Treatment—If all poultrymen would use Pratts Powdered Lice Killer on their poultry, lice would be unknown. It is different and better than many like preparations, being stronger, non-poisonous, has great disinfecting qualities, and positively kills all kinds of chicken lice. If you want to make money from your poultry you can't afford to be without it. Pratts Poultry Disinfectant, or the more powerful Pratts Red Mite Special, should also be used in the poultry houses. Lice seek crevices, cracks, openings, etc., that can only be reached by the liquid. This should be sprayed or sprinkled on perches, nest boxes, drop boards, floors and inside walls of all poultry houses. It not only kills lice, but has great disinfecting value. Do not accept a substitute.
Pratts Lice Salve is a sure-fire lice killer in another form. Apply to the feathers beneath the wings and around the vent and quick results will be noticed. A single application will be effective for a considerable time.
Head Lice—The big grey lice commonly found on heads of little chicks, causing great mortality.
Treatment—Keep on hand all the time a box of Pratts Head Lice Ointment, and use it on your little chicks, and save their lives. Two or three days before the brood should hatch, sprinkle the sitting hen thoroughly with Pratts Powdered Lice Killer.
Poultry Mites (Red Mites)—These tiny parasites are poultry killers. They do not live on the bodies of the birds, but in cracks and crevices of the building, coming out for their food. They suck the blood from the fowls, weakening and often killing them.
Treatment—Look around roosts and in cracks in warm weather and you are apt to see hundreds of mites. Every week spray perches, dropping boards, sides of houses, and roof near perches with Pratts Red Mite Special; powder birds with Pratts Powdered Lice Killer, and also add this to the dust bath.
Depluming Mites—Parasites that attack the roots or base of feathers which break off leaving bare spots. Will quickly spread through an entire flock. Usually found in spring and summer.
Treatment—Separate all affected birds from the rest of flock. Rub Pratts Head Lice Ointment on and around the bare spots every few days, until the mites have all been destroyed. Spray houses, roofs, runs, etc., with Pratts Poultry Disinfectant. Persistent treatment is necessary to get rid of these pests.
Symptoms and Treatment
Apoplexy—Cause: Fowls too fat, general poor condition. Symptoms: Paralysis, sudden death. Birds frequently found dead under roosts. Treatment: Affected birds will not usually respond to treatment. Flocks should be treated to prevent further loss. Reduce the amount of feed, give less corn, supply Pratts Poultry Regulator to improve general condition.
————————————————————————————————- _Reading, Pa.
Have been using your poultry remedies for many years. Have used your Baby Chick Food and had wonderful results. I think it is great. I also use your Disinfectant, Lice Powder and Roup Remedy.
WM. FAUST_ ————————————————————————————————-
Aspergilosis—Cause: Growth of mould in air passages. Symptoms: Rapid breathing, rattling in throat, loss of weight, dragging wings, weakness, exhaustion. In chicks, sleepiness, diarrhoea, yellowish growth on lungs. Treatment: Avoid mouldy grain and litter to keep flock free from infection. Disinfect with Pratts Poultry Disinfectant. Put flock in condition with Pratts Poultry Regulator.
Bacillary White Diarrhoea—Cause: Bacteria. The disease may be inherited from hens having infected ovaries, or pass from chick to chick. Symptoms: Chicks have diarrhoea, usually white or creamy. Sleepy, chilly, thin, rough plumage, drooping wings. Heaviest mortality under three weeks of age. Treatment: Badly infected chicks should be killed. Prevent epidemics by disinfecting everything with Pratts Poultry Disinfectant. Give Pratts White Diarrhoea Remedy in drinking water. Give chicks strong start by feeding Pratts Baby Chick Food.
Bronchitis—Cause: Development of common cold, breathing in dust. Symptoms: Cough, rapid breathing, whistling, rattling and bubbling in throat. Treatment: Keep patient dry, give laxative, treat with Pratts Bronchitis Remedy.
Canker—Cause: Development of pus germs following injury or digestive troubles. Symptoms: Cheesy growths in mouth and throat. Treatment: Scrape off canker and swab with full strength Pratts Poultry Disinfectant. Improve general condition with Pratts Poultry Regulator.
————————————————————————————————- _Summerville, S.C.
I have used Pratts White Diarrhoea Remedy, and I wish to say that I have had some chicks that started with the white diarrhoea and I have given them the tablets in their drinking water, and have not had any trouble since. They are growing fine.
R.C. FOSTER._ ————————————————————————————————-
Catarrh—Cause: Draughts, dampness, exposure. Symptoms: Thin discharge from eyes and nostrils, sneezing, difficult breathing, dullness. Treatment: Pratts Condition Tablets to quickly tone up the system and Pratts Roup Remedy to overcome the disease.
