#815. Cheapness.— N. cheapness, low price; depreciation; bargain; good penny &c. worth; snap [U.S.]. [Absence of charge] gratuity; free quarters, free seats, free admission, pass, free pass, free warren, give-away, freebee [coll.]; run of one's teeth; nominal price, peppercorn rent; labor of love. drug in the market; deadhead[obs3]. V. be cheap &c. adj.; cost little; come down in price, fall in price. buy for a mere nothing, buy for an old song; have one's money's worth. Adj. cheap; low, low priced; moderate, reasonable; inexpensive, unexpensive[obs3]; well worth the money, worth the money; magnifique et pas cher[French]; good at the price, cheap at the price; dirt cheap, dog cheap; cheap, cheap as dirt, cheap and nasty; catchpenny; discounted &c. 813. half-price, depreciated, unsalable. gratuitous, gratis, free, for nothing; costless, expenseless[obs3]; without charge, not charged, untaxed; scotfree, shotfree[obs3], rent-free; free of cost, free of expense; honorary, unbought, unpaid. Adv. for a mere song, for a song; at cost, at cost price, at prime cost, at a reduction; a bon marche[Fr].
#816. Liberality.— N. liberality, generosity, munificence; bounty, bounteousness, bountifulness; hospitality; charity &c. (beneficence) 906. V. be liberal &c.adj.; spend freely, bleed freely; shower down upon; open one's purse strings &c. (disburse) 809; spare no expense, give carte blanche[Fr]. Adj. liberal, free, generous; charitable &c. (beneficent) 906; hospitable; bountiful, bounteous; handsome; unsparing, ungrudging; unselfish; open handed, free handed, full handed; open hearted, large hearted, free hearted; munificent, princely. overpaid. Phr. "handsome is that handsome does" [Goldsmith].
#817. Economy.— N. economy, frugality; thrift, thriftiness; care, husbandry, good housewifery, savingness[obs3], retrenchment. savings; prevention of waste, save-all; cheese parings and candle ends; parsimony &c. 819. cost-cutting, cost control. V. be economical &c. adj.; practice economy; economize, save; retrench, cut back expenses, cut expenses; cut one's coat according to one's cloth, make both ends meet, keep within compass, meet one's expenses, pay one's way, pay as you go; husband &c. (lay by) 636. save money, invest money; put out to interest; provide for a rainy day, save for a rainy day, provide against a rainy day, save against a rainy day; feather one's nest; look after the main chance. cut costs. Adj. economical, frugal, careful, thrifty, saving, chary, spare, sparing; parsimonious &c.819. underpaid. Adv. sparingly &c. adj.; ne quid nimis[Lat]. Phr. adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit[Latin]; magnum est vectigal parsimonia [Latin][Cicero].
#817a. Greed [excessive desire] N. covetousness, ravenousness &c. adj.; venality, avidity, cupidity; acquisitiveness (acquisition) 775; desire &c. 865. [greed for money or material things] greed, greediness, avarice, avidity, rapacity, extortion. selfishness &c.943; auri sacra fames[Lat]. grasping, craving, canine appetite, rapacity. V. covet, crave (desire) 865; grasp; exact, extort. Adj. greedy, avaricious, covetous, acquisitive, grasping; rapacious; lickerish[obs3]. greedy as a hog; overeager; voracious; ravenous, ravenous as a wolf; openmouthed, extortionate, exacting, sordid !, alieni appetens[Lat]; insatiable, insatiate; unquenchable, quenchless; omnivorous.
#818. Prodigality. N. prodigality, prodigence ; unthriftiness[obs3], waste; profusion, profuseness; extravagance; squandering &c. v.; malversation. prodigal; spendthrift, waste thrift; losel[obs3], squanderer[obs3], locust; high roller* [U.S.]. V. be prodigal &c. adj.; squander, lavish, sow broadcast; pour forth like water; blow, blow in*; pay through the nose &c. (dear) 814; spill, waste, dissipate, exhaust, drain, eat out of house and home, overdraw, outrun the constable; run out, run through; misspend; throw good money after bad, throw the helve after the hatchet[obs3]; burn the candle at both ends; make ducks and drakes of one's money; fool away one's money, potter away one's money, muddle away one's money, fritter away one's money, throw away one's money, run through one's money; pour water into a sieve, kill the goose that lays the golden eggs; manger son ble en herbe[Fr]. Adj. prodigal, profuse, thriftless, unthrifty, improvident, wasteful, losel[obs3], extravagant, lavish, dissipated, overliberal; full-handed &c. (liberal) 816. penny wise and pound foolish. Adv. with an unsparing hand; money burning a hole in one's pocket. Phr. amor nummi [Latin]; facile largiri de alieno[Lat]; wie gewonnen so zerronnen [German]; les fous font les festins et les sages les mangent [French]; "spendthrift alike of money and of wit" [Cowper]; "squandering wealth was his peculiar art" [Dryden].
<— separate greed, acquisitiveness => 817a from parsimony, frugality —>
#819. Parsimony. N. parsimony, parcity ; parsimoniousness[obs3], stinginess &c. adj.; stint; illiberality, tenacity. avarice, greed &c. 817a. miser, niggard, churl, screw, skinflint, crib, codger, muckworm[obs3], scrimp, lickpenny[obs3], hunks, curmudgeon, Harpagon, harpy, extortioner, Jew, usurer; Hessian [U.S.]; pinch fist, pinch penny. V. be parsimonious &c. adj.; grudge, begrudge, stint, pinch, gripe, screw, dole out, hold back, withhold, starve, famish, live upon nothing, skin a flint. drive a bargain, drive a hard bargain; cheapen, beat down; stop one hole in a sieve; have an itching palm, grasp, grab. Adj. parsimonious, penurious, stingy, miserly, mean, shabby, peddling, scrubby, penny wise, near, niggardly, close; fast handed, close handed, strait handed; close fisted, hard fisted, tight fisted; tight, sparing; chary; grudging, griping &c. v.; illiberal, ungenerous, churlish, hidebound, sordid, mercenary, venal, covetous, usurious, avaricious, greedy, extortionate, rapacious. Adv. with a sparing hand. Phr. desunt inopioe multa avaritiae omnia [Latin][Syrus]; "hoards after hoards his rising raptures fill" [Goldsmith]; "the unsunn'd heaps of miser's treasures" [Milton].
Section I. Affections in General %
#820. Affections. N. affections, affect; character, qualities, disposition, nature, spirit, tone; temper, temperament; diathesis[obs3], idiosyncrasy; cast of mind, cast of soul, habit of mind, habit of soul, frame of mind, frame of soul; predilection, turn, natural turn of mind; bent, bias, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, propensity, propenseness[obs3], propension[obs3], propendency ; vein, humor, mood, grain, mettle; sympathy &c. (love) 897. soul, heart, breast, bosom, inner man; heart's core, heart's strings, heart's blood; heart of hearts, bottom of one's heart, penetralia mentis[Lat]; secret and inmost recesses of the heart, cockles of one's heart; inmost heart, inmost soul; backbone. passion, pervading spirit; ruling passion, master passion; furore[obs3]; fullness of the heart, heyday of the blood, flesh and blood, flow of soul. energy, fervor, fire, force. V. have affections, possess affections &c. n.; be of a character &c. n.; be affected &c. adj.; breathe. Adj. affected, characterized, formed, molded, cast; attempered[obs3], tempered; framed; predisposed; prone, inclined; having a bias &c. n.; tinctured with, imbued with, penetrated with, eaten up with. inborn, inbred, ingrained; deep-rooted, ineffaceable, inveterate; pathoscopic !; congenital, dyed in the wool, implanted by nature, inherent, in the grain. affective [obs3][med. and general]. Adv. in one's heart &c. n.; at heart; heart and soul &c. 821. Phr. "affection is a coal that must be cool'd else suffer'd it will set the heart on fire" [Venus and Adonis].
#821. Feeling. — N. feeling; suffering &c. v.; endurance, tolerance, sufferance, supportance[obs3], experience, response; sympathy &c. (love) 897; impression, inspiration, affection, sensation, emotion, pathos, deep sense. warmth, glow, unction, gusto, vehemence; fervor, fervency; heartiness, cordiality; earnestness, eagerness; empressement[Fr], gush, ardor, zeal, passion, enthusiasm, verve, furore[obs3], fanaticism; excitation of feeling &c. 824; fullness of the heart &c. (disposition) 820; passion &c. (state of excitability) 825; ecstasy &c. (pleasure) 827. blush, suffusion, flush; hectic; tingling, thrill, turn, shock; agitation &c. (irregular motion) 315; quiver, heaving, flutter, flurry, fluster, twitter, tremor; throb, throbbing; pulsation, palpitation, panting; trepidation, perturbation; ruffle, hurry of spirits, pother, stew, ferment; state of excitement. V. feel; receive an impression &c. n.; be impressed with &c. adj.; entertain feeling, harbor feeling, cherish feeling &c. n. respond; catch the flame, catch the infection; enter the spirit of. bear, suffer, support, sustain, endure, thole [obs3][Scottish], aby[obs3]; abide &c. (be composed) 826; experience &c. (meet with) 151; taste, prove; labor under, smart under; bear the brunt of, brave, stand. swell, glow, warm, flush, blush, change color, mantle; turn color, turn pale, turn red, turn black in the face; tingle, thrill, heave, pant, throb, palpitate, go pitapat, tremble, quiver, flutter, twitter; shake &c. 315; be agitated, be excited &c. 824; look blue, look black; wince; draw a deep breath. impress &c. (excite the feelings) 824. Adj. feeling &c. v.; sentient; sensuous; sensorial, sensory; emotive, emotional; of feeling, with feeling &c. n. warm, quick, lively, smart, strong, sharp, acute, cutting, piercing, incisive; keen, keen as a razor; trenchant, pungent, racy, piquant, poignant, caustic. impressive, deep, profound, indelible; deep felt, home felt, heartfelt; swelling, soul-stirring, deep-mouthed, heart-expanding, electric, thrilling, rapturous, ecstatic. earnest, wistful, eager, breathless; fervent; fervid; gushing, passionate, warm-hearted, hearty, cordial, sincere, zealous, enthusiastic, glowing, ardent, burning, red-hot, fiery, flaming; boiling over. pervading, penetrating, absorbing; rabid, raving, feverish, fanatical, hysterical; impetuous &c. (excitable) 825. impressed with, moved with, touched with, affected with, penetrated with, seized with, imbued with &c. 82; devoured by; wrought up &c. (excited) 824; struck all of a heap; rapt; in a quiver &c. n.; enraptured &c. 829. Adv. heart and soul, from the bottom of one's heart, ab imo pectore[Lat], at heart, con amore[It], heartily, devoutly, over head and ears, head over heels. Phr. the heart big, the heart full, the heart swelling, the heart beating, the heart pulsating, the heart throbbing, the heart thumping, the heart beating high, the heart melting, the heart overflowing, the heart bursting, the heart breaking; the heart goes out, a heart as big as all outdoors (sympathy) 897.
#822. Sensibility. — N. sensibility, sensibleness, sensitiveness; moral sensibility; impressibility, affectibility[obs3]; susceptibleness, susceptibility, susceptivity[obs3]; mobility; vivacity, vivaciousness; tenderness, softness; sentimental, sentimentality; sentimentalism. excitability &c. 825; fastidiousness &c. 868; physical sensibility &c. 375. sore point, sore place; where the shoe pinches. V. be sensible &c. adj.; have a tender heart, have a warm heart, have a sensitive heart. take to heart, treasure up in the heart; shrink. "die of a rose in aromatic pain" [Pope]; touch to the quick; touch on the raw, touch a raw nerve. Adj. sensible, sensitive; impressible, impressionable; susceptive, susceptible; alive to, impassionable[obs3], gushing; warm hearted, tender hearted, soft hearted; tender as a chicken; soft, sentimental, romantic; enthusiastic, highflying[obs3], spirited, mettlesome, vivacious, lively, expressive, mobile, tremblingly alive; excitable &c. 825; oversensitive, without skin, thin-skinned; fastidious &c. 868. Adv. sensibly &c. adj; to the quick, to the inmost core. Phr. mens aequa in arduis[Lat]; pour salt in the wound.
