lamb, n. eanling, yeanling, lambkin, cosset.
lambaste, v. (Low) pommel, maul, belabor, beat, strike.
lame, v. disable, maim, cripple, hamstring.
lame, a. crippled, hobbling, limping, halt, deformed, game, maimed, disabled; inconclusive, unconvincing, inefficient, feeble, unsatisfactory.
lament, v. bemoan, weep, wail, deplore, grieve, bewail, mourn.
lamentable, a. deplorable, grievous, pitiable, distressing, sorrowful.
lamentation, n. wailing, lament, grief, bewailing, plaint, sorrow.
lamented, a. mourned for, deplored.
lampoon, v. libel, defame, satirize.
lampoon, n. libel, pasqinade, iambic.
lance, n. spear, javelin, harpoon.
land, n. terra firma; country; freehold, ground, soil, earth; realty, real estate; demesne, glebe, close, garth, holm, arado, assart, reliction, dereliction, alluvium, cadastre, appanage, arable, fallow, allodium, innings, abuttal; farm, plantation; continent, island, peninsula, delta, isthmus, headland, cape, plateau, barens. Associated Words: agronomy, agronomist, agronomics, agronomic, agricultre, agricultral, agriculturist, georgics, geoponics, escheat, arable, inarable, agrarian, agrarianism, agrarianize, topography, tilth, terrain, terrene, till, geoscopy, geoponic.
land, v. disembark, debark; capture.
landing, n. disembarkation, debarkation; wharf, dock, quay; capture.
landlord, n. host, hotel-keeper, inn-keeper, Boniface; owner, proprietor.
Land of promise. Canaan.
landscape, n. scene, scenery, view, prospect.
language, n. speech, tongue, vernacular; dialect; idiom, phraseology, diction; argot, flash, slang, lingo, cant, jargon, gibberish; Volapuk, pasilaly, Esperanto. Associated Words: lingual, linguistic, linguist, linguistics, philology, philologist, philological, polyglot, glottology, glossology, paleography, glossologist, monoglot, grammar grammarian, chrestomathy, glossolaly, collingual.
languid, a. unanimated, flagging, lifeless, supine, listless, sluggish, tardy, slow.
languor, n. exhaustion, lassitude, inanition, listlessness.
lanky, a. gangling, overgrown.
lapse, n. slip, misstep, indiscretion; backsliding; devolution.
lard, n. grease; leaflard, flare; axunge.—v. interlard.
larder, n. buttery, pantry, spence.
lardy, a. lardaceous.
large, a. big, extensive, huge, unwieldy, vast, massive, immense, colossal, gigantic, bulky; ample, copious, liberal, unstinted; generous, liberal, munificent, princely; hypertrophied; spacious, commodious, capacious.
lariat, n. lasso, reata.
lark, n. frolic.
larrup, v. (Colloq.) whip, beat, trounce, flog.
larva, n. caterpillar, grub, maggot; pl. larvae. Associated words: silphology, pupa, chrysalis.
lascivious, a. lewd, libidinous, salacious. See lustful.
large, a. big, extensive, huge, unwieldy, vast, massive, immense, colossal, gigantic, bulky; ample, copious, liberal, unstinted; generous, liberal, munificent, princely; hypertrophied; spacious, commodious, capacious.
lariat, n. lasso, reata.
lark, n. frolic.
larrup, v. (Colloq.) whip, beat, trounce, flog.
larva, n. caterpillar, grub, maggot; pl. larvae. Associated words: silphology, pupa, chrysalis.
lascivious, a. lewd, libidinous, salacious. See lustful.
lash, n. scourge, thong, whip.
lash, v. scourge, castigate, flagellate; satirize, scold, rate. See whip.
lashing, n. scourging, castigation, flagellation; satire, scolding, rating.
lassitude, n. languor, weariness, exhaustion, languidness, enervation.
lasso, n. lariat, cabestro, reata.
last, a. final, hindmost, farthest, latest, ultimate.
last, v. continue, endure, remain.
lasting, a. enduring, durable, permanent, imperishable, abiding. Antonyms: ephemeral, transitory, fleeting, transient, fugitive, impermanent.
lastingness, n. durability, permanence, indestructibility, imperishability.
lastly, adv. finally.
late, a. tardy, delayed; recent.
lately, adv. recently.
latent, a. concealed, dormant, undeveloped, hidden.
later, a. subsequent, posterior.
latitude, n. breadth, width; room, range, scope, extent, freedom; laxity.
lattice, n. trellis, lattice-work; cancelli; grille.
lattice-work, n. lattice, trellis, treillage, espailier.
laud, v. extol, praise. See praise.
laundable, a. praisworth, commendable. Antonyms: illaudable, unpraiseworthy, indign.
laudatory, a. panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, adulatory, commendatory.
laugh, v. cachinnate, roar, giggle, snicker, titter, chuckle, grin, twitter, cackle, chortle, hawhaw.
laughable, a. risible, comic, ludicrous, droll, facetious, farcical, amusing. See funny.
laughing, a. merry, gleeful, mirthful, smiling.
laughing gas. protoxide of nitrogen, nitrous oxide, hyponitrous oxide.
lattice-work, n. lattice, trellis, treillage, espalier.
laud, v. extol, praise. See praise.
laudable, a. praiseworthy, commendable. Antonyms: illaudable, unpraiseworthy, indign.
laudatory, a. panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, adulatory, commendatory.
laugh, v. cachinnate, roar, giggle, snicker, titter, chuckle, grin, twitter, cackle, chortle, hawhaw.
laughable, a. risible, comic, ludicrous, droll, facetious, farcical, amusing. See funny.
laughing, a. merry, gleeful, mirthful, smiling.
laughing gas. protoxide of nitrogen, nitrous oxide, hyponitrous oxide.
laughter, n. mirth, laugh, cachinnation, giggle, snicker, roar, cackle, grin, chortle, chuckle, guffaw, titter. Associated Words: risible, risibles, risibility, risorial, abderian, sardonic, geloscopy, gelastic.
laugh to scorn. deride, ridicule.
launch, v. set afloat; set going, start; throw, hurl; expatiate, descant.
lava field. pedregal (Mexico and Western U.S.).
lavish, a. profuse, prodigal, free, unstinted; superabundant, immoderate, excessive, exuberant.
lavish, v. spend lavishly, bestow with profusion.
law, n. statute, ordinance, edict, enactment, decree, canon, usage. Associated Words: jurisprudence, nomology, nomography, nomocracy, antinomy, dysnomy, neonomian, code, codex, codify, codification, digest, forensic, legislate, legislation, legislative, enact, ordain, repeal, veto, jurat, juratory, juridic, juridical, jurist, juris consult, publicist, jurisprudent, juristic, pandect, moratory, judicial, causidical, nomothetic, nomistic.
law-breaker, n. criminal, malefactor, culprit, felon, delinquent, offender, sinner.
law-breaking, n. crime, misdemeanor, transgression, violation.
lawful, a. legal, legitimate, licit, legalized. Antonyms: See unlawful.
lawfulness, n. legality, legitimacy. Antonyms: unlawfulness, illegality.
lawing, n. litigation, lawsuit.
lawless, a. anarchical, riotous, mobocratic, licentious.
lawlessness, n. anarchy, unrestraint, abandon, mobocracy, license, riot.
lawmaker, n. legislator, lawgiver, Solon.
lawmaking, n. legislation.
lawsuit, n. litigation, case, suit, action. Associated Words: litigant, litigate, litigious, litigable, barratry.
lawyer, n. attorney, counselor, barrister, counsel, advocate, attorney-at-law, solicitor; pettifogger; (dishonest) shyster. Associated Words: client, clientele.
lax, a. loose, slack, flabby, relaxed; loose, vague, equivocal, doubtful; slack, remiss, negligent; unrestrained, dissolute, licentious.
laxative, a. aperient.
laxative, n. aperient.
laxness, n. laxity, looseness; relaxation, flabbiness; remissness, negligence, slackness.
lay, v. deposit, place; impose, assess; impute, charge, ascribe, attribute; submit, present, offer; superimpose.
lay, n. song, ballad, lyric.
lay, a. laic, laical.
layer, n. stratum, course, tier.
laymen, n. pl. laity.
lay open. uncover, reveal, expose, disclose, exhibit, show.
lay over. overlay, cover, apply; defer, postpone, prorogue.
lay siege to. besiege, beset, bombard, obsess.
lay to heart. take to heart, be grieved at, feel keenly, consider seriously.
lay up. store, treasure, save, hoard, garner; confine, disable.
lay wait for. lie in ambush for.
lay waste. desolate, devastate, pillage, sack, spoliate.
laziness, n. indolence, sloth.
lazy, a. indolent, slothful, sluggard, dronish. Antonyms: diligent, industrious, sedulous, hardworking.
lazy person. sluggard, drone, idler.
lea, n. meadow, lay, mead.
leach, v. lixiviate.
leaching, n. lixiviation.
lead, n. plumbum (Chem.); graphite, plumbago (black lead); plummet; blende (mock lead).
lead, v. guide, conduct, escort, direct; precede; induce, entice, influence, allure, persuade, actuate, impel; conduce, contribute, tend; have precedence; have charge of, command, head.
lead, n. precedence, initiative, command, guidance.
lead astray. mislead, seduce.
leader, n. guide, commander, corypheus, pilot, bellwether, protagonist, chief.
leadership, n. direction, command, guidance; primacy, supremacy, domination, hegemony.
leading, a. chief, principal, premiere, influential, guiding.
leaf, n. blade, spire; folio; lithophyll (fossil leaf). Associated words: foliar, foliferous, foliaceous, foliation, defoliate, defoliation, frond, bract, frondation, frondesce, frondescence, verticil, whorl, acanthus deciduous, indeciduous.
leaf-green, n. chlorophyll.
leaf-stalk, n. petiole.
league, n. alliance, confederation, coalition, confederacy, union, federation, association.
league, v. combine, confederate.
leak, v. percolate, filter, ooze.
leaky, a. defective.
lean, v. incline, slope, recline, tend; rely, depend; careen.
lean, a. thin, lank, spare, meager, poor, skinny, gaunt, emaciated, marcid, angular; slender, scant, bare.
leaning, a. reclining, inclining, supine.
leaning, n. inclination, tendency, propensity, bent, bias, proneness, predisposition, proclivity; reclination.
lean-to, n. penthouse, addition, shed.
leap, v. spring, jump, vault, bound, caper, gambol, prance, cavort, curvet.
leap, n. spring, jump, vault, bound, capriole.
leaping, a. springing, jumping, salient, saltigrade, saltatory.
leaping, n. springing, saltation, salience.
leap year. bissextile.
learn, v. master, acquire knowledge.
learned, a. educated, erudite, lettered, scholarly.
learning, n. education, erudition, lore, scholarship, knowledge. Associated Words: savant, philomath, philomathy, misology, oracle, pedant, pedantry.
lease, v. let, demise, rent.
lease, n. letting, demise; tenure. Associated Words: lessee, lessor.
least, n. minimum. Associated Words: minimize, minimization.
least, a. smallest, minimum.
leather-burning, n. pyrography.
leathery, a. coriaceous, tough, alutaceous.
leave, n. permission; leave-taking, adieu, farewell, conge; withdrawal, retirement, departure, leaving, egress.
leave, v. depart from, vacate, retire from; abandon, forsake, desert; abstain from, forego, desist from, forbear; permit, allow, let; commit, give over, intrust, consign, deliver; will, bequeath, devise; depart, set out, start, go.
leaves, n. pl. foliage, leafage. See leaf.
leavetaking, n. farewell, valedictory, conge, adieu.
leavings, n. pl. remnants, fragments, offal, refuse, waste, scraps, culls, orts.
lecher, n. rake, libertine, whoremonger.
lechery, n. libertinism, licentiousness.
lecture, n. discourse, address, dissertation, prelection; reproof, scolding.
lecture, v. discourse, address; reprove, censure, rate, upbraid, scold.
ledge, n. shelf; reef, ridge (of rocks); layer, stratum, lode.
left, n. Associated Words: sinister, sinistral, sinistrality, sinistrorse, sinistrorsal, haw, port, larboard.
left-hand, a. sinister, left.
left-handed, a. sinister, ambilevous.
leg, n. limb, shank, shin; (bones of the leg) tibia, fibula, femur, thigh bone, epipodiale. Associated Words: crotch, hock, hough, solen, cradle, puttee, hip, thigh, haunch gyve, scarpines, calf, galligaskins, spatterdashes, leggings.
legacy, n. bequest, devise.
legal, a. lawful, legitimate. Antonym: illegal.
legality, n. lawfulness, legitimacy. Antonym: illegality.
legalize, v. legitimize. Antonyms: illegalize, illegitimize.
legate, n. ambassador, envoy, representative.
legation, n. embassy.
legend, n. fable, myth; posy, inscription, motto.
legendary, a. mythical, traditional.
legerdemain, n. jugglery, sleight of hand.
legible, a. readable, decipherable. Antonym: illegible.
legion, n. host, horde, army.
legions, n. pl. battalions, troops, soldiers.
legitimate, a. lawful. Antonym: illegitimate.
lemon, n. Associated Words: citric, citrine, citrination, citrus.
lend, v. loan.
lending, n. loan.
lengthen, v. extend, elongate, stretch, prolong, protract; expatiate, amplify.
lengthening, n. extension, elongation, protraction, prolongation.
lengthwise, adv. longitudinally.
lengthy, a. long, prolix, protracted, verbose.
lenient, a. compassionate. See merciful.
lenity, n. clemency, mercy, lenience.
