Electric heating.—The experiments just described were, however, rather troublesome, inasmuch as, in order to produce each variation of temperature, the specimen had to be taken out of the apparatus, warmed, and remounted. I therefore introduced a modification by which this difficulty was obviated. The specimen was now enclosed in a glass chamber (fig. 37), which also contained a spiral of German-silver wire, through which electric currents could be sent, for the purpose of heating the chamber. By varying the intensity of the current, the temperature could be regulated at will. The specimen chosen for experiment was the leaf-stalk of celery. It was kept at each given temperature for ten minutes, and two records were taken during that time. It was then raised by 10 deg. C., and the same process was repeated. It will be noticed from the record (fig. 38) that in this particular case, as the temperature rose from 20 deg. C. to 30 deg. C., there was a marked diminution of response. At the same time, in this case at least, recovery was quicker. At 20 deg. C., for example, the response was 21 dns., and the recovery was not complete in the course of a minute. At 30 deg. C., however, the response had been reduced to 7.5 divisions, but there was almost complete recovery in twelve seconds. As the temperature was gradually increased, a continuous decrease of response occurred. This diminution of response with increased temperature appears to be universal, but the quickening of recovery may be true of individual cases only.
(.01 Volt = 35 divisions)
Temperature Response
20 deg. 21 30 deg. 7.5 40 deg. 5.5 50 deg. 4 65 deg. 3
In radishes response disappeared completely at 55 deg. C., but with celery, heated in the manner described, I could not obtain its entire abolition at 60 deg. C. or even higher. A noticeable circumstance, however, was the prolongation of the period of recovery at these high temperatures. I soon understood the reason of this apparent anomaly. The method adopted in the present case was that of dry heating, whereas the previous experiments had been carried on by the use of hot water. It is well known that one can stand a temperature of 100 deg. C. without ill effects in the hot-air chamber of a Turkish bath, while immersion in water at 100 deg. C. would be fatal.
In order to find out whether subjection to hot water would kill the celery-stalk, I took it out and placed it for five minutes in water at 55 deg. C. This, as will be seen from the record taken afterwards, effectively killed the plant (fig. 38, w).
Increased sensitiveness as after-effect of temperature variation.—A very curious effect of temperature variation is the marked increase of sensitiveness which often appears as its after-effect. I noticed this first in a series of observations where records were taken during the rise of temperature and continued while the temperature was falling (fig. 39). The temperature was adjusted by electric heating. It was found that the responses were markedly enhanced during cooling, as compared with responses given at the same temperatures while warming (see table). Temperature variation thus seems to have a stimulating effect on response, by increasing molecular mobility in some way. The second record (fig. 40) shows the variation of response in Eucharis lily (1) during the rise, and (2) during the fall of temperature. Fig. 41 gives a curve of variation of response during the rise and fall of temperature.
Temperature Response Response [Temperature rising] [Temperature falling]
19 deg. C. 47 dns. 25 deg. " 24 " ^ 30 deg. " 11 " 23 dns. 50 deg. " 8 " 16 " 70 deg. " v 7 " ->
Point of temperature maximum.—We have seen how, in cases of lowered temperature, response is abolished earlier in plants like Eucharis, which are affected by cold, than in the hardier plants such as Holly and Ivy. Plants again are unequally affected as regards the upper range. In the case of Scotch kale, for instance, response disappears after ten minutes of water temperature of about 55 deg. C., but with Eucharis fairly marked response can still be obtained after such immersion and does not disappear till it has been subjected for ten minutes to hot water, at a temperature of 65 deg. C. or even higher. The reason of this great power of resistance to heat is probably found in the fact that the Eucharis is a tropical plant, and is grown, in this country, in hot-houses where a comparatively high temperature is maintained.
The effect of steam.—I next wished to obtain a continuous record by which the effects of suddenly increased temperatures, culminating in the death of the plant, might be made evident. For this purpose I mounted the plant in the glass chamber, into which steam could be introduced. I had chosen a specimen which gave regular response. On the introduction of steam, with the consequent sudden increase of temperature, there was a transitory augmentation of excitability. But this quickly disappeared, and in five minutes the plant was effectively killed, as will be seen graphically illustrated in the record (fig. 42).
It will thus be seen that those modifications of vital activity which are produced in plants by temperature variation can be very accurately gauged by electric response. Indeed it may be said that there is no other method by which the moment of cessation of vitality can be so satisfactorily distinguished. Ordinarily, we are able to judge that a plant has died, only after various indirect effects of death, such as withering, have begun to appear. But in the electric response we have an immediate indication of the arrest of vitality, and we are thereby enabled to determine the death-point, which it is impossible to do by any other means.
It may be mentioned here that the explanation suggested by Kunkel, of the response being due to movement of water in the plant, is inadequate. For in that case we should expect a definite stimulation to be under all conditions followed by a definite electric response, whose intensity and sign should remain invariable. But we find, instead, the response to be profoundly modified by any influence which affects the vitality of the plant. For instance, the response is at its maximum at an optimum temperature, a rise of a few degrees producing a profound depression; the response disappears at the maximum and minimum temperatures, and is revived when brought back to the optimum. Anaesthetics and poisons abolish the response. Again, we have the response undergoing an actual reversal when the tissue is stale. All these facts show that mere movement of water could not be the effective cause of plant response.
Effect of anaesthetics, a test of vital character of response—Effect of chloroform—Effect of chloral—Effect of formalin—Method in which response is unaffected by variation of resistance—Advantage of block method—Effect of dose.
The most important test by which vital phenomena are distinguished is the influence on response of narcotics and poisons. For example, a nerve when narcotised by chloroform exhibits a diminishing response as the action of the anaesthetic proceeds. (See below, fig. 43.) Similarly, various poisons have the effect of permanently abolishing all response. Thus a nerve is killed by strong alkalis and strong acids. I have already shown how plants which previously gave strong response did not, after application of an anaesthetic or poison, give any response at all. In these cases it was the last stage only that could be observed. But it appeared important to be able to trace the growing effect of anaesthetisation or poisoning throughout the process. There were, however, two conditions which it at first appeared difficult to meet. First it was necessary to find a specimen which would normally exhibit no fatigue, and give rise for a long time to a uniform series of response. The immediate changes made in the response, in consequence of the application of chemical reagents, could then be demonstrated in a striking manner. And with a little trouble, specimens can be secured in which perfect regularity of response is found. The record given in fig. 16, obtained with a specimen of radish, shows how possible it is to secure plants in which response is absolutely regular. I subjected this to uniform stimulation at intervals of one minute, during half an hour, without detecting the least variation in the responses. But it is of course easier to find others in which the responses as a whole may be taken as regular, though there may be slight rhythmic fluctuations. And even in these cases the effect of reagents is too marked and sudden to escape notice.
For the obtaining of constant and strong response I found the best materials to be carrot and radish, selected individuals from which gave most satisfactory results. The carrots were at their best in August and September, after which their sensitiveness rapidly declined. Later, being obliged to seek for other specimens, I came upon radish, which gave good results in the early part of November; but the setting-in of the frost had a prejudicial effect on its responsiveness. Less perfect than these, but still serviceable, are the leaf-stalks of turnip and cauliflower. In these the successive responses as a whole may be regarded as regular, though a curious alternation is sometimes noticed, which, however, has a regularity of its own.
My second misgiving was as to whether the action of reagents would be sufficiently rapid to display itself within the time limit of a photographic record. This would of course depend in turn upon the rapidity with which the tissues of the plant could absorb the reagent and be affected by it. It was a surprise to me to find that, with good specimens, the effect was manifested in the course of so short a time as a minute or so.
Effect of chloroform.—In studying the effect of chemical reagents in plants, the method is precisely similar to that employed with nerve; that is to say, where vapour of chloroform is used, it is blown into the plant chamber. In cases of liquid reagents, they are applied on the points of contact A and B and their close neighbourhood. The mode of experiment was (1) to obtain a series of normal responses to uniform stimuli, applied at regular intervals of time, say one minute, the record being taken the while on a photographic plate. (2) Without interrupting this procedure, the anaesthetic agent, vapour of chloroform, was blown into the closed chamber containing the plant. It will be seen how rapidly chloroform produces depression of response (fig. 44), and how the effect grows with time. In these experiments with plants, the same curious shifting of the zero line is sometimes noticed as in nerve when subjected similarly to the action of reagents. This is a point of minor importance, the essential point to be noticed being that the responses are rapidly reduced.
Effects of chloral and formalin.—I give below (figs. 45, 46) two sets of records, one for the reagent chloral and the other for formalin. The reagents were applied in the form of a solution on the tissue at the two leading contacts, and the contiguous surface. The rhythmic fluctuation in the normal response shown in fig. 45 is interesting. The abrupt decline, within a minute of the application of chloral, is also extremely well marked.
