equipoise, n. equilibrium.
equivalent, a. tantamount, equal, commensurate; interchangeable.
eradicate, v. extirpate, exterminate.
eradication, n. extirpation, extermination.
erase, v. expunge, rub out, efface, obliterate, dele, delete.
erasure, n. expunging, erasion, obliteration.
erect, v. build, raise.
erect, a. upright, vertical, raised; undaunted, bold, undismayed. Antonyms: horizontal, recumbent, prone, inverted, oblique, cringing.
erection, n. building, raising, construction.
erosion, n. corrosion, eroding.
err, v. misjudge, mistake, blunder; deviate, sin.
errand, n. mission, commission.
erratic, a. nomadic, wandering; eccentric, fanciful.
erring, a. peccable, sinful, fallible, weak. Antonyms: impeccable, infallible, inerrable.
erroneous, a. false, incorrect, untrue, mistaken, inaccurate, wrong.
error, n. mistake, inaccuracy, blunder, misapprehension, falsity, misconception. Associated Words: fallibility, infallibility, fallible, errant, errancy, inerrancy, inerrability.
errors, n. pl. errata; sing. erratum.
erudition, n. learning, scholarship.
eruption, n. outburst, outbreak; exanthema, rash, efflorescence.
erysipelas, n. Saint Anthony's fire, rose.
escort, n. guard, convoy, usher.
Eskimo, n. Husky.
Eskimo house. topek, igloo.
Eskimo language. Husky.
especial, a. special, particular, specific.
essay, n. dissertation, article, disquisition, thesis; attempt, effort, trial.
essential, a. indispensable, necessary, requisite. Antonyms: nonessential, superfluous.
establish, v. found, organize, institute; substantiate, verify, ratify.
establishment, n. organization, founding, institution; substantiation, verification.
esteem, v. respect, value, honor, revere; rate, reckon, estimate.
esteem, n. respect, honor, regard; opinion, judgment, estimation. Antonyms: disesteem, aversion, odium, antipathy, unpopularity.
estimable, a. computable, calculable; meritorious, worthy, excellent. Antonyms: inestimable, incalculable, incomputable.
estimate, v. appraise, value, rate, prize; compute, calculate, reckon.
estimation, n. esteem, respect, honor; appraisement, valuation, estimate.
estrange, v. alienate, disaffect.
estranged, a. alienate, alienated.
estrangement, n. alienation, disaffection.
eternal, a. self-existent, infinite; endless, asonian. See everlasting.
eulogist, n. encomiast, panegyrist, praiser.
eulogistic, a. laudatory, panegyrical, encomiastic.
eulogize, v. laud, praise, extol, panegyrize.
eulogy, n. encomium, panegyric, laudation, praise.
Europe and Africa. Associated Words: Eurafric, Eurafrican.
Europe and Asia. Associated words: Eurasian, Eurasiatic, Scythia.
evade, v. shun, avoid; elude, parry, foil, baffle; prevaricate, equivocate, dodge, quibble.
evaporate, v. vaporize, evanesce.
evaporation, n. vaporization, evanescence; exhalation. Associated words: volatile, volatility, volatilize, evaporable.
evasion, n. evading, eluding, escape; baffling, foiling; prevarication, equivocation, sophistry, tergiversation, subterfuge, dodge, excuse.
evasive, a. equivocal, indefinite, elusive.
even, a. plane, level, flush, flat, smooth; equable, uniform, unvarying.
evening, n. dusk, twilight, nightfall, eventide, even, gloaming. Associated Words: vespertine, vespertinal, erepuscular, erepusculous, soiree, vesper.
evening prayer. compline.
evening service. vespers; evensong.
evening star. Hesper, Hesperus, Venus, Vesper.
evenness, n. uniformity, smoothness, equanimity, equableness.
event, n. occurrence, affair, incident, happening; consequence, result, outcome.
evergreen, a. indeciduous.
everlasting, a. continual, perpetual, interminable, unceasing, eternal, endless, incessant, never-ending; deathless, immortal, aeonian, imperishable; (Colloq.) constant, continual.
everlasting, n. eternity; immortelle.
every-day, a. commonplace, common, customary.
every now and then. occasionally, repeatedly, frequently.
everywhere present. omnipresent, ubiquitous.—n. omnipresence, ubiquity.
evident, a. manifest, obvious, clear, palpable, patent.
evil, a. sinful, immoral, sinister, unrighteous, vicious, pernicious. See bad.
evil, n. wickedness, depravity, sin, iniquity, perniciousness, Belial, unrighteousness; disaster, misfortune, calamity, reverse; injustice, damage, injury, wrong, mischief.
evil-doer, n. sinner, malefactor, culprit, offender, delinquent. See wrong-doer.
evil-minded, a. malicious, malignant, wicked, depraved.
evolution, n. development, unfoldment, evolvement, unfolding.
exact, a. precise, accurate, true, literal, undeviating; punctilious, methodical, rigid, severe, rigorous, strict.
exact, v. demand, extort, wrest.
exacting, a. severe, harsh, oppressive, peremptory.
exaction, n. extortion, oppression.
exactness, n. precision, accuracy, strictness, exactitude, correctness, scrupulousness.
exaggerate, v. overstate.
exaggerated, a. overstated, colored, hyperbolical.
exaggeration, n. overstatement; hyperbole.
exalt, v. elevate; dignify, ennoble, aggrandize; magnify, apotheosize, extol.
exaltation, n. elevation, aggrandizement, loftiness, apotheosis.
exalted, a. sublime, elevated, lofty, grand, dignified.
examination, n. inquiry, autopsy, scrutiny, inspection, investigation, audit, inquest, reconnoissance, inquisition, recension, probing, review.
examine, v. inspect, scrutinize, question, audit, heckle, reconnoitre, review, search, probe, investigate, catechise.
examiner, n. inspector, investigator, inquirer, questioner, catechiser, resensionist, auditor, censor, reviewer, inquisitor.
example, n. sample, specimen, exemplification; model, pattern, prototype, copy, archetype, exemplar; precedent instance, illustration, case. Associated Words: exemplify, exemplification, exemplary, praxis.
exasperate, v. provoke, irritate, incense, anger; aggravate, imbitter, intensify.
exasperation, n. provocation, irritation, offending, aggravation, anger; exacerbation.
exceed, v. surpass, transcend; outvie, excel, outdo; preponderate, predominate.
exceeding, a. surpassing.
excel, v. outrival, outstrip, surpass, eclipse, outdo, outvie, transcend, exceed.
excellence, n. preeminence, transcendence, superiority, eminence, integrity, probity, goodness, worth, merit, virtue.
excellent, a. estimable, meritorious, good, worthy, choice.
excess, n. superabundance, superfluity, redundancy, redundance, overplus, surplus, surplusage, residue, remainder exuberance, rampancy; overdoing, exorbitance, immoderation; debauchery, dissoluteness, intemperance, immoderation.
excessive, a. superfluous, exuberant, superabundant, disproportionate; outrageous, unreasonable, exorbitant inordinate, extravagant, fabulous, immoderate, extreme.
exchange, v. trade, barter, traffic, commute, interchange, reciprocate, bandy, permute.
exchange, n. traffic, trade, barter, commutation, interchange, reciprocity, permutation; Bourse; agiotage.
excitable, a. susceptible, sensitive, emotional, impressible, mobile; irritable, choleric, passionate, irascible, fiery, waspish. Antonyms: unexcitable, imperturbable, calm.
excite, v. stimulate, arouse, inflame, incite, provoke; perturb, agitate, disconcert, discompose, distract, unsettle.
excited, a. perturbed, agitated, disconcerted. Antonyms: calm, serene, tranquil, nonchalant.
excitement, n. perturbation, agitation, commotion, furore, inquietude, sensation, tumult, turmoil, flurry, ebullition; incitement, stimulus; arousing, awakening. Antonyms: imperturbation, calmness, serenity, non-chalance.
exciting, a. stirring, rousing, stimulating, sensational.
exclaim, v. ejaculate, shout, vociferate.
exclamation, n. ejaculation, vociferation, outcry; interjection, ecphonesis.
exclamation point. ecphoneme.
exclude, v. debar, preclude; except, omit; eject, expel.
exclusion, n. debarment, preclusion; exception, omission; ejection, expulsion.
excrement, n. faeces, stools, dejections; dung, ordure. Associated words: scatology, eccrinology, faecal, excrementitious, void, defecate, defecation.
excusable, a. venial, pardonable, justifiable. Antonyms: See inexcusable.
excuse, v. absolve, forgive, pardon, exonerate, palliate, justify, extenuate, acquit, exculpate, release.
excuse, n. justification, apology, plea, exoneration, palliation, extenuation, pardon; subterfuge, evasion, pretext, makeshift.
execute, v. effectuate, perform, accomplish, consummate, achieve; electrocute, behead, guillotine, hang.
execution, n. performance, effectuation, consummation, perpetration, accomplishment.
executioner, n. hangman.
exercise, n. performance, application, practice, employment, use; activity; training, discipline, drilling; drill, praxis, lesson, task; gymnastics, calisthenics; gestation.
exercise, v. employ, apply, busy, exert; practice, discipline, drill, train; distress, worry, harass.
exertion, n. effort, struggle, attempt.
exhaust, v. drain, deplete; debilitate, prostrate, enervate.
exhausted, a. depleted, drained, consumed, spent, effete.
exhaustion, n. consumption, depletion, draining, dissipation, lassitude, collapse, inanition, weariness, prostration.
exhaustless, a. inexhaustible.
exhibit, v. display, show.
exhibition, n. display, show.
exhumation, n. disinterment, disentombment.
exhume, v. disinter, disentomb.
exile, n. banishment, proscription, expatriation.
exile, v. banish, expatriate.
exiled person. exile, expatriate.
exorbitant, a. unreasonable, inordinate, excessive, fabulous.
expand, v. dilate, distend, enlarge.
expansion, n. dilation, distension, enlargement.
expatiate, v. descant.
expect, v. anticipate.
expectation, n. expectancy, anticipation.
expel, v. eject, drive out; ostracize, banish, proscribe, exile; excommunicate; discharge, void, eject, evacuate; exclude, remove, dismiss.
expelling, n. expulsion, ejectment, dismissal; banishment, exile, ostracism, proscription.—a. expulsive.
expend, v. disburse.
expenditure, n. disbursement.
expense, n. outlay, cost, charge, expenditure.
expensive, a. costly, dear, high-priced. Antonym: inexpensive.
experienced, a. practiced, veteran. Antonym: inexperienced.
experiment, n. test, trial. Associated Words: empiric, empirical, empiricism, empiristic, tentation.
experimental, a. empirical, tentative.
expert, a. skilled, proficient, an fait, adroit. Antonyms: See inexpert.
expert, n. adept, master, dabster, connoisseur, masterhand. Antonyms: tyro, bungler.
explain, v. expound, elucidate, unfold, interpret.
explainable, a. explicable, interpretable, solvable. Antonyms: See unexplainable.
explainer, n. expositor, interpretator, commentator, exegetist, elucidator.
explanation, n. elucidation, exposition, explication, interpretation; solution, deduction, key. Associated Words: exegetics, exegesis, hermeneutics.
explanatory, a. expository, elucidative, interpretative, exegetical.
explode, v. burst; detonate, detonize.
exploit, v. develop, utilize.
exploitation, n. utilization, exploiture.
explosion, n. detonation, detonization; bursting; outburst.
explosive, n. dynamite, lyddite, nitro-glycerine, fuse, thorite, tonite, fulgurite.
expose, v. exhibit, show, display; uncover, unveil; imperil, endanger, subject, jeopardize; disclose, reveal, unmask, denounce. Antonyms: conceal, suppress, dissemble, hide, veil.
expose, n. divulgement, disclosure, exposure.
exposition, n. display, exposure; explanation; commentary postillation; fair.
expostulate, v. remonstrate.
expostulation, n. remonstration.
exposure, n. exposing, disclosure, divulgement, revelation, expose; subjection, liability, jeopardy.
express, a. explicit, definite, positive, specific, unmistakable. Antonyms: vague, tacit, ambiguous, implied, equivocal, indefinite.
express, v. say, utter; signify, represent, indicate, denote, designate, mean.
expression, n. assertion, statement, utterance, declaration, representation, indication; phrase, term, word; modulation.
expulsion, n. expelling, ejection, debarment, exclusion.
exquisite, a. beautiful, rare, choice; discriminating, fastidious; keen, acute, poignant; matchless, consummate, incomparable.
extend, v. lengthen, prolong, protract; jut, project; enlarge.
