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Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 4, January 26, 1884 - A Weekly Journal for the Farm, Orchard and Fireside
Author: Various
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By S. B. REED, Architect.

One of the most popular Architectural books ever issued, giving a wide range of design from a dwelling costing $250 up to $8,000, and adapted to farm, village, and town residences. It gives an

Estimate of the Quantity of Every Article Used

in the construction, and probable cost of constructing any one of the buildings presented. Profusely illustrated. Price, postpaid, $1.50. Address


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NOW is the time to Subscribe for THE PRAIRIE FARMER. Price only $2.00 per year is worth double the money.

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For nothing lovelier can be found In woman than to study household good.—Milton.


O stay not thine hand when the winter's wind rude Blows cold through the dwellings of want and despair, To ask if misfortune has come to the good, Or if folly has wrought the sad wreck that is there.

When the Savior of men raised His finger to heal, Did He ask if the sufferer was Gentile or Jew? When thousands were fed with a bountiful meal, Was it given alone to the faithful and true?

If the heart-stricken wanderer asks thee for bread, In suffering he bows to necessity's laws; When the wife moans in sickness, the children unfed, The cup must be bitter, O ask not the cause.

Then scan not too closely the frailties of those Whose bosoms may bless on a cold winter's day: And give to the wretched who tells thee his woes, And from him that would borrow, O turn not away!

Dr. Reynell Coates.

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A correspondent writes:

Will give the readers of THE PRAIRIE FARMER the favor of telling us all about making sandwiches. How thick should they be when complete? Best made of bread or biscuit? and if chicken or ham, how prepared? Please don't say shred the meat and sprinkle in salt, pepper, and mustard, but tell us how to shred the meat. Do you chop it, and how fine? and how much seasoning to a given quantity? or do cooks always guess at it?

MRS. C. H.

—Will not some of our lady readers tell us how they make sandwiches. The question is an important one for city as well as country, where so many thousands of "lunches" have to be prepared daily.—[ED.

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A correspondent writes the lady readers of THE PRAIRIE FARMER concerning a new line of work, which we hope many of them may find profitable:

Much has been written regarding proper and remunerative employment for women. Silk culture, poultry raising, and various other themes have been thoroughly ventilated, and the result has no doubt been very beneficial; but there are many ladies who have no opportunity to raise silk worms, or follow any business of that kind. To that class I wish to open what to me was an entirely new field.

Some three months ago an uncle of mine from Albany, N. Y., was visiting at our house, and we were talking of plated ware, which he is engaged in manufacturing, and to gratify my curiosity he made a plating machine and replated our knives, forks, spoons and caster. It only cost $4, and it did the work perfectly. Some of our neighbors saw what we had plated, and wanted me to do some plating for them. Since then I have worked twenty-two days, clearing in that time $94.34. At almost every house I got from $2 to $3 worth of plating to do, and such work is most all profit. This business is as nice for ladies as it is for gentlemen, being all indoor work, and any one can do it. My brother, although he worked two days longer than I did, only made $91.50. I am getting up a collection of curiosities, and to any of your readers that will send me a specimen I will send them full directions for making and using a plating machine like mine that will plate gold, silver and nickel. Send small pieces of stones, ores, shells, wood, leaves of trees, plants, etc. Anything small will do. What I want to get is as many different specimens from as many different places all over the country as I can. Address


The Night Cap.

In a late letter to the August Constitution Jas. R. Randall discourses thus pleasantly of the efficiency of the night cap in producing sleep:

About 9 o'clock at night we boarded the sleeping coach for Washington. Just before retiring for the night my mind, somehow or other, reverted to an editorial article recently published in the New York Times, half serious, half earnest, concerning the latest theory of an English physician as to the prepotent cause of insomnia and nervous disorders generally. It may be remembered that to the abandonment of the night cap of our grandfathers (the cotton or flannel article, not the alcoholic) was attributed the modern tendency of sleeplessness that make even a philosopher like Herbert Spencer more or less of a crank. What I wanted, and wanted as the fellow did his pistol in Texas, was first-class slumber, just such unmitigated repose as occasionally comes to a highly organized baby, unvexed by colic or pure cussedness. I began to think that perhaps that British doctor was right, and that, if it were possible, I would return to the neglected custom of my ancestors. Just at that moment I plunged my hand into my coat pocket and pulled out a silk smoking-cap—a pretty thing, wrought for me long ago by the dainty, delicate, deft fingers of one who now rests in the graveyard at Augusta. This cap was the very thing. I placed it reverently upon my head, with an act of faith, and lay down. The result was magical. Never since I was a boy can I remember to have experienced so perfect and delicious a repose. Not a dream rippled the surface of my calm brain, and I awakened hours afterward with a sense of satisfaction that must be a foretaste of heaven itself. An incipient headache had vanished. Powers of mind that had been dulled were restored to animation and keenness. Not a trace of irascibility remained; but in its place came trooping the sweet angels that Father Faber says continually hover over the good-humored man. I declare that the metamorphosis was so complete that I almost needed an introduction to my new self. And this prodigy was created by one grand, complete and unusual slumber, when wearing a nightcap! Subsequent experiments have been relatively successful; so I am getting to be an enthusiast on the subject. Some folks say that it is a delusion, a mere freak of the imagination. Be it so. If a nightcap can extinguish my imagination at bed-time, thank God for the discovery! My good old mother tells me that when I was a little fellow she used to tie a nightcap under my chin, and that I was a famous sleeper in those times. She is a firm believer in the efficacy. Likely enough if a man eats pickled pig's feet at midnight or drinks unlimited whisky, even a silk or cotton nightcap may not consign him to the arms of Morpheus; but it may work wonders for a sober person who is cursed with the pestilent habit of conjuring up all manner or odd fancies when his head touches the pillow, instead of dismissing the workmen who hammer on the forges of the brain. The majority of the men will rather suffer nocturnal horrors than be laughed at for wearing nightcaps; just as the majority of women will prefer to wear shoes that are instruments of disease and torture rather than have their feet shod comfortably and sensibly. I have a clear idea as to which is the course of wisdom and which the alternative of folly. But this is a diversion which you, readers, may smile at or not as the whim seizes you.

How to Treat a Boy.

Get hold of the boy's heart. Yonder locomotive comes like a whirlwind down the track, and a regiment of armed men might seek to arrest it in vain. It would crush them, and plunge unheeding on. But there is a little lever in the mechanism that at the pressure of a man's hand will slacken its speed, and in a moment bring it panting and still, like a whipped spaniel, at your feet. By the same little lever the vast steamer is guided hither and yonder upon the sea, in spite of the adverse winds or current. That sensitive and responsive spot by which a boy's life is controlled is his heart. With your grasp gently and firmly on that helm, you may pilot him whither you will. Never doubt that he has a heart. Bad and willful boys very often have the tenderest hearts hidden somewhere beneath incrustations of sin or behind barricades of pride. And it is your business to get at that heart, keep hold of it by sympathy, confiding in him, manifestly working only for his good by little indirect kindnesses to his mother or sister, or even his pet dog. See him at his home, or invite him into yours. Provide him some little pleasures, set him at some little service of trust for you; love him; love him practically. Anyway and every way rule him through his heart.

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"Etiquette now admits of a second plate of soup." That is all right, but if a man's appetite will not admit of a second plate of soup, etiquette is nothing to him. And if he has the appetite, he will have the soup, etiquette or no etiquette.

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Rand, Avery, & Co., Boston, announce a new story—a thrilling and powerful tale—involving the pregnant question of Mormonism. The book will be amply illustrated and sold by subscription. The publishers say that in their opinion this book will serve a purpose not unlike Uncle Tom's Cabin (of which, by the way, four hundred thousand copies—eight hundred thousand volumes—were issued in this country, every one of which bore their imprint). It will hasten the day for the uprising of an indignant nation, and their verdict will be as in the case of slavery—this disgrace must cease—the Mormon must go!

Pamphlets, Etc., Received.

Honey, as Food and Medicine. Presented by J. L. Harris, 697 W. Lake St., Chicago. This little work contains many valuable recipes showing how honey can be made useful medicinally and as an appetizer. For housekeepers in the country who have bees it will be found especially useful.

Spring catalogue and price list of the Eclectic Small Fruit Nursery. O. B. Galusha, Morris, Ill.

New State Fair Grounds: Statement by the executive committee, together with the rejoinder of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture to the Franklin County Society's reply. This pamphlet will be interesting to the farmers of that State.

Landreth's Companion for the Garden and Farm, Philadelphia, Pa. Price 10 cents. This book is, as usual, handsomely gotten up, and is truly a "companion." The prettily colored cover is but an index to the many colored pages within. It also contains many interesting plates showing the manner and extent of work carried on by this enterprising firm. The book is replete with valuable information.

