obstinate, a. incompliant, intractable, mulish, perverse, dogged, contumacious, stubborn. Antonyms: amenable, yielding, tractable, submissive, compliant, obedient.
obstreperous, a. clamorous, vociferous, noisy, uproarious, boisterous.
obstruct, v. impede, oppose, retard, barricade, blockade, clog, interrupt, bar, restrain.
obstruction, n. obstacle, impediment, barrier, blockade, restraint.
obtain, v. gain, get, procure, acquire, win, attain, secure.
obtainable, a. procurable, attainable, accessible. Antonyms: unobtainable, unprocurable, unattainable, inaccessible.
obtrusive, a. officious, meddlesome, intrusive, forward. Antonyms: inobtrusive, retiring.
obvious, a. plain, evident, palpable, manifest, patent, self-evident.
occult, a. mystic, mystical, abstruse, recondite, secret, unrevealed.
occupant, n. occupier, tenant, holder, incumbent, possessor, lessee.
occupation, n. occupancy, tenure, incumbency; vocation, employment. See business.
occupational, a. vocational.
occupy, v. hold, keep, possess, fill; engage, absorb, employ, busy, monopolize.
ocean, n. main, deep. Associated Words: oceanic, interoceanic, doldrums, oceanography, oceanology, terrigenous, Oceanus, transoceanic.
odd, a. unmatched, single, uneven; singular, peculiar, unusual, unique, strange, quaint, extraordinary, queer, eccentric, whimsical, freakish, baroque, fantastic, nondescript, abnormal, bizarre, erratic, unconventional, curious, capricious; extra, remaining, additional, redundant, casual, supernumerary.
oddity, n. oddness, singularity; curiosity, nondescript, marvel, wonder.
odds, sing, and pl. advantage, preponderance, inequality, disparity; probability.
odds and ends. remnants, fragments, orts, culls, scraps.
odious, a. detestable, abominable, execrable, offensive, repulsive, hateful, loathsome.
odium, n. detestation, unpopularity, hatred, contempt, dislike, opprobrium.
odor, n. smell, aroma, fragrance, scent, redolence, perfume, savor; stink, stench, fetor. Associated Words: deodorize, deodorization, deodorant, deodorizer, antibromic, disinfectant, disinfect, disinfection, exhale, exhalation, effluvium, emanation.
odorless, a. inodorous, savorless, scentless.
odorous, a. odoriferous, fragrant, savory, aromatic, balmy, scented.
offal, n. refuse, waste, rubbish, garbage.
offend, v. displease, affront, provoke, mortify, exasperate, incense, wound, shock.
offender, n. delinquent, wrong-doer, trespasser, malefactor, culprit, criminal.
offense, n. crime, wrong, sin, outrage, indignity; displeasure, resentment, dudgeon, umbrage; misdemeanor, transgression, delinquency, trespass.
offensive, a. obnoxious, displeasing, noisome, distasteful, insolent, abusive, aggressive, assailant, fetid, disagreeable, opprobrious, scurrilous, fulsome.
offer, v. tender, proffer, propose, propound, volunteer, bid; immolate, sacrifice.
offer, n. tender, proposition, bid, overture, proffer.
offering, n. overture, proposition, bid; sacrifice, oblation; offertory; corban.
offhand, a. extemporaneous, impromptu, improvised, unstudied.
office, n. duty, function, service, work, charge, trust, business.
office-holder, n. officer, official, functionary, placeman.
officer, n. office-holder, magistrate, dignitary, incumbent.
officially, adv. ex-officio.
officious, a. meddlesome, intrusive, obtrusive, pragmatical, impertinent.
offscouring, n. refuse, scum, offscum, recrement, dross, trash, waste.
offset, n. set-off, counterbalance, equivalent.—v. counterbalance, counterpoise.
offshoot, n. scion, branch.
offspring, n. children, issue, progeny, posterity, descendants.
often, adv. frequently, repeatedly, oftentimes, ofttimes. Antonyms: seldom, infrequently.
oil, v. lubricate.
oiliness, n. lubricity, unctuousness, unctuosity, oleosity, glibness.
oil-producing, a. oleiferous.
oilstone, n. hone.
oily, a. unctuous, oleaginous, emulsive, lubricous; glib, fluent, plausible.
ointment, n. unguent, embrocation, salve.
old, a. aged, elderly, senescent, decrepit, venerable, patriarchal, superannuated, senile; former, pre-existing, preceding, ancient, archaic, antique, antiquated, olden, time-honored, traditional, immemorial, primitive, primordial, primeval, pristine, fossil; dilapidated, decayed, effete; practiced, veteran, experienced; sensible, astute, shrewd, sagacious.
old age. senility, dotage, superannuation, decrepitude. Associated words: geratology, geratic, gerontic.
old-fashioned, a. antiquated, archaic, passe, antique, obsolete, fogram, frumpish.
old-fashioned word. archaism.
old iron, glass, etc. junk.
old maid. spinster.
old man. veteran, patriarch, Nestor, elder, oldster, Methuselah, dotard; gaffer, crone, geezer; centenarian, octogenarian, sexagenarian, nonagenarian.
old-time, a. late, former, quondam.
old woman. beldame, crone, gammer; witch, hag, harridan.
old-womanish, a. anile.
old-womanishness, n. anility.
omen, n. foretoken, sign, augury, portent, presage, prognostic, auspice.
ominous, a. portentous, monitory, premonitory, threatening.
omission, n. default, oversight, neglect, pretermission, omittance, non-performance.
omit, v. leave out, slap, pretermit, disregard, neglect, overlook, ignore, delete.
omittance, n. omission, forbearance, default, neglect, oversight.
omnipresence, n. ubiquity.
omnipresent, n. ubiquitous.
one, n. unit. Associated Words: unify, unity, unification, numerary.
one after the other. seriatim; tandem; alternately, consecutively.
one hundred years. century, centenary. Associated Words: centenarian, centennial.
one letter. Associated Word: uniliteral.
on end. erect, perpendicular, upright.
oneness, n. unity, singleness, individuality, unanimity.
onerous, a. laborious, difficult, arduous.
one-sided, a. unilateral; partial, unfair, inequitable, ex parte.
one year. Associated Words: annual, annually.
on horseback. mounted.
onion, n. (that does not bottom out) scallion, eschallot, shallot. Associated Words: alliaceous, cepaceous, leek, allium, garlic.
onlooker, n. looker-on, bystander, spectator, beholder, witness, eye-witness.
on tap. broached, abroached.
on the sly. (Collog.) sly, covertly, furtively, clandestinely, surreptitiously, secretly.
ooze, v. filter, exude, percolate, transude, seep.
oozing, n. percolation, filtering, exudation, distillation, transudation.
opalescence, n. iridescence.
opalescent, a. iridescent.
opaque, a. intransparent; (Colloq.) obscure, unintelligible.
open, a. accessible, clear, unobstructed, unrestricted; ajar, unlocked; extended, expanded, spread, gaping, yawning, unfolded, dehiscent; frank, unreserved, candid, ingenuous, guileless, overt, undisguised; generous, liberal, bounteous, open-handed; revealed, patent, manifest; unsettled, undetermined, debatable, undecided, controvertible; mild, clement; free, disengaged, unappropriated, unemployed.
open, v. spread, expand, unfold, evolve; reveal, disclose; unclose, unlock, unfasten; begin, commence; dehisce.
open-air, a. outdoor, al-fresco.
opening, a. beginning, introductory, initiatory, preliminary.
opening, n. aperture, fissure, gap, orifice, rift, chasm, hiatus, rent; beginning, introduction, outset; vacancy.
openly, adv. publicly, unreservedly, candidly.
open-mouthed, a. gaping, yawning; greedy, clamorous, ravenous, rapacious, eager.
opiate, n. narcotic, anodyne, sedative, dormitive, soporific.
opiate, a. somniferous, narcotic, anodyne, sedative, soporiferous, dormitive.
opinion, n. belief, judgment, impression; decision, ruling, verdict, sentence.
opium, n. Associated Words: narcotic, opiate, chandoo, thebaine, narcotine, codeine, dope, meconism, meconology, meconophagism, meconophagist, opiophagism.
opponent, n. adversary, antagonist, rival, competitor.
opportune, a. timely, seasonable, apropos, felicitous, appropriate.
oppose, v. combat, resist, confront, withstand, oppugn, impugn, contend, antagonize, contravene, discountenance, gainsay, contradict. Antonyms: yield, acquiesce, concur, agree.
opposer, n. opponent, antagonist.
opposing, a. conflicting, antagonistic, contending, opposite, adverse.
opposite, n. antithesis, counterpart, antipodes.
opposite, a. contrary, adverse, diametrical, antagonistic, inverse, reverse, contradictory, counter, incompatible, antithetic, antipodal, inconsistent.
opposition, n. resistance, counteraction, hostility, repulse, rebuff, recalcitration, counterview, antagonism, contradiction, obstacle, impediment, obstruction. Antonyms: acquiescence, non-resistance, concurrence, agreement.
oppress, v. burden, overwhelm, aggrieve, tyrannize, persecute, overpower.
oppression, n. tyranny, persecution, extortion, hardship, severity.
oppressive, a. rigorous, tyrannical, extortionate, burdensome.
oppressor, n. tyrant, persecutor, extortioner.
option, n. choice, preference, election, discretion, alternative. Antonyms: constraint, coercion, compulsion.
optional, a. discretional, elective. Antonyms: compulsory, coercive, obligatory.
oral, a. spoken, verbal, parole, vocal, nuncupative.
oration, n. declamation, rhetoric.
orator, n. declaimer, rhetorician.
oratorical, a. rhetorical, eloquent, declamatory.
ordeal, n. crucible.
order, n. mandate, command, precept, direction, decree, decretal, injunction; rule, regulation, law, canon, prescription; method, system, disposition, arrangement; succession, sequence; dictation, bidding, commission; grade, degree, class; tranquillity, quiet.
order, v. methodize, systematize, regulate; bid, command, dictate, enjoin.
ordering, n. distribution, disposition, regulation.
orderly, a. systematic, methodical, well-regulated, regular; peaceable.
ordinary, a. common, regular, conventional, commonplace, mediocre, average, usual.
organic, a. constitutional, vital, fundamental, essential, inherent, instrumental.
organization, n. organism; formation, construction, making.
organize, v. arrange, systematize, form.
orgies, n. pl. carousal, revels, debauch, wassail, saturnalia, bacchanals, riot.
origin, n. source, beginning, derivation, rise, origination.
original, a. first, primeval, aboriginal, primitive, archetypal, primordial, pristine; creative, productive, inventive, ingenious. Antonyms: derivative, copied.
original, n. origin, archetype, prototype, model, pattern.
