This is on 100 mks.
Item, on coffee, the poor and other uses, 3 shillings. Item, given to my wife to pay hir servants fies on the 31 of May 1673, ij dollars. [Lent to Mr. Jo. W.][674] repayed me [3 dollars.][674] Item, upon mum, 12 pence. Item, for the provests last act, to Jo. Trotter in his Improbation, 30 shilling. For a quaire of paper, 9 pence. Given to my wife on the 4 of June, 1673, 5 dollars. In James Haliburton's, 14 pence. Payed for 2 pair of shoes, 6 shillings and a groat. On a quaire of paper and other uses, a mark.
[674] Erased in MS.
This is near another 100 merks.
Item, given to my wife on the 9 day of June 1673, 6 dollars. To Joseph the barber, a shilling. Item, in Ja. Haliburton's, 18 pence. Item, for a timber chair, 18 pence. Item, on Leith on the race day, 3 shillings. Item, at the kirk door, 6 pence. For the post of a letter from my goodbrother, 14 pence. Item, in Maistertons with young Idington when he went away, 32 shiling. At dinner in Haliburton's, 20 pence. Item, to the barber, 6 pence. Item, upon other uses, 6 pence. Item, to my father's woman who keips the child George, given by myself and my wife, 2 dollars. Item, given to my wife, a dollar. Payed to the coallman, 10 lb.[675] Item, upon paper and ink, 10 pence. Item, in Ja. Haliburtons, 10 pence. Item, given to my wife for buying a scarfe, hood, 10 pence. fan, gloves, shoes, linnen for bands, etc., 7 dollars.
[675] This is one of the few instances in which an item of expenditure is stated in pounds.
This is another 100 merks. And which compleits the haill 380 merks receaved from my father on the 8 of may 1673.
Upon the 20 of June 1673 I receaved from William Binning a years salarie as tounes assessor which he was owing me for the year 1671 wheirin he was tresurer, being 150 lb. Scots, which is about 229 merks, out of which:
Imprimis, for a pair of net leather shoes, 3 shillings. Item, in Painston's with Mr. Todridge, 48 shill. Item, given to my wife partly to pay Margaret Neilsons fie and partly for other uses, 3 dollars. For a triple letter its post for Rome, 15 pence. Item, for seing the play called the Spanish Curate, halfe a dollar. Item, for cherries to Kate Chancellor their, halfe a dollar. Item, theirafter in Aikman's, 14 pence. Item, at the kirk door, halfe a mark. Item, spent when I was at Liberton kirk, 2 shillings. Item, for Thomas the Rymer's Prophecies, 4 pence. For the Lords answer in Fairlies case, a dollar. Item, given to my wife to compleit Margaret Neilsons fie during the haill tyme of hir service besides what was payed hir formerly, 6 dollars and a mark. Given to my wife for sundry uses, 10 dollars. To my sone John's nurse, 10 merks. Item, to buy paper etc. to him who copied me Mckeinzies Criminals, 29 shiling. Item, payed at sundrie tymes in the taverne, 30 pence. Item, for a dozen of silver spoons wying tuo onces the peice in all 24 onces at 5 shillings and 6 pence per once, making each spoon to be ellevin shillings sterling,[676] 47 lb. for I gave them in exchange 6 old silver spoons, which fell short of 6 new ons in 10 shillings sterl. upon the want of weight, and the accompt of the workmanship, so they stood me in all as I said before 47 pounds Scots. Item, payed to the ailman for are accompt of aill furnished, 24 lb.
[676] Price of silver.
This makes near the 150 lb. receaved from Bailzie Binnie.
Item, in the end of June 1673 1 receaved from William Broun, agent for the borrows, in their name and behalfe, my pension of 12 lb. sterl., being for the year praeceiding Whitsonday 1673; out of which:
Imprimis, given to my man when he brought it to me, a dollar. Item, to the barber, a 6 pence. To the kirk broad, halfe a mark. Item, on coffee, 3 pence. Item, for Reusneri Symbola Imperatoria to the Janitor, 18 pence. Item, to him for the particular carts[677] of Lothian, Fyffe, Orknay and Shetland, Murray, Cathanes, and Sutherland, at 10 p. the peice, 3 pound. Item, at Pitmeddens woman's marriage, given by my selfe and my wife, 2 dollars and a shil. Item, on halfe a dozen of acornie[678] spoons, 2 shillings. Item, payed to Adam Scot for a mulct in being absent from a meiting of the advocats, 28 shiling. Item, payed to Edward Gilespie for my seat maill[679] from Whitsonday 1672 to Whitsonday 1673, 12 lb. Item, to the copier of Mckeinzies Criminalls, a mark. Item, to the barber, halfe a mark. To the kirk basin, halfe a mark. Given to my wife, a mark. Item, on brandee, 3 shilling. Given to M'ris Mawer in charity, 29 shiling. Item, payed in Pat Steills, a mark. Item, on the 15 of July 1673 given to my wife, 10 rix dollars. Upon win in Rot. Bell's house, 2 shillings. Item, at the Presidents man's penny brithell, a dollar and a 6 pence. In H. Gourlay's with D. Stevinson, 38 shiling. [Given to my wife to buy me a pair of worsted stockings, 4 shillings.][680] Item to the barber, a 6 pence. Item, Tom Gairdner for bringing cheerries from Abbotshall, a shiling. To the kirk broad, 6 pence. Item, for mounting my suit of cloaths with callico, buttons, pockets, etc., 3 dollars. Item, to the taylor for making them, a dollar. Item, to Walter Cunyghame for keiping our gounes, a dollar. Item, upon cherries, 6 pence. Item, in Painstons, a shilling. Item, to the copier of Mckeinzies Criminalls, 2 mark. Item, for seing the Maidens tragaedy for my selfe and Mr. William Ramsay,[681] a dollar. At the kirk door, 6 pence. To the barber, halfe a mark. In Aickmans after the comedy, a mark. In Ja. Haliburtons, a mark. Item, at a collation also their, 28 shiling. Item, at collations theirafter, 7 shillings st. Upon the 1 of August 1673 given to my wife for the use of the house that moneth, 18 dollars and a halfe.
[677] Price of maps.
[678] This word, distinctly written, looks at first like acomie, but is no doubt the word acornie (French, acorne, horned), which Jamieson defines as a substantive, meaning 'apparently a drinking vessel with ears or handles.' He quotes from Depredations on the Clan Campbell, p. 80: 'Item, a silver cup with silver acornie, and horn spoons and trenchers.' It seems more probable that the word in both passages is an adjective, applicable to spoons, and descriptive of the pattern.
[679] Seat rent in church.
[680] Erased in MS.
[681] Price of theatre.
Which makes up the full 12 lb. sterling received by me from the borrows.
The nixt money I brok was some given me in consultation this summer session, or in payment ather by the gairdner or Rot. Johnston, who had the loft,[682] Mr. Jo. Wood or other, making in all as I have every particular set doune in writing beside me about 280 merks and upwards, out of which Imprimis the said 1 of August given farder to my wife for the use of the house, 4 dolars. Item, to Samuel Colvill for his Grand Impostor discovered, 3 dollars. Item, to him who brought home my session goune, a mark. To Rot. Meins man when he brought me the confections the nixt day after the tounes cherry feast to the exchequer, 15 pence. For the new help to discourse, 20 pence. To the barber, halfe a mark. To the kirk basin, halfe a mark. For 2 quaire of paper, 14 pence. For 4 quaire of great paper for copieng the statutes of the toune of Edr. theiron, 32 shilling. To Grange[683] his man, a mark. To the barber, 6 pence. To the kirk bason, 6 pence. To Will Sutherland, a mark. Given to my wife, a shilling. Upon win with Rot. Hamilton the clerk, a mark. For Evelins Publick employment against Mckeinzies Solitude, 9 pence. Spent in Arthur Somervells, a mark. Spent in Ja. Haliburtons on night, 2 mark. For carieng a book to Hamilton, 6 pence. To the barber, 6 pence. For a quaire of paper, 9 pence. To the kirk basin, 6 pence. For a double letter from my good-brother Sir Androw R., 28 shilings. To my nurse when she came to sie me on the 20 of August 1673, a dollar. Item, given to my man, a mark. Item, upon sundry other uses not weill remembred by me because small, 29 shil. To the barber, 6 pence. Upon seck with Mr. Innes my Lo. Lyons clerk for Granges armes, 13 pence. Upon pears and plumes, 5 pence. To the kirk bason, 6 pence. Item, upon seck, 8 pence. Item, in Mary Peirs's with Stow and John Joussie, 27 shiling.
[682] Parts of his house sublet.
[683] William Dick of Grange, son of William Dick, a younger son of Sir William Dick of Braid. His grand-daughter and heiress, Isobel Dick, was married to Sir Andrew Lauder, Fountainhall's grandson and successor.
[After this portion of the MS. only selections have been made.]
For the Gentleman's calling, a shilling. For the Guide to Gentlewomen, 2 mark. For the colledge of fools, 4 pence. Item, for a letter from Sir Androw R. from Paris, 14 pence. For Donning's Vindication of England against the Hollanders, 16 pence. For le tombeau des controverses, 7 pence. For 4 comoedies, viz. Love in a Nunnery, Marriage a la mode, Epsom Wells, and Mcbeth's tragedie at 16 p. the peice, 5 shils. and a groat. Upon morning drinks for sundry dayes, 6 pence. To Joseph Chamberlayne for trimming my hair, 6 pence. To Thomas Broun for Howell's Familiar letters, 5 shilings stg. For every man his oun doctor, 2 shillings. For the journall of the war with Holland in 1672, 2 shillings. For the Mercury Gallant, 2 shillings. For the Rehearsall transprosd, 18 pence. For the Transproser rehears't, 18 pence. On morning drinks and other uses, a mark. For Stubs Non justification of the present war with Holland, 4 marks. For the Present State of Holland, 34 shiling. For halfe a mutskin of malaga with Pat. Wause, 6 pence.
To Samuell Borthwick for letting blood of my wife, 3 mark. To Ja. Borthwick's other prentise that was with him, a mark. For a mutskin of sack in Ja. Deans at the Cannogate foot, 14 pence.
I had receaved from Thomas Robertsone thesaurer to the good toune on the 21 of August 1673 first 12 Ib. sterling for a years pension due to me by the toune from Lambes 1672 till Lambes 1673: as also I got at the same tyme ane years annuel rent of the principall soume of 5000 merks he is owing me by bond being from Lambes 1672 till Lambes last 1673, which was only 263 merks, because he retained 37 mks. and a halfe or 25 Ib. Scots of the ordinar annuelrent of 6 per cent. for 3 quarters of a year, vid., from Mertinmas 1672 till Lambes last 1673, conforme to the act of parlia. made in 1672,[684] and first out of the said 12 lb. sterling (being 220/219 merks) of pension given:
[684] See note, p. 273.
Imprimis to Granges man when he brought over the apples and pears, a mark. Item, on the 10 of October 1673 to my wife to buy hir great chimley with over and above hir old one, which she gave them in, 8 dollars. In Guynes with Mr. Wood, Mr. C. Lumsdean, and others, 20 pence. For taking out the extract of Granges blazoning, first to the Lyon himselfe, [10 merks.][685] this is repayed me. Then to Mr. Rot. Innes his clerk, [6 merks.][685] this also. To Wil. Sutherland when he went to Grange with his patent of his bearing, a mark. At dinner in Ja. Haliburtons with Mr. Gray the converted papist, 22 shiling. At Jo. Mitchells with Mr. Pollock the merchand and Mr. Gilbert, 52 shiling. To J. Mitchell's man who lighted me home, 3 pence. Given to Wm Sim for copieng to me the compend of the Statutes of Edenbrugh being. 6 rix dollars. just 5 quaire of paper, which 6 rix dollars makes just 3 pence the sheit; its only a shilling lesse.
