Envy, 166, 168
Equilibrium, 65
Errors, 446-459, 467
Escape tendency, 142-144, 489, 498-499
Esthetics, 443-444, 457-458
Euphoria, 120, 151
Excitement, 126
Exercise, effect of, 297-298; law of, 389-391, 393-394, 413-415
Experiment in psychology, 12-15, 93, 302, 333
Explanation, 471-472
Exploration, 154-157, 244, 249-252, 258, 288, 305, 421, 462-465, 470
Expressive movements, 126-128
Eye, 32, 34-35, 62, 191, 198-196; movements of, 249-251
Facilitation, 54-55, 78, 83-85, 248, 257, 263, 382-385, 413-414, 417
Factors, in attention, 245-248, 259; in intelligence, 285-288; in memorizing, 345-346; in personality, 553-555; in recall, 379, 382
Faculties, 523
Fallacy, 467-468, 479
Father complex, 606
Fatigue, 73-74, 119, 123, 145, 151
Fear, 125-126, 129-133, 142-144, 153, 303-304, 489, 497-498, 504, 513, 516, 539-540; abnormal, 133, 497-498
Feeble-mindedness, 275, 290-292, 446
Feeling, 172-185; of activity, 45-46; of excitement, 126, 184-185; of familiarity, 185, 357-360; of readiness, 75, 383; of tension, 78-79, 184-185
Feeling-tone, 174-176, 178, 180-181
Feleky, 136
Fernald, 388
Fiction, 512-513
Fighting, 158-161
Fissures of the brain, 50
Fixation, 298
Fluctuation of attention, 254-255
Flying, 93
Forgetting, 349-353, 415
Forgotten name, 356, 563-564
Fovea, 193, 211, 226
Free association, 376, 504, 507; test, 380
Frequency, 379, 390, 433
Freshmen, intelligence of, 279-281
Freud, 505-508, 522, 566-569, 571
Galton, 368, 388
Gamble, 243
Games, 487
Gates, 339, 365
General psychology, 4-5
Genetic method, 15-16, 90
Genius, 99
Glands, 25, 122-124, 303
Gliding dream, 503
Golden section, 444
Gray matter, 35-36, 50-52, 56, 61-62
Gregariousness, 110, 146-147
Group tests, 276-277
Habit, 89, 112-114, 157, 247-248, 260, 328-329, 381
Hallucination, 375-376, 501, 547
Hart, 571
Harter, 321
Hearing, 50, 59-60, 62, 228-235, 439-440
Helmholtz, 220, 234, 475
Helplessness, 144, 149
Henning, 203, 243
Herd instinct, 110, 146-147
Heredity, 91, 98, 100-101, 118, 289-292
Hering, 220-221
Hero, worship, 168; conquering and suffering, 494-496, 509
Herrick, 44, 67
Hesitancy, 530
Hicks, 306, 314
Higher units, 323-326, 334, 410-412
Hollingworth, 20, 104, 243
Homing, 78, 146
Humor, theories of, 157-168
Hunger, 79-81, 120, 140-141, 204
Hunter, 88, 295
Hunting instinct, 72, 78, 140-141
Hypnosis, 349, 547-548
Hypothesis, 473-475
Ideomotor action, 527-528
Illusion, 424, 450-459, 500, 547
Imageless thought, 374
Imagery, mental, 368-376, 499-500; in perception, 425-427; types, 370
Imagination, 481-520, 525
Imitation, 319, 486
Impulse, 132-135, 155, 167, 177, 299, 524-525, 539
Incentives, 541-546
Incidental memory, 346-348, 397
Independence, 163-164
Individual, 91
Individual psychology, see Differential psychology
Induction, 374-375
Inference, 465-468, 475-476, 479
Inferiority, sense of, 166, 168, 496, 510, 555
Inheritance of acquired traits, 113-114
Inhibition, 25, 54-55, 78, 83-84, 122-125, 248, 257, 263, 314, 382, 384, 429-430, 528, 540
Initiative, 545
Insane, 269, 508-609
Insight in learning, 316-320
Instinct, 105-116, 137-169, 179, 181, 488-489, 492, 513, 554; criteria of, 92, 97, 138; and emotion, 134-135; modification of, 299-301
Integration, 558-561
Intelligence, 90-91, 271-293, 538, 555; tests of, 3, 272-277, 281-283
Intelligence quotient, 274-275, 289-290
Intensity of sensation, 206; of reaction, 379, 391, 433
Interest, 181-184, 248, 257-259
Interference, 355-356
Internal secretions, 122-123, 554
Intra-uterine life, 90-92
Introspection, 10-11, 19
Invalidism, 546
Invention, 421, 475, 484, 485, 509-512, 517, 619
"IQ," 274-275
