#196. Distance.— N. distance; space &c. 180; remoteness, farness[obs3], far-cry to; longinquity[obs3], elongation; offing, background; remote region; removedness[obs3]; parallax; reach, span, stride. outpost, outskirt; horizon; aphelion; foreign parts, ultima Thule[Lat], ne plus ultra[Lat], antipodes; long range, giant's stride. dispersion &c.73. [units of distance] length &c. 200. cosmic distance, light-years. V. be distant &c. adj.; extend to, stretch to, reach to, spread to, go to, get to, stretch away to; range. remain at a distance; keep away, keep off, keep aloof, keep clear of, stand away, stand off, stand aloof, stand clear of, stay away, keep one's distance'. [transitive] distance; distance oneself from. Adj. distant; far off, far away; remote, telescopic, distal, wide of; stretching to &c. v.; yon, yonder; ulterior; transmarine[obs3], transpontine[obs3], transatlantic, transalpine; tramontane; ultramontane, ultramundane[obs3]; hyperborean, antipodean; inaccessible, out of the way; unapproached[obs3], unapproachable; incontiguous[obs3]. Adv. far off, far away; afar, afar off; off; away; a long way off, a great way off, a good way off; wide away, aloof; wide of, clear of; out of the way, out of reach; abroad, yonder, farther, further, beyond; outre mer[Fr], over the border, far and wide, "over the hills and far away" [Gay]; from pole to pole &c. (over great space) 180; to the uttermost parts, to the ends of the earth; out of hearing, nobody knows where, a perte de vue[Fr], out of the sphere of, wide of the mark; a far cry to. apart, asunder; wide apart, wide asunder; longo intervallo[It]; at arm's length. Phr. "distance lends enchantment" [Campbell]; "it's a long long way to Tipperary"; out of sight, out of mind.
#197. Nearness.— N. nearness &c. adj.; proximity, propinquity; vicinity, vicinage; neighborhood, adjacency; contiguity &c. 199. short distance, short step, short cut; earshot, close quarters, stone's throw; bow shot, gun shot, pistol shot; hair's breadth, span. purlieus, neighborhood, vicinage, environs, alentours[Fr], suburbs, confines, banlieue[obs3], borderland; whereabouts. bystander; neighbor, borderer[obs3]. approach &c. 286; convergence 7c. 290; perihelion. V. be near &c. adj.; adjoin, hang about, trench on; border upon, verge upon; stand by, approximate, tread on the heels of, cling to, clasp, hug; huddle; hang upon the skirts of, hover over; burn. touch &c. 199 bring near, draw near &c. 286; converge &c. 290; crowd &c. 72; place side by side &c. adv. Adj. near, nigh; close at hand, near at hand; close, neighboring; bordering upon, contiguous, adjacent, adjoining; proximate, proximal; at hand, handy; near the mark, near run; home, intimate. Adv. near, nigh; hard by, fast by; close to, close upon; hard upon; at the point of; next door to; within reach, within call, within hearing, within earshot; within an ace of; but a step, not far from, at no great distance; on the verge of, on the brink of, on the skirts of; in the environs &c. n.; at one's door, at one's feet, at one's elbow, at one's finger's end, at one's side; on the tip of one's tongue; under one's nose; within a stone's throw &c. n.; in sight of, in presence of; at close quarters; cheek by jole[obs3], cheek by jowl; beside, alongside, side by side, tete-a-tete; in juxtaposition &c. (touching) 199; yardarm to yardarm, at the heels of; on the confines of, at the threshold, bordering upon, verging to; in the way. about; hereabouts, thereabouts; roughly, in round numbers; approximately, approximatively[obs3]; as good as, well-nigh.
#198. Interval.— N. interval, interspace[obs3]; separation &c. 44; break, gap, opening; hole &c. 260; chasm, hiatus, caesura; interruption, interregnum; interstice, lacuna, cleft, mesh, crevice, chink, rime, creek, cranny, crack, chap, slit, fissure, scissure[obs3], rift, flaw, breach, rent, gash, cut, leak, dike, ha-ha. gorge, defile, ravine, canon, crevasse, abyss, abysm; gulf; inlet, frith[obs3], strait, gully; pass; furrow &c. 259; abra[obs3]; barranca[obs3], barranco[obs3]; clove [U.S.], gulch [U.S.], notch [U.S.]; yawning gulf; hiatus maxime[Lat], hiatus valde deflendus[Lat]; parenthesis &c. (interjacence) 228[obs3]; void 7c. (absence) 187; incompleteness &c. 53. [interval of time] period &c. 108; interim (time) 106. V. gape &c. (open) 260. Adj. with an interval, far between; breachy[obs3], rimose[obs3], rimulose[obs3]. Adv. at intervals &c. (discontinuously) 70; longo intervallo[It].
#199. Contiguity. N. contiguity, contact, proximity, apposition, abuttal[obs3], juxtaposition; abutment, osculation; meeting, appulse[obs3], rencontre[obs3], rencounter[obs3], syzygy[Astron], coincidence, coexistence; adhesion &c. 46; touching &c. v. (see touch 379). borderland; frontier &c. (limit) 233; tangent; abutter. V. be contiguous &c. adj.; join, adjoin, abut on, march with; graze, touch, meet, osculate, come in contact, coincide; coexist; adhere &c. 46. [transitive][cause to be contiguous] juxtapose; contact; join (unite) 43; link (vinculum) 45. Adj. contiguous; touching &c. v.; in contact &c. n.; conterminous, end to end, osculatory; pertingent ; tangential. hand to hand; close to &c. (near) 197; with no interval &c. 198.
#200. Length. N. length, longitude, span; mileage; distance &c. 196. line, bar, rule, stripe, streak, spoke, radius. lengthening &c. v.; prolongation, production, protraction; tension, tensure[obs3]; extension. [Measures of length] line, nail, inch, hand, palm, foot, cubit, yard, ell, fathom, rood, pole, furlong, mile, league; chain, link; arpent[obs3], handbreadth[obs3], jornada [obs3][U.S.], kos[obs3], vara[obs3]. [astronomical units of distance] astronomical unit, AU, light-year, parsec. [metric units of length] nanometer, nm, micron, micrometer, millimicron, millimeter, mm, centimeter, cm, meter, kilometer, km. pedometer, perambulator; scale &c. (measurement) 466. V. be long &c. adj.; stretch out, sprawl; extend to, reach to, stretch to; make a long arm, "drag its slow length along." render long &c. adj.; lengthen, extend, elongate; stretch; prolong, produce, protract; let out, draw out, spin out !; drawl. enfilade, look along, view in perspective. distend (expand) 194. Adj. long, longsome[obs3]; lengthy, wiredrawn[obs3], outstretched; lengthened &c. v.; sesquipedalian &c. (words) 577; interminable, no end of; macrocolous[obs3]. linear, lineal; longitudinal, oblong. as long as my arm, as long as today and tomorrow; unshortened &c. (shorten &c. 201)[obs3]. Adv. lengthwise, at length, longitudinally, endlong[obs3], along; tandem; in a line &c. (continuously) 69; in perspective. from end to end, from stem to stern, from head to foot, from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, from top to toe; fore and aft.
#201. Shortness. N. shortness &c. adj.; brevity; littleness &c. 193; a span. shortening &c. v.; abbreviation, abbreviature[obs3]; abridgment, concision, retrenchment, curtailment, decurtation ; reduction &c. (contraction) 195; epitome &c. (compendium) 596. elision, ellipsis; conciseness &c. (in style) 572. abridger, epitomist[obs3], epitomizer[obs3]. V. be short &c. adj.; render short &c. adj.; shorten, curtail, abridge, abbreviate, take in, reduce; compress &c. (contract) 195; epitomize &c. 596. retrench, cut short, obtruncate[obs3]; scrimp, cut, chop up, hack, hew; cut down, pare down; clip, dock, lop, prune, shear, shave, mow, reap, crop; snub; truncate, pollard, stunt, nip, check the growth of; foreshorten[in drawing]. Adj. short, brief, curt; compendious, compact; stubby, scrimp; shorn, stubbed; stumpy, thickset, pug; chunky [U.S.], decurtate[obs3]; retrousse[obs3]; stocky; squab, squabby[obs3]; squat, dumpy; little &c. 193; curtailed of its fair proportions; short by; oblate; concise &c. 572; summary. Adv. shortly &c. adj.; in short &c. (concisely) 572.
#202. Breadth, Thickness.— N. breadth, width, latitude, amplitude; diameter, bore, caliber, radius; superficial extent &c. (space) 180. thickness, crassitude[obs3]; corpulence &c. (size) 192; dilation &c. (expansion) 194. V. be broad &c. adj.; become broad, render broad &c. adj.; expand &c. 194; thicken, widen, calibrate. Adj. broad, wide, ample, extended; discous[obs3]; fanlike; outspread, outstretched; "wide as a church-door" [Romeo and Juliet]; latifoliate[obs3], latifolous[obs3]. thick, dumpy, squab, squat, thickset; thick as a rope.
#203. Narrowness. Thinness. N. narrowness &c. adj.; closeness, exility[obs3]; exiguity 7c. (little) 193. line; hair's breadth, finger's breadth; strip, streak, vein. monolayer; epitaxial deposition[Engin]. thinness &c. adj.; tenuity; emaciation, macilency[obs3], marcor . shaving, slip &c. (filament) 205; thread paper, skeleton, shadow, anatomy, spindleshanks[obs3], lantern jaws, mere skin and bone. middle constriction, stricture, neck, waist, isthmus, wasp, hourglass; ridge, ghaut[obs3], ghat[obs3], pass; ravine &c. 198. narrowing, coarctation[obs3], angustation[obs3], tapering; contraction &c. 195. V. be narrow &c. adj.; narrow, taper, contract &c. 195; render narrow &c. adj; waste away. Adj. narrow, close; slender, thin, fine; thread-like &c. (filament) 205; finespun[obs3], gossamer; paper-thin; taper, slim, slight-made; scant, scanty; spare, delicate, incapacious[obs3]; contracted &c. 195; unexpanded &c. (expand &c. 194)[obs3]; slender as a thread. [in reference to people or animals] emaciated, lean, meager, gaunt, macilent[obs3]; lank, lanky; weedy, skinny; scrawny slinky[U.S.]; starved, starveling; herring gutted; worn to a shadow, lean as a rake [Chaucer]; thin as a lath, thin as a whipping post, thin as a wafer; hatchet-faced; lantern-jawed. attenuated, shriveled, extenuated, tabid[obs3], marcid , barebone, rawboned. monomolecular.
#204. Layer.— N. layer, stratum, strata, course, bed, zone, substratum, substrata, floor, flag, stage, story, tier, slab, escarpment; table, tablet; dess[obs3]; flagstone; board, plank; trencher, platter. plate; lamina, lamella; sheet, foil; wafer; scale, flake, peel; coat, pellicle; membrane, film; leaf; slice, shive[obs3], cut, rasher, shaving, integument &c. (covering) 223; eschar[obs3]. stratification, scaliness, nest of boxes, coats of an onion. monolayer; bilayer; trilayer[Biochem]. V. slice, shave, pare, peel; delaminate; plate, coat, veneer; cover &c. 223. Adj. lamellar, lamellated[obs3], lamelliform[obs3], layered; laminated, laminiferous[obs3]; micaceous[obs3]; schistose, schistous[obs3]; scaly, filmy, membranous, pellicular, flaky, squamous[Anat]; foliated, foliaceous[obs3]; stratified, stratiform; tabular, discoid; spathic[obs3], spathose[obs3]. trilamellar[obs3]. graphitic[obs3].
#205. Filament.— N. filament, line; fiber, fibril; funicle[obs3], vein; hair, capillament[obs3], cilium, cilia, pilus, pili; tendril, gossamer; hair stroke; veinlet[obs3], venula[obs3], venule[obs3]. wire, string, thread, packthread, cotton, sewing silk, twine, twist, whipcord, tape, ribbon, cord, rope, yarn, hemp, oakum, jute. strip, shred, slip, spill, list, band, fillet, fascia, ribbon, riband, roll, lath, splinter, shiver, shaving. beard &c. (roughness) 256; ramification; strand. Adj. filamentous, filamentiferous[obs3], filaceous[obs3], filiform[obs3]; fibrous, fibrillous[obs3]; thread-like, wiry, stringy, ropy; capillary, capilliform[obs3]; funicular, wire-drawn; anguilliform[obs3]; flagelliform[obs3]; hairy &c. (rough) 256; taeniate[obs3], taeniform[obs3], taenioid[obs3]; venose[obs3], venous.
