There is practically no limit to the uses to which these bells may be put. They can be called into requisition in theatres, concert halls, and public buildings, as they range in all sizes, from those described down to little sets of silver bells that might be placed on a small centre table.
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[The Republic, Washington, D.C., February 2, 1895]
"My faith has the strength to nourish trees as well as souls," was the remark Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, the "Mother" of Christian Science, made recently as she pointed to a number of large elms that shade her delightful country home in Concord, N.H. "I had them brought here in warm weather, almost as big as they are now, and not one died." This is a remarkable statement, but it is made by a remarkable woman, who has originated a new phase of religious belief, and who numbers over one hundred thousand intelligent people among her devoted followers.
The great hold she has upon this army was demonstrated in a very tangible and material manner recently, when "The First Church of Christ, Scientist," erected at a cost of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, was dedicated in Boston. This handsome edifice was paid for before it was begun, by the voluntary contributions of Christian Scientists all over the country, and a tablet imbedded in its wall declares that it was built as "a testimonial to our beloved teacher, Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, author of its textbook, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,' president of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and the first pastor of this denomination."
There is usually considerable difficulty in securing sufficient funds for the building of a new church, but such was not the experience of Rev. Mary Baker Eddy. Money came freely from all parts of the United States. Men, women, and children contributed, some giving a pittance, others donating large sums. When the necessary amount was raised, the custodian of the funds was compelled to refuse further contributions, in order to stop the continued inflow of money from enthusiastic Christian Scientists.
Mrs. Eddy says she discovered Christian Science in 1866. She studied the Scriptures and the sciences, she declares, in a search for the great curative Principle. She investigated allopathy, homoeopathy, and electricity, without finding a clew; and modern philosophy gave her no distinct statement of the Science of Mind-healing. After careful study she became convinced that the curative Principle was the Deity.
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[New York Tribune, February 7, 1895]
Boston has just dedicated the first church of the Christian Scientists, in commemoration of the Founder of that sect, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, drawing together six thousand people to participate in the ceremonies, showing that belief in that curious creed is not confined to its original apostles and promulgators, but that it has penetrated what is called the New England mind to an unlooked-for extent. In inviting the Eastern churches and the Anglican fold to unity with Rome, the Holy Father should not overlook the Boston sect of Christian Scientists, which is rather small and new, to be sure, but is undoubtedly an interesting faith and may have a future before it, whatever attitude Rome may assume toward it.
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[Journal, Kansas City, Mo., January 10, 1895]
Attention is directed to the progress which has been made by what is called Christian Science by the dedication at Boston of "The First Church of Christ, Scientist." It is a most beautiful structure of gray granite, and its builders call it their "prayer in stone," which suggests to recollection the story of the cathedral of Amiens, whose architectural construction and arrangement of statuary and paintings made it to be called the Bible of that city. The Frankish church was reared upon the spot where, in pagan times, one bitter winter day, a Roman soldier parted his mantle with his sword and gave half of the garment to a naked beggar; and so was memorialized in art and stone what was called the divine spirit of giving, whose unbelieving exemplar afterward became a saint. The Boston church similarly expresses the faith of those who believe in what they term the divine art of healing, which, to their minds, exists as much to-day as it did when Christ healed the sick.
The first church organization of this faith was founded fifteen years ago with a membership of only twenty-six, and since then the number of believers has grown with remarkable rapidity, until now there are societies in every part of the country. This growth, it is said, proceeds more from the graveyards than from conversions from other churches, for most of those who embrace the faith claim to have been rescued from death miraculously under the injunction to "heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons." They hold with strict fidelity to what they conceive to be the literal teachings of the Bible as expressed in its poetical and highly figurative language.
Altogether the belief and service are well suited to satisfy a taste for the mystical which, along many lines, has shown an uncommon development in this country during the last decade, and which is largely Oriental in its choice. Such a rapid departure from long respected views as is marked by the dedication of this church, and others of kindred meaning, may reasonably excite wonder as to how radical is to be this encroachment upon prevailing faiths, and whether some of the pre-Christian ideas of the Asiatics are eventually to supplant those in company with which our civilization has developed.