Response unaffected by variation of resistance.—In order to bring out clearly the main phenomena, I have postponed till now the consideration of a point of some difficulty. To determine the influence of a reagent in modifying the excitability of the tissue, we rely upon its effect in exalting or depressing the responsive E.M. variation. We read this effect by means of galvanometric deflections. And if the resistance of the circuit remained constant, then an increase of galvanometer deflection would accurately indicate a heightened or depressed E.M. response, due to greater or less excitability of tissue caused by the reagent. But, by the introduction of the chemical reagent, the resistance of the tissue may undergo change, and owing to this cause, modification of response as read by the galvanometer may be produced without any E.M. variation. The observed variation of response may thus be partly owing to some unknown change of resistance, as well as to that of the E.M. variation in response to stimulus.
We may however discriminate as to how much of the observed change is due to variation of resistance by comparing the deflections produced in the galvanometer by the action of a definite small E.M.F. before and after the introduction of the reagent. If the deflections be the same in both cases, we know that the resistance has not varied. If there have been any change, the variation of deflection will show the amount, and we can make allowance accordingly.
I have however adopted another method, by which all necessity of correction is obviated, and the galvanometric deflections simply give E.M. variations, unaffected by any change in the resistance of the tissue. This is done by interposing a very large and constant resistance in the external circuit and thereby making other resistances negligible. An example will make this point clear. Taking a carrot as the vegetable tissue, I found its resistance plus the resistance of the non-polarisable electrode equal to 20,000 ohms. The introduction of a chemical reagent reduced it to 19,000 ohms. The resistance of the galvanometer is equal to 1,000 ohms. The high external resistance was 1,000,000 ohms. The variation of resistance produced in the circuit would therefore be 1,000 in (1,000,000+19,000+1,000) or one part in 1,020. Therefore the variation of galvanometric deflection due to change of resistance would be less than one part in a thousand (cf. fig. 49).
The advantage of the block method.—In these investigations I have used the block method, instead of that of negative variation, and I may here draw attention to the advantages which it offers. In the method of negative variation, one contact being injured, the chemical reagents act on injured and uninjured unequally, and it is conceivable that by this unequal action the resting difference of potential may be altered. But the intensity of response in the method of injury depends on this resting difference. It is thus hypothetically possible that on the method of negative variation there might be changes in the responses caused by variation of the resting difference, and not necessarily due to the stimulating or depressing effect of the reagent on the tissue.
But by the block method the two contacts are made with uninjured surfaces, and the effect of reagents on both is similar. Thus no advantage is given to one contact over the other. The changes now detected in response are therefore due to no adventitious circumstance, but to the reagent itself. If further verification be desired as to the effect of the reagent, we can obtain it by alternate stimulation of the A and B ends. Both ends will then show the given change. I give below a record of responses given by two ends of leaf-stalk of turnip, stimulated alternately in the manner described. The stalk used was slightly conical, and owing to this difference between the A and B ends the responses given by one end were slightly different from those given by the other, though the stimuli were equal. A few drops of 10 per cent. solution of NaOH was applied to both the ends. It will be seen how quickly this reagent abolished the response of both ends (fig. 47).
Effect of dose.—It is sometimes found that while a reagent acts as a poison when given in large quantities, it may act as a stimulant in small doses. Of the two following records fig. 48 shows the slight stimulating effect of very dilute KOH, and fig. 49 exhibits nearly complete abolition of response by the action of the same reagent when given in stronger doses.
So we see that, judged by the final criterion of the effect produced by anaesthetics and poisons, the plant response fulfils the test of vital phenomenon. In previous chapters we have found that in the matter of response by negative variation, of the presence or absence of fatigue, of the relation between stimulus and response, of modification of response by high and low temperatures, and even in the matter of occasional abnormal variations such as positive response in a modified tissue, they were strictly correspondent to similar phenomena in animal tissues. The remaining test, of the influence of chemical reagents, having now been applied, a complete parallelism may be held to have been established between plant response on the one hand, and that of animal tissue on the other.
Is response found in inorganic substances?—Experiment on tin, block method—Anomalies of existing terminology—Response by method of depression—Response by method of exaltation.
We have now seen that the electrical sign of life is not confined to animals, but is also found in plants. And we have seen how electrical response serves as an index to the vital activity of the plant, how with the arrest of this vital activity electrical response is also arrested temporarily, as in the case amongst others of anaesthetic action, and permanently, for instance under the action of poisons. Thus living tissues—both animal and vegetable—may pass from a responsive to an irresponsive condition, from which latter there may or may not be subsequent revival.
Hitherto, as already said, electrical response in animals has been regarded as a purely physiological phenomenon. We have proved by various tests that response in plants is of the same character. And we have seen that by physiological phenomena are generally understood those of which no physical explanation can be offered, they being supposed to be due to the play of some unknown vital force existing in living substances and giving rise to electric response to stimulation as one of its manifestations.
Is response found in inorganic substances?[14]—It is now for us, however, to examine into the alleged super-physical character of these phenomena by stimulating inorganic substances and discovering whether they do or do not give rise to the same electrical mode of response which was supposed to be the special characteristic of living substances. We shall use the same apparatus and the same mode of stimulation as those employed in obtaining plant response, merely substituting, for the stalk of a plant, a metallic wire, say 'tin' (fig. 50). Any other metal could be used instead of tin.
Experiment on tin, block method.—Let us then take a piece of tin wire[15] from which all strains have been previously removed by annealing, and hold it clamped in the middle at C. If the strains have been successfully removed A and B will be found iso-electric, and no current will pass through the galvanometer. If A and B are not exactly similar, there will be a slight current. But this will not materially affect the results to be described presently, the slight existing current merely adding itself algebraically to the current of response.
If we now stimulate the end A by taps, or better still by torsional vibration, a transitory 'current of action' will be found to flow in the wire from B to A, from the unstimulated to the stimulated, and in the galvanometer from the stimulated to the unstimulated. Stimulation of B will give rise to a current in an opposite direction.
Experiment to exhibit the balancing effect.—If the wire has been carefully annealed, the molecular condition of its different portions is found to be approximately the same. If such a wire be held at the 'balancing point' (which is at or near the middle) by the clamp, and a quick vibration, say, of 90 deg. be given to A, an upward deflection will be produced; if a vibration of 90 deg. be given to B, there will be an equal downward deflection. If now both the ends A and B are vibrated simultaneously, the responsive E.M. variation at the two ends will continuously balance each other and the galvanometer spot will remain quiescent (fig. 30, A, B, R). This balance will be still maintained when the block is removed and the wire is vibrated as a whole. It is to be remembered that with the length of wire constant, the intensity of stimulus increases with the amplitude of vibration. Again, keeping the amplitude constant, the intensity of stimulus is increased by shortening the wire. Hence it will be seen that if the clamp be shifted from the balancing point towards A, simultaneous vibration of A and B through 90 deg. will now give a resultant upward deflection, showing that the A response is now relatively stronger. Thus keeping the rest of the circuit untouched, merely moving the clamp from the left, past the balancing point to the right, we get either a positive, or zero, or negative, resultant effect.
In tin the current of response is from the less to the more excited point. In the retina also, we found the current of action flowing from the less stimulated to the more stimulated, and as that is known as a positive response, we shall consider the normal response of tin to be in like manner positive.
Just as the response of retina or nerve, under certain molecular conditions, undergoes reversal, the positive being then converted into negative, and negative into positive, so it will be shown that the response in metallic wires under certain conditions is found to undergo reversal.
Anomalies of present terminology.—When there is no current of injury, a particular current of response can hardly be called a negative, or positive, variation. Such nomenclature is purely arbitrary, and leads, as will be shown, to much confusion. A more definite terminology, free from misunderstanding, would be, as already said, to regard the current towards the more stimulated as positive, and that towards the less stimulated, in tissue or wire, as negative.
The stimulated end of tin, say the end A, thus becomes zincoid, i.e. the current through the electrolyte (non-polarisable electrodes with interposed galvanometer) is from A to B, and through the wire, from the less stimulated B to the more stimulated A. Conversely, when B is stimulated, the action current flows round the circuit in an opposite direction. This positive is the most usual form of response, but there are cases where the response is negative.
In order to show that normally speaking a stimulated wire becomes zincoid, and also to show once more the anomalies into which we may fall by adopting no more definite terminology than that of negative variation, I have devised the following experiment (fig. 51). Let us take a bar, one half of which is zinc and the other half copper, clamped in the middle, so that a disturbance produced at one end may not reach the other; the two ends are connected to a galvanometer through non-polarisable electrodes. The current through the electrolyte (non-polarisable electrodes and interposed galvanometer) will then flow from left to right. We must remember that metals under stimulation generally become, in an electrical sense, more zinc-like. On vibrating the copper end (inasmuch as copper would then become more zinc-like) the difference of potential between zinc and copper ought to be diminished, and the current flowing in the circuit would therefore be lessened. But vibration of the zinc end ought to increase the potential difference, and there ought to be then an increase of current during stimulation of zinc.
In the particular experiment of fig. 51, the E.M.F. between the zinc and copper ends was found to be .85 volt. This was balanced by a potentiometer arrangement, so that the galvanometer spot came to zero. On vibrating the zinc wire, a deflection of 33 dns. was obtained, in a direction which showed an increase of E.M.F. On stopping the vibration, the spot of light came back to zero. On now vibrating the copper wire, a deflection of 23 dns. was obtained in an opposite direction, showing a diminution of E.M.F. This transitory responsive variation disappeared on the cessation of disturbance.