#823. Insensibility. N. insensibility, insensibleness[obs3]; moral insensibility; inertness, inertia; vis inertiae[Lat]; impassibility, impassibleness; inappetency[obs3], apathy, phlegm, dullness, hebetude[obs3], supineness, lukewarmness[obs3]. cold fit, cold blood, cold heart; coldness, coolness; frigidity, sang froid[Fr]; stoicism, imperturbation &c. (inexcitability) 826[obs3]; nonchalance, unconcern, dry eyes; insouciance &c. (indifference) 866; recklessness &c. 863; callousness; heart of stone, stock and stone, marble, deadness. torpor, torpidity; obstupefaction , lethargy, coma, trance, vegetative state; sleep &c. 683; suspended animation; stupor, stupefaction; paralysis, palsy; numbness &c. (physical insensibility) 376. neutrality; quietism, vegetation. V. be insensible &c. adj.; have a rhinoceros hide; show insensibility &c. n.; not mind, not care, not be affected by; have no desire for &c. 866; have no interest in, feel no interest in, take no interest in; nil admirari[Lat]; not care a straw &c. (unimportance) 643 for; disregard &c. (neglect) 460; set at naught &c. (make light of) 483; turn a deaf ear to &c. (inattention) 458; vegetate. render insensible, render callous; blunt, obtund[obs3], numb, benumb, paralyze, deaden, hebetate[obs3], stun, stupefy; brutify[obs3]; brutalize; chloroform, anaesthetize[obs3], put under; assify[obs3]. inure; harden the heart; steel, caseharden, sear. Adj. insensible, unconscious; impassive, impassible; blind to, deaf to, dead to; unsusceptible, insusceptible; unimpressionable[obs3], unimpressible[obs3]; passionless, spiritless, heartless, soulless; unfeeling, unmoral. apathetic; leuco- , phlegmatic; dull, frigid; cold blooded, cold hearted; cold as charity; flat, maudlin, obtuse, inert, supine, sluggish, torpid, torpedinous[obs3], torporific[obs3]; sleepy &c. (inactive) 683; languid, half-hearted, tame; numbed; comatose; anaesthetic &c. 376; stupefied, chloroformed, drugged, stoned; palsy-stricken. indifferent, lukewarm; careless, mindless, regardless; inattentive &c. 458; neglectful &c. 460; disregarding. unconcerned, nonchalant, pococurante[obs3], insouciant, sans souci[Fr]; unambitious &c. 866. unaffected, unruffled, unimpressed, uninspired, unexcited, unmoved, unstirred, untouched, unshocked[obs3], unstruck[obs3]; unblushing &c. (shameless) 885; unanimated; vegetative. callous, thick-skinned, hard-nosed, pachydermatous, impervious; hardened; inured, casehardened; steeled against, proof against; imperturbable &c. (inexcitable) 826[obs3]; unfelt. Adv. insensibly &c. adj.; aequo animo[Lat]; without being moved, without being touched, without being impressed; in cold blood; with dry eyes, with withers unwrung[obs3]. Phr. never mind; macht nichts [German], it is of no consequence &c. (unimportant) 643; it cannot be helped; nothing coming amiss; it is all the same to, it is all one to.
#824. Excitation. N. excitation of feeling; mental excitement; suscitation[obs3], galvanism, stimulation, piquance, piquancy, provocation, inspiration, calling forth, infection; animation, agitation, perturbation; subjugation, fascination, intoxication; enravishment[obs3]; entrancement; pressure, tension, high pressure. unction, impressiveness &c. adj. trail of temper, casus belli[Lat]; irritation &c. (anger) 900; passion &c. (state of excitability) 825; thrill &c. (feeling) 821; repression of feeling &c. 826; sensationalism, yellow journalism. V. excite, affect, touch, move, impress, strike, interest, animate, inspire, impassion, smite, infect; stir the blood, fire the blood, warm the blood; set astir; wake, awake, awaken; call forth; evoke, provoke; raise up, summon up, call up, wake up, blow up, get up, light up; raise; get up the steam, rouse, arouse, stir; fire, kindle, enkindle, apply the torch, set on fire, inflame. stimulate; exsuscitate ; inspirit; spirit up, stir up, work up, pique; infuse life into, give new life to; bring new blood, introduce new blood; quicken; sharpen, whet; work upon &c. (incite) 615; hurry on, give a fillip, put on one's mettle. fan the fire, fan the flame; blow the coals, stir the embers; fan into a flame; foster, heat, warm, foment, raise to a fever heat; keep up, keep the pot boiling; revive, rekindle; rake up, rip up. stir the feelings, play on the feelings, come home to the feelings; touch a string, touch a chord, touch the soul, touch the heart; go to one's heart, penetrate, pierce, go through one, touch to the quick; possess the soul, pervade the soul, penetrate the soul, imbrue the soul, absorb the soul, affect the soul, disturb the soul. absorb, rivet the attention; sink into the mind, sink into the heart; prey on the mind, distract; intoxicate; overwhelm, overpower; bouleverser[Fr], upset, turn one's head. fascinate; enrapture &c. (give pleasure) 829. agitate, perturb, ruffle, fluster, shake, disturb, startle, shock, stagger; give one a shock, give one a turn; strike all of a heap; stun, astound, electrify, galvanize, petrify. irritate, sting; cut to the heart, cut to the quick; try one's temper; fool to the top of one's bent, pique; infuriate, madden, make one's blood boil; lash into fury &c. (wrath) 900. be excited &c. adj.; flush up, flare up; catch the infection; thrill &c. (feel) 821; mantle; work oneself up; seethe, boil, simmer, foam, fume, flame, rage, rave; run mad &c. (passion) 825. Adj. excited &c. v.; wrought up, up the qui vive[Fr], astir, sparkling; in a quiver &c. 821, in a fever, in a ferment, in a blaze, in a state of excitement; in hysterics; black in the face, overwrought, tense, taught, on a razor's edge; hot, red-hot, flushed, feverish; all of a twitter, in a pucker; with quivering lips, with tears in one's eyes. flaming; boiling over; ebullient, seething; foaming at the mouth; fuming, raging, carried away by passion, wild, raving, frantic, mad, distracted, beside oneself, out of one's wits, ready to burst, bouleverse[obs3], demoniacal. lost, eperdu[Fr], tempest-tossed; haggard; ready to sink. stung to the quick, up, on one's high ropes. exciting, absorbing, riveting, distracting &c. v.; impressive, warm, glowing, fervid, swelling, imposing, spirit-stirring, thrilling; high- wrought; soul-stirring, soul-subduing; heart-stirring, heart-swelling, heart-thrilling; agonizing &c. (painful) 830; telling, sensational, hysterical; overpowering, overwhelming; more than flesh and blood can bear; yellow. piquant &c. (pungent) 392; spicy, appetizing, provocative, provoquant[obs3], tantalizing. eager to go, anxious to go, chafing at the bit. Adv. till one is black in the face. Phr. the heart beating high, the heart going pitapat, the heart leaping into one's mouth; the blood being up, the blood boiling in one's veins; the eye glistening - "in a fine frenzy rolling"; the head turned; "when the going gets tough, the tough get going" [Richard Nixon].
#825. [Excess of sensitiveness] Excitability — N. excitability, impetuosity, vehemence; boisterousness &c. adj.; turbulence; impatience, intolerance, nonendurance[obs3]; irritability &c. (irascibility) 901; itching &c. (desire) 865; wincing; disquiet, disquietude; restlessness; fidgets, fidgetiness; agitation &c. (irregular motion) 315. trepidation, perturbation, ruffle, hurry, fuss, flurry; fluster, flutter; pother, stew, ferment; whirl; buck fever; hurry-skurry[obs3], thrill &c. (feeling) 821; state of excitement, fever of excitement; transport. passion, excitement, flush, heat; fever, heat; fire, flame, fume, blood boiling; tumult; effervescence, ebullition; boiling over; whiff, gust, story, tempest; scene, breaking out, burst, fit, paroxysm, explosion; outbreak, outburst; agony. violence &c. 173; fierceness &c. adj.; rage, fury, furor, furore[obs3], desperation, madness, distraction, raving, delirium; phrensy[obs3], frenzy, hysterics; intoxication; tearing passion, raging passion; anger &c. 900. fascination, infatuation, fanaticism; Quixotism, Quixotry; tete montee[Fr]. V. be impatient &c. adj.; not be able to bear &c. 826; bear ill, wince, chafe, champ a bit; be in a stew &c. n.; be out of all patience, fidget, fuss, not have a wink of sleep; toss on one's pillow. lose one's temper &c. 900; break out, burst out, fly out; go off, fly off, fly off at a tangent, fly off the handle, lose one's cool [coll.]; explode, flare up, flame up, fire up, burst into a flame, take fire, fire, burn; boil, boil over; foam, fume, rage, rave, rant, tear; go wild, run wild, run mad, go into hysterics; run riot, run amuck; battre la campagne[Fr], faire le diable a quatre[Fr], play the deuce. Adj. excitable, easily excited, in an excitable state; high-strung; irritable &c. (irascible) 901; impatient, intolerant. feverish, febrile, hysterical; delirious, mad, moody, maggoty-headed. unquiet, mercurial, electric, galvanic, hasty, hurried, restless, fidgety, fussy; chafing &c. v. startlish[obs3], mettlesome, high-mettled[obs3], skittish. vehement, demonstrative, violent, wild, furious, fierce, fiery, hot- headed, madcap. overzealous, enthusiastic, impassioned, fanatical; rabid &c. (eager) 865. rampant, clamorous, uproarious, turbulent, tempestuous, tumultuary[obs3], boisterous. impulsive, impetuous, passionate; uncontrolled, uncontrollable; ungovernable, irrepressible, stanchless[obs3], inextinguishable, burning, simmering, volcanic, ready to burst forth, volatile. excited, exciting &c. 824. Int. pish! pshaw! Phr. noli me tangere[Lat]; "filled with fury, rapt, inspir'd" [Collins]; maggiore fretta minore atto[It].
