Price/Cost Indexes from 1875 to 1929
United States
October, 1993 expanded for release in November, 1993
[Originally published as a column entitled:
In The Electronic Journal of Virtual Culture]
Many of you are aware that the $3,000 you spent on computers last year could be replaced by $2,000 spent today. However, only recently have I actually purchased computer gear that I bought with dollars that were only half as valuable as those with which one of my drives was purchased in 1979.
Many of you are aware that the average personal computer was $5,000 - $10,000 some 10 - 15 years ago when Apples and IBMs first appeared on the scene, but you might not be aware of a trend beyond the price reduction that makes today's computer prices an even better bargain in comparison.
In fact, computers today are TWICE as good a bargain as they appear in comparisons with those early computers, and it was already looking as if they were bargains beyond all belief.
In earlier articles I mentioned the fact that today's cheapy 486 DX2/66 computers were 100 times as fast as the originals from IBM, and were likely to also have 100 time as much hard drive storage. [After all, the original PC didn't even have hard drives, and still cost a fortune.]
Here are a few examples to jog your memory:
These are "bare bones" prices for the computer systems; when filled out with color monitors, printers, ports, modems, and the rest of an average computer system, these prices usually doubled, and the prices I usually quote as modern comparison figures include VGA, printer, modem, mouse, and software.
1979 Konan 5M External Hard Drive Kit for Apples $3,000 1981 PC-DOS CP/M 1-Floppy 128K-RAM serial-parallel $2,000 1983 PC-XT added 3 slots and 10M hard drive $3,600 1983 PC to XT Upgrade kit with 5M ST-506 Hard Drive $1,500 1984 PC-AT 1.2M Floppy 256K-RAM no ports 3x faster $4,000 1984 PC-AT Enhanced added 20M hard drive no ports $5,800
[These two Hard Drive Kits both included the ST-506 drives— but the Apple was External while the IBM was Internal: both were from third-party vendors.]
Back in those days extra floppy drives from Apple or IBM for around $325 to $475 respectively [and don't forget that many of these floppies were single sided and held around 150K but we only tend to remember the double sided floppies. If your memory includes "flippies" you know what I mean. (Flippies: single sided floppy disks which were notched so you could do a "flip-over" with the floppy, and use the other side, which was supposed to be unusable but which in most cases was just as good as the side you actually paid for. Don't forget the floppy disks started at $10 each, with dollars that were the equivalent of $2 in 1993 dollars: so, each time you punched a notch and turned one over, you basically gained $20 in the money we use today. You then also needed only half as much, in terms of physical shelf space, to store as much data. It might stagger the present day mind to actually think of that monstrous storage problem we had when we wanted to store any huge books, such as the Bible, on single sided floppies.
The two points I want to make here are that for the cheapest of these machine prices back then, you can now get a machine that is 100 times faster with 100 times the disk space: and that the same is true for the most expensive AND that prices today are actually half what they appear to be in comparison to the prices listed above.
So, when you spend $3,000 on computer gear today, you are in fact only spending half as much as was spent back in '79 for the Konan drive. . .you are really only spending $1,500 from 1979. . .due to changes in the value of the dollar as per an assortment of Consumer Price Index figures [none of which is in agreement with any of the others, so you are encouraged a bit to look up additional information on the subject. These figures [below] are presented only to provide a continuum to make comparisons. Actually these figures are a conservative estimate [as most government figures seem to be [example, no double digit inflation for any year since 1947, which was an extremely good year, by the way.]
So, while other prices were rising to make up for weakenings in the dollar. . .you are probably aware that your expenses, in general, have just about exactly doubled since 1979, when we bought that first hard drive for $3,000. Those $3,000 in a bank account that created no real profit other than enough interest to keep up with the Cost of Living increases, would now be $6,000 and would buy you a computer more powerful and with more RAM and hard drive space than most of you want. A Pentium with 8 megabytes of RAM and adding several gigabytes of hard drive, or a 486 with even more RAM and hard drive.
While the prices of everything else had been going up at 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9% a year, the price of computers has gone down, at about 33% per year. . .a truly astonishing rate that lets you buy something hundreds of times better for less than the price was just 10 or 15 years ago.
Below you will find a short index of the computers we bought since 1979, and then a price index from 1875 to 2010 in case you want to look up some prices mentioned in certain years a decade or a century ago would actually be today.
For example, a teenager watching Roger Rabbit mentioned that the $100 Bob Hoskins received for working on the case was an extremely low figure. However, an examination of the figure below for 1947 will reveal that prices then were about 17.5% which would make Hoskins' fee about $600 in our 1993 dollars we use today. . .even if the physical dollars are the same.
So, what happens to the value that was lost from our dollars that do not buy as much by a factor of 17.5% since 1947 ?
Let's imagine for a moment that we are financial wizards and have all the financial connections open to such wizards; the early 1970's are a perfect example: Nixon is in office, and he releases the dollar from the $35 per ounce price supports the dollar has had since Roosevelt took us off the standards of direct gold exchange to end the Depression in the 1930's.
As an example, we send a million of our dollars to somewhere we CAN buy gold [it was illegal then for US citizens to have gold, unless they were coin collectors or worked gold in the professions, such as dentistry, jewelry, etc.]
So, we have bought a million dollars worth of gold at around $35 per ounce, which was a pretty fixed price at the time.
Now, the price restrictions of $35 per ounce are removed and the price of gold goes up to $755 per ounce, just about what it did during the next few months after the price release.
Now our gold is worth 21 times as many dollars as it was, so we now can sell the gold and get 21 million dollars.
When we spend this 21 million dollars, we are competing with all the other dollars in the marketplace, and prices have to go up as a result, because there are now more dollars but no more anything else. . .so dollars get cheap, and all dollars everywhere give up a percentage of their value to pay for an increase in the number of dollars WE have. So, if all these dollars lose 5% of their value, then we can buy a 20 million dollar share of the future with our 21 million dollars while everyone else loses 5% of the money they let sit in pockets, under the mattress, or wherever.
Half of the value of every dollar disappeared from 1979-1993 [a period in which the Cost/Price Indexes rose at about 6%].
And those 1979 dollars would buy only half as much as a 1969 dollar bought, when prices were rising even more quickly.
And those 1969 dollars were buying only half of what dollars bought in 1947.
Here are the doubling years:
2010 1993 1979 1969 1947 1916 and 1933 had similar costs, about half those of 1947; these fluctuations were caused by WW I and Depression 1898 was also a very low point, but prices before this had been quite stable by today's standards, with 1989 and 1899 being the only two exceptions: which happened to cancel each other out fairly well
Thus, approximately, prices in 2010 will be double what is the case in 1993, just as 1993 was double 1979; 1979 which was double 1969, which was double 1947, which was double a spread around WW I and the Depression.
With 1993 labeled as "1.00000" the value of a dollar which is expected to be spent in 2010 will be "0.50000" or fifty cents.
2010 $1 buys $0.50 worth of 1993 dollars 1993 $1 buys $1.00 worth of 1993 dollars 1979 $1 buys $2.00 worth of 1993 dollars 1969 $1 buys $4.00 worth of 1993 dollars 1947 $1 buys $8.00 worth of 1993 dollars 1916 and 1933 $1 buys $16.00 worth of 1993 dollars 1898 $1 buys $32.00 worth of 1993 dollars
[These are obviously gross approximations: more exact figures are presented below.]
Here are some less conservative estimates, from other sources:
Based on an estimated 17% increase from 1989 to 1993 [4%/year]
Prices doubled as follows:
1982 to 1993 1973 to 1982 1950 to 1973
1993 1.17xxxx 1978 0.573016 1968 0.299207 1946 0.153972
Note fluctuations for WWI, WWII, and Depression: these come close to these doublings, but not for a permanent trend.
1916 0.090478 1915 0.075394
1898 0.047620 Was the lowest trend:
which provides for the widest possible span of 1993 1.17xxxx to 1898 0.047620
with prices being some 25 times higher in 1993 than 1898, for price increase of 2400% over those 95 years.
Many of you have seen the figures I have presented as evidence of the fact that current trends lead to HOLDING THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND WITHIN THE AVERAGE LIFETIME. [Of course if they will let you HAVE the Library of Congress].
These figures range from the first 5 megabyte hard drives used in our very first mainframe, through the first 5M Apple drive, to the same drive running on an IBM, to our current 1.2G drive that cost less than ANY of our previous drives and has storage for twice as much data.
Of course, since I used only the real prices we paid for drive after drive, it was only a matter of time until the cost/price index would begin to play an important role, and we now have a database of drive prices long enough that the $3,000 price for the Konan 5M External ST506 Apple Hard Drive Kit in 1979 was a mere half of what it would be in today's 1993 dollars. Thus:
The first 5 1/4 hard drive we got [Seagate-ST506] should be at $6,000 in today's pricing index, or, conversely, we should see that the $850 we paid for a Toshiba 1.2G drive is really only:
$425 per 1200 megabytes. . .in 1979 dollars.
1971 $50,000 per 5M at $10,000 for the removable 5M drive chassis each 5M added was about $1500 1979 $3000 per 5M at $600/M [Same ST506 drive as I got in 1983, but 1980 set up as external drive for the Apple] 1981 Prices unstable early on 1982
Prices VERY stable now, falling by about 1/3 per year.
1983 $1500 per 5M at $300/M (Please see footnotes directly below)* 1984 $1950 per 10M at $195/M (only Seagate drive in 1985 Blue Book)* 1985 $1500 per 20M at $75/M (some disagreement about the year here) 1986 $1500 per 40M at $37.50/M 1986 $1595 per 80M at $20/M —> (IBM listed in Blue Book as 1984 price) 1987 $1500 per 80M at $19/M (but I never saw until two years later) 1988 $1500 per 120M at $12.50/M 1989 $1500 per 200M at $7.50/M 1990 $1500 per 300M at $5/M 1992 $1000 per 1000M at $1/M [In Summer 1993 we got a Toshiba 1200 Meg] 1993 $666 per 1000M at $.67/M [Actual cost was $.71/M at $850 per 1200M] 1994 $444 per 1000M at $.44/M [IBM in 1993 was $.50/M @ $4000 per 8000M] 1994 $296 per 1000M at $.30/M 1995 $198 per 1000M at $.20/M 1996 $132 per 1000M at $.13/M 1997 $88 per 1000M at $.08/M 1998 $58 per 1000M at $.06/M 1999 $39 per 1000M at $.04/M 2000 $26 per 1000M at $.03/M 2001 $17 per 1000M at $.02/M 2002 $12 per 1000M at $.01/M
Disclaimer: most of these are personal recollections, but are close to estimates I have looked up, as below. [How is it that 1985 and 1990 can seem so LONG ago!?!]
*Suggested resale price was $771 in 1983, still over $150/M *(by the 1987 edition, resale price was $89, only $9/M) *Shugart and Tandon were not listed *IBM DID list a 20M for $1595, only $80/M, couldn't find one *IBM listed 360K floppies at $425 and 1.2M floppies at $650 *floppies dropping at 33%/yr are now under $100, of course, *IBM 512K RAM cards were $1125, 256K RAM cards were $295 *IBM 128K RAM cards were $350
How to use the chart, first set of examples:
The price in current 1993 dollars for any year is found in the first column. Thus you can see that a one dollar item from 1993 will cost about $1.95 in 2010.
The value of the dollars used in any particular year would be found in the second column [value compared to 1993]. A dollar in 2010 will be worth about $.51 1993 dollars while a dollar from 1978-9 would be worth about $2.00 now.
How to use the chart, second set of examples:
To remind you that these figures are presented ONLY as an indicator and not as anything approaching reality, here are an additional set of examples from a different report, for several sample years. You can easily see [where we have integrated them below in the 1989 set of figures] that not only are the adjustments sometimes quite high, but that figures from different reports aren't always even remotely close to each other.
As an example, while working on these figures I noticed a lack of a period of "double digit inflation" commonly referred to in most all recent reports on these economic trends. I checked this with local sources in the field, and was given the following figures which did include [just barely] some "double digit inflation", but only for a few years of the 70's and early 80's.
In short, continue to beware of statistics, and please be advised a bit that while these figures MAY have a certain consistency, within the columns, that there relation to reality is probably far from an intensely accurate reflection of real prices over the century.
Additional figures from:
Economic Report of the President
base year 82-84
D-D indicates prices from the end of one year the end of the previous year. . .December to December is the official terminology.
The adjusted rise is the percentage equivalent to the change in adjusted prices.
