The ability to read drawings is a necessary part of the boy's education. To know how to use the tools, is still more important. In conveying an idea about a piece of mechanism, a sketch is given. Now, the sketch may be readable in itself, requiring no explanation, or it may be of such a nature that it will necessitate some written description.
LINES IN DRAWING.—In drawing, lines have a definite meaning. A plain circular line, like Fig. 95, when drawn in that way, conveys three meanings: It may represent a rim, or a bent piece of wire; it may illustrate a disk; or, it may convey the idea of a ball.
Suppose we develop them to express the three forms accurately. Fig. 96, by merely adding an interior line, shows that it is a rim. There can be no further doubt about that expression.
Fig. 97 shows a single line, but it will now be noticed that the line is thickened at the lower right-hand side, and from this you can readily infer that it is a disk.
SHADING.—Fig. 98, by having a few shaded lines on the right and lower side, makes it have the appearance of a globe or a convex surface.
Shading or thickening the lines also gives another expression to the same circular line.
In Fig. 99, if the upper and left-hand side of the circle is heavily shaded, it shows that the area within the circle is depressed, instead of being raised.
DIRECTION OF SHADE.—On the other hand, if the shading lines, as in Fig. 100, are at the upper left-hand side, then the mind at once grasps the idea of a concave surface.
The first thing, therefore, to keep in mind, is this fact: That in all mechanical drawing, the light is supposed to shine down from the upper left-hand corner and that, as a result, the lower vertical line, as well as the extreme right-hand vertical line, casts the shadows, and should, therefore, be made heavier than the upper horizontal, and the left-hand vertical lines.
There are exceptions to this rule, which will be readily understood by following out the illustrations in the order given below.
PERSPECTIVES.—The utility of the heavy lines will be more apparent when drawing square, rectangular, or triangular objects.
Let us take Fig. 101, which appears to be the perspective of a cube. Notice that all lines are of the same thickness. When the sketch was first brought to me I thought it was a cube; but the explanation which followed, showed that the man who made the sketch had an entirely different meaning.
He had intended to convey to my mind the idea of three pieces, A, B, C, of metal, of equal size, joined together so as to form a triangularly shaped pocket as shown in Fig. 101. The addition of the inner lines, like D, quickly dispelled the suggestion of the cube.
"But," he remarked, "I want to use the thinnest metal, like sheets of tin; and you show them thick by adding the inner lines."
Such being the case, if we did not want to show thickness as its structural form, we had to do it by making the lines themselves and the shading give that structural idea. This was done by using the single lines, as in Fig. 103, and by a slight shading of the pieces A, B, C.
THE MOST PRONOUNCED LINES.—If it had been a cube, or a solid block, the corners nearest the eye would have been most pronounced, as in Fig. 104, and the side next to the observer would have been darkest.
This question of light and shadow is what expresses the surface formation of every drawing. Simple strokes form outlines of the object, but their thickness, and the shading, show the character enclosed by the LINES. DIRECTION OF LIGHT.—Now, as stated, the casting of the shadow downward from the upper left-hand corner makes the last line over which it passes the thickest, and in Figs. 105 and 106 they are not the extreme lines at the bottom and at the right side, because of the close parallel lines.
In Figs. 109 and 110 the blades superposed on the other are very thin, and the result is the lines at the right side and bottom are made much heavier.
This is more fully shown in Figs. 107 and 108. Notice the marked difference between the two figures, both of which show the same set of pulleys, and the last figure, by merely having the lower and the right-hand lines of each pulley heavy, changes the character of the representation, and tells much more clearly what the draughtsman sought to convey.
SCALE DRAWINGS.—All drawings are made to a scale where the article is large and cannot be indicated the exact size, using parts of an inch to represent inches; and parts of a foot to represent feet.
In order to reduce a drawing where a foot is the unit, it is always best to use one-and-a-half inches, or twelve-eighths of an inch, as the basis. In this way each eighth of an inch represents an inch. If the drawing should be made larger, then use three inches, and in that way each inch would be one-quarter of an inch.
The drawing should then have marked, in some conspicuous place, the scale, like the following: "Scale, 1-1/2" = 1'"; or, "Scale 3" = 1'."
DEGREE, AND WHAT IT MEANS.—A degree is not a measurement. The word is used to designate an interval, a position, or an angle. Every circle has 360 degrees, and when a certain degree is mentioned, it means a certain angle from what is called a base line.
Look at Fig. 111. This has a vertical line A, and a horizontal line B. The circle is thus divided into four parts, and where these lines A, B, cross the circle are the cardinal points. Each of the four parts is called a quadrant, and each quadrant has 90 degrees.
Any line, like C, which is halfway between A and B, is 45 degrees. Halfway between A and C, or between B and C, like the line D, is 22-1/2 degrees.
MEMORIZING ANGLES.—It is well to try and remember these lines by fixing the angles in the memory. A good plan is to divide any of the quadrants into thirds, as shown by the points E, F, and then remember that E is 30 degrees from the horizontal line B, and that F is 60 degrees. Or, you might say that F is 30 degrees from the vertical line A, and E 60 degrees from A. Either would be correct.
SECTION LINING.—In representing many parts of a machine, or article, it is necessary to show the parts cut off, which must be illustrated by what is called "section lining." Adjacent parts should have the section lines running at right angles to each other, and always at 45 degrees.
Look at the outside and then the inside views of Fig. 112, and you will see how the contiguous parts have the angles at right angles, and clearly illustrate how every part of the wrench is made. Skill in depicting an article, for the purpose of constructing it from the drawing, will make the actual work on the bench and lathe an easy one.
MAKING ELLIPSES AND IRREGULAR CURVES.—This is the hardest thing to do with drawing tools. A properly constructed elliptical figure is difficult, principally, because two different sized curves are required, and the pen runs from one curve into the other. If the two curves meet at the wrong place, you may be sure you will have a distorted ellipse.
Follow the directions given in connection with Fig. 113, and it will give you a good idea of merging the two lines.
First. Draw a horizontal line, A, which is in the direction of the major axis of the ellipse—that is, the longest distance across. The narrow part of the ellipse is called the minor axis.
Second. Draw a perpendicular line, B, which we will call the center of the ellipse, where it crosses the line A. This point must not be confounded with the focus. In a circle the focus is the exact center of the ring, but there is no such thing in an ellipse. Instead, there are two focal points, called the foci, as you will see presently.
Third. Step off two points or marking places, as we shall term them, equidistant from the line B, and marked C, C. These marks will then represent the diameter of the ellipse across its major axis.
Fourth. We must now get the diameter of the minor axis, along the line B. This distance will depend on the perspective you have of the figure. If you look at a disk at an angle of about 30 degrees it will be half of the distance across the major axis.
So you may understand this examine Fig. 114. The first sketch shows the eye looking directly at the disk 1. In the second sketch the disk is at 30 degrees, and now the lines 2 2, from the eye, indicate that it is just half the width that it was when the lines 3 3 were projected. The marks D D, therefore, indicate the distance across the minor axis in Fig. 113.
Fifth. We must now find the focal points of the ellipse. If the line A on each side of the cross line B is divided into four parts, the outer marks E may be used for the foci, and will be the places where the point of the compass, or bow pen, is to be placed.
