646. [Specific subservience.] Expedience — N. expedience, expediency; desirableness, desirability &c adj.; fitness &c (agreement) 23; utility &c 644; propriety; opportunism; advantage. high time &c (occasion) 134. V. be expedient &c adj.; suit &c (agree) 23; befit; suit the time, befit the time, suit the season, befit the season, suit the occasion, befit the occasion. conform &c 82. Adj. expedient; desirable, advisable, acceptable; convenient; worth while, meet; fit, fitting; due, proper, eligible, seemly, becoming; befitting &c v.; opportune &c (in season) 134; in loco; suitable &c (accordant) 23; applicable &c (useful) 644. Adv. in the right place; conveniently &c adj.. Phr. operae pretium est [Lat.].
647. Inexpedience — N. inexpedience, inexpediency; undesirableness, undesirability &c adj.; discommodity^, impropriety; unfitness &c (disagreement) 24; inutility &c 645; disadvantage. V. be inexpedient &c adj.; come amiss &c (disagree) 24; embarrass &c (hinder) 706; put to inconvenience; pay too dear for one's whistle. Adj. inexpedient, undesirable; unadvisable, inadvisable; objectionable; inapt, ineligible, inadmissible, inconvenient; incommodious, discommodious^; disadvantageous; inappropriate, unfit &c (inconsonant) 24. ill-contrived, ill-advised; unsatisfactory; unprofitable &c; unsubservient &c (useless) 645; inopportune &c (unseasonable) 135; out of place, in the wrong place; improper, unseemly. clumsy, awkward; cumbrous, cumbersome; lumbering, unwieldy, hulky^; unmanageable &c (impracticable) 704; impedient &c (in the way) 706 [Obs.]. unnecessary &c (redundant) 641. Phr. it will never do.
648. [Capability of producing good. Good qualities.] Goodness — N. goodness &c adj.; excellence, merit; virtue &c 944; value, worth, price. super-excellence, supereminence; superiority &c 33; perfection &c 650; coup de maitre [Fr.]; masterpiece, chef d'ouvre [Fr.], prime, flower, cream, elite, pick, A 1, nonesuch, nonpareil, creme de la creme, flower of the flock, cock of the roost, salt of the earth; champion; prodigy. tidbit; gem, gem of the first water; bijou, precious stone, jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant, treasure; good thing; rara avis [Lat.], one in a thousand. beneficence &c 906; good man &c 948. V. be beneficial &c adj.; produce good, do good &c 618; profit &c (be of use) 644; benefit; confer a benefit &c 618. be the making of, do a world of good, make a man of. produce a good effect; do a good turn, confer an obligation; improve &c 658. do no harm, break no bones. be good &c adj.; excel, transcend &c (be superior) 33; bear away the bell. stand the proof, stand the test; pass muster, pass an examination. challenge comparison, vie, emulate, rival. Adj. harmless, hurtless^; unobnoxious^, innocuous, innocent, inoffensive. beneficial, valuable, of value; serviceable &c (useful) 644; advantageous, edifying, profitable; salutary &c (healthful) 656. favorable; propitious &c (hope-giving) 858; fair. good, good as gold; excellent; better; superior &c 33; above par; nice, fine; genuine &c (true) 494. best, choice, select, picked, elect, recherche, rare, priceless; unparagoned^, unparalleled &c (supreme) 33; superlatively &c 33; good; bully [Slang], crackajack [Slang], giltedged; superfine, superexcellent^; of the first water; first-rate, first-class; high- wrought, exquisite, very best, crack, prime, tiptop, capital, cardinal; standard &c (perfect) 650; inimitable. admirable, estimable; praiseworthy &c (approve) 931; pleasing &c 829; couleur de rose [Fr.], precious, of great price; costly &c (dear) 814; worth its weight in gold, worth a Jew's eye; priceless, invaluable, inestimable, precious as the apple of the eye. tolerable &c (not very good) 651; up to the mark, unexceptionable, unobjectionable; satisfactory, tidy. in good condition, in fair condition; fresh; sound &c (perfect) 650. Adv. beneficially &c adj.; well &c 618. Phr. Jewels five words long [Tennyson]; long may such goodness live! [Rogers]; the luxury of doing good [Goldsmith].
649. [Capability of producing evil. Bad qualities.] Badness — N. hurtfulness &c adj.; virulence. evil doer &c 913; bane &c 663; plague spot &c (insalubrity) 657; evil star, ill wind; hoodoo; Jonah; snake in the grass, skeleton in the closet; amari aliquid [Lat.], thorn in the side. malignity; malevolence &c 907; tender mercies [Iron.]. ill-treatment, annoyance, molestation, abuse, oppression, persecution, outrage; misusage &c 679; injury &c (damage) 659; knockout drops [U.S.]. badness &c adj.; peccancy^, abomination; painfulness &c 830; pestilence &c (disease) 655; guilt &c 947; depravity &c 945. V. be hurtful &c adj.; cause evil, produce evil, inflict evil, work evil, do evil &c 619; damnify^, endamage^, hurt, harm; injure &c (damage) 659; pain &c 830. wrong, aggrieve, oppress, persecute; trample upon, tread upon, bear hard upon, put upon; overburden; weigh down, weigh heavy on; victimize; run down; molest &c 830. maltreat, abuse; ill-use, ill-treat; buffet, bruise, scratch, maul; smite &c (scourge) 972; do violence, do harm, do a mischief; stab, pierce, outrage. do mischief, make mischief; bring into trouble. destroy &c 162. Adj. hurtful, harmful, scathful^, baneful, baleful; injurious, deleterious, detrimental, noxious, pernicious, mischievous, full of mischief, mischief-making, malefic, malignant, nocuous, noisome; prejudicial; disserviceable^, disadvantageous; wide-wasting. unlucky, sinister; obnoxious; untoward, disastrous. oppressive, burdensome, onerous; malign &c (malevolent) 907. corrupting &c (corrupt) &c 659; virulent, venomous, envenomed, corrosive; poisonous &c (morbific) 657 [Obs.]; deadly &c (killing) 361; destructive &c (destroying) 162; inauspicious &c 859. bad, ill, arrant, as bad as bad can be, dreadful; horrid, horrible; dire; rank, peccant, foul, fulsome; rotten, rotten at the core. vile, base, villainous; mean &c (paltry) 643; injured &c; deteriorated &c 659; unsatisfactory, exceptionable indifferent; below par &c (imperfect) 651; illcontrived, ill-conditioned; wretched, sad, grievous, deplorable, lamentable; pitiful, pitiable, woeful &c (painful) 830. evil, wrong; depraved &c 945; shocking; reprehensible &c (disapprove) 932. hateful, hateful as a toad; abominable, detestable, execrable, cursed, accursed, confounded; damned, damnable; infernal; diabolic &c (malevolent) 907. unadvisable &c (inexpedient) 647; unprofitable &c (useless) 645; incompetent &c (unskillful) 699; irremediable &c (hopeless) 859. Adv. badly &c adj.; wrong, ill; to one's cost; where the shoe pinches. Phr. bad is the best: the worst come to the worst; herba mala presto cresco [Lat.]; wrongs unredressed or insults unavenged [Wordsworth].
650. Perfection — N. perfection; perfectness &c adj.; indefectibility^; impeccancy^, impeccability. pink, beau ideal, phenix, paragon; pink of perfection, acme of perfection; ne plus ultra [Lat.]; summit &c 210. cygne noir [Fr.]; philosopher's stone; chrysolite, Koh-i-noor. model, standard, pattern, mirror, admirable Crichton; trump, very prince of. masterpiece, superexcellence &c (goodness) 648 [Obs.]; transcendence &c (superiority) 33. V. be perfect &c adj.; transcend &c (be supreme) 33. bring to perfection, perfect, ripen, mature; complete &c 729; put in trim &c (prepare) 673; maturate. Adj. perfect, faultless; indefective^, indeficient^, indefectible; immaculate, spotless, impeccable; free from imperfection &c 651; unblemished, uninjured &c 659; sound, sound as a roach; in perfect condition; scathless^, intact, harmless; seaworthy &c (safe) 644; right as a trivet; in seipso totus teres atque rotundus [Lat.] [Horace]; consummate &c (complete) 52; finished &c 729. best &c (good) 648; model, standard; inimitable, unparagoned^, unparalleled &c (supreme) 33; superhuman, divine; beyond all praise &c (approbation) 931; sans peur et sans reproche [Fr.]. Adv. to perfection; perfectly &c adj.; ad unguem [Lat.]; clean, clean as a whistle. Phr. let us go on unto perfection [Hebrews vi, 1]; the perfection of art is to conceal art [Quintilian].
651. Imperfection — N. imperfection; imperfectness &c adj.; deficiency; inadequacy &c (insufficiency) 640; peccancy &c (badness) 649 [Obs.]; immaturity &c 674. fault, defect, weak point; screw loose; flaw &c (break) 70; gap &c 198; twist &c 243; taint, attainder; bar sinister, hole in one's coat; blemish &c 848; weakness &c 160; half blood; shortcoming &c 304; drawback; seamy side. mediocrity; no great shakes, no great catch; not much to boast of; one-horse shay. V. be imperfect &c adj.; have a defect &c n.; lie under a disadvantage; spring a leak. not pass muster, barely pass muster; fall short &c 304. Adj. imperfect; not perfect &c 650; deficient, defective; faulty, unsound, tainted; out of order, out of tune; cracked, leaky; sprung; warped &c (distort) 243; lame; injured &c (deteriorated) 659; peccant &c (bad) 649; frail &c (weak) 160; inadequate &c (insufficient) 640; crude &c (unprepared) 674; incomplete &c 53; found wanting; below par; short-handed; below its full strength, under its full strength, below its full complement. indifferent, middling, ordinary, mediocre; average &c 29; so-so; coucicouci, milk and water; tolerable, fair, passable; pretty well, pretty good; rather good, moderately good; good; good enough, well enough, adequate; decent; not bad, not amiss; inobjectionable^, unobjectionable, admissible, bearable, only better than nothing. secondary, inferior; second-rate, second-best; one-horse [U.S.]. Adv. almost &c; to a limited extent, rather &c 32; pretty, moderately, passing; only, considering, all things considered, enough. Phr. surgit amari aliquid [Lat.].
652. Cleanness — N. cleanness, cleanliness &c adj.; purity; cleaning &c v.; purification, defecation &c v.; purgation, lustration^; detersion^, abstersion^; epuration^, mundation^; ablution, lavation^, colature^; disinfection &c v.; drainage, sewerage. lavatory, laundry, washhouse^; washerwoman, laundress, dhobi^, laundryman, washerman^; scavenger, dustman^, sweep; white wings brush [U.S.]; broom, besom^, mop, rake, shovel, sieve, riddle, screen, filter; blotter. napkin, cloth, maukin^, malkin^, handkerchief, towel, sudary^; doyley^, doily, duster, sponge, mop, swab. cover, drugget^. wash, lotion, detergent, cathartic, purgative; purifier &c v.; disinfectant; aperient^; benzene, benzine benzol, benolin^; bleaching powder, chloride of lime, dentifrice, deobstruent^, laxative. V. be clean, render clean &c adj.; clean, cleanse; mundify^, rinse, wring, flush, full, wipe, mop, sponge, scour, swab, scrub, brush up. wash, lave, launder, buck; absterge^, deterge^; decrassify^; clear, purify; depurate^, despumate^, defecate; purge, expurgate, elutriate [Chem], lixiviate^, edulcorate^, clarify, refine, rack; filter, filtrate; drain, strain. disinfect, fumigate, ventilate, deodorize; whitewash; castrate, emasculate. sift, winnow, pick, weed, comb, rake, brush, sweep. rout out, clear out, sweep out &c; make a clean sweep of. Adj. clean, cleanly; pure; immaculate; spotless, stainless, taintless; trig; without a stain, unstained, unspotted, unsoiled, unsullied, untainted, uninfected; sweet, sweet as a nut. neat, spruce, tidy, trim, gimp, clean as a new penny, like a cat in pattens; cleaned &c v.; kempt^. abstergent^, cathartic, cleansing, purifying. Adv. neatly &c adj.; clean as a whistle.