#826. [Absence of excitability, or of excitement.] Inexcitability. — N. inexcitability[obs3], imperturbability, inirritability[obs3]; even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion; tolerance, patience, coolth [coll.]. passiveness &c. (physical inertness) 172; hebetude[obs3], hebetation[obs3]; impassibility &c. (insensibility) 823; stupefaction. coolness, calmness &c. adj.; composure, placidity, indisturbance[obs3], imperturbation[obs3], sang froid[Fr], tranquility, serenity; quiet, quietude; peace of mind, mental calmness. staidness &c. adj.; gravity, sobriety, Quakerism[obs3]; philosophy, equanimity, stoicism, command of temper; self-possession, self-control, self-command, self-restraint, ice water in one's veins; presence of mind. submission &c. 725; resignation; sufferance, supportance[obs3], endurance, longsufferance[obs3], forbearance; longanimity[obs3]; fortitude; patience of Job, patience "on a monument" [Twelfth Night], patience "sovereign o'er transmuted ill" [Johnson]; moderation; repression of feelings, subjugation of feeling; restraint &c. 751. tranquillization &c. (moderation) 174[obs3]. V. be composed &c. adj. laisser faire[Fr], laisser aller[Fr]; take things easily, take things as they come; take it easy, rub on, live and let live; take easily, take cooly[obs3], take in good part; aequam servare mentem [Latin]. bear the brunt, bear well; go through, support, endure, brave, disregard. tolerate, suffer, stand, bide; abide, aby[obs3]; bear with, put up with, take up with, abide with; acquiesce; submit &c. (yield) 725; submit with a good grace; resign oneself to, reconcile oneself to; brook, digest, eat, swallow, pocket, stomach. make light of, make the best of, make "a virtue of necessity" [Chaucer]; put a good face on, keep one's countenance; check &c. 751 check oneself. compose, appease &c. (moderate)174; propitiate; repress &c. (restrain) 751; render insensible &c. 823; overcome one's excitability, allay one's excitability, repress one's excitability &c. 825; master one's feelings. make oneself easy; make one's mind easy; set one's mind at ease, set one's mind at rest. calm down, cool down; gentle; thaw, grow cool. be borne, be endured; go down. Adj. inexcitable[obs3], unexcitable; imperturbable; unsusceptible &c. (insensible) 823; unpassionate[obs3], dispassionate; cold-blooded, irritable; enduring &c. v.; stoical, Platonic, philosophic, staid, stayed; sober, sober minded; grave; sober as a judge, grave as a judge; sedate, demure, cool-headed. easy-going, peaceful, placid, calm; quiet as a mouse; tranquil, serene; cool as a cucumber, cool as a custard; undemonstrative. temperate &c. (moderate) 174; composed, collected; unexcited, unstirred, unruffled, undisturbed, unperturbed, unimpassioned; unoffended[obs3]; unresisting. meek, tolerant; patient, patient as Job; submissive &c. 725; tame; content, resigned, chastened, subdued, lamblike[obs3]; gentle as a lamb; suaviter in modo[Lat]; mild as mothers milk; soft as peppermint; armed with patience, bearing with, clement, long-suffering. Adv. "like patience on a monument smiling at grief" [Twelfth Night]; aequo animo[Lat], in cold blood &c. 823; more in sorrow than in anger. Int. patience! and shuffle the cards. Phr. "cool calm and collected", keep calm in the midst of a storm; "adversity's sweet milk, philosophy" [Romeo and Juliet]; mens aequa in arduis philosophia stemma non inspecite [Lat][Seneca]; quo me cumque rapit tempestas deferor hospes [Lat][Horace]; "they also serve who only stand and wait" [Milton].
% Section II Personal Affections
1. Passive Affections %
#827. Pleasure. N. pleasure, gratification, enjoyment, fruition; oblectation, delectation, delection[obs3]; relish, zest; gusto &c. (physical pleasure) 377; satisfaction &c. (content) 831; complacency. well-being; good &c. 618; snugness, comfort, ease; cushion &c. 215; sans souci[French:without worry], mind at ease. joy, gladness, delight, glee, cheer, sunshine; cheerfulness &c. 836. treat, refreshment; amusement &c. 840; luxury &c. 377. mens sana in corpore sano [Latin: a sound mind in a sound body][Juvenal]. happiness, felicity, bliss; beatitude, beautification; enchantment, transport, rapture, ravishment, ecstasy; summum bonum[Lat]; paradise, elysium &c. ( heaven) 981; third heaven !, seventh heaven, cloud nine; unalloyed happiness &c.; hedonics[obs3], hedonism. honeymoon; palmy days, halcyon days; golden age, golden time; Dixie, Dixie's land; Saturnia regna[Lat], Arcadia[obs3], Shangri-La, happy valley, Agapemone[obs3]. V. be pleased &c. 829; feel pleasure, experience pleasure &c. n.; joy; enjoy oneself, hug oneself; be in clover &c. 377, be in elysium &c. 981; tread on enchanted ground; fall into raptures, go into raptures. feel at home, breathe freely, bask in the sunshine. be pleased &c. 829 with; receive pleasure, derive pleasure &c. n. from; take pleasure &c. n. in; delight in, rejoice in, indulge in, luxuriate in; gloat over &c. (physical pleasure) 377; enjoy, relish, like; love &c. 897; take to, take a fancy to; have a liking for; enter into the spirit of. take in good part. treat oneself to, solace oneself with. Adj. pleased &c. 829; not sorry; glad, gladsome; pleased as Punch. happy, blest, blessed, blissful, beatified; happy as a clam at high water [U.S.], happy as a clam, happy as a king, happy as the day is long; thrice happy, ter quaterque beatus[Lat]; enjoying &c. v.; joyful &c. (in spirits) 836; hedonic[obs3]. in a blissful state, in paradise &c. 981, in raptures, in ecstasies, in a transport of delight. comfortable &c. (physical pleasure) 377; at ease; content &c. 831; sans souci[Fr]. overjoyed, entranced, enchanted; enraptures; enravished[obs3]; transported; fascinated, captivated. with a joyful face, with sparkling eyes. pleasing &c. 829; ecstatic, beatic[obs3]; painless, unalloyed, without alloy, cloudless. Adv. happily &c. adj.; with pleasure &c. (willingfully) 602[obs3]; with glee &c. n.. Phr. one's heart leaping with joy. "a wilderness of sweets" [P.L.]; "I wish you all the joy that you can wish" [M. of Venice]; jour de ma vie; "joy ruled the day and love the night" [Dryden]; "joys season'd high and tasting strong of guilt" [Young]; "oh happiness, our being's end and aim!" [Pope]; "there is a pleasure that is born of pain" [O Meridith]; "throned on highest bliss" [P.L.]; vedi Napoli e poi muori[It]; zwischen Freud und Leid ist die Brucke nicht weit [German: the bridge between joy and sorrow is not wide].
#828. Pain. — N. mental suffering, pain, dolor; suffering, sufferance; ache, smart &c. (physical pain) 378; passion. displeasure, dissatisfaction, discomfort, discomposure, disquiet; malaise; inquietude, uneasiness, vexation of spirit; taking; discontent &c. 832. dejection &c. 837; weariness &c. 841; anhedonia[obs3]. annoyance, irritation, worry, infliction, visitation; plague, bore; bother, botheration; stew, vexation, mortification, chagrin, esclandre[Fr]; mauvais quart d'heur[Fr]. care, anxiety, solicitude, trouble, trial, ordeal, fiery ordeal, shock, blow, cark[obs3], dole, fret, burden, load. concern, grief, sorrow, distress, affliction, woe, bitterness, heartache; carking cares; heavy heart, aching heart, bleeding heart, broken heart; heavy affliction, gnawing grief. unhappiness, infelicity, misery, tribulation, wretchedness, desolation; despair &c. 859; extremity, prostration, depth of misery. nightmare, ephialtes[obs3], incubus. pang, anguish, agony; torture, torment; purgatory &c. (hell) 982. hell upon earth; iron age, reign of terror; slough of despond &c. (adversity) 735; peck of troubles; "ills that flesh is heir to" &c. (evil) 619[Hamlet]; miseries of human life; "unkindest cut of all" [Julius Caesar]. sufferer, victim, prey, martyr, object of compassion, wretch, shorn lamb. V. feel pain, suffer pain, experience pain, undergo pain, bear pain, endure pain &c. n., smart, ache &c. (physical pain) 378; suffer, bleed, ail; be the victim of. labor under afflictions; bear the cross; quaff the bitter cup, have a bad time of it; fall on evil days &c. (adversity) 735; go hard with, come to grief, fall a sacrifice to, drain the cup of misery to the dregs, "sup full of horrors" [Macbeth]. sit on thorns, be on pins and needles, wince, fret, chafe, worry oneself, be in a taking, fret and fume; take on, take to heart; cark[obs3]. grieve; mourn &c. (lament) 839; yearn, repine, pine, droop, languish, sink; give way; despair &c. 859; break one's heart; weigh upon the heart &c. (inflict pain) 830. Adj. in pain, in a state of pain, full of pain &c. n.; suffering &c. v.; pained, afflicted, worried, displeased &c. 830; aching, griped, sore &c. (physical pain) 378; on the rack, in limbo; between hawk and buzzard. uncomfortable, uneasy; ill at ease; in a taking, in a way; disturbed; discontented &c. 832; out of humor &c. 901a; weary &c. 841. heavy laden, stricken, crushed, a prey to, victimized, ill-used. unfortunate &c. (hapless) 735; to be pitied, doomed, devoted, accursed, undone, lost, stranded; fey. unhappy, infelicitous, poor, wretched, miserable, woe-begone; cheerless &c. (dejected) 837; careworn. concerned, sorry; sorrowing, sorrowful; cut up, chagrined, horrified, horror-stricken; in grief, plunged in grief, a prey to grief &c. n.; in tears &c. (lamenting) 839; steeped to the lips in misery; heart-stricken, heart-broken, heart-scalded; broken-hearted; in despair &c. 859. Phr. "the iron entered into our soul"; haeret lateri lethalis arundo [Lat][Vergil]; one's heart bleeding; "down, thou climbing sorrow" [Lear]; "mirth cannot move a soul in agony" [Love's Labor's Lost]; nessun maggior dolere che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria [It]; "sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things" [Tennyson]; "the Niobe of Nations" [Byron].
#829. [Capability of giving pleasure; cause or source of pleasure.] Pleasurableness. N. pleasurableness, pleasantness, agreeableness &c. adj.; pleasure giving, jucundity[obs3], delectability; amusement &c. 840. attraction &c. (motive) 615; attractiveness, attractability[obs3]; invitingness &c. adj[obs3].; harm, fascination, enchantment, witchery, seduction, winning ways, amenity, amiability; winsomeness. loveliness &c. (beauty) 845; sunny side, bright side; sweets &c. (sugar) 396; goodness &c. 648; manna in the wilderness, land flowing with milk and honey; bittersweet; fair weather. treat; regale &c. (physical pleasure) 377; dainty; titbit[obs3], tidbit; nuts, sauce piquante[Fr]. V. cause pleasure, produce pleasure, create pleasure, give pleasure, afford pleasure, procure pleasure, offer pleasure, present pleasure, yield pleasure &c. 827. please, charm, delight, becharm[obs3], imparadise[obs3]; gladden &c. (make cheerful) 836; take, captivate, fascinate; enchant, entrance, enrapture, transport, bewitch; enravish[obs3]. bless, beatify; satisfy; gratify, desire; &c. 865; slake, satiate, quench; indulge, humor, flatter, tickle; tickle the palate &c. (savory) 394; regale, refresh; enliven; treat; amuse &c. 840; take one's fancy, tickle one's fancy, hit one's fancy; meet one's wishes; win the heart, gladden the heart, rejoice the heart, warm the cockles of the heart; do one's heart good. attract, allure &c. (move) 615; stimulate &c. (excite) 824; interest. make things pleasant, popularize, gild the pill, sugar-coat the pill, , sweeten. Adj. causing pleasure &c. v.; laetificant[obs3]; pleasure-giving, pleasing, pleasant, pleasurable; agreeable; grateful, gratifying; leef , lief, acceptable; welcome, welcome as the roses in May; welcomed; favorite; to one's taste, to one's mind, to one's liking; satisfactory &c. (good) 648. refreshing; comfortable; cordial; genial; glad, gladsome; sweet, delectable, nice, dainty; delicate, delicious; dulcet; luscious &c. 396; palatable &c. 394; luxurious, voluptuous; sensual &c. 377. [of people] attractive &c. 615; inviting, prepossessing, engaging; winning, winsome; taking, fascinating, captivating, killing; seducing, seductive; heart-robbing, alluring, enticing; appetizing &c. (exciting) 824; cheering &c. 836; bewitching; enchanting, entrancing, enravishing[obs3]. charming; delightful, felicitous, exquisite; lovely &c. (beautiful) 845; ravishing, rapturous; heartfelt, thrilling, ecstatic; beatic[obs3]; beatific; seraphic; empyrean; elysian &c. (heavenly) 981. palmy, halcyon, Saturnian. Phr. decies repetita placebit[Lat]; "charms strike the sight but merit wins the soul" [Pope]; "sweetness and light" [Swift]; beauty is only skin deep.
