lbor, lb, lapsus, slip, glide, fall. labor, -ris, m., labor, toil. labr, -re, -v, -tus [labor], labor, toil. lc, lactis, n., milk. Lacnia, -ae, f., Laconia. lacrima, -ae, f., tear. lacus, -s, m., lake. laetitia, -ae [laetus, joyful], f., joy. lmenta, -rum, n. plur., lamentation. Lomedn, -ontis, m., Laomedon. lapis, -idis, m., stone. laqueus, -, m., noose. Lrsa, -ae, f., Larisa. lassitd, -inis [lassus, weary], f., weariness. late, -re, -u, lie hid, be concealed. latr, -nis, m., robber. ltus, -a, -um, broad, wide. lgtus, - [part. of lg, depute], m., ambassador. lnis, -e, gentle. le, -nis, m., lion. Lernaeus, -a, -um, of Lerna, Lernean. Lth, -s, f., Lethe. levis, -e, light, slight. leviter [levis], adv., slightly. libenter [libns, willing], adv., willingly, gladly. lber, -rum [lber, free], m. plur., children. lber, -re, -v, -tus [lber, free], set free, free, liberate, release. lberts, -ttis [lber, free], f., freedom, liberty. Libya, -ae, f., Libya, Africa. licet, -re, -uit or -itum est, impers., is lawful or permitted. Lichs, -ae, m., Lichas. lgneus, -a, -um [lgnum], of wood, wooden. lgnum, -, n., wood. Ligurs, -um, m. plur., Ligurians. Liguria, -ae [Ligurs], f., Liguria. lmen, -minis, n., threshold; door. lmus, -, m., mud. linter, lintris, f., boat, skiff. Linus, -, m., Linus. ltus, ltoris, n., shore. locus, -, m., plur. loca, -orum, n., place, situation. long [longus], adv., far. longinquus, -a, -um [longus], distant, remote. longus, -a, -um, long; tedious. loquor, loqu, loctus, speak. ltus, -, f., lotus. lucrum, -, n., gain. luctor, -r, -tus, wrestle, struggle. ldus, -, m., game, sport. lmen, -minis, n., light. lx, lcis, f., light.
magicus, -a, -um, magic. magis, comp. adv., more, rather. magister, -tr [magis], m., master. mgnific [mgnificus], adv., splendidly. mgnificentia, -ae [mgnificus], f., splendor, magnificence. mgnificus, -a, -um [mgnus + faci], splendid, magnificent. mgnitd, -tdinis [mgnus], f., greatness, size. mgnopere [abl. of mgnum opus], adv., greatly, very much, exceedingly; earnestly. mgnus, -a, -um, large, big, great, mighty; loud. mior, mius, comp. of mgnus. male [malus], adv., badly, ill. ml, mlle, mlu [magis + vol], wish rather, prefer. malum, - [malus], n., evil, mischief. malus, -a, -um, bad. mlus, -, m., mast. mand, -dre, -dv, -dtus [manus + -d, put], put in hand, intrust, commit; charge, command. mne, adv., in the morning, early in the morning. mane, manre, mns, mnsus, remain. mns, -ium, m. plur., spirit, shade. manus, -s, f., hand. mare, maris, n., sea. martus, -, m., husband. Mrs, Mrtis, m., Mars. mter, mtris, f., mother. mtrimnium, - [mter], n., marriage; in mtrimnium dcere, marry. mtr, -re, -v, -tus [mtrus, ripe], ripen; hasten. mxim [mximus], adv., very greatly, exceedingly, especially. mximus, -a, -um, superl. of mgnus. Mda, -ae, f., Medea. medicmentum, - [medic, heal], n., drug; poison, potion. medicna, -ae [medicus, physician], f., art of healing, medicine. medius, -a, -um, mid, middle. Medsa, -ae, f., Medusa. membrum, -, n., limb, member. memoria, -ae [memor, remembering], f., memory. memor, -re, -v, -tus [memor, remembering], remind of, mention. menti, -nis, f., mention. merctor, -ris [mercor, trade], m., trader, merchant. mercs, mercdis, f., pay, reward, wages. Mercurius, -, m., Mercury. merg, mergere, mers, mersus, dip, plunge, sink. merdinus, -a, -um [merdis], midday, noonday; merdinum tempus, midday, noon. merdis, - [medius + dis], m., midday, noon; south. meritus, -a, -um [part. of mere], deserved, due, just. meus, -a, -um [ego, me], my, mine. mles, mlitis, m., soldier. mlitris, -e [mles], military, warlike; rs mlitris, art of war, warfare. mlle, indecl. adj., a thousand; mlia, -ium, n. plur., thousands; mlia passuum, thousands of paces, miles. minae, -rum, f. plur., threats. Minerva, -ae, f., Minerva. minim [minimus, least], adv., least, very little; by no means, not at all. minimum [minimus, least], adv., very little, slightly. minitor, -r, -tus [minae], threaten. Mns, Mnis, m., Minos. minus, comp. adv., less. Minyae, -rum, m. plur., Minyae. mrculum, - [mror], n., wonder, marvel, miracle. mror, -r, -tus [mrus], wonder, wonder at. mrus, -a, -um, wonderful, strange. misce, miscre, miscu, mxtus, mix, mingle. misericordia, -ae [misericors, pitiful], f;, pity, compassion. mitt, mittere, ms, missus, send. modo [modus], adv., only. modus, -, m., way, manner. moenia, -ium, n. plur., walls. mola, -ae, f., meal. molestia, -ae [molestus, annoying], f., annoyance. mone, -re, -u, -itus, warn. mns, montis, m., mountain. mnstr, -re, -v, -tus [mnstrum], point out, show. mnstrum, -, n., wonder, monster. mora, -ae, f., delay. morde, mordre, momord, morsus, bite. morior, mor, mortuus, die. moror, -r, -tus [mora], delay, linger, stay. mors, morts [morior], f., death. mortlis, -e [mors], mortal. mortifer, -fera, -ferum [mors + fer], death-bringing, deadly. mortuus, -a, -um [part. of morior], dead. ms, mris, m., way, manner, habit, custom. move, movre, mv, mtus, move. mox, adv., soon. mgi, -re, -v, low, bellow. mgtus, -s [mgi], m., lowing, bellowing. mulier, mulieris, f., woman. multitd, -tdinis [multus], f., multitude. mult [multus], adv., by much or far, much, far. multum, - [multus], n., much. multum [multus], adv., much, greatly, far. multus, -a, -um, much, great; plur., many. mni, -re, -v, -tus [moenia], fortify. mnus, mneris, n., service, office, duty; present, gift. mrus, -, m., wall. msica, -ae, f., music. mt, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of move], change. Msia, -ae, f., Mysia.