653. Uncleanness — N. uncleanness &c adj.; impurity; immundity^, immundicity^; impurity &c 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination &c v.; defoedation^; soilure^, soiliness^; abomination; leaven; taint, tainture^; fetor &c 401 [Obs.]. decay; putrescence, putrefaction; corruption; mold, must, mildew, dry rot, mucor, rubigo^. slovenry^; slovenliness &c adj.; squalor. dowdy, drab, slut, malkin^, slattern, sloven, slammerkin^, slammock^, slummock^, scrub, draggle-tail, mudlark^, dust-man, sweep; beast. dirt, filth, soil, slop; dust, cobweb, flue; smoke, soot, smudge, smut, grit, grime, raff^; sossle^, sozzle^. sordes^, dregs, grounds, lees; argol^; sediment, settlement heeltap^; dross, drossiness^; mother^, precipitate, scoriae, ashes, cinders. recrement^, slag; scum, froth. hogwash; ditchwater^, dishwater, bilgewater^; rinsings, cheeseparings; sweepings &c (useless refuse) 645; offscourings^, outscourings^; off scum; caput mortuum [Lat.], residuum, sprue, fecula [Lat.], clinker, draff^; scurf, scurfiness^; exuviae [Lat.], morphea; fur, furfur^; dandruff, tartar. riffraff; vermin, louse, flea, bug, chinch^. mud, mire, quagmire, alluvium, silt, sludge, slime, slush, slosh, sposh [U.S.]. spawn, offal, gurry [U.S.]; lientery^; garbage, carrion; excreta &c 299; slough, peccant humor, pus, matter, suppuration, lienteria^; faeces, feces, excrement, ordure, dung, crap [Vulg.], shit [Vulg.]; sewage, sewerage; muck; coprolite; guano, manure, compost. dunghill, colluvies^, mixen^, midden, bog, laystall^, sink, privy, jakes; toilet, john, head; cess^, cesspool; sump, sough, cloaca, latrines, drain, sewer, common sewer; Cloacina; dust hole. sty, pigsty, lair, den, Augean stable^, sink of corruption; slum, rookery. V. be unclean, become unclean &c adj.; rot, putrefy, ferment, fester, rankle, reek; stink &c 401; mold, molder; go bad &c adj.. render unclean &c adj.; dirt, dirty; daub, blot, blur, smudge, smutch^, soil, smoke, tarnish, slaver, spot, smear; smirch; begrease^; dabble, drabble^, draggle, daggle^; spatter, slubber; besmear &c, bemire, beslime^, begrime, befoul; splash, stain, distain^, maculate, sully, pollute, defile, debase, contaminate, taint, leaven; corrupt &c (injure) 659; cover with dust &c n.; drabble in the mud^; roil. wallow in the mire; slobber, slabber^. Adj. dirty, filthy, grimy; unclean, impure; soiled &c v.; not to be handled with kid gloves; dusty, snuffy^, smutty, sooty, smoky; thick, turbid, dreggy; slimy; mussy [U.S.]. slovenly, untidy, messy, uncleanly. [of people] unkempt, sluttish, dowdy, draggle-tailed; uncombed. unscoured^, unswept^, unwiped^, unwashed, unstrained, unpurified^; squalid; lutose^, slammocky^, slummocky^, sozzly^. nasty, coarse, foul, offensive, abominable, beastly, reeky, reechy^; fetid &c 401. [of rotting living matter] decayed, moldy, musty, mildewed, rusty, moth-eaten, mucid^, rancid, weak, bad, gone bad, etercoral^, lentiginous^, touched, fusty, effete, reasty^, rotten, corrupt, tainted, high, flyblown, maggoty; putrid, putrefactive, putrescent, putrefied; saprogenic, saprogenous^; purulent, carious, peccant; fecal, feculent; stercoraceous^, excrementitious^; scurfy, scurvy, impetiginous^; gory, bloody; rotting &c v.; rotten as a pear, rotten as cheese. crapulous &c (intemperate) 954 [Obs.]; gross &c (impure in mind) 961; fimetarious^, fimicolous^. Phr. they that touch pitch will be defiled [Much Ado About Nothing].
654. Health — N. health, sanity; soundness &c adj.; vigor; good health, perfect health, excellent health, rude health, robust health; bloom. mens sana in corpore sano [Lat.]; Hygeia^; incorruption, incorruptibility; good state of health, clean bill of health; eupepsia^; euphoria, euphory^; St. Anthony's fire^. V. be in health &c adj.. bloom, flourish. keep body and soul together, keep on one's legs; enjoy good health, enjoy a good state of health; have a clean bill of health. return to health; recover &c 660; get better &c (improve) 658; take a new lease of life, fresh lease of life; recruit; restore to health; cure &c (restore) 660; tinker. Adj. healthy, healthful; in health &c n.; well, sound, hearty, hale, fresh, green, whole; florid, flush, hardy, stanch, staunch, brave, robust, vigorous, weatherproof. unscathed, uninjured, unmaimed^, unmarred, untainted; sound of wind and limb, safe and sound. on one's legs; sound as a roach, sound as a bell; fresh as a daisy, fresh as a rose, fresh as April^; hearty as a buck; in fine feather, in high feather; in good case, in full bloom; pretty bobbish^, tolerably well, as well as can be expected. sanitary &c (health-giving) 656; sanatory &c (remedial) 662 [Obs.]. Phr. health that snuffs the morning air [Grainger]; non est vivere sed valere vita [Lat.] [Martial].
655. Disease — N. disease; illness, sickness &c adj.; ailing &c; all the ills that flesh is heir to [Hamlet]; morbidity, morbosity^; infirmity, ailment, indisposition; complaint, disorder, malady; distemper, distemperature^. visitation, attack, seizure, stroke, fit. delicacy, loss of health, invalidation, cachexy^; cachexia [Med.], atrophy, marasmus^; indigestion, dyspepsia; decay &c (deterioration) 659; decline, consumption, palsy, paralysis, prostration. taint, pollution, infection, sepsis, septicity^, infestation; epidemic, pandemic, endemic, epizootic; murrain, plague, pestilence, pox. sore, ulcer, abscess, fester, boil; pimple, wen &c (swelling) 250; carbuncle, gathering, imposthume^, peccant humor, issue; rot, canker, cold sore, fever sore; cancer, carcinoma, leukemia, neoplastic disease, malignancy, tumor; caries, mortification, corruption, gangrene, sphacelus^, sphacelation^, leprosy; eruption, rash, breaking out. fever, temperature, calenture^; inflammation. ague, angina pectoris [Lat.], appendicitis; Asiatic cholera^, spasmodic cholera; biliary calculus, kidney stone, black death, bubonic plague, pneumonic plague; blennorrhagia^, blennorrhoea^; blood poisoning, bloodstroke^, bloody flux, brash; breakbone fever^, dengue fever, malarial fever, Q-fever; heart attack, cardiac arrest, cardiomyopathy [Med.]; hardening of the arteries, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis; bronchocele [Med.], canker rash, cardialgia [Med.], carditis [Med.], endocarditis [Med.]; cholera, asphyxia; chlorosis, chorea, cynanche^, dartre [Fr.]; enanthem^, enanthema^; erysipelas; exanthem^, exanthema; gallstone, goiter, gonorrhea, green sickness; grip, grippe, influenza, flu; hay fever, heartburn, heaves, rupture, hernia, hemorrhoids, piles, herpes, itch, king's evil, lockjaw; measles, mumps^, polio; necrosis, pertussis, phthisis^, pneumonia, psora^, pyaemia^, pyrosis [Med.], quinsy, rachitis^, ringworm, rubeola, St. Vitus's dance, scabies, scarlatina, scarlet fever, scrofula, seasickness, struma^, syntexis^, tetanus, tetter^, tonsillitis, tonsilitis^, tracheocele [Med.], trachoma, trismus [Med.], varicella [Med.], varicosis [Med.], variola [Med.], water qualm, whooping cough; yellow fever, yellow jack. fatal disease &c (hopeless) 859; dangerous illness, galloping consumption, churchyard cough; general breaking up, break up of the system. [Disease of mind] idiocy &c 499; insanity &c 503. martyr to disease; cripple; the halt the lame and the blind; valetudinary^, valetudinarian; invalid, patient, case; sickroom, sick- chamber. [Science of disease] pathology, etiology, nosology^. [Veterinary] anthrax, bighead; blackleg, blackquarter^; cattle plague, glanders^, mange, scrapie, milk sickness; heartworm, feline leukemia, roundworms; quarter-evil, quarter-ill; rinderpest. [disease-causing agents] virus, bacterium, bacteria. [types of viruses] DNA virus; RNA virus. [RNA viruses] rhinovirus; rhabdovirus; picornavirus. [DNA viruses] herpesvirus; cytomegalovirus, CMV; human immunodefficiency virus, HIV. V. be ill &c adj.; ail, suffer, labor under, be affected with, complain of, have; droop, flag, languish, halt; sicken, peak, pine; gasp. keep one's bed; feign sickness &c (falsehood) 544. lay by, lay up; take a disease, catch a disease &c n., catch an infection; break out. Adj. diseased; ailing &c v.; ill, ill of; taken ill, seized with; indisposed, unwell, sick, squeamish, poorly, seedy; affected with illness, afflicted with illness; laid up, confined, bedridden, invalided, in hospital, on the sick list; out of health, out of sorts; under the weather [U.S.]; valetudinary^. unsound, unhealthy; sickly, morbid, morbose^, healthless^, infirm, chlorotic [Med.], unbraced^. drooping, flagging, lame, crippled, halting. morbid, tainted, vitiated, peccant, contaminated, poisoned, tabid^, mangy, leprous, cankered; rotten, rotten to the core, rotten at the core; withered, palsied, paralytic; dyspeptic; luetic^, pneumonic, pulmonic [Med.], phthisic^, rachitic; syntectic^, syntectical^; tabetic^, varicose. touched in the wind, broken-winded, spavined, gasping; hors de combat &c (useless) 645 [Fr.]. weakly, weakened &c (weak) 160; decrepit; decayed &c (deteriorated) 659; incurable &c (hopeless) 859; in declining health; cranky; in a bad way, in danger, prostrate; moribund &c (death) 360. morbific &c 657 [Obs.]; epidemic, endemic; zymotic^.
656. Salubrity — N. salubrity; healthiness &c adj.. fine air, fine climate; eudiometer^. [Preservation of health] hygiene; valetudinarian, valetudinarianism; sanitarian; sanitarium, sanitOrium. V. be salubrious &c adj.; agree with; assimilate &c 23. Adj. salubrious, salutary, salutiferous^; wholesome; healthy, healthful; sanitary, prophYlactic, benign, bracing, tonic, invigorating, good for, nutritious; hygeian^, hygienic. innoxious^, innocuous, innocent; harmless, uninjurious, uninfectious. sanative &c (remedial) 662; restorative &c (reinstate) 660; useful &c 644.
657. Insalubrity — N. insalubrity; unhealthiness &c adj.; nonnaturals^; plague spot; malaria &c (poison) 663; death in the pot, contagion; toxicity. Adj. insalubrious; unhealthy, unwholesome; noxious, noisome; morbific^, morbiferous^; mephitic, septic, azotic^, deleterious; pestilent, pestiferous, pestilential; virulent, venomous, envenomed; poisonous, toxic, toxiferous^, teratogenic; narcotic. contagious, infectious, catching, taking, epidemic, zymotic^; epizootic. innutritious^, indigestible, ungenial; uncongenial &c (disagreeing) 24. deadly &c (killing) 361.
658. Improvement — N. improvement; amelioration, melioration; betterment; mend, amendment, emendation; mending &c v.; advancement; advance &c (progress) 282; ascent &c 305; promotion, preferment; elevation &c 307; increase &c 35; cultivation, civilization; culture, march of intellect; menticulture^; race-culture, eugenics. reform, reformation; revision, radical reform; second thoughts, correction, limoe labor [Lat.], refinement, elaboration; purification &c 652; oxidation; repair &c (restoration) 660; recovery &c 660. revise, new edition. reformer, radical. V. improve; be better, become better, get better; mend, amend. advance &c (progress) 282; ascend &c 305; increase &c 35; fructify, ripen, mature; pick up, come about, rally, take a favorable turn; turn over a new leaf, turn the corner; raise one's head, sow one's wild oats; recover &c 660. be better &c adj., be improved by; turn to right account, turn to good account, turn to best account; profit by, reap the benefit of; make good use of, make capital out of; place to good account. render better, improve, mend, amend, better; ameliorate, meliorate; correct; decrassify^. improve upon, refine upon; rectify; enrich, mellow, elaborate, fatten. promote, cultivate, advance, forward, enhance; bring forward, bring on; foster &c 707; invigorate &c (strengthen) 159. touch up, rub up, brush up, furbish up, bolster up, vamp up, brighten up, warm up; polish, cook, make the most of, set off to advantage; prune; repair &c (restore) 660; put in order &c (arrange) 60. review, revise; make corrections, make improvements &c n.; doctor &c (remedy) 662; purify, &c 652. relieve, refresh, infuse new blood into, recruit. reform, remodel, reorganize; new model. view in a new light, think better of, appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober. palliate, mitigate; lessen an evil &c 36. Adj. improving &c v.; progressive, improved &c v.; better, better off, better for; all the better for; better advised. reformatory, emendatory^; reparatory &c (restorative) 660 [Obs.]; remedial &c 662. corrigible, improvable; accultural^. Adv. on consideration, on reconsideration, on second thoughts, on better advice; ad melius inquirendum [Lat.]. Phr. urbent latericiam invenit marmoream reliquit [Lat.].