#206. Height. — N. height, altitude, elevation; eminence, pitch; loftiness &c. adj.; sublimity. tallness &c. adj.; stature, procerity[obs3]; prominence &c. 250. colossus &c. (size) 192; giant, grenadier, giraffe, camelopard. mount, mountain; hill alto, butte [U.S.], monticle[obs3], fell, knap[obs3]; cape; headland, foreland[obs3]; promontory; ridge, hog's back, dune; rising ground, vantage ground; down; moor, moorland; Alp; uplands, highlands; heights &c. (summit), 210; knob, loma[obs3], pena [obs3][U.S.], picacho[obs3], tump[obs3]; knoll, hummock, hillock, barrow, mound, mole; steeps, bluff, cliff, craig[obs3], tor[obs3], peak, pike, clough[obs3]; escarpment, edge, ledge, brae; dizzy height. tower, pillar, column, obelisk, monument, steeple, spire, minaret, campanile, turret, dome, cupola; skyscraper. pole, pikestaff, maypole, flagstaff; top mast, topgallant mast. ceiling &c. (covering) 223. high water; high tide, flood tide, spring tide. altimetry &c. (angel) 244[obs3]; batophobia[obs3]. satellite, spy-in-the-sky. V. be high &c. adj.; tower, soar, command; hover, hover over, fly over; orbit, be in orbit; cap, culminate; overhang, hang over, impend, beetle, bestride, ride, mount; perch, surmount; cover &c. 223; overtop &c. (be superior) 33; stand on tiptoe. become high &c. adj.; grow higher, grow taller; upgrow[obs3]; rise &c. (ascend) 305; send into orbit. render high &c. adj.; heighten &c. (elevate) 307. Adj. high, elevated, eminent, exalted, lofty, tall; gigantic &c. (big) 192; Patagonian; towering, beetling, soaring, hanging [gardens]; elevated &c. 307; upper; highest &c. (topmost) 210; high reaching, insessorial[obs3], perching. upland, moorland; hilly, knobby [U.S.]; mountainous, alpine, subalpine, heaven kissing; cloudtopt[obs3], cloudcapt[obs3], cloudtouching[obs3]; aerial. overhanging &c. v.; incumbent, overlying, superincumbent[obs3], supernatant, superimposed; prominent &c. c. 250. tall as a maypole, tall as a poplar, tall as a steeple, lanky &c. (thin) 203. Adv. on high, high up, aloft, up, above, aloof, overhead; airwind[obs3]; upstairs, abovestairs[obs3]; in the clouds; on tiptoe, on stilts, on the shoulders of; over head and ears; breast high. over, upwards; from top to bottom &c. (completely) 52. Phr. e meglio cader dalle finistre che dal tetto[It].
#207. Lowness. — N. lowness &c. adj.; debasement, depression, prostration &c. (horizontal) 213; depression &c. (concave) 252. molehill; lowlands; basement floor, ground floor; rez de chaussee[Fr]; cellar; hold, bilge; feet, heels. low water; low tide, ebb tide, neap tide, spring tide. V. be low &c. adj.; lie low, lie flat; underlie; crouch, slouch, wallow, grovel; lower &c. (depress) 308. Adj. low, neap, debased; nether, nether most; flat, level with the ground; lying low &c. v.; crouched, subjacent, squat, prostrate &c. (horizontal) 213. Adv. under; beneath, underneath; below; downwards; adown[obs3], at the foot of; under foot, under ground; down stairs, below stairs; at a low ebb; below par.
#208. Depth. — N. depth; deepness &c. adj.; profundity, depression &c. (concavity) 252. hollow, pit, shaft, well, crater; gulf &c. 198; bowels of the earth, bottomless pit[obs3], hell. soundings, depth of water, water, draught, submersion; plummet, sound, probe; sounding rod, sounding line; lead. bathymetry. [instrument to measure depth] sonar, side-looking sonar; bathometer[obs3]. V. be deep &c. adj.; render deep &c. adj.; deepen. plunge &c. 310; sound, fathom, plumb, cast the lead, heave the lead, take soundings, make soundings; dig &c. (excavate) 252. Adj. deep, deep seated; profound, sunk, buried; submerged &c. 310; subaqueous, submarine, subterranean, subterraneous, subterrene[obs3]; underground. bottomless, soundless, fathomless; unfathomed, unfathomable; abysmal; deep as a well; bathycolpian[obs3]; benthal[obs3], benthopelagic[obs3]; downreaching[obs3], yawning. knee deep, ankle deep. Adv. beyond one's depth, out of one's depth; over head and ears; mark twine, mark twain.
#209. Shallowness. — N. shallowness &c. adj.; shoals; mere scratch. Adj. shallow, slight, superficial; skin deep, ankle deep, knee deep; just enough to wet one's feet; shoal, shoaly[obs3].
#210. Summit. N. summit, summity ; top, peak, vertex, apex, zenith, pinnacle, acme, culmination, meridian, utmost height, ne plus utra, height, pitch, maximum, climax, culminating point, crowning point, turning point; turn of the tide, fountain head; water shed, water parting; sky, pole. tip, tip top; crest, crow's nest, cap, truck, nib; end &c. 67; crown, brow; head, nob[obs3], noddle[obs3], pate; capsheaf[obs3]. high places, heights. topgallant mast, sky scraper; quarter deck, hurricane deck. architrave, frieze, cornice, coping stone, zoophorus[obs3], capital, epistyle[obs3], sconce, pediment, entablature[obs3]; tympanum; ceiling &c. (covering) 223. attic, loft, garret, house top, upper story. [metaphorical use] summit conference, summit; peak of achievement, peak of performance; peaks and troughs, peaks and valleys [in graphs]. V. culminate, crown, top; overtop &c. (be superior to) 33. Adj. highest &c. (high &c. 206); top; top most, upper most; tiptop; culminating &c. v.; meridian, meridional[obs3]; capital, head, polar, supreme, supernal, topgallant. Adv. atop, at the top of the tree. Phr. en flute; fleur deau[Fr].
#211. Base. — N. base, basement; plinth, dado, wainscot; baseboard, mopboard[obs3]; bedrock, hardpan [U.S.]; foundation &c. (support) 215; substructure, substratum, ground, earth, pavement, floor, paving, flag, carped, ground floor, deck; footing, ground work, basis; hold, bilge. bottom, nadir, foot, sole, toe, hoof, keel, root; centerboard. Adj. bottom, undermost, nethermost; fundamental; founded on, based on, grounded on, built on.
#212. Verticality. — N. verticality; erectness &c. adj.; perpendicularity &c. 216a; right angle, normal; azimuth circle. wall, precipice, cliff. elevation, erection; square, plumb line, plummet. V. be vertical &c. adj.; stand up, stand on end, stand erect, stand upright; stick up, cock up. render vertical &c. adj.; set up, stick up, raise up, cock up; erect, rear, raise on its legs. Adj. vertical, upright, erect, perpendicular, plumb, normal, straight, bolt, upright; rampant; standing up &c. v.; rectangular, orthogonal &c. 216a. Adv. vertically &c. adj.; up, on end; up on end, right on end; a plomb[Fr], endwise; one one's legs; at right angles.
#213. Horizontality. N. horizontality[obs3]; flatness; level, plane; stratum &c. 204; dead level, dead flat; level plane. recumbency, lying down &c. v.; reclination[obs3], decumbence[obs3]; decumbency[obs3], discumbency ; proneness &c. adj.; accubation[obs3], supination[obs3], resupination[obs3], prostration; azimuth. plain, floor, platform, bowling green; cricket ground; croquet ground, croquet lawn; billiard table; terrace, estrade[obs3], esplanade, parterre. [flat land area] table land, plateau, ledge; butte; mesa (plain) 344. [instrument to measure horizontality] level, spirit level. V. be horizontal &c. adj.; lie, recline, couch; lie down, lie flat, lie prostrate; sprawl, loll, sit down. render horizontal &c. adj.; lay down, lay out; level, flatten; prostrate, knock down, floor, fell. Adj. horizontal, level, even, plane; flat &c. 251; flat as a billiard table, flat as a bowling green; alluvial; calm, calm as a mill pond; smooth, smooth as glass. recumbent, decumbent, procumbent, accumbent[obs3]; lying &c. v.; prone, supine, couchant, jacent[obs3], prostrate, recubant[obs3]. Adv. horizontally &c. adj.; on one's back, on all fours, on its beam ends.
#214. Pendency. — N. pendency[obs3], dependency; suspension, hanging &c. v.; pedicel, pedicle, peduncle; tail, train, flap, skirt, pigtail, pony tail, pendulum; hangnail peg, knob, button, hook, nail, stud, ring, staple, tenterhook; fastening &c. 45; spar, horse. V. be pendent &c. adj.; hang, depend, swing, dangle; swag; daggle[obs3], flap, trail, flow; beetle. suspend, hang, sling, hook up, hitch, fasten to, append. Adj. pendent, pendulous; pensile; hanging &c. v.; beetling, jutting over, overhanging, projecting; dependent; suspended &c. v.; loose, flowing. having a peduncle &c. n.; pedunculate[obs3], tailed, caudate.
#215. Support. N. support, ground, foundation, base, basis; terra firma; bearing, fulcrum, bait [U.S.], caudex crib[obs3]; point d'appui[Fr], [Grk][Grk], purchase footing, hold, locus standi[Lat]; landing place, landing stage; stage, platform; block; rest, resting place; groundwork, substratum, riprap, sustentation, subvention; floor &c. (basement) 211. supporter; aid &c. 707; prop, stand, anvil, fulciment ; cue rest, jigger; monkey; stay, shore, skid, rib, truss, bandage; sleeper; stirrup, stilts, shoe, sole, heel, splint, lap, bar, rod, boom, sprit[obs3], outrigger; ratlings[obs3]. staff, stick, crutch, alpenstock, baton, staddle[obs3]; bourdon[obs3], cowlstaff[obs3], lathi[obs3], mahlstick[obs3]. post, pillar, shaft, thill[obs3], column, pilaster; pediment, pedicle; pedestal; plinth, shank, leg, socle[obs3], zocle[obs3]; buttress, jamb, mullion, abutment; baluster, banister, stanchion; balustrade; headstone; upright; door post, jamb, door jamb. frame, framework; scaffold, skeleton, beam, rafter, girder, lintel, joist, travis[obs3], trave[obs3], corner stone, summer, transom; rung, round, step, sill; angle rafter, hip rafter; cantilever, modillion[obs3]; crown post, king post; vertebra. columella[obs3], backbone; keystone; axle, axletree; axis; arch, mainstay. trunnion, pivot, rowlock[obs3]; peg &c. (pendency) 214[obs3]; tiebeam &c. (fastening) 45; thole pin[obs3]. board, ledge, shelf, hob, bracket, trevet[obs3], trivet, arbor, rack; mantel, mantle piece[Fr], mantleshelf[obs3]; slab, console; counter, dresser; flange, corbel; table, trestle; shoulder; perch; horse; easel, desk; clotheshorse, hatrack; retable; teapoy[obs3]. seat, throne, dais; divan, musnud[obs3]; chair, bench, form, stool, sofa, settee, stall; arm chair, easy chair, elbow chair, rocking chair; couch, fauteuil[Fr], woolsack[obs3], ottoman, settle, squab, bench; aparejo[obs3], faldstool[obs3], horn; long chair, long sleeve chair, morris chair; lamba chauki[obs3], lamba kursi[obs3]; saddle, pannel[obs3], pillion; side saddle, pack saddle; pommel. bed, berth, pallet, tester, crib, cot, hammock, shakedown, trucklebed[obs3], cradle, litter, stretcher, bedstead; four poster, French bed, bunk, kip, palang[obs3]; bedding, bichhona, mattress, paillasse[obs3]; pillow, bolster; mat, rug, cushion. footstool, hassock; tabouret[obs3]; tripod, monopod. Atlas, Persides, Atlantes[obs3], Caryatides, Hercules. V. be supported &c.; lie on, sit on, recline on, lean on, loll on, rest on, stand on, step on, repose on, abut on, bear on, be based on &c.; have at one's back; bestride, bestraddle[obs3]. support, bear, carry, hold, sustain, shoulder; hold up, back up, bolster up, shore up; uphold, upbear[obs3]; prop; under prop, under pin, under set; riprap; bandage &c. 43. give support, furnish support, afford support, supply support, lend support, give foundations, furnish foundations, afford foundations, supply foundations, lend foundations; bottom, found, base, ground, imbed, embed. maintain, keep on foot; aid &c. 707. Adj. supporting, supported &c. v.; fundamental; dorsigerous[obs3]. Adv. astride on, straddle.
