And all Ardsley now knows that as it was then agreed, so it is, and will remain.
* * * * *
By Evelyn Raymond
347 pp. Cloth. $1.50
California ranch life is the setting of this bright story for young people. It will read like a fairy tale to those who know nothing of the wideness of life on a great ranch as compared with our overcrowded Eastern city existence. The story "moves." Incident follows incident with rapidity enough to maintain interest, and the teachings of the book tend to a sturdy wholesomeness throughout.—Epworth Herald.
It is not often that a woman succeeds in writing an Indian story, exciting enough to commend itself to boys, yet with a girl for its principal character, and with the noblest of teachings throughout the tale; but in "A Daughter of the West" Evelyn Raymond has accomplished precisely that feat. The scene is laid among the broad valleys and lofty mountains of California, and every chapter is crowded full of incident.—Christian Endeavor World.
This story of our western plains will appeal to many a youthful reader. The heroine, beloved by her people, the community, and even by the neighboring Indian tribes, carries the interest of the reader to the final page. Her courage in time of personal danger, her sweet disposition in her relations with those around her, are well depicted by the author. The book is well illustrated and attractively bound, and cannot fail to be a success.—Journal of Education.
This "Daughter of the West" is one of the freshest, breeziest, most wholesome stories we have read in a long time. The scene has a California ranch for its setting. But the writer tells her story in such a natural and charming style, that we relish every word of it.—Christian Observer.
"A Daughter of the West," by Evelyn Raymond, is a story of California ranch life, of which Patience Eliot is the heroine. By severe experience she comes to hold herself and all her large belongings of wealth as a sacred trust, to be spent in the service of others. The story is one which will tend to quicken the nobler aspirations of all young women.—The Advance.
This story of Evelyn Raymond's is not lacking in exciting incident, at least, even though it is not a love tale. Patience Eliot, the heroine, a California girl born and bred, as much at home in the saddle as the wildest rider of the plains, exhibits her training in season and out, and though she startles certain more conventional people with her ways, she illustrates well the excellence of the training of Nature's child. The atmosphere of the greater part of the story is that of Southern California, with its mingled society of Mexicans, Indians and reckless frontiersmen, and among them the heroine lives and thrives. It is a healthful out-of-door story, wholesomely interesting and alive.—Colorado School Journal.
"A Daughter of the West," by Evelyn Raymond, the story of an American princess, is a narrative of California ranch life. It affords a pleasant picture of that sort of life, and portrays effectively a certain type of training for the young. It also illustrates the striking changes that sometimes occur in personal careers in a country like our own. It is full of incident, and will promote patriotism and a high ideal of life.—The Congregationalist.
* * * * *
By Amy E. Blanchard
331 pp. Cloth. $1.50
"A Girl of '76," by Amy E. Blanchard, is one of the best stories of old Boston and its vicinity ever written. The value of the book as real history, and as an incentive to further historical study can hardly be over-estimated.—The Bookseller.
This is one of the season's books that deserves a wide reading among the girls. The events in which Elizabeth Hall, the heroine, took part occurred in those stirring times, beginning with the Boston Tea Party. The call to Lexington, Battle of Bunker Hill, and the burning of Charlestown follow, and in all these the little maid bears her share of the general anxiety and privation with a fortitude which makes wholesome reading.—Watchman.
The manners and customs of that time are vividly pictured in this interesting and well written story, and while we joyfully reach the "peace" chapter with which it ends, we are truly sorry to part with this charming girl of '76.—Journal.
The tale is told with sentiment and vivacity, giving bright pictures of a singing school, a quilting bee, and other old-time entertainments. It is just the book for the youngest of the D. A. R. societies, and is dedicated to "My Revolutionary Sires."—Literary World.
It is a thoroughly well-told tale, and of so genuine a charm as to challenge the interest of readers other than the youngsters. Here too, the pictures are of actual merit, and demand a share in the well deserved praise bestowed upon the book as a whole.—S. S. Times.
* * * * *
321 pp. Cloth. $1.50.
It is charmingly written, and the young reader will not only enjoy it as a story, but will also get a very clear knowledge of that part of history which relates to the war of the Revolution. The little "Revolutionary Maid," Kitty DeWitt, is a plucky little Whig, and full of courage; her presence of mind, on many occasions, saves her and others from the Red coats.—Christian Observer.
Amy E. Blanchard's "A Revolutionary Maid" sets a charming heroine in the middle period of the Revolutionary War, and keeps her a stanch little patriot in spite of her Tory surroundings.—Detroit Free Press.
The plot of the story before us, without being intricate, is ingenious and the interest in the characters is fully sustained throughout. The trying experiences of Kitty DeWitt were those of a multitude of girls and women, and their decision for patriotism was a power in shaping the great national events which followed. Such books are educational in patriotism. The more American girls are made to feel and know their power and influence in national affairs the better.—The Inter-Ocean.
Among the large number of Revolutionary Books in the new literature, "A Revolutionary Maid" is not merely remarkably entertaining, but also unique.—Boston Journal.
There could be no better material with which to give an historical flavoring to a story than the New Jersey campaign, the battle of Germantown, and the winter at Valley Forge. Miss Blanchard has made the most of a large opportunity, and produced a happy companion book to her "Girl of '76."—The Christian Endeavor World.
* * * * *
By Elbridge S. Brooks
301 pages. Cloth, $1.50
Mr. Brooks knows how to catch and hold the attention of boys and girls. In this story of Aaron Burr's conspiracy he is very happy, choosing scenes and incidents of picturesque American history and weaving them into a patriotic and stirringly romantic narrative. The young hero is a fine character strongly presented, and from first page to last the interest is lively. We heartily recommend the book to our young readers as one sure to please and instruct them.—The Independent.
Elbridge S. Brooks has written nothing better than "A Son of the Revolution." Designed for boys, it is so spirited and interesting, dealing as it does with little known episodes in our past history as a nation, that it will gain many readers in the ranks of the grown up. It is really as the sub-title says, "an historical novel" of the days of Aaron Burr, when he was conspiring to create a western empire. A young fellow full of enthusiasm and patriotism, named Tom Edwards, comes under the fascination of Burr, and works with him for quite a period before considering his true aims and real character. When the day of awakening comes, the fight with his conscience is thrilling. No better book for boys can be mentioned, nor one so rich in lessons of true patriotism.—The Publisher's Weekly.
Elbridge S. Brooks has told in "A Son of the Revolution" a story which will stimulate the patriotism of all young Americans. He relates the adventures of an Ohio lad who was a relative of Aaron Burr and had implicit faith in that brilliant but unprincipled statesman. The story is remarkably well told and it is finely illustrated.—The San Francisco Chronicle.
Mr. Brooks in this volume presents to his readers a new field of interest and importance. No one incident in the history of our country, as a nation, is so full of the picturesque as the wild scheme of treason which stirred the soul of Aaron Burr to plot against the country he had struggled to establish. Every boy ought to know the history of this arch traitor.—The Awakener.
In this volume the author touches upon a field of interest but little known, and concerning which but slight attention has been given by historians and novelists.
Burr's conspiracy, although not now considered as an historical event of marked importance, yet, during the period of opening up the middle western states was a serious episode in the nation's career. With this period and the events connected therewith the author has interested himself, and has presented to the reader a novel of intense feeling of patriotism and loyalty to the government.
Coming at this time, when national affairs are strongest in the minds of the people, we predict for this story a widespread success.—Journal of Education.
An historical of Aaron Burr's time, by Elbridge S. Brooks, presenting the story of the adventures of the "young son" as faithful facts of history, but in an interesting and inspiring way which will hold and help the young reader.—The International Evangel.