659. Deterioration — N. deterioration, debasement; wane, ebb; recession &c 287; retrogradation &c 283 [Obs.]; decrease &c 36. degeneracy, degeneration, degenerateness; degradation; depravation, depravement; devolution; depravity &c 945; demoralization, retrogression; masochism. impairment, inquination^, injury, damage, loss, detriment, delaceration^, outrage, havoc, inroad, ravage, scath^; perversion, prostitution, vitiation, discoloration, oxidation, pollution, defoedation^, poisoning, venenation^, leaven, contamination, canker, corruption, adulteration, alloy. decline, declension, declination; decadence, decadency^; falling off &c v.; caducity^, decrepitude. decay, dilapidation, ravages of time, wear and tear; corrosion, erosion; moldiness, rottenness; moth and rust, dry rot, blight, marasmus^, atrophy, collapse; disorganization; delabrement &c (destruction). 162; aphid, Aphis, plant louse, puceron^; vinefretter^, vinegrub^. wreck, mere wreck, honeycomb, magni nominis umbra [Lat.]; jade, plug, rackabones [U.S.], skate [U.S.]; tackey^, tacky [U.S.]. V. be worse, be deteriorated, become worse, become deteriorated &c Adj.; have seen better days, deteriorate, degenerate, fall off; wane &c (decrease) 36; ebb; retrograde &c 283, decline, droop; go down &c (sink) 306; go downhill, go from bad to worse, go farther and fare worse; jump out of the frying pan into the fire. run to seed, go to seed, run to waste swale^, sweal^; lapse, be the worse for; sphacelate: break^, break down; spring a leak, crack, start; shrivel &c (contract) 195; fade, go off, wither, molder, rot, rankle, decay, go bad; go to decay, fall into decay; fall into the sear and yellow leaf, rust, crumble, shake; totter, totter to its fall; perish &c 162; die &c 360. [Render less good] deteriorate; weaken &c 160; put back, set back; taint, infect, contaminate, poison, empoison^, envenom, canker, corrupt, exulcerate^, pollute, vitiate, inquinate^; debase, embase^; denaturalize, denature, leaven; deflower, debauch, defile, deprave, degrade; ulcerate; stain &c (dirt) 653; discolor; alloy, adulterate, sophisticate, tamper with, prejudice. pervert, prostitute, demoralize, brutalize; render vicious &c 945. embitter, acerbate, exacerbate, aggravate. injure, impair, labefy^, damage, harm, hurt, shend^, scath^, scathe, spoil, mar, despoil, dilapidate, waste; overrun; ravage; pillage &c 791. wound, stab, pierce, maim, lame, surbate^, cripple, hough^, hamstring, hit between wind and water, scotch, mangle, mutilate, disfigure, blemish, deface, warp. blight, rot; corrode, erode; wear away, wear out; gnaw, gnaw at the root of; sap, mine, undermine, shake, sap the foundations of, break up; disorganize, dismantle, dismast; destroy &c 162. damnify &c (aggrieve) 649 [Obs.]; do one's worst; knock down; deal a blow to; play havoc with, play sad havoc with, play the mischief with, play the deuce with, play the very devil with, play havoc among, play sad havoc among, play the mischief among, play the deuce among, play the very devil among; decimate. Adj. unimproved &c (improve) &c 658; deteriorated &c v.; altered, altered for the worse; injured &c v.; sprung; withering, spoiling &c v.; on the wane, on the decline; tabid^; degenerate; marescent^; worse; the worse for, all the worse for; out of repair, out of tune; imperfect &c 651; the worse for wear; battered; weathered, weather-beaten; stale, passe, shaken, dilapidated, frayed, faded, wilted, shabby, secondhand, threadbare; worn, worn to a thread, worn to a shadow, worn to the stump, worn to rags; reduced, reduced to a skeleton; far gone; tacky [U.S.]. decayed &c v.; moth-eaten, worm-eaten; mildewed, rusty, moldy, spotted, seedy, time-worn, moss-grown; discolored; effete, wasted, crumbling, moldering, rotten, cankered, blighted, tainted; depraved &c (vicious) 945; decrepid^, decrepit; broke, busted, broken, out of commission, hors de combat [Fr.], out of action, broken down; done, done for, done up; worn out, used up, finished; beyond saving, fit for the dust hole, fit for the wastepaper basket, past work &c (useless) 645. at a low ebb, in a bad way, on one's last legs; undermined, deciduous; nodding to its fall &c (destruction) 162; tottering &c (dangerous) 665; past cure &c (hopeless) 859; fatigued &c 688; retrograde &c (retrogressive) 283; deleterious &c 649. Phr. out of the frying pan into the fire; agrescit medendo [Lat.]; what a falling off was there! [Hamlet].
660. Restoration — N. restoration, restoral; reinstatement, replacement, rehabilitation, reestablishment, reconstitution, reconstruction; reproduction &c 163; renovation, renewal; revival, revivessence^, reviviscence^; refreshment &c 689; resuscitation, reanimation, revivification, reviction^; Phenix; reorganization. renaissance, second youth, rejuvenescence^, new birth; regeneration, regeneracy^, regenerateness^; palingenesis^, reconversion. redress, retrieval, reclamation, recovery; convalescence; resumption, resumption; sanativeness^. recurrence &c (repetition) 104; rechauffe [Fr.], rifacimento [It]. cure, recure^, sanation^; healing &c v.; redintegration^; rectification; instauration^. repair, reparation, remanufacture; recruiting &c v.; cicatrization; disinfection; tinkering. reaction; redemption &c (deliverance) 672; restitution &c 790; relief &c 834. tinker, cobbler; vis medicatrix &c (remedy) 662 [Obs.]. curableness. V. return to the original state; recover, rally, revive; come come to, come round, come to oneself; pull through, weather the storm, be oneself again; get well, get round, get the better of, get over, get about; rise from one's ashes, rise from the grave; survive &c (outlive) 110; resume, reappear; come to, come to life again; live again, rise again. heal, skin over, cicatrize; right itself. restore, put back, place in statu quo [Lat.]; reinstate, replace, reseat, rehabilitate, reestablish, reestate^, reinstall. reconstruct, rebuild, reorganize, reconstitute; reconvert; renew, renovate; regenerate; rejuvenate. redeem, reclaim, recover, retrieve; rescue &c (deliver) 672. redress, recure^; cure, heal, remedy, doctor, physic, medicate; break of; bring round, set on one's legs. resuscitate, revive, reanimate, revivify, recall to life; reproduce &c 163; warm up; reinvigorate, refresh &c 689. make whole, redintegrate^; recoup &c 790; make good, make all square; rectify, correct; put right, put to rights, set right, set to rights, set straight; set up; put in order &c (arrange) 60; refit, recruit; fill up, fill up the ranks; reinforce. repair; put in repair, remanufacture, put in thorough repair, put in complete repair; retouch, refashion, botch^, vamp, tinker, cobble; do up, patch up, touch up, plaster up, vamp up; darn, finedraw^, heelpiece^; stop a gap, stanch, staunch, caulk, calk, careen, splice, bind up wounds. Adj. restored &c v.; redivivus [Lat.], convalescent; in a fair way; none the worse; rejuvenated. restoring &c v.; restorative, recuperative; sanative, reparative, sanatory^, reparatory^; curative, remedial. restorable, recoverable, sanable^, remediable, retrievable, curable. Adv. in statu quo [Lat.]; as you were. phr.. revenons a nos moutons [Fr.]; medecin [Fr.], gueris-toi toi- meme [Fr.]; vestigia nulla retrorsum [Lat.] [Horace].
661. Relapse — N. relapse, lapse; falling back &c v.; retrogradation &c (retrogression) 283 [Obs.]; deterioration &c 659. [Return to, or recurrence of a bad state] backsliding, recidivation^; recidivism, recidivity^; recrudescence. V. relapse, lapse; fall back, slide back, sink back; return; retrograde &c 283; recidivate; fall off again &c 659.
662. Remedy — N. remedy, help, cure, redress; medicine, medicament; diagnosis, medical examination; medical treatment; surgery; preventive medicine. [medical devices] clinical thermometer, stethoscope, X-ray machine. anthelmintic [Med.]; antidote, antifebrile [Med.], antipoison^, counterpoison^, antitoxin, antispasmodic; bracer, faith cure, placebo; helminthagogue^, lithagogue^, pick-meup, stimulant, tonic; vermifuge, prophylactic, corrective, restorative; sedative &c 174; palliative; febrifuge; alterant^, alterative; specific; antiseptic, emetic, analgesic, pain-killer, antitussive [Med.], antiinflammatory [Med.], antibiotic, antiviral [Med.], antifungal [Med.], carminative; Nepenthe, Mithridate. cure, treatment, regimen; radical cure, perfect cure, certain cure; sovereign remedy. examination, diagnosis, diagnostics; analysis, urinalysis, biopsy, radiology. medicine, physic, Galenicals^, simples, drug, pharmaceutical, prescription, potion, draught, dose, pill, bolus, injection, infusion, drip, suppository, electuary^; linctus^, lincture^; medicament; pharmacon^. nostrum, receipt, recipe, prescription; catholicon^, panacea, elixir, elixir vitae, philosopher's stone; balm, balsam, cordial, theriac^, ptisan^. agueweed^, arnica, benzoin, bitartrate of potash, boneset^, calomel, catnip, cinchona, cream of tartar, Epsom salts [Chem]; feverroot^, feverwort; friar's balsam, Indian sage; ipecac, ipecacuanha; jonquil, mercurous chloride, Peruvian bark; quinine, quinquina^; sassafras, yarrow. salve, ointment, cerate, oil, lenitive, lotion, cosmetic; plaster; epithem^, embrocation^, liniment, cataplasm^, sinapism^, arquebusade^, traumatic, vulnerary, pepastic^, poultice, collyrium^, depilatory; emplastrum^; eyewater^, vesicant, vesicatory [Med.]. compress, pledget^; bandage &c (support) 215. treatment, medical treatment, regimen; dietary, dietetics; vis medicatrix^, vis medicatrix naturae [Lat.]; medecine expectante [Fr.]; bloodletting, bleeding, venesection [Med.], phlebotomy, cupping, sanguisae, leeches; operation, surgical operation; transfusion, infusion, intravenous infusion, catheter, feeding tube; prevention, preventative medicine, immunization, inoculation, vaccination, vaccine, shot, booster, gamma globulin. pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmaceutics; pharmacopoeia, formulary; acology^, Materia Medica [Lat.], therapeutics, posology^; homeopathy, allopathy^, heteropathy [Med.], osteopathy, hydropathy [Med.]; cold water cure; dietetics; surgery, chirurgery [Med.], chirurgy^; healing art, leechcraft^; orthopedics, orthopedy^, orthopraxy^; pediatrics; dentistry, midwifery, obstetrics, gynecology; tocology^; sarcology^. hospital, infirmary; pesthouse^, lazarhouse^; lazaretto; lock hospital; maison de sante [Fr.]; ambulance. dispensary; dispensatory^, drug store, pharmacy, apothecary, druggist, chemist. Hotel des Invalides; sanatorium, spa, pump room, well; hospice; Red Cross. doctor, physician, surgeon; medical practitioner, general practitioner, specialist; medical attendant, apothecary, druggist; leech; osteopath, osteopathist^; optometrist, ophthalmologist; internist, oncologist, gastroenterologist; epidemiologist [Med.], public health specialist; dermatologist; podiatrist; witch doctor, shaman, faith healer, quack, exorcist; Aesculapius^, Hippocrates, Galen; accoucheur [Fr.], accoucheuse [Fr.], midwife, oculist, aurist^; operator; nurse, registered nurse, practical nurse, monthly nurse, sister; nurse's aide, candystriper; dresser; bonesetter; pharmaceutist^, pharmacist, druggist, chemist, pharmacopolist^. V. apply a remedy &c n.; doctor, dose, physic, nurse, minister to, attend, dress the wounds, plaster; drain; prevent &c 706; relieve &c 834; palliate &c 658; restore &c 660; drench with physic; bleed, cup, let blood; manicure. operate, excise, cut out; incise. Adj. remedial; restorative &c 660; corrective, palliative, healing; sanatory^, sanative; prophylactic, preventative, immunizing; salutiferous &c (salutary) 656 [Obs.]; medical, medicinal; therapeutic, chirurgical [Med.], epulotic^, paregoric, tonic, corroborant, analeptic^, balsamic, anodyne, hypnotic, neurotic, narcotic, sedative, lenitive, demulcent^, emollient; depuratory^; detersive^, detergent; abstersive^, disinfectant, febrifugal^, alterative; traumatic, vulnerary. allopathic^, heteropathic^, homeopathic, hydropathic [Med.]; anthelmintic [Med.]; antifebrile [Med.], antiluetic^; aperient^, chalybeate^, deobstruent^, depurative^, laxative, roborant^. dietetic, alimentary; nutritious, nutritive; peptic; alexipharmic^, alexiteric^; remediable, curable. Phr.. aux grands maux les grands remedes [Fr.]; Dios que da la llaga da la medicina [Sp.]; para todo hay remedio sino para la muerte [Sp.]; temporis ars medicina fere est [Lat.] [Ovid]; the remedy is worse than the disease [Dryden]; throw physic to the dogs, I'll none of it [Macbeth].