Lent, n. Quadragesima.
lessen, v. reduce, diminish, minify, depreciate, minimize, decrease, mitigate, abate.
lessening, n. reduction, diminution, decrease, decrement, depreciation, mitigation, shrinkage, abatement.
Lesser Bear. Cynosure.
lesson, n. task, exercise.
let, v. allow, permit, suffer; lease, rent.
let, n. hindrance.
lethargy, n. drowsiness, stupor, unconsciousness.
letter, n. epistle, favor, missive, note; encyclic, encyclical, decretal (letter of the Pope). Associated Words: correspond, epistolical, epistolary, epistolean, epistolize, epistler, epistolar, epistolography, postscript.
letter, n. initial (first letter).
letter-carrier, n. postman, mail-carrier, courier, mail-man, postboy, post.
letter for letter. literatim.
letters, n. pl. correspondence.
letters; n. pl. learning, literature, erudition, humanities.
let-up, n. (Colloq.) abatement, assuagement, respite, subsidence.
let up. (Colloq.) abate, subside, diminish, intermit.
level, a. even, flat, plain, smooth, flush, plumb; horizontal; steady, impartial, well-balanced. Antonyms: undulating uneven, concave, convex, warped.
level, v. flatten, equalize, even, smooth, reduce; raze, reduce, overthrow, demolish; adapt, adjust.
lever, n. pry. Associated Words: fulcrum, purchase, prize, prizing.
leverage, n. purchase.
levity, n. lightness, buoyancy; gayety, frivolity.
lewd, a. unchaste, lustful, licentious, libidinous, lecherous, incontinent, ribald, lascivious, rakish, ruttish, salacious, concupiscent, wanton, lubricous, prurient, pornographic. Antonyms: chaste, modest, pure.
lewdness, n. unchastity, incontinence, lust, lechery, ribaldry, salacity, concupiscence, profligacy, lasciviousness. Antonyms: chastity, modesty, purity.
liability, n. exposure, accountability, responsibility, amenability Antonyms: immunity, exemption.
liabilities, n. pl. debts, obligations, indebtedness.
liable, a. exposed, subject, accountable, answerable, amenable, bound. Antonyms: exempt, immune.
libel, n. defamation, lampoon, roorback.
libel, v. defame (by some publication), lampoon.
libellous, a. defamatory, slanderous, calumnious.
liberal, a. generous, open-handed, bounteous, munificent, unstinted, princely; profuse, lavish, ample, abundant; catholic, magnanimous, tolerant. Antonyms: illiberal, ungenerous, stingy, limited, narrow, bigoced.
liberality, n. generosity. Antonyms: illiberality, stinginess, bigotry.
liberate, v. See free.
liberation, n. See freeing.
libertine, n. lecher, debauchee, rake, roue, profligate.
libertine, a. licentious, lecherous, profligate, rakish.
liberty, n. freedom, independence; privilege, permission. Antonyms: captivity, bondage, servitude, subjection, constraint, serfdom, slavery.
license, n. privilege, right; lawlessness, anarchy.
license, v. legalize, permit.
licentious, a. immoral, dissolute, profligate, lewd, libertine, rakish, lascivious; unrestrained, uncurbed, uncontrolled.
lick, v. lap; (Colloq.) flog, thrash, chastise, castigate, trounce, drub. See whip.
lick, n. slap, stroke, blow.
licking, n. (Colloq.) flogging, chastisement, castigation, punishment, thrashing, whipping.
lid, n. cover.
lie, n. untruth, falsehood, fib; fiction, fabrication; subterfuge, evasion, misrepresentation.
lie, v. recline.
lie close. cuddle, nestle, snuggle.
lief, adv. willingly, gladly, freely, readily.
lien, n. incumbrance.
life, n. existence, being, animation, vitality; vivacity, spiritedness, energy, activity, briskness, sprightliness; biography, memoir. Associated Words: biology, biologist, vital, biometry, biogenesis, macrobiotics, vitalization, vitalize, bioplasm, protoplasm, elixir, biotic.
lifeless, a. dead, inanimate, spiritless, devitalized.
lifelessness, n. inanimation.
lift, v. raise, elevate.
lift, n. lifting, raising, elevation; help, assistance, aid; elevator, dumb waiter.
lifting machine. derrick, crane, tackle.
light, n. illumination; lamp, taper, candle, lantern, head-light, cresset; publicity, public notice; phosphorescence, luminescence; aureole, halo, nimbus, aureola, glory. Associated Words: photology, photologist, photophobia, catoptrics, dioptrics, photics, Ormuzd, luminary.
light, a. buoyant; easy, inoppressive; active, nimble, deft, fleet, swift, spry; spongy, porous, well-leavened; incompact, loose, porous; gossamery, sleazy, flimsy, thin, unsubstantial; volatile, unsteady, mercurial, fickle, frivolous.
light, v. ignite, illumine, illuminate.
light, v. dismount, alight, descend; rest, perch, settle.
lighten, v. light, illuminate, illume; ease, relieve, alleviate.
light-fingered, a. thievish, pilfering.
light-footed, a. nimble, agile.
lighthouse, n. beacon, fanal, pharos. Associated Words: holophote, pharology.
lighting, n. illumination.—a, luminous, luminiferous.
lightness, n. levity, levitation, buoyancy.
lightning-rod, n. paratonnerre.
like, a. similar, alike, cognate, analogous, homogeneous. Antonyms: See unlike.
like, n. counterpart, copy, equal; liking, preference.
like, v. fancy, approve of; prefer, choose, wish.
like blazes. (Low) furiously, rapidly.
likelihood, n. probability, verisimilitude. Antonyms: unlikelihood, improbability.
likely, a. probable, verisimilar; good-looking, comely; appropriate. Antonyms: unlikely, improbable.
liken, v. compare.
likeness, n. similitude, resemblance, similarity, appearance, guise, analogy; portrait, effigy, counterpart, image, copy, facsimile.
liking, n. fondness, partiality, affection, approval, preference, predilection. Antonyms: distaste, aversion, inappetency, hatred, antipathy, disapproval.
limb, n. branch, bough.
limber, a. flexible, pliant, limp, pliable, supple, lithe, lithesome. Antonyms: See stiff.
lime, n. Associated Words: calcareous, calciferous, calcariferous, calcification, calcify, calcified, calcivorous, calcination, calciform, slack, cretification, calcigerous, kalsomine.
limit, n. bound, boundary, confine, extent; restriction, check, restraint, limitation.
limit, v. restrict, circumscribe, define, confine.
limitation, n. limit, restriction, restraint, circumscription, finitude.
limited, a. restricted, confined, conditioned, finite, circumscribed. Antonyms: See unlimited.
limp, a. flaccid, flabby, limber, soft, flexile. Antonyms: See stiff.
limp, n. halt, limping, hobble.
limpid, a. clear, pellucid, lucid. See clear.
line, n. stripe, streak; cord, rope, thread, string, cable; course, route; branch, department; boundary, contour, periphery, circumference, outline; lineament; row, series, rank, file; secant; hachure, hatching. Associated Words: aliner, alignment, allineation, align, linear, lineal, lineation, interline, interlinear, interlining, interlineation.
linen, n. napery; lingerie; damask.
linen and wool. linsey-woolsey.
lines, n. pl. reins.
linger, v. loiter, saunter, tarry, lag.
lingering, a. protracted.
link, v. join, unite, connect, couple, concatenate.
lion, n. Felis Leo; lioness (female); whelp, lionel (young); Leo; griffin.
lionlike, a. leonine.
lip, n. Associated Words: labial, labially, labialize, labialization, labialism, chiloma, labret, philtrum, pout, labiochorea, cheiloplasty, labioplasty, harelip, blobber lip.
liquid, n. fluid.
list, n. catalogue, roster, schedule, register; selvage, selvedge, listing.
listen, v. hearken; eavesdrop; auscultate. Antonyms: disregard, ignore, scorn.
listening, n. hearkening; eavesdropping; auscultation, autophony.
listless, a. inattentive, indifferent, supine, heedless, unconcerned.
litigation, n. lawsuit.
litter, n. stretcher; mulch; disorder, untidiness; farrow.
little, a. small, diminutive, minute, tiny, wee, puny, dwarfish, insignificant, infinitesimal. See small.
little, n. miniature; modicum.
little by little. piecemeal, gradually.
live, v. exist; dwell, reside, abide.
live, a. alive, quick, animate, living.
liveliness, n. animation, vivacity, sprightliness, briskness, activity, lilt.
live longer than. survive, outlive.
lively, a. animated, spirited, vivacious, vigorous, active, brisk, energetic, stirring, sprightly; agile, nimble; hilarious frolicsome, gay, buoyant. Antonyms: slow, sluggish, inactive, quiet.
liver, n. Associated Words: hepatic, hepatology, hepatize, hepatization, cirrhosis, cirrhotic, giblets, bilious, viscera, hepatogenic, bile.
liver, heart, etc., of an animal. inmeats (edible viscera).
livid, a. ecchymosed, bruised, black and blue.
living, a. alive, quick, live; quickening, animating.
living, n. life, existence, being; livelihood, sustenance, subsistence, maintenance; benefice.
living again. redivivus, resurrected, revived, resurgent.
living in seclusion. eremitism, anchoretism, reclusion, seclusion, retirement.—a. hermitical, eremitic, anchoretic, solitary.
living picture. tableau vivant.
living together. cohabitation.
living upon others. parasitic.—n. parasitism.
lizard, n. saurian, reptile; chameleon, gecko, gila monster, iguana, dragon.
load, v. encumber, lade, burden, freight.
load, n. burden, cargo, lading, encumbrance, weight, impediment, incubus.
loaded, p.p. and a. laden, freighted, fraught.
loaf, v. lounge about, loiter.
loathe, v. abhor, hate, detest, abominate, despise, execrate, recoil from.
loathing, n. abhorrence, detestation, abomination, execration, hatred.
location, n. situation, locality, place.
lock, n. ringlet, curl, tress.
lock-jaw, n. tetanus. Associated Words: tetanic, tetanoid.
lofty, a. tall, towering.
log, n. puncheon (split log).
logical, a. consistent, sound. Antonym: illogical.
loins, n. pl. reins.
loiter, v. saunter, linger.
loitering, a. sauntering, dilatory.
