4. Perseus. When the subordinate and the principal clause of a Latin sentence have the same subject, this usually stands first, followed by the subordinate clause.
haec. Here a different rendering is required from that suggested in the note on 3, 25. What is it? Notice that it is necessary to know the literal significance of the Latin words, but that the translation must often be something quite different if it is to be acceptable English. The rule for translation is: Discover the exact meaning of the original; then express the same idea correctly and, if you can, elegantly in the language into which you are translating.
5. continentem. What is the derivation of this word?
vnit. Is this present or perfect? How do you know?
8. Graes. The Graeae were three old women who had one eye and one tooth in common, and took turns in using them.
9. galeam. This belonged to Pluto, the god of the underworld of the dead, and whosoever wore it was invisible. The story is that Perseus compelled the Graeae to tell him how to obtain the helps to his enterprise by seizing their tooth and eye.
11. pedibus, 'on his feet,' dative of indirect object.
induit. See the note on 3, 13.
era. r is borrowed from Greek, and keeps this Greek form for its accusative.
12. volbat. Distinguish between vol, volre, and vol, velle.
13. cters. Cter is used to denote all not already named ('the other'), while ali denotes some of those who have not been already named ('other').
14. speci horribil, 'of terrible appearance.' ablative of description. A noun never stands alone in this construction,
erum. See the note on 3, 22.
15. contcta. This and factae below are used as predicate adjectives, not to form the pluperfect passive with erant. Translate, therefore, 'were covered.' not 'had been covered.'
18. vertbantur. The imperfect here denotes customary action, one of its regular uses.
19. Ille. See the note on 3, 16.
20. hc mod, ablative of manner.
21. vnit, dormibat. The perfect simply expresses an action which took place in past time, the imperfect tells of a state of things existing at that past time.
25. fugit. When dum means 'while,' 'as,' it is followed by the present indicative, even when used of past events.
26. fcit. Like postquam, ubi has the present or perfect indicative, where English would use the pluperfect.
5. 2. ill tempore, ablative of time.
rgnbat. Observe the force of the tense, and try to find the reason for each change of tense in this paragraph.
Hc. This must here be translated simply 'he.' Compare the use of Ille, 3, 16.
4. venibat. See the note on 4, 18.
6. omnium, 'of all men.' or 'of all.' The adjective is used as a noun, as in the second of the English expressions.
rculum. It was believed in antiquity that the will of the gods and a knowledge of future events might be learned at certain shrines, of which the most famous were those of Apollo at Delphi, of Zeus or Jupiter at Dodona, and of Hammon in Egypt. Hammon was really an Egyptian god, represented as having the horns of a ram, but he was identified by the Greeks with Zeus and by the Romans with Jupiter.
7. fliam. Where there is no ambiguity, the possessive is often omitted in Latin.
8. autem, often, as here, simply introduces an explanation ('now'),
nmine, 'by name.'
9. Cpheus. See the note on Perseus, 4, 4.
10. cvs sus, 'his subjects.'
13. certam. See the note on qudam, 3, 15. Dis is regularly masculine, but when used of an appointed day it is often feminine.
omnia, 'all things,' 'everything,' or 'all.' See the note on omnium, line 6.
16. dplrbant, tenbant. Be careful to show the meaning of the tense by your translation.
18. quaerit. The present is often used of a past action instead of the perfect, to bring the action more vividly before us as if it were taking place now. This is called the historical present.
19. haec geruntur, 'this is going on.'
20. horribil. Here the adjective is made emphatic by being put before its noun; in 4, 14 the same effect is gained by putting horribil last in its clause.
22. omnibus, dative of indirect object after the compound verb (in+iaci). Translate 'inspired in all,' but the literal meaning is 'threw into all.'
26. induit. See the note on 3, 13.
era. See the note on 4, 11.
6. 2. su, ius. Distinguish carefully between these words. Suus is used of something belonging to the subject, ius of something belonging to some other person or thing just mentioned.
5. volat. See the note on 4, 25.
7. sustulit. Notice that the perfect forms of toll are the same as those of suffer (sub + fer), 'endure.'
8. neque, here to be translated 'and ... not.' Neque is thus used regularly for et nn.
13. exanimta, used here as a predicate adjective.
16. rettulit. 'To give thanks' or 'thank' is usually grtis agere, as in 3, 19; grtiam referre means 'to show one's gratitude,' 'to recompense' or 'requite.'
18. dxit. This word came to mean 'marry,' because the bridegroom 'led' his bride in a wedding procession to his own home. It will be seen, therefore, that it can be used only of the man.
Paucs anns. See the note on 3, 20.
20. omns. What does the quantity of the i tell you about the form?
7. 1. quod, not the relative pronoun, but a conjunction.
3. e, the adverb.
in trium. Although inrpit means 'burst into,' the preposition is nevertheless required with the noun to express the place into which he burst.
6. ille. See the note on Perseus, 4, 4.
8. Acris. In Nepos, Caesar, Cicero, and Vergil, the genitive singular of second-declension nouns in _-ius_ and _-ium_ ends in _, not _i_; but the nominative plural ends in _i_, and the dative and ablative plural in _is_.
10. istud. Remember that iste is commonly used of something connected with the person addressed. Here the meaning may be 'that oracle I told you of.' See 3, 4.
12. Lrsam. See the note on 3, 12.
neque enim, 'for ... not,' as if simply nn enim, but Latin uses neque to connect the clauses.
14. in omns parts, 'in all directions' or 'in every direction.'
15. Mult. See the note on omnium, 5, 6.
17. discrum. The discus was a round, flat piece of stone or metal, and the athletes tried to see who could throw it farthest.
18. cs. This is one of the ablatives of manner that do not take cum.
19. stbat. Notice the tense.
9. 2. omnium hominum. This means 'all men' in the sense of 'all mankind.'
3. derat. d is perfect in form, but present in meaning; and the pluperfect has in like manner the force of an imperfect. 5. medi nocte, 'in the middle of the night,' 'in the dead of night.'
7. Nec tamen, 'not ... however.' See the note on neque enim, 7, 12.
8. movbant. Contrast this tense with appropinquverant and excitt sunt.
13. Tl mod = hc mod, 4, 20.
20. puer, 'from a boy,' 'from boyhood.'
exercbat, the imperfect of customary action, as is also cnsmbat.
24. autem. See the note on 5, 8.
25. art, dative of indirect object with the intransitive verb studbat.
10. 2. omnibus vribus, 'with all his might,' ablative of manner.
3. vt. Notice that the preposition denoting separation appears both with the noun and in the verb. Compare in trium inrpit, 7, 3.
4. neque quisquam, 'and not any one,' i.e. 'and no one.' Quisquam is used chiefly in negative sentences.
5. voluit, 'was willing.'
7. facit. See the note on 4, 25.
8. nmine. See the note on 5, 8.
9. vir crdlissimus, not 'cruelest man,' but 'most cruel man.' The superlative is often thus used to denote simply a high degree of the quality.
cnsuverat. Inceptive verbs end in sc and denote the beginning of an action or state. The perfect and pluperfect of such verbs often represent the state of things resulting from the completion of the action, and are then to be translated as present and imperfect respectively. So cnsusc = 'I am becoming accustomed,' cnsuv = 'I have become accustomed' or 'am accustomed,' cnsuveram = 'I had become accustomed' or 'was accustomed.'
11. sacrifici, 'for the sacrifice,' dative of purpose.
ea. Why is dis feminine here? See the note on certam, 5, 13.
12. omnia. See the note on 5, 13.
15. capitibus, dative of indirect object after the compound verb (in + pn).
16. iam. The omission of the conjunction that would naturally join this clause with the preceding, and the repetition of iam, which thus in a way connects the two clauses, reflect the imminence of the danger and heighten our anxiety for the hero. Observe too how the tenses of the verbs contribute to the vividness of the picture. We see Hercules at the altar and the priest, knife in hand, about to give the fatal blow.
18. alter. Supply ct.
19. Thbs, locative case. Notice that some names of towns are plural in form.
21. Thbns, dative with the adjective fnitim.
autem, 'now.'
22. Thbs. Names of towns are used without a preposition to express the place to which.
23. venibant, postulbant, imperfect of customary action.
25. cvs sus, 'his fellow-citizens.' Compare 5, 10.
hc stpendi, ablative of separation.
27. atque. This conjunction adds an important statement by way of supplement. Here the meaning is something like 'and not only that, but.'
11. 11. conversa. Est and sunt are frequently not expressed with the perfect participle.
17. sus ipse su. Notice how the enormity of the crime is emphasized by the use of all these words repeating the same idea.
23. rculum Delphicum. See the note on 5, 6.
hc rculum omnium = hc omnium rculrum.
25. Hc in templ. Monosyllabic prepositions often stand between the noun and an adjective modifying it.
12. 1. qu. Remember that the relative pronoun agrees in gender, number, and person with its antecedent; that its case depends upon its use. How are the person and number of qu shown?
2. hominibus. See the note on 9, 2.
4. neque. See the note on 6, 8.
7. Tryntha. This is a Greek accusative form. See the note on era, 4, 11.
10. Duodecim anns, accusative of duration of time.
11. Eurysthe. The English verb 'serve' is transitive, but servi ('be subject to') is intransitive and takes an indirect object.
14. quae. See the note on line 1. What is the case of quae?
16. Prmum is chiefly used in enumeration, prm (line 6) in contrasting an action or state with one that follows it.
19. scum. The preposition cum follows and is joined to the reflexive and personal pronouns, usually also to the relative pronoun.
22. neque enim. See the note on 7, 12.
26. resprand, the genitive of the gerund. It modifies facults. The gerund corresponds to the English verbal noun in -ing.
13. 5. Hc. We might expect haec referring to Hydram, but a demonstrative pronoun is commonly attracted into the gender of the predicate noun (here mnstrum).
cui erant, 'which had,' literally 'to which there were.' This construction is found only with sum. It is called the dative of possession.
8. rs. In rendering this word choose always with great freedom the most suitable English word.
13. 8. mgn percul. We say 'one of great danger.'
9. ius. What possessive would be used to modify sinistr?
11. hc cnt, ablative of separation.
14. comprehendrunt. See the note on 3, 13.
unde = ex quibus.
16. auxili Hydrae, 'to the aid of the Hydra,' but literally for aid (i.e. as aid) to the Hydra,' for Hydrae is dative. This is called the double dative construction, auxili the dative of purpose, and Hydrae the dative of reference, i.e. the dative denoting the person interested.
17. abscdit. See the note on 4, 25.
mordbat, 'kept biting,' the imperfect of repeated action.
18. tl mod. See the note on 9, 13.
interfcit. We have now had several verbs meaning 'kill.' Interfici is the most general of these; nec (line 4) is used of killing by unusual or cruel means, as by poison; occd (12, 23) is most commonly used of the 'cutting down' of an enemy in battle.
19. reddidit, as well as imbuit, has sagitts for its object, but we must translate as if we had es with reddidit.
22. ad s. Compare this construction with the use of the dative in 4, 2. Notice that s does not refer to Herculem, the subject of referre, but to Eurystheus, the subject of Iussit. When the reflexive thus refers to the subject of the principal verb rather than to the subject of the subordinate verb with which it s directly connected, it is called indirect.
23. tantae audciae. The genitive of description, like the ablative of description, consists always of a noun with some modifying word. Compare speci horribil, 4, 14.
autem. Compare 5, 8 and 10, 21.
24. incrdibil celeritte, ablative of description.
25. vestgis, ablative of means.
26. ipsum, contrasts cervum with vestgis.
27. omnibus vribus. See the note on 10, 2.
14. 1. currbat, 'he kept running.'
sibi, dative of reference. It need not be translated,
ad quitem, 'for rest.' Purpose is frequently thus expressed by ad.
3. cucurrerat. The pluperfect is sometimes used with postquam when the lapse of time is denoted.
4. curs, ablative of cause.
exanimtum = qu exanimtus erat. The participle is often equivalent to a relative clause.
5. rettulit. See the note on 13, 19.
8. rem. See the note on rs, 13, 8.
10. apr, dative of indirect object after the compound verb (ob + curr).