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[Montreal Daily Herald, Saturday, February 2, 1895]
"If you would found a new faith, go to Boston," has been said by a great American writer. This is no idle word, but a fact borne out by circumstances. Boston can fairly claim to be the hub of the logical universe, and an accurate census of the religious faiths which are to be found there to-day would probably show a greater number of them than even Max O'Rell's famous enumeration of John Bull's creeds.
Christian Science, or the Principle of divine healing, is one of those movements which seek to give expression to a higher spirituality. Founded twenty-five years ago, it was still practically unknown a decade since, but to-day it numbers over a quarter of a million of believers, the majority of whom are in the United States, and is rapidly growing. In Canada, also, there is a large number of members. Toronto and Montreal have strong churches, comparatively, while in many towns and villages single believers or little knots of them are to be found.
It was exactly one hundred years from the date of the Declaration of Independence, when on July 4, 1876, the first Christian Scientist Association was organized by seven persons, of whom the foremost was Mrs. Eddy. The church was founded in April, 1879, with twenty-six members, and a charter was obtained two months later. Mrs. Eddy assumed the pastorship of the church during its early years, and in 1881 was ordained, being now known as the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy.
The Massachusetts Metaphysical College was founded by Mrs. Eddy in 1881, and here she taught the principles of the faith for nine years. Students came to it in hundreds from all parts of the world, and many are now pastors or in practice. The college was closed in 1889, as Mrs. Eddy felt it necessary for the interests of her religious work to retire from active contact with the world. She now lives in a beautiful country residence in her native State.
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[The American, Baltimore, Md., January 14, 1895]
It is not generally known that a Christian Science congregation was organized in this city about a year ago. It now holds regular services in the parlor of the residence of the pastor, at 1414 Linden Avenue. The dedication in Boston last Sunday of the Christian Science church, called The Mother Church, which cost over two hundred thousand dollars, adds interest to the Baltimore organization. There are many other church edifices in the United States owned by Christian Scientists. Christian Science was founded by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. The Baltimore congregation was organized at a meeting held at the present location on February 27, 1894.
Dr. Hammond, the pastor, came to Baltimore about three years ago to organize this movement. Miss Cross came from Syracuse, N.Y., about eighteen months ago. Both were under the instruction of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, the Founder of the movement.
Dr. Hammond says he was converted to Christian Science by being cured by Mrs. Eddy of a physical ailment some twelve years ago, after several doctors had pronounced his case incurable. He says they use no medicines, but rely on Mind for cure, believing that disease comes from evil and sick-producing thoughts, and that, if they can so fill the mind with good thoughts as to leave no room there for the bad, they can work a cure. He distinguishes Christian Science from the faith-cure, and added: "This Christian Science really is a return to the ideas of primitive Christianity. It would take a small book to explain fully all about it, but I may say that the fundamental idea is that God is Mind, and we interpret the Scriptures wholly from the spiritual or metaphysical standpoint. We find in this view of the Bible the power fully developed to heal the sick. It is not faith-cure, but it is an acknowledgment of certain Christian and scientific laws, and to work a cure the practitioner must understand these laws aright. The patient may gain a better understanding than the Church has had in the past. All churches have prayed for the cure of disease, but they have not done so in an intelligent manner, understanding and demonstrating the Christ-healing."
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[The Reporter, Lebanon, Ind., January 18, 1895]
Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, author of its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," president of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and first pastor of the Christian Science denomination, is without doubt one of the most remarkable women in America. She has within a few years founded a sect that has over one hundred thousand converts, and very recently saw completed in Boston, as a testimonial to her labors, a handsome fire-proof church that cost two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and was paid for by Christian Scientists all over the country.
Mrs. Eddy asserts that in 1866 she became certain that "all causation was Mind, and every effect a mental phenomenon." Taking her text from the Bible, she endeavored in vain to find the great curative Principle—the Deity—in philosophy and schools of medicine, and she concluded that the way of salvation demonstrated by Jesus was the power of Truth over all error, sin, sickness, and death. Thus originated the divine or spiritual Science of Mind-healing, which she termed Christian Science. She has a palatial home in Boston and a country-seat in Concord, N.H. The Christian Science Church has a membership of four thousand, and eight hundred of the members are Bostonians.