extensible, a. extendible, ductile, tensible. Antonyms: inextensible, rigid, inelastic.
extension, n. enlargement, expansion, protraction; projection. Associated Words: tensility, tensibility, tensile.
extent, n. magnitude, size, volume; reach, compass.
exterminate, v. eradicate, extirpate, uproot.
extermination, n. eradication, extirpation, uprooting.
external, a. outward, exterior, superficial, extrinsic.
extol, v. eulogize, praise, laud, exalt.
extortion, n. exaction (undue), overcharge, rapacity, vampirism.
extortionate, a. oppressive, exacting; (Colloq.) exorbitant.
extortioner, n. harpy.
extra, a. supplemental, additional, supplementary, supernumerary.
extract, n. essence, quintessence; excerpt, quotation, citation, selection.
extraordinary, a. uncommon, unusual, remarkable, egregious, phenomenal, signal, noteworthy, exceptional, unprecedented.
extravagance, n. improvidence, prodigality, waste; preposterousness, enormity, exorbitance, immoderation. Antonyms: economy, thrift, frugality.
extravagant, a. wasteful, unthrifty, prodigal, improvident, lavish; wild, immoderate, preposterous, inordinate, exorbitant. Antonyms: See thrifty.
extreme, a. outermost, utmost, farthest; last, final, ultimate; ultra, radical, fanatical.
extreme, n. extremity, acme, climax.
extremist, n. radical.
exuberance, n. superabundance, rampancy, excess, copiousness, luxuriance, lavishness.
exuberant, a. overflowing, copious, excessive, rampant, wanton, superabundant, rank, luxuriant.
exultant, a. triumphant, jubilant, joyous.
eye, n. optic. Associated Words: optics, optician, ocular, oculary, oculate, oculifonn, ophthalmology, ophthalmologist, ophthalmic, optometry, ophthalmostat, optometrist, chatoyant, chatoyment, cynosure, orbit, strabismus, rheum, ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscopy, astigmatism, optography, blear, blear-eyed, bleary, ophthalmometer, orbital, orbitary, amaurosis, ocellated.
eyebrows, n. pl. supercilium. Associated Word: superciliary.
eye doctor. oculist.
eye-glasses, n. pl. pince-nez, monocle, lorgnette, spectacles, goggles, blinkers.
eyelashes, n. pl. cilia. Associated Word: ciliary.
eyelid, n. palpebra; pl. palpebrae. Associated Words: palpebral, palpebrate.
eyesore, n. blemish, defect.
eyewater, a. collyrium.
Fable, n. apologue (moral fable); fiction, fabrication, myth, untruth.
fabler, n. fabulist.
fabulous, a. fictitious, feigned, unverified; exorbitant, inordinate, excessive.
face, n. countenance, visage, physiognomy, features; front, exterior; obverse; facet; effrontery, confidence, assurance, audacity, impudence. Associated Words: facial, domino, complexion, multifaced, rouge, cosmetic, grimace, Janus-faced, lineament, profile, silhouette, maskoid, smirk, physiognomist.
face, v. confront, meet; bully, bluff; veneer; plane, dress, smooth.
face ague. tic douloureux.
face guard. mask, beaver.
face to face. vis-a-vis, tete-a-tete.
facsimile, n. duplicate, copy, reproduction, likeness, counterpart.
fact, n. reality, actuality, truth.
faction, n. dissension, sedition, rebellion, insurgency, division.
factious, a. turbulent, seditious, rebellious, refractory, insubordinate.
factor, n. broker, middleman, consignee, commission merchant, agent; constituent, element.
factory, n. manufactory, shop, plant, mill.
facts, n. pl. data.
faculty, n. endowment, capability, talent, ability, knack, gift; competency, dexterity, skill ingenuity, adroitness.
fade, v. decay, decline, droop, languish, evanesce, disappear.
fadeless, a. unfading, permanent, fast, perennial.
fading, a. fugitive, evanescent, declining.
faeces, n. pl. excrement, stools.
fail, v. default, lack; deteriorate, decline, retrograde; disappoint, desert; miscarry, foil; become bankrupt.
failing, n. shortcoming, deficiency, imperfection, foible, fault, infirmity, defect, errancy, fallibility, decline, deterioration.
failure, n. failing, deficiency, shortcoming, lack; omission, pretermission, default, nonperformance, neglect, dereliction nonfulfillment, nonobservance; nonsuccess, miscarriage, frustration, abortion, foil, fizzle, fiasco; deterioration, decline, declension, retrogression; bankruptcy, insolvency.
faint, a. weak, languid, exhausted, feeble; indistinct, dim, faded, dull; timorous, faint-hearted.
faint, v. swoon.
faint-hearted, a. timorous, timid, diffident, fearful, cowardly.
faint-heartedness, n. timidity, diffidence.
fainting, n. swoon, syncope.
fair, a. impartial, equitable, unbiased, just, honorable, unprejudiced, ingenuous; average, middling, tolerable, so-so, passable; comely, attractive, pretty, handsome; blond, light; unsullied, untarnished, spotless.
fair, adv. clear, openly, frankly, honestly, favorably, auspiciously, impartially.
fair, n. bazaar; exposition.
fair and square. equitably, impartially, fairly, honestly.
fairly, adv. impartially, equitably, openly, favorably, auspiciously.
fair play. justice, equity.
fair-spoken, a. plausible, bland, civil, suave.
fairy, n. fay, elf, pigwidgeon, pixy, sprite, sylph, Puck, Robin Goodfellow, Mab, Oberon, Titania.
faith, n. credence, belief, trust, dependence, credit, reliance, confidence; dogma, tenet, creed, religion, persuasion; fidelity, loyalty, faithfulness; promise, engagement, word. Antonyms: doubt, incredulity, misgiving, unbelief. Associated Words: Fides, fiduciary, fiducial, bona fide, pistiology.
faithful, a. true, constant, stanch, unwavering, devoted, loyal; trustworthy, reliable, conscientious; exact, accurate, precise.
faithfulness, n. constancy, devotion, loyalty, fidelity, true-heartedness, fealty, allegiance, trustworthiness; exactness, accuracy.
faithless, a. unbelieving, skeptical, incredulous, doubting, disloyal, false. See unfaithful.
faithlessness, n. unbelief, incredulity, doubt; disloyalty, perfidy. See unfaithfulness.
fake, n. (Slang) trick, swindle, imposture, fraud, delusion, humbug, imposition.
fake, v. (Slang) cheat, swindle, humbug, defraud, manipulate, fraudulently.
faker, n. (Slang) trickster, swindler.
fall, v. descend, drop, gravitate; collapse, founder, slump, tumble, topple; subside, decrease, decline, settle, moderate; sin, do wrong, go astray; apostatize; empty, discharge, disembogue.
fall, n. descent, collapse, tumble, drop; decrease, decline, depreciation, slump; cadence; declivity, slope; prostration, downfall, subversion; autumn; disemboguement, discharge.
fallacious, a. sophistical, misleading, illusive, untenable, inconsistent.
fallacy, n. deception, delusion, misconception; sophism, sophistry, paralogism.
fallals, n. pl. (Colloq.) frippery, gewgaws, ornaments.
fall away. emaciate; renounce, desert, rebel; apostatize, backslide; decline, languish.
fall back. recede, retreat, retire, withdraw.
fallen, a. dropped, prostrate, degraded, depreciated, debased.
fallibility, n. errancy. Antonym: infallibility.
fallible, a. errable, erring. Antonym: infallible.
fall in. collapse, cave in.
falling away. emaciation, pining; renunciation, desertion, revolt, unfaithfulness; apostasy, defection, backsliding; decline, declension.
falling back. recession, retreat, retirement, withdrawal.
falling down. prostration, collapse.
falling in with. meeting; concurrence, agreement, compliance.
falling off. dropping; withdrawal, separation, detachment; apostasy, defection, desertion; depreciation, deterioration.
falling out. See quarrel.
falling short. deficiency, inadequacy, deficit, shortcoming.
falling sickness. epilepsy.
falling star. meteor.
falling stone. meteorite, aerolite.
falling to pieces. disintegration, dilapidation.—a. ramshackle, dilapidated, disintegrating.
fall off. drop; withdraw, separate; apostatize, backslide; depreciate, deteriorate.
fall on. attack, assault, assail.
fall out. See quarrel.
fallow, a. uncultivated, untilled; dormant, inactive.
fall short. be deficient, be inadequate.
fall to pieces. disintegrate.
false, a. spurious, forged, counterfeit, sham, supposititious, unauthentic, bogus, feigned, fallacious, make believe, hypocritical, assumed, pseudo, sophistical, untenable; unveracious, dishonest, erroneous, untruthful; disloyal, perfidious, traitorous, disingenuous, insincere, recreant, faithless, unfaithful.
false friend. traitor, betrayer, Judas.
falsehood, n. inveracity, untruthfulness; lie, fiction, untruth, mendacity, fabrication, canard.
false key. picklock.
false name. pseudonym, nom de plume. Associated words: pseudonymous, pseudonymity, pseudepigraphous pseudepigraphy.
false swearing. perjury.
false writing. forgery, pseudography, pseudograph.
falsification, n. counterfeiting, forgery, falsifying; misrepresentation, distortion.
falsify, v. misstate, misrepresent, garble, distort, pervert; confute, refute, disprove.
falter, v. hesitate, tremble, waver, vacillate.
faltering, a. wavering, hesitating.
faltering, n. hesitation, indecision, wavering, vacillation.
fame, n. celebrity, note, eminence, renown, glory, reputation, repute. Antonyms: obscurity, ingloriousness, oblivion, ignominy, disrepute.
familiar, a. intimate, close, cordial, near, friendly, bosom; informal, unreserved, unconstrained, easy, unceremonious; conversant, well-known. Antonyms: unfamiliar, shy, ceremonious, distant.
familiarity, n. intimacy, conversance, acquaintance; informality, freedom, unconstraint; disrespect, unreserve. Antonyms: unfamiliarity, strangeness.
familiarize, v. habituate, accustom, inure, break in.
family, n. household; genealogy, lineage, ancestry. Associated words: genealogist, foris-familiate, pedigree, nepotism, nepotic, cadency, gens.
family way. pregnancy. Associated Words: pregnant, gravid, enceinte.
famous, a. renowned, famed, noted, celebrated, eminent, illustrious, distinguished, far-famed. Antonyms: obscure, inglorious, unknown, notorious.
fan, n. flabellum (Eccl.), Associated Words: brin, panache, plicate, plicated.
fan, v. winnow; cool, ventilate; stimulate, rouse, foment, provoke, encourage.
fanatic, n. extremist, visionary, zealot.
fanatical, a. fanatic, rabid, uncompromising, over-zealous.
fancied, a. imaginary.
fanciful, a. whimsical, capricious, visionary, imaginative, unpractical; chimerical, fantastic, illusive, phantasmic, quixotic, bizarre, erratic.
fancy, n. imagination, conception, conceit, idea, apprehension, impression, opinion, notion; caprice, whim, whimsey, fantasy, vagary, maggot, crotchet; inclination, liking, fondness, penchant, taste.
fancy, a. ornate, elaborate, ornamental; fanciful, exorbitant, fabulous, extravagant.
fancy, v. believe, imagine, apprehend, conjecture, conceive, like.
fandangle, a. fantastic, highfaluting, ornamental.
fang, n. tusk.
fan-shaped, a. plicate, flabelliform, flabellate.
fantastic, a. fanciful, imaginary; unreal, phantasmal, spectral, illusive; whimsical, capricious, erratic; grotesque, irregular, odd, rococo, baroque, bizarre.
fantod, n. (Slang) worry, excitement, fuss, fidget; indisposition, sulks.
far, a. distant, remote; alienated, estranged, unfriendly.
farce, n. burlesque, travesty, caricature, sham, take-off.
farcical, a. burlesque, ludicrous, ridiculous, absurd.
farewell, n. adieu, leave-taking, good-bye, valediction, conge, valedictory.
farewell, a. parting, valedictory, final.
far-fetched, a. forced, strained, catachrestic.
farm, n. grange; plantation; croft; hacienda.
farmer, n. agriculturist, husbandman, granger.
farming, n. agriculture, husbandry.—a. agricultural.
far-off, a. remote, distant, far-away.
far-sighted, a. hypermetropic, presbyopic; long-sighted, sagacious.
far-sightedness, n. hypennetropia, presbyopia, hyperopia; long-sightedness, sagacity.
far-sighted person. presbyope.
fascinate, v. bewitch, enchant, charm, captivate, enamor, infatuate, entrance, enrapture, enravish. Antonyms: disillusionize, decharm, repel.
fascinating, a. charming, captivating, bewitching, siren, witching, entrancing.
fascination, n. enchantment, witchcraft, bewitchery, sorcery, magic, witchery, captivation, charm, enravishment Antonyms: disenchantment, disillusionment.
fashion, n. vogue, style, mode.
fashionable, a. stylish, in vogue, smart, modish.
fast, a. immovable, firm, rigid; impregnable, strong, invincible, invulnerable, fortified; steadfast, faithful, true; permanent, durable; rapid, swift, fleet, quick, expeditious, speedy; unrestrained, dissolute, dissipated, rakish, wanton, profligate, immoral.
fast, adv. swiftly, rapidly, quickly, with celerity, post-haste, speedily, expeditiously; fixedly, firmly, immovably.
fast and loose. inconstant.
fasten, v. secure, fix, barricade, lock, bind, tie, attach, tether, rivet, moor, cement, affix, annex, clinch, clamp, append.
fastidious, a. critical, squeamish, punctilious. Antonyms: careless, indiscriminate, slovenly.
fastness, n. fixedness, immovability, firmness, security, impregnability; fortress, stronghold, citadel; swiftness, celerity, rapidity, expedition, quickness, haste.
fat, a. fleshy, plump, corpulent, obese, portly, pursy, burly, chubby, pampered, gross, squab, stout, pudgy; adipose; fertile, productive; lucrative, remunerative, profitable.
fatal, a. mortal, deadly.
fatality, n. fatalness, fate, destiny; mortality; disaster, calamity.
fate, n. destiny, lot, doom; chance, fortune; Moira; karma; kismet; predestination.
fated, a. destined, doomed, predestined, foredoomed.
fateful, a. ominous.
