blunt, v. dull, deaden, stupefy; assuage, alleviate, mitigate.
blur, v. dim, bedim, obscure; sully, blemish; mackle, macule.
blur, n. blot, indistinctness; mackle, macule.
blurred, a. indistinct, obscure, dim, bedimmed, sullied.
blurt, v. ejaculate.
blushing, n. blush, erubescence.
bluster, v. swagger, storm, rage, gasconade, roister.
bluster, n. swaggering, gasconade, boasting; wind, storm.
blusterer, n. swaggerer, braggart, rodomont, roisterer, vaunter.
blustering, a. stormy, windy, tempestuous; swaggering, bullying, boastful, roistering.
boar, n. male hog; barrow (castrated); hogget (young boar).
boast, v. brag, vaunt, vapor, gasconade. Antonyms: belittle, decry, disparage.
boaster, n. braggart, vaunter, braggadocio, gascon, rodomont, blusterer, fanfaron, drawcansir.
boastful, a. bragging, vaunting, vainglorious, thrasonical, cockahoop, braggart, jactitatious.
boasting, n. bragging, gasconade, vaporing, fanfaronade, rodomontade, blague, bravado, blustering, jactitation, vaunting. Antonyms: disparagement, depreciation.
boat, n. water craft, launch, rowboat, canoe, gondola, punt, yacht, yawl, scull, cock, dugout, smack, pirogue, trawler, sloop, praam, coracle, pontoon, bateau, wherry, pinnace, scow, banca, transport, dory, galley, cruiser, ship, barge, bark, brig, bucentaur, skiff, caique, drogher, schooner, cockleshell, vessel, tug, towboat, tow, cog, wangan, ferry-boat, dinghey, argosy, oomiac, junk, longboat, catboat, felucca, cutter, frigate, xebec, tartan, una boat, moses, raft, catamaran, sampan, lifeboat, caravel, trekschuit, masoola, argo, coggle. Associated Words: davits, oar, helm, stern, pilot, rudder, flotilla, navy, navigation, fleet.
beatable, a. navigable.
boat races. regatta.
boat-shaped, a. navicular, scaphoid, cymbiform, naviform.
bob, n. pendant, float.
bobtailed, a. curtailed.
bode, v. forebode, foreshadow, augur, presage, betoken, portend.
bodiless, a. incorporeal, disembodied.
bodilessness, n. incorporeality, disembodiment.
bodily, a. physical, corporal, corporeal.
boding, a. ominous, portentous.
boding, n. omen, sign, prognostic, foreboding, augury, auspice, portent.
bodkin, n. stiletto, eyeleteer; tape needle.
body, n. the physical person; torso, trunk; physique; bulk, mass; axis, centrum; individual, person, creature; system, code; consistency, substance; hulk; cuerpo. Associated Words: physiology, anatomy, bicorporal, embody, embodiment, disembody, disembodiment, manikin, corporeality, corporeity, in cuerpo, somatic.
body servant. valet, squire.
body snatcher. resurrectionist, ghoul.
bodyguard, n. lifeguard, garde du corps, retinue.
bog, n. quagmire, marsh, swamp, fen, morass, slough.
boggle, v. hesitate, stickle, falter; bungle.
bogus, a. (Colloq.) spurious, counterfeit, fictitious, sham, fraudulent, forged, mock, false, supposititious.
bogy, n. bugaboo, bugbear, bogle, specter.
boil, n. furuncle. Associated Word: furuncular.
boil, v. seethe, simmer, effervesce.—n. boiling.
boil away. evaporate.
boiling, a. seething, ebullient, effervescent, simmering.
boiling, n. ebullition, coction, effervescence, seething, gurgitation, simmering, ebullience.
boisterous, a. noisy, tumultuous, turbulent, hoidenish, unrestrained, rude.
bold, a. daring, intrepid, brave; forward, immodest, rude, hoidenish, brazen, saucy, insolent, unabashed, audacious, pert, shameless, malapert; conspicuous, prominent, salient; steep, abrupt, precipitous, acclivitous, jagged. Antonyms: modest, bashful, diffident, coy, shy, timid, retiring.
bold-faced, a. impudent, brazen-faced, insolent.
boldness, n. temerity, impudence, presumption, effrontery, impertinence, nerve.
boll, n. pod, pericarp.
bolster, v. prop up, support, maintain.—n. cushion, pad, support.
bolt, v. sift; leave suddenly; gulp.
bomb, n. shell.
bombast, n. magniloquence, fustian, bombastry, altiloquence, grandiloquence.
bombastic, a. magniloquent, grandiose, high-sounding, turgid, inflated, grandiloquent.
bona fide. in good faith, real, actual, really, actually.
bond, n. band, tie, vinculum, copula; pl. shackles, manacles, fetters, constraint; pl. imprisonment, captivity, bondage, restraint; obligation.
bond, a. captive, enslaved.
bondage, n. servitude, slavery, captivity, bond service, thralldom, durance.
bondsman, n. bondman, slave, villain, serf; surety.
bone, n. (little) ossicle, osselet.
bone, n. Associated Words: osteology, osteography, ossify, ossification, ossiferous, ossific, splint, marrow, ossivorous, ossuary, osteoplasty, caries, osteopathy, solen, necrosis, gangrene, rongeur, impaction, calcify, calcification, bursa, ossein, ossifying, ostalgia, ossifragous, skeleton.
bone formation. ostosis, ossification, ectostosis, osteogeny.
boneless, a. exosseous.
bonelike, a. osseous, ossified, bony.
boneset, n. thoroughwort, Indian sage, feverwort.
bonmot, n. repartee.
bonnet, n. headdress, chapeau.
bonny, a. comely, pretty, merry, blithe, sportive, cheerful, buxom, chubby, plump.
bonus, n. premium; honorarium.
booby, n. dolt, dunce, simpleton, numskull, coot, ninny, dullard, witling.
boodle, n. (Slang) swag.
boohoo, v. (Slang) bawl, squawl.
book, n. volume; tome (ponderous); manual; publication; biograph; monograph; polygraph; anthology. Associated Words: bibliography, bibliolater, bibliomania, bibliophobia, format, facture, biblioclast, bibliognost, stichometry, cahier, imprimatur, ex libris, edition, collation, Elzevir, bibliophilism, library, collaboration.
booked, a. registered; (Colloq.) on the way, destined.
bookish, a. studious; formal, pedantic.
bookkeeper, n. accountant, countercaster (Contemptuous).
bookkeeping, n. accountancy.
booklet, n. pamphlet, brochure, tract.
book lore. bibliology.
booklover, n. bibliophile.
bookman, n. scholar, student.
bookseller, n. bookmerchant, bibliopole, bibliopolist.
book worship. bibliolatry.
boom, v. resound, roar.
boon, a. generous, bountiful, benign; jolly, convivial, gay, jovial, frolicsome, sportive.
boor, n. peasant, rustic (rude); lout, churl, gawk.
boorish, a. uncultured, rude, unrefined, gawky, loutish, ungainly.
boot, n. premium, bonus; buskin, gamashes.
bootless, a. useless, unavailing, futile, ineffectual.
booty, n. plunder, spoil, loot.
booze, v. tipple.
border, n. verge, edge, margin, brink, marge, skirt, rim, brim; purl, fillet; boundary, frontier, outskirt, confine, march, purlieu.
bordering on. adjacent, adjoining, coterminous with, conterminous with.
border, v. border on, be contiguous, be adjacent, adjoin, verge, approach.
bore, n. perforation; caliber; tiresome person, proser.
bore, v. perforate, pierce, drill; weary, tire, annoy, fatigue.
boring, n. perforation; transforation.
born, p.p. nee.—a. innate, natural, inherent, congenital.
bosh, n. (Colloq.) nonsense, froth, flummery, moonshine, twaddle, balderdash, drivel, fustian, prating.
boss, n. protuberance, stud, knob, process; (Colloq.) superintendent, director, employer, foreman, overseer.
boss, v. (Colloq.) direct, oversee, superintend; domineer, dominate, dictate.
bossy, a. studded; (Colloq.) dictatorial, domineering, imperious, arbitrary, masterful, authoritative.
botanist, n. phytologist.
botany, n. phytology.
botch, n. bungle, fiasco.
bother, v. trouble, annoy, discommode, incommode, inconvenience, worry, molest.
bother, n. petty trouble, annoyance, inconvenience.
botheration, n. (Colloq.) perplexity, annoyance, nuisance, vexation, disturbance.
bothersome, a. troublesome, perplexing, annoying, vexatious.
bottle, n. phial, vial, cruet, flask, decanter, cruse, siphon, amphora, ampulla, tankard, matrass, bolthead, carboy, carafe, croft, canteen, flagon, kit, demijohn, jorum, vinaigrette, costrel, pycnometer, magnum, flacket, betty.
bottom, n. foot, base; nadir; foundation, groundwork, basis, base, pedestal; fundament, buttocks, rump, fundus, seat; dregs, precipitate, lees, sediment, grounds.
bottom, a. fundamental.
bottomless, a. abysmal, unfathomable.
bough, n. branch, limb.
boulevard, n. Associated Word: boulevardier.
bounce, v. spring, bound; rebound, recoil; (Colloq.) discharge, dismiss.
bounce, n. bound, leap, rebound, spring; (Colloq.) discharge, dismissal.
bouncer, a. (Cottoq.) braggart, boaster; lie, falsehood; whopper.
bouncing, a. lusty, buxom, strapping, plump; excessive, big, whopping.
bound, v. limit, inclose, circumscribe, terminate; leap, spring, bounce; rebound.
bound, n. spring, leap, bounce, rebound; boundary, confine.
bound, p.p. and a. restrained, constrained, repressed; bounden; destined, sure, certain; (Colloq.) determined, resolved; costive, constipated.
boundary, n. circumference, periphery; bound, limit, border, term, confines, precinct, bourn, march, marge.
bounden, a. obliged, beholden; obligatory, binding.
boundless, a. illimitable, unbounded, vast, immense, limitless.
bounteous, a. bountiful, generous, liberal, munificent.
bountiful, a. liberal, free-hearted, generous; plentiful, abundant, copious, unstinted, ample.
bounty, n. generosity, liberality, munificence, beneficence; premium, bonus, reward.
bouquet, n. nosegay; boutonniere (buttonhole bouquet).
bourne, n. destination, goal; stream, rivulet; boundary, bound.
bout, n. round, turn; contest, set-to, conflict.
bow, v. bend, curve, crook; prostrate, overwhelm, crush, abase, yield, obey, submit, be obeisant; incline, nod.
bow, n. nod; obeisance; salam; conge; stern, prow, beak; courtesy, curtsy.
bow and arrows. Associated Words: archery, archer, toxophilite, crossbow, quiver, centaur, ascham, belomancy, bowman, Sagittarius, sagittary, arbelest, vireton.
bowels, n. pl. intestines, entrails, inwards; caecum, colon, rectum; recesses, penetralia.
bower, n. arbor.
bowl, n. dish, beaker, mortar.
bow-legged, a. bandy-legged.
bowman, n. archer.
bow-shaped, a. arcuate, arcuated.
box, n. receptacle, chest, case, coffer, carton, caddy, bandbox, casket, caisson; ciborium, pyx; binnacle; slap, cuff, buffet, stroke.
box, v. slap, cuff; spar.
boxing, n. sparring.
boy, n. lad, youngster, stripling, master, youth, son, minor, junior, youngling, cadet, chap, urchin, bub, sprig, callant, younker, hobbledehoy; gamin, gutter-snipe.
boyhood, n. youth, juvenility, juniority, nonage, minority.
boyish, a. juvenile, immature, childish, youthful.
boy-servant, n. page, footboy; groom, hostler, lackey.
brace, v. prop, support, fortify, buttress, stay, shore; strengthen, invigorate.
brace, n. prop, support, shore, strut, stay, stanchion; tension; pair, two.
bracer, n. tonic, invigorant; stiffener, support, prop.
bracing, a. invigorating, strengthening, stimulating.
bracket, n. console, corbel, strut, modillion, cantalever; pl. crotchets.
brag, v. boast, vaunt, vapor. Antonyms: disparage, decry, belittle, depreciate.
brag, n. boasting, self-glorification, vaunt, gasconade braggadocio, bravado, vaporing. Antonyms: disparagement, detraction, decrial, depreciation.
braggadocio, n. brag, boasting; boaster, braggart.
braggart, n. boaster, rodomont, gascon, vaunter, vaporer, blusterer, braggadocio, bouncer.
braid, n. plait; queue, pigtail.—v. plait, plat, entwine, interlace.
brain, n. cerebrum; cerebellum; encephalon. Associated Words: cerebrology, encephalology, cerebrate, cerebric, lecithin, excerebration, cephalopathy, encephalitis, apoplexy, cerebral.
brain action. cerebration.
brain fag. cerebropathy.
brainless, a. anencephalic, anencephalous; witless, silly, imbecile, idiotic.
brake, n. thicket.
branch, n. bough, limb; shoot, sprout, sprig, spray, twig, tiller, switch, sucker, stolen, offshoot; ramification; division, department, bureau, wing; tributary, affluent.