% is Dec to Dec on unadjusted indexes %2 is year to adjusted
Adjusted Rise Year Price D-D Adj%
1991 136.2 3.1 4.2* 1990 130.7 6.1 5.4 1989 124.0 4.6 4.8 1988 118.3 4.4 4.1 1987 113.6 4.4 3.6 1986 109.6 1.1 1.9 1985 107.6 3.8 3.6 1984 103.9 3.9 4.3 1983 99.6 3.8 3.2
YEAR: 1989
1993 1.169856 [based on 1989 as 1.000000 base year] 1992 1.124864 [and based on 4.0000% inflation rate] 1991 1.081600 1990 1.040000
Prices will double from 1989 to 2007 at 4.0000% Prices will double from 1989 to 2012 at 3.0000%
Average price rise for 20 year period 1970-1989 is about 6% [5.94%] Average price rise for 30 year period 1960-1989 is about 5% [4.89%] Average price rise for 40 year period 1950-1989 is about 4% [4.32%]
1991 3.1 4.2* 1990 6.1 5.4
Old$/1989$ 1989$/Old$ Yearly % D-D Adj
1989 1.000000 1.000000 3.8744% 4.6 4.8 1988 0.962701 1.038744 3.3218% 4.4 4.1 1987 0.931750 1.073249 3.1640% 4.4 3.6 1986 0.903174 1.107206 2.6144% 1.1 1.9 1985 0.880163 1.136153 2.9714% 3.8 3.6 1984 0.854764 1.169913 3.6577% 3.9 4.3 1983 0.824603 1.212705 3.8998% 3.8 3.2 1982 0.793652 1.259998 6.3832% 3.8 6.2 1981 0.746032 1.340426 9.6842% 8.9 10.3 1980 0.680163 1.470235 9.0331% 12.5 13.5 1979 0.623814 1.603043 8.8650% 13.3 11.3 1978 0.573016 1.745153 7.2812% 1977 0.534125 1.872221 6.6559% 1976 0.500793 1.996834 6.4072% 1975 0.470638 2.124776 9.8160% 6.9 9.1 1974 0.428570 2.333344 9.0908% 12.3 11.0 1973 0.392856 2.545462 6.4508% 1972 0.369049 2.709666 4.7305% 1971 0.352380 2.837848 5.7132% 1970 0.333336 2.999980 5.5271% 1969 0.315877 3.165791 5.5712% 1968 0.299207 3.342164 5.0148% 1967 0.284919 3.509767 2.5719% 1966 0.277775 3.600034 3.5483% 1965 0.268256 3.727776 2.7360% 1964 0.261112 3.829768 1.5426% 1963 0.257146 3.888845 1.5695% 1962 0.253172 3.949879 2.2421% 1961 0.247620 4.038441 0.9710% 1960 0.245239 4.077655 1.6441% 1959 0.241272 4.144695 2.3583% 1958 0.235714 4.242437 2.0622% 1957 0.230951 4.329926 3.5573% 1956 0.223018 4.483953 3.3094% 1955 0.215873 4.632344 3.4226% 1954 0.208729 4.790892 1.5425% 1953 0.205559 4.864789 1.5700% 1952 0.202381 4.941167 1.5950% 1951 0.199204 5.019980 5.0181% 1950 0.189685 5.271890 1.7036% 1949 0.186508 5.361703 -0.4250% 1948 0.187304 5.338916 6.7885% 1947 0.175397 5.701346 13.9152% 8.8 14.4 1946 0.153972 6.494699 22.7889% 18.1 8.3 1945 0.125395 7.974769 3.2667% 1944 0.121429 8.235278 1.3228% 1943 0.119843 8.344216 2.7235% 1942 0.116666 8.571470 6.5229% 1941 0.109522 9.130582 6.1527% 1940 0.103174 9.692363 2.3626% 1939 0.100793 9.921357 -1.5485% 1938 0.102378 9.767725 -1.5313% 1937 0.103970 9.618155 3.9665% 1936 0.100003 9.999663 0.0000% 1935 0.100003 9.999663 3.2815% 1934 0.096826 10.327806 8.9329% 1933 0.088886 11.250379 -2.6092% 1932 0.091267 10.956833 -11.5405% 1931 0.103174 9.692363 -8.4521% 1930 0.112699 8.873159 -2.7364% 1929 0.115870 8.630356 0.0000% 1928 0.115870 8.630356 -0.6823% 1927 0.116666 8.571470 0.0000% 1926 0.116666 8.571470 -2.0003% 1925 0.119047 8.400011 0.6732% 1924 0.118251 8.456558 2.0552% 1923 0.115870 8.630356 0.0000% 1922 0.115870 8.630356 2.8134% 1921 0.112699 8.873159 -7.1889% 1920 0.121429 8.235278 -13.0687% 1919 0.139684 7.159036 15.7924% 1918 0.120633 8.289621 14.2839% 1917 0.105555 9.473701 16.6642% 1916 0.090478 11.052416 20.0072% 1915 0.075394 13.263690 9.1939% 1914 0.069046 14.483146 2.3500% 1913 0.067460 14.823500 1.1941% 1912 0.066664 15.000506 1.1982% 1911 0.065875 15.180236 2.4767% 1910 0.064283 15.556197 0.0000% 1909 0.064283 15.556197 3.8470% 1908 0.061902 16.154643 0.0000% 1907 0.061902 16.154643 -2.5074% 1906 0.063494 15.749575 5.2679% 1905 0.060316 16.579242 2.6993% 1904 0.058731 17.026763 0.0000% 1903 0.058731 17.026763 1.3740% 1902 0.057935 17.260713 2.8134% 1901 0.056350 17.746319 1.4329% 1900 0.055554 18.000607 0.0000% 1899 0.055554 18.000607 16.6596% 1898 0.047620 20.999433 -10.4415% 1897 0.053172 18.806775 0.0000% 1896 0.053172 18.806775 -1.4750% 1895 0.053968 18.529375 1.4971% 1894 0.053172 18.806775 -1.4750% 1893 0.053968 18.529375 -5.5601% 1892 0.057146 17.499115 0.0000% 1891 0.057146 17.499115 -1.3624% 1890 0.057935 17.260713 0.0000% 1889 0.057935 17.260713 -2.6745% 1888 0.059527 16.799071 0.0000% 1887 0.059527 16.799071 1.3554% 1886 0.058731 17.026763 1.3740% 1885 0.057935 17.260713 -1.3554% 1884 0.058731 17.026763 -1.3373% 1883 0.059527 16.799071 -5.0570% 1882 0.062698 15.949537 -3.6592% 1881 0.065079 15.365917 2.4968% 1880 0.063494 15.749575 0.0000% 1879 0.063494 15.749575 5.2679% 1878 0.060316 16.579242 -3.7981% 1877 0.062698 15.949537 -5.9502% 1876 0.066664 15.000506 -1.1800% 1875 0.067460 14.823500
BASE YEAR: 1993 [1993 dollars = 1.000000]
Year Year/1993 1993/Year Year/Previous Year
[Keep the above line for reference on other years]
2010 1.947900 0.513373 4% Est. 2009 1.872980 0.533908 4% Est. 2008 1.800943 0.555265 4% Est. 2007 1.731676 0.577475 4% Est. 2006 1.665072 0.600574 4% Est. 2005 1.601031 0.624597 4% Est. 2004 1.539454 0.649581 4% Est. 2003 1.480243 0.675565 4% Est. 2002 1.423312 0.702587 4% Est. 2001 1.368568 0.730691 4% Est. 2000 1.315931 0.759918 4% Est. 1999 1.265318 0.790315 4% Est. 1998 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 1997 1.169858 0.854805 4% Est. 1996 1.124864 0.888997 4% Est. 1995 1.081600 0.924557 4% Est. 1994 1.040000 0.961539 4% Est. 1993 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 1992 0.961538 1.040000 4% Est. 1991 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1990 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 1989 0.854804 1.169859 3.8744% 1988 0.822921 1.215184 3.3218% 1987 0.796464 1.255550 3.1640% 1986 0.772037 1.295275 2.6144% 1985 0.752367 1.329139 2.9715% 1984 0.730656 1.368634 3.6576% 1983 0.704874 1.418694 3.8998% 1982 0.678417 1.474020 6.3831% 1981 0.637711 1.568108 9.6843% 1980 0.581406 1.719969 9.0330% 1979 0.533239 1.875333 8.8650% 1978 0.489816 2.041582 7.2813% 1977 0.456572 2.190234 6.6558% 1976 0.428080 2.336013 6.4073% 1975 0.402303 2.485688 9.8159% 1974 0.366343 2.729680 9.0909% 1973 0.335815 2.977832 6.4509% 1972 0.315465 3.169929 4.7304% 1971 0.301216 3.319879 5.7132% 1970 0.284937 3.509549 5.5272% 1969 0.270013 3.703527 5.5714% 1968 0.255763 3.909865 5.0148% 1967 0.243550 4.105935 2.5719% 1966 0.237443 4.211535 3.5485% 1965 0.229306 4.360980 2.7360% 1964 0.223200 4.480296 1.5423% 1963 0.219809 4.549396 1.5697% 1962 0.216412 4.620807 2.2421% 1961 0.211667 4.724412 0.9709% 1960 0.209631 4.770281 1.6442% 1959 0.206240 4.848714 2.3579% 1958 0.201489 4.963044 2.0623% 1957 0.197418 5.065399 3.5571% 1956 0.190637 5.245581 3.3098% 1955 0.184529 5.419200 3.4226% 1954 0.178422 5.604679 1.5421% 1953 0.175713 5.691111 1.5703% 1952 0.172996 5.780478 1.5948% 1951 0.170280 5.872668 5.0183% 1950 0.162143 6.167377 1.7034% 1949 0.159428 6.272433 -0.4250% 1948 0.160108 6.245777 6.7886% 1947 0.149930 6.669778 13.9149% 1946 0.131616 7.597868 22.7896% 1945 0.107188 9.329391 3.2661% 1944 0.103798 9.634099 1.3234% 1943 0.102442 9.761596 2.7232% 1942 0.099727 10.027420 6.5229% 1941 0.093620 10.681498 6.1527% 1940 0.088194 11.338700 2.3623% 1939 0.086158 11.606550 -1.5482% 1938 0.087513 11.426859 -1.5312% 1937 0.088874 11.251890 3.9669% 1936 0.085483 11.698239 0.0000% 1935 0.085483 11.698239 3.2811% 1934 0.082767 12.082075 8.9328% 1933 0.075980 13.161341 -2.6088% 1932 0.078015 12.817985 -11.5407% 1931 0.088194 11.338700 -8.4517% 1930 0.096336 10.380385 -2.7367% 1929 0.099046 10.096306 0.0000% 1928 0.099046 10.096306 -0.6823% 1927 0.099727 10.027420 0.0000% 1926 0.099727 10.027420 -2.0001% 1925 0.101762 9.826867 0.6731% 1924 0.101081 9.893016 2.0549% 1923 0.099046 10.096306 0.0000% 1922 0.099046 10.096306 2.8137% 1921 0.096336 10.380385 -7.1894% 1920 0.103798 9.634099 -13.0688% 1919 0.119402 8.375039 15.7925% 1918 0.103118 9.697670 14.2845% 1917 0.090229 11.082933 16.6637% 1916 0.077341 12.929762 20.0069% 1915 0.064447 15.516606 9.1939% 1914 0.059021 16.943183 2.3510% 1913 0.057665 17.341521 1.1940% 1912 0.056985 17.548587 1.1977% 1911 0.056310 17.758770 2.4765% 1910 0.054949 18.198575 0.0000% 1909 0.054949 18.198575 3.8464% 1908 0.052914 18.898565 0.0000% 1907 0.052914 18.898565 -2.5073% 1906 0.054275 18.424717 5.2689% 1905 0.051558 19.395500 2.6987% 1904 0.050203 19.918935 0.0000% 1903 0.050203 19.918935 1.3740% 1902 0.049523 20.192612 2.8128% 1901 0.048168 20.760586 1.4328% 1900 0.047488 21.058052 0.0000% 1899 0.047488 21.058052 16.6611% 1898 0.040706 24.566548 -10.4416% 1897 0.045452 22.001411 0.0000% 1896 0.045452 22.001411 -1.4749% 1895 0.046132 21.676901 1.4970% 1894 0.045452 22.001411 -1.4749% 1893 0.046132 21.676901 -5.5612% 1892 0.048849 20.471407 0.0000% 1891 0.048849 20.471407 -1.3619% 1890 0.049523 20.192612 0.0000% 1889 0.049523 20.192612 -2.6744% 1888 0.050884 19.652578 0.0000% 1887 0.050884 19.652578 1.3553% 1886 0.050203 19.918935 1.3740% 1885 0.049523 20.192612 -1.3553% 1884 0.050203 19.918935 -1.3372% 1883 0.050884 19.652578 -5.0576% 1882 0.053594 18.658633 -3.6586% 1881 0.055630 17.975983 2.4963% 1880 0.054275 18.424717 0.0000% 1879 0.054275 18.424717 5.2689% 1878 0.051558 19.395500 -3.7992% 1877 0.053594 18.658633 -5.9492% 1876 0.056985 17.548587 -1.1800% 1875 0.057665 17.341521
How to use the chart, third set of examples:
This index will allow you to estimate the cost of any item in the dollars of any year included in the index.
Example: You know the cost of an item in 1900 was $1, and you want to know the cost it would have had in 1989 dollar figures [i.e. "adjusting for inflation"].
First go to the base year of 1900, in which 1.000000 is an estimated base for the year 1900.
Then look for the 1989 figure in the 1900 table:
1989 18.000607 0.055554
This indicates that the item costing $1 in 1900 would cost approximately $18 in 1989.
The second column is the inverse function, meaning an item costing $1 in 1989 would have cost about $.05 or $.06 back in the year 1900.
You should be able to find some interesting trends such as that prices were falling back in 1875 as industrial growth swept the United States and the West was being developed.
[Based on an item costing $67 in 1875 {$1,000 in 1989}]
Prices fell from $67 to $47 from 1875 to 1898, in a rather steady progression, and then rather steadily rose back for the next two decades until World War I, until they reached $67 again in 1913 and $69 in 1914, which were the last two years of moderate inflation until after 1919, when pricing dropped from a high of $139 after doubling since 1914.
Prices stabilized during the rest of the 1920's about $110 until 1930, and the Great Depression, in which prices fell to $88 in 1933 and then back to the ranges of the 1920's— until around the end of World War II, when prices went out of control, rising from an average of around $120 for WWII on the whole to $200 in 1951. It took 17 years to hit the $300 level in 1968 and 22 years to double to $400 in 1973.
From 1973 it took only 9 years to double again to $800 for the year 1982.
[At 7% per year, it takes 10 years for inflation to cut $1 to $.05, at 1% it takes 70 years, at 3% it is 23 years and at 4% it takes about 18 years]. Based on 4% inflation, it will be
1990 1.040000 [based on 1989 as 1.000000 base year] 1991 1.081600 [and based on 4.0000% inflation rate] 1992 1.124864 1993 1.169856
which would be an 11 year span for prices to double, since they were at 0.793652 in 1982 to 1.169856, projected 1993]
Below are files for every year on this chart independently listed with that year as the base year, so you can look up for instance, what something from 1930 would have cost in 1950, or the reverse.
YEAR: 2010
