silky, a. sericeous, silken.
sill, n. threshold; window sill.
silliness, n. folly, foolishness, puerility, stupidity, inanity, inaneness, absurdity, senselessness, ineptitude.
silly, a. witless, foolish, simple, fatuous, imbecile, half-witted; stupid, unwise, inept, absurd, inane, nonsensical, senseless, puerile.
silver, n. argentum; bullion (uncoined silver). Associated words: filigree, platinum, desilverize, desilverization, patio, vermeil, fulguration, silversmith.
silvery, a. silver, argent, argentine, argentous, argentiferous.
similar, a. like, corresponding, resembling, homogeneous, analogous.
similarity, n. analogy, homogeneity, likeness, similitude, correspondence.
simile, n. comparison, metaphor.
simoon, n. desert wind, khamsin, samiel.
simper, n. smirk.
simple, a. incomplex, uncompounded, single, elementary, uncombined, mere; plain, unaffected, artless, naive, unsophisticated; credulous, gullible, silly, oafish. Antonyms: complex, complicated, intricate, artful, crafty, elaborate.
simpleton, n. dolt, dunce, numskull, lackbrain, oaf, witling, fool.
simulate, v. pretend, feign.
simulation, n. pretense, feint, feigning, affectation.
simultaneous, a. contemporaneous, synchronal, synchronous.
sin, n. iniquity, transgression, wickedness, delinquency, peccadillo, offense, peccancy, unrighteousness. Associated Words: ponerology, hamartiology, peccable, peccability, peccant, peccavi, impeccable, impeccability.
sin, v. do wrong, trespass, transgress.
sincere, a. heartfelt, genuine, unfeigned, undissembling. Antonyms: See insincere.
sincerity, n. honesty, unaffectedness, frankness. Antonyms: insincerity, dissimulation.
sinew, n. tendon; muscle, thew.
sinful, a. iniquitous, wrong, immoral, wicked, depraved, vicious, unrighteous.
sinfulness, n. iniquity, immorality, depravity, wickedness.
sing, v. carol, warble, chant, hymn, hum, troll, yodel, croon.
singe, v. sweal, swale, scorch.
singer, n. vocalist, songster, songstress, minstrel, chanter, cantatrice, cantor, prima donna, precentor, bard, troubadour, jongleur, musician.
single, a. individual, alone, particular, isolated, sporadic, solitary; unmarried, celibate; simple, unmixed; honest, sincere, ingenuous, frank.
single, v. single out, choose, select, separate, isolate, segregate.
single-hearted, a. sincere, honest, guileless.
single-minded, a. artless, undesigning, guileless.
singsong, n. monotone.—a. monotonous, drawling.
singular, a. unusual, unconventional, uncommon, strange, peculiar, unwonted, rare, extraordinary, exceptional, odd, whimsical, eccentric, bizarre, queer, unique, unprecedented, unexampled, curious.
singularity, n. peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, individuality; curiosity, freak, abnormality, rarity, abnormity, queerness, eccentricity.
sinister, a. left; unlucky, inauspicious, evil, wrong, forbidding.
sink, v. subside, descend, decline, fall; immerse, submerge, engulf, merge.
sinker, n. plummet.
sinking, n. subsidence, fall, decrease, decline.
sinless, a. innocent, guiltless, undefiled, perfect, blameless, faultless.
sinner, n. wrong-doer, delinquent, miscreant, trespasser. See wrong-doer.
siren, a. bewitching, fascinating, enticing.
sister, n. Associated Words: sororicide, sororize, sorosis, sororal.
site, n. location.
sitting, n. Associated Words: sedentary, assession, astasia.
situation, n. position, place, post, employment, job, location, site, station, position; circumstance, condition, plight, predicament, exigency.
sitz bath. hip bath.
six, n. Associated Words: sexenary, hexaplar, sextant, sextuple, sextet, sestet, sextic, senary.
six-cornered, a. hexangular, hexagonal.
six days. hexahemeron.
six fingers or toes. Associated Words: sexidigitism, sexidigitist.
sixfold, a. sextuple.
six-footed, a. hexapod.
six months. semester. Associated Words: half-yearly, semi-annual, bi-annual, semestral.
six-sided, a. cubic, hexahedral, hexagonal.
six-sided body. cube, hexahedron.
six-sided figure. hexagon.
sixty, n. Associated Words: sexagenary, sexagesimal.
sixty years. Associated Words: sexagenarian, sexagenary.
six years. Associated Words: sexennial, sexennially.
size, n. magnitude, volume, dimensions, amplitude, bulk, extent, bigness.
skedaddle, v. (Slang) run away, flee, decamp, scuttle, scamper, scurry.
skeptic, n. unbeliever, infidel.
skeptical, a. doubtful, disbelieving, incredulous. Antonym: credulous.
skepticism, n. doubt, incredulity, infidelity; Pyrrhonism. Antonym: credulity.
sketch, n. draught, outline, plan, drawing, design, scenario, esquisse.
sketch, v. draught, portray, draw, depict, delineate.
skid, n. drag, clog, skidpan.
skill, n. adroitness, ingenuity, cleverness, technic, dexterity, proficiency, expertness, facility, deftness, knack. Antonyms: maladroitness, empiricism, quackery, inexpertness, clumsiness.
skillful, a. skilled, expert, adroit, dexterous, adept, masterly, proficient, deft, able, efficient, competent, accomplished. Antonyms: unskillful, empirical, maladroit.
skimp, v. (Colloq.) scamp, slight, scrimp, save.
skimpy, a. (Colloq.) scant, skimp.
skin, n. integument, tegument, derm; epidermis, cuticle, scarfskin; true skin, dermis, derma, cutis; membrane, epithelium, ecteron, enderon, ecderon; pelt, pell, pelage, peltry; hide, kip; husk, hull, glume; (of fruit) peel, peeling, rind, paring, epicarp; pellicle, film; episperm, testa, tegmen; slough, exuviae (cast-off-skin); parchment, vellum. Antonyms: pulp, flesh. Associated Words: dermatology, dermatologist, dermic, dermatic, dermal, cutaneous, dermatitis, dermatography, dermatoid, smegma, caul, dermatopathic, dermoplastic, dermoplasty, hypodermic, subcutaneous, dermatopathy, exuviate, exuviation, desquamate, desquamation, slough, dermatophyte, dermostosis, cuticular, epidermal, apellous, abrasion, emphractic, excoriation.
skin, v. flay, excoriate; pare, peel; (Slang) cheat, defraud, fleece.
skin-deep, a. superficial.
skinflint, n. miser, niggard, curmudgeon, scrimp, screw.
skinny, a. emaciated, gaunt, rawboned, poor.
skip, v. omit, pass, disregard; caper, gambol, jump, leap; ricochet.
skip, n. omission; gambol, caper, hop, leap; ricochet.
skipper, n. sea-captain; cheese maggot.
skirt, n. petticoat (underskirt); kilt; fustanella; kirtle; margin, border, edge, rim.
skirt opening. placket.
skit, n. reflection, jeer, gibe, satire, squib.
skittish, a. timorous, shy; volatile, restless, wanton.
skulk, v. sneak, slink, lurk.
skull, n. cranium; death's-head. Associated Words: cranial, acrania, acranial, craniology, phrenology, trepan, trephine, fontanel, sphenoid, cephalism, parietes, parietal, crossbones, occiput, frontal, sinciput.
skullcap, a. calotte.
sky, n. firmament, welkin, empyrean, azure, the heavens. Associated words: meridian, zenith, nadir, horizon, uranology, uranography, zodiac.
sky-blue, a. azure, cerulean.
skyey, a. ethereal.
slack, a. lax, loose, relaxed; remiss, negligent, careless, shiftless; inactive, slow.
slacken, v. moderate, retard, slack, reduce; loosen, relax; diminish, abate, mitigate; slake; relax, flag.
slackness, n. looseness, laxity, negligence, remissness, carelessness, shiftlessness; relaxation, diminution.
slag, n. scoria, cinders, recrement, dross, refuse.
slake, v. quench; slack; abate, decrease, allay.
slam-bang, adv. (Collog.) violently, forcibly, noisily, loudly.
slander, v. malign, defame, traduce, asperse, vilify, calumniate, backbite, scandalize, libel.
slander, n. defamation, calumny, aspersion, libel, vilification, scandal, abuse, traducement, backbiting, roorback, vituperation.
slanderous, a. defamatory, malicious, vituperative, calumnious, libellous.
slant, n. slope, incline, inclination, obliquity.—v. slope, incline.
slanting, a. sloping, oblique, slant.—n. obliquity, inclination, tilt.
slap, n. cuff, buffet.—v. box, cuff, buffet.
slap, adv. (Colloq.) suddenly, violently, unceremoniously, instantly.
slap-dash, adv. (Colloq.) carelessly, at random, all at once.
slash, n. incision, gash, cut, slit.
slate, n. argillite, argillaceous schist; grapholite.—v. enroll, register.
slated, a. registered, enrolled (for an appointment).
slattern, n. draggle-tail, drab, trollop, niopsy, malkin, drabble-tail.
slatternly, a. slattern, untidy, draggle-tailed.
slaughter, n. butchery. See killing.
slaughter-house, n. abattoir, shambles.
slave, n. vassal, bond servant, bondslave, bondman, thrall, serf, captive, helot; drudge. Associated Words: abolitionism, abolitionist, blackbird, maroon.
slave, v. drudge, toil, moil.
slavery, n. bondage, enslavement, servitude, inthrallment, captivity, bond service, vassalage, thralldom, subjection, helotism; drudgery.
slave warehouse. barracoon.
slavish, a. servile, menial, abject, groveling.
sleazy, a. flimsy, thin, gauzy.
sled, n. sleigh, sledge, toboggan.
sleek, a. smooth, glossy.
sleek, adv. (Low) easily, dexterously.
sleep, v. slumber, repose; doze, drowse; lie dormant; hibernate; lodge.
sleep, n. slumber, repose; nap, doze, drowse, snooze, dozing; siesta; dormancy, lethargy; trance; sopor, coma, carus; somnipathy, somnolism; dogsleep. Associated Words: hypnology, hypnotic, agrypnotic, hypnosis, hypnotism, narcotic, opiate, dwale, somniloquence, somniloquism, somnial, somniferous, hypnophobia, hypnogogic, stupefacient, mesmeric, soporific, dormitive, soporiferous, soporous, somnific, somnolent, somniloquous, antihypnotic, morphean, oversleep, morphine, narcosis, lullaby, incubation, hypnogenic, Mara, Morpheus, Hypnos, Somnus, dormitory, diurnation, cubicle, insomniac, hibernation, somnipathist, somniloquist, agrypnia, wake, awaken.
sleeper, n. slumberer; drone, sluggard; tie; joist.
sleepiness, n. drowsiness, somnolence.
sleeping, a. asleep, slumbering, dormant.
sleepless, a. wakeful, insomnious, insomnolent.
sleeplessness, n. wakefulness, insomnia, insomnolence.
sleep of plants. nyctitropism. Associated Word: nyctitropic.
sleepwalker, n. somnambulist, noctambulist, somnambulator, somnambule.
sleepwalking, n. somnambulism, somnambulation, somnambulance, noctambulism, noctambulation. Associated Words: somnambulate, somnambulistic, somnambular, somnambulic.
sleepy, a. drowsy, somnolent, dozy; soporiferous, somniferous, soporific, dormitive, narcotic, somnific, hypnotic; dormant, sluggish, lethargic, torpid, dull.
sleeve, n. Associated Word: chevron.