Fates, n. pl. Destinies, Parcae (Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos).
father, n. pater familias, procreator, sire, patriarch; founder, originator, author. Associated Words: affiliate, affiliation, filiation, patricide, patricidal, paternalism, parricide, agnate, agnation, patrimony.
father, v. beget, engender, procreate.
fatherhood n. paternity.
fatherly, a. paternal.
fatigue, n. weariness, lassitude, languor, exhaustion.
fatigue, v. weary, tire, jade, exhaust, fag, bore.
fatness, n. corpulency, obesity, embonpoint, plumpness, fleshiness, stoutness, portliness, pudginess; adiposity; fertility, richness.
fatten, v. batten.
fatty, a. adipose, greasy, unctuous, oleaginous, sebaceous.
fatty tumor. lipoma.
fault, n. defect, imperfection, failing, foible, shortcoming, blemish, flaw; demerit, dereliction, offense, indiscretion, lapse, delinquency. Antonyms: merit, perfection, beauty, impeccability.
fault-finder, n. caviler, critic, grumbler, carper, repiner, censurer, censor, complainer.
fault-finding, a. captious, caviling, critical, derogatory, dissatisfied, grumbling, censorious, discontented, querulous, carping.
fault-finding, n. carping, criticism, grumbling, murmuring, captiousness, cavil, reprehension, dissatisfaction, animadversion, stricture, repining.
faultiness, n. defectiveness, imperfection, culpability, peccability.
faultless, a. perfect, blameless, impeccable, inerrable, unblemished.
faulty, a. imperfect, defective; blamable, culpable, peccable, erring.
faun, n. satyr, sylvan.
favor, n. countenance, regard, good-will, kindness; support, promotion, befriending, championship, espousal, countenancing. Antonyms: disfavor, opposition.
favor, v. support, countenance, encourage; resemble.
favorable, a. propitious, auspicious, conducive, beneficial, partial, helpful. Antonyms: unfavorable, unpropitious, inauspicious.
favoring, a. partial, approving, helpful.
favoritism, n. partiality; nepotism. Antonym: impartiality
fawn, v. truckle, curry favor, court.
fawner, n. sycophant, bootlicker, footlicker.
fawning, a. sycophantic, obsequious, servile, truckling.
fear, n. apprehension, anxiety, solicitude, alarm, dread, trepidation, consternation, panic, dismay, terror, fright, cowardliness, timidity, pusillanimity; reverence, awe, veneration.
fear, v. apprehend, dread, be afraid of; reverence, venerate, stand in awe of.
fearful, a. apprehensive, alarmed, afraid, frightened; timid, timorous, faint-hearted, cowardly, craven, pusillanimous, meticulous; terrible, frightful, dreadful, grim, awful, dire, fell, atrocious, ghastly, terrifying, alarming, appalling.
fearless, a. intrepid, courageous, bold, valorous, undaunted, unafraid, unflinching.
feasibility, n. practicability.
feasible, a. practicable.
feast, n. banquet, repast, regale, Junket, festivity. Associated words: convivial, conviviality.
feast, v. banquet, junket; delight, gratify.
feastful, a. festive, festal.
feat, n. exploit, achievement, stunt, act, deed.
feather, n. plume, quill, pinion.
feather, v. fledge.
feathered, a. fledged.
feathering, n. endysis.
feather in the cap. (Colloq.) honor, trophy.
featherless, a. unfledged, desplumate, callow.
feathers, n. pl. plumage; aigret; panache, remiges (quill feathers); down (soft under feathers); coverts; rectrices. Associated words: plumassier, pterylography, endysis, ecdysis, moult, moulting, mew, desplumation, preen, barb, midrib, shaft, barbule, pompon, plumassary.
feathery, a. plumy, pennaceous.
feature, n. aspect, appearance; lineament; trait, characteristic, peculiarity.
federation, n. confederation, league, confederacy, union.
fee, n. retainer, tip, honorarium, perquisite.
feeble, a. infirm, doddering. See weak.
feeble-minded, a. half-witted, defective, imbecile.
feeble-minded person, defective, imbecile.
feed, v. bait, regale.
feed, n. provender, fodder.
feel, v. touch, handle; grope, grabble; experience, suffer.
feeler, n. antenna, tentaculum, tentacle, horn, palpus. pl. antennae, tentacula, palpi.
feeling, a. susceptible, sensitive, sentient, sympathetic. Antonyms: insentient, unfeeling, stoic, impassive.
feeling, n. sensibility, sensation, sentiency; emotion. Antonyms: insensibility, impassivity, numbness.
feign v. pretend, dissemble, simulate, affect, counterfeit, assume.
feigned, a. pretended, simulate, simulated, counterfeit, dissembled, assumed. Antonyms: real, sincere, unfeigned.
feigning, n. simulation, dissembling.
feint, n. pretense, blind, stratagem.
felicitate, v. congratulate.
felicitation, n. congratulation.
fellow-countryman, n. compatriot.
fellowship, n. companionship, communion, converse, association.
felon, n. criminal, convict; whitlow.
felonious, a. heinous, atrocious, nefarious, flagitious, infamous.
female, a. feminine; pistillate (Bot.).
female warrior. Amazon.
fence, n. pale, palings, palisade, stockade, hurdle, raddle, defense, protection, enclosure.
fence, v. defend, fortify, protect; equivocate, evade, parry, shift, prevaricate.
fencing, n. swordsmanship, gladiature, swordplay, gladiatorism.
fend, v. ward off, avoid, parry.
fender, n. protection, defense, screen, guard; dashboard, splashboard.
ferment, n. harm, leaven, yeast; enzyme, histozyme, zyme, zymophite.
fern, n. brake, bracken, maiden hair, Venus hair, poly-pody.
ferns, n. pl. Filices, Pteridophyta. Associated Words: pteridology, filicology, pteridologist, filical, filicic, filici-form, filicoid, frond, spore, filicite, cryptogamous.
ferocious, a. rapacious, ravenous, truculent, fell, savage.
ferocity, n. rapacity, fierceness.
ferrotype, n. tintype.
fertile, a. fruitful, fecund; pistillate. Antonyms: infertile infecund, barren.
fertility, n. fruitfulness, fecundity, richness. Antonyms: infertility, infecundity, barrenness.
fertilization, n. enriching; fecundation, impregnation.
fertilize, v. enrich, manure; fecundate, impregnate.
fertilizer, n. manure, guano, phosphate of lime, compost.
fervency, n. See ardor.
fervent, a. See ardent.
fervid, a. See ardent.
fervor, n. See ardor.
fester, v. suppurate, maturate, ulcerate; rankle.
fester, n. sore, pustule, festering, abscess, imposthume, rankling.
festering, n. suppuration, maturation, ulceration; fester, rankling.
festering, a. suppurating, maturating; rankling.
festival, n. fete, banquet, feast, holiday.
festive, a. festal, convivial, festival.
festoon, n. garland.
fetid, a. malodorous, stinking, noisome.
fetter, n. shackle, bond, hamper, restraint.
fetter, v. shackle, manacle, hamper; restrain, impede.
fever, n. Associated Words: febrifacient, febrific, febrierous, febrifuge, febrifugal, pyretology, pyretic.
feverish, a. febrile.
fever spots. petechiae.
fewness, n. paucity.
fiat, n. order, decree, mandate, edict, command.
fib, n. falsehood, untruth.
fiber, n. staple, thread, filament, pile.
fickle, a. vacillating, volatile, mercurial, irresolute, fitful, capricious, unstable, inconstant, variable, wavering. Antonyms: constant, unwavering, steadfast, resolute.
fickleness, n. vacillation, irresolution, inconstancy, volatility, tergiversation, capriciousness.
fiddle, n. violin; kit.
fiddler, n. violinist.
fidelity, n. loyalty, fealty, faithfulness; truth, integrity. Antonyms: infidelity, faithlessness.
fidgets, n. pl. restlessness; dysphoria.
field, n. meadow, lea; campaign, savanna, croft; scope, range, room, province, domain, region, realm, rowen (stubble field).
fiend, n. demon.
fiendish, a. diabolical, atrocious, infernal.
fierce, a. violent, unrestrained, furious, immoderate, impetuous, vehement, passionate, ferocious, fiery, mettlesome. Antonyms: tame, gentle, docile.
fiery, a. igneous; vehement, impetuous, passionate, irascible, irritable.
fifteen-sided figure. quindecagon.
fifteenth day of March, May, July, and October. ides.
fig, n. fico, snap, fillip.
fig, n. Associated Words: caprification, caricous.
fight, n. combat, battle, engagement, struggle, encounter, fray, affray, melee, scrimmage (Colloq.); pugnacity, belligerence. Associated words: militant, combative, combativeness, bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious.
fight, v. battle, combat, militate, struggle, cope with.
fighter, n. warrior, champion, combatant, vindicator, gladiator, belligerent.
fight shy. avoid, elude.
figment, n. fabrication.
figurative, a. typical, representative, emblematical; metaphorical, tropical.
figure, n. shape, form, outline, tournure, conformation, image, effigy, statue, bust, figurehead, likeness; numeral, digit, number; type, emblem, symbol; caryatid; atlantes, telamones; figurine; diagram, drawing; dash, conspicuousness, show.
figure, v. compute, cipher, calculate; contrive, scheme, plan; symbolize, typify, represent.
figure of speech. trope, metaphor.
file, n. line, row; rasp, quannet.
filing, n. limature, limation.
fill, n. thill, shaft.
fill, n. sufficiency, plenty.
fill, v. satisfy, cloy, satiate, sate, glut, stuff; occupy, hold; replenish; expand, dilate, distend, inflate, bloat; pervade.
fill out. extend, inflate, complete, amplify.
film, n. pellicle.
filter, v. strain, clarify, filtrate; percolate, exude, ooze, seep, transude, infiltrate.
filtering, n. filtration; percolation, exudation, transudation, infiltration.
filth, n. squalor, foulness, corruption, Augean stable, muck, dirt.
filthy, a. nasty, dirty, squalid, foul; smutty, obscene, indecent, ribald, lewd.
finally, adv. ultimately, eventually, lastly.
find fault. object, disapprove, demur, cavil, except, criticize, carp, repine, complain, grumble.
finding, n. discovery; verdict.
finding out. detection, discovery.
find out. discover, detect, ascertain, solve, unriddle.
fine, n. amercement, mulet, penalty.—v. mulet, amerce.
fine, a. refined, nice, exquisite, excellent, recherche, elegant, splendid, admirable, choice, select, attractive, delicate, subtle, minute, capillary, tenuous, thin, subtile, ethereal, attenuated, filmy, flimsy, gossamery, slender; comminuted, bolted, pulverized, impalpable, powdered. Antonyms: coarse, crude, unbolted, stout, crass, thick.
fine arts. Associated Words: esthetics, aesthetic, aestheticism, aesthete.
finedrawn, a. subtle.
finery, n. ornaments, decorations, frippery, clothes, gewgaws.