[685] Erased in MS.
Item for a mutsking of sack with Mr. Garshoires, a shilling. In Mr. Rot. Lauder's when we saw his wife, a dollar. To my man Androw Bell to buy a bible and a knife with to himselfe, a rix dolar. On the 10 of Nov'r, the day the comissioner came in, spent with Mr. Thomas Patersone, 52 shiling. On the ij of Nov'r given to my wife more then hir monethes silver to perfit the price of hir black fringes to hir goune, which stood hir 36 lb., tua dollars. For Temple's Observations, 35 shiling. To the parsone of Dyserts woman when she brought over the ham, a mark. At Mr. David Dinmuires woman's brithell, a dollar and a groat. For Quean Margaret of France hir Memorialls, 16 pence. For a black muff to my wife, ij shillings. For buttons to my shag coat, 29 shiling. For the kings letter to the parl. of Scotland, 2 pence. Casten in at my servant John Nasmith's wedding on the 5 of Dec'r, 5 rix dolars. Item, to the music, a mark. Given to my wife to cast in, 3 rix dolars. Given in charity to on Christian Cranston, a dollar. Item, given to my wife, a dollar. Item, on the 8 of Dec'r given hir, 5 dollars.
Item, in this money their was a dollar of ill money.
The nixt money I brok upon was 52 dollars (wheirof 31 of them ware legs[686]), which I had receaved at sundrie tymes from severall parties in consultation money, conforme to a particular accompt of their receipt besyde me.
[686] See Introduction, Money.
Out of which payed Imprimis to Mr. Ja. Hendersone for Ja. Sinclar of Roslin in the begining of Dec'r 1673 to compleit the payment of the bill drawen by Sir Androw Ramsay upon me of 789 lb. 4 shillings Scots money conforme to Roslin's receipt of the haill bill. 185 mks. in 42 legged dollars,[687] so that their remains behind of that consultation money receaved by me before December 1673 about 9 rix dollars and some more, out of which For Loydes Warning to a careles world from T. Broun, 15 pence. For seing Marriage a la mode acted, for my selfe and Mr. J. Wood, a leg dollar. For M.A. Antoninus his Meditations on himselfe, 30 pence.
The nixt money I made use of was 32 lb. Scots in ij rix dollars[688] receaved by me from George Patersone the wright for his house maill before Whitsonday last 1673, the other aught lb. of the 40 lb. being allowed to him in ane accompt of work.
[687] This works out at about 4s. 10 3/4 d. for each leg dollar.
[688] Dollar 58 2/11d.
To on Lilias Darling in charity, 12 pence. Given to my wife on the 3 of Januar 1674, 6 merks. Payed in Ja. Haliburtons with Mr. Gabriell Semple, 21 shiling. Item, on the 5 of January 1674 to give in hansell being hansell Monday, 21 marks. Item, with Mr. Robert Lauder, clerk at Dumfries, 25 shiling. To Mr. Peirsone for writing the Observes out of the old books of parl. secret councell and sederunt, 4 merks. To criple Robin, a 6 pence. To him who copied Mckeinzies Criminalls 1 tome in compleat payment to him, 2 merks. Item, for a book anent the education of young gentlemen, 33 shiling. In Sandy Bryson's, 9 pence. To the contribution for the prisoners amongs the Turks, a mark. To Will Sutherland, 7 pence. Given to Walter Cunyghame for keiping our gounes, a dollar. Given to my wife on the 23 of february 1674, the 50 mk. in ij dollars and a halfe. For Lucas speech, the votes and adresses of the house of commons and the relation of the engagements of the fleets in 1673, 14 pence. To Thomas Broun for Parkers Reprooff to the Rehearsall transp., 6 shillings stg. To him for the Rehearsall transprosed. 2d part, 28 shilling. On mum with Mr. R. Forrest, 21 pence. Upon sweities, 4 pence. On win at Rot. Gilbert's bairnes christning, 24 pence. For Fergusone against Parker about Grace and morall vertue, 32 shilings. For the Art of complaisance, 16 shil. For the Articles of Peace, 2 shil. Item, with Mr. Rot. Wemyss, 12 shiling. To the Kirk Deacon for a yeirs contribution in March 1674, 2 rix dollars. Spent with Mr. William Ramsay, 5 pence. For the Proclamations against duells, and that about the E. of Loudon's annuity, and upon sundrie other uses, a mark. With Muire of Park, 9 pence. Given to hir, my wife, to give to Arthur Temple ane English croun which belonged to Mr. John Wood. To my wife to buy a petticoat of cesunt[689] taffety, 4 dollars. For Gudelinus and Zoesius deffendis, 29 pence. Upon win with Mr. Mathew Ramsay, a mark. Given to my wife on the 13 of April 1674, 13 Ib. 10 sh.
[689] Query, 'seasoned.'
To my wife to help to buy hir cow, for which she gave 20 Ib. Scots,[690] and which 13 Ib. 10s. Scots just compleited and exhausted the 450, 13 Ib. 10 shil. merks receaved by me from my father on the 20 of februar last 1674. As for the other 6 Ib. 10 shillings that rested to perfit the price of the cow, I gave that out of the other money I had besyde me.
[690] Price of a cow.
A dollar and a halfe that was owing me by Rot. Craw, and was repayed by him to me, was given to my wife to buy lyning for my new black cloath breatches.
Payed for 4 limons, 16 pence. For the pamphlet called the Spirit of the Hat, 6 pence. In drinkmoney for making my new cloaths, a mark. Given to my wife, tua dollars. Given to hir to pay for linnen bed sheits bought by hir, a dollar. Given in the contribution anent the burnt houses, a dollar. For the book of rates of the custome house of Rome, 8 pence.
The nixt money I made use of was 6 dollars given me in consultation by the toune Threasurer of Edr., on the 23 of Aprill 1674, when we consulted with my Lord Advocat about the rebuilding of brunt and ruinous houses with stone. Out of which For a discourse by L'Estrange upon the Fischery, 6 pence. Of boull maill, 6 pence. For my dinner on sunday with Mr. Wm. Patersone in Guines, 2 shillings.
Au commencement du mois de May j'avois cent marks d'argent en vingt et trois thalers Imperiaux deposez chez moi par Monsieur Le Bois quand il alloit hors cette ville-cy, a fin les lui rendre a son retour [je les rendu.][691] De cette monnoye je pris premierement.
[691] Interlined.
For a sword belt, 22 pence. To Jo. Nasmith for morning drinks, etc., 15 pence. Of boull maill, 6 pence. In W. Cunyghames at the Linktoun of Abbotshall, a groat. To my Lord Abbotshall, and given by him to Tom Gairdner, 6 pence. For a quart of win in Mr. George Ogilbies of Kirkcaldy, 40 pence. To David Colyear, a groat.[692] With Mr. Lundy, Minister at Dysert, and others, 33 shill. To the beggers, 3 pence. To Tom Gairdner, a groat. To George Gairdner, 6 pence. For 2 oranges, a groat. For Lentuli Dubia Decisa, a dollar. To the beggers at sundry tymes, 6 pence. With Androw Young, halfe a mark. With Rot. Campbell, apothecar., 6 pence. To Hary Wood, Mr. W.R.'s man, 20 pence. With Mr. Wm. Ramsay in James Haliburtons, 12 pence. For my part of the dinner on Sunday at the West Kirk, 16 pence. For a horne comb, 6 pence. For Andrews morning drinks 19 dayes and some other things, 25 pence. To Comisar Aikenhead's masons, a shilling.
[692] See note, p. 255.
Woila comment je depencay ces cent marks pour quelles je demeure debtour an Monsieur Le Bois.[693]
[693] In margin: Cette monnoye lui est paye comment il apparoistra cy dessous.
Then on the 13 of June 1674 my father and I compted, and we found I had receaved all my annuities due praeceeding Martinmas 1672, and that the last money I got was 450 merks on the 20 of february last 1674, and which compleited that quarter of my annuity which ran from Lambes 1672 till the Martinmas theirafter; then we considered that I was owing him ane years rent and maill of my house, viz. 20 pounds sterling from Whitsonday 1673 till Whitsonday last past in 1674 (all the former years maill being payed to him, as is marked supra). Then we proposed the deduction of on of 6 of the annuel rents imposed by the act of parliament made in 1672[694] for the space of a year, viz., from Mertinmas 1672 till Mertinmas 1673, which tuo particulars of the maill and the retention being deducted, viz., 20 lb. sterling for a years maill being 240 lb. Scots or 360 merks being allowed my father and 150 merks being retained by him as the deduction due off 900 merks, which is the halfe years annuity from Mertinmas 1672 till Whitsonday 1673, which tuo particulars makes 510 merks of my 900 merks; wheirupon their rested to be given me of the said 900 merks 390 merks, which soume I only receaved the forsaid 13 day of June in money and gave my father a discharge of the haill 900 merks due to me by him as half a years annuity from Mertinmas 1672 till Whitsonday 1673, bearing alwayes that deduction was given him conforme to the act 1672, and in regard he seimed unwilling to give me any discharge in writing of my house maill to be in my custody, he shewed me in his minute book of receipt that he had marked he had such a day got payed him by me 240 lb. Scots as a year maill of my house fra Whitsonday 1673 till Whitsonday 1674, as also in another place wheir he hes written doun the receipt from me of 480 lb. Scots as being 2 years maill of my house, viz. from Whitsonday 1671, which was my entry, till Whitsonday 1673; and which memorandum is all I have for a discharge to show my payment: only he affirmed their was no hazard in regard he was to name me on of his executors with the rest of my brothers. But in regard thesse 3 years I had possest I had never given him in any accompt of my debursements on the said house, in glasse windows, broads or others, he ordered me to give him in the compt theirof that he might pay it me.
[694] In granting a supply of 864,000 lbs. Scots to Charles II., assessed on the land rent according to the valuations, the Parliament, 'considering it just that personall estates of money should beir some proportion of the burden,' enacted 'that every debtor owing money in the kingdom' should for one year, in payment of their annual-rents (interest) for that year 'have reduction in their own hands of one sixt pairt thereof,' and pay only the other five parts. The legal rate of interest was six per cent.
To my wife, a dollar. Given also to hir on the 18 of June 1674 to buy a suite of french stripped hangings with, which stood 10 pounds sterling in pairt of payment of the same, 6 lb. sterling, 6 lb. sterl. or 110 mks. At the well besyde Comiston, 24 pence. For my horse hyre to Bervick, ij shill. ster. To Mr. Duncan Forbes for doubling[695] my Lord Hadington's reduction of Athelstanford, halfe a dollar. Given to Comisar Monro for reading the bill about the minister of Athelstanford's pershuit, a dollar. For the post of a letter from S.A.R. of Waughton, 10 pence. To Ja. Broun's lad for brushing my hat, 40 pennies. Given in with Knocks bill to the Lo.s of Thesaury for seing Skelmurlyes signator, a dollar. To the woman who keiped my niece Mary Campbell, a dollar. For raising and signeting the summonds of reduction in my Lord Abotshall's name, against the minister of Athelstanford, a dollar and a halfe. Spent with James Carnegie, 21 pence. With Mr. Wm. Morray and others, 20 pence. For black mourning gloves, 28 pence. Given to my wife, a dollar. Given hir to pay the harne[696] with which she lined hir hangings and for threid and cords to them, 6 rix dollars. With Walter Pringle, a mark. For a triple letter from S.A.R., 15 pence. With Ja. Inglis and others, 4 pence. With Mr. John Eleis, 16 pence.