Isolation, 431-432, 435-437, 455-459, 468,479
James, 117, 129, 136, 331, 365, 418, 480, 511, 551, 561, 571
James-Lange theory, 128-130
Janet, 569, 571
Jastrow, 571
Jennings, 88
Jost, 342
Judd, 461
Judgment, 550
Jung, 388, 569
Kimmins, 522
Kinesthesis, 240
Koenig, 217
Ladd, 44
Ladd-Franklin, 221-224, 243, 453
Lange, 129
Lashley, 88
Laughter, 157-168, 161
Law, of advantage, 256; of association, 394-398; of attention, 256, 262-263, 267; of combination, 263-264, 398-417; of effect, 391-393; of exercise, 389-391, 393-394; of habit, 389; of reaction, 256, 262-263, 267; of selection, 256, 262, 378, 382; of shifting, 256, 263; of tendency, 81, 263
Learning, 93-94, 96, 99, 112, 113, 143-144, 296-329; laws of, 389-417, 433
Libido, 507
Light, 212-213
Likes and dislikes, 178-184, 291, 492-493, 513
Linkage, see Attachment
Lobes of the brain, 50
Local sign, 440-441
Locomotion, 93-97, 99, 152-153, 486
Logic, 475-476
Love, 535
Loyalty, 169, 531
Make-believe, 482-483, 508
Management, of action, 541-546; of attention, 267-268; of memory, 338-346, 353, 356, 360-363; of reasoning, 478-479
Manipulation, 154, 315, 481-483
Massed learning, 341-343, 345
Mastery impulse, see Self-assertion
Martin, 28
Mathematics, liking for, 181-182
Mating instinct, 97, 116, 147-148
Maturing, 92, 96
Maury, 501
Maze learning, 305-308, 318-314
McDougall, 136, 171, 418, 551
Meaning, 421, 482-483
Median, 280
Memorizing, 333-346, 360-363
Memory, 332-363
Memory colors, 426
Mental action, 6-7, 45-47
Mental age, 273-274
Mental set, 72, 382-385, 413-414, 417, 433, 452
Mental work, 384
Methods of psychology, 9-16
Mnemonic systems, 363
Modification of reactions, 297-299
Moll, 551
Morale, 543-545
Morgan, 270
Mother complex, 506
Mother instinct, 148-150, 159, 161
Motive, 69, 72, 84-85, 137, 257-258, 469-473, 487-499, 501-510, 513-517, 528-546, 565-570
Motor, area, 50-54; centers, 50-59, 65, 66; nerve, 27, 30-33, 36-37, 39, 50, 52-53
Movement, expressive, 126-128; reflex, 24-26; skilled, 55-59, 268, 321-326, 410-412; voluntary, 53-55, 298
Moving pictures, 454
Mueller-Lyer illusion, 455-456, 459
Muensterberg, 265, 571
Muscle sense, 225, 238-240
Music, 235; liking for, 182-183, 291
Music deafness, 60
Native traits, 89-102, 297
Negative adaptation, 302-303, 310, 312, 413
Nerve, 26, 30, 32; autonomic, 124-125; cell, 31-36, 51, 414; center, 26, 29-30, 49-66, 76, 82-84, 96, 107, 125, 293; fiber, 32
Nervous system, 27-29, 32, 41, 124
Nesting, 105, 110-112
Neurone, 32-36, 51, 61, 346, 414-417
Newton, 212
Nicoll, 522
Nightmare, 504
Noise, 231, 236
Nonsense syllables, 334
Non-sensory recall, 373-375
Norsworthy, 20, 104, 522
Object blindness, 62
Objective observation in psychology, 9, 11-13
Observation, 267; learning by, 317-320, 333-337, 348, 367-375
Obstruction, 162-163, 177, 534-559
Organic needs, responses to, 139-145
Organic sensations, 119-120, 128, 204
Organic state, 72-74, 79, 82, 119-126, 132-133, 175-176
Original nature, 91, 92, 98
Organization of the individual, 527, 529, 532, 558
Otolith, 192, 238
Overlapping, 324-325, 412
Overtones, 230, 438
Pain, 173, 198-201
Paired associates, 336, 347, 404
Paralysis, 57, 547
Parental instinct, 148-150
Parsons, 243
Path, auditory, 62; motor, 51-53, 62; tactile, 62, 64
Pathological method, 16
Patterns, 204-205
Pechstein, 344
Perception, 45, 60, 62-63, 65-66, 419-459, 462, 465, 468, 475-476, 479, 520
Performance tests, 275-276
Perseveration, 355
Personality, 552-570
Perspective, 435, 441-442, 453-454
Phrenology, 52, 65, 293
Physiognomy, 445-446
Physiological limit, 321
Physiology, 6-7
Physique, 553
Piano theory of hearing, 234-235