branch, v. ramify, divaricate, diverge, fork, bifurcate.
branch, a. tributary.
branching, a. forked, dendroid, dendritic, arborescent, furcated.
branching, n. ramification, divarication, divergence, forking, bifurcation, radiation, dichotomy.
brand, v. stigmatize.
brand, n. firebrand; kind, quality, grade, stigma.
branding, n. stigmatization.
brash, a. quick-tempered, irascible; brittle, crisp, fragile.
brass, n. (Colloq.) impudence, insolence, temerity, effrontery, audacity.
brass worker. brasier, brazier.
brassy, a. brazen; (Colloq.) bold, impudent, forward.
bravado, n. brag; blustering, threat.
brave, a. intrepid, courageous, valiant, daring, bold, valorous, chivalrous, fearless, adventurous, dauntless, doughty, gallant, heroic, mettlesome, undaunted, venturesome, lion-hearted, manly, unafraid, plucky; showy, effective, striking. Antonyms: craven, timorous, cowardly, recreant, pusillanimous. See cowardly.
brave, v. defy, dare, beard.
bravery, n. intrepidity, courage, heroism, valor, prowess, hardihood, mettle, pluck, fearlessness, boldness. Antonyms: cowardice, timidity, recreancy, poltroonery, flinch.
brawl, n. quarrel (noisy), dispute, melee, broil, rumpus, uproar.
brawling, a. clamorous, disputatious, noisy, quarrelsome, jangling.
brawny, a. stalwart, muscular, sinewy, robust, strong.
brazen-faced, a. impudent, shameless, pert, immodest.
breach, n. breaking, rupture; infraction, violation, trespass, nonobservance; hernia, rupture; falling out, alienation, disaffection, variance, difference; separation, ruption, disruption.
bread, n. Associated Words: panification, panary, panivorous, crouton, zwiebach, panade, sop, crumb, crust, brewis, sippet, dough, knead, leaven.
bread-basket, n. pannier.
breadth, n. width, latitude; liberality, tolerance, catholicity.
break, v. fracture, dispart, sever, rend, smash, shatter, shiver, splinter, batter, burst, rupture, crack; infringe, violate, disobey, transgress, trespass; communicate, disclose, divulge, tell, impart, broach; discipline, tame; bankrupt, impoverish, ruin.
break, n. breach, rupture, fracture, fissure crack, chasm, gap, rent, rift, hiatus, caesura, interstice.
breakdown, n. downfall, collapse, crash.
breaking, n. fracture, rupture; breach, infraction, violation. Associated Words: brittle, frangible, frangibility, tenacious, tenacity, inviolable, inviolability.
breaking out. eruption, rash, efflorescence, exanthema; paroxysm.
breaking out again. recrudescence.
breakup, n. disruption, disorganization.
breakwater, n. jetty, pier, mole, dike.
breast, n. chest, bosom, thorax; teat, pap, dug, mamma. Associated words: amasty, pectoral, plastron, bib, gorget, mammillary, angina pectoris, areola, pectoriloquy, diaphragm, sternal.
breast, v. stem, struggle with, withstand, resist.
breastbone, n. sternum.
breastpin, n. brooch, pectoral.
breath, n. respiration.
breathable, a. respirable. Antonyms: irrespirable, unbreathable.
breathe, v. respire, inhale and exhale; infuse; wheeze, suspire, sigh, gasp, pant, aspirate; exhale, emit.
breathing, n. respiration, inhalation (breathing in), exhalation (breathing out); aspiration, suspiration, sighing, panting, insufflation, gasp, wheeze, afflatus, inflation, pneuma; inspiration, theopneusty. Associated Words: eupnoeoe, dyspnoeoe, asthma, apnoeoe, cachon, respiratory, gill, branchia, pneumodynamics, pneometry, suffocation, stertorous.
breathless, a. panting.
breech, n. buttocks.
breeches, n. pl. smallclothes, knickerbockers, knee-breeches; trousers, pants.
breed, v. beget, generate, procreate, engender, conceive and bear; nurture, train; occasion, originate, engender.
breed, n. race, variety, strain, extraction, family, lineage, pedigree; class, sort, kind, variety.
breeding, n. generation, procreation, begetting, prolification; stirpiculture, eugenics; nurture, training. Associated Words: dysgenesis, dysgenesic, hybrid, hybridization, thremmatology.
breeding freely. prolific. Antonym: unprolific.
breeze, n. zephyr; (Colloq.) disturbance, quarrel, tumult.
breezy, a. airy, windy; (Colloq.) lively, spirited, animated, brisk.
brew, v. foment, concoct, hatch, plot.
bribe, n. hush-money, boodle (Slang).—v. suborn.
bribery, n. subornation.
bric-a-brac, n. virtu, knick-knacks.
brick, n. adobe (unburnt and dried in the sun); malm-brick.
bridal, a. nuptial, conjugal, hymeneal.
bridge, n. trestlework, viaduct, culvert, pons, pontoon bridge, cantilever bridge.
bridge, v. span.
bridle, n. restraint, curb, check.—v. restrain, curb, check, control.
brief, a. short-lived, ephemeral, transient, transitory; terse, concise. See short.
brief, n. breviary, epitome, summary; writ, precept, breve.
briefness, n. brevity.
brier, n. thorn, bramble.
brigand, n. highwayman, bandit, outlaw, robber, footpad, freebooter.
bright, a. luminous, gleaming, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, glistening, beaming, shimmering, phosphorescent, luciferous, luminiferous, argent, orient, dazzling, glowing, glittering, flashing, scintillating, sparkling, refulgent, effulgent, brilliant, vivid, glossy, fulgent, naif, lucent, glaring, garish, crystalline; intelligent, precocious, apt, acute, discerning, clever, smart, knowing; auspicious, propitious; illustrious, glorious. Antonyms: dull, lackluster, obscure, dim, opaque, murky, nebulous, dingy, tarnished, sullied.
brighten, v. polish, burnish, furbish; illuminate, irradiate, cheer, rally, enliven, inspirit.
brightness, n. brilliancy, splendor, luster, luminosity, resplendence, radiance, refulgence, effulgence, glow; aptness, precocity, acuteness, sharpness, discernment; vivacity, animation, liveliness.
brilliancy, n. brightness, resplendence, refulgence, brilliance.
brilliant, a. sparkling, glittering, scintillating, dazzling, gleaming, glistening, flashing; splendid, glorious, signal, eminent, striking.
brim, n. rim, border, margin, edge, brink, bank, marge.
brimstone, n. sulphur.
bring, v. fetch.
bring about. bring to pass, effect, accomplish, effectuate, achieve.
bring back. return, restore, replace; revive, resuscitate.
bring forward. introduce.
bring to. resuscitate, revive, reanimate.
bringing to. resuscitation, revivification.
bring on. incur.
bring to pass. accomplish, effectuate.
bring up. nurse, rear, nurture, train.
brink, n. edge, border, verge.
brisk, a. lively, spirited, sprightly, spry, agile, rapid.
British soldier. Tommy Atkins.
brittle, a. frangible, crisp, friable.
brittleness, n. frangibility. Antonym: tenacity.
broad, a. wide; extensive, extended, vast, wide-reaching, comprehensive; liberal, tolerant, catholic; indelicate, gross, questionable.
broadside, n. placard, poster.
broil, v. grill.
broiler, n. gridiron.
broiling, a. scorching, torrid, grilling.
broken, a. fractured, splintered, shattered, shivered; disconnected, discontinuous, interrupted; impaired, shattered; subdued, humbled, contrite, penitent, crushed, trained, subjugated, tractable; violated. Antonyms: inviolate, intact, whole.
broken-hearted, a. disconsolate, inconsolable, comfortless.
broker, a. agent, factor, middleman, go-between.
brood, v. incubate, sit; meditate (morbidly).
brook, n. rivulet, runlet, rill, creek, streamlet, runnel, run, burn.
brook, v. tolerate, suffer, endure, bear.
broom, n. besom; whisk (small broom).
brothel, n. house of prostitution, bawdy-house, brothelry.
brother, n. Associated Words: fratricidal, fraternize, fratricide, brotherhood, brother german, brother uterine.
brotherhood, n. fraternity, fellowship.
brotherly, a. fraternal.
brow, n. forehead.
brown, a. dusky, tawny, dun, swarthy.
brown race. Malayan.
brown study. abstraction, revery, musing, preoccupation.
bruise, v. contuse, ecchymose.
bruise, v. indent, deface, disfigure.
bruise, n. contusion, ecchymosis.
bruiser, n. (Colloq.) boxer, pugilist.
bruit, n. report, town talk, rumor, hearsay.—v. noise, abroad, report, tell, circulate.
brush, n. brushwood; thicket, underbrush; grazing.
brushwood, n. thicket, coppice, underbrush, brush.
brutal, a. inhuman, cruel, fell, ruthless, truculent, unfeeling; beastly, bestial, brutish.
brutality, n. inhumanity, cruelty, truculence.
brute, n. beast; fiend, monster, ruffian, yahoo.
brute, a. irrational.
brutish, a. bestial, brutal, brute.
bubonic plague. polyadenitis.
buck, n. ram; beau, fop, blade, dandy.
bud, v. pullulate, germinate, bourgeon.
Buddha, n. Gautama Siddartha, Sakya Sinha.
budding, n. gemmification, bourgeoning, gemmation.
buffalo, n. bison; carabao (water buffalo).
bugaboo, n. ogre, bugbear, bogy, fright, bullbeggar.
bugbear, n. bugaboo, ogre, bogy, bete noire.
build, v. erect, construct, raise.
builder, n. architect; carpenter.
building, n. erection, construction; edifice, structure, pile; architecture.
businesslike, a. pragmatical.
bulging, a. protuberant, convex, gibbous.
bulgy, a. (Colloq.) bulging, gibbous, convex.
bulk, n. mass, size, dimensions, magnitude, bulkiness; majority, mass.
bulky, a. massive, ponderous, big.
bull, n. Taurus; Minotaur; Apis. Associated Words: tauriform, taurine, bovine, bellow.
bulldoze, v. (Colloq.) intimidate, browbeat.
bullfight, n. Associated Words: arena, banderilla, banderillero, picadore.
bullfighter, n. matador, toreador, tauridor, capeador, tauromachian.
bullfighting, n. tauromachy.
bullhead, n. (Colloq.) dolt, lout, lubber, dunderhead, beetlehead.
bully, n. blusterer, swaggerer, roisterer, rowdy, rough.
bully, a. (Slang) jolly, jovial; fine, excellent, good.
bully, v. browbeat, overbear, swagger, bluster, intimidate.
bullying, a. hectoring, swaggering, blustering.
bulwark, n. rampart, fortification; defense, palladium, shield.
bump, v. jolt, jounce, thump.
bump, n. protuberance, prominence, lump, nodule, swelling.
bumpkin, n. lout, boor, clodpoll, yokel, yahoo, hind.
bumptious, a. (Colloq.) self-conceited, obtrusive, pushing.
bunch, n. cluster, tuft, knot, tussock; raceme, racemation; protuberance, lump, nodule, hunch, bump; lot, collection, group, assortment, set.
bundle, n. parcel, package, bale, pack, budget, packet.
bung, n. stopper, tampoon, spigot, stopple; bunghole, vent.
bunghole, n. bung, vent, vent-hole.
bungling, a. unskillful, maladroit, inexpert, clumsy, inapt.
bunker, n. bin, receptacle, crib.
bunko, v. cheat, swindle, victimize.
burden, n. load, cargo; incubus, encumbrance, weight, impediment, trial, oppression; chorus, refrain.
burden, v. encumber, load, surcharge, oppress.
burial, n. interment, inhumation, sepulture, entombment. Antonyms: disinterment, exhumation.
burlesque, n. travesty, farce.
burn, v. scorch, scald, singe, char, sear, cauterize, brand, consume, incinerate; cremate, incremate.
burn, n. ambustion.
burnable, a. combustible, inflammable. Antonyms: incombustible, asbestic.
burning, n. combustion, cineration, incineration; cauterization, cautery; pyrography; arson; incendiarism; smoldering.
burning, n. cremation, incremation. Associated Words: cremator, crematory, crematorium.
bury, n. inter, inhume, entomb, sepulcher; hide, secrete, conceal, cache. Antonyms: disinter, exhume.
burying-ground, n. cemetery.
bush, n. shrub; thicket, jungle, underwood, boscage.
bushwhacker, n. bushranger, guerrilla.
business, n. vocation, calling, pursuit, craft, trade, occupation, profession; avocation; traffic, trade, commerce, enterprise, industry, barter; duty, function, work, place; affair, concern, matter. Associated words: commercial, mercantile, technical, technicality, technology.
bustle, n. stir, agitation, tumult, ado, pother, commotion; bishop, tournure, pannier.
busy, a. occupied, engaged, employed, engrossed; diligent, industrious, sedulous, active; intrusive, officious, meddlesome.
butcher, v. slaughter.
butter, n. Associated Words: butyric, butyrin, butyrometer, butyrate, dairy, creamery, churn, butterine, capric, caprylic, caproic acid, butyraceous.
butterflies, n. pl. Lepidoptera. Associated Words: lepidopterist, lepidopteral, lepidopterous, caterpillar, larva.
buttock, n. rump, fundament, breech; glutaeus (muscle).
buttress, n. support, stay, prop.
buy, v. purchase.
buyer, n. purchaser.
buying, n. purchase.
buzz, n. hum, murmur, bombinate; whiz.
buzz, v. hum, bombinate.
by degrees. gradually.
bystander, n. spectator, onlooker, witness.
by turns. alternately, in succession.