sleigh, n. cutter, sled, sledge, bobsled, toboggan, jumper, pung.
sleight of hand. prestidigitation, jugglery, legerdemain, magic, conjury. Associated Words: prestidigitator, juggler, conjurer, magician, legerdemamist.
slender, a. slim, slight, thin, spare, lank, spindling; delicate, feeble, fragile, frail, tenuous; trivial, inconsiderable; abstemious, frugal, spare, plain.
slice, n. chop, collop; rasher, flitch.
slick, a. sleek, sleeky, smooth.
slide, n. slip; flume, shoot, chute.
slide, v. slip, glide, lapse, elapse, skid.
slight, a. inconsiderable, trivial, insignificant, trifling, petty, paltry; desultory, cursory, superficial, indifferent.
slight, n. neglect, inattention, disregard, snub.
slight, v. overlook, neglect, disregard, ignore.
slightly, adv. somewhat; superficially, cursorily, hastily.
slim, a. thin, gaunt, poor, lank, spare, spindling, meager; slight, insufficient, inconsiderable, paltry.
slime, n. mud, mire, ooze, liman.
slimsy, a. (Colloq.) flimsy, frail, poor.
slip, v. slide, glide; err, trip; omit, lose; foist; elapse.
slip, n. lapse, error, indiscretion, transgression, peccadillo, mistake; twig, cutting, scion, shoot; escape, riddance, desertion; wrapper, covering.
slipper, n. slipshoe; (Oriental) baboosh, babouche.
slipperiness, n. smoothness, glibness, lubricity.
slippery, a. smooth, glib; inconstant, unstable; loose, incontinent, lubric.
slipshod, a. slovenly, careless, negligent.
slit, n. gash, incision.
sliver, n. splinter.
slobber, v. drivel, drool, slabber, slaver; smear, daub, defile.
slogan, n. war cry, rallying cry.
slope, v. slant, incline.
slope, n. inclination, slant, obliquity, acclivity; declivity.
sloping, a. oblique, slanting; acclivous; declivous.
slosh, n. slush, sludge.
sloth, n. sluggishness, indolence, laziness.
slothful, a. dronish, lazy, indolent, supine, sluggish, idle, inactive.
slouchy, a. slouching, ungainly, awkward.
slough, n. quagmire, bog, morass; swale; exuviae.
sloughing, n. ecdysis, exuviation.
slovenly, a. untidy, disorderly, frowzy, careless.
slow, a. deliberate, moderate, gradual; dilatory, languid, unready, phlegmatic, lingering, torpid, sluggish, slack, leisurely; (Colloq.) wearisome, dull, prosaic, uninteresting, tiresome.
slow, v. slacken, relax, moderate, delay, retard.
sluggish, a. idle, lazy, slothful; inactive, slow, inert.
slump, n. (Colloq.) depreciation.
slur, v. soil, sully; disparage, traduce, asperse; blur, mackle.
slur, n. stain, mark; innuendo, reproach, brand.
slush, n. slosh, sludge.
slut, n. bitch (femaledog); slattern, quean, malkin.
sly, a. cautious, nimble, skillful, arch, wary, knowing, shrewd, cunning, wily, artful; subtle, stealthy, clandestine, covert, surreptitious, furtive.
smack, n. taste; kiss, buss; crack, snap.
smacking, a. brisk, smart, resounding.
small, a. little, minute, diminutive, petty, slight, inconsiderable, puny, tiny, weazened, undeveloped, dwarfish, runty, wee, stunted, inappreciable, undersized, atrophied; miniature; trivial, insignificant, trifling, frivolous; mean, narrow-minded, illiberal, sordid, ungenerous, contracted; short, limited; piping, feeble, weak; microscopic, infinitesimal, molecular, corpuscular, atomic, fine; homeopathic.
smallpox, n. variola; varioloid (modified smallpox after vaccination). Associated words: vaccination, vaccine, virus, variolation, vaccinate, pock, pockmark, pockmarked, antivariolus, variolus, pocky, papule, pustule.
smart, v. sting, prick, suffer.
smart, a. acute, bright, clever, apt, brilliant, gifted, talented; precocious; vigorous, energetic, forcible; fashionable, pretentious, trim, elegant; fresh, smacking, brisk; agile, nimble, lively; pungent, poignant, intense, keen. Antonyms: dull, inapt, dowdy, tawdry.
smash, v. shiver, crush.—n. destruction, ruin, wreck; bankruptcy.
smatterer, n. sciolist, superficialist.
smattering, n. sciolism, superficial knowledge.
smear, v. besmear, daub.—n. smooch, smutch, blotch, daub.
smeary, a. dauby, sticky, viscous.
smell, n. olfaction; odor, savor, scent; (sweet smell) fragrance, aroma, perfume, redolence; (offensive smell) stink, fetor, stench. Antonyms: inodorousness, scentlessness, anosmia. Associated Words: olfactory, reek, fume, perfume, inodorous, malodorous, odoriferous, odorous, osphresiology, osphretic, odorless, deodorize, deodorization, emanation, effluvium, sniff, whiff, disinfect, disinfection, unsavory, savory.
smell, v. scent; savor; stink.
smelling, n. olfaction, osmesis (Med.).
smelling salts. sal-volatile, carbonate of ammonia. Associated word: vinaigrette.
smile, n. smiling; propitiousness, favor.
smirch, n. smutch, discoloration, smooch.
smirk, n. simper, sneer.
smite, v. strike, buffet; blast, destroy; afflict, chasten, visit.
smithereens, n. pl. (Colloq.) atoms, fragments, smithers, splinters.
smitten, p.p. of smite. stricken; blasted; afflicted, chastened; enamored, fascinated, infatuated, captivated.
smock, n. shift, chemise, shirt, blouse.
smockfaced, a. smoothfaced, girlish, beardless.
smoke, n. fume, reek, effluvium; smudge (dense smoke). Associated words: capnomancy, flue, chimney, soot, tewel.
smoke, v. reek; fume; infumate; fumigate; suffumigate; smolder.
smoking, n. smoldering; fuming; fumigation; infumation suffumigation.
smoky, a. fumid, fumy, sooty, reeky, fumacious, fuliginous.
smooch, n. smutch, stain, smudge.
smooth, v. level, plane, sleek, flatten, planish, levigate; facilitate, pave.
smooth, a. even, plain, flat, level, abraded, levigated, slippery, sleek, glary; unruffled, placid; voluble, fluent; suave, oily, bland, insinuating, flattering, smooth-tongued. Antonyms: rough, abrupt.
smoothfaced, a. beardless, smockfaced.
smoothness, n. evenness, levelness, sleekness; volubility, fluency; suavity.
smooth over. palliate, gloze, extenuate, mitigate.
smooth-spoken, a. smooth-tongued, adulatory, plausible, glib. Antonyms: brusque, abrupt.
smother, v. suffocate, stifle; extinguish, repress, suppress; smolder.
smuggler, n. contrabandist.
smut, n. scot, dirt, smutch; mildew, blight; obscenity, lewdness, ribaldry.
smut, v. stain, blacken, sully, tarnish; crock.
smutty, a. obscene, lewd, ribald, indecent, gross.
snail, n. sluggard, drone; slug.
snake, n. serpent, reptile. See serpent.
snakestone, n. madstone; ammonite.
snaky, a. serpentine, winding; insinuating, subtle, deceitful.
snap, n. spell, period, season, interval; catch, clasp; fillip, crack, smack, fico; (Collog.) energy, briskness, vigor; (Slang) sinecure.
snappish, a. captious, irascible, testy, petulant, splenetic, cross.
snare, n. catch, wile, trap, gin, lure, decoy, trapan, toils.
snarl, v. entangle, complicate, involve, knot; confuse, enmesh, insnare; growl, gnarl. Antonyms: disentangle, unravel, extricate.
snarl, n. complication, entanglement, intricacy, knot; confusion; growl.
snarler, n. growler, grumbler, fault-finder, cynic.
snatch, v. seize, grasp, gripe, wrest, pluck, grab, twitch.
sneak, v. skulk, slink, lurk, snoop.
sneaking, a. lurking, skulking, slavish, underhand, covert, stealthy.
sneer, v. mock, gibe, scoff, flout, jeer, deride, ridicule, scout.
sneer, n. gibe, scoff, jeer, gird, derision.
sneezing, n. sternutation. Associated Words: sternutative, sternutatory.
snicker, n. giggle, titter, snigger.
snide, a. (Slang) tricky, deceptive, dishonest, fraudulent.
sniff, v. snuff; scent, smell.—n. snuff, breath.
snivel, n. mucus, snot.
snob, n. upstart, pretender, parvenu; rat, knobstick.
snobbish, a. pretentious, assuming, overbearing, uppish.
snoring, n. Associated Word: stertorous.
snot, n. snivel, mucus (from the nose).
snotty, a. snively, mean, despicable.
snout, n. nose (of a beast), muzzle, proboscis; nozzle.
snow, n. Associated Words: pluviography, flurry, sleet, spoondrift, drift, flake, igloo, slush, avalanche, hyetology, meteorology, blizzard.
snowy, a. niveous, snowlike.
snub, v. slight, ignore, disregard.
snub, n. slight, check, rebuke.
snuff, n. maccaboy, rappee; sniff.
snug, a. cozy; concealed, close; comfortable, compact.
snuggle, v. nestle, cuddle.
soak, v. drench, saturate; absorb, imbibe; macerate imbrue, steep.
soaked, a. drenched, saturated, sodden.
soaking, a. drenching, saturating.
soap, n. Associated Words: saponify, saponification, saponifiable, saponin, lather, suds.
soapiness, n. saponacity.
soap liniment. opodeldoc.
soapstone, n. steatite.
soapy, a. saponaceous.
sob, v. weep.
sober, a. temperate, abstinent, abstemious; unintoxicated; solemn, grave, demure, sedate; dispassionate, unimpassioned, calm, rational.
sobriety, n. soberness; gravity.
sociable, a. affable, friendly, companionable, genial, social, unreserved. Antonyms: unsociable, inaffable.
social, a. civil, civic; sociable; festive, convivial.
social evil. prostitution.
socialism, n. Communism, Fourierism, Saint Simonianism, humanitarianism.
society, n. sodality, association, fraternity, club, confraternity, guild; verein (Ger.); companionship, association, fellowship, company.
sockdologer, n. (Slang) poser, facer, settler, conclusive answer.
sod, n. sward, turf; peat.
sodden, a. boiled, seethed; soaked, saturated.
sofa, n. tete-a-tete, divan, causeuse.
soft, a. mellow; yielding, impressible, impressionable, malleable, fictile, plastic, pliable; bland, emollient, grateful, delicate, subdued; flexible, flaccid, facile, compliant, irresolute; conciliatory, mild; effeminate, unmanly silly, foolish; queachy.
soft coal. bituminous coal.
soften, v. intenerate, mollify; palliate, extenuate, qualify, modify, relax, mitigate, emolliate, appease, temper, abate; subdue, tone down.
softening, a. demulcent, lenient, assuasive, emollient, relaxing, mollient, mollifying.
softness, n. mellowness, impressibility, plasticity, flaccidity, fictility, emollescence.
soft parts of the body. Associated Word: sarcology.
soft soap. (Colloq.) blandishment, blarney, palaver, buncombe, wheedling, cajolery, flattery.
soil, n. ground, earth, dirt, humus, land, loam, mold; dirt, pollution, defilement; manure, dung, faeces, excrement.
soil, v. dirty, defile, pollute, besmear, contaminate, taint, besmirch, sully, tarnish, begrime.