Pieron, 342
Pillsbury, 270, 295
Pintner, 295
Pitch, 229-230, 450
Place associations, 304, 305, 315, 333
Plan, 483, 493, 539-540
Plateau, 322
Play, 139, 148, 151-152, 160, 485-499, 504-505, 517
Pleasantness and unpleasantness, 173-180, 184-185
Poffenberger, 20, 104, 243
Poggendorf illusion, 457, 459
Practice, 177, 298, 304-310, 314-317, 321-327, 360-363, 433, 538; curve, 307, 316, 321, 325, 390, 542
Preparation for action, 22-25, 72, 74-77, 427-430
Preparatory reactions, 77-84, 111-112, 125-128, 132, 139-140, 145, 147
Prestige, 549
Prince, 559, 564, 569, 571
Problem solution, 385, 465, 469-470, 477, 514
Proofreader's illusion, 453
Protozoa, 39-40, 188, 302
Psychiatry, 16
Psychoanalysis, 505-508, 521, 533, 567-669
Psychology, definition of, 1-2, 5-8, 17-18; methods of, 9-16; varieties, 2-6
Psychopathology, 16, 498, 540-541, 545-550, 567, 569
Punishment, 304-305
Purpose, 69-71, 75, 78, 524-527, 542
Puzzle experiment, 308-310, 315-319, 463-464
Pyle, 343
Pyramid cells, 51, 52, 61
Pyramidal tract, 52-55, 57, 62
Random activity, 151-152
Rationalization, 470-471, 531
Raynor, 331
Reaction, 22-26, 39-41, 45-49, 65-66, 68, 75, 84, 256, 262-263, 266, 423, 428; acquired, 89-90, 94, 99-102; delayed, 76-77, 429; native, 89-102; preparatory, 77-84, 111-112, 125-128, 132; time, 22-24, 75, 424
Reading, 250-251, 258, 262, 267-268, 384, 427, 453, 512-513
Reaney, 522
Reasoning, 320, 422, 462-479, 520; in animals, 310, 317-318, 463-464
Recall, 354-356, 366-385, 413, 422, 469-471, 500, 519, 563
Recency, 345, 356, 379, 390, 433, 511, 563
Recitation in memorizing, 339-341
Recognition, 187, 357-360
Red-green blindness, 210
Reflex, 24-26, 53, 107-109, 256, 297; conditioned, 303-304; control of, 54-55; arc, 26-30, 34, 36-37; centers, 30, 53
Relationships, response to, 286-287, 317, 320, 333-336, 345, 404-405, 432, 467-468, 520
Relief, 79, 84
Reproduction, instinct of, 116
Respiration, 37, 55, 141, 176, 527
Response by analogy, 405-406, 435, 452-455
Restlessness, 78-79, 112
Retention, 286, 302, 349-353, 360, 562
Retina, 191, 193, 195, 210-211, 233, 441-442
Revery, 376-380
Ribot, 571
Rivalry, 165-166, 474, 489, 543; binocular, 253-254
Robinson, 522
Rods, 191, 226
Rotation, sense of, 236-238
Rosanoff, 20
Rote learning, 333, 337
Royce, 522
Ruger, 316
Sanford, 252
Satisfaction, 79, 84, 109-110, 132, 472, 487-499, 501-510, 513-517, 533-535, 540
Saturation of colors, 207-208, 213-214, 217
Scatter, 23, 273, 298, 448
Schopenhauer, 565
Science, 3-4, 473-475; liking for, 181-182
Scott, 93, 551
Seashore, 295
Secondary personality, 559-561, 564
Selection, 256, 262. 378, 382
Self, 428, 555-558
Self-activity, 46-47
Self-assertion, 158, 161-169, 181, 183, 258-259, 287, 472-478, 489-496, 502-503, 508, 513, 515-516, 531, 536-537, 545-546, 549, 556-558
Self-criticism, 509-511
Selfishness, 557
Self-preservation, 115-116, 507
Semicircular canal, 192, 194, 195, 225, 236-238, 486
Sensation, 6, 19, 46, 60, 62-64, 120, 187-240; and feeling, 173-174; feeling-tone of, 174-175; and perception, 423-425; recall of, 368-376
Sense, cells, 189-192; organs, 188-196, 199-200, 236-239, 249; perception, 421-422
Sensory, nerve, 27, 30, 32-34, 36-38, 188-189, 191, 193, 196, 239-240; areas, 50, 59-66, 423
Setting of an object, 358
Sex, attraction, 97, 116, 125, 147-148, 488, 507-508, 534-535; differences, 281
Sex differences, 281
Shame, 166, 168
Shell shock, 504
Shifting of attention, 251-256
Short-circuiting in the process of learning, 338, 405, 568
Shyness, 166
Sight, 32, 34-35, 62, 191, 193-195, 204-228, 231-234, 441-443
Sign and meaning, 421, 437-446