663. Bane — N. bane, curse; evil &c 619; hurtfulness &c (badness) 649 [Obs.]; painfulness &c (cause of pain) 830; scourge &c (punishment) 975; damnosa hereditas [Lat.]; white elephant. sting, fang, thorn, tang, bramble, brier, nettle. poison, toxin; teratogen; leaven, virus venom; arsenic; antimony, tartar emetic; strychnine, nicotine; miasma, miasm^, mephitis^, malaria, azote^, sewer gas; pest. [poisonous substances, examples] Albany hemp^, arsenious oxide, arsenious acid; bichloride of mercury; carbonic acid, carbonic gas; choke damp, corrosive sublimate, fire damp; hydrocyanic acid, cyanide, Prussic acid, hydrogen cyanide; marsh gas, nux vomica [Lat.], ratsbane^. [poisonous plants] hemlock, hellebore, nightshade, belladonna, henbane, aconite; banewort^, bhang, ganja^, hashish; Upas tree. [list of poisonous substances] Toxline (online). rust, worm, helminth [Med.], moth, moth and rust, fungus, mildew; dry rot; canker, cankerworm; cancer; torpedo; viper &c (evil doer) 913; demon &c 980. [Science of poisons] toxicology. Adj. baneful &c (bad) 649; poisonous &c (unwholesome) 657. phr.. bibere venenum in auro [Lat.]. 3. Contingent Subservience
664. Safety — N. safety, security, surety, impregnability; invulnerability, invulnerableness &c adj.; danger past, danger over; storm blown over; coast clear; escape &c 671; means of escape; blow valve, safety valve, release valve, sniffing valve; safeguard, palladium. guardianship, wardship, wardenship; tutelage, custody, safekeeping; preservation &c 670; protection, auspices. safe-conduct, escort, convoy; guard, shield &c (defense) 717; guardian angel; tutelary god, tutelary deity, tutelary saint; genius loci. protector, guardian; warden, warder; preserver, custodian, duenna [Sp.], chaperon, third person. watchdog, bandog^; Cerberus; watchman, patrolman, policeman; cop [Slang], dick [Slang], fuzz [Slang], smokey [Slang], peeler [Slang], zarp [Slang]; sentinel, sentry, scout &c (warning) 668; garrison; guardship^. [Means of safety] refuge &c, anchor &c 666; precaution &c (preparation) 673; quarantine, cordon sanitaire [Fr.]. [Sense of security]. confidence &c 858 V. be safe &c adj.; keep one's head above water, tide over, save one's bacon; ride out the storm, weather the storm; light upon one's feet, land on one's feet; bear a charmed life; escape &c 671. make safe, render safe &c Adj.; protect; take care of &c (care) 459; preserve &c 670; cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward; guard &c (defend) 717; secure &c (restrain) 751; entrench, intrench^, fence round &c (circumscribe) 229; house, nestle, ensconce; take charge of. escort, convoy; garrison; watch, mount guard, patrol. make assurance doubly sure &c (caution) 864; take up a loose thread; take precautions &c (prepare for) 673; double reef topsails. seek safety; take shelter, find shelter &c 666. Adj. safe, secure, sure; in safety, in security; on the safe side; under the shield of, under the shade of, under the wing of, under the shadow of one's wing; under cover, under lock and key; out of danger, out of the woods, out of the meshes, out of harm's way; unharmed, unscathed; on sure ground, at anchor, high and dry, above water; unthreatened^, unmolested; protected &c v.; cavendo tutus [Lat.]; panoplied &c (defended) 717 [Obs.]. snug, seaworthy; weatherproof, waterproof, fireproof. defensible, tenable, proof against, invulnerable; unassailable, unattackable, impenetrable; impregnable, imperdible^; inexpugnable; Achillean^. safe and sound &c (preserved) 670; scathless &c (perfect) 650; unhazarded^; not dangerous &c 665. unthreatening, harmless; friendly (cooperative) 709. protecting, protective &c v.; guardian, tutelary; preservative &c 670; trustworthy &c 939. Adv. ex abundanti cautela [Lat.]; with impunity. Phr. all's well; salva res est [Lat.]; suave mari magno [Lat.]; a couvert [Fr.]; e terra alterius spectare laborem [Lat.] [Lucretius]; Dieu vous garde [Fr.].
665. Danger — N. danger, peril, insecurity, jeopardy, risk, hazard, venture, precariousness, slipperiness; instability &c 149; defenselessness &c adj., exposure &c (liability) 177; vulnerability; vulnerable point, heel of Achilles^; forlorn hope &c (hopelessness) 859. [Dangerous course] leap in the dark &c (rashness) 863; road to ruin, faciles descensus Averni [Lat.] [Vergil], hairbreadth escape. cause for alarm; source of danger &c 667. rock ahead [Approach of danger], breakers ahead; storm brewing; clouds in the horizon, clouds gathering; warning &c 668; alarm &c 669. [Sense of danger] apprehension &c 860. V. be in danger &c adj.; be exposed to danger, run into danger, incur danger, encounter danger &c n.; run a risk; lay oneself open to &c (liability) 177; lean on a broken reed, trust to a broken reed; feel the ground sliding from under one, have to run for it; have the chances against one, have the odds against one, face long odds; be in deep trouble, be between a rock and a hard place. hang by a thread, totter; sleep on a volcano, stand on a volcano; sit on a barrel of gunpowder, live in a glass house. bring in danger, place in danger, put in danger, place in jeopardy, put in jeopardy &c n.; endanger, expose to danger, imperil; jeopard^, jeopardize; compromise; sail too near the wind &c (rash) 863. adventure, risk, hazard, venture, stake, set at hazard; run the gauntlet &c (dare) 861; engage in a forlorn hope. threaten danger &c 909; run one hard; lay a trap for &c (deceive) 545. Adj. in danger &c n.; endangered &c v.; fraught with danger; dangerous, hazardous, perilous, parlous, periculous^; unsafe, unprotected &c (safe, protect) &c 664; insecure. untrustworthy; built upon.sand, on a sandy basis; wildcat. defenseless, fenceless, guardless^, harborless; unshielded; vulnerable, expugnable^, exposed; open to &c (liable) 177. aux abois [Fr.], at bay; on the wrong side of the wall, on a lee shore, on the rocks. at stake, in question; precarious, critical, ticklish; slippery, slippy; hanging by a thread &c v.; with a halter round one's neck; between the hammer and the anvil, between Scylla and Charybdis, between a rock and a hard place, between the devil and the deep blue sea, between two fires; on the edge of a precipice, on the brink of a precipice, on the verge of a precipice, on the edge of a volcano; in the lion's den, on slippery ground, under fire; not out of the wood. unwarned, unadmonished, unadvised, unprepared &c 674; off one's guard &c (inexpectant) 508 [Obs.]. tottering; unstable, unsteady; shaky, top-heavy, tumbledown, ramshackle, crumbling, waterlogged; helpless, guideless^; in a bad way; reduced to the last extremity, at the last extremity; trembling in the balance; nodding to its fall &c (destruction) 162. threatening &c 909; ominous, illomened; alarming &c (fear) 860; explosive. adventurous &c (rash) 863, (bold) 861. Phr. incidit in Scyllam qui vult vitare Charybdim [Lat.]; nam tua res agitur paries dum proximus ardet [Lat.].
666. [Means of safety.] Refuge — N. refuge, sanctuary, retreat, fastness; acropolis; keep, last resort; ward; prison &c 752; asylum, ark, home, refuge for the destitute; almshouse^; hiding place &c (ambush) 530; sanctum sanctorum &c (privacy) 893 [Lat.]. roadstead, anchorage; breakwater, mole, port, haven; harbor, harbor of refuge; seaport; pier, jetty, embankment, quay. covert, cover, shelter, screen, lee wall, wing, shield, umbrella; barrier; dashboard, dasher [U.S.]. wall &c (inclosure) 232; fort &c (defense) 717. anchor, kedge; grapnel, grappling iron; sheet anchor, killick^; mainstay; support &c 215; cheek &c 706; ballast. jury mast; vent-peg; safety valve, blow-off valve; safety lamp; lightning rod, lightning conductor; safety belt, airbag, seat belt; antilock brakes, antiskid tires, snow tires. means of escape &c (escape) 671; lifeboat, lifejacket, life buoy, swimming belt, cork jacket; parachute, plank, steppingstone; emergency landing. safeguard &c (protection) 664. V. seek refuge, take refuge, find refuge &c n.; seek safety, find safety &c 664; throw oneself into the arms of; break for taller timber [U.S.]. create a diversion. Phr. any port in a storm; bibere venenum in auro [Lat.]; valet anchora virtus^.
667. [Source of danger.] Pitfall — N. rocks, reefs, coral reef, sunken rocks, snags; sands, quicksands; syrt^, syrtis^; Goodwin sands, sandy foundation; slippery ground; breakers, shoals, shallows, bank, shelf, flat, lee shore, ironbound coast; rock ahead, breakers ahead. precipice; maelstrom, volcano; ambush &c 530; pitfall, trapdoor; trap &c (snare) 545. sword of Damocles; wolf at the door, snake in the grass, death in the pot; latency &c 526. ugly customer, dangerous person, le chat qui dort [Fr.]; firebrand, hornet's nest. Phr. latet anquis in herba [Lat.] [Vergil]; proximus ardet Ucalegon [Lat.] [Vergil].
668. Warning — N. warning, early warning, caution, caveat; notice &c (information) 527; premonition, premonishment^; prediction &c 511; contraindication, lesson, dehortation^; admonition, monition; alarm &c 669. handwriting on the wall, mene mene tekel upharsin, red flag, yellow flag; fog-signal, foghorn; siren; monitor, warning voice, Cassandra^, signs of the times, Mother Cary's chickens^, stormy petrel, bird of ill omen, gathering clouds, clouds in the horizon, death watch. watchtower, beacon, signal post; lighthouse &c (indication of locality) 550. sentinel, sentry,, watch, watchman; watch and ward; watchdog, bandog^, housedog^; patrol, patrolman, vedette^, picket, bivouac, scout, spy, spial^; undercover agent, mole, plainclothesman; advanced guard, rear guard; lookout. cautiousness &c 864. monitor, guard camera, radar, AWACS, spy satellite, spy-in-the- sky, U2 plane, spy plane. V. warn, caution; forewarn, prewarn^; admonish, premonish^; give notice, give warning, dehort^; menace &c (threaten) 909; put on one's guard; sound the alarm &c 669; croak. beware, ware; take warning, take heed at one's peril; keep watch and ward &c (care) 459. Adj. warning &c v.; premonitory, monitory, cautionary; admonitory, admonitive^; sematic [Biol.]. warned, forewarned &c v.; on one's guard &c (careful) 459, (cautious) 864. Adv. in terrorem [Lat.] &c (threat) 909. Int. beware!, ware!, take care!, look out!, fore (golf), mind what you are about!, take care what you are about!, mind!, Phr. ne reveillez pas le chat qui dort [Fr.], don't wake a sleeping cat; foenum habet in cornu [Lat.]; caveat actor; le silence du people est la legon des rois [Fr.]; verbum sat sapienti [Lat.], a word to the wise is sufficient; un averti en vaut deux [Fr.].
669. [Indication of danger.] Alarm — N. alarm; alarum, larum^, alarm bell, tocsin, alerts, beat of drum, sound of trumpet, note of alarm, hue and cry, fire cross, signal of distress; blue lights; war-cry, war- whoop; warning &c 668; fogsignal, foghorn; yellow flag; danger signal; red light, red flag; fire bell; police whistle. false alarm, cry of wolf; bug-bear, bugaboo. V. give the alarm, raise the alarm, sound the alarm, turn in the alarm, beat the alarm, give an alarm, raise an alarm, sound an alarm, turn in an alarm, beat an alarm &c n.; alarm; warn &c 668; ring the tocsin; battre la generale [Fr.]; cry wolf. Adj. alarming &c v.. Int. sauve qui peut! [Fr.], every man for himself! [Fr.Tr.]; qui vive? [Fr.].
670. Preservation — N. preservation; safe-keeping; conservation &c (storage) 636; maintenance, support, susteritation^, conservatism; vis conservatrix^; salvation &c (deliverance) 672. [Means of preservation] prophylaxis; preserver, preservative, additive; antibiotics, antifungals [Med.], biocide; hygiastics^, hygiantics^; cover, drugget^; cordon sanitaire [Fr.]; canning; ensilage; tinned goods, canned goods. [Superstitious remedies] snake oil, spider webs, cure-all; laetrile; charm &c 993. V. preserve, maintain, keep, sustain, support, hold; keep up, keep alive; refrigerate, keep on ice; not willingly let die; bank up; nurse; save, rescue; be safe, make safe &c 664; take care of &c (care) 459; guard &c (defend) 717. stare super antiquas vias [Lat.] [Bacon]; hold one's own; hold one's ground, stand one's ground &c (resist) 719. embalm, cure, salt, pickle, season, kyanize^, bottle, pot, tin, can; sterilize, pasteurize, radiate; dry, lyophilize [Chem], freeze- dry, concentrate, evaporate; freeze, quick-freeze, deep-freeze; husband &c (store) 636. Adj. preserving &c v.; conservative; prophylactic; preservatory^, preservative; hygienic. preserved &c v.; unimpaired, unbroken, uninjured, unhurt, unsinged^, unmarred; safe, safe and sound; intact, with a whole skin. Phr. nolumus leges Angliae mutari [Lat.].