Supplemental Report of the Department of Agriculture of Georgia, for the year 1883, Circular No. 49, new series. Shows the yield of the leading crops of the State as compared with 1882; the average yield per acre, and other matters of interest to the farmers of Georgia.

Descriptive Catalogue of C. A. Hiles & Co.'s saws and ice tools, 234 South Water street, Chicago.

Descriptive catalogue and price list of H. F. Dernell & Co.'s ice tools, Athens, N. Y.

A. E. Spaulding's annual descriptive catalogue and price list of flower seeds, plants, and tools, Ainsworth, Iowa.

Report No. 3 of the Department of Agriculture, Division and Statistics, December, 1883, Washington. This report is full of very useful statistical information.

Foreign Press Opinions of Madame Marcella Sembrich in Mr. Henry E. Abbey's Grand Italian Opera Company. These opinions are very flattering, and if true, the Madame deserves to be well patronized.

Chicago Medical Times, edited by W. H. Davis, M.D. $2.00 per annum, 25 cents a single copy.

Special Report No. 3 of the Department of Agriculture, miscellaneous, Washington. This report is given up to the discussion of Mississippi, its climate, soil, productions, and agricultural capabilities. By A. B. Hurt, Special Agent.

The American Naturalist for January contains the usual number of well-written articles, and is finely illustrated. This magazine is devoted to the natural sciences in the broadest sense of that term.

The Silver Dollar: The original standard of payment of the United States of America, and its enemies. By Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia, Pa., 810 Walnut Street.

The twenty-first and twenty-second quarterly report of the Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture, 1883. Harrisburg, Pa.

The Storrs & Harrison Co.'s Catalogue (No. 2) for 1884. Painesville, Ohio. This catalogue is fully illustrated with cuts of flowers and vegetables of almost every known description, so that the purchaser can see just what he is buying before sending order.

Ohio Crop Report, December, 1883. With analyses and valuations of fertilizers, meteorological reports, etc.

Compiled Correspondence.

Kane Co., Ill., Jan. 21.—Cold weather continues. On eight days of this month the thermometer has been below zero. It has been above the freezing point only on one morning, the 13th. Sleighing is good, except on some of the graveled roads. Cattle are in good condition. The horse distemper prevails in some localities among colts. Hay is plenty. A few fat hogs were sold last week. One farmer, in Kaneville, sold 80 hogs, averaging 443 pounds each, at $6.10 per cwt. There are but very few fat hogs left. The cold, dry weather has improved the condition of corn in the cribs. Coarse feed is scarce. Considerable corn has been shipped here from Kansas. Bran and middlings are coming in from Minneapolis, and sell at $15 and and $17 per ton. Cheese factory dividends for November from $1.50 to $1.60 per cwt. Large quantities of milk are daily shipped into Chicago from this county.

J. P. B.

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I see that you request items in regard to the cold wave that swept over our country during the first week in this month. There is no doubt the cold was as intense over the country generally as it has been known for many years, or perhaps ever before, but so far as I can learn the damage to fruit trees, etc., is very slight. On the morning of the 16th of December we had our first snow, but the weather was quite pleasant to the end of the year, with occasionally slight freezing, but thermometer never down to zero.

The result of this favorable weather was the thorough ripening up of the wood of all fruit and ornamental trees, so that when on the 5th of the present month the mercury ran down to 26 degrees below zero, and in some parts of the country far below that even, the damage was very slight. The writer has been extensively engaged in cutting scions, and knows whereof he speaks. I have also examined some peach trees and find the wood slightly discolored but not dead. I did not thoroughly examine the fruit buds of the peach, but suppose, of course, they are all killed. Had this intense cold weather occurred early in December, there is no doubt but the damage would have been immense.

There has been a great loss of potatoes in cellars and pits, as most people had worked themselves into the belief that we were to have a mild winter, and had not prepared their cellars to resist cold at the rate of 30 degrees below zero. The result is that thousands of bushels of potatoes are frozen and ruined, and although the largest crop of potatoes was raised last year that ever was raised in the United States, yet potatoes will be high priced before planting time.


Seed Corn Famine.

Probably nineteen farmers in twenty must buy seed corn for next spring's planting, on account of the failure of the '83 crop to ripen. We must look sharp to the seeds we buy, that they are better than our own, as many unreliable parties will offer inferior stocks, to take advantage of the demand. We suggest that every corn grower should send to Hiram Sibley & Co., the reliable seedsmen at Rochester, N. Y., and Chicago, Ill., for their catalogue and seed-corn circulars. This house makes a specialty of seed-corn and we believe that they will do what they say they will.

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Size, 4 x 2-1/2 feet, mounted on rollers to hang on the wall. This is an


Constructed from the most recent and authentic sources.


A useful Map in every one's home, and place of business. PRICE, $2.00.

Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements will be given. Address

RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago, Ill.

By arrangements with the publishers of this Map we are enabled to make the following liberal offer: To each person who will remit us $2.25 we will send copy of THE PRAIRIE FARMER One Year and THIS MAP POSTPAID. Address


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Use the Magneton Appliance Co.'s



They are priceless to LADIES, GENTLEMEN, and CHILDREN with WEAK LUNGS; no case of PNEUMONIA OR CROUP is ever known where these garments are worn. They also prevent and cure HEART DIFFICULTIES, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, THROAT TROUBLES, DIPHTHERIA, CATARRH, AND ALL KINDRED DISEASES. Will WEAR any service for THREE YEARS. Are worn over the under-clothing.

CATARRH, It is needless to describe the symptoms of this nauseous disease that is sapping the life and strength of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes. Labor, study, and research in America, Europe, and Eastern lands, have resulted in the Magnetic Lung Protector, affording cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains No Drugging of the System, and with the continuous stream of Magnetism permeating through the afflicted organs; MUST RESTORE THEM TO A HEALTHY ACTION. WE PLACE OUR PRICE for this Appliance at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for remedies upon which you take all the chances, and WE ESPECIALLY INVITE the patronage of the MANY PERSONS who have tried DRUGGING THE STOMACHS WITHOUT EFFECT.

HOW TO OBTAIN This Appliance. Go to your druggist and ask for them. If they have not got them, write to the proprietors, enclosing the price, in letter at our risk, and they will be sent to you at once by mail, post paid.

Send stamp for the "New Departure in Medical Treatment WITHOUT MEDICINE," with thousands of testimonials,

THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., 218 State Street, Chicago, Ill.

NOTE.—Send one dollar in postage stamps or currency (in letter at our risk) with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles, and be convinced of the power residing in our Magnetic Appliances. Positively no cold feet where they are worn, or money refunded.


Jule Fisher's Rescue.

It had been an unusually severe winter, even for Northern Aroostook. Snow-fall had succeeded snow-fall, with no interval that could really be called "thaw," till the "loggers" had finished their work; and as they come plodding home on snow shoes, they all agreed that the snow lay from ten to twelve feet deep on a level in the woods.

No wonder, then, that the warm March sun came to shine upon it day after day, and the copious spring showers fell, there should have been a very unusual "flood," or freshet. Every one predicted that when the ice should break in the river, there would be a grand spectacle, and danger, too, as well; and all waited with some anxiety for the "break" to come.

One morning, we at the village were awakened by a deep, roaring, booming, crashing noise, and sprang from our beds, crying:

"The ice has broken up! The ice is running out!"

In hardly more time than it takes to tell it, we were dressed and at the back windows, which looked down upon the river!

It was indeed a grand sight!

Huge cakes of ice of every shape and size were driving, tumbling, crashing past, as if in a mad race with each other. The river, filled to overflowing, seemed in angry haste to hurl its icy burden down the falls below.

But after a few days the river ran clear, save for the occasional breaking of some "jam" above. Along the margin of the broad stream, however, there were here and there slight indentures, or notches, in the banks, where the ice had escaped the mad rush of waters and still clung in considerable patches.

It was upon one of these still undisturbed patches that "Jule" Fisher, a rough boy of fourteen, with several of his equally rough comrades, was playing on the lovely morning upon which my story opens.

These lads were not the sons of the steady, intelligent, church-going inhabitants of this quiet Northern hamlet, but were from the families of "lumbermen," "river-drivers" and "shingle-shavers." For some time they had been having boisterous sport, venturing out upon the extreme edges of the ice and with long poles pushing about the stray cakes which occasionally came within their reach.

At length they grew tired of this, and began to jump upon ticklish points of ice; and as these began to crack and show signs of breaking away, the boys would run, with wild whoops, back to shore, the very danger seeming to add to their enjoyment. Then, with poles and "prys," they would work upon the cracking mass until it floated clear and went whirling down the rapid current.