Signal experiment, 304-305, 312
Similarity, association by, 395-396, 405-408
Size-weight illusion, 459-460
Skill, 55-59, 268, 282, 348, 352, 410-412, 428, 482, 488
Skin senses, 197-201, 224, 440, 451
Sleep, 145, 499-500
Smell, 29, 32, 62, 63, 190, 201, 203-204, 224
Snyder, 343
Sociability, 181, 183-184, 489, 492
Social, behavior, 145-151, 510. 552, 558-559; perception, 444-446, 512, 555
Sociology, 5
Song of birds, 98-94
Sound, 228-231
Space, 439-443
Spaced repetition In learning, 341-343, 345, 390
Spaulding, 93
Span of attention, 261-262
Speech, 6, 60, 94, 98, 113, 154, 325, 402-403, 416; centers, 57-62
Spinal cord, 29-33, 50, 52, 55, 64
Spite, 507
Staircase figure, 253
Starch, Daniel, 20, 331
Starr, 56
Statistical measures, 14-15, 280, 283-285
Stereoscope, 254, 442
Stiles, 44, 67
Stimulus, 22, 24, 26-27, 34, 40-41, 46-49, 188, 484-486, 500-501; central, 48-49, 368, 371, 422, 468, 500, 528; internal, 41, 47, 79, 119, 128, 132
Story-telling, 482-483
Straining, 162-163
Strong, 246, 351
Struggle for existence, 114
Subconscious minds, 563-564
Sublimation, 533-535
Submissive tendency, 166-169, 287, 516, 549
Substitute, response, 299-301, 305, 311, 328, 400, 409-413, 430, 436-437, 498-499, 533; stimulus, 298, 300, 303, 311, 368, 371-372, 376, 400-409, 416, 434, 568
Suggestion, 546-650
Suppression, 505-508, 533, 566-567
Surprise, 155
Survival value, 114, 139, 148, 151, 160
Survivals, 127
Sustained attention, 257-260
Syllogism, 476-479
Symbols, 383, 468, 505-507
Symmetry, 444
Synapse, 34-35, 96, 414-416
Synesthesia, 376
Tact, 555
Taste, 189-190, 201-208, 224
Taussig, 522
Telegraphy, learning of, 321-323
Temperament, 553-554
Temperature, responses, 141-142; sense, 197-201, 224-225
Tendency, 68-85, 109-112, 116, 130-135, 137-169, 177, 257, 263, 299-301, 309, 348, 367, 382, 392-393, 408-409, 417, 483-499, 501-510, 512-516, 528-546, 561
Terman, 272, 296
Testimony, 347, 352, 397
Tests, 3, 12, 14, 272-277, 281-283, 548
Thalamus, 56, 62, 64-65, 178
Thinking, 48-49, 319-320
Third dimension, 441-443
Thirst, 79-81, 120-121, 139-140, 179
Thorndike, 20, 104, 171, 331, 418
Thought and action, 539-541
Thrill, 489, 498-499
Thyroid gland, 123, 554
Timbre, 231
Time, 438-439, 447
Titchener, 186, 242, 270, 461
Touch, 50, 62, 63, 197-201; spots, 198
Toys, 486-497
Training of memory, 360-363
Traits, native and acquired, 89-102
Transfer, 316-317, 361-362
Trial and error, 112, 305, 309, 311, 313, 315, 335, 392, 409, 424, 426, 430, 462-465, 526
Typewriting, learning of, 324-325, 411-412, 518, 525-526, 537
Unconscious, activity, 265-266, 383-384, 506-508, 525-526, 562-565; emotion, 118-119; feeling, 172; motive, 565-569; retention, 348-349, 562
Unintentional learning, 346-348
Utility, of emotion, 125-127; of instinct, 114, 144-145; of reflexes, 125
Vacillation, 530
Variability, 23, 273, 298, 369, 447-448
Verification of hypotheses, 473-475
Visual, area, 62; images, 370; perception, 441-443, 450; sensations, 204-228, 231-234
Visualist, 370
Vocalization, 93-94, 154
Voluntary action, 298, 524-528
Vowels, 231
Walking, 95-97, 99, 153
Warming-up, 74, 119-120, 343, 391
Warren, 171, 242, 418, 461
Washburn, 19, 88, 331
Watson, 20, 88, 117, 171, 307, 308, 331, 571
Watt, 243
Weber's law, 449-450
Weight, perception of, 448-450, 459-460
Wells, 571
Whipple, 295, 365
White matter, 32, 35-36, 56, 62
Whitley, 20, 104, 522
Whole and part study, 343-346
Will, 523-550; to learn, 346-348; to live, 565
Wish, 496-497, 501-509, 565
Word blindness, 62; deafness, 59
Worry, 497-499
Wundt, 184
Yerkes, 104, 295
Young, 220
Youth, 147, 164, 495, 519
Zoellner illusion, 459