Londoner, n. cockney (Contemptuous).
lone, a. alone, lonely, isolated, desolate; unfrequented, solitary, sequestered, secluded, lonesome.
lonely, a. sequestered, solitary, unfrequented; lonesome, desolate, dreary, lorn.
long, a. protracted, prolonged, lengthy, extended; lingering; extensive, inclusive; tedious, prolix, wordy, long-spun diffuse.
long, v. yearn for, hanker after, crave.
longer than broad. oblong.
long-handed, a. longimanous.
long-headed, a. shrewd, sagacious. See shrewd.
longing, n. yearning, craving.
long life. longevity.
longshoreman, n. stevedore.
long-suffering, a. forbearing, uncomplaining, patient.—n. forbearance, patience, longanimity.
look, v. glance, gaze, stare, see, con, gloat, glare, peek, peer, pry, peep, pore, lower, glower, scan, ogle; seem, appear; await, expect, anticipate; examine, investigate, inspect, contemplate, scrutinize.
look, n. glance, glimpse, inspection, scrutiny, gaze; expression, appearance, air, manner, mien, semblance, aspect, presence.
look down upon. See despise.
looking backward. retrospection, retrospect.—a. retrospective.
looking for. anticipation, expectation; search.
looking forward. anticipation, expectation, prospect, foresight.
looking forward. prospective, anticipative.
looking-glass, n. mirror; cheval glass.
looking within. introspection.—a. introspective.
look into. inspect, examine, probe, investigate.
look on. see, witness; regard, consider, deem, view.
lookout, n. observatory; watch-tower, conning tower; responsibility.
look over. examine, scrutinize, reconnoiter.
look upon. regard, esteem, consider.
look up to. honor, respect, defer to, venerate, reverence.
look within. introspect.
loop, n. staple, noose, bight.
loophole, n. excuse, plea, pretext.
loose, a. unbound, disengaged, movable, unfastened, unrestrained, detached; relaxed; incompact, porous.
loose, v. release, disengage, free, disentangle, liberate; absolve, remit; relax, loosen, slacken.
loosen, v. relax.
looseness, n. laxity, slackness, relaxation.
loot, n. spoil, booty, plunder, prize; plundering, pillage.
loot, v. plunder, sack, rifle, pillage.
lop, v. cut off, obtruncate.
lopsided, a. unbalanced, disproportioned.
loquacious, a. garrulous, voluble, talkative.
loquacity, n. garrulity, volubility, talkativeness.
lord, n. nobleman, peer, magnate, grandee; liege, suzerain.
lord, v. domineer.
Lord, have mercy upon us. Kyrie eleison.
lordly, a. overbearing, domineering, despotic, arrogant, imperious, uppish.
lordship, n. seigniory, dominion.
Lord's Prayer. Pater noster.
Lord's Supper. communion, eucharist.
lore, n. learning, knowledge, wisdom, erudition.
lorn, a. forsaken, lonely, solitary.
lose, v. miss, forfeit.
lose ground. retire, recede, retreat, decline.
loss, n. forfeiture. Associated Words: damnific, damnify, damnification.
lost, a. forfeited, missing; derelict, adrift; misspent, misemployed, wasted; irreclaimable, incorrigible, abandoned; preoccupied, abstracted, absent-minded.
lot, n. destiny, doom, fortune, fate; portion, parcel, part, allotment; (Colloq.) much, many.
loth, a. disinclined, unwilling, reluctant, averse, loath, indisposed.
lots, n. pl. Associated Word: sortilege.
loud, a. deafening, stentorian, resonant, clarion; clamorous, vociferous, boisterous; gaudy, flashy, ostentatious, showy; emphatic, urgent, appealing.
lounge, v. recline, loll.
lousiness, n. phthiriasis, pediculosis, pediculation.
lout, n. booby, boor, bumpkin, lubber, gawky.
loutish, a. boorish, lubberly, gawky, ungentlemanly.
lovable, a. amiable, winsome, lovely, winning.
lovableness, n. amability, winsomeness, amiability.
love, n. affection, devotion, infatuation, passion; amorousness, amativeness; Cupid, Eros, Venus, Aphrodite, Amorino; philanthropy; storge.
love affair. liaison (an illicit love affair), amour, intrigue.
love feast (of the primitive Christians), agape.
love-letter, n. billet-doux, billet d'amour.
lovely, a. charming, delightful, delectable, amiable, pleasing.
love potion. philter.
lover, n. amoroso, inamorato, swain, suitor, admirer, philander, gallant, beau, cicisbeo; paramour, leman.
loving, a. affectionate; enamored; amative, amorous, erotic.
loving-kindness, n. tenderness, mercy, compassion.
low, a. depressed; base, mean, vulgar, raffish, ignominious, undignified; moderate, reasonable, cheap; humble, lowly, obscure; feeble, faint, weak; subdued, grave, gentle; ignoble, groveling, abject, degraded, servile, menial, sordid, base.
low, adv. softly, sotto voce.
low, v. moo.
lowborn, a. baseborn, plebeian.
lowbred, a. unrefined, illbred, vulgar, rude.
lower, v. drop; depress, reduce; decrease, diminish, fall, humble, humiliate, degrade, abash, detrude, dishonor; frown, scowl, glower, look sullen.
lower, a. nether, under.
lower classes. proletariat, proletariate, proletarians.
lowering, a. threatening, dark, sullen.
lowest, a. nethermost.
lowest point. nadir.
low life. obscurity.
lowliness, n. humility, meekness, self-abasement.
low-lived, a. mean, dishonorable, ignominious, base.
lowly, a. humble, meek, unassuming.
low-minded, a. groveling, abject, sordid, base-minded.
loyal, a. true, constant, faithful, devoted, stanch, unwavering.
loyalty, n. fidelity, constancy, faithfulness, devotion, fealty, allegiance.
lozenge, n. tablet, troche, pastille.
lubber, n. boor, lout, bumpkin, looby, gawk, churl, lummox.
lubberly, a. boorish, loutish, gawky, clumsy, ungainly.
lucid, a. See clear.
lucidity, n. See clearness.
luck, n. fortune, chance, fortuity, haphazard, chance, hap-hazard. Associated Words: mascot, hoodoo.
luckless, a. See unlucky.
lucky, a. fortunate; favorable, auspicious, propitious.
lucrative, a. See profitable.
ludicrous, a. comical, ridiculous. See funny.
lug, v. drag, pull, tug, haul.
luggage, n. baggage, traps.
lugubrious, a. mournful, doleful, sorrowful, woful.
lukewarm, a. tepid; indifferent, cool, unconcerned.
lukewarmness, n. tepidity; indifference, unconcern, coolness.
lull, v. hush, still, quiet, tranquillize; subside, abate.
lull, n. calm, calmness, subsidence.
lumbering, a. unwieldy, ponderous, cumbersome, ungraceful.
luminous, a. See bright.
lummox, n. (Low) booby, gawk, lout, lubber, yahoo, bumpkin, boor.
lump, n. mass, aggregation, aggregate.—v. mass, amass.
lumpish, a. inert, heavy; stupid, dull, stolid.
lumpy jaw. actinomycosis.
lunatic, n. madman, maniac, bedlamite.
lunch, n. luncheon, refection.
luncheon, n. collation, refreshment, nuncheon, tiffin.
lunge, v. allonge, longe, thrust.
lungs, n. pl. lights (lungs of an animal or bird). Associated words: pulmonary, pulmonic, pneumonic, pleura, pleural lobe, spirometer, pneumology.
lurch, v. sway, stagger, roll; dodge, shift, evade, bilk.
lure, n. decoy, enticement, bait.
lure, v. entice, tempt, seduce, allure, decoy.
lurking-place, n. ambush, retreat, cover.
luscious, a. delicious, delectable; cloying, fulsome, unctuous.
lush, a. juicy, succulent.
lust, n. venereal appetite, concupiscence, salacity, sexual desire; longing, cupidity, desire, hankering. Antonym: anaphrodisia. See sexual desire.
luster, n. brightness, gloss, glitter, sheen, brilliancy.
lusterless, a. dull, lackluster.
lustful, a. lascivious, concupiscent, lecherous, licentiou-libidinous, salacious, carnal, lickerish, ruttish, prurient aphrodisiac, aphrodisiacal, lecherous.
lustre, n. brilliancy, glitter, radiance, resplendence.
lustrous, a. See bright.
lusty, a. robust, sturdy, stalwart, strapping, muscular.
luxuriance, n. exuberance, rampancy, richness.
luxuriant, a. exuberant, rampant, superabundant, excessive.
luxuriate, v. revel, wanton.
luxurious, a. voluptuous, epicurean, sybaritic.
luxury, n. voluptuousness, epicurism, sybaritism, luxuriousness.
lying, a. untruthful, false, mendacious, deceitful.
lying, n. falsehood, lie, untruth, mendacity, fabrication, fiction.
lying down. reclining, recumbent, accumbent; (face down) prone, prostrate; (face upward) supine.
lying down. reclining, reclination, accubation, recumbence; (face down) prostration, pronation; (face upward) supination, supineness.
lying in wait. ambush, ambuscade.
lying round. circumjacent.—n. circumjacence.
lyre, n. See harp.
Machine, n. automaton (self-moving machine); mechanism; organization, system.
machinist, n. mechanician.
mad, a. crazy, insane, demented, maniacal, raving; indignant, enraged, irate, resentful; rabid; distracted, wild, infatuated. See angry.
madcap, n. hotspur, blood.—a. wild, reckless, rash.
madden, v. incense, anger, enrage, infuriate, provoke, exasperate, vex, inflame.
made up. devised, fabricated, artificial, sham, false, counterfeit.
madhouse, n. bedlam, insane asylum.
madman, n. maniac, lunatic, bedlamite; monomaniac.
madness, n. dementia, insanity, craziness, mania, lunacy; monomania; frenzy, rage, wrath, ire, resentment, fury, indignation, anger.
magazine, n. storehouse, depot, repository; periodical, publication, ephemeris.
magic, n. enchantment, conjuration, wizardry, legerdemain prestidigitation, necromancy, jugglery, sorcery; fascination, witchery, charm.
magic, a. magical, necromantic, talismanic.
magician, n. conjurer, prestidigitator, sorcerer, wizard, necromancer, juggler, thaumaturge.
magnet, n. loadstone.
magnetist, n. magnetician.
magnificence, n. grandeur, sublimity, splendor, majesty
magnificent, a. splendid, superb, sublime, majestic, stately, grand.
magnify, v. augment, amplify, enlarge; overstate, exaggerate.
maid, n. See girl; lady's maid, Abigail; soubrette.
maiden, a. virgin; chaste, undefiled, pure; unused, fresh, new.
maidenhead, n. maidenhood; hymen (virginal membrane).
maidenhood, n. maidhood, girlhood, virginity.
mail, n. armor, hauberk; scale, shell; post.
mail, v. post.
mail-carrier, n. postman, letter-carrier, courier.
main, a. principal, leading, chief, capital, cardinal, paramount; requisite, necessary; sheer, pure.
main, n. ocean, high sea; gross, bulk, majority; strength, power, might, force.
mainland, n. continent.
mainly, adv. principally, chiefly, largely.
maintain, v. support, sustain; affirm, assert, contend, claim; conduct.
maintenance, n. support, sustenance.
majestic, a. august, imperial, regal, splendid, magnificent, imposing.
majesty, n. grandeur, magnificence, augustness, splendor.
major, a. greater, larger. Antonym: minor.
majority, n. seniority, manhood; plurality. Antonyms: minority, youth.
make, v. force, compel, coerce, constrain, require, necessitate, occasion, oblige; create, construct, fabricate manufacture, compose, invent, prepare, concoct, shape, form, forge.
make, n. construction, shape, form, structure, conformation
make account of. esteem, regard.
make away. alienate, transfer, make over.
make believe. feign, pretend, simulate, personate, affect.
make-believe, a. feigned, mock, sham, counterfeit, spurious, supposititious, simulated.
make-believe, n. pretense, simulation, affectation, feint.
make bold. presume, venture, dare; embolden.
make good. fulfill, vindicate, justify, establish; indemnify, reimburse, requite; verify, corroborate, confirm, ratify, substantiate.
make headway. advance, progress, thrive, prosper.
make known. declare, announce, publish, report, proclaim.
make little of. belittle, decry, disparage.
make love to. court, woo, spark.
make out. decipher.
make over, transfer, alienate, convey; remodel, rebuild, reconstruct, revamp.
make peace between, mediate, intercede, reconcile, propitiate, pacify, conciliate.
maker, n. manufacturer, constructor, producer.
makeshift, n. expedient, substitute.
make sport of. deride, ridicule, jeer.
make unfriendly. disaffect, alienate, estrange.
make up. reconcile, adjust, compose, settle; collect, amass, accumulate; supply, complete, provide.
make up for. See make good.
make up to. accost, address, salute, speak to.
make up with. become reconciled.
make up a face. grimace.
make way. advance, proceed, progress.
making, n. construction, fabrication, workmanship, invention.
malady, n. disorder, distemper, ailment, complaint, disease.
