in law; dispute &c 713. citation, arraignment, prosecution, impeachment; accusation &c 938; presentment, true bill, indictment. apprehension, arrest; committal; imprisonment &c (restraint) 751. writ, summons, subpoena, latitat^, nisi prius [Lat.]; venire, venire facias pleadings [Lat.]; declaration, bill, claim; proces verbal [Fr.]; bill of right, information, corpus delicti; affidavit, state of facts; answer, reply, replication, plea, demurrer, rebutter, rejoinder; surrebutter^, surrejoinder^. suitor, party to a suit; plaintiff, defendant, litigant &c 938. hearing, trial; verdict &c (judgment) 480; appeal, appeal motion; writ of error; certiorari [Lat.]. case; decision, precedent; decided case, reports (legal reference works, see reference books).. V. go to law, appeal to the law; bring to justice, bring to trial, bring to the bar; put on trial, pull up; accuse &c 938; prefer a claim, file a claim &c n.; take the law of, inform against. serve with a writ, cite, apprehend, arraign, sue, prosecute, bring an action against, indict, impeach, attach, distrain, commit; arrest; summon, summons; give in charge &c (restrain) 751. empanel a jury, implead^, join issue; close the pleadings; set down for hearing. try, hear a cause; sit in judgment; adjudicate &c 480. Adj. litigious &c (quarrelsome) 713; qui tam; coram judice [Lat.], sub judice [Lat.]. Adv. pendente lite [Lat.]. Phr. adhuc sub judice lis est [Lat.]; accedas ad curiam [Lat.]; transeat in exemplum [Lat.].
970. Acquittal — N. acquittal, acquitment^; clearance, exculpation; acquittance, clearance, exoneration; discharge &c (release) 750; quietus, absolution, compurgation^, reprieve, respite; pardon &c (forgiveness) 918. [Exemption from punishment] impunity; diplomatic immunity; immunity; plea bargain, deal with the prosecutor. [in civil suits] no cause for action; no damages. V. acquit, exculpate, exonerate, clear; absolve, whitewash, assoil^; discharge, release; liberate &c 750. reprieve, respite; pardon &c (forgive) 918; let off, let off scot- free. drop the charges. plea bargain, strike a deal. no-cause (in civil suits); get no-caused Adj. acquitted &c v.; uncondemned, unpunished, unchastised. not guilty; not proven. not liable. Phr. nemo bis punitur pro codem delicto [Lat.].
971. Condemnation — N. condemnation, conviction, judgment, penalty, sentence; proscription, damnation; death warrant. attainder, attainture^, attaintment^. V. condemn, convict, cast, bring home to, find guilty, damn, doom, sign the death warrant, sentence, pass sentence on, attaint, confiscate, proscribe, sequestrate; nonsuit^. disapprove &c 932; accuse &c 938. stand condemned. Adj. condemnatory, damnatory^; guilty, condemned &c v.; nonsuited &c (failure) 732 [Obs.]; self-convicted. Phr. mutato nomine de te fabula narratur [Lat.]; unrespited, unpitied, unreprieved [Paradise Lost].
