Procter, Bryan Waller (Barry Cornwall), marriage to Anne Skeeper, 353; "White Devil," 353.
Proctor, 124, 342.
Proctor, Mrs., her habit of crediting others with her wise sayings, 127, 401.
Proctor, Emily, 401.
"Prometheus unbound," 496.
Prospero, 252, 338.
"Provoked Husband, The," 315, 328, 504; at Southampton, 453; at Fanny Kemble's benefit, 529.
Pickersgill, 365.
Queen, the, at Bridgewater House, 422.
"Quentin Durward," 444.
Quarterly Review, its critique of "Francis I.," 516.
Rachel, Mlle., her performance of Camille, 191; Jules Janin's first notice of her, 436.
Racine, 307, 410.
Radley, Mr., of the Adelphi, 303.
Railroads in England, 443; between Liverpool and Manchester, 278.
Ramahun Roy, the Rajah, 178, 479; general appearance, 515.
Raphael, his skull, 528.
Reade, Charles, "The King's Wager," 308.
Redcliffe Church, 433.
Reeve compared with Liston, 508.
Reform Bill, 344, 394, 459, 460, 478.
Regalia, Scottish, incident of, 157.
Reichardt, or Reis, 100.
Religious faith, 476.
Retsch's illustrations of "Hamlet," 373; disinclination for illustrating "Romeo and Juliet," ib.; illustrations of "Faust," 374.
Revolution of 1830, the, 276.
Revolution, Spanish, 335, 336, 356, 359, 478, 479, 484.
Rhodez, scene of the Fauldes Tragedy, 466.
"Richard III.," 119.
Richter, 80.
"Rienzi," 354.
Rigby, Mr., 4.
Rio, M., 73.
Ristori, 571.
Rivens, Lady, 4.
"Robert the Devil" at Covent Garden, 507; M. Levassor's ludicrous account of, 507, 509.
Robertson, Frederick, 168.
Robinson, Anastasia, marriage to Earl of Peterborough, 437.
"Rob Roy," 488.
Rogers, 379, 504
"Roman de la Rose." 357.
"Romeo and Juliet," 257, 342, 414; at Bristol, 424, 443; at Weymouth, 449; at Southampton, 452, 485; John Mason's first appearance in, 486, 523; in New York, 542.
Romilly, Mrs. Edward, 342.
Romillys, the, 183.
Rossini, 100.
Roxelane, 68.
Rowden, Mrs., 45, 47, 67.
Russell, Earl, 347, 404; appearance of, 492; incident of Sir Robert Inglis, 493; responsibility in Reform Bill, 494.
"Rush-bearing," a, 296.
Ruthven, his proceeding toward Mary Stuart, 489.
Rutland, Duke of, 22.
Rye, 521.
Sackville, 462.
"Sacrament," preparation, 403.
"Sakuntala," 178.
De Sales, Francis, 426.
Salisbury, Lady, in "Isaure," 382; "Wednesday Morning" at Hatfield House, 394.
Salmon, 89.
"Salmonia," 539.
Sandwich, Earl of, 124.
Saunders and Ottley, 319.
Savoy, Louisa of, 509.
Schiller, 169; "Mary Stuart," 312. "School for Scandal," incident of Miss Farren and Lord Derby in, 452; at Southampton, 454, 487, 498; in New York, 543.
Schlegel's "Dramatic Lectures," 486
Scotland, regalia of, 261.
Scotsman, The, 158.
Scott, Anne, 260.
Scott, Walter, 3, 36, 58, 87, 108, 142,157; "Border Minstrelsy," 160, 166; criticisms on Fanny Kemble's acting, 260; anecdote of Scottish regalia, 261; opinion of Fanny Kemble as compared with Mrs. Siddons, 262; incident at Abbotsford, 263, 444; caution in regard to Waverley Novels, 488, 521, 527; death, 557.
Scottish Regalia, incident of, 157.
Scribe's "Les premieres Amours," 419.
Searle, Miss, 87.
Sedgwick's, Miss, "Hope Leslie," 577.
Semiramis, Queen, as a dramatic writer, 447.
Sentiment, books of, 506.
Serenading, 470.
Sevigne, Madame de, 277, 320.