#830. [Capability of giving pain; cause or source of pain]. Painfulness. N. painfulness &c. adj.; trouble, care &c. (pain) 828; trial; affliction, infliction; blow, stroke, burden, load, curse; bitter pill, bitter draught; waters of bitterness. annoyance, grievance, nuisance, vexation, mortification, sickener[obs3]; bore, bother, pother, hot water, "sea of troubles" [Hamlet], hornet's nest, plague, pest. cancer, ulcer, sting, thorn; canker &c. (bane) 663; scorpion &c. (evil doer) 913; dagger &c. (arms) 727; scourge &c. (instrument of punishment) 975; carking care, canker worm of care. mishap, misfortune &c. (adversity) 735; desagrement[Fr], esclandre[Fr], rub. source of irritation, source of annoyance; wound, open sore; sore subject, skeleton in the closet; thorn in the flesh, thorn in one's side; where the shoe pinches, gall and wormwood. sorry sight, heavy news, provocation; affront &c. 929; "head and front of one's offending" [Othello]. infestation, molestation; malignity &c. (malevolence) 907. V. cause pain, occasion pain, give pain, bring pain, induce pain, produce pain, create pain, inflict pain &c. 828; pain, hurt, wound. pinch, prick, gripe &c. (physical pain) 378; pierce, lancinate[obs3], cut. hurt the feelings, wound the feelings, grate upon the feelings, grate upon the nerves, jar upon the feelings; wring the heart, pierce the heart, lacerate the heart, break the heart, rend the heart; make the heart bleed; tear the heart strings, rend the heart strings; draw tears from the eyes. sadden; make unhappy &c. 828; plunge into sorrow, grieve, fash[obs3], afflict, distress; cut up, cut to the heart. displease, annoy, incommode, discompose, trouble, disquiet; faze, feaze[obs3], feeze (U[obs3].S.); disturb, cross, perplex, molest, tease, tire, irk, vex, mortify, wherret , worry, plague, bother, pester, bore, pother, harass, harry, badger, heckle, bait, beset, infest, persecute, importune. wring, harrow, torment, torture; bullyrag; put to the rack, put to the question; break on the wheel, rack, scarify; cruciate[obs3], crucify; convulse, agonize; barb the dart; plant a dagger in the breast, plant a thorn in one's side. irritate, provoke, sting, nettle, try the patience, pique, fret, rile, tweak the nose, chafe, gall; sting to the quick, wound to the quick, cut to the quick; aggrieve, affront, enchafe[obs3], enrage, ruffle, sour the temper; give offense &c. (resentment) 900. maltreat, bite, snap at, assail; smite &c. (punish) 972. sicken, disgust, revolt, nauseate, disenchant, repel, offend, shock, stink in the nostrils; go against the stomach, turn the stomach; make one sick, set the teeth on edge, go against the grain, grate on the ear; stick in one's throat, stick in one's gizzard; rankle, gnaw, corrode, horrify, appal[obs3], appall, freeze the blood; make the flesh creep, make the hair stand on end; make the blood curdle, make the blood run cold; make one shudder. haunt the memory; weigh on the heart, prey on the heart, weigh on the mind, prey on the mind, weigh on the spirits, prey on the spirits; bring one's gray hairs with sorrow to the grave; add a nail to one's coffin. Adj. causing pain, hurting &c. v.; hurtful &c. (bad) 649; painful; dolorific[obs3], dolorous; unpleasant; unpleasing, displeasing; disagreeable, unpalatable, bitter, distasteful; uninviting; unwelcome; undesirable, undesired; obnoxious; unacceptable, unpopular, thankless. unsatisfactory, untoward, unlucky, uncomfortable. distressing; afflicting, afflictive; joyless, cheerless, comfortless; dismal, disheartening; depressing, depressive; dreary, melancholy, grievous, piteous; woeful, rueful, mournful, deplorable, pitiable, lamentable; sad, affecting, touching, pathetic. irritating, provoking, stinging, annoying, aggravating, mortifying, galling; unaccommodating, invidious, vexatious; troublesome, tiresome, irksome, wearisome; plaguing, plaguy[obs3]; awkward. importunate; teasing, pestering, bothering, harassing, worrying, tormenting, carking. intolerable, insufferable, insupportable; unbearable, unendurable; past bearing; not to be borne, not to be endured; more than flesh and blood can bear; enough to drive one mad, enough to provoke a saint, enough to make a parson swear, enough to gag a maggot. shocking, terrific, grim, appalling, crushing; dreadful, fearful, frightful; thrilling, tremendous, dire; heart-breaking, heart-rending, heart-wounding, heart-corroding, heart-sickening; harrowing, rending. odious, hateful, execrable, repulsive, repellent, abhorrent; horrid, horrible, horrific, horrifying; offensive. nauseous, nauseating; disgusting, sickening, revolting; nasty; loathsome, loathful[obs3]; fulsome; vile &c. (bad) 649; hideous &c. 846. sharp, acute, sore, severe, grave, hard, harsh, cruel, biting, caustic; cutting, corroding, consuming, racking, excruciating, searching, grinding, grating, agonizing; envenomed; catheretic[obs3], pyrotic[Med]. ruinous, disastrous, calamitous, tragical; desolating, withering; burdensome, onerous, oppressive; cumbrous, cumbersome. Adv. painfully &c. adj.; with pain &c. 828; deuced. Int. hinc illae lachrymae[Lat]! Phr. surgit amari aliquid[Lat][obs3]; the place being too hot to hold one; the iron entering into the soul; "he jests at scars that never felt a wound" [Romeo and Juliet]; "I must be cruel only to be kind" [Hamlet]; "what deep wounds ever closed without a scar?" [Byron].
#831. Content. — N. content, contentment, contentedness; complacency, satisfaction, entire satisfaction, ease, heart's ease, peace of mind; serenity &c. 826; cheerfulness &c. 836; ray of comfort; comfort &c. (well- being) 827. reconciliation; resignation &c. (patience) 826. [person who is contented] waiter on Providence. V. be content &c. adj.; rest satisfied, rest and be thankful; take the good the gods provide, let well alone, let well enough alone, feel oneself at home, hug oneself, lay the flattering unction to one's soul. take up with, take in good part; accept, tolerate; consent &c. 762; acquiesce, assent &c. 488; be reconciled to, make one's peace with; get over it; take heart, take comfort; put up with &c. (bear) 826. render content &c. adj.; set at ease, comfort; set one's heart at ease, set one's mind at ease, set one's heart at rest, set one's mind at rest; speak peace; conciliate, reconcile, win over, propitiate, disarm, beguile; content, satisfy; gratify &c. 829. be tolerated &c. 826; go down, go down well, go down with; do; be OK. Adj. content, contented; satisfied &c. v.; at ease, at one's ease, at home; with the mind at ease, sans souci[Fr], sine cura[Lat], easygoing, not particular; conciliatory; unrepining[obs3], of good comfort; resigned &c. (patient) 826; cheerful &c. 836. unafflicted, unvexed[obs3], unmolested, unplagued[obs3]; serene &c. 826; at rest, snug, comfortable; in one's element. satisfactory, tolerable, good enough, OK, all right, acceptable. Adv. contently[obs3], contentedly, to one's heart's content; a la bonne heure[Fr]; all for the best. Int. amen &c. (assent) 488; very well, all the better, so much the better, well and good; it will do, that will do; it cannot be helped. Phr. nothing comes amiss. "a heart with room for every joy" [Bailey]; ich habe genossen das irdische Gluck ich habe gelebt und geliebet [Ger][Schiller]; "nor cast one longing lingering look behind" [Gray]; "shut up in measureless content" [Macbeth]; "sweet are the thoughts that savor of content" [R. Greene]; "their wants but few their wishes all confined" [Goldsmith]; might as well relax and enjoy it.
#832. Discontent. — N. discontent, discontentment; dissatisfaction; dissent &c. 489. disappointment, mortification; cold comfort; regret &c. 833; repining, taking on &c. v.; heart-burning, heart-grief; querulousness &c. (lamentation) 839; hypercriticism. inquietude, vexation of spirit, soreness; worry, concern, fear &c. 860. [person who is discontented] malcontent, grumbler, growler, croaker, dissident, dissenter, laudator temporis acti[Lat]; censurer, complainer, fault-finder, murmerer[obs3]. cave of Adullam[obs3], indignation meeting, "winter of our discontent" [Henry VI]; "with what I most enjoy contented least" [Shakespeare]. V. be discontented &c. adj.; quarrel with one's bread and butter; repine; regret &c. 833; wish one at the bottom of the Red Sea; take on, take to heart; shrug the shoulders; make a wry face, pull a long face; knit one's brows; look blue, look black, look black as thunder, look blank, look glum. take in bad part, take ill; fret, chafe, make a piece of work[Fr]; grumble, croak; lament &c. 839. cause discontent &c. n.; dissatisfy, disappoint, mortify, put out, disconcert; cut up; dishearten. Adj. discontented; dissatisfied &c. v.; unsatisfied, ungratified; dissident; dissentient &c. 489; malcontent, malcontented, exigent, exacting, hypercritical. repining &c. v.; regretful &c. 833; down in the mouth &c. (dejected) 837. in high dudgeon, in a fume, in the sulks, in the dumps, in bad humor; glum, sulky; sour as a crab; soured, sore; out of humor, out of temper. disappointing &c. v.; unsatisfactory. frustrated (failure) 732. Int. so much the worse! Phr. that won't do, that will never do, it will never do; curtae nescio quid semper abest rei [Lat][Horace]; ne Jupiter Quidem omnibus placet[Lat][obs3]; "poor in abundance, famished at a feast" [Young].
#833. Regret. — N. regret, repining; homesickness, nostalgia; mal du pays, maladie[Fr]; lamentation &c.. 839; penitence &c. 950. bitterness, heartburning[obs3]. recrimination (accusation) 938. laudator temporis acti &c. (discontent) 832[Lat]. V. regret, deplore; bewail &c. (lament) 839; repine, cast a longing lingering look behind; rue, rue the day; repent &c. 950; infandum renovare dolorem [Lat]. prey on the mind, weigh on the mind, have a weight on the mind; leave an aching void. Adj. regretting &c. v.; regretful; homesick. regretted &c. v.; much to be regretted, regrettable; lamentable &c. (bad) 649. Adv. regrettably, unfortunately; most unfortunately. Int. alas!; what a pity! hang it! Phr. 'tis pity, 'tis too true; "sigh'd and look'd and sigh'd again" [Dryden]; "I'm sorry.".