972. Punishment — N. punishment, punition^; chastisement, chastening; correction, castigation. discipline, infliction, trial; judgment; penalty &c 974; retribution; thunderbolt, Nemesis; requital &c (reward) 973; penology; retributive justice. lash, scaffold &c (instrument of punishment) 975; imprisonment &c (restraint) 751; transportation, banishment, expulsion, exile, involuntary exile, ostracism; penal servitude, hard labor; galleys &c 975; beating &c v.; flagellation, fustigation^, gantlet, strappado^, estrapade^, bastinado, argumentum baculinum [Lat.], stick law, rap on the knuckles, box on the ear; blow &c (impulse) 276; stripe, cuff, kick, buffet, pummel; slap, slap in the face; wipe, douse; coup de grace; torture, rack; picket, picketing; dragonnade^. capital punishment; execution; lethal injection; the gas chamber; hanging &c v.; electrocution, rail-riding, scarpines^; decapitation, decollation^; garrotte, garrotto [It]; crucifixion, impalement; firing squad; martyrdom; auto-da-fe [Fr.]; noyade^; happy dispatch. [suicide as punishment] hara-kiri, seppuku [Jap.]; drinking the hemlock. V. punish; chastise, chasten; castigate, correct, inflict punishment, administer correction, deal retributive justice; cowhide, lambaste [Slang]. visit upon, pay; pay out, serve out; do for; make short work of, give a lesson to, serve one right, make an example of; have a rod in pickle for; give it one. strike &c 276; deal a blow to, administer the lash, smite; slap, slap the face; smack, cuff, box the ears, spank, thwack, thump, beat, lay on, swinge^, buffet; thresh, thrash, pummel, drub, leather, trounce, sandbag, baste, belabor; lace, lace one's jacket; dress, dress down, give a dressing, trim, warm, wipe, tund^, cob, bang, strap, comb, lash, lick, larrup, wallop, whop, flog, scourge, whip, birch, cane, give the stick, switch, flagellate, horsewhip, bastinado, towel, rub down with an oaken towel, rib roast, dust one's jacket, fustigate^, pitch into, lay about one, beat black and blue; beat to a mummy, beat to a jelly; give a black eye. tar and feather; pelt, stone, lapidate^; masthead, keelhaul. execute; bring to the block, bring to the gallows; behead, decapitate, guillotine; decollate; hang, turn off, gibbet, bowstring, hang draw and quarter; shoot; decimate; burn; break on the wheel, crucify; empale^, impale; flay; lynch; electrocute; gas, send to the gas chamber. torture; put on, put to the rack; picket. banish, exile, transport, expel, ostracize; rusticate; drum out; dismiss, disbar, disbench^; strike off the roll, unfrock; post. suffer, suffer for, suffer punishment; be flogged. be executed, suffer the ultimate penalty; be hanged &c; come to the gallows, mount the gallows, swing [Coll.], twist in the wind, dance upon nothing, die in one's shoes; be rightly served; be electrocuted, fry [Coll.], ride the lightning [Coll.]; face the firing squad. Adj. punishing &c v.; penal; punitory^, punitive; inflictive, castigatory; punished &c v.. Int. a la lanterne! [Fr.], Phr. culpan paena premit comes [Lat.] [Horace]; eating the bitter bread of banishment [Richard II]; gravis ira regum est semper [Lat.] [Seneca]; sera tamen tacitis paena venit pedibus [Lat.] [Tibullus]; suo sibi gladio hunc jugulo [Lat.] [Terence].
973. Reward — N. reward, recompense, remuneration, meed, guerdon^, reguerdon^; price. [payment for damage or debt] indemnity, indemnification; quittance; compensation; reparation, redress, satisfaction; reckoning, acknowledgment, requital, amends, sop; atonement, retribution; consideration, return, quid pro quo. salvage, perquisite; vail &c (donation) 784 [Obs.]. douceur [Fr.], bribe; hush money, smart money^; blackmail, extortion; carcelage^; solatium^. allowance, salary, stipend, wages, compensation; pay, payment; emolument; tribute; batta^, shot, scot; bonus, premium, tip; fee, honorarium; hire; dasturi^, dustoori^; mileage. crown &c (decoration of honor) 877. V. reward, recompense, repay, requite; remunerate, munerate^; compensate; fee; pay one's footing &c (pay) 807; make amends, indemnify, atone; satisfy, acknowledge. get for one's pains, reap the fruits of. tip. Adj. remunerative, remuneratory; munerary^, compensatory, retributive, reparatory^; rewarding; satisfactory. Phr. fideli certa merces [Lat.]; honor virtutis praemium [Lat.] [Cicero]; tibi seris tibi metis [Lat.].
974. Penalty — N. penalty; retribution &c (punishment) 972; pain, pains and penalties; weregild^, wergild; peine forte et dure [Fr.]; penance &c (atonement) 952; the devil to pay. fine, mulct, amercement; forfeit, forfeiture; escheat [Law], damages, deodand^, sequestration, confiscation, premunire [Lat.]; doomage [U.S.]. V. fine, mulct, amerce, sconce, confiscate; sequestrate, sequester; escheat [Law]; estreat^, forfeit.