nactus, part. of nancscor. nam, conj., _for_. nam-que, conj., _for_. nancscor, nancsc, nactus, _get, obtain, find_. nrr, -re, -v, -tus, _tell, relate, narrate_. nat, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of n, _swim_], _swim, float_. ntra, -ae [nscor, _be born_], f., _nature, character_. nauta, -ae [nvis], m., _sailor_. nauticus, -a, -um [nauta], _naval, nautical_. nvigti, -nis [nvig], f., _sailing, navigation, voyage_. nvig, -re, -v, -tus [nvis + ag], _sail_. nvis, -is, f., _ship_. -ne, enclitic introducing a question, untranslatable. n, adv., _not_; n ... quidem, _not ... even_; conj., _that not, lest_. nec, see neque. necesse, indecl. adj., _necessary_. nec, -re, -v, -tus, _put to death, slay, kill_. negleg, -legere, -lx, -lctus [nec + leg, _gather_], _disregard, neglect_. neg, -re, -v, -tus, _say no_ or _not, deny, refuse_. negtium, - [nec + tium, _leisure_], n., _business, matter; task, trouble, difficulty_. Nemeaeus, -a, -um, _of Nemea, Nemean_. nm, nminis [ne-, _not_ + hom], m. and f., _no one, nobody_. neps, neptis, m., _grandson_. Neptnus, -, m., _Neptune_. neque or nec [ne-, _not_ + -que], conj., _and not, nor_; neque ... neque, _neither ... nor_; neque enim, _for ... not_. nervus, -, m., _sinew, muscle_. ne-sci, -scre, -scv, _not know, be ignorant_; nesci quis, _I know not who, some one or other_ (nesci is thus used with other interrogative words also). Nessus, -, m., _Nessus_. neu, see nve. neuter, neutra, neutrum [ne-, _not_ + uter], _neither_. nve or neu [n + -ve, _or_], conj., _and that not, and not, nor_. niger, nigra, nigrum, _black_. nihil, n., indecl., _nothing_. nisi [ne-, _not_ + s], conj., _if not, unless_. nix, nivis, f., _snow_. noct [nox], adv., _at_ or _by night_. nocturnus, -a, -um [nox], _of night, nocturnal_; nocturnum tempus, _night-time_. nl, nlle, nlu [ne-, _not_ + vol], _not wish, be unwilling_. nmen, -minis [nsc, _come to know_], n., _name_ (that by which one is known). nn, adv., _not_. nn-dum, adv., _not yet_. nn-ne, adv., introducing a question to which an affirmative answer is expected, _not_? nn-nllus, -a, -um, _not none, some, several_. ns, plur. of ego. noster, -tra, -trum [ns], _our_. ntus, -a, -um [part. of nsc, _come to know_], known, well-known, famous_. novem, indecl. adj., _nine_. novits, -ttis [novus], f., _newness, novelty_. novus, -a, -um, _new_; novissimus, _last_. nox, noctis, f., _night_. nbs, -is, f., _cloud_. ndus, -a, -um, _naked, bare_. nllus, -a, -um [ne-, _not_ + llus], _not any, none, no_. num, adv., introducing a question to which a negative answer is expected, untranslatable. numerus, -, m., _number_. nummus, -, m., _coin_. numquam [ne-, _not_ + umquam, _ever_], adv., _never_. nunc, adv., _now_. nnti, -re, -v, -tus [nntius], _report, announce_. nntius, - [novus], m., _messenger; message_. nper [novus], adv., _newly, lately, recently_. nsquam [ne-, _not_ + squam, _anywhere_], adv., _nowhere_. nympha, -ae, f., _nymph_.