malaria, n. miasma, miasm; fever and ague.
malarious, a. malarial, miasmatic.
male, a. masculine; staminate (Bot.).
malice, n. hatred, rancor, malevolence, animosity.
malicious, a. hateful, malevolent, rancorous, malignant.
malpractice, n. evil practice, misdoing, misbehavior.
maltreat, v. See abuse.
maltreatment, n. See abuse.
mammoth, a. colossal, gigantic, monstrous.
man, n. mortal, person, individual, adult, someone; mankind, humanity; valet; Primates, Anthropidae. Associated Words: anthropology, anthropogeny, anthropography, anthropolite, anthropoid, anthropometry, anthropometric, anthropocentric, anthropomorphic, android, manikin, ecorche, pithecanthrope, androphobia.
manacle, n. handcuff, fetter, shackle.
manacle, v. handcuff, shackle, restrain, fetter.
manage, v. conduct, administer, supervise, manipulate, superintend, engineer; contrive, husband, economize.
manageable, a. governable, tractable, docile, controllable, sequacious.
management, n. administration, conduct, guidance, regulation, superintendence, direction, procuracy, negotiation, contrivance, intrigue, economy, manipulation.
manager, n. conductor, administrator, superintendent, proctor, comptroller, economist, engineer, director.
managing, a. ruling, directing, managerial.
mandate, n. command, edict, order, injunction, precept.
mandatory, a. directory, commandatory, preceptive.
mandrake, n. mandragora; May apple.
mane, n.Associated Word: roach.
man-eater, n. cannibal, anthropophagite.
man-eating, a. cannibal, anthropophagous.
man-eating, n. cannibalism, anthropophagy.
manege, n. horsemanship, equestrianism; riding school.
maneuver, n. management, ruse, stratagem, artifice, trick, finesse.
maneuver, v. scheme, finesse, plan.
maneuverer, n. strategist, tactician.
manful, a. manly, resolute, brave.
mangel-wurtzel, n. mangold-wurtzel, scarcity-root.
mangle, v. mutilate, maim, dismember, hack; smooth, calender.
mangling, n. mutilation.
mangy, a. scabby, scurvy.
mangy creature. ronion, ronyon.
man-hater, n. misanthrope.
man-hating, a. misanthropic.
manhood, n. maturity, majority, man's estate; manliness, fortitude, resolution, manfulness; virility; humanity, men.
mania, n. madness, insanity, craziness. See insanity.
maniac, n. madman, bedlamite.
maniacal, a. raving, mad, insane, delirious.
manifest, v. show, exhibit, reveal, disclose.
manifest, a. apparent, obvious, patent.
manifestation, n. show, exhibition, revelation, disclosure.
manifold, a. many, various, sundry, diverse, multifarious, multitudinous, multiplex.
manikin, n. dwarf, pygmy, homunculus.
manipulate, v. handle, operate, manage.
manipulation, n. handling, management.
manly, a. manlike, resolute, brave, strong, dignified.
man-midwife, n. obstetrician, accoucheur.
manner, n. mode, method, style, fashion, way; bearing, demeanor, mien, air, carriage, deportment; mannerism, affectation, peculiarity; sort, kind, style; pl. civility, courtesy, politeness.
manners, n. pl. Associated Word: etiquette.
mannish, a. masculine, vigorous, bold. Antonyms: effeminate, feminine.
man of all work. factotum.
man-of-war, n. warship, battleship, cruiser.
mansion, n. palace; manor-house, hall.
man-stealer, n. kidnapper, abductor.
man-stealing, n. kidnapping, abduction.
mantle, n. cape, cloak; pallium; mantel-piece, mantel-shelf.
mantle, v. sparkle, foam, bubble, effervesce.
manual, n. handbook.
manufactory, n. factory, shop.
manufacture, n. making, fabrication, construction.
manufacture, v. make, fabricate, construct.
manufacturing, a. industrial.
manure, n. fertilizer, dung, compost, guano. Associated Word: fire-fanged.
manure, v. fertilize, enrich.
manuscript, n. copy; paleograph (an ancient manuscript).
man worship. anthropolatry.
many, a. various, numerous, sundry, divers, manifold, multitudinous, myriad, multiple, innumerable.
many-sided, a. versatile; polyhedral, polyhedrical.
many-sidedness, n. versatility.
many-times, adv. frequently, oftentimes, often, repeatedly.
many-ways, adv. variously, multifariously, diversely.
map, n. chart. Associated Words: cartography, cartographer, chorography, chorographer, atlas, hachure, contour line, culture.
map, v. sketch, plan, delineate, picture.
maple, n. Associated Words: aceric, spile.
mar, n. defacement, disfigurement, blemish, injury, defect.
mar, v. deface, damage, injure, impair.
marauder, n. See robber.
marble, n. brocatel (in a literary sense, granite-flint). Associated words: marmoreal, marmorean.
margin, n. confine, border, edge, limit, skirt, brink, rim, brim, verge. Associated Words: emarginate, emargination.
marine, a. maritime, naval, nautical, oceanic.
mariner, n. sailor, seaman.
marionette, n. puppet.
maritime, a. marine, naval, nautical.
mark, v. note, notice, remark, observe, see; indicate, betoken, characterize, stamp, imprint, impress, brand, stigmatize, label.
mark, n. characteristic, impress, impression, stamp, sign, trace, vestige, symptom, token, symbol, indication, brand, stigma; badge, cognizance; trademark, idiograph; target, bull's-eye; preeminence, distinction, prominence, earmark; wheal, weal, whelk.
marked, a. designated, noticeable, conspicuous, notable, salient.
market, n. mart, emporium, exchange, market-place.
marketable, a. salable, vendible. Antonyms: unmarketable, unsalable.
marl, n. greensand.
marriage, n. matrimony, wedlock; wedding, nuptials, espousals, nuptial rites. Antonyms: celibacy, divorce, bachelorhood, maidenhood. Associated Words: misogamy, misogamist, affiance, affianced, affinity, intermarriage, conjugality, misalliance, agamist, benedict, betroth, betrothal, desponsory, ante-nuptial, sponsal, hymeneal, schatchen, connubial, connubiality, fiance, Hymen, fiancee, troth, plight, nuptial, nuptiality, postnuptial, morganatic, banns, neogamist, matrimonial.
marriageability, n. nubility.
marriageable, a. nubile.
marriage song. epithalamium, prothalamion, prothalamium.
marrow, n. medulla, pith.
marrow-bones, n. pl. knees.
marry, v. wed, espouse.
Mars, n. Associated Word: Martian.
marsh, n. swamp, morass, fen, slough, bog, quagmire. See swamp.
marshal, v. arrange, range.
marsh gas. firedamp.
marsh grass. sedge.
marshy, a. boggy, fenny, swampy, sloughy, palustrine, paludine.
mart, n. market, emporium.
martial, a. military.
martinet, n. disciplinarian.
marvel, n. wonder, prodigy; amazement.
marvel, v. wonder.
marvelous, a. wonderful, amazing, stupendous, astonishing.
masculine, a. male; manly, virile, manful. Antonym: feminine.
masculineness, n. masculinity.
mask, n. disguise, pretext, subterfuge, screen, cloak, veil, ruse, feint, blind; domino; maskoid; masquerade; mascaron.
mask, v. disguise, masquerade, veil.
masker, n. masquerader, mummer.
masquerade, n. mask, revel; disguise.
mass, n. aggregate, aggregation, totality, lump, heap, assemblage, collection, accumulation; majority; size, bigness, bulk, dimensions, magnitude; conglomeration, agglomeration.
mass, v. amass, assemble, accumulate, agglomerate, conglomerate.
massacre, n. carnage, butchery (of human beings), slaughter, havoc.
massacre, v. butcher, slaughter.
massage, n. Associated Words: masseuse, masseur, massotherapeutics, massotherapy.
Mass book. missal.
massive, a. ponderous, bulky, immense, huge, cumbersome, massy.
massy, a. massive, compacted.
mast, n. nuts, acorns.
master, n. director, lord, commander, ruler, manager, governor; employer; leader, chief; owner, possessor, proprietor; padrone. Associated Word: dominicide.
master, v. conquer, overpower, subject, subjugate, overcome, subdue, vanquish.
masterful, a. domineering, imperious, arbitrary.
master-hand, n. expert, adept, dabster.
masterly, a. skillful, proficient, adroit, dexterous, finished.
masterpiece, n. masterstroke, chef-d'oeuvre.
mastery, n. dominion, command, supremacy, superiority, rule, sway, mastership, preeminence, leadership, influence; victory, triumph; acquirement, acquisition, attainment, dexterity, skill.
masturbation, n. onanism, self-abuse, self-pollution.
mat, n. rug; matting; petate.
mat, v. felt together, entangle, twist, interweave, snarl.
match, n. tally, mate, equal, peer; contest, competition, tournament, tourney; lucifer match, locofoco.
match, v. rival, equal, cope with; contend, pit, oppose; tally, correspond, be proportionate; adapt, fit, proportion, comport, harmonize; mate, couple, combine, sort, join.
matchable, a. comparable, proportionable, correspondent, similar.
matchless, a. peerless, incomparable, inimitable, unequalled, transcendent, surpassing.
mate, n. companion, associate, friend, chum, crony, compeer, intimate, partner, colleague; match, equal; assistant, subordinate; checkmate.
mate, v. oppose, cope with, vie with, compete with; match, marry.
material, n. substance, matter, fabric, stuff, cloth, staple; plasma.
material, a. corporeal, bodily, physical; important, essential, momentous.
materiality, n. corporeity, material existence; importance.
materially, adv. substantially; essentially, vitally.
materia medica. medicines; acology.
matrimonial, a. connubial, nuptial, hymeneal, conjugal.
matrimony, n. marriage, wedlock.
matron, n. dame.
matronly, a. elderly, dignified, matronal.
matted, a. tangled, snarled, entangled.
matter, n. substance, material, body; essence, pith, embodiment, elements; importance, significance, moment, consequence, weight, materiality; pus, purulence; manuscript, copy. Associated Words: material, immaterial, materiality, immateriality, atom, molecule, chemistry, hylism, hylotheism, hylopathism, hylogenesis, materialism, physics, somatics, somatology.
matter, v. import, signify, be of importance; maturate, suppurate.
matter-of-fact, a. practical, pragmatical, unimaginative, commonplace, prosaic.
maturate, v. suppurate; mature.
maturation, n. suppuration; maturing.
mature, a. full-grown, ripe, developed, perfect; prepared, finished. Antonyms: See immature.
mature, v. ripen, develop, perfect, season.
maturity, n. development, ripeness, perfection, completion. Antonym: immaturity.
maudlin, a. over-emotional, tearful; tipsy, fuddled, intoxicated.
maul, v. pound, pommel, beat, club, cudgel.
maul, n. beetle, mall.
mauling, n. pounding, beating, clubbing, cudgelling.
maw, n. stomach; craw, crop.
mawkish, a. nauseous, sickening, loathful, disgusting; squeamish, fastidious.
maxim, n. axiom, adage, proverb, aphorism, apothegm, saw, precept.
maybe, adv. perhaps, possibly, peradventure, haply.