#216. Parallelism. — N. {ant. 216a} parallelism; coextension[obs3]; equidistance[obs3]; similarity &c. 17. Adj. parallel; coextensive; equidistant. Adv. alongside &c. (laterally) 236.
#216a. Perpendicularity — N. {ant. 216} perpendicularity, orthogonality; verticality, &c. 212. V. be perpendicular, be orthogonal; intersect at right angles, be rectangular, be at right angles to, intersect at 90 degrees; have no correlation. Adj. orthogonal, perpendicular; rectangular; uncorrelated.
#217. Obliquity. N. obliquity, inclination, slope, slant, crookedness &c. adj.; slopeness[obs3]; leaning &c. v.; bevel, tilt; bias, list, twist, swag, cant, lurch; distortion &c. 243; bend &c. (curve) 245; tower of Pisa. acclivity, rise, ascent, gradient, khudd[obs3], rising ground, hill, bank, declivity, downhill, dip, fall, devexity ; gentle slope, rapid slope, easy ascent, easy descent; shelving beach; talus; monagne Russe[Fr]; facilis descensus averni[Lat]. V. intersect; lack parallelism.
#218. Inversion. — N. inversion, eversion, subversion, reversion, retroversion, introversion; contraposition &c. 237[obs3]; contrariety &c. 14; reversal; turn of the tide. overturn; somersault, somerset; summerset[obs3]; culbute[obs3]; revulsion; pirouette. transposition, transposal[obs3], anastrophy[obs3], metastasis, hyperbaton[obs3], anastrophe[obs3], hysteron proteron[Grk][Grk], hypallage[obs3], synchysis[obs3], tmesis[obs3], parenthesis; metathesis; palindrome. pronation and supination[Anat][obs3]. V. be inverted &c.; turn round, turn about, turn to the right about, go round, go about, go to the right about, wheel round, wheel about, wheel to the right about; turn over, go over, tilt over, topple over; capsize, turn turtle. invert, subvert, retrovert[obs3], introvert; reverse; up turn, over turn, up set, over set; turn topsy turvy &c. adj.; culbuter[obs3]; transpose, put the cart before the horse, turn the tables. Adj. inverted &c. v.; wrong side out, wrong side up; inside out, upside down; bottom upwards, keel upwards; supine, on one's head, topsy- turvy, sens dessus dessous[Fr]. inverse; reverse &c. (contrary) 14; opposite &c. 237. top heavy. Adv. inversely &c. adj.; hirdy-girdy[obs3]; heels over head, head over heels.
#219. Crossing. — N. crossing &c. v.; intersection, interdigitation; decussation[obs3], transversion[obs3]; convolution &c. 248; level crossing. reticulation, network; inosculation[obs3], anastomosis, intertexture[obs3], mortise. net, plexus, web, mesh, twill, skein, sleeve, felt, lace; wicker; mat, matting; plait, trellis, wattle, lattice, grating, grille, gridiron, tracery, fretwork, filigree, reticle; tissue, netting, mokes[obs3]; rivulation[obs3]. cross, chain, wreath, braid, cat's cradle, knot; entangle &c. (disorder) 59. [woven fabrics] cloth, linen, muslin, cambric &c. [web-footed animal] webfoot. V. cross, decussate[obs3]; intersect, interlace, intertwine, intertwist[obs3], interweave, interdigitate, interlink. twine, entwine, weave, inweave[obs3], twist, wreathe; anastomose[Med], inosculate[obs3], dovetail, splice, link; lace, tat. mat, plait, plat, braid, felt, twill; tangle, entangle, ravel; net, knot; dishevel, raddle[obs3]. Adj. crossing &c. v.; crossed, matted &c, v. transverse. cross, cruciform, crucial; retiform[obs3], reticular, reticulated; areolar[obs3], cancellated[obs3], grated, barred, streaked; textile; crossbarred[obs3], cruciate[obs3], palmiped[obs3], secant; web-footed. Adv. cross, thwart, athwart, transversely; at grade [U.S.]; crosswise.
% 3. CENTRICAL DIMENSIONS % <— That is, dimensions having reference to a center —> % General. %
#220. Exteriority. — N. exteriority[obs3]; outside, exterior; surface, superficies; skin &c. (covering) 223; superstratum[obs3]; disk, disc; face, facet; extrados[obs3]. excentricity[obs3]; eccentricity; circumjacence &c. 227[obs3]. V. be exterior &c. adj.; lie around &c. 227. place exteriorly, place outwardly, place outside; put out, turn out. Adj. exterior, external; outer most; outward, outlying, outside, outdoor; round about &c. 227; extramural; extralimitary[obs3], extramundane. superficial, skin-deep; frontal, discoid. extraregarding[obs3]; excentric[obs3], eccentric; outstanding; extrinsic &c. 6; ecdemic[Med], exomorphic[obs3]. Adv. externally &c. adj.; out, with out, over, outwards, ab extra, out of doors; extra muros[Lat]. in the open air; sub Jove, sub dio[Lat]; a la belle etoile[Fr], al fresco.
#221. Interiority. — N. interiority; inside, interior; interspace[obs3], subsoil, substratum; intrados. contents &c. 190; substance, pith, marrow; backbone &c. (center) 222; heart, bosom, breast; abdomen; vitals, viscera, entrails, bowels, belly, intestines, guts, chitterings[obs3], womb, lap; penetralia[Lat], recesses, innermost recesses; cave &c. (concavity) 252. V. be inside &c. adj.; within &c. adv. place within, keep within; inclose &c. (circumscribe) 229; intern; imbed &c. (insert) 300. Adj. interior, internal; inner, inside, inward, intraregarding[obs3]; inmost, innermost; deep seated, gut; intestine, intestinal; inland; subcutaneous; abdominal, coeliac, endomorphic[Physiol]; interstitial &c. (interjacent) 228[obs3]; inwrought &c. (intrinsic) 5; inclosed &c. v. home, domestic, indoor, intramural, vernacular; endemic. Adv. internally &c. adj.; inwards, within, in, inly[obs3]; here in, there in, where in; ab intra, withinside[obs3]; in doors, within doors; at home, in the bosom of one's family.
#222. Centrality. — N. centrality, centricalness[obs3], center; middle &c. 68; focus &c. 74. core, kernel; nucleus, nucleolus; heart, pole axis, bull's eye; nave, navel; umbilicus, backbone, marrow, pith; vertebra, vertebral column; hotbed; concentration &c. (convergence) 290; centralization; symmetry. center of gravity, center of pressure, center of percussion, center of oscillation, center of buoyancy &c.; metacenter[obs3]. V. be central &c. adj.; converge &c. 290. render central, centralize, concentrate; bring to a focus. Adj. central, centrical[obs3]; middle &c. 68; azygous, axial, focal, umbilical, concentric; middlemost; rachidian[obs3]; spinal, vertebral. Adv. middle; midst; centrally &c. adj.
#223. Covering. N. covering, cover; baldachin, baldachino[obs3], baldaquin[obs3]; canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri[Fr], umbrella, parasol, sunshade; veil (shade) 424; shield &c. (defense) 717. roof, ceiling, thatch, tile; pantile, pentile[obs3]; tiling, slates, slating, leads; barrack [U.S.], plafond, planchment [obs3][U.S.], tiling, shed &c. (abode) 189. top, lid, covercle , door, operculum; bulkhead [U.S.]. bandage, plaster, lint, wrapping, dossil[obs3], finger stall. coverlet, counterpane, sheet, quilt, tarpaulin, blanket, rug, drugget[obs3]; housing; antimacassar, eiderdown, numdah[obs3], pillowcase, pillowslip[obs3]; linoleum; saddle cloth, blanket cloth; tidy; tilpah [obs3][U.S.], apishamore [obs3][U.S.]. integument, tegument; skin, pellicle, fleece, fell, fur, leather, shagreen[obs3], hide; pelt, peltry[obs3]; cordwain[obs3]; derm[obs3]; robe, buffalo robe [U.S.]; cuticle, scarfskin, epidermis. clothing &c. 225; mask &c. (concealment) 530. peel, crust, bark, rind, cortex, husk, shell, coat; eggshell, glume[obs3]. capsule; sheath, sheathing; pod, cod; casing, case, theca[obs3]; elytron[obs3]; elytrum[obs3]; involucrum[Lat]; wrapping, wrapper; envelope, vesicle; corn husk, corn shuck [U.S.]; dermatology, conchology; testaceology[obs3]. inunction[obs3]; incrustation, superimposition, superposition, obduction ; scale &c. (layer) 204. [specific coverings: list] veneer, facing; overlay; plate, silver plate, gold plate, copper plate; engobe[obs3]; ormolu; Sheffield plate; pavement; coating, paint; varnish &c. (resin) 356a; plating, barrel plating, anointing &c. v.; enamel; epitaxial deposition[Engin], vapor deposition; ground, whitewash, plaster, spackel, stucco, compo; cerement; ointment &c. (grease) 356. V. cover; superpose, superimpose; overlay, overspread; wrap &c. 225; encase, incase[obs3]; face, case, veneer, pave, paper; tip, cap, bind; bulkhead, bulkhead in; clapboard [U.S.]. coat, paint, varnish, pay, incrust, stucco, dab, plaster, tar; wash; besmear, bedaub; anoint, do over; gild, plate, japan, lacquer, lacker[obs3], enamel, whitewash; parget[obs3]; lay it on thick. overlie, overarch[obs3]; endome[obs3]; conceal &c. 528. [of aluminum] anodize. [of steel] galvanize. Adj. covering &c. v.; superimposed, overlaid, plated &c. v.; cutaneous, dermal, cortical, cuticular, tegumentary[obs3], skinny, scaly, squamous[Anat]; covered &c. v.; imbricated, loricated[obs3], armor plated, ironclad; under cover; cowled, cucullate[obs3], dermatoid[obs3], encuirassed[obs3], hooded, squamiferous[obs3], tectiform[obs3]; vaginate[obs3].
#224. Lining. — N. lining, inner coating; coating &c. (covering) 223; stalactite, stalagmite. filling, stuffing, wadding, padding. wainscot, parietes[Lat], wall. V. line, stuff, incrust, wad, pad, fill. Adj. lined &c. v..