671. Escape — N. escape, scape; avolation^, elopement, flight; evasion &c (avoidance) 623; retreat; narrow escape, hairbreadth escape; close call; come off, impunity. [Means of escape] loophole &c (opening) 260; path &c 627; refuse &c 666; vent, vent peg; safety valve; drawbridge, fire escape. reprieve &c (deliverance) 672; liberation &c 750. refugee &c (fugitive) 623. V. escape, scape; make one's escape, effect one's escape, make good one's escape; break jail; get off, get clear off, get well out of; echapper belle [Fr.], save one's bacon, save one's skin; weather the storm &c (safe) 664; escape scot-free. elude &c, make off &c (avoid) 623; march off &c (go away) 293; give one the slip; slip through the hands, slip through the fingers; slip the collar, wriggle out of prison, break out, break loose, break loose from prison; break away, slip away, get away; find vent, find a hole to creep out of. disappear, vanish. Adj. escaping, escaped &c v.. stolen away, fled. Phr. the bird has flown the coop.
672. Deliverance — N. deliverance, extrication, rescue; reprieve, reprieval^; respite; liberation &c 750; emancipation; redemption, salvation; riddance; gaol delivery; redeemableness^. V. deliver, extricate, rescue, save, emancipate, redeem, ransom; bring off, bring through; tirer d'affaire [Fr.], get the wheel out of the rut, snatch from the jaws of death, come to the rescue; rid; retrieve &c (restore) 660; be rid of, get rid of. Adj. saved &c v.. extricable, redeemable, rescuable. Int. to the rescue!,
673. Preparation — N. preparation; providing &c v.; provision, providence; anticipation &c (foresight) 510; precaution, preconcertation^, predisposition; forecast &c (plan) 626; rehearsal, note of preparation. [Putting in order] arrangement &c 60; clearance; adjustment &c 23; tuning; equipment, outfit, accouterment, armament, array. ripening &c v.; maturation, evolution; elaboration, concoction, digestion; gestation, batching, incubation, sitting. groundwork, first stone, cradle, stepping-stone; foundation, scaffold &c (support) 215; scaffolding, echafaudage [Fr.]. [Preparation of men] training &c (education) 537; inurement &c (habit) 613; novitiate; cooking [Preparation of food], cookery; brewing, culinary art; tilling, plowing, [Preparation of the soil], sowing; semination^, cultivation. [State of being prepared] preparedness, readiness, ripeness, mellowness; maturity; un impromptu fait a loisir [Fr.]. [Preparer] preparer, trainer; pioneer, trailblazer; avant-courrier [Fr.], avant-coureur [Fr.]; voortrekker [Afrik.]; sappers and miners, pavior^, navvy^; packer, stevedore; warming pan. V. prepare; get ready, make ready; make preparations, settle preliminaries, get up, sound the note of preparation. set in order, put in order &c (arrange) 60; forecast &c (plan) 626; prepare the ground, plow the ground, dress the ground; till the soil, cultivate the soil; predispose, sow the seed, lay a train, dig a mine; lay the groundwork, fix the groundwork, lay the basis, fix the basis, lay the foundations, fix the foundations; dig the foundations, erect the scaffolding; lay the first stone &c (begin) 66. roughhew; cut out work; block out, hammer out; lick into shape &c (form) 240. elaborate, mature, ripen, mellow, season, bring to maturity; nurture &c (aid) 707; hatch, cook, brew; temper, anneal, smelt; barbecue; infumate^; maturate. equip, arm, man; fit-out, fit up; furnish, rig, dress, garnish, betrim^, accouter, array, fettle, fledge; dress up, furbish up, brush up, vamp up; refurbish; sharpen one's tools, trim one's foils, set, prime, attune; whet the knife, whet the sword; wind up, screw up; adjust &c (fit) 27; put in trim, put in train, put in gear, put in working order, put in tune, put in a groove for, put in harness; pack. train &c (teach) 537; inure &c (habituate) 613; breed; prepare for &c; rehearse; make provision for; take steps, take measures, take precautions; provide, provide against; beat up for recruits; open the door to &c (facilitate) 705. set one's house in order, make all snug; clear the decks, clear for action; close one's ranks; shuffle the cards. prepare oneself; serve an apprenticeship &c (learn) 539; lay oneself out for, get into harness, gird up one's loins, buckle on one's armor, reculer pour mieux sauter [Fr.], prime and load, shoulder arms, get the steam up, put the horses to. guard against, make sure against; forearm, make sure, prepare for the evil day, have a rod in pickle, provide against a rainy day, feather one's nest; lay in provisions &c 637; make investments; keep on foot. be prepared, be ready &c adj.; hold oneself in readiness, keep one's powder dry; lie in wait for &c (expect) 507; anticipate &c (foresee) 510; principiis obstare [Lat.]; veniente occurrere morbo [Lat.]. Adj. preparing &c v.; in preparation, in course of preparation, in agitation, in embryo, in hand, in train; afoot, afloat; on foot, on the stocks, on the anvil; under consideration &c (plan) 626; brewing, batching, forthcoming, brooding; in store for, in reserve. precautionary, provident; preparative, preparatory; provisional, inchoate, under revision; preliminary &c (precedent) 62. prepared &c v.; in readiness; ready, ready to one's band, ready made, ready cut and dried: made to one's hand, handy, on the table; in gear; in working order, in working gear; snug; in practice. ripe, mature, mellow; pukka^; practiced &c (skilled) 698; labored, elaborate, highly-wrought, smelling of the lamp, worked up. in full feather, in best bib and tucker; in harness, at harness; in the saddle, in arms, in battle array, in war paint; up in arms; armed at all points, armed to the teeth, armed cap a pie; sword in hand; booted and spurred. in utrumque paratus [Lat.], semper paratus [Lat.]; on the alert &c (vigilant) 459; at one's post. Adv. in preparation, in anticipation of; against, for; abroach^. Phr. a bove majori discit arare minor [Lat.]; looking before and after [Hamlet], si vis pacem para bellum [Lat.].
674. Nonpreparation — N. non-preparation, absence of preparation, want of preparation; inculture^, inconcoction^, improvidence. immaturity, crudity; rawness &c adj.; abortion; disqualification. [Absence of art] nature, state of nature; virgin soil, unweeded garden; neglect &c 460. rough copy &c (plan) 626; germ &c 153; raw material &c 635. improvisation &c (impulse) 612. V. be unprepared &c adj.; want preparation, lack preparation; lie fallow; s'embarquer sans biscuits [Fr.]; live from hand to mouth. [Render unprepared] dismantle &c (render useless) 645; undress &c 226. extemporize, improvise, ad lib. Adj. unprepared &c (prepare); &c; 673; without preparation &c 673; incomplete &c 53; rudimental, embryonic, abortive; immature, unripe, kachcha^, raw, green, crude; coarse; rough cast, rough hewn; in the rough; unhewn^, unformed, unfashioned^, unwrought, unlabored^, unblown, uncooked, unboiled, unconcocted, unpolished. unhatched, unfledged, unnurtured^, unlicked^, untaught, uneducated, uncultivated, untrained, untutored, undrilled, unexercised; deckle- edged^; precocious, premature; undigested, indigested^; unmellowed^, unseasoned, unleavened. unrehearsed, unscripted, extemporaneous, improvised, spontaneous, ad lib, ad libitem [Lat.]. fallow; unsown, untilled; natural, in a state of nature; undressed; in dishabille, en deshabille [Fr.]. unqualified, disqualified; unfitted; ill-digested; unbegun, unready, unarranged^, unorganized, unfurnished, unprovided, unequipped, untrimmed; out of gear, out of order; dismantled &c v.. shiftless, improvident, unthrifty, thriftless, thoughtless, unguarded; happy-go- lucky; caught napping &c (inexpectant) 508 [Obs.]; unpremeditated &c 612. Adv. extempore &c 612.
675. Essay — N. essay, trial, endeavor, attempt; aim, struggle, venture, adventure, speculation, coup d'essai [Fr.], debut; probation &c (experiment) 463. V. try, essay; experiment &c 463; endeavor, strive; tempt, attempt, make an attempt; venture, adventure, speculate, take one's chance, tempt fortune; try one's fortune, try one's luck, try one's hand; use one's endeavor; feel one's way, grope one's way, pick one's way. try hard, push, make a bold push, use one's best endeavor; do one's best &c (exertion) 686. Adj. essaying &c v.; experimental &c 463; tentative, empirical, probationary. Adv. experimentally &c adj.; on trial, at a venture; by rule of thumb. if one may be so bold. Phr. aut non tentaris aut perfice [Lat.] [Ovid]; chi non s'arrischia non guadagna [Fr.].
676. Undertaking — N. undertaking; compact &c 769; adventure, venture; engagement &c (promise) 768; enterprise, emprise^; pilgrimage; matter in hand &c (business ) 625; move; first move &c (beginning) 66. V. undertake; engage in, embark in; launch into, plunge into; volunteer; apprentice oneself to; engage &c (promise) 768; contract &c 769; take upon oneself, take upon one's shoulders; devote oneself to &c (determination) 604. take up, take in hand; tackle; set about, go about; set to, fall to, set to work; launch forth; set up shop; put in hand, put in execution; set forward; break the neck of a business, be in, for; put one's hand to, put one's foot in; betake oneself to, turn one's hand to, go to do; begin one's &c 66; broach one's, institute one's &c (originate) 153; put one's hand to the plow, lay one's hand to the plow, put one's shoulder to the wheel. have in hand &c (business) 625; have many irons in the fire &c (activity) 682. Adj. undertaking &c v.; on the anvil &c 625. Int. here goes!,
677. Use — N. use; employ, employment; exercise, exercitation^; application, appliance; adhibition^, disposal; consumption; agency &c (physical) 170; usufruct; usefulness &c 644; benefit; recourse, resort, avail. [Conversion to use] utilization, service, wear. [Way of using] usage. V. use, make use of, employ, put to use; put in action, put in operation, put in practice; set in motion, set to work. ply, work, wield, handle, manipulate; play, play off; exert, exercise, practice, avail oneself of, profit by, resort to, have recourse to, recur to, take betake oneself to; take up with, take advantage of; lay one's hands on, try. render useful &c 644; mold; turn to account, turn to use; convert to use, utilize; work up; call into play, bring into play; put into requisition; call forth, draw forth; press into service, enlist into the service; bring to bear upon, devote, dedicate, consecrate, apply, adhibit^, dispose of; make a handle of, make a cat's-paw of. fall back upon, make a shift with; make the most of, make the best of. use up, swallow up; consume, absorb, expend; tax, task, wear, put to task. Adj. in use; used &c v.; well-worn, well-trodden. useful &c 644; subservient &c (instrumental) 631.
678. Disuse — N. forbearance, abstinence; disuse; relinquishment &c 782; desuetude &c (want of habit) 614; disusage^. V. not use; do without, dispense with, let alone, not touch, forbear, abstain, spare, waive, neglect; keep back, reserve. lay up, lay by, lay on the shelf, keep on the shelf, lay up in ordinary; lay up in a napkin; shelve; set aside, put aside, lay aside; disuse, leave off, have done with; supersede; discard &c (eject) 297; dismiss, give warning. throw aside &c (relinquish) 782; make away with &c (destroy) 162; cast overboard, heave overboard, throw overboard; cast to the dogs, cast to the winds; dismantle &c (Render useless) 645. lie unemployed, remain unemployed &c adj. Adj. not used &c v.; unemployed, unapplied, undisposed of, unspent, unexercised, untouched, untrodden, unessayed^, ungathered^, unculled; uncalled for, not required. disused &c v.; done with.
679. Misuse — N. misuse, misusage, misemployment^, misapplication, misappropriation. abuse, profanation, prostitution, desecration; waste &c 638. V. misuse, misemploy, misapply, misappropriate. desecrate, abuse, profane, prostitute: waste &c 638; overtask, overtax, overwork: squander &c 818. cut blocks with a razor, employ a steam engine to crack a nut; catch at a straw. Adj. misused &c v.. Phr. ludere cum sacris [Lat.].