Sixth. Describe a circle F, so it passes through the mark C, and move the point of the compass to the center of the ellipse, at the star, and describe a circle line G, from the mark C to the line B. This will give a centering point H. Then draw a line I from H to E, and extend it through the circle F.
Seventh. If the point of the compass is now put at H, and the pencil or pen on the circle line F, the curve J can be drawn, so the latter curve and the curve F will thus merge perfectly at the line I.
THE FOCAL POINTS.—The focal points can be selected at any arbitrary point, between C and the line B, and the point H may be moved closer to or farther away from the line A, and you will succeed in making the ellipse correct, if you observe one thing, namely: The line I, which must always run from H to E, and intersects the circle F, is the starting or the ending point for the small curve F or the large circle J.
ISOMETRIC AND PERSPECTIVE.—A figure may be drawn so as to show an isometric or a perspective view. Thus, a cube can be drawn so as to make an isometric figure, as in Fig. 115, where the three sides are equal to each other.
Isometric means a method of drawing any object in such a manner that the height, length and breadth may be shown in the proportion they really bear to each other. Fig. 115 has the sides not only equal to each other, in appearance to the eye, but they have the same outlines and angles.
Contrast this figure with Figs. 116 and 117. In Fig. 116 two of the sides are equal in angles and outline; and in Fig. 117 each side has a different outline, and different angles. Nevertheless, all the cubes are, in reality, of the same dimension.
THE PROTRACTOR.—This is a most useful tool for the draughtsman. It enables the user to readily find any angle. Fig. 118 shows an approved form of the tool for this purpose.
SUGGESTIONS IN DRAWING.—As in the use of all other tools, so with the drawing instrument, it must be kept in proper order. If the points are too fine they will cut the paper; if too blunt the lines will be ragged. In whetting the points hold the pen at an angle of 12 degrees. Don't make too long an angle or slope, and every time you sharpen hold it at the same angle, so that it is ground back, and not at the point only.
HOLDING THE PEN.—The drawing pen should be held as nearly vertical as possible. Use the cleaning rag frequently. If the ink does not flow freely, after you have made a few strokes, as is frequently the case, gently press together the points. The least grit between the tines will cause an irregular flow.
INKS.—As prepared liquid inks are now universally used, a few suggestions might be well concerning them. After half the bottle has been used, add a half teaspoonful of water, shake it well, and then strain it through a fine cotton cloth. This will remove all grit and lint that is sure to get into the bottle however carefully it may be corked.
TRACING CLOTH.—It is preferable to use the dull side of the tracing cloth for the reasons that, as the cloth is rolled with the glossy side inside, the figure when drawn on the other side will be uppermost, and will thus lie flat; and on the other hand, the ink will take better on the dull side.
If the ink does not flow freely, use chalk, fine pumice stone, or talc, and rub it in well with a clean cloth, and then wipe off well before beginning to trace.
DETAIL PAPER.—The detail paper, on which the drawing is first made in pencil, should show the figure accurately, particularly the points where the bow pen are to be used, as well as the measurement points for the straight lines.
HOW TO PROCEED.—Make the circles, curves, and irregular lines first, and then follow with the straight lines. Where the point of the circle pen must be used for a large number of lines, as, for instance, in shading, the smallest circles should be made first, and the largest circles last, because at every turn the centering hole becomes larger, and there is liability to make the circles more or less irregular. Such irregularity will not be so noticeable in the large curves as in the smaller ones.
INDICATING MATERIAL BY THE SECTION LINES.—In section lining different materials can be indicated by the character of the lines, shown in Fig. 120.
ANNEALING.—A very important part of the novice's education is a knowledge pertaining to the annealing of metals. Unlike the artisan in wood, who works the materials as he finds them, the machinist can, and, in fact, with many of the substances, must prepare them so they can be handled or cut by the tools.
Annealing is one of the steps necessary with all cutting tools, and it is an absolute requirement with many metals for ordinary use, as well as for many other articles like glass. This is particularly true in the use of copper.
TOUGHNESS AND ELASTICITY.—It means the putting of metals in such a condition that they will not only be less brittle, but also tougher and more elastic. Many substances, like glass, must be annealed before they can be put in condition for use, as this material when first turned out is so brittle that the slightest touch will shatter it, so that it must be toughened.
Malleable or wrought iron, if subjected to pressure, becomes brittle, and it is necessary to anneal it. Otherwise, if used, for instance, for boiler plates, from the rolled sheets, it would stand but little pressure.
The most immediate use the boy will have is the treatment of steel. He must learn the necessity of this process, and that of tempering, in all his cutting tools, and in the making of machinery where some parts are required to be constructed of very hard metal.
THE PROCESS.—To anneal steel it must be heated to a bright cherry red and then gradually cooled down. For this purpose a bed of fine charcoal, or iron filings and lime, is prepared, in which the article is embedded, and permitted to remain until it is cold.
There are many ways of doing the work, particularly in the use of substances which will the most readily give up their carbon to the tool. Yellow prussiate of potash is an excellent medium, and this is sprinkled over the cherry-heated article to be annealed. The process may be repeated several times.
TEMPERING.—This is the reverse of annealing as understood in the art. The word itself does not mean to "harden," but to put into some intermediate state. For instance, "tempered clay" means a clay which has been softened so it can be readily worked.
On the other hand, a tempered steel tool is put into a condition where it is hardened, but this hardness is also accompanied by another quality, namely, toughness. For this reason, the word temper, and not hardness, is referred to. A lathe tool, if merely hardened, would be useless for that purpose.
TEMPERING CONTRASTED WITH ANNEALING.—It will be observed that in annealing three things are necessary: First, heating to a certain temperature; second, cooling slowly; third, the particular manner of cooling it.
In tempering, on the other hand, three things are also necessary:
First: The heating temperature should be a dull red, which is less than the annealing heat.
Second: Instead of cooling slowly the article tempered is dipped into a liquid which suddenly chills it.
Third: The materials used vary, but if the article is plunged into an unguent made of mercury and bacon fat, it will impart a high degree of toughness and elasticity.
MATERIALS USED.—Various oils, fats and rosins are also used, and some acids in water are also valuable for this purpose. Care should be taken to have sufficient amount of liquid in the bath so as not to evaporate it or heat it up too much when it receives the heated body.
Different parts of certain articles require varying degrees of hardness, like the tangs of files. The cutting body of the file must be extremely hard, and rather brittle than tough. If the tang should be of the same hardness it would readily break.
Gradual Tempering.—To prevent this, some substance like soap suds may be used to cool down the tang, so that toughness without hardness is imparted.
The tempering, or hardening, like the annealing process, may be repeated several times in succession, and at each successive heating the article is put at a higher temperature.
If any part of a body, as, for instance, a hammerhead, should require hardening, it may be plunged into the liquid for a short distance only, and this will harden the pole or peon while leaving the other part of the head soft, or annealed.
Glycerine is a good tempering substance, and to this may be added a small amount of sulphate of potash.
FLUXING.—The word flux means to fuse or to melt, or to put into a liquid state. The office of a flux is to facilitate the fusion of metals. But fluxes do two things. They not only aid the conversion of the metal into a fluid state, but also serve as a means for facilitating the unity of several metals which make up the alloy, and aid in uniting the parts of metals to be joined in the welding of parts.