< +add separate entry under materials (constitution, substance); entry for types of cloth and other materials for garments > #225. Clothing. N. clothing, investment; covering &c. 223; dress, raiment, drapery, costume, attire, guise, toilet, toilette, trim; habiliment; vesture, vestment; garment, garb, palliament , apparel, wardrobe, wearing apparel, clothes, things; underclothes. array; tailoring, millinery; finery &c. (ornament) 847; full dress &c. (show) 882; garniture; theatrical properties. outfit, equipment, trousseau; uniform, regimentals; continentals [Am. Hist.]; canonicals &c. 999; livery, gear, harness, turn-out, accouterment, caparison, suit, rigging, trappings, traps, slops, togs, toggery[obs3]; day wear, night wear, zoot suit; designer clothes; masquerade. dishabille, morning dress, undress. kimono; lungi[obs3]; shooting-coat; mufti; rags, tatters, old clothes; mourning, weeds; duds; slippers. robe, tunic, paletot[obs3], habit, gown, coat, frock, blouse, toga, smock frock, claw coat, hammer coat, Prince Albert coat[obs3], sack coat, tuxedo coat, frock coat, dress coat, tail coat. cloak, pall, mantle, mantlet mantua[obs3], shawl, pelisse, wrapper; veil; cape, tippet, kirtle[obs3], plaid, muffler, comforter, haik[obs3], huke , chlamys[obs3], mantilla, tabard, housing, horse cloth, burnoose, burnous, roquelaure[obs3]; houppelande[Fr]; surcoat, overcoat, great coat; surtout[Fr], spencer[obs3]; mackintosh, waterproof, raincoat; ulster, P- coat, dreadnought, wraprascal[obs3], poncho, cardinal, pelerine[obs3]; barbe[obs3], chudder[obs3], jubbah[obs3], oilskins, pajamas, pilot jacket, talma jacket[obs3], vest, jerkin, waistcoat, doublet, camisole, gabardine; farthingale, kilt, jupe[obs3], crinoline, bustle, panier, skirt, apron, pinafore; bloomer, bloomers; chaqueta[obs3], songtag[Ger], tablier[obs3]. pants, trousers, trowsers[obs3]; breeches, pantaloons, inexpressibles !, overalls, smalls, small clothes; shintiyan !; shorts, jockey shorts, boxer shorts; tights, drawers, panties, unmentionables; knickers, knickerbockers; philibeg[obs3], fillibeg[obs3]; pants suit; culottes; jeans, blue jeans, dungarees, denims. [brand names for jeans] Levis, Calvin Klein, Calvins, Bonjour, Gloria Vanderbilt. headdress, headgear; chapeau[Fr], crush hat, opera hat; kaffiyeh; sombrero, jam, tam-o-shanter, tarboosh[obs3], topi, sola topi[Lat], pagri[obs3], puggaree[obs3]; cap, hat, beaver hat, coonskin cap; castor, bonnet, tile, wideawake, billycock[obs3], wimple; nightcap, mobcap[obs3], skullcap; hood, coif; capote[obs3], calash; kerchief, snood, babushka; head, coiffure; crown &c. (circle) 247; chignon, pelt, wig, front, peruke, periwig, caftan, turban, fez, shako, csako[obs3], busby; kepi[obs3], forage cap, bearskin; baseball cap; fishing hat; helmet &c. 717; mask, domino. body clothes; linen; hickory shirt [U.S.]; shirt, sark[obs3], smock, shift, chemise; night gown, negligee, dressing gown, night shirt; bedgown[obs3], sac de nuit[Fr]. underclothes [underclothing], underpants, undershirt; slip [for women], brassiere, corset, stays, corsage, corset, corselet, bodice, girdle &c. (circle) 247; stomacher; petticoat, panties; under waistcoat; jock [for men], athletic supporter, jockstrap. sweater, jersey; cardigan; turtleneck, pullover; sweater vest. neckerchief, neckcloth[obs3]; tie, ruff, collar, cravat, stock, handkerchief, scarf; bib, tucker; boa; cummerbund, rumal[obs3], rabat[obs3]. shoe, pump, boot, slipper, sandal, galoche[obs3], galoshes, patten, clog; sneakers, running shoes, hiking boots; high-low; Blucher boot, wellington boot, Hessian boot, jack boot, top boot; Balmoral[obs3]; arctics, bootee, bootikin[obs3], brogan, chaparajos[obs3]; chavar[obs3], chivarras[obs3], chivarros[obs3]; gums [U.S.], larrigan [obs3][N. Am.], rubbers, showshoe, stogy[obs3], veldtschoen[Ger], legging, buskin, greave[obs3], galligaskin[obs3], gamache[obs3], gamashes[obs3], moccasin, gambado, gaiter, spatterdash[obs3], brogue, antigropelos[obs3]; stocking, hose, gaskins[obs3], trunk hose, sock; hosiery. glove, gauntlet, mitten, cuff, wristband, sleeve. swaddling cloth, baby linen, layette; ice wool; taffeta. pocket handkerchief, hanky[obs3], hankie. clothier, tailor, milliner, costumier, sempstress[obs3], snip; dressmaker, habitmaker[obs3], breechesmaker[obs3], shoemaker; Crispin; friseur[Fr]; cordwainer[obs3], cobbler, hosier[obs3], hatter; draper, linen draper, haberdasher, mercer. [underpants for babies] diaper, nappy[obs3][Brit]; disposable diaper, cloth diaper; Luvs[brand names for diapers], Huggies. V. invest; cover &c. 223; envelope, lap, involve; inwrap[obs3], enwrap; wrap; fold up, wrap up, lap up, muffle up; overlap; sheath, swathe, swaddle, roll up in, circumvest. vest, clothe, array, dress, dight[obs3], drape, robe, enrobe, attire, apparel, accounter[obs3], rig, fit out; deck &c. (ornament) 847; perk, equip, harness, caparison. wear; don; put on, huddle on, slip on; mantle. Adj. invested &c. v.; habited; dighted[obs3]; barbed, barded; clad, costume, shod, chausse[Fr]; en grande tenue &c. (show) 882[Fr]. sartorial. Phr. "the soul of this man is his clothes" [All's Well].
#226. Divestment. — N. divestment; taking off &c. v.. nudity; bareness &c. adj.; undress; dishabille &c. 225; the altogether; nudation[obs3], denudation; decortication, depilation, excoriation, desquamation; molting; exfoliation; trichosis[Med]. V. divest; uncover &c. (cover &c. 223); denude, bare, strip; disfurnish[obs3]; undress, disrobe &c. (dress, enrobe &c. 225); uncoif[obs3]; dismantle; put off, take off, cast off; doff; peel, pare, decorticate, excoriate, skin, scalp, flay; expose, lay open; exfoliate, molt, mew; cast the skin. Adj. divested &c. v.; bare, naked, nude; undressed, undraped; denuded; exposed; in dishabille; bald, threadbare, ragged, callow, roofless. in a state of nature, in nature's garb, in the buff, in native buff, in birthday suit; in puris naturalibus[Lat]; with nothing on, stark naked, stark raving naked [joc.]; bald as a coot, bare as the back of one's hand; out at elbows; barefoot; bareback, barebacked; leafless, napless[obs3], hairless.
#227. Circumjacence. — N. circumjacence[obs3], circumambience[obs3]; environment, encompassment; atmosphere, medium, surroundings. outpost; border &c. (edge) 231; girdle &c. (circumference) 230; outskirts, boulebards, suburbs, purlieus, precincts, faubourgs[obs3], environs, entourage, banlieue[obs3]; neighborhood, vicinage, vicinity. V. lie around &c. adv.; surround, beset, compass, encompass, environ, inclose, enclose, encircle, embrace, circumvent, lap, gird; belt; begird, engird[obs3]; skirt, twine round; hem in &c. (circumscribe) 229. Adj. circumjacent, circumambient[obs3], circumfluent[obs3]; ambient; surrounding &c. v.; circumferential, suburban. Adv. around, about; without; on every side; on all sides; right and left, all round, round about.
#228. Interposition. N. interposition, interjacence[obs3], intercurrence[obs3], intervenience[obs3], interlocation[obs3], interdigitation, interjection, interpolation, interlineation, interspersion, intercalation. [interposition at a fine-grained level] interpenetration; permeation; infiltration. [interposition by one person in another's affairs, at the intervenor's initiative] intervention, interference; intrusion, obtrusion; insinuation. insertion &c. 300; dovetailing; embolism. intermediary, intermedium[obs3]; go between, bodkin !, intruder, interloper; parenthesis, episode, flyleaf. partition, septum, diaphragm; midriff; dissepiment[obs3]; party wall, panel, room divider. halfway house. V. lie between, come between, get between; intervene, slide in, interpenetrate, permeate. put between, introduce, import, throw in, wedge in, edge in, jam in, worm in, foist in, run in, plow in, work in; interpose, interject, intercalate, interpolate, interline, interleave, intersperse, interweave, interlard, interdigitate, sandwich in, fit in, squeeze in; let in, dovetail, splice, mortise; insinuate, smuggle; infiltrate, ingrain. interfere, put in an oar, thrust one's nose in; intrude, obtrude; have a finger in the pie; introduce the thin end of the wedge; thrust in &c. (insert) 300. Adj. interjacent[obs3], intercurrent[obs3], intervenient[obs3], intervening &c. v., intermediate, intermediary, intercalary, interstitial; embolismal[obs3]. parenthetical, episodic; mediterranean; intrusive; embosomed[obs3]; merged. Adv. between, betwixt; twixt; among, amongst; amid, amidst; mid, midst; in the thick of; betwixt and between; sandwich-wise; parenthetically, obiter dictum.
#229. Circumscription. — N. circumscription, limitation, inclosure; confinement &c. (restraint) 751; circumvallation[obs3]; encincture; envelope &c. 232. container (receptacle) 191. V. circumscribe, limit, bound, confine, inclose; surround &c. 227; compass about; imprison &c. (restrain) 751; hedge in, wall in, rail in; fence round, fence in, hedge round; picket; corral. enfold, bury, encase, incase[obs3], pack up, enshrine, inclasp[obs3]; wrap up &c. (invest) 225; embay[obs3], embosom[obs3]. containment (inclusion) 76. Adj. circumscribed &c. v.; begirt[obs3], lapt[obs3]; buried in, immersed in; embosomed[obs3], in the bosom of, imbedded, encysted, mewed up; imprisoned &c. 751; landlocked, in a ring fence.
#230. Outline. — N. outline, circumference; perimeter, periphery, ambit, circuit, lines tournure[obs3], contour, profile, silhouette; bounds; coast line. zone, belt, girth, band, baldric, zodiac, girdle, tyre[Brit], cingle[obs3], clasp, girt; cordon &c. (inclosure) 232; circlet, &c. 247..
#231. Edge. — N. edge, verge, brink, brow, brim, margin, border, confine, skirt, rim, flange, side, mouth; jaws, chops, chaps, fauces; lip, muzzle. threshold, door, porch; portal &c. (opening) 260; coast, shore. frame, fringe, flounce, frill, list, trimming, edging, skirting, hem, selvedge, welt, furbelow, valance, gimp. Adj. border, marginal, skirting; labial, labiated[obs3], marginated[obs3].
#232. Inclosure. — N. inclosure, envelope; case &c. (receptacle) 191; wrapper; girdle &c. 230. pen, fold; pen fold, in fold, sheep fold; paddock, pound; corral; yard; net, seine net. wall, hedge, hedge row; espalier; fence &c. (defense) 717; pale, paling, balustrade, rail, railing, quickset hedge, park paling, circumvallation[obs3], enceinte, ring fence. barrier, barricade; gate, gateway; bent, dingle [U.S.]; door, hatch, cordon; prison &c. 752. dike, dyke, ditch, fosse[obs3], moat. V. inclose, circumscribe &c. 229.
#233. Limit. N. limit, boundary, bounds, confine, enclave, term, bourn, verge, curbstone[obs3], but, pale, reservation; termination, terminus; stint, frontier, precinct, marches; backwoods. boundary line, landmark; line of demarcation, line of circumvallation[obs3]; pillars of Hercules; Rubicon, turning point; ne plus ultra[Lat]; sluice, floodgate. Adj. definite; conterminate , conterminable[obs3]; terminal, frontier; bordering. Adv. thus far, thus far and no further. Phr. stick to the reservation; go beyond the pale.
% Special %
#234. Front. — N. front; fore, forepart; foreground; face, disk, disc, frontage; facade, proscenium, facia[Lat], frontispiece; anteriority[obs3]; obverse [of a medal or coin]. fore rank, front rank; van, vanguard; advanced guard; outpost; first line; scout. brow, forehead, visage, physiognomy, phiz[obs3], countenance, mut*[obs3]; rostrum, beak, bow, stem, prow, prore[obs3], jib. pioneer &c. (precursor) 64; metoposcopy[obs3]. V. be in front, stand in front &c. adj.; front, face, confront; bend forwards; come to the front, come to the fore. Adj. fore, anterior, front, frontal. Adv. before; in front, in the van, in advance; ahead, right ahead; forehead, foremost; in the foreground, in the lee of; before one's face, before one's eyes; face to face, vis-a-vis; front a front. Phr. formosa muta commendatio est [Lat][Syrus]; frons est animi janua [Lat][Cicero]; "Human face divine" [Milton]; imago animi vultus est indices oculi [Lat][Cicero]; "sea of upturned faces" [Scott].
#235. Rear. — N. rear, back, posteriority; rear rank, rear guard; background, hinterland. occiput[Anat], nape, chine; heels; tail, rump, croup, buttock, posteriors, backside scut[obs3], breech, dorsum, loin; dorsal region, lumbar region; hind quarters; aitchbone[obs3]; natch, natch bone. stern, poop, afterpart[obs3], heelpiece[obs3], crupper. wake; train &c. (sequence) 281. reverse; other side of the shield. V. be behind &c. adv.; fall astern; bend backwards; bring up the rear. Adj. back, rear; hind, hinder, hindmost, hindermost[obs3]; postern, posterior; dorsal, after; caudal, lumbar; mizzen, tergal[obs3]. Adv. behind; in the rear, in the background; behind one's back; at the heels of, at the tail of, at the back of; back to back. after, aft, abaft, astern, sternmost[obs3], aback, rearward. Phr. ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio[It][obs3]; the other side of the coin.
#236. Laterality. — N. laterality[obs3]; side, flank, quarter, lee; hand; cheek, jowl, jole[obs3], wing; profile; temple, parietes[Lat], loin, haunch, hip; beam. gable, gable end; broadside; lee side. points of the compass; East, Orient, Levant; West; orientation. V. be on one side &c. adv.; flank, outflank; sidle; skirt; orientate. Adj. lateral, sidelong; collateral; parietal, flanking, skirting; flanked; sideling. many sided; multilateral, bilateral, trilateral, quadrilateral. Eastern; orient, oriental; Levantine; Western, occidental, Hesperian. Adv. sideways, sidelong; broadside on; on one side, abreast, alongside, beside, aside; by the side of; side by side; cheek by jowl &c. (near) 197; to windward, to leeward; laterally &c. adj.; right and left; on her beam ends. Phr. "his cheek the may of days outworn" [Shakespeare].