11. tmre perterritus. It is not necessary to translate both words.
13. inicit, i.e. upon the boar.
summ cum difficultte. Compare this with omnibus vribus, 13, 27, and notice that cum may be omitted with the ablative of manner when there is an adjective. For the position of cum, see the note on 11, 25.
15. ad Eurystheum. We are told elsewhere that Eurystheus was so frightened when he saw the boar that he hid in a cask.
vvus. Why have we the nominative here, but the accusative (vvum) in line 5?
17. quart. The capture of the Erymanthian boar is usually given as the third labor and the capture of the Cerynean stag as the fourth.
nrrvimus. The writer sometimes uses the first person plural in speaking of himself, instead of the first person singular. This is called the plural of modesty, and is the same as the English usage.
18. in Arcadiam. How does this differ in meaning from in Arcadi?
20. appeteret. The subjunctive introduced by cum, 'since,' may express the reason for the action of the main verb.
23. Herculs. See the note on Perseus, 4, 4.
26. quod, conjunction, not pronoun.
reliqus centaurs, 'the rest of the centaurs,' 'the other centaurs.' Compare medi nocte, 9, 5. Notice that reliqu means about the same as cter, and see the note on 4, 13.
28. inquit, historical present. This verb is used parenthetically with direct quotations.
15. 1. dab. Notice that Latin is more exact than English in the use of the future tense in subordinate clauses. In English we often use the present in the subordinate clause and leave it to the principal verb to show that the time is future.
7. pervnrunt. See the note on 4, 26.
10. cnstitit, from cnsist, not cnst.
16. fug. Latin says 'by flight,' not 'in flight.'
17. ex splunc. See the note on 10, 3.
21. locum, the direct object of Adiit, which is here transitive. We might also have ad locum with ade used intransitively.
16. 4. Hercul. See the note on 10, 15.
labrem. This labor is usually given as the sixth, the destruction of the Stymphalian birds as the fifth.
6. tria mlia boum, 'three thousand cattle,' literally 'three thousands of cattle.' The partitive genitive is the regular construction with the plural mlia, but the singular mlle is commonly used as an adjective, like English 'thousand.' Thus 'one thousand cattle' would be mlle bovs.
7. ingents mgnitdinis. See the note on tantae audciae, 13, 23.
8. neque enim umquam, 'for ... never.' See the note on neque enim, 7, 12.
11. multae operae. See the note on mgn percul, 13, 8.
12. duodvgint pedum, i.e. in width.
dxit. This word is used with reference to the progress of work on a wall or ditch from one end of it to the other.
15. opus. Compare this word with operae and labre, line 12. Labor is used of heavy or exhausting labor, opera of voluntary exertion or effort, opus of that upon which one labors or of the completed work.
17. imperverat. This verb takes an indirect object to express the person ordered (e). The action commanded is expressed by the subjunctive in a clause introduced by ut and used as the object of imper (ut necret). Notice that this may be translated 'that he should kill' or 'to kill.' Compare now the construction with iube, 13, 22, with which the command is expressed by the accusative and infinitive (Herculem referre).
19. carne. Vscor is an intransitive verb and governs the ablative.
22. appropinquand. See the note on 12, 26.
23. cnstitit, from cnst. Compare 15, 10.
pedibus, 'on foot,' literally 'by his feet.'
25. consmpsisset. The imperfect and pluperfect tenses of the subjunctive are used with cum, 'when,' to describe the circumstances of the action of the main verb. Compare 14, 20, and the note.
26. hc cnt. See the note on 13, 11.
27. peteret. The subjunctive is used with ut to express purpose. The best translation is usually the infinitive ('to ask'), but the Latin infinitive is not used in model prose to express purpose.
17. 3. volrent. This is not subjunctive of purpose, but of result, as is indicated by tam.
6. ex. Compare this with ab, 16, 21, and d, 16, 13. We commonly translate all of these 'from,' but the real meanings are 'out of,' 'away from,' and 'down from' respectively.
Crt. See the note on 3, 12.
7. esset. See the note on 14, 20.
8. nsulae, dative with the compound verb (ad + propinqu).
appropinquret. See the note on 16, 25.
9. tanta ... ut. Notice how frequently the clause of result is connected with a demonstrative word in the main clause.
12. nvigand impertus, 'ignorant of navigation,' 'inexperienced in sailing.' See the note on 12, 26.
21. cum, the conjunction.
ingent labre. See the note on summ cum difficultte, 14, 13.
25. ut redceret. See the note on 16, 27.
26. carne. See the note on 16, 19.
vscbantur, imperfect of customary action.
18. 3. ut trderentur. Notice that postul, like imper, takes an object-clause introduced by ut and having its verb in the subjunctive.
sibi, the indirect reflexive. See the note on 13, 22.
4. r ... interfcit, 'became furiously angry and killed the king,' literally 'moved by wrath killed the king.' The participle is frequently best rendered by a finite verb.
18. 4. cadver. The subject of an infinitive stands in the accusative case. We might translate here 'and gave orders that his body should be thrown.' See the note on 16, 17.
6. mra rrum commtti. When a noun has both an adjective and a genitive modifier, this order of the words is common.
7. cum crucit, ablative of manner.
necverat. See the note on interfcit, 13, 18.
10. referbant. See the note on 6, 16.
modo. This is the adverb, not a case of modus, the dative and ablative singular of which would be mod. Make a practice of carefully observing the quantity of vowels.
11. rbant. Notice that this verb, like imper and postul, takes ut and the subjunctive.
14. ad nvigandum. See the note on ad quitem, 14, 1.
16. post, here an adverb of time.
18. dcitur. Notice that the Latin construction is personal ('the nation is said to have consisted'), while English commonly has the impersonal construction ('it is said that the nation consisted').
19. re mlitris, 'the art of war.'
25. mandvit. See the note on 16, 17.
26. Amzonibus, dative after the compound verb.
19. 1. persusit. Notice that this verb governs the same construction that we have already found used with imper and mand.
2. scum. See the note on 12, 19.
5. appulit. Supply nvem.
6. docret. A clause of purpose is frequently introduced by a relative. Translate like the ut-clause of purpose, here 'to make known,' literally 'who was to make known.'
14. mgn intervll, ablative of degree of difference.
16. nn mgna. The effect of the position of these words may be reproduced by translating 'but not a large one.'
neutr. The plural is used because the reference is to two parties, each composed of several individuals. 'Neither' of two individuals would be neuter.
17. volbant, dedit. Consider the tenses. Each army waited for some time for the other to cross; finally Hercules gave the signal.
22. occderint. The perfect subjunctive is sometimes used in result clauses after a past tense in the principal clause. This is contrary to the general principle of the sequence of tenses, which requires the imperfect or pluperfect subjunctive after a past tense, the present or perfect subjunctive after a present or future tense.
23. Vir. Compare this with hominibus, 12, 2.
24. praestbant. Compare the tense with praestitrunt, line 21.
27. neu. As neque or nec is used for 'and not,' so nve or neu for 'and that not' in an object-clause or a clause of purpose.
20. 1. quibus, 'and by these,' The relative is much used in Latin to connect a new sentence with the one preceding. When so used, it is generally best rendered by 'and' or 'but' and a demonstrative or personal pronoun.
ita ... ut. See the note on 17, 9.
2. essent, most easily explained as the subjunctive of attraction. By this is meant that the verb is attracted into the mood of the clause upon which it depends.
4. pgntum est, 'the battle raged' or 'they fought,' literally 'it was fought,' Intransitive verbs are often thus used impersonally in the passive, with the subject implied in the verb itself, as pgntum est = pgna pgnta est.
11. aesttis, partitive genitive. Notice that multum is used as a noun.
13. nactus. The perfect active participle is wanting in Latin, but the perfect participle of deponent verbs is active in meaning.
24. speci horribil. See the note on 4, 14.
26. timre perterrit. See the note on 14, 11.
continbantur, 'kept themselves shut up.' This is the so-called reflexive use of the passive, in which the subject is represented as acting upon itself.
pecora. This word is used of herds of cattle, pecuds (line 25) of single animals, especially sheep.
28. commtus cnsuluit. See the note on 18, 4.
21. 3. lberret. See the note on 16, 27.
rcul. Notice that prre is intransitive and has the dative of indirect object, while 'obey' is transitive. It may help to understand the Latin construction if you translate such verbs as pre by intransitives, here 'to submit to.'
4. sacrifici. See the note on 10, 11.
5. ips temporis punct qu, 'at the very moment when.'
8. gressus. See the note on 20, 13.
d rbus ... factus est, 'was informed of the state of things,' literally 'was made more certain about the things which were being done.' In what gender, number, person, and case is quae? Give a reason for each.
11. posset. The subjunctive is used because the words of the king are quoted indirectly. He said s potes, 'if you can.'
19. Ipse. Notice the use of this word in contrasts, frequently, as here, of a person with that which belongs to him or with his subordinates.
20. inter s, 'to one another.'
22. esset, subjunctive in an indirect question. The direct form would be Quantum perculum est? ('How great is the danger?'). mults terrs, just as we say 'many lands,'
23. Eurpae. Compare Thbns, 10, 21.
24. in utrque ltore, 'on each shore,' 'on both shores.'
25. columns. The ancients believed that the Rock of Gibraltar was the pillar set up by Hercules on the European side.
22. 4. tantum, an adverb.
5. dederit. See the note on 19, 22.
9. qu in loc. See the note on 11, 25. essent. See the note on 21, 22.
10. sibi, the indirect reflexive.
12. et ... et, 'both ... and.'
18. prgred, 'from proceeding.'
19. prohibbant, 'attempted to prevent,' imperfect of attempted action. Notice that the use of the imperfect to express customary, repeated, or attempted action follows naturally from its use to denote action going on in past time. The present, the tense which denotes action going on in present time, has the same special uses.
20. barbar. This word was used by the Greeks of all other peoples; by the Romans it was used of all but the Greeks and themselves.
24. cecidrunt. Let the quantity of the i tell you whether this comes from cad or caed. Is occderint a compound of cad or caed?
25. in tlibus rbus, i.e. when a god intervenes in behalf of his favorite.
26. nihil incommod, 'no harm,' literally 'nothing of harm'; incommod is partitive genitive.
23. 2. quam celerrim, 'as rapidly as possible.' Quam with the superlative expresses the highest possible degree.
3. Necesse, predicate adjective with erat, the subject being hs trnsre.
5. citerire. The Romans called upper Italy Gallia Citerior, 'Hither Gaul,' because it was occupied by Gallic tribes.
6. perenn. Learn the derivation of this word. The meaning of a word may often be seen most easily and remembered most surely by noticing its derivation,
tct, used as predicate adjective.
9. cpiam. Notice carefully the meaning of this word. In what sense have we found the plural cpiae used?
10. rbus, 'preparations.' See the note on rs, 13, 8.
cnsmpserat. See the note on 14, 3.
11. omnium opninem. Hitherto we have had opninem omnium, but here omnium is made emphatic by being placed first.
15. itinere, ablative of cause.
fessus, 'since he was weary.' Notice that a Latin adjective or participle must often be expanded into a clause in the translation.
16. Haud = nn. It modifies a single word, usually an adjective or adverb.
19. modo. See the note on 18, 10.
ingent mgnitdine. Compare ingentis mgnitdinis, 16, 7.
23. boum. Learn the declension of this word from the vocabulary.
24. n. A negative clause of purpose is introduced by n.
24. 2. omnibus locs. Locus modified by an adjective is often used without in in the ablative of place.
3. nsquam. We say 'could not find anywhere,' but Latin prefers to combine the negative with another word.
6. reliqus. See the note on reliqus centaurs, 14, 26.
7. bbus. Compare boum, 23, 23. With nus the ablative with ex or d is commonly used instead of the partitive genitive.
16. neque quicquam. See the note on 10, 4.
21. mre su, 'according to his custom.'
turbtus, 'was confused ... and.' See the note on ra ... interfcit, 18, 4.
22. in. See the note on in trium, 7, 3.
25. resprand. See the note on 12, 26.
25. 2. quam qus, for quam es qus.
11. cui. See the note on cui erant, 13, 5.