Orkney Islands. Associated Word: Orcadian.
ornament, n. decoration, embellishment, adornment, garniture, ornamentation; parure.
ornament, v. decorate, embellish, garnish, bedeck, grace, beautify.
ornamental, a. embellishing, beautifying, garnishing.
ornamentation, n. adornment, garniture, embellishment; arabesque, moresque; purfling; fret-work.
ornate, a. ornamented, decorated, embellished, florid, adorned.
orthodox, a. Antonym: heterodox.
orthodoxy, n. Antonym: heterodoxy.
oscillate, v. fluctuate, vacillate.
ostentatious, a. showy, pompous, spectacular, gaudy, pretentious.
ounce by ounce. unciatim.
oust, v. eject, evict, dispossess, dislodge, remove, displace, expel, depose.
ousting, n. ejection, eviction, expulsion, dispossession, ouster, removal, disseizin, deposition.
out, adv. away, absent, abroad; outright, aloud, audibly; wanting, lacking, deficient in; extinguished; at variance.
out and out. wholly, completely, openly.—a. absolute, unqualified, undisguised.
outbounds, n. pl. limits, boundaries, confines.
outbreak, n. eruption, outburst, uprising.
outburst, n. eruption, outbreak, paroxysm, access, ebullition.
outcast, n. pariah, castaway, reprobate, Ishmaelite.
outcome, n. consequence, outgrowth, result, issue, upshot, eventuation.
outdo, v. excel, surpass, outvie, outstrip, exceed.
outer, a. external, exterior.
outermost, a. extreme, uttermost, utmost.
outfit, n. equipment.
outflow, n. effusion, outpouring.
outgeneral, v. outmaneuver, circumvent.
outgrowth, n. excrescence; outcome.
outlandish, a. grotesque, bizarre, barbarous, unconventional, freakish.
outlast, v. outwear, survive.
outlaw, n. bandit, desperado.—v. proscribe.
outlawry, n. proscription.
outlay, n. expenditure, disbursement.
outlet, n. egress, vent, exit.
outline, n. contour, circumference, periphery, profile; sketch, draught, scenario.
outlive, v. survive.
outlook, n. prospect, view, vista; watch-tower; foresight.
outlying, a. remote, detached, distant, frontier.
out of joint. unhinged, dislocated.
out of order. disordered, disarranged, jumbled, chaotic, disorganized.
out of place. misplaced; improper, unbecoming.
out of reach. inaccessible, unattainable.
outrage, n. indignity, affront, insult, assault.
outrageous, a. atrocious, nefarious, wanton, flagrant, unwarrantable, furious, monstrous, villainous.
outright, adv. unconditionally, utterly.
outside, n. exterior.
outside, a. external.
outskirt, n. edge, border, purlieu, suburb, frontier.
outspoken, a. unreserved, frank, explicit, blunt, ingenuous.
outward, a. external, exterior, outer, superficial, surface, extrinsic.
outweigh, v. overweigh, overbalance, preponderate.
outweighing, n. preponderance, preponderation.—a. preponderant.
outwit, v. circumvent, outgeneral, defeat.
oval, a. elliptical.
oven mop. scovel.
over, adv. across, crosswise, athwart, transversely.
overawe, v. intimidate, daunt.
overbearing, a. haughty, arrogant, dictatorial, magisterial, lordly, dogmatical, supercilious, imperious, cavalier, overweening.
overcharge, n. extortion.
overcoat, n. great coat, topcoat, ulster, raglan, inverness, surtout, paletot.
overcome, v. surmount, conquer, subdue, master, vanquish, overpower, subjugate.
overcoming, a. conquering, overmastering, overwhelming, irresistible.
over-confident, a. rash, presumptuous, incautious.
overdo, v. overwork, overtask, overtax, exhaust; exaggerate.
overeat, v. gorge, glut, satiate.
overfeed, v. surfeit, stuff, satiate, gorge, pamper.
overfeeding, n. surfeit, superalimentation, pampering.
overfill, v. surcharge.
overflow, n. deluge, flood, inundation; exuberance, superabundance, profusion.
overflow, v. inundate, deluge, engulf.
overflowing, n. overflow, inundation; exuberance, copiousness, superabundance.
overfull, a. surcharged, plethoric, surfeited, gorged.
overfullness, n. plethora, surfeit, satiety, engorgement, congestion, repletion.
overhang, n. projection.
overhead, adv. aloft, above.
overlapping, a. obvolute, obvoluted, imbricate, imbricated.—n.imbrication.
overlook, v. supervise, oversee; inspect, overhaul, examine, neglect, disregard, skip, slight, ignore; condone, connive at, forgive.
overnice, a. fastidious, squeamish.
overplus, n. surplus, excess, surplusage, residue, rest.
overpower, v. vanquish, subdue, conquer, overcome, defeat, crush, overwhelm, rout, master, subjugate, overmatch.
overpowering, a. overwhelming, conquering, irresistible, overmastering.
overpowering, n. vanquishment, conquering, defeat, subjugation, overthrow.
overrate, v. overvalue, overestimate, overprize.
overreach, v. outwit, dupe, swindle. See cheat.
override, v. trample upon, supersede, annul, abrogate.
overrule, v. annul, rescind, abrogate, revoke, supersede, set aside.
overruling, a. predominant, prevailing, controlling.
overruling, n. abrogation, cancellation, rescission.
overrun, v. infringe, invade.
oversee, v. superintend, supervise.
overseer, n. superintendent, supervisor, inspector, taskmaster, foreman, monitor.
overshoe, n. galoshe, rubber, arctic.
oversight, n. superintendence, supervision, care, inspection, surveillance, control, charge; overlooking, connivance, omission, failure, inadvertence, default, inattention, lapse.
overstate, v. exaggerate.
overstep, v. exceed, trespass, infringe, intrench, encroach.
oversupply, n. excess, superabundance, surfeit, glut, repletion.
overt, a. public, apparent, unconcealed, patent.
overthrow, v. upset, overturn; demolish, prostrate, subvert, defeat, vanquish, rout, overpower, overcome, subjugate, raze, worst.
overthrow, n. overthrowing, demolition, subversion, undoing, reversal, prostration, defeat, bouleversement.
overtop, v. transcend, surpass, dwarf, overshadow.
overture, n. See offer.
overvalue, v. overrate, overestimate, overprize.
overweening, a. haughty, arrogant, cavalier, supercilious, lordly, conceited.
overweening, n. conceit, arrogance, superciliousness, lordliness.
overweight, n. preponderance.
overwhelm, v. overflow, submerge, ingulf, drown, overpower, crush.
overwhelming, a. irresistible, overpowering.
owing, n. indebtedness.
owing, a. due, payable, unpaid; ascribable, traceable, imputable, attributable, referable; indebted.
own, v. admit, acknowledge, confess, allow, concede, grant; possess. Antonyms: disown, deny.
owner, n. proprietor.
ownership, n. proprietorship, claim, title.
oysters, n. pl. Mollusca, Ostrea. Associated Words: ostreaceous, ostreaculture, ostreophagist, ostreophagous, ostriferous, bivalve, spawn, cultch, spat.
pace, n. amble, rack.
pacifiable, a. placable, appeasable, conciliable.
pacify, v. appease, quiet, calm, mollify, propitiate, tranquilize.
pack, n. bundle, bale, parcel, package; multitude, number, quantity; gang; shook.
pack, v. compress, stow, truss; load, encumber.
package, n. bundle, packet, bale, parcel, pack, budget, truss, ceroon.
pact, n. compact, covenant, concordat. See agreement.
pad, n. cushion, bolster; saddle-cloth, housing.
padlock, n. Associated Words: shackle, staple, hasp.
pagan, n. See heathen.
page, n. footboy, buttons (Colloq.); folio.
page number. folio.
pail, n. bucket; piggin.
pain, v. hurt, torture, rack; distress, grieve, afflict, aggrieve.
pain, n. punishment, penalty; suffering, ache, smart, throe, rack, agony, torture, distress, qualm, discomfort, pang, excruciation, paroxysm, gripe, twinge, cramp, travail, stitch, crick, anguish; heartache, misery, dolor. Antonyms: ease, comfort, relief, solace. Associated Words: anodyne, anaesthetic, analgesic, dolorific, doloriferous, surcease, anaesthetize.
painful, a. distressing, agonizing, excruciating, dolorous, racking; toilsome, arduous, difficult.
painstaking, a. diligent, particular, precise, scrupulous. Antonyms: slovenly, negligent.
paint, n. pigment; cosmetic, rouge.
paint, v. delineate, portray, lim, depict, picture, sketch.
painting, n. Associated Words: easel, palette, grisaille, artist, art, atelier, studio.
pair, n. two, brace, couple, span, team, yoke, set.
pal, n. (Slang) partner, mate, confederate, associate, accomplice.
palace, n. mansion, castle, pretorium. Associated Words: palatine, palatial.
palaver, n. cajolery, flummery; conference, debate, talk.
pale, a. pallid, wan, colorless, ghastly, blanched, cadaverous, etiolate, ashy; dim, faint, indistinct, obscure. Antonyms: ruddy, buxom, flushed, blowzed.
pale, n. picket; boundary, limit, confine, fence; inclosure.
paleness, n. pallidness, pallor, wanness, colorlessness, etiolation.
pall, v. cloy, sate, satiate, surfeit, glut.
palled, a. surfeited, satiated.
palliate, v. excuse, apologize for, gloss over, extenuate; moderate, mitigate, temper.
palliation, n. extenuation, glossing over, excuse, apology; moderation, mitigation, alleviation.
palliative, a. lenitive, mitigative, palliatory, apologetic, extenuating.
pamper, v. overfeed, feed luxuriously; indulge, gratify, spoil, cocker.
pamphlet, n. brochure, booklet, tract.
pan, n. basin, chafer.
panacea, n. cure-all, catholicon, relief, solace, nepenthe.
pancake, n. griddlecake, flapjack, fritter.
pander, n. bawd, pimp, procurer, whoremonger.
panegyric, n. eulogy, encomium. See praise.
panic, n. consternation, terror, alarm.
panic-stricken, a. panic-struck, alarmed, dismayed, terrified, appalled.
pansy, n. heart's-ease, love-in-idleness.
pant, n. gasp, gasping.
pant, v. gasp; long, hunger, yearn, thirst.
panther, n. puma, cougar, jaguar.
panting, n. anhelation, gasping; longing, hunger, desire, thirst.
pantry, n. buttery, larder, ambry.
pants, n. pl (Colloq.) trousers, breeches, pantaloons; drawers; knickerbockers, skilts, smallclothes, kneebreeches; overalls; chaparejos, chapareras (leather breeches).
paper, n. document; essay, dissertation, article; journal, newspaper, periodical, gazette, courant. Associated Words: papyrus, parchment, papeterie, tablet, stationer, stationery, papier-mache, portfolio.
papery, a. chartaceous.
par, n. equality, equivalence.
parade, n. pomp, display, ostentation, show; procession, pageant, cavalcade; promenade.—v. display, flaunt, show off.
paradise, n. garden of Eden; Elysium; Heaven.
paragon, n. model, pattern.
parallel, a. like, similar, equal, analogous.
paralysis, n. palsy.
paralyze, v. benumb, deaden, stun, unnerve.
paralyzed person. paralytic.
paraphernalia, n. equipments, accouterments, ornaments.
parasite, n. hanger-on, toady, sycophant, fawner, flunky; zoō parasite, entozoa.
parcel, n. bundle, package; collection, lot; tract, plot, piece.
parch, v. torrefy.
parchment, n. vellum, pell, palimpsest.
pardon, n. absolution, remission, amnesty, forgiveness, condonation. Antonyms: retribution, vengeance, retaliation, implacability, penalty.
pardon, v. absolve, remit, forgive, condone.
pardonable, a. venial, excusable. Antonyms: unpardonable, inexcusable.
pare, v. peel.
parentage, n. extraction, descent, pedigree, ancestry, family, birth, lineage.
parish, n. Associated Words: parochial, parochialism, parishioner, parochialize.
parry, v. ward off, avert, prevent; avoid, evade, elude.
parson, n. See clergyman.
parsonage, n. rectory; manse; living, benefice.
part, n. portion, fraction, division, piece, constituent, installment, element, section, subdivision; quarter, region, district; share, portion, lot, allotment, assignment, duty, participation, function; role, character; clause, section, paragraph, chapter, passage, division.
part, v. divide, sever, disunite, dissever, sunder, dissociate, disconnect, detach, separate; intervene; apportion, share, mete out, allot, distribute.
partable, a. partible, separable. Antonyms: impartible, indivisible.
partake, v. share, participate in.
partaker, n. participant, participator, sharer.
partaking, n. participation.
parted, a. separated, divided, severed, disunited, isolated, detached, riven, cleft, sundered.
partial, a. warped, biased, prejudiced; imperfect, incomplete. Antonyms: See impartial.
partiality, n. bias, favoritism; predilection, inclination, fondness, predisposition, bent.
partible, a. separable, divisible, detachable, dissoluble, severable. Antonym: impartible.
particle, n. See bit; atom, molecule, monad.
particular, a. special, especial, specific; minute, precise, detailed, circumstantial; individual, separate, sole, single; characteristic, distinctive, individual, personal, peculiar; fastidious, finical, scrupulous, precise, strict. Antonyms: indiscriminate, slatternly, promiscuous, general.
particular, n. detail.
particulars, n. pl. details, minutiae.
parting, a. farewell, valedictory.
parting, n. division, disunion, severance, separation; leave-taking, farewell.
partisan, a. factionary.
partition, n. division, distribution, apportionment, allotment.
partner, n. copartner, coadjutor; colleague, associate, confederate, accessory, ally, accomplice, partaker, confrere.
partnership, n. copartnership, cahoot (Slang).
parts, n. pl. talents, gifts, faculties, endowments; regions, districts, quarters.
party, n. clique, faction, set, circle, ring, cabal, coterie, junto; function, reception, salon, soiree, levee, matinee, drawing-room; company, squad, detachment, troop; partaker, participant; person, somebody.