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[N.Y. Commercial Advertiser, January 9, 1895]
The idea that Christian Science has declined in popularity is not borne out by the voluntary contribution of a quarter of a million dollars for a memorial church for Mrs. Eddy, the inventor of this cure. The money comes from Christian Science believers exclusively.
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[The Post, Syracuse, New York, February 1, 1895]
Christian Scientists in this city, and in fact all over the country, have been startled and greatly discomfited over the announcements in New York papers that Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the acknowledged Christian Science Leader, has been exalted by various dignitaries of the faith....
It is well known that Mrs. Eddy has resigned herself completely to the study and foundation of the faith to which many thousands throughout the United States are now so entirely devoted. By her followers and cobelievers she is unquestionably looked upon as having a divine mission to fulfil, and as though inspired in her great task by supernatural power.
For the purpose of learning the feeling of Scientists in this city toward the reported deification of Mrs. Eddy, a Post reporter called upon a few of the leading members of the faith yesterday and had a number of very interesting conversations upon the subject.
Mrs. D.W. Copeland of University Avenue was one of the first to be seen. Mrs. Copeland is a very pleasant and agreeable lady, ready to converse, and evidently very much absorbed in the work to which she has given so much of her attention. Mrs. Copeland claims to have been healed a number of years ago by Christian Scientists, after she had practically been given up by a number of well-known physicians.
"And for the past eleven years," said Mrs. Copeland, "I have not taken any medicine or drugs of any kind, and yet have been perfectly well."
In regard to Mrs. Eddy, Mrs. Copeland said that she was the Founder of the faith, but that she had never claimed, nor did she believe that Mrs. Lathrop had, that Mrs. Eddy had any power other than that which came from God and through faith in Him and His teachings.
"The power of Christ has been dormant in mankind for ages," added the speaker, "and it was Mrs. Eddy's mission to revive it. In our labors we take Christ as an example, going about doing good and healing the sick. Christ has told us to do his work, naming as one great essential that we have faith in him.
"Did you ever hear of Jesus' taking medicine himself, or giving it to others?" inquired the speaker. "Then why should we worry ourselves about sickness and disease? If we become sick, God will care for us, and will send to us those who have faith, who believe in His unlimited and divine power. Mrs. Eddy was strictly an ardent follower after God. She had faith in Him, and she cured herself of a deathly disease through the mediation of her God. Then she secluded herself from the world for three years and studied and meditated over His divine Word. She delved deep into the Biblical passages, and at the end of the period came from her seclusion one of the greatest Biblical scholars of the age. Her mission was then the mission of a Christian, to do good and heal the sick, and this duty she faithfully performed. She of herself had no power. But God has fulfilled His promises to her and to the world. If you have faith, you can move mountains."
Mrs. Henrietta N. Cole is also a very prominent member of the church. When seen yesterday she emphasized herself as being of the same theory as Mrs. Copeland. Mrs. Cole has made a careful and searching study in the beliefs of Scientists, and is perfectly versed in all their beliefs and doctrines. She stated that man of himself has no power, but that all comes from God. She placed no credit whatever in the reports from New York that Mrs. Eddy has been accredited as having been deified. She referred the reporter to the large volume which Mrs. Eddy had herself written, and said that no more complete and yet concise idea of her belief could be obtained than by a perusal of it.
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[New York Herald, February 6, 1895]
[By Telegraph to the Herald]
Concord, N.H., February 4, 1895.—The article published in the Herald on January 29, regarding a statement made by Mrs. Laura Lathrop, pastor of the Christian Science congregation that meets every Sunday in Hodgson Hall, New York, was shown to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, the Christian Science "Discoverer," to-day.
Mrs. Eddy preferred to prepare a written answer to the interrogatory, which she did in this letter, addressed to the editor of the Herald:—
"A despatch is given me, calling for an interview to answer for myself, 'Am I the second Christ?'
"Even the question shocks me. What I am is for God to declare in His infinite mercy. As it is, I claim nothing more than what I am, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and the blessing it has been to mankind which eternity enfolds.
"I think Mrs. Lathrop was not understood. If she said aught with intention to be thus understood, it is not what I have taught her, and not at all as I have heard her talk.
"My books and teachings maintain but one conclusion and statement of the Christ and the deification of mortals.