C. Associated Word: cedilla.
cabbage, n. savoy; colewort; broccoli; collards; Brussels sprouts. Associated Words: Brassica, brassicaceous.
cabbage, v. (Colloq.) steal, pilfer, purloin, filch.
cabin, n. hut, hovel, shanty, cot, shack, cottage.
cage, n. mew.—v. confine, coop up, encage, mew.
caged, a. imprisoned, confined.
cajole, v. beguile, wheedle, blandish, inveigle, flatter.
cajolery, n. wheedling, blandishment, beguilement.
cake, v. concrete, harden, solidify, coagulate.
calamitous, a. disastrous, deplorable, baleful, ill-fated, untoward, dire.
calamity, n. disaster, catastrophe, misfortune, casualty, reverse, adversity, mischance.
calculate, v. compute, reckon, estimate; forecast; (Colloq.) expect, intend, contemplate, plan.
calculating, a. scheming, forecasting, crafty, circumspect, cautious, wary.
calculation, n. computation, reckoning; expectation, anticipation; circumspection, wariness, forethought, caution.
calendar, n. almanac; list, schedule, register, catalogue, docket.
calf, n. Associated Words: vellum, parchment, veal, fatling, dogy, vitular, vituline, slink, slunk, calve, steer.
calico, n. print.
California poppy. eschscholtzia.
call, v. summon, bid, evoke, invite; convoke, assemble, muster, convene; entitle, name, designate, dub, denominate; invoke, petition, invocate.
call, n. summons, vocation, invocation, entreaty, appeal, invitation; signal; requirement, demand, requisition; election, appointment; interview.
calling, n. summons, call; vocation (divine summons); evocation, convocation; occupation, business, trade, employment, vocation, pursuit.
callous, a. unfeeling, insensible, hardened, unimpressible.
callow, a. unfledged, unfeathered; immature, green, inexperienced.
call to account. impeach, accuse.
calm, n. lull, tranquillity, quiet, placidity.
calm, a. still, serene, motionless, undisturbed, unruffled, pacific, placid, tranquil, halcyon; sedate, collected, imperturbable, unmoved, cool, composed, dispassionate. Antonyms: excited, stormy, agitated, ruffled, discomposed, perturbed, boisterous.
calm, v. lull, allay, hush, tranquillize, becalm, still, compose, quiet, appease, pacify, assuage, moderate, alleviate, conciliate, abate, console.
calmness, n. tranquillity, serenity, placidity, stillness, composure, imperturbability, dispassion, imperturbation, unconcern, equanimity, collectedness, self-possession. Antonyms: commotion, excitement, agitation, discomposure.
camel, n. dromedary (one hump); bactrian camel (two humps); deloul, maharik (the swift camel).
cameo, n. anaglyph. Antonym: intaglio.
camp, n. encampment; bivouac; cantonment, quarters. Associated words: castrensial, etape, decampment, decamp, castrametation.
camp, v. encamp.
canal, n. channel. Associated Words: towpath, berm, heelpath, lock.
cancel, v. annul, abrogate, rescind, nullify, quash, abolish, countermand. Antonyms: confirm, approve, corroborate, enforce, reenact, maintain.
cancellation, n. annulment, abrogation, rescission, nullification, countermanding.
cancer, n. carcinoma, carcinosis. Associated Words: cancerate, canceration, cancerous, cancriform, cancroid, solanoid.
candid, a. impartial, unbiased, fair; frank, ingenuous, unreserved, straightforward. Antonyms: disingenuous, deceitful, reserved, subtle.
candidate, n. aspirant, nominee, postulant, office-seeker, contestant (for an office).
candle, n. taper, cierge, rushlight, serge; pl. chandlery. Associated Words: chandler, wick, snuff, socket, accensor, petrostearine, sconce, sweal.
candlestick, n. candelabrum, jesse, girandole, lustre.
candor, n. impartiality, disinterestedness; frankness, ingenuousness, naivete, openness.
candy, n. confectionery, bonbon, sweetmeat, confection, comfit, confect, lollipop, caramel, fudge, fondant, praline, taffy, sugar plum, toffee.
candy maker. confectioner.
cane sugar. sucrose.
canker, n. corrosion, erosion, blight.
cannibal, n. anthropophagite.—a. anthropophagous.
cannibalism, n. anthropophagy; exophagy, endophagy.
cannibals, n. pl. anthropophagi, man-eaters, androphagi.
cannon, n. Associated Words: ordnance, cannonade, cannoneer, linstock, calibre, bore, cascabel, breech, reenforce, chase, muzzle, trunnion, rimbase, chamber, howitzer, mortar.
canny, a. cunning, crafty, wary, shrewd, cautious, prudent, circumspect; magical.
canoe, n. piroque (dugout); pitpan (Cen. Amer.); kayak (Arctic tribes).
canon, n. law, rule, regulation.
canonicals, n. pl. vestments; gown, robe, cassock, surplice, alb, pallium, cope, scapulary, dalmatic, stole, chasuble, tunicle, scarf, mantelleta, cowl, ephod, amice, mitre, capoch, biretta, chimere, rochet, scapular, planeta, maniple, tippet, plicata.
canopy, n. covering, awning, baldaquin, baldachin, tilt, tester, pavilion.
cant, n. slope, tilt, turn; bias, impulse; prating; idioms, parlance, vocabulary; affected piety, hypocrisy; slang, jargon, lingo, argot.
cant, v. tilt, tip, incline.
cantankerous, a. (Colloq.) perverse, contumacious, contentious, headstrong, contrary.
canteen carrier. (female) cantiniere, vivandiere.
canvas, n. tarpaulin; coutil.
canyon, n. gorge, ravine, gulch.
cap, n. biggin, biggon, biggonnet, busby, coif, berretta, biretta, barret, caul, callot, head-gear, turban, fez, calotte, toque, mortarboard, mitre, tarboosh, Tam-o-Shanter, zuchetto, wimple, shako, morion, mozetta, casque, helmet, mutch, montero, domino, beaver, glengarry, calpac, thrum cap, beret, keffieh, mortier, mobcap. Associated Word: visor.
cap, v. crown, complete, consummate, surpass, exceed.
capability, n. ability, capacity, competency, qualification, efficiency, proficiency.
capable, a. able, qualified, susceptible, competent, efficient, proficient. Antonyms: See incapable.
cape, n. promontory, headland.
caper, n. dido, trick, prank, leap, gambol, curlycue.
caper, v. gambol, frisk, cavort, leap, skip, prance, capriole.
capital, a. principal, leading, chief, cardinal, foremost; (Colloq.) excellent, first-rate.
capital letter, n. majuscule (ancient manuscripts). Associated word: cyriologic.
capitation, n. poll-tax.
caprice, n. fancy, whim, notion, freak, vagary, crotchet, quirk, whimsey, fickleness.
capricious, a. fanciful, whimsical, vagarious, inconstant, fickle, crotchety, volatile.
cap-shaped, a. pileate, pileated.
capsize, v. upset, overturn.
captain, n. commander, chieftain, leader, chief: skipper; colonel; master, foreman.
captious, a. critical, carping, censorious, caviling.
captivate, v. enchant, subdue, bewitch, fascinate, entrance, enamor, infatuate.
captivating, a. bewitching, fascinating, enchanting. See charming.
captivation, n. fascination, infatuation, charming.
captivity, n. bondage, servitude, thralldom, vassalage, slavery.
capture, v. seize, catch, apprehend, arrest, corral, deprehend.
capture, n. prey, prize; apprehension, arrest, seizure, catching.
car, n. cart, vehicle, chariot, caboose, tender, cage, coach, tram, truck.
carbolic acid. phenol, phenic acid.
cardinal, a. principal, chief, superior, preeminent.
cardinal virtues. prudence, temperance, justice, fortitude.
cardinals, n. pl. Associated Words: propaganda, conclave, cardinalate.
care, n. concern, anxiety, worry, apprehension; oversight, charge, management, tutelage, custody; ward, charge, protege, responsibility; attention, heed, caution, regard, circumspection, carefulness. Antonyms: See carelessness.
careful, a. cautious, watchful, provident, chary, attentive, circumspect, considerate, heedful, prudent, discreet, wary, mindful, choice, sparing, observant.
carefulness, n. caution, wariness, circumspection, chariness, forethought, precaution, watchfulness, discretion, concern, cautiousness.
careless, a. negligent, unconcerned, indifferent, heedless, inattentive, regardless, lax, incautious, remiss, inconsiderate, nonchalant, neglectful, unwary, imprudent, indiscreet, improvident, reckless, desultory, perfunctory, devil-may-care, slovenly, slack, supine.
carelessness, n. unconcern, indifference, negligence, heedlessness, remissness, incaution, nonchalance, inadvertence, laxity, improvidence, inattention, dereliction, indiscretion, recklessness.
cargo, n. freight, load, burden, lading, last.
caricature, n. exaggeration, burlesque, take-off, travesty, parody.
carking, a. harassing, worrying, distressing, vexatious.
carnal, a. sensual, fleshly, bodily; lustful, salacious; unregenerate.
carousal, n. revel, wassail, orgies, bacchanals, saturnalia, jamboree (Slang).
carouser, n. reveler, roysterer, debauchee, bacchanalian.
carp, v. cavil, censure.
carpenter, n. joiner.
carpet covering. drugget, bocking.
carping, a. caviling, censorious, captious, hypercritical, fault-finding.
carriage, n. carrying, transportation; bearing, behavior, deportment; air, mien, demeanor.
carriage, n. vehicle, conveyance, coach, gig, buggy, sulky, diligence, perambulator, cabriolet, brougham, surrey, chaise, stanhope, sedan, jumpseat, tally-ho, victoria, tumbrel, chariot, jingle, rockaway, hack, calash, cab, coupe, hansom cab, volante, cart, equipage, turnout, jaunting car, landau, phaeton, wagonette, jinrikisha, vandy, dogcart, kibitka, britzska, barouche, fly, whisky, post-chaise, droshki, trap, dos-a-dos, litter, palanquin, curricle.
carriage dog. Dalmatian dog.
carrier, n. messenger, conveyer; porter, bearer, teamster.
carrion, n. Associated Words: necrophagan, necrophagous, saprophagan, necrophilous, saprophagous, saprophytic, saprophyte.
carry, v. convey, transport, bear, waft, portage; carry out, complete, effectuate, consummate, accomplish.
carrying, n. transportation, conveyance, portage, transmission, conduction, delivery. Associated Words: portable, portability, unportable, palanquin, litter, sedan chair.
cart, n. vehicle, wagon, carriage; lorrie, truck, tumbril, carreta.
carte, n. menu, bill of fare.
Carthaginian, a. Punic.
cartilage, n. gristle. Associated Words: chondrology, chondrotomy, chondritis, chondroid, chondrification, chondrify, cartilaginous, gristly.
cart maker. cartwright.
carve, v. sculpture, chisel, engrave, fashion, mould.
carving, n. sculpture (in wood or ivory); anaglyptics, anaglyphy.
case, a. sheath, covering, capsule, receptacle, quiver, chest; event, happening, instance, circumstances, condition, affair, plight, predicament, dilemma, contingency.
case-hardened, a. seared, obdurate.
cash, n. coin, specie, currency.
cashier, n. cash-keeper; bursar, treasurer, purser.
cask, n. tierce, hogshead, pipe, puncheon, butt, tun.
casket, n. gemmary; coffin.
cassock, n. soutane.
cast, v. fling, hurl, throw, impel, pitch, sling; direct, turn, drop, deposit, place; exuviate, shed, molt, discard, shed, reflect, throw; compute, reckon, add, enumerate.
cast, n. throw, fling; exuviae, ejection, secretion.
castaway, n. outcast, reprobate, pariah, derelict.
castigate, v. chastise.
castigation, n. chastisement.
castiron, a. unyielding, indomitable, hardy.
castle, n. fortress, citadel, stronghold, fastness, donjon, keep; mansion, chateau.
castling, n. abortion.
cast off. discard, reject, slough.
cast-off, a. discarded, rejected.
castor oil. Associated Words: ricinoleic, ricinolein, ricinus, Palma Christi.
castrate, v. geld, alter; emasculate.
castrated person. eunich, spade.
castration, n. orchotomy, emasculation, gelding.
casual, a. chance, accidental, fortuitous, contingent.
casualty, n. accident, calamity, contingency, fortuity.
cat, n. feline, Felis, tabby, puss, pussy; kitten, kitty; grimalkin (an old she cat). Associated Words: purr, mew, miaul, caterwaul, feline, Felidae (cat family).
catacomb, n. grotto, crypt, cave.