party-colored, a. variegated.
party man. partisan.
pass, v. elapse, lapse; transmit, deliver, hand; go, move, proceed, advance; disappear, vanish, recede, depart; pass by, omit, pretermit; overstep, overpass; transude.
pass, n. passageway, defile, passage; thrust, passado, lunge, allonge; condition, plight, predicament, state, conjuncture, situation; passport, safe-conduct.
passable, a. navigable, traversable, penetrable; tolerable, mediocre, middling, so-so, ordinary, fair. Antonyms: impassable, impervious, impenetrable.
passage, n. transit; fare; clause, sentence, paragraph; enactment; corridor, hall; gangway; slype; pass, defile.
passing, a. exceeding, surpassing; transient, momentary, transitory, fleeting, impermanent.
passing, adv. exceedingly, surpassingly.
passion, n. suffering, pain, agony; emotion, ardor, feeling, pathos; wrath, fury, anger; love, infatuation, transport.
passionate, a. irascible, quick-tempered, choleric, excitable, waspish; ardent, fervid, vehement, impassioned, fervent.
passionless, a. impassive, phlegmatic, stoical, unemotional, dispassionate, apathetic.
passive, a. inactive, quiet, inert, receptive, quiescent, patient, unresisting, submissive.
pass over. traverse.
passport, n. pass, safe-conduct; sea letter.
password, n. countersign, watchword, sesame.
past, n. Associated Words: preterist, preterition, pretermission, preteritive, preterit, aorist, aoristic, retrospect, retrospective, retrospection, antiquary, antiquity, antiquarian, quondam, antecedent, antecedence, antecedents.
past, a. bygone, elapsed; preterite, preterit.
pastime, n. amusement, sport, diversion, recreation, divertisement, entertainment, play, fun.
pastor, n. See clergyman.
pat, a. suitable, fit, convenient, timely, pertinent, appropriate.
patch, n. clout; tract, plot, parcel.—v. mend, repair, vamp, revamp.
patent, a. evident, obvious, manifest, apparent.
path, n. footway, runway, course, passage, route, avenue, trottoir, trail; towpath, heelpath, berm.
pathetic, a. plaintive, pitiable, piteous, mournful, sad.
pathless, a. untrodden, unexplored, trackless, impenetrable.
patience, n. long-suffering, fortitude, resignation, submission, sufferance; indulgence, leniency, forbearance; persistence, diligence, perseverance. Antonyms: impatience, restiveness, resistance.
patient, a. uncomplaining, submissive, resigned, passive, long-suffering, indulgent; diligent.
patriotism, n. amor patriae. Antonyms: incivism, chauvinism.
patron, n. supporter, promoter, defender, guardian, benefactor; customer.
patronizing, a. condescending.
pattern, n. model, exemplar, original, prototype, archetype; specimen, example; copy, reproduction; delineator, protractor. Associated word: exemplary.
pattern, v. model, copy, imitate, follow.
paunch, n. abdomen.
pauperism, n. penury, indigence.
pauperize, v. impoverish.
pause, n. intermission, suspension, break; hesitation; break, caesura.
pause, v. stop, hesitate, desist, waver, intermit.
pawn, v. pledge, impawn.
pay, v. compensate, remunerate, recompense, requite, indemnify, reward, commute; retaliate, punish; liquidate, defray, settle, discharge; be profitable; disburse (payout). Antonyms: repudiate, protest, bilk, defraud.
pay, n. compensation, remuneration, recompense, requital, emolument, salary, wages, fee, tip, honorarium, stipend, reward, hire, allowance, perquisite.
payable, a. due, unpaid, outstanding; remunerable.
pay back. reimburse, refund, restore, repay, requite, indemnify; retaliate.
paying, a. profitable, lucrative, gainful, remunerative.
paying back. reimbursement, refunding, restitution, requital, indemnification, restoration, repayment; retaliation, requital, reprisal, retribution.
paymaster, n. purser.
payment, n. paying, compensation, remuneration liquidation, discharge, reparation, settlement, recompense, defrayment, amends; retaliation, retribution, paying back. Antonyms: nonpayment, protest, repudiation, default, defalcation, appropriation.
peace, n. concord, amity, harmony; tranquillity, quietness, repose, calmness, serenity; reconciliation, compromise, pacification; armistice, truce.
peaceable, a. amicable, inoffensive; tranquil, serene, undisturbed, placid, peaceful, quiet. Antonyms: bellicose, belligerent, contentious, rebellious, pugnacious.
peaceably, adv. amicably.
peaceful, a. amicable, tranquil, peaceable, halcyon.
peacemaker, n. mediator, intercessor, pacificator, make-peace, arbitrator, intermediary.
peacemaking, a. pacificatory, conciliatory, intercessory, propitiatory, mediatorial, irenic, intercessional.
peacemaking, n. mediation, pacification, reconciliation, intercession, propitiation, pacation, compromise, intervention, arbitration, negotiation, irenics, irenicon.
peace-offering, n. atonement, reparation, amends.
peach, v. (Colloq.) tell on, betray.
peacock, n. bird of Juno, Pavo. Associated word: pavonine.
peak, n. apex, pinnacle, summit, crest, spire, point, top, crown, finial.
peaked, a. pointed; (Cottoq.) sickly, thin, pale, emaciated.
peal, v. resound, reverberate, echo, boom.
peal, n. reverberation, resounding.
peanut, n. groundnut, earthnut, goober.
pear cider. perry.
pearl, n. margarite; jewel, gem; baroque pearl; nacre (mother-of-pearl).
pearl-producing, a. margaritiferous.
pearly, a. nacreous, pearlaceous, pellucid, iridescent.
pear-shaped, a. pyriform.
peart, a. (Colloq.) lively, active, smart, brisk.
peasant, n. rustic, swain, hind.
pease, n. pl. legumes, pulse; hastings. Associated Word: leguminous.
pea-shaped, a. pisiform.
peck at. carp at, nag, tease, importune, twit.
peculation, n. embezzlement.
peculator, n. embezzler.
peculiar, a. individual, personal, particular; singular, eccentric, erratic, queer, odd, exceptional, unique, bizarre, grotesque, nondescript, unusual, unconventional.
peculiarity, n. characteristic, trait, attribute, idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, oddness.
peddle, v. hawk, vend.
peddler, n. hawker, huckster, vender, chapman, cadger, packman, coster.
peddler's pack. wallet.
peddling, n. hucksterage, hawking.
pedigree, n. lineage, ancestry, descent, extraction, genealogy.
peek, v. peep.
peel, n. rind, skin.—v. pare, decorticate. Antonym: pulp.
peep, v. chirp, cheep, pule; peer, peek, pry.
peer, n. equal, match, mate, compeer; nobleman, noble, lord.
peerless, a. matchless, unrivalled, inimitable, incomparable, unsurpassed, superlative, nonpareil, transcendent, supreme, unequalled.
peevish, a. petulant, querulous, captious, spleeny, fretful, impatient, cross.
peg, n. pin, spilikin; pretext, support, reason; degree, step.
pellmell, adv. disorderly, confusedly, helter-skelter.
pelt, n. woolfell, fell.
pelt, v. batter, beat, assail, pepper.
pen, v. confine, coop, encage, corral.
pen, n. coop, sty, cote, enclosure, hutch, paddock, pound, pinfold, corral, stockade.
penalty, n. punishment, retribution; forfeiture, fine, mulct.
pending, a. undecided, unsettled.—prep. during.
penetrable, a. permeable, pervious. Antonym: impenetrable.
penetrate, v. pierce, perforate; comprehend, understand; explore; interpenetrate.
penetrating, a. piercing, subtile, penetrant, sharp; acute, discerning, penetrative.
penetration, n. piercing, perforation; acuteness, discernment, sharpness; interpenetration.
peninsula, n. chersonese.
penis, n. Associated Words: penial, foreskin, prepuce, glans, urethra, chordee, erection, orgasm, corpus spangiosum, priapism, phimosis, smegma, phallus, bougie.
penitence, n. contrition, repentance, remorse, compunction. Antonym: impenitence.
penitent, a. contrite, remorseful. Antonyms: impenitent, incontrite.
penitentiary, n. prison.
penman, n. calligrapher, calligraphist, chirographer, chirographist, writer.
penmanship, n. writing, calligraphy, pencraft, chirography.
pen name. pseudonym, nom de plume.
penniless, a. impecunious, indigent, destitute. See poor.
pennilessness, n. impecuniosity, indigence, poverty, destitution.
penny, n. cent; groat, stiver; denarius.
penny-a-liner, n. hack, hack writer.
pensive, a. meditative, dreamy, lackadaisical, introspective, thoughtful, sad, grave.
Pentecost, n. Whitsunday, Whitsuntide.
penthouse, n. lean-to.
pent up. confined, restrained, restricted.
penurious, a. miserly, stingy, niggardly, parsimonious, avaricious, grasping.
penury, n. poverty, indigence.
people, n. folks; inhabitants, population, citizens; populace, commonalty, rabble, canaille; relatives, relations, kindred; laity.
people, v. populate, colonize.
peopled, a. inhabited, populated.
pepper, n. capsicum.
peppery, a. pungent; irascible, hot-tempered, choleric.
perceive, v. see, discern, observe; apprehend, comprehend, understand. See see.
perception, n. cognizance, discernment; sensation, feeling. Antonym: imperception.
perch, n. roost.
perchance, adv. perhaps, peradventure, possibly, maybe.
perchers, n. pl. Insessores.
percolate, v. ooze, strain, filter, transude.
percolation, n. filtration, straining, transuding.
perdition, n. ruin, wreck, destruction; hell.
perennial, a. perpetual, undying, imperishable.
perfect, a. consummate, faultless, flawless, exquisite, inviolate, impeccable, infallible, correct, mature, ideal, irreproachable, blameless. Antonyms: See imperfect.
perfect, v. consummate, elaborate, retouch, develop.
perfection, n. faultlessness, consummation, impeccability.
perfidious, a. See unfaithful.
perfidy, n. treachery, faithlessness, disloyalty, unfaithfulness.
perforate, v. bore through, pierce, penetrate, drill.
perforation, n. piercing, penetration; hole, opening, pertusion, aperture. Antonyms: imperforation, imperforable.
perforator, n. cephalotome.
perform, v. accomplish, execute, do.
performance, n. execution, achievement, accomplishment; trick, feat, exploit, stunt, deed, act.
performer, n. acrobat, funambulist, equilibrist, tumbler, contortionist, aerosaltant, actor, player, impersonator.
perfume, n. fragrance, aroma, redolence, sachet, incense, emanation, odor; attar, musk, patchouli, frankincense, civet, myrrh, pastil, pulvillio. Associated Words: exhale, exhalation, cassolette, perfumer, perfumery.
perhaps, adv. perchance, peradventure, possibly, haply.
peril, n. See danger.
perilous, a. dangerous, hazardous, imperiled, unsafe. Antonyms: See safe.
period, n. interval.
perishable, a. destructible, impermanent, mortal. Antonyms: imperishable, permanent.
perjury, n. oath-breaking. Associated Words: suborn subornation, suborner, perjurer, perjurous, forswear.
perk, a. vain, trim, spruce, smart, jaunty.
permanence, n. durability, imperishability, stability, permanency.
permanent, a. stable, immutable, durable, imperishable, unchangeable, abiding, indestructible. Antonyms: impermanent, evanescent, ephemeral, transient.
permeable, a. penetrable, pervious, pervadible. Antonym: impermeable.
permission, n. consent, allowance, license, leave, permit, authorization, warrant. Antonyms: refusal, denial, embargo, injunction, veto, prohibition, resistance.
permit, v. allow, consent to, suffer, tolerate, let, authorize, indulge, license, empower. Antonyms: refuse, disallow, prohibit, resist.
permit, n. warrant, license, leave, permission.
pernicious, a. deleterious, harmful, noisome, baleful, vicious.
pernickety, a. (Colloq.) finical, particular, fastidious, fussy.
perpendicular, a. upright, vertical. Antonyms: horizontal oblique.
perpetual, a. See everlasting.
perplex, v. bewilder, puzzle, pose, confuse, mystify, distract, disconcert, entangle.
perplexed, a. bewildered, confused, puzzled, disconcerted.
perplexing, a. bewildering, confusing, carking, mystifying, puzzling.