ob, prep. with acc., on account of, for; in compounds, to, against. obici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [ob + iaci], throw in the way or to. ob-irg, -irgre, -irgv, -irgtus, chide, scold, reproach. ob-lin, -linere, -lv, -litus, daub over, smear. obltus, -a, -um [part. of oblvscor], forgetful, unmindful. oblvscor, -lvsc, -ltus, forget. obscr, -scrre, -scrv, -scrtus [obscrus], darken, hide, conceal. obscrus, -a, -um, dark. obsecr, -secrre, -secrv, -secrtus, beseech, entreat. ob-ser, -serere, -sv, -situs, sow, plant; cover, fill. obside, -sidre, -sd, -sessus [ob + sede], beset, besiege. ob-stru, -struere, -strx, -strctus, build against, block up. ob-testor, -testr, -testtus, call to witness; beseech, implore. obtine, -tinre, -tinu, -tentus [ob + tene], hold. obviam [ob + via], adv., in the way, opposite, face to face; obviam fier, to meet; obviam re, to go to meet. occsi, -nis [occid, fall], f., chance, opportunity. occsus, -s [occid, fall], m. setting. occd, -cdere, -cd, -csus [ob + caed, cut], cut down, kill. occup, -cupre, -cupv, -cuptus [ob + capi], seize; fill. occurr, -currere, -curr, -cursus [ob + curr], run against, meet. Oceanus, -, m., Oceanus, the ocean. oculus, -, m., eye. d, disse, used only in tenses of completed action with the force of tenses of incomplete action, hate. odium, - [d], n., hatred. odor, -ris, m., smell, odor. Oechalia, -ae, f., Oechalia. Oeneus, -, m., Oeneus. Oeta, -ae, f., Oeta. offend, -fendere, -fend, -fnsus, offend. offer, offerre, obtul, obltus [ob + fer], bear to, proffer, offer. officna, -ae, f., workshop, smithy. officium, -, n., service; duty. lim, adv., once upon a time, once, formerly, of old. Olympus, -, m., Olympus. omitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus [ob + mitt], let go, neglect, disregard, throw away, lose. omnn [omnis], adv., altogether, wholly, entirely. omnis, -e, all, every. oner, -re, -v, -tus [onus, load], load, burden. opera, -ae [opus], f., effort, work, labor. opni, -nis [opnor, think], f., opinion, expectation; reputation. oppidum, -, n., town. opportnus, -a, -um, suitable, seasonable, convenient, opportune. opprim, -primere, -press, -pressus [ob + prem], press against, overpower, crush. optimus, -a, -um, superl. of bonus. opus, operis, n., work, task. rculum, - [r], n., oracle. rti, -nis [r], f., speech; rtinem habre, to deliver an oration, speak. orbis, -is, m., circle; orbis terrae or terrrum, circle of the earth or lands, earth, world. Orcus, -, m., Orcus, under-world. rd, rdinis, m., arrangement, order, rank; ex rdine, in order. orior, -r, -tus, arise, come forth, spring up; ort lce, at dawn. rn, -re, -v, -tus, equip, adorn. r, -re, -v, -tus [s], speak; beg, pray. Orpheus, -, m., Orpheus. s, ris, n., mouth. ostend, -tendere, -tend, -tentus [ob + tend], stretch out before, show, explain. stium, - [s], n., mouth, doorway, door. ovis, -is, f., sheep.
pbulum, - [psc], n., food, fodder. paene, adv., almost, nearly. palaestra, -ae, f., wrestling-place, gymnasium. plus, -, m., stake. pals, -dis, f., swamp, marsh. partus, -a, -um [part. of par], prepared, equipped, ready. pre, -re, -u, obey. par, -re, -v, -tus, make ready, prepare. pars, partis, f., part, side, direction. parvus, -a, -um, little, small. psc, pscere, pv, pstus, feed. passus, -s [pand, stretch], m., pace; mlia passuum, see mlle. pstor, -tris [psc], m., shepherd. patefaci, -facere, -fc, -factus [pate, be open + faci], throw, or lay open, open. pater, patris, m., father. patior, pat, passus, bear, suffer, allow. patria, -ae [pater], f., fatherland, country. pauc, -ae, -a, plur. adj., few. paul [paulus, little], adv., by a little, a little, somewhat. paulum [paulus, little], adv., a little, somewhat. pavor, -ris [paye, be terrified], m., terror, panic. pectus, pectoris, n., breast. pecnia, -ae [pecus], f., money (the possession of cattle constituting wealth in early times). pecus, pecoris, n., herd, flock, cattle. pecus, pecudis, f., head of cattle, beast, sheep, goat. Pelis, -ae, m., Pelias. pellis, -is, f., hide, skin, pelt. pell, pellere, pepul, pulsus, drive, drive away, beat, rout. pend, pendere, pepend, pnsus, weigh out, pay. Pnelop, -s, f., Penelope. per, prep, with ace., through, by means of. percipi, -cipere, -cp, -ceptus [per + capi], feel. percuti, -cutere, -cuss, -cussus [per + quati], strike through, strike. per-dc, -dcere, -dx, -ductus, lead or bring through, lead, bring. peregrnus, -, m., stranger, foreigner. perennis, -e [per + annus], lasting throughout the year, perennial, perpetual. per-e, -re, -ii, -itrus, pass away, perish. per-fer, -ferre, -tul, -ltus, bear through, bear, endure; weather. perfici, -ficere, -fc, -fectus [per + faci], do or make through, accomplish. per-fl, -flre, blow through or over. per-fodi, -fodere, -fd, -fossus, dig or pierce through, transfix. perculum, -, n., danger, peril, risk. per-lstr, -lstrre, -lstrvi, -lstrtus, look over, examine, survey. per-mane, -manre, -mnsi, -mnsus, remain. perpetuus, -a, -um [per + pet], continuous, perpetual; in perpetuum, for all time, forever. per-rump, -rumpere, -rp, -ruptus, break or burst through, break. per-scrb, -scrbere, -scrps, scrptus, write through or in full, describe fully, recount. per-sequor, -sequ, -sectus, follow up, pursue. Perseus, -, m., Perseus. per-solv, -solvere, -solv, -soltus, pay