"Ahoy, boys!" called Jule, who was seemingly their leader. "Up yender's a big cake that only wants a shove! Come on! Let's set 'er a-going!"

No sooner said than done. Away went the noisy fellows to the projecting point of ice. A few smart jumps sent it creaking and groaning, as though still unwilling to quit its snug winter bed. One more jump, and the boys all ran with a shout beyond the place where the ice was cracking off—all save Jule.

It had not broken clear, and he was determined to set it going, when he would spring on the firm ice beyond, as he had done once or twice before.

But this time he was over-bold and not sufficiently watchful. A large cake of ice had come floating down the river unnoticed either by him or his friends, and striking the edge of the nearly loosened mass, shoved it out into the swift, black water.

Poor Jule! He ran quickly to the freshly-broken edge—but, alas! too late for the intended spring. The swiftly-rushing current had borne him many yards from the shore and from his companions.

There he stood—for an instant in dumb amaze—balancing himself upon his rocking raft with the pole he had been using. To attempt to swim ashore would have been useless. He was a clumsy swimmer at best; and the cold, rushing waters and floating ice cakes made swimming almost impossible.

He could not get off. To stay seemed sure death. Dumb with fright, for a moment he stood in speechless terror. Then there rang across the wild, black river and through the quiet streets of the village, such a yell of abject fear as only a lusty lad of that age can give. It was a cry that chilled the heart of every one who heard it.

A "four-days' meeting" was in session. The village church-goers were just issuing from their houses in answer to the church bell, when that pitiful cry and the shouts of "Help! Help! A boy in the stream!" reached them, and drew them all quickly to the river bank.

In a few minutes the shore was lined with excited men and women. Yet all stood helplessly staring, while poor Jule on his ice-raft was floating steadily down toward the falls.

Never shall I forget how he looked as he stood there in the middle of his floating white throne! There was something almost heroic in his calm helplessness. For after the first wild cry, he had not once opened his lips.

Downward he floated, drawn swiftly and surely on by the deep, mighty rush of waters setting into the throat of the cataract. The heavy roar from far below sounded like the luckless lad's knell. He stood but a single chance—and that was hardly a chance—of his ice-raft lodging against a tilted-up "jam" of cakes and logs which had piled against a jagged ledge that rose in mid-stream, just above the brink of the precipice.

This "jam" had hung there, wavering in the flood, for thirty-six hours. Every moment it seemed about to go off—yet still it clung, in tremor, as it seemed, at the fatal plunge which would dash it to pieces in the thundering maelstrom below.

Good fortune—Providence, perhaps—so guided Jule's ice-raft that it struck and lodged against the "jam," just as the horrified watchers on shore expected to lose sight of the lad forever in the falls. "If it will only hang there!" muttered scores, scarcely daring as yet to speak a loud word.

They could see the cake, with Jule on it, heaving up and down with the mighty rhythmic motion of the surging torrent; and all ran along down the banks, to come nearer. The boy stood in the very jaws of death. Beneath, the cataract roared and hurled up white gusts of spray.

Just at this moment, a short, thick-set man, with a round, good-natured face, joined the crowd. For a moment he stood looking out at the lad, then slapping another young man on the shoulder, said, hurriedly, "Isn't there an old bateau stowed away in your shed, Lanse?"

"Yes," was the reply.

"Quick, then!" exclaimed the first speaker. "There isn't a moment to lose."

"But, Mac," answered Lanse, as he hurried after him. "I'm afraid she's no good; she's old and she's been stowed away all winter. Ten to one the old thing leaks like a riddlin' sieve.

"But we mustn't lose a chance!" exclaimed Mac. "That jam will go out within half an hour, if it doesn't within ten minutes!"

By this time the two had reached the shed. They quickly drew the bateau from its wintering place, and taking the long, light boat upon their shoulders, ran rapidly through the village and down to the river.

Meantime, two or three other men had run to fetch "dog warps" and "towing-lines," a large number of which are always kept in these backwoods lumbering hamlets, for use on the rivers and lakes, when logs are rafted out in the spring.

Acting under Mac's prompt orders, a six-hundred foot warp was at once made fast to a ring in the stern of a bateau, and another line laid ready to bend to the first.

Jumping into the bateau, paddle in hand, and a boat-hook laid ready for instant use, the bold young fellow now ordered the men to shove off the skiff into the river and then pay out the line, as he should direct—thus lowering him, yard by yard, down toward the "jam" where Jule stood.

Rod by rod, they let him down toward the roaring abyss of furious waters, till the bateau—guided by the paddle, and held back now by the main strength of twenty men—touched the ice-cake.

But even as it touched, the cake began to slide off the jam; and Jule was thrown on his hands and knees.

Quick as thought, however, his courageous rescuer struck his boat-hook into the ice and held fast while Jule, stiff with fright, tumbled in at the bow of the bateau.

He was hardly in the boat when the whole mass of ice and logs went over the falls.

A shout arose, and when a few minutes later the bateau was drawn safely back up the stream, and Mac stepped ashore with a rather bashful smile on his round, fresh face, every one joined in long and prolonged cheers.

As for Jule, he had to be helped out of the boat and led home; for he was, as they said, "limp as a rag;" and it was noticed that after this perilous adventure he was a much more sober and thoughtful boy.

Pray do not imagine, reader, that I have been telling you a "made-up" story, for what I have related is true, the writer herself being an eye-witness to the incident while a teacher in a backwoods school-district on the banks of the Aroostook.

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PUBLIC SALE OF Short-Horn Cattle AT Somers, Kenosha Co., Wis. ON Wednesday, March 19, 1884.

I will sell at public sale, at my farm near Somers, Wis., at above time and place, my entire herd of Thoroughbred Short-horn cattle, numbering forty head. Among them are many of the choicest families. Included in the sale will be the grand young bull Orpheus 13th, bred at Bow Park, a beautiful red, and one of the finest bulls in the West. The cows are all Breeders, and will have calves by their sides, or be safe in calf. I offer this grand herd of cattle with reluctance, solely on account of my advanced age and failing health. Catalogues ready about Feb. 15. Lunch at 12. Sale to begin at 1. Free conveyances will meet the trains on morning of sale at Somers, on C. M. & St. Paul, and at Kenosha for C. & N. W. R. R.

WM. YULE, Somers, Kenosha Co., Wis.

J. W. JUDY, Auctioneer.

* * * * *


All of fine quality, solid color and bk. points. Ages, from six to eighteen months. Sons of Mahkeenae, 3290; brother of Eurotus, 2454, who made 778 lbs. butter in a year, and out of cows of the best butter blood, some having records of fourteen and fifteen lbs. per week. No fancy prices.

A. H. COOLEY, Little Britain, Orange Co., N. Y.

N. B.—If I make sales as formerly will send a car with man in charge to Cleveland, getting lowest rates.

* * * * *







Concise and practical printed instruction in Training young Shepherd Dogs, is given to buyers of Shepherd Puppies; or will be sent on receipt of 25 cents in postage stamps.

For Printed Circular, giving full particulars about Shepherd Dogs, enclose a 3-cent stamp, and address


* * * * *


Our new catalogue, best published, FREE to all. 1,500 varieties, 300 illustrations. You ought to have it. BENSON, MAULE & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.


The following list embraces the names of responsible and reliable Breeders in their line, and parties wishing to purchase or obtain information can feel assured that they will be honorably dealt with:


Chester Whites.

W. A. Gilbert Wauwatosa Wis.

SCHEIDT & DAVIS, DYER, LAKE CO., IND., breeders of Victoria swine. Originators of this famous breed. Stock for Sale. Write for circular A.

* * * * *




By the central position of its line, connects the East and the West by the shortest route, and carries passengers, without change of cars, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council Bluffs, Leavenworth, Atchison, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It connects in Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnificent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnificent Horton Reclining Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best Line of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the Famous


A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has recently been opened between Richmond Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Augusta, Nashville, Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneapolis and St. Paul and intermediate points.

All Through Passengers Travel on Fast Express Trains.

Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada.

Baggage checked through and rates of fare always as low as competitors that offer less advantages.

For detailed information, get the Maps and Folders of the


At your nearest Ticket Office, or address

R.R. CABLE, Vice-Pres. & Gen'l M'g'r,

E. ST. JOHN, Gen'l Tkt. & Pass. Agt.


* * * * *


Don't be Humbugged With Poor, Cheap Coulters.

All farmers have had trouble with their Coulters. In a few days they get to wabbling, are condemned and thrown aside. In our

"BOSS" Coulter

we furnish a tool which can scarcely be worn out; and when worn, the wearable parts, a prepared wood journal, and movable thimble in the hub (held in place by a key) can be easily and cheaply renewed. WE GUARANTEE OUR "BOSS" to plow more acres than any other three Coulters now used.