#237. Contraposition. — N. contraposition[obs3], opposition; polarity; inversion &c. 218; opposite side; reverse, inverse; counterpart; antipodes; opposite poles, North and South. antonym, opposite (contrariety) 14. V. be opposite &c. adj.; subtend. Adj. opposite; reverse, inverse; converse, antipodal, subcontrary[obs3]; fronting, facing, diametrically opposite. Northern, septentrional, Boreal, arctic; Southern, Austral, antarctic. Adv. over, over the way, over against; against; face to face, vis-a- vis; as poles asunder.
#238. Dextrality. — N. dextrality[obs3]; right, right hand; dexter, offside, starboard. Adj. dextral, right-handed; dexter, dextrorsal[obs3], dextrorse[obs3]; ambidextral[obs3], ambidextrous; dextro-. Adv. dextrad[obs3], dextrally[obs3].
#239. Sinistrality. — N. sinistrality[obs3]; left, left hand, a gauche; sinister, nearside[obs3], larboard, port. Adj. left-handed; sinister; sinistral, sinistrorsal[obs3], sinistrorse[obs3], sinistrous[obs3]; Pref. laevo-. Adv. sinistrally, sinistrously[obs3].
% Section III. FORM 1. General Form %
#240. Form. — N. form, figure, shape; conformation, configuration; make, formation, frame, construction, cut, set, build, trim, cut of one's jib; stamp, type, cast, mold; fashion; contour &c. (outline) 230; structure &c. 329; plasmature[obs3]. feature, lineament, turn; phase &c. (aspect) 448; posture, attitude, pose. [Science of form] morphism. [Similarity of form] isomorphism. forming &c. v.; formation, figuration, efformation[obs3]; sculpture; plasmation[obs3]. V. form, shape, figure, fashion, efform[obs3], carve, cut, chisel, hew, cast; rough hew, rough cast; sketch; block out, hammer out; trim; lick into shape, put into shape; model, knead, work up into, set, mold, sculpture; cast, stamp; build &c. (construct) 161. Adj. formed &c. v. [Receiving form] plastic, fictile[obs3]; formative; fluid. [Giving form] plasmic[obs3]. [Similar in form] isomorphous. [taking several forms] pleomorphic; protean; changeable, &c. 149.
#241. [Absence of form.] Amorphism. — N. amorphism[obs3], informity[obs3]; unlicked cub[obs3]; rudis indigestaque moles[Lat]; disorder &c. 59; deformity &c. 243. disfigurement, defacement; mutilation; deforming. chaos, randomness (disorder) 59. [taking form from surroundings] fluid &c. 333. V. deface[Destroy form], disfigure, deform, mutilate, truncate; derange &c. 61; blemish, mar. Adj. shapeless, amorphous, formless; unformed, unhewn[obs3], unfashioned[obs3], unshaped, unshapen; rough, rude, Gothic, barbarous, rugged.
#242. [Regularity of form.] Symmetry. — N. symmetry, shapeliness, finish; beauty &c. 845; proportion, eurythmy[obs3], uniformity, parallelism; bilateral symmetry, trilateral symmetry, multilateral symmetry; centrality &c. 222. arborescence[obs3], branching, ramification; arbor vitae. Adj. symmetrical, shapely, well set, finished; beautiful &c. 845; classic, chaste, severe. regular, uniform, balanced; equal &c. 27; parallel, coextensive. arborescent[obs3], arboriform[obs3]; dendriform[obs3], dendroid[obs3]; branching; ramous[obs3], ramose; filiciform[obs3], filicoid[obs3]; subarborescent[obs3]; papilionaceous[obs3]. fuji-shaped, fujigata[Jap.].
#243. [Irregularity of form.] Distortion. — N. distortion, detortion[obs3], contortion; twist, crookedness &c. (obliquity) 217; grimace; deformity; malformation, malconformation[obs3]; harelip; monstrosity, misproportion[obs3], want of symmetry, anamorphosis[obs3]; ugliness &c. 846; talipes[obs3]; teratology. asymmetry; irregularity. V. distort, contort, twist, warp, wrest, writhe, make faces, deform, misshape. Adj. distorted &c. v.; out of shape, irregular, asymmetric, unsymmetric[obs3], awry, wry, askew, crooked; not true, not straight; on one side, crump[obs3], deformed; harelipped; misshapen, misbegotten; misproportioned[obs3], ill proportioned; ill-made; grotesque, monstrous, crooked as a ram's horn; camel backed, hump backed, hunch backed, bunch backed, crook backed; bandy; bandy legged, bow legged; bow kneed, knock kneed; splay footed, club footed; round shouldered; snub nosed; curtailed of one's fair proportions; stumpy &c. (short) 201; gaunt &c. (thin) 203; bloated &c. 194; scalene; simous[obs3]; taliped[obs3], talipedic[obs3]. Adv. all manner of ways. Phr. crooked as a Virginia fence [U.S.].
% 2. Special Form %
#244. Angularity. — N. angularity, angularness[obs3]; aduncity[obs3]; angle, cusp, bend; fold &c. 258; notch &c. 257; fork, bifurcation. elbow, knee, knuckle, ankle, groin, crotch, crutch, crane, fluke, scythe, sickle, zigzag, kimbo[obs3], akimbo. corner, nook, recess, niche, oriel[Arch], coign[obs3]. right angle &c. (perpendicular) 216a, 212; obliquity &c. 217; angle of 45x, miter; acute angle, obtuse angle, salient angle, reentering angle, spherical angle. angular measurement, angular elevation, angular distance, angular velocity; trigonometry, goniometry; altimetry[obs3]; clinometer, graphometer[obs3], goniometer; theodolite; sextant, quadrant; dichotomy. triangle, trigon[obs3], wedge; rectangle, square, lozenge, diamond; rhomb, rhombus; quadrangle, quadrilateral; parallelogram; quadrature; polygon, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, oxygon[obs3], decagon. pyramid, cone. Platonic bodies; cube, rhomboid; tetrahedron, pentahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, eicosahedron; prism, pyramid; parallelopiped; curb roof, gambrel roof, mansard roof. V. bend, fork, bifurcate, crinkle. Adj. angular, bent, crooked, aduncous[obs3], uncinated[obs3], aquiline, jagged, serrated; falciform[obs3], falcated[obs3]; furcated[obs3], forked, bifurcate, zigzag; furcular[obs3]; hooked; dovetailed; knock kneed, crinkled, akimbo, kimbo[obs3], geniculated[obs3]; oblique &c. 217. fusiform[Microb], wedge-shaped, cuneiform; cuneate[obs3], multangular[obs3], oxygonal[obs3]; triangular, trigonal[obs3], trilateral; quadrangular, quadrilateral; foursquare; rectangular, square, multilateral; polygonal &c. n.; cubical, rhomboid, rhomboidal, pyramidal.
#245. Curvature. N. curvature, curvity[obs3], curvation[obs3]; incurvature[obs3], incurvity ; incurvation[obs3]; bend; flexure, flexion, flection[obs3]; conflexure ; crook, hook, bought, bending; deflection, deflexion[obs3]; inflection, inflexion[obs3]; concameration[obs3]; arcuation[obs3], devexity , turn, deviation, detour, sweep; curl, curling; bough; recurvity[obs3], recurvation[obs3]; sinuosity &c. 248. kink. carve, arc, arch, arcade, vault, bow, crescent, half-moon, lunule[obs3], horseshoe, loop, crane neck; parabola, hyperbola; helix, spiral; catenary[obs3], festoon; conchoid[obs3], cardioid; caustic; tracery; arched ceiling, arched roof; bay window, bow window. sine curve; spline, spline curve, spline function; obliquity &c. 217. V. be curved &c. adj[intrans].; curve, sweep, sway, swag, sag; deviate &c. 279; curl, turn; reenter. [trans] render curved &c. adj.; flex, bend, curve, incurvate[obs3]; inflect; deflect, scatter[Phys]; refract (light) 420; crook; turn, round, arch, arcuate, arch over, concamerate[obs3]; bow, curl, recurve, frizzle. rotundity &c. 249; convexity &c. 250. Adj. curved &c. v.; curviform[obs3], curvilineal[obs3], curvilinear; devex , devious; recurved, recurvous[obs3]; crump[obs3]; bowed &c. v.; vaulted, hooked; falciform[obs3], falcated[obs3]; semicircular, crescentic; sinusoid[Geom], parabolic, paraboloid; luniform[obs3], lunular[obs3]; semilunar, conchoidal[obs3]; helical, double helical, spiral; kinky; cordiform[obs3], cordated[obs3]; cardioid; heart shaped, bell shaped, boat shaped, crescent shaped, lens shaped, moon shaped, oar shaped, shield shaped, sickle shaped, tongue shaped, pear shaped, fig shaped; kidney- shaped, reniform; lentiform[obs3], lenticular; bow-legged &c. (distorted) 243; oblique &c. 217; circular &c. 247. aduncated[obs3], arclike[obs3], arcuate, arched, beaked; bicorn[obs3], bicornuous[obs3], bicornute[obs3]; clypeate[obs3], clypeiform[obs3]; cymbiform[obs3], embowed[obs3], galeiform[obs3]; hamate[obs3], hamiform[obs3], hamous[obs3]; hooked; linguiform[obs3], lingulate[obs3]; lobiform[obs3], lunate, navicular[obs3], peltate[obs3], remiform[obs3], rhamphoid[obs3]; rostrate[obs3], rostriferous[obs3], rostroid[obs3]; scutate[obs3], scaphoid[obs3], uncate[obs3]; unguiculate[obs3], unguiform[obs3].
#246. Straightness. — N. straightness, rectilinearity[obs3], directness; inflexibility &c. (stiffness) 323; straight line, right line, direct line; short cut. V. be straight &c. adj.; have no turning; not incline to either side, not bend to either side, not turn to either side, not deviate to either side; go straight; steer for &c. (directions) 278. render straight, straighten, rectify; set straight, put straight; unbend, unfold, uncurl &c. 248, unravel &c. 219, unwrap. Adj. straight; rectilinear, rectilineal[obs3]; direct, even, right, true, in a line; unbent, virgate &c. v[obs3].; undeviating, unturned, undistorted, unswerving; straight as an arrow &c. (direct) 278; inflexible &c. 323. laser-straight; ramrod-straight.
#247. [Simple circularity.] Circularity. — N. circularity, roundness; rotundity &c. 249. circle, circlet, ring, areola, hoop, roundlet[obs3], annulus, annulet[obs3], bracelet, armlet; ringlet; eye, loop, wheel; cycle, orb, orbit, rundle, zone, belt, cordon, band; contrate wheel[obs3], crown wheel; hub; nave; sash, girdle, cestus[obs3], cincture, baldric, fillet, fascia, wreath, garland; crown, corona, coronet, chaplet, snood, necklace, collar; noose, lasso, lassoo[obs3]. ellipse, oval, ovule; ellipsoid, cycloid; epicycloid[Geom], epicycle; semicircle; quadrant, sextant, sector. sphere &c. 249. V. make round &c. adj.; round. go round; encircle &c. 227; describe a circle &c. 311. Adj. round, rounded, circular, annular, orbicular; oval, ovate; elliptic, elliptical; egg-shaped; pear-shaped &c. 245; cycloidal &c. n[obs3].; spherical &c. 249. Phr. "I watched the little circles die" [Tennyson].
#248. [Complex curvature.] Convolution. N. winding &c. v.; convolution, involution, circumvolution; wave, undulation, tortuosity, anfractuosity[obs3]; sinuosity, sinuation[obs3]; meandering, circuit, circumbendibus[obs3], twist, twirl, windings and turnings, ambages[obs3]; torsion; inosculation[obs3]; reticulation &c. (crossing) 219; rivulation[obs3]; roughness &c. 256. coil, roll, curl; buckle, spiral, helix, corkscrew, worm, volute, rundle; tendril; scollop[obs3], scallop, escalop[obs3]; kink; ammonite, snakestone[obs3]. serpent, eel, maze, labyrinth. knot. V. be convoluted &c. adj.; wind, twine, turn and twist, twirl; wave, undulate, meander; inosculate[obs3]; entwine, intwine[obs3]; twist, coil, roll; wrinkle, curl, crisp, twill; frizzle; crimp, crape, indent, scollop[obs3], scallop, wring, intort[obs3]; contort; wreathe &c. (cross) 219. Adj. convoluted; winding, twisted &c. v.; tortile[obs3], tortive ; wavy; undated, undulatory; circling, snaky, snake-like, serpentine; serpent, anguill[obs3], vermiform; vermicular; mazy, tortuous, sinuous, flexuous, anfractuous[obs3], reclivate[obs3], rivulose[obs3], scolecoid[obs3]; sigmoid, sigmoidal[Geom]; spiriferous[obs3], spiroid[obs3]; involved, intricate, complicated, perplexed; labyrinth, labyrinthic[obs3], labyrinthian[obs3], labyrinthine; peristaltic; daedalian[obs3]; kinky, knotted. wreathy[obs3], frizzly, crepe, buckled; raveled &c. (in disorder) 59. spiral, coiled, helical; cochleate, cochleous; screw-shaped; turbinated, turbiniform[obs3]. Adv. in and out, round and round; a can of worms; Gordian knot.