12. Hercul imperverat, 'had enjoined upon Hercules.'
17. Eurysthe. See the note on rcul, 21, 3.
19. quaesverat. With this verb the person of whom the question is asked is expressed in the ablative with ab, d, or ex.
23. orbis terrrum, 'of the world,' literally 'of the circle of lands.'
26. umers sus, ablative of means, but we say 'on his shoulders.'
n. See the note on 23, 24.
dcideret. Notice the force of the prefix d.
27. mrtus, 'wondering at.' The perfect participle of deponent verbs is often best rendered into English by a present participle.
26. 3. Hercul, dative with prdesse.
ille. See the note on Perseus, 4, 4.
4. cert, the adverb.
6. vnisset. What would the form be in the direct question?
inquit. See the note on 14, 28.
7. flibus. To avoid confusion with the corresponding forms of deus and flius, the dative and ablative plural of dea and flia sometimes end in bus.
sponte. This noun is practically confined to the ablative singular, in prose usually with me, tu, or su, 'of my, your, his own accord.'
9. posset, subjunctive because indirect. The thought of Hercules was s potest.
11. abesset. This also is indirect, quoting absum.
12. umers. See the note on 25, 26.
17. pauca mlia. Extent of space, like duration of time, is expressed by the accusative,
passuum. See the note on 16, 6.
21. ita ut, 'as'
accpissent. Hitherto we have found the indicative in causal clauses introduced by quod. The subjunctive indicates that the reason is quoted; the Hesperides said quod accpimus.
28. grtis git. See the note on 6, 16.
27. 2. labribus. See the note on 24, 7.
3. Hercul praecperat = Hercul imperverat, 25, 12.
5. posset, subjunctive because it quotes the thought of Eurystheus, poterit.
6. ut ... traheret. This clause is not itself the object of dedit, but in apposition with the object (Negtium).
7. omnium, partitive genitive.
11. nrrmus. The present is sometimes used with antequam to express future action, as in English with 'before.' See the note on 15, 1.
alinum, predicate adjective, the subject of vidtur being pauca ... prpnere. In the passive vide may mean 'be seen,' but it usually means 'seem.'
13. qui dem, 'which also,' literally 'which the same.'
14. Ut, 'when.'
15. ddcbantur, customary action.
19. Stygis flminis. We say 'river Styx,' but 'Mississippi River.'
qu, ablative of means.
20. necesse. See the note on 23, 3.
possent. The subjunctive is used with antequam to denote that the action is expected or intended.
21. in. We say 'over.'
25. prius. Notice that Latin is here more exact than English, using the comparative because only two actions are spoken of.
dedisset, subjunctive because indirect. Charon said nisi dederis (future perfect), nn trnsveham, 'unless you first give (shall have given), I will not carry you across.'
28. 1. mortu, used as a noun, 'of the dead man.'
e cnsili, 'with this purpose,' 'to this end.' The clause ut ... posset is in apposition with cnsili.
6. Ut. Compare 27, 14.
8. quod cum fcissent, 'and when they had done this.' See the note on quibus, 20, 1.
13. Stbant, 'there stood.' What is its subject?
15. mortus, dative of indirect object.
et. Notice that ambiguity is avoided by a change of conjunctions, et connecting the clauses and -que connecting praemia and poens. Of these connectives, et connects two ideas that are independent of each other and of equal importance; -que denotes a close connection, often of two words that together express a single idea; while ac or atque (see line 18) adds something of greater importance.
18. et. Mult is often joined by et to another adjective modifying the same noun.
24. ex. Compare 25, 18.
27. s socis, direct object and predicate accusative respectively.
29. 3. n. After verbs of fearing n must be rendered 'that,' ut, 'that not.' Notice, however, that the negative idea is as clearly present here as in the other clauses introduced by n that we have met, for Charon wishes that the thing may not happen.
13. fcisset, indirect for fceris.
18. refgerit. See the note on 19, 22.
23. quae cum ita essent, 'and this being the case,' 'and so,' literally 'since which things were so.'
24. lbertus. See the note on r ... interfcit, 18, 4.
25. quae, object of perscrbere, which is the subject of est; longum is predicate adjective.
26. est. We say 'would be.'
aette, ablative of specification. Translate 'when he was now advanced in age' (i.e. 'late in life'), and see the note on fessus, 23, 15.
30. 1. accidit. This is one of several impersonal verbs which take for their subject a clause of result (ut ... occderit).
3. ut ... ret, a clause of result; used as the subject of esset, ms being predicate.
quis. After s, nisi, n, and num, this is not the interrogative, but an indefinite pronoun ('any one'),
occdisset, indirect for occderit, which would be the form used in the laws; or it may be explained as subjunctive by attraction to ret.
7. trnseant, not 'they are crossing,' but 'they are to cross.' The direct form would be _trnsemus ('How in the world are we to get across?'), subjunctive because the question expresses doubt. This is called the deliberative subjunctive.
10. prgressus, 'after advancing.'
11. revertbtur. This verb is deponent in the present, imperfect, and future.
16. hum, locative, 'on the ground.'
n. See the note on 23, 24.
su ulcscend, 'of avenging himself.' This is called the gerundive construction. It is regularly used instead of the gerund when the gerund would have an accusative object (s ulcscend). Notice that the gerund is a verbal noun; the gerundive a verbal adjective, agreeing with its noun like any other adjective.
17. morientis, 'of a dying man.' Compare mortu, 28, 1.
18. vs, from vol.
20. s ... vnerit, 'if you ever suspect him.' What is the literal meaning? Notice that we use the present, while Latin by the use of the future perfect indicates that the action is to precede that of the main clause.
21. inficis. The future indicative is sometimes used, as in English, for the imperative.
22. nihil mal. See the note on 22, 26.
suspicta. See the note on 25, 27.
25. Ioln, fliam, captvam, direct object, appositive, and predicate accusative respectively.
26. domum. See the note on ad domum, 3, 15.
31. 1. referret. See the note on 19, 6.
2. facerent, subjunctive by attraction. The verb of a clause dependent upon an infinitive is put in the subjunctive when the two clauses are closely connected in thought. We have already met this construction in the case of dependence upon a subjunctive; see the note on 20, 2.
gerere. Compare 30, 3. Such phrases as ms est may have as subject either an infinitive or a clause of result.
3. verita. This participle is regularly rendered as present,
n. See the note on 29, 3.
4. vestem. Notice that the position of this word helps to make it clear that it is the object of nfcit as well as of dedit.
5. suspicns. This does not differ appreciably in force from suspicta, 30, 22.
8. exanimtus, 'beside himself.'
14. succenderent. Notice the force of the prefix sub in this word and in subdidit below.
15. inductus, 'moved.'
33. 1. alter ... alter, 'one ... the other.' Remember that this word is used to denote one of two given persons or things. We have in this passage an instance of the chiastic order, in which variety and emphasis are gained by reversing the position of the words in the second of two similar expressions. Here the two names are brought together by this device.
3. rgn, objective genitive, i.e. a genitive used to denote the object of the feeling cupiditte.
6. ex amcs. Qudam, like nus, commonly has ex or d and the ablative, instead of the partitive genitive.
10. puerum mortuum esse, 'that the boy was dead,' literally 'the boy to be dead.' This is indirect for Puer mortuus est, 'The boy is dead.' Notice carefully what changes Latin makes in quoting such a statement indirectly, and what the changes are in English. We have already met two constructions of indirect discourse, the subjunctive in indirect questions, and the subjunctive in informal indirect discourse. By the latter is meant a subordinate clause which, though not forming part of a formal quotation, has the subjunctive to show that not the speaker or writer but some other person is responsible for the idea it expresses (see the notes on dedisset, 27, 25, and occdisset. 30, 3). In indirect discourse, then, a statement depending upon a verb of saying, thinking, knowing, perceiving, or the like has its verb in the infinitive with the subject in the accusative; a command or question has its verb in the subjunctive; and any clause modifying such a statement, command, or question has its verb in the subjunctive.
33. 13. intellegerent. See the note on 14, 20.
14. nesci quam fbulam, 'some story or other.' Notice that nesci with the interrogative pronoun is equivalent to an indefinite pronoun.
19. rculum. Read again the description beginning at the bottom of page 11.
21. quis. See the note on 30, 3.
Post paucs anns, 'a few years later,' literally 'later by a few years.' Post is here an adverb, and paucs anns ablative of degree of difference. The expression is equivalent to post paucs anns.
22. accidit. See the note on 30, 1.
factrus, 'intending to make.' The future participle with a form of sum is used to express an intended or future action. This is called the active periphrastic conjugation.
23. certam. See the note on 5, 13.
24. Di cnstitt, ablative of time.
26. pueriti. Compare puer, 9, 20.
34. 2. trnseund flmine. See the note on su ulcscend, 30, 16.
nesci qu. See the note on 33. 14.
4. n pede nd, 'with one foot bare,' the ablative absolute. This construction consists of two parts, a noun, or pronoun corresponding to the subject of a clause, and a participle corresponding to the verb of a clause. A predicate noun or adjective may take the place of the participle. In the latter case the use of the participle 'being' will show the two parts in the relation of subject and predicate, 'one foot being bare.'
34.6. dmnstrvisset, subjunctive because subordinate in indirect discourse. See the note on 33, 10. Pelias thought, Hc est hom quem rculum dmnstrvit.
9. vellus aureum. Phrixus and his sister Helle were about to be put to death, when they were rescued by a ram with fleece of gold, who carried them off through the air. Helle fell from the ram's back into the strait that separates Europe and Asia, called after her the Hellespont, 'Helle's sea,' and known to us as the Dardanelles. Phrixus came safely to Colchis, and here he sacrificed the ram and gave the fleece to Aeetes. Read Mr. D.O.S. Lowell's Jason's Quest.
11. ut ... potrtur. See the note on 27, 6.
hc vellere. Potior takes the same construction as vscor, for which see the note on 16, 19.
16. iter, accusative of extent.
20. su, dative of purpose. We say 'of use' or 'useful.'
24. oper dative after the compound with prae. Notice that not all verbs compounded with prepositions govern the dative. Many compounds of ad, ante, com (for cum), in, inter, ob, post, prae, pr, sub, and super do have the dative, and some compounds of circum. You will find it profitable to keep a list of all such compound verbs governing the dative that you meet in your reading.
25. n ... quidem, 'not ... even.' The word emphasized must stand between n and quidem.
ad labrem. See the note on ad quitem, 14, 1.
26. Ad multitdinem trnsportandam, used like ad labrem. The gerundive in this use is very common.
27. quibus. The antecedent eae is not expressed. Notice that tor governs the same case as vscor and potior. Two other deponent verbs, not found in this book, take this construction, namely fruor, 'enjoy,' and fungor, 'perform.'
nostr mar, i.e. the Mediterranean.
cnsuvimus. See the note on cnsuverat, 10, 9.
35. 8. citharoedum. It was said that Orpheus made such sweet music on his golden harp that wild beasts, trees, and rocks followed him as he moved. By his playing he even prevailed upon Pluto to give back his dead wife Eurydice.
Thseum, a mythical hero, whose exploits resemble and rival those of Hercules. The most famous of them was the killing of the Minotaur. Theseus was the national hero of Athens.
Castorem, the famous tamer of horses and brother of Pollux, the boxer. Read Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome, The Battle of the Lake Regillus.
10. qus, the subject of esse. Its antecedent is es, line 11. The relative frequently precedes in Latin, but the antecedent must be translated first.
16. Argonautae. Notice the composition of this word.
24. dicerentur, part of the result clause.
26. arbitrt. See the note on 25, 27.
gred. See the note on 22, 18.
27. pgntum est. See the note on 20 4.
36. 5. Postrdi ius di, 'the next day,' more literally 'on the day following that day.' This idea may be expressed by postrdi alone, and the fuller expression is simply more formal.
9. in ancors, 'at anchor.'
10. habrent. See the note on 34, 6.
11. ex Argonauts. See the note on 33, 6.
13. Qu, 'he.' See the note on quibus, 20, 1.
dum quaerit, 'while looking for.' The present indicative with dum is often to be translated by a present participle.