catalogue, n. list, register, schedule, index, inventory, Associated word: raisonne.
cataract, n. waterfall, cascade, fall, lin.
catastrophe, n. disaster, calamity.
catch, v. seize, grasp, clutch, snatch, gripe, nab; apprehend; arrest; deprehend; overtake; insnare, entangle, entrap.
catch, n. capture, seizure, arrest, apprehension; hasp, hook, clasp.
catching, a. contagious, infectious, communicable, pestilential. Antonyms: noncontagious, incommunicable.
catching, n. seizure, apprehension, arrest.
catchword, n. cue.
category, n. class, state, condition, division, predicament.
cater, v. purvey.
cater-cornered, a. (Colloq.) diagonal.
caterer, n. purveyor.
cathartic, n. purgative, physic, purge, evacuant.
catholic, a. universal, general, world-wide; liberal, tolerant, unsectarian, broad-minded; Roman Catholic, Romish. Antonyms: uncatholic, sectarian, local, narrow, noncatholic.
catholicity, n. universality, catholicism; liberality.
catkin, n. ament.
cat's-eye, n. chatoyant, chrysoberyl. Associated Words: chatoyant, chatoyment.
cat's-paw, n. dupe, tool, cully, gull.
cattle, n. kine; Bos; Bovine quadrupeds; Taurus.
cattle-plague, n. rinderpest, murrain.
cattle-stealing, n. abigeat (Civil Law).
cause, n. origin, source; motive, incitement, inducement, incentive. Associated Words: aetiology, etiology, teleology, etiological, causation, causative, causality.
cause, v. occasion, induce, effect, originate.
caustic, a. burning, virulent, acrid, catheretic, mordacious, cutting, satirical.
caution, n. wariness, forethought, circumspection; advice, warning, admonition.
caution, v. forewarn, admonish, warn, counsel, advise, dissuade.
cautious, a. circumspect, prudent, wary. Antonyms: incautious, unwary.
cave, n. cavern, grotto, grot, den, catacomb, crypt. Associated words: speleology, spelean, stalactite, stalagmite, cavernicolous, troglodytic, caverned, cavernous.
cave-dweller, n. troglodyte.
cavil, v. carp, criticize.—n. objection, criticism (specious or frivolous).
caviling, a. carping, captious, cavilous, hypercritical.
Cayenne pepper. capsicum.
cease, v. discontinue, stop, desist, refrain.
ceaseless, a. incessant, unceasing, constant, uninterrupted, continual.
cedar tree. Associated Words: cedrine, cedrene.
cede, v. surrender, relinquish, grant.
ceding, n. cession.
celebrate, v. commemorate, solemnize, observe.
celebrated, a. famous, illustrious, noted, renowned, eminent, far-famed. Antonyms: obscure, inglorious, unrenowned.
celebration, n. commemoration, observance, solemnization.
celebrity, n. fame, renown, eminence.
cellar, n. basement.
celluloid, n. xylonite.
cement, n. adhesive, glue; lute, luting.
cement, v. cohere, join, glue, glutinate.
cemetery, n. necropolis, God's acre, graveyard, mortuary.
censer, n. thurible, incensory.
censor, n. inspector, reviewer, critic; caviler, censurer.
censorious, a. carping, captious, caviling, critical.
censurable, a. reprehensible, culpable, blamable, reproachable, illaudable.
censure, n. reproof, reprehension, blame, reprimand, objurgation.
censure, v. reprove, rebuke, reprehend, upbraid, objurgate, chide, inveigh against.
censuring, a. reprehensory, reproachful, reproving, objurgatory, condemnatory.
centenary, n. centennial, century.
centennial, n. centenary.
center, n. middle, midst. Antonyms: circumference, perimeter, rim, boundary. Associated Words: centrifugal, centrifugence, centricity, centripetal, centripetence, centrality, centralize, centralization, paracentric.
centerpiece, n. epergne.
central, a. middle, centric, centrical, equidistant.
century, n. centenary. Associated Words: centennial, secular.
ceremonious, a. formal, precise, punctilious. Antonyms: informal, free-and-easy.
ceremony, n. rite, form, ceremonial, solemnity; formality.
certain, a. assured, confident, convinced, satisfied, undoubting; undeniable, irrefutable, indubitable, incontrovertible, incontestable, sure; inevitable, unavoidable; unfailing, infallible, inerrable; fixed, stated, specified. Antonyms: indefinite, uncertain, doubtful. See uncertain.
certainty, n. sureness, confidence, assurance, surety; fact, truth. Antonyms: See uncertainty.
certificate, n. testimonial, credential, voucher.
certify, v. assure, attest, testify to, vouch for.
chafe, v. rub, gall, irritate; fret, fume, rage.
chaff, n. glumes, hulls, refuse.
chaff, n. banter, raillery, pleasantry, jesting, badinage.
chaff, v. jest, banter.
chaffy, a. acerose, palaceous, stramineous.
chagrin, a. mortification, abashment, vexation, confusion, discomposure, humiliation.
chagrin, v. mortify, abash, vex, confuse, humiliate.
chain, n. concatenation, catenation, series, congeries, carcanet, catena, chatelaine, necklace, gorget, links, torque; bond, shackle, fetter, tether.
chain, v. fetter, restrain, shackle, enslave, trammel, catenate.
chain wheel. sprocket wheel.
chair, n. seat; professorship; chairman.
chalice, n. grail.
chalk, n. Associated Words: calcography, calcographer, calcographic, chalkiness, crayon.
chalkstone, n. tophus. (Med.)
chalky, a. cretaceous.
challenge, v. defy, dare, brave.—n. defiance; exception, objection.
champion, n. defender, vindicator, protector, paladin; winner, hero, conqueror.
champion, v. defend, maintain, advocate, vindicate.
chance, v. befall; risk, venture.
chance, n. fate, fortune, luck, fortuity, hap, casualty, accident; possibility, likelihood, contingency; opportunity; hazard, jeopardy, risk, uncertainty.
chance, a. casual, fortuitous, accidental, contingent, random.
chancery, n. equity.
change, n. variation, alteration, transition, mutation, transposition, conversion, metamorphosis, innovation, transfiguration, permutation, transference, reversion, reaction, transmutation; substitution, commutation; variety, novelty, vicissitude. Associated word: mutanda. Antonyms: continuation, stability, conservatism, permanence, inertia, monotony, perpetuation, continuance, fixity, invariability, uniformity.
change, v. alter, transmute, shift, modulate, reverse, reform, vary, modify, convert, transform, transpose, transfer, exchange, substitute, commute. Antonyms: continue, persist, remain, abide.
changeable, a. mutable, variable, inconstant, unstable, unsteadfast, reversible, alterable, revocable, mobile, convertible, transmutable, commutable, kaleidoscopic, transformable, impermanent; volatile, fickle, mercurial, protean, irresolute, capricious, vacillating, fitful, inconstant, erratic, eccentric, crotchety; iridescent; chatoyant.
changeableness, n. mutability, variability, inconstancy, instability, vacillation, convertibility, transmutability, mobility, impermanence; volatility, irresolution, fickleness, capriciousness; iridescence; chatoyment.
changeless, a. permanent, immutable, inexorable, invariable, undeviating, unalterable, unvarying, constant, unconvertible.
changelessness, n. immutability, inalterability, permanence, conservatism, invariability, monotony, inconvertibility.
changeling, n. oaf; waverer, whiffler.
change of life. climacteric; menopause.
channel, n. water-course, canal, aqueduct, gutter, runway, alveus, conduit, duct; strait; furrow, chamfer, chamfret, groove, fluting; avenue, route, artery.
chant, v. intone, intonate, cantillate.
chant, n. intonation; introit; cantillation.
chaos, n. confusion, disorder, disorganization.
chap, n. crack, chink; boy, lad, youth; kibe.
chapel, n. oratory, chantry, bethel.
chapped, a. kibed.
chaps, n. pl. jaws, chops, flews.
chapter, n. branch. Associated Words: capitular, capitulary.
character, n. personality, nature, individuality. Associated Words: ethology, ethologist.
characteristic, n. trait, peculiarity, feature, attribute, attribution, idiosyncrasy.
characterize, v. distinguish.
charge, n. accusation, complaint, allegation, indictment, imputation, crimination, impeachment, arraignment, gravamen (burden of a charge); trust, ward; custody, care, responsibility, oversight, obligation, commission, management; onset, attack, assault, onslaught, fusillade; tutelage.
charge, v. impose, load, encumber; exhort, enjoin, adjure, instruct; commit, intrust; debit; accuse, indict, tax, impute, criminate, arraign; attack, assault.
chargeable, a. imputable, attributable, referrible.
charitable, a. benevolent, benign, beneficent, magnanimous; liberal, tolerant, lenient. Antonyms: uncharitable, illiberal, intolerant.
charity, n. benevolence, good will, love, benignity, philanthropy, beneficence, bounty, liberality, tolerance. Associated Words: eleemosynary, alms, dependent.
charlatan, n. pretender, quack, impostor, fraud, cheat, mountebank, empiric.
charlatanic, a. pretentious, empirical, quackish.
charlatanry, n. quackery, pretension, empiricism, charlatanism.
charm, n. spell, incantation, enchantment, conjuration; periapt, amulet, phylactery, talisman, fetich, abraxas; fascination, glamour, witchery, attraction, illusion, rhetoric; breloque (jewel); countercharm. Antonyms: disenchantment, repellence, disillusionment.
charm, v. enchant, fascinate, enamor, infatuate, enrapture, bewitch, captivate; allay, soothe, subdue. Antonyms: decharm, disillusionize, disenchant, repel.
charmer, n. enchanter, magician, sorcerer; siren, enchantress.
charming, a. bewitching, captivating, enchanting, enrapturing, entrancing, magical, fascinating, winning, ecstatic, siren, delightful, winsome, seductive, ravishing. Antonyms: charmless, unattractive, repellent, repulsive.
charnel house. ossuary, ossuarium, tomb, carnary.
chart, n. map. Associated Words: cartography, cartographer.
chary, a. frugal, careful, saving, cautious, circumspect.
chase, v. track, hunt, pursue; scatter, expel, drive, disperse, dispel.
chase n. hunting, field-sport, hunt, venery, chevy; pursuit.
chasm, n. abyss, gap.
chaste, a. virtuous, continent, undefiled, pure, inviolated, modest, innocent; classic, refined, pure, correct. Antonyms: See unchaste.
chasten, v. discipline, correct, punish; refine, purify, subdue.
chastise, v. castigate, chasten, punish, whip.
chastisement, n. castigation, chastening, punishment, whipping.
chastity, n. purity, virtue, continence.
chat, n. confabulation, talk, conversation, causerie, confab (Colloq.).
cheap, a. inexpensive, low-priced; inferior, mean, mediocre, of small value.
cheapen, v. depreciate; belittle, lower.
cheat, n. fraud, trick, hoax, finesse, imposition, imposture, swindle, humbug, bubble, wile, deception, stratagem, bunko, blind, thimblerigging; impostor, deceiver, quack, mountebank, thimblerigger, charlatan, empiric, trickster, swindler, blackleg, bamboozler, sharper; delusion, chicanery, mockery, counterfeit, fetch.
cheat, v. swindle, defraud, overreach, trick, bamboozle, hoodwink, dupe, hoax, bilk, thimblerig, hocus, bunko, beguile, cozen.
check, n. obstacle, restraint, curb, bridle, damper, barrier, restriction, rebuff, repulse, delay, interruption; bank check, cheque.
check, v. restrain, impede, curb, repress, bridle, checkmate.
checker, v. variegate, diversify, tessellate.
checkered, a. diversified, variegated, plaid, mosaic, tessellated.
checkers, n. draughts.
checking, a. repressive, restraining, curbing.
checkmate, v. defeat, vanquish, conquer, baffle.
cheek, n. jowl. Associated Words: zygoma, zygomatic, buccate, buccal, malar, buccinator, meloncus, meloplasty, melitis, dimple, jugal.
cheek, n. (Slang) effrontery, temerity, assurance, impudence, audacity.
cheeky, a. (Slang) audacious, bold, impudent, presumptuous, unabashed.
cheer, v. inspirit, elate, exhilarate, encourage, console, revive, gladden; applaud.
cheerful, a. cheery, buoyant, sunny, vivacious, optimistic, sanguine, elated, jubilant, lightsome, airy, exhilarating, exhilarated, jocund, chipper.
cheerfulness, n. cheeriness, buoyancy, elation, exhilaration, alacrity, jocundity, light-heartedness, optimism.
cheering, n. applause, plaudit; ovation.
cheerless, a. dismal, sombre, drear, dreary, gloomy, desolate, forlorn, sad, hopeless, despairing, joyless.
cheery, a. cheerful, pleasant, sunny, blithe, jovial, affable.
cheese-paring, a. scrimping, niggardly.
cheesy, a. caseous.
chemise, n. shirt, smock, shift, chemisette.
cherish, v. treasure.
cherry-colored, a. cerise.
chest, n. box, case, coffer, trunk, hutch, receplacle, bahut.
chest, n. thorax, breast. Associated Words: pectoral, pectorally, diaphragm, midriff.