#249. Rotundity. — N. rotundity; roundness &c. adj.; cylindricity[obs3]; sphericity, spheroidity[obs3]; globosity[obs3]. cylinder, cylindroid[obs3], cylindrical; barrel, drum; roll, roller; rouleau[obs3], column, rolling-pin, rundle. cone, conoid[obs3]; pear shape, egg shape, bell shape. sphere, globe, ball, boulder, bowlder[obs3]; spheroid, ellipsoid; oblong spheroid; oblate spheroid, prolate spheroid; drop, spherule, globule, vesicle, bulb, bullet, pellet, pelote[obs3], clew, pill, marble, pea, knob, pommel, horn; knot (convolution) 248. curved surface, hypersphere; hyperdimensional surface. V. render spherical &c. adj.; form into a sphere, sphere, roll into a ball; give rotundity &c. n.; round. Adj. rotund; round &c. (circular) 247; cylindric, cylindrical, cylindroid[obs3]; columnar, lumbriciform[obs3]; conic, conical; spherical, spheroidal; globular, globated[obs3], globous[obs3], globose; egg shaped, bell shaped, pear shaped; ovoid, oviform; gibbous; rixiform[obs3]; campaniform[obs3], campanulate[obs3], campaniliform[obs3]; fungiform[obs3], bead-like, moniliform[obs3], pyriform[obs3], bulbous; tres atque rotundus[Lat]; round as an orange, round as an apple, round as a ball, round as a billiard ball, round as a cannon ball.
% 3. Superficial Form %
#250. Convexity. N. convexity, prominence, projection, swelling, gibbosity[obs3], bilge, bulge, protuberance, protrusion; camber, cahot [obs3][N. Am.], thank-ye-ma'am [U.S.]. swell. intumescence; tumour[Brit], tumor; tubercle, tuberosity[Anat]; excrescence; hump, hunch, bunch. boss, embossment, hub, hubble [convex body parts] tooth[U.S.], knob, elbow, process, apophysis[obs3], condyle, bulb, node, nodule, nodosity[obs3], tongue, dorsum, bump, clump; sugar loaf &c. (sharpness) 253; bow; mamelon[obs3]; molar; belly, corporation !, pot belly, gut[coll]; withers, back, shoulder, lip, flange. [convexities on skin] pimple, zit [slang]; wen, wheel, papula[Med], pustule, pock, proud flesh, growth, sarcoma, caruncle[obs3], corn, wart, pappiloma, furuncle, polypus[obs3], fungus, fungosity[obs3], exostosis[obs3], bleb, blister, blain[obs3]; boil &c. (disease) 655; airbubble[obs3], blob, papule, verruca. [convex body parts on chest] papilla, nipple, teat, tit [vulgar], titty [vulgar], boob [vulgar], knocker[vulgar], pap, breast, dug, mammilla[obs3]. [prominent convexity on the face] proboscis, nose, neb, beak, snout, nozzle, schnoz[coll]. peg, button, stud, ridge, rib, jutty, trunnion, snag. cupola, dome, arch, balcony, eaves; pilaster. relief, relievo[It], cameo; bassorilievo[obs3], mezzorilevo[obs3], altorivievo; low relief, bas relief[Fr], high relief. hill &c. (height) 206; cape, promontory, mull; forehead, foreland[obs3]; point of land, mole, jetty, hummock, ledge, spur; naze[obs3], ness. V. be prominent &c. adj.; project, bulge, protrude, pout, bouge [Fr], bunch; jut out, stand out, stick out, poke out; stick up, bristle up, start up, cock up, shoot up; swell over, hang over, bend over; beetle. render prominent &c. adj.; raise 307; emboss, chase. [become convex] belly out. Adj. convex, prominent, protuberant, projecting &c. v.; bossed, embossed, bossy, nodular, bunchy; clavate, clavated[obs3], claviform; hummocky[obs3], moutonne[obs3], mammiliform[obs3]; papulous[obs3], papilose[obs3]; hemispheric, bulbous; bowed, arched; bold; bellied; tuberous, tuberculous; tumous[obs3]; cornute[obs3], odontoid[obs3]; lentiform[obs3], lenticular; gibbous; club shaped, hubby [obs3][U.S.], hubbly [obs3][U.S.], knobby, papillose, saddle-shaped, selliform[obs3], subclavate[obs3], torose[obs3], ventricose[obs3], verrucose[obs3]. salient, in relief, raised, repousse; bloated &c, (expanded) 194.
#251. Flatness. — N. flatness &c. adj.; smoothness &c. 255. plane; level &c. 213; plate, platter, table, tablet, slab. V. render flat, flatten; level &c. 213. Adj. flat, plane, even, flush, scutiform[obs3], discoid; level &c. (horizontal) 213; flat as a pancake, flat as a fluke, flat as a flounder, flat as a board, flat as my hand.
#252. Concavity. — N. concavity, depression, dip; hollow, hollowness; indentation, intaglio, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, sinus, alveolus[obs3], lacuna; excavation, strip mine; trough &c. (furrow) 259; honeycomb. cup, basin, crater, punch bowl; cell &c. (receptacle) 191; socket. valley, vale, dale, dell, dingle, combe[obs3], bottom, slade[obs3], strath[obs3], glade, grove, glen, cave, cavern, cove; grot[obs3], grotto; alcove, cul-de-sac; gully &c. 198; arch &c. (curve) 245; bay &c. (of the sea) 343. excavator, sapper, miner. honeycomb (sponge) 252a. V. be concave &c. adj.; retire, cave in. render concave &c. adj.; depress, hollow; scoop, scoop out; gouge, gouge out, dig, delve, excavate, dent, dint, mine, sap, undermine, burrow, tunnel, stave in. Adj. depressed &c. v.; alveolate[obs3], calathiform[obs3], cup-shaped, dishing; favaginous[obs3], faveolate[obs3], favose[obs3]; scyphiform[obs3], scyphose[obs3]; concave, hollow, stove in; retiring; retreating; cavernous; porous &c. (with holes) 260; infundibul[obs3], infundibular[obs3], infundibuliform[obs3]; funnel shaped, bell shaped; campaniform[obs3], capsular; vaulted, arched.
252a Sponge — N. sponge, honeycomb, network; frit[Chem], filter. sieve, net, screen (opening) 260. Adj. cellular, spongy, spongious[obs3]; honeycombed, alveolar; sintered; porous (opening) 260.
#253. Sharpness. — N. sharpness &c. adj.; acuity, acumination[obs3]; spinosity[obs3]. point, spike, spine, spicule[Biol], spiculum[obs3]; needle, hypodermic needle, tack, nail, pin; prick, prickle; spur, rowel, barb; spit, cusp; horn, antler; snag; tag thorn, bristle; Adam's needle[obs3], bear grass [U.S.], tine, yucca. nib, tooth, tusk; spoke, cog, ratchet. crag, crest, arete[Fr], cone peak, sugar loaf, pike, aiguille[obs3]; spire, pyramid, steeple. beard, chevaux de frise[Fr], porcupine, hedgehog, brier, bramble, thistle; comb; awn, beggar's lice, bur, burr, catchweed[obs3], cleavers, clivers[obs3], goose, grass, hairif[obs3], hariff, flax comb, hackle, hatchel[obs3], heckle. wedge; knife edge, cutting edge; blade, edge tool, cutlery, knife, penknife, whittle, razor, razor blade, safety razor, straight razor, electric razor; scalpel; bistoury[obs3], lancet; plowshare, coulter, colter[obs3]; hatchet, ax, pickax, mattock, pick, adze, gill; billhook, cleaver, cutter; scythe, sickle; scissors, shears, pruning shears, cutters, wire cutters, nail clipper, paper cutter; sword &c. (arms) 727; bodkin &c. (perforator) 262; belduque[obs3], bowie knife[obs3], paring knife; bushwhacker [U.S.]; drawing knife, drawing shave; microtome[Microbiol]; chisel, screwdriver blade; flint blade; guillotine. sharpener, hone, strop; grindstone, whetstone; novaculite[obs3]; steel, emery. V. be sharp &c. adj.; taper to a point; bristle with. render sharp &c. adj.; sharpen, point, aculeate, whet, barb, spiculate[obs3], set, strop, grind; chip [flint]. cut &c. (sunder) 44. Adj. sharp, keen; acute; acicular, aciform[obs3]; aculeated[obs3], acuminated[obs3]; pointed; tapering; conical, pyramidal; mucronate[obs3], mucronated[obs3]; spindle shaped, needle shaped; spiked, spiky, ensiform[obs3], peaked, salient; cusped, cuspidate, cuspidated[obs3]; cornute[obs3], cornuted[obs3], cornicultate[obs3]; prickly; spiny, spinous[obs3], spicular; thorny, bristling, muricated[obs3], pectinated[obs3], studded, thistly, briary[obs3]; craggy &c. (rough) 256; snaggy, digitated[obs3], two-edged, fusiform[Microb]; dentiform[obs3], denticulated; toothed; odontoid[obs3]; starlike; stellated[obs3], stelliform[obs3]; sagittate[obs3], sagittiform[obs3]; arrowheaded[obs3]; arrowy[obs3], barbed, spurred. acinaciform; apiculate[obs3], apiculated[obs3]; aristate[obs3], awned, awny[obs3], bearded, calamiform[obs3], cone-shaped, coniform[obs3], crestate[obs3], echinate[obs3], gladiate[obs3]; lanceolate[obs3], lanciform; awl, awl-shaped, lance-shaped, awl-shaped, scimitar-shaped, sword-shaped; setarious[obs3], spinuliferous[obs3], subulate[obs3], tetrahedral, xiphoid[obs3]. cutting; sharp edged, knife edged; sharp as a razor, keen as a razor; sharp as a needle, sharp as a tack; sharpened &c. v.; set.
#254. Bluntness. — N. bluntness &c. adj. V. be blunt, render blunt &c. adj.; obtund[obs3], dull; take off the point, take off the edge; turn. Adj. blunt, obtuse, dull, bluff; edentate, toothless.
#255. Smoothness. — N. smoothness &c. adj.; polish, gloss; lubricity, lubrication. [smooth materials] down, velvet, velure, silk, satin; velveteen, velour, velours, velumen[obs3]; glass, ice. slide; bowling green &c. (level) 213; asphalt, wood pavement, flagstone, flags. [objects used to smooth other objects] roller, steam roller, lawn roller, rolling pin, rolling mill; sand paper, emery paper, emery cloth, sander; flat iron, sad iron; burnisher, turpentine and beeswax; polish, shoe polish. [art of cutting and polishing gemstones] lapidary. [person who polishes gemstones] lapidary, lapidarian. V. smooth, smoothen[obs3]; plane; file; mow, shave; level, roll; macadamize; polish, burnish, calender[obs3], glaze; iron, hot-press, mangle; lubricate &c. (oil) 332. Adj. smooth; polished &c. v.; leiodermatous[obs3], slick, velutinous[obs3]; even; level &c. 213; plane &c. (flat) 251; sleek, glossy; silken, silky; lanate[obs3], downy, velvety; glabrous, slippery, glassy, lubricous, oily, soft, unwrinkled[obs3]; smooth as glass, smooth as ice, smooth as monumental alabaster, smooth as velvet, smooth as oil; slippery as an eel; woolly &c. (feathery) 256. Phr. smooth as silk; slippery as coonshit on a pump handle; slippery as a greased pig.