By disturbing the balance of the potentiometer, the galvanometer deflection due to a known increase of E.M.F. was found from which the absolute E.M. variation caused by disturbance of copper or zinc was determined.
It was thus found that stimulation of zinc had increased the P.D. by fifteen parts in 1,000, whereas stimulation of copper had decreased it by eleven parts in 1,000. According to the old terminology, the response due to stimulation of zinc would have been regarded as positive variation, that of copper negative. The responses however are not essentially opposite in character, the action current in the bar being in both cases towards the more excited. For this reason it would be preferable, as already said, to employ the terms positive and negative in the sense I have suggested, i.e. positive, when the current in the acted substance is towards the more excited, and negative, when towards the less excited. The method of block is, as I have already shown, the most perfect for the study of these responses.
In the experiment fig. 50, if the block is abolished and the wire is struck in the middle, a wave of molecular disturbance will reach A and B. The mechanical and the attendant electrical disturbance will at these points reach a maximum and then gradually subside. The resultant effect in the galvanometer will be due to EA-EB when EA and EB are the electrical variations produced at A and B by the stimulus. The electric changes at A and B will continuously balance each other, and the resultant effect on the galvanometer will be zero: (a) if the exciting disturbance reaches A and B at the same time and with the same intensity; (b) if the molecular condition is similar at the two points; and (c) if the rate of rise and subsidence of excitation is the same at the two points. In order that a resultant effect may be exhibited in the galvanometer, matters have to be so arranged that the disturbance may reach one point, say A, and not B, and vice versa. This was accomplished by means of a clamp, in the method of block. Again a resultant differential action may be obtained even when the disturbance reaches both A and B, if the electrical excitability of one point is exalted or depressed by physical or chemical means. We shall in Chap. XVI study in detail the effect of chemical reagents in producing the enhancement or depression of excitability. There are thus two other means of obtaining a resultant effect—(2) by the method of relative depression, (3) by the method of relative exaltation.
Electric response by method of depression.—We may thus by reducing or abolishing the excitability of one end by means of suitable chemical reagents (so-called method of injury) obtain response in metals without a block. The entire length of the wire may then be stimulated and a resultant response will be produced, owing to the difference between the excitability of the two ends. A piece of tin wire is taken, and one normal contact is made at A (strip of cloth moistened with water, or very dilute salt solution). The excitability of B is depressed by a few drops of strong potash or oxalic acid. By the application of the latter there will be a small P.D. between A and B; this will simply produce a displacement of zero. By means of a potentiometer the galvanometer spot may be brought back to the original position. The shifting of the zero will not affect the general result. The effect of mechanical stimulus is to produce a transient electro-motive response, which will be superposed algebraically on the existing P.D. The deflection will take place from the modified zero to which the spot returns during recovery. On now stimulating the wire as a whole by, say, torsional vibration, the current of response will be found towards the more excitable, i.e. from B to A (fig. 52, a).
A corroborative reversal experiment may next be made on the same piece of wire. The normal contact, through water or salt solution, is now made at B', a little to the left of B. The excitability of A is now depressed by oxalic acid. On stimulation of the whole wire, the current of response will now be found to flow in an opposite direction—i.e. from A to B'—but still from the relatively less to the relatively more excitable (fig. 52, b).
From these experiments it will be seen how in one identical piece of wire the responsive current flows now in one direction and then in the other, in absolute conformity with theoretical considerations.
Method of exaltation.—A still more striking corroboration of these results may, however, be obtained by the converse process of relative exaltation of the responsiveness of one contact. This may be accomplished by touching one contact, say B, with a reagent which like Na2CO3 exalts the electric excitability. On stimulation of the wire, the current of response is towards the more excitable B (fig. 53).
I give four records (fig. 54) which will clearly exhibit the responses as obtained by the methods of relative depression or exaltation. In (a) B is touched with the excitant Na2CO3, a permanent current flows from A to B, response to stimulus is in the same direction as the permanent current (positive variation). In (b) B is touched with a trace of the depressant oxalic acid, the permanent current is in the same direction as before, but the current of response is in the opposite direction (negative variation). In (c) B is touched with dilute KHO, the response is exhibited by a positive variation. In (d) B is touched with strong KHO, the response is now exhibited by a negative variation. The last two results, apparently anomalous, are due to the fact, which will be demonstrated later, that KHO in minute quantities is an excitant, while in large quantities it is a depressant.
[Illustration: FIG. 54
- - Current Permanent of Current Response - - B treated with sodium carbonate. > > - - B treated with oxalic acid > < - - B treated with very dilute potash > > - - B treated with strong potash > < - -
Current of response is always towards the more excitable point. (a) Response when B is treated with sodium carbonate.—An apparent positive variation. (b) Response when B is treated with oxalic acid.—An apparent negative variation. (c) Response when B is treated with very dilute potash.—Positive variation. (d) Response when B is treated with strong potash.—Negative variation. The response is up when B is more excitable, and down when A is more excitable. Lines thus ——— indicate deflection due to permanent current.]
We have thus seen that we may obtain response (1) by block method, (2) by the method of injury, or relative depression of responsiveness of one contact, and (3) by the method of relative exaltation of responsiveness of one contact. In all these cases alike we obtain a consistent action current, which in tin is normally positive, or towards the relatively more excited.
[14] Following another line of inquiry I obtained response to electric stimulus in inorganic substances using the method of conductivity variation (see 'De la Generalite des Phenomenes Moleculaires Produits par l'Electricite sur la Matiere Inorganique et sur la Matiere Vivante,' Travaux du Congres International de Physique, Paris, 1900; and also 'On Similarities of Effect of Electric Stimulus on Inorganic and Living Substances,' British Association 1900. See Electrician). To bring out the parallelism in all details between the inorganic and living response, I have in the following chapters used the method of electro-motive variation employed by physiologists.
[15] By 'tin' is meant an alloy of tin and lead used as electric fuse.
Conditions of obtaining quantitative measurements—Modification of the block method—Vibration cell—Application of stimulus—Graduation of the intensity of stimulus—Considerations showing that electric response is due to molecular disturbance—Test experiment—Molecular voltaic cell.
We have already seen that metals respond to stimulus by E.M. variation, just as do animal and vegetable tissues. We have yet to see whether the similarity extends to this point only, or goes still further, whether the response-curves of living and in organic are alike, and whether the inorganic response-curve is modified, as living response was found to be, by the influence of external agencies. If so, are the modifications similar? What are the effects of superposition of stimuli? Is there fatigue? If there be, in what way does it affect the curves? And lastly, is the response of metals exalted or depressed by the action of chemical reagents?
Conditions of obtaining quantitative measurements.—In order to carry out these investigations, it is necessary to remove all sources of uncertainty, and obtain quantitative measurements. Many difficulties at first presented themselves in the course of this attempt, but they were completely removed by the adoption of the following experimental modification. In the simple arrangement for qualitative demonstration of response in metals previously described, successive experiments will not give results which are strictly comparable (1) unless the resistance of the circuit be maintained constant. This would necessitate the adoption of some plan for keeping the electrolytic contacts at A and B absolutely invariable. There should then be no chance of any shifting or variation of contact. (2) There must also be some means of applying successive stimuli of equal intensity. (3) And for certain further experiments it will be necessary to have some way of gradually increasing or decreasing the stimuli in a definite manner.
Modification of the block method.—By consideration of the following experimental modifications of the block method (fig. 55), it will be found easy to construct a perfected form of apparatus, in which all these conditions are fully met. The essentials to be kept in mind were the introduction of a complete block midway in the wire, so that the disturbance of one half should be prevented from reaching the other, and the making of a perfect electrolytic contact for the electrodes leading to the galvanometer.
Starting from the simple arrangement previously described where a straight wire is clamped in the middle (fig. 55, a), we next arrive at (b). Here the wire A B is placed in a U tube and clamped in the middle by a tightly fitting cork. Melted paraffin wax is poured to a certain depth in the bend of the tube. The two limbs of the tube are now filled with water, till the ends A and B are completely immersed. Connection is made with the non-polarisable electrodes by the side tubes. Vibration may be imparted to either A or B by means of ebonite clip holders seen at the upper ends A B of the wire.
It will be seen that the two limbs of the tube filled with water serve the purpose of the strip of moistened cloth used in the last experiment to make electric connections with the leading-out electrodes—with the advantage that we have here no chance of any shifting of contact or variation of surface, the contact between the wire and the surrounding liquid being perfect and invariable.
On now vibrating the end A of the tin wire by means of the ebonite clip holder, a current will be found to flow from B to A through the wire—that is to say, towards the excited—and from A to B in the galvanometer.