perplexity, n. bewilderment, distraction, confusion, disconcertion, doubt, uncertainty, predicament, dilemma, plight, quandary, difficulty, strait.
persecute, v. harass, oppress, tyrannize, torment, dragoon, importune, annoy, hector, badger.
persecution, n. oppression, molestation, importunity.
perseverance, n. persistence, diligence, constancy, indefatigableness, assiduity, pertinacity.
persevere, v. persist, continue.
persevering, a. persistent, steadfast, untiring, indefatigable, pertinacious, unremitting, indomitable. Antonyms: inconstant, fickle, unsteadfast.
persist, v. persevere.
persistency, n. perseverance, doggedness, pertinacity, obstinacy, contumacy, insistence.
persistent, a. contumacious, persevering, insistent, pertinacious, tenacious, importunate, constant.
personality, n. individuality; reflection, stricture, animadversion, criticism.
personally, adv. individually.
personate, v. impersonate.
personation, n. impersonation.
perspiration, n. See sweat.
perspire, v. sweat.
persuade, v. induce.
persuasion, n. inducement, suasion, incitement; creed, belief. Antonyms: dissuasion, coercion, constraint.
persuasive, a. persuasory.
pert, a. sprightly, dapper, nimble; forward, bold, saucy, malapert.
pertain, v. appertain.
pertinacious, a. resolute, determined, stubborn.
pertinacity, n. resoluteness, persistence, doggedness, stubbornness.
pertinence, n. relevancy, applicability, propriety. Antonyms: impertinence, irrelevance.
pertinent, a. relevant, apposite, applicable, proper. Antonyms: impertinent, irrelevant.
perturb, v. disquiet, excite, disturb, agitate, discompose, distress.
perturbation, n. excitement, agitation, discomposure, distress, disconcertion, worry. Antonyms: composure, imperturbation, calmness.
perturbed, a. excited, distressed, worried, discomposed, agitated.
perusal, n. reading.
peruse, v. read.
perverse, a. perverted, misdirected, erring, depraved, vitiated; intractable, obstinate, stubborn, contrary, headstrong, indocile. Antonyms: See obedient.
perversion, n. debasement, vitiation, corruption, falsification.
pervert, v. lead astray, corrupt, debase, vitiate; misuse, misapply, misinterpret, distort, falsify.
pervious, a. permeable, penetrable. Antonym: impervious.
pesky, a. (Colloq.) vexatious, troublesome.
pessimistic, a. gloomy, foreboding, hopeless.
pest, n. pestilence, plague, scourge; curse, nuisance, annoyance, infliction, bane.
pester, v. plague, badger, harass, harry, tease, torment, hector, disturb, molest.
pest house, n. lazaretto, lazar-house.
pestiferous, a. infectious, contagious, pestilential; noxious, noisome.
pestilence, n. plague, scourge, fatal epidemic.
pestilent, a. pestiferous.
pet, n. fondling, darling, favorite; cosset; tiff.
pet, v. humor, coddle, fondle, cosset, caress, indulge.
pet, a. favorite, petted, cade.
peter out. (Slang) dwindle.
petition, n. entreaty, supplication, prayer.
petition, v. entreat, supplicate, pray.
petitioner, n. suppliant, applicant, solicitor.
petrifaction, n. lapidification, petrescence, lapidescence; fossil, stone.
petrify, v. lapidify, fossilize.
petticoat, n. underskirt; balmoral.
petty, a. small, insignificant, trivial, trifling.
petulant, a. See cross.
pew, n. slip.
phantom, n. spectre, apparition, ghost.
phantomlike, a. spectral, ghostly.
pharmaceutist, n. apothecary, druggist.
pharmacist, n. apothecary, druggist, pharmaceutist.
phase, n. aspect, appearance.
phase, v. (Colloq.) disconcert, disturb, discompose, affect.
philistine, a. uncultured, commonplace.
phiz, n. (Colloq.) face, visage, countenance, physiognomy.
phlegm, n. mucus.
phlegm, n. dullness, sluggishness, coldness, indifference.
phlegmatic, a. unemotional, cold, dull, sluggish.
phonograph, n. graphophone.
photograph, n. heliograph.
photography, n. heliography.
phrase, n. idiom; diction, phraseology.
phrenologist, n. craniologist.
phrenology, n. craniology.
physic, n. medicine; cathartic, purge, purgative.
physic, v. purge.
physical, a. material, bodily.
physical structure. physique.
physician, n. See doctor.
piano, n. pianoforte.
piazza, n. veranda, portico, stoop, porch.
pick, v. pluck; pick out, select, choose, cull, glean.
pick, n. pickax; choice; spike, pike; plectrum.
picket, n. stake, pale, paling; sentry, guard, watchman, sentinel.
pickle, n. brine; (Colloq.) dilemma, predicament, plight; marinade.
pickpocket, n. cutpurse, chevalier d'industrie (French).
picture, v. delineate, sketch, draw, represent, depict.
picture, n. drawing, painting, engraving, half- tone, photograph, print, miniature, daguerreotype, chromo, icon, chromotype, mezzotint, pastel, lithograph, lithotint, cartoon, sketch, etching, chromolithograph, pasticcio, tableau, portrait, illustration, cyclorama, silhouette, carte-de-visite, minette, caricature, vignette, draught, aquarelle, thermotype, tintype, ambrotype, cabinet, heliograph, chrysotype, photogravure, oleograph, cut, negative, study, likeness, scene, landscape, view, stereogram, stereograph, panorama, aristotype, heliotype, diorama, diaphanotype, decalcomania, mosaic, photoengraving, inconograph.
piddle, v. trifle.
piddling, a. trifling, inconsiderable, insignificant, piffling, inconsequential.
piebald, a. spotted, dappled, pied, pintado, pinto, party-colored.
piece, n. scrap, swatch, clout, chunk, slice, clipping, chip, hunk, hunch, fragment, fillet, shard; essay, article, composition; etude (Mus.).
piece, v. patch, repair; augment.
pied, a. mottled, spotted, piebald, dappled, party-colored.
pieplant, n. rhubarb.
pier, n. wharf, dock, jetty, buttress.
pierce, v. transfix, stab, impale, gore; penetrate, bore, perforate, drill.
pierced, a. perforated, penetrated.
piercer, n. stiletto, eyeleteer, gimlet, awl, bodkin.
piercing, a. penetrating, keen, sharp, thrilling, poignant.
piercing, n. penetration, perforation, impalement, transfixion, boring.
piety, n. sanctity, godliness, holiness.
piffle, n. trifling.—v. trifle, piddle.
piffling, a. trifling.
pig, n. shoat, far; gilt (young female); whinock; hog, swine. Associated Words: porcine, farrow, litter, barrow, boar, sow, pork.
pigeon-house, n. dove-cote, columbary.
piggery, n. pig pen, sty, pigsty.
pigheaded, a. stubborn, perverse.
pig pen, n. sty, pigsty, piggery.
pigtail, n. queue.
pile, n. heap, stack, accumulation.
pile, v. heap, stack, accumulate.
piles, n. hemorrhoids.
pilfer, v. filch, purloin.
pilfering, n. filching, theft, pilfery.
pilgrim, n. wayfarer, traveler, sojourner, crusader.
pilgrimage, n. journey, expedition, sojourn, crusade.
pilgrim's staff. bourdon.
pillage, n. devastation, plundering, rapine, spoliation; spoil, plunder, booty, loot.
pillage, v. sack, plunder, despoil, devastate, foray.
pillar, n. column, pier, shaft, post, obelisk, monolith; supporter, maintainer.
pillow, n. cushion, bolster.
pilot, n. steersman, helmsman; director, guide, conductor.
pilot, v. guide, steer, direct.
pimp, n. procurer, bawd, pander.—v. pander, bawd.
pimple, n. eruption, papule, pustule.
pin, n. peg, bolt, skewer, spilikin, spile, plug, linchpin.
pinafore, n. apron, tier.
pinch, n. twinge, tweak, twitch; exigency, strait.
pinch, v. squeeze, compress, twinge, tweak, gripe, nip; cramp, straiten, oppress; skrimp.
pinch, v. (Slang) arrest.
pinchbeck, a. sham, spurious, brummagem.
pinchers, n. pl. pincers, tweezers, pliers, nippers, forceps.
pinching, a. griping, compressing, nipping, skrimping.
pine, v. droop, languish, waste; yearn, long—n. deal.
pining, a. languishing, fading, drooping.
pinion, n. feather; wing.
pink, v. scallop.
pinnacle, n. peak, summit, top, apex, zenith; finial.
pious, a. religious, devout, saintly, righteous, reverent. Antonym: impious.
pip, n. seed; roup.
pipe, n. tube, conduit, aqueduct.
pipe, n. tobacco pipe, clay pipe; nargile, nargileh; hubble-bubble; hookah; chibouque; dudeen.
piped, a. tubular.
pipe of peace. calumet.
pipe-shaped, a. tubular.
piping, a. peaceful, favorable; shrill, acute; sizzling, boiling, hissing.
piquancy, n. pungency, sharpness, spiciness; raciness, liveliness.
piquant, a. pungent, spicy; racy, lively.
pique, n. displeasure, resentment, vexation, umbrage.
pique, v. displease, offend.
piracy, n. freebooting, sea-robbery.
pirate, n. sea-robber, buccaneer, picaroon, corsair, freebooter, viking.
pirate's flag. Jolly Roger.
piratical, a. predatory.
pismire, n. emmet.
piss, n. urine.—v. urinate.
pit, n. hollow, hole, excavation, cavity; abyss; parquet; quarry; endocarp, stone, putamen.
pitapat, adv. in a flutter, flutteringly.
pitch, n. slope, declivity, slant.
pitch, n. bitumen, asphaltum.
pitch, v. cast, hurl, toss, throw, fling, heave, chuck; plunge; decline, slope, slant.
pitcher, n. jug, ewer, jar, toby, aiguiere.
pitcher-shaped, a. urceolate.
pitch into. (Slang) attack, assault, assail.
piteous, a. compassionate, merciful; mournful, plaintive, doleful.
pitfall, n. snare, trap, pit.
pith, n. marrow; gist, heart, essence, substance.
pithy, a. sententious, laconic.
pitiable, a. sad, piteous, lamentable, deplorable.
pitiful, a. tender-hearted, compassionate, merciful, lenient, ruthful, clement; lamentable, piteous, sad, sorrowful; despicable, contemptible, abject, mean.
pitiless, a. See unmerciful.
pittance, n. dole.
pity, n. compassion, mercy, ruth, commiseration, condolence, sympathy.
pity, v. have pity for, condole with, commiserate.
pitying, a. commiserative, sympathetic, tender, merciful.
pivot pin. pintle.
placable, a. appeasable, pacifiable.
placard, n. broadside, poster, bill, affiche.
place, a. position, site, situation, locality; rendezvous, tryst; duty, function, post, work, office; stead, lieu.
place, v. deposit, locate, dispose, put, set, station, establish, attribute, impute, ascribe, assign; identify.
place between. interpose.
plague, n. pestilence.
plague, v. hector, tantalize, tease, badger, pester, twit, nag, torment, harass, harry.
plaguy, a. (Colloq.) troublesome, vexatious, annoying.
plaid, a. checkered, crossbarred.
plaid cloth of Scotland. tartan.
plain, n. prairie, field, savanna, pampas, steppe, llano, champaign, campagna, heath, moor, camass, downs, tundra, veldt, peneplain.
plain, a. evident, manifest, explicit, obvious, unmistakable, distinct, apparent, palpable, patent; unembellished, simple, austere, severe, ungarnished, unadorned, untrimmed; homely, uncomely; flat, level, even, smooth, plane; unaffected, simple, artless, outspoken, undesigning, ingenuous, unreserved, direct; frugal, homely; unvaried, unfigured; mere, absolute, unmistakable. Antonyms: ambiguous, equivocal, indistinct, indecipherable, elaborate, luxurious, cryptic, abstruse, ornate, enigmatic, vague, inexplicable, obscure, complex, intricate, embellished.
plain, adv. plainly, distinctly, bluntly, candidly, explicitly.
plain-dealing, n. honesty.
plain song. Gregorian chant, canto fermo.
plain-spoken, a. frank, candid, unreserved, outspoken.
plaint, n. complaint, lamentation.
plaintiff, n. complainant.