Mayflower, n. hawthorn, white thorn; trailing arbutus.
maze, n. perplexity, bewilderment; labyrinth, intricacy.
maze, v. perplex, bewilder, confuse, puzzle.
mazy, a. intricate, labyrinthian, confusing.
mead, n. metheglin, hydromel; meadow, lea.
meadow, n. mead, lea.
meadow mice. Arvicola. Associated Words: arvicoline, arvicolous.
meager, a. poor, emaciated, gaunt; barren, sterile, unproductive, arid.
meal, n. repast.
mealy, a. farinaceous.
mean, v. intend, purpose, design, contemplate; signify, purport, denote, betoken, imply, typify, indicate.
mean, a. contemptible, despicable, low-minded, base, abject, groveling, dishonorable, shabby, scurvy, servile, menial, undignified, unbecoming, disingenuous; obscure, ignoble, plebeian, inglorious, undistinguished, vulgar; penurious, illiberal, sordid, miserly, stingy, mercenary parsimonious, ungenerous; midway, average, moderate, middle, medium, mediocre; intermediate, mediate, intervening; insignificant, paltry, inconsequential, piddling, frivolous, inferior, poor.
mean, n. middle, medium.
meander, v. wind, turn.
meandering, a. winding, tortuous, crooked, serpentine, meandrous.
meaning, n. signification, significance, import, acceptation, intent. Associated Words: lexicology, semasiology.
meaningly, adv. significantly.
meanly, adv. dishonorably, basely, ungenerously.
means, n. property, possessions, wealth, resources, riches, estate; instrument, agency, instrumentality, method, way, facility; expedient, resource, contrivance, resort, device, artifice.
meantime, n. interval, interim, meanwhile.
meantime, adv. meanwhile.
meanwhile, adv. meantime, during the interval.
measles, n. rubeola.
measurable, a. mensurable, computable.
measure, n. gauge, rule; dimensions, capacity, size, extent, degree, limit; quantity, amount; proportion, allotment, share; metre; act, step, means.
measure, v. gauge, mete; appraise, estimate, compute, adjust; allot, mete out, apportion, distribute.
measureless, a. immeasurable.
measurement, n. mensuration; dimensions, size, extent, area, capacity, bulk.
meat, n. flesh (of animals). See flesh.
meat pie. mince pie; pasty.
mechanic, n. mechanician, artisan, artificer, handicraftsman, craftsman.
mechanical, a. automatic, involuntary.
mechanician, n. machinist.
medal, n. medallion.
meddle, v. interfere, interpose, intermeddle, obtrude.
meddlesome, a. officious, intrusive, obtrusive, pragmatical, intermeddling.
meddling, n. interference, intrusion, intermeddling.
mediation, n. intercession.
mediator, n. intercessor. See peacemaker.
mediatorial, a. intercessory, mediatory, propitiatory.
medical, a. medicinal, therapeutical, therapeutic, curative.
medicinal, a. medicative, medical, therapeutic.
medicine, n. materia medica, medicament, remedy, restorative, corrective, specific, physic, antidote, tonic, panacea; nostrum.
mediocre, a. middling, ordinary, medium, commonplace.
mediocrity, n. commonplaceness, indifference, middle state.
meditate, v. contemplate, muse, ponder, cogitate, reflect, think.
meditation, n. contemplation, musing, cogitation, reflection, thought.
meditative, a. thoughtful, contemplative, reflective.
Mediterranean Sea. Associated Word: Levant.
medium, a. intermediate, middling, mean, average, mediocre.
medium, n. middle; means, instrumentality, agency; menstruum; psychic.
medley, n. mixture, jumble, hodgepodge, potpourri, olio, melange, farrago.
meed, n. reward, recompense, prize; merit, desert, worth.
meek, a. humble, unassuming, modest, retiring, docile, lowly.
meerschaum, n. magnesite, seafoam, sepiolite.
meet, v. encounter, confront, collide, converge, engage; intercept; assemble, congregate, convene, collect, muster; agree, harmonize, unite; equal, satisfy, fulfill, match. Antonyms: avoid, elude, escape, disperse, scatter.
meet, a. suitable, proper, befitting, seemly, appropriate.
meeting, n. assembly, assemblage, congregation, convention, convocation, conference, synod, mall, concourse, gathering, mustering; juncture, convergence, crossing, junction, confluence; encounter; collision, clash; interception; interview; tryst, rendezvous.
melancholia, n. hypochondria, hypochondriasis.
melancholy, n. despondency, hypochondria, dejection, disconsolation, melancholia.
melancholy, a. despondent, hypochondriac, depressed, disconsolate, dispirited.
melee, n. affray, scuffle, set-to, brawl, fight (hand to hand).
melodious, a. tuneful, harmonious, dulcet, musical, sweet, euphonious, ariose, mellifluous.
melody, n. music; descant, tune, song, air, theme. Antonyms: discord, dissonance.
melt, v. dissolve, liquefy, thaw, fuse, soften, blend, swale, colliquate.
meltable, a. dissolvable, soluble, liquefiable, fusible.
melted, a. molten.
melting, a. dissolving, thawing; affecting, touching.
melting, n. dissolution, liquefaction, fusion, thawing, inteneration, dissipation, colliquation.
melting-pot, n. crucible.
member, n. part, organ, limb; constituent, component, part.
memento, n. souvenir, keepsake, memorial.
memoir, n. biography, autobiography.
memorandum, n. record, minute, note.
memorial, a. commemorative.
memory, n. remembrance, recollection, reminiscence; retrospection. Antonyms: oblivion, forgetfulness, Lethe, amnesia, ecmnesia. Associated words: mnemonics, mnemonic, mnemonician, mnemotechny, phrenotypics, Mnemosyne, immortalize, immemorial, memorable, memorabilia, memorize, remember, amnesic.
menace, n. threat, threatening.
menace, v. threaten.
menacing, a. threatening, minatory.
menage, n. household, family.
mend, v. repair, patch; improve.
mendacious, a. lying, untruthful, false, deceitful.
mendacity, n. untruthfulness, lying, falsehood, lie, untruth.
mendicant, n. beggar.—a. begging.
mending, n. repairing, patching, restoration; improvement.
menial, a. serving; low, servile.
mental, a. intellectual.
mentality, n. intellectuality.
mentor, n. monitor, counselor, guide.
mentorial, a. admonitory, monitory.
mercantile, a. trading, commercial.
mercenary, a. hired, hireling, purchased; greedy, sordid, avaricious, grasping.
mercenary, n. hireling.
merchandise, n. wares, goods, commodities.
merchant, n. trader, dealer, trafficker, shopkeeper, tradesman.
merchantable, a. salable, vendible, marketable.
merciful, a. pitiful, lenient, clement, compassionate, benignant, indulgent, kind, gracious, forgiving.
merciless, a. unmerciful, remorseless, cruel, pitiless, ruthless, inexorable, implacable.
Mercury, n. Hermes; quicksilver; messenger.
Mercury's staff. caduceus.
mercy, n. clemency, pity, lenity, leniency, lenience, compassion, forgiveness, placability; discretion, disposal; blessing, favor. Antonyms: revenge, implacability, inclemency, incompassion.
mercy seat. propitiatory.
merely, a. purely, absolutely; simply, barely, only.
merge, v. swallow up, absorb, immerse, take in; be swallowed up, be absorbed.
merger, n. absorption.
meridian, n. noon, midday; culmination, zenith, pinnacle, apex. Antonym: nadir.
meridian, a. midday, meridional.
merit, n. desert, worth, meed, worthiness; worth, excellence, goodness; reward; pl. claim, right. Antonym: demerit.
merit, v. deserve, earn.
meritorious, a. worthy, commendable, meedful, deserving.
merriment, n. mirth, gayety, glee, levity, laughter, sportiveness, jocularity.
merry, a. mirthful, gay, jolly, gleeful, jovial, sportive, jocular, bonny.
mesa, n. tableland, plateau.
mesh, n. net, network.
mess, n. rations, food; mixture, medley, farrago, litter, hodgepodge, jumble, melange.
message, n. communication, notice, word; telegram, despatch, cablegram.
messenger, n. courier, herald, forerunner, precursor, harbinger, mercury, emissary.
metaphor, n. simile.
meteor, n. fireball, shooting star; bolis, bolide.
meteoric stone. meteorite, aerolite.
methodical, a. systematic, orderly, methodic. Antonyms: immethodical, unsystematic.
meticulous, a. timid, fearful, diffident.
mettle, n. spirit, disposition; pluck, nerve, hardihood, stamina, spirit.
mettled, a. high-spirited, mettlesome, fiery, ardent.
mettlesome, a. spirited, mettled.
mew, v. moult.
mew, n. cage, coop; sea-mew, gull, cob.
miasma, n. malaria.
miaul, n. mew, caterwaul.
midbrain, n. mesencephalon.
midday, n. noon, meridian, noontide.
middle, a. mean, medial; intermediate, intervening.
middle, n. center, midst.
Middle Ages. Associated Words: medieval, medievalism, medievalist, medievals.
middle class. bourgeoisie.
middleman, n. factor, go-between, agent, broker, commissioner.
middling, a. mediocre, medium, passable, tolerable, average, so-so, ordinary.
midwife, n. accoucheuse, obstetrician (female).
midwifery, n. obstetrics, tocology.
mien, n. aspect, air, manner, demeanor, appearance, bearing, deportment.
miff, n. pique, pet, tiff, displeasure.
miff, v. displease, vex, offend (slightly).
miffed, a. offended, displeased, piqued, provoked.
might, n. strength, power, force, puissance, potency.
mighty, a. strong, powerful, potent, invincible.
mighty, adv. (Colloq.) very.
migratory, a. roving, wandering, nomadic, unsettled.
Mikado, n. Emperor of Japan.
mild, a. gentle, indulgent, tender, merciful, clement, lenient, bland, demulcent, lenitive, emollient, mitigative. Antonyms: severe, drastic, rigorous, violent, harsh.
mildew, n. mould, mustiness, must, blight.
military, a. martial.
military command. strategy, generalship, tactics, logistics.
military dress. regimentals, uniform.
military rule. stratocracy.
militia, n. troops, military; trainband.
milk, n. Associated Words: emulsion, emulsify, lacteal, lactiferous, lactation milch, lactometer lactic, lactivorous, koumiss, whey, curd, serum, lactage, rennet, clabber, lactifuge, casein, curdle, posset.
milkiness, n. lactescence.
milkmaid, n. dairymaid.
milkman, n. dairyman.
milk room. dairy.
milky, a. lacteal, lactean, emulsive.
Milky Way. Galaxy.
milt, n. spleen.
mimic, n. mime, mimicker, imitator, personator.
mimic, v. personate, ape, imitate, mock.
mimicry, n. mocking; imitation, mimesis.
mince, v. hash.
mind, v. obey, regard; consider, heed, mark, note; purpose, intend, design. Antonyms: disobey, disregard, ignore.
mind, n. intellect, faculties; opinion, judgment; temperament, humor, disposition. Associated Words: mental, mentality, mentally, intellectual, intellectuality, intellectually, psychic, psychical, psychiatry, psychography, psychology, psychologist, menticulture, alienist, alienism, telepathy, telepathic, noemics, nomology, nooelogy metaphysics, psychotherapy, psychotherapeutics, psychodynamic, psychopathology, psychopathic, psychological, psychopathy, psychosis, noetic, subliminal, compos mentis, non compos mentis.
mindful, a. heedful, regardful, observant.
mindless, a. irrational; unmindful, heedless, inattentive.
mingle, v. blend, mix, intermix, amalgamate, intermingle, incorporate; consort, associate, fraternize.
mingling, n. blending, mixture, intermixture, amalgamation.
minister, n. ambassador, envoy, plenipotentiary, delegate: ecclesiastic, parson, divine, rector. See clergyman.
minister, v. administer, serve; officiate.
ministerial, a. clerical; ambassadorial.
ministration, n. officiating, ministry.
ministry, n. ministration; cabinet, administration.
minnow, n. minim, minny.
minny, n. minnow.
minor, a. subordinate, secondary, less, smaller.
minority, n. nonage, pupilage.
minstrel, n. gleeman, bard.
mint, v. coin.
minute, a. little, tiny, microscopic, diminutive; critical, precise, particular, circumstantial.
minute, n. moment; memorandum, record, item, note.
minutiae, n. pl. details.
miraculous, a. supernatural, hyperphysical, incredible.
mire, n. slough, ooze, mud, slime.
mirror, n. reflector, looking-glass, speculum; cheval glass.
mirror, v. reflect.
mirth, n. merriment, jollity, glee, gayety, fun.
mirthful, a. merry, jolly, gleeful, gay, sportive.
miry, a. oozy, slimy, muddy.
misapply, v. misemploy, pervert, misuse.
miscarriage, n. frustration, failure; abortion.
miscellaneous, a. mixed, diversified, promiscuous, heterogeneous, diverse, multifarious.
miscellany, n. medley, mixture; symposium, anthology.
misdeed, n. offense, misdemeanor.
misdemeanor, n. offense, transgression.
misdoer, n. malefactor, offender, delinquent.
misdoing, n. See wrong-doing.
misemploy, v. pervert, misuse, misapply, prostitute.
misemployment, n. misapplication, misuse, perversion, prostitution.
miser, n. niggard, muckworm, curmudgeon, skinflint, hunks, lickpenny, pinchfist, screw, scrimp.
miserable, a. wretched, abject; deplorable, grievous, pitiable, calamitous; mean, despicable, contemptible, base, arrant, sordid, groveling.