2010 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2009 0.961538 1.040000 4% Est. 2008 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 2007 0.888997 1.124864 4% Est. 2006 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 2005 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 2004 0.790315 1.265319 4% Est. 2003 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 2002 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 2001 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 2000 0.675564 1.480244 4% Est. 1999 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1998 0.624597 1.601032 4% Est. 1997 0.600574 1.665074 4% Est. 1996 0.577475 1.731676 4% Est. 1995 0.555265 1.800943 4% Est. 1994 0.533908 1.872981 4% Est. 1993 0.513373 1.947900 4% Est. 1992 0.493628 2.025816 4% Est. 1991 0.474642 2.106849 4% Est. 1990 0.456387 2.191123 4% Est. 1989 0.438834 2.278768 3.8744% 1988 0.422466 2.367057 3.3218% 1987 0.408883 2.445686 3.1640% 1986 0.396343 2.523066 2.6144% 1985 0.386245 2.589030 2.9715% 1984 0.375099 2.665962 3.6576% 1983 0.361864 2.763473 3.8998% 1982 0.348281 2.871243 6.3831% 1981 0.327384 3.054518 9.6843% 1980 0.298478 3.350326 9.0330% 1979 0.273751 3.652961 8.8650% 1978 0.251459 3.976796 7.2813% 1977 0.234392 4.266357 6.6558% 1976 0.219765 4.550319 6.4073% 1975 0.206532 4.841870 9.8159% 1974 0.188071 5.317143 9.0909% 1973 0.172398 5.800517 6.4509% 1972 0.161951 6.174703 4.7304% 1971 0.154636 6.466792 5.7132% 1970 0.146279 6.836249 5.5272% 1969 0.138617 7.214099 5.5714% 1968 0.131302 7.616025 5.0148% 1967 0.125032 7.997950 2.5719% 1966 0.121897 8.203647 3.5485% 1965 0.117720 8.494751 2.7360% 1964 0.114585 8.727167 1.5423% 1963 0.112844 8.861767 1.5697% 1962 0.111100 9.000869 2.2421% 1961 0.108664 9.202682 0.9709% 1960 0.107619 9.292029 1.6442% 1959 0.105878 9.444809 2.3579% 1958 0.103439 9.667512 2.0623% 1957 0.101349 9.866890 3.5571% 1956 0.097868 10.217866 3.3098% 1955 0.094732 10.556058 3.4226% 1954 0.091597 10.917352 1.5421% 1953 0.090206 11.085713 1.5703% 1952 0.088812 11.259792 1.5948% 1951 0.087417 11.439369 5.0183% 1950 0.083240 12.013433 1.7034% 1949 0.081846 12.218071 -0.4250% 1948 0.082195 12.166147 6.7886% 1947 0.076970 12.992058 13.9149% 1946 0.067568 14.799886 22.7896% 1945 0.055028 18.172718 3.2661% 1944 0.053287 18.766258 1.3234% 1943 0.052591 19.014611 2.7232% 1942 0.051197 19.532409 6.5229% 1941 0.048062 20.806486 6.1527% 1940 0.045276 22.086650 2.3623% 1939 0.044231 22.608395 -1.5482% 1938 0.044927 22.258376 -1.5312% 1937 0.045626 21.917553 3.9669% 1936 0.043885 22.786996 0.0000% 1935 0.043885 22.786996 3.2811% 1934 0.042491 23.534670 8.9328% 1933 0.039006 25.636973 -2.6088% 1932 0.040051 24.968148 -11.5407% 1931 0.045276 22.086650 -8.4517% 1930 0.049456 20.219949 -2.7367% 1929 0.050848 19.666592 0.0000% 1928 0.050848 19.666592 -0.6823% 1927 0.051197 19.532409 0.0000% 1926 0.051197 19.532409 -2.0001% 1925 0.052242 19.141751 0.6731% 1924 0.051893 19.270602 2.0549% 1923 0.050848 19.666592 0.0000% 1922 0.050848 19.666592 2.8137% 1921 0.049456 20.219949 -7.1894% 1920 0.053287 18.766258 -13.0688% 1919 0.061298 16.313737 15.7925% 1918 0.052938 18.890088 14.2845% 1917 0.046321 21.588442 16.6637% 1916 0.039705 25.185879 20.0069% 1915 0.033085 30.224792 9.1939% 1914 0.030300 33.003621 2.3510% 1913 0.029604 33.779543 1.1940% 1912 0.029254 34.182887 1.1977% 1911 0.028908 34.592304 2.4765% 1910 0.028210 35.448999 0.0000% 1909 0.028210 35.448999 3.8464% 1908 0.027165 36.812510 0.0000% 1907 0.027165 36.812510 -2.5073% 1906 0.027863 35.889501 5.2689% 1905 0.026469 37.780489 2.6987% 1904 0.025773 38.800089 0.0000% 1903 0.025773 38.800089 1.3740% 1902 0.025424 39.333184 2.8128% 1901 0.024728 40.439539 1.4328% 1900 0.024379 41.018973 0.0000% 1899 0.024379 41.018973 16.6611% 1898 0.020897 47.853171 -10.4416% 1897 0.023334 42.856541 0.0000% 1896 0.023334 42.856541 -1.4749% 1895 0.023683 42.224429 1.4970% 1894 0.023334 42.856541 -1.4749% 1893 0.023683 42.224429 -5.5612% 1892 0.025078 39.876247 0.0000% 1891 0.025078 39.876247 -1.3619% 1890 0.025424 39.333184 0.0000% 1889 0.025424 39.333184 -2.6744% 1888 0.026122 38.281251 0.0000% 1887 0.026122 38.281251 1.3553% 1886 0.025773 38.800089 1.3740% 1885 0.025424 39.333184 -1.3553% 1884 0.025773 38.800089 -1.3372% 1883 0.026122 38.281251 -5.0576% 1882 0.027514 36.345147 -3.6586% 1881 0.028559 35.015412 2.4963% 1880 0.027863 35.889501 0.0000% 1879 0.027863 35.889501 5.2689% 1878 0.026469 37.780489 -3.7992% 1877 0.027514 36.345147 -5.9492% 1876 0.029254 34.182887 -1.1800% 1875 0.029604 33.779543
YEAR: 2009
2010 1.040000 0.961538 4% Est. 2009 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2008 0.961538 1.040000 4% Est. 2007 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 2006 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 2005 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 2004 0.821927 1.216652 4% Est. 2003 0.790314 1.265319 4% Est. 2002 0.759918 1.315931 4% Est. 2001 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 2000 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1999 0.675564 1.480244 4% Est. 1998 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1997 0.624597 1.601032 4% Est. 1996 0.600574 1.665073 4% Est. 1995 0.577475 1.731676 4% Est. 1994 0.555265 1.800943 4% Est. 1993 0.533908 1.872980 4% Est. 1992 0.513373 1.947900 4% Est. 1991 0.493628 2.025816 4% Est. 1990 0.474642 2.106849 4% Est. 1989 0.456387 2.191123 3.8744% 1988 0.439364 2.276016 3.3218% 1987 0.425239 2.351621 3.1640% 1986 0.412197 2.426025 2.6144% 1985 0.401695 2.489451 2.9715% 1984 0.390103 2.563425 3.6576% 1983 0.376338 2.657185 3.8998% 1982 0.362212 2.760811 6.3831% 1981 0.340479 2.937036 9.6843% 1980 0.310418 3.221468 9.0330% 1979 0.284701 3.512462 8.8650% 1978 0.261517 3.823843 7.2813% 1977 0.243768 4.102266 6.6558% 1976 0.228555 4.375307 6.4073% 1975 0.214793 4.655644 9.8159% 1974 0.195594 5.112637 9.0909% 1973 0.179294 5.577420 6.4509% 1972 0.168429 5.937214 4.7304% 1971 0.160822 6.218069 5.7132% 1970 0.152130 6.573316 5.5272% 1969 0.144162 6.936634 5.5714% 1968 0.136554 7.323101 5.0148% 1967 0.130033 7.690337 2.5719% 1966 0.126773 7.888122 3.5485% 1965 0.122429 8.168030 2.7360% 1964 0.119168 8.391506 1.5423% 1963 0.117358 8.520930 1.5697% 1962 0.115544 8.654681 2.2421% 1961 0.113011 8.848732 0.9709% 1960 0.111924 8.934643 1.6442% 1959 0.110113 9.081547 2.3579% 1958 0.107577 9.295685 2.0623% 1957 0.105403 9.487393 3.5571% 1956 0.101783 9.824871 3.3098% 1955 0.098522 10.150056 3.4226% 1954 0.095261 10.497454 1.5421% 1953 0.093814 10.659339 1.5703% 1952 0.092364 10.826723 1.5948% 1951 0.090914 10.999393 5.0183% 1950 0.086570 11.551377 1.7034% 1949 0.085120 11.748145 -0.4250% 1948 0.085483 11.698218 6.7886% 1947 0.080049 12.492363 13.9149% 1946 0.070271 14.230659 22.7896% 1945 0.057229 17.473767 3.2661% 1944 0.055419 18.044479 1.3234% 1943 0.054695 18.283279 2.7232% 1942 0.053245 18.781162 6.5229% 1941 0.049984 20.006236 6.1527% 1940 0.047087 21.237162 2.3623% 1939 0.046001 21.738841 -1.5482% 1938 0.046724 21.402284 -1.5312% 1937 0.047451 21.074570 3.9669% 1936 0.045640 21.910573 0.0000% 1935 0.045640 21.910573 3.2811% 1934 0.044190 22.629490 8.9328% 1933 0.040566 24.650935 -2.6088% 1932 0.041653 24.007834 -11.5407% 1931 0.047087 21.237162 -8.4517% 1930 0.051434 19.442258 -2.7367% 1929 0.052882 18.910184 0.0000% 1928 0.052882 18.910184 -0.6823% 1927 0.053245 18.781162 0.0000% 1926 0.053245 18.781162 -2.0001% 1925 0.054332 18.405529 0.6731% 1924 0.053968 18.529425 2.0549% 1923 0.052882 18.910184 0.0000% 1922 0.052882 18.910184 2.8137% 1921 0.051434 19.442258 -7.1894% 1920 0.055419 18.044479 -13.0688% 1919 0.063750 15.686285 15.7925% 1918 0.055055 18.163546 14.2845% 1917 0.048174 20.758117 16.6637% 1916 0.041293 24.217191 20.0069% 1915 0.034409 29.062299 9.1939% 1914 0.031512 31.734250 2.3510% 1913 0.030788 32.480329 1.1940% 1912 0.030425 32.868160 1.1977% 1911 0.030064 33.261829 2.4765% 1910 0.029338 34.085575 0.0000% 1909 0.029338 34.085575 3.8464% 1908 0.028251 35.396643 0.0000% 1907 0.028251 35.396643 -2.5073% 1906 0.028978 34.509135 5.2689% 1905 0.027527 36.327392 2.6987% 1904 0.026804 37.307776 0.0000% 1903 0.026804 37.307776 1.3740% 1902 0.026441 37.820368 2.8128% 1901 0.025717 38.884170 1.4328% 1900 0.025354 39.441318 0.0000% 1899 0.025354 39.441318 16.6611% 1898 0.021733 46.012663 -10.4416% 1897 0.024267 41.208211 0.0000% 1896 0.024267 41.208211 -1.4749% 1895 0.024630 40.600411 1.4970% 1894 0.024267 41.208211 -1.4749% 1893 0.024630 40.600411 -5.5612% 1892 0.026081 38.342544 0.0000% 1891 0.026081 38.342544 -1.3619% 1890 0.026441 37.820368 0.0000% 1889 0.026441 37.820368 -2.6744% 1888 0.027167 36.808893 0.0000% 1887 0.027167 36.808893 1.3553% 1886 0.026804 37.307776 1.3740% 1885 0.026441 37.820368 -1.3553% 1884 0.026804 37.307776 -1.3372% 1883 0.027167 36.808893 -5.0576% 1882 0.028615 34.947255 -3.6586% 1881 0.029701 33.668664 2.4963% 1880 0.028978 34.509135 0.0000% 1879 0.028978 34.509135 5.2689% 1878 0.027527 36.327392 -3.7992% 1877 0.028615 34.947255 -5.9492% 1876 0.030425 32.868160 -1.1800% 1875 0.030788 32.480329
YEAR: 2008
2010 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2009 1.040000 0.961538 4% Est. 2008 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2007 0.961539 1.040000 4% Est. 2006 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 2005 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 2004 0.854804 1.169858 4% Est. 2003 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 2002 0.790315 1.265319 4% Est. 2001 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 2000 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1999 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1998 0.675564 1.480244 4% Est. 1997 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1996 0.624597 1.601032 4% Est. 1995 0.600574 1.665073 4% Est. 1994 0.577475 1.731676 4% Est. 1993 0.555265 1.800943 4% Est. 1992 0.533908 1.872981 4% Est. 1991 0.513373 1.947900 4% Est. 1990 0.493628 2.025816 4% Est. 1989 0.474642 2.106849 3.8744% 1988 0.456939 2.188477 3.3218% 1987 0.442248 2.261174 3.1640% 1986 0.428685 2.332717 2.6144% 1985 0.417763 2.393703 2.9715% 1984 0.405707 2.464831 3.6576% 1983 0.391392 2.554986 3.8998% 1982 0.376701 2.654626 6.3831% 1981 0.354098 2.824073 9.6843% 1980 0.322834 3.097565 9.0330% 1979 0.296089 3.377367 8.8650% 1978 0.271978 3.676772 7.2813% 1977 0.253518 3.944487 6.6558% 1976 0.237698 4.207026 6.4073% 1975 0.223385 4.476581 9.8159% 1974 0.203418 4.915997 9.0909% 1973 0.186466 5.362904 6.4509% 1972 0.175166 5.708860 4.7304% 1971 0.167255 5.978912 5.7132% 1970 0.158215 6.320496 5.5272% 1969 0.149929 6.669840 5.5714% 1968 0.142016 7.041443 5.0148% 1967 0.135235 7.394554 2.5719% 1966 0.131844 7.584732 3.5485% 1965 0.127326 7.853875 2.7360% 1964 0.123935 8.068756 1.5423% 1963 0.122052 8.193202 1.5697% 1962 0.120166 8.321809 2.2421% 1961 0.117531 8.508396 0.9709% 1960 0.116401 8.591003 1.6442% 1959 0.114518 8.732257 2.3579% 1958 0.111880 8.938158 2.0623% 1957 0.109619 9.122494 3.5571% 1956 0.105854 9.446991 3.3098% 1955 0.102462 9.759669 3.4226% 1954 0.099072 10.093705 1.5421% 1953 0.097567 10.249364 1.5703% 1952 0.096059 10.410310 1.5948% 1951 0.094551 10.576339 5.0183% 1950 0.090033 11.107093 1.7034% 1949 0.088525 11.296293 -0.4250% 1948 0.088902 11.248286 6.7886% 1947 0.083251 12.011887 13.9149% 1946 0.073082 13.683326 22.7896% 1945 0.059518 16.801699 3.2661% 1944 0.057635 17.350460 1.3234% 1943 0.056883 17.580076 2.7232% 1942 0.055375 18.058809 6.5229% 1941 0.051984 19.236765 6.1527% 1940 0.048971 20.420348 2.3623% 1939 0.047841 20.902731 -1.5482% 1938 0.048593 20.579119 -1.5312% 1937 0.049349 20.264009 3.9669% 1936 0.047466 21.067858 0.0000% 1935 0.047466 21.067858 3.2811% 1934 0.045958 21.759125 8.9328% 1933 0.042189 23.702822 -2.6088% 1932 0.043319 23.084455 -11.5407% 1931 0.048971 20.420348 -8.4517% 1930 0.053492 18.694478 -2.7367% 1929 0.054997 18.182869 0.0000% 1928 0.054997 18.182869 -0.6823% 1927 0.055375 18.058809 0.0000% 1926 0.055375 18.058809 -2.0001% 1925 0.056505 17.697624 0.6731% 1924 0.056127 17.816754 2.0549% 1923 0.054997 18.182869 0.0000% 1922 0.054997 18.182869 2.8137% 1921 0.053492 18.694478 -7.1894% 1920 0.057635 17.350460 -13.0688% 1919 0.066300 15.082966 15.7925% 1918 0.057258 17.464947 14.2845% 1917 0.050101 19.959727 16.6637% 1916 0.042945 23.285760 20.0069% 1915 0.035785 27.944518 9.1939% 1914 0.032772 30.513701 2.3510% 1913 0.032019 31.231085 1.1940% 1912 0.031642 31.603999 1.1977% 1911 0.031267 31.982528 2.4765% 1910 0.030511 32.774590 0.0000% 1909 0.030511 32.774590 3.8464% 1908 0.029381 34.035233 0.0000% 1907 0.029381 34.035233 -2.5073% 1906 0.030137 33.181860 5.2689% 1905 0.028629 34.930184 2.6987% 1904 0.027876 35.872861 0.0000% 1903 0.027876 35.872861 1.3740% 1902 0.027498 36.365737 2.8128% 1901 0.026746 37.388625 1.4328% 1900 0.026368 37.924344 0.0000% 1899 0.026368 37.924344 16.6611% 1898 0.022602 44.242944 -10.4416% 1897 0.025238 39.623279 0.0000% 1896 0.025238 39.623279 -1.4749% 1895 0.025616 39.038856 1.4970% 1894 0.025238 39.623279 -1.4749% 1893 0.025616 39.038856 -5.5612% 1892 0.027124 36.867830 0.0000% 1891 0.027124 36.867830 -1.3619% 1890 0.027498 36.365737 0.0000% 1889 0.027498 36.365737 -2.6744% 1888 0.028254 35.393166 0.0000% 1887 0.028254 35.393166 1.3553% 1886 0.027876 35.872861 1.3740% 1885 0.027498 36.365737 -1.3553% 1884 0.027876 35.872861 -1.3372% 1883 0.028254 35.393166 -5.0576% 1882 0.029759 33.603129 -3.6586% 1881 0.030889 32.373715 2.4963% 1880 0.030137 33.181860 0.0000% 1879 0.030137 33.181860 5.2689% 1878 0.028629 34.930184 -3.7992% 1877 0.029759 33.603129 -5.9492% 1876 0.031642 31.603999 -1.1800% 1875 0.032019 31.231085
YEAR: 2007