plaintive, a. piteous, melancholy, sad, sorrowful, doleful.
plait, n. braid, plat, gather, ruffle, gauffering, plication, fluting, kilting.
plait, v. braid, plat, flute.
plaited, a. pleated, kilted.
plan, n. diagram, draught.
plan, v. scheme, project, intend, devise, contrive, design, purpose.
planetarium, n. orrery.
plant, n. vegetable, herb; pl. flora (plants of a region).
plant, v. sow; settle, establish.
plant-eaters, n. pl. Herbivora.
plant-eating, a. herbivorous, phytivorous, plantivorous, phytophagous.
plant-eating, n. phytophagy.
plant green. chlorophyll, fecula.
plant louse. aphis, aphid, aphidian; pl. aphides, aphidae.
plastic, a. formative, creative; impressible, fictile.
plat, v. braid, plait.
plateau, n. table-land, mesa.
platform, n. rostrum, stage, dais.
platitude, n. banality.
platitudinous, a. banal, trite, commonplace.
platter, n. trencher.
plaudit, n. applause, acclaim, acclamation.
plausibility, n. speciousness.
plausible, a. specious; glib, fluent, oily, smooth-tongued. Antonym: implausible.
play, v. frolic, sport, gambol, disport, frisk, skip, caper, romp, revel; wanton, dally, toy, twiddle; impersonate, personate, act; perform, execute; strum, thrum; gamble; simulate, pretend, feign, dissemble.
play, n. game, pastime, amusement, recreation, diversion, sport, disport, gambols, frolic, jest, merriment; action, use, employment, practice, exercise; comedy, drama, melodrama, farce, burlesque; dalliance, toying, twiddling; liberty, scope, swing. Associated Words: dramaturgy, dramaturgist, dramatic, dramatize, dramatization, theater, role, repertoire.
playday, n. holiday.
player, n. idler, drone; actor, thespian, tragedian, comedian, imitator, impersonator, mime, mimic; performer, instrumentalist.
playful, a. sportive, frolicsome, prankish, jocular, sprightly, wanton.
play off. feign, simulate, dissemble.
plaything, n. bauble, gimcrack, toy.
play-writer, n. playwright, dramatist.
plea, n. defense, excuse, apology, vindication, intercession, prayer, entreaty.
plead, v. reason, argue; apologize; defend, advocate, intercede.
pleader, n. intercessor, defender, advocate.
pleasant, a. agreeable, genial, congenial, affable, amiable, enjoyable, good-humored, pleasurable. Antonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, uncongenial, repellent, repelling, austere, unamiable, inaffable, dreary, dismal, offensive.
pleasantry, n. badinage, banter, raillery, witticism, joke, jest, jocularity, drollery, waggery, jollity, humor.
please, v. rejoice, gladden, delight, gratify, cheer, elate; satisfy, content; like, choose, prefer.
pleasing, a. pleasant, delightful, gratifying, delectable, gracious, winning.
pleasure, n. gratification, enjoyment, happiness, delectation, delight; amusement, recreation, diversion; will, choice, preference, desire; voluptuousness, sensuality. Antonym: displeasure.
pleat, n. plait.
pledge, n. gage, security, hostage, guarantee.
pledge, v. pawn, impawn, hypothecate, plight.
plenteous, a. plentiful.
plentiful, a. abundant, bounteous, ample, galore, copious, full, sufficient, lavish, replete, unstinted, prolific. Antonyms: scarce, deficient, inadequate, insufficient, scant, niggardly.
plenty, n. abundance, sufficiency, plenitude. Antonyms: See scarcity.
plethora, n. superabundance, superfluity, excess, repletion; hyperaemia.
pliability, n. flexibility, suppleness, pliancy, limberness, ductility, malleability. Antonyms: inflexibility, rigidity. See inflexibility.
pliable, a. flexible, pliant, supple, limber, lithesome, lithe, flexile, malleable; irresolute, yielding, facile, compliant. Antonyms: impliable, inflexible.
plight, n. condition, state, dilemma, predicament, situation, scrape.
plight, v. pawn, pledge; promise, betroth.
plod, v. trudge, tramp.
plodding, a. hardworking, diligent.
plot, n. conspiracy, intrigue, machination, cabal, complot; plat; imbroglio (complicated plot). Associated Word: marplot.
plot, v. conspire, intrigue, cabal, complot, machinate, scheme.
plotter, n. conspirator, intriguer, intrigant, machinator, caballer, intrigante (female).
plowable, a. arable. Antonym: inarable.
plowland, n. arable, carucate.
plowman, n. plower, husbandman.
pluck, v. pull, draw; pick, gather.
pluck, n. courage, energy, spirit, stamina, pluckiness.
plucky, a. courageous, spirited, indomitable, resolute, unflinching, game.
plug, n. stopper, stopple, bung, tampoon, spile, tampion, spigot.
plumb, a. perpendicular, upright, true.
plume, v. preen, prink; pride, vaunt, boast, glory.
plump, a. fleshy, bouncing, chubby, fat, portly, stout; blunt, unreserved, unqualified.
plunder, n. booty, spoil, loot, pillage, robbery.
plunder, v. pillage, loot, rob.
plunderer, n. pillager, robber, spoiler, depredator, marauder.
plunge, v. souse, immerse, submerge, dip, douse; dive, pitch.
pocket, n. bag, sack, pouch, placket, sabretasche.
pocket-book, n. purse, wallet, portemonnaie.
pockmarked, a. pockpitted, pockfretten, pocky, pitted.
pod, n. capsule, legume, burr, shale, boll.
poem, n. sonnet, ballad, verse, distich, lyric, elegy, eclogue, idyl, madrigal, epic, ode, georgic, cid, rondeau, epilogue, epigram, elegiac, roundelay, dithyramb, dithyrambic, doggerel, rhapsody.
poet, n. bard; laureate; versifier, rhymster, poetaster; troubadour, jongleur.
poetaster, n. rhymster, verse-monger, versifier.
poetical, a. metrical, rhythmic.
poetry, n. verse, rhyme, poems, poesy, orthometry, versification, prosody, poetics. Antonym: prose. Associated Word: anthology.
poignant, a. pricking, piercing, pungent.
point, n. prick, gad, goad; punctilio, nicety, subtlety; poignancy, sting; degree, step, stage; ferrule; zenith (highest point); nadir (lowest point); aiglet, tag; apex, tip.
point, v. aim, level, direct; show, indicate, designate; punctuate; taper.
point-blank, a. direct, plain, unqualified, unreserved.
pointed, a. sharp, picked, peaked, tapering, conical. Antonyms: pointless, dull.
pointer, n. indicator, index.
pointing, n. sharpening; punctuation; designation, indication.
poise, n. equipoise, balance, equilibrium.
poise, v. balance, librate.
poison, n. venom, virus, toxine, toxicant, irritant, taint, bane, ptomaine. Associated Words: toxicology, toxicophobia, toxicomania, toxiferous, toxicologist, antidote, alexiteric, venenific, septiferous, envenom, infect.
poisoning, n. toxication, venenation; autotoxication (self-poisoning); tainting, vitiation, infection.
poisonous, a. toxic, toxical, venomous, noxious, baneful, virulent, malignant. Antonyms: nonpoisonous, antidotal.
poisonousness, n. toxicity, venomousness, virulence, malignancy.
poke, n. bag, sack, pocket; thrust, punch, jog, dig; dawdler, bore.
poke, v. stir up, excite; punch, thrust; gore, hook; grope.
poke fun at. (Colloq.) ridicule, deride.
poker-painting, n. pyrography, xylopyrography.
poky, a. (Colloq.) slow, dull, tiresome, tedious, prosaic.
polar lights. aurora borealis (northern); aurora australis (southern);
Pole, n. Polander, Polack.
pole, n. shaft, thill (of a vehicle); rod, perch; bergstock, alpenstock; poy (rope-dancer's pole); 5 1/2 yards, 30 1/4 square yards; jalons; quant.
polestar, n. north star, polar star, Polaris, loadstar, Cynosure.
polish, v. burnish, furbish.
polish, n. gloss, luster, sheen, glaze, glazing; courtliness, refinement.
polished, a. burnished, glistening, bright; courtly, elegant refined.
polite, a. courtly, civil, courteous, suave, urbane, deferential debonair, mannerly. Antonyms: See impolite.
politeness, n. courtliness, courtesy, civility, suavity, urbanity, deference, amenity, comity.
politic, a. political; judicious, discreet, shrewd, astute; diplomatic, strategic, artful.
politician, n. statesman, statist; demagogue (unprincipled and factious).
polliwog, n. tadpole, purwiggy.
poll tax. capitation.
pollute, v. defile, contaminate, corrupt, infect, debase, vitiate, desecrate, befoul.
pollution, n. defilement, contamination, corruption, infection debasement, vitiation.
poltroon, n. coward, craven, dastard.
pommel, v. beat, pound, maul, belabor, cudgel, thwack, club.
pomp, n. pageantry, parade, pageant.
pompous, a. stately, imposing, august; pretentious, grandiose See bombastic.
pond, n. lake (small); lagoon.
ponder, v. meditate, reflect, ruminate, think, muse.
ponderous, a. massive, heavy, cumbersome; dull, spiritless momentous, important.
pooh-pooh, v. (Colloq.) deride.
poor, a. indigent, impecunious, needy, poverty -stricken, straitened, necessitous, penniless, eleemosynary; emaciated, skinny, lean, spare, meager, bony, gaunt, thin, haggard, scrawny, angular, peaked, rawboned, pinched; inferior, mean, shabby, seedy, tacky, worthless; barren, sterile, effete infecund, inarable, exhausted, infertile; miserable, wretched, faulty, defective; despicable, contemptible, abject, sordid, sorry; unfavorable, inauspicious, unpropitious.
poorhouse, n. almshouse, infirmary.
pope, n. bishop of Rome, pontiff, Pontifex Maximus. Associated words: papal, papacy, paparchy, popish, see, popedom, popery, ablegate, nuncio, legate, Vatican, pontifical.
poppinjay, n. dandy, coxcomb. See fop.
populace, n. commonalty, proletariat, rabble.
popular, a. approved.
popularity, n. favor, esteem, approbation, celebrity.
population, n. inhabitants.
porch, n. piazza, stoop, veranda, porte-cochere, portico.
pork, n. Associated Words: trichina, trichinosis.
porous, a. permeable, penetrable, pervious, percolable. Antonyms: imporous, compact.
porridge dish. porringer.
port, n. harbor, haven; port-hole, embrasure; larboard; deportment, carriage, bearing, demeanor.
portend, v. foretoken, bode, presage, foreshadow, augur.
portentous, a. ominous, premonitory; monstrous, prodigious.
porter, n. doorkeeper, concierge.
portico, n. colonnade, arcade; porch.
portion, n. part, section, piece; allotment, quota, share, contingent; inheritance; dowry.
portly, a. dignified, imposing, stately, commanding; fleshy, obese, corpulent, stout.
portray, v. delineate, depict, picture, draw, sketch, paint, describe.
portrayal, n. delineation, description, account, recital, painting, depiction.
pose, n. attitude, posture (assumed).—v. attitudinize; nonplus, bewilder, embarrass.
position, n. situation, post; attitude, posture; situation, place, job; rank, standing, status; state, condition, circumstances.
positive, a. definite, precise, unequivocal, explicit, catagorical, unmistakable; confident, certain, sure; veritable, actual, absolute; indisputable; peremptory, dogmatic.
posse, n. (Colloq.) crowd, throng, multitude.
possess, v. own; have, hold, occupy; seize, take, appropriate.
possession, n. ownership, occupancy, tenure, fruition, retention, occupation.
possessor, n. owner, proprietor; occupant, tenant, holder.
possibility, n. potentiality, contingency. Antonym: impossibility.
possible, a. potential, in posse, contingent, practicable. Antonym: impossible.
possibly, adv. maybe, perhaps, perchance, peradventure, haply.
post, n. column, pillar, pilaster; position, seat, station; office, employment, station; bollard, stanchion, pile, newel, puncheon.
post, v. placard, announce; mail.
posted, a. (Colloq.) informed.
poster, n. placard, bulletin, bill.
posterior, a. later, subsequent, ensuing, succeeding; hinder, rear.
post-mortem, n. autopsy, necropsy.
postpone, v. defer, delay, put off, procrastinate, adjourn, prorogue.