#256. Roughness. N. roughness &c. adj.; tooth, grain, texture, ripple; asperity, rugosity[obs3], salebrosity , corrugation, nodosity[obs3]; arborescence[obs3] &c. 242; pilosity[obs3]. brush, hair, beard, shag, mane, whisker, moustache, imperial, tress, lock, curl, ringlet; fimbriae, pili, cilia, villi; lovelock; beaucatcher[obs3]; curl paper; goatee; papillote, scalp lock. plumage, plumosity[obs3]; plume, panache, crest; feather, tuft, fringe, toupee. wool, velvet, plush, nap, pile, floss, fur, down; byssus[obs3], moss, bur; fluff. knot (convolution) 248. V. be rough &c. adj.; go against the grain. render-rough &c. adj.; roughen, ruffle, crisp, crumple, corrugate, set on edge, stroke the wrong way, rumple. Adj. rough, uneven, scabrous, scaly ,knotted; rugged, rugose[obs3], rugous[obs3]; knurly[obs3]; asperous[obs3], crisp, salebrous , gnarled, unpolished, unsmooth[obs3], roughhewn[obs3]; craggy, cragged; crankling[obs3], scraggy; prickly &c. (sharp) 253; arborescent &c. 242[obs3]; leafy, well-wooded; feathery; plumose, plumigerous[obs3]; laciniate[obs3], laciniform[obs3], laciniose[obs3]; pappose[obs3]; pileous[obs3], pilose[obs3]; trichogenous[obs3], trichoid[Med]; tufted, fimbriated, hairy, ciliated, filamentous, hirsute; crinose[obs3], crinite[obs3]; bushy, hispid, villous, pappous[obs3], bearded, pilous[obs3], shaggy, shagged; fringed, befringed[obs3]; setous , setose[obs3], setaceous; "like quills upon the fretful porcupine" [Hamlet]; rough as a nutmeg grater, rough as a bear. downy, velvety, flocculent, woolly; lanate[obs3], lanated[obs3]; lanuginous[obs3], lanuginose[obs3]; tomentose[obs3]; fluffy. Adv. against the grain. Phr. cabello luengo y corto el seso[Sp].
#257. Notch. — N. notch, dent, nick, cut; indent, indentation; dimple. embrasure, battlement, machicolation[obs3]; saw, tooth, crenelle[obs3], scallop, scollop[obs3], vandyke; depression; jag. V. notch, nick, cut, dent, indent, jag, scarify, scotch, crimp, scallop, scollop[obs3], crenulate[obs3], vandyke. Adj. notched &c. v.; crenate[obs3], crenated[obs3]; dentate, dentated; denticulate, denticulated; toothed, palmated[obs3], serrated.
#258. Fold. N. fold, plicature[obs3], plait, pleat, ply, crease; tuck, gather; flexion, flexure, joint, elbow, double, doubling, duplicature[obs3], gather, wrinkle, rimple[obs3], crinkle, crankle[obs3], crumple, rumple, rivel[obs3], ruck[obs3], ruffle, dog's ear, corrugation, frounce[obs3], flounce, lapel; pucker, crow's feet; plication[obs3]. V. fold, double, plicate[obs3], plait, crease, wrinkle, crinkle, crankle[obs3], curl, cockle up, cocker, rimple[obs3], rumple, flute, frizzle, frounce[obs3], rivel[obs3], twill, corrugate, ruffle, crimple , crumple, pucker; turn down, double down, down under; tuck, ruck[obs3], hem, gather. Adj. folded, fluted, pleated &c. v..
#259. Furrow. — N. furrow, groove, rut, sulcus[Anat], scratch, streak, striae, crack, score, incision, slit; chamfer, fluting; corduroy road, cradle hole. channel, gutter, trench, ditch, dike, dyke; moat, fosse[obs3], trough, kennel; ravine &c. (interval) 198; tajo [obs3][U.S.], thank-ye-ma'am [U.S.]. V. furrow &c. n.; flute, plow; incise, engrave, etch, bite in. Adj. furrowed &c. v.; ribbed, striated, sulcated[Anat], fluted, canaliculated[obs3]; bisulcous[obs3], bisulcate[obs3], bisulcated[obs3]; canaliferous[obs3]; trisulcate[obs3]; corduroy; unisulcate[obs3]; costate[obs3], rimiform[obs3].
#260. Opening N. hole, foramen; puncture, perforation; fontanel[obs3]; transforation[obs3]; pinhole, keyhole, loophole, porthole, peephole, mousehole, pigeonhole; eye of a needle; eyelet; slot. opening; aperture, apertness[obs3]; hiation[obs3], yawning, oscitancy[obs3], dehiscence, patefaction , pandiculation[obs3]; chasm &c. (interval) 198. embrasure, window, casement; abatjour[obs3]; light; sky light, fan light; lattice; bay window, bow window; oriel[Arch]; dormer, lantern. outlet, inlet; vent, vomitory; embouchure; orifice, mouth, sucker, muzzle, throat, gullet, weasand[obs3], wizen, nozzle; placket. portal, porch, gate, ostiary , postern, wicket, trapdoor, hatch, door; arcade; cellarway[obs3], driveway, gateway, doorway, hatchway, gangway; lich gate[obs3]. way, path &c. 627; thoroughfare; channel; passage, passageway; tube, pipe; water pipe &c. 350; air pipe &c. 351; vessel, tubule, canal, gut, fistula; adjutage[obs3], ajutage[obs3]; ostium[obs3]; smokestack; chimney, flue, tap, funnel, gully, tunnel, main; mine, pit, adit[obs3], shaft; gallery. alley, aisle, glade, vista. bore, caliber; pore; blind orifice; fulgurite[obs3], thundertube[obs3]. porousness, porosity. sieve, cullender[obs3], colander; cribble[obs3], riddle, screen; honeycomb. apertion[obs3], perforation; piercing &c. v.; terebration[obs3], empalement[obs3], pertusion , puncture, acupuncture, penetration. key &c. 631, opener, master key, password, combination, passe-partout. V. open, ope[obs3], gape, yawn, bilge; fly open. perforate, pierce, empierce , tap, bore, drill; mine &c. (scoop out) 252; tunnel; transpierce[obs3], transfix; enfilade, impale, spike, spear, gore, spit, stab, pink, puncture, lance, stick, prick, riddle, punch; stave in. cut a passage through; make way for, make room for. uncover, unclose, unrip[obs3]; lay open, cut open, rip open, throw open, pop open, blow open, pry open, tear open, pull open. Adj. open; perforated &c. v.; perforate; wide open, ajar, unclosed, unstopped; oscitant[obs3], gaping, yawning; patent. tubular, cannular[obs3], fistulous; pervious, permeable; foraminous[obs3]; vesicular, vasicular[obs3]; porous, follicular, cribriform[obs3], honeycombed, infundibular[obs3], riddled; tubulous[obs3], tubulated[obs3]; piped, tubate[obs3]. opening &c. v.; aperient[obs3]. Int. open sesame!
#261. Closure. N. closure, occlusion, blockade; shutting up &c. v.; obstruction &c. (hindrance) 706; embolus; contraction &c. 195; infarction; constipation, obstipation[obs3]; blind alley, blind corner; keddah[obs3]; cul-de-sac, caecum; imperforation[obs3], imperviousness &c. adj.; impermeability; stopper &c. 263. V. close, occlude, plug; block up, stop up, fill up, bung up, cork up, button up, stuff up, shut up, dam up; blockade, obstruct &c. (hinder) 706; bar, bolt, stop, seal, plumb; choke, throttle; ram down, dam, cram; trap, clinch; put to the door, shut the door. Adj. closed &c. v.; shut, operculated[obs3]; unopened. unpierced[obs3], imporous[obs3], caecal[Med]; closable; imperforate, impervious, impermeable; impenetrable; impassable, unpassable 2; invious ; pathless, wayless[obs3]; untrodden, untrod. unventilated; air tight, water tight; hermetically sealed; tight, snug.
#262. Perforator. — N. perforator, piercer, borer, auger, chisel, gimlet, stylet[obs3], drill, wimble[obs3], awl, bradawl, scoop, terrier, corkscrew, dibble, trocar[Med], trepan, probe, bodkin, needle, stiletto, rimer, warder, lancet; punch, puncheon; spikebit[obs3], gouge; spear &c. (weapon) 727; puncher; punching machine, punching press; punch pliers.
#263. Stopper. — N. stopper, stopple; plug, cork, bung, spike, spill, stopcock, tap; rammer[obs3]; ram, ramrod; piston; stop-gap; wadding, stuffing, padding, stopping, dossil[obs3], pledget[obs3], tompion[obs3], tourniquet. cover &c. 223; valve, vent peg, spigot, slide valve. janitor, doorkeeper, porter, warder, beadle, cerberus, ostiary[obs3].
% Section IV. MOTION 1. Motion in General %
#264. [Successive change of place.] Motion. — N. motion, movement, move; going &c. v.; unrest. stream, flow, flux, run, course, stir; evolution; kinematics; telekinesis. step, rate, pace, tread, stride, gait, port, footfall, cadence, carriage, velocity, angular velocity; clip, progress, locomotion; journey &c. 266; voyage &c. 267; transit &c. 270. restlessness &c. (changeableness) 149; mobility; movableness, motive power; laws of motion; mobilization. V. be in motion &c. adj.; move, go, hie, gang, budge, stir, pass, flit; hover about, hover round, hover about; shift, slide, glide; roll, roll on; flow, stream, run, drift, sweep along; wander &c. (deviate) 279; walk &c. 266; change one's place, shift one's place, change one's quarters, shift one's quarters; dodge; keep going, keep moving; put in motion, set in motion; move; impel &c. 276; propel &c. 284; render movable, mobilize. Adj. moving &c. v.; in motion; transitional; motory[obs3], motive; shifting, movable, mobile, mercurial, unquiet; restless &c. (changeable) 149; nomadic &c. 266; erratic &c. 279. Adv. under way; on the move, on the wing, on the tramp, on the march. Phr. eppur si muove [It][Galileo]; es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille[Ger], sich ein Charakter in dem Strom der Welt[Ger].
#265. Quiescence. N. rest; stillness &c. adj.; quiescence; stagnation, stagnancy; fixity, immobility, catalepsy; indisturbance[obs3]; quietism. quiet, tranquility, calm; repose &c. 687; peace; dead calm, anticyclone !; statue-like repose; silence &c. 203; not a breath of air, not a mouse stirring; sleep &c. (inactivity) 683. pause, lull &c. (cessation) 142; stand still; standing still &c. v.; lock; dead lock, dead stop, dead stand; full stop; fix; embargo. resting place; gite[Fr]; bivouac; home &c. (abode) 189; pillow &c. (support) 215; haven &c. (refuge) 666; goal &c. (arrival) 292. V. be quiescent &c. adj.; stand still, lie still; keep quiet, repose, hold the breath. remain, stay; stand, lie to, ride at anchor, remain in situ, tarry, mark time; bring to, heave to, lay to; pull up, draw up; hold, halt; stop, stop short; rest, pause, anchor; cast to an anchor, come to an anchor; rest on one's oars; repose on one's laurels, take breath; stop &c. (discontinue) 142. stagnate; quieta non movere[Lat]; let alone; abide, rest and be thankful; keep within doors, stay at home, go to bed. dwell &c. (be present) 186; settle &c. (be located) 184; alight &c. (arrive) 292 stick, stick fast; stand like a post; not stir a peg, not stir a step; be at a stand &c. n. quell, becalm, hush, stay, lull to sleep, lay an embargo on. Adj. quiescent, still; motionless, moveless; fixed; stationary; immotile; at rest at a stand, at a standstill, at anchor; stock, still; standing still &c. v.; sedentary, untraveled, stay-at-home; becalmed, stagnant, quiet; unmoved, undisturbed, unruffled; calm, restful; cataleptic; immovable &c. (stable) 150; sleeping &c. (inactive) 683; silent &c. 403; still as a statue, still as a post, still as a mouse, still as death; vegetative, vegetating. Adv. at a stand &c. adj.; tout court; at the halt. Int. stop! stay! avast! halt! hold hard! whoa! hold! sabr karo[obs3]!. Phr. requiescat in pace[Lat]; Deus nobis haec otia fecit [Lat][Vergil]; "the noonday quiet holds the hill" [Tennyson].