soldier, n. warrior; private; cadet; recruit; veteran; cavalry; infantry; cohort; sepoy; chasseur; zouave; volunteer; conscript; myrmidon; cossack; guerrilla; trooper; skirmisher; grenadier; uhlan; dragoon.
soldierly, a. martial, military.
soldier's dress. uniform, regimentals.
solecism, n. blunder, impropriety, barbarism.
solemn, a. serious, sober, grave; impressive, awe-inspiring, august, majestic.
solemness, n. solemnity, gravity, impressiveness, seriousness.
solicit, v. ask, seek, request.
solicitation, n. request, instance, entreaty, invitation.
solid, a. dense, compact, hard, impenetrable, firm, unyielding, imporous, concrete, substantial; unanimous, united, undivided. Antonyms: porous, incompact, hollow, spongy, soft, plastic, unstable, fallacious.
solidness, n. solidity, firmness, compactness, stability, imporosity; validity.
soliloquy, n. monologue.
solitary, a. unfrequented, secluded, lonely; single, individual; eremetic, hermitical.
solitary, n. recluse, anchoret, hermit, eremite.
solitude, n. loneliness, isolation, seclusion, eremitism, retirement; wilderness. Associated Words: apanthropy, monophobia, eremophobia.
solution, n. dissolution, melting, liquefaction, resolution, disintegration; disentanglement, explanation, elucidation, explication.
solvent, n. menstruum, dissolvent, resolvent.
somersault, n. somerset.
sometimes, adv. at intervals, now and then, occasionally.
son, n. Associated Words: filial, filiation, unfilial, filicide, mulier, mulierty.
song, n. hymn, chant, lay, ditty, ballad, onody, chansonnette, lyric, lilt, lied, paean, cantata, aria, sonnet, strain, round, rhapsody, dirge, chanson.
songcraft, n. versification, poesy, poetry.
song of Solomon. canticle.
song of triumph. paean.
sonorous, a. resonant, resounding; high-sounding, stentorian, vibrant.
sonship, n. filiation.
soot, n. crock, smut.
soothe, v. compose, tranquilize, pacify, assuage, mollify, calm.
soothing, a. bland, emollient, demulcent, gratifying, quieting, sedative.
soothsayer, n. seer, prophet, diviner, haruspice, foreteller.
soothsaying, n. prophecy, augury, divination, prediction, prognostication.
sooty, a. fuliginous, soot-covered.
sophism, n. fallacy, paralogy, fallacious reasoning.
sophistical, a. fallacious, unsound.
sophistry, n. fallacy, paralogy, paralogism.
sophomoric, a. inflated, bombastic, pretentious.
soprano, n. descant, treble.
sorcerer, n. conjurer, necromancer, magician, enchanter, juggler, wizard.
sorcery, n. necromancy, magic, enchantment, witchcraft, black art.
sordid, a. low, degraded, abject, base.
sore, a. ulcerated, cankered, ulcerous, raw, inflamed, irritated; distressing, grievous, severe; grieved, pained, hurt, sensitive.
sore, n. ulcer, ulceration, imposthume, pustule, boil, abscess, canker, fester, blain, gathering; (venereal sore) chancre, chancroid. Associated Words: antiseptic, slough, proud flesh, poultice, salve, ointment, pledget, spleget.
sore, adv. grievously, sorely, severely, greatly.
sorrow, n. grief, regret, remorse, misery, heaviness, rue, unhappiness, contrition, dolor, agony, distress, compunction, bereavement.
sorrow, v. grieve, mourn, regret, deplore, bewail, lament.
sorrowful, a. See sad.
sorry, a. melancholy, mournful, dismal, depressing, sad; abject, despicable, miserable, mean, paltry, contemptible, pitiful; contrite, penitent, chagrined, pained.
sort, n. kind, species, character, description, strain, class.
sort, v. assort, classify; conjoin; choose, select, cull; consort, associate, fraternize; harmonize, agree, accord, conform.
so-so, a. middling, passable, tolerable, mediocre, ordinary, average.
sot, n. toper, drunkard, bibber.
soul, n. spirit, Psyche. Associated Words: psychology, psychic, psychological, psychomachy, transmigration, metempsychosis, psychogenesis, psychopannychism, theodicy, monopsychism.
sound, a. whole, intact, perfect, flawless, unimpaired; healthy; logical; severe, hard, heavy; sane, rational; profound, undisturbed, unbroken; valid, legal, lawful: seaworthy; sensible, irrefutable, convincing.
sound, n. strait, narrows, channel.
sound, v. fathom, gauge; examine, try, test, probe, explore; proclaim, publish, herald; resound.
sound, n. noise, report. Associated Words: acoustic, acoustics, acoustician, catacoustics, cataphonics, phonetic, phonetics, polycoustic, phonetism, phonology, polycoustics, diacoustics, diaphonics, phonic, soniferous, sonification, megaphone, sonorescence, diacritical, harmonics, phonation, polyphone, polyphonic, polyphonist, polyphony, monophonic, monophthong, homophone, homophonic, homophony, modulate, modulation.
sounding, n. bathymetry; examination; proclamation; resonance, reverberation.
sounding, a. sonorous, resonant, sonant.
soundless, a. unfathomable, abysmal; silent, noiseless, aphonic, surd.
sound-producing, a. sonorific.
soup, n. broth, bouillon, consomme, pottage, puree, bisk, bisque, julienne.
soup dish. tureen.
sour, a. acid, tart, acetose, acerbitous, acrid; rancid, musty; curdled, loppered; imbittered, morose, misanthropic, unamiable, dour, cynical, surly, grum, austere, crabbed, cross.
sour, v. curdle, acidify, lopper, spoil, acidulate; imbitter, embitter.
source, n. origin, spring, fountain, rise.
sourness, n. acidity, tartness, acerbity, sharpness; rancidity, mustiness; asperity, acrimony, moroseness, cynicism, crossness.
souse, v. pickle; douse, immerse, plunge, submerge.
soutane, n. cassock.
southerner, n. southron.
southern lights. aurora australis.
south wind. Auster, Notus.
souvenir, n. keepsake, reminder, memento; trophy.
sovereign, a. supreme, chief, paramount, predominant; controlling, effectual, efficacious.
sovereign, n. ruler, monarch.
sovereignty, n. dominion, supremacy, sway, empire, scepter, dynasty.
sow, v. propagate, disseminate, scatter, plant.
space, n. extension, vacancy; vacuum; distance, interval; interspace (intervening space); interstice; abyss. Associated Words: plenum, plenist, vacuist, spacial.
spacious, a. capacious, roomy, vast.
spade, n. spud (narrow, with long handle).
Spain, n. Iberia. Associated Words: Hispanicism, Hispanic, Spanish, Spaniard, Iberian.
span, n. nine inches; team, yoke, pair.
spare, v. forbear, refrain, be merciful.
spare, a. thin, lean, poor, gaunt, meager, lank; superfluous.
sparing, a. economical, frugal, saving, parsimonious, chary; scanty, scarce, meager; compassionate, indulgent, forbearing, merciful, lenient.
spark, v. court, woo, philander.
sparkle, v. glitter, coruscate, glisten, scintillate, twinkle, gleam.
sparkle, n. scintillation, glitter, gleaming, brilliancy.
sparkling, a. glittering, flashing, brilliant, twinkling, coruscant, glistening, lambent, scintillant, glistering; spirited, vigorous, impassioned, bright; mantling, gleaming, bubbling.
sparse, a. scattered, thin, innumerous, meager.
Spartan, a. hardy, undaunted, courageous, doughty.
spasm, n. convulsion, paroxysm, fit, throe.
spasmodic, a. intermittent, fitful, convulsive.
spat, n. tiff, quarrel, dispute, dissension.
spats, n. pl. gaiters, spatterdashes.
spawn, n. roe, ova, eggs (of fishes, frogs, etc.); mycelium.
speak, v. utter, pronounce, say, articulate, enunciate, express, talk; discourse, address, declaim, harangue, preach, lecture, rant, descant, expatiate; accost, address; declare, publish, proclaim, announce, bruit. Antonyms: repress, suppress, refrain.
speaker, n. orator, discourser, spokesman, prolocutor, mouthpiece, interlocutor, chairman.
speaking alone. monologue, soliloquy.
speaking together. conference, collocution.
spear, n. lance, javelin, harpoon, assagai, trident, jireed; shoot, spire, blade.
special, a. particular, especial, specific, exceptional.
specialty, n. particularity; speciality.
specie, n. coin, cash, metallic money.
species, n. group, class, kind, brood, sort, variety.
specific, a. definite, precise, specified; characteristic, particular, special.
specify, v. designate, particularize, individualize, name.
specimen, n. example, sample, model, copy, pattern.
specious, a. plausible; obvious, manifest.
speck, n. spot, stain; atom, mite, particle, bit.
speckle, v. speck, spot, dot.
speckled, a. spotted, mottled.
spectacle, n. scene, sight, show, exhibition, pageant.
spectator, n. beholder, witness, bystander, onlooker, observer.
specter, n. phantom, apparition, shade, ghost, manes, spirit, wraith, spook.
spectral, a. phantomlike, ghostly.
speculate, v. theorize, meditate, conjecture, guess, think.
speculation, n. theory, supposition, conjecture; contemplation, thought.
speculative, a. contemplative, meditative; theoretical, supposititious.
speech, a. utterance, speaking; language, talk, conversation, parlance, words; tongue, dialect; patois; discourse, oration, address, plea, declamation, dissertation, epilogue, allocution, exhortation, disquisition, effusion, descant; harangue, diatribe, tirade, screed, rhapsody, philippic, invective, rant; soliloquy, monologue; dialogue; colloquy; trialogue; interlocution; improvisation; toast; equivocation, prevarication, quibbling; ambages, pseudology, amphibology, amphiboly, dilogy. Associated Words: extempore, extemporaneous, extemporize, extemporization, impromptu, improvise, improvisation, brogue, aphasia, amnesia, oratory, elocution, rhetoric, oratorical, rhetorical, rhetorician, elocutionary, peroration, voluble, volubility, fluent, fluency.
speechless, a. dumb, mute, aphasic, inarticulate.
speechlessness, n. dumbness, muteness, obmutescence, taciturnity, aphasia.
speed, n. velocity, swiftness, rapidity, celerity, haste, expedition, dispatch, posthaste; impetuosity. Associated Words: tachymeter, tachometer, trechometer, stathmograph, momentum, impetus.
speed, v. hurry, hasten; accelerate, expedite, quicken, dispatch, facilitate; prosper, favor.
speedy, a. swift, quick, fast, rapid, fleet, hasty, hurried, expeditious.
spell, n. charm, incantation, exorcism; period, season, interval.
spell, v. orthographize; decipher, read, unravel, unfold; charm, bewitch.
spellbound, a. fascinated, charmed, enchanted, bewitched.
speller, n. orthographist, orthographer.
spelling, n. orthography. Associated Words: orthographic, phonetic, glossic, nomic, homographic, homography, homograph, heterographic, heterography, cacographic, cacography.
spend, v. expend, disburse.
spender, n. prodigal, spendthrift.
spending, n. expenditure, disbursement.
spendthrift, n. waster, spender, prodigal, squanderer
spent, a. exhausted, tired, consumed, worn out.
sperm-whale, n. cachelot, spermaceti whale.
sphere, n. globe, orb, ball; province, circuit, beat, purview, compass, circle; station, position, rank; region, domain, realm; orbit.
spice, n. condiment; piquancy, pungency.
spicy, a. aromatic, fragrant; piquant, pungent, sharp.