completely, pay. per-sude, -sudre, -susi, -susus, persuade, prevail upon, induce. per-terre, -terrre, -terrui, -territus, thoroughly frighten, terrify. per-turb, -turbre, -turbvi, -turbtus, greatly disturb, disturb, agitate, throw into confusion. per-veni, -venre, -vn, -ventus, come through, come, arrive, reach. ps, pedis, m., foot. pet, -ere, -v or -i, -tus, seek, ask; attack. Phsis, -idis, m., Phasis. Phneus, -, m., Phineus. Pholus, -, m., Pholus. Phrixus, -, m., Phrixus. pinguis, -e, fat. pisctor, -tris [piscor, fish], m., fisherman. plausus, -s [plaud, clap], m., applause. plrs, -a [comp. of multus], plur. adj., more, many, several. plrimus, -a, -um, superl. of multus. Plt, -nis, m., Pluto. pculum, - [pt, drink], n., cup. poena, -ae, f., penalty, punishment. pota, -ae, m., poet. polliceor, -licr, -licitus, promise. Polydects, -is, m., Polydectes. Polyphmus, -, m., Polyphemus. pmum, -, n., fruit, apple. pondus, ponderis [pend], n., weight. pn, pnere, posu, positus, place, put; pn with in and abl., to be placed in, rest or depend on. pns, pontis, m., bridge. porcus, -, m., pig, hog, swine. porta, -ae, f., gate; door. portus, -s, m., harbor, haven, port. psc, pscere, popsc, ask, demand. posside, -sidre, -sd, -sessus, hold, possess. possum, posse, potu [potis, able + sum], be able, have power, can. post, adv., after, later; prep. with acc., after, behind. poste [post], adv., after this, afterwards. posterus, -a, -um [post], following, next. post-quam, conj., later than, after, when. postrmus, -a, -um [superl. of posterus], last. postrdi [posterus + dis], adv., the day after, the next day. postul, -re, -v, -tus, ask, request, demand. potior, -r, -tus [potis, able], become master of, get possession of. prae-actus, -a, -um, sharp at the end, pointed, sharp. praebe, -re, -u, -itus [prae, before + habe], hold forth, supply, furnish, give; show, present, exhibit. prae-cave, -cavre, -cv, -cautus, beware beforehand, beware, be on one's guard. praecipi, -cipere, -cp, -ceptus [prae, before + capi], take beforehand, anticipate; order, charge. praecipu [praecipuus, especial], adv., especially. prae-clrus, -clra, -clrum, very bright; splendid, remarkable, famous. praeda, -ae, f., booty, spoil, plunder. prae-dc, -dcere, -dx, -dictus, say beforehand, foretell, predict. praedor, -r, -tus [praeda], plunder. praemium, -, n., reward. praesns, -sentis [part. of praesum], adj., present, immediate, imminent. praesentia, -ae [praesns], f., the present. praeses, praesidis, m., protector. praesidium, - [praeses], n., protection; guard, escort. praestns, -stantis [part. of praest], adj., preminent, remarkable. prae-st, -stre, -stit, -stitus, stand in front; show. prae-sum, -esse, -fu, be before, preside over, have charge of, command. praeter [prae, before], prep. with acc., before, past, by; besides, except. praetere [praeter], adv., besides this, besides, moreover. praeter-e, -re, -i, -itus, pass by. precs, -um, f. plur., prayer, entreaty. prehend, -hendere, -hend, -hnsus, seize. prem, premere, press, pressus, press, check, restrain. pretium, -, n., price, charge. prm [prmus], adv., at first. prmum [prmus], adv., first, in the first place. prmus, -a, -um [superl. from pr], first, foremost. prstinus, -a, -um [prius], former. prius [prior, former], adv., before, first. prius-quam, conj., before than, sooner than, before. pr, prep. with abl., before, in front of; for, in behalf of; for, as; in return for, for. procul, adv., at or from a distance, far. proelium, -, n., battle, combat; proelium committere, to join battle. profecti, -nis [proficscor], f., departure, start. proficscor, -ficsc, -fectus [prfici, make progress], set out, depart, start, march. prgredior, -gred, -gressus [pr + gradior], go forward, advance. prohibe, -hibre, -hibu, -hibitus [pr + habe], hold back, prevent, hinder. prici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [pr + iaci], throw forth or down, cast away, throw. pr-mitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus, send or put forth, promise. prm, prmere, prmps, prmptus [pr + em], take or bring out, produce. prmunturium, -, n., headland, promontory. proper, -re, -v, -tus, hasten. pr-pn, -pnere, -posu, -positus, put or set before, offer, propose; set forth, say. propter, prep. with acc., on account of, because of. prra, -ae, f., prow, bow. pr-sequor, -sequ, -sectus, follow forward, follow. Prserpina, -ae, f., Proserpina, Proserpine. pr-stern, -sternere, -strv, -strtus, strew or spread before, throw or knock down. pr-sum, prdesse, prfu, be of advantage, profit, avail, assist. pr-veh, -vehere, -vex, -vectus, carry forward. pr-voc, -vocre, -vocv, -voctus, call forth or out, challenge. proximus, -a, -um [superl. from prope, near], nearest, next. prdentia, -ae [prdns, prudent], f., prudence. puella, -ae [puer], f., girl, maiden. puer, puer, m., boy. pueritia, -ae [puer], f., boyhood. pgna, -ae, f., fighting, battle, combat. pgn, -re, -v, -tus [pgna], fight. pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum, beautiful. puls, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of pell], push or strike against, knock, knock at. punctum, - [pung, prick], n., point, instant, moment. prg, -re, -v, -tus [prus, clean + ag], make clean, clean, cleanse. put, -re, -v, -tus, think. Pthia, -ae, f., Pythia.