975. [Instrument of punishment.] Scourge — N. scourge, rod, cane, stick; ratan^, rattan; birch, birch rod; azote^, blacksnake^, bullwhack [U.S.], chicote^, kurbash^, quirt, rawhide, sjambok^; rod in pickle; switch, ferule, cudgel, truncheon. whip, bullwhip, lash, strap, thong, cowhide, knout; cat, cat o'nine tails; rope's end. pillory, stocks, whipping post; cucking stool^, ducking stool; brank^; trebuchet^, trebuket^. [instruments of torture: list], triangle, wooden horse, iron maiden, thumbscrew, boot, rack, wheel, iron heel; chinese water torture. treadmill, crank, galleys. scaffold; block, ax, guillotine; stake; cross; gallows, gibbet, tree, drop, noose, rope, halter, bowstring; death chair, electric chair; gas chamber; lethal injection; firing squad; mecate^. house of correction &c (prison) 752. goaler, jailer; executioner; electrocutioner^; lyncher; hangman; headsman^; Jack Ketch.
976. Deity — N. Deity, Divinity; Godhead, Godship^; Omnipotence, Providence; Heaven (metonymically). [Quality of being divine] divineness^, divinity. God, Lord, Jehovah, Jahweh, Allah^; The Almighty, The Supreme Being, The First Cause, the Prime Mover; Ens Entium [Lat.]; Author of all things, Creator of all things; Author of our being; Cosmoplast^; El; The Infinite, The Eternal; The All-powerful, The All-wise, The All- merciful, The All-holy. [Attributes and perfections] infinite power, infinite wisdom, infinite goodness, infinite justice, infinite truth, infinite mercy; omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence; unity, immutability, holiness, glory, majesty, sovereignty, infinity, eternity. The Trinity, The Holy Trinity, The Trinity in Unity, The Triune God, God the Father Son and Holy Ghost. God the Father; The Maker, The Creator, The Preserver. [Functions] creation, preservation, divine government; Theocracy, Thearchy^; providence; ways of Providence, dealings of Providence, dispensations of Providence, visitations of Providence. [Christian God: second person] God the Son, Jesus, Christ; The Messiah, The Anointed, The Saviour, the Redeemer, The Mediator, The Intercessor, The Advocate, The Judge; The Son of God, The Son of Man, The Son of David; The Lamb of God, The Word; Logos; Emmanuel; Immanuel; The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The King of Glory, The Prince of Peace, The Good Shepherd, The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Bread of Life, The Light of the World; The Lord our, The Sun of Righteousness; The Pilot of the Galilean lake [Milton]. The Incarnation, The Hypostatic Union. [Functions] salvation, redemption, atonement, propitiation, mediation, intercession, judgment. [Christian God: third person] God the Holy Ghost, The Holy Spirit, Paraclete [Theo.]; The Comforter, The Spirit of Truth, The Dove. [Functions] inspiration, unction, regeneration, sanctification, consolation. eon, aeon, special providence, deus ex machina [Lat.]; avatar. V. create, move, uphold, preserve, govern &c; atone, redeem, save, propitiate, mediate, &c; predestinate, elect, call, ordain, bless, justify, sanctify, glorify &c Adj. almighty, holy, hallowed, sacred, divine, heavenly, celestial; sacrosanct; all-knowing, all-seeing, all-wise; omniscient. superhuman, supernatural; ghostly, spiritual, hyperphysical^, unearthly; theistic, theocratic; anointed; soterial^. Adj. jure divino [Lat.], by divine right. Phr. Domine dirige nos [Lat.]; en Dieu est ma fiance [Fr.]; et sceleratis sol oritur [Lat.] [Seneca]; He mounts the storm and walks upon the wind [Pope]; Thou great First Cause, least understood [Pope]; sans Dieu rien [Fr.].
977. [Beneficent spirits] Angel — N. angel, archangel; guardian angel; heavenly host, host of heaven, sons of God; seraph, seraphim; cherub, cherubim. ministering spirit, morning star. saint, patron saint, Madonna; invisible helpers. Adj. angelic, seraphic, cherubic; saintly.