"Christ is individual, and one with God, in the sense of divine Love and its compound divine ideal.
"There was, is, and never can be but one God, one Christ, one Jesus of Nazareth. Whoever in any age expresses most of the spirit of Truth and Love, the Principle of God's idea, has most of the spirit of Christ, of that Mind which was in Christ Jesus.
"If Christian Scientists find in my writings, teachings, and example a greater degree of this spirit than in others, they can justly declare it. But to think or speak of me in any manner as a Christ, is sacrilegious. Such a statement would not only be false, but the absolute antipode of Christian Science, and would savor more of heathenism than of my doctrines.
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[The Globe, Toronto, Canada, January 12, 1895]
The Christian Scientists of Toronto, to the number of thirty, took part in the ceremonies at Boston last Sunday and for the day or two following, by which the members of that faith all over North America celebrated the dedication of the church constructed in the great New England capital as a testimonial to the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Rev. Mary Baker Eddy.
The temple is believed to be the most nearly fire-proof church structure on the continent, the only combustible material used in its construction being that used in the doors and pews. A striking feature of the church is a beautiful apartment known as the "Mother's Room," which is approached through a superb archway of Italian marble set in the wall. The furnishing of the "Mother's Room" is described as "particularly beautiful, and blends harmoniously with the pale green and gold decoration of the walls. The floor is of mosaic in elegant designs, and two alcoves are separated from the apartment by rich hangings of deep green plush, which in certain lights has a shimmer of silver. The furniture frames are of white mahogany in special designs, elaborately carved, and the upholstery is in white and gold tapestry. A superb mantel of Mexican onyx with gold decoration adorns the south wall, and before the hearth is a large rug composed entirely of skins of the eider-down duck, brought from the Arctic regions. Pictures and bric-a-brac everywhere suggest the tribute of loving friends. One of the two alcoves is a retiring-room and the other a lavatory in which the plumbing is all heavily plated with gold."
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[Evening Monitor, Concord, N.H., February 27, 1895]
Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer of Christian Science, has received from the members of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, an invitation formally to accept the magnificent new edifice of worship which the church has just erected.
The invitation itself is one of the most chastely elegant memorials ever prepared, and is a scroll of solid gold, suitably engraved, and encased in a handsome plush casket with white silk linings. Attached to the scroll is a golden key of the church structure.
The inscription reads thus:—
Dear Mother:—During the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four a church edifice was erected at the intersection of Falmouth and Norway Streets, in the city of Boston, by the loving hands of four thousand members. This edifice is built as a testimonial to Truth, as revealed by divine Love through you to this age. You are hereby most lovingly invited to visit and formally accept this testimonial on the twentieth day of February, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, at high noon.
"The First Church of Christ, Scientist, at Boston, Mass.
"To the Reverend Mary Baker Eddy,
"Boston, January 6th, 1895."
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[People and Patriot, Concord, N.H., February 27, 1895]
Members of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, at Boston, have forwarded to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy of this city, the Founder of Christian Science, a testimonial which is probably one of the most magnificent examples of the goldsmith's art ever wrought in this country. It is in the form of a gold scroll, twenty-six inches long, nine inches wide, and an eighth of an inch thick.
It bears upon its face the following inscription, cut in script letters:—
"Dear Mother:—During the year 1894 a church edifice was erected at the intersection of Falmouth and Norway Streets, in the city of Boston, by the loving hands of four thousand members. This edifice is built as a testimonial to Truth, as revealed by divine Love through you to this age. You are hereby most lovingly invited to visit and formally accept this testimonial on the 20th day of February, 1895, at high noon.
"The First Church of Christ, Scientist, at Boston, Mass.
"To the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy,
"Boston, January 6, 1895."
Attached by a white ribbon to the scroll is a gold key to the church door.
The testimonial is encased in a white satin-lined box of rich green velvet.
The scroll is on exhibition in the window of J.C. Derby's jewelry store.