The next modification (c) is to transfer the galvanometer from the electrolytic to the metallic part of the circuit, that is to say, it is interposed in a gap made by cutting the wire A B, the upper part of the circuit being directly connected by the electrolyte. Vibration of A will now give rise to a current of response which flows in the metallic part of the circuit with the interposed galvanometer from B to A. We see that though the direction of the current in this is the same as in the last case, yet the galvanometer deflection is now reversed, for the evident reason that we have it interposed in the metallic and not in the electrolytic part of the circuit.
The next arrangement (d) consists simply of the preceding placed upside down. Here A and B are held parallel to each other in an electrolytic bath (water). Mechanical vibration may now be applied to A without affecting B, and vice versa.
The actual apparatus, of which this is a diagrammatic representation, is seen in (e).
Two pieces, from the same specimen of wire, are clamped separately at their lower ends by means of ebonite screws, in an L-shaped piece of ebonite. The wires are fixed at their upper ends to two electrodes—leading to the galvanometer—and kept moderately and uniformly stretched by spiral springs. The handle, by which a torsional vibration is imparted to the wire, may be slipped over either electrode. The amplitude of vibration is measured by means of a graduated circle.
It will be seen from these arrangements:
(1) That the cell depicted in (e) is essentially the same as that in (a).
(2) That the wires in the cell being immersed to a definite depth in the electrolyte there is always a perfect and invariable contact between the wire and the electrolyte. The difficulty as regards variation of contact is thus eliminated.
(3) That as the wires A and B are clamped separately below, we may impart a sudden molecular disturbance to either A or B by giving a quick to-and-fro (torsional) vibration round the vertical wire, as axis, by means of the handle. As the wire A is separate from B, disturbance of one will not affect the other. Vibration of A produces a current in one direction, vibration of B in the opposite direction. Thus we have means of verifying every experiment by obtaining corroborative and reversed effects. When the two wires have been brought to exactly the same molecular condition by the processes of annealing or stretching, the effects obtained on subjecting A or B to any given stimulus are always equal (fig. 56).
Usually I interpose an external resistance varying from one to five megohms according to the sensitiveness of the wire. The resistance of the electrolyte in the cell is thus relatively small, and the galvanometer deflections are proportional to the E.M. variations. It is always advisable to have a high external resistance, as by this means one is not only able to keep the deflections within the scale, but one is not troubled by slight accidental disturbances.
Graduation of intensity of stimulus.—If now a rapid torsional vibration be given to A or B, an E.M. variation will be induced. If the amplitude of vibration be kept constant, successive responses—in substances which, like tin, show no fatigue—will be found to be absolutely identical. But as 'the amplitude of vibration' is increased, response will also become enhanced (see Chap. XV).
Amplitude of vibration is measured by means of the graduated circle (fig. 57). A projecting index, in connection with the vibration-head, plays between fixed and sliding stops (S and S'), one at the zero point of the scale, and the other movable. The amplitude of a given vibration can thus be predetermined by the adjustment of the sliding stop. In this way we can obtain either uniform or definitely graduated stimuli.
Considerations showing that electric response is due to molecular disturbance.—The electromotive variation varies with the substance. With superposition of stimuli, a relatively high value is obtained in tin, amounting sometimes to nearly half a volt, whereas in silver the electromotive variation is only about .01 of this value. The intensity of the response, however, does not depend on the chemical activity of the substance, for the electromotive variation in the relatively chemically inactive tin is greater than that of zinc. Again, the sign of response, positive or negative, is sometimes modified by the molecular condition of the wire (see Chap. XII).
As regards the electrolyte, dilute NaCl solution, dilute solution of bichromate of potash &c. are normal in their action, that is to say, the electric response in such electrolytes is practically the same as with water. Ordinarily I use tap-water as the electrolyte. Zinc wires in ZnSO_4 solution give responses similar in character to those given by, for example, Pt or Sn in water.
Test experiment.—It may be urged that the E.M. effect is due in some way (1) to the friction of the vibrating wire against the liquid; or (2) to some unknown surface action, at the point in the wire of the contact of liquid and air surfaces. This second objection has already been completely met in experimental modification, fig. 55, b, where the wire was shown to give response when kept completely immersed in water, variation of surface being thus entirely eliminated.
Both these questions may, however, be subjected to a definite and final test. When the wire to be acted on is clamped below, and vibration is imparted to it, a strong molecular disturbance is produced. If now it be carefully released from the clamp, and the wire rotated backwards and forwards, there could be little molecular disturbance, but the liquid friction and surface variation, if any, would remain. The effect of any slight disturbance outstanding owing to shaking of the wire would be relatively very small.
We can thus determine the effect of liquid friction and surface action by repeating an experiment with and without clamping. In a tin wire cell, with interposed external resistance equal to one million ohms, the wire A was subjected to a series of vibrations through 180 deg., and a deflection of 210 divisions was obtained. A corresponding negative deflection resulted on vibrating the wire B. Now A was released from the clamp, so that it could be rotated backwards and forwards in the water by means of the handle. On vibrating the wire A no measurable deflection was produced, thus showing that neither water friction nor surface variation had anything to do with the electric action. The vibration of the still clamped B gave rise to the normal strong deflection.
As all the rest of the circuit was kept absolutely the same in the two different sets of experiments, these results conclusively prove that the responsive electro-motive variation is solely due to the molecular disturbance produced by mechanical vibration in the acted wire.
A new and theoretically interesting molecular voltaic cell may thus be made, in which the two elements consist of the same metal. Molecular disturbance is in this case the main source of energy. A cell once made may be kept in working order for some time by pouring in a little vaseline to prevent evaporation of the liquid.
It will be shown further, in succeeding chapters, by numerous instances, that any conditions which increase molecular mobility will also increase intensity of response, and conversely that any conditions having the reverse effect will depress response.
Preparation of wire—Effect of single stimulus.
I shall now proceed to describe in detail the response-curves obtained with metals. The E.M. variations resulting from stimulus range, as has been said, from .4 volt to .01 of that value, according to the metal employed. And as these are molecular phenomena, the effect will also depend on the molecular condition of the wire.
Preparation of wire.—In order to have our results thoroughly consistent, it is necessary to bring the wire itself into a normal condition for experiment. The very fact of mounting it in the cell strains it, and the after-effect of this strain may cause irregularities in the response.
For the purpose of bringing the wire to this normal state, one or all of the following devices may be used with advantage. (1) The wires obtained are usually wound on spools. It is, therefore, advisable to straighten any given length, before mounting, by holding it stretched, and rubbing it up and down with a piece of cloth. On washing with water, they are now ready for mounting in the cell.
(2) The cell is usually filled with tap-water, and a period of rest after making up, generally speaking, improves the sensitiveness. These expedients are ordinarily sufficient, but it occasionally happens that the wire has got into an abnormal condition.
In this case it will be found helpful (3) to have recourse to the process of annealing. For if response be a molecular phenomenon, then anything that increases molecular mobility will also increase its intensity. Hence we may expect annealing to enhance responsiveness. This inference will be seen verified in the record given in fig. 58. In the case under consideration, the convenient method employed was by pouring hot water into the cell, and allowing it to stand and cool slowly. The first three pairs of responses were taken by stimulating A and B alternately, on mounting in the cell, which was filled with water. Hot water was then substituted, and the cell was allowed to cool down to its original temperature. The six following pairs of responses were then taken. That this beneficial effect of annealing was not due to any accidental circumstance will be seen from the fact that both wires have their sensitiveness equally enhanced.
(4) In addition to this mode of annealing, both wires may be short-circuited and vibrated for a time. Lastly (5) slight stretching in situ will also sometimes be found beneficial. For this purpose I have a screw arrangement.
By one or all of these methods, with a little practice, it is always possible to bring the wires to a normal condition. The responses subsequently obtained become extraordinarily consistent. There is therefore no reason why perfect results should not be arrived at.
Effect of single stimulus.—The accompanying figure (fig. 59) gives a series, each of which is the response curve for a single stimulus of uniform intensity, the amplitude of vibration being kept constant. The perfect regularity of responses will be noticed in this figure. The wire after a long period of rest may be in an abnormal condition, but after a short period of stimulation the responses become extremely regular, as may be noticed in this figure. Tin is, usually speaking, almost indefatigable, and I have often obtained several hundreds of successive responses showing practically no fatigue. In the figure it will be noticed that the rising portion of the curve is somewhat steep, and the recovery convex to the abscissa, the fall being relatively rapid in its first, and less rapid in its later, parts. As the electric variation is the concomitant effect of molecular disturbance—a temporary upset of the molecular equilibrium—on the cessation of the external stimulus, the excitatory state, and its expression in electric variation, disappear with the return of the molecules to their condition of equilibrium. This process is seen clearly in the curve of recovery.
Different metals exhibit different periods of recovery, and this again is modified by any influence which affects the molecular condition.
That the excitatory state persists for a time even on the cessation of stimulus can be independently shown by keeping the galvanometer circuit open during the application of stimulus, and completing it at various short intervals after the cessation, when a persisting electrical effect, diminishing rapidly with time, will be apparent. The rate of recovery immediately on the cessation of stimulus is rather rapid, but traces of strain persist for a short time.