Shakespeare, Plays at Paris, 115, 169, 182; Portia, 187; "Romeo and Juliet," the ending restored, 207; claim of his plays to perfect representation, 220; his plays compared with "Grecian Daughter," 238, 247, 255, 260; compared with Goethe, 338; "Romeo and Juliet," 342; treatment of passion of hatred, 351, 389; knowing and knowing about him, 396; Mrs. Siddons' admiration for, 416, 486; discussion about, 522; beauty of his songs, 505; reiteration of expressions of grief, 514; Mrs. Jameson's book on his female characters, issued, 531.
Shannon, Rev. Win., 164.
Sharp "conversation," 504.
Sheil, "Evadne, or the Statue," and "The Apostate," 312.
Shelley, 166; his passion for fire-gazing, 325, 334; the Cenci; translation of Calderon's "El Magico Prodigioso;" "Faust," 384; "Prometheus Unbound," 496, 498; "The Sensitive Plant," and "Rosalind and Helen," 498; "The Two Sisters," 499.
Shelley, Capt., in "Hernani", 404.
Sheriff, Miss, her debut, 464; in "Artaxerxes," 465; in "Fra Diavolo," 469; in "Polly," 471.
Sheridan, Caroline, 174, 178.
Sheridan, Chas., 173; manager of Drury Lane, 174, 175, 399, 498.
Sheridan, Georgiana, 173, 510.
Sheridan, Mrs. (Miss Callender), 173.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 173.
Shirley's "Gentleman of Venice," 513.
Shylock, 351; analysis of the character, 430.
Siddons, Cecilia, 91, 94, 108, 123, 180, 239, 323, 400; picture by Clint, 405; plans after her mother's death, 416, 466.
Siddons, Elizabeth, 291.
Siddons, "Lizzy," 119.
Siddons, "Sally and Lizzy," 342.
Siddons, George, 158, 323; Mrs. George, 158
Siddons, Harriet, 323.
Siddons, Henry, management of the Edinburgh Theatre, 142; death, ib.; arrival in India and departure for Delhi, 119, 470.
Siddons, Mrs. Henry, 140, 141, 143, 158, 164, 180, 193, 259, 261, 286, 291, 305, 359, 364.
Siddons. Maria, 17, engaged to Sir Thomas Lawrence, 207; death, ib.
Siddons, Sarah, 17, 91; in Louisa of Savoy, 117, 129; painting by Gainsborough, 162; in Elvira, 174; costume in the "Grecian Daughter," 190; as Hamlet, 200; Lawrence's admiration for, 207; wishes to be carried to her grave by Lawrence, 211; indifference, 223; Fanny Kemble compared with, 234; in Euphrasia, 236; shocked at Lawrence's death, 237, 239; Edinburgh audiences, 261: repeating Lady Macbeth to an enthusiastic audience, 262; opinion of, 262; dearest friend, 270; in Mrs. Haller and "The Fair Penitent," 318; Christmas eve at her house, 322, 337; advantage over Fanny Kemble, 336, 345; Lord Lansdowne's admiration for, 349, 396; failing health, 399; Milton and Shakespeare, 416; her death, 416; her abuse of Austria in "King John," 446; her letters, 452; Queen Katharine, 459; her letters revised by Emily Fitzhugh, 477; Lady Macbeth, 478; "sketches" of Constance and Lady Macbeth, 517.
Siddons, Mrs. Scott-, 158.
Shaw, 60.
Sismondi, 83.
Sinclair, 123.
Skeeper, Anne, marriage to Barry Cornwall, 353.
Skerries, 273, 329.
Slavery in America, 543.
Smart, Sir George, 95, 100, 395.
Smiles, his biography of Stephenson, 279.
Smith's "National Scottish Songs," 160.
Smith, Bobus, 347.
Smith, James, 86.
Smith, Sidney, 142, 173, 347, 504
Smithson, Miss, 115.
Solomon, 166.
Somerset, Duchess of, 173, 510.
"Sonnambula," 507.
Sontag, appearance with Malibran in "Romeo and Juliet," 201, 202.
Sotheby ("the poet"), 350; "Darnley," 370; comments on Fanny Kemble's beauty, 370.
Southampton, 271, 416, 451.
Spain, 293.
Spaniards, John Kemble delivered to the, 336.