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[The Union Signal, Chicago]
The dedication, in Boston, of a Christian Science temple costing over two hundred thousand dollars, and for which the money was all paid in so that no debt had to be taken care of on dedication day, is a notable event. While we are not, and never have been, devotees of Christian Science, it becomes us as students of public questions not to ignore a movement which, starting fifteen years ago, has already gained to itself adherents in every part of the civilized world, for it is a significant fact that one cannot take up a daily paper in town or village—to say nothing of cities—without seeing notices of Christian Science meetings, and in most instances they are held at "headquarters."
We believe there are two reasons for this remarkable development, which has shown a vitality so unexpected. The first is that a revolt was inevitable from the crass materialism of the cruder science that had taken possession of men's minds, for as a wicked but witty writer has said, "If there were no God, we should be obliged to invent one." There is something in the constitution of man that requires the religious sentiment as much as his lungs call for breath; indeed, the breath of his soul is a belief in God.
But when Christian Science arose, the thought of the world's scientific leaders had become materialistically "lopsided," and this condition can never long continue. There must be a righting-up of the mind as surely as of a ship when under stress of storm it is ready to capsize. The pendulum that has swung to one extreme will surely find the other. The religious sentiment in women is so strong that the revolt was headed by them; this was inevitable in the nature of the case. It began in the most intellectual city of the freest country in the world—that is to say, it sought the line of least resistance. Boston is emphatically the women's paradise,—numerically, socially, indeed every way. Here they have the largest individuality, the most recognition, the widest outlook. Mrs. Eddy we have never seen; her book has many a time been sent us by interested friends, and out of respect to them we have fairly broken our mental teeth over its granitic pebbles. That we could not understand it might be rather to the credit of the book than otherwise. On this subject we have no opinion to pronounce, but simply state the fact.
We do not, therefore, speak of the system it sets forth, either to praise or blame, but this much is true: the spirit of Christian Science ideas has caused an army of well-meaning people to believe in God and the power of faith, who did not believe in them before. It has made a myriad of women more thoughtful and devout; it has brought a hopeful spirit into the homes of unnumbered invalids. The belief that "thoughts are things," that the invisible is the only real world, that we are here to be trained into harmony with the laws of God, and that what we are here determines where we shall be hereafter—all these ideas are Christian.
The chimes on the Christian Science temple in Boston played "All hail the power of Jesus' name," on the morning of the dedication. We did not attend, but we learn that the name of Christ is nowhere spoken with more reverence than it was during those services, and that he is set forth as the power of God for righteousness and the express image of God for love.
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[The New Century, Boston, February, 1895]
We all know her—she is simply the woman of the past with an added grace—a newer charm. Some of her dearest ones call her "selfish" because she thinks so much of herself she spends her whole time helping others. She represents the composite beauty, sweetness, and nobility of all those who scorn self for the sake of love and her handmaiden duty—of all those who seek the brightness of truth not as the moth to be destroyed thereby, but as the lark who soars and sings to the great sun. She is of those who have so much to give they want no time to take, and their name is legion. She is as full of beautiful possibilities as a perfect harp, and she realizes that all the harmonies of the universe are in herself, while her own soul plays upon magic strings the unwritten anthems of love. She is the apostle of the true, the beautiful, the good, commissioned to complete all that the twelve have left undone. Hers is the mission of missions—the highest of all—to make the body not the prison, but the palace of the soul, with the brain for its great white throne.
When she comes like the south wind into the cold haunts of sin and sorrow, her words are smiles and her smiles are the sunlight which heals the stricken soul. Her hand is tender—but steel tempered with holy resolve, and as one whom her love had glorified once said—she is soft and gentle, but you could no more turn her from her course than winter could stop the coming of spring. She has long learned with patience, and to-day she knows many things dear to the soul far better than her teachers. In olden times the Jews claimed to be the conservators of the world's morals—they treated woman as a chattel, and said that because she was created after man, she was created solely for man. Too many still are Jews who never called Abraham "Father," while the Jews themselves have long acknowledged woman as man's proper helpmeet. In those days women had few lawful claims and no one to urge them. True, there were Miriam and Esther, but they sang and sacrificed for their people, not for their sex.