Attaches the Coulter to any size or kind of beam, either right or left hand plow. We know that after using it you will say it is THE BEST TOOL ON THE MARKET. Ask your dealer for it.

Manufactured by the BOSS COULTER CO., Bunker Hill, Ills.

* * * * *

My Vegetable and Flower Seed Catalogue for 1884, the result of thirty years experience as a Seed Grower, will be sent free to all who apply. All my Seed is warranted to be fresh and true to name, so far that should it prove otherwise, I agree to refill orders gratis. My collection of vegetable Seed, one of the most extensive to be found in any American Catalogue, is a large part of it of my own growing. As the original introducer of Eclipse Beet, Burbank Potatoes, Marblehead Early Corn, the Hubbard Squash, and scores of other new Vegetables, I invite the patronage of the public. In the gardens and on the farms of those who plant my seed will be found my best advertisement.

JAMES J. H. GREGORY, Seed Grower, Marblehead, Mass.

* * * * *

Send for Catalogue and Prices.






* * * * *


For all Climates, For all Soils, All Plants.



Mail order promptly filled, making a Seed Store at home. Send for Catalogue.

HIRAM SIBLEY & CO., Rochester, N Y. and Chicago, Ill.

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No use talking, missy—no use talking 'Bout de daylight and dat kind ob ting 'Tween the two lights—sunset and sunrising— Dis ole nigger happier dan a king. Dis ole nigger don got all he want to, All he want, and more 'an he can say; Gib him night, de darker and de better, White folks more 'an welcome to de day.

In de day him ole and pore and wretched, Got to tote de load and swing de hoe, Got to do jest what de white folks tole him, Got to trabel when dey tole him go. Don't own nothing but an empty cabin; Got no wife, no chillen at him knee; Got no nothing but a little pallet, And a pot to bile him hominy.

In de day him gits no 'spectful notice, Him is only "dat ole nigger Brown;" In de night him tells you, little missy, Things git mightily turned upside down. Den somehow him's young and rich and happy, Den him own more acres dan him see: Den him got a powerful lot ob hosses, Den de white folks stop an speak to he.

Den him hab a big house like ole massa's, Dan Melinda is him lubly wife; Den de little chillen call him pappy, Den him see de bery best ob life. Den sometimes him talking in de meeting. An' him feel de biggest in de town, For at night him neber "dat ole nigger," Him the Reberend Mister Isaac Brown.

"Dreaming," is him? Dreaming, do you call it? Then him s'pose it's living in de day. Well, him likes de night-time and de dreaming, For him griefs wid sunshine go away. No use talking, missy, no use talking 'Bout de sunshine and dat kind ob ting; 'Tween de two lights—sunset and sunrising— Dis ole nigger happier dan a king.


When Amos Derby came out of Levi Rosenbaum's pawnshop, the richer by five dollars, but leaving his overcoat in the hands of the Jew, he made his way directly to Sillbrook's saloon, where, he felt sure, he should meet half a dozen at least of his boon companions.

He was not mistaken. The bar-room was crowded, and a general shout of welcome greeted him as he entered, for Amos was a generous fellow, and was always willing to treat.

The five dollar bill was quickly broken by the jovial bar-keeper, and two hours later when Amos waked rather unsteadily out of the saloon, he had not a cent in his pocket. But this did not trouble him in the least. He had spent too much money in Sillbrook's during the last two years to think anything of squandering in one evening such a paltry sum as five dollars.

As he left the saloon by the main entrance, he saw a man emerge from a side door of the building, and cross the street with rapid strides; a tall man, well dressed, and bearing about him a look of prosperity. He wore a very handsome overcoat with sealskin cuffs and collar, a sealskin cap, and well fitting gloves. Drunk as Amos was he recognized him at once; it was Sillbrook himself.

"Been in the back room countin' up his gains, most likely," he muttered thickly. "He's above standin' behind the bar nowadays."

Amos could well remember when Sillbrook had been only a mill-hand like himself, earning twelve dollars a week. But he had been a prudent, saving man always, and had early made up his mind to be rich, no matter at what cost of conscience and principle. With this end in view he had purchased a saloon, and cordially invited his former fellow workers at the mill to patronize him. This they were very willing to do, for Sillbrook knew how to make his saloon attractive; and he soon had as much custom as he could well attend to. At length he hired a bar-keeper, and after a couple of years was never seen behind the bar himself. He had grown rich very rapidly, and now owned one of the finest houses in the town, and was able to gratify every taste and whim, while those who had helped him to his wealth by drinking his liquors were as poor as ever—many of them poorer.

Amos Derby had been one of Sillbrook's best customers ever since the saloon had been opened, and as a natural consequence had had little to spend in comforts for his wife and children. He still lived in the small cottage he had bought on first moving to the town, and had seen it grow more and more dilapidated every year without making any attempt to repair it.

But though the outside was far from attractive, the inside was always neat and clean, for, whatever her faults of temper, Jane Derby was a woman who believed thoroughly in abiding by heaven's first law, and who labored early and late to make both ends meet, something she would not have been able to accomplish had she not possessed skill as a dressmaker, for Amos seldom gave her any of his earnings. She was sitting in the kitchen sewing when her husband came in, and a bitter expression crossed her face as she saw his condition.

"Drunk, as usual," she said, harshly, "when were you anything else?"

"When you was kinder spoken, perhaps," answered Amos, with spirit. "This is the sort of welcome I get every night in the week. 'Tain't much wonder I go to Sillbrook's." He dropped into a chair as he spoke, and began to pull off his boots.

"If you didn't have one excuse you'd make another," said Jane, flushing, and bending closer over her sewing. "Perhaps you think I ought to feel pleasant when you come home in this state. Well! it ain't human nature, that it ain't! I mind the time you brought home your wages reg'lar, every Sat'day night, and I was willin' enough then to speak kind to you. Now the children would starve if it wasn't for me. Where's your overcoat?" a sudden pallor creeping into her face as she asked the question. "Yes! where is that overcoat?—what have you done with it that you haven't it on—where is it?"

"Where d'ye s'pose?" said Amos, roughly.

"Down at the pawn-shop, of course," cried his wife, angrily, "where every decent coat you ever had has gone. But you promised me you'd never part with this one, Amos Derby, and you've broke your word. I might have known you would! And to think how I worked for it, and let the children do without shoes! It's too bad! I declare it is! I gave twelve dollars for it only a month ago, and I'll wager you let Levi have it for half o' that. It's a shame, a dreadful shame."

"Stop that. I won't have it," said Amos in a threatening tone. "There's no use whining over it now. If you say another word about it I'll go out again, right off."

"Go!" said Jane, fiercely, "and I wish it was forever! I wish I was never to look on your face again! You're naught but a trouble and a disgrace to us all!"

"All right," said Amos, as he pulled on his boots again, "I'm goin'. I'll take you at your word. You won't see me again in a hurry; now you just mark that. A trouble and a disgrace, am I?"

"Yes, you are!" said Jane, her anger increasing as her mind dwelt upon the loss of the coat she had worked so hard to earn. "I mean all I've said, and more, too! Go! go to Sillbrook's! Ask him to show you the overcoat he's wearin'. I saw it yesterday, and yours wasn't a circumstance to it! Go! Give him every penny you've got! He needs it!" with a bitter little laugh. "His children's feet are all out on the ground, and his wife hasn't a decent dress to her name," with a glance at her faded calico gown. "Help him all you can, Amos Derby, he's in need o' charity."

Amos made no answer. He was considerably more sober than when he had left the saloon, for the walk home through the fresh winter air had done him good, and he felt the force of his wife's words. They rung in his ears as he slammed the kitchen door behind him, and, taking the road which led by the mill, walked rapidly away.

He was soon in the heart of the town, but he did not think or care where he was going. His only idea was to get away from the sound of Jane's sharp voice, and he turned down first one street and then another, without pausing, until he came to Elm Avenue, on which were situated the handsomest houses in the town. There was a large, square brick house on the corner, with stables in the rear, a conservatory on one side, and a beautiful lawn in front, and this place seemed to possess some strange fascination for Amos, for he stopped suddenly at the gate and stood there for fully five minutes, admiring, perhaps, the mansion's air of solid comfort and wealth.

The iron gate was open, and presently, as if impelled by some impulse he could not resist, he entered, and walking softly up the graveled path, looked in at one of the long windows.

The room upon which he gazed was very handsomely furnished. The chairs were luxuriously cushioned, a large mirror hung over the mantel, the carpet was of velvet, a crystal chandelier depended from the ceiling, and a bright fire burned in the open grate, before which sat a lady richly dressed, reading aloud to three children, sitting on ottomans at her feet.