UNITING METALS.—Metals are united in three ways, where heat is used:
First: By heating two or more of them to such a high temperature that they melt and form a compound, or an alloy, as it is called.
Second: By heating up the points to be joined, and then lapping the pieces and hammering the parts. This is called forge work or welding.
Third: By not heating the adjacent parts and using an easily fusible metal, which is heated up and run between the two, by means of a soldering iron.
The foreign material used in the first is called a flux; in the second it is termed a welding compound; and in the third it is known as a soldering acid, or soldering fluid.
The boy is not so much interested in the first process, from the standpoint of actual work, but it is necessary that he should have some understanding of it.
It may be said, as to fluxes, generally, that they are intended to promote the fusion of the liquefying metals, and the elements used are the alkalis, such as borax, tartar, limestone, or fluor spar.
These substances act as reducing or oxidizing agents. The most important are carbonate of soda, potash, and cyanide of potassium. Limestone is used as the flux in iron-smelting.
WELDING COMPOUNDS.—Elsewhere formulas are given of the compounds most desirable to use. It is obvious that the application of these substances on the heated surfaces, is not only to facilitate the heating, but to prepare the articles in such a manner that they will more readily adhere to each other.
OXIDATION.—Oxidation is the thing to guard against in welding. The moment a piece of metal, heated to whiteness, is exposed, the air coats it with a film which is called an oxide. To remove this the welding compound is applied.
The next office of the substance thus applied, is to serve as a medium for keeping the welding parts in a liquid condition as long as possible, and thus facilitate the unity of the joined elements.
When the hammer beats the heated metals an additional increment of heat is imparted to the weld, due to the forcing together of the molecules of the iron, so that these two agencies, namely, the compound and the mechanical friction, act together to unite the particles of the metal.
SOLDERING.—Here another principle is involved, namely, the use of an intermediate material between two parts which are to be united. The surfaces to be brought together must be thoroughly cleaned, using such agents as will prevent the formation of oxides.
The parts to be united may be of the same, or of different materials, and it is in this particular that the workman must be able to make a choice of the solder most available, and whether hard or soft.
SOFT SOLDER.—A soft solder is usually employed where lead, tin, or alloys of lead, tin and bismuth are to be soldered. These solders are all fusible at a low temperature, and they do not, as a result, have great strength.
Bismuth is a metal which lowers the fusing point of any alloy of which it forms a part, while lead makes the solder less fusible.
HARD SOLDER.—These are so distinguished because they require a temperature above the low red to fuse them. The metals which are alloyed for this purpose are copper, silver, brass, zinc and tin. Various alloys are thus made which require a high temperature to flux properly, and these are the ones to use in joining steel to steel, the parts to be united requiring an intense furnace heat.
SPELTER.—The alloy used for this purpose is termed "spelter," and brass, zinc and tin are its usual components. The hard solders are used for uniting brass, bronze, copper, and iron.
Whether soft or hard solder is used, it is obvious that it must melt at a lower temperature than the parts which are to be joined together.
There is one peculiarity with respect to alloys: They melt at a lower temperature than either of the metals forming the alloys.
SOLDERING ACID.—Before beginning the work of soldering, the parts must be cleaned by filing or sandpapering, and coated with an acid which neutralizes the oxygen of the air.
This is usually muriatic acid, of which use, say, one quart and into this drop small pieces of zinc. This will effervesce during the time the acid is dissolving the zinc. When the boiling motion ceases, the liquid may be strained, or the dark pieces removed.
The next step is to dissolve two ounces of sal ammoniac in a third of a pint of water, and in another vessel dissolve an ounce of chloride of tin.
Then mix the three solutions, and this can be placed in a bottle, or earthen jar or vessel, and it will keep indefinitely.
THE SOLDERING IRON.—A large iron is always better than a small one, particularly for the reason that it will retain its heat better. This should always be kept tinned, which can be done by heating and plunging it into the soldering solution, and the solder will then adhere to the iron and cover the point, so that when the actual soldering takes place the solder will not creep away from the tool.
By a little care and attention to these details, the work of uniting metals will be a pleasure. It is so often the case, however, that the apparatus for doing this work is neglected in a shop; the acid is allowed to become dirty and full or foreign matter, and the different parts separated.
The technical name for gears, the manner of measuring them, their pitch and like terms, are most confusing to the novice. As an aid to the understanding on this subject, the wheels are illustrated, showing the application of these terms.
SPUR AND PINION.—When a gear is ordered a specification is necessary. The manufacturer will know what you mean if you use the proper terms, and you should learn the distinctions between spur and pinion, and why a bevel differs from a miter gear.
If the gears on two parallel shafts mesh with each other, they both may be of the same diameter, or one may be larger than the other. In the latter case, the small one is the pinion, and the larger one the spur wheel.
Some manufacturers use the word "gear" for "pinion," so that, in ordering, they call them gear and pinion, in speaking of the large and small wheels.
MEASURING A GEAR.—The first thing to specify would be the diameter. Now a spur gear, as well as a pinion, has three diameters; one measure across the outer extremities of the teeth; one measure across the wheel from the base of the teeth; and the distance across the wheel at a point midway between the base and end of the teeth.
These three measurements are called, respectively, "outside diameter," "inside diameter," and "pitch diameter." When the word diameter is used, as applied to a gear wheel, it is always understood to mean the "pitch diameter."
PITCH.—This term is the most difficult to understand. When two gears of equal size mesh together, the pitch line, or the pitch circle, as it is also called, is exactly midway between the centers of the two wheels.
Now the number of teeth in a gear is calculated on the pitch line, and this is called:
DIAMETRAL PITCH.—To illustrate: If a gear has 40 teeth, and the pitch diameter of the wheel is 4 inches, there are 10 teeth to each inch of the pitch diameter, and the gear is then 10 diametral pitch.
CIRCULAR PITCH.—Now the term "circular pitch" grows out of the necessity of getting the measurement of the distance from the center of one tooth to the center of the next, and it is measured along the pitch line.
Supposing you wanted to know the number of teeth in a gear where the pitch diameter and the diametral pitch are given. You would proceed as follows: Let the diameter of the pitch circle be 10 inches, and the diameter of the diametral pitch be 4 inches. Multiplying these together the product is 40, thus giving the number of teeth.
It will thus be seen that if you have an idea of the diametral pitch and circular pitch, you can pretty fairly judge of the size that the teeth will be, and thus enable you to determine about what kind of teeth you should order.
HOW TO ORDER A GEAR.—In proceeding to order, therefore, you may give the pitch, or the diameter of the pitch circle, in which latter case the manufacturer of the gear will understand how to determine the number of the teeth. In case the intermeshing gears are of different diameters, state the number of teeth in the gear and also in the pinion, or indicate what the relative speed shall be.
This should be followed by the diameter of the hole in the gear and also in the pinion; the backing of both gear and pinion; the width of the face; the diameter of the gear hub; diameter of the pinion hub; and, finally, whether the gears are to be fastened to the shafts by key-ways or set-screws.
Fig. 122 shows a sample pair of miter gears, with the measurements to indicate how to make the drawings. Fig. 123 shows the bevel gears.
BEVEL AND MITER GEARS.—When two intermeshing gears are on shafts which are at right angles to each other, they may be equal diametrically, or of different sizes. If both are of the same diameter, they are called bevel gears; if of different diameters, miter gears.