To-day there are ten thousand Esthers, and Miriams by the million, who sing best by singing most for their own sex. They are demanding the right to help make the laws, or at least to help enforce the laws upon which depends the welfare of their husbands, their children, and themselves. Why should our selfish self longer remain deaf to their cry? The date is no longer B.C. Might no longer makes right, and in this fair land at least fear has ceased to kiss the iron heel of wrong. Why then should we continue to demand woman's love and woman's help while we recklessly promise as lover and candidate what we never fulfil as husband and office-holder? In our secret heart our better self is shamed and dishonored, and appeals from Philip drunk to Philip sober, but has not yet the moral strength and courage to prosecute the appeal. But the east is rosy, and the sunlight cannot long be delayed. Woman must not and will not be disheartened by a thousand denials or a million of broken pledges. With the assurance of faith she prays, with the certainty of inspiration she works, and with the patience of genius she waits. At last she is becoming "as fair as the morn, as bright as the sun, and as terrible as an army with banners" to those who march under the black flag of oppression and wield the ruthless sword of injustice.
In olden times it was the Amazons who conquered the invincibles, and we must look now to their daughters to overcome our own allied armies of evil and to save us from ourselves. She must and will succeed, for as David sang—"God shall help her, and that right early." When we try to praise her later works it is as if we would pour incense upon the rose. It is the proudest boast of many of us that we are "bound to her by bonds dearer than freedom," and that we live in the reflected royalty which shines from her brow. We rejoice with her that at last we begin to know what John on Patmos meant—"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." She brought to warring men the Prince of Peace, and he, departing, left his scepter not in her hand, but in her soul. "The time of times" is near when "the new woman" shall subdue the whole earth with the weapons of peace. Then shall wrong be robbed of her bitterness and ingratitude of her sting, revenge shall clasp hands with pity, and love shall dwell in the tents of hate; while side by side, equal partners in all that is worth living for, shall stand the new man with the new woman.
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[Christian Science Journal, January, 1895]
The Mother Church edifice—The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, is erected. The close of the year, Anno Domini 1894, witnessed the completion of "our prayer in stone," all predictions and prognostications to the contrary notwithstanding.
Of the significance of this achievement we shall not undertake to speak in this article. It can be better felt than expressed. All who are awake thereto have some measure of understanding of what it means. But only the future will tell the story of its mighty meaning or unfold it to the comprehension of mankind. It is enough for us now to know that all obstacles to its completion have been met and overcome, and that our temple is completed as God intended it should be.
This achievement is the result of long years of untiring, unselfish, and zealous effort on the part of our beloved teacher and Leader, the Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, who nearly thirty years ago began to lay the foundation of this temple, and whose devotion and consecration to God and humanity during the intervening years have made its erection possible.
Those who now, in part, understand her mission, turn their hearts in gratitude to her for her great work, and those who do not understand it will, in the fulness of time, see and acknowledge it. In the measure in which she has unfolded and demonstrated divine Love, and built up in human consciousness a better and higher conception of God as Life, Truth, and Love,—as the divine Principle of all things which really exist,—and in the degree in which she has demonstrated the system of healing of Jesus and the apostles, surely she, as the one chosen of God to this end, is entitled to the gratitude and love of all who desire a better and grander humanity, and who believe it to be possible to establish the kingdom of heaven upon earth in accordance with the prayer and teachings of Jesus Christ.
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[Concord Evening Monitor, March 23, 1895]
Rev. Mary Baker Eddy received Friday, from the Christian Science Board of Directors, Boston, a beautiful and unique testimonial of the appreciation of her labors and loving generosity in the Cause of their common faith. It was a facsimile of the corner-stone of the new church of the Christian Scientists, just completed, being of granite, about six inches in each dimension, and contains a solid gold box, upon the cover of which is this inscription:—
"To our Beloved Teacher, the Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, from her affectionate Students, the Christian Science Board of Directors."
On the under side of the cover are the facsimile signatures of the Directors,—Ira O. Knapp, William B. Johnson, Joseph Armstrong, and Stephen A. Chase, with the date, "1895." The beautiful souvenir is encased in an elegant plush box.
Accompanying the stone testimonial was the following address from the Board of Directors:—
Boston, March 20, 1895.
To the Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, our Beloved Teacher and Leader:—We are happy to announce to you the completion of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston.
In behalf of your loving students and all contributors wherever they may be, we hereby present this church to you as a testimonial of love and gratitude for your labors and loving sacrifice, as the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and the author of its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."