miserly, a. niggardly, avaricious, sordid, parsimonious, penurious, close-fisted, close, stingy, curmudgeonly, hard-fisted.
misfortune, n. disaster, calamity, frustration, mischance, reverse, affliction, mishap, bad luck.
misgiving, n. doubt, suspicion, evil premonition.
misgovern, v. misrule.
misgovernment, n. maladministration, misrule.
mishap, n. See accident.
mishmash, n. medley, mixture.
misinterpret, v. misconstrue.
misinterpretation, n. misconstruction.
misleading, a. delusive, deceitful, fallacious, illusive.
misnaming, n. misnomer.
misrepresent, v. falsify, distort.
misrepresentation, n. falsification, distortion.
misrule, n. misgovernment, maladministration.
miss, n. failure, miscarriage; omission, oversight, default, mistake, error.
miss, v. fail, miscarry, skip, omit, overlook.
misshapen, a. deformed, unshapely.
missile, n. projectile, dejectile.
missing, a. absent, wanting.
mission, n. commission, delegation; errand, trust.
missionary, n. evangelist, missioner, revivalist, propagandist.
misspelling, n. cacography.
misstate, v. falsify, distort, misrepresent.
misstatement, n. falsification, misrepresentation.
misstep, n. faux pas.
mist, n. mizzle, misle, drizzle; fog, haze, brume.
mist, v. mizzle, drizzle; obscure, dim, befog.
mistake, n. misunderstanding, misapprehension, misconception; error, blunder, oversight, solecism, faux pas. impropriety, bull.
mistranslate, v. misrender, misconstrue, misinterpret.
mistreat, v. misuse, abuse, maltreat.
mistreatment, n. misuse, abuse, maltreatment.
mistress, n. matron, superior; sweetheart, flame, dulcinea, ladylove, amaryllis; paramour, concubine; demirep, lorette, Delilah, Phryne, corotte.
mistrust, v. doubt, question, suspect, distrust, apprehend.
mistrustful, a. distrustful, suspicious, apprehensive.
misty, a. obscure, hazy, foggy, orumous.
misunderstand, v. misconceive, miscomprehend, misapprehend.
misunderstanding, n. misconception, miscomprehension, misapprehension; variance, disagreement, dissension, controversy.
misuse, v. misapply, prostitute, pervert, profane; maltreat, abuse.
misuse, n. misapplication, prostitution, perversion, profanation, maltreatment, abuse.
mite, n. molecule, speck, atom, particle, mote.
mites, n. pl. Acarina.
mitigate, v. meliorate, alleviate, assuage, temper.
mitigation, n. melioration, alleviation, assuagement.
mitigative, a. assuasive, meliorative, mollifying.
mix, v. mingle, blend, combine, concoct, incorporate, amalgamate, commingle, impregnate, commix, compound, intermix, intersperse, interlard; associate, consort, fraternize.
mixable, a. miscible.
mixed, a. mingled, blended, amalgamated, compounded; promiscuous, miscellaneous, composite, conglomerate, indiscriminate, heterogeneous, motley. Antonyms: assorted, selected, unmixed.
mixture, n. blending, mingling, amalgamation, incorporation, conglomeration, infusion, intermixture, commixture, compound, decoction, concoction; medley, miscellany, gallimaufry, maslin, olio, farrago, hodgepodge, salmagundi, jumble, melange, heterogoneity, promiscuity.
moat, n. fosse, graffe.
mob, n. rabble, rabblerout; populace, canaille, riffraff.
mob law. lynch law.
mob rule. mobocracy, ochlocracy.
mock, a. sham, spurious, counterfieit, imitational.
mock, v. mimic, flout, taunt, imitate, gibe, ridicule, jeer, schout; balk, disappoint, delude, tantalize, elude; defy, disregard; ape, mimic, personate.
mocker, n. scorner, scoffer, jeerer; mimic.
mockery, n. mimicry, ridicule, derision, jeering, scouting, counterfeit, sham, travesty, farce; disappointment.
mocking, a. derisive, jeering; imitating, mimicking.
mode, n. manner, method, fashion, vogue, style.
model, n. pattern, prototype, exemplar, gauge, criterion, standard, paragon, archetype; manikin, manequin.
model, v. fashion, mould, shape.
model, a. exemplary.
moderate, v. temper, appease, diminish, mitigate, reduce.
moderate, a. sparing, temperate, frugal; reasonable, calm, deliberate; temperate, mild, clement, open; mediocre medium. Antonyms: See immoderate.
moderation, n. mitigation, diminution; temperance, restraint; calmness.
modest, a. unassuming, shy, unpretentious, unpretending, unobtrusive, retiring, demure, coy, reserved, unostentatious. Antonyms: See immodest.
modesty, n. unobtrusiveness, humility; delicacy, chastity, purity, decency, pudicity. Antonyms: immodesty, boldness, indelicacy.
modify, v. limit, qualify, adjust.
modulate, v. inflect; harmonize, attune, adjust, adapt.
modulation, n. inflection; adaptation, adjustment.
mogul, n. Mongolian; lord.
Mohammedan, n. Mahometan, Mussulman, Moslem, Saracen.
Mohammedanism, n. Mahometanism, Islam, Islamism, Moslemism.
moist, a. damp, humid, dank.
moisten, v. dampen, damp, wet.
moisture, n. dampness, humidity; humor. Associated Words: hygrostatics, hygrograph, hygrometer, hygroscopic, hygrometric, hygrometry, deliquescent.
molasses, n. treacle.
molecule, n. atom, monad.
molest, v. disturb, trouble, annoy.
molestation, n. disturbance.
mollify, v. appease, pacify, tranquilize.
moment, n. instant, minute, jiffy, trice; force, momentum, impetus; importance, materiality, weight, consequence.
momentary, a. instantaneous, transient.
momentum, n. impetus, force, moment.
monarch, n. sovereign. See ruler.
monarchy, n. sovereignty, kingdom, empire, realm.
monastery, n. abbey, priory, cloister, convent; hospice.
monetary, a. pecuniary.
money, n. currency, coin, capital, funds, finances, change, legal tender, lucre, pelf, specie, sterling, revenue, assets, wherewithal, spondulics (Slang); wampum; boodle; bribe; bonus. Associated Words: bullion, cambist, bank, banker, capitalist, chrysology, till, coffer, economics, coin, coinage, mint, mintage, financial, financier, Mammon, treasury, treasurer, monetary, monetize, monetization, demonetize, demonetization, numismatist, mumismatics, alimony, cameralistics, almoner, alms, numismatology.
mongrel, a. hybrid.
monitor, n. mentor, adviser, counselor.
monk, n. religious, monastic, cenobite, anchoret, friar, abbe, fakir. Associated Words: monkish, monastic, monastery, monasticism, conventual.
monk's-hood, n. wolfsbane, aconite.
monk's hood. cowl.
monkeylike, a. simious.
monogram, n. cipher.
monologist, n. soliloquist.
monologue, n. soliloquy.
monopolize, v. engross, forestall.
monotonous, a. unvaried, uniform, uninteresting, humdrum, tedious.
monotony, n. monotone, tedium.
monster, n. prodigy, enormity, abnormality, monstrosity lusus naturae; fiend, brute, ogre, villain; Cerberus, Chimera, Minotaur, Bucentaur.
monstrosity, n. abnormality, monster, lusus naturae.
monstrous, a. abnormal; enormous, colossal; atrocious.
month, n. Associated Words: ultimo, proximo, instant.
monthly, a. mensal, menstrual.
monument, n. tombstone, memorial; cenotaph; dolmen, cromlech. Associated Words: epitaph, lapidary.
mood, n. humor.
moon, n. satellite; Luna, Cynthia. Associated Words: selenology, selenography, apogee, wax, wane, epigee, selenocentric, selenograph, halo, orb, lunar, lunarian, interlunary, lunation, appulse, crescent, luniform.
moonshine, n. balderdash, flummery, fustian, nonsense.
moot, a. undecided, unsettled, debatable.
mooted, a. moot.
mop, n. malkin, swab; merkin (cannon mop).
mopboard, n. baseboard, surbase.
mopish, a. dejected, glum, dumpish, listless, dull, spiritless.
moral, a. ethical; virtuous, good; accountable, responsible, probable. Antonyms: immoral, licentious.
moral insanity. aesthesiomania.
morality, n. virtue, rectitude, probity, goodness. Antonym: immorality.
moral philosophy. deontology, ethology, ethics.
morass, n. slough, quagmire, bog, marsh, swamp.
Mormon, n. Latter-day Saint.
morning, n. forenoon; dawn, daybreak, aurora, cock-crowing, sunrise.
morning, a. matin, matutinal.
morning concert. (in the open air) aubade.
morning reception. levee.
morning service. matins.
morose, a. churlish, sulky, sullen, moody, splenetic, unamiable.
morsel, n. bite, mouthful; fragment, crumb, scrap.
mortally, adv. fatally.
mortar, n. Associated Word: pestle.
mortification, n. gangrene; chagrin, humiliation, abasement, embarrassment; repression, subjection.
mortify, v. gangrene; chagrin, embarrass, abase; repress, deny, restrain.
mosaic, a. tessellated, inlaid, variegated.
most, n. majority.
mote, n. particle, speck, mite.
moth-eaten, a. moth-fretted.
mother, n. materfamilias, matron, matriarch; generatrix; dam. Associated Words: cognate, cognation, matricide, maternalism, uterine, matriarchy, matriarchal.
motherhood, n. maternity.
motherly, a. maternal.
mother-of-pearl, n. nacre.
motion, n. movement, activity; gesture, signal, gesticulation; port, gait; impulse. Antonyms: inertia, rest, stagnation, immobility, quiescence, repose.
motionless, a. stationary, inert, stagnant, quiescent.
motive, n. incentive, inducement, incitement.
mottled, a. piebald, party-colored, spotted.
mould, n. matrix, matrice; pattern, model; mouldiness, mildew, blight, smut, fungus.
mould, v. form, shape, model, cast; knead.
mouldy, a. musty, mildewed, fusty, decaying.
moult, v. mew, exuviate.
moulting, n. exuviation.
mount, v. ascend; bestride.
mountain, n. mount. Associated Words: orology, orography, orogeny, montiform, butte, arete, spur, montanic, intermontane, oread, mountainous, ultramontane, bergstock, subalpine, alpenstock, range, ridge, submontane, alpestrine.
mountebank, n. quack; charlatan, impostor, empiric.
mourn, v. deplore, lament, regret, grieve, repine, sorrow, bemoan, bewail.
mournful, a. sorrowful, lugubrious, doleful, woful.
mourning, n. sorrow, grief, bereavement; weeds.
mouse, n. murine, rodent; pl. mice, vermin.
mousing, a. meddlesome, prying, intrusive.
mouthpiece, n. embouchure; spokesman.
movable, a. portable, mobile. Antonyms: immovable, fast, immobile.
move, v. transfer; migrate, immigrate, emigrate, remove; impel, propel, actuate, influence; budge, stir.
movement, n. motion, locomotion, transference, removal.
movement cure. kinesiatrics, kinesitherapy, lingism.
moving, a. motive.
mow, v. reap.
mowing, n. reaping.
mucus, n. phlegm.
mud, n. mire, ooze, muck; silt.
mud bath. illutation.
muddiness, n. turbidness, feculence, obscurity, miriness.
muddle, v. confuse, fuddle, bewilder.
muddle, n. confusion.
muddled, a. confused, addled.
muddy, a. feculent, turbid, roily; opaque, intransparent, confused, involved, incoherent.
mud-eating, a. limivorous.
muffle, v. wrap, envelop; deaden, subdue.
muffler, n. scarf, tippet.
mulct, n. fine, amercement.
mule, n. hybrid, hinny.
mule-driver, n. muleteer.
mulish, a. See stubborn.
mull, v. ruminate, ponder, cogitate.
mulligrubs, n. (Slang) colic.
multitude, n. crowd, throng, host.
mum, a. silent, speechless, dumb, mute.
mumble, v. mutter, maunder, mump.
mumbling, a. muttering, inarticulate, indistinct, incoherent.
mummery, n. masquerade, mimicry.
mumpish, a. moody, sullen, morose, sulky, unamiable.
mumps, n. parotitis; sullenness, the sulks.
munch, v. craunch.
murder, n. homicide.
murderer, n. homicide.
murderous, a. sanguinary, homicidal, fell.
muriatic acid. hydrochloric acid.
murky, a. lowering, dark.
murmur, v. grumble, complain, repine.
murmur, n. plaint, complaint; purl, babble; undertone.
murmuring, a. complaining, querulous, repining.
muscle, n. brawn, thew; sinew, tendon.
muscular, a. brawny, thewy, sinewy, stalwart.
muse, v. contemplate, ruminate, brood, ponder, mull, reflect.
muse, n. contemplation, meditation, revery.