Effects of molecular inertia—Prolongation of period of recovery by overstrain—Molecular model—Reduction of molecular sluggishness attended by quickened recovery and heightened response—Effect of temperature—Modification of latent period and period of recovery by the action of chemical reagents—Diphasic variation.
We have seen that the stimulation of matter causes an electric variation, and that the acted substance gradually recovers from the effect of stimulus. We shall next study how the form of response-curves is modified by various agencies.
In order to study these effects we must use, in practice, a highly sensitive galvanometer as the recorder of E.M. variations. This necessitates the use of an instrument with a comparatively long period of swing of needle, or of suspended coil (as in a D'Arsonval). Owing to inertia of the recording galvanometer, however, there is a lag produced in the records of E.M. changes. But this can be distinguished from the effect of the molecular inertia of the substance itself by comparing two successive records taken with the same instrument, in one of which the latter effect is relatively absent, and in the other present. We wish, for example, to find out whether the E.M. effect of mechanical stimulus is instantaneous, or, again, whether the effect disappears immediately. We first take a galvanometer record of the sudden introduction and cessation of an E.M.F. on the circuit containing the vibration-cell (fig. 60, a). We then take a record of the E.M. effect produced by a stimulus caused by a single torsional vibration. In order to make the conditions of the two experiments as similar as possible, the disturbing E.M.F., from a potentiometer, is previously adjusted to give a deflection nearly equal to that caused by stimulus. The torsional vibration was accomplished in a quarter of a second, and the contact with the potentiometer circuit was also made for the same length of time.
The record was then taken as follows. The recording drum had a fast speed of six inches in a minute, one of the small subdivisions representing a second. The battery contact in the main potentiometer circuit was made for a quarter of a second as just mentioned and a record taken of the effect of a short-lived E.M.F. on the circuit containing the cell. (2) A record was next taken of the E.M. variation produced in the cell by a single stimulus. It will be seen on comparison of the two records that the maximum effect took place relatively later in the case of mechanical stimulus, and that whereas the galvanometer recovery in the former case took place in 11 seconds, the recovery in the latter was not complete till after 60 seconds (fig. 60, b). This shows that it takes some time for the effect of stimulus to attain its maximum, and that the effect does not disappear till after the lapse of a certain interval. The time of recovery from strain depends on the intensity of stimulus. It takes a longer time to recover from a stronger stimulus. But, other things being equal, successive recovery periods from successive stimulations of equal intensity are, generally speaking, the same.
We may now study the influence of any change in external conditions by observing the modifications it produces in the normal curve.
Prolongation of period of recovery by overstrain.—The pair of records given in fig. 61 shows how recovery is delayed, as the effect of overstrain. Curve (a) is for a single stimulus due to a vibration of amplitude 20 deg., and curve (b) for a stimulus of 40 deg. amplitude of vibration. It will be noticed how relatively prolonged is the recovery in the latter case.
Molecular Model.—We have seen that the electric response is an outward expression of the molecular disturbance produced by the action of the stimulus. The rising part of the response-curve thus exhibits the effect of molecular upset, and the falling part, or recovery, the restoration to equilibrium. The mechanical model (fig. 62) will help us to visualise many complex response phenomena. The molecular model consists of a torsional pendulum—a wire with a dependent sphere. By the stimulus of a blow there is produced a torsional vibration—a response followed by recovery. The writing lever attached to the pendulum records the response-curves. The form of these curves, stimulus remaining constant, will be modified by friction; the less the friction, the greater is the mobility. The friction may be varied by more or less raising a vessel of sand touching the pendulum. By varying the friction the following curves were obtained.
(a) When there is little friction we get an after-oscillation, to which we have the corresponding phenomenon in the retinal after-oscillation (compare fig. 105).
(b and c) If the friction is increased, there is a damping of oscillation. In (c) we get recovery-curves similar to those found in nerve, muscle, plant, and metal.
(d) If the friction is still further increased the maximum is reached much later, as will be seen in the increasing slant of the rising part of the curve; the height of response is diminished and the period of recovery very much prolonged by partial molecular arrest. The curve (d) is very similar to the 'molecular arrest' curve obtained by small dose of chemical reagents which act as 'poison' on living tissue or on metals (compare fig. 93, a).
(e) When the molecular mobility is further decreased there is no recovery (compare fig. 93, b).
Still further increase of friction completely arrests the molecular pendulum, and there is no response.
From what has been said, it will be seen that if in any way the friction is diminished or mobility increased the response will be enhanced. This is well exemplified in the heightened response after annealing (fig. 58) and after preliminary vibration (figs. 81, 82).
Possibly connected with this may be the increased responses exhibited by the action of stimulants (figs. 89, 90).
Reduction of molecular sluggishness attended (1) by quickened recovery.—Sometimes, after a cell has been resting for too long a period, especially on cold days, the wire gets into a sluggish condition, and the period of recovery is thereby prolonged. But successive vibrations gradually remove this inertness, and recovery is then hastened. This is shown in the accompanying curves, fig. 63, where (a) exhibits only very partial recovery even after the expiration of 60 seconds, whereas when a few vibrations had been given recovery was entirely completed in 47 seconds (b). There was here little change in the height of response.
Or (2) by heightened response.—The removal of sluggishness by vibration, resulting in increased molecular mobility, is in other instances attended by increase in the height of response, as will be seen from the two sets of records which follow (fig. 64). Cold, due to prevailing frosty weather, had made the wires in the cell somewhat lethargic. The records in (a) were the first taken on the day of the experiment. The amplitudes of vibration were 45 deg., 90 deg., and 135 deg.. In (b) are given the records of the next series, which are in every case greater than those of (a). This shows that previous vibration, by conferring increased mobility, had heightened the response. In this case, removal of molecular sluggishness is attended by greater intensity of response, without much change in the period of recovery. In connection with this it must be remembered that greater strain consequent on heightened response has a general tendency to a prolongation of the period of recovery.
It is thus seen that when the wire is in a sluggish condition, successive vibrations confer increased molecular mobility, which finds expression in quickened recovery or heightened response.
Effect of temperature.—Similar considerations lead us to expect that a moderate rise of temperature will be conducive to increase of response. This is exhibited in the next series of records. The wire at the low temperature of 5 deg. C. happened to be in a sluggish condition, and the responses to vibrations of 45 deg. to 90 deg. in amplitude were feeble. Tepid water at 30 deg. C. was now substituted for the cold water in the cell, and the responses underwent a remarkable enhancement. But the excessive molecular disturbance caused by the high temperature of 90 deg. C. produced a great diminution of response (fig. 65).
Diphasic variation.—It has already been said that if two points A and B are in the same physico-chemical condition, then a given stimulus will give rise to similar excitatory electric effects at the two points. If the galvanometer deflection is 'up' when A alone is excited, the excitation of B will give rise to a downward deflection. When the two points are simultaneously excited the electric variation at the two points will continuously balance each other. Under such conditions there will be no resultant deflection. But if the intensity of stimulation of one point is relatively stronger, then the balance will be disturbed, and a resultant deflection produced whose sign and magnitude can be found independently by the algebraical summation of the individual effects of A and B.
It has also been shown that a balancing point for the block, which is approximately near the middle of the wire, may be found so that the vibrations of A and B through the same amplitude produce equal and opposite deflection. Simultaneous vibration of both will give no resultant current; when the block is abolished and the wire is vibrated as a whole, there will still be no resultant, inasmuch as similar excitations are produced at A and B.
After obtaining the balance, if we apply an exciting reagent like Na2CO3 at one point, and a depressing reagent like KBr at the other, the responses will now become unequal, the more excitable point giving a stronger deflection. We can, however, make the two deflections equal by increasing the amplitude of vibration of the less sensitive point. The two deflections may thus be rendered equal and opposite, but the time relations—the latent period, the time rate for attaining the maximum excitation and recovery from that effect—will no longer be the same in the two cases. There would therefore be no continuous balance, and we obtain instead a very interesting diphasic record. I give below an exact reproduction of the response-curves of A and B recorded on a fast-moving drum. It will be remembered that one point was touched with Na2CO3 and the other with KBr. By suitably increasing the amplitude of vibration of the less sensitive, the two deflections were rendered approximately equal. The records of A and B were at first taken separately (fig. 66, a). It will be noticed that the maximum deflection of A was attained relatively much earlier than that of B. The resultant curve R' was obtained by summation.
After taking the records of A and B separately, a record of resultant effect R due to simultaneous vibration of A and B was next taken. It gave the curious two-phased response—positive effect followed by negative after-vibration, practically similar to the resultant curve R' (fig. 66, b).
The positive portion of the curve is due to A effect and the negative to B. If by any means, say by either increasing the amplitude of vibration of A or increasing its sensitiveness, the response of A is very greatly enhanced, then the positive effect would be predominant and the negative effect would become inconspicuous. When the two constituent responses are of the same order of magnitude, we shall have a positive response followed by a negative after-vibration; the first twitch will belong to the one which responds earlier. If the response of A is very much reduced, then the positive effect will be reduced to a mere twitch and the negative effect will become predominant.