It is, in ordering gears of this character, that the novice finds it most difficult to know just what to do. In this case it is necessary to get the proper relation of speed between the two gears, and, for convenience, we shall, in the drawing, make the gears in the relation of 2 to 1.
DRAWING GEARS.—Draw two lines at right angles, Fig. 124, as 1 and 2, marking off the sizes of the two wheels at the points 3, 4. Then draw a vertical line (A) midway between the marks of the line 2, and this will be the center of the main pinion.
Also draw a horizontal line (B) midway between the marks on the vertical line (1), and this will represent the center of the small gear. These two cross lines (A, B) constitute the intersecting axes of the two wheels, and a line (5), drawn from the mark (3 to 4), and another line (6), from the axes to the intersecting points of the lines (1, 2), will give the pitch line angles of the two wheels.
SPROCKET WHEELS.—For sprocket wheels the pitch line passes centrally through the rollers (A) of the chain, as shown in Fig. 125, and the pitch of the chain is that distance between the centers of two adjacent rollers. In this case the cut of the teeth is determined by the chain.
THE LEVER.—The lever is the most wonderful mechanical element in the world. The expression, lever, is not employed in the sense of a stick or a bar which is used against a fulcrum to lift or push something with, but as the type of numerous devices which employ the same principle.
Some of these devices are, the wedge, the screw, the pulley and the inclined plane. In some form or other, one or more of these are used in every piece of mechanism in the world.
Because the lever enables the user to raise or move an object hundreds of times heavier than is possible without it, has led thousands of people to misunderstand its meaning, because it has the appearance, to the ignorant, of being able to manufacture power.
WRONG INFERENCES FROM USE OF LEVER.—This lack of knowledge of first principles, has bred and is now breeding, so-called perpetual motion inventors (?) all over the civilized world. It is surprising how many men, to say nothing of boys, actually believe that power can be made without the expenditure of something which equalizes it.
The boy should not be led astray in this particular, and I shall try to make the matter plain by using the simple lever to illustrate the fact that whenever power is exerted some form of energy is expended.
In Fig. 126 is a lever (A), resting on a fulcrum (B), the fulcrum being so placed that the lever is four times longer on one side than on the other. A weight (C) of 4 pounds is placed on the short end, and a 1-pound weight (D), called the power, on the short end. It will thus be seen that the lever is balanced by the two weights, or that the weight and the power are equal.
THE LEVER PRINCIPLE.—Now, without stopping to inquire, the boy will say: "Certainly, I can understand that. As the lever is four times longer on one side of the fulcrum than on the other side, it requires only one-fourth of the weight to balance the four pounds. But suppose I push down the lever, at the point where the weight (D) is, then, for every pound I push down I can raise four pounds at C. In that case do I not produce four times the power?"
I answer, yes. But while I produce that power I am losing something which is equal to the power gained. What is that?
First: Look at Fig. 127; the distance traveled. The long end of the lever is at its highest point, which is A; and the short end of the lever is at its lowest point C. When the long end of the lever is pushed down, so it is at B, it moves four times farther than the short end moves upwardly, as the distance from C to D is just one-fourth that from A to B. The energy expended in moving four times the distance balances the power gained.
POWER VS. DISTANCE TRAVELED.—From this the following law is deduced: That whatever is gained in power is lost in the distance traveled.
Second: Using the same figure, supposing it was necessary to raise the short end of the lever, from C to D, in one second of time. In that case the hand pressing down the long end of the lever, would go from A to B in one second of time; or it would go four times as far as the short end, in the same time.
POWER VS. LOSS IN TIME.—This means another law: That what is gained in power is lost in time.
Distinguish clearly between these two motions. In the first case the long end of the lever is moved down from A to B in four seconds, and it had to travel four times the distance that the short end moves in going from C to D.
In the second case the long end is moved down, from A to B, in one second of time, and it had to go that distance in one-fourth of the time, so that four times as much energy was expended in the same time to raise the short end from C to D.
WRONGLY DIRECTED ENERGY.—More men have gone astray on the simple question of the power of the lever than on any other subject in mechanics. The writer has known instances where men knew the principles involved in the lever, who would still insist on trying to work out mechanical devices in which pulleys and gearing were involved, without seeming to understand that those mechanical devices are absolutely the same in principle.
This will be made plain by a few illustrations. In Fig. 128, A is a pulley four times larger, diametrically, than B, and C is the pivot on which they turn. The pulleys are, of course, secured to each other. In this case we have the two weights, one of four pounds on the belt, which is on the small pulley (B), and a one-pound weight on the belt from the large pulley (A).
THE LEVER AND THE PULLEY.—If we should substitute a lever (D) for the pulleys, the similarity to the lever (Fig. 127) would be apparent at once. The pivot (C) in this case would act the same as the pivot (C) in the lever illustration.
In the same manner, and for like reasons, the wedge, the screw and the incline plane, are different structural applications of the principles set forth in the lever.
Whenever two gears are connected together, the lever principle is used, whether they are the same in size, diametrically, or not. If they are the same size then no change in power results; but instead, thereof, a change takes place in the direction of the motion.
When one end of the lever (A) goes down, the other end goes up, as shown in Fig. 129; and in Fig. 130, when the shaft (C) of one wheel turns in one direction, the shaft of the other wheel turns in the opposite direction.
It is plain that a gear, like a lever, may change direction as well as increase or decrease power. It is the thorough knowledge of these facts, and their application, which enables man to make the wonderful machinery we see on every hand.
SOURCES OF POWER.—Power is derived from a variety of sources, but what are called the prime movers are derived from heat, through the various fuels, from water, from the winds and from the tides and waves of the ocean. In the case of water the power depends on the head, or height, of the surface of the water above the discharging orifice.
WATER POWER.—A column of water an inch square and 28 inches high gives a pressure at the base of one pound; and the pressure at the lower end is equal in all directions. If a tank of water 28 inches high has a single orifice in its bottom 1" x 1" in size, the pressure of water through that opening will be only one pound, and it will be one pound through every other orifice in the bottom of the same size.
CALCULATING FUEL ENERGY.—Power from fuels depends upon the expansion of the materials consumed, or upon the fact that heat expands some element, like water, which in turn produces the power. One cubic inch of water, when converted into steam, has a volume equal to one cubic foot, or about 1,700 times increase in bulk.
Advantage is taken of this in steam engine construction. If a cylinder has a piston in it with an area of 100 square inches, and a pipe one inch square supplies steam at 50 pounds pressure, the piston will have 50 pounds pressure on every square inch of its surface, equal to 5,000 pounds.
THE PRESSURE OR HEAD.—In addition to that there will also be 50 pounds pressure on each square inch of the head, as well as on the sides of the cylinder.
Fig. 131 shows a cylinder (A), a piston (B) and a steam inlet port (C), in which is indicated how the steam pressure acts equally in all directions. As, however, the piston is the only movable part, the force of the steam is directed to that part, and the motion is then transmitted to the crank, and to the shaft of the engine.
This same thing applies to water which, as stated, is dependent on its head. Fig. 132 represents a cylinder (D) with a vertically movable piston (E) and a standpipe (F). Assuming that the pipe (F) is of sufficient height to give a pressure of 50 pounds to the square inch, then the piston (E) and the sides and head of the cylinder (D) would have 50 pounds pressure on every square inch of surface.