Chicken Pox or Sore Head—Cause: Bacteria. Symptoms: Eruption on unfeathered areas of head. At first small and gray in color, increasing until head is covered with scabs. Eyes frequently closed. Treatment: Disinfect most thoroughly with Pratts Poultry Disinfectant. Treat with Pratts Sore Head (Chicken Pox) Remedy.
Cholera—Cause: Bacteria. Symptoms: Weakness, thirst, head drawn down, drooping wings, intense thirst, frequently full crops, yellow or green diarrhoea. Treatment: Give Pratts Chicken Cholera Remedy to whole flock as remedy and preventive. Improve general health with Pratts Poultry Regulator. Disinfect most carefully and frequently. Burn all dead birds and everything taken from poultry house. A most difficult disease to control if it gets established.
Gapes—Cause: Small Y-shaped worm, about one-half inch long. May be either pale or red in color. Attaches itself to interior walls of windpipe, weakening the chick by sucking the blood, and also causing strangulation. This apparently double-headed worm is really two worms, one of each sex, joined together. Symptoms: Usually afflicts young chicks. Frequent gasping; gaping; coughing; discharge of mucus and worms from throat. Treatment: Use Pratts Gape Remedy. Disinfect floors of coops and runs with Pratts Disinfectant. Move to new ground and keep chicks off wet grass.
Intestinal Parasites (Worms)—Symptoms: Dullness, poor condition. Worms found in droppings. Treatment: Fowls regularly receiving Pratts Poultry Regulator are almost invariably free from this trouble. See details of individual treatment in The Poultryman's Complete Handbook.
Leg Weakness (Chicks)—Cause: Feed lacking in bone and animal matter; close confinement; lack of exercise; over-heating in brooders. Symptoms: Chicks walk in a wobbly, weak-kneed fashion, often resting or hobbling along on the joints. Treatment: Feed young chicks on Pratts Baby Chick Food. Give fair amount of beef or fish scrap and bone meal. Afford opportunity for exercise, especially on the ground. Avoid bottom heat in brooders. Feed liberally on green food. Add small quantity Pratts Poultry Regulator to the ration.
Liver Disease—Cause: Improper food, as overfeeding of corn or animal food, lack of exercise, general inactivity of intestinal tract. Symptoms: No prominent ones. If flock is not doing well and birds are lazy and sluggish, kill one or more and examine the livers. If found diseased, treat the flock. Treatment: Use Pratts Poultry Regulator to improve general condition. Feed plenty of green food. Disinfect the buildings, and admit a big volume of fresh air. Induce the birds to exercise.
Rheumatism—Cause: Exposure to dampness, and cold. Symptoms: Swelling of joints, stiffness, lameness. Treatment: Make house dry and sunny. Use Pratts Poultry Regulator to improve general condition. Rub affected parts with Pratts Liniment. (This fine liniment should be in every household. It has a hundred uses.)
Roup—Symptoms: Bad-smelling discharge from the nostrils; sticky discharge from the eyes; feathers under wings and on back smeared and sticky, where bird has wiped its head; sometimes coughing and sneezing; eyes stuck shut; eyes closed and swollen out; mouth forced open by cheesy growth; patches of canker in mouth and throat. Treatment: The disease is very contagious. Remove all birds showing symptoms. Clean up and disinfect the quarters, using Pratts Disinfectant liberally. Give sick and well birds Pratts Roup Remedy. Give the healthy flock Pratts Poultry Regulator. Treat the sick with Pratts Condition Tablets in addition to the Roup remedy. Burn all dead birds and all material removed from the hospital.
Scaly Leg—Cause: A tiny mite which burrows under the scales and into the tissues of the leg. Symptoms: Scaly, rough, crusty appearance of feet and shanks. Treatment: Apply Pratts Scaly Leg Ointment.
Tuberculosis—Cause: A minute germ. Symptoms: Steady loss in weight; paleness of comb, wattles and face; general weakness; lameness, ruffling of feathers; frequently diarrhoea. Eye bright; ravenous appetite. Treatment: The disease is contagious and will spread through the flock unless proper precautions are taken. Remove affected birds. Disinfect the poultry plant and surroundings with Pratts Disinfectant. Kill birds in advanced stages. Give the whole flock a nourishing ration, and include Pratts Poultry Regulator. Use lime freely. If disease continues to spread, dispose of entire flock, disinfect with greatest care, start anew with healthy stock.
————————————————————————————————- _Pleasant Valley, N.Y.
I gave Pratts Roup Remedy a careful test on a flock of 50 growing white Wyandotte chicks in October which were infected with bad colds, and after treating one week with your roup remedy nearly every one was well.
EDGAR BRIGGS_ ————————————————————————————————-