[695] Copying.
[696] Coarse cloth.
Item, on the 10 of Julie 1674, paye a Monsieur Le Bois treize thalers Imperiales in compleit payment de ces cent marks, this being joyned to the dix thalers paye a lui in the beginning of June last, 13 dollars.
Given to David Coilzear when he went out to the Rendevous of the Eist Lothian militia regiment to defray his charge their, halfe a croun. At a collation with Sir David Falconer when I informed him anent the reduction against the minister of Athelstaneford, 4 lb. 4 shilling. Given to my wife to pay for 40 load of coalls at 10 p. the load, and for other uses, 8 dollars. For Ziegleri dissertationes de laesione ultra dimid. de jure clavium, etc., 32 pence. To Comisar Monro for calling and marking the reduction against the minister of Athelstainfurd on the 22 of July 1674, a dollar. Item, the same day given to him for reading a bill desiring our reduction might be considered and tane in presently and to stop the said minister's report in the menu tyme, a dollar. Item, on the 23 of July 1674, given by my wife and my selfe, at Mary Scot, my fathers serving woman, hir pennie wedding, 2 dollars. Item, to the fidlers, 6 pence.
The nixt money I spent was some 7 dollars given me in 3 sundrie consultations as is marked besyde me in a paper apart.
With Merchinston at Dairymilnes, 2 shilings. For the Empresse of Morocco, 18 pence. For Shutles[697] Observations upon the said farce revised against Dryden, 18 pence. At Arthur Somervells, 10 pence. Le 29 de Juillet 1674, je empruntee de Monsieur le Bois cent marques en vingt et trois thalers Imperiaux de quoy premierement.
[697] Settle's. See p. 288.
Donnee to William Stevinson, merchand, for compleiting to him the price of my French hangings which my wife bought from him at 10 lb. sterling, and wheirof he receaved 6 lb. st. before on the 18 of June, as is marked. I say payed to him, 4 lb. sterling. For my dinner on a sunday, 15 pence. Spent at the fountaine, 20 pence. Item, spent at Tom Hayes and elsewheir by my selfe, 16 pence. On the 15 of August given to my wife to pay of hir women Jonet Nicolsones fee when she went away from hir, 6 dolars. For Sir David Lindsayes poems, 7 pence. For the Baron D'Isola his Buckler of state and justice, 28 pence. For the Interest of the United Provinces being a defence of the Zeelander choice rather to be under England then France, 20 pence. Item, given in of the change of that 300 lb. sent me in from Patrick Lesly of my Lord Abbotshalls rents, 2 pence. To the penny wedding at Gogar, 29 pence. On 3 botles of botle ale, 9 pence. On the 31 of August 1674 given to Joan Chalmers the midwife when my wife was brought to bed of hir 4 child and 2'd sone, 6 rix dollars. To David Coilzear for to put tuo shoes on the horse, a mark. 5 Septembre 1674 donnee et paye a Henry le Bois an nom et sur le epistre de Monsieur Jean Du Bois, son frere dix thalers Imperiaux et dequoy ledit Hendry on'a donne une quitance, 10 rix dollars. On the 17 of September 1674 payed to Mr. Archbald Camron for registrating my sone Androws name with some of the witnesses, a dollar. On the 18 of Septr. payed for a new razor, 2 shillings. Payed to Thomas Wilsone kirk thresurer because my sone was not baptised the tyme of sermon, a rix dollar. Payed for a collation I gave to S.G. Lockhart, W. Murray, W. Pringle, etc., 8 lb. ij shill. Scots. Item, payed to Edward Gilespie for a years maill of my seat in the church, viz., from Whitsonday 1673 till Whitsonday last, and got his discharge of it, 12 lb. Scots.
The nixt money I made use of was 287 merks I receaved on the 28 of September 1674 from Thomas Robertsone, being a years annuel rent of the principall summe of 5000 mks. owing by the said Thomas to me by bond, viz., from Lambes 1673 till Lambes last 1674 (which interest is indeed at 6 per cent. 300 merks), but in regard by the act of parliament 1672 their was deduction of on of 6 to be allowed for the quarter from Lambes to Martinmas 1673, theirfor 13 merks was abated of the full annuel rent upon the said accompt, and I receaved only the forsaid 287 mks. and discharged him of a years annuel rent including the deduction per expressum.
Item, on the 29 of September 1674, payed to John Cheisley of Dalry, younger, in presence of his brother James 29 lb. Scots in 10 rix dollars for the maill of the 2 chambers I possest from him in Brunsfield,[698] by the space of 4 moneths in the last summer, 29 lb. Scots in 10 rix dollars. Item, spent that 6 of October 1674, that I quite Edenbrugh on the kings proclamation of banishment against the debarred advocats, 29 pence.
[698] Summer quarters.
In October 1674 my wife counted with George Patersone, wright, who had possest the low roume[699] of our house from Whitsonday 1673 till Whitsonday last 1674, and thairupon was owing me 40 lb. Scots of maill, and receaved in from him onlie 24 lb. Scots, the other 16 lb. being allowed him for a compt of work furnished by him to us, and wheiron shee gave him up my discharge to him of the wholle 40 lb. as a years maill of the said house. This 24 lb. Scots was waired out and employed upon my house.
[699] Part of house sublet at 40 l. Scots.
On the 20 of January 1675 I receaved from my father 400 merks Scots, which compleited all my annuityes due by him to me by vertue of my contract of marriage preceeding Candlemas 1674, and I gave him a discharge accordingly: for on the 13 of June last 1674 I discharged all preceiding Whitsonday 1673 (having only received from Mertinmas 1672 till Whitsonday 1673 for that halfe years annuitie instead of 900 merks only 750 merks because of the retention of on per cent.[700] by the act of parliament) and receaved then 100 mks. in part of payment of the halfe years annuity betuen Whitsonday and Martinmas 1673.
[700] One per cent., i.e. on the capital sum of 30,000 merks for which his father had given him a bond, bearing interest at the legal rate of 6 per cent., equal to 1800 merks per annum. See Note, p. 273.
On a butridge[701] to my hat, etc., 4 pence.
[701] A form of spelling buttress. See Murray's New English Dictionary, s.v. Compare Jamieson, s. vv. Rig and Butt. It may mean the lace or band tying up the fold of a cocked hat.
Item, on the 25 of Januar 1675 when I returned back to Hadinton[702] I took with me 13 dollars, which keip't me till the 8 of Februar theirafter. The particulars whow I spent and gave out the same is in a compt apart beside me. On the forsaid 25 day of Januar I left behind with my wife the remanent of the 400 merks I had receaved from my father, taking of the foresaid 20 dollars, viz., 300 merks and 3 rix dollars. Of which money on the 8 of february I find she hath debursed first a hundred merks, item, fyve dollars more, so their is now only resting of the money I left with hir about 190 merks.
[702] He had retired to Haddington when 'debarred.'
Out of the forsaid 100 merks and 5 dollars, I find shee had payed 38 lb. Scots to Patrick Ramsay for 5 moneth and a halfes ale, furnished by him.
Item, on accounts in the creams[703] to John Nasmith, to the Baxters for win, etc., above 20 lb. Scots. And the rest is given out upon other necessar uses.
[703] Krames, the shops round St. Giles Church.
For S.G. Mck's[704] Observations on the act of p. 1621, anent Bankrupts, 16 pence. For binding the book of Cragie's collections and some other papers, 4 shills. stg. For fourbishing my sword and giving it a new Scabbord, 4 shils. st. For a candebec hat, 8 shils. st. For 6 quarters of ribban to it, 9 pence. On oranges, 6 pence. For the share of my dinner in Leith, the race day, a dollar. Item, for my part of the supper in Caddells when the advocats all met togither, 4 lb. Scots.
[704] Sir George Mackenzie.
On the 16 of March 1675 I receaved from James Sutherland, thresaurer of the good toune of Ed'r. 12 lb. sterling as a years pension or salary owing to me by the good toune as their assessor, from Lambes 1673 till Lambes last 1674, wheirof and all years preceiding I gave him a discharge.
For the articles of war, 3 pence. For halfe a pound of sweit pouder, 2 shils, sterl.
On the 20 of March 1675 I receaved from Andrew Young in name of my Lord Abbotshall, 600 mks. Scots (their was 4 rix dollars of it ill money which my Lord took in and promised to give me other 4 instead of them) wheirupon I discharged the said A.Y. and Lord Abbotshall of the said summe of 600 merks in payment and satisfaction to me in the first place of 89 lb. 17s. and 2 p. owing to me by the said L. Abotshall, as being payed out by me at his direction and order in Aprill 1673 (sie it marked their) to Mary Hamilton for 1200 merks, and hir papers being in Mr. John Sinclar minister at Ormiston his hands, he alledged their was 89 lb. 17s. and 2 p. owing him and would not give them up till he ware payed, wheirupon I at my Lord A's and hir order gave his sone Mr. James 100 merks and 8 rix dollars and retired them: item, for the remanent of the 600 mks. I accepted it in satisfaction and partiall payment and contentation to me of the bygane annuelrents (in so far as it would extend) of the principall summe of 5000 mks, yet resting by the said Lord Abbots: of 10,000 mks. of tocher contained in my contract of marriage and which annuelrents ware all resting owing to me from the terme of Lambes 1670, so that it will in compting pay me a yeir and a halfes annuelrent, viz., from the said Lambes 1670 till Candlemas 1672, and about 10 lb. Scots more in part of payment of the termes annuelrent from Candlemas to Lambes 1672: so that I may reckon that their is more then 3 years annuelrent of that principall summe of 5000 merks owing me, compting to the midle of this present moneth of March.
With Mr. W'm. Murray and Blackbarrony, 16 pence. For my fraught to Bruntiland, 8 pence. For my supper and breakfast at James Angus's their, 37 shill. For 2 horses from thence to the Linkton, 16 pence. To Jo. Nasmith to carry him over from Fyffe to Ed'r with, a mark. To William Cunyghame's wife the tyme I staid at his house, 5 shills. st. Item, for 8 elles of drogat at 16 pence per elle, 2 dollars. In Jo. Blacks with Mr. A. M'cGill and Alexander Gay, 20 pence. Item, on the 24 or 25 of March last spent by my wife over and above the 48 lb. Scots, 8 rix dollars.
I left with hir to pay out all hir compts she or I ware owing, and to bring over the plenishing, so that we ware owing nothing to any person preceeding that tyme.
All which expenses being cast up they just make up and amount to 300 merks and 19 rix dollars, to which adde the 4 rix dollars of the wholle 600 mks. that ware not payed, their is spent 400 mks., and their rests behind 200 mks.
Out of which Imprimis:
On the 4 of May 1674 when I went to Ed'r., and stayed their till the 14 of May, during all that tyme spent according to the accompt of it particularly set doune in another paper besyde me, 10 dollars. Item, payed for a cow,[705] 34 lb. Scots. Donne a ma femme et emprunte d'elle de Rot. Craw, a dollar. Item, spent with Mr. Alex'r. McGil and Captain Crawfurd in Kirkcaldy, 3 lb. ij shil. Scots. Item, payed to the woman Mary[2] for hir years fie when she went away on the 24 of May 1675, 8 rix dollars. For seing the lionness and other beasts at Kirkcaldy, 12 pence. Donne a ma femme, 29 pence. Item, given hir more to pay the other woman's fee,[706] 3 dollars and a halfe.