I give a series of records, fig. 67, in which these three principal types are well exhibited, the two contacts having been rendered unequally excitable by solutions of the two reagents KBr and Na2CO3. A and B were vibrated simultaneously and records taken. (a) First, the relative response of B (downward) is increased by increasing its amplitude of vibration. The amplitude of vibration of A was throughout maintained constant. The negative or downward response is now very conspicuous, there being only a mere preliminary indication of the positive effect. (b) The amplitude of vibration of B is now slightly reduced, and we obtain the diphasic effect. (c) The intensity of vibration of B is diminished still further, and the negative effect is seen reduced to a slight downward after-vibration, the positive up-curve being now very prominent (fig. 67).
Continuous transformation from negative to positive.—I have shown the three phases of transformation, the intensity of one of the constituent responses being varied by altering the intensity of disturbance.
In the following record (fig. 68) I succeeded in obtaining a continuous transformation from positive to negative phase by a continuous change in the relative sensitiveness of the two contacts.
I found that traces of after-effect due to the application of Na2CO3 remain for a time. If the reagent is previously applied to an area and the traces of the carbonate then washed off, the increased sensitiveness conferred disappears gradually. Again, if we apply Na2CO3 solution to a fresh point, the sensitiveness gradually increases. There is another further interesting point to be noticed: the beginning of response is earlier when the application of Na2CO3 is fresh.
We have thus a wire held at one end, and successive uniform vibrations at intervals of one minute imparted to the wire as a whole, by means of a vibration head on the other end.
Owing to the after-effect of previous application of Na2CO3 the sensitiveness of B is at the beginning great, hence the three resultant responses at the beginning are negative or downward.
Dilute solution of Na2CO3 is next applied to A. The response of A (up) begins earlier and continues to grow stronger and stronger. Hence, after this application, the response shows a preliminary positive twitch of A followed by negative deflection of B. The positive grows continuously. At the fifth response the two phases, positive and negative, become equal, after that the positive becomes very prominent, the negative being reduced as a feeble after-vibration.
It need only be added here that the diphasic variations as exhibited by metals are in every way counterparts of similar phenomena observed in animal tissues.
Fatigue in metals—Fatigue under continuous stimulation—Staircase effect—Reversed responses due to molecular modification in nerve and metal, and their transformation into normal after continuous stimulation—Increased response after continuous stimulation.
Fatigue.—In some metals, as in muscle and in plant, we find instances of that progressive diminution of response which is known as fatigue (fig. 69). The accompanying record shows this in platinum (fig. 70). It has been said that tin is practically indefatigable. We must, however, remember that this is a question of degree only. Nothing is absolutely indefatigable. The exhibition of fatigue depends on various conditions. Even in tin, then, I obtained the characteristic fatigue-curve with a specimen which had been in continuous use for many days (fig. 71). While discussing the subject of fatigue in plants, I have adduced considerations which showed that the residual effect of strain was one of the main causes for the production of fatigue. This conclusion receives independent support from the records obtained with metals.
In this connection the important fact is that the various typical fatigue effects exhibited in living substances are exactly reproduced in metals, where there can be question neither of fatigue-product producing fatigue effects, nor of those constructive processes by which they might be removed. We have seen, both in muscles and in plants, that if sufficient time for complete recovery be allowed between each pair of stimuli, the heights of successive responses are the same, and there is no apparent fatigue (see page 39). But the height of response diminishes as the excitation interval is shortened. We find the same thing in metals. Below is given a record taken with tin (fig. 72). Throughout the experiment the amplitude of vibration was maintained constant, but in (a) the interval between consecutive stimuli was 1', while in (b) this was reduced to 30". A diminution of height immediately occurs. On restoring the original rhythm as in (c), the responses revert to their first large value. Thus we see that when the wire has not completely recovered, its responses, owing to residual strain, undergo diminution. Height of response is thus decreased by incomplete recovery. If then sufficient time be not allowed for perfect recovery, we can understand how, under certain circumstances, the residual strain would progressively increase with repetition of stimulus, and thus there would be a progressive diminution of height of response or fatigue. Again, we saw in the last chapter that increase of strain necessitates a longer period of recovery. Thus the longer a wire is stimulated, the more and more overstrained it becomes, and it therefore requires a gradual prolongation of the interval between the successive stimuli, if recovery is to be complete. This interval, however, being maintained constant, the recovery periods virtually undergo a gradual reduction, and successive recoveries become more and more incomplete. These considerations may be found to afford an insight into the progressive diminution of response in fatigued substances.
Fatigue under continuous stimulation.—Fatigue is perhaps best shown under continuous stimulation. For example, in muscles, when fresh and not fatigued, the top of the tetanic curve is horizontal, or may even be ascending, but with long-continued stimulation the curve declines. The rapidity of this decline depends on the nature of the muscle and its previous condition.
In metals I have found exactly parallel instances. In tin, so little liable to fatigue, the top of the curve is horizontal or ascending; or it may exhibit a slight decline. But the record with platinum shows the rapid decline due to fatigue (fig. 73).
Taking any of these instances, say that in which fatigue is most prominent, it is found that short period of rest restores the original intensity of response. This affords additional proof of the fact that fatigue is due to overstrain, and that this strain, with its sign of attendant fatigue, disappears with time.
Staircase effect.—We shall now discuss an effect which appears to be the direct opposite of fatigue. This is the curious phenomenon known to physiologists as 'the staircase' effect, in which successive uniform stimuli produce a series of increasing responses. This is seen under particular conditions in the response of certain muscles (fig. 74, a). It is also observed sometimes even in nerve, which otherwise, generally speaking, gives uniform responses. Of this effect, no satisfactory theory has as yet been offered. It is in direct contradiction to that theory which supposes that each stimulus is followed by dissimilation or break-down of the tissue, reducing its function below par. For in these cases the supposed dissimilation is followed not by a decrease but by an increase of functional activity. This 'staircase effect' I have shown to be occasionally exhibited by plants. I have also found it in metals. In the last chapter we have seen that a wire often falls, especially after resting for a long time, into a state of comparative sluggishness, and that this molecular inertness then gradually gives place to increased mobility under stimulation. As a consequence, an increased response is thus obtained. I give in fig. 74, b, a series of responses to uniform stimuli, exhibited by platinum which had been at rest for some time. This effect is very clearly shown here. So we see that in a substance which has previously been in a sluggish condition, stimulation confers increased mobility. Response thus reaches a maximum, but continued stimulation may afterwards produce overstrain, and the subsequent responses may then show a decline. This consideration will explain certain types of responses exhibited by muscles, where the first part of the series exhibits a staircase increase followed by declining responses of fatigue.
Reversed response due to molecular modification and its transformation into normal after continuous stimulation (1) in nerve.—Reference has already been made to the fact that a nerve which, when fresh, exhibited the normal negative response, will often, if kept for some time in preservative saline, undergo a molecular modification, after which it gives a positive variation. Thus while the response given by fresh nerve is normal or negative, a stale nerve gives modified, i.e. reversed or positive, response. This peculiar modification does not always occur, yet is too frequent to be considered abnormal. Again, when such a nerve is subjected to tetanisation or continuous stimulation, this modified response tends once more to become normal.
It is found that not only tetanisation, but also CO2 has the power of converting the modified response into normal. Hence it has been suggested that the conversion under tetanisation of modified response to normal, in stale nerve, is due to a hypothetical evolution of CO2 in the nerve during stimulation.[16]
(2) In metals.—I have, however, met with exactly parallel phenomena in metals, where, owing to some molecular modification, the responses became reversed, and where, under continuous stimulation, though here there could be no possibility of the evolution of CO_2, they tended again to become normal.
If after mounting a wire in a cell filled with water, it be set aside for too long a time, I have sometimes noticed that it undergoes a certain modification, owing to which its response ceases to be normal and becomes reversed in sign. I have obtained this effect with various metals, for instance lead and tin, and even with the chemically inactive substance—platinum.
The subject will be made clearer if we first follow in detail the phenomenon exhibited by modified nerve, giving this abnormal response. The normal responses in nerve are usually represented by 'down' and the reversed abnormal responses by 'up' curves. In the modified nerve, then, the abnormal responses are 'up' instead of the normal 'down.' The record of such abnormal response in the modified nerve is shown in fig. 75. It will be noticed that in this, the successive responses are undergoing a diminution, or tending towards the normal. After continuous stimulation or tetanisation (T), it will be seen that the abnormal or 'up' responses are converted into normal or 'down.'
I shall now give a record which will exhibit an exactly similar transformation from the abnormal to normal response after continuous stimulation. Here the normal responses are represented by 'up' and the abnormal by 'down' curves. This record was given by a tin wire, which had been molecularly modified (fig. 76). We have at first the abnormal responses; successive responses are undergoing a diminution or tending towards the normal; after continuous stimulation (T), the subsequent responses are seen to have become normal. Another record, obtained with platinum, shows the same phenomenon (fig. 77).
On placing the three sets of records—nerve, tin, and platinum—side by side, it will be seen how essentially similar they are in every respect.[17]
This reversion to normal is seen to have appeared in a pronounced manner after rapidly continuous stimulation, in process of which the modified molecular condition must in some way have reverted to the normal.