2010 1.124864 0.888997 4% Est. 2009 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2008 1.040000 0.961539 4% Est. 2007 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2006 0.961538 1.040001 4% Est. 2005 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 2004 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 2003 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 2002 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 2001 0.790314 1.265319 4% Est. 2000 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 1999 0.730690 1.368570 4% Est. 1998 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1997 0.675564 1.480245 4% Est. 1996 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1995 0.624597 1.601033 4% Est. 1994 0.600574 1.665074 4% Est. 1993 0.577475 1.731676 4% Est. 1992 0.555264 1.800944 4% Est. 1991 0.533908 1.872982 4% Est. 1990 0.513373 1.947901 4% Est. 1989 0.493628 2.025817 3.8744% 1988 0.475216 2.104305 3.3218% 1987 0.459938 2.174207 3.1640% 1986 0.445832 2.242997 2.6144% 1985 0.434473 2.301638 2.9715% 1984 0.421935 2.370031 3.6576% 1983 0.407047 2.456718 3.8998% 1982 0.391769 2.552526 6.3831% 1981 0.368262 2.715456 9.6843% 1980 0.335748 2.978429 9.0330% 1979 0.307932 3.247470 8.8650% 1978 0.282857 3.535359 7.2813% 1977 0.263659 3.792777 6.6558% 1976 0.247205 4.045218 6.4073% 1975 0.232320 4.304406 9.8159% 1974 0.211554 4.726922 9.0909% 1973 0.193925 5.156640 6.4509% 1972 0.182173 5.489290 4.7304% 1971 0.173945 5.748956 5.7132% 1970 0.164544 6.077402 5.5272% 1969 0.155926 6.413310 5.5714% 1968 0.147697 6.770620 5.0148% 1967 0.140644 7.110151 2.5719% 1966 0.137118 7.293014 3.5485% 1965 0.132419 7.551805 2.7360% 1964 0.128892 7.758422 1.5423% 1963 0.126934 7.878081 1.5697% 1962 0.124973 8.001742 2.2421% 1961 0.122232 8.181153 0.9709% 1960 0.121057 8.260583 1.6442% 1959 0.119099 8.396403 2.3579% 1958 0.116355 8.594386 2.0623% 1957 0.114004 8.771631 3.5571% 1956 0.110088 9.083648 3.3098% 1955 0.106561 9.384300 3.4226% 1954 0.103034 9.705489 1.5421% 1953 0.101470 9.855161 1.5703% 1952 0.099901 10.009917 1.5948% 1951 0.098333 10.169560 5.0183% 1950 0.093634 10.679901 1.7034% 1949 0.092066 10.861824 -0.4250% 1948 0.092458 10.815663 6.7886% 1947 0.086581 11.549895 13.9149% 1946 0.076005 13.157048 22.7896% 1945 0.061898 16.155485 3.2661% 1944 0.059941 16.683140 1.3234% 1943 0.059158 16.903924 2.7232% 1942 0.057590 17.364245 6.5229% 1941 0.054063 18.496896 6.1527% 1940 0.050930 19.634956 2.3623% 1939 0.049754 20.098787 -1.5482% 1938 0.050537 19.787620 -1.5312% 1937 0.051323 19.484630 3.9669% 1936 0.049364 20.257562 0.0000% 1935 0.049364 20.257562 3.2811% 1934 0.047796 20.922242 8.9328% 1933 0.043877 22.791182 -2.6088% 1932 0.045052 22.196599 -11.5407% 1931 0.050930 19.634956 -8.4517% 1930 0.055631 17.975466 -2.7367% 1929 0.057197 17.483533 0.0000% 1928 0.057197 17.483533 -0.6823% 1927 0.057590 17.364245 0.0000% 1926 0.057590 17.364245 -2.0001% 1925 0.058765 17.016951 0.6731% 1924 0.058372 17.131500 2.0549% 1923 0.057197 17.483533 0.0000% 1922 0.057197 17.483533 2.8137% 1921 0.055631 17.975466 -7.1894% 1920 0.059941 16.683140 -13.0688% 1919 0.068952 14.502856 15.7925% 1918 0.059548 16.793224 14.2845% 1917 0.052105 19.192052 16.6637% 1916 0.044662 22.390161 20.0069% 1915 0.037217 26.869738 9.1939% 1914 0.034083 29.340107 2.3510% 1913 0.033300 30.029899 1.1940% 1912 0.032907 30.388471 1.1977% 1911 0.032518 30.752440 2.4765% 1910 0.031732 31.514039 0.0000% 1909 0.031732 31.514039 3.8464% 1908 0.030557 32.726196 0.0000% 1907 0.030557 32.726196 -2.5073% 1906 0.031342 31.905645 5.2689% 1905 0.029774 33.586727 2.6987% 1904 0.028991 34.493147 0.0000% 1903 0.028991 34.493147 1.3740% 1902 0.028598 34.967067 2.8128% 1901 0.027816 35.950612 1.4328% 1900 0.027423 36.465727 0.0000% 1899 0.027423 36.465727 16.6611% 1898 0.023507 42.541306 -10.4416% 1897 0.026247 38.099319 0.0000% 1896 0.026247 38.099319 -1.4749% 1895 0.026640 37.537374 1.4970% 1894 0.026247 38.099319 -1.4749% 1893 0.026640 37.537374 -5.5612% 1892 0.028209 35.449848 0.0000% 1891 0.028209 35.449848 -1.3619% 1890 0.028598 34.967067 0.0000% 1889 0.028598 34.967067 -2.6744% 1888 0.029384 34.031901 0.0000% 1887 0.029384 34.031901 1.3553% 1886 0.028991 34.493147 1.3740% 1885 0.028598 34.967067 -1.3553% 1884 0.028991 34.493147 -1.3372% 1883 0.029384 34.031901 -5.0576% 1882 0.030949 32.310712 -3.6586% 1881 0.032125 31.128582 2.4963% 1880 0.031342 31.905645 0.0000% 1879 0.031342 31.905645 5.2689% 1878 0.029774 33.586727 -3.7992% 1877 0.030949 32.310712 -5.9492% 1876 0.032907 30.388471 -1.1800% 1875 0.033300 30.029899
YEAR: 2006
2010 1.169859 0.854804 4% Est. 2009 1.124864 0.888996 4% Est. 2008 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2007 1.040001 0.961538 4% Est. 2006 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2005 0.961539 1.040000 4% Est. 2004 0.924557 1.081599 4% Est. 2003 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 2002 0.854805 1.169858 4% Est. 2001 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 2000 0.790315 1.265319 4% Est. 1999 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 1998 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1997 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1996 0.675564 1.480244 4% Est. 1995 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1994 0.624597 1.601032 4% Est. 1993 0.600574 1.665072 4% Est. 1992 0.577475 1.731676 4% Est. 1991 0.555265 1.800943 4% Est. 1990 0.533908 1.872981 4% Est. 1989 0.513373 1.947900 3.8744% 1988 0.494225 2.023370 3.3218% 1987 0.478336 2.090582 3.1640% 1986 0.463665 2.156727 2.6144% 1985 0.451852 2.213113 2.9715% 1984 0.438813 2.278875 3.6576% 1983 0.423329 2.362228 3.8998% 1982 0.407440 2.454350 6.3831% 1981 0.382993 2.611014 9.6843% 1980 0.349178 2.863872 9.0330% 1979 0.320249 3.122565 8.8650% 1978 0.294171 3.399382 7.2813% 1977 0.274206 3.646899 6.6558% 1976 0.257094 3.889631 6.4073% 1975 0.241613 4.138850 9.8159% 1974 0.220016 4.545115 9.0909% 1973 0.201682 4.958305 6.4509% 1972 0.189460 5.278161 4.7304% 1971 0.180903 5.527839 5.7132% 1970 0.171126 5.843653 5.5272% 1969 0.162163 6.166641 5.5714% 1968 0.153605 6.510209 5.0148% 1967 0.146270 6.836680 2.5719% 1966 0.142602 7.012510 3.5485% 1965 0.137715 7.261347 2.7360% 1964 0.134048 7.460017 1.5423% 1963 0.132012 7.575074 1.5697% 1962 0.129972 7.693979 2.2421% 1961 0.127122 7.866489 0.9709% 1960 0.125899 7.942864 1.6442% 1959 0.123863 8.073461 2.3579% 1958 0.121009 8.263828 2.0623% 1957 0.118564 8.434257 3.5571% 1956 0.114492 8.734273 3.3098% 1955 0.110823 9.023361 3.4226% 1954 0.107156 9.332196 1.5421% 1953 0.105529 9.476111 1.5703% 1952 0.103897 9.624915 1.5948% 1951 0.102266 9.778418 5.0183% 1950 0.097379 10.269130 1.7034% 1949 0.095748 10.444056 -0.4250% 1948 0.096157 10.399671 6.7886% 1947 0.090044 11.105663 13.9149% 1946 0.079045 12.651001 22.7896% 1945 0.064374 15.534112 3.2661% 1944 0.062338 16.041473 1.3234% 1943 0.061524 16.253765 2.7232% 1942 0.059893 16.696381 6.5229% 1941 0.056226 17.785468 6.1527% 1940 0.052967 18.879757 2.3623% 1939 0.051744 19.325747 -1.5482% 1938 0.052558 19.026549 -1.5312% 1937 0.053375 18.735212 3.9669% 1936 0.051339 19.478416 0.0000% 1935 0.051339 19.478416 3.2811% 1934 0.049708 20.117530 8.9328% 1933 0.045632 21.914587 -2.6088% 1932 0.046854 21.342873 -11.5407% 1931 0.052967 18.879757 -8.4517% 1930 0.057857 17.284093 -2.7367% 1929 0.059485 16.811081 0.0000% 1928 0.059485 16.811081 -0.6823% 1927 0.059893 16.696381 0.0000% 1926 0.059893 16.696381 -2.0001% 1925 0.061116 16.362445 0.6731% 1924 0.060707 16.472588 2.0549% 1923 0.059485 16.811081 0.0000% 1922 0.059485 16.811081 2.8137% 1921 0.057857 17.284093 -7.1894% 1920 0.062338 16.041473 -13.0688% 1919 0.071710 13.945047 15.7925% 1918 0.061930 16.147323 14.2845% 1917 0.054189 18.453887 16.6637% 1916 0.046449 21.528990 20.0069% 1915 0.038705 25.836273 9.1939% 1914 0.035446 28.211627 2.3510% 1913 0.034632 28.874889 1.1940% 1912 0.034224 29.219669 1.1977% 1911 0.033818 29.569639 2.4765% 1910 0.033001 30.301946 0.0000% 1909 0.033001 30.301946 3.8464% 1908 0.031779 31.467481 0.0000% 1907 0.031779 31.467481 -2.5073% 1906 0.032596 30.678489 5.2689% 1905 0.030965 32.294913 2.6987% 1904 0.030151 33.166471 0.0000% 1903 0.030151 33.166471 1.3740% 1902 0.029742 33.622163 2.8128% 1901 0.028929 34.567879 1.4328% 1900 0.028520 35.063182 0.0000% 1899 0.028520 35.063182 16.6611% 1898 0.024447 40.905082 -10.4416% 1897 0.027297 36.633943 0.0000% 1896 0.027297 36.633943 -1.4749% 1895 0.027706 36.093611 1.4970% 1894 0.027297 36.633943 -1.4749% 1893 0.027706 36.093611 -5.5612% 1892 0.029337 34.086375 0.0000% 1891 0.029337 34.086375 -1.3619% 1890 0.029742 33.622163 0.0000% 1889 0.029742 33.622163 -2.6744% 1888 0.030560 32.722966 0.0000% 1887 0.030560 32.722966 1.3553% 1886 0.030151 33.166471 1.3740% 1885 0.029742 33.622163 -1.3553% 1884 0.030151 33.166471 -1.3372% 1883 0.030560 32.722966 -5.0576% 1882 0.032187 31.067977 -3.6586% 1881 0.033410 29.931314 2.4963% 1880 0.032596 30.678489 0.0000% 1879 0.032596 30.678489 5.2689% 1878 0.030965 32.294913 -3.7992% 1877 0.032187 31.067977 -5.9492% 1876 0.034224 29.219669 -1.1800% 1875 0.034632 28.874889
YEAR: 2005
2010 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 2009 1.169859 0.854804 4% Est. 2008 1.124864 0.888996 4% Est. 2007 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2006 1.040000 0.961539 4% Est. 2005 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2004 0.961539 1.040000 4% Est. 2003 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 2002 0.888997 1.124864 4% Est. 2001 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 2000 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1999 0.790314 1.265319 4% Est. 1998 0.759918 1.315931 4% Est. 1997 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1996 0.702587 1.423311 4% Est. 1995 0.675564 1.480244 4% Est. 1994 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1993 0.624597 1.601031 4% Est. 1992 0.600574 1.665073 4% Est. 1991 0.577475 1.731676 4% Est. 1990 0.555265 1.800943 4% Est. 1989 0.533908 1.872981 3.8744% 1988 0.513994 1.945548 3.3218% 1987 0.497469 2.010175 3.1640% 1986 0.482212 2.073776 2.6144% 1985 0.469926 2.127993 2.9715% 1984 0.456366 2.191226 3.6576% 1983 0.440262 2.271373 3.8998% 1982 0.423737 2.359952 6.3831% 1981 0.398313 2.510591 9.6843% 1980 0.363145 2.753724 9.0330% 1979 0.333059 3.002467 8.8650% 1978 0.305938 3.268636 7.2813% 1977 0.285174 3.506634 6.6558% 1976 0.267378 3.740030 6.4073% 1975 0.251278 3.979664 9.8159% 1974 0.228817 4.370304 9.0909% 1973 0.209749 4.767602 6.4509% 1972 0.197038 5.075155 4.7304% 1971 0.188139 5.315231 5.7132% 1970 0.177971 5.618898 5.5272% 1969 0.168649 5.929463 5.5714% 1968 0.159749 6.259817 5.0148% 1967 0.152121 6.573731 2.5719% 1966 0.148306 6.742799 3.5485% 1965 0.143224 6.982066 2.7360% 1964 0.139410 7.173094 1.5423% 1963 0.137292 7.283726 1.5697% 1962 0.135171 7.398057 2.2421% 1961 0.132206 7.563933 0.9709% 1960 0.130935 7.637370 1.6442% 1959 0.128817 7.762944 2.3579% 1958 0.125850 7.945990 2.0623% 1957 0.123307 8.109863 3.5571% 1956 0.119071 8.398340 3.3098% 1955 0.115256 8.676310 3.4226% 1954 0.111442 8.973267 1.5421% 1953 0.109750 9.111647 1.5703% 1952 0.108053 9.254727 1.5948% 1951 0.106357 9.402326 5.0183% 1950 0.101274 9.874165 1.7034% 1949 0.099578 10.042363 -0.4250% 1948 0.100003 9.999685 6.7886% 1947 0.093646 10.678524 13.9149% 1946 0.082207 12.164426 22.7896% 1945 0.066949 14.936648 3.2661% 1944 0.064832 15.424495 1.3234% 1943 0.063985 15.628622 2.7232% 1942 0.062289 16.054215 6.5229% 1941 0.058475 17.101413 6.1527% 1940 0.055085 18.153614 2.3623% 1939 0.053814 18.582451 -1.5482% 1938 0.054660 18.294761 -1.5312% 1937 0.055510 18.014629 3.9669% 1936 0.053392 18.729248 0.0000% 1935 0.053392 18.729248 3.2811% 1934 0.051696 19.343782 8.9328% 1933 0.047457 21.071721 -2.6088% 1932 0.048728 20.521996 -11.5407% 1931 0.055085 18.153614 -8.4517% 1930 0.060171 16.619322 -2.7367% 1929 0.061864 16.164503 0.0000% 1928 0.061864 16.164503 -0.6823% 1927 0.062289 16.054215 0.0000% 1926 0.062289 16.054215 -2.0001% 1925 0.063560 15.733122 0.6731% 1924 0.063135 15.839029 2.0549% 1923 0.061864 16.164503 0.0000% 1922 0.061864 16.164503 2.8137% 1921 0.060171 16.619322 -7.1894% 1920 0.064832 15.424495 -13.0688% 1919 0.074578 13.408701 15.7925% 1918 0.064407 15.526274 14.2845% 1917 0.056357 17.744124 16.6637% 1916 0.048307 20.700955 20.0069% 1915 0.040253 24.842574 9.1939% 1914 0.036864 27.126568 2.3510% 1913 0.036017 27.764320 1.1940% 1912 0.035592 28.095839 1.1977% 1911 0.035171 28.432349 2.4765% 1910 0.034321 29.136490 0.0000% 1909 0.034321 29.136490 3.8464% 1908 0.033050 30.257197 0.0000% 1907 0.033050 30.257197 -2.5073% 1906 0.033900 29.498551 5.2689% 1905 0.032203 31.052805 2.6987% 1904 0.031357 31.890841 0.0000% 1903 0.031357 31.890841 1.3740% 1902 0.030932 32.329007 2.8128% 1901 0.030086 33.238350 1.4328% 1900 0.029661 33.714602 0.0000% 1899 0.029661 33.714602 16.6611% 1898 0.025425 39.331814 -10.4416% 1897 0.028389 35.224949 0.0000% 1896 0.028389 35.224949 -1.4749% 1895 0.028814 34.705399 1.4970% 1894 0.028389 35.224949 -1.4749% 1893 0.028814 34.705399 -5.5612% 1892 0.030511 32.775365 0.0000% 1891 0.030511 32.775365 -1.3619% 1890 0.030932 32.329007 0.0000% 1889 0.030932 32.329007 -2.6744% 1888 0.031782 31.464394 0.0000% 1887 0.031782 31.464394 1.3553% 1886 0.031357 31.890841 1.3740% 1885 0.030932 32.329007 -1.3553% 1884 0.031357 31.890841 -1.3372% 1883 0.031782 31.464394 -5.0576% 1882 0.033475 29.873058 -3.6586% 1881 0.034746 28.780113 2.4963% 1880 0.033900 29.498551 0.0000% 1879 0.033900 29.498551 5.2689% 1878 0.032203 31.052805 -3.7992% 1877 0.033475 29.873058 -5.9492% 1876 0.035592 28.095839 -1.1800% 1875 0.036017 27.764320