#834. Relief. — N. relief; deliverance; refreshment &c. 689; easement, softening, alleviation, mitigation, palliation, soothing, lullaby. solace, consolation, comfort, encouragement. lenitive, restorative &c. (remedy) 662; cushion &c. 215; crumb of comfort, balm in Gilead. V. relieve, ease, alleviate, mitigate, palliate, soothe; salve; soften, soften down; foment, stupe[obs3], poultice; assuage, allay. cheer, comfort, console; enliven; encourage, bear up, pat on the back, give comfort, set at ease; gladden the heart, cheer the heart; inspirit, invigorate. remedy; cure &c. (restore) 660; refresh; pour balm into, pour oil on. smooth the ruffled brow of care, temper the wind to the shorn lamb, lay the flattering unction to one's soul. disburden &c. (free) 705; take a load off one's chest, get a load off one's chest, take off a load of care. be relieved; breathe more freely, draw a long breath; take comfort; dry the tears, dry the eyes, wipe the tears, wipe the eyes. Adj. relieving &c. v.; consolatory, soothing; assuaging, assuasive[obs3]; balmy, balsamic; lenitive, palliative; anodyne &c. (remedial) 662; curative &c. 660. Phr. "here comes a man of comfort" [Measure for Measure].
#835. Aggravation. — N. aggravation, worsening, heightening; exacerbation; exasperation; overestimation &c. 482; exaggeration &c. 549. V. aggravate, render worse, heighten, embitter, sour; exacerbate; exasperate, envenom; enrage, provoke, tease. add fuel to the fire, add fuel to the flame; fan the flame &c. (excite) 824; go from bad to worse &c. (deteriorate) 659. Adj. aggravated &c. v.; worse, unrelieved; aggravable[obs3]; aggravating &c. v. Adv. out of the frying pan into the fire, from bad to worse, worse and worse. Int. so much the worse!
#836. Cheerfulness. — N. cheerfulness &c. adj.; geniality, gayety, l'allegro[Fr], cheer, good humor, spirits; high spirits, animal spirits, flow of spirits; glee, high glee, light heart; sunshine of the mind, sunshine of the breast; gaiete de coeur[Fr], bon naturel[Fr]. liveliness &c. adj.; life, alacrity, vivacity, animation, allegresse[obs3]; jocundity, joviality, jollity; levity; jocularity &c. (wit) 842. mirth, merriment, hilarity, exhilaration; laughter &c. 838; merrymaking &c. (amusement) 840; heyday, rejoicing &c. 838; marriage bell. nepenthe, Euphrosyne[obs3], sweet forgetfulness. optimism &c. (hopefulness) 858; self complacency; hedonics[obs3], hedonism. V. be cheerful &c. adj.; have the mind at ease, smile, put a good face upon, keep up one's spirits; view the bright side of the picture, view things en couleur de rose[Fr]; ridentem dicere virum[Lat], cheer up, brighten up, light up, bear up; chirp, take heart, cast away care, drive dull care away, perk up. keep a stiff upper lip. rejoice &c. 838; carol, chirrup, lilt; frisk, rollick, give a loose to mirth. cheer, enliven, elate, exhilarate, gladden, inspirit, animate, raise the spirits, inspire; perk up; put in good humor; cheer the heart, rejoice the heart; delight &c. (give pleasure) 829. Adj. cheerful; happy &c. 827; cheery, cheerly[obs3]; of good cheer, smiling; blithe; in spirits, in good spirits; breezy, bully, chipper [U.S.]; in high spirits, in high feather; happy as the day is long, happy as a king; gay as a lark; allegro; debonair; light, lightsome, light hearted; buoyant, debonnaire, bright, free and easy, airy; janty[obs3], jaunty, canty[obs3]; hedonic[obs3]; riant[obs3]; sprightly, sprightful[obs3]; spry; spirited, spiritful[obs3]; lively, animated, vivacious; brisk as a bee; sparklinly as a thrush, jolly as a sandboy[obs3]; blithesome; gleeful, gleesome[obs3]; hilarious, rattling. winsome, bonny, hearty, buxom. playful, playsome[obs3]; folatre[Fr], playful as a kitten, tricksy[obs3], frisky, frolicsome; gamesome; jocose, jocular, waggish; mirth loving, laughter-loving; mirthful, rollicking. elate, elated; exulting, jubilant, flushed; rejoicing &c. 838; cock-a- hoop. cheering, inspiriting, exhilarating; cardiac, cardiacal[obs3]; pleasing &c. 829; palmy. Adv. cheerfully &c. adj. Int. never say die! come! cheer up! hurrah! &c. 838; "hence loathed melancholy!" begone dull care! away with melancholy! Phr. "a merry heart goes all the day" [A winter's Tale]; "as merry as the day is long" [Much Ado]; ride si sapis [Lat][Martial].
#837. Dejection. N. dejection; dejectedness &c. adj.; depression, prosternation ; lowness of spirits, depression of spirits; weight on the spirits, oppression on the spirits, damp on the spirits; low spirits, bad spirits, drooping spirits, depressed spirits; heart sinking; heaviness of heart, failure of heart. heaviness &c. adj.; infestivity[obs3], gloom; weariness &c. 841; taedium vitae, disgust of life; mal du pays &c. (regret) 833; anhedonia[obs3]. melancholy; sadness &c. adj.; il penseroso[It], melancholia, dismals[obs3], blues, lachrymals[obs3], mumps[obs3], dumps, blue devils, doldrums; vapors, megrims, spleen, horrors, hypochondriasis[Med], pessimism; la maladie sans maladie [Fr]; despondency, slough of Despond; disconsolateness &c. adj.; hope deferred, blank despondency; voiceless woe. prostration of soul; broken heart; despair &c. 859; cave of despair, cave of Trophonius demureness &c. adj.; gravity, solemnity; long face, grave face. hypochondriac, seek sorrow, self-tormentor, heautontimorumenos[obs3], malade imaginaire[Fr], medecin tant pis[Fr]; croaker, pessimist; mope, mopus[obs3]. [Cause of dejection] affliction &c. 830; sorry sight; memento mori[Lat]; damper, wet blanket, Job's comforter. V. be dejected &c. adj.; grieve; mourn &c. (lament) 839; take on, give way, lose heart, despond, droop, sink. lower, look downcast, frown, pout; hang down the head; pull a long face, make a long face; laugh on the wrong side of the mouth; grin a ghastly smile; look blue, look like a drowned man; lay to heart, take to heart. mope, brood over; fret; sulk; pine, pine away; yearn; repine &c. (regret) 833; despair &c. 859. refrain from laughter, keep one's countenance; be grave, look grave &c. adj.; repress a smile. depress; discourage, dishearten; dispirit; damp, dull, deject, lower, sink, dash, knock down, unman, prostrate, break one's heart; frown upon; cast a gloom, cast a shade on; sadden; damp one's hopes, dash one's hopes, wither one's hopes; weigh on the mind, lie heavy on the mind, prey on the mind, weigh on the spirits, lie heavy on the spirits, prey on the spirits; damp the spirits, depress the spirits. Adj. cheerless, joyless, spiritless; uncheerful, uncheery[obs3]; unlively[obs3]; unhappy &c. 828; melancholy, dismal, somber, dark, gloomy, triste[Fr], clouded, murky, lowering, frowning, lugubrious, funereal, mournful, lamentable, dreadful. dreary, flat; dull, dull as a beetle, dull as ditchwater[obs3]; depressing &c. v. "melancholy as a gib cat"; oppressed with melancholy, a prey to melancholy; downcast, downhearted; down in the mouth, down in one's luck; heavy-hearted; in the dumps, down in the dumps, in the suds, in the sulks, in the doldrums; in doleful dumps, in bad humor; sullen; mumpish[obs3], dumpish, mopish[obs3], moping; moody, glum; sulky &c. (discontented) 832; out of sorts, out of humor, out of heart, out of spirits; ill at ease, low spirited, in low spirits, a cup too low; weary &c. 841; discouraged, disheartened; desponding; chapfallen[obs3], chopfallen[obs3], jaw fallen, crest fallen. sad, pensive, penseroso[It], tristful[obs3]; dolesome[obs3], doleful; woebegone; lacrymose, lachrymose, in tears, melancholic, hypped[obs3], hypochondriacal, bilious, jaundiced, atrabilious[obs3], saturnine, splenetic; lackadaisical. serious, sedate, staid, stayed; grave as a judge, grave as an undertaker, grave as a mustard pot; sober, sober as a judge, solemn, demure; grim; grim-faced, grim-visaged; rueful, wan, long-faced. disconsolate; unconsolable, inconsolable; forlorn, comfortless, desolate, desole[Fr], sick at heart; soul sick, heart sick; au desespoir[Fr]; in despair &c. 859; lost. overcome; broken down, borne down, bowed down; heartstricken &c (mental suffering) 828[obs3]; cut up, dashed, sunk; unnerved, unmanned; down fallen, downtrodden; broken-hearted; careworn. Adv. with a long face, with tears in one's eyes; sadly &c. adj. Phr. the countenance falling; the heart failing, the heart sinking within one; "a plague of sighing and grief" [Henry IV]; "thick-ey'd musing and curs'd melancholy" [Henry IV]; "the sickening pang of hope deferred" [Scott].
#838. [Expression of pleasure.] Rejoicing. — N. rejoicing, exultation, triumph, jubilation, heyday, flush, revelling; merrymaking &c. (amusement) 840; jubilee &c. (celebration) 883; paean, Te Deum &c. (thanksgiving) 990[Lat]; congratulation &c. 896. smile, simper, smirk, grin; broad grin, sardonic grin. laughter (amusement) 840. risibility; derision &c. 856. Momus; Democritus the Abderite[obs3]; rollicker[obs3]. V. rejoice, thank one's stars, bless one's stars; congratulate oneself, hug oneself; rub one's hands, clap one's hands; smack the lips, fling up one's cap; dance, skip; sing, carol, chirrup, chirp; hurrah; cry for joy, jump for joy, leap with joy; exult &c. (boast) 884; triumph; hold jubilee &c. (celebrate) 883; make merry &c. (sport) 840. laugh, raise laughter &c. (amuse) 840. Adj. rejoicing &c. v.; jubilant, exultant, triumphant; flushed, elated, pleased, delighted, tickled pink. amused &c. 840; cheerful &c. 836. laughable &c. (ludicrous) 853. Int. hurrah! Huzza! aha[obs3]! hail! tolderolloll[obs3]! Heaven be praised! io triumphe[obs3]! tant mieux[Fr]! so much the better. Phr. the heart leaping with joy; ce n'est pas etre bien aise que de rire[Fr]; "Laughter holding both his sides" [Milton]; "le roi est mort, vive le roi"; "with his eyes in flood with laughter" [Cymbeline].