spider, n. araneidan; scorpion, tarantula; pl. Araneina, Arachnida. Associated Words: arachnology, arachnologist, araneidan, araneiform, web, arachnoid, arachnophagous, spinneret, arachnean, falcer, cobweb, cocoon, retiary, arachnidium.
spigot, n. stopper, plug, stopple.
spin, v. whirl, twirl, revolve, gyrate; protract, prolong, extend.
spinach, n. Associated Word: spinaceous.
spinal, a. vertebral, rachidian.
spinal cord. myelon, myel.
spindle-shaped, a. fusoid, fusiform.
spindling, a. tall and slender.
spine, n. backbone, spinal column, rachis, chine. Associated Words: Vertebrata, Invertebrata, vertebra, vertebrate, cyrtosis, chiropractic, chiropractor, spondyle, coccyx, rickets, ependyma, ependymis.
spineless, a. invertebrate.
spinet, n. virginal, clarichord.
spinning, n. whirling, twirling.
spiral, a. winding, cochleate, helical, turbinated, helicoid.
spire, n. steeple; shoot, stalk, blade, spear; top, peak, summit.
spirit, n. soul; shade, apparition, specter, ghost, phantom, revenant; animus; vivacity, energy, life, ardor, enthusiasm, zeal, force, intensity; temper, mood; meaning, intent, significance; pl. manes.
spirit, v. inspirit, animate, encourage; spirit away, carry off, kidnap, abduct.
spirited, a. animated, lively, ardent, mettlesome, fervent, passionate.
spit, v. expectorate; spawl, sputter; eject.
spit, n. spittle, sputum, saliva. Associated Words: salivary, salivous, salivant, salivate, salivation, ptyalin.
spite, n. malignity, malice, rancor, hate, resentment, defiance, spleen.
spiteful, a. malicious, malign, malignant, rancorous, hateful.
spitting, n. expectoration.
spittoon, n. cuspidor, spitbox.
splash, v. plash, dash, spatter, dabble.— n. daub, splotch, blot.
spleen, n. milt; anger, spite, malice, choler; melancholy, depression. Associated Words: splenic, splenetic, splenography, splenology, splenotomy, splenitis, lienal, lienitis, splenalgia, splenocele, splenoid.
spleeny, a. irritable, petulant, choleric, irascible; melancholy.
splendid, a. bright, brilliant; magnificent, grand, superb, imposing, sumptuous; illustrious, glorious, distinguished, celebrated, famous.
splendor, n. brilliancy, brightness; magnificence, pageantry, pomp, grandeur; renown, glory, eminence, sublimity, fame.
splice, v. interweave, unite, braid together.
splinter, n. sliver, flinder.
split, v. rive, cleave, sunder, rend, divide, separate, rift, burst, rupture, disunite, disrupt.
split, n. crack, rent, fissure, rift; (Colloq.) breach, separation, disunion, rupture.
split, a. cleft, riven, divided, sundered, rent, disunited cloven.
splitting, n. fission, cleavage, riving, sundering, rupture disruption. Associated Words: fissile, fissility.
splotch, n. smear, smudge, smutch, daub, spot, stain.
spoil, v. plunder, rob, pillage, ravage, depredate, despoil devastate, sack; corrupt, vitiate, debase, mar, demoralize, deprave, sophisticate, infect, defile, contaminate; disfigure, deface, damage; decay, addle, putrefy, rot.
spoil, n. plunder, pillage, booty, prize, gain, loot; waste, robbery, devastation, sacking, rapine, spoliation; corruption, decay, vitiation.
spoke, n. radius, ray; rung, round.
spoken, a. oral, nuncupative, parole.
spokesman, n. speaker, mouthpiece, prolocutor.
sponge, v. imbibe, absorb; expunge, efface, erase, obliterate.
sponger, n. parasite, hanger-on, trencher friend.
spongy, a. porous, spongoid, spongiform, incompact; absorbent, bibulous.
sponsor, n. godparent; surety. Associated Words: sponsorial, sponsorship, sponsion, ward, protege.
spontaneous, a. instinctive, voluntary, impulsive, unforced
spontaneous generation. abiogenesis.
spook, n. ghost, spirit, specter, apparition, phantom, hobgoblin.
spooney, a. (Colloq.) silly, sentimental, foolishly fond.
spoor, n. track, trail (of a wild animal).
sporadic, a. separate, single, isolated.
sport, n. amusement, game, recreation, fun, play, diversion, pastime, jollity, pleasantry, hilarity, gayety, merriment; derision, mockery, ridicule, jeer; plaything, toy; monstrosity; (Slang) sportsman.
sport, v. frolic, play, caper, disport; (Colloq.) exhibit wear, display.
sportive, a. frolicsome, merry, boon, frisky, sprightly, prankish, gamesome.
spot, n. speck, speckle, mark, blot, discoloration, fleck, dapple, blotch, smutch; stain, reproach, blemish, flaw; place, locality; areola, areolet, areolation, ocellus.
spot, v. dapple, variegate, mottle, speckle, blot, sully, stain, maculate.
spotless, a. immaculate, unspotted, stainless, unsullied, irreproachable, blameless.
spotted, a. speckled, dappled, dotted, discolored, variegated, bespeckled, flecked, freckled, spotty, soiled, piebald, mottled, blotched, pinto, pied, pintado, party-colored, specked, plashy, finchbacked, rubican, ocellated.
spotted fever. cerebro-spinal meningitis, typhus fever.
spotted sickness. pint.
spout, v. spurt, squirt, gush; rant, harangue; (Cant) pawn.
spout, h. nozzle; conduit, trough, adjutage; waterspout; gargoyle; dale.
spouter, n. declaimer, ranter, haranguer.
spout hole. blowhole, spiracle.
spouting, n. harangue, declamation, magniloquence, ranting.
spray, n. twig, sprig, branch.
spray, n. Associated Words: atomize, atomization, atomizer, spoondrift, nebulize, nebulizer, nebulization.
spread, v. extend, stretch, expand, dilate; unfurl, unroll, open; disseminate, bruit, circulate, propagate, promulgate, diffuse, emit; suffuse; cover, overspread, mantle; expatiate.
spread, n. extent, compass, reach; (Colloq.) feast; cover.
spreadeagle, a. bombastic, boastful, magniloquent, grandiloquent.
spreading, n. extension, expansion, dilation; dissemination, propagation, promulgation, diffusion, circulation; suffusion, circumfusion; radiation.
spree, n. (Colloq.) carousal, debauch, revelry, orgies, bacchanals, wassail, saturnalia.
sprig, n. shoot, slip, twig, spray.
sprightliness, n. animation, liveliness, vivacity, activity, briskness, lilt.
sprightly, a. lively, brisk, animated, debonair, vivacious, sportive, gay.
spring, v. dart, shoot; bound, leap, jump, hop, vault; emerge, rise, arise; rebound, recoil, fly back; bend, warp; issue, emanate, originate, flow, arise.
spring, n. leap, bound, saltation, vault, jump; resilience, elasticity, springiness; fount, fountain, source; cause, origin, motive, source; springtime, vernal season.
spring, n. Associated Word: pegology.
springboard, n. batule, batule board.
springy, a. elastic, resilient, rebounding, recoiling; spongy, yielding, queachy.
sprinkle, v. scatter, strew; besprinkle, bedew, asperse.
sprinkling, n. aspersion, besprinkling.
sprinter, n. runner.
sprite, n. elf, goblin, pixy, fay, specter, phantom, ghost.
sprout, v. germinate, pullulate, bourgeon, grow, vegetate; branch, ramify; tiller.
sprout, n. shoot, tiller, chit, sucker, scion; aerospire, plumule; rattoon.
sprouting, n. germination.
spruce, a. natty, jaunty, neat, finical, trim.
spry, a. agile, nimble, quick, brisk, sprightly, alert.
spunk, n. touchwood, punk, amadou.
spunk, n. (Colloq.) spirit, mettle, pluck.
spunky, a. (Colloq.) mettlesome, plucky, spirited.
spur, n. rowel, goad, prick; snag, projection; incitement, stimulus, goad, incentive, instigation, impetus, provocation; spine (on a cock's leg).
spur, v. goad, incite, urge, stimulate, instigate, impel.
spurious, a. counterfeit, sham, false, mock, adulterine, unauthentic.
spurn, v. reject, scorn, contemn, despise, scout.
spurn, n. rejection, disdain, scorning.
spurt, n. gushing, spouting, jet, ejection.— v. gush, spout, jet.
spy, n. scout; emissary (disguised).— v. espy, see.
spying, n. espionage, espial.
squab, a. plump, stout, fat; unfledged, unfeathered.
squabble, n. wrangle, dispute, altercation. See quarrel.
squad, n. band, gang, knot, bevy, company.
squalid, a. filthy, foul, nasty, dirty.
squalidness, n. squalor.
square, n. quadrate, quadrature; block, area; equality, level, agreement.
square, a. equitable, true, just, honest, impartial; even, balanced, adjusted; quadrate, quadratic.
square, v. adjust, fit, suit; balance, settle; conform, agree, accord.
squares, n. pl. Associated Words: tessellate, tessellated, tessellation, mosaic, checkered.
squat, v. crouch, cower.
squeak, v. creak; (Colloq.) betray, tell, confess.
squeal, v. cry, yell; (Slang) tell, betray, confess.
squeeze, v. compress, gripe, pinch; oppress, extort; crowd, elbow, press.
squeeze, n. compression, pressure; (Colloq.) exaction, extortion.
squelch, v. (Colloq.) crush, silence, quell, stifle, abash.
squib, n. satire, lampoon, pasquinade.
squint-eyed, a. cross-eyed, cock-eyed, gimlet-eyed.
squinting, n. strabismus; cross-eye.
squirm, v. wriggle, writhe, twist.
squirrel skin. vair.
s-shaped, a. sigmoid, sigmoidal, sigmate.
stab, v. pierce, thrust, gore, transfix; backbite, malign.
stab, n. thrust, wound, stoccado.
stability, n. fixedness, firmness, permanence, constancy, steadiness. Antonyms: instability, unsteadiness.
stable, a. steady, firm, immovable, unwavering, constant, permanent.
stable, n. barn; mews. Associated Words: paddock, equerry.
stableman, n. groom, hostler.
stack, n. pile, rick.
staff, n. rod, stick, cane; truncheon; mace; crozier; support; bourdon.
stag, n. hart.
stage, n. platform, rostrum; scaffold, staging; theater, playhouse, arena, boards; degree, step, point; drama. Associated Words: histrionic, histrionism, histrionicism, proscenium, postscenium, parascenium, coulisse, wing.
stagecoach, n. stage, omnibus, diligence (France).
stagger, v. reel, totter, sway; shock, astound, dumfound.
stagnant, a. motionless, standing, quiet; inactive, dull, sluggish.
stagy, a. theatrical, assumed, bombastic.
staid, a. sedate, demure, serious, settled.
stain, v. soil, sully, defile, taint.
stain, n. blot, taint, discoloration, tarnish.
stainless, a. immaculate, spotless.
stairway, n. stairs, staircase, flight of stairs; escalator (moving stairway); caracole (spiral staircase). Associated Words: baluster, balustrade, newel, landing, riser, tread, banister, nosing, dog-legged.
stake, n. picket, pale, post; pledge, wager, bet; venture, risk, hazard.
stake, v. venture, risk, hazard, wager, bet, pledge.
stale, a. vapid, musty, fusty, flat, insipid, mawkish; trite, common, banal, hackneyed, commonplace.