YEAR: 2004
2010 1.265319 0.790315 4% Est. 2009 1.216652 0.821927 4% Est. 2008 1.169858 0.854804 4% Est. 2007 1.124864 0.888996 4% Est. 2006 1.081599 0.924557 4% Est. 2005 1.040000 0.961539 4% Est. 2004 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2003 0.961538 1.040001 4% Est. 2002 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 2001 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 2000 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 1999 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1998 0.790314 1.265319 4% Est. 1997 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 1996 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1995 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1994 0.675564 1.480245 4% Est. 1993 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1992 0.624597 1.601033 4% Est. 1991 0.600574 1.665074 4% Est. 1990 0.577475 1.731677 4% Est. 1989 0.555264 1.800944 3.8744% 1988 0.534554 1.870720 3.3218% 1987 0.517368 1.932862 3.1640% 1986 0.501500 1.994017 2.6144% 1985 0.488723 2.046148 2.9715% 1984 0.474620 2.106949 3.6576% 1983 0.457873 2.184013 3.8998% 1982 0.440687 2.269186 6.3831% 1981 0.414245 2.414030 9.6843% 1980 0.377670 2.647812 9.0330% 1979 0.346382 2.886989 8.8650% 1978 0.318175 3.142921 7.2813% 1977 0.296581 3.371765 6.6558% 1976 0.278072 3.596184 6.4073% 1975 0.261329 3.826601 9.8159% 1974 0.237970 4.202217 9.0909% 1973 0.218139 4.584234 6.4509% 1972 0.204920 4.879959 4.7304% 1971 0.195664 5.110801 5.7132% 1970 0.185090 5.402789 5.5272% 1969 0.175395 5.701409 5.5714% 1968 0.166139 6.019057 5.0148% 1967 0.158205 6.320898 2.5719% 1966 0.154239 6.483463 3.5485% 1965 0.148953 6.713527 2.7360% 1964 0.144986 6.897209 1.5423% 1963 0.142784 7.003586 1.5697% 1962 0.140577 7.113520 2.2421% 1961 0.137495 7.273015 0.9709% 1960 0.136172 7.343628 1.6442% 1959 0.133970 7.464372 2.3579% 1958 0.130884 7.640378 2.0623% 1957 0.128239 7.797948 3.5571% 1956 0.123834 8.075330 3.3098% 1955 0.119867 8.342609 3.4226% 1954 0.115900 8.628145 1.5421% 1953 0.114140 8.761202 1.5703% 1952 0.112375 8.898780 1.5948% 1951 0.110611 9.040702 5.0183% 1950 0.105325 9.494393 1.7034% 1949 0.103561 9.656122 -0.4250% 1948 0.104003 9.615086 6.7886% 1947 0.097392 10.267815 13.9149% 1946 0.085495 11.696568 22.7896% 1945 0.069627 14.362168 3.2661% 1944 0.067425 14.831251 1.3234% 1943 0.066545 15.027528 2.7232% 1942 0.064780 15.436751 6.5229% 1941 0.060814 16.443673 6.1527% 1940 0.057289 17.455405 2.3623% 1939 0.055967 17.867749 -1.5482% 1938 0.056847 17.591123 -1.5312% 1937 0.057731 17.321766 3.9669% 1936 0.055528 18.008900 0.0000% 1935 0.055528 18.008900 3.2811% 1934 0.053764 18.599798 8.9328% 1933 0.049355 20.261278 -2.6088% 1932 0.050677 19.732696 -11.5407% 1931 0.057289 17.455405 -8.4517% 1930 0.062578 15.980124 -2.7367% 1929 0.064338 15.542798 0.0000% 1928 0.064338 15.542798 -0.6823% 1927 0.064780 15.436751 0.0000% 1926 0.064780 15.436751 -2.0001% 1925 0.066103 15.128008 0.6731% 1924 0.065661 15.229842 2.0549% 1923 0.064338 15.542798 0.0000% 1922 0.064338 15.542798 2.8137% 1921 0.062578 15.980124 -7.1894% 1920 0.067425 14.831251 -13.0688% 1919 0.077562 12.892987 15.7925% 1918 0.066983 14.929116 14.2845% 1917 0.058611 17.061665 16.6637% 1916 0.050239 19.904772 20.0069% 1915 0.041864 23.887100 9.1939% 1914 0.038339 26.083249 2.3510% 1913 0.037458 26.696472 1.1940% 1912 0.037016 27.015241 1.1977% 1911 0.036578 27.338808 2.4765% 1910 0.035694 28.015867 0.0000% 1909 0.035694 28.015867 3.8464% 1908 0.034372 29.093470 0.0000% 1907 0.034372 29.093470 -2.5073% 1906 0.035256 28.364003 5.2689% 1905 0.033491 29.858479 2.6987% 1904 0.032611 30.664283 0.0000% 1903 0.032611 30.664283 1.3740% 1902 0.032169 31.085596 2.8128% 1901 0.031289 31.959965 1.4328% 1900 0.030847 32.417900 0.0000% 1899 0.030847 32.417900 16.6611% 1898 0.026442 37.819068 -10.4416% 1897 0.029525 33.870157 0.0000% 1896 0.029525 33.870157 -1.4749% 1895 0.029967 33.370590 1.4970% 1894 0.029525 33.870157 -1.4749% 1893 0.029967 33.370590 -5.5612% 1892 0.031731 31.514787 0.0000% 1891 0.031731 31.514787 -1.3619% 1890 0.032169 31.085596 0.0000% 1889 0.032169 31.085596 -2.6744% 1888 0.033053 30.254238 0.0000% 1887 0.033053 30.254238 1.3553% 1886 0.032611 30.664283 1.3740% 1885 0.032169 31.085596 -1.3553% 1884 0.032611 30.664283 -1.3372% 1883 0.033053 30.254238 -5.0576% 1882 0.034814 28.724106 -3.6586% 1881 0.036136 27.673197 2.4963% 1880 0.035256 28.364003 0.0000% 1879 0.035256 28.364003 5.2689% 1878 0.033491 29.858479 -3.7992% 1877 0.034814 28.724106 -5.9492% 1876 0.037016 27.015241 -1.1800% 1875 0.037458 26.696472
YEAR: 2003
2010 1.315932 0.759918 4% Est. 2009 1.265319 0.790314 4% Est. 2008 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 2007 1.169859 0.854804 4% Est. 2006 1.124864 0.888996 4% Est. 2005 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2004 1.040001 0.961538 4% Est. 2003 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2002 0.961539 1.039999 4% Est. 2001 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 2000 0.888997 1.124864 4% Est. 1999 0.854804 1.169858 4% Est. 1998 0.821927 1.216652 4% Est. 1997 0.790315 1.265319 4% Est. 1996 0.759918 1.315931 4% Est. 1995 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1994 0.702587 1.423311 4% Est. 1993 0.675565 1.480243 4% Est. 1992 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1991 0.624597 1.601032 4% Est. 1990 0.600574 1.665073 4% Est. 1989 0.577475 1.731676 3.8744% 1988 0.555936 1.798768 3.3218% 1987 0.538063 1.858520 3.1640% 1986 0.521561 1.917323 2.6144% 1985 0.508272 1.967449 2.9715% 1984 0.493605 2.025911 3.6576% 1983 0.476188 2.100012 3.8998% 1982 0.458314 2.181908 6.3831% 1981 0.430815 2.321182 9.6843% 1980 0.392777 2.545972 9.0330% 1979 0.360237 2.775949 8.8650% 1978 0.330903 3.022038 7.2813% 1977 0.308444 3.242080 6.6558% 1976 0.289196 3.457868 6.4073% 1975 0.271782 3.679422 9.8159% 1974 0.247489 4.040591 9.0909% 1973 0.226865 4.407915 6.4509% 1972 0.213117 4.692266 4.7304% 1971 0.203491 4.914229 5.7132% 1970 0.192493 5.194986 5.5272% 1969 0.182411 5.482121 5.5714% 1968 0.172785 5.787552 5.0148% 1967 0.164534 6.077784 2.5719% 1966 0.160408 6.234096 3.5485% 1965 0.154911 6.455311 2.7360% 1964 0.150786 6.631928 1.5423% 1963 0.148495 6.734213 1.5697% 1962 0.146201 6.839919 2.2421% 1961 0.142994 6.993280 0.9709% 1960 0.141619 7.061177 1.6442% 1959 0.139329 7.177277 2.3579% 1958 0.136119 7.346513 2.0623% 1957 0.133368 7.498023 3.5571% 1956 0.128787 7.764736 3.3098% 1955 0.124661 8.021735 3.4226% 1954 0.120536 8.296288 1.5421% 1953 0.118705 8.424229 1.5703% 1952 0.116870 8.556515 1.5948% 1951 0.115035 8.692978 5.0183% 1950 0.109538 9.129219 1.7034% 1949 0.107704 9.284728 -0.4250% 1948 0.108163 9.245270 6.7886% 1947 0.101287 9.872894 13.9149% 1946 0.088915 11.246694 22.7896% 1945 0.072413 13.809769 3.2661% 1944 0.070122 14.260811 1.3234% 1943 0.069206 14.449538 2.7232% 1942 0.067372 14.843022 6.5229% 1941 0.063246 15.811216 6.1527% 1940 0.059580 16.784035 2.3623% 1939 0.058205 17.180518 -1.5482% 1938 0.059121 16.914532 -1.5312% 1937 0.060040 16.655535 3.9669% 1936 0.057749 17.316241 0.0000% 1935 0.057749 17.316241 3.2811% 1934 0.055915 17.884411 8.9328% 1933 0.051329 19.481988 -2.6088% 1932 0.052704 18.973736 -11.5407% 1931 0.059580 16.784035 -8.4517% 1930 0.065081 15.365496 -2.7367% 1929 0.066912 14.944990 0.0000% 1928 0.066912 14.944990 -0.6823% 1927 0.067372 14.843022 0.0000% 1926 0.067372 14.843022 -2.0001% 1925 0.068747 14.546154 0.6731% 1924 0.068287 14.644071 2.0549% 1923 0.066912 14.944990 0.0000% 1922 0.066912 14.944990 2.8137% 1921 0.065081 15.365496 -7.1894% 1920 0.070122 14.260811 -13.0688% 1919 0.080664 12.397096 15.7925% 1918 0.069663 14.354911 14.2845% 1917 0.060955 16.405438 16.6637% 1916 0.052249 19.139194 20.0069% 1915 0.043538 22.968353 9.1939% 1914 0.039872 25.080034 2.3510% 1913 0.038956 25.669671 1.1940% 1912 0.038497 25.976179 1.1977% 1911 0.038041 26.287302 2.4765% 1910 0.037122 26.938320 0.0000% 1909 0.037122 26.938320 3.8464% 1908 0.035747 27.974476 0.0000% 1907 0.035747 27.974476 -2.5073% 1906 0.036666 27.273065 5.2689% 1905 0.034831 28.710060 2.6987% 1904 0.033916 29.484872 0.0000% 1903 0.033916 29.484872 1.3740% 1902 0.033456 29.889980 2.8128% 1901 0.032541 30.730719 1.4328% 1900 0.032081 31.171041 0.0000% 1899 0.032081 31.171041 16.6611% 1898 0.027499 36.364469 -10.4416% 1897 0.030706 32.567442 0.0000% 1896 0.030706 32.567442 -1.4749% 1895 0.031165 32.087089 1.4970% 1894 0.030706 32.567442 -1.4749% 1893 0.031165 32.087089 -5.5612% 1892 0.033000 30.302663 0.0000% 1891 0.033000 30.302663 -1.3619% 1890 0.033456 29.889980 0.0000% 1889 0.033456 29.889980 -2.6744% 1888 0.034375 29.090598 0.0000% 1887 0.034375 29.090598 1.3553% 1886 0.033916 29.484872 1.3740% 1885 0.033456 29.889980 -1.3553% 1884 0.033916 29.484872 -1.3372% 1883 0.034375 29.090598 -5.0576% 1882 0.036207 27.619318 -3.6586% 1881 0.037582 26.608829 2.4963% 1880 0.036666 27.273065 0.0000% 1879 0.036666 27.273065 5.2689% 1878 0.034831 28.710060 -3.7992% 1877 0.036207 27.619318 -5.9492% 1876 0.038497 25.976179 -1.1800% 1875 0.038956 25.669671
YEAR: 2002
2010 1.368569 0.730690 4% Est. 2009 1.315931 0.759918 4% Est. 2008 1.265319 0.790315 4% Est. 2007 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 2006 1.169858 0.854805 4% Est. 2005 1.124864 0.888997 4% Est. 2004 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2003 1.039999 0.961539 4% Est. 2002 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2001 0.961538 1.040000 4% Est. 2000 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1999 0.888996 1.124865 4% Est. 1998 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 1997 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1996 0.790314 1.265319 4% Est. 1995 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 1994 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1993 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1992 0.675564 1.480245 4% Est. 1991 0.649581 1.539455 4% Est. 1990 0.624597 1.601033 4% Est. 1989 0.600574 1.665074 3.8744% 1988 0.578173 1.729586 3.3218% 1987 0.559585 1.787039 3.1640% 1986 0.542423 1.843581 2.6144% 1985 0.528603 1.891779 2.9715% 1984 0.513349 1.947993 3.6576% 1983 0.495235 2.019243 3.8998% 1982 0.476647 2.097990 6.3831% 1981 0.448047 2.231907 9.6843% 1980 0.408488 2.448051 9.0330% 1979 0.374646 2.669183 8.8650% 1978 0.344138 2.905807 7.2813% 1977 0.320782 3.117386 6.6558% 1976 0.300763 3.324875 6.4073% 1975 0.282653 3.537908 9.8159% 1974 0.257388 3.885186 9.0909% 1973 0.235939 4.238383 6.4509% 1972 0.221641 4.511797 4.7304% 1971 0.211630 4.725223 5.7132% 1970 0.200193 4.995182 5.5272% 1969 0.189707 5.271273 5.5714% 1968 0.179696 5.564957 5.0148% 1967 0.171115 5.844026 2.5719% 1966 0.166824 5.994326 3.5485% 1965 0.161108 6.207034 2.7360% 1964 0.156817 6.376857 1.5423% 1963 0.154435 6.475209 1.5697% 1962 0.152048 6.576849 2.2421% 1961 0.148714 6.724311 0.9709% 1960 0.147284 6.789597 1.6442% 1959 0.144902 6.901232 2.3579% 1958 0.141564 7.063959 2.0623% 1957 0.138703 7.209642 3.5571% 1956 0.133939 7.466097 3.3098% 1955 0.129648 7.713211 3.4226% 1954 0.125357 7.977205 1.5421% 1953 0.123453 8.100224 1.5703% 1952 0.121545 8.227423 1.5948% 1951 0.119637 8.358637 5.0183% 1950 0.113920 8.778101 1.7034% 1949 0.112012 8.927628 -0.4250% 1948 0.112490 8.889687 6.7886% 1947 0.105339 9.493173 13.9149% 1946 0.092472 10.814135 22.7896% 1945 0.075309 13.278632 3.2661% 1944 0.072927 13.712326 1.3234% 1943 0.071975 13.893794 2.7232% 1942 0.070067 14.272144 6.5229% 1941 0.065776 15.203101 6.1527% 1940 0.061964 16.138504 2.3623% 1939 0.060534 16.519738 -1.5482% 1938 0.061486 16.263982 -1.5312% 1937 0.062442 16.014947 3.9669% 