For a long, long time Amos Derby stood by the window, his eyes wandering from one article of luxury to another, a dark frown on his face, and his teeth set hard together.

"My money," he muttered, when at last he turned away. "I've given it to him, cent by cent, and dollar by dollar, and I've naught to show for it, while he! he's got his fine house, and his rich carpets, and his handsome clothes. It's the same money, only I've spent it in one way, and he in another."

As the last words left his lips a hand fell heavily upon his shoulder, and a voice—the voice of Sillbrook—asked him harshly what he wanted.

"A look into your fine parlor," answered Amos roughly. "Strange I wanted to see it, wasn't it? It ought not to matter to me, of course, what use you make o' my money."

"Your money!" said Sillbrook, with a loud laugh. "That's a crazy joke! Come, my man, you're drunk. Get out of here, or I'll have you put where you can make your jokes to yourself."

"You think you're rich enough now to speak to me as you choose," said Amos hotly. "Time was when you wouldn't have dared. But I tell you, Jason Sillbrook, I've come to my senses to-night. It's a poor bargain where the gain's all on one side. We started even, and you've got all and I nothin'. But I tell you now, that, heaven helpin' me, you'll never have another dollar o' mine to spend. You'll never buy another coat like this out o' my money," and he struck in sudden passion the seal-trimmed garment which covered Sillbrook's ample proportions.

"Be off with you," said the saloon-keeper. "You're too drunk to know what you're talking about."

"And who made me drunk? answer that question, Jason Sillbrook," screamed Amos.

"I'll answer nothing," said Sillbrook, and, tearing his coat from the grasp Amos had laid upon it, he strode up the path and disappeared within the house.

The next morning, when the superintendent made his round of the mill, he missed one of the machine hands.

"Where's Derby?" he asked, angrily.

No one could answer his question. No one had seen Derby that day. And no one at the mill saw him for many a day to come.

"I might have been kinder to him," thought Jane, when at last she became convinced that her husband had in truth left her. "Perhaps I did say more'n I should at times. Poor Amos! he was no more to blame than I was, after all. Perhaps he would have kept out o' that saloon if I'd only coaxed 'stead o' railing at him. He wasn't bad-hearted, an' he never meant more'n half he said."

And as the days went by, and she forgot her past sorrows, she had only kind thoughts of her absent husband, and blamed only herself for their mutual misery. She wished with all her heart that she could "begin all over again," and try the effect of kindness and forbearance on Amos.

But no such opportunity was given her, and she had little time for bitter thoughts or unavailing regret.

The superintendent of the mill gave her eldest child, a lad of fourteen, a situation where he could earn $4 a week, and a girl a year younger found work in a millinery store. Thus Jane was relieved of much anxiety, and she was so skilful with her needle that she soon found herself able to "lay by something for a rainy day," as she expressed it.

Gradually the children were provided with comfortable clothes and were sent to church and to Sunday-school, from which they had been debarred for several years, owing to a lack of decent apparel; the house was repaired, new furniture bought, a flower garden laid out in front of the cottage, and a new fence erected. People began to speak of Jane as a surprisingly smart woman, and to say that her husband's desertion had been a blessing in disguise. But in spite of her prosperity there was an ache ever at Jane's heart, and a regret which no good fortune could stifle.

"If I'd only been kinder!" she would say to herself, as she lay awake at night and thought of her absent husband. "It was my fault he drank; I see that now. He was always telling me that my temper'd ruin him in the end, and now his word's come true."

She felt as if she ought to make some atonement for her past sin, even though she was never to see her husband again, and with this end in view she determined to cure herself of the habit of scolding and fault-finding about which poor Amos had complained so bitterly.

After a few struggles at first, she found her new path very pleasant to her feet, and was encouraged to persevere by the artless comments made by her children on the improvement in her temper.

"You're so good, now, mother," they would say, when, instead of the sharp rebuke they had expected on the commission of some childish folly, came very kind words of regret and gentle reproof. "You are so different from what you used to be. If father could only come home and live with us now how happy we would all be."

But Amos did not come. Year after year passed, and he sent no word or sign; and at length both wife and children grew to think of him as dead.

Seven years! Seven years to a day had passed since Amos Derby had left his home, and up the street and past the mill came a tall man, with a cap of sealskin pulled low over his eyes, and handsome overcoat trimmed with the same costly fur over his arm. He whistled as he walked, and seemed in great good humor, for occasionally he would break out into a loud laugh.

But as he came near the cottage where Jane Derby lived, he became more quiet, and an anxious expression stole into his face.

"I wonder if she'll know me," he muttered.

Going up to the window of the kitchen, he shaded his eyes with one hand and looked in.

Jane was setting at supper, her five children about her. The room looked warm and comfortable. A bright fire burned in the stove, the kettle sang merrily, and a big maltese cat dozed among some plants on the broad window seat.

Fred, the eldest son, a muscular young man of twenty-one now, was speaking, and his words came distinctly to the ears of the watcher outside.

"Brooks goes to-morrow," he said, "and we are to have a new superintendent from ——. I hope he'll have a better temper than Brooks, and I wish——Who's that?" as a sudden knock came upon the door.

"The new superintendent," said the tall man, as he walked into the room and threw his overcoat on a chair.

"Jane, don't you know me?"

With a glad cry that was almost a sob, Jane sprang forward, and was folded in the stranger's arms.

"Children," she said, when she could speak, "this is your father, come back to us at last."

"And to stay, please God," said Amos Derby, fervently, as in turn he embraced his children affectionately. "Jane, you shall have no room to complain of me in the future. I mean to make up to you for all I made you suffer before I found out what a fool I was to think more of my appetite than of my wife and children. Do you know what taught me my lesson?—Sillbrook's overcoat; and I've got one just like it. It will be a reminder, you know. And I've something better still—the place of superintendent at the mills here. I've worked hard, Jane, but my reward has come at last. When I left here I resolved never to come back until I could make myself worthy of you and the children. I found a place in the mills at ——, and worked my way up to be superintendent. Where there's a will, there's always a way, you know. I learned that you didn't need my help, so I waited on year after year, and now——"

"We are together, never to part again this side the grave," finished Jane, "Amos, God rules us all for the best. Let us thank Him for the blessings He has bestowed upon us; and then—suppose you let us see how you look in the overcoat you've come by so justly."

The news that Amos Derby was the new superintendent soon flew about the town, and great was the surprise thereat. No one was more astonished, perhaps, at the turn affairs had taken than Jason Sillbrook, and he wondered greatly at the good fortune of the man he had once so despised; but he never knew that it was largely due to the lesson Amos had learned from the saloon-keeper's overcoat.—The Christian at Work.

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An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French, or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y.

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Honesty of purpose must not be held as evidence of ability.

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This is the bait the fishermen take, the fishermen take, the fishermen take, when they start out the fish to wake so early in the morning. They take a nip before they go—a good one, ah! and long and slow, for fear the chills will lay them low so early in the morning. Another when they're on the street, which they repeat each time they meet for "luck"—for that's the way to greet a fisher in the morning. And when they are on the river's brink again they drink without a wink—to fight ma- laria they think it proper in the morn- ing. They tip a flask with true delight when there's a bite; if fishing's light they "smile" the more till jolly tight, all fishing they are scorning. An- other nip as they depart: one at the mart and one to part, but none when in the house they dart, ex- pecting there'll be mourning. This is the bait the fisher- men try who fishes buy at prices high and tell each one a bigger lie of fish- ing in the morning.

Whose Cold Feet?

"Are you troubled with cold feet on retiring?" asked Yeast of Crimsonbeak, Saturday night, as they were returning from market freighted with provender.

"I should say I was!" replied Crimsonbeak emphatically, while a regular chills-and-fever shudder was seen to distribute itself over his frame at the recollection which the question recalled.

"I suppose you would like to learn how to avoid them?" replied the philanthropist, smiling at the thought of an opportunity to fire off one of his pet theories.

"I would give almost anything to be fortunate enough to escape them," said the despairing Crimsonbeak, in all truthfulness.

"Well it is easy enough done," went on his companion; "soak your feet in cold water the first thing when you get up in the morning; towards night run about three-quarters of a mile, and then soak your feet again in cold water on retiring."

"Well, I can't see how that is going to keep her feet from troubling me."

"Her cold feet from troubling you!" repeated Yeast, a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"Mean? Why, I mean that my wife's cold feet are the ones that chill me with an Arctic region touch. Whose feet did you suppose I meant, my mother-in-law's?" shouted the excited Crimsonbeak, darting into his gate and leaving his neighbor to his own reflections.

Changed Relations.

"Now that we are engaged," said Miss Pottleworth, "come and let me introduce you to papa."

"I believe that I have met him," replied young Spickle.

"But in another capacity than that of son-in-law."