#266. [Locomotion by land.] Journey. N. travel; traveling &c. v. wayfaring, campaigning. journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, grand tour, circuit, peregrination, discursion , ramble, pilgrimage, hajj, trek, course, ambulation[obs3], march, walk, promenade, constitutional, stroll, saunter, tramp, jog trot, turn, stalk, perambulation; noctambulation[obs3], noctambulism; somnambulism; outing, ride, drive, airing, jaunt. equitation, horsemanship, riding, manege[Fr], ride and tie; basophobia[obs3]. roving, vagrancy, pererration ; marching and countermarching; nomadism; vagabondism, vagabondage; hoboism [U.S.]; gadding; flit, flitting, migration; emigration, immigration, demigration , intermigration[obs3]; wanderlust. plan, itinerary, guide; handbook, guidebook, road book; Baedeker[obs3], Bradshaw, Murray; map, road map, transportation guide, subway map. procession, cavalcade, caravan, file, cortege, column. [Organs and instruments of locomotion] vehicle &c. 272; automobile, train, bus, airplane, plane, autobus, omnibus, subway, motorbike, dirt bike, off-road vehicle, van, minivan, motor scooter, trolley, locomotive; legs, feet, pegs, pins, trotters. traveler &c. 268. depot [U.S.], railway station, station. V. travel, journey, course; take a journey, go a journey; take a walk, go out for walk &c. n.; have a run; take the air. flit, take wing; migrate, emigrate; trek; rove, prowl, roam, range, patrol, pace up and down, traverse; scour the country, traverse the country; peragrate ; circumambulate, perambulate; nomadize[obs3], wander, ramble, stroll, saunter, hover, go one's rounds, straggle; gad, gad about; expatiate. walk, march, step, tread, pace, plod, wend, go by shank's mare; promenade; trudge, tramp; stalk, stride, straddle, strut, foot it, hoof it, stump, bundle, bowl along, toddle; paddle; tread a path. take horse, ride, drive, trot, amble, canter, prance, fisk[obs3], frisk, caracoler[obs3], caracole; gallop &c. (move quickly) 274. [start riding] embark, board, set out, hit the road, get going, get underway. peg on, jog on, wag on, shuffle on; stir one's stumps; bend one's steps, bend one's course; make one's way, find one's way, wend one's way, pick one's way, pick one's way, thread one's way, plow one's way; slide, glide, coast, skim, skate; march in procession, file on, defile. go to, repair to, resort to, hie to, betake oneself to. Adj. traveling &c. v.; ambulatory, itinerant, peripatetic, roving, rambling, gadding, discursive, vagrant, migratory, monadic; circumforanean[obs3], circumforaneous[obs3]; noctivagrant[obs3], mundivagrant; locomotive. wayfaring, wayworn; travel-stained. Adv. on foot, on horseback, on Shanks's mare; by the Marrowbone stage, in transitu &c. 270[Lat]; en route &c. 282. Int. come along!
#267. [Locomotion by water, or air.] Navigation. — N. navigation; aquatics; boating, yachting; ship &c. 273; oar, paddle, screw, sail, canvas, aileron. natation[obs3], swimming; fin, flipper, fish's tail. aerostation[obs3], aerostatics[obs3], aeronautics; balloonery[obs3]; balloon &c. 273; ballooning, aviation, airmanship; flying, flight, volitation[obs3]; wing, pinion; rocketry, space travel, astronautics, orbital mechanics, orbiting. voyage, sail, cruise, passage, circumnavigation, periplus[obs3]; headway, sternway, leeway; fairway. mariner &c. 269. flight, trip; shuttle, run, airlift. V. sail; put to sea &c. (depart) 293; take ship, get under way; set sail, spread sail, spread canvas; gather way, have way on; make sail, carry sail; plow the waves, plow the deep, plow the main, plow the ocean; walk the waters. navigate, warp, luff[obs3], scud, boom, kedge; drift, course, cruise, coast; hug the shore, hug the land; circumnavigate. ply the oar, row, paddle, pull, scull, punt, steam. swim, float; buffet the waves, ride the storm, skim, effleurer[Fr], dive, wade. fly, be wafted, hover, soar, flutter, jet, orbit, rocket; take wing, take a flight, take off, ascend, blast off, land, alight; wing one's flight, wing one's way; aviate; parachute, jump, glide. Adj. sailing &c. v.; volant[obs3], aerostatic[obs3]; seafaring, nautical, maritime, naval; seagoing, coasting; afloat; navigable; aerial, aeronautic; grallatory[obs3]. Adv. under way, under sail, under canvas, under steam; on the wing, in flight, in orbit. Phr. bon voyage; "spread the thin oar and catch the driving gale" [Pope].
#268. Traveler. — N. traveler, wayfarer, voyager, itinerant, passenger, commuter. tourist, excursionist, explorer, adventurer, mountaineer, hiker, backpacker, Alpine Club; peregrinator[obs3], wanderer, rover, straggler, rambler; bird of passage; gadabout, gadling[obs3]; vagrant, scatterling[obs3], landloper[obs3], waifs and estrays[obs3], wastrel, foundling; loafer; tramp, tramper; vagabond, nomad, Bohemian, gypsy, Arab[obs3], Wandering Jew, Hadji, pilgrim, palmer; peripatetic; somnambulist, emigrant, fugitive, refugee; beach comber, booly[obs3]; globegirdler[obs3], globetrotter; vagrant, hobo [U.S.], night walker, sleep walker; noctambulist, runabout, straphanger, swagman, swagsman [obs3][Aust.]; trecker[obs3], trekker, zingano[obs3], zingaro[obs3]. runner, courier; Mercury, Iris, Ariel[obs3], comet. pedestrian, walker, foot passenger; cyclist; wheelman. rider, horseman, equestrian, cavalier, jockey, roughrider, trainer, breaker. driver, coachman, whip, Jehu, charioteer, postilion, postboy[obs3], carter, wagoner, drayman[obs3]; cabman, cabdriver; voiturier[obs3], vetturino[obs3], condottiere[obs3]; engine driver; stoker, fireman, guard; chauffeur, conductor, engineer, gharry-wallah[obs3], gari-wala[obs3], hackman, syce[obs3], truckman[obs3]. Phr. on the road
#269. Mariner. — N. sailor, mariner, navigator; seaman, seafarer, seafaring man; dock walloper*; tar, jack tar, salt, able seaman, A. B.; man-of-war's man, bluejacket, galiongee[obs3], galionji[obs3], marine, jolly, midshipman, middy; skipper; shipman[obs3], boatman, ferryman, waterman[obs3], lighterman[obs3], bargeman, longshoreman; bargee[obs3], gondolier; oar, oarsman; rower; boatswain, cockswain[obs3]; coxswain; steersman, pilot; crew. aerial navigator, aeronaut, balloonist, Icarus; aeroplanist[obs3], airman, aviator, birdman, man-bird, wizard of the air, aviatrix, flier, pilot, test pilot, glider pilot, bush pilot, navigator, flight attendant, steward, stewardess, crew; astronaut, cosmonaut; parachutist, paratrooper.
#270. Transference. N. transfer, transference; translocation, elocation ; displacement; metastasis, metathesis; removal; remotion[obs3], amotion[obs3]; relegation; deportation, asportation[obs3]; extradition, conveyance, draft, carrying, carriage; convection, conduction, contagion; transfer &c. (of property) 783. transit, transition; passage, ferry, gestation; portage, porterage[obs3], carting, cartage; shoveling &c. v.; vection , vecture , vectitation ; shipment, freight, wafture[obs3]; transmission, transport, transportation, importation, exportation, transumption[obs3], transplantation, translation; shifting, dodging; dispersion &c. 73; transposition &c. (interchange) 148; traction &c. 285. [Thing transferred] drift. V. transfer, transmit, transport, transplace[obs3], transplant, translocate; convey, carry, bear, fetch and carry; carry over, ferry over; hand pass, forward; shift; conduct, convoy, bring, fetch, reach; tote [U.S.]; port, import, export. send, delegate, consign, relegate, turn over to, deliver; ship, embark; waft; shunt; transpose &c. (interchange) 148; displace &c. 185; throw &c. 284; drag &c. 285; mail, post. shovel, ladle, decant, draft off, transfuse, infuse, siphon. Adj. transferred &c. v.; drifted, movable; portable, portative[obs3]; mailable [U.S.]; contagious. Adv. from hand to hand, from pillar to post. on the way, by the way; on the road, on the wing, under way, in transit, on course; as one goes; in transitu[Lat], en route, chemin faisant[Fr], en passant[Fr], in mid progress, in mid course.
#271. Carrier. N. carrier, porter, bearer, tranter , conveyer; cargador[obs3]; express, expressman; stevedore, coolie; conductor, locomotive, motor. beast, beast of burden, cattle, horse, nag, palfrey, Arab[obs3], blood horse, thoroughbred, galloway[obs3], charger, courser, racer, hunter, jument[obs3], pony, filly, colt, foal, barb, roan, jade, hack, bidet, pad, cob, tit, punch, roadster, goer[obs3]; racehorse, pack horse, draft horse, cart horse, dray horse, post horse; ketch; Shetland pony, shelty, sheltie; garran[obs3], garron[obs3]; jennet, genet[obs3], bayard[obs3], mare, stallion, gelding; bronco, broncho[obs3], cayuse [U.S.]; creature, critter [rural U.S.]; cow pony, mustang, Narraganset, waler[obs3]; stud. Pegasus, Bucephalus, Rocinante. ass, donkey, jackass, mule, hinny; sumpter horse, sumpter mule; burro, cuddy[obs3], ladino [obs3][U.S.]; reindeer; camel, dromedary, llama, elephant; carrier pigeon. [object used for carrying] pallet, brace, cart, dolley; support &c. 215; fork lift. carriage &c. (vehicle) 272; ship &c. 273. Adj. equine, asinine.
#272. Vehicle. — N. vehicle, conveyance, carriage, caravan, van; common carrier; wagon, waggon[obs3], wain, dray, cart, lorry. truck, tram; cariole, carriole[obs3]; limber, tumbrel, pontoon; barrow; wheel barrow, hand barrow; perambulator; Bath chair, wheel chair, sedan chair; chaise; palankeen[obs3], palanquin; litter, brancard[obs3], crate, hurdle, stretcher, ambulance; black Maria; conestoga wagon, conestoga wain; jinrikisha, ricksha, brett[obs3], dearborn [obs3][U.S.], dump cart, hack, hackery[obs3], jigger, kittereen[obs3], mailstate[obs3], manomotor[obs3], rig, rockaway[obs3], prairie schooner [U.S.], shay, sloven [Can.], team, tonga[obs3], wheel; hobbyhorse, go-cart; cycle; bicycle, bike, two-wheeler; tricycle, velocipede, quadricycle[obs3]. equipage, turn-out; coach, chariot, phaeton, break, mail phaeton, wagonette, drag, curricle[obs3], tilbury[obs3], whisky, landau, barouche, victoria, brougham, clarence[obs3], calash, caleche[French], britzka[obs3], araba[obs3], kibitka[obs3]; berlin; sulky, desobligeant[French], sociable, vis-a-vis, dormeuse[Fr]; jaunting car, outside car; dandi[obs3]; doolie[obs3], dooly[obs3]; munchil[obs3], palki[obs3]; roller skates, skate; runabout; ski; tonjon[obs3]; vettura[obs3]. post chaise, diligence, stage; stage coach, mail coach, hackney coach, glass coach; stage wagon, car, omnibus, fly, cabriolet[obs3], cab, hansom, shofle[obs3], four-wheeler, growler, droshki[obs3], drosky[obs3]. dogcart, trap, whitechapel, buggy, four-in-hand, unicorn, random, tandem; shandredhan[obs3], char-a-bancs[French]. motor car, automobile, limousine, car, auto, jalopy, clunker, lemon, flivver, coupe, sedan, two-door sedan, four-door sedan, luxury sedan; wheels [coll.], sports car, roadster, gran turismo[It], jeep, four-wheel drive vehicle, electric car, steamer; golf cart, electric wagon; taxicab, cab, taxicoach[obs3], checker cab, yellow cab; station wagon, family car; motorcycle, motor bike, side car; van, minivan, bus, minibus, microbus; truck, wagon, pick-up wagon, pick-up, tractor-trailer, road train, articulated vehicle; racing car, racer, hot rod, stock car, souped-up car.. bob, bobsled, bobsleigh[obs3]; cutter; double ripper, double runner [U.S.]; jumper, sled, sledge, sleigh, toboggan. train; accommodation train, passenger train, express trail, special train, corridor train, parliamentary train, luggage train, freight train, goods train; 1st class train, 2nd class train, 3rd class train, 1st class carriage, 2nd class carriage, 3rd class carriage, 1st class compartment, 2nd class compartment, 3rd class compartment; rolling stock; horse box, cattle truck; baggage car, express car, freight car, parlor car, dining car, Pullman car, sleeping car, sleeper, dome car; surface car, tram car, trolley car; box car, box wagon; horse car [U.S.]; bullet train, shinkansen [Jap.], cannonball, the Wabash cannonball, lightning express; luggage van; mail, mail car, mail van. shovel, spool, spatula, ladle, hod, hoe; spade, spaddle[obs3], loy[obs3]; spud; pitchfork; post hole digger. [powered construction vehicles] tractor, steamshovel, backhoe, fork lift, earth mover, dump truck, bulldozer, grader, caterpillar, trench digger, steamroller; pile driver; crane, wrecking crane. |