qu [qu], adv., in which place, where. quaer, quaerere, quaesv, quaestus, seek; ask, inquire. qulis, -e, of what sort? what kind of? quam [quis and qu], adv., how? as; than; with superl., as ... as possible. quam-quam, conj., however much, although. quantum [quantus], adv., how much? how? quantus, -a, -um, how great or much? quartus, -a, -um [quattuor], fourth. quasi [qu + s], conj., as if. quattuor, indecl. adj., four. -que, enclitic conj., and. qu, quae, quod, rel. pron., who, which. qu, quae, quod, interrog. pron. adj., what? qudam, quaedam, quoddam, indef. pron., a certain, certain. quidem, adv., in fact, indeed, certainly; n ... quidem, not ... even. quis, quitis, f., rest, repose. qun, conj., so that ... not, but that, but. qunqugint [qunque, five], indecl. adj., fifty. quntus, -a, -um [qunque, five], fifth. quis, quid, interrog. pron., who? which? what? quis, qua, quid, indef. pron., any one, anybody, anything, some one, somebody, something. quis-nam, quaenam, quidnam, interrog. pron., who, which, or what, pray? who? which? what? quis-quam, quicquam, indef. pron., any one, anything. quis-que, quaeque, quidque, indef. pron., each. qu [quis and qu], adv., to what place? whither? to which place, whither; for which reason, wherefore, therefore; qu sque, till when? how long? quod [qu], conj., that, in that, because. quoniam [cum + iam], conj., since now, since. quoque [qu + -que], adv., also. quotanns [quot, how many + annus], adv., every year, yearly, annually. quotins [quot, how many, adv., as often as.
rmus, -, m., _branch, bough_. rapi, -ere, -u, -tus, _seize, snatch_. rati, -nis [reor, _think_], f., plan, means, method, manner_. recipi, -cipere, -cp, -ceptus [re- + capi], _take_ or _get back, recover_; s recipere, _to betake oneself, withdraw; to collect oneself, recover_. re-cre, -crere, -crev, -cretus, _make anew, renew, refresh_. rctus, -a, -um [part. of reg, _direct_], _direct, straight_. re-cumb, -cumbere, -cubu, _lie back_ or _down_. recuper, -re, -v, -tus, _recover_. recs, -csre, -csv, -cstus [re- + causa], _give a reason against, refuse_. redd, -dere, -did, -ditus [re- + d], _give back, return, restore; render_. rede, -re, -i, -itus [re- + e], _go back, return_. redintegr, -integrre, -integrv, -integrtus [re- + integr, _make whole_], _make whole again, renew_. reditus, -s [rede], m., _return_. re-dc, -dcere, -dx, -ductus, _lead_ or _bring back; restore_. re-fer, referre, rettul, reltus, _bring_ or _carry back, return_; pedem referre, _to draw back, retire, retreat_; grtiam referre, see grtia. refici, -ficere, -fc, -fectus [re- + faci], _make anew, renew, repair_. re-fugi, -fugere, -fg, _flee back, run away, retreat_. re-fulge, -fulgre, -fuls, _flash back, shine_. rgia, -ae [rgius, _royal_], f., _palace_. rgna, -ae [rx], f., _queen_. regi, -nis [reg, _direct_], f., _direction; country, region_. rgn, -re, -v, -tus [rgnum], _reign, rule_. rgnum, - [rx], n., _royal power, rule, throne; kingdom, realm_. regredior, -gred, -gressus [re- + gradior], _go back, return_. re-linqu, -linquere, -lqu, -lictus, _leave behind, leave_. reliquus, -a, -um [relinqu], _left, the remaining, the other, the rest of_. remedium, - [re- + medeor, _heal_], n., _remedy_. rmig, -re [rmex, _rower_], _row_. re-move, -movre, -mv, -mtus, _move back, remove_. rmus, -, m., _oar_. re-nnti, -nntire, -nntiv, -nntitus, _bring back word, report, announce_. re-pell, repellere, reppul, repulsus, _drive back_ or _away, repulse, repel_. reperi, reperre, repper, repertus, _find, discover_. repertor, -ris [reperi], m., _discoverer, inventor_. re-ple, -plre, -plv, -pltus, _fill again_ or _up, fill_. re-pn, -pnere, -posu, -positus, _put_ or _set back; store up_ or _away_. re-port, -portre, -portv, -porttus, _carry_ or _bring back_. re-pgn, -pgnre, -pgnv, -pgntus, _fight against, struggle, resist_. rs, re, f., _thing, matter, affair, circumstance, situation_; r vr, _in truth, in fact, really_. re-sist, -sistere, -stit, _stand back, resist_. re-spr, -sprre, -sprv, -sprtus, _breathe back_ or _out, breathe_. re-sponde, -spondre, -spond, -spnsus, _reply, answer_. respnsum, - [part. of responde], n., _reply, answer, response_. restitu, -stituere, -stitu, -stittus [re- + statu], _set up again, put back, restore_. retine, -tinre, -tinu, -tentus [re- + tene], _hold_ or _keep back, keep, restrain; hold fast_. revertor, -vert, -versus, perf. act. -vert [re- + vert], _turn back, return_. rx, rgis [reg, _direct_], m., _king_. Rhadamanthus, -, m., _Rhadamanthus_. rde, rdre, rs, rsus, _laugh_. rpa, -ae, f., _bank_. rte [rtus, _rite]_, adv., _duly, fitly_. rbur, rboris, n., _oak_. rog, -re, -v, -tus, _ask_. rogus, -, m., _funeral pile, pyre_. Rma, -ae, f., _Rome_. rstrum, - [rd, _gnaw_], n., _beak_. ru, -ere, -, -itrus, _rush_. rps, -is, f., _rock, cliff; reef_. rrsus [for reversus, part, of revertor], adv., _again_.