"Yes—er, but I'd rather not meet him to-night."

"Oh, you must," and despite the almost violent struggles of the young fellow, he was drawn into the library, where a large, red-faced man, with a squint in one eye, and an enlargement of the nose, sat looking over a lot of papers.

"Father," said the girl.

"Hum," he replied, without looking up.

"I wish to present to you—"

"What?" he exclaimed, looking up and catching sight of young Spickle. "Have you the impudence to follow me here? Didn't I tell you that I would see you to-morrow?"

"Why, father, you don't know Mr. Spickle, do you?"

"I don't know his name, but I know that he has been to my office three times a day for the past week with a bill. I know him well enough. I can't pay that bill to-night, young man. Come to my office to-morrow."

"I hope," said Spickle, "that you do not think so ill of me. I have not come to collect the bill you have referred to, but—"

"What? Got another one?"

"You persist in misunderstanding me. I did not come to collect a bill, I can come to-morrow and see you about that. To-night I proposed to your daughter, and have been accepted. Our mission is to acquaint you with the fact and gain your consent to our marriage."

"Well," said the old fellow, "is that all? Blamed if I didn't think you had a bill. Take the girl, if that's what you want, but say, didn't I tell you to bring the bill to-morrow?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, you needn't. Our relations are different now. Wish I had a daughter for every bill collector in town."

It Makes a Difference.

"So you have been fighting again on your way home from school!"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Didn't I tell you this sort of business had got to stop?"

"Yes, pa, but—"

"No excuses, sir! You probably provoked the quarrel!"

"Oh, no! no! He called me names!"

"Names? What of it? When a boy calls you names walk along about your business. Take off that coat!"

"But he didn't call me names!"

"Oh, he didn't? Take off that vest!"

"When he called me names I never looked at him, but when he pitched into you, I—I had to fight!"

"What! Did he call me names?"

"Lots of 'em, father! He said you lied to your constituents, and went back on the caucus and had!"—

"William, put on your coat and vest, and here's a nickel to buy peanuts! I don't want you to come up a slugger, and I wish you to stand well with your teacher, but if you can lick the boy who says I ever bolted a regular nomination or went back on my end of the ward, don't be afraid to sail in!"—Free Press.

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One of the Harvard students has fitted up his room at a cost of $4,000. We suspect that the young man's room is better than his company.

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"Don't be afraid," said a snob to a German laborer: "sit down and make yourself my equal." "I would haff to blow my brains out," was the reply of the Teuton.

* * * * *

"Yes," said Mrs. Egomoi, "I used to think a great deal of Mrs. Goode, she was always so kind to me; but then, I've found out that she treats everybody just the same."

* * * * *

Jerrold said to an ardent young gentleman, who burned with a desire to see himself in print: "Be advised by me, young man: don't take down the shutters before there is something in the window."

* * * * *

Arthur—"I say, what do you mean by fighting my hog all the time?"

Bismarck—"I means nodding in de vorld; I vash not fighting dot pig. We vash choost playing mit one anudder."

* * * * *

"Yes," said a fashionable lady, "I think Mary has made a very good match. I heard her husband is one of the shrewdest and most unprincipled lawyers in the profession, and of course he can afford to gratify her every wish."


Little drops of printer's ink, A little type "displayed," Make our merchant bosses And all their big parade.

Little bits of stinginess, Discarding printer's ink, Busts the man of business, And sees his credit sink.

* * * * *

"Jump on the scale," the butcher said Unto a miss one day, "I'm used to weighing, and," said he, "I'll tell you what you weigh." "Ah, yes," came quick the sweet reply From lips seemed made to kiss, "I'm sure, sir, that it would not be First time you've weighed amiss." The butcher blushed; he hung his head And knew not what to say; He merely wished to weigh the girl— Himself was given away.

* * * * *

"What did that lady say?" asked Mr. Buyem of his confidential clerk. "I'd rather not repeat her words, sir," replied the clerk. "But I must know, Mr. Blume—must know, sir." "Oh! if you insist upon it, sir, I suppose I must tell you. She said you were all business, but you lacked culture." "So?" exclaimed Mr. Buyem, in astonishment. "Lack culture, eh? Look here, Mr. Blume, d'ye know you' oughter told me that long ago? Let's have some right away before Scribe & Blowhard can get ahead of us."


Our Correspondent's Researches and a Remarkable Occurrence He Describes.

ST. ALBANS, Vt., Jan. 10, 1884.

MESSRS. EDITORS: The upper portion of Vermont is one of the pleasantest regions in America during the summer, and one of the bleakest during the winter. It affords ample opportunity for the tourist, providing he chooses the proper season, but the present time is not that season. Still there are men and women here who not only endure the climate, but praise it unstintingly, and that, too, in the face of physical hardships the most intense. The writer heard of a striking illustration of this a few days since which is given herewith:

Mr. Joseph Jacques is connected with the Vermont Central Railroad in the capacity of master mason. He is well advanced in years, with a ruddy complexion and hale appearance, while his general bearing is such as to instantly impress one with his strict honor and integrity. Several years ago he became afflicted with most distressing troubles, which prevented the prosecution of his duties. He was languid, and yet restless, while at times a dizziness would come over him which seemed almost blinding. His will power was strong, and he determined not to give way to the mysterious influence which seemed undermining his life. But the pain and annoying symptoms were stronger than his will, and he kept growing gradually worse. About that time he began to notice a difficulty in drawing on his boots, and it was by the greatest effort that he was able to force his feet into them. In this manner several weeks passed by, until finally one night, while in great agony, he discovered that his feet had in a short while, swollen to enormous proportions. The balance of the narrative can best be described in his own words. He said:

"When my wife discovered the fact that I was so bloated, she sent for the doctor immediately. He made a most careful examination and pronounced me in a very serious condition. Notwithstanding his care, I grew worse, and the swelling of my feet gradually extended upward in my body. The top of my head pained me terribly; indeed, so badly that at times it seemed almost as if it would burst. My feet were painfully cold, and even when surrounded with hot flannels and irons felt as if a strong wind were blowing on them. Next my right leg became paralyzed. This gave me no pain, but it was exceedingly annoying. About this time I began to spit blood most freely, although my lungs were in perfect condition, and I knew it did not come from them. My physicians were careful and untiring in their attentions, but unable to relieve my sufferings. My neighbors and friends thought I was dying and many called to see me, fully twenty-five on a single Sunday that I now recall. At last my agony seemed to culminate in the most intense, sharp pains I have ever known or heard of. If red hot knives sharpened to the highest degree had been run through my body constantly they could not have hurt me worse. I would spring up in bed, sometimes as much as three feet, cry out in my agony and long for death. One night the misery was so intense that I arose and attempted to go into the next room, but was unable to lift my swollen feet above the little threshold that obstructed them. I fell back upon the bed and gasped in my agony, but felt unable even to breathe. It seemed like death.

"Several years ago Rev. Dr. J. E. Rankin, now of Washington, was stationed here as pastor of the Congregational church. We all admired and respected him, and my wife remembered seeing somewhere that he had spoken in the highest terms of a preparation which had cured some of his intimate friends. We determined to try this remedy, accordingly sent for it, and, to make a long story short, it completely restored my health, brought me back from the grave, and I owe all I have in the way of health and strength to Warner's Safe Cure, better known as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I am positive that if I had taken this medicine when I felt the first symptoms above described, I might have avoided all the agony I afterward endured, to say nothing of the narrow escape I had from death."

In order that all possible facts bearing upon the subject might be known, I called on Dr. Oscar F. Fassett, who was for nineteen years United States Examining Surgeon, and who attended Mr. Jacques during his sickness. He stated that Mr. Jacques had a most pronounced case of Albuminuria or Bright's disease of the kidneys. That an analysis showed the presence of albumen and casts in great abundance and that he was in a condition where few if any ever recover. His recovery was due to Warner's Safe Cure.

Mr. John W. Hobart, General Manager of the Vermont Central railroad, stated that Mr. Jacques was one of the best and most faithful of his employes, that his sickness had been an exceedingly severe one and the company were not only glad to again have his services, but grateful to the remedy that had cured so valuable a man.

Mr. James M. Foss, assistant superintendent and master mechanic of the Vermont Central railroad, is also able to confirm this.

I do not claim to be a great discoverer, but I do think I have found in the above a most remarkable case and knowing the unusual increase of Bright's disease feel that the public should have the benefit of it. It seems to me a remedy that can accomplish so much in the last stages ought do even more for the first approach of this deceptive yet terrible trouble.

F. B.

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To be ruined your own way is some comfort. When so many people would ruin us, it is a triumph over the villany of the world to be ruined after one's own pattern.