FUELS.—In the use of fuels, such as the volatile hydrocarbons, the direct expansive power of the fuel gases developed, is used to move the piston back and forth. Engines so driven are called Internal Combustion Motors.
POWER FROM WINDS.—Another source of power is from the wind acting against wheels which have blades or vanes disposed at such angles that there is a direct conversion of a rectilinear force into circular motion.
In this case power is derived from the force of the moving air and the calculation of energy developed is made by considering the pressure on each square foot of surface. The following table shows the force exerted at different speeds against a flat surface one foot square, held so that the wind strikes it squarely:
-+ + -+ SPEED OF WIND PRESSURE SPEED OF WIND PRESSURE -+ + -+ 5 Miles per hour 2 oz. 35 miles per hour 6 lb. 2 oz. 10 " " 8 " 40 " " 8 " 15 " " 1 lb. 2 " 45 " " 10 " 2 " 20 " " 2 " 50 " " 12 " 2 " 25 " " 3 " 2 " 55 " " 15 " 2 " 30 " " 4 " 8 " 60 " " 18 " -+ + -+
VARYING DEGREES OF PRESSURE.—It is curious to notice how the increase in speed changes the pressure against the blade. Thus, a wind blowing 20 miles an hour shows 2 pounds pressure; whereas a wind twice that velocity, or 40 miles an hour, shows a pressure of 8 pounds, which is four times greater than at 20 miles.
It differs, therefore, from the law with respect to water pressure, which is constant in relation to the height or the head—that is, for every 28 inches height of water a pound pressure is added.
POWER FROM WAVES AND TIDES.—Many attempts have been made to harness the waves and the tide and some of them have been successful. This effort has been directed to the work of converting the oscillations of the waves into a rotary motion, and also to take advantage of the to-and-fro movement of the tidal flow. There is a great field in this direction for the ingenious boy.
A PROFITABLE FIELD.—In no direction of human enterprise is there such a wide and profitable field for work, as in the generation of power. It is constantly growing in prominence, and calls for the exercise of the skill of the engineer and the ingenuity of the mechanic. Efficiency and economy are the two great watchwords, and this is what the world is striving for. Success will come to him who can contribute to it in the smallest degree.
Capital is not looking for men who can cheapen the production of an article 50 per cent., but 1 per cent. The commercial world does not expect an article to be 100 per cent, better. Five per cent. would be an inducement for business.
HORSE-POWER.—When work is performed it is designated as horse-power, usually indicated by the letters H. P.; but the unit of work is called a foot pound.
If one pound should be lifted 550 feet in one second, or 550 pounds one foot in the same time, it would be designated as one horse-power. For that reason it is called a foot pound. Instead of using the figure to indicate the power exerted during one minute of time, the time is taken for a minute, in all calculations, so that 550 multiplied by the number of seconds, 60, in a minute, equals 33,000 foot pounds.
FOOT POUNDS.—The calculation of horse-power is in a large measure arbitrary. It was determined in this way: Experiments show that the heat expended in vaporizing 34 pounds of water per hour, develops a force equal to 33,000 foot pounds; and since it takes about 4 pounds of coal per hour to vaporize that amount of water, the heat developed by that quantity of coal develops the same force as that exercised by an average horse exerting his strength at ordinary work.
All power is expressed in foot pounds. Suppose a cannon ball of sufficient weight and speed strikes an object. If the impact should indicate 33,000 pounds it would not mean that the force employed was one horse-power, but that many foot pounds.
If there should be 60 impacts of 550 pounds each within a minute, it might be said that it would be equal to 1 horse-power, but the correct way to express it would be foot pounds.
So in every calculation, where power is to be calculated, first find out how many foot pounds are developed, and then use the unit of measure, 33,000, as the divisor to get the horse-power, if you wish to express it in that way.
It must be understood, therefore, that horse-power is a simple unit of work, whereas a foot pound is a compound unit formed of a foot paired with the weight of a pound.
ENERGY.—Now work and energy are two different things. Work is the overcoming of resistance of any kind, either by causing or changing motion, or maintaining it against the action of some other force.
Energy, on the other hand, is the power of doing work. Falling water possesses energy; so does a stone poised on the edge of a cliff. In the case of water, it is called kinetic energy; in the stone potential energy. A pound of pressure against the stone will cause the latter, in falling, to develop an enormous energy; so it will be seen that this property resides, or is within the thing itself. It will be well to remember these definitions.
HOW TO FIND OUT THE POWER DEVELOPED.—The measure of power produced by an engine, or other source, is so interesting to boys that a sketch is given of a Prony Brake, which is the simplest form of the Dynamometer, as these measuring machines are called.
In the drawing (A) is the shaft, with a pulley (A'), which turns in the direction of the arrow (B). C is a lever which may be of any length. This has a block (C'), which fits on the pulley, and below the shaft, and surrounding it, are blocks (D) held against the pulley by a chain (E), the ends of the chain being attached to bolts (F) which pass through the block (C') and lever (C).
Nuts (G) serve to draw the bolts upwardly and thus tighten the blocks against the shaft. The free end of the lever has stops (H) above and below, so as to limit its movement. Weights (I) are suspended from the end of the lever.
THE TEST.—The test is made as follows: The shaft is set in motion, and the nuts are tightened until its full power at the required speed is balanced by the weight put on the platform.
The following calculation can then be made:
For our present purpose we shall assume that the diameter of the pulley (A') is 4 inches; the length of the lever (C), 3 feet; the speed of the shaft (A) and the pulley, 210 revolutions per minute; and the weight 600 pounds.
Now proceed as follows:
(1) Multiply the diameter of the pulley (A') (4 inches) by 3.1416, and this will give the circumference 12.5664 inches; or, 1.0472 feet.
(2) Multiply this product (1.0472) by the revolutions per minute. 1.0472 x 210 = 219.912. This equals the speed of the periphery of the pulley.
(3) The next step is to get the length of the lever (C) from the center of the shaft (A) to the point from which the weights are suspended, and divide this by one-half of the diameter of the pulley (A'). 36" / 2" = 18", or 1-1/2 feet. This is the leverage.
(4) Then multiply the weight in pounds by the leverage. 600 x 1-1/2 = 900.
(5) Next multiply this product (900) by the speed, 900 x 219.912 = 197,920.8, which means foot pounds.
(6) As each horse-power has 33,000 foot pounds, the last product should be divided by this figure, and we have 197,920.8 / 33,000 = 5.99 H. P.
THE FOOT MEASURE.—How long is a foot, and what is it determined by? It is an arbitrary measure. The human foot is the basis of the measurement. But what is the length of a man's foot? It varied in different countries from 9 to 21 inches.
In England, in early days, it was defined as a measure of length consisting of 12 inches, or 36 barleycorns laid end to end. But barleycorns differ in length as well as the human foot, so the standard adopted is without any real foundation or reason.
WEIGHT.—To determine weight, however, a scientific standard was adopted. A gallon contains 8.33 pounds avoirdupois weight of distilled water. This gallon is divided up in two ways; one by weight, and the other by measurement.
Each gallon contains 231 cubic inches of distilled water. As it has four quarts, each quart has 57-3/4 cubic inches, and as each quart is comprised of two pints, each pint has nearly 29 cubic inches.
