Included here are quotations and references to subjects in the eight volumes of "The Writings of Abraham Lincoln". It begins with his first political address in 1832 and ends with a hastily scrawled note on the day of his assassination. I hoped that the design of the html page with quotations scrolling down along the side of various steel engravings and photographs of this great man might give the words a greater impact. D. W.
100,000 slaves are now in the United States military service
Abolishing slavery in Washington, DC
Abraham or "Abram"
Act in such a manner as to create no bad feeling
Affected contempt of refinement
All know where he went in at; can't tell where he will come out at
All agreed on this except South Carolina and Georgia
And the war came
As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master
Ask of you military success, and I will risk the dictatorship
Bad promises are better broken than kept
Better for their own good than if they had been successful
Boiling the shadow of a pigeon that had starved to death
Bread that his own hands have earned
Came forward and made a virtue of necessity
Common right of humanity
Compensated Emancipation
Conspiracy to perpetuate and nationalize slavery
Constitution alludes to slavery three times
Could not afford to make money
Counterfeit logic
Crime to tell him that he is free!
Danger of third-parties
Declaring the African slave trade piracy
Direct while appearing to obey
Dirge of one who has no title to himself
Distinction between a purpose and an expectation
Don't think it will do him a bit of good either
Dred Scott
Endeavoring to blow up a storm that he may ride upon
Estimated as mere brutes—as rightful property
Events control me; I cannot control events
Explanations explanatory of explanations explained
Familiarize yourselves with the chains of bondage
Father's request for money
Female Spy
First Overtures for Surrender from Davis
Five-star Mother
Forbids the marrying of white people with negroes
Forever forbid the two races living together
Fort Pillow Massacre
Four Score and Seven Years Ago
Frankly that I am not in favor of negro citizenship
Free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia
Fugitive Slave law
Further Democratic Party Criticism
General Grant is a copious worker
General McClellan's Tired Horses
Get along without making either slaves or wives of negroes
God gave him but little, that little let him enjoy
Government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free
Government was made for the white people
Grant—very meager writer or telegrapher
Grant's Exclusion of a Newspaper Reporter
Gratuitous Hostility
Hard to affirm a negative
House divided against itself cannot stand
I can't spare that man, he fights!
I must say I do not think myself fit for the Presidency
I authorize no bargains and will be bound by none
I shall go to the wall for bread and meat
I like the system which lets a man quit when he wants to
Idealization which so easily runs into the commonplace
If the minority will not acquiesce, the majority must
If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong
If you do not like him, let him alone
Ills you fly from have no real existence
In the course of ultimate extinction
Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors
Is there in all republics this inherent and fatal weakness?
It is bad to be poor
Jibes and sneers in place of argument
Judges are as honest as other men, and not more so
Just leave her alone
Lee's army, and not Richmond, is your true objective point
Letter Suggesting a Beard
Lincoln's Definition of Democracy
Localized Repeal of Writ of Habeas Corpus
Malice Toward None, with Charity for All
Man cannot prove a negative
Massacre of Three Hundred Colored Soldiers
Men interested to misunderstand
Middle ground between the right and the wrong??
Missouri Compromise
Mixing of blood by the white and black races
More a man speaks the less he is understood
Mother of Five Sons Who Have Died
Mrs. Lincoln's Rebel Brother-in-law Killed
Need not have her for either, I can just leave her alone
Needs New Tires on His Carriage
Negro Troops
Never stir up litigation
News of Grant's Capture of Vicksburg
No wrong without its remedy
No man can be silent if he would
Not appearing on the appointed wedding day
Not Be Much Oppressed by a Debt Which They Owe to Themselves
Not seldom ragged, usually patched, and always shabby
Not Best to Swap Horses When Crossing a Stream
Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time
One long step removed from honest men
Order expelling all Jews from your department
Order of Retaliation
Ox jumped half over a fence
Patronizing if not contemptuous condescension
Pay and send substitutes
Peace at any price rose on all sides
Printing Money
Probably forever forbid their living together
Public opinion in this country is everything
Repeal of the Missouri Compromise
Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law
Repentance before forgiveness
Reply to Secretary Seward's Memorandum
Revolutions never go backward
Revolutions do not go backward
Right to eat the bread he earns
Right makes might
Secession is the essence of anarchy
Seward's Bid for Power
Sherman's March to the Sea
Should be permitted to keep the little he has
Slavery was recognized, by South and North alike, as an evil
Smallest are often the most difficult things to deal with
Story of the Emancipation Proclamation
Suppressing all declarations that slavery is wrong
Take advice with candid readiness
Taking care to cut his expressions close
That Some Should Be Rich Shows That Others May Become Rich
The animal must be very slim somewhere
Thought of their mind—articulated in his tongue
Too Lazy to Be Anything but a Lawyer
Too silly to require any sort of notice
Trembled for his country
Two Sons Who Want to Work
Uncommon power of clear and compact statement
Wanting to work is so rare a want
War at the Best Is Terrible
We Accepted this War, and Did Not Begin it
We do not want to dissolve the Union; you shall not
What I deal with is too vast for malicious dealing
Who has the right needs not to fear
Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad
Wilmot Proviso
Wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief
World Has Never Had a Good Definition of the Word Liberty
Would Make War Rather than Let the Nation Survive
Would Accept War Rather than Let it Perish
You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it
You were right and I was wrong
You are not lazy, and still you are an idler
If you wish to read the entire context of any of these quotations, select a short segment and copy it into your clipboard memory—then open the appropriate eBook and paste the phrase into your computer's find or search operation.