postponement, n. deferring, delay, procrastination.
posture, n. attitude.
posy, n. flower, nosegay, boutonniere, bouquet.
pot, n. kettle; chamber-pot, jorden, urinal; jardiniere.
potboy, n. menial, scullion.
potent, a. powerful, forcible, cogent, effective, strong.
pother, n. confusion, commotion, flutter, bustle, stir.
potter, v. trifle, pother.
potter's wheel. jigger, throw.
pouch, n. bag, sack; paunch; marsupium.
poultice, n. cataplasm.
pound, v. beat; comminute, pulverize, bray, triturate; maul, belabor; impound.
pound, n. pinfold; sixteen ounces (avoir.); twelve ounces (troy); sovereign, $4.86.
pounder, n. pestle.
pour, v. decant.
pouring, n. decantation.
poverty, n. penury, indigence, need, destitution, privation, neediness, impecuniosity, pauperism; deficiency, paucity, infecundity, dearth, lack, meagerness, sterility, barrenness. Associated Words: impoverish, impoverishment.
powder, n. dust, pulverulence; cosmetic, rouge; pounce; efflorescence.
powder, v. pulverize, triturate, comminute, levigate.
powdery, a. friable, loose; dusty, pulverized, pulverulent, mealy.
power, n. potency, might, cogency, efficacy, force; armipotence, omnipotence; influence, sway, command, domination, authority; faculty, endowment, gift.
powerful, a. mighty, potent, drastic, efficacious, intense, strong, dynamic, puissant, effective, omnipotent, armipotent, stentorian, invincible, cogent, commanding.
powerless, a. impotent. See weak.
pox, n. syphilis.
practicability, n. feasibility.
practicable, a. feasible.
practical, a. pragmatical. Antonyms: impractical, Utopian, chimerical.
practice, n. custom, usage, habit; exercise, application, drill, rehearsal.
practice, v. exercise, apply, do, train, drill, rehearse.
praise, n. commendation, laudation, approbation, encomium, panegyric, eulogy, applause, laud, acclaim, eclat, plaudit, compliment, acclamation, puff, flattery; worship, homage, glorification; paean. Antonyms: condemnation, dispraise, disapprobation, disparagement, denunciation, animadversion, stricture.
praise, v. laud, extol, commend, eulogize, panegyrize, applaud; magnify, glorify. Antonyms: condemn, denounce, disparage, deprecate, criticize.
praiser, n. eulogist, panegyrist, extoller, encomiast, lauder.
praiseworthy, a. laudable, commendable. Antonyms: illaudable, unpraiseworthy, indign.
prance, v. cavort.
prank, n. trickpracticable, a. feasible.
practical, a. pragmatical. Antonyms: impractical, Utopian, chimerical.
practice, n. custom, usage, habit; exercise, application, drill, rehearsal.
practice, v. exercise, apply, do, train, drill, rehearse.
praise, n. commendation, laudation, approbation, encomium, panegyric, eulogy, applause, laud, acclaim, eclat, plaudit, compliment, acclamation, puff, flattery; worship, homage, glorification; paean. Antonyms: condemnation, dispraise, disapprobation, disparagement, denunciation, animadversion, stricture.
praise, v. laud, extol, commend, eulogize, panegyrize, applaud; magnify, glorify. Antonyms: condemn, denounce, disparage, deprecate, criticize.
praiser, n. eulogist, panegyrist, extoller, encomiast, lauder.
praiseworthy, a. laudable, commendable. Antonyms: illaudable, unpraiseworthy, indign.
prance, v. cavort.
prank, n. trick, antic, frolic, caper.
prankish, a. playful, frolicsome, sportive, mischievous, gamesome.
prate, v. babble, gabble, clatter, chatter, prattle. See talk.
prate, n. chatter, gabble, babble, twaddle.
pray, v. invoke, supplicate, entreat, implore, beg, petition, intercede.
pray against. deprecate.
prayer, n. invocation, orison, collect, suffrage, supplication, obsecration; litany, rogation, rosary, euchologion, secreta; entreaty, intercession.
preach, v. exhort.
preacher, n. homilist, exhorter, predicant, pulpiteer; missionary, evangelist, revivalist.
preaching, n. sermon, homily, exhortation. Associated Words: homiletics, homiletic.
precarious, a. uncertain, insecure, unassured, doubtful
preceding, a. foregoing.
precept, n. commandment, maxim, rule, adage, behest, injunction.
precious, a. costly, expensive; valuable; dear, beloved, adored, idolized.
precious stone. jewel, gem. See stone.
precise, a. exact; formal, punctilious, particular, prim, prudish.
precision, n. exactness, accuracy; formalness, prudery.
predatory, a. predaceous, plundering.
predestination, n. foreordination, foreordainment.
predict, v. prophesy, foretell, prognosticate, forebode, portend, augur, presage, vaticinate.
prediction, n. prophecy, soothsaying, divination, augury, prognostication.
predominant, a. dominant, overruling, ascendant, supreme.
preface, n. prologue, prelude. See introduction.
prejudice, n. prejudgment, bias; harm, mischief, detriment.
preposterous, a. absurd, ridiculous, irrational, inconsistent, foolish.
presage, n. omen, augury, auspice, portent; foreknowledge, premonition.
present, n. gift, donation, largess, gratuity, douceur.
preserve, v. conserve.—n. compote.
press, n. pressure, urgency.
press, v. squeeze, crowd, compress; urge, crowd; express; embrace, hug, clasp; oppress, enjoin, constrain.
pressed together. compact, serried, crowded.
pressing, a. urgent, importunate, exigent.
pretend, v. claim; simulate, feign, affect.
pretense, n. assumption, claim, pretension; simulation, affectation; pretext, feint, subterfuge.
pretty, a. comely, fair; personable, considerable. Antonyms: plain, homely, uncomely, ugly.
prevent, v. thwart, hinder, obstruct, preclude, obviate, forestall, intercept, avert, parry, deter, frustrate.
prevention, n. obstruction, thwarting, interruption, hindrance, preclusion, obviation, interception.
preventive, a. deterrent, prophylactic, obviating.—n. prophylactic.
previous, a. former, foregoing, antecedent, prior, anterior.
prey, n. spoil, loot, plunder, booty; victim, quarry, captive; depredation, ravage, spoliation.
preying upon others. predatory.
prick, n. goad, spur, gad; sting, compunction, qualm; puncture.
prick, v. puncture, pierce, perforate; goad, spur, incite; sting, wound, hurt.
pricking, a. poignant, sharp, piercing, stinging.
prickle, n. thorn, spine, barb.
prickly, a. thorny, spiny, brambly, briery.
pride, n. self-esteem, self-respect; haughtiness, arrogance, hauteur, superciliousness, contumely, conceit, vanity, priggishness, lordliness, imperiousness. Antonyms: humility, shame, self-abasement, modesty, lowliness.
priestly, a. sacerdotal.
priestly garments. vestments, canonicals. See canonicals.
prim, a. formal, precise, demure, prudish.
prime minister. premier.
primer, n. hornbook.
primitive, a. pristine, primordial, primeval, primal; antique, quaint, old-fashioned; original, radical, primary.
principal, a. leading, chief, cardinal, paramount, main, foremost.
printing, n. typography; (for the blind) Braille.
prior, a. previous, former, antedecent, anterior.
priority, n. antecedence, anteriority, precedence.
prison, n. penitentiary, bridewell, jail, house of correction, clink, bastille.—v. imprison, incarcerate. Associated Words: mittimus, commit, commitment, turnkey, warden, remand, prisoner, convict.
privacy, n. retirement, seclusion; retreat, solitude, concealment, secrecy, secret.
private, a. personal, individual; secret, secluded, covert, sequestered, hidden, unrevealed.
privates, n. pl. genitals. See sexual organs.
privation, n. deprivation, degradation; destitution, poverty, need; absence.
privilege, n. liberty, right, franchise, prerogative, immunity, advantage.
privy, n. water-closet, backhouse, jakes.
prize, n. meed, guerdon, palm, trophy, laurels, reward, premium, sweepstakes.
prize, v. value, esteem.
prize-fighter, n. pugilist.
prize-fighting, n. pugilism.
probability, n. likelihood, verisimilitude, credibleness.
probable, a. likely, credible, reasonable.
probe, v. investigate, examine.
proboscis, n. snout, trunk; haustellum (sucking proboscis).
procession, n. parade, cavalcade, cortege, train, retinue, file.
proclaim, v. See announce.
procure, v. get, obtain, acquire.
prod, n. goad.
prodigal, a. wasteful, extravagant, lavish, profuse.
profane, v. violate, desecrate; debase, prostitute, defile.
profane, a. unconsecrated, secular; unsanctified, unholy; blasphemous, irreverent, impious, sacrilegious.
profess, v. acknowledge, avow, admit; claim, pretend.
profession, n. acknowledgment, avowal; vocation, business, calling.
proficient, a. expert, adept, skilled.
profit, n. gain, emolument, dividend. Associated Words: pernor, fructuary, exploit, exploitation.
profitable, a. remunerative, lucrative, gainful, beneficial. Antonyms: See unprofitable.
profound, a. abysmal, deep; abstruse, recondite. Antonym: shallow.
progress, n. progression, advancement, improvement.
prohibit, v. See forbid.
prominent, a. protuberant; conspicuous, salient; eminent, distinguished.
promiscuous, a. indiscriminate.
promise, n. pledge, word, parole, plight, betrothal, troth, vow, assurance, covenant.
promise, v. pledge, covenant, assure, plight.
promote, v. advance, forward; exalt, elevate, raise, aggrandize; brevet.
promotion, n. preferment, exaltation, advancement, furtherance, aggrandizement; brevet.
prompt, a. quick, expeditious, ready; punctual, timely.
pronunciation, n. orthoepy; utterance, articulation, enunciation. Associated Words: diacritical marks, macron, breve, diaeresis, orthoepic, orthoepist, cacoepy.
proof, n. verification, corroboration, attestation, certification, confirmation. Antonyms: disproof, refutation.
prop, n. buttress, stay, support, brace, fulcrum, shore, stanchion.
prop, v. buttress, brace, stay, support, sustain, shore up.
proper, a. appropriate, meet, suitable, seemly, condign, appertinent, conformable, consistent, apposite; decorous, conventional, formal, sedate, demure. Antonyms: improper, inappropriate, unsuitable.
property, n. attribute, trait; estate, wealth, chattels, goods, resources, assets, inheritance.
prophecy, n. prediction, foretelling, divination, soothsaying, prognostication, augury, vaticination.
prophesy, v. prognosticate, foretell, divine, augur, predict, vaticinate.
prophet, n. prognosticator, vaticinator, soothsayer, diviner, oracle, seer, python.
prophetess, n. sibyl, pythoness.
prophetic, a. prognostic, predictive, fatidical, oracular, divinatory, vaticinal.
prosperity, n. weal, success, well-being. Antonyms: adversity, reverses, disaster.
prostitute, n. harlot, whore, strumpet, courtesan.
prostitution, n. harlotry, social evil, whoredom; perversion, misuse, profanation.
prosy, a. prosaic, dull, tiresome, tedious, uninteresting, jejune.
protect, v. shield, defend, guard, fortify, screen, shelter, befriend.
protection, n. defense, shield, shelter, tutelage, refuge, bulwark, coverture, safeguard.
protector, n. defender, guardian, patron.
proud, a. arrogant, vain, haughty, overbearing, supercilious, cavalier, overweening, disdainful, imperious, lordly, magisterial, contumelious. Antonyms: meek, humble.
proud flesh. granulation, fungus.
provable, a. demonstrable.
prove, v. verify, corroborate, substantiate, demonstrate. Antonyms: disprove, refute.
proverb, n. aphorism, maxim, saw, adage. See saying.
provide, v. supply, furnish; stipulate, covenant, agree; cater, purvey.
provider, n. furnisher, caterer, purveyor, provisor.
provoke, v. incite, stimulate, instigate, rouse; exasperate, displease, aggravate, offend.
prowess, n. bravery, intrepidity, valor.
prudence, n. discretion, caution.
prudent, a. discreet, cautious, circumspect, provident. Antonyms: imprudent, incautious.
pry, n. lever; leverage.—v. prize; gaze, inspect.
puberty, n. Associated Words: puberal, pubescence, pubescent, hebetic, impuberal.