THE GALLON.—The legal gallon in the United States is equal to a cylindrical measure 7 inches in diameter and 6 inches deep.
Notwithstanding the weights and dimensions of solids and liquids are thus fixed by following a scientific standard, the divisions into scruples, grains, pennyweights and tons, as well as cutting them up into pints, quarts and other units, is done without any system, and for this reason the need of a uniform method has been long considered by every country.
THE METRIC SYSTEM.—As early as 1528, Fernal, a French physician, suggested the metric system. Our own government recognized the value of this plan when it established the system of coinage.
The principle lies in fixing a unit, such as a dollar, or a pound, or a foot, and then making all divisions, or addition, in multiples of ten. Thus, we have one mill; ten mills to make a dime; ten dimes to make a dollar, and so on.
BASIS OF MEASUREMENT.—The question arose, what to use as the basis of measurement, and it was proposed to use the earth itself, as the measure. For this purpose the meridian line running around the earth at the latitude of Paris was selected.
One-quarter of this measurement around the globe was found to be 393,707,900 inches, and this was divided into 10,000,000 parts. Each part, therefore, was a little over 39.37 inches in length, and this was called a meter, which means measure.
A decimeter is one-tenth of that, namely, 3.937 inches; and a decameter 39.37, or ten times the meter, and so on.
For convenience the metrical table is given, showing lengths in feet and inches, in which only three decimal points are used.
Metrical Table, showing measurements in feet and inches:
Length Inches Feet Millimeter 0.039 0.003 Centimeter 0.393 0.032 Decimeter 3.937 0.328 Meter 39.370 3.280 Decameter 393.707 32.808 Hectometer 3937.079 328.089 Kilometer 39370.790 3280.899 Myriameter 393707.900 32808.992
1 Myriameter = 5.4 nautical miles, or 6.21 statute miles.
1 Kilometer = 0.621 statute mile, or nearly 5/8 mile.
1 Hectometer = 109.4 yards.
1 Decameter = 0.497 chain, 1.988 rods.
1 Meter = 39.37 inches, or nearly 3 ft. 3-3/8 inches.
1 Decimeter = 3.937 inches.
1 Centimeter = 0.3937 inch.
1 Millimeter = 0.03937 inch.
1 Micron = 1/25400 inch.
1 Hectare = 2.471 acres.
1 Arc = 119.6 square yards.
1 Centaire, or square meter = 10.764 square feet.
1 Decastere = 13 cubic yards, or about 2-3/4 cords.
1 Stere, or cubic meter = 1.308 cubic yards, or 35.3 cubic feet.
1 Decistere = 3-1/2 cubic feet.
1 Kiloliter = 1 ton, 12 gal., 2 pints, 2 gills old wine measure.
1 Hectoliter = 22.01 Imperial gals., or 26.4 U. S. gals.
1 Decaliter = 2 gallons, 1 pint, 2-2/5 gills, imperial measure, or 2 gals., 2 qts., 1 pt., 1/2 gill, U. S.
1 Liter = 1 pint, 3 gills, imperial, or 1 qt., 1/2 gill U. S. measure.
1 Decileter = 0.704 gill, imperial, or 0.845 gill U. S. measure.
1 Millier = 2,204.6 pounds avoirdupois.
1 Metric quintal = 2 hundredweight, less 3-1/2 pounds, or 220 pounds, 7 ounces.
1 Kilogram = 2 pounds, 3 ounces, 4-3/8 drams avoirdupois.
1 Hectogram = 3 ounces, 8-3/8 drams avoirdupois.
1 Decagram = 154.32 grains Troy.
1 Gram = 15.432 grains.
1 Decigram = 1.542 grain.
1 Centigram = 0.154 grain.
1 Milligram = 0.015 grain.
To find the circumference of a circle: Multiply the diameter by 3.1416.
To find the diameter of a circle: Multiply the circle by .31831.
To find the area of a circle: Multiply the square of the diameter by .7854.
To find the area of a triangle: Multiply the base by one-half the perpendicular height.
To find the surface of a ball: Multiply the square of the diameter by 3.1416.
To find the solidity of a sphere: Multiply the cube of the diameter by .5236.
To find the cubic contents of a cone: Multiply the area of the base by one-third the altitude.
Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity four times.
To find the pressure in pounds per square inch of a column of water: Multiply the height of the column in feet by .434.
Standard Horse-power: The evaporation of 30 pounds of water per hour from a feed water temperature of 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit into steam at 70 pounds gauge pressure.
To find the capacity of any tank in gallons: Square the diameter in inches, multiply by the length, and then by .0034.
In making patterns for aluminum castings provision must be made for shrinkage to a greater extent than with any other metal or alloy.
The toughness of aluminum can be increased by adding a small per cent. of phosphorus.
All alloys of metals having mercury are called amalgams.
A sheet of zinc suspended in the water of a boiler will produce an electrolytic action and prevent scaling to a considerable extent.
Hydrofluoric acid will not affect a pure diamond, but will dissolve all imitations.
A strong solution of alum put into glue will make it insoluble in water.
A grindstone with one side harder than the other can have its flinty side softened by immersing that part in boiled linseed oil.
One barrel contains 3-3/4 cubic feet.
One cubic yard contains 7-1/4 barrels.
To find the speed of a driven pulley of a given diameter: Multiply the diameter of the driving pulley by its speed or number of revolutions. Divide this by the diameter of the driven pulley. The result will be the number of revolutions of the driven pulley.
To find the diameter of a driven pulley that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time: Multiply the diameter of the driving pulley by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven pulley.
A piece of the well-known tar soap held against the inside of a belt while running will prevent it from slipping, and will not injure the belt.
Boiler scale is composed of the carbonate or the sulphate of lime. To prevent the formation it is necessary to use some substance which will precipitate these elements in the water. The cheapest and most universally used for this purpose are soda ash and caustic soda.
Gold bronze is merely a mixture of equal parts of oxide of tin and sulphur. To unite them they are heated for some time in an earthen retort.
Rusted utensils may be cleaned of rust by applying either turpentine or kerosene oil, and allowing them to stand over night, when the excess may be wiped off. Clean afterwards with fine emery cloth.
Plaster of paris is valuable for many purposes in a machine shop, but the disadvantage in handling it is, that it sets so quickly, and its use is, therefore, very much limited. To prevent quick setting mix a small amount of arrow root powder with the plaster before it is mixed, and this will keep it soft for some time, and also increase its hardness when it sets.
For measuring purposes a tablespoon holds 1/2 ounce; a dessertspoon 1/4 ounce; a teaspoon 1/8 ounce; a teacupful of sugar weighs 1/2 pound; two teacupsful of butter weigh 1 pound; 1-1/3 pints of powdered sugar weigh 1 pound; one pint of distilled water weighs 1 pound.
Ordinarily, 450 drops of liquid are equal to 1 ounce; this varies with different liquids, some being thicker in consistency than others, but for those of the consistency of water the measure given is fairly accurate.
If there is anything in the realm of mechanics which excites the wonder and admiration of man, it is the knowledge that the greatest inventions are the simplest, and that the inventor must take advantage of one law in nature which is universal in its application, and that is vibration.