1936 0.060059 16.650240 0.0000% 1935 0.060059 16.650240 3.2811% 1934 0.058151 17.196559 8.9328% 1933 0.053383 18.732691 -2.6088% 1932 0.054813 18.243987 -11.5407% 1931 0.061964 16.138504 -8.4517% 1930 0.067684 14.774523 -2.7367% 1929 0.069588 14.370191 0.0000% 1928 0.069588 14.370191 -0.6823% 1927 0.070067 14.272144 0.0000% 1926 0.070067 14.272144 -2.0001% 1925 0.071497 13.986694 0.6731% 1924 0.071018 14.080845 2.0549% 1923 0.069588 14.370191 0.0000% 1922 0.069588 14.370191 2.8137% 1921 0.067684 14.774523 -7.1894% 1920 0.072927 13.712326 -13.0688% 1919 0.083891 11.920292 15.7925% 1918 0.072449 13.802807 14.2845% 1917 0.063394 15.774468 16.6637% 1916 0.054339 18.403081 20.0069% 1915 0.045280 22.084967 9.1939% 1914 0.041467 24.115430 2.3510% 1913 0.040515 24.682390 1.1940% 1912 0.040037 24.977109 1.1977% 1911 0.039563 25.276266 2.4765% 1910 0.038607 25.902245 0.0000% 1909 0.038607 25.902245 3.8464% 1908 0.037177 26.898549 0.0000% 1907 0.037177 26.898549 -2.5073% 1906 0.038133 26.224116 5.2689% 1905 0.036224 27.605843 2.6987% 1904 0.035272 28.350854 0.0000% 1903 0.035272 28.350854 1.3740% 1902 0.034794 28.740381 2.8128% 1901 0.033842 29.548784 1.4328% 1900 0.033364 29.972171 0.0000% 1899 0.033364 29.972171 16.6611% 1898 0.028599 34.965855 -10.4416% 1897 0.031934 31.314865 0.0000% 1896 0.031934 31.314865 -1.4749% 1895 0.032412 30.852987 1.4970% 1894 0.031934 31.314865 -1.4749% 1893 0.032412 30.852987 -5.5612% 1892 0.034320 29.137192 0.0000% 1891 0.034320 29.137192 -1.3619% 1890 0.034794 28.740381 0.0000% 1889 0.034794 28.740381 -2.6744% 1888 0.035750 27.971744 0.0000% 1887 0.035750 27.971744 1.3553% 1886 0.035272 28.350854 1.3740% 1885 0.034794 28.740381 -1.3553% 1884 0.035272 28.350854 -1.3372% 1883 0.035750 27.971744 -5.0576% 1882 0.037655 26.557051 -3.6586% 1881 0.039085 25.585427 2.4963% 1880 0.038133 26.224116 0.0000% 1879 0.038133 26.224116 5.2689% 1878 0.036224 27.605843 -3.7992% 1877 0.037655 26.557051 -5.9492% 1876 0.040037 24.977109 -1.1800% 1875 0.040515 24.682390
YEAR: 2001
2010 1.423312 0.702587 4% Est. 2009 1.368569 0.730690 4% Est. 2008 1.315932 0.759918 4% Est. 2007 1.265319 0.790314 4% Est. 2006 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 2005 1.169859 0.854804 4% Est. 2004 1.124864 0.888996 4% Est. 2003 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2002 1.040000 0.961538 4% Est. 2001 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 2000 0.961539 1.040000 4% Est. 1999 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1998 0.888997 1.124864 4% Est. 1997 0.854804 1.169858 4% Est. 1996 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1995 0.790315 1.265319 4% Est. 1994 0.759918 1.315931 4% Est. 1993 0.730691 1.368568 4% Est. 1992 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1991 0.675564 1.480244 4% Est. 1990 0.649581 1.539454 4% Est. 1989 0.624597 1.601032 3.8744% 1988 0.601300 1.663063 3.3218% 1987 0.581968 1.718306 3.1640% 1986 0.564120 1.772673 2.6144% 1985 0.549747 1.819018 2.9715% 1984 0.533883 1.873069 3.6576% 1983 0.515045 1.941579 3.8998% 1982 0.495713 2.017297 6.3831% 1981 0.465969 2.146063 9.6843% 1980 0.424828 2.353895 9.0330% 1979 0.389632 2.566521 8.8650% 1978 0.357904 2.794044 7.2813% 1977 0.333613 2.997486 6.6558% 1976 0.312794 3.196994 6.4073% 1975 0.293959 3.401833 9.8159% 1974 0.267684 3.735754 9.0909% 1973 0.245377 4.075366 6.4509% 1972 0.230507 4.338264 4.7304% 1971 0.220096 4.543481 5.7132% 1970 0.208201 4.803058 5.5272% 1969 0.197296 5.068530 5.5714% 1968 0.186884 5.350918 5.0148% 1967 0.177960 5.619253 2.5719% 1966 0.173497 5.763773 3.5485% 1965 0.167552 5.968299 2.7360% 1964 0.163090 6.131591 1.5423% 1963 0.160613 6.226159 1.5697% 1962 0.158131 6.323890 2.2421% 1961 0.154663 6.465681 0.9709% 1960 0.153176 6.528456 1.6442% 1959 0.150698 6.635797 2.3579% 1958 0.147226 6.792265 2.0623% 1957 0.144251 6.932345 3.5571% 1956 0.139296 7.178936 3.3098% 1955 0.134834 7.416546 3.4226% 1954 0.130372 7.670386 1.5421% 1953 0.128392 7.788674 1.5703% 1952 0.126407 7.910980 1.5948% 1951 0.124422 8.037148 5.0183% 1950 0.118477 8.440478 1.7034% 1949 0.116492 8.584254 -0.4250% 1948 0.116990 8.547773 6.7886% 1947 0.109552 9.128047 13.9149% 1946 0.096170 10.398202 22.7896% 1945 0.078321 12.767909 3.2661% 1944 0.075844 13.184923 1.3234% 1943 0.074854 13.359412 2.7232% 1942 0.072869 13.723210 6.5229% 1941 0.068407 14.618360 6.1527% 1940 0.064442 15.517785 2.3623% 1939 0.062955 15.884357 -1.5482% 1938 0.063945 15.638438 -1.5312% 1937 0.064939 15.398980 3.9669% 1936 0.062462 16.009840 0.0000% 1935 0.062462 16.009840 3.2811% 1934 0.060477 16.535146 8.9328% 1933 0.055518 18.012195 -2.6088% 1932 0.057005 17.542288 -11.5407% 1931 0.064442 15.517785 -8.4517% 1930 0.070391 14.206266 -2.7367% 1929 0.072372 13.817485 0.0000% 1928 0.072372 13.817485 -0.6823% 1927 0.072869 13.723210 0.0000% 1926 0.072869 13.723210 -2.0001% 1925 0.074356 13.448739 0.6731% 1924 0.073859 13.539268 2.0549% 1923 0.072372 13.817485 0.0000% 1922 0.072372 13.817485 2.8137% 1921 0.070391 14.206266 -7.1894% 1920 0.075844 13.184923 -13.0688% 1919 0.087246 11.461814 15.7925% 1918 0.075347 13.271924 14.2845% 1917 0.065929 15.167751 16.6637% 1916 0.056512 17.695263 20.0069% 1915 0.047091 21.235536 9.1939% 1914 0.043126 23.187904 2.3510% 1913 0.042135 23.733057 1.1940% 1912 0.041638 24.016441 1.1977% 1911 0.041145 24.304091 2.4765% 1910 0.040151 24.905994 0.0000% 1909 0.040151 24.905994 3.8464% 1908 0.038664 25.863979 0.0000% 1907 0.038664 25.863979 -2.5073% 1906 0.039658 25.215485 5.2689% 1905 0.037673 26.544068 2.6987% 1904 0.036683 27.260425 0.0000% 1903 0.036683 27.260425 1.3740% 1902 0.036186 27.634970 2.8128% 1901 0.035196 28.412280 1.4328% 1900 0.034699 28.819383 0.0000% 1899 0.034699 28.819383 16.6611% 1898 0.029743 33.621000 -10.4416% 1897 0.033211 30.110434 0.0000% 1896 0.033211 30.110434 -1.4749% 1895 0.033708 29.666321 1.4970% 1894 0.033211 30.110434 -1.4749% 1893 0.033708 29.666321 -5.5612% 1892 0.035693 28.016519 0.0000% 1891 0.035693 28.016519 -1.3619% 1890 0.036186 27.634970 0.0000% 1889 0.036186 27.634970 -2.6744% 1888 0.037180 26.895896 0.0000% 1887 0.037180 26.895896 1.3553% 1886 0.036683 27.260425 1.3740% 1885 0.036186 27.634970 -1.3553% 1884 0.036683 27.260425 -1.3372% 1883 0.037180 26.895896 -5.0576% 1882 0.039161 25.535615 -3.6586% 1881 0.040648 24.601361 2.4963% 1880 0.039658 25.215485 0.0000% 1879 0.039658 25.215485 5.2689% 1878 0.037673 26.544068 -3.7992% 1877 0.039161 25.535615 -5.9492% 1876 0.041638 24.016441 -1.1800% 1875 0.042135 23.733057
YEAR: 2000
2010 1.480244 0.675564 4% Est. 2009 1.423312 0.702587 4% Est. 2008 1.368569 0.730690 4% Est. 2007 1.315932 0.759918 4% Est. 2006 1.265319 0.790315 4% Est. 2005 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 2004 1.169859 0.854804 4% Est. 2003 1.124864 0.888997 4% Est. 2002 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2001 1.040000 0.961539 4% Est. 2000 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 1999 0.961538 1.040000 4% Est. 1998 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1997 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 1996 0.854804 1.169858 4% Est. 1995 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1994 0.790315 1.265319 4% Est. 1993 0.759918 1.315931 4% Est. 1992 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1991 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1990 0.675564 1.480244 4% Est. 1989 0.649581 1.539454 3.8744% 1988 0.625352 1.599099 3.3218% 1987 0.605247 1.652218 3.1640% 1986 0.586685 1.704493 2.6144% 1985 0.571737 1.749056 2.9715% 1984 0.555238 1.801028 3.6576% 1983 0.535646 1.866903 3.8998% 1982 0.515541 1.939709 6.3831% 1981 0.484608 2.063523 9.6843% 1980 0.441821 2.263360 9.0330% 1979 0.405218 2.467809 8.8650% 1978 0.372220 2.686581 7.2813% 1977 0.346957 2.882198 6.6558% 1976 0.325306 3.074033 6.4073% 1975 0.305717 3.270994 9.8159% 1974 0.278391 3.592071 9.0909% 1973 0.255192 3.918622 6.4509% 1972 0.239727 4.171408 4.7304% 1971 0.228899 4.368733 5.7132% 1970 0.216529 4.618325 5.5272% 1969 0.205188 4.873587 5.5714% 1968 0.194359 5.145114 5.0148% 1967 0.185078 5.403129 2.5719% 1966 0.180437 5.542090 3.5485% 1965 0.174254 5.738750 2.7360% 1964 0.169613 5.895761 1.5423% 1963 0.167037 5.986692 1.5697% 1962 0.164456 6.080665 2.2421% 1961 0.160849 6.217002 0.9709% 1960 0.159303 6.277362 1.6442% 1959 0.156726 6.380575 2.3579% 1958 0.153115 6.531025 2.0623% 1957 0.150021 6.665717 3.5571% 1956 0.144868 6.902824 3.3098% 1955 0.140227 7.131295 3.4226% 1954 0.135586 7.375372 1.5421% 1953 0.133527 7.489110 1.5703% 1952 0.131463 7.606712 1.5948% 1951 0.129399 7.728028 5.0183% 1950 0.123216 8.115845 1.7034% 1949 0.121152 8.254091 -0.4250% 1948 0.121669 8.219013 6.7886% 1947 0.113935 8.776969 13.9149% 1946 0.100017 9.998272 22.7896% 1945 0.081454 12.276837 3.2661% 1944 0.078878 12.677812 1.3234% 1943 0.077848 12.845590 2.7232% 1942 0.075784 13.195395 6.5229% 1941 0.071143 14.056117 6.1527% 1940 0.067020 14.920949 2.3623% 1939 0.065473 15.273422 -1.5482% 1938 0.066503 15.036961 -1.5312% 1937 0.067537 14.806713 3.9669% 1936 0.064960 15.394078 0.0000% 1935 0.064960 15.394078 3.2811% 1934 0.062896 15.899180 8.9328% 1933 0.057739 17.319420 -2.6088% 1932 0.059285 16.867586 -11.5407% 1931 0.067020 14.920949 -8.4517% 1930 0.073207 13.659873 -2.7367% 1929 0.075267 13.286045 0.0000% 1928 0.075267 13.286045 -0.6823% 1927 0.075784 13.195395 0.0000% 1926 0.075784 13.195395 -2.0001% 1925 0.077331 12.931481 0.6731% 1924 0.076814 13.018528 2.0549% 1923 0.075267 13.286045 0.0000% 1922 0.075267 13.286045 2.8137% 1921 0.073207 13.659873 -7.1894% 1920 0.078878 12.677812 -13.0688% 1919 0.090736 11.020976 15.7925% 1918 0.078361 12.761467 14.2845% 1917 0.068567 14.584378 16.6637% 1916 0.058773 17.014678 20.0069% 1915 0.048975 20.418787 9.1939% 1914 0.044851 22.296063 2.3510% 1913 0.043821 22.820249 1.1940% 1912 0.043304 23.092734 1.1977% 1911 0.042791 23.369321 2.4765% 1910 0.041757 23.948073 0.0000% 1909 0.041757 23.948073 3.8464% 1908 0.040210 24.869213 0.0000% 1907 0.040210 24.869213 -2.5073% 1906 0.041244 24.245661 5.2689% 1905 0.039180 25.523145 2.6987% 1904 0.038151 26.211949 0.0000% 1903 0.038151 26.211949 1.3740% 1902 0.037633 26.572089 2.8128% 1901 0.036604 27.319503 1.4328% 1900 0.036087 27.710948 0.0000% 1899 0.036087 27.710948 16.6611% 1898 0.030933 32.327887 -10.4416% 1897 0.034540 28.952343 0.0000% 1896 0.034540 28.952343 -1.4749% 1895 0.035057 28.525311 1.4970% 1894 0.034540 28.952343 -1.4749% 1893 0.035057 28.525311 -5.5612% 1892 0.037121 26.938963 0.0000% 1891 0.037121 26.938963 -1.3619% 1890 0.037633 26.572089 0.0000% 1889 0.037633 26.572089 -2.6744% 1888 0.038668 25.861441 0.0000% 1887 0.038668 25.861441 1.3553% 1886 0.038151 26.211949 1.3740% 1885 0.037633 26.572089 -1.3553% 1884 0.038151 26.211949 -1.3372% 1883 0.038668 25.861441 -5.0576% 1882 0.040727 24.553479 -3.6586% 1881 0.042274 23.655158 2.4963% 1880 0.041244 24.245661 0.0000% 1879 0.041244 24.245661 5.2689% 1878 0.039180 25.523145 -3.7992% 1877 0.040727 24.553479 -5.9492% 1876 0.043304 23.092734 -1.1800% 1875 0.043821 22.820249
YEAR: 1999