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invested in a postal card and addressed as below


give to the writer full information as to the best lands in the United States now for sale; how he can


them on the lowest and best terms, also the full text of the U.S. land laws and how to secure


of Government Lands in Northwestern Minnesota and Northeastern Dakota.


JAMES B. POWER, Land and Emigration Commissioner, ST. PAUL, MINN.

* * * * *


DISEASE CURED Without Medicine.

A Valuable Discovery for supplying Magnetism to the Human System. Electricity and Magnetism utilized as never before for Healing the Sick.




WARRANTED TO CURE Or Money refunded, the following diseases without medicine:—Pain in the Back, Hips, Head, or Limbs, Nervous Debility, Lumbago, General Debility, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Diseases of the Kidneys, Spinal Diseases, Torpid Liver, GOUT SEMINAL EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, ASTHMA, HEART DISEASE, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, ERYSIPELAS, INDIGESTION, HERNIA OR RUPTURE, CATARRH, PILES, EPILEPSY, DUMB AGUE, ETC.

When any debility of the GENERATIVE ORGANS occurs, LOST VITALITY, LACK OF NERVE FORCE AND VIGOR, WASTING WEAKNESS, and all those Diseases of a personal nature, from whatever cause, the continuous stream of Magnetism permeating through the parts, must restore them to a healthy action. There is no mistake about this appliance.


For all forms of FEMALE DIFFICULTIES it is unsurpassed by anything before invented, both as a curative agent and as a source of power and vitalization.

Price of either Belt with Magnetic Insoles, $10, sent by express C.O.D., and examination allowed, or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering send measure of waist, and size of shoe. Remittance can be made in currency, sent in letter at our risk.

The Magneton Garments are adapted to all ages, are worn over the under-clothing (NOT NEXT TO THE BODY LIKE THE MANY GALVANIC AND ELECTRIC HUMBUGS ADVERTISED SO EXTENSIVELY), and should be taken off at night. They hold their POWER FOREVER, and are worn at all seasons of the year.

Send stamp for the "New Departure in Medical treatment WITHOUT MEDICINE," with thousands of testimonials.


NOTE.—Send one dollar in postage stamps or currency (in letter at our risk) with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles, and be convinced of the power residing in our other Magnetic Appliances. Positively no cold feet when they are worn, or money refunded.

* * * * *





The most promising field for men of talent and ambition at the present day is the railroad service. The pay is large in many instances, while the service is continuous and honorable. Most of our railroad men began life on the farm. Of this class is the author of the accompanying books descriptive of railway operations, who has been connected continuously with railroads as a subordinate and officer for 27 years. He was brought up on a farm, and began railroading as a lad at $7 per month. He has written a number of standard books on various topics connected with the organization, construction, management and policy of railroads. These books are of interest not only to railroad men but to the general reader as well. They are indispensable to the student. They present every phase of railroad life, and are written in an easy and simple style that both interests and instructs. The books are as follows:

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"HAND BOOK OF RAILWAY EXPENDITURES."—Practical Directions for Keeping the Expenditure Accounts. 2.00

"RAILWAY REVENUE AND ITS COLLECTION."—And Explaining the Organization of Railroads. 2.50

"THE BAGGAGE PARCEL AND MAIL TRAFFIC OF RAILROADS."—An interesting work on this important service; 425 pages. 2.00

"TRAIN AND STATION SERVICE"—Giving The Principal Rules and Regulations governing Trains; 280 pages. 2.00

"THE TRACK ACCOUNTS OF RAILROADS."—And how they should be kept. Pamphlet. 1.00

"THE FREIGHT TRAFFIC WAY-BILL."—Its Uses Illustrated and Described. Pamphlet. .50

"MUTUAL GUARANTEE."—A Treatise on Mutual Suretyship. Pamphlet. .50

Any of the above books will be sent post paid on receipt of price, by


Money should be remitted by express, or by draft check or post office order.

* * * * *


Of the United States and Canada, Printed in Colors, size 4x2-1/2 feet, also a copy of THE PRAIRIE FARMER for one year. Sent to any address for $2.00.

* * * * *


Florida farmers are now planting Irish potatoes.

The St. Charles Hotel, Paducah, Ky., was burned Sunday night.

Another relief party for the Greeley arctic expedition is to be sent out.

Wm. H. Guion, of the Steamship firm of Williams has failed for $2,000,000.

Music Hall, in Whitechapel, London, burned on Monday; loss $200,000.

Ice has prevented the ferry boats from crossing the St. Clair river at Port Huron.

The prohibitionists declare that they will place a presidential ticket in the field next fall.

Lowell manufacturers have given employes notice that there will be a reduction of ten per cent in wages beginning Feb. 1.

An elevated road, adapted both to passengers and freight, is to be constructed along the levee at New Orleans within two years.

There was a railway wreck, caused by a broken rail, on the Wabash road near Macon, Mo., on Monday; several persons were injured.

It is estimated that the United States Senate is the wealthiest deliberative body in the world, the seventy-six members of that body representing $180,000,000.

A rumor is in circulation at Ottawa, Canada, that the Canadian Pacific road has asked the government for additional assistance to the amount of $14,000,000.

A colored base-ball club of professionals has been formed at Chicago, and will be ready to take the road May 1. They are backed by a stock company.

It is claimed that there is at the present time between 100 and 150 foreign vessels engaged in the oyster traffic on the Virginia coast without right or authority.

The people of Ouray, Col., lynched Mike Cuddigan and wife Saturday, on suspicion of having murdered a child whom they took from a Catholic asylum at Denver.

It is said that the buffaloes have come north of the Missouri river, in Montana, and the Indians killed eleven hundred in one day not far from the mouth of the Musselshell.

The horror of the week was the wrecking of the steamer City of Columbus off Martha's Vineyard, January 19th. There were 129 persons on board of whom ninety-seven were lost.

A seal was discovered in the track of the steamer Armstrong, at Morristown, N. Y., on the St. Lawrence river. This was the third or fourth seal seen in that vicinity in the last half-dozen years.

The candle factory of E. L. Schneider & Co., located on the corner of Wallace and McGregor streets, Chicago, was Sunday swept away by fire. The loss is $150,000, and the insurance $57,000.

The friends of Mr. Hintz, the unsuccessful candidate for postmaster at Elgin, Illinois, threaten to defeat the re-election of Representative Ellwood in the next campaign, who is held responsible for his defeat.

Two Irish members of the British Parliament, Matthew Arnold and P. J. Sheridan,—the latter supposed to be the mysterious No. 1 of the Phoenix Park assassination scheme—are in Chicago the present week.

Mrs. Dukes, a sister of the murdered Zura Burns, has left her home in Dakota, in company with her father, to give what she claims is damaging evidence against O. A. Carpenter, before the grand jury at Lincoln, Ill.

The matter of the final disposition of the assets of the estate of B. F. Allen is being heard by a register at Des Moines. A firm which has purchased a large share of the claims at 5 per cent offers $330,000 for the property remaining, but other creditors hold out for $400,000.

Judge Shepard, in the Superior Court of Chicago, Saturday, dismissed three bills for divorce, holding that when a wife separated from her husband her residence as well as her domicile follows his, and that the Illinois statutes excludes from its courts all suits for divorce in behalf of persons not legal residents.

The Onondaga (New York) Indians have held another council, at which it was shown that a majority of the nation is opposed to dividing the lands in severally, but is willing to agree to a division of such timber lands as can not be protected against depredations. The Christian party is to be represented at the next conference with the State commissioners.

Nearly one-fourth of the business portion of Leipsic, O., was burned Friday night, and flames swept away 1,145 bales of cotton at Murrell's Point, La., and twenty-one buildings at Lowell, Mich. A boiler explosion at Cincinnati, in the Corrugating company's manufactory, Saturday, led to the destruction of $50,000 in property.




Papers devoted to finance and trade inform us that the number of business failures in 1883 was 9,184 against 8,782 in the hard times of 1877. The fear is, that the worst is not yet come, but this feeling happily is not by any means universal among most far seeing business men.

The transactions at the Chicago banks were a trifle slower than last week. The regular loan market was quotable on Monday at 6@7 per cent.

Eastern exchange was firm at 60c per $1,000.

The stock markets at the East were a little feverish and here the same feeling was noticeable. There are rumors of financial embarrassment in high places, and Mr. Gould himself is said to be a little nervous over the weakness in many of his stocks.

Government securities are as follows:

4's coupon, 1907 Q. Apr. 123-1/4 4's reg., 1907 Q. Apr. 123-1/4 4-1/2's coupon, 1891 Q. Mar. 114-1/8 4-1/2's registered, 1891 Q. Mar. 114-1/8 3's registered Q. Mar. 100


The receipts of flour at this point for the forty-eight hours ending Monday morning were greatly in excess of those for the corresponding week last year. In wheat last year the receipts were 28,007 bushels; this year 50,532. Corn last year 189,661; this year 226,990.