There is a key to every secret in nature's great storehouse. It is not a complicated one, containing a multiplicity of wards and peculiar angles and recesses. It is the very simplicity in most of the problems which long served as a bar to discovery in many of the arts. So extremely simple have been some of the keys that many inventions resulted from accidents.
INVENTION PRECEDES SCIENCE.—Occasionally inventions were brought about by persistency and energy, and ofttimes by theorizing; but science rarely ever aids invention. The latter usually precedes science. Thus, reasoning could not show how it might be possible for steam to force water into a boiler against its own pressure. But the injector does this.
If, prior to 1876, it had been suggested that a sonorous vibration could be converted into an electrical pulsation, and transformed back again to a sonorous vibration, science would have proclaimed it impossible; but the telephone does it. Invention shows how things are done, and science afterwards explains the phenomena and formulates theories and laws which become serviceable to others in the arts.
SIMPLICITY IN INVENTIONS.—But let us see how exceedingly simple are some of the great discoveries of man.
THE TELEGRAPH.—The telegraph is nothing but a magnet at each end of a wire, with a lever for an armature, which opens and closes the circuit that passes through the magnets and armature, so that an impulse on the lever, or armature, at one end, by making and breaking the circuit, also makes and breaks the circuit at the other end.
TELEPHONE.—The telephone has merely a disk close to but not touching the end of a magnet. The sonorous vibration of the voice oscillates the diaphragm, and as the diaphragm is in the magnetic field of the magnet, it varies the pressure, so called, causing the diaphragm at the other end of the wire to vibrate in unison and give out the same sound originally imparted to the other diaphragm.
TRANSMITTER.—The transmitter is merely a sensitized instrument. It depends solely on the principle of light contact points in an electric circuit, whereby the vibrations of the voice are augmented.
PHONOGRAPH.—The phonograph is not an electrical instrument. It has a diaphragm provided centrally with a blunt pin, or stylus. To make the record, some soft or plastic material, like wax, or tinfoil, is caused to move along so that the point of the stylus makes impressions in it, and the vibrations of the diaphragm cause the point to traverse a groove of greater or smaller indentations. When this groove is again presented to the stylus the diaphragm is vibrated and gives forth the sounds originally imparted to it when the indentations were made.
WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY.—Wireless telegraphy depends for its action on what is called induction. Through this property a current is made of a high electro-motive force, which means of a high voltage, and this disturbs the ether with such intensity that the waves are sent out in all directions to immense distances.
The great discovery has been to find a mechanism sensitive enough to detect the induction waves. The instrument for this purpose is called a coherer, in which small particles cohere through the action of the electric waves, and are caused to fall apart mechanically, during the electrical impulses.
PRINTING TELEGRAPH.—The printing telegraph requires the synchronous turning of two wheels. This means that two wheels at opposite ends of a wire must be made to turn at exactly the same rate of speed. Originally, this was tried by clock work, but without success commercially, for the reason that a pendulum does not beat with the same speed at the equator, as at different latitudes, nor at altitudes; and temperature also affects the rate. The solution was found by making the two wheels move by means of a timing fork, which vibrates with the same speed everywhere, and under all conditions.
ELECTRIC MOTOR.—The direct current electric motor depends for its action on the principle that likes repel, and unlikes attract. The commutator so arranges the poles that at the proper points, in the revolution of the armature, the poles are always presented to each other in such a way that as they approach each other, they are opposites, and thus attract, and as they recede from each other they repel. A dynamo is exactly the same, except that the commutator reverses the operation and makes the poles alike as they approach each other, and unlike as they recede.
Steel is simply iron, to which has been added a small per cent of carbon.
Quinine is efficient in its natural state, but it has been made infinitely more effectual by the breaking up or changing of the molecules with acids. Sulphate of quinine is made by the use of sulphuric acid as a solvent.
EXPLOSIONS.—Explosions depend on oxygen. While this element does not burn, a certain amount of it must be present to support combustion. Thus, the most inflammable gas or liquid will not burn or explode unless oxygenized. Explosives are made by using a sufficient amount, in a concentrated form, which is added to the fuel, so that when it is ignited there is a sufficient amount of oxygen present to support combustion, hence the rapid explosion which follows.
VIBRATION IN NATURE.—The physical meaning of vibration is best illustrated by the movement of a pendulum. All agitation is vibration. All force manifests itself in this way.
The painful brilliancy of the sun is produced by the rapid vibrations of the rays; the twinkle of the distant star, the waves of the ocean when ruffled by the winds; the shimmer of the moon on its crested surface; the brain in thinking; the mouth in talking; the beating of the heart; all, alike, obey the one grand and universal law of vibratory motion.
QUALITIES OF SOUND.—Sound is nothing but a succession of vibrations of greater or less magnitude. Pitch is produced by the number of vibrations; intensity by their force; and quality by the character of the article vibrated.
Since the great telephone controversy which took place some years ago there has been a wonderful development in the knowledge of acoustics, or sounds. It was shown that the slightest sound would immediately set into vibration every article of furniture in a room, and very sensitive instruments have been devised to register the force and quality.
THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S PLATE.—It is known that the chemical action of an object on a photographer's plate is due to vibration; each represents a force of different intensity, hence the varying shades produced. Owing to the different rates of vibrations caused by the different colors, the difficulty has been to photograph them, but this has now been accomplished. Harmony, or "being in tune," as is the common expression, is as necessary in light, as in music.
Some chemicals will bring out or "develop," the pictures; others will not. Colors are now photographed because invention and science have found the harmonizing chemicals.
QUADRUPLEX TELEGRAPHY.—One of the most remarkable of all the wonders of our age is what is known as duplex and quadruplex telegraphy. Every atom and impulse in electricity is oscillation. The current which transmits a telegram is designated in the science as "vibratory."
But how is it possible to transmit two or more messages over one wire at the same time? It is by bringing into play the harmony of sounds. One message is sent in one direction in the key of A; another message in the other direction in B; and so any number may be sent, because the electrical vibrations may be tuned, just like the strings of a violin.
ELECTRIC HARMONY.—Every sound produces a corresponding vibration in surrounding objects. While each vibrates, or is capable of transmitting a sound given to it by its vibratory powers, it may not vibrate in harmony.
When a certain key of a piano is struck every key has a certain vibration, and if we could separate it from the other sounds, it would reflect the same sound as the string struck, just the same as the walls of a room or the air itself would convey that sound.
But as no two strings in the instrument vibrate the same number of times each second, the rapid movement of successive sounds of the keys do not interfere with each other. If, however, there are several pianos in a room, and all are tuned the same pitch, the striking of a key on one instrument will instantly set in vibration the corresponding strings in all the other instruments.
This is one reason why a piano tested in a music wareroom has always a more beautiful and richer sound than when in a drawing-room or hall, since each string is vibrated by the other instrument.
If a small piece of paper is balanced upon the strings of a violin, every key of the piano may be struck, except the one in tune, without affecting the paper; but the moment the same key is struck the vibration of the harmonizing pitch will unbalance the paper.
The musical sound of C produces 528 vibrations per second; D 616, and so on. The octave above has double the number of vibrations of the lower note. It will thus be understood why discord in music is not pleasant to the ear, as the vibrations are not in the proper multiples.
ODORS.—So with odors. The sense of smell is merely the force set in motion by the vibration of the elements. An instrument called the odophone demonstrates that a scale or gamut exists in flowers; that sharp smells indicate high tones and heavy smells low tones. Over fifty odors have thus been analyzed.