staleness, n. vapidity, mustiness, insipidity; triteness, banality.
stalk, n. stem, axis, petiole, pedicel, peduncle, spire, stipe, culm, kecksy.
stall, n. stable; booth, stand; seat. Associated Words: manger, stanchion.
stalwart, a. strapping, brawny, muscular, redoubted, athletic, strong.
stamina, n. vigor, strength, sturdiness, backbone.
stamp, v. impress, imprint; stomp (Colloq.).
stamp, n. impression, imprint, die; hallmark; pestle.
stamp out. extinguish, crush, quell.
stamps, n. pl. Associated Words: philately, philatelist, philatelic, timbrology, frank, grill, surcharge.
stanch, a. loyal, steadfast, constant, true, unwavering; sound.
stand, v. endure, bear, weather, brook, suffer, tolerate, yield to, abide, submit; agree, accord, be consistent; stagnate.
stand, n. halt, stop, pause, stay; tripod, trivet; situation, location, position, post; stall, booth; quandary, perplexity; resistance, opposition, withstanding; stillion.
standard, n. criterion, model, type, pattern, norm; gauge, measure; flag, colors; labarum, vexillum.
standard-bearer, n. color-bearer, color-sergeant, ensign, vexillary; leader.
stand by. befriend, vindicate, advocate, defend, maintain.
standing, a. erect; stagnant; lasting, permanent, persistent.
standing, n. status.
standing out. prominent, projecting, protuberant, jutting out; conspicuous, salient.
standing out. prominence, projection, protuberance, bulge, protrusion; conspicuousness, salience; persistence, incompliance, obduracy.
standing up for. defense, justification, support, advocacy.
stand in hand. behoove, be advantageous, conduce to one's interest.
stand it. endure, tolerate, bear, brook.
stand off. keep aloof, refrain; refuse, resist, withstand.
stand out. project, overhang, jut out, beetle; resist, withstand.
standpoint, n. point of view, viewpoint.
stand up for. defend, support, espouse, champion, advocate, justify, vindicate.
star, n. luminary, planet; asterisk, asterism; pentalpha; pentacle; meteor. Associated Words: astronomy, astronomer, astronomical, astrolatry, astrolater, astrogeny, astrology, astrologer, astrological, astrometry, astromancy, sidereal, astral, horoscope, constellation, zodiac, observatory, galaxy, acronycal, cosmical, astrophotography, astrophysics, periastral, stellar, interstellar, intersidereal, orbit.
star, v. bespangle.
starched, a. stiff, ceremonious, prim, formal, punctilious, precise.
starchy, a. amylaceous, amyloid, starched.
starry, a. bespangled; astral, stellar, stellary, radiated, stelliform.
start, v. set out, go, initiate, launch, institute, embark.
startle, v. scare, surprise, affright.
starvation, n. famishment.
starve, v. famish.
state, n. condition, plight, category, situation, pass, predicament, circumstances; rank, quality; pomp, grandeur, magnificence; commonwealth; canton. Associated Words: federal, federalist, federalism, federalize, confederate, confederation, gerrymander, secession.
state, v. assert, affirm, aver, allege, say, specify, declare.
statehouse, n. capitol.
stately, a. imposing, dignified, august, pompous, majestic, formal.
statement, n. assertion, affirmation, specification, avowal, averment, narration, dictum.
station, n. standing, rank, status; depot; situation, place.
statue, n. image; acrolith, caryatid; xoanon. Associated Words: sculpture, statuary, sculptor, statuesque, figurine, esquisse.
status, n. standing, rank, station, condition.
statute, n. law. Associated Words: statutable, statutory, purview.
stay, v. sojourn, tarry, lodge, remain, continue, abide; support, prop, buttress, brace, uphold, strengthen; delay, obstruct, hinder, restrain, appease, withhold, forbear, withstand, impede, retard.
stay, n. sojourn, abidance, stop; dependence, support, upholder; impediment, hindrance, obstruction, restraint.
steadfast, a. firm, fixed; constant, unswerving, unwavering, stanch, unshaken.
steady, a. steadfast, constant; stable, firm, fixed; unremitted, constant, uniform, undeviating. Antonyms: intermittent, infrequent, occasional, inconstant, unsteady.
steal, v. pilfer, filch, peculate, purloin, poach, abstract, rob, defraud, pirate, plunder, crib, pillage, rapine loot, thieve, embezzle, peculate, plagiarize; insinuate, creep furtively, go stealthily, sneak, slink, skulk; ratten.
stealer, n. See thief.
stealing, n. theft, larceny, robbery, pilfering, peculation, thievery, abstraction, looting, cribbing, rapine, depredation, surreption, piracy, plundering, pillage, embezzlement, peculation, shop lifting, plagiarism. Associated Words: light-fingered, booty, spoil, plunder, loot, swag, spoils, predatory, fence, kleptomania.
stealthy, a. clandestine, sly, secret, furtive, skulking, underhand.
steam, n. vapor, reek, fume, emanation, effluvium, exhalation, stufa.
steam organ. calliope.
steel, n. Associated Words: siderotechny, siderurgy, bessemerize, Bessemer, damaskeen, damask.
steel, v. fortify, brace, nerve.
steel-engraving, n. siderography.
steep, a. precipitous, abrupt, sheer, perpendicular: (Slang) excessive, immoderate.
steep, n. precipice, cliff, abrupt declivity; escarpment, scarp.
steep, v. soak, macerate, imbrue, infuse.
steeple, n. spire, tower, turret; minaret.
steer, v. guide, pilot, control, govern.
steerable, a. dirigible.
steering, n. guiding. Associated Words: tiller, rudder, helm.
steersman, n. helmsman, pilot, cockswain.
stem, n. trunk, body; peduncle, pedicel, petiole, stalk, culm; root, etymon, radical, radix, theme.
stem, v. oppose, withstand, breast, resist, check.
stench, n. fetor, stink.
stenography, n. phonography, shorthand.
step, n. pace; stair, round; footstep, footprint, footmark, track; grade, degree, gradation; measure, action, procedure, expedient; stride (a long step).
step, v. pace, stride.
stepmother, n. Associated Word: novercal.
steps, n. pl. stairs; stile; perron.
sterile, a. barren, infecund, unproductive, unfruitful, unprolific.
sterility, v. barrenness, infecundity, unproductiveness. Associated words: sterilize, sterilization.
stern, a. austere, rigorous, exacting, strict, hard-hearted.
sternness, n. austerity, severity, rigor, strictness.
stew, n. (Colloq.) confusion, agitation; ragout.
steward, n. purveyor; major-domo; seneschal, dapifer; manciple.
stewpan, n. skillet.
stick, n. switch, rod, birch; billet; fagot; wand; cane, staff, walking-stick; club, cudgel; goad, gad; gambrel, garrot, ferule, skewer, batlet; stake; boomerang, woomerah; stab, thrust; maul-stick; sprag; pl. chatwood.
stick, v. pierce, stab, penetrate, impale, transfix, gore; insert, thrust, push, infix; paste, cement, glue, attach, affix; cleave, cling, adhere, remain, abide; stall; hesitate, scruple; adhere, agglutinate, glutinate, cohere; pose, puzzle, disconcert; stick out, project, jut, protrude. (Slang) impose upon, cheat.
sticker, n. poster; label; adhesive, glue, cement, mucilage, paste, agglutinant; (Colloq.) puzzle, poser.
stickiness, n. adhesiveness, viscosity, tenacity, cohesiveness, glutinousness.
sticking, n. adhesion, adherence, coherence, cleaving, cohesion, agglutination.
sticking out. projecting, protruding, prominent.—n. projection, protrusion, prominence.
stickle, v. contend, altercate, dispute, quibble, scruple, haggle, higgle, chaffer; trim, prevaricate, shift, palter, play fast and loose.
stickler, n. haggler, higgler, contender.
sticktoitiveness, n. (Colloq.) pertinacity, persistence, perseverance, diligence, tenacity.
stick up for. (Colloq.) assert and defend, vindicate.
sticky, a. adhesive, viscous, viscid, mucilaginous, glutinous, clammy, tenacious.
stiff, a. inflexible, rigid, firm, unbending, inelastic, stark, impliable, rigorous, unyielding, inductile; strong, violent, forcible, inopposable; pertinacious, obstinate, tenacious, uncompromising, incompliant; constrained, formal, starched, affected, unnatural, precise, prim, ceremonious, prudish, punctilious; cramped, graceless, inelegant; (Slang) high, immoderate, large. Antonyms: limber, flaccid, limp, flexible, lithe.
stiff joint. anchylosis.
stiff neck. obstinacy, contumacy, intractability, incompliance, stubbornness.
stiff-necked, a. obstinate, intractable, perverse, contumacious, stubborn, obdurate.
stiffness, n. inflexibility, rigidity, firmness; prudery, constraint, precision, formality; tension. Antonyms: pliability, limpness, flexibility, flaccidity, ease, relaxation, informality.
stifling, a. close, oppressive, suffocating.
still, a. motionless, unruffled, stagnant, quiescent, inert, stationary, placid, tranquil; noiseless, inaudible, silent, mum.
still, v. calm, compose, quiet, silence, hush.
still-hunt, n. stalking.
stilted, a. bombastic, pompous, grandiose, highflown, grandiloquent.
stimulant, n. excitant; provocation, stimulus, spur, goad.
stimulate, v. excite, incite, instigate, arouse, provoke, goad, spur.
stimulus, n. incentive; pl. stimuli.
sting, n. aculeus, prick; goad, incitement.
stinginess, n. parsimony, illiberality, penuriousness, closeness, avarice. Antonyms: liberality, generosity.
stingy, a. parsimonious, illiberal, close, penurious, miserly, avaricious, close-fisted, sordid, niggardly. Antonyms: liberal, generous.
stink, n. stench, fetor.
stinking, a. fetid, malodorous, offensive, noisome, ill-smelling.
stinkstone, n. anthraconite, swinestone.
stint, n. limit, restraint, restriction; assignment, allotment.
stint, v. limit, restrict, restrain, confine, stent, straiten.
stipend, n. Associated Words: stipendiary, stipendiate, stipendiarian.
stir, v. move, budge.
stir, n. agitation, tumult, bustle, commotion, flutter, ado, activity, confusion, flurry, disturbance, fuss.
stirring, a. animated, lively, strenuous, active, enterprising.
stock, n. goods, merchandise, wares, reserve.
stock, v. replenish, supply, furnish.
stockjobbing, n. agiotage.
stockings, n. pl. hosiery, hose.
stocky, a. (Colloq.) stout, plump.
stodgy, a. stuffed, distended, lumpish.
stogy, a. heavy, coarse, clumsy.
stolen goods. booty, loot, spoil, plunder, pillage. Associated word: fence.
stolid, a. dull, impassive, stupid, obtuse.
stomach, v. resent, dislike; (Colloq.) bear, brook, tolerate, stand, endure.
stomach, n. (of ruminants) fardingbag, paunch, rumen, reticulum, psalterium, manyplies, abomasum, omasum; (of birds) gizzard, crop, maw.
stomach, n. Associated Words: gastric, gastrology, gastronomy, gastritis, agastric, rennet, tripe, stomachal, stomachic, alvine, gastrectomy, pylorous, gastroscope, gastroscopy, stomacher, paunchy, paunch, anticardium, gastralgia, abdomen, abdominous.
stomach-ache, n. (Colloq.) colic.