chestnut, n. Associated Words: esculic, esculin, castanea, burr.
chestnut-colored, a. castaneous.
chew, v. masticate, munch; crunch, craunch, champ.
chewing, n. mastication; rumination, remastication.
chew the cud. ruminate.
chic, a. (Colloq.) in good taste, neat.—n. good form, style.
chicanery, n. trickery, chicane.
chicken, n. fowl; hen; rooster; pullet; poult; capon; pl. poultry, brood.
chicken-hearted, a. timid, fearful, cowardly.
chicken pox. varicella.
chide, v. admonish, censure, upbraid, scold.
chief, n. head, leader, commander, chieftain, captain.
chief, a. leading, supreme, main, head, principal, paramount, prime, cardinal, major, foremost.
child, n. progeny, offspring, issue; infant, babe, baby, tot, bairn, brat; bastard (illegitimate); orphan; foundling, waif; cockney (spoilt child); minor. Associated Words: pediatrics, prolicide, infanticide, puberty, philoprogenitive, philoprogenitiveness, misopedia, filicide, putti, filial, filiation, affiliation, affiliate.
childbirth, n. parturition, accouchement, childbed, lying-in, travail, labor, childbearing. Associated Words: tocology, midwife, midwifery, parturient, maieutic, layette, obstetrics, obstetrician, celation, puerperal, accoucheur, accoucheuse, fetus, post-partum.
childhood, n. nonage, infancy, minority, impuberty, pupilage.
childish, a. puerile, juvenile, infantile, immature.
childishness, n. juvenility, puerility, immaturity.
children, n. offspring, progeny, issue, descendants, posterity.
chill, n. chilliness, shiver, rigor.
chilly, a. cool, chill, raw, bleak.
chime, v. accord, agree, harmonize, be in unison.
chime, n. unison, harmony; carillon.
chimera, n. delusion, phantom, hallucination, illusion.
chimney, n. Associated Words: cowl, flue, hoveling, smoke jack, chimney-breast, tewel.
chimney corner. ingle nook, ingleside.
chin: n. Associated Words: genian, mental, gill, wattle, chuck, submental.
China, n. Celestial Empire, Cathay (Old name).
China clay. kaolin.
Chinaman, n. Chinese, Celestial, Mongol, Mongolian; mandarin; coolie.
china ware. china, porcelain.
Chinese, n. Associated Words: sinology, sinologue, sinicism, sinic, yamen, haikwan, hong, canque, sinological, Taoism, Confucianism, Manchu, kotow, li, abacus, chinoiserie, taotai.
Chinese idol. joss. Associated Word: ting.
chink, n. crack, cranny, crevice; (Colloq.) money, cash, coin.
chin whelk. sycosis.
chipper, a. lively, vivacious, cheerful, talkative.
chirp, v. chirrup, cherup, cheep, pue.
chivalrous, a. gallant, knightly, magnanimous, valiant.
chivalry, n. knighthood, gallantry, knight-errantry.
choice, n. selection, election, alternative, option, preference, discrimination, preferment, volition. Antonyms: coercion, compulsion, indiscrimination.
choice, a. select, rare, recherche; careful, sparing, chary Antonyms: indiscriminate, promiscuous, common.
choir-leader, n. chorister, precentor, choir-master.
choir vestments. cotta; cassock.
choke, v. strangle, throttle, stifle, suffocate, suppress.
choleric, a. irascible, irritable, petulant, testy.
choose, v. select, elect, prefer, cull, pick out.
chop, v. hack, mince, hash, haggle.
chop, n. stroke, chopping; jaw, chap; pl. flews.
chorus, n. (Greek.) Associated Words: strophe, antistrophe, epode.
chosen, a. selected.
Christmas, n. Yule, Yuletide, Christmastide.
Christmas mummer. guiser.
chronic, a. habitual, lingering, inveterate.
chronicle, n. record, account, narrative, diary, history.
chrysalis, n. aurelia, nympha, cocoon, kell.
chum, n. roommate; companion, intimate, associate, friend, crony.
church, n. temple, sanctuary, house of God, meeting house, fane; cathedral; chapel, oratory, minster, bethel, tabernacle, chantry; kirk (Scotch); synagogue (Jewish); denomination, sect; basilica. Associated Words: ecclesiastical, ecclesiology, ecclesiolatry, ecclesiasticism, parish, hierarch, hierarchy, hierocracy, hierolatry, hierology, hierarchism, irenics, cure, evangelical, verger, beadle, chancel, clearstory, nave, transept, vestry, presbytery, prebend, prebendary, lectern, apse, irenicon, living, benefice, sinecure, glebe, see, prelacy, convocation, synod, conference, conclave, consistory, crypt, schism, orthodoxy, heterodoxy, unchurch, sacristan, sacristy, Dorcastry, Sarum use.
church and state. Associated Words: Erastian, Erastianism.
church dignitary. prelate, primate, elder, deacon, dean, hierarch, bishop.
church fathers. Associated Words: patristic, patristics, patrology, patrist.
churchly, a. ecclesiastical.
church officer. vestryman, warden, presbyter, trustee.
churl, n. rustic, hind, bumpkin, lout, boor.
churlish, a. boorish, rude, morose, unamiable.
chyle, n. Associated Words: chylification, chylifaction, chylify, achylous, chylaceous, chylous, chyliferous, chylocyst, lacteal, chylopoiesis, chylopoietic.
chyme, n. Associated Words: chymification, chymiferous, chymify, chymous, achymous.
cigar, n. (small) stogie; tobie; cheroot.
cinch, n. (Colloq.) tight grip.
cipher, n. zero, naught, nothing; nonentity, nobody; device, monogram.
cipher writing. cryptography, crytograph, steganography, cryptogram.
circle, n. ring; circumference, periphery; circuit; clique, coterie, set, class; annulation, annulus.
circle, v. encircle.
circuitous, a. roundabout, devious, indirect.
circulate, v. disseminate, promulgate, diffuse.
circulation, n. dissemination, diffusion, promulgation, propagation.
circumference, n. periphery, circumscription, girth.
cistern, n. reservoir; impluvium.
cite, v. quote; specify, mention, name, refer to.
citizen, n. resident.
city, n. municipality.—a. municipal, urban.
civil, a. civic, political, municipal; courteous, obliging, polite. Antonyms: See uncivil.
civility, n. courtesy, politeness. Antonyms: incivility, discourtesy.
claim, v. demand, pretend; (Colloq.) assert, maintain.
claim, n. pretension, demand, requisition; title, right.
claimant, n. claimer, pretender, pretendant.
clamor, n. uproar, tumult, hubbub, racket, din.
clamorous, a. noisy, uproarious, bawling, obstreperous.
clandestine, a. hidden, stealthy, surreptitious, furtive, secret.
clannish, a. narrow, exclusive.
clap, n. gonorrhea.
clapboards, n. pl. siding, weatherboarding.
claptrap, a. humbug, stage trick, coupe de theatre.
clarity, n. clearness.
clash, v. collide, hurtle, crash together; contend, disagree; clatter, clang.
clash, n. collision, crash; opposition, interference, contrariety; clangor, clang.
clasp, v. grasp, grapple, clutch, seize; embrace, hug.
clasp, n. hook, hasp, fibula, morse, catch; embrace.
class, n. rank, order, category, species, variety.
class, v. classify, dispose, categorize.
classification, n. disposition, grouping; taxonomy.
clause, n. article, stipulation, proviso, provision.
claw, n. talon; dewclaw. Associated Words: ungual, unguicular, retract, retractile, unguiculate, pounced, unguiform.
claw, v. scratch, laniate, lacerate.
clay, n. argillaceous earth; pug, argil, hole, marl, kaolin. Associated Words: potter, pottery, figuline, fictile, pug, puddle.
clayey, a. argillaceous, argillous, argilliferous, luteous, cledgy.
clean, a. unsoiled, unsullied, immaculate, cleanly, neat; chaste, pure, virtuous, undefiled, incorrupt, uncontaminated; shapely, well-proportioned; kosher (Jewish).
clean, adv. wholly, perfectly, completely, quite, entirely, thoroughly.
clean, v. cleanse.
cleanse, v. purify, deterge, absterge, wash, disinfect, fumigate, depurate.
cleanser, n. abstergent, detergent, purifier, detersive.
cleansing, a. detergent, abstergent, abstersive, detersive, purifying.
cleansing, n. purification, detersion, purgation, abstersion, lustration, expurgation.
clear, a. transparent, diaphanous, pellucid, limpid, relucent, crystalline, lucid, crystal; unmistakable, plain, evident, obvious, unambiguous, distinct, explicit, manifest, palpable, patent, decipherable, express, comprehensible, graphic; serene, cloudless, unclouded, undimmed; clarion, sonorous, resonant, canorous, audible, piercing; pure, unmixed, unadulterated, unalloyed; in full, net; passable, unimpeded, unobstructed, open; acquitted; unburdened, exempt; clarified. Antonyms: opaque, obscure, indecipherable, ambiguous, equivocal, vague, cryptic, abstruse, inexplicable, roily, turbid, enigmatical, inexplicit, inaudible, adulterated, cloudy, befogged, unintelligible, doubtful.
clear, v. clarify; explain, interpret, elucidate, eclaircise; acquit, absolve, exonerate, vindicate; disengage, extricate, disentangle, disperse.
clearer, n. clarifier.
clearing, n. clarification, clearance, dispersion; interpretation, explanation, eclaircissement, denouement; exoneration, acquittal; assart.
clearness, n. clarity, distinctness; transparency, limpidity, lucidity, perspicuity, translucency; serenity. Antonyms: opacity, ambiguity, vagueness, intransparency.
cleave, v. adhere, cling, be loyal; split, rive, separate.
cleft, a. riven, split, divided.
clergy, n. ministers, the cloth, ecclesiastics, clergymen, clerisy. Antonym: laity.
clergyman, n. minister, divine, ecclesiastic, priest, pastor, parson, churchman, preacher, rector, curate, dominie, vicar, missionary, evangelist, patriarch, dean, bishop, chaplain, cleric, deacon, presbyter, imparsonee, kirkman, padre, cure, abbe. Antonym: layman.
clergyman's residence. parsonage, rectory, manse.
clerk, n. salesman, saleslady; accountant, recorder, registrar, prothonotary, amanuensis, bookkeeper. Associated Words: clerical, clerkship.
clever, a. adroit, skillful, expert, ingenious, deft, dexterous.
clients, n. pl. clientele.
cliff, n. crag, bluff, precipice; pl. palisades (line of bold cliffs).
climate, n. Associated Words: meteorology, phenology, climatology, acclimatable, acclimate, acclimation, acclimatize, acclimatization, climatic, climatize, climatography.
climax, n. culmination.
climb, v. clamber, scale.
climbing, a. scandent, scansorial.
cling, v. adhere, cleave, hold fast.
clip, v. shear, snip, nip, trim, prune, curtail.
clip, n. (Colloq.) blow, knock, thump, rap.
clique, n. coterie, circle.
cloak, n. mantle, coat, capuchin, dolman, palladium, pelisse; pretext, blind, mask.
cloak, v. conceal, mask, hide, veil, disguise.
clock, n. timepiece, timekeeper, horologe, horometer: clepsydra, isochronon; scarab, scarabee, beetle. Associated Words: horology, horography, horologiography., pendulum, strike, dial, tick.
clockmaker, n. horologist, horologer.
clodhopper, n. bumpkin, boor, hind, lout, clown, yokel.
clog, v. impede, hamper, encumber, restrain, obstruct.
clog, n. shackle, dragweight, deadweight, encumbrance; sabot, chopine.
cloister, n. monastery, nunnery, convent, abbey, priory, cenoby.
cloisterer, n. cenobite, recluse.
cloistral, a. monastic, cloistered, recluse.
close, a. oppressive, uncomfortable, muggy, unventilated; narrow, cramped; close-mouthed, secretive, reticent, reserved, uncommunicative, taciturn; dense, solid, compact, imporous; near, adjacent, adjoining; intimate, confidential; parsimonious, stingy, penurious niggardly, miserly, illiberal, close-fisted; exact, literal, faithful; intent, assiduous, fixed, intense.
close, v. shut, stop, occlude; conclude, finish, end, terminate; inclose, encompass, confine, environ; grapple, clinch; lute, calk.
close, n. conclusion, end; peroration; grapple; court, area, enclosure, inclosure, yard.
close-mouthed, a. wary, cautious, secretive, uncommunicative, reserved.
closeness, n. nearness, proximity, adjacency; density, compactness; intimacy; reticence, secretiveness; parsimony, stinginess, illiberality, penuriousness.
closet, n. private room; clothespress, ambry.
closing, a. concluding, final.
closing, n. stopping up, obstruction, blockade, occlusion; peroration.
clot, n. coagulation, coagulum.—v. coagulate.
cloth, n. fabric, material, drapery, textile, texture, woof, weft. Associated Words: draper, drapery, drape.
clothe, v. dress, attire, array, gird, drape.
clothes, n. pl. dress, clothing, garments, vesture, attire, apparel, drapery, costume, raiment, garb, vestment, habiliments, regalia, uniform, livery, guise, wardrobe, rig, toggery, frippery, regimentals, paraphernalia; (clerical) vestments, canonicals; trousseau (bride's).
