* * * * *
I have now only to add that I submit this, and whatever else I have written, to the better judgment of our Bishops, but especially to the Holy See, anxiously desirous to think nothing, to say nothing, to teach nothing but what is approved of by those to whom the sacred deposit of Faith has been committed—those who watch over us as being to render an account to God for our souls.
Now, should the Prelates of the Church deem this publication ever so little calculated to promote the great cause for which it has been written, the compiler will believe himself amply rewarded for his labor, and he will feel extremely grateful if they encourage its circulation by giving it their special approbation and recommendation.
Father Michael Mueller's Books,
* * * * *
[Letter from Archbishop Spalding.]
"We have read with much pleasure and with great edification this valuable work, composed by one of our Redemptorist Fathers in Baltimore. We have found the matter solid, well digested, and instructive, and the style simple, earnest, and full of unction. The examples are, in general, appropriately selected as illustrations of the text; and many of them are very edifying, and even touching. These are, of course, to be received, according to the author's timely protest in the beginning, with the wise reserve expressly ordered by the Church in regard to such matters, in the well-known Bull of Urban VIII.; but, with this necessary precaution, such legends are profitable unto edification, as the way of teaching by example is much more compendious, as well as much more impressive, than that by word or writing. It is refreshing to find, in this cold utilitarian age, a work issued from the press so full of Catholic life, and so glowing with the fire of Catholic love. Believing that its extensive circulation and diligent perusal will be promotive of piety, and will be useful to all classes both within and without the Church, we earnestly recommend the work to the faithful people under our charge.
"MARTIN JOHN SPALDING, Archbishop of Baltimore.
"Baltimore, Feast of St. Francis de Sales, 1868."
* * * * *
[Letter from Bishop Luers.]
"Rev. and Dear Sir:—'The Blessed Eucharist,' of which you have kindly sent me a copy, is truly a charming work. It should be in every Catholic family.
Yours truly in Christ,
"J. H. LUERS, Bishop of Fort Wayne.
"Fort Wayne, January 23, 1868."
[From the "Banner of the South," Augusta, Georgia.]
"We have read this beautiful book; we have tasted the sweetness of its thoughts, and we are reading it again. There is a humility about its style so like His humility who dwells with us in the Holy Sacrament: deep thoughts in plain words—doctrinal sublimities in language so simple, that a child, without effort, may understand. It is indeed a book of piety, and it will fill many a heart with love for the Great Mystery of the Altar.
"REV. FATHER RYAN, of Augusta, Ga."
* * * * *
[Letter to the Editors of the "Baltimore Mirror."]
"Messrs. Editors of the Baltimore Mirror:—If you have room in your columns, permit me, through them, to say a word or two about Father Mueller's book, 'The Blessed Eucharist.' But how shall I begin? To say it is great, good, or grand, is not enough. The nearest I can come to expressing what I feel about it, is to say, next to receiving the Blessed Eucharist, is the perusal of this inestimable book. I wish to say to every reader of the Mirror, buy the book. No matter how great a sinner you are, the hope of speedy relief is pointed out to you here; no matter how weak and discouraged you are, the way to strengthen you is shown here; no matter how dear the privilege is to you of receiving the Blessed Sacrament, it will become doubly dear after reading this book. To the rich I would say, buy two copies and give one to your poor brother; his prayers and blessings will well repay you for the trifling expenditure. To the ladies I would say, spare yourself a bit of ribbon and buy the book. To the gentlemen, a few less cigars or drinks, and buy the book. Every single page of it is worth the price of the volume. Could dear Father Mueller have heard the prayers and seen the tears of a poor old lady who is crippled, and cannot go to church, when it was being read to her this morning, he would be rewarded as I know he wishes to be. To one and all I say, buy the book.
"Harrisburg, Pa., 1868."
* * * * *
[Letter from Archbishop Spalding.]