1. Simple voluntary Action
680. Action — N. action, performance; doing, &c v.; perpetration; exercise, excitation; movement, operation, evolution, work; labor &c (exertion) 686; praxis, execution; procedure &c (conduct) 692; handicraft; business &c 625; agency &c (power at work) 170. deed, act, overt act, stitch, touch, gest transaction^, job, doings, dealings, proceeding, measure, step, maneuver, bout, passage, move, stroke, blow; coup, coup de main, coup d'etat [Fr.]; tour de force &c (display) 882; feat, exploit; achievement &c (completion) 729; handiwork, workmanship; manufacture; stroke of policy &c (plan) 626. actor &c (doer) 690. V. do, perform, execute; achieve &c (complete) 729; transact, enact; commit, perpetrate, inflict; exercise, prosecute, carry on, work, practice, play. employ oneself, ply one's task; officiate, have in hand &c (business) 625; labor &c 686; be at work; pursue a course; shape one's course &c (conduct) 692. act, operate; take action, take steps; strike a blow, lift a finger, stretch forth one's hand; take in hand &c (undertake) 676; put oneself in motion; put in practice; carry into execution &c (complete) 729; act upon. be an actor &c 690; take a part in, act a part in, play a part in, perform a part in; participate in; have a hand in, have a finger in the pie; have to do with; be a party to, be a participator in; bear a hand, lend a hand; pull an oar, run in a race; mix oneself up with &c (meddle) 682. be in action; come into operation &c (power at work) 170. Adj. doing &c v.; acting; in action; in harness; on duty; in operation &c 170. Adv. in the act, in the midst of, in the thick of; red-handed, in flagrante delicto [Lat.]; while one's hand is in. Phr. action is eloquence [Coriolanus]; actions speak louder than words; actum aiunt ne agas [Terence]; awake, arise, or be forever fall'n [Paradise Lost]; dii pia facta vident [Lat.] [Ovid]; faire sans dire [Fr.]; fare fac [It]; fronte capillata post est occasio calva [Lat.]; our deeds are sometimes better than our thoughts [Bailey]; the great end of life is not knowledge but action [Huxley]; thought is the soul of act [R. Browning]; vivre-ce nest pas respirer c'est agir [Fr.]; we live in deeds not years [Bailey].
681. Inaction — N. inaction, passiveness, abstinence from action; noninterference, nonintervention; Fabian policy, conservative policy; neglect &c 460. inactivity &c 683; rest &c (repose) 687; quiescence &c 265; want of occupation, inoccupation^; idle hours, time hanging on one's hands, dolce far niente [It]; sinecure, featherbed, featherbedding, cushy job, no-show job; soft snap, soft thing. V. not do, not act, not attempt; be inactive &c 683; abstain from doing, do nothing, hold, spare; not stir, not move, not lift a finger, not lift a foot, not lift a peg; fold one's arms, fold one's hands; leave alone, let alone; let be, let pass, let things take their course, let it have its way, let well alone, let well enough alone; quieta non movere [Lat.]; stare super antiquas vias [Lat.]; rest and be thankful, live and let live; lie rest upon one's oars; laisser aller [Fr.], faire [Fr.]; stand aloof; refrain &c (avoid) 623, keep oneself from doing; remit one's efforts, relax one's efforts; desist &c (relinquish) 624; stop &c (cease) 142; pause &c (be quiet) 265. wait, lie in wait, bide one's time, take time, tide it over. cool one's heels, kick one's heels; while away the time, while away tedious hours; pass the time, fill up the time, beguile the time; talk against time; let the grass grow under one's feet; waste time &c (inactive) 683. lie by, lie on the shelf, lie in ordinary, lie idle, lie to, lie fallow; keep quiet, slug; have nothing to do, whistle for want of thought. undo, do away with; take down, take to pieces; destroy &c 162. Adj. not doing &c v.; not done &c v.; undone; passive; unoccupied, unemployed; out of employ, out of work; fallow; desaeuvre [Fr.]. Adv. re infecta [Lat.], at a stand, les bras croisis [Fr.], with folded arms; with the hands in the pockets, with the hands behind one's back; pour passer le temps [Fr.]. Int. so let it be!, stop!, &c 142; hands off!, Phr. cunctando restituit rem [Lat.], If it ain't broke don't fix it [Bert Lance]; stare decisis [Lat.], let the decision stand;
682. Activity — N. activity; briskness, liveliness &c adj.; animation, life, vivacity, spirit, dash, energy; snap, vim. nimbleness, agility; smartness, quickness &c adj.; velocity, &c 274; alacrity, promptitude; despatch, dispatch; expedition; haste &c 684; punctuality &c (early) 132. eagerness, zeal, ardor, perfervidum aingenium [Lat.], empressement [Fr.], earnestness, intentness; abandon; vigor &c (physical energy) 171; devotion &c (resolution) 604; exertion &c 686. industry, assiduity; assiduousness &c adj.; sedulity; laboriousness; drudgery &c (labor) 686; painstaking, diligence; perseverance &c 604.1; indefatigation^; habits of business. vigilance &c 459; wakefulness; sleeplessness, restlessness; insomnia; pervigilium^, insomnium^; racketing. movement, bustle, stir, fuss, ado, bother, pottering, fidget, fidgetiness; flurry &c (haste) 684. officiousness; dabbling, meddling; interference, interposition, intermeddling; tampering with, intrigue. press of business, no sinecure, plenty to do, many irons in the fire, great doings, busy hum of men, battle of life, thick of the action. housewife, busy bee; new brooms; sharp fellow, sharp blade; devotee, enthusiast, zealot, meddler, intermeddler, intriguer, busybody, pickthank^; hummer, hustler, live man [U.S.], rustler [U.S.]. V. be active &c adj.; busy oneself in; stir, stir about, stir one's stumps; bestir oneself, rouse oneself; speed, hasten, peg away, lay about one, bustle, fuss; raise up, kick up a dust; push; make a push, make a fuss, make a stir; go ahead, push forward; fight one's way, elbow one's way; make progress &c 282; toll &c (labor) 686; plod, persist &c (persevere) 604.1; keep up the ball, keep the pot boiling. look sharp; have all one's eyes about one &c (vigilance) 459; rise, arouse oneself, hustle, get up early, be about, keep moving, steal a march, kill two birds with one stone; seize the opportunity &c 134, lose no time, not lose a moment, make the most of one's time, not suffer the grass to grow under one's feet, improve the shining hour, make short work of; dash off; make haste &c 684; do one's best take pains &c (exert oneself) 686; do wonders, work wonders. have many irons in the fire, have one's hands full, have much on one's hands; have other things to do, have other fish to fry; be busy; not have a moment to spare, not have a moment that one can call one's own. have one's fling, run the round of; go all lengths, stick at nothing, run riot. outdo; overdo, overact, overlay, overshoot the mark; make a toil of a pleasure. have a hand in &c (act in) 680; take an active part, put in one's oar, have a finger in the pie, mix oneself up with, trouble, one's head about, intrigue; agitate. tamper with, meddle, moil; intermeddle, interfere, interpose; obtrude; poke one's nose in, thrust one's nose in. Adj. active, brisk, brisk as a lark, brisk as a bee; lively, animated, vivacious; alive, alive and kicking; frisky, spirited, stirring. nimble, nimble as a squirrel; agile; light-footed, nimble-footed; featly^, tripping. quick, prompt, yare^, instant, ready, alert, spry, sharp, smart; fast &c (swift) 274; quick as a lamplighter, expeditious; awake, broad awake; go-ahead, live wide-awake &c (intelligent) 498 [U.S.]. forward, eager, strenuous, zealous, enterprising, in earnest; resolute &c 604. industrious, assiduous, diligent, sedulous, notable, painstaking; intent &c (attention) 457; indefatigable &c (persevering) 604.1; unwearied; unsleeping^, never tired; plodding, hard-working &c 686; businesslike, workaday. bustling; restless, restless as a hyena; fussy, fidgety, pottering; busy, busy as hen with one chicken. working, at work, on duty, in harness; up in arms; on one's legs, at call; up and doing, up and stirring. busy, occupied; hard at work, hard at it; up to one's ears in, full of business, busy as a bee, busy as a one-armed paperhanger. meddling &c v.; meddlesome, pushing, officious, overofficious^, intrigant^. astir, stirring; agoing^, afoot; on foot; in full swing; eventful; on the alert, &c (vigilant) 459. Adv. actively &c adj.; with life and spirit, with might and main &c 686, with haste &c 684, with wings; full tilt, in mediis rebus [Lat.]. Int. be alive, look alive, look sharp!, move on, push on!, keep moving!, go ahead!, stir your stumps!, age quod agis! [Lat.], jaldi!^, karo!^, step lively!, Phr. carpe diem [Lat.], seize the day; &c (opportunity) 134 nulla dies sine linea [Lat.] [Pliny]; nec mora nec requies [Lat.] [Vergil]; the plot thickens; No sooner said than done &c (early) 132; veni vidi vici [Lat.] [Suetonius]; catch a weasel asleep; abends wird der Faule fleissig G; dictum ac factum [Lat.] [Terence]; schwere Arbeit in der Jugend ist sanfte Ruhe im Alter G, hard work in youth means soft rest in age; the busy hum of men [Milton].
683. Inactivity — N. inactivity; inaction &c 681; inertness &c 172; obstinacy &c 606. lull &c (cessation) 142; quiescence &c 265; rust, rustiness. idleness, remissness &c adj.; sloth, indolence, indiligence^; dawdling &c v.. ergophobia^, otiosity^. dullness &c adj.; languor; segnity^, segnitude^; lentor^; sluggishness &c (slowness) 275; procrastination &c (delay) 133; torpor, torpidity, torpescence^; stupor &c (insensibility) 823; somnolence; drowsiness &c adj.; nodding &c v.; oscitation^, oscitancy^; pandiculation^, hypnotism, lethargy; statuvolence heaviness^, heavy eyelids. sleep, slumber; sound sleep, heavy sleep, balmy sleep; Morpheus; Somnus; coma, trance, ecstasis^, dream, hibernation, nap, doze, snooze, siesta, wink of sleep, forty winks, snore; hypnology^. dull work; pottering; relaxation &c (loosening) 47; Castle of Indolence. [Cause of inactivity] lullaby, sedative, tranquilizer, hypnotic, sleeping pill, relaxant, anaesthetic, general anaesthetic &c 174; torpedo. [person who is inactive] idler, drone, droil^, dawdle, mopus^; do- little faineant [Fr.], dummy, sleeping partner; afternoon farmer; truant &c (runaway) 623; bummer^, loafer, goldbrick, goldbicker, lounger, lazzarone [It]; lubber, lubbard^; slow coach &c (slow.) 275; opium eater, lotus eater; slug; lag^, sluggard, slugabed; slumberer, dormouse, marmot; waiter on Providence, fruges consumere natus [Lat.]. V. be inactive &c adj.; do nothing &c 681; move slowly &c 275; let the grass grow under one's feet; take one's time, dawdle, drawl, droil^, lag, hang back, slouch; loll, lollop^; lounge, poke, loaf, loiter; go to sleep over; sleep at one's post, ne battre que d'une aile [Fr.]. take it easy, take things as they come; lead an easy life, vegetate, swim with the stream, eat the bread of idleness; loll in the lap of luxury, loll in the lap of indolence; waste time, consume time, kill time, lose time; burn daylight, waste the precious hours. idle away time, trifle away time, fritter away time, fool away time; spend time in, take time in; peddle, piddle; potter, pudder^, dabble, faddle fribble^, fiddle-faddle; dally, dilly-dally. sleep, slumber, be asleep; hibernate; oversleep; sleep like a top, sleep like a log, sleep like a dormouse; sleep soundly, heavily; doze, drowze^, snooze, nap; take a nap &c n.; dream; snore one's best; settle to sleep, go to sleep, go off to sleep; doze off, drop off; fall asleep; drop asleep; close the eyes, seal up the eyes, seal up eyelids; weigh down the eyelids; get sleep, nod, yawn; go to bed, turn; get some z's, stack z's [Coll.]. languish, expend itself, flag, hang fire; relax. render idle &c adj.; sluggardize^; mitigate &c 174. Adj. inactive; motionless &c 265; unoccupied &c (doing nothing) 681; unbusied^. indolent, lazy, slothful, idle, lusk^, remiss, slack, inert, torpid, sluggish, otiose, languid, supine, heavy, dull, leaden, lumpish^; exanimate^, soulless; listless; drony^, dronish^; lazy as Ludlam's dog. dilatory, laggard; lagging &c v.; slow &c 275; rusty, flagging; lackadaisical, maudlin, fiddle-faddle; pottering &c v.; shilly-shally &c (irresolute) 605. sleeping, &c v.; asleep; fast asleep, dead asleep, sound asleep; in a sound sleep; sound as a top, dormant, comatose; in the arms of Morpheus, in the lap of Morpheus. sleepy, sleepful^; dozy^, drowsy, somnolent, torpescent^, lethargic, lethargical^; somnifacient^; statuvolent^, statuvolic^; heavy, heavy with sleep; napping; somnific^, somniferous; soporous^, soporific, soporiferous^; hypnotic; balmy, dreamy; unawakened, unawakened. sedative &c 174. Adv. inactively &c adj.; at leisure &c 685. Phr. the eyes begin to draw straws; bankrupt of life yet prodigal of ease [Dryden]; better 50 years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay [Tennyson]; idly busy rolls their world away [Goldsmith]; the mystery of folded sleep [Tennyson]; the timely dew of sleep [Milton]; thou driftest gently down the tides of sleep [Longfellow]; tired Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep [Young].