Flour was unchanged, the article not yet feeling the uncertain condition of the wheat market.

Choice to favorite white winters $5 25@5 50 Fair to good brands of white winters 4 75@5 00 Good to choice red winters 5 25@5 50 Prime to choice springs 4 75@5 00 Good to choice export stock, in sacks, extras 4 25@4 50 Good to choice export stock, double extras 4 50@4 65 Fair to good Minnesota springs 4 50@4 75 Choice to fancy Minnesota springs 5 25@5 75 Patent springs 6 00@6 50 Low grades 2 25@3 50

WHEAT.—Red winter, No. 3, 92; car lots of spring, No. 2, sold at 88-3/4c; No. 3, do. 81@84.

CORN.—Moderately active. Car lots No 2, 51@52c; rejected, 43@44; new mixed, 48@50-1/2c.

OATS.—No. 2 in store, closed 32-1/2@32-3/4.

RYE.—May, in store 57@57-1/2.

BARLEY.—No. 2, 49 in store; No. 3, f. o. b. 52-1/2c.

FLAX.—Closed at $1 52 on track.

TIMOTHY.—$1 31-1/2@1 35 per bushel. Little doing.

CLOVER.—Quiet at $6 05@6 10 for prime.

PROVISIONS.—Mess pork, February, $14 75@14 78 per bbl; Green hams, 10-1/2c per lb. Short ribs, $7 65 per cwt.

LARD.—February, $8 65.


Lumber unchanged. Quotations for green are as follows:

Short dimension, per M $ 9 50@10 00 Long dimension, per M 10 00@11 50 Boards and strips, No. 2 11 00@13 00 Boards and strips, medium 13 00@16 00 Boards and strips, No. 1 choice 16 00@20 00 Shingles, standard 2 10@ 2 20 Shingles, choice 2 25@ 2 30 Shingles, extra 2 40@ 2 60 Lath 1 65@ 1 70


NOTE.—The quotations for the articles named in the following list are generally for commission lots of goods and from first hands. While our prices are based as near as may be on the landing or wholesale rates, allowance must be made for selections and the sorting up for store distribution.

BRAN.—Quoted at $15@12 25 per ton;

BEANS.—Hand picked mediums $2 00@2 10. Hand picked navies, $2 15@2 20.

BUTTER.—Dull and without change. Choice to extra creamery, 33@36c per lb.; fair to good do 25@32c; fair to choice dairy, 23@28c; common to choice packing stock fresh and sweet, 18@22c; ladle packed 10@13c; fresh made, streaked butter, 9@11c.

BROOM-CORN.—Good to choice hurl 6-1/2@7-1/2c per lb; green self-working 5@6c; red-tipped and pale do 4@5c; inside and covers 3@4c; common short corn 2-1/2@3-1/2c; crooked, and damaged, 2@4c, according to quality.

CHEESE.—Choice full-cream cheddars 13@13-1/2c per lb; medium quality do 9@10c; good to prime full cream flats 13@13-3/4c; skimmed cheddars 9@10c; good skimmed flats 7@9c; hard-skimmed and common stock 3@4c.

EGGS.—In a small way the best brands are quotable at 27@28c per dozen; 20@23c for good ice house stock; 15@18c per pickled.

HAY.—No 1 timothy $9@9 50 per ton; No 2 do $8 00@8 50; mixed do $7@8; upland prairie $8 00@10 75; No 1 prairie $6@7; No 2 do $4 50@5 50. Small bales sell at 25@50c per ton more than large bales.

HIDES AND PELTS.—Green-cured light hides 8-1/4c per lb; do heavy cows 8c; No 2 damaged green-salted hides 6c; green-salted calf 12@12-1/2 cents; green-salted bull 6c; dry-salted hides 11 cents; No. 2 two-thirds price; No. 1 dry flint 14@14-1/2c. Sheep pelts salable at 28@32c for the estimated amount of wash wool on each pelt. All branded and scratched hides are discounted 15 per cent from the price of No. 1.

HOPS.—Prime to choice New York State hops 25@26c per lb; Pacific coast of 23@26c: fair to good Wisconsin 15@20c.

POULTRY.—Prices for good to choice dry picked and unfrozen lots are: Turkeys 13@14c per lb; chickens 9@10c; ducks 12@13c; geese 9@11c. Thin, undesirable, and frozen stock 2@3c per lb less than these figures; live offerings nominal.

POTATOES.—Good to choice 30@33c per bu. on track; common to fair 30@35c. Illinois sweet potatoes range at $3 50@4 per bbl for yellow.

TALLOW AND GREASE.—No 1 country tallow 7@7-1/4c per lb; No 2 do 6-1/4@6-1/2c. Prime white grease 6@6-1/2c; yellow 5-1/4@5-3/4c; brown 4-1/2@5.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage, $8@12 per 100; celery, 25@35c per doz bunches; onions, $1 00@1 25 per bbl for yellow, and $1 for red; turnips, $1 35@1 50 per bbl for rutabagas, and $1 00 for white flat.

WOOL.—from store range as follows for bright wools from Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Eastern Iowa—dark Western lots generally ranging at 1@2c per lb. less.

Coarse and dingy tub 25@30 Good medium tub 31@34 Unwashed bucks' fleeces 14@15 Fine unwashed heavy fleeces 18@22 Fine light unwashed heavy fleeces 22@23 Coarse unwashed fleeces 21@22 Low medium unwashed fleeces 24@25 Fine medium unwashed fleeces 26@27 Fine washed fleeces 32@33 Coarse washed fleeces 26@28 Low medium washed fleeces 30@32 Fine medium washed fleeces 34@35

Colorado and Territory wools range as follows:

Lowest grades 14@16 Low medium 18@22 Medium 22@26 Fine 16@24

Wools from New Mexico:

Lowest grades 14@16 Part improved 16@17 Best Improved 19@23

Burry from 2c to 10c off; black 2c to 5c off.


The total receipts and shipments for last week were as follows:

Received. Shipped. Cattle 42,110 18,986 Calves 527 346 Hogs 140,814 34,161 Sheep 24,600 11,815

CATTLE.—Very few choice lots are coming in. Receipts have fallen off some 3,000 head. Of those that arrive the "unripe" predominate. Some of our feeders are undoubtedly inclined to market too young. Some cattle by experienced breeders and feeders may be "ripened" at two years, but in the majority of cases, especially with anything else than high grade short-horns, this can not be done. There is more money in holding common stock a few months longer. The feeling on Monday was very firm, and prices advanced considerably. Good heavy cattle brought as high as $6 65, though the majority sold at less. Six steers averaging 1,523 lbs brought $7. Cattle for shippers and canners went at $4 65@5; bulls $2 50@4; cows $2 25@4 75; stockers and feeders scarce at $3 40@4 45 with some of the latter at $4 50@5.

HOGS.—The hogs now arriving are light and the number is not large. Since November 1st, Chicago packers have put up 325,000 less hogs than for the corresponding period last year, and the total packing of the country has fallen off 285,000 head. Our packing houses are now running to about one half their capacity. Prices are firm. Common to fair stock $5 25@5 75; good to choice heavy $5 80@6 30; skips and culls $4 25@5 15.

Note.—All sales of hogs are made subject to a shrinkage of 40 lbs for piggy sows and 80 lbs for stags. Dead hogs sell for 1-1/2c per lb for weights of 200 and over and [Transcriber's Note: blank in original] for weights of less than 100 lbs.

SHEEP.—Arrivals are large. Several carloads from Texas came in on Monday. Common to good $3 30@4 87-1/2; fancy head $5 75.

* * * * *



106 S. Water St., Chicago.

Refers to this paper.

* * * * *


YOUR NAME printed on 50 Cards ALL NEW designs of Gold Floral. Remembrances, Sentiment, Hand Floral, etc., with Love, Friendship, and Holiday Mottoes, 10c. 7 pks. and this elegant Ring, 50c., 15 pks. & Ring, $1.

12 NEW "CONCEALED NAME" Cards (name concealed with hand holding flowers with mottoes) 20c. 7 pks. and this Ring for $1. Agents' sample book and full outfit, 25c. Over 200 new Cards added this season. Blank Cards at wholesale prices.

NORTHFORD CARD CO. Northford, Conn.

* * * * *


Catalogues free. Address O. B. GALUSHA, Peoria, Ill.

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Print Your Own Cards

Labels, Envelopes, etc. with our $3 PRINTING PRESS. Larger sizes for circulars, etc., $8 to $75. For pleasure, money making, young or old. Everything easy, printed instructions. Send 2 stamps for Catalogue of Presses, Type, Cards, etc., to the factory.


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