15. vdissent. We say 'saw,' but Latin makes it plain that the seeing (and falling in love) came before the attempt to persuade.
e. Keep a list of all intransitive verbs which are used with the dative.
16. negret. This verb is commonly used instead of dc when a negative statement follows; when thus used, it should be translated by 'say' with the appropriate negative, here 'said that he would not.'
37. 1. praebuisset, subjunctive in a subordinate clause of indirect discourse.
2. supplic. See the note on 7, 8.
6. accubuerat. The Romans reclined at table, supporting themselves on the left arm and taking the food with the right hand. They naturally represented others as eating in the same way.
appositum, 'that had been placed before him.' See the note on exanimtum, 14, 4.
7. Qu ... morertur, 'and so it came to pass that Phineus was nearly dying of starvation,' literally 'that not much was wanting but that Phineus would die.' Ut ... abesset is a clause of result, the subject of factum est; quin ... morertur is a form of subordinate clause with subjunctive verb used after certain negative expressions; fam is ablative of cause. Notice that fams has a fifth-declension ablative, but is otherwise of the third declension.
9. Rs male s habbat, 'the situation was desperate.' What is the literal meaning?
12. opninem virttis, 'reputation for bravery.'
13. qun ferrent. Negative expressions of doubt are regularly followed by qun and the subjunctive.
16. quant in percul. See the note on 11, 25.
suae rs, 'his affairs.' See the note on rs, 13, 8.
17. repperissent. Phineus used the future perfect indicative.
22. nihil, used adverbially.
23. era. See the note on 4, 11.
27. Hc fact, 'when this had been accomplished.' See the note on 34, 4. The ablative absolute is often used instead of a subordinate clause of time, cause, condition, or the like.
38. 1. referret. See the note on 6, 16.
3. e cnsili. See the note on 28, 1.
4. n quis, 'that no one.' 'Negative clauses of purpose and negative clauses of result may be distinguished by the negative: n, n qus, etc., for purpose; ut nn, ut nm, etc., for result.
parv intervll, 'a short distance apart,' ablative absolute. See the note on 34, 1.
5. in medium spatium, 'between them.'
7. quid faciendum esset, 'what was to be done.' The gerundive is used with sum to denote necessary action. This is called the passive periphrastic conjugation.
8. sublts ... solvit, 'weighed anchor and put to sea.' What is the literal translation? The ablative absolute is often best translated by a cordinate verb, and this requires a change of voice, for the lack of a perfect active participle in Latin is the reason for the use of the ablative absolute in such cases. If there were a perfect active participle, it would stand in the nominative, modifying the subject, as we have found the perfect participle of deponent verbs doing.
11. rct ... spatium, 'straight between them.'
12. caud tantum miss, 'having lost only its tail-feathers.' Notice that we change the voice, as in line 8, and that the use of the ablative absolute is resorted to here for the same reason as in that passage. Make sure at this point that you know three ways in which the ablative absolute may be translated, as in this passage, as in line 8, and as suggested in the note on 37, 27.
14. concurrerent, 'could rush together.' See the note on possent, 27, 20.
intellegents, equivalent to cum intellegerent.
17. ds, the usual form of the dative and ablative plural of deus, as d of the nominative plural.
qurum, equivalent to cum erum. A relative clause of cause, like a cum-clause of cause, has its verb in the subjunctive.
27. negbat. See the note on 36, 16.
39. 1. trditrum. In infinitives formed with participles esse is often omitted,
prius. See the note on 27, 25.
3. Prmum. See the note on 12, 16.
4. iungend erant. See the note on 38, 7.
8. re bene gerendae, 'of accomplishing his mission.' What is the literal meaning?
10. rem aegr ferbat, 'she was greatly distressed.' What is the literal meaning?
12. Quae ... essent. See the note on 29, 23.
13. medicnae, objective genitive.
14. Medi nocte. See the note on 9, 5.
nsciente patre, 'without the knowledge of her father,' ablative absolute.
15. vnit. See the note on 3, 13.
17. quod ... cnfrmret, a relative clause of purpose.
19. essent, subjunctive in informal indirect discourse, or by attraction to oblineret.
20. hominibus. See the note on 34, 24.
21. mgnitdine et vribus, ablative of specification.
40. 2. nihil valre, 'prevailed not.'
5. qu in r. See the note on 11, 25.
6. cnfcerit. See the note on 19, 22.
8. qus. See the note on qubus, 20, 1.
9. autem. See the note on 5, 8.
10. essent, subjunctive by attraction.
11. qudam, 'some.'
16. ggnerentur, 'should be born.' With dum, 'until,' the subjunctive is used of action anticipated, as with antequam (see the note on possent, 27, 20).
19. omnibus agr partibus. See the note on 18, 6.
20. mrum in modum = mr mod.
25. nesci cr, 'for some reason.' See the note on 33, 14.
28. nll negti, 'with no trouble,' 'without difficulty.'
41. 3. qun tulisset. See the note on 37, 13.
15. quam prmum, 'as soon as possible.' See the note on 23, 2.
16. vectrum. See the note on trditrum, 39, 1.
17. Postrdi ius di. See the note on 36, 5.
19. loc. The antecedent is frequently thus repeated in the relative clause.
21. qu ... essent, 'to guard the ship.' See the note on 13, 16.
22. ipse. See the note on 21, 19.
27. qudam. This word may sometimes be rendered by the indefinite article.
28. dmnstrvimus. See the note on nrrvimus, 14, 17.
42. 5. dormit. See the note on fugit, 4, 25.
12. aliqu. Learn from the vocabulary the difference between aliqus and aliqu.
mtrandum sibi, 'they ought to hasten,' more literally 'haste ought to be made by them'; mtrandum (esse) is the impersonal passive, and sibi the so-called dative of the agent. With the gerundive the person who has the thing to do is regularly expressed in the dative.
16. mrt. See the note on 25, 27.
20. ds. See the note on 38, 17.
21. vnisset. See the note on accpissent, 26, 21.
23. vigili. The Romans divided the day from sunrise to sunset into twelve hours (hrae), the night from sunset to sunrise into four watches (vigiliae).
24. neque enim. See the note on 7, 12.
25. inimc anim, ablative of description.
43. 2. hc dolre, 'this anger,' i.e. 'anger at this.'
Nvem longam, 'war-galley,' 'man-of-war.' The adjective contrasts the shape of the man-of-war with that of the merchantman.
4. fugients, used as a noun, 'the fugitives.'
6. qu, ablative of means.
7. qu, 'as,' but in the same construction as edem celeritte.
8. Quo ... caperentur. See the note on 37, 7.
9. neque ... posset, 'for the distance between them was not greater than a javelin could be thrown.' What is the literal translation? The clause qu ... posset denotes result; the distance was not so great that a javelin could not be thrown from one ship to the other.
11. vdisset. See the note on 36, 15.
15. fugins, 'when she fled.' See the note on fessus, 23, 15.
18. fl. See the note on 7, 8.
19. Neque ... fefellit, 'and Medea was not mistaken.' What is the literal meaning?
20. ubi prmum, 'as soon as,' literally 'when first.'
24. prius, not to be rendered until quam is reached. The two words together mean 'before,' more literally 'earlier than,' 'sooner than,' They are sometimes written together (priusquam).
25. nihil ... esse, 'that it would be of no advantage to him.'
44. 5. pollicitus erat. Verbs of promising do not usually take in Latin the simple present infinitive, as in English, but the construction of indirect discourse.
10. mihi. The dative of reference is often used in Latin where we should use a possessive in English. Translate here as if the word were meus, modifying dis.
11. Liceat mihi, 'permit me,' literally 'let it be permitted to me.' Commands and entreaties in the third person are regularly expressed in the subjunctive.
dum vvam, 'so long as I live.' The verb with dum 'so long as' is not restricted to the present, as with dum 'while,' but any tense of the indicative may be used. We have here the future indicative, or the present subjunctive by attraction.
12. t. The nominative of the personal pronouns is commonly expressed only when emphatic. Here the use of the pronoun makes the promise more positive.
15. rem aegr tulit, 'was vexed.' Compare 39, 10.
20. Vultisne, the verb vultis and the enclitic -ne, which is used to introduce a question, and is incapable of translation. Num (line 21) introduces a question to which a negative answer is expected, and is likewise not to be translated, except in so far as its effect is reproduced by the form of the question or the tone of incredulity with which the words are spoken.
28. effervsceret. See the note on 40, 16.
45. 3. stupents, 'in amazement.'
5. Vs. See the note on 44, 12. Vs and ego in the next sentence are contrasted.
7. Quod ubi. See the note on 28, 8.
10. necvrunt. See the note on interfcit, 13, 18.
13. qubus. For the case see the note on qubus, 34, 27.
15. r vr, 'really.'
18. aegr tulrunt, 'were indignant at.' Compare 39, 10, and 44, 15.
23. Creont. See the note on cui erant, 13, 5.
25. nntium, 'a notice of divorce.'
26. dceret. See the note on dxit, 6, 18.
28. ultram. See the note on 39, 1.
46. 1. Vestem. Compare the story of the death of Hercules, pp. 30, 31.
3. quis. See the note on 30, 3.
induisset, subjunctive by attraction.
5. nihil mal. See the note on 22, 26.
16. itaque, not the adverb itaque, but the adverb ita and the enclitic conjunction -que.
era. See the note on 4, 11.
21. in eam partem, 'to that side.'
49. 4. nsidis. This refers to the story of the wooden horse.
9. quem, subject of excgitsse. The English idiom is 'who, some say, devised.' Notice that excgitsse is contracted from excgitvisse.
10. qu, ablative of means.
19. aliae ... parts, 'some in one direction and some in another,' but Latin compresses this into the one clause 'others in other directions.'
20. qu. See the note on 43, 6.
26. quibusdam, dative with obviam fact, 'having fallen in with,' 'having met.'
27. Accidit. See the note on 30, 1.
50. 2. gustssent, contracted from gustvissent.
patriae et socirum. Verbs of remembering and forgetting take the genitive or the accusative, but oblvscor prefers the former.
4. cib. See the note on 16, 19.
5. hr septim. See the note on 42, 23.
11. docurunt. See the note on 4, 26.
51. 6. tantum, the adverb.
23. s, 'they,' i.e. himself and his companions.
praedand caus, 'to steal.' Purpose is frequently thus expressed by caus with the genitive of the gerund or gerundive. What other ways of expressing purpose have you met in your reading?
24. Tri. The preposition is sometimes used with names of towns, with the meaning 'from the direction of' or 'from the neighborhood of.'
25. esse. It will help you to understand indirect discourse if you will try to discover what words would be used to express the idea in the direct form. Here, for instance, the exact words of Ulysses would have been in Latin: Neque merctrs sumus neque praedand caus vnimus; sed Tri redeunts v tempesttum rct curs dpuls sumus.
27. ubi ... essent. The question of Polyphemus was Ubi est nvis qu vect estis?
sibi ... esse, 'that he must be exceedingly careful.' See the note on mtrandum sibi, 42, 12.
29. in ... esse, 'had been driven on the rocks and entirely dashed to pieces.' See the note on r ... interfcit, 18, 4.
52. 1. membrs erum dvulss, 'tearing them limb from limb.'
4. n ... quidem. See the note on 34, 25.
6. tam. Notice that the force of a second demonstrative word is lost in the English rendering. So hc tantus vir, 'this great man,' etc.
7. hum. See the note on 30, 16.
prstrtus, 'throwing himself down.' See the note on continbantur, 20, 26.
8. re gerendae, 'for action.' Compare 39, 8.
9. in e ... trnsfgeret, 'was on the point of transfixing.' The clause of result ut ... trnsfgeret is explanatory of in e.
13. nihil sibi prfutrum. See the note on 43, 25.
17. hc cnt. See the note on 13, 11.
18. nll ... oblt, 'since no hope of safety presented itself.' See the note on continbantur, 20, 26.
21. et. See the note on 28, 18.
23. ltri essent, 'would bring,' more literally 'were going to bring.' Notice that in subjunctive constructions the periphrastic form is necessary to express future action clearly, since the subjunctive has no future.