"The Book on Prayer, Key of Salvation, is a collection of beautiful jewels. It is a truly admirable book. In point of intrinsic merit, it is superior to its predecessor—the golden book on the Holy Eucharist—making due allowance for the difference of subject. It is replete with interest and solid instruction, and is specially well adapted for spiritual reading in religious communities and in families. We take much pleasure in recommending to our diocesans this excellent work of Rev. M. Mueller, C.S.S.R., which appears in a second revised edition.
"M. J. SPALDING, Archbishop of Baltimore.
"Baltimore, Ash Wednesday, 1869."
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, IN THE WORK OF OUR REDEMPTION AND SANCTIFICATION. With an Historical Account of the Origin and Effects of the Miraculous Picture. Price, 40 cents.
* * * * *
[Letter from James A. McMaster, Editor and Proprietor of "New York Freeman's Journal."]
"MY DEAR FATHER MUeLLER,—I have read the manuscript you were so kind as to leave with me, on 'Our Lady of Perpetual Help.'
"I will say, sincerely, that I think it even more valuable, and more interesting, than your book on the Blessed Eucharist, that has done so much good, and is liked so much by pious souls. More than this it cannot be needed to say; but I will add that, in my poor judgment at least, it is so desirable to have it speedily published, that I wish the angels may tickle the lungs of any one that, beyond what is necessary, delays its production.
"Affectionately and humbly yours,
"New York, May 19, 1871."
* * * * *
[From the "Boston Pilot," Nov. 25, 1871.]
"The author of this excellent work is the Rev. Michael Mueller, C.S.S.R.—a name deservedly held in great esteem in the Catholic community. We shall not praise the author for his eminent qualities, for we do not wish to give him pain. But of his work, which we have carefully examined, we must say that it will compare favorably with Rodriguez, Nigronius, and Cassian. True, it is written for Superiors of Religious Communities, yet it will prove eminently useful to Pastors and Directors of Souls. Father Mueller exhibits a knowledge of Religious and Ascetic Economy truly wonderful. We bespeak for this work a wide circulation. It is a book of that enticing class that, once taken up, it will not be laid down until read through, from A to Z. Dry as the subject may appear, it is so handled that the Utile Dulci must needs be felt by all readers. Again we thank Father Mueller for this new addition he has given to the stock of our American Catholic Literature and profitable reading.
[From the "New York Freeman's Journal."]
"This book will be very valuable to Superiors of Religious Houses, for whom it is primarily intended. But it is the book, also, for a great many others. It is a book for Catholic Pastors of parishes—for they have governmental responsibility of souls. It is a book for priests who sit in the Confessional, for these, too, have to deal with all sorts of temperaments and of characters. But it is a book, also, for Catholic parents—for these, by Divine order, have the care and responsibility for the right training of their children."
* * * * *
[From the "Pittsburgh Catholic."]
"This is a work which will be very acceptable to the Superiors of Religious Orders. In a clear and forcible manner the reverend author has laid before us the awful responsibility, with its trials and consolations, which rests on the shoulders of all those who are called to rule and direct the various characters that enter the religious state.
"The art of arts, and the science of sciences, is to rule—to govern men. With this beautiful as well as profound saying of St. Gregory, the reverend author opens his first chapter. Around it he hangs all the wisdom which many years of study and experience have enabled him to collect.
"We have every hope that the work will meet with a well-merited reception. It may truly be called the 'Golden Rule,' since it embraces all the duties of Superiors."
* * * * *
[From the "Baltimore Mirror," Nov. 4, 1871.]
"This excellent work, by a talented and respected clergyman of this city, although written principally for the instruction of those who have charge of religious communities, will prove of immense benefit to all in authority, whether clerical or lay; and while the director of souls will find in it much sound advice, the parent, the teacher, will treasure it as a safe guide in the performance of duties too often little understood. If it is hard to learn to obey, still harder is it to learn how to govern. The perusal of 'THE GOLDEN RULE' will do much towards avoiding the misuse of the 'brief authority' with which one is clothed.
"The book bears the 'Imprimatur' of the Most Rev. Archbishop of Baltimore, and its typographical execution does credit to the publishers."