saccus, -, m., bag, sack. sacerds, -dtis [sacer, holy + d], m. and f., priest, priestess. sacrificium, - [sacrifice], n., sacrifice. sacrific, -re, -v, -tus [sacer, holy + faci], sacrifice. saepe, adv., often, frequently. saevus, -a, -um, fierce, savage. sagitta, -ae, f., arrow. sl, salis, m., salt. Salmydssus, -, m., Salmydessus. salsus, -a, -um [sl], salted, salt. sals, saltis [salvus, safe], f., safety, deliverance, escape. snctus, -a, -um [part, of sanci, make sacred], consecrated, sacred. sanguis, sanguinis, m., blood. snits, -ttis [snus, sound], f., soundness; right reason, sanity. satis, adv., enough, sufficiently. saxum, -, n., rock, stone. scapha, -ae, f., boat, skiff. scelus, sceleris, n., wickedness, crime. scientia, -ae [sci], f., knowledge, skill. sci, -re, -v, -tus, know. scrb, scrbere, scrps, scrptus, write. sctum, -, n., shield. s-cd, -cdere, -cess, -cessus, go apart, withdraw. secundus, -a, -um [sequor], following, favorable. sed, conj., but. sede, sedre, sd, sessus, sit. sds, -is [sede], f., seat, abode. smentis, -is [semen, seed], f., seeding, sowing. semper, adv., always. senex, senis, m., old man. sententia, -ae [senti], f., opinion; purpose. senti, sentre, sns, snsus, perceive, feel. sepeli, sepelre, sepelv, sepultus, bury. septimus, -a, -um [septem, seven],seventh. sepultra, -ae [sepeli], f., burial. sequor, sequ, sectus, follow. Serphus, -, f., Seriphos. serm, -nis [ser, interweave], m., conversation, talk, speech. ser, serere, sv, satus, sow, plant. serpns, -entis [part, of serp, crawl], f., serpent. servi, -ire, -v, -tus [servus], be subject to, serve. servits, -ttis [servus], f., slavery, servitude. serv, -re, -v, -tus, save, preserve. servus, -, m., slave, servant. s, conj., if. sc, adv., so, thus. Sicilia, -ae, f., Sicily. sgnum, -, n., sign, signal. silva, -ae, f., wood, forest. simul, adv., at the same time; simul atque or ac, as soon as. sine, prep. with abl., without. sinister, -tra, -trum, left. sinistra, -ae [sinister], f., left hand (manus understood). sinus, -s, m., bosom, lap. situs, -a, -um [part. of sin], placed, situated. s-ve or seu, conj., or if; sve ... sve, whether ... or. socius, - [sequor], m., companion, comrade, ally. sl, slis, m., sun. solium, - [sede], n., seat, throne. sollicitd, -tdinis [sollicitus], f., anxiety, care, apprehension. sollicitus, -a, -um, troubled, anxious. slus, -a, -um, alone. solv, solvere, solv, soltus, loosen, unbind, release; pay; with or without nvem, cast off, set sail, put to sea. somnus, -, m., sleep, drowsiness. sonitus, -s [son, sound], m. sound, noise. sonrus, -a, -um [son, sound], sounding, loud, noisy. soror, -ris, f., sister. sors, sortis, f., lot. sortior, -r, -tus [sors], cast or draw lots. sparg, spargere, spars, sparsus, scatter, sprinkle. spatium, -, n., space, interval; space of time, time. specis, - [speci, look], f., sight, appearance, shape. specttor, -ris [spect], m., looker-on, spectator. spect, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of speci, look], look at or on. speculum, - [speci, look], n., looking-glass, mirror. splunca, -ae, f., cave, cavern. spern, spernere, sprv, sprtus, despise, scorn. spr, -re, -v, -tus [sps], hope. sps, spe, f., hope. sponte, f. abl. sing., modified by me, tu, su, of one's own accord, voluntarily. squlor, -ris [squle, be dirty], m., dirt, filth. stabulum, - [st], n., standing-place, stall, stable, inclosure. statim [st], adv., on the spot, forthwith, at once, immediately. statu, statuere, statu, stattus [st], cause to stand; decide, resolve. stpendium, -, n., tax, tribute. st, stre, stet, status, stand. string, stringere, strinx, strictus, draw, unsheathe. stude, -re, -u, be eager, give attention, apply oneself. studisus, -a, -um [studium], eager, diligent, studious. studium, - [stude], n., eagerness, zeal; study, pursuit. stupe, -re, -u, be stunned, astounded, or amazed. Stymphlus, -, m., Stymphalus. Stymphlis, -idis [Stymphlus], adj., of Stymphalus, Stymphalian. Styx, Stygis, f., Styx. suvis, -e, sweet, pleasant. sub, prep. with acc. and abl., under; sub vesperum, towards evening. sub-d, -dere, -did, -ditus, put under, apply. sub-dc, -dcere, -dx, -ductus, draw up, beach. sub-e, -re, -i, -itus, go under; undergo, submit to, sustain, bear, endure. subici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [sub + iaci], throw or place under. subit [subitus, unexpected], adv., unexpectedly, suddenly. sub-lev, -levre, -levv, -levtus, lift from