#839. [Expression of pain.] Lamentation. N. lament, lamentation; wail, complaint, plaint, murmur, mutter, grumble, groan, moan, whine, whimper, sob, sigh, suspiration, heaving, deep sigh. cry &c. (vociferation) 411; scream, howl; outcry, wail of woe, ululation; frown, scowl. tear; weeping &c. v.; flood of tears, fit of crying, lacrimation, lachrymation[obs3], melting mood, weeping and gnashing of teeth. plaintiveness &c. adj.; languishment[obs3]; condolence &c. 915. mourning, weeds, willow, cypress, crape, deep mourning; sackcloth and ashes; lachrymatory[obs3]; knell &c. 363; deep death song, dirge, coronach[obs3], nenia[obs3], requiem, elegy, epicedium[obs3]; threne[obs3]; monody, threnody; jeremiad, jeremiade !; ullalulla[obs3]. mourner; grumbler &c. (discontent) 832; Noobe; Heraclitus. V. lament, mourn, deplore, grieve, weep over; bewail, bemoan; condole with &c. 915; fret &c. (suffer) 828; wear mourning, go into mourning, put on mourning; wear the willow, wear sackcloth and ashes; infandum renovare dolorem &c. (regret) 833[Lat][Vergil]; give sorrow words. sigh; give a sigh, heave, fetch a sigh; "waft a sigh from Indus to the pole" [Pope]; sigh "like a furnace" [As you Like It]; wail. cry, weep, sob, greet, blubber, pipe, snivel, bibber[obs3], whimper, pule; pipe one's eye; drop tears, shed tears, drop a tear, shed a tear; melt into tears, burst into tears; fondre en larmes[Fr]; cry oneself blind, cry one's eyes out; yammer. scream &c. (cry out) 411; mew &c. (animal sounds) 412; groan, moan, whine; roar; roar like a bull, bellow like a bull; cry out lustily, rend the air. frown, scowl, make a wry face, gnash one's teeth, wring one's hands, tear one's hair, beat one's breast, roll on the ground, burst with grief. complain, murmur, mutter, grumble, growl, clamor, make a fuss about, croak, grunt, maunder; deprecate &c. (disapprove) 932. cry out before one is hurt, complain without cause. Adj. lamenting &c. v.; in mourning, in sackcloth and ashes; sorrowing, sorrowful &c. (unhappy) 828; mournful, tearful; lachrymose; plaintive, plaintful[obs3]; querulous, querimonious[obs3]; in the melting mood; threnetic[obs3]. in tears, with tears in one's eyes; with moistened eyes, with watery eyes; bathed in tears, dissolved in tears; "like Niobe all tears" [Hamlet]. elegiac, epicedial[obs3]. Adv. de profundis[Lat]; les larmes aux yeux[Fr]. Int. heigh-ho! alas! alack[obs3]! O dear! ah me! woe is me! lackadaisy[obs3]! well a day! lack a day! alack a day[obs3]! wellaway[obs3]! alas the day! O tempora O mores[obs3]! what a pity! miserabile dictu[Lat]! O lud lud[obs3]! too true! Phr. tears standing in the eyes, tears starting from the eyes; eyes suffused, eyes swimming, eyes brimming, eyes overflowing with tears; "if you have tears prepare to shed them now" [Julius Caesar]; interdum lacrymae pondera vocis habent [Lat][Ovid]; "strangled his language in his tears" [Henry VIII]; "tears such as angels weep" [Paradise Lost].
< separate out entertainers which do not have their own entry, e.g. musician. Need singer, dancer, comedian = wit > #840. Amusement. N. amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun, game, fun and games; diversion, divertissement; reaction, solace; pastime, passetemps[Fr], sport; labor of love; pleasure &c. 827. relaxation; leisure &c. 685. fun, frolic, merriment, jollity; joviality, jovialness[obs3]; heyday; laughter &c. 838; jocosity, jocoseness[obs3]; drollery, buffoonery, tomfoolery; mummery, pleasantry; wit &c. 842; quip, quirk. [verbal expressions of amusement: list] giggle, titter, snigger, snicker, crow, cheer, chuckle, shout; horse laugh, belly laugh, hearty laugh; guffaw; burst of laughter, fit of laughter, shout of laughter, roar of laughter, peal of laughter; cachinnation[obs3]; Kentish fire; tiger. play; game, game at romps; gambol, romp, prank, antic, rig, lark, spree, skylarking, vagary, monkey trick, gambade, fredaine[obs3], escapade, echappee[Fr], bout, espieglerie[Fr]; practical joke &c. (ridicule) 856. dance; hop, reel, rigadoon[obs3], saraband[obs3], hornpipe, bolero, ballroom dance; minuet[ballroom dances: list], waltz, polka, fox trot, tango, samba, rhumba, twist, stroll, hustle, cha-cha; fandango, cancan; bayadere[obs3]; breakdown, cake-walk, cornwallis [U.S.], break dancing; nautch-girl; shindig* [U.S.]; skirtdance[obs3], stag dance, Virginia reel, square dance; galop[obs3], galopade[obs3]; jig, Irish jig, fling, strathspey[obs3]; allemande[Fr]; gavot[obs3], gavotte, tarantella; mazurka, morisco , morris dance; quadrille; country dance, folk dance; cotillon, Sir Roger de Coverley; ballet &c. (drama) 599; ball; bal, bal masque, bal costume; masquerade; Terpsichore. festivity, merrymaking; party &c. (social gathering) 892; blowout [U.S.], hullabaloo, hoedown, bat* [U.S.], bum* [U.S.], bust*, clambake [U.S.], donation party [U.S.], fish fry [U.S.], jamboree*, kantikoy[obs3], nautch[obs3], randy, squantum [obs3][U.S.], tear *, Turnerfest[obs3], yule log; fete, festival, gala, ridotto[obs3]; revels, revelry, reveling; carnival, brawl, saturnalia, high jinks; feast, banquet &c. (food) 298; regale, symposium, wassail; carouse, carousal; jollification, junket, wake, Irish wake, picnic, fete champetre[Fr], regatta, field day; treat. round of pleasures, dissipation, a short life and a merry one, racketing, holiday making. rejoicing &c. 838; jubilee &c. (celebration) 883. bonfire, fireworks, feu-de-joie, firecracker. holiday; gala day, red letter day, play day; high days and holidays; high holiday, Bank holiday; May day, Derby day; Saint Monday, Easter Monday, Whit Monday; Bairam[obs3]; wayz-goos[obs3], bean feast; Arbor Day, Declaration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day; Mardi gras[Fr],mi-careme[Fr], feria[Lat], fiesta. place of amusement, theater; hall, concert room, ballroom, assemblyroom[obs3]; music hall. park, plaisance[obs3]; national park, national forest, state park, county park, city park, vest-pocket park, public park (public) 737a; arbor; garden &c. (horticulture) 371; pleasure ground, playground, cricketground, croquet ground, archery ground, hunting ground; tennis court, racket court; bowling alley, green alley; croquet lawn, rink, glaciarum[obs3], skating rink; roundabout, merry-go-round; swing; montagne Russe[Fr]. game of chance, game of skill. athletic sports, gymnastics; archery, rifle shooting; tournament, pugilism &c. (contention) 720; sports &c. 622; horse racing, the turf; aquatics &c. 267; skating, sliding; cricket, tennis, lawn tennis; hockey, football, baseball, soccer, ice hockey, basketball; rackets, fives, trap bat and ball, battledore and shuttlecock, la grace; pall-mall, tipcat[obs3], croquet, golf, curling, pallone[obs3], polo, water polo; tent pegging; tilting at the ring, quintain[obs3][medeival]; greasy pole; quoits, horseshoes, discus; rounders, lacrosse; tobogganing, water polo; knurr and spell[obs3]. [childrens' games] leapfrog, hop skip and jump; mother may I; French and English, tug of war; blindman's bluff, hunt the slopper[obs3], hide and seek, kiss in the ring; snapdragon; cross questions and crooked answers.; crisscross, hopscotch; jacks, jackstones[obs3], marbles; mumblety-peg, mumble-the-peg, pushball, shinney, shinny, tag &c. billiards, pool, pingpong, pyramids, bagatelle; bowls, skittles, ninepins, kain[obs3], American bowls[obs3]; tenpins [U.S.], tivoli. cards, card games; whist, rubber; round game; loo, cribbage, besique[obs3], euchre, drole[obs3], ecarte[Fr], picquet[obs3], allfours[obs3], quadrille, omber, reverse, Pope Joan, commit; boston, boaston[obs3]; blackjack, twenty-one, vingtun[Fr]; quinze[Fr], thirty-one, put, speculation, connections, brag, cassino[obs3], lottery, commerce, snip-snap-snoren[obs3], lift smoke, blind hookey, Polish bank, Earl of Coventry, Napoleon, patience, pairs; banker; blind poker, draw poker, straight poker, stud poker; bluff, bridge, bridge whist; lotto, monte, three-card monte, nap, penny-ante, poker, reversis[obs3], squeezers, old maid, fright, beggar-my-neighbor; baccarat. [cards: list] ace, king, queen, knave, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, trey, deuce; joker; trump, wild card. [card suits: list] spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds; major suit, minor suit. bower; right bower, left bower; dummy; jackpot; deck. [hands at poker: list] pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full-house, four of a kind, royal flush; misere &c. [board games: list] chess, draughts, checkers, checquers, backgammon, dominos, merelles[obs3], nine men's morris, go bang, solitaire; game of fox and goose; monopoly; loto &c. [obs3] scrabble[word games: list], scribbage, boggle, crossword puzzle, hangman. morra[obs3]; gambling &c. (chance) 621. toy, plaything, bauble; doll &c. (puppet ) 554; teetotum[obs3]; knickknack &c. (trifle) 643; magic lantern &c. (show) 448; peep show, puppet show, raree show, gallanty show[obs3]; toy shop; "quips and cranks and wanton wiles, nods and becks and wreathed smiles" [Milton]. entertainer, showman, showgirl; dancer, tap dancer, song-and-dance man; vaudeville act; singer; musician &c. 416. sportsman, gamester, reveler; master of ceremonies, master of revels; pompom girl[obs3]; arbiter elegantiarum[Lat]; arbiter bibendi[Lat], archer, fan [U.S.], toxophilite[obs3], turfman[obs3]. V. amuse, entertain, divert, enliven; tickle the fancy; titillate, raise a smile, put in good humor; cause laughter, create laughter, occasion laughter, raise laughter, excite laughter, produce laughter, convulse with laughter; set the table in a roar, be the death of one. recreate, solace, cheer, rejoice; please &c. 829; interest; treat, regale. amuse oneself, game; play a game, play pranks, play tricks; sport, disport, toy, wanton, revel, junket, feast, carouse, banquet, make merry, drown care; drive dull care away; frolic, gambol, frisk, romp; caper; dance &c. (leap) 309; keep up the ball; run a rig, sow one's wild oats, have one's fling, take one's pleasure; paint the town red*; see life; desipere in loco[Lat], play the fool. make holiday, keep holiday; go a Maying. while away the time, beguile the time; kill time, dally. smile, simper, smirk; grin, grin like a Cheshire cat; mock, laugh in one's sleeve; laugh, laugh outright; giggle, titter, snigger, crow, snicker, chuckle, cackle; burst out, burst into a fit of laughter; shout, split, roar. shake one's sides, split one's sides, hold both one's sides; roar with laughter, die with laughter. Adj. amusing, entertaining, diverting &c. v.; recreational, recreative, lusory[obs3]; pleasant &c. (pleasing) 829; laughable &c. (ludicrous) 853; witty &c. 842; fun, festive, festal; jovial, jolly, jocund, roguish, rompish[obs3]; playful, playful as a kitten; sportive, ludibrious . funny; very funny, hilarious, uproarious, side-splitting. amused &c. v.; "pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw" [Pope]; laughing &c. v.; risible; ready to burst, ready to split, ready to die with laughter; convulsed with laughter, rolling in the aisles. Adv. "on the light fantastic toe" [Milton], at play, in sport. Int. vive la bagatelle[Fr]! vogue la galere[Fr]! Phr. deus nobis haec otia fecit[Lat]; dum vivimus vivamus[Lat]; dulce est desipere in loco [Lat][Horace]; "(every room) hath blazed with lights and brayed with minstrelsy" [Timon of Athens]; misce stullitiam consiliis brevem [Lat][Horace].