finespun, a. subtle, attenuated.
finesse, n. artifice, stratagem, maneuvering, ruses.
finger, n. digit; medius (middle finger); minimus (Little finger); index (fore or index finger). Associated Words: digital, digitation, interdigital.
finger, v. touch, handle; thrum, strum.
finger bone. phalanx, internode; pl. phalanges.
finger-shaped, a. digitiform.
finical, a. over-particular, fastidious.
finicky, a. (Colloq.) finical, fastidious, squeamish, dainty.
finish, v. complete, elaborate.
finish, n. completion, elaboration.
fire, v. ignite, kindle; (Slang) discharge, dismiss; inflame, irritate, arouse, excite, incite; animate, quicken, vitalize, enthuse, inspirit; stoke; bake, burn, torrefy.
fire, n. combustion, ignition, burning; phlogiston; conflagration, holocaust, deflagration; flame, blaze; bonfire, balefire, feu de joie, beacon. Associated Words: pyrology, pyrography, pyromania, pyrophobia, incendiary, incendiarism, arson, lurid, Moloch, fuel, combustible, pyroleter, smolder, ignis fatuus, Vulcan, Hephaestus.
fire-arm, n. See gun.
fire-arms, n. pl. guns, gunnery, artillery.
firebug, n. incendiary, pyromaniac.
fire-damp, n. carbureted hydrogen.
firedog, n. andiron.
fireman, n. fire-tender, stoker.
fireproof, a. incombustible, asbestic.
fireside, n. hearth, ingleside.
fireworks, n. pl. Associated Words: pyrotechnics, pyrotechnist, pyrotechnician, pyrotechnic, pyrotechny.
fire-worship, n. pyrolatry, Parseeism, Mazdeism, Magianism, Zoroastrianism.
fire-worshiper, n. pyrolater, Gheber, Parsee, Magian, Zoroastrian.
firm, a. fast, immovable, secure; compact, solid, dense, compressed; fixed, resolute, constant, unwavering, unshaken, steadfast, stanch, determined, invincible, inflexible, incompliant. Antonyms: flaccid, soft, vacillating, irresolute, lax, yielding, facile, inconstant.
first, a. earliest; foremost, leading, chief, premier; primary, primal, primordial, primitive, primeval, pristine, original, aboriginal, primogenial; elementary, rudimentary, initial.
first, adv. primarily, originally.
firstborn, n. Associated Words: primogeniture, primogenial, primogenitureship.
first-formed, a. original, protoplastic.
first installment. earnest, handsel.
first principles. rudiments, principia.
first produce or offspring. firstling.
first-rate, a. excellent, first-class.
fish, n. fry, alevin (young fish); ichthyolite, monilife, (fossil fish). See fishes.
fish, v. angle, trawl, troll; poach (fish unlawfully).
fish eggs. spawn, roe.
fisherman, n. fisher, piscator, angler.
fishes, n. pl. Pisces; Piscifauna (fishes of a region), Associated words: ichthyology, ichthyologist, ichthyophagy, ichthyophagist, ichthyography, ichthyolatry, piscatology, pisciculturist, piscary, piscine, shoal, kench, minnow, aquarium, piscivorous, piscatorial, warren, spawn, cauf, creel, kibblings, bait, pisciform, piscinal.
fish culture. pisciculture.
fish glue. isinglass, ichthyocoll; carlock.
fish hawk, n. osprey.
fishing, n. angling, trawling, trolling, whiffing, spillet fishing, bultow fishing.
fishlike, a. pisciform, ichthyic.
fish line. Associated Words: snell, snood, leader, sinker, bob, float, boulter.
fishskin, n. ichthyosis.
fish soup. chowder.
fishy, a. fishlike; (Colloq.) extravagant, exaggerated, improbable.
fistic, a. pugilistic.
fisticuffs, n. pl. boxing, pugilism.
fit, n. spasm, paroxysm, convulsion; access, outburst, attack; epilepsy, catalepsy; humor, whim, caprice, fancy.
fit, a. meet, becoming, suitable, proper, appropriate, congruous, adequate, expedient, congruent, apposite, qualified, eligible, competent, befitting, apt, convenient.
fit, v. adapt, qualify, prepare, equip, accommodate, shape, adjust, trim.
fitful, a. variable, capricious, unstable, inconstant, spasmodic, changeable.
fitness, n. becomingness, appropriateness, competency, qualification, congruity, eligibility.
fitting, a. suitable, proper, fit, befitting.
five, n. cinque, quintuplet, quintette; quintuplets. Associated words: quinary, quintuple, quintuplicate, quincunx.
five-angled, a. pentagonal.
five-angled figure. pentagon, pentahedron.
five cents. nickel.
fivefold, a. quintuple.
five languages. Associated Word: pentaglot.
five-sided, a. pentagonal, pentahedral.
five years. quinquennium, lustrum. Associated Words: quinquennial, quinquennially.
fir, v. mend, repair, restore, adjust; rivet, fasten; settle, fasten, establish, implant, define.
fix, n. (Colloq.) dilemma, predicament, plight, quandary. Antonyms: extrication, release.
fixed, a. immovable, established, stable, firm, unchangeable steadfast, stereotyped.
fixings, n. pl. (Colloq.) embellishments, trimmings.
fizzle, n. (Colloq.) failure, fiasco.
flabbergast, v. (Jocular) astonish, amaze, surprise, dumfound.
flabbergastation, n. (Jocular) astonishment, amazement.
flabbiness, n. flaccidity, limpness.
flabby, a. yielding, limp, soft, flaccid. Antonyms: firm, stiff, rigid.
flag, n. colors, standard, banner, gonfalon, pennon, pennant, ensign, guidon, streamer, banderole; iris, fleur-de-luce. Associated words: furl, unfurl.
flagrant, a. glowing, flaming, ardent; atrocious, heinous, wicked.
flake, n. film, flock, lamina, scale.
flame, n. blaze, fire; love, sweetheart. Associated Words: lambent, flamineous, flammiferous, flammivomous, flambage.
flame, v. blaze. Antonym: smolder.
flameless a. aphlogistic.
flaming, a. blazing, afire, flagrant; dazzling, brilliant; ardent, passionate.
flare, v. flicker, flutter; dazzle, blaze, glare; flaunt.
flare, n. glare, flicker.
flare-up, n. (Colloq.) passion, anger, outburst.
flash, n. gleam, glare, coruscation.
flash, v. glitter, gleam, glisten, coruscate, sparkle.
flash, n. instant, moment.
flashy, a. dazzling, coruscant; gaudy, tawdry, meretricious showy.
flask, n. betty, matrass, bolthead.
flat, a. level, even, plane, smooth; prostrate, prone; stale, insipid, vapid, tasteless, unsavory, unpalatable, mawkish; peremptory, unqualified, positive; spatulous, spatulate; sonant, vocal. Antonyms: convex, concave, warped, cambered, undulating, protuberant, projecting.
flat, n. lowland, champaign; floor, suite.
flatboat, n. punt.
flatfoot, n. splayfoot.
flatfooted, a. splayfooted; (Slang) determined, resolute, unwavering, firmfooted.
flatiron, n. sadiron.
flatnosed, a. simous.
flatter, v. blandish, cajole, wheedle, compliment.
flatterer, n. wheedler, sycophant, toady, pickthank, flunky, Jenkins, adulator, blandisher.
flattering, a. wheedling, adulatory, alluring, blandiloquent, sycophantic, obsequious.
flattery, n. adulation, blandishment, wheedling, flummery, blandiloquence, cajolery.
flaunting, a. ostentatious, showy.
flavor, n. savor, taste, relish, zest, gusto, race, tang, sapidity.
flavorless, a. insipid, vapid, unpalatable, savorless, tasteless.
flavorous, a. sapid, palatable, savory, gustable.
flaw, n. defect, fault, blemish, imperfection.
flawless, a. faultless, perfect.
flawy, a. defective, faulty.
flay, v. skin, excoriate.
fleece, v. plunder, swindle, despoil, strip.
fleet, n. squadron, navy, flotilla, armada.
fleeting, a. impermanent, transient, transitory, evanescent, ephemeral, fugitive, temporary.
flesh, n. meat, carnage; pulp (of fruit); carnality, sensual appetites; carrion (decaying flesh). Associated words: incarnate, incarnation, excarnate, excarnation, carnate, carneous, trichina, trichinosis, carnassial, carnification, carnify.
flesh-eaters, n. pl. Carnivora.
flesh-eating, a. carnivorous, sarcophagous.—n. sarcophagy.
flesh-eating animal. carnivore, sarcophagan, sarcophile.
fleshiness, n. corpulence, obesity, plumpness, embonpoint. See fatness.
fleshliness n. carnality, sensuality.
fleshly, a. carnal, sensual, sensuous.
fleshy, a. corpulent, fat, portly, obese, plump.
flexibility, n. pliability, pliancy, suppleness, litheness, ductility, compliance.
flexible, a. pliable, supple, flexile, pliant, lithe, limber; compliant, yielding. Antonyms: inflexible, incompliant.
flight, n. flying; exodus, hegira; fleeing, absconding.
flighty, a. volatile, capricious, mercurial, giddy, fickle.
flimflam, n. trick, deception, lie.—v. trick, deceive.
flimsy, a. superficial, unsubstantial, weak, feeble, shallow, frivolous.
flinch, v. shrink, wince, recoil, blench, withdraw.
flinders, n. pl. splinters, fragments.
flinty, a. unimpressible, impenetrable, adamantine, unyielding.
flippant, a. voluble, glib, fluent; pert, malapert, forward.
flirt, n. coquette, jilt, jill.—v. coquet, philander.
flirtation, n. coquetry.
flirtatious, a. coquettish.
float, n. raft; buoy.
floating, n. flotation, flotage, supernatation.—a. supernatant.
flock, n. covey, herd, bevy, drove, pack, lot, group, brood, litter. Associated Words: gregarious, gregal, gregariously, gregariousness.
flog, v. See whip.
flood, n. deluge, inundation, overflow, cataclysm, freshet. Associated Words: antediluvial, antediluvian, diluvial, diluvian, alluvium, alluvial, alluvion.
flood, v. inundate, deluge, overflow, submerge.
flood-gate, n. sluice-gate.
floor, v. prostrate, fell, overthrow; embarrass, nonplus.
floor, n. planching, pavement; story, loft.
floor timber. joist.
floral ornament. anthemion, boughpot, palmette.
florid, a. flushed, rubicund. See red.
florist, n. floriculturist.
flounce, n. ruffle, furbelow, frill.—v. flounder.
flour, n. Associated Words: farinaceous, farina, gluten, meal, aleurometer, aleuromancy, stive, dredge, bolt.
flour box. dredging box.
flourish, v. thrive; wave, brandish.
flourish, n. embellishment; curlycue, paraph; fanfare, call; parade, show, display; brandishing, waving.
flout, v. mock, jeer, gibe, sneer, deride.
flow, v. circulate; proceed, emanate, issue. Antonyms: stagnate, ebb.
flower, n. blossom, bloom; floret, floweret (little flower). Associated Words: floral, floricultural, floriculture, florist, floriculturist, florilege, florification, floriferous, botany, botanical, botanist, botanize, inflorescence, estivation, anther, petal, calyx, corolla, sepal, anthesis, anthography, anthoid, antholite, anthology, anthomania, anthophagous, anthophilous, anthotaxy, bouquet, bract, corona, corymb, cyme, chloranthy, efflorescence, Flora, perianth, pistil, pistillate, staminate, pollen, prefloration raceme, reflorescence, pollinate, pollination, stamen, stigma, umbel, verticil, verticillate, whorl, spadix, spathe, floriated, floriation.
flower beds. Associated Words: parterre, platband, terrace.
flowering, a. phaenogamous, phaenogamian.—n. inflorescence
flowering plants. Phaenogamia.
flowerless, a. cryptogamous.
flowerless plants. Cryptogamia.
flower pot. Associated Words: cachepot, girandole.
flowery, a. florid, ornate, figurative.
flowing, a. running, gliding, fluent, cursive. Antonym: stagnant.
flowing back. refluent, ebbing.—n. refluence, ebb.
flowing in. influx.—a. influent, incurrent.
flowing out. efflux, effluxion, effluence.—a. effluent, excurrent.
flowing round. circumfluent.
fluctuate, v. vacillate, waver, oscillate, whiffle, swerve. Antonyms: continue, persist, adhere, abide, remain, stand fast.
fluctuation, n. vacillation, wavering, oscillation, instability.
fluent, a. flowing, gliding; voluble.
fluid, n. liquid, liquor, solution.