25. quod, object of the implied fcerat.
53. 14. qu. See the note on 43, 7.
15. id ... salt, 'and this was his salvation,' literally 'that which was for safety to him.' For the datives see the note on 13, 16.
20. tertium, the adverb.
22. Nminem. Why is the accusative used?
27. inquit. See the note on 14, 28.
28. quam faculttem, for faculttem quam. The antecedent is often thus attracted into the relative clause,
n omittmus, 'let us not neglect,' the hortatory subjunctive.
29. re gerendae. See the note on 52, 8.
54. 1. extrmum plum, 'the end of the stake.' Other adjectives denoting a part of the object named by the noun they modify are medius, 'the middle of'; cterus, 'the rest of'; reliquus, 'the rest of'; prmus, 'the first of'; summus, 'the top of'; mus, 'the bottom of.'
5. dum errat, 'wandering.'
23. pecus. Is this pecus, pecoris, or pecus, pecudis? See the note on pecora, 20, 26.
24. vnerat. We say 'came,' but the Latin by the use of the pluperfect denotes that this action preceded that of trctbat.
55. 1. qus. See the note on quibus, 20, 1.
inter s. Compare 21, 20.
5. fore, 'would happen.'
15. aliquod. Compare 42, 12, and the note.
16. id ... erat, 'as was indeed the case.'
17. auxiliand caus. See the note on 51, 23.
26. correptum conicit, 'seized and threw.'
27. nn ... submergerentur. See the note on 37, 7.
56. 4-6. These verses and those on p. 57 and p. 59 are quoted from Vergil's Aeneid.
6. vincls, for vinculs.
8. vrs. Let the quantity of the first i tell you from what nominative this word comes.
11. sibi proficscendum. See the note on mtrandum sibi, 42, 12.
13. iam profectr, 'as he was now about to set out.'
16. nvigant, 'to one sailing.'
25. mrbantur, 'had been wondering.' With iam ddum and similar expressions the imperfect denotes action begun some time before and still going on at the given past time. This is similar to the use of the present already commented on (see the note on es, 4, 1).
28. clta, plural because of the plural expression aurum et argentum.
57. 1. vent, subject of ruunt and perflant.
2. velut gmine fact, 'as if formed in column.'
3. data. Est is omitted.
10. pricissent. See the note on accpissent, 26, 21.
13. in terram grediendum esse, 'that a landing must be made.'
18. quam, an adverb modifying crdl.
19. essent, informal indirect discourse or subjunctive by attraction.
20. vellet, subjunctive of characteristic. This name is given to the subjunctive when used in relative clauses to define or restrict an indefinite or general antecedent. So here it is not 'no one was found,' but 'no one willing to undertake this task was found.'
21. dducta est, 'came.'
23. praeesset, subjunctive of purpose.
25. vnit. This verb takes the same construction as accidit, 30, 1.
58. 1. nihil. See the note on 37, 22.
2. mort. Compare 49, 26.
5. aliquantum itineris, 'some distance on the journey.' The two words are accusative of extent of space and partitive genitive respectively.
11. sibi, 'for them,' dative of reference.
12. fors. This is translated like fors above, but the former was originally locative and is therefore used with verbs of rest; the latter, accusative of place whither and therefore used with verbs of motion.
15. accuburunt. See the note on 37, 6.
25. perturbtus, used as a predicate adjective, 'agitated.'
27. corrept. See the note on 38, 8.
59. 1. quid. See the note on quis, 30, 3.
gravius, 'serious.'
e. The direct form of these two speeches would be: S quid gravius tibi acciderit, omnium sals in summ discrmine erit; and Nminem invtum mcum addcam; tibi licet, s mvs, in nv manre; ego ipse sine ll praesidi rem suscipiam. Notice that ego is not used to represent s of line 2, but is used for s of line 4 for the sake of the contrast with tibi.
6. nll. Instead of the genitive and ablative of nm, nllus and nll are regularly used.
7. Alquantum itiners. See the note on 58, 5.
10. in e ... intrret. See the note on 52, 9.
11. e. Compare 49, 26, and 58, 2.
14. Circs, a Greek form of the genitive.
16. Num. See the note on 44, 20. Nnne (line 14) is used to introduce a question to which an affirmative answer is expected.
18. nlls. See the note on 24, 3.
22. tetigerit. See the note on 30, 20.
t ... facis, 'see that you draw your sword and make an attack upon her.'
24. vss, 'sight,' The use of the plural is poetic.
25. tenuem ... auram. The order of the words here is poetic.
60. 1. atque, 'as.' After adjectives and adverbs denoting likeness and unlikeness, this use of atque is regular.
3. dpulsa est. See the note on 4, 26.
4. sibi. See the note on 58, 11.
11. ut ... erat, 'as he had been instructed,' more literally 'as had been enjoined upon him.' An intransitive verb must be used impersonally in the passive, for it is the direct object of the active voice that becomes the subject of the passive. If the intransitive verb takes a dative in the active, this dative is kept in the passive. Notice that the corresponding English verbs are transitive, and that the dative may therefore be rendered as the object in the active construction and as the subject in the passive.
13. snsisset. See the note on vdissent, 36, 15.
14. sibi vtam adimeret, 'take her life.' The dative of reference is thus used after some compound verbs to name the person from whom a thing is taken. This construction is sometimes called the dative of separation.
15. timre perterritam. See the note on 14, 11.
20. e peds, 'his feet.' See the note on 44, 10.
21. impersset, contracted from impervisset.
22. in trium. See the note on 7, 3.
26. sunt, goes with reduct.
29. reliqus Graecs, indirect object of dceret.
30. Circaeam. Notice that this use of the adjective instead of the genitive often cannot be imitated in the English rendering, but must be translated by the possessive case or a prepositional phrase.
61. 8. e persusum sit, 'he was persuaded.' See the note on 60, 11. The clause ut ... manret is the subject of persusum sit; if the latter were active, the clause would be its object. For the tense of persusum sit see the note on 19, 22.
10. cnsmpserat. See the note on 14, 3.
patriae, objective genitive, to be rendered, as often, with 'for.'
15. su. See the note on 34, 20.
23. antequam pervenret. We say 'before he could come.' See the note on possent, 27, 20.
24. hc loc. See the note on 24, 2.
longum est. We say 'would be tedious' or 'would take too long.'
abl. = ablative. acc. = accusative. act. = active. adj. = adjective. adv. = adverb. comp. = comparative. conj. = conjunction. dat. = dative. dem. = demonstrative. f. = feminine. freq. = frequentative. gen. = genitive. ger. = gerundive. impers. = impersonal. indecl. = indeclinable. indef. = indefinite. infin. = infinitive. interrog. = interrogative. loc. = locative. m. = masculine. n. = neuter. part. = participle. pass. = passive. perf. = perfect. pers. = personal. plur. = plural. prep. = preposition. pron. = pronoun or pronominal. rel. = relative. sing. = singular. superl. = superlative.
The hyphen in initial words indicates the composition of the words.
or ab (the former never used before words beginning with a vowel or _h_), prep. with abl., _away from, from; of; by_. abditus, -a, -um [part of abd], _hidden, concealed_. ab-d, -dere, -did, -ditus, _put away, hide_. ab-dc, -dcere, -dx, -ductus, _lead_ or _take away_. ab-e, -re, -i, -itrus, _go away, depart_. abici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [ab + iaci], _throw away_. abripi, -ripere, -ripu, -reptus [ab + rapi], _snatch away, carry off_. abscd, -cdere, -cd, -csus [abs = ab + caed], _cut away_ or _off_. ab-scind, -scindere, -scid, -scissus, _tear away_ or _off_. ab-sum, abesse, fu, futrus, _be away, be absent, be distant; be wanting_. ab-sm, -smere, -smps, -smptus, _take away, consume, destroy_. Absyrtus, -, m., _Absyrtus_. ac, see atque. Acastus, -, m., _Acastus_. accend, -cendere, -cend, -cnsus, _kindle, light_. accid, -cidere, -cid [ad + cad], _fall to_ or _upon; befall, happen_. accipi, -cipere, -cp, -ceptus [ad + capi], _take to oneself, receive, accept; hear; suffer_. accumb, -cumbere, -cubu, -cubitus, _lie down_ (at table). accurr, -currere, -curr, -cursus [ad + curr], _run to, come up_. cer, cris, cre, _sharp, shrill_. acis, -, f., _line of battle_. Acrisius, -, m., _Acrisius_. criter [cer], adv., _sharply, fiercely_. ad, prep. with acc., _to, toward; at, near; for_. ad-am, -amre, -amv, -amtus, _feel love for, fall in love with_. ad-dc, -dcere, -dx, -ductus, _lead to, bring, take; induce, influence_. ad-e, -re, -i, -itus, _go to, approach_. ad-fer, adferre, attul, adltus, _bear to, bring_. adfici, -ficere, -fc, -fectus [ad + faci], _do to, move, affect; visit, afflict_. ad-flg, -flgere, -flxi, -flctus, _dash to, shatter_. adhibe, -hibre, -hibu, -hibitus [ad + habe], _hold to, employ, show_. ad-hc, adv., _to this point, up to this time, yet, still_. adici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [ad + iaci], _throw to, throw, hurl_. adim, -imere, -m, -mptus [ad + em], _take to oneself, take away_. aditus, -s [ade], m., _approach, entrance_. ad-iungo, -iungere, -inx, -inctus, _join to, join_. ad-lig, -ligre, -ligv, -ligtus, _bind to, bind_. Admta, -ae, f., _Admeta_. ad-mror, -mrr, -mrtus, _wonder at, admire_. ad-mitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus, _send to, admit; allow_. ad-st, -stre, -stit, _stand at_ or _near_. adulscns, -entis, m., _youth, young man_. adulscentia, -ae [adulscns], f., _youth_. ad-r, -rere, -ss, -stus, _set fire to, burn, scorch, sear_. ad-veni, -venre, -vn, -ventus, _come to_ or _toward, approach, arrive_. adventus, -s [adveni], m., _approach, arrival_. Aeacus, -, m., _Aeacus_. aedific, -re, -v, -tus [aedis + faci], _make a building, build_. aedis, -is, f., sing. _temple_, plur. _house_. Aets, -ae, m., _Aeetes_. aegr [aeger, _sick_], adv., _ill, with difficulty_. Aegypti,-rum, m. pl., _Egyptians_. aneus, -a, -um [aes], _of copper_ or _bronze_. Aeolia, -ae [Aeolus], f., _Aeolia_. Aeolus, -, m., _Aeolus_. r, eris, m., _air_. aes, aeris, n., _copper, bronze_. Aeson, -onis, m., _Aeson_. aests, -ttis, f., _summer_. aets, -ttis, f., _age_. Aethiops, -um, m. plur., _Ethiopians_. Aetna, -ae, f., _Etna_. ager, agri, m., _field, land_. gmen, -minis [ago], n., _band, column_. gnsc, -gnscere, -gnv, -gnitus [ad + (g)nsc, _come to know], recognize_. ag, agere, g, ctus, _drive; do; pass, lead_; grtis agere, see grtia. ala, -ae, f., _wing_. albus, -a, -um, _white_. Alcmna, -ae, f., _Alcmena_. alinus, -a, -um [alius], _belonging to another, out of place_. ali-quand, adv., _at some time or other; finally, at length_. ali-quantum, -quant, n., _somewhat_. ali-qu, -qua, -quod, indef. pron. adj., _some, any_. ali-quis, -quid, indef. pron., _someone, any one, something, anything, some, any_. aliter [alius], adv., _in another way, otherwise, differently_. alius, -a, -ud, _another, other_; ali ... ali, _some ... others. al, -ere, -u, -tus, _nourish_. Alps, -ium, f. plur., _Alps_. alter, -era, -erum, _one_ or _the other_ (of two); _another, second_. altus, -a, -um [part, of al], _high, deep_; altum, -, n., _the deep_. Amzons,-um, f. plur.,_Amazons_. mentia, -ae [ + mns, _mind_], f., _madness_. amcus, -, m., _friend_. -mitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus, _send away, lose_. am, -re, -v, -tus, _love_. amor, -ris [am], m., _love_. -move, -movre, -mv, -mtus, _move away_. amphora, -ae, f., _jar, bottle_. an, conj., _or_ (in questions). ancora, -ae, f., _anchor_; in ancors, _at anchor_. Andromeda, -ae, f., _Andromeda_. anguis, -is, m. and f., _serpent, snake_. anima, -ae, f., _breath, soul, life_. animadvert, -vertere, -vert, -versus [animus + ad-vert], _turn