Spanish expedition, 326.
Spanish revolution, 335, 336, 356, 359, 478; Torrijos and his friends shot, 479.
Spedding, James, 183.
Spenser, poetry of, 358.
Spurzheim, his philosophy of phrenology, 151; death in Boston, 558.
Stafford, 92, 113, 297.
St. Albans, Duke of, marriage, 392.
St. Albans, Duchess of, Miss Mellon and Mrs. Coutts, 391.
St. Anne's Hill, 418.
St. Aubin, Mr., in "Hernani" at Bridgewater House, 376, 396, 421.
Stansbury, Mr., 472.
"Star of Seville," 319, 389; finished, 395; unbecoming language of, 423, 435, 445, 472, 478, 479. 480; reading it to the family, 489; "cut" for the stage, 495; publication, 497, 514; brought out first in New York, 554.
Stein, Madame von, Goethe's letters to, 339
Stephens (see Essex, Countess of).
Stephenson, Geo., first experiment at a railway, 278; characteristics, 279, 298, 455; contrasted with Lord Alvanley, 456.
Sterling, John, 183; daily promise, 185, 293; marriage, 326; in Spanish expedition, ib.
Sterky, Mr., 321.
Stewart, Charles Edward (the Pretender), relics of, 156.
Stewart, Mary, 489.
St. Lawrence, Rapids of the, 380.
St. Maur, Lady (nee Georgiana Sheriden).
St. Paul's, Lawrence's burial in, 240.
"Stranger, The," 315, 327; at Plymouth, 445; Charles Young in, 462.
St. Sidwell's church, 440.
Storace, 500.
Stukely, 440, 446.
Singer, a diminutive, 453.
Sullivan, Mrs., 341, 348; Rev. Fred., 348.
Sully, his picture of Fanny Kemble as Beatrice, 367.
Sumner, Charles, 543.
Switzerland, 277.
Taglioni, 400, 564.
Talbot, Colonel, 346.
Tales of a chaperon, 348.
Talma, 25, 65.
"Tasso," 351
Taylor, Jeremy, 104.
Taylor, Tom, "The King's Wager," 308.
Taylor, Miss, as Helen in the "Hunchback," 378, 519; as Margaret de Valois in "Francis I.," 508; in "The Hunchback," 519.
"Tempest, The," 269, 555.
Tennyson, Alfred, 167; his brothers, 483; first poems, 184; "The May Queen," "OEnone," and the "Miller's Daughter," 185, 294; an unpromising exterior, 519; poems of, 581.
Terry, 142.
Thackeray, W.M., 126, 167, 183; broken nose, 490, 496.
Thackeray, Dr., 393.
Thames Tunnel, 120.
Theatre Francais, 258.
Theatre patents, 339.
Therese Heyne (Madame Huber), 347.
Thorwaldsen, 343.
Tieck, 29, 80, 353; "The Elves," 516.
Titian's Venuses, and "Venus and Adonis," 271; Bacchus and Ariadne, 475.
Tiverton, the member for, 270.
Tom Thumb, Miss Poole as, 480.
Torrijos, General, 293, 326, 356.
Tree, Miss Ellen, as Romeo, 200.
Tree, Miss (Mrs. Bradshaw), 497; as Francoise de Foix, in "Francis I.," 508.
Trelawney, Mr., 436; author of "Adventures of a Younger Son," 582.
Trench, Richard, 183, 293; return from Spain, 356; share in Spanish exhibition, 376; shot in Spain, 479, 514.
Trenton Falls, 103.
"Tristram Shandy," 519.
Trueba, Don Telesforo de, "The Exquisites," 395, 405.
Turnerelli, his bust of Fanny Kemble, 365, 499
Tweed, Scott's residence on the, 265.
Twiss, Horace, 86, 87, 170, 236, 331; put into Parliament by Lord Clarendon, 335; aspect at defeat of Reform Bill, 344; speech on Reform Bill, 344, 387.
Twiss, Horace's father, 107.
Twiss, John, 15.
Twiss, Miss, 158.
Twiss, Mrs., 256; the Misses, 130.
"Vivian Grey," 122.
Vinci, Leonardo da, 476.
Victorine, 507.
Victoria, Princess, 475.
Viardot, Mme., 205.