* * * * *
[From the "New York Tablet," Nov. 11, 1871.]
"This is truly a golden book, full of sublime instruction for the governing and the governed, not only in religious communities, for whom it seems specially intended, but amongst Christians in the world. It is a work of the highest importance, and ought to find a place in the library of every religious house."
* * * * *
[From the "Boston Pilot."]
"This is a valuable work. Father Mueller is a writer well-known to the Catholics: his writings have proved most acceptable for their solidity and practicalness. This is a timely production, when, by an inexplicable inconsistency, the agency of spirits is asserted, and their existence denied. The history of Nicola cannot be contradicted; and page 114 contains the clearest exposition of the nature of Spiritualism (spiritism), and the conclusive proofs of its agency.
* * * * *
[From the "New York Tablet."]
"This little book is full, from beginning to end, of extraordinary and intense interest. The narrative contained in the first part of it is one that shows in a remarkable manner the dread power of Our Lord in His Sacrament of the Altar, a power which the infernal legions recognize, and before which they tremble. The second part gives a short but deeply interesting account of modern spiritualism, as the form which divination, sorcery, and devil-worship has assumed in our days. It is written in a simple, agreeable style, that makes it pleasant to read."
THE RELIGIOUS STATE. Price, 75 cents.
* * * * *
[From the "Pittsburgh Catholic."]
"This is an excellent little work—one which should be read by all. It shows the origin of the religious state, and the advantages to be derived by a life solely devoted to the service of God. The many objections that are frequently put forward against religious orders are answered in a clear and brief manner."
THE CATHOLIC PRIEST. Price, 50 cents.
* * * * *
[From the "New York Tablet."]
"The priest is measured in every light which the various obligations and phases of his sacred character throw around him. His mighty proportions on the world's stage are drawn with power, and thorough appreciation. Not a single grade in his ministry but is educed with a fine distinctness, from the position in which he is the dear friend and adviser of his flock, up to that awful height in which he is permitted to touch, with his consecrated hands, the Body and Blood of his Lord and God. Written in a strain of fervent enthusiasm, it is, for Catholics, a book to be read and cherished."
* * * * *
[From the "Pittsburgh Catholic."]
"This is a small volume of 163 pages. In it the learned author shows us how, by the institution of the Sacred Priesthood by our Divine Lord, the priest is constituted the light of the world, the salt of the earth, the guide, father and friend of the people, and the obligations the faithful are under to hearken to his counsels. We wish the volume an extensive sale."
* * * * *
THE OUR FATHER. Vol. I. Price, 50 cents.
* * * * *
The Instruments of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paper, 75 cts. Cloth. $1 50
Catechism of the Christian Religion. By Rev. S. Keenan. 1 50
Instruction of Youth. By Gobinet. 1 50
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Instructions on the Commandments. By St. Liguori. 0 50
Reflections on Spiritual Subjects. By St. Liguori. 0 75
Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations. By Rev. J. H. Newman. 1 00
Wiseman's Sermons on the Devotion to the Holy Eucharist. 0 25
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The Imitation of Christ. By Thomas A'Kempis. From 30 cts. to 1 50
Treatise on Prayer. By St. Liguori. 0 30
The Spiritual Combat. 0 30
Familiar Instructions. 0 30
River's Manual. 0 75
The Rosary and Scapular Book. 0 50
Epistles and Gospels for the Festivals throughout the Year. 0 30
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The Immaculate Conception. By J. D. Bryant, M. D. 1 00
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A Manual of Instructions and Prayers for the Jubilee. 0 05
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Introduction to a Devout Life. By St. Francis de Sales. 0 75
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Manual of the Apostleship of Prayer. By Rev. H. Ramiere. 0 35
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Ullathorne on the Immaculate Conception. 0 60
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Memorial to Preserve the Fruits of First Communion. 0 10