2010 1.539454 0.649581 4% Est. 2009 1.480244 0.675564 4% Est. 2008 1.423312 0.702587 4% Est. 2007 1.368570 0.730690 4% Est. 2006 1.315932 0.759918 4% Est. 2005 1.265319 0.790314 4% Est. 2004 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 2003 1.169858 0.854804 4% Est. 2002 1.124865 0.888996 4% Est. 2001 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 2000 1.040000 0.961538 4% Est. 1999 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 1998 0.961539 1.040000 4% Est. 1997 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1996 0.888997 1.124864 4% Est. 1995 0.854804 1.169858 4% Est. 1994 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1993 0.790315 1.265318 4% Est. 1992 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 1991 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1990 0.702587 1.423312 4% Est. 1989 0.675564 1.480244 3.8744% 1988 0.650366 1.537595 3.3218% 1987 0.629457 1.588671 3.1640% 1986 0.610152 1.638936 2.6144% 1985 0.594607 1.681784 2.9715% 1984 0.577448 1.731758 3.6576% 1983 0.557072 1.795099 3.8998% 1982 0.536163 1.865105 6.3831% 1981 0.503993 1.984156 9.6843% 1980 0.459494 2.176308 9.0330% 1979 0.421426 2.372893 8.8650% 1978 0.387109 2.583251 7.2813% 1977 0.360836 2.771344 6.6558% 1976 0.338318 2.955800 6.4073% 1975 0.317946 3.145186 9.8159% 1974 0.289527 3.453914 9.0909% 1973 0.265399 3.767905 6.4509% 1972 0.249316 4.010969 4.7304% 1971 0.238055 4.200704 5.7132% 1970 0.225190 4.440696 5.5272% 1969 0.213395 4.686140 5.5714% 1968 0.202134 4.947224 5.0148% 1967 0.192481 5.195315 2.5719% 1966 0.187655 5.328932 3.5485% 1965 0.181224 5.518028 2.7360% 1964 0.176398 5.669000 1.5423% 1963 0.173719 5.756434 1.5697% 1962 0.171034 5.846792 2.2421% 1961 0.167283 5.977885 0.9709% 1960 0.165675 6.035924 1.6442% 1959 0.162995 6.135167 2.3579% 1958 0.159240 6.279831 2.0623% 1957 0.156022 6.409342 3.5571% 1956 0.150663 6.637330 3.3098% 1955 0.145836 6.857013 3.4226% 1954 0.141010 7.091703 1.5421% 1953 0.138868 7.201066 1.5703% 1952 0.136721 7.314145 1.5948% 1951 0.134575 7.430795 5.0183% 1950 0.128144 7.803696 1.7034% 1949 0.125998 7.936625 -0.4250% 1948 0.126536 7.902896 6.7886% 1947 0.118492 8.439392 13.9149% 1946 0.104018 9.613722 22.7896% 1945 0.084712 11.804649 3.2661% 1944 0.082033 12.190202 1.3234% 1943 0.080962 12.351527 2.7232% 1942 0.078815 12.687878 6.5229% 1941 0.073989 13.515495 6.1527% 1940 0.069701 14.347064 2.3623% 1939 0.068092 14.685980 -1.5482% 1938 0.069163 14.458614 -1.5312% 1937 0.070238 14.237222 3.9669% 1936 0.067558 14.801996 0.0000% 1935 0.067558 14.801996 3.2811% 1934 0.065412 15.287671 8.9328% 1933 0.060048 16.653286 -2.6088% 1932 0.061657 16.218830 -11.5407% 1931 0.069701 14.347064 -8.4517% 1930 0.076135 13.134491 -2.7367% 1929 0.078278 12.775041 0.0000% 1928 0.078278 12.775041 -0.6823% 1927 0.078815 12.687878 0.0000% 1926 0.078815 12.687878 -2.0001% 1925 0.080424 12.434114 0.6731% 1924 0.079886 12.517814 2.0549% 1923 0.078278 12.775041 0.0000% 1922 0.078278 12.775041 2.8137% 1921 0.076135 13.134491 -7.1894% 1920 0.082033 12.190202 -13.0688% 1919 0.094366 10.597091 15.7925% 1918 0.081495 12.270639 14.2845% 1917 0.071309 14.023438 16.6637% 1916 0.061124 16.360264 20.0069% 1915 0.050933 19.633446 9.1939% 1914 0.046645 21.438519 2.3510% 1913 0.045574 21.942544 1.1940% 1912 0.045036 22.204548 1.1977% 1911 0.044503 22.470497 2.4765% 1910 0.043427 23.026990 0.0000% 1909 0.043427 23.026990 3.8464% 1908 0.041819 23.912701 0.0000% 1907 0.041819 23.912701 -2.5073% 1906 0.042894 23.313132 5.2689% 1905 0.040747 24.541482 2.6987% 1904 0.039677 25.203794 0.0000% 1903 0.039677 25.203794 1.3740% 1902 0.039139 25.550082 2.8128% 1901 0.038068 26.268749 1.4328% 1900 0.037530 26.645138 0.0000% 1899 0.037530 26.645138 16.6611% 1898 0.032170 31.084502 -10.4416% 1897 0.035921 27.838787 0.0000% 1896 0.035921 27.838787 -1.4749% 1895 0.036459 27.428180 1.4970% 1894 0.035921 27.838787 -1.4749% 1893 0.036459 27.428180 -5.5612% 1892 0.038606 25.902845 0.0000% 1891 0.038606 25.902845 -1.3619% 1890 0.039139 25.550082 0.0000% 1889 0.039139 25.550082 -2.6744% 1888 0.040214 24.866766 0.0000% 1887 0.040214 24.866766 1.3553% 1886 0.039677 25.203794 1.3740% 1885 0.039139 25.550082 -1.3553% 1884 0.039677 25.203794 -1.3372% 1883 0.040214 24.866766 -5.0576% 1882 0.042357 23.609110 -3.6586% 1881 0.043965 22.745340 2.4963% 1880 0.042894 23.313132 0.0000% 1879 0.042894 23.313132 5.2689% 1878 0.040747 24.541482 -3.7992% 1877 0.042357 23.609110 -5.9492% 1876 0.045036 22.204548 -1.1800% 1875 0.045574 21.942544
YEAR: 1998
2010 1.601032 0.624597 4% Est. 2009 1.539454 0.649581 4% Est. 2008 1.480244 0.675564 4% Est. 2007 1.423312 0.702587 4% Est. 2006 1.368569 0.730690 4% Est. 2005 1.315931 0.759918 4% Est. 2004 1.265319 0.790314 4% Est. 2003 1.216652 0.821927 4% Est. 2002 1.169859 0.854804 4% Est. 2001 1.124864 0.888997 4% Est. 2000 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 1999 1.040000 0.961539 4% Est. 1998 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 1997 0.961538 1.040000 4% Est. 1996 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1995 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 1994 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 1993 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1992 0.790314 1.265319 4% Est. 1991 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 1990 0.730690 1.368569 4% Est. 1989 0.702587 1.423312 3.8744% 1988 0.676381 1.478457 3.3218% 1987 0.654635 1.527569 3.1640% 1986 0.634558 1.575900 2.6144% 1985 0.618391 1.617100 2.9715% 1984 0.600546 1.665152 3.6576% 1983 0.579355 1.726057 3.8998% 1982 0.557609 1.793370 6.3831% 1981 0.524152 1.907843 9.6843% 1980 0.477873 2.092604 9.0330% 1979 0.438283 2.281629 8.8650% 1978 0.402593 2.483896 7.2813% 1977 0.375269 2.664755 6.6558% 1976 0.351850 2.842116 6.4073% 1975 0.330664 3.024218 9.8159% 1974 0.301108 3.321072 9.0909% 1973 0.276015 3.622987 6.4509% 1972 0.259289 3.856702 4.7304% 1971 0.247577 4.039140 5.7132% 1970 0.234197 4.269902 5.5272% 1969 0.221931 4.505906 5.5714% 1968 0.210219 4.756948 5.0148% 1967 0.200180 4.995497 2.5719% 1966 0.195161 5.123974 3.5485% 1965 0.188473 5.305797 2.7360% 1964 0.183454 5.450964 1.5423% 1963 0.180667 5.535035 1.5697% 1962 0.177875 5.621917 2.2421% 1961 0.173975 5.747969 0.9709% 1960 0.172302 5.803775 1.6442% 1959 0.169514 5.899201 2.3579% 1958 0.165610 6.038301 2.0623% 1957 0.162263 6.162831 3.5571% 1956 0.156689 6.382050 3.3098% 1955 0.151669 6.593284 3.4226% 1954 0.146650 6.818947 1.5421% 1953 0.144423 6.924105 1.5703% 1952 0.142190 7.032834 1.5948% 1951 0.139958 7.144997 5.0183% 1950 0.133270 7.503556 1.7034% 1949 0.131038 7.631372 -0.4250% 1948 0.131597 7.598941 6.7886% 1947 0.123232 8.114802 13.9149% 1946 0.108179 9.243966 22.7896% 1945 0.088101 11.350628 3.2661% 1944 0.085314 11.721352 1.3234% 1943 0.084200 11.876472 2.7232% 1942 0.081968 12.199887 6.5229% 1941 0.076949 12.995672 6.1527% 1940 0.072489 13.795258 2.3623% 1939 0.070816 14.121139 -1.5482% 1938 0.071929 13.902518 -1.5312% 1937 0.073048 13.689641 3.9669% 1936 0.070261 14.232693 0.0000% 1935 0.070261 14.232693 3.2811% 1934 0.068029 14.699688 8.9328% 1933 0.062450 16.012780 -2.6088% 1932 0.064123 15.595034 -11.5407% 1931 0.072489 13.795258 -8.4517% 1930 0.079181 12.629322 -2.7367% 1929 0.081409 12.283697 0.0000% 1928 0.081409 12.283697 -0.6823% 1927 0.081968 12.199887 0.0000% 1926 0.081968 12.199887 -2.0001% 1925 0.083641 11.955883 0.6731% 1924 0.083082 12.036363 2.0549% 1923 0.081409 12.283697 0.0000% 1922 0.081409 12.283697 2.8137% 1921 0.079181 12.629322 -7.1894% 1920 0.085314 11.721352 -13.0688% 1919 0.098140 10.189513 15.7925% 1918 0.084755 11.798695 14.2845% 1917 0.074162 13.484079 16.6637% 1916 0.063569 15.731029 20.0069% 1915 0.052971 18.878319 9.1939% 1914 0.048511 20.613967 2.3510% 1913 0.047396 21.098607 1.1940% 1912 0.046837 21.350534 1.1977% 1911 0.046283 21.606254 2.4765% 1910 0.045164 22.141344 0.0000% 1909 0.045164 22.141344 3.8464% 1908 0.043492 22.992989 0.0000% 1907 0.043492 22.992989 -2.5073% 1906 0.044610 22.416480 5.2689% 1905 0.042377 23.597586 2.6987% 1904 0.041264 24.234425 0.0000% 1903 0.041264 24.234425 1.3740% 1902 0.040704 24.567394 2.8128% 1901 0.039591 25.258421 1.4328% 1900 0.039031 25.620333 0.0000% 1899 0.039031 25.620333 16.6611% 1898 0.033457 29.888954 -10.4416% 1897 0.037358 26.768073 0.0000% 1896 0.037358 26.768073 -1.4749% 1895 0.037917 26.373258 1.4970% 1894 0.037358 26.768073 -1.4749% 1893 0.037917 26.373258 -5.5612% 1892 0.040150 24.906590 0.0000% 1891 0.040150 24.906590 -1.3619% 1890 0.040704 24.567394 0.0000% 1889 0.040704 24.567394 -2.6744% 1888 0.041823 23.910360 0.0000% 1887 0.041823 23.910360 1.3553% 1886 0.041264 24.234425 1.3740% 1885 0.040704 24.567394 -1.3553% 1884 0.041264 24.234425 -1.3372% 1883 0.041823 23.910360 -5.0576% 1882 0.044051 22.701075 -3.6586% 1881 0.045724 21.870527 2.4963% 1880 0.044610 22.416480 0.0000% 1879 0.044610 22.416480 5.2689% 1878 0.042377 23.597586 -3.7992% 1877 0.044051 22.701075 -5.9492% 1876 0.046837 21.350534 -1.1800% 1875 0.047396 21.098607
YEAR: 1997
2010 1.665074 0.600574 4% Est. 2009 1.601032 0.624597 4% Est. 2008 1.539454 0.649581 4% Est. 2007 1.480245 0.675564 4% Est. 2006 1.423312 0.702587 4% Est. 2005 1.368569 0.730690 4% Est. 2004 1.315932 0.759918 4% Est. 2003 1.265319 0.790315 4% Est. 2002 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 2001 1.169858 0.854804 4% Est. 2000 1.124864 0.888996 4% Est. 1999 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 1998 1.040000 0.961538 4% Est. 1997 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 1996 0.961539 1.040000 4% Est. 1995 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1994 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 1993 0.854805 1.169858 4% Est. 1992 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1991 0.790315 1.265319 4% Est. 1990 0.759918 1.315932 4% Est. 1989 0.730690 1.368569 3.8744% 1988 0.703436 1.421593 3.3218% 1987 0.680821 1.468816 3.1640% 1986 0.659940 1.515288 2.6144% 1985 0.643127 1.554904 2.9715% 1984 0.624568 1.601107 3.6576% 1983 0.602529 1.659670 3.8998% 1982 0.579914 1.724394 6.3831% 1981 0.545118 1.834464 9.6843% 1980 0.496988 2.012119 9.0330% 1979 0.455815 2.193873 8.8650% 1978 0.418697 2.388361 7.2813% 1977 0.390280 2.562264 6.6558% 1976 0.365925 2.732804 6.4073% 1975 0.343891 2.907902 9.8159% 1974 0.313152 3.193338 9.0909% 1973 0.287056 3.483640 6.4509% 1972 0.269660 3.708367 4.7304% 1971 0.257481 3.883787 5.7132% 1970 0.243565 4.105674 5.5272% 1969 0.230808 4.332601 5.5714% 1968 0.218628 4.573987 5.0148% 1967 0.208188 4.803362 2.5719% 1966 0.202967 4.926898 3.5485% 1965 0.196012 5.101727 2.7360% 1964 0.190792 5.241310 1.5423% 1963 0.187894 5.322148 1.5697% 1962 0.184990 5.405689 2.2421% 1961 0.180934 5.526892 0.9709% 1960 0.179194 5.580552 1.6442% 1959 0.176295 5.672308 2.3579% 1958 0.172234 5.806057 2.0623% 1957 0.168754 5.925798 3.5571% 1956 0.162957 6.136585 3.3098% 1955 0.157736 6.339695 3.4226% 1954 0.152516 6.556679 1.5421% 1953 0.150200 6.657792 1.5703% 1952 0.147878 6.762339 1.5948% 1951 0.145556 6.870188 5.0183% 1950 0.138601 7.214956 1.7034% 1949 0.136280 7.337857 -0.4250% 1948 0.136861 7.306673 6.7886% 1947 0.128161 7.802693 13.9149% 1946 0.112506 8.888428 22.7896% 1945 0.091625 10.914064 3.2661% 1944 0.088727 11.270528 1.3234% 1943 0.087568 11.419682 2.7232% 1942 0.085247 11.730658 6.5229% 1941 0.080027 12.495836 6.1527% 1940 0.075388 13.264669 2.3623% 1939 0.073648 13.578016 -1.5482% 1938 0.074807 13.367804 -1.5312% 1937 0.075970 13.163114 3.9669% 1936 0.073071 13.685279 0.0000% 1935 0.073071 13.685279 3.2811% 1934 0.070750 14.134313 8.9328% 1933 0.064948 15.396902 -2.6088% 1932 0.066688 14.995223 -11.5407% 1931 0.075388 13.264669 -8.4517% 1930 0.082348 12.143577 -2.7367% 1929 0.084665 11.811245 0.0000% 1928 0.084665 11.811245 -0.6823% 1927 0.085247 11.730658 0.0000% 1926 0.085247 11.730658 -2.0001% 1925 0.086986 11.496039 0.6731% 1924 0.086405 11.573424 2.0549% 1923 0.084665 11.811245 0.0000% 1922 0.084665 11.811245 2.8137% 1921 0.082348 12.143577 -7.1894% 1920 0.088727 11.270528 -13.0688% 1919 0.102066 9.797607 15.7925% 1918 0.088145 11.344897 14.2845% 1917 0.077128 12.965459 16.6637% 1916 0.066111 15.125986 20.0069% 1915 0.055090 18.152227 9.1939% 1914 0.050451 19.821119 2.3510% 1913 0.049292 20.287118 1.1940% 1912 0.048711 20.529356 1.1977% 1911 0.048134 20.775241 2.4765% 1910 0.046971 21.289750 0.0000% 1909 0.046971 21.289750 3.8464% 1908 0.045231 22.108639 0.0000% 1907 0.045231 22.108639 -2.5073% 1906 0.046394 21.554304 5.2689% 1905 0.044072 22.689983 2.6987% 1904 0.042914 23.302328 0.0000% 1903 0.042914 23.302328 1.3740% 1902 0.042333 23.622491 2.8128% 1901 0.041174 24.286939 1.4328% 1900 0.040593 24.634932 0.0000% 1899 0.040593 24.634932 16.6611% 1898 0.034795 28.739374 -10.4416% 1897 0.038852 25.738528 0.0000% 1896 0.038852 25.738528 -1.4749% 1895 0.039434 25.358898 1.4970% 1894 0.038852 25.738528 -1.4749% 1893 0.039434 25.358898 -5.5612% 1892 0.041756 23.948640 0.0000% 1891 0.041756 23.948640 -1.3619% 1890 0.042333 23.622491 0.0000% 1889 0.042333 23.622491 -2.6744% 1888 0.043496 22.990727 0.0000% 1887 0.043496 22.990727 1.3553% 1886 0.042914 23.302328 1.3740% 1885 0.042333 23.622491 -1.3553% 1884 0.042914 23.302328 -1.3372% 1883 0.043496 22.990727 -5.0576% 1882 0.045813 21.827953 -3.6586% 1881 0.047553 21.029349 2.4963% 1880 0.046394 21.554304 0.0000% 1879 0.046394 21.554304 5.2689% 1878 0.044072 22.689983 -3.7992% 1877 0.045813 21.827953 -5.9492% 1876 0.048711 20.529356 -1.1800% 1875 0.049292 20.287118
YEAR: 1996