publish, v. promulgate, proclaim, circulate, blazon, announce. Antonyms: suppress, withhold.
publisher's inscription. colophon, impress, imprint.
pucker, v. crease, corrugate, cockle, purse, wrinkle.
pucker, n. crease, corrugation, cockle, wrinkle; (Colloq.) confusion, bother, perplexity.
puckery, a. astringent.
puddle, n. pool, plashet, plash.
puerile, a. childish, silly, trifling.
puke, v. vomit.
pull, v. draw, tug, haul, tow, drag; pluck, jerk, twitch.
pulverize, v. triturate, comminute, levigate, bray.
pump, v. interrogate, question, quiz.
pun, n. paragram.
punch, v. push, poke; pierce, bore, perforate, puncture.
puncture, v. prick, perforate, pierce.
pungent, a. pricking, stinging; poignant, sharp, excruciating, severe.
punish, v. chastise, castigate, chasten, discipline.
punishment, n. chastisement, castigation, scourging, discipline, penalty, visitation, retaliation, retribution, infliction. Antonyms: immunity, impunity, acquittal, exoneration. Associated Words: penal, penology, punitive, penologist, penological, reprieve, commute, commutation, Nemesis, connivance.
punning, n. paronomasia.
puny, a. undeveloped, small, undersized, diminutive, stunted, atrophied, feeble.
pup, n. puppy, whelp.
pupil, n. scholar; learner, disciple, catechumen, neophyte, tyro, novice, probationer.
pupilage, n. nonage, minority.
puppy, n. pup, whelp; coxcomb, dandy, fop.
purchasable, a. venal.
purchase, v. buy.
pure, a. chaste, virtuous, innocent, undefiled, unpolluted, inviolated, unspotted, immaculate, virgin, incorrupt, impeccable, inviolable; unadulterated, unalloyed, unsophisticated, simple, refined, genuine, uncontaminated. Antonyms: See impure.
purge, n. physic, purgative, cathartic.
purification, n. depuration, expurgation, defecation, refinement, cleansing.
purificator, n. mundatory.
purify, v. cleanse, refine, expurgate, sublime, clarify.
purity, n. chastity. Antonyms: See impurity.
purport, n. meaning, signification, import.—v. mean, intend, signify, import.
purpose, n. aim, object, design, intent, goal, view, drift.
purpose, v. intend, design, contemplate.
purveyor, n. caterer, provider; procurer, pimp, bawd, pander.
pus, n. matter, purulence. Associated Words: purulent, maturate, maturation, suppurate, suppuration, indigested, fester.
push, v. shove, impel.
push, n. shove.
push, n. (Colloq.) energy, spiritedness, enterprise, aggressiveness; (Slang) crowd, gang, posse.
pushing, a. enterprising, energetic, intrusive, forward, officious, obtrusive, aggressive.
pusillanimous, a. See cowardly.
pussy, a. (Colloq.) pursy, fleshy.
put back. replace, restore, reinstate; retard, impede, delay, hinder.
put between. interpose.
put down. deposit; crush, quell, suppress, repress, vanquish overthrow; reduce, lower.
put in. insert, inject, interpolate, interpose, thrust in, interject, interlard.
put-off, n. shift, evasion, subterfuge, ruse, parry.
put off. discard, doff; delay, defer, postpone, procrastinate.
put out. eject, oust, remove, evict, dispossess, dislodge; extend, protrude; extinguish; issue, publish; dislocate; displease, offend, anger.
putter, v. potter, pother, trifle, fribble, dally, dawdle.
putting back. hindering, delay, retardation; replacement, restoration, reinstatement.
putting in. insertion, injection, interpolation.
putting in practice. application.
putting off. delay, deferment, postponement, procrastination.
putting on. investing, investiture; assumption, arrogation; instigation, incitement.
putting out. ejection, eviction, dispossession, expulsion, ousting; extinguishment, extinction; dislocation.
put to flight. rout.
put-up, a. (Colloq.) arranged, predetermined.
puzzle, v. mystify, pose, nonplus, perplex, bewilder, confuse.
puzzle, n. enigma, conundrum, intricacy, maze, crux, riddle, rebus, poser; confusion, quandary, perplexity, nonplus, bewilderment.
puzzling, a. enigmatical, perplexing, inexplicable, inscrutable, intricate, bewildering.
pyx, n. ciborium; ostensorium, monstrance; binnacle.
quack, n. charlatan, empiric, pretender, mountebank.
quack, a. empirical, charlatanic, quackish.
quackery, n. empiricism, charlatanism, charlatanry, mountebankery.
quackish, a. empirical, charlatanic.
quack medicine. nostrum.
quaggy, a. boggy, queachy, swampy, marshy, fenny.
quagmire, n. slough, swamp, marsh, morass, bog, fen.
quail, n. bobwhite.
quail, v. tremble, cower, flinch, quake, blench, falter.
quaint, a. fanciful, whimsical, odd, curious, grotesque, old-fashioned.
quake, v. quiver, tremble, shake, shudder, vibrate.
quake, n. agitation, trembling, shaking, vibration, quivering.
Quaker, n. Friend.
qualification, n. condition, restriction, modification, limitation; endowment, ability, eligibility, capability, fitness, competency; allowance, diminution, adaptation, mitigation, preparation.
qualified, a. modified, limited; competent, eligible, fitted, capable.
qualify, v. modify, limit, restrict, condition; fit, prepare, equip; modulate, vary, temper; diminish, moderate, mitigate, assuage, alleviate.
quality, n. nature, character, sort, strain, condition; characteristic, peculiarity, trait, property, attribute, attribution, accident; high rank, nobility, gentry, aristocracy.
qualm, n. nausea; compunction, regret, uneasiness.
qualmish, a. nauseated.
quandary, n. perplexity, predicament, dilemma, puzzle, difficulty, strait.
quantity, n. amount.
quarrel, n. altercation, disagreement, dispute, brawl, affray, fray, variance, bickering, contention, wrangle, spat, tiff, squabble, broil, dissension.
quarrel, v. wrangle, altercate, dispute, contend, squabble, bicker, spar, jangle; disagree, clash, dissent, differ.
quarrelsome, a. disputatious, contentious, irascible, choleric, litigious, pugnacious, brawling.
quarry, n. stone pit; game, prey.
quartering, n. quadrisection, quadripartition.
quarter note. crotchet.
quarters, n. pl. rooms, lodging; posts, stations, cantonments, barracks.
quartz, n. silica, silex.
quash, v. crush, subdue, extinguish, quell, suppress; annul, overrule.
quashing, n. extinguishment, quelling, suppression; annulment, overruling.
quaver, n. shaking, trembling, quiver.—v. shake, tremble, quiver.
quay, n. wharf.
quean, n. hussy, jade.
queen, n. consort.
queer, a. odd, erratic, eccentric, peculiar, singular, unusual, uncommon, unique, whimsical, bizarre, strange, grotesque, fantastic, unconventional, nondescript, freakish, exceptional, irregular; (Colloq.) suspicious, questionable.
queer, v. (Slang) ridicule, banter, rally; spoil, discourage.
quell, v. subdue, suppress, crush, quash.
quelling, n. suppression, repression, crushing.
quench, v. slake; extinguish, stifle, suppress.
quenchless, a. unquenchable.
querulous, a. peevish, fretful, petulant, discontented, fault-finding, querimonious.
query, n. question.
quest, n. search, seeking, pursuit, request, desire, solicitation, inquiry.
question, n. interrogation, inquiry, query, quizzing, quiz, examination; objection, dispute, gainsaying, scruple, cavil; inquest, debate, discussion, disquisition, inquisition; subject, theme, topic, problem, proposition; interpellation.
question, v. interrogate, quiz, catechise, examine, inquire of, pump, heckle; doubt, query, challenge; interpellate.
questionable, a. suspicious, disputable, doubtful, debatable, problematical, moot, controvertible, dubious, indeterminate, ambiguous.
questioner, n. inquirer, interrogator, inquisitor, querist, quizzer, quiz.
questioning, a. interrogatory, inquisitive, quizzical, inquisitorial, catechistic, curious, heckling.
question mark. interrogation point, eroteme.
queue, n. pigtail (of hair), cue.
quib, n. gibe, quip, taunt, sarcasm.
quibble, n. shift, evasion, cavil, sophism, subterfuge, subtlety.
quibble, v. prevaricate, equivocate, cavil, trifle.
quibbler, n. caviler, prevaricator.
quibbling, a. trifling, evasive, prevaricative, caviling, elusive, sophistical.
quick, a. hasty, swift, fast, speedy, fleet, hurried, rapid, expeditious; living, animate, live; animated, sprightly, lively, spirited, agile, brisk, nimble, prompt, deft; irascible, passionate, choleric, excitable, hasty, sharp; summary. Antonyms: slow, dilatory, sluggish.
quicken, v. revive, vivify, vitalize, resuscitate, animate; excite, stimulate, incite, actuate; accelerate, expedite, hasten, advance, facilitate, further. Antonyms: impede, retard, hinder, obstruct, check.
quickening, n. vivification, resuscitation, reanimation, revivification, animation; excitement, stimulation, actuation, incitement; acceleration, expedition.
quickening, a. accelerative.
quickness, n. fleetness, expedition, rapidity, celerity, alacrity, agility, dispatch, velocity, haste, speed, facility.
quicksand, n. syrtis.
quid, n. cud.
quiddity, n. cavil, quibble, subterfuge.
quiet, a. calm, still, pacific, motionless, unmoved, stagnant, placid, serene, undisturbed, unruffled, halcyon, unmolested; hushed, silent, still, noiseless, inaudible; demure, meek, inoffensive, gentle, retiring, modest, unobtrusive, unassuming, undemonstrative, staid, reserved, sedate; sequestered, unfrequented, retired, secluded. Antonyms: noisy, tumultuous, boisterous, hoidenish, rude, stormy, disturbed, obtrusive, forward, demonstrative.
quiet, v. still, hush, lull, appease, allay, compose, tranquilize, pacify, becalm; assuage, alleviate, mollify, moderate, relieve. Antonyms: arouse, aggravate, exasperate, intensify, increase.
quietness, n. stillness, quiescence, quiet, repose, calmness, tranquillity, serenity, unobtrusiveness, silence, inaudibility.
quill feathers. remiges.
quilt, n. coverlet, bedquilt, counterpane.
quip, n. gibe, taunt, quirk.
quip, v. gibe, taunt.
quirk, n. evasion, subterfuge, shift;, quibble, prevarication, equivocation; retort, quip, gibe.
quirky, adv. tricky, disingenuous, deceitful.
quit, v. cease, stop, desist, discontinue, forbear, break off; abandon, leave, forsake, evacuate, surrender, resign; absolve, acquit. Antonyms: continue, persist, stay.
quitch grass. crouch grass, quack grass.
quiver, v. tremble, shake, shudder, quake.
quivering, a. trimbling, tremulous, shuddering, shaking.
quixotic, a. Utopian, impracticable, chimerical fanciful.
quiz, v. puzzle, banter, chaff; question.
quiz, n. puzzle, conundrum, poser; examination.
quod, n. (Slang) quadrangle, court.
quoit, n. discus.
quondam, a. former, sometime, old-time.
quota, n. portion, share, allotment, apportionment.
quotation, n. citation, excerpt.
quotation marks. guillemets.
quote, v. cite, repeat, paraphrase, excerpt.
rabbit, n. hare, coney, bunny, cottontail.
rabbitry, n. warren.
rabble, n. mob, rabblerout, populace.
rabid, a. violent, raging, furious; intolerant, fanatical, uncompromising, rampant.
rabies, n. hydrophobia. Associated Words: rabid, rabietic, hydrophobic, antihydrophobic.
race, n. Associated Words: ethnology, ethnography, ethnologist, ethnic, racial, ethnogeny, holethnos, holethnic, interracial.
race-course, n. race-track, ring, circus, career, hippodrome, curriculum, stadium.
racer, n. courser.
rack, n. pain, torture, agony; amble, pacing; crib, manger; distaff; arrack.
rack, v. stretch, strain, torture, agonize; harass, persecute, torment.
rack and ruin. (Colloq.) destruction, ruin.
racket, n. din, uproar, clamor, babel, clangor, blare, noise, hullabaloo, hilarity, vociferation; (Slang) carouse, revel, dissipation.
racy, a. fine-flavored, pungent, rich; spirited, piquant, fresh and lively. Antonyms: insipid, vapid, tasteless, flavorless, dull, prosaic.