beneath, lift, raise. sub-merg, -mergere, -mers, -mersus, plunge under, sink, overwhelm. subsidium, - [sub + sede], n., reserve, reinforcement, support, help. succd, -cdere, -cess, -cessus [sub + cd], go or come under, follow after, succeed. succend, -cendere, -cend, -cnsus, kindle beneath, set on fire. succd, -cdere, -cd, -csus [sub + caed], cut below or down. scus, -, m., juice. su, sibi, s or ss, reflexive pron., himself, herself, itself, themselves. sum, esse, fu, futrus, be. summus, -a, -um [superl. of superus, upper], uppermost, highest, greatest. sm, smere, smps, smptus [sub + em], take under or up, take; poenam smere, to exact or inflict punishment. superior, -ius [comp. of superus, upper], adj., higher; former, previous, preceding. super, -re, -v, -tus [superus, upper], overcome, defeat, conquer. super-sum, -esse, -fu, be over or left, remain. supplicium, - [supplex, kneeling], n., punishment, torture. suppn, -pnere, -posu, -positus [sub + pn], place or put under. supr [superus, upper], adv. and prep. with acc., above, before. suprmus, -a, -um [superl. of superus, upper], highest, last. suscipi, -cipere, -cp, -ceptus [sub + capi], undertake. suspend, -pendere, -pend, -pnsus [sub + pend], hang up, hang. suspci, -nis [suspici, look askance at], f., suspicion. suspicor, -spicr, -spictus [suspici, look askance at], suspect. sustine, -tinre, -tinu, -tentus [sub + tene], hold or bear up, sustain, withstand. suus, -a, -um [su], his, her, its, or their own; his, her, its, their. Symplgads, -um, f. plur., the Symplegades.
tace, -re, -u, -itus, be silent. tacitus, -a, -um [part. of tace], silent. Taenarus, -, m., Taenarus. tlria, -ium [tlus, ankle], n. plur., winged shoes. tlis, -e, such. tam, adv., so. tamen, adv., however, yet, nevertheless. tandem, adv., at length or last, finally. tang, tangere, tetig, tctus, touch. tantum [tantus], adv., so much or far, only. tantus, -a, -um, so great or much. Tartarus, -, m., Tartarus. taurus, -, m., bull. teg, tegere, tx, tctus, cover. tlum, -, n., missile, spear, weapon. temer, adv., rashly. tempests, -ttis [tempus], f., weather; storm, tempest. templum, -, n., sanctuary, temple. tempt, -re, -v, -tus, try, attempt. tempus, temporis, n., time, season. tene, -re, -u, -tus, hold, keep; hold back, restrain, stop. tenuis, -e, thin. tergum, -, n., back. terra, -ae, f., land, earth. terre, -re, -u, -itus, frighten, terrify. terribilis, -e [terre], dreadful, terrible. terror, -ris [terre], m., terror, fright. tertium [tertius], adv., the or a third time. tertius, -a, -um [trs], third. tex, -ere, -u, -tus, weave. Thbae, -rum, f. plur., Thebes. Thbn, -rum [Thbae], m. plur., Thebans. Thermdn, -ontis, m., Thermodon. Thseus, -, m., Theseus. Thessalia, -ae, f., Thessaly. Thrcia, -ae, f., Thrace. Tiberis, -is, m., Tiber. time, -re, -u, fear. timor, -ris [time], m., fear. ting, tingere, tinx, tinctus, wet, soak, dye. Tryns, Trynthis, f., Tiryns. toll, tollere, sustul, subltus, lift, raise; take away, remove; ancors tollere, to weigh anchor. torque, torqure, tors, tortus, turn. ttus, -a, -um, all the, the whole or entire. trct, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of trah], handle, touch, feel. trd, -dere, -did, -ditus [trans + do], give across, over, or up, deliver; hand down, relate, report. trdc, -dcere, -dx, -ductus [trns + dc], lead across. trah, trahere, trx, trctus, draw, drag. trici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [trns + iaci], throw across, strike through, pierce. triectus, -s [trici], m., crossing over, passage. trn, -nre, -nv [trns + n, swim], swim across or over. tranquillits, -ttis [tranquillus], f., calm. tranquillus, -a, -um, calm. trns, prep. with acc., across, over. trns-e, -re, -i, -itus, go across or over, cross. trns-fg, -fgere, -fx, -fxus, thrust or pierce through, transfix. trns-port, -portre, -portv, -porttus, carry across or over, transport. trns-veh, -vehere, -vex, -vectus, carry across or over. trs, tria, plur. adj., three. tribtum, - [part. of tribu, contribute], n., contribution, tribute. trstitia, -ae [trstis, sad], f., sadness. Tria, -ae, f., Troy. Trin, -rum [Tria], m. plur., Trojans. t, tu, pers. pron., thou, you. tum, adv., then, at that time. turb, -re, -v, -tus [turba, confusion], confuse, throw into disorder, disturb, trouble. turb, turbinis [turb], m., whirlwind, hurricane. turpis, -e, disgraceful. ttus, -a, -um [part. of tueor, watch over], safe. tuus, -a, -um [t], thy, thine, your.