stone, n. rock, bowlder; pebble; calculus, concretion; flint, granite, marble, quartz, adamant, shale, flag, flagstone, cobblestone, rubble, brash, shingle; monolith, polyolith; cairn, muller, merestone; cromlech; madstone, snakestone; aerolite, meteorite; (of fruit) endocarp, pit, nut, putamen. Associated Words: petrify, petrifaction, lithology, lithography, lithic, lapidary, lithoglypher, lithoglyptic, litholatry, lapidescence, lapidescent, lapidify, lapillation, lapidification, lapidific, lapilli, catapult, quarry, petrography, lapidist, petrology, geology, lithogenesis, lithification, wimble, Niobe, petrescence, petrescent, petrifactive, petrologist, concrete, lapidarian, lapidarious, fossil, schist, scapple, lichen, regolith, monadnock, saxatile, saxicoline, saxicavous, saxifrage, saxifragous.
stone, n. (precious and semi-precious) gem, jewel, diamond, brilliant, beryl, emerald, chalcedony, bloodstone, agate, heliotrope girasole, onyx, sardonyx, garnet, sardine stone, jade, opal, peridot, chrysolite, sapphire, ruby, topaz, turquoise, turquoise matrix, zircon, hyacinth, carbuncle, amethyst, pearl, coral, bijou, doublet, carnelian, briolette, cabochon, chatoyant, rhinestone, amphibole, aquamarine, tourmaline, rhodolite, spinel, bufonite. Antonyms: paste, strass, gewgaw, gimcrack, tinsel, pinchbeck, gaud, bauble, foil stone. Associated words: lapidary, lapidist, lapidarian, cameo, intaglio, facet, naif, anaglyph, briquet, collet, platinum, bizet, caret, anaglyphic, diaglyptic, anaglyphies, glyptography, table, bezel, girdle, pavilion, cadrans, mound, mount, dichroiscope, dichroism, dichroscope.
stone pit. quarry.
stone coffin. sarcophagus.
stonecutting, n. stereotomy.
stonecutter's consumption. chalicosis.
stony, a. rocky, flinty, adamantine, petrous; unrelenting, pitiless.
stool, n. footstool, cricket, hassock, ottoman, tabouret, buffet; tripod, trivet; faldstool; excrement, faeces.
stoop, v. bend; condescend, deign, descend.
stoop, n. condescension, descent; porch, veranda, piazza.
stop, v. obstruct, close up; stanch; arrest, hinder, impede, block, stay, check; repress, restrain, suppress, deter, interrupt, suspend, thwart, preclude, intercept, impede; halt, pause, stagnate, stand; refrain from, discontinue, cease, desist, suspend, intermit; break off, forbear: lodge, tarry. Antonyms: continue, persist.
stop, n. cessation, discontinuation, surcease, pause, suspension, intermission, interception, interruption, obstruction, obstacle, impediment.
stoppage, n. arrest, stopping, detention, stop.
stopper, n. stopple, cork, bung.
store, n. shop; accumulation, stock, abundance, plenty, hoard, supply.
store, v. stock, replenish, save, hoard, garner, husband, treasure up.
storehouse, n. warehouse, repository, depot, store, magazine, promptuary.
storm, n. tempest. Antonyms: calm, subsidence, serenity, tranquillity.
storm, v. assault, attack, besiege, expugn; rage, fume, rant.
storminess, n. inclemency, tempestuousness, boisterousness, violence.
stormy, a. tempestuous, boisterous, inclement, rugged, impetuous; violent, furious, wild; agitated, disturbed. Antonyms: calm, pacific, serene.
story, n. fiction, tale, anecdote, romance, novel, fable, legend, myth, parable, apologue, chronicle, record, history, narrative, narration, yarn, rehearsal, recital, tradition, jeremiad; falsehood, canard; floor, loft; mezzanine, entresol.
story-teller, n. raconteur.
stout, a. strong, powerful, vigorous, enduring, durable, tough; portly, fleshy, corpulent, thickset, obese, burly, chubby, fat.
straddle, v. bestride.
straight, a. perpendicular, vertical, plumb, erect, upright; direct, rectilinear, undeviating, unswerving; square, honest, equitable, honorable; (Slang) unmixed, clear, undiluted. Antonyms: indirect, oblique, crooked, devious, circuitous. See crooked.
straight-out, a. (Colloq.) unqualified, thoroughgoing, artless, undesigning.
straightway, n. immediately, at once, directly, forthwith.
strain, v. stretch, tighten; sprain, wrench; percolate, filter, defecate, filtrate; overtask, overwork.
strain, n. pedigree, race, lineage, extraction; sort, kind; overexertion, effort; tension, intension; tune, melody; style, manner.
strained, a. tense, unnatural, forced, artificial, agonistic, farfetched.
strainer, n. colander, filter, sieve.
strait, n. narrows, channel; dilemma, difficulty, pinch, exigency, restriction.
straiten, v. limit, restrict, narrow, confine, constrain, tighten, embarrass.
straitened, a. restricted, embarrassing, distressing.
strait-laced, a. uncompromising, rigorous, strict, prudish, prim, precise.
stranded, a. wrecked, aground, beached.
strange, a. foreign, unfamiliar, exotic, outlandish; novel, odd, unusual, queer, unique, nondescript, exceptional, singular, peculiar, rare, erratic, unique, bizarre, eccentric, inexplicable; unaccustomed, unfamiliar; reserved, distant, unfriendly; unknown. Antonyms: familiar, accustomed, wonted, commonplace, conventional.
strangle, v. choke, throttle, suffocate; stifle, suppress; garrote.
strangling, n. strangulation, choking, suffocation, suppression, constriction.
strap, n. thong, strop, leash.
strapping, a. (Colloq.) stalwart, able-bodied, large, muscular, brawny.
stratagem, n. artifice, device, machination, maneuver, intrigue, ruse, finesse.
straw, n. stalk, culm; litter, mulch; sennet, platting.
straw roof. thatch, thatching.
strawy, a. stramineous.
stray, v. wander, rove, roam, swerve, deviate; err, sin.
stray, n. estray, waif.
streak, n. stripe, wale, whelk, ridge, vein.
streaked, a. striped, streaky, whelky, striated, whelked, brindled, barred, veined.
stream, n. current, river, creek, brook, race, run, rivulet, rill, runnel; drift, course, tendency; torrent; arroyo; flume.
stream, v. pour, gush, run; radiate, shed.
streamer, n. ensign, pennon, banner, banderole, flag.
street, n. highway, avenue, thoroughfare, boulevard.
street car. trolley car; tram (England).
street cleaner. scavenger.
street railway. tramway (England).
strength, n. force, vigor, power, might, hardihood, potency, puissance, stamina; tenacity, toughness, durability; impregnability, invincibility; security, validity, conclusiveness, cogency, efficacy; support, stay; intensity, vividness; virility; vehemence, violence, force, impetuosity; fortitude; robustness, lustiness, stoutness, brawniness, muscularity, thew, sturdiness. Antonyms: debility, delicacy, fragility, weakness, impotency, frailty, infirmity.
strengthen, v. invigorate, brace, nerve, steel, fortify, harden; intensify, heighten; confirm, corroborate, sustain.
strengthening, a. invigorating, roborant, tonic, fortifying.
strenuous, a. zealous, ardent, valiant, intrepid, vigorous, active, energetic.
strenuousness, n. zeal, ardor, intrepidity, earnestness, strenuosity, activity, energy.
stress, n. urgency, pressure; emphasis, accent; severity, inclemency; significance, importance.
stretch, v. extend, elongate, lengthen, spread; overstate, exaggerate; distend.
stretcher, n. litter.
stretching, n. tension, distension, extension, porrection, pandiculation, intension.
strict, a. rigorous, stringent, exacting, rigid. Antonyms: lax, remiss, indulgent.
stricture, n. animadversion, criticism; contraction.
strife, n. conflict, struggle, contention, emulation, competition, battle.
strike, v. hit, smite, buffet, knock, beat, thump, whack, cuff, slap; deal, inflict; impress, affect.
striking, a. impressive, noticeable, astonishing, surprising, forcible.
string, n. cord, line, twine, warp; fillet, ribbon; series, chain, concatenation, row; chord; leash, learn; thong. Associated Words: polychord, monochord.
stringent, a. binding, restrictive, rigid, severe, rigorous, exact.
stringer, n. sleeper, tie; joist.
stringy, a. fibrous, filamentous; ropy, viscid, tenacious, viscous.
strip, n. shred, fillet, batten, cleat, list.
strip, v. deprive, divest, dispossess, dismantle; plunder, desolate, devastate, pillage, sack, fleece, rifle, despoil; undress, disrobe, denude, uncover.
stripe, n. streak, band, wale, wheal, whelk, ridge, striation, stria.
stripe, n. (Colloq.) sort, likeness, color, kind.
striped, a. streaked, striate, striated.
stripping, n. deprivation, divestiture, divestment, dispossession, dismantling; plunder, desolation, devastation, depredation, despoliation, fleecing, sacking, rapine; denudation, undressing, denuding, disrobing.
strive, v. struggle, try, endeavor, contend, vie, cope.
stroll, v. ramble, rove, range, stray, straggle, wander.
strolling, a. wandering, nomadic, itinerant, roving, vagrant, straggling.
strong, a. firm, tough, enduring, hale, sound, robust, hardy, durable, puissant; powerful, mighty, invincible, impregnable, irresistible, fortified; virile, athletic, muscular, brawny, vigorous, stout, strapping, lusty, sturdy, sinewy, stalwart, thewy, able-bodied; violent, forcible, impetuous, vehement; potent, cogent, influential, urgent, convincing, conclusive; ardent, eager, zealous, strenuous, stanch, unwavering, determined; spirituous, intoxicating, alcoholic; vivid, dazzling, intense, glaring; effective, drastic, potent; racy, pungent, piquant; tough, tenacious; rank, strong-smelling; valid. Antonyms: weak, vulnerable, frail, fragile, delicate, faint, mild, frangible.
stronghold, n. fastness, fort, fortress, muniment, donjon, citadel, keep, bulwark.
strong-smelling, a. fetid, rank, frowzy, rancid, malodorous, offensive, musty.
struggle, n. conflict, contest, strife.
struggle, v. strive, cope, grapple, labor.
stub, n. stump, counterfoil.
stubble, n. eddish, rowen, arrish.
stubborn, a. unyielding, obstinate, obdurate, mulish, refractory, indocile, headstrong, inflexible, intractable, perverse, contumacious, impersuadable, recalcitrant, stiff-necked, rugged, persistent, incompliant.
stuck-up, a. (Colloq.) proud, arrogant, haughty, vain, overbearing, cavalier, supercilious, uppish.
studio, n. atelier.
study, n. research, excogitation, lucubration, cogitation; etude (Mus.); curriculum (course of study).
study, v. muse, pore, con over, lucubrate, excogitate; dig, grind.
stuff, n. material, fabric, cloth; trash, refuse, rubbish; goods, things; nonsense, balderdash.
stuff, v. cram, press, stow, crowd, fill.
stuffing, n. filling, forcemeat, dressing, farce.
stumbling-block, n. difficulty, obstruction, hindrance, barrier, stumbling-stone.
stump, v. (Colloq.) dare, challenge, nonplus.
stun, v. overcome, stupefy, dumfound, bewilder.
stunning, a. overpowering, stupefying; astonishing, striking, fine.
stunt, v. dwarf, atrophy.
stunted, a. dwarfed, atrophied, undeveloped, scrubby, undersized.
stupefier, n. stupefacient, narcotic, opiate.
stupefy, v. dull, benumb, hebetate, blunt, besot.
stupid, a. dull, stolid, obtuse, sluggish, inept, bovine, beef-witted, beetle-headed, besotted, fat-witted, doltish, undiscerning; prosaic, vapid, prosy, humdrum, uninspiring tame; lethargic, comatose, stupefied, torpid, insensible. Antonyms: shrewd, sharp, apt, spirited, lively, exciting, interesting.
stupor, a. lethargy, insensibility, unconsciousness, narcoma, torpor, coma.
sturdy, a. obstinate, stubborn, pertinacious; strong, hardy, robust.
sty, n. hordeolum.
style, n. mode, vogue, fashion; manner, way, method.
stylish, a. modish, fashionable, in vogue, a la mode, genteel, smart.