Muses, n. pl. Pierides, tuneful nine (Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania). Associated Word: Pierian.
mushroom, a. ephemeral, transitory.
mushrooms, n. pl. Fungi, agaric, Agaricaceae. Associated Words: mycology, agaricin, pileus, gills, spore. See Fungi.
music, n. melody, symphony, harmony; melodies, harmonics.
musical, a. melodious, harmonious, tuneful, symphonious.
musical entertainment. musicale, concert.
muskmelon, n. cantaloupe.
muss, n. confusion, litter, jumble, disorder.—v. disarrange, rumple, dishevel.
mustard plaster. sinapism.
muster, v. assemble, marshal.
musty, a. mildewed, fusty, mouldy, frowzy, rank, stale.
mute, a. dumb, obmutescent; silent, speechless.
mutilate, v. maim, dismember, mangle.
mutilation, n. maim, dismemberment, mangling.
mutinous, a. rebellious, insubordinate, seditious, insurgent, insurrectionary.
mutiny, n. insurrection, rebellion, insubordination, revolt.
mutter, v. maunder.
muttering, a. inarticulate, indistinct, maundering.
mutual, a. reciprocal.
mutuality, n. correlation, reciprocation, interchange.
muzzle, v. restrain, repress.
mysterious, a. inscrutable, cryptic, obscure, unexplainable, enigmatical, unfathomed, unfathomable, abstruse, mystic, inexplicable, recondite, cabalistic, occult, unexplained.
mystery, n. secret, enigma, riddle, intricacy, arcanum.
mystic, a. occult, esoteric, cabalistic, mystical.
mystification, n. bewilderment, perplexity, obfuscation.
mystify, v. bewilder, perplex, obfuscate, befog, nonplus.
mystifying, a. perplexing, confusing, bewildering, mysterious.
myth, n. legend, tradition, fable.
mythical, a. fabulous, legendary, traditional.
nab, v. (Colloq.) grab, snatch, seize.
nag, v. (Colloq.) plague, tease, twit, hector, torment, scold.
naive, a. artless, innocent, ingenuous, frank.
naivete, n. artlessness, innocence, ingenuousness, candor.
naked, a. nude, undressed, bare; unexaggerated, uncolored, exact, literal.
nakedness, n. nudity, bareness; exactness, literalness, accuracy.
name, n. appellation, designation, denomination; epithet, title, cognomen, surname, cognomination, pseudonym, patronymic, metronymic, alias, penname, praenomen, sobriquet, nom de plume, nom de guerre, nickname, eponym, misnomer, euphemism, agnomen, allonym, anonym, autonym, appellative, byname, caconym, cryptonym, compellation, compellative, dionym, trionym, polyonym, diminutive; repute, fame, renown, reputation. Associated Words: nominal, nominally, titular, titulary, onomatology, patronomatology, onomasticon, orismology, pseudepigraphy, pseudonymity, roster, register, nee, nomancy, namesake, eponymy, of that ilk, nomenclator, heteronym, synedoche, nominative.
name, v. entitle, denominate, style, call, christen, dub, term; designate, specify, nominate.
nameless, a. unnamed; undistinguished, inglorious, unknown, obscure; anonymous; unnamable, inexpressible.
namelessness, n. anonymity; obscurity.
names, n. pl. nomenclature, terminology.
Naples, n. Associated Word: Neapolitan.
narcotic, n. stupefacient, sedative, anaesthetic, opiate, anodyne.
narrate, v. recount, recite, tell about, relate.
narration, n. narrative, relation, recital, story.
narrative, n. narration, account, portrayal, story, tale.
narrow, a. limited, circumscribed, incapacious, contracted, straitened, cramped; bigoted, illiberal, uncatholic, narrow-minded, insular.
narrow, v. contract, reduce, constrict, restrict, limit, cramp, confine.
narrowing, n. contraction, reduction, constriction, limitation circumscription.
narrow-minded, a. illiberal, bigoted, intolerant, narrow, uncatholic.
narrow-mindedness, n. illiberality, bigotry, bias, intolerance, insularity, uncatholicity.
narrowness, n. contractedness, incapaciousness, circumscription.
narrows, n. strait, sound.
nastiness, n. squalor, filthiness, pollution, filth, corruption, dirtiness; indecency, smut, obscenity, bawdry, ribaldry, indelicacy, lewdness.
nasty, a. filthy, squalid, foul, polluted, dirty; indecent, indelicate, gross, ribald, lewd, obscene, smutty, shameless; odious, sickening, repulsive, nauseous, disgusting, disagreeable.
native, a. natal; indigenous, natural, aboriginal, autochthonal; vernacular, mother; genuine, congenital, inherent, inborn, inbred, innate, original. Antonyms: foreign, artificial, exotic, acquired, assumed, unnatural.
native, n. aboriginal, denizen (by birth), indigene.
natives, n. pl. aborigines.
natty, a. (Colloq.) neat, spruce, trim, jaunty, dapper, chic.
natural, a. native, inborn, congenital, innate, characteristic; original, indigenous; normal, regular, legitimate; artless, unaffected, ingenuous, spontaneous, simple; unregenerate. Antonyms: unnatural, acquired, affected, simulated.
naturalization, n. denization.
naturalize, v. familiarize, accustom, habituate, acclimatize, adapt, acclimate.
natural philosophy. physics.
nature, n. creation, universe, cosmos, world; kind, sort, character, quality, species; disposition, mood, temper, essence, constitution. Associated Words: physiography, physiogony, connatural, connaturalness.
nature worship. physiolatry.
naughty, a. disobedient, mischievous, perverse, forward, refractory.
nausea, n. seasickness; qualm, squeamishness, queasiness, qualmishness.
nauseate, v. sicken, disgust, revolt; recoil from, abhor, abominate.
nauseous, a. disgusting, nauseating, offensive, sickening, fulsome, distasteful.
nautical, a. naval, marine, maritime, oceanic.
nautilus, n. Tetrabranchiata; argonaut, paper nautilus; diving-bell.
naval, a. nautical, marine, maritime.
navel, n. umbilicus, omphalos.
navel string, funis, umbilical cord.
navigate, v. sail, cruise; guide, steer, direct; circumnavigate
near, a. nigh, close, adjacent, neighboring, contiguous, proximate, approximate to; intimate, confidential, bosom; immediate, imminent, impending, forthcoming.
Antonyms: distant, remote, far.
nearness, n. closeness, proximity, propinquity, contiguity, adjacency, imminence, approximation, approxi-mateness intimacy, familiarity.
near-sighted, a. myopic, short-sighted, purblind.
near-sightedness, n. myopia.
near-sighted person. myope.
neat, a. tidy, orderly, trim, clean, cleanly; tasteful, trim, finished, artistic, nice, excellent, adroit; dainty; spruce; dapper, natty. Antonyms: dowdy, slovenly, slatternly, untidy, tawdry, gaudy, frowzy, disorderly, unkempt.
necessary, a. requisite, essential, needed, needful, indispensable inevitable, unavoidable. Antonyms: nonessential, unnecessary, optional, discretional, casual, needless.
necessary, n. requisite, requirement, essential, sine qua non.
necessity, n. requisite, necessary, requirement, essential; exigency, urgency; indispensability. Antonyms: choice, option, contingency, doubtfulness, possibility.
neck, n. Associated Words: nape, cervical, scruff, atlas, axis, palea, dewlap, scrag, gula, nucha, auchenium, decollete, jugular, jugulum, wattle, wimple, wryneck, torticollis, Adam's apple, splenius, ruche, colliform, fichu, withers, gorget, carotid, goiter, retrocollic, cruels, nuchalgia, ruff, crane.
necktie, n. cravat, neckcloth, scarf, tie.
necromancer, n. wizard, sorcerer, magician, conjurer, exorcist, soothsayer, diviner.
necromancy, n. magic, conjuration, enchantment, sorcery, black art.
need, n. want, necessity, extremity, strait, exigency, urgency; poverty, penury, privation, indigence.
need, v. require, lack, want.
needful, a. requisite, necessary, essential, indispensable, required.
needleprick, n. acupuncture.
needless, a. unnecessary, groundless, unfounded.
needlewoman, n. seamstress.
needs, adv. necessarily.
needy, a. destitute, indigent, penniless, impecunious.
nefarious, a. atrocious, flagitious, heinous.
negation, n. denial, disavowal.
negative, n. denial, refusal. Antonym: affirmative.
neglect, n. disregard, omission, negligence, default, dereliction, remissness, oversight.
neglect, v. disregard, slight, overlook, ignore, omit.
neglectful, a. See negligent.
negligence, n. neglect, remissness, oversight, heedlessness, laches (Law).
negligent, a. neglectful, heedless, indifferent, slack, remiss, regardless, slothful, derelict, inattentive, careless Antonyms: careful, attentive, heedful.
negotiable, a. transferable.
negro, n. African, blackamoor, Ethiopian, Nigritian, Senegambian, Mandingo, negrillo, Papuan, Krooman; darkey, buck, nigger; (of mixed blood) mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, mestee, Zambo, Sambo, sacatra. Associated Words: negrophile, negrophilist, negrophilism, negrophobia.
negro, a. negritic, African, Ethiopian, negroid.
negro child. pickaninny.
negro woman. negress, wench.
neigh, n. and v. whinny.
neighborhood, n. vicinity, vicinage, locality, neighbors, venue (Law).
neighboring, a. adjacent, contiguous, neighbor, near.
neophyte, n. convert, proselyte; novice, tyro, beginner.
nerve, n. (Slang) boldness, audacity, presumption, effrontery, courage, assurance.
nerve, n. Associated Words: neurology, neurologist, neurography, neuron, lecithin, rete, plexus, neurasthenia, neurasthenic, neurotic, sensorium, funiculus, ganglion, hilum, neurism, innervation, neuration, neuritis, neuropathic, nervine, neuroma, neuropathy, neuroid, neuric, neuricity, aneuria, glioma, neurosis, cinerea, cholesterin, perineurium, epineurium, internuncial.
nerve, v. brace, strengthen, fortify, invigorate, energize.
nervous, a. excitable, sensitive, timorous.
nest, n. nidus; eyrie, aerie; retreat, den, haunt, resort. Associated Words: nidificate, nidification, neossine, caliology, cubilose, nidulant.
nestle, v. cuddle, snuggle.
net, n. toil, snare, gin, mesh; caul, trammel, seine, trawl, dredge, dragnet.
netted, a. reticulated, retiary, interwoven, complicated, reticulose.
nettle, n. Urtica. Associated words: urticate, urtication urtical.
nettle, v. irritate, provoke, exasperate, ruffle, incense, annoy.
network, n. mesh, interlacement, reticulation; plexus, rete, ganglion.
neutrality, n. indifference.
neutralize, v. counteract, counterbalance, invalidate.
nevertheless, adv. or conj. yet, however, notwithstanding.
new, a. recent, fresh, modern, novel, newfangled, neoteric, unfamiliar, strange; renewed, renovated, repaired, refreshed; unaccustomed, untried, inexperienced.
new custom. innovation.
newly, adv. lately, recently, freshly; anew, afresh, again.
news, n. tidings, word, report.
new word. neologism, neoterism, coinage. Associated Words: neology, neologic, neologist, neoterist, neoterize coin.
New York. Gotham.