#841. Weariness. N. weariness, defatigation ; lassitude &c. (fatigue) 688; drowsiness &c. 683. disgust, nausea, loathing, sickness; satiety &c. 869; taedium vitae &c. (dejection) 837; boredom, ennui. wearisomeness, tediousness &c. adj.; dull work, tedium, monotony, twice-told tale. bore, buttonholer, proser[obs3], wet blanket; pill*, stiff*; heavy hours, "the enemy" [time]. V. weary; tire &c. (fatigue) 688; bore; bore to death, weary to death, tire to death, bore out of one's skull, bore out of one's life, weary out of one's life, tire out of one's life, bore out of all patience, weary out of all patience, wear out one's patience, tire out of all patience; set to sleep, send to sleep; buttonhole. pall, sicken, nauseate, disgust. harp on the same string; drag its slow length along, drag its weary length along. never hear the last of; be tired of, be sick of, be tired with &c. adj.; yawn; die with ennui. [of journalistic articles] MEGO, my eyes glaze over. Adj. wearying &c. v.; wearing; wearisome, tiresome, irksome; uninteresting, stupid, bald, devoid of interest, dry, monotonous, dull, arid, tedious, humdrum, mortal, flat; prosy, prosing; slow, soporific, somniferous. disgusting &c. v.; unenjoyed[obs3]. weary, tired &c. v.; drowsy &c. (sleepy) 683; uninterested, flagging, used up, worn out, blase, life-weary, weary of life; sick of. Adv. wearily &c. adj.; usque ad nauseam[Lat]. Phr. time hanging heavily on one's hands; toujours perdrix[Fr]; crambe repetita[Lat][obs3].
#842. Wit. N. wit, humor, wittiness; sense of humor; attic wit, attic salt; atticism[obs3]; salt, esprit, point, fancy, whim, drollery, pleasantry. farce, buffoonery, fooling, tomfoolery; shenanigan [U.S.], harlequinade &c. 599[obs3]; broad farce, broad humor; fun, espieglerie[Fr]; vis comica[Lat]. jocularity; jocosity, jocoseness[obs3]; facetiousness; waggery, waggishness; whimsicality; comicality &c. 853. banter, badinage, retort, repartee, smartness, ready wit, quid-pro- quo; ridicule &c. 856. jest, joke, jape, jibe; facetiae[Lat], levity, quips and cranks; capital joke; canorae nugae[Lat]; standing jest, standing joke, private joke, conceit, quip, quirk, crank, quiddity, concetto[obs3], plaisanterie[Fr], brilliant idea; merry thought, bright thought, happy thought; sally; flash of wit, flash of merriment; scintillation; mot[Fr], mot pour rire [French]; witticism, smart saying, bon-mot,jeu d'esprit[Fr],epigram; jest book; dry joke, quodlibet, cream of the jest. word-play, jeu de mots[Fr]; play of words, play upon words; pun, punning; double entente, double entendre &c. (ambiguity) 520[Fr]; quibble, verbal quibble; conundrum &c. (riddle) 533; anagram, acrostic, double acrostic, trifling, idle conceit, turlupinade . old joke, tired joke, flat joke, Joe Miller !. V. joke, jest, crack a joke, make a joke, jape, cut jokes; perpetrate a joke; pun, perpetrate a pun; make fun of, make merry with; kid, kid around, fool around; set the table in a roar &c. (amuse) 840. retort; banter &c. (ridicule) 856; ridentem dicere verum[Lat]; joke at one's expense. take in jest. [make a joke which is not funny] bomb, fall flat; go over like a lead balloon. Adj. witty, attic; quick-witted, nimble-witted; smart; jocular, jocose, humorous; facetious, waggish, whimsical; kidding, joking, puckish; playful &c. 840; merry and wise; pleasant, sprightly, light, spirituel[obs3], sparkling, epigrammatic, full of point, ben trovato[It]; comic &c. 853. zany, madcap. funny, amusing &c. (amusement) 840. Adv. jokingly, in joke, in jest, in sport, in play. Phr. adhibenda est in jocando moderatio[Lat][obs3]; "gentle dullness ever loves a joke" [Pope]; "leave this keen encounter of our wits" [Richard III]; just joking, just kidding; "surely you jest!".
#843. Dullness. — N. dullness, heaviness, flatness; infestivity [obs3] &c. 837, stupidity &c. 499; want of originality; dearth of ideas. prose, matter of fact; heavy book, conte a dormir debout[Fr]; platitude. V. be dull &c. adj.; prose, take au serieux[Fr], be caught napping. render dull &c. adj.; damp, depress, throw cold water on, lay a wet blanket on; fall flat upon the ear. no joke, serious matter (importance) 642. Adj. dull, dull as ditch water; unentertaining, uninteresting, flat, dry as dust; unfunny, unlively[obs3], logy [U.S.]; unimaginative; insulse[obs3]; dry as dust; prosy, prosing, prosaic; matter of fact, commonplace, pedestrian, pointless; "weary stale flat and unprofitable" [Hamlet]. stupid, slow, flat, insipid, vapid, humdrum, monotonous; melancholic &c. 837; stolid &c. 499; plodding. boring, tiresome, tedious &c. 841. Phr. davus sum non Aedipus[obs3]; deadly dull and boring, DDB[abbr].
#844. Humorist. N. humorist, wag, wit, reparteeist[obs3], epigrammatist, punster; bel esprit, life of the party; wit-snapper, wit- cracker, wit-worm; joker, jester, Joe Miller !, drole de corps[obs3], gaillard[obs3], spark; bon diable[Fr]; practical joker. buffoon, farceur[French], merry-andrew, mime, tumbler, acrobat, mountebank, charlatan, posturemaster[obs3], harlequin, punch, pulcinella[obs3], scaramouch[obs3], clown; wearer of the cap and bells, wearer of the motley; motley fool; pantaloon, gypsy; jack-pudding, jack in the green, jack a dandy; wiseacre, wise guy, smartass [coll.]; fool &c. 501. zany, madcap; pickle-herring, witling[obs3], caricaturist, grimacier[obs3]; persifleur[obs3].
2. Discriminative Affections
#845. Beauty. N. beauty, the beautiful, [Grk], le beau ideal. [Science of the perception of beauty] aesthetics, callaesthetics !. [of people] pulchritude, form elegance, grace, beauty unadorned, natural beauty; symmetry &c. 242; comeliness, fairness &c. adj.; polish, gloss; good effect, good looks; belle tournure[obs3]; trigness[obs3]; bloom, brilliancy, radiance, splendor, gorgeousness, magnificence; sublimity, sublimification . concinnity[obs3], delicacy, refinement; charm, je ne sais quoi[Fr], style. Venus, Aphrodite[obs3], Hebe, the Graces, Peri, Houri, Cupid, Apollo[obs3], Hyperion, Adonis[obs3], Antionous[obs3], Narcissus. peacock, butterfly; garden; flower of, pink of; bijou; jewel &c. (ornament) 847; work of art. flower, flow'ret gay[obs3], wildflower; rose[flowers: list], lily, anemone, asphodel, buttercup, crane's bill, daffodil, tulip, tiger lily, day lily, begonia, marigold, geranium, lily of the valley, ranunculus[ISA:herb@flowering], rhododendron, windflower. pleasurableness &c 829. beautifying; landscaping, landscape gardening; decoration &c. 847; calisthenics !. [person who is beautiful] beauty; hunk [of men]. V. be beautiful &c. adj.; shine, beam, bloom; become one &c. (accord) 23; set off, grace. render beautiful &c. adj.; beautify; polish, burnish; gild &c. (decorate) 847; set out. "snatch a grace beyond the reach of art" [Pope]. Adj. beautiful, beauteous; handsome; gorgeous; pretty; lovely, graceful, elegant, prepossessing; attractive &c. (inviting) 615; delicate, dainty, refined; fair, personable, comely, seemly; bonny [Scottish]; good- looking; well-favored, well-made, well-formed, well-proportioned; proper, shapely; symmetrical &c. (regular) 242; harmonious &c. (color) 428; sightly. fit to be seen, passable, not amiss. goodly, dapper, tight, jimp[obs3]; gimp; janty[obs3], jaunty; trig, natty, quaint, trim, tidy,neat, spruce, smart, tricksy[obs3]. bright, bright eyed; rosy cheeked, cherry cheeked; rosy, ruddy; blooming, in full bloom. brilliant, shining; beamy[obs3], beaming; sparkling, splendid, resplendent, dazzling, glowing; glossy, sleek. rich, superb, magnificent, grand, fine, sublime, showy, specious. artistic, artistical[obs3]; aesthetic; picturesque, pictorial; fait a peindre[Fr]; well-composed, well grouped, well varied; curious. enchanting &c. (pleasure-giving) 829; becoming &c. (accordant) 23; ornamental &c. 847. undeformed, undefaced, unspotted; spotless &c. (perfect) 650. Phr. auxilium non leve vultus habet [Lat][Ovid]; "beauty born of murmuring sound" [Wordsworth]; "flowers preach to us if we will hear" [C.G. Rossetti]; gratior ac pulchro veniens in corpore virtus [Lat][Vergil]; "none but the brave deserve the fair" [Dryden]; "thou who hast the fatal gift of beauty" [Byron].
#846. Ugliness. N. ugliness &c. adj.; deformity, inelegance; acomia[obs3]; disfigurement &c. (blemish) 848; want of symmetry, inconcinnity[obs3]; distortion &c. 243; squalor &c. (uncleanness) 653. forbidding countenance, vinegar aspect, hanging look, wry face, "spretae injuria formae" [Vergil]. [person who is ugly] eyesore, object, witch, hag, figure, sight, fright; monster; dog[coll.], woofer[coll.], pig[coll.]; octopus, specter, scarecrow, harridan !, satyr !, toad, monkey, baboon, Caliban, Aesop[obs3], "monstrum horrendum informe ingens cui lumen ademptum" [Latin][Vergil]. V. be ugly &c. adj.; look ill, grin horribly a ghastly smile, make faces. render ugly &c. adj.; deface; disfigure, defigure ; distort &c. 23; blemish &c. (injure) 659; soil &c. (render unclean) 653. Adj. ugly, ugly as sin, ugly as a toad, ugly as a scarecrow, ugly as a dead monkey; plain, bald (unadorned) 849; homely; ordinary, unornamental[obs3], inartistic; unsightly, unseemly, uncomely, unlovely; unshapely; sightless, seemless[obs3]; not fit to be seen; unbeauteous[obs3], unbeautiful; beautiless[obs3], semibeautiful; shapeless &c. (amorphous) 241. misshapen, misproportioned[obs3]; monstrous; gaunt &c. (thin) 203; dumpy &c. (short) 201; curtailed of its fair proportions; ill-made, ill- shaped, ill-proportioned; crooked &c. (distorted) 243; hard featured, hard visaged; ill-favored, hard-favored, evil-favored; ill-looking; unprepossessing, unattractive, uninviting, unpleasing. graceless, inelegant; ungraceful, ungainly, uncouth, stiff; rugged, rough, gross, rude, awkward, clumsy, slouching, rickety; gawky; lumping, lumpish[obs3]; lumbering; hulky[obs3], hulking; unwieldy. squalid, haggard; grim, grim faced, grim visaged; grisly, ghastly; ghost like, death like; cadaverous, grewsome[obs3], gruesome. frightful, hideous, odious, uncanny, forbidding; repellant, repulsive, repugnant, grotesque, bizarre; grody [coll.], grody to the max [coll.]; horrid, horrible; shocking &c. (painful) 830. foul &c. (dirty) 653; dingy &c. (colorless) 429; gaudy &c. (color) 428; disfigured &c. v.; discolored.