flunk, v. (Colloq.) fail, back out.—n. failure.
flunky, n. lackey, footman, servant; snob, toady, sycophant.
flunkyism, n. toadyism, sycophancy.
flurried, a. agitated, excited, perturbed, confused.
flurry, n. squall, breeze, wind; agitation, excitement, commotion.
flush, n. blush, glow; thrill; rosiness, redness.
flush, a. liberal, prodigal, free, lavish; even, plane, level, flat; prolific, fecund, exuberant; affluent.
fluster, v. perturb, discompose, confuse, disconcert, embarrass, agitate.
fluster, n. perturbation, discompose, confusion, agitation.
flustrate, v. (Colloq.) fluster, agitate.
flustration, n. (Colloq.) agitation, fluster, perturbation, confusion.
fluted, a. chamfered, channeled, grooved.
flutter, v. tremble, palpitate; hover; oscillate, fluctuate, vacillate, waver.
flutter, n. tremor, agitation, palpitation; confusion, disorder, commotion.
fly, a. (Slang) wide-awake, knowing.
fly, v. wing, soar, flit, mount, hover; decamp, abscond, flee.
flyaway, a. flighty, giddy, unrestrained, volatile.
flying, a. awing, volant, volitant, soaring.
flying, n. aviation, flight.
flying machine. aeroplane, aerodrome, biplane, monoplane. Associated words: hangar, aviator, aerodynamics, aviatrix.
foam, n. froth, spume, spumescence.—v. froth, spume.
foamy, a. frothy, spumy.
fodder, n. provender, forage, stover; ensilage. Associated Words: silo, ensile.
foe, n. antagonist, enemy, adversary, opponent.
fog, n. haze, mist, vapor, brume; confusion (of the mind).
fog, v. befog, obscure, confuse.
foggy, a. misty, hazy, brumous, vaporous; beclouded, confused, obscure.
fogy, n. (Colloq.) fogram, mossback.
foil, v. baffle, frustrate, thwart, circumvent.
foist, v. interpolate.
fold, n. doubling, plait, convolution; sheep-pen, cote; embrace.
fold, v. double; embrace, infold, clasp.
folding stool. faldstool.
foliage, n. leafage, leaves.
folks, n. pl. (Collog.) people, persons.
follow, v. succeed, chase, pursue, tag; dodge; result, proceed, flow, ensue, spring, issue; pursue, practice, engage in; trace, track, trail.
follower, n. pursuer; attendant, retainer, henchman; disciple, partisan, advocate, adherent, votary; imitator, copier.
following, n. pursuance, pursuing, pursuit; sequence, consecution, succession; adherents, dependents, retinue; vocation, trade, profession, business.
following, a. succeeding, ensuing, consecutive, pursuant.
folly, n. foolishness, fatuity, indiscretion, unwisdom, absurdity, imprudence.
foment, v. encourage, instigate, nurse; stupe.
fond, a. indulgent, over-affectionate, doting; affectionate, loving; baseless, vain, unfounded.
fondle, v. caress, pet, coddle, cosset, indulge, humor.
fondness, n. indulgence, doting; affection, devotion, love; partiality, liking, preference, predilection, propensity, appetite.
food, n. aliment, nutriment, nourishment, pabulum, nutrition, fare, diet, bread, meat, rations, victuals, subsistence, commons, provisions, viands, regimen, finding, sustenance, eatables, refreshments, comestibles, trencher, ambrosia, broma, manna. Associated Words: bromatology, bromatologist, alimental, alimentary, pabular, appetite, alimentation, nutrition, superalimentation, pantophagist, pantophagous, pantophagy, polyphagous, polyphagy, bromography, dietary, regimen, dietarian, dietetics, dieter, dietist, asitia, cater, caterer, sitology, chyle, chyme, victualer, steward, cibation, sitophobia, omnivorous, delicatessen, proteid, nitrogen, protein, commissariat, commissary.
food for cattle. feed, fodder, provender, forage, pasturage.
food room. larder, buttery, pantry, spence.
fool, n. idiot, imbecile, natural; simpleton, dolt, dunce, defective, witling, dotterel, driveler, blockhead, beetlehead, ninny, ignoramus, numskull, booby, clodpate, nincompoop, ass, wiseacre, dunderhead, halfwit, oaf, dullard, coot, mooncalf; zany, harlequin, buffoon, jester, merry-andrew, droll, clown, scaramouch. Associated Words: stultify, stultification.
fool, v. dupe, gull, delude, hoodwink, deceive, hoax, trick, beguile, victimize, cully; trifle, toy, dawdle.
fooling, n. foolishness, folly; zanyism, mummery, buffoonery, monkey-tricks, harlequinism.
foolhardy, a. daredevil, reckless, rash.
foolish, a. idiotic, senseless, irrational, silly, imbecile, witless, insensate, weak-minded, half-witted, brainless, fatuous, fatuitous, insagacious, unintelligent; indiscreet, imprudent, ridiculous, absurd, asinine, inept, nonsensical, puerile.
foolishness, n. idiocy, imbecility, fatuity, silliness, irrationality, insagacity; imprudence, indiscretion, unwisdom, folly, absurdity, ineptitude, puerility.
fool's bauble. marotte.
foot, n. paw; hoof; base, bottom, extremity. Associated Words: chiropody, chiropodist, pedicure, orthopedy, orthopedic, orthopedist, pedal, plantigrade, bastinado, taligrade, palmigrade, cloven, ball, instep, phalanges.
foot-bath, n. pediluvium, pedilavium (Eccl.).
footboy, n. page, lackey.
footing, n. foothold; rank, status, standing, grade; amount, total; tread, step.
footlicker, n. sycophant, fawner, toady, lickspittle.
footman, n. infantryman (foot-soldier); lackey.
footpad, n. highwayman, brigand, robber, thug.
footprint, n. footmark, track, footstep; spoor.
foot-shaped, a. pediform.
foot-soldiers, n. pl. infantry.
footstep, n. footmark, footprint, track, trace, vestige; spoor; footfall, tread, step.
footstool, n. cricket, hassock.
foozle, v. bungle.—n. foozling, bungle, bungler.
fop, n. coxcomb, dude, dandy, exquisite, popinjay, blade, jackadandy. Antonyms: sloven, guy.
foppish, a. coxcombical, dandified, finical, exquisite. Antonyms: slovenly, seedy.
foppishness, n. foppery, dandyism, coxcombry, dudishness.
for all that. nevertheless.
forasmuch as. in as much as, since, whereas, seeing that.
foray, n. See raid.
forbear, v. refrain, stop, pause, withhold, abstain; endure, tolerate.
forbearance, n. withholding, refraining; long-suffering, patience, indulgence, toleration.
forbearing, a. long-suffering, patient, indulgent, tolerant, lenient.
forbears, n. pl. ancestors, forefathers.
forbid, v. prohibit, interdict, inhibit, restrain, taboo, preclude, proscribe.
forbidden, a. prohibited, proscribed, interdicted, contraband, inhibited, illicit, taboo.
forbidding, a. repellent, repulsive, offensive, abhorrent, odious, repelling, grim.
forbidding, n. prohibition, interdiction, proscription, restraint, inhibition, taboo.
force, v. compel, coerce, necessitate, constrain, oblige, make; impel, obtrude, extort, wrest; capture, storm; rape, ravish. Antonyms: induce, inveigle, seduce, persuade.
force, n. strength, energy, power, vigor, might, potency, cogency, validity, efficacy, efficiency; compulsion, coercion, violence, constraint, tension, impetus; armament, troops, army, legion, battalion, phalanx. Associated Words: dynamics, dyne, statics, perforce, dynamic, mechanics, brunt, kinit.
forced, a. involuntary, compulsory, strained, far-fetched. Antonyms: spontaneous, voluntary, discretional, optional, elective.
forcible, a. energetic, potent, effective, compulsory, coercive, drastic, vigorous.
forcing, n. compelling, compulsion, coercion, extortion, necessitation, constraint; rape, ravishment. Antonyms: discretion, option, election, free-will.
forearm, n. antibrachium.
forebode, v. portend, presage, foreshadow, augur betoken, foretell.
foreboding, n. premonition, presentiment, augury, prescience, foreknowledge.
forecast, n. predetermination, premeditation, forethought.
foredoom, v. predestine, preordain.
forefather, n. ancestor, progenitor, forbear; pl. ancestry, lineage, progenitors, forbears.
forego, v. quit, relinquish, surrender, yield, do without; precede.
foregoer, n. predecessor, forefather; forerunner, herald, harbinger, precursor, avant-courier.
foregoing, a. previous, anterior, preceding, fore, prior, antecedent, aforesaid.
forehead, n. brow, sinciput. Antonym: occiput.
foreign, a. alien, extraneous, exotic, peregrine; remote, adventitious, inappropriate.
foreigner, n. alien; emigrant, immigrant. Antonyms: native, indigene, citizen.
foreign word, plant, or custom. exoticism, exotic.
foreknowledge, n. prescience.
foremilk, n. colostrum.
foreordain, v. preordain, predestinate, foredoom, predetermine.
foreordination, n. predestination, predetermination.
forerun, v. precede, herald.
forerunner, n. precursor, harbinger, herald, avant-courier.
foreshadow, v. presage, presignify, prognosticate, prefigure, augur.
foresight, n. prescience, foreknowledge, prudence.
foreskin, n. prepuce. Associated Words: circumcise, circumcision, preputial.
forest, n. wood, woodland, timber-land, woods, wold, wildwood. Associated Words: sylvan, sylviculture, nemophilist, nemophily, nemoral, afforest, afforestation, Silenus, hamadryad, glade, reforestize, reforestation, reboise, reafforest, forestry, forester, disboscation, disforest disforestation, hag, assart, camass, cruise, cruiser.
forestall, v. anticipate; preoccupy, monopolize.
foretell, v. predict, prophesy, prognosticate, augur, presage, portend, forebode, bode, divine, foreshadow, presignify.
foreteller, a. See prophet.
foretelling, a. prophetic, prognostic, portentous, predictive, oracular, augurial, divinatory.
foretelling, n. prediction, prophecy, foreshowing, prognostication, augury, presage, foreboding, presignification, divination, oracle.
forethought, a. aforethought, prepense, deliberate.
forethought, n. premeditation, prescience, forecast, precaution, prudence, providence.
foretoken, n. omen, prognostic, premonition, sign, augury.
forever, adv. eternally, continually, perpetually, everlastingly.
forewarning, n. premonition.—a. premonitory.
forfeit, n. forfeiture, philopena; fine, mulct, penalty, amercement.
forge, n. smithy, stithy, smithery.
forger, n. fabricator, falsifier, counterfeiter.
forgery, n. counterfeiting, falsification, counterfeit, pseudograph, pseudography; (Civ. Law) falsi crimen.
forgetfulness, n. amnesty, amnesia, oblivion, Lethe; ecmnesia.
forget-me-not, n. myosotis.
forgivable, a. pardonable, venial.
forgive, v. pardon, excuse, absolve, condone, exculpate, connive, acquit.
forgiveness, n. pardon, remission, absolution, condonation, acquittal, indulgence.
forgiving, a. compassionate, indulgent, placable, remissive. Antonyms: unforgiving, implacable.
forgo, v. omit, relinquish, let slip.
fork, n. fourchette; divarication, branch, crotch; prong, tine; pew, grain.
fork, v. ramify, branch, divaricate.
forked, a. furcated, bifurcated, crotched, zigzag.
forked support. crotchet.
forlorn, a. deserted, forsaken, lorn, disconsolate, lonesome.
form, n. shape, structure, configuration, figure, conformation, cast, mould, tournure; formula, ritual; formality, ceremonial, conventionality; symmetry; image, phantom; mould, pattern, model.
form, v. shape, fashion, mould.
formal, a. ceremonial, express, explicit, punctilious, methodical, prim, ceremonious, conventional.
formality, n. ceremoniousness, precision, punctiliousness, ceremony; conventionality.
formative, a. plastic, creative.
former, a. antecedent, preceding, previous, prior, foregoing, bygone, quondam, ci-devant.
formerly, adv. heretofore, aforetime.
formless, a. shapeless, amorphous, chaotic.
formula, n. ritual, ceremony, ceremonial; rule, principle; recipe.
formulary, n. ritual, ceremonial, rule, formula.
forsake, v. quit, abandon, leave; renounce, reject, relinquish, forswear.
forsaken, a. abandoned, deserted, derelict, lorn.
forsaking, n. desertion, abandonment.
forswear, v. renounce, abjure, disavow.
fort, n. fortress, fortification, citadel, fastness, stronghold, bulwark, redoubt.