Styx, n. Associated Words: Stygian, Charon.
suasion, n. persuasion, inducement.
suave, a. urbane, courteous, debonair, bland, affable.
suavity, n. urbanity, courtesy, affability.
subdue, v. conquer, vanquish, subject, overpower, subjugate, crush, master, quell; tone down, soften.
subdued, a. vanquished, conquered, submissive, tame.
subject, a. exposed, liable, prone; answerable, amenable; subservient, subordinate. Antonyms: exempt, immune, independent, free.
subject, v. subordinate, expose.
subject, n. dependant, subordinate; topic, subject matter, theme.
subjection, n. subjugation, conquest, subordination, subserviency.
sublime, a. exalted, grand, magnificent, glorious, majestic.
submerge, v. plunge, immerse, sink, submerse; overflow, flood, deluge, inundate.
submerging, n. submergence, submersion, immersion, inundation.
submission, n. compliance, acquiescence, surrender, resignation, obedience; meekness, submissiveness, fortitude, forbearance, long-sufferance.
submissive, a. yielding, obedient, tractable, meek, resigned, passive. Antonyms: insubmissive, defiant, intractable, rebellious, refractory.
submit, v. yield, surrender, succumb, acquiesce, comply, tolerate, stand. Antonyms: resist, rebel, disobey, revolt.
subservient, a. subordinate, subject, inferior; serviceable, conducive.
subside, v. decrease, sink, abate, fall.
subsidence, n. decrease, abatement.
substantiate, v. verify, corroborate, confirm, prove.
substantiation, n. corroboration, confirmation, verification.
substitute, v. exchange, commute.
substitute, n. deputy, proxy, representative, agent, lieutenant, delegate, vicar, envoy, locum tenens; makeshift, expedient, shift, resource. Associated Word: vicarious.
substitution, n. exchange, commutation.
subterfuge, n. artifice, evasion, shift, sophistry, excuse.
subtile, a. rare, fine, ethereal, delicate; crafty, artful.
subtilty, n. rarity, fineness, ethereality; refinement; artifice, craft, guile, cunning.
subtle, a. artful, cunning, sly, designing, crafty; refined, discriminating.
subtlety, n. cunning, artfulness, guile, craftiness; discernment, penetration.
suburbs, n. pl. environs, purlieus, outskirts, confines.
succeeding, a. subsequent, following.
success, n. prosperity, triumph, victory, good fortune.
successful, a. prosperous, victorious, triumphant, fortunate.
succession, n. sequence, consecution; chain, line, series.
successive, a. consecutive.
successor, n. Antonym: predecessor.
succor, n. assistance, help, relief.
suck, v. imbibe, absorb; engulf.
sucker, n. shoot, tiller, scion, sprout; embolus, piston, valve.
sucker, n. (Slang) dupe, gull, cully, greenhorn; parasite, sponger, toady.
suckling, n. lactation.—a. unweaned.
sudden, a. unexpected, abrupt, unlocked for.
sue, v. prosecute.
suffering, n. distress, agony, misery, pain, discomfort, torture, sufferance.
sufficiency, n. enough, adequacy, competence. Antonyms: insufficiency, inadequacy.
sufficient, a. adequate. Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate.
suffocate, v. choke, stifle, smother, asphyxiate, burke.
suffocation, n. smothering, asphyxiation.
suffrage, n. vote, assent, ballot; testimony, attestation; prayer, petition.
sugar, n. sucrose, saccharose (cane sugar); levulose (fruit sugar); dextrose, glucose (grape sugar); muscovado (unrefined sugar); maltose (malt sugar); lactose (milksugar); inosite (muscle sugar); invert sugar; cassonade (raw sugar); caramel (burnt sugar). Associated words: sacchariferous, dextrine, sorghum, saccharify, saccharimeter, saccharimetry, saccharin, saccharoid, saccharize.
suggest, v. allude to, hint, intimate, insinuate, propose, recommend.
suggestion, n. intimation, hint, allusion, proposal, instance, insinuation.
suicide, n. self-murder, self-destruction; self-murderer, felo-de-se.
suit, n. wooing, courtship, addresses; prosecution, action, lawsuit; retinue, suite; petition, solicitation, entreaty, request. Associated words: champerty, maintenance. See lawsuit.
suit, v. fit, adapt, adjust; please, gratify, satisfy; accord, comport, agree.
suitable, a. fitting, accordant, proper, becoming, congruous, consistent, congruent.
suite, n. retinue, staff, train of attendants.
sulky, a. sullen, morose, surly, moody.
sullen, a. morose, unamiable, sulky, intractable.
sulphur, n. brimstone.
sulphuric acid. oil of vitriol.
sum, n. amount, total, aggregate, sum total; problem, example.
sum, v. cast up, add, compute; summarize.
summary, n. recapitulation, epitome, resume, synopsis.
summer, n. Associated Words: aestival, aestivate, aestivation.
summing up. resume, recapitulation, peroration.
summit, n. top, pinnacle, zenith, apex, vertex, culmination.
summoner, n. apparitor.
sum up. summarize, recapitulate.
sun, n. Sol. Associated Words:: heliography, heliometry, solar, solstice, solarize, anthelion, parhelion, halo, heliocentric, actinometer, actinometry, heliacal, heliograph, equinox, astronomy, astronomer, photosphere, helioscope, heliostat, paranthelion, maculae, Hyperion.
sun bath. insolation.
sunburnt, a. tanned, blowzy, bronzed.
Sunday, n. the Lord's day. Associated Word: dominical.
sundial, n. Associated Words: sciotheric, gnomon, gnomonics, gnomonolcgy, style, gnomonist, dialing.
sundog, n. parhelion.
sundry, a. several, divers, various.
sunny, a. genial, pleasant, cloudless, radiant.
sunrise, n. daybreak, dawn, aurora.
sun room. solarium.
sunshade, n. parasol; awning, shade.
sun's path. ecliptic.
sun spots. faculae.
sunstroke, n. insolation, siriasis, coup de soleil.
sun-worship, n. heliolatry, Sabianism.
sun-worshiper, n. heliolater.
super, n. supernumerary.
superabundance, n. redundancy, excess, surfeit, superfluity, exuberance, plethora.
superabundant, a. superfluous, redundant, excessive, plethoric.
superb, n. magnificent, grand, august, elegant.
superfluity, n. superabundance, surplusage. See superabundance.
superfluous, a. superabundant, redundant, excessive, supernumerary.
superintendent, n. overseer, guardian, supervisor, custodian, intendant, manager, controller, principal, curator, warden.
superior, a. more excellent, surpassing, paramount, predominant.
superiority, n. predominancy, preeminence, ascendency, supremacy.
supernatural, a. miraculous, preternatural, hyperphysical.
supersede, v. replace, displace, supplant.
supine, a. negligent, heedless, listless, indolent, careless.
supplant, v. remove, displace, supersede.
supple, a. flexible, pliant, lithe. See flexible.
supplement, n. continuation, appendix, postscript, addition, addendum.
supply, v. furnish, afford, yield, replenish, recruit, stock.
support, v. prop, brace, bolster, uphold, sustain; maintain, keep, provide for; verify, substantiate, ratify, corroborate, confirm; vindicate, defend, maintain; second, back, aid. Antonyms: desert, undermine, weaken, repudiate, oppose.
support, n. prop, buttress, brace, fulcrum, bolster, stanchion, shore, staddle, supporter; maintenance, sustenance, subsistence, finding, livelihood; base, foundation, basis; assistance, espousal, advocacy, countenance; Caryatid. Antonyms: nonsupport, opposition, desertion, repudiation.
supporter, n. advocate, adherent, defender, pillar, paraclete, sustainer, upholder, support.
suppose, v. assume, conjecture, presume, imagine, believe, imply, surmise.
supposed, a. assumed, presumed, putative.
supposition, n. hypothesis, conjecture, surmise, assumption, presumption, postulate.
suppositional, a. hypothetical, conjectural, supposed, assumed.
suppress, v. quell, overpower, put down; check, repress, restrain; secrete, conceal.
suppression, n. quelling, overthrow; repression, restraint; concealment, secretion.
supreme, a. transcendent, preeminent, superlative, paramount, predominant.
surcingle, n. girth.
sure, a. certain, inevitable; positive, confident, assured, sanguine, convinced; unfailing, infallible, unerring, inerrable, abiding, stable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable, secure, safe. Antonyms: uncertain, doubtful, dubious.
sureness, n. certainty, inevitability, assurance, certitude, safety, positiveness.
surety, n. sureness, certainty; security, pledge, guaranty; bondsman; substitute, hostage; sponsor; ratification, corroboration.
surface, n. exterior, outside, superficies.
surfeit, n. fullness, repletion, satiety; superabundance, plethora.
surgeon's case of instruments. tweese.
surgery, n. aciurgy.
surly, a. morose, sullen, crabbed, unamiable, gruff, inurbane, snarling, crusty.
surmise, v. suppose, conjecture, suspect, guess, opine.
surmise, n. supposition, conjecture, guess, suspicion.
surmount, v. overtop; conquer, overcome, vanquish.
surmountable, a. superable, conquerable. Antonyms: insuperable, unsurmountable.
surname, n. patronymic, cognomen.
surpass, v. excel, exceed, outdo, outstrip, transcend.
surpassing, a. exceeding, superior, preeminent, transcendent, supereminent.
surplus, n. surplusage, excess, overplus, residue, remainder.
surprise, v. amaze, astonish, astound.
surprise, n. amazement, astonishment.
surprising, a. astonishing, amazing, astounding, marvelous.
surrender, v. relinquish, yield, abandon, capitulate, waive, remit.
surrender, n. relinquishment, capitulation, yielding.
surround, v. enclose, encircle, encompass, environ, hem in, corral, invest, intrench.
surrounding, a. circumambient, encompassing, encircling ambient, enveloping.
surroundings, n. pl. environment, entourage.
surveying, n. survey, chorometry; geodesy. Associated Words: theodolite, transit, perambulator.
susceptible, a. sensitive, impressionable, impressible, tender.
suspect, v. mistrust, distrust, doubt; conjecture, surmise.
suspenders, n. pl. gallowses, braces.
suspense, n. uncertainty, wavering, hesitation, irresolution.
suspension, n. pendency; delay, respite, postponement, abeyance.
suspicion, n. mistrust, misgiving, distrust; surmise, conjecture, supposition; (Colloq.) suggestion, hint.
swag, n. (Slang) booty, boodle, loot, plunder, spoil.
swaggering, n. blustering, boasting, roistering.
swallow, v. ingurgitate; gulp, bolt, engorge, englut; ingulf, suck in, absorb, submerge, engulf, overwhelm; accept, believe, credit; appropriate, arrogate, monopolize, engross; bear, brook, tolerate, pocket.
swallowing, n. deglutition, ingurgitation, absorption. Antonym: aglutition.
swamp, n. marsh, morass, slough, quagmire, bog, fen, marish. Associated Words: paludine, paludinous, paludism, paludose, palustrine, draco, muck, effluvium, malaria, miasma.
swamp, v. engulf, overwhelm, submerge.
swampy, a. boggy, fenny, marshy, sloughy, slumpy, queachy.
swan, n. cob (male); cygnet (young).
swap, v. (Colloq.) exchange, trade.
swarm, v. teem.
swarming, a. teeming.
swashing, a. heavy, violent, crushing.
sway, n. dominion, domination, rule.
swear, v. blaspheme, curse, imprecate, use profane language.
swearing, n. profanity, oath, blasphemy, expletive, cursing, imprecation.
sweat, v. perspire; exude.
sweat, n. perspiration; exudation. Associated Words: sudoriferous, sudoral, sudorific, sudatory, diaphoretic, diaphoresis, perspiratory, empasm, bagnio, adiophoretic.
sweating-bath, n. sudatory, sudatorium, vapor-bath.