radiance, n. effulgence, refulgence, brilliancy, brightness.
radiant, a. effulgent, refulgent, brilliant. See bright.
radiate, v. shine, beam, gleam; diverge.
radiated, a. divergent.
radiation, n. irradiance, irradiation; divergence. Antonym: convergence.
radical, a. original, fundamental; extreme, thorough-going; primitive. Antonyms: conservative, moderate, slight, trifling, derivative.
radical, n. root, etymon, radix.
radically, adv. fundamentally.
raff, n. heap, jumble.
raffle, n. lottery.
raft, n. float, catamaran; (Slang) lot, multitude, collection, heap.
rag, n. tatter, flitter, shred, patch, frazzle, fragment.
ragamuffin, n. tatterdemalion, scarecrow.
rag-baby, n. mopsey, moppet.
rage, n. fury, wrath, passion; (Colloq.) vogue, mode, fashion. See anger.
rage, v. storm, fume, rave.
ragged, a. rent, torn, frazzled; rough, jagged; ragamuffin, tatterdemalion.
raging, a. furious, raving, infuriated, wroth, frenzied, flagrant, rampant.
rag-picker, n. chiffonier.
raid, n. foray, incursion.
rail, v. upbraid, reproach, censure, scoff.
railing, n. invective, vituperation, reproach, upbraiding, contumely. See abuse.
raillery, n. banter, pleasantry, jesting, asteism.
railroad, n. railway.
railroad, v. (Colloq.) hurry, rush.
raiment, n. See clothes.
rain, n. (fine rain) drizzle, mizzle, mist, misle; shower. Antonym: drought.
rainbow, n. iris.
rain gauge. ombrometer, udometer, pluviometer, pluviograph, ombrograph, hyetometer.
rainy, a. showery, wet, pluvious, pluvial.
raise, v. uplift, lift; hoist, heave; erect, build, rear; elevate, advance, exalt; enhance, augment; excite, arouse; propagate, grow, cultivate; rear; levy, collect.
raising, n. uplifting, lifting, elevation, hoisting; erection, rearing; exaltation, elevation; propagation, growing, cultivation.
rake, n. libertine, lecher, debauchee, roue, wencher, rakehell, satyr.
rakish, a. licentious, dissolute, libertine, immoral, lecherous, lewd.
rally, v. collect, reunite; recover, recuperate; assemble; banter, satirize, joke.
ram, n. buck; (Astron.) Aries.
ram, v. cram, stuff, compress.
ramble, v. rove, range, stroll, stray, straggle, roam, wander.
ramble, n. stroll, wandering, rambling.
rambler, n. rover, wanderer, roamer, stroller.
rambling, a. roving, wandering; discursive, digressive, incoherent.
ramp, v. spring, leap, bound, romp.
rampage, n. (Slang) debauchery, passion, excess, unrestraint.
rampageous, a. (Low) rampant, unrestrained, unruly, violent.
rampancy, n. exuberance, luxuriance.
rampant, a. exuberant, luxuriant, rank, wanton, excessive; uncontrollable, violent, raging, furious, unbridled.
rampart, n. fortification, bulwark, security, vallum.
ramshackle, a. dilapidated, disjointed.
rancid, a. musty, tainted, rank, frowzy.
rancor, n. malignity, vindictiveness, hatred, virulence, malevolence, bitterness.
rancorous, a. malevolent, vindictive, malignant, hateful, virulent, bitter.
random, a. haphazard, chance, stray, aimless, hazarded.
range, v. arrange, rank, class, classify; rove, roam, ramble; correspond.
range, n. extent, reach, sweep, compass, scope, latitude; order, class, kind, series, rank; compass, register.
rank, a. exuberant, luxuriant, rampant, vigorous; violent, extreme, excessive, immoderate, gross; rancid, musty, frowzy, fetid, stale; offensive, impalatable, fulsome, foul, gross.
rank, n. row, line, range, order, tier, series; grade, class, order, division; position, station, degree; eminence, distinction.
rank, v. classify, arrange, dispose, class, group, be ranked.
rankling, n. festering, inflammation; heart-burning, resentment.
ransack, v. rummage.
ransom, n. release, liberation, redemption, deliverance.
ransom, v. redeem, rescue, liberate, deliver.
rant, v. declaim, spout, rave, vociferate.
rant, n. rodomontade, ranting, vociferation, bombast.
ranting, a. bombastic.
rap, v. knock.—n. knock, thump, thwack.
rapacious, a. predatory, predaceous, ravenous; avaricious, grasping, extortionate, voracious.
rapacity, n. voracity, rapaciousness, greediness, avarice.
rape, n. constupration, defloration, ravishment, violation.
rape, v. ravish, constuprate, violate, deflower.
rapid, a. swift, fast, fleet, expeditious, cursory, quick, speedy, hasty, furious.
rapidity, n. swiftness, celerity, velocity, haste, speed, fleetness.
rapidly, adv. swiftly, fast, post haste.
rapine, n. plundering, sack, pillage, spoliation, depredation.
rapscallion, n. (Colloq.) rascal, rogue, scoundrel, knave, miscreant.
rapt, a. enraptured, fascinated, transported, spellbound; absorbed, engrossed.
rapture, n. ecstasy, transport, delight, bliss, beatitude.
rapturous, a. ecstatic, beatific, delightful, ravishing, transporting.
rare, a. uncommon, unusual, strange, infrequent, singular, curious; exquisite, fine, incomparable, recherche; sparse, dispersed; subtile, fine, thin, rarefied, tenuous; underdone.
rare bird. rara avis.
rarebit, n. delicacy, tidbit, dainty.
rarely, adv. infrequently, seldom.
rascal, n. rogue, scoundrel, caitiff, scamp, knave, villain, miscreant, varlet, trickster, renegade, scapegrace, rapscallion.
rascality, n. chicanery, improbity. See badness.
rash, a. incautious, precipitate, overhasty, indiscreet, inconsiderate, impulsive, temerarious, madcap, headlong, foolhardy, unwary, reckless.
rash, n. exanthema, eruption, efflorescence.
rashness, n. temerity, precipitancy, indiscretion, incaution, recklessness.
rasp, v. grate, file; offend.
rasping, a. grating.—n. pl. scobs.
rate, v. estimate, value, appraise; assess; scold, censure, chide, berate, reprove.
ratification, n. confirmation, sanction, substantiation, corroboration.
ratify, v. confirm, sanction, substantiate, corroborate.
ration, n. allowance, portion, allotment.
rational, a. reasoning; intelligent, sane, sound, judicious, wise, reasonable, equitable. Antonyms: irrational, insane, injudicious, unwise, unreasonable.
rationale, n. explanation, exposition, reason.
rattle, v. clatter; chatter, prate, babble, prattle; disconcert, confuse, discompose.
rattle, n. clatter; chatter, babble, prattle; crepitaculum; rale.
rattle-headed, a. giddy, rattle-brained, thoughtless.
ravage, v. plunder, pillage, devastate, sack, desolate, despoil.
ravage, n. plunder, pillage, devastation, spoliation, sack, despoliation, rapine.
rave, v. rage, rant, storm.
ravel, v. unravel.
ravening, a. rapacious, insatiable, predatory, ferocious.
ravenous, a. voracious, rapacious, ravening, insatiable.
ravine, n. gorge, defile, clough, lin, gully, gulch.
raving, a. irrational, delirious, maniacal, wild, phrenetic.
ravish, v. transport, enrapture, enchant; rape.
ravishing, a. rapturous, ecstatic, transporting, beatific, delightful.
ravishment, n. ecstasy, transport, rapture; rape.
raw, a. uncooked; unprepared, crude; immature, unripe; galled, sore, sensitive; inexperienced, unskilled, green.
rawboned, a. gaunt, skinny.
raw meat. Associated Word: omophagic.
raw sugar. cassonade.
ray, n. beam, gleam.
raze, v. erase, efface, rase; overthrow, subvert, demolish.
reach, v. attain.
reachable, a. attainable, accessible.
reach the highest point. culminate.
react, v. repeat; resist, oppose; rebound, recoil.
read, v. peruse.
readable, a. legible. Antonyms: unreadable, illegible.
reader, n. peruser.
readiness, n. promptness, facility, alacrity. Antonyms: unreadiness, reluctance.
reading, n. perusal; recitation, prelection.
reading desk. lecturn.
real, a. genuine, veritable, actual, true. Antonyms: fictitious, unreal, spurious, ostensible, artificial, feigned, sham.
reality, n. actuality, verity. Antonyms: unreality, phantasm, simulation, phantom.
realization, n. fulfillment, effectuation.
realize, v. effectuate.
really, adv. actually, truly, indeed, veritably, verily.
realm, n. kingdom, dominion; domain, region, sphere, department.
realty, n. real estate.
ream, n. twenty quires, 480 sheets.
rear, a. hindmost.
rear, v. raise, lift, elevate; erect, build; bring up.
rearing, n. elevation, raising; erection.
reason, n. motive, consideration, design, purpose, rationality, logic, account. Associated Words: dialectics, logic, syllogism, premises, conclusion.
reason, v. ratiocinate, syllogize; argue, remonstrate, expostulate.
reasonable, a. rational; logical, just; conscionable, fair, moderate, equitable.
reasoner, n. logician.
reasoning, n. ratiocination, argumentation, syllogism, discursus; (sophistical or false) sophistry, fallacy, casuistry.
reata, n. lariat, lasso, riata.
rebate, n. deduction, discount, allowance.
rebel, n. insurgent, revolter, turncoat.
rebel, v. revolt, mutiny.
rebellion, n. insurrection, insurgency, mutiny, sedition, revolt, insubordination.
rebellious, a. insurgent, seditious, mutinous, insubordinate, refractory. Antonyms: dutiful, submissive, docile, compliant, deferential, obedient.
rebound, v. recoil, ricochet; reverberate, reecho.
rebound, n. rebounding, resilience, repercussion, recoil, ricochet.
rebuff, n. repulse, resistance, opposition, repellence, check, setback.
rebuff, v. repulse, resist, repel, oppose.
rebuke, v. reprove, upbraid, censure, reprehend, chide, admonish.
rebuke, n. reproof, censure; chastisement, punishment.
recall, v. revoke, annul, retract, recant, rescind, repeal, abjure; remember, recollect.
recall, n. revocation, rescission, repeal, recantation, retraction.
recalling, a. revocatory.
recant, v. retract, abjure.
recantation, n. retraction, abjuration, retractation.
recapitulate, v. summarize.
recapitulation, n. summary, resume.
receipt, n. receiving, reception; formula, recipe, formulary; voucher.
receive, v. take, accept; admit, allow; welcome; hold, contain.
receiver, n. recipient, donee; beneficiary; receptacle; fence (receiver of stolen goods).
recent, a. new, late.
receptacle, n. container, repository.
reception, n. receipt, receiving; levee, soiree, function; acceptance, welcome, admittance.
recess, n. retreat, withdrawal, retirement; intermission; alcove, niche, nook, retreat; seclusion, privacy.
recipe, n. formula, receipt.
recipient, n. receiver, beneficiary, donee, conferree.
reciprocity, n. reciprocation, interchange.
recital, n. recitation, narration, narrative.
recitation, n. reciting, rehearsal; cantillation (recitation with musical modulations).
recite, v. relate, recount, repeat, deliver; cantillate.
reckless, a. heedless, inconsiderate, unmindful, thoughtless, temerarious, rash, uncircumspect, incautious, hasty, foolhardy.
reckon, v. compute, calculate, count, enumerate; esteem, regard.
reckoning, n. computation, calculation, enumeration; settlement, adjustment.
reclaim, v. tame, domesticate; reform.
reclamation, n. reclaiming, recovery, reformation.
reclining, a. recumbent, leaning, lying.—n. recumbence, reclination.
recluse, a. solitary, eremitic.
recluse, n. solitary, eremite, anchoret, hermit.
reclusion, n. seclusion, eremitism.
recoil, v. rebound, react; flinch, shrink, quail.
recollect, v. remember.
recollection, n. remembrance, memory, reminiscence.
recommend, v. commend, praise.
recommendation, n. commendation.
recompense, v. See repay.
reconcile, v. conciliate, propitiate, pacify; harmonize, adjust, settle. Antonyms: estrange, disaffect, alienate. |