clothing, n. clothes, raiment. Associated Words: frippery, wardrobe, habilatory.
cloud, n. nebulosity, rack; cirrus, cat's-tail, mare's-tail; cumulus, stratus, nimbus; cirro-cumulus, cirro-stratus, cumulo-stratus; storm scud, wane cloud; tarnish, blemish; eclipse, obscurity. Associated Words: nephology, meteorology, nubiferous, nephelodometer, nephelometer, nephoscope, nepheloid, nephograph.
cloud, v. overcast, becloud, obscure, shade, obfuscate; tarnish, sully, blacken.
cloudy, a. overcast, lowering, murky, overclouded, obscure, sullen, nebulous, hazy, dim; tarnished, indistinct, blurred; variegated, mottled.
cloven, a. bisulcate.
clover, n. trifolium, trefoil; alsike.
cloves, n. pl. Associated Words: eugenic, eugenin, clove, camphor, eugenol, caryophyllin.
clown, n. buffoon, jester, merry-andrew, zany, harlequin, droll, punch, mime, farceur, scaramouch, grimacier jackpudding; boor, lout, gawk, gawky, lubber, put, bumpkin, churl, carl, tike; rustic, hind, clodhopper, yokel, yahoo.
clownish, a. boorish, ungainly, awkward, loutish, churlish, gawky.
cloy, v. satiate, glut, surfeit, pall, sate.
club, n. cudgel, bludgeon, truncheon, bat, mace, staff, shillalah, waddy, bandy, knobkerry; society, coterie, association, sorosis (woman's club).
club, v. cudgel, beat, pommel; club together, combine, cooeperate.
club-bearer, n. claviger. Associated Word: clavigerous.
clubfoot, n. talipes.
clubfooted, a. taliped, talipedic.
club-shaped, a. clavate, clavated.
clue, n. intimation, hint, key.
clump, n. cluster, tuft, bunch, collection, thicket.
clumsy, a. ungraceful, lumbering, uncouth, unwieldy, unhandy, inapt, maladroit.
cluster, n. bunch, clump, tuft; racematiofl, fascicle, raceme, panicle; bevy, crowd.
clustered, a. aciniform, racemed, fascicled.
clutch, v. seize, grasp, grip, grapple, clench, grab, snatch.
clutch, n. grasp, seizure, hold; crampoons.
clutter, n. litter, disorder, jumble, confusion, disarray.
cluttered, a. disordered, littered, jumbled, disarranged.
coach, n. stage coach, tallyho, diligence; trainer.
coach dog. Dalmatian dog.
coachman, n. jehu, postilion, coach-driver, coachee (Slang).
coal, n. anthracite; bituminous; charcoal; culm, scoria, slack; ember. Associated Words: carbon, carboniferous, gobbing, strata, carbonize, carbonization, briquette, coke, brat, brattice, brettice.
coal-dealer, n. collier.
coalhod. scuttle.
coal-mine, n. colliery, coalpit.
coal-miner, n. collier.
coal-miner's consumption. anthracosis.
coal oil. kerosene, petroleum.
coals, n. pl. Associated Words: brasier, brazier, brasero.
coarse, a. crass, gross, unrefined, rude, unpolished, indelicate, ribald, homespun, vulgar, inelegant; unbolted, unpurified.
coast, n. seashore, seaboard, seaside, shore, strand, beach.
coat, n. sack, jacket, frock, tuxedo, cutaway, paletot, dreadnaught, ulster, capote, blouse, redingote, toga, cloak, surtout, duster, mackintosh, joseph, cardinal, pelerine, temiak (Eskimo).
coat of arms. armorial bearings, escutcheon, arms, crest.
coat of mail. hauberk, cuirass, habergeon, armor, mail.
coax, v. wheedle, cajole, persuade, entice, cog, tweedle.
cob, n. spike, axis; sea mew, gull.
cocoanut, n. Associated Word: copra.
cochineal, n. Associated Words: nopal, nopalry, carminic acid.
cock, n. rooster, chanticleer; capon (castrated); weather-cock, vane; chief, leader, dominator; faucet, stop-cock.
cockade, n. rosette.
cockahoop, a. boastful, defiant, vainglorious, blustering.
cock and bull story. canard.
cockatrice, n. basilisk.
cocker, v. fondle, indulge, pamper, pet, humor, coddle.
cockfighting, n. cockmatch, alectoromachy, alectryomachy.
cocky, a. (Slang) pert, saucy.
cocoa, n. Associated Word: theobromine.
coddle, v. parboil; pamper, fondle, cocker, humor, indulge.
coequal, a. cooerdinate.
coerce, v. constrain, compel, intimidate, restrain.
coercion, n. compulsion, restraint, force, repression, constraint.
coffee, n. Associated Words: caffeine, chiccory, biggin, pulp, parchment.
coffee-chaser, n. chasse.
coffee-house, n. cafe.
coffin, n. casket.
cog, n. cam, catch; trick, deception, fraud.
cogent, a. convincing, conclusive, forcible, influential.
coheir, n. parcener.
coheirship, n. parcenary.
coherent, n. consistent, logical.
coil, n. convolution, intervolution; entanglement, toil, mesh, perplexity; querl.
coil, v. convolve, intervolve.
coin, n. quoin, corner, coigne, wedge, plug, key.
coin, n. specie, cash; medallion. Associated Words: numismatic, numismatics, numismatist, numismatology, jugata, engrailment, nurling, milling, brockage, numismatography, numismatologist, nummary, rouleau, nummular, nummulary.
coin, v. mint; neoterize, neologize; fabricate, invent, originate.
coinage, n. minting; neologism, neology, neoterism.
coincide, v. concur, correspond, agree, harmonize, tally.
coincidence, n. concurrence, correspondence, agreement.
coincident, a. concurrent, contemporaneous;—followed by with.
coiner, n. minter; neologist, neoterist.
cold, a. cool, chilly; frigid, gelid, icy; nipping, bleak, raw, frosty, freezing; unresponsive, phlegmatic, passionless, chilling, stoical, apathetic, reserved.
cold, n. coldness, frigidity, gelidity, chilliness, algidity: catarrh.
cold-blooded, a. poikilothermal; deliberate.
colic, n. gripe, enteralgia, tormina.
collar, n. neckband, carcanet, ruff, ruche, collet, rabat, piccadilly, dickey, collarette.
collar-bone, n. clavicle.
collect, v. assemble, accumulate.
collection, n. assemblage, accumulation, aggregation, heap; offering, offertory; anthology, symposium, collectanea, miscellany, rosary, chrestomathy.
college, n. Associated Words: collegiate, Alma Mater.
college dress. academicals.
college grounds. campus.
college student. collegian.
collision, n. clashing, concussion, interference, brunt, impact.
colloquial, a. conversational, familiar, informal.
colony, n. settlement, dependency. Associated Words: colonial, colonist, planter, colonize, colonization, colonizationist.
color, n. hue, shade, tinge, tincture, tint; pigment, paint, dye, stain. Associated Words: chromatics, colorific, colorist, chromatism, chromatology, lake, decolorant, mordant, intinctivity, iridescent, iridescence, prismatic, pigmentation, fugacious, fugitive, fugacity, monochromatic, monochrome, polychromy, polychromatic, suffuse, suffusion, imbuement, chromatic, achromatic.
color, n. ruddiness, redness, flush, blush, rosiness; semblance, pretext; variety, shade, kind, species; pl. flag. Antonyms: decoloration, colorlessness.
color, v. dye, tinge, stain, imbue, tint, tincture, variegate; falsify, pervert, garble, palliate, gloss, distort; blush, flush. Antonyms: decolor, bleach, decolorize.
colorable, a. specious, plausible, palliated.
color-blindness, n. Daltonism, achromatopsy, acritochromacy.
colored, a. tinged, dyed, tinted, stained, discolored; specious, plausible.
colorific, a. tinctorial.
coloring, n. dyeing, staining, intinction, tinting, tinction, imbuement, variegation.
colorless, a. uncolored, faded; pale, pallid; neutral, characterless.
colossal, a. enormous, gigantic, monstrous, huge, prodigious, Titanic.
colt, n. filly (female); foal (male); hogget.
coltish, a. frisky, sportive, wanton, playful.
column, n. pillar, post, shaft, obelisk; file, line, row; pilaster; pl. peristyle, portico, colonnade. Associated Words: entablature, frieze, architrave, triglyph, cornice, base, shaft, capital, plinth.
comb, n. crest, caruncle, head-tuft.
combat, n. contest bout, struggle, contention, fight, joust, battle.
combatant, n. contestant, fighter.
combative, a. pugnacious, contentious, bellicose, belligerent.
combination, n. union, alliance, federation, confederacy, syndicate, league, cabal, merger, coalition, conspiracy, cooeperation, collusion; amalgamation, synthesis, incorporation.
combine, v. unite, incorporate, merge, amalgamate, blend, coalesce, confederate.
combine, n. (Colloq.) combination.
combined, a. united, confederated, federated, amalgamated, incorporated.
combing, n. pectination.
comblike, a. pectinal, pectinate, pectinated, pectiniform.
come, v. arrive, approach; come from, issue, proceed, ensue, flow, emanate, originate.
come after. follow, succeed. Antonyms: precede, antecede.
come again. return, recur.
come and go. alternate.
come between. intervene, interpose, interfere, contravene; cause estrangement, disaffect.
come down. descend, alight.
comely, a. good-looking, handsome, personable. Antonyms: uncomely, homely, plain.
come near. approach, approximate.
come round. recur; change, relent; circumvent, wheedle.
come short. be deficient.
come to. revive, recover; consent, yield, accede; arrive at, reach; amount to.
come to a head. suppurate, mature; culminate.
come under. subvene.
comfort, n. ease, consolation, solace, nepenthe, encouragement.
comfort, v. console, solace.
comforter, n. consoler, cheerer; comfortable.
comfortless, a. disconsolate, inconsolable, desolate, distressed.
comical, a. See funny.
coming, n. approach, arrival, advent.
coming between. intervention, interposition, interference, contravention.
comity, n. politeness, courtesy, civility, graciousness, urbanity.
command, v. order, direct, enjoin, require, bid.
command, n. order, mandate, injunction, charge, behest, requisition, bidding, direction, dictation, precept; authority, leadership, control.
commanding, a. authoritative, mandatory, imperative, dictatorial, imperious.
commandments, n. pl. The Decalogue. Associated Words: Kyrie elesion.
commence, v. begin.
commend, v. commit, consign, intrust; praise, extol recommend.
commendable, a. praiseworthy, laudable. Antonyms: unpraiseworthy, illaudable.
commendatory, a. laudatory, eulogistic.
comment, v. remark, descant, annotate.
comment, n. remark, observation; annotation, commentary, explanation.
commentator, n. annotator, expositor, scholiast, glossarist, postillator.
commerce, n. traffic, barter, business, trading; intercourse, communication.
commercial, a. mercantile.
commit, v. intrust, consign; perpetrate, do.
common, a. public, general; customary, usual, ordinary, unexceptional, commonplace, inconspicuous, average, mediocre; plebeian, proletarian.
commonalty, n. populace, proletariate, proletariat, varletry, bourgeoisie, ruck, rank and file, the common people.
commonly, adv. ordinarily, generally, customarily.
common man. commoner, proletary, plebeian.
commonplace, a. ordinary, banal, hackneyed, trite, platitudinous, prosaic.
commonplace, n. platitude, banality.
commotion, n. agitation, tumult, disturbance, turmoil, riot, perturbation, flurry, furore.
communion, n. participation, sharing, communication: association, fellowship.
communion, n. eucharist, Lord's Supper, sacrament: viaticum. Associated Words: elements, host, wafer, chalice, paten, credence, corporal, eucharistic, ciborium, ostension, purificator, impanation, transubstantiation, consubstantiation, concomitance, post-communion, ante-communion, volipresence, ostensorium, monstrance, sursum corda, dominicale, celebrant, communicant, consistentes, intinction.
communism, n. socialism, humanitarianism, Fourierism, Saint Simonianism, phalansterism.
compact, a. close, solid, dense, crowded, impenetrable, serried.
compact, n. covenant, agreement, pact, treaty, contract.
companion, n. associate, comrade, intimate, consort, partner, fellow, mate, chum, compeer, confederate, accomplice, ally, colleague, crony, confrere, concomitant, accessory.
companionable, a. affable, congenial, genial.
companionship, n. association, intimacy, fellowship, society, company.
company, n. guest, visitor; fellowship, companionship, association, society; companion, escort; assembly, group, concourse, crowd; corporation, syndicate, firm, house; troupe; band, guild. See society. Antonyms: seclusion, loneliness, retirement, host.
compare, v. collate, liken.
comparison, n. collation; illustration, similitude, simile.
compass, n. Associated Words: binnacle, gimbal.
compass, n. extent, reach, sweep.
compassion, n. pity, sympathy, commiseration, condolence mercy.
compel, v. force, make, constrain, oblige, necessitate, coerce, drive, dragoon, overpower.