the mind to, observe_. animus, -, m., _mind; heart; spirit, courage_. annus, -, m., _year_. ante, prep, with acc. and adv., _before_. ante [ante], adv., _before_. antecell, -cellere, _surpass, excel_. ante-quam, conj., _before than, sooner than, before_. antquus, -a, -um, _ancient_. antrum, -, n., _cave_. nxius, -a, -um, _anxious_. aper, apr, m., _wild boar_. aperi, -re, -u, -tus, _open_. apertus, -a, -um [part, of aperi], _open_. Apollo, -inis, m., _Apollo_. appell, -pellre, -pellv, -pelltus, _call, name_. appell, -pellere, -pul, -pulsus [ad + pell], _drive to, bring to_; with or without nvem, _put in_. appet, -petere, -petv, -pettus [ad + pet], _draw near_. appn, -pnere, -posu, -positus [ad + pn], _put to_ or _near, set before, serve_. appropinqu, -propinqure, -propinquv, -propinqutus [ad + propinqu], _approach to, approach_. apud, prep, with acc., _among, with_. aqua, -ae, f., _water_. ra, -ae, f., _altar_. arbitror, -r, -tus, _consider, think, judge_. arbor, -oris, f., _tree_. arca, -ae, f., _chest, box, ark_. Arcadia,-ae, f., _Arcadia_. arcess, -ere, -v, -tus, _call, summon, fetch_. arcus, -s, m., _bow_. rde, rdre, rs, rsus, _be on fire, burn_. argentum, -, n., _silver_. Arg, Argus, f., _the Argo_. Argolicus, -a, -um, _of Argolis_ (the district of Greece in which Tiryns was situated), _Argolic_. Argonautae, -rum [Arg + nauta], m. plur., _Argonauts_. Argus, -, m., _Argus_. aris, -etis, m., _ram_. arma, -rum, n. plur., _arms, weapons_. armtus, -a, -um [part, of arm], _armed_. arm, -re, -vi, -tus [arma], _arm, equip_. ar, -re, -v, -tus, _plow_. ars, artis, f., _art_. ascend, -scendere, -scend, -scnsus [ad + scand], _climb to, ascend, mount_. aspici, -spicere, -spx, -spectus [ad + speci], _look at_ or _on, behold_. at, conj., _but_. Athnae, -rum, f. plur., _Athens_. Atls, -antis, m., _Atlas_. atque or ac (the latter never used before words beginning with a vowel or _h_), conj., _and_; after words of comparison, _as, than_. trium, -, n., _hall_. atting, -tingere, -tig, -tctus [ad + tango], _touch at_. audcia, -ae [audx, _bold_], f., _boldness, audacity_. aude, audre, ausus sum, _dare_. audi, -re, -v, -tus, _hear; listen_ or _attend to_. aufer, auferre, abstul, abltus [ab + fer], _bear away, carry off_. aufugi, -fugere, -fg [ab + fugi], _flee_ or _run away_. Augs, -ae, m., _Augeas_. aura, -ae, f., _air, breeze_. aureus, -a, -um [aurum], _of gold, golden_. auris, -is, f., _ear_. aurum, -, n., _gold_. aut, conj., _or_; aut ... aut, _either ... or_. autem, conj., _moreover; but, however; now_. auxilior, -ri, -tus [auxilium], _help_. auxilium, -, n., _help, aid_. -veh, -vehere, -vex, -vectus, _carry away_. avis, -is, f., _bird_. -vol, -volre, -volv, -voltrus, _fly away_. avus, -, m., _grandfather_.
baculum, -, n., stick, wand. balteus, -, m.., belt, girdle. barbarus, -a, -um, barbarian. betus, -a, -um, happy, blessed. bellicsus, -a, -um [bellum], war-like. bellum, -, n., war. blua, -ae, f., beast, monster. bene [bonus], adv., well; successfully. beneficium, - [bene + faci], n., well-doing, kindness, service, benefit. bengn [bengnus, kind], adv., kindly. bengnits, -ttis [bengnus, kind], f., kindness. bib, bibere, bib, drink. biceps, -cipitis [bi- + caput], adj., two-headed. bonus, -a, -um, good. bs, bovis, gen. plur. boum, dat. and abl. plur. bbus, m. and f., ox, bull, cow. bracchium, -, n., arm. brevis, -e, short. Bsris, -idis, m., Busiris.
Ccus, -, m., Cacus. cadver, -eris, n., dead body, corpse, carcass. cad, cadere, cecid, csrus, fall. caecus, -a, -um, blind. caeds, -is [caed, cut], f., cutting down, killing, slaughter. caelum, -, n., heaven, sky. Calais, -is, m., Calais. calamits, -ttis, f., misfortune, calamity, disaster. calceus, -, m., shoe. calefaci, -facere, -fc, -factus [cale, be hot + faci], make hot. calor, -ris [cale, be hot], m., heat. campus, -, m., plain, field. cancer, cancr, m., crab. canis, -is, m. and f., dog. cant, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of can, sing], sing. cantus, -s [can, sing], m., singing, song. capi, capere, cp, captus, take, catch, seize; receive, suffer; adopt. captvus, -a, -um [capi], captive. caput, capitis, n., head. carcer, -eris, m., prison. carmen, -minis [can, sing], n., song, charm. car, carnis, f., flesh. carp, -ere, -s, -tus, pluck. Castor, -oris, m., Castor. castra, -rum, n. plur., camp. cs [abl. of csus], adv., by chance, accidentally. csus, -s [cad], m., fall; chance, accident. catna, -ae, f., chain. cauda, -ae, f., tail. causa, -ae, f., cause, reason; abl. caus, for the sake of. cave, cavre, cv, cautus, beware, take care; be on one's guard against, beware of. celeber, celebris, celebre, frequented; renowned, celebrated. celerits, -ttis [celer, swift], f., swiftness, quickness, speed. celeriter [celer, swift], adv., swiftly, quickly. cl, -re, -v, -tus, hide, conceal. cna, -ae, f., dinner. cnculum, - [cna], n., dining-room. Cnaeum, -, n., Cenaeum (a promontory of Euboea). cn, -re, -v, -tus [cna], dine. cnse, cnsre, cnsu, cnsus, think, believe, consider. centaurus, -, m., centaur. centum, indecl. adj., one hundred. Cpheus, -, m., Cepheus. Cerberus, -, m., Cerberus. Ceres, Cereris, f., Ceres. cern, cernere, crv, certus or crtus, discern, perceive, make out. certmen, -minis [cert, strive], n., struggle, contest. cert [abl. of certus], adv., with certainty, for certain, certainly. certus, -a, -um [part. of cern], determined, fixed, certain; certirem facere, to make more certain, inform. cervus, -, m., stag. cter, -ae, -a, plur. adj., the other, the remaining, the rest of. Charn, -ontis, m., Charon. cibus, -, m., food. cing, cingere, cinx, cinctus, surround, gird. Circ, -s, f., Circe. Circaeus, -a, -um [Circ], of Circe. circiter, prep. with acc. and adv., about. circum, prep. with acc., around. circum-d, -dare, -ded, -datus, put around, surround. circum-st, -stre, -stet, stand around. citerior, -ius [comp. from citr, on this side of], adj., on this side, hither. cithara, -ae, f., cithara, lute, lyre. citharoedus, - [cithara], m., citharoedus (one who sings to the accompaniment of the cithara). cvis, -is, m. and f., citizen, fellow-citizen, subject. cvits, -ttis [cvis], f., state. clmit, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of clm, call out], call out. clamor, -ris [clm, call out], m., shout, cry. clva, -ae, f., club. clmentia, -ae [clmns, merciful], f., mercy, kindness. coep, coepisse, coeptus (used in tenses of completed action), have begun, began. cgit, -re, -v, -tus, consider, think over. cgnsc, -gnscere, -gnv, -gnitus [com- + (g)nsc, come to know], find out, learn; in tenses of completed action, have found out, know. cg, cgere, cog, coctus [co- + ag], drive together, collect; compel. co-hortor, -hortr, -horttus, encourage, exhort. Colch, -rum, m. plur., Colchians. Colchis, -idis, f., Colchis. collum, -, n., neck. col, colere, colu, cultus, till, cultivate; inhabit; worship. color, -ris, m., color. columba, -ae, f., pigeon, dove. columna, -ae, f., column, pillar. comes, -itis [com- + e], m. and f., companion. commetus, -s, m., supplies, provisions. com-mitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus, send together; commit, intrust; expose; proelium committere, to join battle. com-moror, -morr, -mortus, tarry, linger, delay, stay. com-move, -movre, -mv, -mtus, move, rouse; disturb. com-mtti, -tinis, f., change. com-par, -parre, -parv, -partus, prepare, collect. com-pell, -pellere, -pul, -pulsus, drive together, drive. complector, -plect, -plexus, embrace. com-ple, -plre, -plv, -pltus, fill full, fill up. com-plrs, -plra, plur. adj., several, many. com-port, -portre, -portv, -porttus, carry or bring together, collect. com-prehend, -prehendere, -prehend, -prehnsus, seize, catch. comprim, -primere, -press, -pressus [com- + prem], press together, squeeze, compress. cntus, -s [cnor], m., attempt, effort. con-cd, -cdere, -cess, -cessus, grant, yield. con-curr, -currere, -curr, -cursus, run, rush, or dash together. con-d, -dere, -did, -ditus, put together, found; store away. cn-fer, cnferre, contul, conltus, bring together; grant, confer; s cnferre, to betake oneself, make one's way. cnfici, -ficere, -fc, -fectus [com- + faci], make or do completely, complete, finish, accomplish, make; wear out. cn-frm, -frmre, -frmv, -frmtus, strengthen, establish; declare, assert. cn-flg, -flgere, -flx, -flctus, dash together. conici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [com- + iaci], throw together; throw, cast, hurl. con-iung, -iungere, -inx, -inctus, join together, join. coninx, coniugis [coniung], m. and f., spouse, husband, wife. conlig, -ligere, -lg, -lctus [com- + leg], gather together, collect. con-loc, -locre, -locv, -loctus, place together, put, place. conloquium, - [conloquor, talk together], n., conversation. cnor, -r, -tus, try, attempt. cnscend, -scendere, -scend, -scnsus [com- + scand, climb], climb; nvem cnscendere, to climb the ship, go on board, embark. cnsnsus, -s [cnsenti, agree], m., agreement, consent. cn-sequor, -sequ, -sectus, follow up, follow; overtake. cn-serv, -servre, -servv, -servtus, preserve, keep. cn-sd, -sdere, -sd, -sessus, sit down. cnsilium, - [cnsul], n., advice; plan, design, purpose; prudence. cn-sist, -sistere, -stit, -stitus, station oneself, take one's stand; consist. cnspectus, -s [cnspici], m., sight. cnspici, -spicere, -spx, -spectus [com- + speci, look], behold, perceive, see. cnstitu, -stituere, -stitu, -stittus [com- + statu], set together or up; appoint; determine. cn-st, -stre, -stit, -sttrus, stand together, agree; consist; cnstat, it is agreed, is well known. cn-susc, -suscere, -suv, -sutus, become accustomed; in tenses of completed action, have become accustomed, be accustomed or wont. cnsul, -ere, -u, -tus, consult. cn-sm, -smere, -smps, -smptus, take completely, use up, consume, spend. con-teg, -tegere, -tx, -tctus, cover. con-tend, -tendere, -tend, -tentus, stretch, hasten. continns, -entis [contine], f., 'mainland, continent. contine, -tinre, -tinu, -tentus [com- + tene], hold together, keep within, shut up in; bound. continuus, -a, -um [contine], continuous, successive. contr, prep, with acc., against, contrary to. contrversia, -ae, f., quarrel, dispute, debate. con-veni, -venre, -vn, -ventus, come together, assemble. con-vert, -vertere, -vert, -versus, turn round, turn, change; in fugam convertere, to put to flight. con-voc, -vocre, -vocv, -voctus, call together, summon, assemble. co-orior, -orr, -ortus, arise. cpia, -ae, f., supply, abundance; plur., forces, troops. Corinthus, -, m., Corinth. corium, -, n., hide, leather. corn, -s, n., horn. corpus, corporis, n., body. corripi, -ripere, -ripu, -reptus [com- + rapi], seize, snatch, snatch up. cottdi, adv., daily, every day. crdibilis, -e [crd], credible. crd, -dere, -did, -ditus, believe. cre, -re, -v, -tus, elect, appoint. Cren, -ontis, m., Creon. creptus, -s [crep, rattle], m., rattle, clatter. crepundia, -rum [crep, rattle], n. plur., rattle. Crta, -ae, f., Crete. crucitus, -s [cruci, torture], m., torture. crdlis, -e, cruel. crs, crris, n., leg. cubiculum, - [cub], n., bedroom. cub, -re, -u, lie down, lie, recline. culter, cultr, m., knife. cum, prep, with abl., with. cum, conj., when, while, after; since; although. cnae, -arum, f. plur., cradle. cupidits, -ttis [cupidus], f., desire, longing, eagerness. cupidus, -a, -um [cupi], desirous, eager. cupi, -ere, -v, -tus, desire, long for, wish. cr, adv., why. curr, currere, cucurr, cursus, run. cursus, -s, m., chariot. cursus, -s [curr], m., running, course. custdi, -re, -v, -tus [custs, guard], guard. Cyclps, -is, m., Cyclops Cyzicus, -, f., Cyzicus.