#847. Ornament. N. ornament, ornamentation, ornamental art; ornature[obs3], ornateness; adornment, decoration, embellishment; architecture; jewelry &c. 847a. [surface coatings for wood: list] garnish, polish, varnish, French polish, veneer, japanning, lacquer. [surface coatings for metal] gilding, plating, ormolu, enamel, cloisonn. [surface coatings for human skin] cosmetics[in general], makeup; eye shadow[list], rouge, face powder, lipstick, blush. [ornamental surface pattern: list] pattern, diaper, powdering, paneling, graining, pargeting[obs3]; detail; repousse (convexity) 250; texture &c. 329; richness; tracery, molding, fillet, listel[obs3], strapwork[obs3], coquillage[Fr], flourish, fleur-de-lis[Fr], arabesque, fret, anthemion[obs3]; egg and tongue, egg and dart; astragal[obs3], zigzag, acanthus, cartouche; pilaster &c. (projection) 250; bead, beading; champleve ware[Fr], cloisonne ware; frost work, Moresque[Lat], Morisco, tooling. [ornamental cloth] embroidery; brocade, brocatelle[obs3], galloon, lace, fringe, trapping, border, edging, trimming; hanging, tapestry, arras; millinery, ermine; drap d'or[Fr]. wreath, festoon, garland, chaplet, flower, nosegay, bouquet, posy, "daisies pied and violets blue" tassel[L.L.L.], knot; shoulder knot, apaulette[obs3], epaulet, aigulet[obs3], frog; star, rosette, bow; feather, plume, pompom[obs3], panache, aigrette. finery, frippery, gewgaw, gimcrack, tinsel, spangle, clinquant[obs3], pinchbeck, paste; excess of ornament &c. (vulgarity) 851; gaud, pride. [ornamentation of text] illustration, illumination, vignette. fleuron[obs3]; head piece[Fr], tail piece[Fr]; cul-de-lampe[Fr]; flowers of rhetoric &c. 577; work of art. V. ornament, embellish, enrich, decorate, adorn, bead, beautify, adonize[obs3]. smarten, furbish, polish, gild, varnish, whitewash, enamel, japan, lacquer, paint, grain. garnish, trim, dizen[obs3], bedizen, prink[obs3], prank; trick out, fig out; deck, bedeck, dight[obs3], bedight[obs3], array; begawd[obs3], titivate[obs3]; dress, dress up; spangle, bespangle, powder; embroider, work; chase, emboss, fret, emblazon; illuminate; illustrate. become &c. (accord with) 23. Adj. ornamented, beautified &c. v.; ornate, rich, gilt, begilt[obs3], tesselated, festooned; champleve[Fr], cloisonne, topiary. smart, gay, trickly[obs3], flowery, glittering; new gilt, new spangled; fine as a Mayday queen, fine as a fivepence[obs3], fine as a carrot fresh scraped; pranked out, bedight[obs3], well-groomed. in full dress &c. (fashion) 852; dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, dressed to advantage; in Sunday best, en grand tenue[Fr], en grande toilette[Fr]; in best bib and tucker, endimanche[Fr]. showy, flashy; gaudy &c. (vulgar) 851; garish, gairish !; gorgeous. ornamental, decorative; becoming &c. (accordant) 23.
#847a. Jewelry N. jewel[ornaments worn by people on the body][general], jewelry, jewellery[obs3]; bijoutry !; bijou, bijouterie[Fr]; trinket; fine jewelry; costume jewelry, junk jewelry; gem, gemstone, precious stone. [forms of jewelry: list] necklace, bracelet, anklet; earring; locket, pendant, charm bracelet; ring, pinky ring; carcanet[obs3]; chain, chatelaine; broach, pin, lapel pin, torque. [gemstones: list] diamond, brilliant, rock[coll.]; beryl, emerald; chalcedony, agate, heliotrope; girasol[obs3], girasole[obs3]; onyx, plasma; sard[obs3], sardonyx; garnet, lapis lazuli, opal, peridot[ISA:gemstone], tourmaline, chrysolite; sapphire, ruby, synthetic ruby; spinel, spinelle; balais[obs3]; oriental, oriental topaz; turquois[obs3], turquoise; zircon, cubic zirconia; jacinth, hyacinth, carbuncle, amethyst; alexandrite[obs3], cat's eye, bloodstone, hematite, jasper, moonstone, sunstone[obs3]. [jewelry materials derived from living organisms] pearl, cultured pearl, fresh-water pearl; mother of pearl; coral. [person who sells jewels] jeweler. [person who studies gemstones] gemologist; minerologist. [person who cuts gemstones] lapidary, lapidarian. [study of gemstones] gemology, gemmology; minerology. V. shine like a diamond. Adj. bejeweled; diamond &c. n[gemstones].. gemological.
#848. Blemish. N. blemish, disfigurement, deformity; adactylism[obs3]; flaw, defect &c. (imperfection) 651; injury &c. (deterioration) 659; spots on the sun !; eyesore. stain, blot; spot, spottiness; speck, speckle, blur. tarnish, smudge; dirt &c. 653. [blemish on a person's skin: list] freckle, mole, macula[Anat], patch, blotch, birthmark; blobber lip[obs3], blubber lip; blain[obs3], maculation, ; scar, wem ; pustule; whelk; excrescence, pimple &c. (protuberance) 250. V. disfigure &c. (injure) 659; speckle. Adj. pitted, freckled, discolored; imperfect &c. 651; blobber-lipped, bloodshot; injured &c. (deteriorated) 659.
#849. Simplicity. — N. simplicity; plainness, homeliness; undress, chastity. V. be simple &c. adj. render simple &c. adj.; simplify, uncomplicate. Adj. simple, plain; homely, homespun; ordinary, household. unaffected; ingenuous, sincere (artless) 703; free from affectation, free from ornament; simplex munditiis [Lat][Horace]; sans facon[Fr], en deshabille[Fr]. chaste, inornate[obs3], severe. unadorned, bare, unornamented, undecked[obs3], ungarnished, unarranged[obs3], untrimmed, unvarnished. bald, flat, dull. Phr. veritatis simplex oratio est[Lat].
#850. [Good taste.] Taste. — N. taste; good taste, refined taste, cultivated taste; delicacy, refinement, fine feeling, gust, gusto, tact, finesse; nicety &c. (discrimination) 465; [Grk]; polish, elegance, grace. judgment, discernment &c. 465. dilettantism, dilettanteism; virtu; fine art; culture, cultivation. [Science of taste] aesthetics. man of taste &c.; connoisseur, judge, critic, conoscente, virtuoso, amateur, dilettante, Aristarchus[obs3], Corinthian, arbiter elegantiarum[Lat], stagirite[obs3], euphemist. "caviare to the general" [Hamlet]. V. appreciate, judge, criticise, discriminate &c. 465 Adj. in good taste, cute, tasteful, tasty; unaffected, pure, chaste, classical, attic; cultivated, refined; dainty; esthetic, aesthetic, artistic; elegant &c 578; euphemistic. to one's taste, to one's mind; after one's fancy; comme il faut[Fr]; tire a quatre epingles[Fr]. Adv. elegantly &c. adj. Phr. nihil tetigit quod non ornavit [Lat][from Johnson's epitaph on Goldsmith]; chacun a son gout[Fr]; oculi pictura tenentur aures cantibus [Lat][Cicero].
#851. [Bad taste.] Vulgarity. N. vulgarity, vulgarism; barbarism, Vandalism, Gothicism !; mauvis gout[Fr], bad taste; gaucherie, awkwardness, want of tact; ill-breeding &c. (discourtesy) 895. courseness &c. adj[obs3].; indecorum, misbehavior. lowness, homeliness; low life, mauvais ton[Fr], rusticity; boorishness &c. adj.; brutality; rowdyism, blackguardism[obs3]; ribaldry; slang &c. (neology) 563. bad joke, mauvais plaisanterie[Fr]. [Excess of ornament] gaudiness, tawdriness; false ornament; finery, frippery, trickery, tinsel, gewgaw, clinquant[obs3]; baroque, rococo. rough diamond, tomboy, hoyden, cub, unlicked cub[obs3]; clown &c. (commonalty) 876; Goth, Vandal, Boeotian; snob, cad, gent; parvenu &c. 876; frump, dowdy; slattern &c. 653. V. be vulgar &c. adj.; misbehave; talk shop, smell of the shop. Adj. in bad taste vulgar, unrefined. coarse, indecorous, ribald, gross; unseemly, unbeseeming[obs3], unpresentable[obs3]; contra bonos mores[Lat]; ungraceful &c. (ugly) 846. dowdy; slovenly &c. (dirty) 653; ungenteel, shabby genteel; low, common, hoi polloi[Grk] &c. (plebeian) 876; uncourtly[obs3]; uncivil &c. (discourteous) 895; ill bred, ill mannered; underbred; ungentlemanly, ungentlemanlike; unladylike, unfeminine; wild, wild as an unbacked colt. untutored, unschooled (ignorant) 491. unkempt. uncombed, untamed, unlicked[obs3], unpolished, uncouth; plebeian; incondite[obs3]; heavy, rude, awkward; homely, homespun, home bred; provincial, countrified, rustic; boorish, clownish; savage, brutish, blackguard, rowdy, snobbish; barbarous, barbaric; Gothic, unclassical[obs3], doggerel, heathenish, tramontane, outlandish; uncultivated; Bohemian. obsolete &c. (antiquated) 124; unfashionable; newfangled &c. (unfamiliar) 83; odd &c. (ridiculous) 853. particular; affected &c. 855; meretricious; extravagant, monstrous, horrid; shocking &c. (painful) 830. gaudy, tawdry, overornamented, baroque, rococo; bedizened, tricked out, gingerbread; obtrusive.
#852. Fashion. N. fashion, style, ton, bon ton !, society; good society, polite society; monde[Fr]; drawing-room, civilized life, civilization, town, beau monde[Fr], high life, court; world; fashionable world, gay world; Vanity Fair; show &c. (ostentation) 822. manners, breeding &c. (politeness) 894; air, demeanor &c. (appearance) 448; savoir faire[Fr]; gentlemanliness[obs3], gentility, decorum, propriety, biensance[Fr]; conventions of society; Mrs. Grundy; punctilio; form, formality; etiquette, point of etiquette; dress &c. 225. custom &c. 613; mode, vogue, go; rage &c. (desire) 865; prevailing taste; fad, trend, bandwagon, furore[obs3], thing, in thing, craze, chic, last word. man of fashion, woman of fashion, man of the world, woman of the world; height of fashion, pink of fashion, star of fashion, glass of fashion, leader of fashion; arbiter elegantiarum &c. (taste) 850[Lat]; the beautiful people, the fashion set, upper ten thousand &c. (nobility) 875; elite &c. (distinction) 873; smart set; the four hundred [U.S.]; in crowd. V. be fashionable &c. adj., be the rage &c. n.; have a run, pass current. follow the fashion, conform to the fashion, fall in with the fashion, follow the trend, follow the crowd &c. n.; go with the stream &c. (conform) 82; savoir vivre[Fr], savoir faire[Fr]; keep up appearances, behave oneself. set the fashion, bring in the fashion; give a tone to society, cut a figure in society; keep one's carriage. Adj. fashionable; in fashion &c. n.; a la mode, comme il faut[Fr]; admitted in society, admissible in society &c. n.; presentable; conventional &c. (customary) 613; genteel; well-bred, well mannered, well behaved, well spoken; gentlemanlike[obs3], gentlemanly; ladylike; civil, polite &c. (courteous) 894. polished, refined, thoroughbred, courtly; distingue[Fr]; unembarrassed, degage[Fr]; janty[obs3], jaunty; dashing, fast. modish, stylish, chic, trendy, recherche; newfangled &c. (unfamiliar) 83; all the rage, all the go !; with it, in, faddish. in court, in full dress, in evening dress; en grande tenue[Fr] &c. (ornament) 847. Adv. fashionably &c. adj.; for fashion's sake. Phr. a la francaise, a la parisienne; a l' anglaise[Fr], a l' americaine[Fr]; autre temps autre mauers[Fr]; chaque pays a sa guise[Fr]. |