compelling, a. forcible, coercive, constraining, imperative, compulsory. Antonyms: elective, optional, discretional.
compelling, n. compulsion, coercion, constraint, duress, force.
compendium, n. epitome, summary, digest.
competency, n. fitness, ability, qualification, efficiency, proficiency, capability.
competent, a. qualified, capable, efficient, proficient, able. Antonym: incompetent.
competition, n. emulation, rivalry, contention, strife.
competitor, n. rival, contestant, opponent, antagonist.
complain, v. murmur, repine, grumble, whine, croak.
complaining, a. murmuring, repining, querimonious, querulous, discontented, grumbling.
complaint, n. murmur, plaint, lamentation; malady, ailment, disease; accusation, allegation, information.
complete, v. finish, consummate, perfect.
complete, a. entire, consummate, whole, integral, plenary, unabridged, intact.
completion, n. consummation, integration, elaboration, finishing, realization, effectuation.
complex, a. composite, compound, mixed; complicated, intricate, involved. Antonyms: incomplex, simple, obvious.
complexity, n. intricacy, entanglement, complication.
compliance, n. yielding, concession, submission, obedience, acquiescence.
compliant, a. yielding, obedient, tractable, submissive, flexible.
complicated, a. complex, intricate, involved, entangled, complicate.
complication, n. intricacy, entanglement, involution, complexity, snarl, confusion, imbroglio. Antonyms: disentanglement, simplicity.
composure, n. self-possession, calmness, sedateness, equanimity.
compound, n. combination, mixture, concoction, amalgamation, intermixture, conglomeration, farrago, medley, synthesis, salmagundi, jumble, olio, hodgepodge, olla podrida.
comprehend, v. understand, fathom, grasp; embrace, comprise, embody, contain.
comprehension, n. understanding, apprehension. Antonyms: incomprehension, inapprehension.
comprise, v. comprehend, include, embrace, involve, contain, embody.
compulsion, n. constraint, coercion, obligation, coaction. Antonyms: discretion, spontaneity, volition, election, free-will.
compulsory, a. constraining, coercive, obligatory, unavoidable. Antonyms: optional, discretional, elective.
compunction, n. qualm, contrition, remorse, regret, sting of conscience.
compute, v. reckon, calculate, enumerate, rate, estimate.
comrade, n. associate, companion, mate, compeer.
comradeship, n. association, camaraderie.
concave, a. rounded, vaulted. Antonym: convex.
concealed, a. hidden, latent, secreted, clandestine, disguised.
concealment, n. secretion, hiding; secrecy, latency, privacy, seclusion, retirement; suppression.
conceit, n. idea, conception, fancy; whim, caprice, vagary, freak; priggery, vanity, egotism, self-conceit, inflation, self-glorification, overweening, conceitedness.
conceited, a. egotistical, priggish, bombastic, bumptious, vain, overweening, self-conceited.
concentrate, v. centralize, focus, consolidate; condense, rectify.
concentration, n. centralization, consolidation; condensation.
concept, n. conception, notion, idea.
conception, n. ideation, imagination; idea, concept, notion, impression.
concern, n. business, affair; moment, importance, interest, weight, consequence; solicitude, anxiety, uneasiness care; firm, house, company, partnership. Antonyms: unconcern, inconsequence.
concerned, a. solicitous, worried, anxious, apprehensive, troubled, uneasy. Antonyms: unconcerned, indifferent.
concerning, prep. regarding, about, respecting, touching, with reference to.
concert, n. accordance, concurrence, harmony; musicale.
concise, a. epigrammatic, sententious, succinct, laconic, pithy. Antonyms: diffuse, prolix.
conclude, v. decide, determine, resolve; end, close; infer, deduce; effect, arrange.
conclusion, n. decision, determination; inference, deduction, corollary, illation; close, end, peroration, finale, completion, denouement, l'envoy.
concoct, v. compound, mix; devise, contrive, invent, excogitate.
concrete, a. solidified, consolidated; specific, special, particular.
concretion, n. solidification, lapidescence, stone; clot, coagulation.
concubine, n. paramour, odalisque; pl. harem, seraglio.
condemn, v. denounce, anathematize, curse, execrate, reprobate, doom, ban. Antonyms: exonerate, exculpate, vindicate, absolve, justify, praise.
condemnation, n. denunciation, reprobation, execration, ban.
condemnatory, a. denunciatory, condemning.
condense, v. abridge, epitomize, reduce; compress, concentrate.
condescend, v. deign, vouchsafe.
condition, n. state, plight, category, predicament, situation, stipulation, provision, proviso, term, prerequisite.
conditional, a. contingent, subject, provisory.
conduce, v. lead, tend, contribute, redound, subserve, advance.
conduct, v. lead, pilot, escort, guide, attend, convoy; administer, manage.
conduct, n. guidance, management, leadership, administration, behavior, deportment.
confederate, a. confederated, federated, allied, leagued.
confederation, n. coalition, federation, league, confederacy, union.
confess, v. acknowledge, own, admit, avow; divulge, disclose, reveal.
confession, n. acknowledgment, avowal, admission; confiteor; shrift; exomologesis. Associated Words: shrive, shrift, confessional, shriven, shriver, shrift, father.
confidence, n. reliance, trust, faith, dependence; assurance, certainty. Antonyms: See doubt.
confidence game. swindle.
confident, a. sure, undoubting, sanguine, reliant, undaunted.
confine, n. boundary, border, frontier, limit.
confine, v. restrain, restrict, limit, circumscribe, pinion, inclose, bound; immure, imprison, incarcerate.
confinement, n. restraint, imprisonment, durance, duress, incarceration, immurement, limbo; limitation, circumscription; lying-in, childbirth.
confines, n. pl. boundaries, borders, precincts, outskirts, purlieus, marches, frontiers.
confirm, v. ratify, verify, corroborate, substantiate. Antonyms: See abrogate.
confirmation, n. ratification, corroboration, substantiation, verification.
conflict, n. clashing, antagonism, encounter, opposition, battle, struggle, strife, skirmish, contest, combat, affray, fray, scrimmage.
conflict, v. clash, interfere, collide, be contradictory.
conflicting, a. contending, contradictory, contrary, opposing.
confound, v. confuse, disconcert, abash, nonplus, bewilder.
confounded, a. confused, disconcerted, abashed; (Colloq.) extreme, excessive, odious, detestable.
confuse, v. disconcert, perplex, abash, fluster, embarrass, chagrin, pose, nonplus, bewilder, obfuscate, discompose, addle, obscure, confound, derange.
confusion, n. disorder, tumult, turmoil, disarray, jumble, chaos; babel, pandemonium, commotion; abashment, chagrin, agitation, disconcertion, mortification, consternation fluster, perturbation, discomposure, flustration, obfuscation, distraction, flurry.
confutation, n. disproof, refutation.
Confute, v. refute, disprove.
congenial, a. kindred, sympathetic; suited, suitable, agreeable, genial.
congratulate, v. felicitate, gratulate. Antonyms: commiserate, condole with.
congratulation, n. felicitation, gratulation.
conjecture, n. surmise, supposition.—v. surmise, guess, speculate.
conjuration, n. incantation, enchantment, spell, sorcery, magic art.
conjurer, n. sorcerer, magician, wizard, diviner, exorcist, enchanter.
connect, v. join, link, couple, attach, unite, affiliate; implicate.
connected, a. joined, coupled, linked, affiliated, related, akin, associated.
connection, n. union, alliance, relationship, junction, conjunction, affiliation, association, filiation; implication, relative, relation, kinsman; bond, tie, link, coupling vinculum. Antonyms: disconnection, detachment, isolation, incoherence.
conquer, v. defeat, overpower, down, vanquish, triumph, overthrow, subdue, subjugate.
conqueror, n. subjugator, subduer, vanquisher, victor; conquistador.
conquest, n. subjection, subjugation, victory, mastery, triumph, reduction, overthrow, rout.
conscience, n. Associated Words: casuistry, Erinys, compunction, qualm.
conscientious, a. scrupulous, just, upright, high- minded.
conscionable, a. reasonable, just.
conscious, a. cognizant, aware, sensible, apprised; sentient, percipient, knowing. Antonyms: See unconscious.
consecrate, v. dedicate, sanctify, hallow.
consent, v. agree, accord, concur, accede, yield, assent, acquiesce, comply, permit. Antonyms: dissent, disagree, refuse.
consent, n. concurrence, acquiescence, compliance, approval, permission, agreement.
consequence, n. result, effect, issue, event, sequence, sequel, outcome, upshot, eventuality; pursuance; importance, moment, weight. Antonym: inconsequence.
conservation, n. preservation, maintenance, keeping.
conserve, v. save, preserve.
consider, v. meditate on, ponder, contemplate, think about; regard, heed.
considerate, a. thoughtful, circumspect, heedful, mindful Antonyms: See inconsiderate.
consideration, n. deliberation, advisement, contemplation, deference; motive, reason.
console, v. comfort, cheer, condole with, solace, sympathize with.
consolidate, v. solidify, compress, concrete; unify, merge, incorporate, combine.
consolidation, n. unification, union, combination, incorporation.
consonant, n. Associated Words: spirant, fricative, surd, sibilant.
conspicuous, a. salient, noticeable, prominent, manifest. Antonym: inconspicuous.
conspiracy, n. plot, complot, machination, cabal, intrigue, collusion.
conspirator, n. conspirer, plotter, intriguer, caballer, machinator.
conspire, v. plot, complot, cabal, machinate, intrigue, collude.
constancy, n. steadfastness, stability, unchangeableness, resolution, loyalty, devotion, fidelity.
constant, a. permanent, unchanging; unwavering, unshaken, steadfast, stanch, unswerving, loyal, faithful; continuous, incessant, continual, perpetual, uninterrupted. Antonyms: See inconstant.
consternation, n. dismay, terror, alarm, panic, distraction.
constipated, a. costive, bound.
constipation, n. costiveness, stegnosis.
constitution, n. structure, physique, temperament.
constitutional, a. inborn, innate, organic, inbred, natural, congenital.
constrained, a. involuntary, forced, unnatural, embarrassed.
constraint, n. compulsion, coercion, force, pressure; restraint, restriction.
constrictor, n. sphincter.
consultation, n. conference, council, convocation, advisement.
consummate, a. perfect, supreme, complete, finished.
consummation, n. fulfillment, perfection, realization, attainment.
consumption, n. phthisis; consuming.
contact, n. touching, tangency, contingency, impact, juxtaposition, osculation, contiguity, apposition, syzygy.
contagion, n. virus, infection, contagium.
contagious, a. communicable, infectious, pestilential, pestiferous. Antonym: incommunicable.
contain, v. comprise, embody, include, comprehend, hold, restrain.
container, n. receptacle.
contaminate, v. corrupt, pollute, defile, infect, taint, vitiate, sully, debase.
contamination, n. corruption, pollution, defilement, vitiation, taint, infection.
contemporaneous, a. contemporary, synchionous, synchronal, coexistent.
contemporary, a. contemporaneous, coeval.
contempt, n. disdain, scorn, contumely, derision, detestation, disgrace, reproach.
contemptible, a. despicable, abject.
contemptuous, a. disdainful, supercilious, scornful, insolent, flouting, cynical, contumelious, haughty.
contend, v. struggle, vie, wrestle, combat, compete; dispute, maintain, argue.
content, v. satisfy, appease, gratify.
contented, a. content, satisfied.
contention, n. controversy, dissension, altercation, quarrel, dispute.
contentious, a. disputatious, litigious, quarrelsome; dissentious, polemical.
contest, n. rivalry, match, tournament, tourney, competition, emulation; dispute, controversy, dissension, contention.
continual, a. ceaseless, incessant, constant, uninterrupted, unremitting.
continuance, n. endurance, persistence, constancy, continuation.
continuation, n. protraction, prolongation, continuance, perpetuation.
continued, a. prolonged, protracted, extended; serial.
continuous, a. ceaseless, uninterrupted, unceasing, continual, constant, running. Antonyms: intermittent, occasional, inconstant.
contraband, a. prohibited, forbidden, unlawful, illegal.
contract, v. reduce, narrow, condense; incur, acquire; covenant, agree; shrivel, shrink; syncopate.
contract, n. agreement, compact, covenant, pact, protocol, treaty, concordat, convention, stipulation.
contracting, a. astringent, puckering, contractile.
contraction, n. astriction, constriction, stricture, syncopation, condensation.
contradict, v. gainsay, controvert, impugn, dispute, contravene.
contradiction, n. gainsaying, opposition, contrariety, antagonism, paradox, inconsistency.
contradictory, a. inconsistent, irreconcilable, paradoxical, opposing, contradicting.
contrariety, n. antagonism, repugnance, disagreement, inconsistency, opposition.
contrary, a. opposite, adverse, counter, opposed; repugnant, incompatible, contradictory, retroactive, antagonistic, conflicting, abhorrent, inconsistent; perverse, wayward, refractory, headstrong, intractable.
contrast, n. comparison; opposition, antithesis, dissimilitude, unlikeness.
contravene, v. thwart, oppose, counteract countervail; violate, transgress.