forthwith, adv. immediately, directly, instantly.
fortification, n. See fort.
fortress, n. See fort.
fortunate, a. lucky, favored; auspicious, favorable. Antonyms: See unfortunate.
fortune-teller, n. chiromancer, palmist, chirosophist, fatiloquist, sibyl.
fortune-telling, n. chiromancy, palmistry.
forty-niner, n. Argonaut.
forum, n. tribunal.
forward, a. anterior, fore; overready, presumptuous, brazen, impertinent, obtrusive, intrusive; premature, precocious.
forward, v. advance, promote, accelerate, expedite, further; transmit, send, ship.
forwarding, n. transmission.
fossil, n. Associated Words: paleontology, paleontography, ichnology, fossiliferous, in situ.
fossilist, n. paleontologist.
fossilization, n. fossilification, lapidification.
fossilize, v. petrify, lapidify; mummify.
fossilized, a. petrified; antiquated, old-fashioned.
foster, v. nourish, nurse, support; promote, encourage, advance.
foul, a. filthy, squalid, dirty, polluted; scurrilous, abusive, obscene, insulting, blasphemous, vituperative, vulgar; shameful, detestable, odious, abominable, loathsome, disgusting, repulsive, offensive; unpropitious, unfavorable; feculent, roily, turbid, dreggy, dreggish.
foul, v. defile, soil, dirty, pollute.
foul-mouthed, a. scurrilous, opprobrious, abusive; blasphemous, profane, obscene, smutty.
found, v. establish, plant, institute; cast, form, mould.
foundation, n. substructure, base, groundwork; founding establishment; endowment; grillage. Antonym: superstructure. Associated words: fundamental, basic, caisson.
founder, n. establisher, institutor, father, planter, originator, moulder; closh.
founder, v. fall, stumble; fail, miscarry.
fount, n. spring, fountain.
fountain, n. fount, spring, jet d'eau; source, fountainhead, origin; Castalia.
four, n. quaternion, quaternary, tetrad, quadruplet, quartette; quadruplets. Associated Words: quadrisection quadripartite, quadripartition, quadruplication, quarter, quadruply, quadruple.
four cities. tetrapolis.
fourfold, a. quadruple, quadruples, quadruplicate.
four-footed, a. quadruped.
four-handed, a. quadrumanous.
four-handed animals. Quadrumana.
four hundred. Associated Word: quadrigenarious.
four-sided, a. quadrangular, square, quadrilateral, tetragonal, tetrahedral.
four-sided figure. square, tetragon, quadrangle, rhombus.
foursquare, a. quadrangular.
fourth, n. quarter.
four years, quadrennium. Associated Words: quadrennial, quadrennially.
fox, n. Reynard, Renard, tod, Charlie. Associated Words: vulpine, vulpicide, skulk.
foxglove, n. digitalis.
foxy, a. cunning, sly, wily, crafty.
foyer, n. greenroom.
fracas, n. brawl, uproar, disturbance, quarrel.
fractious, a. unruly, perverse, irritable, ugly, waspish.
fracture, n. rupture, breach, breaking.
fragile, a. brittle, frangible, frail, delicate.
fragility, n. brittleness, frangibility, frailty.
fragment, n. remnant, chip, scrap, flinder, piece, flitter.
fragmentary, a. disconnected, fractional, incomplete.
fragrance, n. perfume, aroma, redolence. Antonyms: fetor, stench, inodorousness.
fragrant, a. sweet-smelling, redolent, aromatic, balmy, sweet-scented. Antonyms: inodorous, scentless, fetid.
frail, a. fragile, brittle, frangible; feeble, weak, infirm.
frailty, n. fragility, frangibility, brittleness; imperfection, fault, defect.
frame, v. devise, plan, contrive, compose; invent, fabricate; adjust, fit, conform.
framework, n. frame, skeleton.
frank, a. candid, unreserved, outspoken, ingenuous, undisguised.
frankness, n. candor, unreserve, ingenuousness.
frantic, a. distracted, frenzied, crazed, raving.
fraternal, a. brotherly.
fraternity, n. brotherhood, brotherliness.
fraud, n. imposture, deceit, humbug, duplicity, imposition, chicanery, wile, circumvention, guile, hypocrisy, malversation, graft, surreption. Associated Words: collude, collusion, collusive, connivance.
fraudulent, a. deceptive, wily, crafty, subtle, surreptitious, knavish.
fraught, a. laden, freighted, charged, pregnant.
fray, n. fight, battle, combat, broil, affray; fret, chafe.
frazzle, v. fray, tatter.
frazzle, n. tag end, tatter.
freak, n. whim, vagary, caprice, whimsey, humor, crotchet, fancy.
freakish, a. whimsical, capricious, fanciful, erratic, crotchety, vagarious.
freckle, n. lentigo, lenticula.
freckled, a. spotted, lentiginous.
free, v. liberate, manumit, disinthrall, deliver, emancipate, release, enfranchise, disengage, exonerate, acquit, extricate, disentangle.
free, a. exempt, immune, independent, unrestrained; liberated, freed, released, emancipated, delivered; unconstrained, unreserved, informal, familiar, frank, ingenuous, communicative, artless, candid; gratuitous, spontaneous, voluntary, optional; liberal, open-handed, generous, bountiful, lavish, flush, munificent, hospitable; unrestrained, immoderate, prodigal, dissolute, lax; ready, eager, prompt, willing. Antonyms: subject, reserved, formal, coercive, arbitrary, restrained, bound.
free and easy. (Colloq.) informal, unceremonious, unrestrained.
freebooter, n. buccaneer, pillager, pirate, sea robber.
freebooting, n. plunder, pillaging, robbery.
freedom, n. exemption, immunity; liberty, independence, self-government, autonomy; privileges, immunities, franchises; ease, facility, unconstraint, laxity; candor, frankness, informality; latitudinarianism. Antonyms: subjection, liability, dependence, heteronomy, reserve, constraint, subordination, repression.
free-handed, a. liberal, open-handed, lavish.
freeing, n. emancipation, manumission, liberation, release, disinthrallment, enfranchisement, extrication, disengagement, discharge, exoneration.
free-liver, n. epicure, epicurean, voluptuary, bon vivant.
free-living, n. epicurism.
freely, adv. bounteously, readily, abundantly, gratuitously, voluntarily, liberally, copiously, spontaneously, unreservedly.
free-thinker, n. infidel, unbeliever, skeptic.
free-will, a. voluntary.
freezable, a. congealable.
freeze, v. congeal.
freezing, n. congelation, congealment.
freight, n. cargo, lading, load; freightage.
Frenchism, n. Gallicism.
French policeman. gendarme.
French Protestant. Huguenot.
frenzied, a. distracted, frantic.
frenzy, n. distraction, rage, fury, delirium.
frequenter, n. habitue.
freshen, v. refresh, revive, renovate, renew.
fresh-water, a. fresh, unsalted; unskilled, raw, inexperienced, untrained.
fret, v. chafe, abrade, fray, rub; gnaw, corrode; roughen, ruffle, agitate; worry, harass, tease, irritate, vex, fume, rankle.
fret, n. vexation, agitation, irritation; herpes, tetter, ringworm; whelk, wale, ridge.
fretful, a. irritable, petulant, querulous, peevish, captious, spleeny.
fribbling, a. frivolous, trifling.
friction, n. abrasion, attrition, confrication, rubbing; clashing, disagreement.
friend, n. wellwisher, intimate, confidante, chum, associate; patron, advocate, adherent, supporter; ally, confrere; Quaker.
friendliness, n. comity, amity, good will, amicability.
friendly, a. amicable, favorable, kind; fraternal, hospitable, neighborly, cordial; favorable, propitious, salutary, advantageous. Antonyms: See unfriendly.
friendship, n. amity, intimacy, amicability, friendliness. Antonyms: enmity, estrangement, alienation, disaffection, hostility, aloofness.
fright, n. alarm, fear, consternation, terror, dismay; ogre, scarecrow, guy, dowdy.
frighten, v. terrify, alarm, scare, intimidate, dismay, affright, daunt, appall, terrorize.
frightful, a. terrible, dreadful, hideous, ogreish, fearful, alarming, grewsome, grim, dire, direful, awful, Gorgonian, horrible.
frill, n. ruffle, gathering, furbelow.
fringe, n. edging, margin, confine, border, fimbriation.
fringed, a. fimbriate, fimbriated, fimbricate.
frisk, n. frolic, gambol.—v. leap, skip, gambol, frolic, play.
frisky, a. frolicsome, sportive, coltish, playful, gay.
frivolous, a. trivial, trifling, petty, puerile, insignificant.
friz, v. curl, crisp, frizzle.—n. curl, frizzle.
frizzle, n. curl, friz.—v. curl, crisp, frizz.
frock, n. gown; smock-frock; soutane, cassock.
frog-eating, a. ranivorous, batrachophagous.
frogs, n. pl. Associated Words: Batrachomyomachy, ranarium, amphibious, batrachoid, batrachian, ranine.
frolic, n. prank, lark, gambol, escapade, fun.
frolicsome, a. playful, prankish, sportive, frisky.
from head to foot. throughout, completely, cap-a-pie.
front, n. facade; obverse, face; van, fore-rank, front rank.—a. anterior, foremost.
frost, n. rime, hoarfrost; uncordiality, unsociability, reserve.
frosting, n. icing.
frosty, a. cold, icy; uncordial, distant, aloof, unsociable; pruinose.
froth, n. spume, foam.
frothing, n. rant.
frothy, a. spumy, foamy, spumous; trivial, frivolous, unsubstantial.
froward, a. refractory, unyielding, disobedient, insubmissive, untoward.
frown, n. scowl, lower, glower.
frowning, a. scowling, lowering, glowering, stern.
frowzy, a. strong-smelling, fetid, rank, musty, rancid, malodorous; slatternly, disordered, untidy, disheveled, dowdy.
frugal, a. economical, saving, sparing, thrifty, provident.
frugality, n. economy, parsimony, thriftiness, thrift.
fruit, n. produce, harvest, crop; offspring, consequence, result, outcome, fruitage.
fruit, n. fruitage, fruitery. Associated Words: pomology, Pomona, pomologist, carpology, carpologist, carpophagous, drupe, carpomania, raceme, fructiferous, fructify, fructification, bletting, pulp, rind, orchard, nursery, pepinnery, fruitchafer, pomiculture, sarcocarp.
fruit-eating, a. frugivorous, fructivorous, carpophagous.
fruiterer, n. fruit-dealer, costermonger, coster.
fruitful, a. prolific, productive, fertile, frugiferous, fecund, bountiful.
fruitless, a. unfruitful, infertile, infecund, acarpous, barren; unavailing, useless, vain.
fruit-seller, n. fruiterer, coster, costermonger (peddler).
fruit sugar. levulose.
frump, n. (Colloq.) gossip.
frustrate, v. baffle, defeat, disappoint, foil, balk, thwart, circumvent, nullify.
frustration, n. defeat, disappointment, balking, foiling, nullification.
frying-pan, n. spider, skillet.
fuddled, a. muddled, tipsy, drunk, intoxicated, boozy, groggy.
fudge, n. See balderdash.
fuel, n. combustibles.
fugitive, a. fleeing; evanescent, short-lived, fugacious, volatile, ephemeral, impermanent, transient.
fugitive, n. runaway, runagate, renegade, deserter.
fulfill, v. accomplish, complete, consummate, realize, satisfy, fill, answer, meet; discharge, perform.
fulfillment, n. consummation, accomplishment, fruition, realization; discharge, performance.
full, a. filled up, replete; copious, ample, plethoric, plenteous, bountiful, abundant, liberal; complete, plenary; sated, surfeited, cloyed, glutted, gorged, saturated; engrossed with.
full swing. carte blanche, liberty, unrestraint.
fulsome, a. offensive, nauseous, disgusting, excessive, gross, immoderate.
fume, n. exhalation, reek, smoke, steam, vapor.
fume, v. smoke, reek; storm, rage, bluster.
fun, n. merriment, mirth, gayety, frolic, jest, pleasantry, drollery, waggery, waggishness, facetiousness, divertisement amusement, relaxation, jocularity.
function, n. duty, province, office, business, part; discharge, performance, execution; party, entertainment, festivity, reception.
fundament, n. buttocks.
fundamental, a. basal, elementary, original, essential, radical.
fundamentally, adv. primarily, essentially, radically.
funeral, n. obsequies.
funeral director. undertaker.
funeral oration. eloge.
funeral pile. pyre.
funeral song. dirge, elegy, requiem.
funereal, a. exequial, mournful, solemn, sad.