damnum, -, n., harm, injury. Dana, -s, f., Danae. d, prep, with abl., down from, from, out of; about, concerning, of. dbe, -re, -u, -itus [d+ habe], owe; with infin., ought. dbitus, -a, -um [part, of dbe], owed, due. d-cd, -cdere, -cess, -cessus, go away, depart. decem, indecl. adj., ten. dcid, -cidere, -cid [d + cad], fall down. decimus, -a, -um [decem], tenth. dcipi, -cipere, -cp, -ceptus [d + capi], catch, deceive. decor, -re, -v, -tus [decus, adornment], adorn, distinguish. d-curr, -currere, -cucurr, -cursus, run down. d-decus, -decoris, n., dishonor, disgrace. d-d, -dere, -did, -ditus, give away or up. d-dc, -dcere, -dx, -ductus, lead down or away, bring; nvem ddcere, to draw down or launch a ship. d-fend, -fendere, -fend, -fnsus, ward off; defend. d-fer, -ferre, -tul, -ltus, bear or carry away or off. d-fessus, -a, -um, worn out, exhausted. dfici, -ficere, -fc, -fectus [d + faci], fail. Dianra, -ae, f., Dejanira. dici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [d + iaci], throw down, cast, drive out of one's course. deinde, adv., then, next. d-lbor, -lb, -lapsus, slip or fall down. dlig, -ligere, -lg, -lctus [d + leg], choose out, choose, select. Delph, -rum, m. plur., Delphi. Delphicus, -a, -um [Delph], of Delphi, Delphic, Delphian. dmissus, -a, -um [part. of dmitt], downcast, dejected. d-mitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus, send down, let fall; anims dmittere, to lose courage. d-mnstr, -mnstrre, -mnstrv, -mnstrtus, point out, show; make known. dmum, adv., at last. dnique, adv., lastly, finally. dns, dentis, m., tooth. dnsus, -a, -um, thick. d-pell, -pellere, -pul, -pulsus, drive off or away, drive. d-plr, -plrre, -plrv, -plrtus, lament. d-pn, -pnere, -posu, -positus, put down, deposit; lay aside, give up; memori dpnere, to forget. dripi, -ripere, -ripu, -reptus [d + rapi], snatch away, tear off, pull down. dscend, -scendere, -scend, -scnsus [d + scand], climb down, descend. d-ser, -serere, -seru, -sertus, desert. dsertus, -a, -um [part, of dser], deserted. dsderium, - [dsder, desire], n., desire, longing. dsili, -silre, -silu, -sultus [d + sali], leap down. d-sist, -sistere, -stit, -stitus, set down; leave off, desist, cease, stop. d-spr, -sprre, -sprv, -sprtus, despair. d-super, adv., down from above. d-terre, -terrre, -terru, -territus, frighten off, deter. d-trah, -trahere, -trx, -trctus, draw or pull off. deus, -, m., god. d-vert, -vertere, -vert, turn away or aside. d-vor, -vorre, -vorv, -vortus, swallow down, swallow, devour. dexter, -tra, -trum, right. dextra, -ae [dexter], f., right hand (manus understood). Dina, -ae, f., Diana. dc, dcere, dx, dictus, say, speak; diem dcere, to appoint or set a day. dis, -, m. and f., day. difficilis, -e [dis- + facilis], not easy, difficult. difficultas, -ttis [difficilis], f., difficulty. diffund, -fundere, -fd, -fsus [dis- + fund], pour forth, spread or shed abroad, diffuse. dligenter [dligns, careful], adv., carefully, diligently. dligentia, -ae [dligns, careful], f., care, diligence, industry. d-lcsc, -lcscere, -lx, grow light, dawn. dlcid [dlcidus, distinct], adv., distinctly, plainly. d-mitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus, send different ways, send forth or away, despatch; let slip, lose. Diomds, -is, m., Diomedes. drus, -a, -um, dreadful. dis-cd, -cdere, -cess, -cessus, go apart, withdraw, depart. disc, discere, didic, learn. discrmen, -crminis, n., crisis, peril, danger. discus, -, m., discus, quoit. disici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [dis- + iaci], throw apart, scatter. di, adv., for a long time, a long time or while, long; comp. ditius, longer. d-vell, -vellere, -vell, -vulsus, tear apart, rend asunder, tear in pieces. dversus, -a, -um [part. of dverto], turned different ways, opposite, contrary, different. dvid, -videre, -vs, -vsus, divide, separate. d, dare, ded, datus, give. doceo, -re, -u, -tus, teach, explain. dolor, -ris [dole, be in pain], m., pain, grief; anger. dolus, -, m., trick, craft. domina, -ae, f., mistress. domus, -s, f., house, home. dnum, - [do], n., gift. dormi, -re, -v, sleep. drac, -nis, m., dragon, serpent. dubit, -re, -v, -tus [dubius], doubt, hesitate. dubius, -a, -um, doubtful, uncertain. dc, dcere, dx, ductus [dux], lead; make, dig; with or without in mtrimnium, marry. ddum, adv., formerly, of old; iam ddum, this long time. dulcd, -inis [dulcis], f., sweetness. dulcis, -e, sweet. dum, conj., while, as; as long as; until. duo, -ae, -o, plur. adj., two. duodecim [duo + decem], indecl. adj., twelve. duo-d-vgint, indecl. adj., eighteen. dux, ducis, m. and f., leader, commander.
, see ex. brius, -a, -um, drunk. -dc, -dcere, -dx, -dictus, declare, proclaim, appoint. -d, -dere, -did, -ditus, put forth, give out, utter. -dc, -dcere, -dx, -ductus, lead out, draw. effervsc, -fervscere, -ferbu [ex + fervsc], boil up or over, boil. effici, -ficere, -fc, -fectus [ex + faci], make or work out, accomplish, effect. effl, -flre, -flv, -fltus [ex + fl], breathe out. effugio, -fugere, -fg [ex + fugi], flee out or away, escape. effund, -fundere, -fd, -fsus [ex + fund], pour out. ego, me, pers. pron., I. gredior, -gred, -gressus [ + gradior], go out or forth, go ashore, disembark. gregi [gregius, excellent], adv., excellently, splendidly, admirably. lis, -idis, f., Elis. Elysius, -a, -um, Elysian. -mitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus, send out or forth. enim, conj., for. -nnti, -nntire, -nntiv, -nntitus, speak out, announce, make known. e, re, i, itus, go. e [is], adv., to that place, thither. equus, -, m., horse. rctus, -a, -um [part, of rig], upright, erect. erg, prep, with acc., toward, for. Ergnus, -, m., Erginus. ridanus, -, m., Eridanus. rig, -rigere, -rx, -rctus [ + reg], raise or set up, raise, lift; cheer, encourage. ripi, -ripere, -ripu, -reptus [ + rapi], snatch out or away, rescue. err, -re, -v, -tus, wander, stray; be mistaken. rudi, -rudre, -rudv, -rudtus, instruct. Erymanthius, -a, -um, of Erymanthus, Erymanthian. Erytha, -ae, f., Erythia. et, conj., and; et ... et, both ... and. etiam [et + iam], adv., and now, also, too, even. et-s, conj., even if, although. Eunomus, -, m., Eunomus. Eurpa, -ae, f., Europe. Eurylochus, -, m., Eurylochus. Eurystheus, -, m., Eurystheus. Eurytin, -nis, m., Eurytion. Eurytus, -, m., Eurytus. -vd, -vdere, -vs, -vsus, go forth, get away, escape. -vnsc, -vnscere, -vnu, vanish away. -veni, -venre, -vn, -ventus, come out; turn out, happen, befall. -voc, -vocre, -vocv, -voctus, call out, challenge. -vom, -vomere, -vomu, -vomitus, vomit forth. ex or (the latter never used before words beginning with a vowel or h), prep. with abl., out of, from; of. ex-anim, -animre, -animv, -animtus, put out of breath, fatigue, tire, exhaust; stupefy; kill. ex-rdsc, -rdscere, -rs, -rsus, blaze out, be inflamed, rage. ex-cd, -cdere, -cess, -cessus, go out or forth, depart. excipi, -cipere, -cp, -ceptus [ex + capi], take out or up, receive, welcome, entertain. ex-cit, -citre, -citv, -cittus, call out, arouse. ex-clm, -clmre, -clmv, -clmtus, cry out, exclaim. excld, -cldere, -cls, -clsus [ex + claud], shut out, hinder, prevent. ex-cgit, -cgitre, -cgitv, -cgittus, think out, contrive, devise, invent. ex-cruci, -crucire, -cruciv, crucitus, torture. ex-e, -re, -i, -itus, go out. exerce, -ercre, -ercu, -ercitus, exercise. exercitti, -nis [exerce], f., exercise. exercitus, -s, m., army. ex-haurio, -haurre, -haus, -haustus, drink up or off, drain. exstim, -stimre, -stimv, -stimtus [ex + aestimo, value], consider, believe, think. ex-orior, -orr, -ortus, arise from, spring up, rise. ex-pell, -pellere, -pul, -pulsus, drive out, expel. ex-pi, -pire, -piv, -pitus, expiate. explrtor, -ris [explr], m., explorer, scout, spy. ex-plr, -plrre, -plrv, -plrtus, search out, explore. ex-pn, -pnere, -posu, -positus, put out, set forth; put on shore, land; explain. exprim, -primere, -press, -pressus [ex + prem], press out. exsili, -silre, -silu [ex + sali], leap out or forth. exsilium, - [exsul, exile], n., exile. ex-spect, -spectre, -spectv, -specttus, look out for, wait for, await, expect; wait. ex-spr, -sprre, -sprv, -sprtus, breathe out. ex-stru, -struere, -strx, -strctus, pile or heap up, build, erect. extempl, adv., immediately, straightway, at once. ex-trah, -trahere, -trx, -trctus, draw or drag out, release, rescue. extrmus, -a, -um, last, extreme, furthest. exu, -uere, -u, -tus, put or take off.