[705] Price of a cow.
[706] Apparently his maidservants.
Receaved from John Broun, elder, wool seller, 40 lb. Scots on the 12 of June 1675, and that for a years maill of the low chamber and sellar possest by him from me, viz., from Witsonday 1674 till Whitsonday last 1675, and wheirof I gave him a discharge.
For 2 proclamations, 3 pence. To Henry Mensen for cutting my hair, 30 shil. For a quarter's payment with my man[707] begun on the 22 of June 1675 to the Master and doctor of Kirkcaldy scooll for learning him to wryte better, to read Latin, etc., 32 shilings Scots. On the 19 of July 1675 given a la servante Joannette Smith qui alloit avecque mon fils 100 merks ainez a Londres par mer pour leur d'espences and 9 shill. du voiage, six livres sterling, ings sterling. Donne a la dite servante pour ellememe, a dollar. To Mr. Tennent, skipper of the ship pour leur fraughts,[708] 35 shillings sterling. Spent at Kirkcaldy on Rhenish with Rot. Fothringhame that day, 44 shilings. Payed for fraught from Kingborne, 8 pence. Spent with Sir Ja. Stainfeild and Sam. Moncreiff, 39 pence. For the 3'd tome of Alciats Commentar on the Digests, 48 pence. For the Governement of the tongue, 12 pence. For botle aill, 4 pence. For a solen goose, 29 pence. Upon a mutskin of seck with Raploch and Camnetham, 10 pence. For 4 fraughts from Leith to Kingb., 16 pence.
[707] His clerk.
[708] Cost of passage to London.
In the beginning of July 1675, their being a convention of the burrows to meet at Glasgow, and I finding their was tuo years pension then owing by them to me as their assessor, I gave W'm. Broun their agent alongs with him a discharge of the said 2 years pension under trust and upon this consideration that if neid ware he might make use of it for facilitating the passing of his accompts as to that article. In the said meiting and convention they ordered and warranded him to pay all the arrears of my said pension. At his returne back I still suffered the said discharge to remaine in his custody, and in regard I was owing to Thomas Broun, stationer, 84 lb. Scots or 7 lb. sterling for the price and binding of Prosperi Farinacij Jurisconsulti opera omnia, 9 volumes in folio which I had bought from him, ... I assigned the said Thomas Broun over with his oune consent to William Broun for the said summe of 7 lb. sterling, wheiron Thomas B. gave me on the 23 of July a discharge of the price of the said books, and William B. became oblidged to pay him the said summe, and he was to be allowed it in the foirend of the accompt betuixt him and me.
Upon sweities to be tane to my brother George at Idington, a mark. For a horse hyre from Hadington to Idington, a dollar. To obtaine the copie of the king's letter reponing S.A.R.[709] to the Secret Councell, 6 pence.
[709] Sir A. Ramsay.
Then on the ij of August 1675 I was repayed the 2 rix dollars I had given out in the end of July last pour Monsieur Le Bois presse[710] which I gave a ma femme.
[710] Query for presse.
Item, on the 13 of August 1675 Monsieur de la Cloche m'a repaye les douze thalers Imperiaux qu'il a empruntee de moy (as vous verrez ci devant on the 28 of fevrier 1674) and I gave them to my wife.
The rest of my accompts of depursements given out by me since the 14 of August 1675 are to be found in another book like unto this.
Since my returne to Scotland from travelling, which was on the 9 of November 1667, I have got or bought the following books. As for the books I had ather before my parture or which I acquired and bought in forraine parts, I have a full and perfit Catalogue of them in my litle black-skinned book, and now I have two large Catalogues of them all. Imprimis, Brossoei Remissiones ad Corpus Glossatum, from Rot Broun, 10 shilings sterl. Vinnius ad Peckium de re nautica, 4 shil's st. Loccenius de Jure maritimo, 2 shi's st. Corpus Juris Civ. van Leuven, in 2 folios gifted me by Bailzie Calderwood. Mathematicall Magick, given me by my unckle Andrew Lauder. S.G. M'ckeinzies Solitude praeferred, etc., given me by my father. 4 volumina Mascardi de probationibus, bound in 2 folios, from Thomas Broune, ij dollars. Montholon's plaidoiz, 18 pence.
Received from Mr. James Ainsley, De in Consilia and Jason in Codicem, for which I gave him in exchange, Melchioris Cani Loci Theologici, Gaspar Pencerus de Divinationibus, Elliot's method of the French tongue, Manasseh ben Israel de termino vitae, Bayri enchiridion, Densingius de Peste, Bodechevi poemata, and Jacobi Hantini angelus custos, in all 8 old books in 8'ro and 12. Guillim's Herauldry illuminat, got from Sir A. Ramsay, my brother in law. Receaved also from him, Bacon upon the union of Scotland and England. Receaved in Alex'r Hamilton's in the Linkton of Abotshall, Henricii Institutiones Medicae. Heylin's Cosmographie, best edition, 22 shil's st. and 6 pence. For a great Bible of Andrew Hart's edition, 16 shil. stg. & 4 pence. For Broun's Vulgar errors, 6 shils. 6 pence. Present state of England, 1 vol., 30 pence. Morall state of England, 24 pence. Acts of the Generall Assembly, 1643, received from Bailzie Calderwood. The reschinded acts of parliament, 1646, 1647, 1648, with other papers theirto relating receaved from Collonell Ramsay, which with the rest of thesse acts which I had beside me, made up a compleit volume of the haill reschinded parliaments from 1640 till 1650 (except only the acts of the parl. held in June 1640, which I have since that tyme purchast a part and the acts of the parliament held in 1650 which I can no wheir come by), all which reschinded acts togither with thesse of the parliament 1633, which are not reschinded, I caused bind togither in on book and payed for the binding 30 pence. The Acts of the Generall Assembly, 1638, 24 pence. Papon's arrests of parliament, a dollar. Corpus Glossatum Canonicum, 2 tomes in folio, of the [I have now got the 3d as is marked infra, so that I have it now entire[711]] 3, wheirof it consists, for which I gave 3 dollars. and Henricij Institutiones Medicinae, to on Mr. Chrystie.
[711] Interlined.
Receaved from Mr. Alex'r Seaton of Pitmedden, Criminalia Angeli de Aretino, Albertus de Gandino and Hippolytus de Marsiliis super eadem materia, all in on volume in the gothick letter; for which I gave him in exchange Alstedii encyclopaedia. Present state of England, 2d vol., 3 sh's st. Midleton and Rothesses acts of parliament in 1661, 1662 and 1663 received from Mr. C. Wardlaw. Knox's Cronicle of Scotland, 8 shils. st. Navarri manuale confessariorum, 26 pence. A collection of the English laws, a dollar. Polyd. Virgilij Historia Angliae, a dollar. Zosimus, Procopius, Agathias, etc., their Histories in on volume, a dollar.
Wimesii theses and other miscellanies in with it, a shilling. Thir 5 or six last books I bought from J. Nicoll, Janitor of the Colledge, in May 1671.
Receaved from the provest S.A. Ramsay, S. Colvill's mock poem of the whigs, 1 volume, a Reflection on Monsieur Arnauld's book against Claud. The English act of parliament laying are imposition upon all law suits. Patavius his accompt of tymes. See infra I got Ramsey's astrologie. 3 Tomes in 8'ro of Bellarmines. Controversies in religion, from the Janitor, a dollar. The cause of the contempt of the Clergie and ane answer to it, 18 pence. S.G. Mckeinzie's morall gallantry, 2 shils. Acts of parliament in June 1649, 34 pence. Doolitle on the Lord's supper, a mark. St. Augustines confessions, 3 shils. st. His de Civitate Dei, 4 shils. st. Plinii panegyricus in Trajanum, a mark. The act about the taxation imposed in the convention 1665, 4 pence. The Clergie's vindication from Ignorance to Poverty. Item, some Observations on the Answer made to the Contempt of the Clergie, bought on the 1 of febr. 1672, both stood me, 30 pence. A Collection of English proverbs, 2 mark. Indian Emperor, a comedy, 20 pence. Cromwell's acts of parliament in 1656, 3 shils. st. Dryden's Annus Mirabilis, 8 pence. Auctores linguae Latinae, 40 pence. Warro, Festus, Marcellus, Isidorus, etc. Covenanters plea against absolvers, a shilling. The Informations anent the firing of London in 1666, 6 pence. Gilbert Burnet's letter to the author of Jus Populi, 3 pence. Marciano, a comoedy, 6 pence. A Treatise against the common received tenents anent Witchcraft, 8 pence. For the Seasonable case and a survey of Naphtali, 4 shils. st. For Milton's traittee anent Marriages and their nullities, 20 pence. For Baker's Cronicle of England, last edition, and Blunt's animadversions theiron, both stood me, 21 shillings sterling. Taylor's cases of Conscience, or Ductor Dubitintium, 22 shilings sterling. Petrie's Church Historie, 15 shili's sterl. Plinius 2'di Epistolae cum notis variorum, 6 shill's ster. Cromwell's proclamations and acts of councell from 1653 til 1654, 4 shil's st. Tryrannick love and the Impertinents, 2 Comoedies, 40 pence. Reflections on the eloquence of this tyme, 18 pence. The mysterie of Iniquitie unvailled by G. Burnet, 9 pence. Ane Answer to Salmasius his defensio Regia by Peter English, 7 pence. A Relation of the fight in 1665 betwixt the Dutch and English and ane answer of our comissioners to England in 1647; both of them, 4 pence. Argentraei Commentarii ad consuetudines Brittaniae, 9 shil's st. Peleus his Quaestiones illustres and arrests of parliament, 6 shill's sterling. The History and Life of the Duke D'Espernon, 15 shi's ster. 4 volumes of English pamphlets, most of them upon the late troubles in Britain, 15 shils. sterling. For the English Liturgie or book of common prayer, 5 shillings. Mr. G. Sinclares Hydrostaticks, given me by Mr. James Fawsyde in Cokenie, Baronius annalls compendized in two tomes, 3 shills. st. Summa Conciliorum et Pontificum per Carranzam 2 shil. st. Maximi Tyrii sermones, a shilling. Benzonis Historia novi orbis seu Americae, a shilling. Dansaei Antiquitates mundi Antediluviani, a shilling. Demosthenes orationes olynthicae Graece et Latine, 6 pence. Bucholzeri Index cronologicus, 3 shil's st. Apulei Madaurensis opera omnia, 6 pence. S.G. Mckeinzie's plaidings, 3 shil's st. Acts of the session of parlia' held in 1652, 27 pence. The New art of wying vanity against Mr. George Sinclars 15 pence. Hydrostaticks bought in Dec'r 1657. The Tempest, a Comoedie, 16 pence. The Dutch Usurpation, 6 pence. The Interest of England in the present war with Holland, 5 pence. The Dutch Remonstrance against the 2 De Wittes, 4 pence. The Lives of Arminius and Episcopius, 18 pence. The Way of exercising the French Infantrie, 3 pence. Moonshine or ane Answer to Doctor Wild's Poetica Licentia, 6 pence. Windiciae libertatis evangelii, 4 pence. The persecutions of the reformed churches of France, 4 pence. Rushworth's Collections, 23 shil's ster. The Civill wars of Great Britian till 1600, 4 mark. Charron upon Wisdome, 5 shill's 10 pence. Manchester al mondo, a mark. G. Burnet's Reply and 4 Conferences against the answerer, 3 shil. st. Walwood's maritime laws, given me by the provest Sir A. Ramsay. My Lord Foord's practiques, given me by the aird of Idingtoun. Thomas the Rymer's Prophecies, 4 pence. Reusneri Symbola Imperatoria, 18 pence. 6 particular carts of shires in Scotland, 5 shil. st. For the Grand Impostor discovered, payed to Samuel Colvill, 3 dollars. Roma Restituta gifted me by Mr. Thomas Bell. Thir which follow ware all bought from Thomas Broun in August 1673. A new help to discourse, 20 pence. Evelin for publick employment against S.G. Mckeinzie, 9 pence. The Gentleman's calling, a shilling. [The Guide to all Gentlewomen, 2 marks.[712]] The Colledge of foolls, 3 pence. Douning's Vindication against the Hollanders, 16 pence. Le Tombeau des controverses, 7 pence. 4 Comoedies, viz.: Love in a Nunnery, Marriage a la mode, Epsom-Wells and Mcbeth's tragedy, at 16 pence the peice, 5 shilings and a groat.