684. Haste — N. haste, urgency; despatch, dispatch; acceleration, spurt, spirt^, forced march, rush, dash; speed, velocity &c 274; precipitancy, precipitation, precipitousness &c adj.; impetuosity; brusquerie^; hurry, drive, scramble, bustle, fuss, fidget, flurry, flutter, splutter. V. haste, hasten; make haste, make a dash &c n.; hurry on, dash on, whip on, push on, press on, press forward; hurry, skurry^, scuttle along, barrel along, bundle on, dart to and fro, bustle, flutter, scramble; plunge, plunge headlong; dash off; rush &c (violence) 173; express. bestir oneself &c (be active) 682; lose no time, lose not a moment, lose not an instant; make short work of; make the best of one's time, make the best of one's way. be precipitate &c adj.; jump at, be in haste, be in a hurry &c n.; have no time, have not a moment to lose, have not a moment to spare; work against time. quicken &c 274; accelerate, expedite, put on, precipitate, urge, whip; railroad. Adj. hasty, hurried, brusque; scrambling, cursory, precipitate, headlong, furious, boisterous, impetuous, hotheaded; feverish, fussy; pushing. in haste, in a hurry &c n.; in hot haste, in all haste; breathless, pressed for time, hard pressed, urgent. Adv. with haste, with all haste, with breathless speed; in haste &c adj.; apace &c (swiftly) 274; amain^; all at once &c (instantaneously) 113; at short notice &c; immediately &c (early) 132; posthaste; by cable, by express, by telegraph, by forced marches. hastily, precipitately &c adj.; helter-skelter, hurry-skurry^, holus-bolus; slapdash, slap-bang; full-tilt, full drive; heels over head, head and shoulders, headlong, a corps perdu [Fr.]. by fits and starts, by spurts; hop skip and jump. Phr. [panic] sauve qui peut [Fr.], every man for himself [Fr.Tr.], devil take the hindmost, no time to be lost; no sooner said than done &c (early) 132; a word and a blow; haste makes waste, maggiore fretta minore atto [It]; ohne Hast aber ohne Rast G, [Goethe's motto]; stand not upon the order of your going but go at once [Macbeth]; swift, swift, you dragons of the night [Cymbeline].
685. Leisure — N. leisure; convenience; spare time, spare hours, spare moments; vacant hour; time, time to spare, time on one's hands; holiday, relaxation &c (rest) 687; otium cum dignitate [Lat.] [Cicero], ease. no hurry; no big rush; no deadline. V. have leisure &c n.; take one's time, take one's leisure, take one's ease; repose &c 687; move slowly &c 275; while away the time &c (inaction) 681; be master of one's time, be an idle man. Adj. leisure, leisurely; slow &c 275; deliberate, quiet, calm, undisturbed; at leisure, at one's ease, at loose ends, at a loose end. Adv. unhurriedly, deliberately, without undue haste; anytime. Phr. time hanging heavy on one's hands; eile mit Weile G.
686. Exertion — N. exertion, effort, strain, tug, pull, stress, throw, stretch, struggle, spell, spurt, spirt^; stroke of work, stitch of work. a strong pull a long pull and a pull all together; dead lift; heft; gymnastics; exercise, exercitation^; wear and tear; ado; toil and trouble; uphill work, hard work, warm work; harvest time. labor, work, toil, travail, manual labor, sweat of one's brow, swink^, drudgery, slavery, fagging^, hammering; limae labor [Lat.]; industry, industriousness, operoseness^, operosity^. trouble, pains, duty; resolution &c 604; energy &c (physical) 171. V. exert oneself; exert one's energies, tax one's energies; use exertion. labor, work, toil, moil, sweat, fag, drudge, slave, drag a lengthened chain, wade through, strive, stretch a long arm; pull, tug, ply; ply the oar, tug at the oar; do the work; take the laboring oar bestir oneself (be active) 682; take trouble, trouble oneself. work hard; rough it; put forth one's strength, put forth a strong arm; fall to work, bend the bow; buckle to, set one's shoulder to the wheel &c (resolution) 604; work like a horse, work like a cart horse, work like a galley slave, work like a coal heaver; labor day and night, work day and night; redouble one's efforts; do double duty; work double hours, work double tides; sit up, burn the candle at both ends; stick to &c (persevere) 604.1; work one's way, fight one's way, lay about one, hammer at. take pains; do one's best, do one's level best, do one's utmost; give one hundred percent, do the best one can, do all one can, do all in one's power, do as much as in one lies, do what lies in one's power; use one's best endeavor, use one's utmost endeavor; try one's best, try one's utmost; play one's best card; put one's best leg foremost, put one's right leg foremost; have one's whole soul in his work, put all one's strength into, strain every nerve; spare no efforts, spare no pains; go all lengths; go through fire and water &c (resolution) 604; move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned. Adj. laboring &c v.. laborious, operose^, elaborate; strained; toilsome, troublesome, wearisome; uphill; herculean, gymnastic, palestric^. hard-working, painstaking; strenuous, energetic. hard at work, on the stretch. Adv. laboriously &c adj.; lustily; pugnis et calcibus [Lat.]; with might and main, with all one's might, with a strong hand, with a sledge hammer, with much ado; to the best of one's abilities, totis viribus [Lat.], vi et armis [Lat.], manibus pedibusque [Lat.], tooth and nail, unguibus et rostro [Lat.], hammer and tongs, heart and soul; through thick and thin &c (perseverance) 604.1. by the sweat of one's brow, suo Marte. Phr. aide-toi le ciel t'aidera [Fr.]; and still be doing, never done [Butler]; buen principio la mitad es hecha [Sp.]; cosa ben fatta e' fatta due volie [It]; it is better to wear out than to rust out [Bp. Hornel]; labor omnia vincit [Lat.] [Vergil]; labor, wide as the earth, has its summit in Heaven [Carlyle]; le travail du corps delivre des peines de l'esprit [Fr.]; manu forti [Lat.]; ora et labora [Lat.].
687. Repose — N. repose, rest, silken repose; sleep &c 683. relaxation, breathing time; halt, stay, pause &c (cessation) 142; respite. day of rest, dies non, Sabbath, Lord's day, holiday, red-letter day, vacation, recess. V. repose; rest, rest and be thankful; take a rest, take one's ease, take it easy. relax, unbend, slacken; take breath &c (refresh) 689; rest upon one's oars; pause &c (cease) 142; stay one's hand. lie down; recline, recline on a bed of down, recline on an easy chair; go to rest, go to bed, go to sleep &c 683. take a holiday, shut up shop; lie fallow &c (inaction) 681. Adj. reposing &c v. [of people]; relaxed &c v.; unstrained. [of materials and people] unstressed. Adv. at rest. Phr. The best of men have ever loved repose [Thompson]; to repair our nature with comforting repose [Henry VIII].
688. Fatigue — N. fatigue; weariness &c 841; yawning, drowsiness &c 683; lassitude, tiredness, fatigation^, exhaustion; sweat; dyspnoea. anhelation, shortness of breath; faintness; collapse, prostration, swoon, fainting, deliquium [Lat.], syncope, lipothymy^; goneness^. V. be fatigued &c adj.; yawn &c (get sleepy) 683; droop, sink, flag; lose breath, lose wind; gasp, pant, puff, blow, drop, swoon, faint, succumb. fatigue, tire, weary, irk, flag, jade, harass, exhaust, knock up, wear out, prostrate. tax, task, strain; overtask, overwork, overburden, overtax, overstrain. Adj. fatigued, tired &c v.; weary &c 841; drowsy &c 683; drooping &c v.; haggard; toilworn^, wayworn:, footsore, surbated^, weather-beaten; faint; done up, used up, knocked up; bushed [U.S.]; exhausted, prostrate, spent; overtired, overspent, overfatigued; unrefreshed^, unrestored. worn, worn out; battered, shattered, pulled down, seedy, altered. breathless, windless; short of breath, out of breath, short of wind; blown, puffing and blowing; short-breathed; anhelose^; broken winded, short-winded; dyspnaeal^, dyspnaeic^. ready to drop, all in, more dead than alive, dog-weary, walked off one's legs, tired to death, on one's last legs, played out, hors de combat [Fr.]. fatiguing &c v.; tiresome, irksome, wearisome; weary, trying.
689. Refreshment — N. bracing &c v.; recovery of strength, recuperation &c 159; restoration, revival &c 660; repair, refection, refocillation^, refreshment, regalement^, bait; relief &c 834. break, spell. refreshment stand; refreshments; [Refreshments], ice cream, cold soda, soda pop, hot dogs (food). V. brace &c (strengthen) 159; reinvigorate; air, freshen up, refresh, recruit; repair &c (restore) 660; fan, refocillate^; refresh the inner man. breathe, respire; drink in the ozone; take a break, take a breather, take five, draw breath, take a deep breath, take breath, gather breath, take a long breath, regain breath, recover breath; get better, raise one's head; recover one's strength, regain one's strength, renew one's strength &c 159; perk up, get one's second wind. come to oneself &c (revive) 660; feel refreshed, feel like a giant refreshed. Adj. refreshing &c v.; recuperative &c 660. refreshed &c v.; untired^, unwearied.
690. Agent — N. doer, actor, agent, performer, perpetrator, operator; executor, executrix; practitioner, worker, stager. bee, ant, working bee, termite, white ant; laboring oar, servant of all work, factotum. workman, artisan; craftsman, handicraftsman; mechanic, operative; working man; laboring man; demiurgus, hewers of wood and drawers of water, laborer, navvy^; hand, man, day laborer, journeyman, charwoman, hack; mere tool &c 633; beast of burden, drudge, fag; lumper^, roustabout. maker, artificer, artist, wright, manufacturer, architect, builder, mason, bricklayer, smith, forger, Vulcan; carpenter; ganger, platelayer; blacksmith, locksmith, sailmaker, wheelwright. machinist, mechanician, engineer. sempstress^, semstress^, seamstress; needlewoman^, workwoman; tailor, cordwainer^. minister &c (instrument) 631; servant &c 746; representative &c (commissioner) 758, (deputy) 759. coworker, party to, participator in, particeps criminis [Lat.], dramatis personae [Lat.]; personnel. Phr. quorum pars magna fui [Lat.] [Vergil]; faber est quisque fortunae suae [Lat.].
691. Workshop — N. workshop, workhouse, workplace, shop, place of business; manufactory, mill, plant, works, factory; cabinet, studio; office, branch office bureau, atelier. [specific types of workplace: list], hive, hive of industry; nursery; hothouse, hotbed; kitchen; mint, forge, loom; dock, dockyard; alveary^; armory; laboratory, lab, research institute; refinery; cannery; power plant; beauty parlor; beehive, bindery, forcing pit, nailery^, usine^, slip, yard, wharf; foundry, foundery^; furnace; vineyard; crucible, alembic, caldron, matrix. Adj. at work, at the office, at the shop; working.
2. Complex Voluntary Action
692. Conduct — N. conduct [actions of an individual agent]; behavior; deportment, comportment; carriage, maintien^, demeanor, guise, bearing, manner, observance. dealing, transaction &c (action) 680; business &c 625. tactics, game, game plan, policy, polity; generalship, statesmanship, seamanship; strategy, strategics^; plan &c 626. management; husbandry; housekeeping, housewifery; stewardship; menage; regime; economy, economics; political economy; government &c (direction) 693. execution, manipulation, treatment, campaign, career, life, course, walk, race, record. course of conduct, line of conduct, line of action, line of proceeding; role; process, ways, practice, procedure, modus operandi, MO, method of operating; method &c; path &c 627. V. transact [cause to occur], execute; despatch, dispatch; proceed with, discharge; carry on, carry through, carry out, carry into effect, put into effect; work out; go through, get through; enact; put into practice; do &c 680; officiate &c 625. bear oneself, behave oneself, comport oneself, demean oneself, carry oneself, conduct oneself, acquit oneself. run a race, lead a life, play a game; take a course, adopt a course; steer one's course, shape one's course; play one's paint, play one's cards, shift for oneself; paddle one's own canoe; bail one's own boat. conduct; manage, supervise &c (direct) 693. participate &c 680. deal with, have to do with; treat, handle a case; take steps, take measures. Adj. conducting &c v.. strategical, businesslike, practical, executive.