978. [Maleficent spirits.] Satan — N. Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Ahriman^, Belial; Samael, Zamiel, Beelzebub, the Prince of the Devils. the tempter; the evil one, the evil spirit; the Adversary; the archenemy; the author of evil, the wicked one, the old Serpent; the Prince of darkness, the Prince of this world, the Prince of the power of the air; the foul fiend, the arch fiend; the devil incarnate; the common enemy, the angel of the bottomless pit; Abaddon^, Apollyon^. fallen angels, unclean spirits, devils; the rulers, the powers of darkness; inhabitants of Pandemonium; demon &c 980. diabolism; devilism^, devilship^; diabolology^; satanism, devil worship; manicheism; the cloven foot. Adj. satanic, diabolic, devilish; infernal, hellborn^. Mythological and other fabulous Deities and Powers
979. Jupiter — N. god, goddess; heathen gods and goddesses; deva^; Jupiter, Jove &c; pantheon. Allah^, Bathala^, Brahm^, Brahma^, Brahma^, cloud-compeller, Devi, Durga, Kali, oread^, the Great Spirit, Ushas; water nymph, wood nymph; Yama, Varuna, Zeus; Vishnu [Hindu deities], Siva, Shiva, Krishna, Juggernath^, Buddha; Isis [Egyptian deities], Osiris, Ra; Belus, Bel, Baal^, Asteroth &c; Thor [Norse deities], Odin; Mumbo Jumbo; good genius, tutelary genius; demiurge, familiar; sibyl; fairy, fay; sylph, sylphid; Ariel^, peri, nymph, nereid, dryad, seamaid, banshee, benshie^, Ormuzd; Oberon, Mab, hamadryad^, naiad, mermaid, kelpie^, Ondine, nixie, sprite; denizens of the air; pixy &c (bad spirit) 980. mythology; heathen-mythology, fairy-mythology; Lempriere, folklore. Adj. god-like, fairy-like; sylph-like; sylphic^. Phr. you moonshine revelers and shades of night [Merry Wives].
980. Demon — N. demon, daemon, demonry^, demonology; evil genius, fiend, familiar, daeva^, devil; bad spirit, unclean spirit; cacodemon^, incubus, Eblis, shaitan^, succubus, succuba; Frankenstein's monster; Titan, Shedim, Mephistopheles, Asmodeus^, Moloch, Belial, Ahriman^; fury, harpy; Friar Rush. vampire, ghoul; afreet^, barghest^, Loki; ogre, ogress; gnome, gin, jinn, imp, deev^, lamia^; bogie, bogeyman, bogle^; nis^, kobold^, flibbertigibbet, fairy, brownie, pixy, elf, dwarf, urchin; Puck, Robin Goodfellow; leprechaun, Cluricaune^, troll, dwerger^, sprite, ouphe^, bad fairy, nix, nixie, pigwidgeon^, will-o'-the wisp. [Supernatural appearance] ghost, revenant, specter, apparition, spirit, shade, shadow, vision; hobglobin, goblin, orc; wraith, spook, boggart^, banshee, loup-garou [Fr.], lemures^; evil eye. merman, mermaid, merfolk^; siren; satyr, faun; manito^, manitou, manitu. possession, demonic possession, diabolic possession; insanity &c 503. [in jest, in science] Maxwell's demon. [person possessed by a demon] demoniac. Adj. demonic, demonical, impish, demoniacal; fiendish, fiend-like; supernatural, weird, uncanny, unearthly, spectral; ghostly, ghost-like; elfin, elvin^, elfish, elflike^; haunted; pokerish [U.S.]. possessed, possessed by a devil, possessed by a demon. Adv. demonically.
981. Heaven — N. heaven; kingdom of heaven, kingdom of God; heavenly kingdom; throne of God; presence of God; inheritance of the saints in light. Paradise, Eden, Zion, abode of the blessed; celestial bliss, glory. [Mythological heaven] Olympus; Elysium (paradise), Elysian fields, Arcadia^, bowers of bliss, garden of the Hesperides, third heaven; Valhalla, Walhalla (Scandinavian); Nirvana (Buddhist); happy hunting grounds; Alfardaws^, Assama^; Falak al aflak [Ar.] the highest heaven (Mohammedan). future state, eternal home, eternal reward. resurrection, translation; resuscitation &c 660. apotheosis, deification. Adj. heavenly, celestial, supernal, unearthly, from on high, paradisiacal, beatific, elysian. Phr. looks through nature up to the nature's god [Pope]; the great world's altarstairs, that slope through darkness up to God [Tennyson]; the treasury of everlasting joy [Henry VI]; vigeur de dessus [Fr.]. |