[712] Erased in MS.
Upon the 9 of September 1673 I bought from Thomas Broun thir 8 following, Imprimis, Howell's Letters, 5 shillings st. Every man his oune Doctor, 2 shillings. The Mercury Gallant, 2 shillings. The Journall of the French their war with Holland in 1672, 2 shilings. The Rehearsall transprosed, 18 pence. The Transproser rehears't, 18 pence. Stub's Justification of the Dutch war, 4 mark. The Present State of Holland, 34 shillings. Temple's Observations on the Dutch, 35 shilings. Memoires of Q. Margret of France, 16 pence. Loydes warning to a carles world, 15 pence. M.A. Antoninus Meditations upon himselfe, 30 pence. For Gregory Grey beard, 30 pence. For the Education of Gentry, 33 shiling. For Lucas Speach, the Comons their addresses, and the relation of the ingadgements of the fleets 1673, 14 pence. For Parker's reprooff to the Rehearsall transprosed, 6 shillings sterling. For the Rehearsall transprosed, 2d part, 28 shiling. For Ferguson against Parker about Grace and Morall vertue, 32 shilings. For the Art of Complaisance, 16 pence. For Gudelinus & Zoesius de Feudis, 29 pence. For the pamphlet against the Quakers called the Spirit of the Hat, 6 pence. A Discourse on the fischerie, 6 pence. The Book of rates used in the sin custome house of Rome, 9 pence. Les Exceptions et defences de Droit. Formulaire des Advocats, both thir receaved from G.T.[713] of Touch.
[713] Thomson. See p. 196.
Cyriaci Lentuli Dubia decisa, a dollar. Ziegleri dissertationes de laesione ultra dimidium, de juribus clavium. Commerciorum monopoliorum, etc. Epicteti Enchiridion et tabula cebetis, 32 pence. For the Notes and Observations on the Empresse of Morocco revised, 18 pence. in behalfe of Sir Elcanah Setle. For Sir David Lindsaye's poems, 7 pence. For the Baron D'Isola's buckler of state and justice, 28 pence. For the Interest of the United Provinces and a defence of the Zelanders choyce to submit rather to England, 20 pence. For the Empresse of Mororco, a farce, 18 pence. The Honest Lawyer, a comedy, and the office of general remembrance, got them from Idington in Nov'r. 1674. The Acts of the Assembly, 1648. AEgidius Bard in his Methodus Juris Civilis, from Edington. Les Effects pernicieux des meschans favoris par Balthazar Gerbier. Glanvil's way to Happines, 10 pence. The Bischop of Sarisburies animadversions on an Arminian book intitled God's love to mankind. Joannis a Sande decisiones Frisicae, given me by Pitmedden. The Statute Law of England from Magna Carta to the year 1640. Collected by Ferdinando Pulton. The first part of Litleton's Instituts of the Law of England, with S. Edw. Coke's commentarie, both receaved from Mr. James Lauder, shireff clerk of Hadington. S.G. Mckeinzie's Observations on the Statute of Parliament 1621 against Banckrupts, etc., 16 pence. For binding the book of Craigie's collections and sundry other papers, 4 shil. s. et. The English Physitians freindly pill. Metamorphosis Anglorum, being ane accompt of the state affairs in England from Cromvell's death till 1660. Memoires de Philippe de Comines in French, j'ay les aussi en Latin chez moy. The Ladies calling, given me by my father. Wossii Elementa Rhetorica, 2 pence. Reginae palatium eloquentiae a patribus Jesuitis compositum constructum, ij shillings sterligs. For the 3d tome of Alciat's commentar upon the Digests, 4 shillings sterling. Payed to Thomas Broun conforme to his discharge for Prosperi Favinacii Jurisconsulti opera omnia, in 9 volumes in folio, 84 lb. Scots, or 7 lb. sterling. and which books I have gifted to the Libraire of Edenbrugh in June 1675, and upon every on of the volumes, as also in their publisht Register of gifts, bestowed on the bibliotheque il a pleu a Messieurs les Regens de cette universite de me donner le tesmoignage qui s'en suit dequoy je ne suis pas aucunement digne. Vir summa laude praeditus Magister Joannes Lauderus.
(Joannis praetoris urbani filius de Academia cum primis meriti cuius Quaesturam agens temporibus difficillimis ejusdem res reditus que Anglorum injuria periclitantes fide sua ac diligentia vendicavit conservavit ordinavit amplificavit posteris que florentes tradidit.)
Juris civilis haud vulgariter peritus ejusdemque in causis publice agendis consultus, civitatis hujus amplae assessor, postquam Academiam suis studiis ornaverat hune librum cum octo fratribus Bibliothecae donavit. Anno Domini 1675.
Upon the forsaid bargain with Thomas Broun anent Favinacius (because he had great benefit) he gave me in Protegredivibus or the art of wheedling and insinuation, worth 2 and 6 pence or 3 shillings sterling. Item, Despauter's grammer worth, 12 pence. For the Governement of the tongue, by the author of the Gentleman's calling, 12 pence. The Causes of the decay of Christian Piety, by the same author. Item, his Wholle duety of man. Item, his Art of contentment 12 pence. New jests or witty Reparties. Joannes Voet de Jure Militari, 18 pence. The thrid tome of the Corpus Canonicum Glossatum, containing the 6'tus Decretalium Clementines et extravagantes communes, 8 shillings sterling. and which 3'd volume I still before wanted, having only the 2 first tomes of it. For Joannis Tesmari exercitationes Rhetoricae, 4 marks. De Prades Histoire de France from Pharamond till 1669 in 3 small 8'vos with pictures, 2 dollars. Hermannus Vulteius de Feudis, 4 shill. 8. ster.
[Sidenote: I have now got the rest of his works, which see infra folio 7't after this.]
Nicolai Abbatis Siculi Panor mi tani, his great glosse upon the Decretales Gregorii from the 25't title of the 2'd book, viz., de exceptionibus to the end of the haill 5 books of the Decretales, so that I want the volume before containing his glosse on the 1 book of the Decretals and the 2'd till the said 25 title, and the volume after myne upon the 6'tus Decretalium Clementines et extravagants; his wholle glosse consisting of 3 great folios; for he hes written nothing on the Decretum Gratiani: this broken tome m'a ete donne par Pitmedden.
Upon a review I made of my wholle library in Octobre 1675 I found sundrie books ware nather in this catalogue which containes all them I bought or acquired since my returne to Scotland from my travells, nor yet in that other Catalogue and list in the litle black-skinned book containing all them I had bought or got formerly ather at home or abroad: and theirfor I gathered their names togither so many of them as I could remember on and wrot them upon 4 or 5 sydes of paper and shewed[714] it in at the end of my Inventar and Catalogue in the forsaid black-skinned writ book; ubi illud vide.
[714] Sewed. Sew is still pronounced like 'shoe' in Lowland Scots.
Receaved from Pitmedden, Dynus ad Regulas Juris Canonici et Decius ad Regulas Juris Civilis, in exchange for my Ludovicus Gomez Commentarij ad Regulas Cancellariae Apostolicae et utriusque signaturae [of which I have bought another in October 1679.][715]
[715] Interlined.
Ratio reconcinnandi juris civil, 8 pence. On the 1 of Novembre 1675 bought from on William Broun, a dragist, the following books, being in number 23, Imprimis, Stoboei Sententiae Groecolat: 5 shillings and 6 pence. Ammirati politica ad Tacitum, 40 pence. Cypriani Censura Belgica, 56 pence. Autumni Censura Gallica, 29 pence. Bouritij Judex Advocatus et Captivus, 42 pence. Mynsingeri Observationes, 29 pence. Gudelinus de jure novissimo, 20 pence. Cujacij Observationum libri 28, 24 pence. Oldendorpij Classes Actionum, 24 pence. Rolandini Ars Notariatus, etc., 22 pence. Tuldeni Jurisprudent. extemporat. 22 pence. Aegidij Bossij Criminalia, 22 pence. Mindanus[716] de Continentia Causarum, 12 pence. Costatij adversaria ad digesta, 29 pence. Keckermauni Rhetorica, 20 pence. Dieterici Institutiones Rhetorica, 9 pence. Carpentarij Introductio Rhetorica, 6 pence. Faber de Variis nummariorium debitorum solutionibus, 9 pence. Herculanus de probanda negativa, 9 pence. Epistolae Synesij Episcopi Gr. Lat., 6 pence. Bouritij Satyricon in Saeculi mores, 6 pence. Virtus vindicata seu satyra, 6 pence. [23][717] Rhodolphinus de absoluta principis potestate, 6 pence.
[716] Mindanus, Petrus Friderus.
[717] Interlined.
From His[718] shop bought,
[718] i.e. Broun's.