693. Direction — N. direction; management, managery^; government, gubernation^, conduct, legislation, regulation, guidance; bossism [U.S.]; legislature; steerage, pilotage; reins, reins of government; helm, rudder, needle, compass; guiding star, load star, lode star, pole star; cynosure. supervision, superintendence; surveillance, oversight; eye of the master; control, charge; board of control &c (council) 696; command &c (authority) 737. premiership, senatorship; director &c 694; chair, portfolio. statesmanship; statecraft, kingcraft^, queencraft^. ministry, ministration; administration; stewardship, proctorship^; agency. [person who directs] director &c 694. V. direct, manage, govern, conduct; order, prescribe, cut out work for; bead, lead; lead the way, show the way; take the lead, lead on; regulate, guide, steer, pilot; tackle, take the helm, be at the helm; have the reins, handle the reins, hold the reins, take the reins; drive, tool. superintend, supervise; overlook, control, keep in order, look after, see to, legislate for; administer, ministrate^; matronize^; have the care of, have the charge of; be in charge of, have charge of, take the direction; boss, boss one around; pull the strings, pull the wires; rule &c (command) 737; have the direction, hold office, hold the portfolio; preside, preside at the board; take the chair, occupy the chair, be in the chair; pull the stroke oar. Adj. directing &c v.; hegemonic. Adv. at the helm, at the head of.
694. Director — N. director, manager, governor, rector, comptroller. superintendent, supervisor, straw boss; intendant; overseer, overlooker^; supercargo^, husband, inspector, visitor, ranger, surveyor, aedile^; moderator, monitor, taskmaster; master &c 745; leader, ringleader, demagogue, corypheus, conductor, fugleman^, precentor^, bellwether, agitator; caporal^, choregus^, collector, file leader, flugelman^, linkboy^. guiding star &c (guidance) 693; adviser &c 695; guide &c (information) 527; pilot; helmsman; steersman, steermate^; wire-puller. driver, whip, Jehu, charioteer; coachman, carman, cabman; postilion, vetturino^, muleteer, arriero^, teamster; whipper in. head, head man, head center, boss; principal, president, speaker; chair, chairman, chairwoman, chairperson; captain &c (master) 745; superior; mayor &c (civil authority) 745; vice president, prime minister, premier, vizier, grand vizier, eparch^. officer, functionary, minister, official, red-tapist^, bureaucrat; man in office, Jack in office; office bearer; person in authority &c 745. statesman, strategist, legislator, lawgiver, politician, statist^, statemonger^; Minos, Draco; arbiter &c (judge) 967; boss [U.S.], political dictator. board &c (council) 696. secretary, secretary of state; Reis Effendi; vicar &c (deputy) 759; steward, factor; agent &c 758; bailiff, middleman; foreman, clerk of works; landreeve^; factotum, major-domo^, seneschal, housekeeper, shepherd, croupier; proctor, procurator. Adv. ex officio.
695. Advice — N. advice, counsel, adhortation^; word to the wise; suggestion, submonition^, recommendation, advocacy; advisement. exhortation &c (persuasion) 615; expostulation &c (dissuasion) 616; admonition &c (warning) 668; guidance &c (direction) 693. instruction, charge, injunction, obtestation^; Governor's message, President's message; King's message, Queen's speech; message, speech from the throne. adviser, prompter; counsel, counselor; monitor, mentor, Nestor, magnus Apollo [Lat.], senator; teacher &c 540. guide, manual, chart &c (information) 527. physician, doctor, leech^, archiater^. arbiter &c (judge) 967. reference, referment^; consultation, conference, pourparler. V. advise, counsel; give advice, give counsel, give a piece of advice [Fr.]; suggest, prompt, submonish^, recommend, prescribe, advocate; exhort &c (persuade) 615. enjoin, enforce, charge, instruct, call; call upon &c (request) 765; dictate. expostulate &c (dissuade) 616; admonish &c (warn) 668. advise with; lay heads together, consult together; compare notes; hold a council, deliberate, be closeted with. confer, consult, refer to, call in; take advice, follow advice; be advised by, have at one's elbow, take one's cue from. Adj. recommendatory; hortative &c (persuasive) 615; dehortatory &c (dissuasive) 616 [Obs.]; admonitory &c (warning) 668. Int. go to!, Phr. give every man thine ear but few thy voice [Hamlet]; I pray thee cease thy counsel [Much Ado About Nothing]; my guide, philosopher, and friend [Pope]; 'twas good advice and meant, my son be good [Crabbe]; verbum sat sapienti [Lat.], a word to the wise is sufficient; vive memor leti [Lat.]; we, ask advice but we mean approbation [Colton].
696. Council — N. council, committee, subcommittee, comitia [Lat.], court, chamber, cabinet, board, bench, staff. senate, senatus [Lat.], parliament, chamber of deputies, directory, reichsrath G, rigsdag, cortes [Sp.], storthing^, witenagemote^, junta, divan, musnud^, sanhedrim; classis^; Amphictyonic council^; duma [Rus.], house of representatives; legislative assembly, legislative council; riksdag^, volksraad G, witan^, caput^, consistory, chapter, syndicate; court of appeal &c (tribunal) 966; board of control, board of works; vestry; county council, local board. audience chamber, council chamber, state chamber. cabinet council, privy council; cockpit, convocation, synod, congress, convention, diet, states-general. [formal gathering of members of a council: script] assembly, caucus, conclave, clique, conventicle; meeting, sitting, seance, conference, convention, exhibition, session, palaver, pourparler, durbar^, house; quorum; council fire [U.S.], powwow [U.S.], primary [U.S.]. meeting, assemblage &c 72. [person who is member of a council] member; senator; member of parliament, M.P.; councilor, representative of the people; assemblyman, congressman; councilman, councilwoman, alderman, freeholder. V. assemble, gather together, meet (assemblage) 72; confer, caucus, hold council; huddle [Coll.]. Adj. senatorial, curule^; congressional, parliamentary; legislative, law-making; regulatory; deliberative.
697. Precept — N. precept, direction, instruction, charge; prescript, prescription; recipe, receipt; golden rule; maxim &c 496. rule, canon, law, code, corpus juris [Lat.], lex scripta [Lat.], act, statute, rubric, stage direction, regulation; form, formula, formulary; technicality; canon law; norm. order &c (command) 741.
698. Skill — N. skill, skillfulness, address; dexterity, dexterousness; adroitness, expertness &c adj.; proficiency, competence, technical competence, craft, callidity^, facility, knack, trick, sleight; mastery, mastership, excellence, panurgy^; ambidexterity, ambidextrousness^; sleight of hand &c (deception) 545. seamanship, airmanship, marksmanship, horsemanship; rope-dancing. accomplishment, acquirement, attainment; art, science; technicality, technology; practical knowledge, technical knowledge. knowledge of the world, world wisdom, savoir faire [Fr.]; tact; mother wit &c (sagacity) 498; discretion &c (caution) 864; finesse; craftiness &c (cunning) 702; management &c (conduct) 692; self-help. cleverness, talent, ability, ingenuity, capacity, parts, talents, faculty, endowment, forte, turn, gift, genius; intelligence &c 498; sharpness, readiness &c (activity) 682; invention &c 515; aptness, aptitude; turn for, capacity for, genius for; felicity, capability, curiosa felicitas [Lat.], qualification, habilitation. proficient &c 700. masterpiece, coup de maitre [Fr.], chef d'euvre [Fr.], tour de force; good stroke &c (plan) 626. V. be skillful &c adj.; excel in, be master of; have a turn for &c n.. know what's what, know a hawk from a handsaw, know what one is about, know on which side one's bread is buttered, know what's o'clock; have cut one's eye teeth, have cut one's wisdom teeth. see one's way, see where the wind lies, see which way the wind blows; have all one's wits about one, have one's hand in; savoir vivre [Fr.]; scire quid valeant humeri quid ferre recusent [Lat.]. look after the main chance; cut one's coat according to one's cloth; live by one's wits; exercise one's discretion, feather the oar, sail near the wind; stoop to conquer &c (cunning) 702; play one's cards well, play one's best card; hit the right nail on the head, put the saddle on the right horse. take advantage of, make the most of; profit by &c (use) 677; make a hit &c (succeed) 731; make a virtue of necessity; make hay while the sun shines &c (occasion) 134. Adj. skillful, dexterous, adroit, expert, apt, handy, quick, deft, ready, gain; slick, smart &c (active) 682; proficient, good at, up to, at home in, master of, a good hand at, au fait, thoroughbred, masterly, crack, accomplished; conversant &c (knowing) 490. experienced, practiced, skilled, hackneyed; up in, well up in; in practice, in proper cue; competent, efficient, qualified, capable, fitted, fit for, up to the mark, trained, initiated, prepared, primed, finished. clever, cute, able, ingenious, felicitous, gifted, talented, endowed; inventive &c 515; shrewd, sharp, on the ball &c (intelligent) 498; cunning &c 702; alive to, up to snuff, not to be caught with chaff; discreet. neat-handed, fine-fingered, nimble-fingered, ambidextrous, sure- footed; cut out for, fitted for. technical, artistic, scientific, daedalian^, shipshape; workman- like, business-like, statesman-like. Adv. skillfully &c adj.; well &c 618; artistically; with skill, with consummate skill; secundum artem [Lat.], suo Marte; to the best of one's abilities &c (exertion) 686. Phr. ars celare artem [Lat.]; artes honorabit [Lat.]; celui qui veut celui-la peut [Fr.]; c'est une grande habilite que de savoir cacher sonhabilite [Fr.]; expertus metuit [Lat.] [Horace]; es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille sich ein Charakter in dem Strom der Welt G; heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or the hand to execute; [Junius]; if you have lemons, make lemonade.
699. Unskillfulness — N. unskillfulness &c adj.; want of skill &c 698; incompetence, incompentency^; inability, infelicity, indexterity^, inexperience; disqualification, unproficiency^; quackery. folly, stupidity &c 499; indiscretion &c (rashness) 863; thoughtlessness &c (inattention) 458 (neglect) 460; sabotage. mismanagement, misconduct; impolicy^; maladministration; misrule, misgovernment, misapplication, misdirection, misfeasance; petticoat government. absence of rule, rule of thumb; bungling &c v.; failure &c 732; screw loose: too many cooks. blunder &c (mistake) 495; etourderie gaucherie [Fr.], act of folly, balourdise^; botch, botchery^; bad job, sad work. sprat sent out to catch a whale, much ado about nothing, wild- goose chase. bungler &c 701; fool &c 501. V. be unskillful &c adj.; not see an inch beyond one's nose; blunder, bungle, boggle, fumble, botch, bitch, flounder, stumble, trip; hobble &c 275; put one's foot in it; make a mess of, make hash of, make sad work of; overshoot the mark. play tricks with, play Puck, mismanage, misconduct, misdirect, misapply, missend. stultify oneself, make a fool of oneself, commit oneself; act foolishly; play the fool; put oneself out of court; lose control, lose control of oneself, lose one's head, lose one's cunning. begin at the wrong end; do things by halves &c (not complete) 730; make two bites of a cherry; play at cross purposes; strain at a gnat and swallow a camel &c (caprice) 608; put the cart before the horse; lock the stable door when the horse is stolen &c (too late) 135. not know what one is about, not know one's own interest, not know on which side one's bread is buttered; stand in one's own light, quarrel with one's bread and butter, throw a stone in one's own garden, kill the goose which lays the golden eggs, pay dear for one's whistle, cut one's own throat, bum one's fingers; knock one's head against a stone wall, beat one's head against a stone wall; fall into a trap, catch a Tartar, bring the house about one's ears; have too many eggs in one basket (imprudent) 863, have too many irons in the fire. mistake &c 495; take the shadow for the substance &c (credulity) 486; bark up the wrong tree; be in the wrong box, aim at a pigeon and kill a crow; take the wrong pig by the tail, get the wrong pig by the tail, get the wrong sow by the ear, get the dirty end of the stick; put the saddle on the wrong horse, put a square peg into a round hole, put new wine into old bottles. cut blocks with a razor; hold a farthing candle to the sun &c (useless) 645; fight with a shadow, grasp at a shadow; catch at straws, lean on a broken reed, reckon without one's host, pursue a wild goose chase; go on a fool's goose chase, sleeveless errand; go further and fare worse; lose one's way, miss one's way; fail &c 732. Adj. unskillful &c 698; inexpert; bungling &c v.; awkward, clumsy, unhandy, lubberly, gauche, maladroit; left-handed, heavy-handed; slovenly, slatternly; gawky. adrift, at fault. inapt, unapt; inhabile [Fr.]; untractable^, unteachable; giddy &c (inattentive) 458; inconsiderate &c (neglectful) 460; stupid &c 499; inactive &c 683; incompetent; unqualified, disqualified, ill-qualified; unfit; quackish; raw, green, inexperienced, rusty, out of practice. unaccustomed, unused, untrained &c 537, uninitiated, unconversant &c (ignorant) 491 [Obs.]; shiftless; unstatesmanlike. unadvised; ill-advised, misadvised; ill-devised, ill-imagined, ill-judged, ill-contrived, ill-conducted; unguided, misguided; misconducted, foolish, wild; infelicitous; penny wise and pound foolish &c (inconsistent) 608. Phr. one's fingers being all thumbs; the right hand forgets its cunning; il se noyerait dans une goutte d'eau [Fr.]; incidit in Scyllam qui vult vitare Charybdim [Lat.]; out of the frying pan into the fire; non omnia possumus omnes [Lat.] [Vergil]. |