Fungi, n. pl. Thallophytes (toadstools, mushrooms, etc.). Associated Words: spawn, spore, mycophagy, fungivorous, mycetophagous, amanitine, mycelium, fungic, fungicide, fungoid, fungiform, fungous, mycologist.
fungology, n. mycology.
fungus, n. thallogen, thallophyte; granulation, proud flesh.
funk, v. stink; (Colloq.) flinch, recoil, shrink back.
funk, n. (Colloq.) recoiling, flinching; shirk, coward.
funnel, n. tunnel.
funnel-shaped, a. infundibular, infundibulate, infundibuliform.
funny, a. comic, comical, amusing, droll, laughable, farcical, witty, jocular, jocose, ludicrous, burlesque, facetious, risible, absurd, waggish, humorous, jesting.
fur, n. peltry, pelage. Associated Words: furrier, furriery, tippet, pelisse.
furbelow, n. flounce, frill, ruffle.
furbish, v.polish, burnish, scour, clean.
Furies, n. pl. Erinyes, Eumenides (Tisiphone, Alecto Megaera).
furious, a. infuriated, angry, raging, violent, frenzied, turbulent, fierce.
furnish, v. supply, provide, contribute, bestow, purvey, cater.
furniture, n. goods, movables. Associated Words: cabinet-maker, cabinet-making, upholstering, shook.
furthermore, adv. moreover, besides.
fury, n. wrath, rage, indignation, ire, frenzy; virago, termagant, shrew, vixen, beldame, Xantippe; agitation, excitement, turbulence.
fuse, v. melt, liquefy, dissolve, smelt; commingle, blend, amalgamate, intermix.
fusion, n. melting, fluidity; intermingling, amalgamation, coalition, blending, intermixture.
fuss, n. ado, bustle, to-do, pother, agitation, excitement.
fuss, v. pother, fume, fret; disturb, annoy, bother.
fussy, a. fidgety, fastidious, finical, particular, scrupulous, overnice, pernickety.
fustian, n. bombast, rant, rodomontade; twaddle, nonsense, balderdash.
futile, a. vain, bootless, ineffectual, unavailing, abortive, useless.
fuzz, n. down, pubescence.
fuzzy, a. downy, pubescent.
Gabble, n. gibberish, babble, prate, prating, chatter, jargon.
gabble, v. gibber, jabber, babble, prate, chatter.
gable, n. Associated Word: pediment.
gad, n. goad.
gag, v. silence, muzzle, muffle, hush, suppress; retch.
gag, n. muffler, muzzler, silencer.
gain, n. increase, profit, advantage, increment, acquisition, accumulation, accretion, store, hoarding; emolument, lucre.
gain, v. get, acquire, achieve, win, obtain, attain; conciliate, persuade, induce.
gainsay, v. contradict, dispute, deny, controvert, impugn.
gaiters, n. pl. spats, spatterdashes, leggings, gramashes, puttee.
gale, n. wind, tempest; excitement, confusion, flurry.
gall, n. bile; bitterness, rancor, spite, malignity.
gall, n. (Slang) impudence, audacity, effrontery, insolence.
gall, v. chafe, fret; vex, annoy, harass, worry, exasperate.
gallant, a. polite, deferential, courtly, chivalrous.
gallant, n. spark, beau, cicisbeo, philander; lover, suitor; seducer, paramour.
gallantry, n. chivalry, bravery, heroism; courtliness, politeness, deference; intrigue.
gall bladder. cholecystis.
gallery, n. balcony; corridor, passage, passageway; museum.
galloping, n. Associated Words: rataplan, tantivy.
gallstone, n. bilestone, biliary calculus.
galoot, n. (Slang) rowdy, blusterer.
galore, n. and a. plenty, abundance, in abundance, abounding.
gambler, n. gamester, card-sharper, blackleg, punter. Associated words: decoy, croupier, capper, by-bidder.
gambol, v. caper, frolic, play, sport, frisk, curvet.
game, n. play, amusement, pastime, diversion, fun, sport; contest; prey, quarry; scheme, plan, project, undertaking, enterprise, stratagem.
game, a. plucky, resolute, unyielding, courageous, unflinching, indomitable, undaunted, unconquerable; (Colloq.) crippled, lame, crooked, deformed.
gang, n. band, crew, company, group, crowd, set, squad, party, number, clique.
gangling, a. (Colloq.) lanky, spindling.
gangrene, n. mortification, sphacelation.—v. mortify, sphacelate.
gangrenous, a. mortified, mortifying, sphacelate.
gap, n. hiatus, rift, crevice, rent, interstice, chasm. See opening.
gape, v. yawn, oscitate; gaze, stare.
gape, n. yawn, yawning, gaping, oscitancy, oscitation; rictus (the gapes).
gaping, n. yawning, oscitancy, oscitation; staring.
garbage, n. offal, refuse, swill, waste. Associated Word: scavenger.
garble, v. pervert, distort, falsify, misstate, wrench, misquote, misrepresent.
garbling, n. perversion, distortion, falsification, misstatement, misrepresentation.
gardener, n. horticulturist.
gardening, n. horticulture.
garland, n. wreath, chaplet, coronal, bays, laurel; anthology, rosary.
garnish, v. embellish, beautify, decorate, trim, adorn.
garniture, n. garnish, garnishment, embellishment, decoration, trimming.
garret, n. attic, cockloft.
gaseous, a. aeriform, gassy, gasiform; tenuous, thin, unsubstantial.
gash, v. slash, incise.
gash, n. incision, slash.
gasp, n. pant, panting.—v. pant.
gassing, n. (Slang) boasting, vaunt, gasconade, palaver, vapor, moonshine.
gassy, a. gaseous, aeriform; (Slang) boastful, bombastic, vaporous, inflated.
gate, n. entrance, portal; wicket; turnstile, turnpike; postern; tollgate; sluice gate; stanch; herse, portcullis.
gather, v. congregate, assemble, convene, muster, collect, concentrate; harvest, pick, glean, pluck, crop, reap; accumulate, amass, hoard, garner; contract, compress; pucker, plait, ruffle, shirr; infer, conclude, deduce; maturate.
gather, n. pucker, plait, ruffle, shirring.
gathering, n. collection, crowd, assembly, congregation, concourse, assemblage, muster, party, company; accumulation, amassing, amassment; abscess, imposthume, ulcer, boil, carbuncle, suppuration, maturation, pustule.
gaudy, a. showy, flashy, meretricious, ostentatious, tawdry, garish.
gaunt, a. emaciated, pinched, attenuated, meager, lean.
gawk, n. gawky, booby, lout, simpleton, hind, boor.
gawky, a. ungraceful, clumsy, ungainly, loutish, boorish, uncouth.
gay, a. merry, sportive, frolicsome, lively, exhilarating, vivacious, jolly, blithe, airy, boon, convivial, jovial, joyous; brilliant, dashing, gallant, showy; garish, gaudy, flashing, tawdry; (Colloq.) loose, dissolute, fast.
gayety, n. merriment, mirth, hilarity, sportiveness, conviviality, joviality, light-heartedness, elation.
gear, n. rigging, tackle, gearing, mechanism, draught-gear; accouterments, trappings.
geld, v. castrate.
gem, n. jewel.
general, a. indefinite, vague, ill-defined; prevalent, extensive; usual, common, ordinary, regular. Antonyms: specific, definite.
generality, n. bulk, common run, mass, main body; universality, generalness.
generalship, n. strategy.
generate, v. procreate, beget, engender, reproduce; originate, produce, propagate.
generation, n. procreation, reproduction, prolification, begetting; origination, production, formation.
generative, a. generating, procreative, genial.
generosity, n. magnanimity, nobleness; liberality, munificence, bounty, bountifulness, beneficence, lavishsess.
generous, a. magnanimous, noble, highminded, ingenuous; munificent, bountiful, open-handed, liberal, lavish, charitable, unstinted; abundant, plentiful, overflowing. Antonyms: illiberal, ungenerous, stingy, scant, miserly, penurious.
genial, a. generative, procreative; cheerful, pleasant, agreeable, cordial, friendly, hearty.
genitals, n. pl. See sexual organs.
gentle, a. well-born, genteel, high-born; docile, tractable, tame, subdued; mild, quiet, peaceable, meek, unobtrusive; bland, soothing, pacific, clement, tender, humane; courteous, cultivated, deferential. Antonyms: drastic, refractory, vicious, brusque, harsh, rough, severe, rigorous, intractable, indocile.
gentleman, n. Antonyms: cad, boor, churl, Philistine, guy, lout.
gentlemanly, a. courteous, deferential, polite, urbane, gallant, well-bred.
genuine, a. authentic, veritable, sterling, unmixed, real, pure; sincere, heartfelt, unaffected. Antonyms: spurious, counterfeit, false, supposititious, adulterated.
germ, n. origin, first principle; embryo, bud, seed, spore.
German, a. Teutonic.
german, a. related, allied.
German, n. Teuton.
German characteristic. Germanism, Teutonicism.
germane, a. related, allied, akin, relevant, appropriate.
German Federal Council. Bundesrath.
German House of Representatives. Reichstag.
German measles. rubella.
German silver. packfong.
germ destroyer. germicide.
gesture, n. gesticulation, gesturing.—v. gesticulate.
get, v. procure, obtain, acquire, secure, gain, achieve, attain, realize; induce, persuade, prevail on, win; betake remove; receive; beget, procreate, engender.
get ahead. advance, prosper, flourish, thrive, proceed; forestall.
getatable, a. (Colloq.) accessible. Antonym: inaccessible
get back. return; recover, recuperate, reclaim, retrieve, regain.
get clear. be acquitted, be released, escape.
get down. descend, alight, dismount.
get off. descend, alight, dismount; escape, be released, be acquitted.
get on. mount; prosper, advance, progress.
get out. extricate, release.
get over. surmount, overcome, conquer; recover from.
getting, n. acquisition, obtaining, receiving, acquirement, procurement.
gewgaw, n. bawble, gaud, knickknack, trifle, toy, trinket, bagatelle.
ghastly, a. cadaverous, ghostly, pallid, pale, horrible, shocking, repulsive.
ghost, n. shade, phantom, apparition, spectre, spook, revenant, sprite, wraith; spirit.
ghostly, a. spiritual; spectral, phantomlike.
ghost worship. sciotheism.
ghoul, n. vampire.
giant, n. colossus, monster, Hercules, Goliath, Titan, Cyclops, Brobdingnagian, ogre.
gibberish, n. jargon, jabber, gabbling, babble, drivel.
gibe, v. scoff, flout, jeer, sneer, ridicule, deride, mock.
gibe, n. ridicule, sneer, sarcasm, derision, mockery.
giddy, a. fickle, mercurial, volatile, flighty, unstable, inconstant, thoughtless; light-headed, dizzy, vertiginous.
gift, n. gratuity, present, largess, offering, grant, donation, boon, bounty, bequest, benefaction, contribution, subsidy, legacy, alms, donative, douceur, dotation, sportula; endowment, talent.
gifted, a. talented.
gigantic, a. enormous, colossal, Herculean, vast, Cyclopean, prodigious, Titanic, Gargantuan, Brobdingnagian.
giggle, n. snicker, snigger, titter.
gimcrack, n. device, toy, plaything, trinket, knickknack, jiggumbob.
gin, n. trap, snare, springe, artifice, toils; windlass, crane; Holland gin, schnapps.
gingerly, adv. carefully, cautiously, timidly, fastidiously.
giraffe, n. camelopard.
gird, v. encircle, engird, surround, equip, prepare.
girdle, n. cestus, sash, belt, band, cincture.
girl, n. maiden, maid, lass, lassie, damsel, miss, nymph, virgin; domestic, maid, waitress; ingenue; soubrette; filly, gill; wench; hoiden, hussy, minx; coleen (Anglo-Irish).
girlhood, n. maidenhood, virginity.
girth, n. belly-band; circumference.
gist, n. core, substance, pith, marrow, essence.
give, v. confer, bestow, accord, grant, vouchsafe, donate, contribute, impart, yield, afford, assign. Antonyms: withhold, refuse.
give and take. exchange, interchange, reciprocate, alternate.
give back. return, restore, refund.
give in. yield, surrender, succumb, recede. Antonyms: resist, withstand.
given, a. granted, assumed; disposed, inclined; stated, specified.
give off. emit, exhale.
give out. announce, proclaim, publish, report; fail, be inadequate, be exhausted.
giver, n. donor.
give up. surrender, disgorge; yield, cease, desist, quit, relinquish, waive, cede, succumb, abdicate, abandon, desert. Antonyms: resist, withstand, continue, persist.