ubi, adv., where; conj., when. ulcscor, ulcsc, ultus, avenge. llus, -a, -um, any. lterior, -ius [comp. from ltr, beyond], adj., farther. Ulixs, -is, m., Ulysses. umbra, -ae, f., shadow, shade. umerus, -, m., shoulder. umquam, adv., ever. unda, -ae, f., wave. unde, adv., whence. ndecimus, -a, -um [ndecim, eleven], eleventh. undique [unde + -que], adv., from or on all sides. ung, ungere, nx, nctus, smear, anoint. unguentum, - [ung], n., ointment. niversus, -a, -um [nus + vert], all together, whole, entire, all. nus, -a, -um, one; only, alone. urbs, urbis, f., city. r, rere, ss, stus, burn. sque, adv., all the time; sque ad, as far as, until; qu sque, see qu. sus, -s [tor], m., use; experience. ut, conj., as; when; that; ita ut, as. uter, utra, utrum, which? of two. ter, tris, m., wine-skin. uter-que, utraque, utrumque, each, either, both. tor, t, sus, use. utrimque [uterque], adv., on either side or both sides. uxor, -ris, f., wife.
vacuus, -a, -um [vac, be empty], empty. vale, -re, -u, -itrus, be strong or effectual, have effect, prevail. validus, -a, -um [vale], strong. vallis, -is, f., valley. varius, -a, -um, various. vs, vsis, n., plur. vsa, -rum, vessel. vst, -re, -v, -tus [vstus], lay waste. vstus, -a, -um, waste, huge, enormous, vast. vehementer [vehemns, violent], adv., violently, vehemently; earnestly; exceedingly, greatly. veh, vehere, vex, vectus, carry. vellus, velleris, n., fleece. vl, -re, -v, -tus [vlum, veil], veil, cover. vel-ut, even or just as, as. vnti, -nis [vnor, hunt], f., hunting. vennum, -, n., poison. veni, venre, vn, ventus, come. venter, ventris, m., belly. ventus, -, m., wind. verbum, -, n., word. vereor, -r, -itus, fear. vr [vrus], adv., in truth, indeed; however. versor, -r, -tus [freq. of vert], keep turning, be busy or employed, be. vert, vertere, vert, versus, turn. vrus, -a, -um, true; r vr, in truth, in fact. vscor, -, feed on, eat. vesper, vesper, m., evening. vester, -tra, -trum š, your. vestgium, - [vestg, track], n., track, foot-print. vestis, -is, f., clothing, dress, robe. vesttus, -s [vesti, clothe], m., clothing. via, -ae, f., road, way. vitor, -tris [via], m., wayfarer, traveler. victima, -ae [vinc, overcome], f., victim. victria, -ae [vinc, overcome], f., victory. vctus, -s v, m., sustenance, food. vcus, -, m., village. vide, vidre, vd, vsus, see; pass., seem. vigilia, -ae [vigil, awake], f., watch. vgint, indecl. adj., twenty. vlla, -ae, f., country-house, villa. vmen, -minis, n., osier. vinci, vincre, vinx, vinctus, bind. vinculum, - [vinci], n., bond, chain. vnum, -, n., wine. vir, vir, m., man. virg, virginis, f., maiden. virts, -ttis [vir], f., manliness, courage, bravery. vs, vs, f., violence, force; virtue, potency, efficacy; plur. vrs, -ium, strength; omnibus vribus, with all one's strength, with might and main. vsus, -s [vide], m., sight. vta, -ae v, f., life. vt, -re, -v, -tus, avoid, escape. vv, vvere, vx, vctus, live. vvus, -a, -um v, alive, living. vix, adv., with difficulty, scarcely, hardly, barely. voc, -re, -v, -tus x, call, summon. Volcnus, -, m., Vulcan. vol, -re, -v, -trus, fly. vol, velle, volu, wish. volucris, -is [vol], f., bird. volunts, -ttis [vol], f., wish, will. volupts, -ttis [vol], f., pleasure. vs, plur. of t. vor, -re, -v, -tus, swallow whole, devour. vx, vcis, f., voice; word. vulner, -re, -v, -tus [vulnus], wound. vulnus, vulneris, n., wound.
Zephyrus, -, m., Zephyrus, the west wind. Zts, -ae, m., Zetes.