Blunts Academy of Eloquence or his Rhetorick, 15 pence. Clarks formulae Oratoriae, 15 pence. Item from the said William Broun on the 6 of November 1675, Imprimis, Matthias Stephani de officio judicis, 42 pence. Benevenutus stracca de mercatura, etc., 29 pence. Langij loci communes seu Anthologia, 42 pence. Spankemij dubia Evangelica, 2 tomes,. 7 lib. 10s. Mindanus de Mandatis, 18 pence. Macrobij Saturnalia et alia opera, 10 pence. Bertrandus de jurisperitorum vitis, 24 pence. Farnabij judex Rhetoricus, 13 pence. Cypriani Regneri Censura Belgica juris canonici, 3 shills. sterl. For Platonis opera omnia 3 tomes, 6 shills. sterl. For a book containing some sermons of Mr. William Struthers anent true happines; item a defensative against the poyson of supposed prophecies, Peters complaint, etc., 2 merks. The first three parts of the famed romance Cleopatra. 11 or 12 litle paper books all wrytten with my oune hand on miscellany subjects anno 1675 besydes many things then wryt be me in other books and papers. Reiffenbergij Orationes politicae, etc., 15 pence. Memoires of the reigne of Lowis the 14 of France. Doctorum aliquot virorum vivae effigies ad numerum 38, 3 shillings sterl. Luciani opera quae extant omnia gifted me by my client Mr. Patrick Hamilton of Dalserf. I had some of his Dialogues by themselfes in a book apart of before. For a treatise of maritime affairs, 5 shillings and 6 pence. The case of the bankers and their creditors stated and examined, 2 shills. sterl. Shaftesbury and Buckinghames Speeches in October and November 1675 with the letter to a friend about the test against dissenters from the Church, 3 shill. and 6 pence. For Robertj Baillij opus historicum, 4 shillings and 6 pence. For Le Grands Man without passion or wise stoick, 28 pence. For William Pens lnglands interest discovered with honor to the prince, 12 pence. For a treatise of human reason, 8 pence. For observations upon it, 8 pence. Vide Hobs infra in 1680. Gassendi Exercitationes adversus Aristoteleos, item de vita et moribus Epicuri, item L'Aunoy de varia Aristotelis fortuna in Academia Parisiensi, all bound togither, stood me, 3 shills. sterl. Kirkwoods Grammatica Latina, 8 pence. Mitchells Answer to Barclay the Quakers angrie pamphlet, 11 pence. Chevreau's Mirror of fortune, 28 pence. John Bona's Guide to Aeternity, 20 pence. A Rebuke to informers and a plea for nonconformists and their meitings, a shilling. A. Couleys poemes and works, 13 shil. ster. Boyls Seraphick love, 18 pence. Item, his Excellency of theology above Naturall Philosophy, 30 pence. His Considerationes concerning the stile of the Scriptures, 24 pence. Thir four last bought at London by my brother Colin in May 1676. The Naked Truth, 2 shillings ster. The Answer to it, 2 shillings ster. Vide in the other leiff another answer to it. Additiones Joannis Baptistae hodierna ad Petri Surdi Decisiones Mantuanas, gifted me in June 1676 by Mr. William Hendersone bibliothecar in the Colledge of Edenbrugh. Lesly Bischop of Rosse de rebus gestis Scotorum, 10 shillings sterling. The Conference betuixt Archbischop Laud and Fischer the Jesuite gifted me by the Lord Abotshall. Ane book of stiles in Octavo. Fullers History of the Holy War, 7 shillings sterling. Caves primitive Christianity, 5 shills. and 6 pence. Dutchesse of Mazarina Memoires, 12 pence. Durhame on the 10 commands, 2 shillings. Skinners Lexicon AEtymologicum Auglicanae linguae, etc., 17 shillings sterling. Le Notaire parfait, 12 pence. Pierre Matthieu's 1st tome de L'Histoire de France, I having the 2nd tome long before, 8 pence. Plethonis et aliorum tractatus de vita et morte, 8 pence. Judge Standfords plees del couronne and King's praerogative, 8 pence. For all the Acts of the Generall Assemblies from 1639 till 1648, 3 shillings st. For Regiam Majestatem in Latin with Skeens learned annotationes, 5 shills. ster. For Mangilius de Evictionibus, 5 shills. st. For Gildas Britannicus Epistola, 12 pence. For Mr. Hugh Binnings wholle works in 4 volumes, being a practicall catechisme and sermons, a dollar. For Drydens Notes on the Empresse of Morocco. I have Setles answers and revieu of them supra, 15 pence. For the Siege of Granada in 2 parts, a comedy of Drydens, 3 shills. sterl. For the Libertin, a comaedie, 15 pence. Menagij Amoenitates juris, 16 pence. Scipionis Gentilis parerga origines de jure publico, cum Coleri parergis, 16 pence. For the rules of Civility, 15 pence. For Hugo Grotius his Annotata Critica ad Vetus et novum testamentum in 6 volumes, 20 dollars. in folio from Thomas Broun in December 1676 (Vide infra. I gift them in Januar 1683). For Herberts Life of Henry the 8th of England, 40 pence. For Senecae Tragoediae cum notis Faruabij, 12 pence. Lord Bacons History of Henry the 7 of England gifted me by the Lord Abotshall. As also gifted to me by him on the 2d of March 1677 Euclids Geometry with Mr. Jo. Dees learned praeface; and item gifted Ramseys Astrologia restaurata et munda with a vindication of it and rules for electing the tymes for all manner of works; item gifted me Lex Talionis being another answer made by Mr. Gunning or Mr. Fell to The Naked Truth, which see in the praeceeding leiff. For Daillees Right use of the Fathers, 4 shillings sterling. Baxters Grotian Religion discovered, 6 pence. Les Diverses lecons de Pierre Mexie et D'Antoine du Verdier. The pacquet of advices to the meu of Shaftsbury in answer to his letter to a friend, supra, 9 pence. Lukins cheiff interest of man, 6 pence. Mr. Smirk or Divine a la mode, being a reply to the animadversions on the Naked Truth mention'd in this and in the former leiff, 2 mark. Adam and Eve or the State of innocence, ane opera of Drydens, 18 pence. For The Plain Dealer, a comedy, 18 pence. The Toune Fop or Sir Timothy, etc., 18 pence.
Received in June 1677 from Mr. James Lauder in name of Mistris Ker in Hadington. Francisci Connani Commentarius Juris Civilis in two volumes in folio. I had the first tome already, having bought it at Parise. Farder received from hir. Hottomanni partitiones juris et juris consultus and some other of his small tracts. Item, Lanfranci Balbi Decisionum et Observationum centuriae 5. The life of Pomponius Atticus, etc., 30 pence. A Guide to heaven from the world, 6 pence. For The 2'd pacquet of Advices to the men of Shaftsburie, 2 shills. sterl. For Madame Fickle a comoedy, 18 pence. For Johnstons History of King James the 6'th minority, 12 pence. Midletons Appendix to the Scots Church Historie, etc., 2 shills: sterl. Burnets Memoires of the 2 Dukes of Hamilton from 1625 18 shillings sterling. Doctor Hamonds Annotations on the New Testament, 18 lib. Scot. Steelingfleets Origines Sacrae, 7 shills. sterl. Glanvills Philosophicall Essayes, 4 shills. 6 pence. The Art of Speaking, 30 pence. Thir last 5 I bought from Thomas Broun on the 15 of September 1677. Sir George McKeinzies Criminalls, 4 Lb. Scots.
The following books to the number of 13. 15 I receaved from my Lord Abotshall in October 1677, because he had doubles of them as we inventar'd his books, some of them I had myselfe already. Imprimis, a Latin and French bible in folio. 2. The Review of the councell of Trent. 3. Bacon's resuscitatio 2'd part. [4. Swinnock's Christian Man's calling.][719] given back to the Librarie. 5. Rosinus Romanae Antiquitates. 6. Goodwyns Moyses and Aaron. [7. Ja. Colvill's Grand Impostor discovered.][719] having another I gave this to Mr. Alexr. Drummond 8. Sympson's compend of the ten persecutions. 9. Brinsley's Ludus literarius. 10. Hooll's grammatica Latino Anglica. 11. Acts of parliament in 1669. 12. Milton's Paradise Lost 13. Hudibras mock poem. 14. Caesars commentaries in English. 15. Arcandam upon the constellations. 16. Adam out of Eden on planting.
[719] Erased in MS.
A mesme temps je empruntee l'usage de ces sept livres suivans de lui pour les rendre quand il les demandoit. Imprimis Rutherfuird's Lex Rex. 2. Wiseman's law of laws, etc. 3. The accomplish't Atturney. 4. Natalis comitis mythologiae. 5. Stephanus praeparative to his apologie for Herodote. 6. Imagines mortis et medicina animae. 7. Dom Huarto's triall of wits.
The 3 following French books ware about that same tyme gifted me by Rot. Keith of Craig. Imprimis, Mr. Wicquefort's Memoires touchant ambassadeurs et les ministres publiques. 2. Histoire de la Reyne Christine de Suede. 3. Lettre sur la campaigne en Flandre, 1677. For the art to make love, 12 pence. For the countermine against the presb., 3 shils. stg. From John Nicol bought on the 18 Dec'ris 1677 the 6 following books. Bodinus de daemonomania majorum, 2 marks. Hall's Cases of Conscience, 14 pence. Walker against Socinianisme, 12 pence. Juvenalis et Persius cum notis Farnab., 10 pence. Sylvestri summa summarum, 2 dollars. Scapulae Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, 2 dollars. Drusius de tribus-sectis Judeorum, 20 pence. Item, the book of fortune, 20 pence. Vincent on Christ's Appearance at the Day of Judgement, ij pence. Antonii Mornacii observationes ad pandectas et ad Codicem, in 3 tomes in folio, at 22 shillings sterl. the tome, 40 lb. Scots. Gerardus Joan: Wossius de Historicis Latinis, 4 lb. Scots. Christophori Sandii animadversiones in istum Vosii librum, 12 pence. For Divi Thomae Aquinatis summa Theologica, 16 shillings stering. For Wallis Due correction of Hobs geometrie, 8 pence. Lipsius Notes on Tacitus, 4 pence. Dominici Baudii epistolae et orationes, 34 pence. Elberti Leonini consilia, a dollar.
About the 19 of Aprill 1678, receaved from Abotshall a manuscript containing a most elegant summary and collection of sundry remarkable things from the 7 tomes of St. Augustins works.
A meme temps je emprunte de lui les livres suivans: 2 manuscripts in Latin de Decimis, contra Erastianos, Independentes, de politia civili et ecclesiastica, de controversiis theologicis, etc., of Mr. Andrew Ramsayes: but now I have given him thir back: Rosse's Pansebeia or view of all Religions. Grotii de imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra. Florus Historie cum Lucii Ampelii memoriali. Catonis Disticha et Mimi Publiani by Hoole. Bought the 15 of Aprill 1678 from Mr. Charles Lumsdean thir six books, Imprimis, Andrew Willet's Hexapla upon Exodus and Leviticus. 2 volumes in folio, 12 shillings sterling. vide infra in 1679 and Aprill 1684. 6 shillings sterling each volume. Jermynes commentarie and meditations on the book of Proverbs, 6 shils. stg. Rosse's arcana microcosmi with a refutation of Bacon, Harvey, Broun, etc., 12 pence. The right of dominion, property, liberty, 10 pence. Mr. R. Baillie's antidote agt Arminianisme, 4 pence. Heraclitus Christianus, or the man of sorrow 12 pence. Lo. Hatton on Status and acts of parlia', 12 pence. Kirkwodi compendium Rhetorircae, 2 pence. Godolphin upon legacies, last wills and devises, 6 shills. ster. Salernitana schola de conservanda bona valetudine, 2 shillings and 6 pence. Juvenalls Satyrca Englished by Stapylton, 2 mark and a halfe. The Fulfilling of the Scriptures.
From Abotshall: ...[720] [Greek: kaina kai palaia]: Things new and old, or a storehouse of similes, sentences, allegories, etc., by John Spencer.
[720] Word undeciphered.