2010 1.731676 0.577475 4% Est. 2009 1.665073 0.600574 4% Est. 2008 1.601032 0.624597 4% Est. 2007 1.539454 0.649581 4% Est. 2006 1.480244 0.675564 4% Est. 2005 1.423311 0.702587 4% Est. 2004 1.368569 0.730690 4% Est. 2003 1.315931 0.759918 4% Est. 2002 1.265319 0.790314 4% Est. 2001 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 2000 1.169858 0.854804 4% Est. 1999 1.124864 0.888997 4% Est. 1998 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 1997 1.040000 0.961539 4% Est. 1996 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 1995 0.961538 1.040000 4% Est. 1994 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1993 0.888997 1.124864 4% Est. 1992 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 1991 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1990 0.790314 1.265319 4% Est. 1989 0.759918 1.315932 3.8744% 1988 0.731574 1.366917 3.3218% 1987 0.708053 1.412323 3.1640% 1986 0.686338 1.457008 2.6144% 1985 0.668851 1.495100 2.9715% 1984 0.649550 1.539527 3.6576% 1983 0.626630 1.595837 3.8998% 1982 0.603110 1.658072 6.3831% 1981 0.566923 1.763908 9.6843% 1980 0.516868 1.934730 9.0330% 1979 0.474047 2.109494 8.8650% 1978 0.435445 2.296501 7.2813% 1977 0.405891 2.463715 6.6558% 1976 0.380561 2.627696 6.4073% 1975 0.357646 2.796060 9.8159% 1974 0.325678 3.070518 9.0909% 1973 0.298538 3.349655 6.4509% 1972 0.280447 3.565738 4.7304% 1971 0.267780 3.734412 5.7132% 1970 0.253308 3.947764 5.5272% 1969 0.240041 4.165963 5.5714% 1968 0.227373 4.398066 5.0148% 1967 0.216515 4.618618 2.5719% 1966 0.211086 4.737403 3.5485% 1965 0.203852 4.905508 2.7360% 1964 0.198424 5.039722 1.5423% 1963 0.195410 5.117451 1.5697% 1962 0.192390 5.197779 2.2421% 1961 0.188171 5.314320 0.9709% 1960 0.186361 5.365917 1.6442% 1959 0.183347 5.454143 2.3579% 1958 0.179123 5.582749 2.0623% 1957 0.175504 5.697884 3.5571% 1956 0.169475 5.900564 3.3098% 1955 0.164046 6.095862 3.4226% 1954 0.158617 6.304500 1.5421% 1953 0.156208 6.401724 1.5703% 1952 0.153793 6.502251 1.5948% 1951 0.151379 6.605952 5.0183% 1950 0.144145 6.937459 1.7034% 1949 0.141731 7.055633 -0.4250% 1948 0.142336 7.025648 6.7886% 1947 0.133287 7.502591 13.9149% 1946 0.117006 8.546567 22.7896% 1945 0.095290 10.494294 3.2661% 1944 0.092276 10.837049 1.3234% 1943 0.091071 10.980466 2.7232% 1942 0.088657 11.279482 6.5229% 1941 0.083228 12.015230 6.1527% 1940 0.078404 12.754492 2.3623% 1939 0.076594 13.055788 -1.5482% 1938 0.077799 12.853660 -1.5312% 1937 0.079009 12.656843 3.9669% 1936 0.075994 13.158925 0.0000% 1935 0.075994 13.158925 3.2811% 1934 0.073580 13.590688 8.9328% 1933 0.067546 14.804716 -2.6088% 1932 0.069355 14.418486 -11.5407% 1931 0.078404 12.754492 -8.4517% 1930 0.085642 11.676519 -2.7367% 1929 0.088052 11.356969 0.0000% 1928 0.088052 11.356969 -0.6823% 1927 0.088657 11.279482 0.0000% 1926 0.088657 11.279482 -2.0001% 1925 0.090466 11.053886 0.6731% 1924 0.089861 11.128295 2.0549% 1923 0.088052 11.356969 0.0000% 1922 0.088052 11.356969 2.8137% 1921 0.085642 11.676519 -7.1894% 1920 0.092276 10.837049 -13.0688% 1919 0.106148 9.420778 15.7925% 1918 0.091671 10.908557 14.2845% 1917 0.080213 12.466790 16.6637% 1916 0.068756 14.544221 20.0069% 1915 0.057293 17.454068 9.1939% 1914 0.052469 19.058772 2.3510% 1913 0.051264 19.506849 1.1940% 1912 0.050659 19.739770 1.1977% 1911 0.050060 19.976197 2.4765% 1910 0.048850 20.470918 0.0000% 1909 0.048850 20.470918 3.8464% 1908 0.047040 21.258312 0.0000% 1907 0.047040 21.258312 -2.5073% 1906 0.048250 20.725297 5.2689% 1905 0.045835 21.817296 2.6987% 1904 0.044631 22.406089 0.0000% 1903 0.044631 22.406089 1.3740% 1902 0.044026 22.713938 2.8128% 1901 0.042821 23.352831 1.4328% 1900 0.042216 23.687439 0.0000% 1899 0.042216 23.687439 16.6611% 1898 0.036187 27.634019 -10.4416% 1897 0.040406 24.748589 0.0000% 1896 0.040406 24.748589 -1.4749% 1895 0.041011 24.383561 1.4970% 1894 0.040406 24.748589 -1.4749% 1893 0.041011 24.383561 -5.5612% 1892 0.043426 23.027543 0.0000% 1891 0.043426 23.027543 -1.3619% 1890 0.044026 22.713938 0.0000% 1889 0.044026 22.713938 -2.6744% 1888 0.045236 22.106473 0.0000% 1887 0.045236 22.106473 1.3553% 1886 0.044631 22.406089 1.3740% 1885 0.044026 22.713938 -1.3553% 1884 0.044631 22.406089 -1.3372% 1883 0.045236 22.106473 -5.0576% 1882 0.047645 20.988421 -3.6586% 1881 0.049455 20.220532 2.4963% 1880 0.048250 20.725297 0.0000% 1879 0.048250 20.725297 5.2689% 1878 0.045835 21.817296 -3.7992% 1877 0.047645 20.988421 -5.9492% 1876 0.050659 19.739770 -1.1800% 1875 0.051264 19.506849
YEAR: 1995
2010 1.800943 0.555265 4% Est. 2009 1.731676 0.577475 4% Est. 2008 1.665073 0.600574 4% Est. 2007 1.601033 0.624597 4% Est. 2006 1.539454 0.649581 4% Est. 2005 1.480244 0.675564 4% Est. 2004 1.423312 0.702587 4% Est. 2003 1.368569 0.730690 4% Est. 2002 1.315932 0.759918 4% Est. 2001 1.265319 0.790315 4% Est. 2000 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 1999 1.169858 0.854804 4% Est. 1998 1.124864 0.888996 4% Est. 1997 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 1996 1.040000 0.961538 4% Est. 1995 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 1994 0.961539 1.040000 4% Est. 1993 0.924557 1.081600 4% Est. 1992 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 1991 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 1990 0.821927 1.216653 4% Est. 1989 0.790315 1.265319 3.8744% 1988 0.760837 1.314343 3.3218% 1987 0.736376 1.358003 3.1640% 1986 0.713792 1.400969 2.6144% 1985 0.695606 1.437596 2.9715% 1984 0.675532 1.480314 3.6576% 1983 0.651696 1.534458 3.8998% 1982 0.627235 1.594300 6.3831% 1981 0.589600 1.696065 9.6843% 1980 0.537543 1.860317 9.0330% 1979 0.493009 2.028359 8.8650% 1978 0.452863 2.208174 7.2813% 1977 0.422127 2.368957 6.6558% 1976 0.395784 2.526631 6.4073% 1975 0.371952 2.688519 9.8159% 1974 0.338705 2.952421 9.0909% 1973 0.310480 3.220821 6.4509% 1972 0.291665 3.428593 4.7304% 1971 0.278491 3.590780 5.7132% 1970 0.263440 3.795927 5.5272% 1969 0.249642 4.005733 5.5714% 1968 0.236468 4.228908 5.0148% 1967 0.225176 4.440978 2.5719% 1966 0.219530 4.555194 3.5485% 1965 0.212007 4.716834 2.7360% 1964 0.206361 4.845886 1.5423% 1963 0.203226 4.920625 1.5697% 1962 0.200086 4.997863 2.2421% 1961 0.195698 5.109922 0.9709% 1960 0.193816 5.159534 1.6442% 1959 0.190681 5.244367 2.3579% 1958 0.186288 5.368027 2.0623% 1957 0.182524 5.478734 3.5571% 1956 0.176254 5.673618 3.3098% 1955 0.170608 5.861405 3.4226% 1954 0.164962 6.062018 1.5421% 1953 0.162456 6.155503 1.5703% 1952 0.159945 6.252163 1.5948% 1951 0.157434 6.351875 5.0183% 1950 0.149911 6.670633 1.7034% 1949 0.147400 6.784261 -0.4250% 1948 0.148029 6.755430 6.7886% 1947 0.138619 7.214029 13.9149% 1946 0.121686 8.217851 22.7896% 1945 0.099101 10.090665 3.2661% 1944 0.095967 10.420237 1.3234% 1943 0.094714 10.558139 2.7232% 1942 0.092203 10.845653 6.5229% 1941 0.086557 11.553103 6.1527% 1940 0.081540 12.263933 2.3623% 1939 0.079658 12.553640 -1.5482% 1938 0.080911 12.359286 -1.5312% 1937 0.082169 12.170039 3.9669% 1936 0.079034 12.652810 0.0000% 1935 0.079034 12.652810 3.2811% 1934 0.076523 13.067967 8.9328% 1933 0.070248 14.235301 -2.6088% 1932 0.072130 13.863927 -11.5407% 1931 0.081540 12.263933 -8.4517% 1930 0.089068 11.227420 -2.7367% 1929 0.091574 10.920161 0.0000% 1928 0.091574 10.920161 -0.6823% 1927 0.092203 10.845653 0.0000% 1926 0.092203 10.845653 -2.0001% 1925 0.094085 10.628735 0.6731% 1924 0.093455 10.700282 2.0549% 1923 0.091574 10.920161 0.0000% 1922 0.091574 10.920161 2.8137% 1921 0.089068 11.227420 -7.1894% 1920 0.095967 10.420237 -13.0688% 1919 0.110394 9.058439 15.7925% 1918 0.095338 10.488996 14.2845% 1917 0.083422 11.987296 16.6637% 1916 0.071506 13.984825 20.0069% 1915 0.059585 16.782755 9.1939% 1914 0.054568 18.325739 2.3510% 1913 0.053315 18.756582 1.1940% 1912 0.052686 18.980544 1.1977% 1911 0.052062 19.207879 2.4765% 1910 0.050804 19.683571 0.0000% 1909 0.050804 19.683571 3.8464% 1908 0.048922 20.440680 0.0000% 1907 0.048922 20.440680 -2.5073% 1906 0.050180 19.928166 5.2689% 1905 0.047669 20.978165 2.6987% 1904 0.046416 21.544312 0.0000% 1903 0.046416 21.544312 1.3740% 1902 0.045787 21.840321 2.8128% 1901 0.044534 22.454641 1.4328% 1900 0.043905 22.776380 0.0000% 1899 0.043905 22.776380 16.6611% 1898 0.037635 26.571168 -10.4416% 1897 0.042023 23.796716 0.0000% 1896 0.042023 23.796716 -1.4749% 1895 0.042652 23.445727 1.4970% 1894 0.042023 23.796716 -1.4749% 1893 0.042652 23.445727 -5.5612% 1892 0.045163 22.141865 0.0000% 1891 0.045163 22.141865 -1.3619% 1890 0.045787 21.840321 0.0000% 1889 0.045787 21.840321 -2.6744% 1888 0.047045 21.256220 0.0000% 1887 0.047045 21.256220 1.3553% 1886 0.046416 21.544312 1.3740% 1885 0.045787 21.840321 -1.3553% 1884 0.046416 21.544312 -1.3372% 1883 0.047045 21.256220 -5.0576% 1882 0.049551 20.181170 -3.6586% 1881 0.051433 19.442816 2.4963% 1880 0.050180 19.928166 0.0000% 1879 0.050180 19.928166 5.2689% 1878 0.047669 20.978165 -3.7992% 1877 0.049551 20.181170 -5.9492% 1876 0.052686 18.980544 -1.1800% 1875 0.053315 18.756582
YEAR: 1994
2010 1.872981 0.533908 4% Est. 2009 1.800943 0.555265 4% Est. 2008 1.731676 0.577475 4% Est. 2007 1.665074 0.600574 4% Est. 2006 1.601032 0.624597 4% Est. 2005 1.539454 0.649581 4% Est. 2004 1.480245 0.675564 4% Est. 2003 1.423311 0.702587 4% Est. 2002 1.368569 0.730690 4% Est. 2001 1.315931 0.759918 4% Est. 2000 1.265319 0.790315 4% Est. 1999 1.216653 0.821927 4% Est. 1998 1.169859 0.854804 4% Est. 1997 1.124864 0.888996 4% Est. 1996 1.081600 0.924556 4% Est. 1995 1.040000 0.961539 4% Est. 1994 1.000000 1.000000 4% Est. 1993 0.961539 1.040000 4% Est. 1992 0.924556 1.081600 4% Est. 1991 0.888996 1.124864 4% Est. 1990 0.854804 1.169859 4% Est. 1989 0.821927 1.216653 3.8744% 1988 0.791270 1.263791 3.3218% 1987 0.765831 1.305772 3.1640% 1986 0.742343 1.347086 2.6144% 1985 0.723430 1.382304 2.9715% 1984 0.702554 1.423379 3.6576% 1983 0.677764 1.475441 3.8998% 1982 0.652324 1.532980 6.3831% 1981 0.613184 1.630832 9.6843% 1980 0.559044 1.788767 9.0330% 1979 0.512730 1.950346 8.8650% 1978 0.470977 2.123244 7.2813% 1977 0.439012 2.277843 6.6558% 1976 0.411615 2.429453 6.4073% 1975 0.386830 2.585114 9.8159% 1974 0.352253 2.838866 9.0909% 1973 0.322899 3.096944 6.4509% 1972 0.303331 3.296725 4.7304% 1971 0.289631 3.452673 5.7132% 1970 0.273978 3.649930 5.5272% 1969 0.259628 3.851667 5.5714% 1968 0.245926 4.066258 5.0148% 1967 0.234183 4.270172 2.5719% 1966 0.228311 4.379995 3.5485% 1965 0.220487 4.535418 2.7360% 1964 0.214615 4.659506 1.5423% 1963 0.211355 4.731371 1.5697% 1962 0.208089 4.805638 2.2421% 1961 0.203526 4.913387 0.9709% 1960 0.201569 4.961091 1.6442% 1959 0.198308 5.042661 2.3579% 1958 0.193740 5.161564 2.0623% 1957 0.189825 5.268014 3.5571% 1956 0.183305 5.455403 3.3098% 1955 0.177432 5.635967 3.4226% 1954 0.171560 5.828864 1.5421% 1953 0.168955 5.918753 1.5703% 1952 0.166342 6.011696 1.5948% 1951 0.163731 6.107573 5.0183% 1950 0.155907 6.414071 1.7034% 1949 0.153296 6.523329 -0.4250% 1948 0.153950 6.495606 6.7886% 1947 0.144164 6.936567 13.9149% 1946 0.126554 7.901781 22.7896% 1945 0.103066 9.702564 3.2661% 1944 0.099806 10.019460 1.3234% 1943 0.098502 10.152057 2.7232% 1942 0.095891 10.428514 6.5229% 1941 0.090019 11.108754 6.1527% 1940 0.084802 11.792244 2.3623% 1939 0.082844 12.070808 -1.5482% 1938 0.084147 11.883930 -1.5312% 1937 0.085456 11.701962 3.9669% 1936 0.082195 12.166165 0.0000% 1935 0.082195 12.166165 3.2811% 1934 0.079584 12.565354 8.9328% 1933 0.073058 13.687791 -2.6088% 1932 0.075015 13.330700 -11.5407% 1931 0.084802 11.792244 -8.4517% 1930 0.092630 10.795597 -2.7367% 1929 0.095237 10.500155 0.0000% 1928 0.095237 10.500155 -0.6823% 1927 0.095891 10.428514 0.0000% 1926 0.095891 10.428514 -2.0001% 1925 0.097848 10.219938 0.6731% 1924 0.097194 10.288733 2.0549% 1923 0.095237 10.500155 0.0000% 1922 0.095237 10.500155 2.8137% 1921 0.092630 10.795597 -7.1894% 1920 0.099806 10.019460 -13.0688% 1919 0.114810 8.710038 15.7925% 1918 0.099152 10.085574 14.2845% 1917 0.086759 11.526247 16.6637% 1916 0.074366 13.446948 20.0069% 1915 0.061968 16.137266 9.1939% 1914 0.056751 17.620905 2.3510% 1913 0.055447 18.035176 1.1940% 1912 0.054793 18.250525 1.1977% 1911 0.054144 18.469116 2.4765% 1910 0.052836 18.926512 0.0000% 1909 0.052836 18.926512 3.8464% 1908 0.050879 19.654502 0.0000% 1907 0.050879 19.654502 -2.5073% 1906 0.052187 19.161700 5.2689% 1905 0.049575 20.171314 2.6987% 1904 0.048273 20.715687 0.0000% 1903 0.048273 20.715687 1.3740% 1902 0.047618 21.000311 2.8128% 1901 0.046316 21.591003 1.4328% 1900 0.045661 21.900367 0.0000% 1899 0.045661 21.900367 16.6611% 1898 0.039140 25.549202 -10.4416% 1897 0.043704 22.881460 0.0000% 1896 0.043704 22.881460 -1.4749% 1895 0.044358 22.543971 1.4970% 1894 0.043704 22.881460 -1.4749% 1893 0.044358 22.543971 -5.5612% 1892 0.046970 21.290257 0.0000% 1891 0.046970 21.290257 -1.3619% 1890 0.047618 21.000311 0.0000% 1889 0.047618 21.000311 -2.6744% 1888 0.048927 20.438675 0.0000% 1887 0.048927 20.438675 1.3553% 1886 0.048273 20.715687 1.3740% 1885 0.047618 21.000311 -1.3553% 1884 0.048273 20.715687 -1.3372% 1883 0.048927 20.438675 -5.0576% 1882 0.051533 19.404973 -3.6586% 1881 0.053490 18.695017 2.4963% 1880 0.052187 19.161700 0.0000% 1879 0.052187 19.161700 5.2689% 1878 0.049575 20.171314 -3.7992% 1877 0.051533 19.404973 -5.9492% 1876 0.054793 18.250525 -1.1800% 1875 0.055447 18.035176 |