Being desirous to trace this change gradually taking place, I took a platinum wire cell giving modified responses, and obtained a series of records of effects of individual stimuli continued for a long time. In this series, the points of transition from modified response to normal will be clearly seen (fig. 78).
Increased response after continuous stimulation.—We have seen that responses to uniform stimuli sometimes show a staircase increase, apparently owing to the gradual removal of molecular sluggishness. Possibly analogous to this is the increase of response in nerve after continuous stimulation or tetanisation, observed by Waller (fig. 79). Like the staircase effect, this contravenes the commonly accepted theory of the dissimilation of tissue by stimulus, and the consequent depression of response. It is suggested by Waller that this increase of response after tetanisation may be due to the hypothetical evolution of CO_2 to which allusion has previously been made.
But there is an exact correspondence between this phenomenon and that exhibited by metals under similar conditions. I give here two sets of records (figs. 80, 81), one obtained with platinum and the other with tin, which demonstrate how the response is enhanced after continuous stimulation in a manner exactly similar to that noticed in the case of nerve.
The explanation which has been suggested with regard to the staircase effect—increased molecular mobility due to removal of sluggishness by repeated stimulation—would appear to be applicable in this case also. It would appear, then, that in all the phenomena which we have studied under the heads of 'staircase' effect, increase of response after continuous stimulation, and fatigue, there is a similarity between the observations made upon the response of muscle and nerve on the one hand, and that of metals on the other. Even in their abnormalities we have seen an agreement.
But amongst these phenomena themselves, though at first sight so diverse, there is some kind of continuity. Calling all normal response positive, for the sake of convenience, we observe its gradual modification, corresponding to changes in the molecular condition of the substance.
Beginning with that case in which molecular modification is extreme, we find a maximum variation of response from the normal, that is to say, to negative.
Continued stimulation, however, brings back the molecular condition to normal, as evidenced by the progressive lessening of the negative response, culminating in reversion to the normal positive. This is equally true of nerve and metal.
In the next class of phenomena, the modification of molecular condition is not so great. It now exhibits itself merely as a relative inertness, and the responses, though positive, are feeble. Under continued stimulation, they increase in the same direction as in the last case, that is to say, from less positive to more positive, being the reverse of fatigue. This is evidenced alike by the staircase effect and by the increase of response after tetanisation, seen not only in nerve but also in platinum and tin.
The substance may next be in what we call the normal condition. Successive uniform stimuli now evoke uniform and equal positive responses, that is to say, there is no fatigue. But after intense or long-continued stimulation, the substance is overstrained. The responses now undergo a change from positive to less positive; fatigue, that is to say, appears.
Again, under very much prolonged stimulation the response may decline to zero, or even undergo a reversal to negative, a phenomenon which we shall find instanced in the reversed response of retina under the long-continued stimulus of light.
We must then recognise that a substance may exist in various molecular conditions, whether due to internal changes or to the action of stimulus. The responses give us indications of these conditions. A complete cycle of molecular modifications can be traced, from the abnormal negative to the normal positive, and then again to negative seen in reversal under continuous stimulation.
[16] 'Considering that we have no previous evidence of any chemical or physical change in tetanised nerve, it seems to me not worth while pausing to deal with the criticism that it is not CO_2, but "something else" that has given the result.'—Waller, _Animal Electricity_, p. 59. That this phenomenon is nevertheless capable of physical explanation will be shown presently.
[17] In order to explain the phenomena of electric response, some physiologists assume that the negative response is due to a process of dissimilation, or breakdown, and the positive to a process of assimilation, or building up, of the tissue. The modified or positive response in nerve is thus held to be due to assimilation; after continuous stimulation, this process is supposed to be transformed into one of dissimilation, with the attendant negative response.
How arbitrary and unnecessary such assumptions are will become evident, when the abnormal and normal responses, and their transformation from one to the other, are found repeated in all details in metals, where there can be no question of the processes of assimilation or dissimilation.
Relation between stimulus and response—Magnetic analogue—Increase of response with increasing Stimulus—Threshold of response—Superposition of Stimuli—Hysteresis.
Relation between stimulus and response.—We have seen what extremely uniform responses are given by tin, when the intensity of stimulus is maintained constant. Hence it is obvious that these phenomena are not accidental, but governed by definite laws. This fact becomes still more evident when we discover how invariably response is increased by increasing the intensity of stimulus.
Electrical response is due, as we have seen, to a molecular disturbance, the stimulus causing a distortion from a position of equilibrium. In dealing with the subject of the relation between the disturbing force and the molecular effect it produces, it may be instructive to consider certain analogous physical phenomena in which molecular deflections are also produced by a distorting force.
Magnetic analogue.—Let us consider the effect that a magnetising force produces on a bar of soft iron. It is known that each molecule in such a bar is an individual magnet. The bar as a whole, nevertheless, exhibits no external magnetisation. This is held to be due to the fact that the molecular magnets are turned either in haphazard directions or in closed chains, and there is therefore no resultant polarity. But when the bar is subjected to a magnetising force by means, say, of a solenoid carrying electrical current, the individual molecules are elastically deflected, so that all the molecular magnets tend to place themselves along the lines of magnetising force. All the north poles thus point more or less one way, and the south poles the other. The stronger the magnetising force, the nearer do the molecules approach to a perfect alignment, and the greater is the induced magnetisation of the bar.
The intensity of this induced magnetisation may be measured by noting the deflection it produces on a freely suspended magnet in a magnetometer.
The force which produces that molecular deflection, to which the magnetisation of the bar is immediately due, is the magnetising current flowing round the solenoid. The magnetisation, or the molecular effect, is measured by the deflection of the magnetometer. We may express the relation between cause and effect by a curve in which the abscissa represents the magnetising current, and the ordinate the magnetisation produced (fig. 82).
In such a curve we may roughly distinguish three parts. In the first, where the force is feeble, the molecular deflection is slight. In the next, the curve is rapidly ascending, i.e. a small variation of impressed force produces a relatively large molecular effect. And lastly, a limit is reached, as seen in the third part, where increasing force produces very little further effect. In this cause-and-effect curve, the first part is slightly convex to the abscissa, the second straight and ascending, and the third concave.
Increase of response with increasing stimulus.—We shall find in dealing with the relation between the stimulus and the molecular effect—i.e. the response—something very similar.
On gradually increasing the intensity of stimulus, which may be done, as already stated, by increasing the amplitude of vibration, it will be found that, beginning with feeble stimulation, this increase is at first slight, then more pronounced, and lastly shows a tendency to approach a limit. In all this we have a perfect parallel to corresponding phenomena in animal and vegetable response. We saw that the proper investigation of this subject was much complicated, in the case of animal and vegetable tissues, by the appearance of fatigue. The comparatively indefatigable nature of tin causes it to offer great advantages in the pursuit of this inquiry. I give below two series of records made with tin. The first record, fig. 83, is for increasing amplitudes from 5 deg. to 40 deg. by steps of 5 deg.. The stimuli are imparted at intervals of one minute. It will be noticed that whereas the recovery is complete in one minute when the stimulus is moderate, it is not quite complete when the stimulus is stronger. The recovery from the effect of stronger stimulus is more prolonged. Owing to want of complete recovery, the base line is tilted slightly upward. This slight displacement of the zero line does not materially affect the result, provided the shifting is slight.
+ -+ + Vibration amplitude E.M. variation + -+ + 5 deg. .024 volt 10 deg. .057 " 20 deg. .111 " 25 deg. .143 " 30 deg. .170 " 35 deg. .187 " 40 deg. .204 " + -+ +
The next figure (fig. 84) gives record of responses through a wider range. For accurate quantitative measurements it is preferable to wait till the recovery is complete. We may accomplish this within the limited space of the recording photographic plate by making the record for one minute; during the rest of recovery, the clockwork moving the plate is stopped and the galvanometer spot of light is cut off. Thus the next record starts from a point of completed recovery, which will be noticed as a bright spot at the beginning of each curve. With stimulation of high intensity, a tendency will be noticed for the responses to approach a limit.
Threshold of response.—There is a minimum intensity of stimulus below which there is hardly any visible response. We may regard this point as the threshold of response. Though apparently ineffective, the subliminal stimuli produce some latent effect, which may be demonstrated by their additive action. The record in fig. 85 shows how individually feeble stimuli become markedly effective by superposition.
Superposition of stimuli.—The additive effect of succeeding stimuli will be seen from the above. The fusion of effect will be incomplete if the frequency of stimulation be not sufficiently great; but it will tend to be more complete with higher frequency of stimulation (fig. 86). We have here a parallel case to the complete and incomplete tetanus of muscles, under similar conditions.
By the addition of these rapidly succeeding stimuli, a maximum effect is produced, and further stimulation adds nothing to this. The effect is balanced by a force of restitution. The response-curve thus rises to its maximum, after which the deflection is held as it were rigid, so long as the vibration is kept up.