Swedish Parliament. Riksdag.
sweet, a. saccharine, honeyed, sugary, nectarean, ambrosial, nectareous; dulcet, melodious, harmonious, mellifluous, silvery, symphonious, tuneful; winsome, winning. Antonyms: bitter, acrid, tart, sour.
sweetbread, n. pancreas.
sweeten, v. dulcify, edulcorate; purify, disinfect, fumigate, deodorize.
sweetening, n. dulcification, edulcoration.
sweetheart, n. (male) lover, inamorato, beau, flame, spark, swain, suitor; (female) ladylove, mistress, inamorata, dulcinea, darling, flame, amaryllis.
sweets, n. pl. confectionery, sweetmeats.
sweet-smelling, a. fragrant, redolent, balmy, aromatic, savory, sweet-scented.
swell, v. distend, dilate, expand, bloat, puff up, tumefy, intumesce; increase, augment; heave, surge; protuberate; strut, swagger.
swell, n. swelling; augmentation, increase; protuberance, bulge; elevation, rise.
swell, a. (Slang) fashionable, elegant, distinguished, exquisite.—n. exquisite, fop, dandy.
swelled, a. swollen, tumid, enlarged, bloated, protuberant, turgid.
swelling, n. intumescence, turgescence, prominence, protuberance, bump, node, blain, distention. Antonyms: subsidence, detumescence.
swelling, a. turgent, tumefacient, tumid, turgid; grandiloquent, bombastic, grandiose.
swerve, v. deviate, deflect, diverge, turn aside.
swift, a. fleet, rapid, fast, speedy, quick.
swiftness, n. celerity, velocity, speed, rapidity, fleetness, quickness.
swill, n. hogwash, swillings, draff.
swimming, n. natation; dizziness, vertigo, giddiness; transnatation, supernatation. Associated Words: natatorial, natant, natatorious, natatorium, natatory.
swimming birds. Natatores.
swindle, n. See cheat.
swine, n. pl. hogs. Associated Word: porcine.
swing, v. oscillate, vibrate; sway, brandish, flourish, wave.
swing, n. swinging; free course, liberty, unrestraint, sweep.
swinging, n. oscillation, vibration.
swinging, a. oscillatory, oscillating, vibratory.
swipe, v. strike; (Slang) steal, pluck, snatch, purloin.
Swiss, n. Switzer, Helvetian.—a. Helvetic.
Swiss Federal Council. Bundesrath.
switch, v. whip, flog; shunt, shift.
swollen, a. tumid, tumefied, bloated, purled up.
sword, n. rapier, saber, scimiter, brand, curtana, claymore, smallsword, glaive, broadsword, cutlass, Damascus blade, spadroon, creese. Associated Words: scabbard, sheathe, unsheathe, forte, hilt, sheath, foible, foil, fence, fencer, gladiatorial, gladiatorism, gladiature.
swordfight, n. fencing, swordplay.
sword of mercy. curtana.
sword player, n. fencer; gladiator.
sword-shaped, a. ensiform.
sycophancy, n. obsequiousness, fawning, truckling, servility, sycophantism.
sycophant, n. fawner, toady, flunky, lickspittle.
sycophantic, a. obsequious, fawning, adulatory, servile.
syllabus, n. compendium, abstract, synopsis.
symbolic, a. typical, emblematical.
symbolize, v. typify, emblematize.
symmetry, n. proportion, shapeliness. Antonyms: asymmetry, disproportion.
sympathetic, a. compassionate, commiserating, pitiful, kind, tender.
sympathize, v. have sympathy, commiserate, condole with; agree, be in accord.
sympathy, n. fellow-feeling, tenderness; pity, commiseration, compassion, condolence; accord, agreement, rapport, concord. Antonyms: antipathy, incompassion, inclemency, disagreement, incompatibility.
symptom, n. indication, mark, sign, evidence, diagnostic. Associated words: symptomatic, rymptomatology, semeiology, semeiotic, semeiography, pathognomonic, diagnosticate, diagnosis.
synopsis, n. syllabus, compendium, abstract, summary, epitome, digest.
system, n. method, order. Antonyms: chaos, confusion, disorder.
systematic, a. methodical, orderly. Antonyms: unsystematic, chaotic, immethodical.
systematize, v. methodize, classify.
Tab, n. (Colloq.) account, reckoning, check, tally, score.
table, n. tablet; schedule, synopsis, index, list; trivet (three-legged table). Associated word: mensal.
table, v. tabulate, tabularize.
tableland, n. plateau, mesa (Southwestern U.S.).
table linen. napery.
tablet, n. lozenge, troche, trochiscus.
taboo, n. interdiction, prohibition, proscription.
taboo, v. interdict, prohibit, proscribe.
taboo, a. prohibited, forbidden, interdicted, proscribed.
tackle, n. gear, implements, equipment, rigging, apparatus.
tacky, a. sticky, adhesive; (Colloq.) dowdy, shabby, unkempt, seedy.
tadpole, n. polliwog.
taffy, n. toffy, candy; (Slang) flattery, blandishment, blarney.
tail, n. Associated Words: caudal, dock, scut, prehensile, caudate, bicaudal, rump, uropygium.
tailless, a. acaudate, anurous.
tailor, n. Associated Word: sartorial.
tailpiece, n. appendage.
taint, v. imbue, impregnate, corrupt, infect, vitiate, sully, besmirch, discolor, contaminate.
taint, n. infection, contamination, vitiation, defilement, pollution.
tainted, a. infected, contaminated, defiled, imbued, vitiated, polluted.
take, v. seize, grasp, clutch, procure, clasp, catch; confiscate, appropriate, usurp, arrogate; deprehend, apprehend; require, need; select, choose.
take back. recant, retract, recall, revoke, rescind, disavow, resume.
take in. comprise, encompass, comprehend, include, embrace.
take-in, n. (Colloq.) imposition, fraud, deception, swindle, cheat, hoax.
taken, p.p. charmed, captivated, enamored, fascinated.
take off. doff, remove, divest one's self of.
take-off, n. caricature, burlesque, travesty, parody.
take the place of. supplant, supersede, displace, substitute.
take upon one's self. assume, undertake; arrogate, usurp.
taking, a. alluring, fascinating, winning, charming, captivating.
taking, n. seizure, apprehension; reprisal; prehension.
taking back. recantation, retraction, resumption, disavowal, revocation.
tale, n. story, romance, parable, apologue, legend, fable, narrative, myth, jeremiad (tale of sorrow).
tale-bearer, n. scandal-monger, busybody, quidnunc, tattler, telltale, tabby, gossip.
talent, n. endowment, faculty, gift, forte, knack, genius.
talented, a. gifted, endowed, clever.
talk, v. speak, converse, confer, confabulate, consult; babble, prattle, prate, chatter, gabble, gibber, blather; expatiate, descant, comment, harp, rant; palaver.
talk, n. conversation, converse, colloquy, conference, confabulation, chat, parley, causerie, parlance, confab; dialogue, interlocution; soliloquy, monologue; palaver, buncombe, blarney, blandishment, flattery, flummery; chaff, banter, raillery, persiflage, badinage, asteistn; chatter, babble, chit chat, gibberish, jargon, twaddle, fustian, moonshine, hanky-panky, jabbering, rhapsody, rant, grandiloquence; expatiation, descant.
talkative, a. garrulous, loquacious, communicative, voluble, unreserved. Antonyms: reserved, reticent, uncommunicative, silent, still.
talkativeness, n. garrulity, loquacity, communicativeness multiloquence. Antonyms: reserve, reticence, taciturnity.
talker, n. conversationalist; interlocutor; chatterer, babler, magpie, chatterbox.
tall, a. lofty, high, towering.
tally, n. mate, match, counterpart; score, account, record.
tally, v. match, conform, agree, correspond, coincide, square, comport, accord.
tame, v. domesticate, reclaim, break; discipline, subjugate, conquer, repress.
tame, a. docile, domesticated, gentle; prosy, dull, vapid; submissive, subdued.
tamper, v. meddle, tinker.
tangible, a. palpable, tactile, material; substantial, evident, perceptible, obvious.
tangle, v. snarl, entangle, interweave; embroil, insnare, entrap, involve, perplex, enmesh. Antonyms: disentangle, unravel, extricate.
tangle, n. snarl, complication, intricacy; imbroglio, perplexity. Antonyms: disentanglement, extrication.
tangled, a. entangled, complicated, tangly, snarled, intricate, involved.
tank, n. reservoir, vat.
tantalize, v. torment, plague, vex, disappoint.
tap, n. stopper, plug, spigot, spile, faucet.
tap, v. broach.
tape needle. bodkin.
tapering, a. conical, taper, pyramidal, fusiform.
tapeworms, n. pl. taenia. Associated Words: taeniafuge, taeniacide, taenioid, taeniid, proglottis, segment, cysticercus, cestode, measles.
tardy, a. slow, sluggish; dilatory, reluctant, behindhand, late. Antonyms: punctual, prompt.
tarnish, v. dim, sully, besmirch, blacken, deface.
task, n. work, labor, assignment, stint; study, lesson, exercise.
taste, n. tasting gustation, degustation; flavor, savor, tang, race, relish, gout, saporosity, sapor, gusto, gust, sapidity; liking, fondness, appetite, appetency; tincture, infusion, dash, soupcon; discernment, discrimination; foretaste, prelibation. Antonyms: dowdiness, tawdriness, distaste vulgarity. Associated Words: gustatory, saporific.
tasteful, a. palatable, savory, relishable, toothsome, gustable, delicious.
tasteless, a. insipid, flat, unpalatable, vapid.
tastelessness, n. insipidity, vapidity.
tasty, a. tasteful, neat. Antonyms: dowdy, tawdry, meretricious, inartistic.
tattle, v. tell, divulge, blab, peach.
tattler, n. tale-bearer, gossip, quidnunc, news-monger, busybody.
taunt, v. ridicule, deride, mock, reproach, revile, jeer twit, gibe.
taunt, n. ridicule, derision, jeer, reproach, gibe, quip, quirk.
taunting, a. reviling, derisive, jeering, sarcastic.
tawdry, a. gaudy, meretricious, showy, flashy, inelegant.
tax, n. assessment, toll, excise, levy, tribute, custom, duty, impost; capitation, poll-tax; charge, exaction.
tax, v. assess; exact, demand, task.
taxable, a. assessable.
tea, n. Associated Words: theine, thea, theism, samovar, caddy, theiform, mate, canister, cabaret, tannin.
teach, v. instruct, inform, educate, discipline, train, indoctrinate, school, enlighten, drill, tutor, instill, inculcate, coach. |