Item, receaved Drummond's History of the lives of the 5 James's, Kings of Scotland, with memorialls of state. Item, Wilson's art of Rhetorique and art of Logick. Item, l'Estat de l'Eglise by Jean de Hainault and Jean Crespin, they being 4 books in number which at this tyme j'ay recu de Abotshall. Fur a manuscript containing some law dictats of the professors at Poictiers and Bourge en Berry annis 1611 and 1612, 12 pence. For Masuerii practica forensis with Montis Albani exceptiones, 12 pence. Quintini Hedui Analecta juris ad Titul. Decretal de verborum significatione, 12 pence. For Jacobi de Voragine legenda aurea seu Vitae sanctorum, ij pence. Ecloga Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis; being a Catalogue of all the manuscripts in thesse 2 universities, ij pence. Mr. D. Dickson's Therapeutica sacra. The Christian education of children, 36 pence. Gifted me by Mr. Wm. Henderson: Bibliothecar of Ed'r, H. Cardani arcana politica seu de prudentia civili. Gotten from Mr. Wm. Dundas Wisseinbachii Manuale de verborum signifcatione, item, Nota nomico-philologica in passionem Christi. Annibal Trabrotus his enarrationes ad Cuiacij paratitla in libros tres prinres Codicis, a mark. For A.S. Boetius de Consolatione philosophiae et disciplina scholastica, 6 pence. Gifted to me by Mr. John Craig of Ramorney, advocat, on the 16 of November 1678, Davila's Historie of the civill wars of France. Leidington's practiques and some other papers bound togither by me at this time. Tbe Christians Patterne or A Kempis Imitation of Christ, 12 pence. For tuo volumes of Panormitans commentary upon the decretales, which compleits what I had of him before. Item, for Giuidonis Papae decisiones parlamenti Grationapolitanae and Lipsius de constantia, in all 4 books, 6 shillings sterling. For Lucas de Penna ad tres posteriores libros codicis, 40 pence. For Joannis Amos Comenii janua linguarum in Greek; Latin and English, 18 pence. I have another in Latin, French, and Dutch. Poemata Niniani Patersoni gifted me by the said Mr. Ninian the author. Code Lowis ou ordannances pour les matieres criminelles. Georgii Macropedii methodus de conscribendis epistolis, etc., 6 pence. Jer. Taylor's liberty of prophecieng. Lubbertus contra Socinum de Christo mediatore. Aurengzebe and the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian, 2 comedies. The Life of K. Charles the I. the pseudomartyr. Ane Accompt of the Scots greevances anno 1674. Mother Gregs Jests. Raphaell Holinsched's Chronicle of England from William the Conqueror till 1587, 9 shillings sterl. An Abridgement and written collection drawen furth of the Register of the commission for plantation of kirks and valuation of teynds, from 1661 till November 1673. Catalogus Librorum D. Jacobi Narnij, gifted by him to the Colledge of Edenbrugh. For Mr. Dods and Cleavers commentary on the wholle proverbs of Solomon, 4 shills. stg. For Mr. Cleaver's Commentar on some of the chapters of the Proverbs, more amply then in the praeceeding commentary, their being only 5 chapters explained in this volume, viz., the 1, 2, 15, 16, and 17 chapters theirof, enriched with many discourses and doctrines from thesse chapters, not in the former commentarie. Gullielmi Cocci revelatio revelata, or expositio Apocalypse[Greek: o]s, 12 pence. Ludovici Caelii Rhodigini Antiqutae lectiones, Parisiis 1517. The Apology for and vindication of the persecuted ministers in Scotland, gifted me by Abotshall. For the Differences of the tymes, written by Mr. David Foster, minister at Lauder, a mark. Erasmi Chiliades Adagiorum in folio, gifted me by Mr. John Wood's brother, Mr. Wood having lost some books lent by me to him, as Harprecht, etc. Cartwright's commentar upon the Proverbs in Latin, 3 shillings and 6 pence. Rudimenta Rhetorica Ro'ti Brunii, 8 pence. Academie Francoise pour l'institution des Moeurs, in 8vo, 6 pence. On the 10 of June 1679 bought 7 old books, some of them but pamphlets, viz., une recueill des gazettes nouvelles et relations de l'annee 1640, Cujacii ad tres postremos libros Codicis, des ordonnances de Lowis 13 en assemblee de notables, directions for health, naturall and artificiall, Resolution de Question prouvant qu'il est permis a sujets a resister la cruaute de leur Prince, a discourse touching the distractions of the tymes and the Causes theirof, the canons and constitutions made by the Quakers: for which I payed, 30 pence. The fyre upon the altar, or divine meditations and essayes, 28 pence. The Lively Oracles, or use of the holy scriptures, 30 pence. Atcheson's militarie garden. A Picktooth for the pope, Item, the apple of his left eye, item the greevances of the Scots ministers in 1633, etc. Regii Sanguinis clamor per Morum contra Miltonum Anglicum, 6 pence. Botero des gouvernements des estats in Italian and French, 8 pence. Mr. Traps commentar ou the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon, 3 lb. 7 shill. Bought on the ij of September 1679 from Mistris Forrest in Fyffe the ten following books. 1. Erasmi concio de misericordia Domini and other tracts, 10 pence. 2. Erasmi encomion Moriae et de Lingua and other tracts, a mark. 3. Bezae Responsio ad Castellionem de versione Novi testamenti, 10 pence. 4. Flores Doctorum pene Omnium per Thomam Hibernicum, 18 pence. 5. Sylva locorum communiuni per Ludovicum Granatensem, 30 pence. 6. Poetarum omnium flores, a mark. 7. Refutatio Cujusdam libelli de Jure magistratuum per Beccariam, 8 pence. 8. Chrysostomes Homilies and morals on the Ephesians, 24 pence. 9. Virgil in English verse by John Ogilbie, 24 pence. 10. Simon Patrick's Reflections on the devotions of the Roman Church, 24 pence.
Having in September 1679 casten up the accompt of the wholle manuscript books I have besyde me, I find they are 94 in number of which see more in my other more full Catalogues of my books.
Letter by John Lauder, Lord Fountainhall, to his Son[721]
[721] MS. in possession of Sir T.N. Dick Lauder.
The following letter from Fountainhall to his son, probably his eldest son and successor, John, is a characteristic specimen of his later style. It holds up to the young man as an example the character and career of his maternal grandfather, Sir Andrew Ramsay, Lord Abbotshall.
'Appryll 3d, 1691.
Sone,—The letters I formerly sent you, tho replenished with the best advyces that ather my reading or my experience and observatione or my paternall affection affoorded, and in thesse important affaires they handled, yet I conceive they might be the less effectuall that they had no other authority to back them but my own. Theirfor I am resolved a litle to trye another method, and so put thesse useful precepts in the mouths of some of your ancestors as if they wer allowed for some tyme to arryse from the dead and speak to those descended of them; and I shall set befor you some of their vertues and illustrious actions for ane pattern worthy your imitation, seeing there cannot be ane better direction in the stearing the compass of our lyves then by reading the lyves of good men, espccially wheir wee are nearly related to them, and in the using of this prosopopoea I have no less examples to follow then the prince of orators Cicero and the great Seneca who to give the greater weight and authority to the moral precepts they delyvered to the people of Rome they conjure up the ghosts of Scipio, Laelius, Cato, Appius and thesse other worthies, and bringe them upon the Stage, teaching their own posterity the principles of vertue which is observed to have left a far greater impression, and have proselyted and convinced the mynds of the hearers more than what the greatest philosophers delyvered only as their own sentiments and opinions. And because it is not usuall to wryte the lyves of men whyle[722] they be dead, Theirfor I will begin with your maternall lyne and sett befor you some of the most eminent transactions wheirin that excellent Gentleman, Sir Andrew Ramsay, your grandfather, was most concerned in, with the severall vertues and good qualities that made him so famous and considerable, which ought to be ane spurr and incitement to all good and vertuous actions, and to non so much as to his oun grand-chyld. And because it layes ane great tye and obligation wheir on is descended of ane race that never did anything that was base and unwurthy of a Gentleman, Theirfor I will also shortly as I can give you ane account of his pedegrie and descent befor I come to descrybe his oun personall merit and actions. For tho the poet sayes true, Et genus et proavos et quae non fecimus ipsi, vix ea nostra voco, yet to be of ane honourable descent of good people as it raises the expectation of the wurld that they will not beley their kynd as Horace sayes, Fortes creantur fortibus, so they turn contemptibly hatefull when they degenerat and by their vices blacken and sully the glory and honour their ancestors had gained, and they turn a disgrace to the family and relations they are come of. Bot to begin: Sr Andrew was the 3d sone of Mr. Andrew Ramsay, minister of Edr., and Mary Frazer. He being a sone of the Laird of Balmaynes, and shee a daughter of the Laird of Dores, and it being fitt that a man should know his oun genealogie that wheir ane of them has been signalized for vertue it may be ane motive to provock our imitation, and if they have att any tymes been led out of the way of vertue that it may serve for ane beacon and scar-crow to the descendants to hold of thesse rocks and shelves wheir they may see the bones of their friends as the memento of Lots wyfe to beware of thesse fatall errors. And tho a man should know the history of his oun nation and not be domi talpa, yet there is no part of that history so usefull as that of his genealogie, and therfor I would give you some account of that family of Balmayn and of some remarkable things have happened therin.
The first of them was John Ramsay, sone to the Laird of Corstoun in Fyfe, who being ane handsome young boy was made choyse of to attend Ki: Ja: 3d att the Grammar School. Their was pains taken for another Gentleman's sone, who had been bred in the high-school of Edr. and both read and wrote better, yet the young King thinking John had more the mean of ane Gentleman preferred him, tho choyses of such princes being lyke Rhehoboams, not so much founded upon merits as fancy and ane similitude of humor, and I have observed friendship and acquaintance contracted betwixt boyes att schooll to be very durable, and so it proved here, for K.J. 3d made him on of his Cubiculars and then Captain of his guards, with this extravagant priveledge that non should wear a sword within two myles of the Kings palace without his speciall warrand and licence, which created him much envy and hatred, that for supporting him against the same, he first knighted him and then gave him the lands of Kirkcanders in Galloway, Terinean in Carrick, Gorgie in Lothian, and Balmayn in the Mernes. All which lands his posterity hath sold or wer evicted from them by recognitions, except Balmayn. And tho wee doe not find him taxed as on of the bad counsellors that made ane discord betuixt the said K. James and his nobles, att least not so much as Cochran, who from being his Master Mason he had made E. of Marr, and other mean people about him whom he had advanced, yet it was impossible for him to be in so much favour with his prince without drawing the emulation and envy of great and auntient families, who thought non should come between them and their Soveraigne. For you will find from our Chronicles that this King was on of the worst of all the James's and came to ane fatall end by his variance with the Nobility, whom he studyed to humble as factious and tumultuary, bot they thought themselves slighted and disobleidged by his making use of mean men in all offices about him. Bot to return to Sr. John Ramsay. It shewes the Kings great affection to him att Lundie bridge when Archbald E. of Angus, called bell the cat (the reason wheirof you know), and the other barons seazed upon Cochran and the bad Counsellors and hanged them over the bridge, and some of them apprehending Ramsay for that same end, the King grasped him in his armes and plead with them to spare him as more innocent than the rest, which was yealded to by the Kings intercession. Bot after this he created him E. of Bothwell, ane title that hes been funest and unluckie to all the three possessors of it, viz., the Ramsay, Hepburn, and Stewart, and which the Ramsay bruiked shorter then any of the other two. For after the killing of the King in Bannock-burn myln when he had fled out of the battell, the parliament did annull that title of honour, and from that tyme they have only been designed Lairds of Balmayn. Some say he was killed with his master in that feild, bot I have two unansreable arguments agst it. The on is that in severall of K.J. the 4ths parliats. I find him on of the Commissioners as now but joyned two or three in ane deputation. Neither had thesse offices att that tyme such splendour and greatness annexed to them as now, and by this it appears the K.J. the 4th durst not resent his fathers death, yet he took speciall nottice of those freinds who had faithfully adhered to him. Instance the iron belt and bitter repartee he gave the Lord Gray. The second is, That Mr. Andrew Ramsay his great grand-chyld, in his Latine epitaph made on him, printed amongst his Epigrams, affirmes that he was killed att the battell of Floudan with K.J. 4th, which, if true, he has out-lived J. the 3d 25 years. I find the said Sr. John Ramsay's sone hath lived till about the year 1567. For in the Sederunt books that year there is ane gift of tutory dative mentioned, making Sr Robert Carnagie of Kinnaird tutor to Wm. Ramsay of Balinayne, left ane minor by the death of his fayr., and this Sr Robt. did afterwards bestow Katharine Carnagie his daughter upon the said Wm. Ramsay. The present Earles of Southesk are lineally descended of the said Sr Robt. bot wer not nobilitat for 30 years after that. Of this Wm. Ramsay and the said Katharine Mr. Andrew Ramsay was their second sone, and being educat in literature, wes sent abroad by his parents to the famous protestant University of Saumur in France, where he gave such eminent specimens of his great knowledge that in 1600 he was created professor of theologie yr. And I have seen that printed Latine oration he had att his inauguration, and tho the Scots wer soouner preserved in France than any other strangers, yet it behooved to be extraordinary merits that adjudged the divinity chair to him befor so many candidats and rivals of their own nation. Bot being desirous to improve the talents heaven had bestowed on him in his oun countrey, he returned home, and about the year 1608 married that vertuous Gentlewoman, Mary Frazer, daughter to the Laird of Dores, and wes by Sr. Alexr. Arbuthnot of that ilk her uncle by the mother called to his Church of Arbuthnot in the Mernes, bot he being ane star of ane greater magnitude than to be consigned to so obscure ane place he wes, in 1613,[723] invited to the toun of Edr. to be on of their ministers, which he accepted, and continued their till 1649 that he was laid asyde by that prevailling remonstrator faction in the church, because he wold not dissown the engadgement undertaken by James Duke of Hamilton the year befor for procuring K. Ch. the first's liberty, and so continued solaceing himself with that murus ahaeneus of a good conscience till he resigned up his blessed soule into the hands of his merciful creator in the end of that year 1659, having, lyke Moses of[724] Mount-pisga, seen the designes and inclinations of this Island to bring back their banished King which he had much promoted by his prayers; and so this good man, lyke ane sheaff of rype corn, was gathered into his masters barn in the 86 year of his age, a man who for his singular piety and vast reading was the phenix of his tyme as his manuscripts yet extant can prove, so that his memory is yet sweet and fragrant, but especially to those who are descended of him who are more particularly oblidged to imitat his goodness, vertue and learning. Bot befor I leave Balmaynes family I shall only tell on passage because its remarkable of David Ramsay of Balmayn, the said Mr. Andrews nephew. Their is ane sheett of paper in form of ane testament wheron their is no word written bot only this, Lord, remember the promise thou hes made to thy servant David Ramsay such ane day of such ane moneth and such ane year, and then he adds, Let my posterity keep this among their principall evidents and subscrybes underneath it his name, and which paper is yet extant and keeped by Sr. Charles the present Laird, bot what the revelation was I could never learn. Now to give you but on word of the maternall descent, they wer aunciently Thanes of Collie, and were come of the great Frazer, who was named by the parliat. on of the governors of Scotland be-north Tay with the Cummings till the controversie should be decyded betuixt the Bruce and the Ballioll in 1270.