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Little Testament of Our Lord and Blessed Virgin. 0 15
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Good Thoughts for Priest and People. By Rev. T. Noethen. 2 00
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Manual of the Sodality of B. V. Mary. 0 45
" " " " " 0 90
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The official Documents Connected with the Definition of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. 2 50
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Manual of Prayers for those Seeking the True Church. 0 75
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A General Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures. By Dixon. $4 00
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Poor Man's Catechism. Flexible. 0 50
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Visits to the Blessed Sacrament. By St. Liguori. 0 75
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The Catholic Pocket Library. By St. Liguori, 13 vols. comprising: Divine Love and the Means of Acquiring It. 0 20 Consolation and Encouragement of a Soul. 0 20 Means of Acquiring Perfection. 0 20 Conformity with the Will of God. 0 20 Conversing Continually and Familiarly with God. 0 20 Practice of Meditation, and Practice of Perfection. 0 20 Rules of a Christian Life. 0 20 Practice of Christian Virtue. 0 20 Obligation of Children and Parents. 0 20 Explanation of the Sacrament of Penance. 0 20 Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 0 20 The Virtue of Chastity, and the Enormity of the Sin of Impurity. 0 20 The Injuries done to our Neighbor, &c. 0 20 In Paper covers, 10 cts. each
Devotions to the Heart of Jesus.$0 90
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Works of Rev. D. W. Cahill, D. D. 1 00
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Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of Religion. By Moore. $1 50
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Manual of Controversy. O 88
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The Clifton Tracts. 4 vols. 3 00
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Letters to an Episcopalian on the Book of Common Prayer. 1 00
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An Amicable Discussion on the Church of England. By Trevern. 2 00
Answer to Rev. G. S. Faber's Difficulties of Romanism. 1 00
Defence of Catholic Principles. By Gallitzin. 0 60
Letters to a Protestant Friend. By Gallitzin. 0 60
Difficulties of Protestantism. By Fletcher. 1 00
Exposition of the Doctrines of the Catholic Church. By Bossuet. 0 60
Letters to a Prebendary. By Milner. 0 60
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Poor Man's Controversy. 0 50
Short History of the Protestant Religion. By Challoner. 0 50
Spirit of Religious Controversy. By Fletcher. 0 50
Tracts. By Dr. Lingard. 1 00
Hughes' and Breckenridge's Controversy. 2 00
A Vindication of the End of Controversy. By Milner. 1 00
Baxter's Most Important Tenets of the Catholic Church. 0 30
A Protestant's Objections. 0 60
Unity of the Episcopate. 0 80
White's Confutation of the Church of Englandism. 1 25
Charity and Truth. 1 25
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The Touchstone of the New Religion. Flexible. 0 15
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Fifty Reasons. 0 25
Papist Misrepresented. 0 25
Campbell and Purcell's Debate. 1 50
Development of Protestantism. 0 50
On the Apostolical and Infallible Authority of the Pope. By Weninger. 1 50
Catholicity, Protestantism, and Infidelity. By Weninger. 1 25
Why Men do not Believe. By Laforet. Paper, 30 cents. Cloth. 1 00
Vicker and Purcell's Debate. 1 00
Christianity and its Conflicts. By Marcy. 2 00
Conversations of a Catholic Missionary with Americans. 1 25
Bossuet's Variations. 3 00
Religion in Society. 1 50
Pope and Maguire's Discussion. 1 25
Cobbett's Legacies. 0 60
Ward's Errata of the Protestant Bible. 0 75
His Holiness, Pius Ninth, &c. By Rhodes. 0 38
Liberalism and the Church. By Brownson. 1 00
Catholic Doctrine, as defined by the Council of Trent. 3 50
Newman's Grammar of Assent. 2 50
The Invitation Heeded. By Dr. Stone. 1 50
The Question Solved. By Dr. Hannan. 1 25
The Visible Unity of the Catholic Church. 5 00
A Catholic Servant's Apology. Paper. 0 05
McGuire's Lenten Lectures. 0 50
Letters to a Protestant Friend. 1 25
Points of Controversy. By Father Smarius. 1 50
Order and Chaos. By Marshall. 0 25
Rome and Geneva. 0 25
Anti-Janus. 2 50