We therefore respectfully extend to you the invitation to become the permanent pastor of this church, in connection with the Bible and the book alluded to above, which you have already ordained as our pastor. And we most cordially invite you to be present and take charge of any services that may be held therein. We especially desire you to be present on the twenty-fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, to accept this offering, with our humble benediction.
Lovingly yours,
Beloved Directors and Brethren:—For your costly offering, and kind call to the pastorate of "The First Church of Christ, Scientist," in Boston—accept my profound thanks. But permit me, respectfully, to decline their acceptance, while I fully appreciate your kind intentions. If it will comfort you in the least, make me your Pastor Emeritus, nominally. Through my book, your textbook, I already speak to you each Sunday. You ask too much when asking me to accept your grand church edifice. I have more of earth now, than I desire, and less of heaven; so pardon my refusal of that as a material offering. More effectual than the forum are our states of mind, to bless mankind. This wish stops not with my pen—God give you grace. As our church's tall tower detains the sun, so may luminous lines from your lives linger, a legacy to our race.
March 25, 1895.
* * * * *
From Canada to New Orleans, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, the author has received leading newspapers with uniformly kind and interesting articles on the dedication of The Mother Church. They were, however, too voluminous for these pages. To those which are copied she can append only a few of the names of other prominent newspapers whose articles are reluctantly omitted.
Advertiser, Calais, Me. Advertiser, Boston, Mass. Farmer, Bridgeport, Conn. Independent, Rockland, Mass. Kennebec Journal, Augusta, Me. News, New Haven, Conn. News, Newport, R.I. Post, Boston, Mass. Post, Hartford, Conn. Republican, Springfield, Mass. Sentinel, Eastport, Me. Sun, Attleboro, Mass.
Advertiser, New York City. Bulletin, Auburn, N.Y. Daily, York, Pa. Evening Reporter, Lebanon, Pa. Farmer, Bridgeport, Conn. Herald, Rochester, N.Y. Independent, Harrisburg, Pa. Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pa. Independent, New York City. Journal, Lockport, N.Y. Knickerbocker, Albany, N.Y. News, Buffalo, N.Y. News, Newark, N.J. Once A Week, New York City. Post, Pittsburgh, Pa. Press, Albany, N.Y. Press, New York City. Press, Philadelphia, Pa. Saratogian, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Sun, New York City. Telegram, Philadelphia, Pa. Telegram, Troy, N.Y. Times, Trenton, N.J.
Commercial, Louisville, Ky. Journal, Atlanta, Ga. Post, Washington, D.C. Telegram, New Orleans, La. Times, New Orleans, La. Times-Herald, Dallas, Tex.
Bee, Omaha, Neb. Bulletin, San Francisco, Cal. Chronicle, San Francisco, Cal. Elite, Chicago, Ill. Enquirer, Oakland, Cal. Free Press, Detroit, Mich. Gazette, Burlington, Iowa. Herald, Grand Rapids, Mich. Herald, St. Joseph, Mo. Journal, Columbus, Ohio. Journal, Topeka, Kans. Leader, Bloomington, Ill. Leader, Cleveland, Ohio. News, St. Joseph, Mo. News-Tribune, Duluth, Minn. Pioneer-Press, St. Paul, Minn. Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, Wash. Salt Lake Herald, Salt Lake City, Utah. Sentinel, Indianapolis, Ind. Sentinel, Milwaukee, Wis. Star, Kansas City, Mo. Telegram, Portland, Ore. Times, Chicago, Ill. Times, Minneapolis, Minn. Tribune, Minneapolis, Minn. Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Free Press, London, Can.
[Footnote A: See footnote on page nine.]
[Footnote B: This sum was increased to $5,568.51 by contributions which reached the Treasurer after the Dedicatory Services.]
[Footnote C: Steps were taken to promote the Church of Christ Scientist in April, May and June; formal organization was accomplished and the charter obtained in August, 1879.]
[Footnote D: NOTE:—About 1868, the author of Science and Health healed Mr. Whittier with one visit, at his home in Amesbury, of incipient pulmonary consumption.—M.B. EDDY.]
[Footnote E: At Mrs. Eddy's request the lamp was not kept burning.]