faber, fabr, m., smith. fabricor, -r, -tus [faber], make, fashion. fbula, -ae [for, speak], f., story. facile [facilis, easy], adv., easily. facinus, facinoris [faci], n., deed, crime. faci, facere, fc, factus, make, do; iter facere, see iter. facults, -ttis [facilis, easy], f., possibility, opportunity, chance, means. fall, fallere, fefell, falsus, deceive. falsus, -a, -um [part. of fall], feigned, pretended, false. falx, falcis, f., sickle; curved sword, falchion. fma, -ae [for, speak], f., report, rumor. fams, -is, abl. fam, f., hunger. fr, farris, n., grain; meal. ftum, - [part. of for, speak], n., destiny, fate. faucs, -ium, f. plur., throat. fax, facis, f., torch, firebrand. flciter [flx, happy], adv., happily, fortunately, successfully. fmina, -ae, f., woman. fera, -ae [ferus, wild], f., wild animal, beast. fer, adv., nearly, about, almost, for the most part. fer, ferre, tul, ltus, bear, bring. ferx, -cis [ferus, wild], adj., fierce, savage. ferreus, -a, -um [ferrum, iron], of iron, iron. ferve, -re, boil; glow, burn. fessus, -a, -um, exhausted, worn out, weary. figra, -ae, f., form, shape, figure. flia, -ae, f., daughter. flius, -, m., son. fing, fingere, finx, fictus, invent, make up. fnis, -is, m., end, boundary; plur., borders, territory, country. fnitimus, -a, -um [fnis], neighboring, adjoining. f, fier, factus sum, be done or made, become, happen. flamma, -ae, f., flame. flmen, -minis [flu, flow], n., river. fns, fontis, m., fountain, spring. fors [foris], adv., out of doors, forth, out. fors [foris], adv., out of doors, without. foris, -is, f., door. frma, -ae, f., form, appearance; beauty. frmsus, -a, -um [frma], beautiful. forte [fors, chance], adv., by chance, accidentally. fortis, -e, brave. fortiter [fortis], adv., bravely. fortna, -ae [fors, chance], f., fortune. fossa, -ae [part. of fodi, dig], f., ditch, trench. frang, frangere, frg, frctus, break; dash to pieces, wreck. frter, frtris, m., brother. fraus, fraudis, f., deception, fraud. fremitus, -s [frem, roar], m., roaring, roar. frn, -re, -v, -tus [frnum, bridle], bridle, restrain. fretum, -, n., strait. frns, frontis, f., forehead. frctus, -s [fruor, enjoy], m., enjoyment; fruit. frmentor, -r, -tus [frmentum], fetch grain, forage. frmentum, - [fruor, enjoy], n., grain. frstr, adv., in vain. fuga, -ae, f., flight. fugi, fugere, fg, fugitrus [fuga], flee, run away. fmus, -, m., smoke. furor, -ris [fur, rage], m., rage, fury, frenzy, madness. frtum, - [fr, thief], n., theft.
galea, -ae, f., helmet. Gallia, -ae, f., Gaul. gaude, gaudre, gvsus, be glad, rejoice. gaudium, - [gaude], n., gladness, joy. gns, gentis, f., race, nation. genus, generis, n., kind, nature. ger, gerere, gess, gestus, carry, wear; carry on, do. Gryn, -onis, m., Geryon. ggn, ggnere, genu, genitus, produce, bring forth. gladius, -, m., sword. Glauc, -s, f., Glauce. glria, -ae, f., glory. Gorg, -onis, f., Gorgon. Graeae, -rum, f. plur., the Graeae. Graecia, -ae [Graecus], f., Greece. Graecus, -a, -um, Greek. grtia, -ae [grtus], f., favor; gratitude, thanks; plur., thanks; grtis agere, to give thanks, thank; grtiam referre, to return a favor, show gratitude, requite. grtus, -a, -um, pleasing, grateful. gravis, -e, heavy; severe, grievous, serious. graviter [gravis], adv., severely, seriously. gubern, -re, -v, -tus, steer. gust, -re, -v, -tus, taste.
habe, -re, -u, -itus, have, hold; consider. habit, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of habe], dwell, inhabit. Hds, -ae, m., Hades. haere, haerre, haes, haesrus, stick; hesitate. haesit, -re, -v, -tus [freq. of haere], hesitate. Hammn, -nis, m., Hammon. harna, -ae, f., sand; shore. Harpiae, -rum, f. plur., Harpies. haud, adv., not at all, by no means, not. haudququam [haud + quisquam], adv., in no wise, not at all. hauri, haurre, haus, haustus, draw. herba, -ae, f., herb, plant. Herculs, -is, m., Hercules. Hsion, -s, f., Hesione. Hesperids, -um, f. plur., the Hesperides. hesternus, -a, -um [her, yesterday], of yesterday, yesterday's, hesternus dis, yesterday. hc [hc], adv., here; hereupon. hc, haec, hc, dem. pron., this; ille ... hc, that ... this, the former ... the latter. hinc [hc], adv., from this place, hence. Hippolyt, -s, f., Hippolyte. Hispnia, -ae, f., Spain. Homrus, -, m., Homer. hom, hominis, m., man. honor, -ris, m., honor. hra, -ae, f., hour. horribilis, -e [horre, shudder], dreadful, terrible, horrible. hortor, -r, -tus, exhort, encourage, urge. hortus, -, m., garden. hospitium, - [hospes, host], n., hospitality. hostis, -is, m. and f., enemy, foe. hc [hc], adv., to this place, hither. hmnus, -a, -um [hom], of man, human. hum [loc. of humus, ground], adv., on the ground. Hydra, -ae, f., Hydra. Hyls, -ae, m., Hylas.
iace, -re, -u, lie, be prostrate. iaci, iacere, ic, iactus, throw, cast, hurl. iam, adv., now, already. inua, -ae, f., door. Isn, -onis, m., Jason. ibi [is], adv., in that place, there. ctus, -s [c, strike], m., blow. dem, eadem, idem [is], dem. pron., the same; sometimes to be translated likewise, also. idneus, -a, -um, suitable, fit; favorable. igitur, conj., therefore. gnrus, -a, -um [in-, not + gnrus, knowing], ignorant. gnvus, -a, -um [in-, not + gnvus, active], lazy, cowardly. gnis, -is, m., fire. gnr, -re, -v, -tus, be ignorant of. gntus, -a, -um [in-, not + ntus], unknown. lias, -adis, f., the Iliad. ille, illa, illud, dem. pron., that; he, she, it, they; ille ... hc, see hc. imber, imbris, m., rain, shower. imbu, -buere, -bu, -btus, wet, soak, dip. immnits, -ttis [immnis, cruel], f., cruelty, barbarity. immitt, -mittere, -ms, -missus, send or let in. immol, -molre, -molv, -moltus [in + mola], sacrifice (the victim was sprinkled with consecrated meal). impedi, -pedre, -pedv, -pedtus [in + ps], hinder, prevent, impede. impell, -pellere, -pul, -pulsus [in + pell], drive or urge on, incite, urge. impertor, -ris [imper], m., commander, general. impertum, - [part, of imper], n., command, order. impertus, -a, -um [in-, not + pertus], inexperienced, unskilled, ignorant. imperium, - [imper], n., command; sway, rule. imper, -perre, -perv, -pertus, command, order, enjoin. impetr, -petrre, -petrv, -petrtus, gain one's end, obtain (a request). impetus, -s [in + pet], m., attack; impetum facere, to charge. impn, -pnere, -posu, -positus [in + pn], place or lay upon, impose; embark. improbus, -a, -um [in-, not + probus, upright], wicked. in, prep, with acc., into, in, to, upon; with abl., in, on. incid, -cidere, -cid [in + cad], fall into or upon. incld, -cldere, -cls, -clsus [in + claud, shut], shut up in, inclose, imprison. incola, -ae [incol], m. and f., inhabitant. in-col, -colere, -colu, inhabit. incolumis, -e, unhurt, safe. in-commodum, -, n., inconvenience. in-crdibilis, e, incredible. in-dc, -dcere, dx, -ductus, lead in or on, move, excite. indu, induere, indu, indtus, put on; clothe. in-e, -re, -i, -itus, go into, enter; adopt. nfandus, -a, -um [in-, not + ger. of for, speak], unspeakable, monstrous. nfns, -fantis [in-, not + part. of for, speak], m. and f., infant, babe. nfectus, -a, -um [in-, not + part. of faci], not done, undone, unaccomplished. n-flx, -flcis, adj., unhappy, unfortunate. nfer, -rum [nferus, below], m. plur., inhabitants of the underworld, the dead, the shades. nfer, nferre, intul, inltus, bring in or against, wage against; inflict. nfstus, -a, -um, unsafe, dangerous. nfici, -ficere, -fc, -fectus [in + faci], stain, dye. n-fund, -fundere, -fd, -fsus, pour in or upon. ingns, -gentis, adj., huge, vast. inici, -icere, -ic, -iectus [in +iaci], throw in or upon; cause, inspire. inimcus, -a, -um [in-, not + amcus], unfriendly, hostile. initium, - [ine], n., beginning. iniria, -ae [in-, not + is], f., injury, wrong, hurt, harm. inluvis, -, f., dirt, filth. inquam, inquis, inquit, defective verb, I say, you say, he says. in-rde, -rdre, -rs, -rsus, laugh at, mock. in-rump, -rumpere, -rp, -ruptus, burst into or in. in-ru, -ruere, -ru, rush in. nsnia, -ae [nsnus, mad], f., madness, insanity. nscins, -scientis [in-, not + part. of sci], adj., unknowing, unaware. n-sequor, -sequ, -sectus, follow upon or up, pursue. nsidiae, -rum, f. plur., ambush; plot, stratagem. nsperg, -spergere, -spers, -spersus [in + sparg], sprinkle on or over. nspici, -spicere, -spx, -spectus [in + speci], look into or upon. nstitu, -stituere, -stitu, -stittus [in + statu], decide upon, determine. n-struo, -struere, -strx, -strctus, build in or into; draw up; equip, furnish, nsula, -ae, f., island. intelleg, -legere, -lx, -lctus, perceive, understand. in-tend, -tendere, -tend, -tentus, stretch out; stretch, draw, aim. inter, prep, with acc., among, between. intere [inter], adv., in the meantime, meanwhile. interfici, -ficere, -fc, -fectus [inter + faci], put out of the way, kill. interior, -ius [comp. from inter], adj., interior, inner. inter-mitt, -mittere, -ms, -mssus, leave off, interrupt; let pass; pass., be left between, intervene, elapse. inter-sum, -esse, -fu, -futrus, be or lie between. intervllum, -, n., interval, space, distance. intr [inter], prep. with acc., within. intr, -re, -v, -tus [intr], go within or into, enter. introitus, -s [introe, go within], m., entrance. in-tueor, -tur, -tuitus, look upon, behold. in-sittus, -a, -um, unusual, extraordinary. in-tilis, -e, not useful, useless. in-veni, -venre, -vn, -ventus, come upon, find. invt, -re, -v, -tus, invite. invtus, -a, -um, unwilling. Iolus, -, m., Iolaus. Iol, -s, f., Iole. Iovis, gen. of Iuppiter. phicls, -is, m., Iphicles. ipse, ipsa, ipsum, intensive pron., self, himself, herself, itself, themselves; often to be rendered by very. ra, -ae, f., anger, wrath. rscor, rsc, rtus [ra], be angry. rtus, -a, -um [part, of rscor], angered, enraged, angry, furious. is, ea, id, dem. pron., this, that; he, she, it, they. iste, ista, istud, dem. pron., that of yours, that. ita [is], adv., in this manner, thus, so; ita ut, as. talia, -ae, f., Italy. ita-que, adv., and so, accordingly, therefore. iter, itineris [e], n., a going, journey, march; iter facere, to journey, march. iterum, adv., again, a second time. Ithaca, -ae, f., Ithaca. iube, iubre, iuss, issus, bid, order, command. icundus, -a, -um, sweet, pleasant. idex, idicis [is + dc], m., judge. iugum, - [iung], n., yoke. iung, iungere, inx, inctus, join; yoke, harness. In, -nis, f., Juno. Iuppiter, Iovis, m., Jupiter or Jove. is, iris, n., right, justice, law; is dcere, to pronounce judgment; is irandum, iris irand [ger. of ir, swear], oath. issum, - [part, of iube], n., order, command. issus, -s [iube], m., bidding, command. istus, -a, -um [is], just. iuvenis, -is, m., young man, youth. |