New Yorker. Gothamite.
nice, a. fastidious, exacting, particular, punctilious, queasy, finical, difficult, squeamish, dainty; delicate, refined, dainty; discriminating, scrupulous, precise, discerning, subtle; exquisite, agreeable, pleasant, enjoyable, gratifying; fine, neat, finished.
nicety, n. niceness, precision; punctilio, subtlety, fine point.
niche, n. recess, cavity, nook, tabernacle.
nick, n. notch, indentation, dent, score, dint.
nick, v. notch, mar, deface, indent.
nickname, n. sobriquet.
nigger, n. (Colloq.) negro.
night, n. darkness. Associated Words: nocturnal, noctuary, noctidial, noctilucous, belated, benight, benighted, noctivagant, noctivagation, noctivagous, nocturne, noctiflorous pernoctalian, pernoctation, lychnobite.
night-blindness, n. hemeralopia.
nightingale, n. philomel, philomela.
nightly, a. nocturnal.
nightmare, n. incubus, cacodemon, succubus.
nightshade, n. belladonna.
night-sight, n. nyctalopia.
nimble, a. agile, sprightly, deft, lively, swift, brisk, active, spry. Antonyms: slow, sluggish, clumsy, dilatory, unready, dull, heavy.
nimble-fingered, a. dexterous.
nimbus, n. halo, glory, aureola.
nincompoop, n. (Slang) simpleton, dolt, witling, dunce. See fool.
nine, n. novenary, ennead.—a. enneatic. Associated Words: novennial, enneagon, nonagon, enneagonal, enneahedral, enneahedron.
nine days' devotion (religious). novena.
ninety, n. Associated Word: nonagesimal.
ninety years. Associated Word: nonagenarian.
nip, n. pinch; blast, cut; sarcasm, taunt, gibe.
nip, v. pinch; clip, cut off; blast, kill; chill, deaden, benumb.
nippers, n. pl. pincers, tweezers, pinchers, pliers.
nipping, a. biting, pinching, blasting, destructive.
nipple, n. teat, pap, dug, mammilla.
nitric acid. spirit of nitre, aquafortis.
nitrogen, n. azote.
no, n. refusal, denial, negative.
nobby, a. (Colloq.) modish, stylish, fashionable.
nobility, n. nobleness, high-mindedness, magnanimity, excellence, superiority, dignity; peerage, aristocracy, patrician class.
noble, a. eminent, exalted, magnanimous, superior; stately, magnificent, splendid, imposing, grand; aristocratic highborn, patrician.
noble, n. nobleman, peer, grandee. Antonyms: commoner, proletary, plebeian.
nobleman, n. noble, peer, lord, aristocrat, patrician, grandee.
noblewoman, n. peeress.
nobody, n. nonentity, jackstraw.
nod, n. bow.
nodding, n. bowing, nutation.—a. annuent, bowing, nutant.
noise, n. sound; racket, clamor, din, outcry, clatter, uproar, hubbub, tumult, rout, blare, vociferation, hullabaloo (Colloq.), powwow (Slang), hilarity.
noiseless, a. still, silent, quiet, inaudible.
noisome, a. unwholesome, noxious, pestilential; offensive, malodorous, fetid, stinking.
noisy, a. clamorous, boisterous, vociferous, turbulent, riotous, obstreperous, uproarious, blatant, discordant, brawling, hilarious.
nomad, n. wanderer.
nomadic, a. wandering, nomad.
nonchalance, n. indifference, coolness, carelessness, sang-froid, insouciance.
nonchalant, a. indifferent, cool, unconcerned, insouciant.
nonconformist, n. dissenter, recusant.
nonconformity, n. recusancy, dissent.
nondescript, a. undescribed, unclassifiable.
nonentity, n. non-existence; nobody, cipher.
non-essential, a. unimportant, incidental, adventitious.
nonesuch, n. paragon, pattern, nonpareil, model.
non-interference, n. laissez faire.
nonplus, v. perplex, puzzle, disconcert, confuse, embarrass, mystify, bewilder.
nonsense, n. absurdity, twaddle, bosh, fudge, silliness, balderdash, moonshine, amphigory, rigmarole.
nonsensical, a. absurd, senseless, preposterous, insensate, amphigoric, silly.
nook, n. retreat, corner, recess.
noon, n. meridian, noonday, noontide, midday.
normal, a. natural, regular. Antonyms: abnormal, unnatural.
northern, a. boreal, north, arctic, northerly, septentrion.
northern lights. aurora borealis.
northern regions. arctic regions, Thule, septentrion.
north pole. Associated Words: Polynia, polar, circumpolar.
north star. polestar, lodestar, Cynosure, Polaris.
north wind. Boreas.
Norwegian Parliament. Storthing, Lagthing.
nose, n. snout, nozzle, spout, proboscis, muzzle.
nose, n. Associated Words: nasal, rhinal, rhinology, rhinoplasty, coryza, aquiline, simous, retrousse, pug, snuff, snuffle, vomer, nostril, nasalize, nasalization, nasiform, polypus, vibrissa, grogblossom, rosedrop, snivel, rhinitis, rhinolith, septum.
nosebleeding, n. epistaxis.
nostalgia, n. homesickness.
notable, a. noticeable, conspicuous, plain, evident; signal, remarkable, famous.
notch, v. nick, score, indent, crenellate.
notch, n. nick, indentation, score, dent, crenature, serration, emargination.
notched, a. serrated, crenated, incised, emarginated.
notching, n. notch, indentation, serration, crenation.
note, n. billet; memorandum, minute, record; remark, comment, annotation, commentary, scholium, gloss; mark, token, sign, feature, peculiarity; observation, notice; distinction, repute, celebrity, reputation, fame, renown.
note, v. See notice; record, jot down; annotate, comment, postillate.
note-book, n. memorandum-book, commonplace book, adversaria, journal, diary.
noted, a. celebrated, renowned, eminent, distinguished, famous.
notes, n. pl. marginalia (marginal notes), adversaria.
noteworthy, a. memorable, remarkable.
nothing, n. non-existence, nonentity; bagatelle; naught, cipher, zero, null, nullity.
nothingness, n. nihility, non-existence, nullity.
notice, n. observation, cognizance, note, heed, attention, regard; announcement, citation, warning, notification; bulletin; recognition, civility, courtesy. Antonyms: disregard, connivance, inattention, heedlessness, ignoring, oversight, slight.
notice, v. see, observe, note, heed, recognize, perceive, mark, take cognizance of, pay attention to. Antonyms: ignore, connive, skip, neglect, slight, overlook, disregard.
noticeable, a. observable, appreciable, conspicuous, salient, prominent. Antonyms: unobservable, inappreciable, inconspicuous.
notification, n. See telling; notice, announcement, warning.
notify, v. inform, acquaint, tell, apprise, give notice to.
notion, n. conception, idea, concept; opinion, judgment, belief, view; inclination, intention, disposition; (Colloq.) knicknack, device.
notional, a. whimsical, capricious, irresolute, freakish, crotchety, changeable.
notoriety, n. repute (unfavorable), publicity.
notorious, a. talked of, evident, obvious, noted, famous (usually unfavorable).
notwithstanding, conj. despite, nevertheless, however.
noun, n. substantive.
nourish, v. feed, nurture; support; encourage, foster, cherish, promote.
nourishing, a. nutritious.
nourishment, n. nutrition; food, nutriment.
novel, a. new, recent, fresh, unusual, rare, unique, innovative.
novel, n. fiction, romance, story, tale.
novelty, n. newness; change, curiosity, innovation.
novice, n. tyro; probationer, proselyte, convert, novitiate
novitiate, n. apprenticeship; probation, tyronism, noviceship.
now, adv. instantly, immediately, at once, instanter.
now and then. occasionally, at intervals, infrequently, intermittently, sometimes, periodically, once in a while.
noxious, a. injurious, baneful, unwholesome, noisome.
nub, n. (Colloq.) knob, jag, protuberance, snag, excrescence.
nucleus, n. kernel, core, heart, center.
nude, a. See naked.
nudge, v. poke (with the elbow).
nugatory, a. futile, ineffectual, unavailing. See vain.
nuisance, n. plague, pest, bane, infliction, bore, offense.
null, a. invalid, nugatory.
nullification, n. invalidation, abrogation, cancellation, repeal.
nullify, v. invalidate, abrogate, cancel, repeal, countermand.
numb, a. deadened, unfeeling, insensible, benumbed.
numb, v. benumb, deaden.
number, v. enumerate; figure up, count, numerate.
number, n. numeral, figure, digit, integer; collection, multitude.
numbers, n. poetry, music, verse, song.
numbers, n. pl. Associated Words: numeral, numeric, notation, coefficient, numerary.
numbness, n. insensibility.
numerous, a. many, plentiful, multitudinous.
numskull, n. (Colloq.) dolt, dullard, dunce, lackwit, simpleton. See fool.
nunnery, n. convent, cloister, mynchery (ruins).
nuptial, a. hymeneal, bridal.
nuptials, n. pl. wedding, marriage, espousals.
nurse, v. suckle; nourish, cherish, foster, succor, foment, encourage; attend, tend; bring up, raise, nurture, rear.
nursery, n. creche (public nursery).
nursling, n. and a. suckling.
nurture, n. care, training; food, nourishment.
nurture, v. feed, nourish, nurse; educate, train, school.
nut-bearing, a. nuciferous.
nutriment, n. nourishment, food, aliment.
nutrition, n. nourishment, feeding; nutriment, food; eutrophy, (healthy nutrition); malnutrition, denutrition, innutrition, dystrophy (defective nutrition). Associated Words: threpsology, trophology, trophic.
nutritious, a. nourishing, nutritive. Antonym: innutritious.
nuts, n. pl. mast.
nut-shaped, a. nuciform.
nymph, n. dryad, sylph, Undine, nereid, hydriad, oread, houri, Daphne.
oar, n. paddle, scull, spoon oar. Associated Words: rowlock, loom, blade, wash, oarlock.
oar-shaped, a. remiform.
oat grasses. Avena. Associated Words: avenaceous, oaten.
oath, n. adjuration, pledge, sworn promise; curse, profanity, swearing, expletive, blasphemy. Associated Words: juratory, profane, imprecate.
oath-breaking, n. perjury.
obedience, n. compliance, submission, subservience; dutifulness. Antonyms: disobedience, incompliance, defiance, revolt, insubordination.
obedient, a. submissive, tractable, deferential, subservient, compliant, dutiful, docile, amenable. Antonyms: unsubmissive, intractable, disobedient.
obelisk, n. Associated Words: pyramidion, monolithic, hieroglyphics.
obey, v. comply, submit to, heed, regard, be ruled by.
object, v. disapprove, oppose, demur, contravene, gainsay, except, cavil.
object, n. thing, article; goal, purpose, aim, motive, intent, design, target, butt, destination, view.
objection, n. exception, scruple, demurrer, cavil. Antonyms: approval, acquiescence.
objectionable, a. exceptionable, offensive, obnoxious, undesirable, displeasing.
objectless, a. aimless, desultory, purposeless, vague.
obligation, n. accountableness, responsibility, incumbency, duty, indebtedness; agreement, contract, stipulation, covenant, bond.
obligatory, a. binding, incumbent, imperative, coercive. Antonyms: optional, discretional.
oblige, v. constrain, obligate; please, gratify, accommodate, coerce, compel, necessitate, force.
obliging, a. complaisant, gracious, accommodating, affable, debonair, deferential, yielding.
obliterate, v. efface, erase, blot out, remove, destroy, expunge.
obliteration, n. extinction, erasure, effacement, removal.
oblivious, a. unmindful, unconscious, forgetful, heedless, disregardful.
obnoxious, a. subject, liable; offensive, odious, hateful, displeasing.
obscene, a. smutty, lewd, gross, indecent, immodest, indelicate, ribald.
obscenity, n. lewdness, smut, ribaldry, indecency, bawdiness, immodesty.
obscure, a. abstruse, vague, recondite, indefinite, ambiguous; humble, inglorious, mean, undistinguished; secluded, retired, remote; shaded, darkened.
obscure, v. darken, obfuscate, bedim, eclipse; involve, dissemble, disguise, confuse.
obscuring, n. obscuration, obscurity.
obscurity, n. ambiguity, vagueness; privacy, seclusion, retirement; darkness, obfuscation, obscuration.
obsequious, a. sycophantic, cringing, fawning, deferential, servile.
obsequiousness, n. sycophancy.
obsolete, a. disused, archaic, antiquated, unfashionable, old-fashioned.
obstacle, n. obstruction, barrier, impediment, hindrance, stumbling-block.
obstetrician, n. midwife, accoucheur.
obstetrics, n. tocology, midwifery.
obstinacy, n. incompliance, doggedness, perversity, obduracy, intractability, stubbornness. |