It was found that increasing intensities of single stimuli produced correspondingly increased responses. The same is true also of groups of stimuli. The maximum effect produced by superposition of stimuli increases with the intensity of the constituent stimuli.
Hysteresis.—Allusion has already been made to the increased responsiveness conferred by preliminary stimulation (see p. 127). Being desirous of finding out in what manner this is brought about, I took a series of observations for an entire cycle, that is to say, a series of observations were taken for maximum effects, starting from amplitude of vibration of 10 deg. and ending in 100 deg., and backwards from 100 deg. to 10 deg.. Effect of hysteresis is very clearly seen (see A, fig. 87); there is a considerable divergence between the forward and return curves, the return curve being higher. On repeating the cycle several times, the divergence is found very much reduced, the wire on the whole is found to assume a more constant sensitiveness. In this steady condition, generally speaking, the sensitiveness for smaller amplitude of vibration is found to be greater than at the very beginning, but the reverse is the case for stronger intensity of stimulation.
Effect of annealing.—I repeated the experiment with the same wire, after pouring hot water into the cell and allowing it to cool to the old temperature. From the cyclic curve (B, fig. 87) it will be seen (1) that the sensitiveness has become very much enhanced; (2) that there is relatively less divergence between the forward and return curves. Even this divergence practically disappeared at the third cycle, when the forward and backward curves coincided (C, fig. 87). The above results show in what manner the excitability of the wire is enhanced by purely physical means.
It is very curious to notice that addition of Na2CO3 solution (see Chap. XV—Action of Stimulants) produces enhancement of responsive power similar to that produced by annealing; that is to say, not only is there a great increase of sensitiveness, but there is also a reduction of hysteresis.
Action of chemical reagents—Action of stimulants on metals—Action of depressants on metals—Effect of 'poisons' on metals—Opposite effect of large and small doses.
We have seen that the ultimate criterion of the physiological character of electric response is held to be its abolition when the substance is subjected to those chemical reagents which act as poisons.
Action of chemical reagents.—Of these reagents, some are universal in their action, amongst which strong solutions of acids and alkalis, and salts like mercuric chloride, may be cited. These act as powerful toxic agents, killing the living tissue, and causing electric response to disappear. (See fig. 88.) It must, however, be remembered that there are again specific poisons which may affect one kind of tissue and not others. Poisons in general may be regarded as extreme cases of depressants. As an example of those which produce moderate physiological depression, potassium bromide may be mentioned, and this also diminishes electric response. There are other chemical reagents, on the other hand, which produce the opposite effect of increasing the excitability and causing a corresponding exaltation of electric response.
We shall now proceed to inquire whether the response of inorganic bodies is affected by chemical reagents, so that their excitability is exalted by some, and depressed or abolished by others. Should it prove to be so, the last test will have been fulfilled, and that parallelism which has been already demonstrated throughout a wide range of phenomena, between the electric response of animal tissues on the one hand, and that of plants and metals on the other, will be completely established.
Action of stimulants on metals.—We shall first study the stimulating action of various chemical reagents. The method of procedure is to take a series of normal responses to uniform stimuli, the electrolyte being water. The chemical reagent whose effect is to be observed is now added in small quantity to the water in the cell, and a second series of responses taken, using the same stimulus as before. Generally speaking, the influence of the reagent is manifested in a short period, but there may be occasional instances where the effect takes some time to develop fully. We must remember that by the introduction of the chemical reagent some change may be produced in the internal resistance of the cell. The effect of this on the deflection is eliminated by interposing a very high external resistance (from one to five megohms) in comparison with which the internal resistance of the cell is negligible. The fact that the introduction of the reagent did not produce any variation in the total resistance of the circuit was demonstrated by taking two deflections, due to a definite fraction of a volt, before and after the introduction of the reagent. These deflections were found equal.
I first give a record of the stimulating action of sodium carbonate on tin, which will become evident by a comparison of the responses before and after the introduction of Na2CO3 (fig. 89). The next record shows the effect of the same reagent on platinum (fig. 90).
Action of depressants.—Certain other reagents, again, produce an opposite effect. That is to say, they diminish the intensity of response. The record given on the next page (fig. 91) shows the depressing action of 10 per cent. solution of KBr on tin.
Effect of 'poison.'—Living tissues are killed, and their electric responses are at the same time abolished by the action of poisons. It is very curious that various chemical reagents are similarly effective in killing the response of metals. I give below a record (fig. 92) to show how oxalic acid abolishes the response. The depressive effect of this reagent is so great that a strength of one part in 10,000 is often sufficient to produce complete abolition. Another notable point with reference to the action of this reagent is the persistence of after-effect. This will be clearly seen from an account of the following experiment. The two wires A and B, in the cell filled with water, were found to give equal responses. The wires were now lifted off, and one wire B was touched with dilute oxalic acid. All traces of acid were next removed by rubbing the wire with cloth under a stream of water. On replacing the wire in the cell, A gave the usual response, whereas that of B was found to be abolished. The depression produced is so great and passes in so deep that I have often failed to revive the response, even after rubbing the wire with emery paper, by which the molecular layer on the surface must have been removed.
We have seen in the molecular model (fig. 62, d, e) how the attainment of maximum is delayed, the response diminished, and the recovery prolonged or arrested by increase of friction or reduction of molecular mobility.
It would appear as if the reagents which act as poisons produced some kind of molecular arrest. The following records seen to lend support to this view. If the oxalic acid is applied in large quantities, the abolition of response is complete. But on carefully adding just the proper amount I find that the first stimulus evokes a responsive electric twitch, which is less than the normal, and the period of recovery is very much prolonged from the normal one minute before, to five minutes after, the application of the reagent (fig. 93, a). In another record the arrest is more pronounced, i.e. there is now no recovery (fig. 93, b). Note also that the maximum is attained much later. Stimuli applied after the arrest produce no effect, as if the molecular mechanism became, as it were, clogged or locked up.
In connection with this it is interesting to note that the effect of veratrine poison on muscle is somewhat similar. This reagent not only diminishes the excitability, but causes a very great prolongation of the period of recovery.
In connection with the action of chemical reagents the following points are noteworthy.
(1) The effect of these reagents is not only to increase or diminish the height of the response-curve, but also to modify the time relations. By the action of some the latent period is diminished, others produce a prolongation of the period of recovery. Some curious effects produced by the change of time relations have been noticed in the account given of diphasic variation (see p. 113).
(2) The effect produced by a chemical reagent depends to some extent on the previous condition of the wire.
(3) A certain time is required for the full development of the effect. With some reagents the full effect takes place almost instantaneously, while with others the effect takes place slowly. Again the effect may with time reach a maximum, after which there may be a slight decline.
(4) The after-effects of the reagents may be transitory or persistent; that is to say, in some cases the removal of the reagent causes the responses to revert to the normal, while in others the effect persists even after the removal of all traces of the reagent.
Opposite effects of large and small doses.—There remains a very curious phenomenon, known not only to students of physiological response but also known in medical practice, namely that of the opposite effects produced by the same reagent when given in large or in small doses. Here, too, we have the same phenomena reproduced in an extraordinary manner in inorganic response. The same reagent which becomes a 'poison' in large quantities may act as a stimulant when applied in small doses. This is seen in record fig. 94, in which (a) gives the normal responses in water; KHO solution was now added so as to make the strength three parts in 1,000, and (b) shows the consequent enhancement of response. A further quantity of KHO was added so as to increase the strength to three parts in 100. This caused a complete abolition (c) of response.
It will thus be seen that as in the case of animal tissues and of plants, so also in metals, the electrical responses are exalted by the action of stimulants, lowered by depressants, and completely abolished by certain other reagents. The parallelism will thus be found complete in every detail between the phenomena of response in the organic and the inorganic.
Visual impulse: (1) chemical theory; (2) electrical theory—Retinal currents—Normal response positive—Inorganic response under stimulus of light—Typical experiment on the electrical effect induced by light.
The effect of the stimulus of light on the retina is perceived in the brain as a visual sensation. The process by which the ether-wave disturbance causes this visual impulse is still very obscure. Two theories may be advanced in explanation.
(1) Chemical theory.—According to the first, or chemical, theory, it is supposed that certain visual substances in the retina are affected by light, and that vision originates from the metabolic changes produced in these visual substances. It is also supposed that the metabolic changes consist of two phases, the upward, constructive, or anabolic phase, and the downward, destructive, or katabolic phase. Various visual substances by their anabolic or katabolic changes are supposed to produce the variations of sensation of light and colour. This theory, as will be seen, is very complex, and there are certain obstacles in the way of its acceptance. It is, for instance, difficult to see how this very quick visual process could be due to a comparatively slow chemical action, consisting of the destructive breaking-down of the tissue, followed by its renovation. Some support was at first given to this chemical theory by the bleaching action of light on the visual purple present in the retina, but it has been found that the presence or absence of visual purple could not be essential to vision, and that its function, when present, is of only secondary importance. For it is well known that in the most sensitive portion of the human retina, the fovea centralis, the visual purple is wanting; it is also found to be completely absent from the retinae of many animals possessing keen sight. |