Vestris, Madame, 383.
"Vestiges of Creation," 161.
"Venice, Gentleman of," 513.
"Venice, History of." 474, 513.
"Venice Preserved," 425, 433, 444; at Weymouth, 451, 470.
Vanbrugh, Sir John, 399.
"Valeria," 436.
Wade, his plays "The Jew of Aragon" and "Griselda," 306; self-control, 307.
Wainwright, Dr., 544.
Waldegrave, Lord, 417.
Wales, Prince of, 3.
Wales, Princess of, 251.
Wallack, J.W., 539.
Wallenstein, 474.
Walpole, Horace, 303, 414.
Ward, 366, 484; Joseph Surface, 487; in "Katharine of Cleves," 489; as Fazio, 323; as The Monk in "Francis I.," 508.
Warwick Castle, 106.
Warwick, Lord, 90.
Washington, George, 567.
Water in New York, 537.
Watson, Dr., 463.
Weber, Baron Carl Maria von, "Der Freyschuetz," 94; "Oberon," 95; "Always my music, but never myself," 96; appearance and manner, 97; impatience with Braham and Miss Paton, 97; Huon's opening song, 98; death, 100.
Webster, Daniel, speeches of, 547; letters of introduction to, 561.
"Wednesday Morning," 390, 393, 394.
Wellington, Duke of, 101, 124, 244; at opening of new railroad, 284, 299, 304; bitter pill to Lawrence, 393, 460; threatening to pull down his statue, 461, 474.
Welsh, Mr., Miss Sheriff's instructor, 464.
West Indies, 483.
West India Dock, 120.
Westmacott, editor of the Age, thrashed by Charles Kemble, 310, 314.
Westminster Abbey, John Kemble's monument, 65, 240.
Westminster, Henry Kemble's education at, 108, 110, 267, 482.
Westminster Committee, The, 278.
Weybridge, 75, 79, 81, 111, 388, 396, 399, 442.
Weymouth, 449.
Wieland, 80, 95.
Willet, 108.
William IV., 95, 96.
Wharncliffe, Earl of (see Wortley, James, 349).
"White Devil, The," 353.
Whitelock, Mrs., 15, 105, 106, 355, 418, 420.
"Wife of Antwerp, The," 475.
"Wilhelm Meister," 339.
Wilkes, 490.
Wilkinson, Mrs., 466.
Willett, Mr., 513.
William IV., his natural son by Mrs. Jordan, 227, 390; ignorance of art, 393.
Wilmot, Mr., 348.
Wilson, Dr., 462, 463.
Wilson, 142, 178; in "Artaxerxes," 465.
Winckelmann, his work on classical art, 217.
Wood, Mr., 98.
Worcester (see Beaufort, Duke of).
Wordsworth, 166.
Worsley, 270.
Worsley Hall, 375.
Wortley, James, 342, 349.
Wraxall, 104.
Wray, Miss. 124.
Wroxton Abbey, 388.
Yates, Mr., as a friend, 508.
Yates, Mrs., in "Victorine," 507.
York, Archbishop of, 230.
York, Duchess of, 403.
York, Duke of, 77, 85.
Young, Charles, anecdotes of, 10; accomplishments and disposition, 11; death at Brighton, 12, 115, 117, 118, 181; in "Rienzi," 354; at Bridgewater House, 421; as Pierre, 461; in "The Stranger," 462; helping Covent Garden, 464, 472.
Young, Rev. Julian, 40, 251, 504.
Zanga, 351.
Zermatt, Mount. 84.
[Transcriber's note:
The following names were changed in the index for consistency with the text: Alleghany was Allegheny Belzoni Belzini Biagioli Biagoli Der Freyschuetz Der Freyschutz Flore, Mlle. Flore, Mlle. Foscolo, Ugo Foscolo, Uga Nourit Nouritt Pickersgill Puckersgill Roxolane Roxolaine Sakuntala Sakuntala Sonnambula Somnambula Therese Heyne Therese Heyne Winckelmann Winckelman
Cesar Malan Cesar Malan (under Kemble, Frances Anne) Josephine Josephine (Bonaparte's letters to, under Kemble, Frances Anne) Francoise de Foix Francoise de Foix (under Tree, Miss)]
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