Quotes and Images From Memoirs of Count Grammont
by Anthony Hamilton
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By Anthony Hamilton

With notes by Sir Walter Scott

All day poring over his books, and went to bed soon

Ambition to pass for a wit, only established her tiresome

An affectation of purity of manners

As all fools are who have good memories

Better memory for injuries than for benefits

Better to know nothing at all, than to know too much

Better to partake with another than to have nothing at all

Busy without consequence

By a strange perversion of language, styled, all men of honour

Despising everything which was not like themselves

Devote himself to his studies, than to the duties of matrimony

Duke would see things if he could

Embellish the truth, in order to enhance the wonder

Entreating pardon, and at the same time justifying her conduct

Envy each other those indulgences which themselves refuse

Every thing that is necessary is honourable in politics

Four dozen of patches, at least, and ten ringlets of hair

Good attendants, but understood cheating still better

Great earnestness passed for business

Grew so fat and plump that it was a blessing to see her

Hardly possible for a woman to have less wit, or more beauty

He had no sentiments but such as others inspired him with

He talked eternally, without saying anything

He as little feared the Marquis as he loved him

His mistress given him by his priests for penance

How I must hate you, if I did not love you to distraction

Impenetrable stupidity (passed) for secrecy

Impertinent compliments

Life, in his opinion, was too short to read all sorts of books

Long habit of suffering himself to be robbed by his domestics

Maxim of all jealous husbands

Never felt the pressure of indigence

Not disagreeable, but he had a serious contemplative air

Not that he wanted capacity, but he was too self-sufficient

Obstinate against all other advices

Offended that his good fortune raised him no rivals

One amour is creditable to a lady

Possessed but little raillery, and still less patience

Public is not so easily deceived as some people imagine

Public grows familiar with everything by habit

Reasons of state assume great privileges

Resolved to renounce the church for the salvation of my soul

She just said what she ought, and no more

So weak as to transform your slave into your tyrant

Terrible piece of furniture for the country (educated girl)

The shortest follies are the best

There are men of real merit, or pretenders to it

They can by no means bear the inconstancy of their mistresses

Those who open a book merely to find fault

Very willing to accept, but was tardy in making returns

Wealth was necessary for the conveniencies of a long life

What jealousy fears, and what it always deserves

What a glory would it be to have a Cato for a husband

Would have been criminal even in chastity to spare (her husband)

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