Of thir parents was my Lord Abbotshall born in May 1619, being their 3d sone, and from his very infancy promised good fruit by the airlie blossomes of ane sharp and peircing witt, and his two elder brothers having been bred schollars, providence ordered him to be educat ane merchand, bot by his oun industry in reading and his good converse he supplied that defect in his education, and haveing been elected youngest Bailzie of Edr. in thesse troublesome tymes of the English invading and subdueing our nation in 1652, he behaved so well that Provost Archbald Tod comeing to dye in 1654, he was not only recommended by him bot was lykewayes by the toun counsell judged fittest to succeed him; a step which few or non hes made to ryse from the lowest to the cheiff place of Magistracy in the burgh without passing throw the intermediat offices, and which station he keeped till Michaelmass 1658. Dureing which tyme the toun haveing many aflaires to negotiat att London with Oliver the protector, and those whose estates wer sequestrat haveing addresses to give in ather to have the sequestration taken of or are part allocat for their aliment, they all unanimously agreed to employ provost Ramsay as the fittest, which he discharged with great dexterity to all their satisfactions; which made some reflect upon him as complying too much with the usurper, bot when a nation is broke and under the foott of ane enemy, it has alwayes been esteemed prudence and policy to get the best termes they can for the good of their countrey, and to make the yoke of the slavery lye alse easy upon our necks as may be: and the toun was so sensible of his wise and equall administration that they after tryall of severall others brought him in again to be provost in 1662, which he keeped for eleven years together more then what any had ever done befor hira, Chancellour Seton haveing continued for 10 years. When he entered upon this second part of his government he found the toun at the brink of ruine by the cruell dissentions then sprung up betuixt the merchands and trades about their priviledges, bot he lyke ane skilfull Chirurgeon bound up and healled their wounds; and being lykewayes sunck under the burthen of debt he procured such gifts and impositions from his Mat'ie upon all sorts of Liquors that he in a short tyme brought doun their debt from eleven hundredth thousand merks to seven hundredth thousand: and being thrcatened by the Lord Lauderdale to erect the citadels of Leith in a burgh Royall, which wold have broke the trade of Edr., for preventing therof he purchased the same and annexed it to the toun, and finding that Sr. Wm. Thomson their Clerk by his influence upon the deacons of trades nominated and elected the Magistrats att his pleasure, he in 1665 caused the toun Counsell of Edr. depryve him, and notwithstanding all the pains he took by brybery of the then Statsmen and other wayes to reenter to his place, yet he was never able to effectuat it, and then he procured Mr. Wm. Ramsay his second sone to be made conjunct Clerk of Edr. Bot his death att Newcastell some few years after made the designe of this profitable place abortive.
Our Statsmen being att that tyme under great animosities and prejudices against on another, Lauderdale, Hamilton, and Rothes drawing three severall factions, Abbotshall, who could make a very judicious choyce, did strike in with Lauderdale, and upon his bottome reared up the fabrick of his enshueing greatnes. For by his favour he was both maintained in the provestrie of Edr., and advanced to the Session privy- Counsell and Excheqr. This could not but draw upon him the Vatinian hatred of the opposite parties. For they saw so long as Sr Andrew governed the toun of Edr. they could not expect non of those large donatives and gratifications which Lauderdale was yearly getting, besydes the citizens longed to have ane share in the government of the toun which they saw inhaunced and monopolized by Sr Andrew and his creatures, so that it was no wonder after so longe ane sun-shyne of prosperity their should come ane storm, that being alse usuall as after a longe tract of fair weather to expect foull, and envy and malice are alse naturall concomitants of greatnes and merite as the shaddow is of the body, and it was never found that good offices done to are society was ever otherwayes rewarded than by ingratitude. Themistocles, Coriolanus and the old worthies of Rome and Greece are sufficient proofs of this. And for compassing their end Sr James Rocheid Clerk, Sr Ffrancis Kinloch, who aspyred att the provistrie, and sevll. other burgers wer hounded out to accuse him in the parliat. held in 1673, and money was largely contributed and given to the Dutches of Lauderdale, and shee considering that his power was now so farr diminished in Edr. that he wold not be able for to drop those golden shoures that formerly he did, shee prevailled with the Duke her husband to wheedle Myn Lord Abbotshall into ane dimission of all his offices. For Plautus observes[725] in Trinummus holds alwayes true that great men expect that favours most be laid so many ply thick on upon another that rain may not win through, which goes very wittily in his oun language, beneficia aliis benefactis legito ne perpluant. It is true the Duke designed no more by this dimission bot to ward of the present blow, and promised to keep all those offices for his oun behoof till the speat and humour of the people agst him wer spent and runne out, bot the Dutchess and others about him did so violent him that he was not so good as his word. They insinuating to him that it was not safe to trust a man of sense and parts whom he had so highly enraged and disobleidged, and that the bringing him back to power was but the putting him in a capacity to revenge himself, and the truth is that has ever been the practice of the inconsiderat mad world to runne doun any man when he is falling, as Juvenal observes in the case of Sejanus, who brings in the mobile who had adored him the day befor with Hosannas crying with displayed gorge, dum jacet in ripa, calcemus Caesaris hostem, and it is very fitt that divyne providence tryst us with such dispensations. For if wee had alwayes prosperous gales that is so inebriating are potion that lyke the herb mentioned by Homer, it's ready both to cause us forgett our selves and our dewty to God, and I speak it from my oun knowledge that Abbotshall was rauch bettered by thir traverses of fortune, for it both gave him ane ryse and opportunity with more leasure and tyme to examine what he had done in the hurry of publick busines, and to repent and amend our errors is in Seneca's Moralls the next best to the being innocent and not haveing committed thesse faults att all: the French proverb being of eternall truth that the shorter ane folly be it is the better; and tho' that physicall rule a privatione ad habitium non datur regressus be also true in politicks as in physicks that a man divested of his offices seldome ever recovers his former greatnes, yet Lauderdale being ashamed of the injustice with which he had treated Abbotshall, he made him many large promises of reparation, but ther was never any more performed bot the reponeing him again to his office as ane privy- Counsellor to teach us how litle the favour and assureances of great men are to be regarded, being lyke thesse deceiving brooks wherin you shall not find ane drope of watter in the drougth of summer, and to teach us to look up to God and to despyse the lubricity of this world and all its allurements, which is modo mater statim noverca, and being blind, foollish, and arrogant, renders all who greedily embrace her alse foollish as herself, and instead of ane substance deludes us with ane empty shaddow of are Junonian cloud, and playes with men as so many tinnise-balls. I have oft blamed Abbotshall for his high manner of doeing bussines relyeing too much upon the strength of his oun judgement which, tho' very pregnant, yet in his oun concernes might be more impartially judged by other by-standers. I have wisht him, with the Marquesse Paulet, that he might have more of the complying willow and lesse of the sturdy oak, bot he oft acknowledged God's care of him in not suffering him to lose himself in ane false flattering world; and if it had been lawfull for him to have taken satisfaction in the calamities of others he had the pleasure in his lyfe to see Kincardyne, Dirltoun, Carringtoun, Lauderdale, and his other enemies turned out of their places more ignominiously than he. Thus wearied with troubles and the death of many of his children come to age, he devotly payed the last debt to nature in January 1688, being the 69 year of his age. This is all I can get at present proposed to you for one pattern and example, the sheat being able to hold no more.'
[722] i.e. until.
[723] Mr. Andrew Ramsay, Minister of the old Kirk in Edinr., was Professor of Divinity and Rector of the University of Edinr. for six years successively preceeding the 8th March 1626, att which time he gave up both offices.—Note in MS.
[724] i.e. off, from.
[725] i.e. Plautus's observation.
Abbotshall was a man of great force of character. He was much respected by Lauder, who, on his marriage with his daughter, was probably a good deal indebted to him for his first start in professional life. For example, it was no doubt by his influence that he was very early appointed one of the Assessors to the town of Edinburgh along with Sir George Lockhart and soon afterwards to the whole of the Burghs. To the facts of his life as narrated in the letter it may be added that in the course of his career he acquired extensive estates. Besides Abbotshall in Fife, he became the owner, among other lands, of Waughton in East Lothian, a place often mentioned by Lauder, where his brother-in-law, Sir Andrew Ramsay, junior, resided. The eulogy in the letter is somewhat deficient in light and shade, more so than some other passages in which Lauder mentions his father-in-law (see Introduction, p. xxxvi). A good deal about Abbotshall may be read in Sir George Mackenzie's Memoirs, the following extract from which (p. 246) will help to supply the chiaroscuro. |