contravention, n. thwarting, opposition, counteraction, violation, transgression.
contrite, a. penitent, repentant, sorrowful. Antonyms: impenitent, obdurate.
contrite person. penitent, repentant.
contrition, n. penitence, compunction, remorse, attrition, self-reproach.
contrivance, n. contriving, devising; device, expedient, scheme, invention.
contrive, v. devise, concoct, invent, excogitate, scheme, plan.
control, v. restrain, regulate, govern, manage, repress, direct, bridle, dominate.
control, n. restraint, repression, check, hindrance; domination, ascendency, dominion, regulation, superintendence governance, command, mastery. Antonyms: unrestraint, abandon, subjection.
controller, n. governor, regulator, ruler; comptroller.
controversial, a. disputatious, polemical.
controversy, n. dispute, contention, disoutation, altercation polemics, logomachy.
convalescence, n. revalescence.
convene, v. assemble, convoke, congregate.
convenient, a. handy, advantageous; seasonable, timely, opportune, suitable; accessible.
convent, n. nunnery, monastery, cloister, abbey, priory. Associated words: conventual, conventical, monastic.
convention, n. custom, usage, conventionality; assembly, convocation, congress, diet, synod, council.
conversation, n. converse, colloquy, parlance, parley, interlocution, chat, causerie, conference, confabulation, interview.
conversational, a. colloquial, interlocutory.
converse, v. talk, chat, commune, confabulate, parley.
converse, n. intercourse, communion, conversation, parley.
conversion, n. transmutation, transformation; proselytism; regeneration; appropriation, application, employment.
convert, v. transform, transmute; proselyte; regenerate; appropriate, apply.
convert, n. proselyte.
convex, a. protuberant, bulging, gibbous. Antonym: concave.
convexity, n. protuberance, gibbosity. Antonym: concavity.
conveyance, n. carriage, transmission; transfer, demise, alienation, cession.
convict, n. felon, prisoner, criminal, culprit, malefactor.
convincing, a. cogent, persuasive, conclusive.
convivial, a. festive, festal, social, jolly, gay.
convocation, n. convention, congress, synod, diet, council, consistory.
convoy, n. protection, escort, attendance; guard, escort.
convulsion, n. spasm, paroxysm; agitation, commotion, disturbance, upheaval.
cook, n. chef (chief cook).
cook, v. stew, seethe, gratinate; (Colloq.) tamper with, garble, falsify.
cookable, a. coctible.
cooking, n. cuisine.
cook-room, n. kitchen, cuisine; galley, cuddy.
cool, v. chill, refrigerate; moderate, allay, calm, quiet.
cool, a. deliberate, self-possessed, unexcited, dispassionate, indifferent, nonchalant, unconcerned, composed; chilling, apathetic, repellent, distant, unfriendly, ceremonious; audacious, impudent, shameless, presumptuous, flippant, presuming.
cooler, n. refrigerator.
cooling, n. refrigeration; gelation (Astron.)—a. refrigerant, chilling.
cooling room of Roman baths. frigidarium.
coolness, n. dispassion, nonchalance, indifference; (Colloq.) impudence, audacity.
coon, n. raccoon, mapach.
coop, n. pen, cote, mew, hutch, poultry-house.
coop, v. confine, shut up, imprison, incage, mew.
cooeperate, v. concur, unite, work together; collude.
cooeperating, a. cooperative, auxiliary, concurrent; synergetic.
cooeperation, n. concurrence, working together; collusion; synergism, synergy. Antonyms: antagonism, competition, opposition.
coot, n. (Colloq.) dolt, dunce, dullard, simpleton.
copier, n. copyist, transcriber; imitator, plagiarist. Antonym: originator.
copious, a. plentiful, abundant, overflowing, ample, exuberant.
copper, n. cuprum; cauldron. Associated Words: cupreous, cupric, cupriferous, cuprite, cuprous, speiss, chalcopyrite, chalcography, eruginous, verdigris, chalcographer, chalcographist.
copperas, n. green vitriol, sulphate of iron, ferrous sulphate.
coppice, n. copse.
copse, n. thicket, brushwood, coppice, boscage, bosk.
copulation, n. union, conjunction; sexual union, coition. Associated words: intromittent, infibulation, copulatory, copulate.
copy, n. transcript, reproduction, transcription, replica, replication, facsimile, duplicate, pasticcio, counterpart, counterfeit, imitation, apograph, estreat, exemplification, protocol, porotype; pattern, model, original, example, precedent; manuscript.
copy, v. transcribe, reproduce, trace, duplicate; imitate, ape, follow; exemplify.
copying machine. copygraph, polygraph.
copyist, n. transcriber, copier; imitator, plagiarist.
coquette, n. flirt.
coral, n. madrepora, madrepore.
cord, n. string, twine, torsade.
cordial, a. hearty, sincere, affectionate; strengthening, invigorating, cheering.
cordiality, n. sincerity, heartiness, ardor, empressement.
cork, n. stopper, stopple, shive. Associated Words: cloop, phelloplastics, phelloplastic, subereous, suberin, phellogen.
corn, n. maize, Indian corn; clavus.
corner, n. angle, cusp, cantle, bight, coin, quoin, coigne; nook, recess, niche; direction, quarter.
corner, v. nonplus, pose, perplex, confuse.
cornerwise, adv. diagonally.
cornhouse, n. granary.
corporal, a. bodily, corporeal, material.
corpse, n. remains, relics, cadaver; carcass; mummy. Associated words: cadaverous, cadaveric, necrophilism, necrophilous, carrion, necrophobia, necrogenic, necrogenous, necrotomy, necropsy, coffin, bier, catafalque, vespillo, cremate, cremation, crematory, crematorium, embalm, embalming.
correct, a. accurate, right, exact, precise. Antonyms: incorrect, erroneous.
correct, v. rectify, amend, emend, right; reprove, discipline; counteract, modify.
correctible, a. rectifiable.
correction, n. rectification, amendment, emendation; discipline, punishment; counteraction.
corrective, a. rectifying, reformatory, correctory, disciplinary emendatory.
correctness, n. accuracy, inerrancy, exactness, precision. Antonyms: incorrectness, inaccuracy, inexactness, error.
correspond, v. accord, comport, tally, correlate, harmonize, agree.
correspondence, n. adaptation, agreement, congruity, concurrence, homology; letters.
correspondent, a. conformable, congruous.
corrode, v. erode, canker; consume, wear away.
corrosion, n. erosion.
corrosive, a. erosive, eroding, corroding; vexing, carking, fretting.
corrupt, a. spoiled, tainted, addled, rotten, decaying; vitiated, depraved, dissolute, venal, unprincipled, unscrupulous, vicious, purchasable, mercenary.
corrupt, v. rot, spoil, deprave, vitiate, pervert, debase, demoralize, defile, infect, pollute.
corruption, n. putrefaction, decay; pollution, vitiation: improbity, venality, depravity, demoralization, dishonesty, bribery, subornation. Antonyms: incorruption, honesty.
cortege, n. procession.
cosmopolitan, n. cosmopolite.
cost, n. charge, expense, price, outlay; detriment, loss.
costemonger, n. fruiterer, costardmonger, coster.
costiveness, n. constipation.
costly, a. expensive, dear, high-priced; sumptuous, rich.
cot, n. cottage, hut; pen, coop, cote; cradle, crib.
coterie, n. clique, set, circle.
cottage, n. cot, cabin, lodge, casino, bungalow, chalet, hacienda, croft, hovel, shack, bower, shanty.
cottage cheese. smearcase.
cottager, n. cotter, cottier.
couch, n. lounge, sofa, bed.
cough, n. Associated Words: bechic, tussicular, pectoral, tussive.
council, n. aldermen, cabinet; assembly, junta, junto, camarilla, synod, cabal.
council-chamber, n. audience-room, divan.
counsel, n. consultation; prudence, deliberation, forethought; advice, admonition, suggestion. Associated Words: mentorial, monitorial, admonitory.
counsel, v. advise, admonish.
counselor, n. adviser, mentor, monitor, admonitor; lawyer, attorney.
count, v. enumerate, number; esteem, consider, reckon, judge, think.
count, n. numbering.
countenance, n. face, visage, features; support, goodwill, encouragement.—v. encourage, favor, approve.
counter, a. contrary, opposite, antagonistic.
counteract, v. defeat, frustrate, contravene, neutralize.
counteraction, n. frustration, contravention, neutralization.
counterbalance, v. counterpoise, countervail, equiponderate, balance.
counterfeit, a. false, fraudulent, spurious, fictitious, sham, mock, feigned.
countermand, v. revoke, cancel, rescind, recall.—n. revocation, rescission.
counterpoint, n. polyphony.
counterpoise, v. counterbalance, balance, equiponderate.
countersign, n. watchword, password, consigne.
counterterm, n. antonym.
counting frame. abacus.
count out. exclude.
countrified, a. rude, uncourtly, rustic, bucolic, rural.
country, n. region, territory; nation; rural parts, farming region. Associated Words: patriotism, patriot, patriotic, incivism, compatriot, expatriate, expatriation, deport, deportation, repatriate, repatriation, national, rusticate, rustication.
country, a. rural, rustic, agrestic.
countryman, n. compatriot, fellow-citizen; farmer, granger husbandman, rustic; peasant; (country bumpkin) yokel, carl, clod, clodhopper, churl, yahoo.
county, n. shire.
couple, n. two, pair, brace, span, couplet, team.
couple, v. join, link, connect; copulate.
couplet, n. distich.
courage, n. intrepidity, heroism, bravery, gallantry, hardihood, fortitude, valor, fearlessness, pluck, prowess. Antonyms: See cowardice and fear.
courageous, a. intrepid, brave, heroic, gallant, hardy, bold, fearless, valiant, valorous, dauntless, chivalrous, plucky, daring, lion-hearted.
courier, n. messenger, runner; estafet.
course, n. progress, passage; direction, bearing; heat, bout, round; procedure; sequence, routine, order, succession regularity; career; series.
court, n. tribunal, judicatory, judicature, judiciary, forum, mall; courtyard, quadrangle, cortile; jurisdiction; royal household, princely retinue; assize. Associated Words: curialistic, aulic, judicial, judiciary, forensic, docket, tipstaff, beadle, apparitor, summoner, dies judicus, dies non.
court, v. woo, spark; solicit, seek, allure, attract, invite.
courteous, a. deferential, polite, debonair, gracious, urbane, civil, respectful.
courtesan, n. prostitute, harlot, demirep, amorosa, bona roba.
courtesy, n. politeness, urbanity, civility, complaisance; favor, indulgence; curtsy.
courtly, a. elegant, dignified, polite.
courtyard, n. court, quadrangle, area, cortile, yard; patio, (Sp. America).
cove, n. bay, recess, bight, inlet.
covenant, n. compact, agreement, pact, concordat.
cover, v. overspread, overlay, thatch, hide, conceal, secrete; comprise, embrace, embody, comprehend; copulate with, serve.
cover, n. lid, covering, case, canopy, awning, tilt, roof, casing, cope, capsule, envelope; shelter, protection, defense, safeguard; counterpane, quilt, coverlet, spread; covert, underbrush, undergrowth, underwood, jungle, bush; plate.
covered, a. covert, screened, sheltered, protected, hidden.
covering, n. cover, wrapper, sheath, pavilion.
covert, a. secret, hidden, disguised, clandestine, stealthy.
covert, n. shelter, refuge, retreat; underwood, jungle, thicket.
covetousness, n. cupidity, avarice, greed.
cow, n. female of bovine animals; heifer (young cow); maverick. Associated Words: bovine, Bos, moo, low, lowing, farrow, beef, neat, moolley, vachery, chiche-vache, milch.
cow, v. overawe, daunt, intimidate, scare, dishearten.
coward, n. craven, dastard, poltroon, milksop, recreant.
cowardice, n. pusillanimity, poltroonery, dastardy, recreancy, timidity, cowardliness.
cowardly, a. craven, pusillanimous, dastard, dastardly, poltroon, recreant, timorous, white-livered, chicken-hearted faint-hearted, spiritless.
cowboy, n. cattle herder, drover, herdsman, vaquero.
cowcatcher, n. pilot.
cow doctor. veterinarian, veterinary, veterinary surgeon.
cower, v. crouch, squat; quail, cringe.
cowlike, a. bovine.
coworker, n. colleague, coagent, collaborator, associate.
cowpox, n. vaccinia, kinepox, cowpock, kinepock.
coxcomb, n. fop, dandy, dude, popinjay, exquisite.
coy, a. shy, modest, retiring, demure, reserved.
cozy, a. snug; talkative, chatty, sociable.
crab, n. crustacean, mollusk.
crabbed, a. See cross.
crabs, n. pl. Cancer, Crustacea, Mollusca, Brachyura. Associated words: crustacean, cancriform, cancerite, cancrine, cancroid, lobster, carcinology, brachyurean, cancrivorous, cancrophagous, carcinoid, carcinomorphic.
crack, n. chink, crevice, cranny, fissure, rift, rime, rent, cleft, interstice; rupture, breach, flaw; report, clap, pop, explosion, snap. |