give way. withdraw, retire, recede; yield, collapse.
giving, n. conferring, bestowal, granting, benefaction.
giving and taking. reciprocity, reciprocation.
glad, a. pleased, delighted, happy, joyous, joyful, gratified, rejoiced, merry, exhilarated, elated, cheery, animated, gladsome, jubilant, felicitous, refreshing, exhilarating. Antonyms: sad, sorrowful. See sad.
gladden, v. cheer, delight, please, exhilarate, gratify, buoy, elate, rejoice.
gladness, n. delight, pleasure, elation, exhilaration, jubilation, rejoicing.
glamour, n. charm, witchery, magic, spell; illusion, glitter, delusion, glory. Antonyms: disillusionment, disenchantment.
glance, n. glimpse; allusion; gleam, flash, glitter.
glance, v. glimpse; allude, hint; gleam, beam, glitter.
glare, v. glitter, glisten, dazzle; frown, glower.
glaring, a. dazzling, intense, brilliant; flagrant, notorious, barefaced.
glass, n. flint glass, crystal glass; aventurine; murrhine glass; strass (artificial gems); schmelze (Bohemian glass); crystal, obsidian.
glass, n. tumbler, goblet, bumper, beaker, schooner, bocal; decanter; carafe; looking-glass, mirror, speculum, cheval glass, pier glass; lens, spyglass, microscope, telescope, binocular, binocle, opera glass, lorgnette, polyscope, altiscope, optigraph, prism, reflector, refractor; hourglass; barometer; hydrometer; pipette; graduate; hygrometer; monocle; cloche; bolthead, matrass.
glass, n. Associated Words: vitrifacture, vitrifaction, vitrics, vitrify, vitriform, vitrified, vitrifiable, vitric, devitrify, devitrification, glazier, glazing, crizzel, invitrifiable vitreous, vitrescent, vitrescence, hyalography.
glasses, n. pl. spectacles, eye-glasses, pince-nez, goggles, blinkers, barnacles, lorgnette, louchettes.
glassy, a. vitreous, crystalline, transparent, crystal.
Glauber's salt. sulphate of soda.
gleam, v. glimmer, glitter, radiate, beam, scintillate, sparkle.
gleam, n. beam, ray, glimmer, glance, flash; splendor, sparkle, gleaming.
glee, n. merriment, joy, mirth, gayety.
gleeful, a. merry, gay, mirthful.
gleety, a. ichorous.
glib, a. smooth, slippery; fluent, voluble, bland, oily.
glimmering, n. glimmer, glimpse, inkling, glance.
glimpse, n. glance; flash; inkling.
glisten, v. sparkle, shine, gleam, flash, glitter, glister.
glister, v. sparkle, glisten, glitter.
glitter, n. brilliancy, shine, gleam, fulgency, radiance.
glitter, v. sparkle, gleam, glisten, glister.
glittering, a. sparkling, glistening, glistering, gleaming, bright, tinsel.
globe, n. sphere, ball, orb.
gloom, n. gloominess, shadow; melancholy, depression, dejection, despondency.
gloomy, a. dark, dismal, obscure, dim, shaded, lowering, overcast, lurid; melancholy, dejected, sad, despondent, pessimistic, disheartened, morose, crestfallen, glum, saturnine; disheartening, depressing, discouraging.
glorious, a. magnificent, grand, resplendent, splendid, admirable, noble, excellent; (Colloq.) hilarious, ecstatic, elated.
glory, n. fame, renown, honor, eminence, celebrity; pomp, magnificence, splendor; pride, exultation, arrogance; halo, nimbus, aureole. Antonyms: ignominy, dishonor, obscurity, ingloriousness, shame, reproach.
glory, v. exult, boast, vaunt.
Glory be to the Father. Gloria Patri.
gloss, n. luster, polish, sheen, glaze, enamel; show, pretense; commentary, note, annotation, comment, postil.
gloss, v. annotate, comment, illustrate; glaze, polish; palliate, extenuate, gloss over.
glossy, a. shining, sleek, sheeny, lustrous, polished, glazed, glace; specious, plausible.
glove-maker, n. glover.
glowing, a. ardent, passionate, warm, flushed; luminous, incandescent.
glue, v. cement, glutinate, agglutinate. Antonyms: unglue, deglutinate.
glum, a. moody, dumpish, sullen, sulky, morose, sour.
glut, v. satiate, sate, cloy, surfeit; overfeed, overstock, oversupply.
glut, n. superfluity, superabundance, overstock, excess.
glutton, n. gormandizer, belly-god, cormorant, gormand; wolverine.
gluttonous, a. voracious, gluttonish.
gluttony, n. voracity, gormandism.
gnawer, n. rodent; pl. Rodentia.
gnawing, a. rodent.
go, v. operate, pass, move, advance, repair, hark, budge, stir, resort, frequent, wend; circulate; tend, conduce, contribute; depart; reach, extend.
go, n. fashion, vogue, mode, custom, style; animation, mettle, Spirit, fire; (Colloq.) energy, life, enterprise, push, perseverance, stamina; (Slang) circumstance, occurrence, incident, happening, event.
goad, n. gad, prick; instigation, spur, stimulant.
goad, v. urge, incite.
goal, n. bourne, end, aim, destination.
goat, n. buck; Billy goat; Nanny goat; Capra; Capricorn.
goatish, a. hircine, caprine.
go back. return, recede, retreat, retrograde, back, withdraw.
go back on. (Colloq.) apostatize, desert, renounce, forsake, be traitorous.
go before. precede, antecede.
goblin, n. gnome, hobgoblin, spectre, bugaboo.
go between. intervene, interpose, intercede, mediate.
go-between, n. middleman, agent, broker, procurer, factor, intermediary, arbitrator, referee, intercessor, advocate, interagent, negotiator.
go beyond. surpass, transcend, exceed, overstep, transgress.
go-by, n. neglect, ignoring, pretermission.
god, n. deity, divinity, idol. Associated Words: deify, deification, apotheosize, apotheosis, theogony, Olympus, pantheon, deicide, deifie, deiform, mythology, polytheism, monotheism, theomachy, cuhemerism, monolatry, undeify, undeification, oracle.
God, n. the Supreme Being, the Creator, Jehovah, Infinite Spirit, Deity, the First Cause, the Almighty; (Hebrew) Elohim, El Shaddai, Adonai, Jah. Associated Words: theism, deism, atheism, theocracy, theocrasy, theology, theomachy, pantheism, acosmism, pancosmism, theocentric, thearchy, theomania, theosophy, theochristic, theodicy, theophany, demiurge, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphology, tetragrammaton, anthropopathism, psychotheism.
godfather, n. sponsor.
godless, a. irreligious, impious, atheistical, ungodly.
godlike, a. divine.
godlessness, n. irreligion, impiety, atheism, ungodliness.
godly, a. devout, religious, pious, saintly.
godmother, n. sponsor.
godsend, n. boon, windfall.
going, n. traveling; departure; exit, egress, exodus.
going back. return, recession, retreat, withdrawal, retrogradation.
going back on. apostasy, defection, renunciation, perfidy, desertion, unfaithfulness.
going before. precedence, antecedence, priority.—a. precedent, antecedent, prior, preceding.
going between. intercession, mediation, intervention, interposition, arbitration.—a. mediatorial, intercessory, mediatory.
goiter, n. bronchocele, tracheocele.
gold, n. aurum; bullion, (uncoined gold). Associated words: alchemist, alchemy, auriferous, alloy, assay, assayer, assaying, filigree, aurated, auric, aureate, aurific, aurigraphy, aurivorous, aurocephalous, platinum, aurous, billet, carat, chlorination, chrysography, cupel, foil, cupellation, gild, orphrey, vermeil, gilded, gilding, gilt, orris, amalgamated, goldsmith, bonanza, schlich, inaurate, inauration, ingot, lingot, lode, nugget, ore, ormolu, pinchbeck, blick, Mannheim gold.
golden age. Associated Word: Saturnian.
gondolier, n. Associated Word: barcarolle (song).
goneness, n. (Colloq.) inanition, faintness, exhaustion, languor.
good, a. virtuous, worthy, moral, exemplary, conscientious, sterling, meritorious, saintly, guileless; humane, altruistic, philanthropic, benevolent, indulgent; desirable, excellent, expedient, commendable, beneficial, auspicious, propitious, favorable; clever, dexterous, competent, adroit, proficient, ready.
good, n. welfare, benefit, advantage, weal, well-being, utility, interest; virtue, excellence, worth, character, value.
good-bye, n. farewell, adieu, au revoir.
good fellow. trump, brick, bon vivant.
good graces. favor, friendship, regard.
good humor. amiability, geniality, affability, complaisance.
good-looking, a. comely, handsome, pretty, personable.
good nature. amiability, benignity, geniality, complaisance, good humor, affability.
good-natured, a. amiable, jovial, affable, complaisant, indulgent, good-humored, genial.
goods, n. pl. chattels, effects, possessions; merchandise, wares, commodities.
goose, n. gander (male goose); gosling (young goose); graylag, ganza (wild goose); goslet; pl. geese; Anseres, Anseriformes. Associated Words: anserene, anserous, gosherd, yang, honk, gaggle, cackle.
goose, n. simpleton, gull, dupe, witling, numskull.
gore, v. stab, pierce, penetrate.—n. blood, cruor; gusset.
gorge, n. gully, defile, ravine, pass.
gorge, v. bolt, gulp, eat greedily; glut, stuff, satiate.
gorgeous, a. magnificent, elegant, resplendent, grand, splendid.
gossip, n. tattler, tale-bearer, frump, quidnunc; gossipry.
go to bed. retire.
gourd, n. calabash.
gout, n. podagra, arthritis.
govern, v. direct, control, regulate, command, reign, influence, restrain, bridle, guide.
governable, a. manageable, obedient, submissive.
government, n. governance, sway, dominion, command, regency, authority, regulation, administration. Antonyms: anarchy, license, subjection.
governor, n. chief magistrate, executive. Associated Word: gubernatorial.
gown, n. dress; robe; wrapper; cassock, soutane.
grab, v. seize, snatch, clutch, grasp, pluck.
grace, n. compassion, lenity, mercy, benevolence, love, excellence, virtue; beauty, loveliness, gracefulness, comeliness; refinement, elegance, courtliness, culture, polish; holiness, saintliness, sanctity, devoutness.
grace, v. adorn, beautify, embellish; dignify, honor, exalt.
graceful, a. elegant, easy, willowy, courtly, polished. Antonyms: See ungraceful.
graceless, a. depraved, abandoned, reprobate, shameless, incorrigible.
gracious, a. merciful, lenient, beneficent, compassionate, benign, tender; graceful, elegant; courteous, debonair, complaisant, urbane, affable.
graduate, n. alumnus; pl. alumni.
graft, v. ingraft, march.
grafting, n. ingrafting, ingraftment, inarching.
grain, n. kernel, seed; cereals (edible grains); granule, pellet. Associated Words: granary, sheaf, shock, farina, graniferous, chaff, glume, grits, groats, grist, Ceres, flail, thrash, windrow, frumentaceous, frumentation.
grain, n. fiber, texture; disposition, humor, temper; particle, whit, mite, scintilla, atom, iota, jot, trace.
grain-eating, a. granivorous.
grainy, a. granular, granulate, granulated, granulous.
grand, a. august, imposing, sublime, stately, magnificent, splendid, palatial, lofty, consummate, glorious, superb, elegant, majestic, gorgeous, luxurious, impressive, dignified, illustrious, noble.
grandeur, n. splendor, magnificence, elegance, sublimity, majesty, augustness.
grandfather, n. grandsire, patriarch.
grandiose, a. impressing, imposing; bombastic, turgid, declamatory, grandiloquent.
grandmother, n. grandam.
grandparent, n. Associated Word: aval.
grant, v. convey, transfer, code; give, bestow, allot, deign, vouchsafe; admit, concede, allow, comply, permit.
grant, n. conveyance, transfer, cession;, concession; gift, bounty, subsidy.
grant back. recede.
grape-culture, n. viticulture.
grapes, n. pl. Associated Words: vineyard, vineyardist, arbor, grapery, pergola, viticolous, marc, must, prokris, rape, coulure, racemation, tartar, argol.
grape-sugar, n. glucose, dextrose, diabetic sugar, starch sugar.
grapple, v. seize, attack, clutch, grasp, struggle, wrestle, contend.
grappling dogs. spandogs.
grappling iron. grapnel, grab, grapple.
grasp, v. seize, clutch, clinch, clasp, gripe; struggle, wrestle; comprehend, understand. |