The treble clef, note E, 4th space, is orange; note D, 1st space below, violet; note F, 4th space above clef, ambergris. To make a proper bouquet, therefore the different odors must be harmonized, just the same as the notes of a musical chord are selected.
A BOUQUET OF VIBRATIONS.—The odophone shows that santal, geranium, orange flower and camphor, make a bouquet in the key of C. It is easy to conceive that a beautiful bouquet means nothing more than an agreeable vibratory sensation of the olfactory nerves.
TASTE.—So with the sense of taste. The tongue is covered with minute cells surrounded by nervous filaments which are set in motion whenever any substance is brought into contact with the surface. Tasting is merely the movement of these filaments, of greater or less rapidity.
If an article is tasteless, it means that these filaments do not vibrate. These vibrations are of two kinds. They may move faster or slower, or they may move in a peculiar way. A sharp acute taste means that the vibrations are very rapid; a mild taste, slow vibrations.
When a pleasant taste is detected, it is only because the filaments are set into an agreeable motion. The vibrations in the tongue may become so rapid that it will be painful, just as a shriek becomes piercing to the ear, or an intense light dazzling to the eye; all proceed from the same physical force acting on the brain.
COLOR.—Color, that seemingly unexplainable force, becomes a simple thing when the principles of vibration are applied, and this has been fully explained by the spectroscope and its operation.
When the boy once appreciates that this force, or this motion in nature is just as simple as the great inventions which have grown out of this manifestation, he will understand that a knowledge of these things will enable him to utilize the energy in a proper way.
In a work of this kind, dealing with the various elements, the boy should have at hand recipes or formulas for everything which comes within the province of his experiments. The following are most carefully selected, the objects being to present those which are the more easily compounded.
ADHESIVES FOR VARIOUS USES.—Waterproof glue. Use a good quality of glue, and dissolve it in warm water, then add one pound of linseed oil to eight pounds of the glue. Add three ounces of nitric acid.
Leather or Card-board Glue. After dissolving good glue in water, to which a little turpentine has been added, mix it with a thick paste of starch, the proportion of starch to glue being about two to every part of glue used. The mixture is used cold.
A fine Belt Glue. Dissolve 50 ounces of gelatine in water, and heat after pouring off the excess water. Then stir in five ounces of glycerine, ten ounces of turpentine, and five ounces of linseed oil varnish. If too thick add water to suit.
For cementing Iron to Marble. Use 30 parts of Plaster of Paris, 10 parts of iron filings, and one half part of sal ammoniac. These are mixed up with vinegar to make a fluid paste.
To cement Glass to Iron. Use 3 ounces of boiled linseed oil and 1 part of copal varnish, and into this put 2 ounces of litharge and 1 ounce of white lead and thoroughly mingle so as to make a smooth paste.
Water-proof Cement. Boiled linseed oil, 6 ounces; copal, 6 ounces; litharge, 2 ounces; and white lead, 16 ounces. To be thoroughly incorporated.
To unite rubber or leather to hard substances. One ounce of pulverized gum shellac dissolved in 9-1/2 ounces of strong ammonia, will make an elastic cement. Must be kept tightly corked.
For uniting iron to iron. Use equal parts of boiled oil, white lead, pipe clay and black oxide of manganese, and form it into a paste.
Transparent Cement. Unite 1 ounce of india rubber, 67 ounces of chloroform, and 40 ounces of mastic. This is to be kept together for a week, and stirred at times, when it will be ready for use.
To Attach Cloth to Metal. Water 100 parts, sugar 10 parts, starch 20 parts, and zinc chloride 1 part. This must be first stirred and made free of lumps, and then heated until it thickens.
United States Government Gum. Dissolve 1 part of gum arabic in water and add 4 parts of sugar and 1 part of starch. This is then boiled for a few minutes, and thinned down as required.
TO MAKE DIFFERENT ALLOYS.—Silver-aluminum. Silver one-fourth part, and aluminum three-fourth parts.
Bell-metal. Copper, 80 parts; tin, 20 parts. Or, copper, 72 parts; tin, 26 parts; zinc, 2 parts. Or, copper 2; 1 of tin.
Brass. Copper, 66 parts; zinc, 32 parts; tin, 1 part; lead, 1 part.
Bronzes. Copper, 65 parts; zinc, 30 parts; tin, 5 parts. Or, copper, 85 parts; zinc, 10 parts; tin, 3 parts; lead, 2 parts.
German Silver. 52 parts of copper; 26 parts zinc; 22 parts nickel.
For Coating Mirrors. Tin, 70 parts; mercury, 30 parts.
BOILER COMPOUNDS.—To prevent scaling. Use common washing soda, or Glauber salts.
TO DISSOLVE CELLULOID.—Use 50 parts of alcohol and 5 parts of camphor for every 5 parts of celluloid. When the celluloid is put into the solution it will dissolve it.
To Soften Celluloid. This may be done by simply heating, so it will bend, and by putting it in steam, it can be worked like dough.
CLAY MIXTURE FOR FORGES.—Mix dry 20 parts of fire clay, 20 parts cast-iron turnings, one part of common salt, and 1/2 part sal ammoniac, and then add water while stirring, so as to form a mortar of the proper consistency. The mixture will become very hard when heat is applied.
A Modeling Clay. This is made by mixing the clay with glycerine and afterwards adding vaseline. If too much vaseline is added it becomes too soft.
FLUIDS FOR CLEANING CLOTHES, FURNITURE, ETC.—For Delicate Fabrics. Make strong decoction of soap bark, and put into alcohol.
Non-inflammable Cleaner. Equal parts of acetone, ammonia and diluted alcohol.
Taking dried paint from clothing. Shake up 2 parts of ammonia water with 1 part of spirits of turpentine.
Cleaning Furniture, etc. Unite 2.4 parts of wax; 9.4 parts of oil of turpentine; 42 parts acetic acid; 42 parts citric acid; 42 parts white soap. This must be well mingled before using.
Removing Rust from Iron or Steel. Rub the surface with oil of tartar. Or, apply turpentine or kerosene, and after allowing to stand over night, clean with emery cloth.
For Removing Ink Stains from Silver. Use a paste made of chloride of lime and water.
To clean Silver-Plated Ware. Make a mixture of cream of tartar, 2 parts; levigated chalk, 2 parts; and alum, 1 part. Grind up the alum and mix thoroughly.
Cleaning a Gas Stove. Make a solution of 9 parts of caustic soda and 150 parts of water, and put the separate parts of the stove in the solution for an hour or two. The parts will come out looking like new.
Cleaning Aluminum. A few drops of sulphuric acid in water will restore the luster to aluminum ware.
Oil Eradicator. Soap spirits, 100 parts; ammonia solution, 25; acetic ether, 15 parts.
DISINFECTANTS.—Camphor, 1 ounce; carbolic acid (75 per cent.), 12 ounces; aqua ammonia, 10 drachms; soft salt water, 8 drachms.
Water-Closet Deodorant. Ferric chloride, 4 parts; zinc chloride, 5 parts; aluminum chloride, 4 parts; calcium chloride, 5 parts; magnesium chloride, 3 parts; and water sufficient to make 90 parts. When all is dissolved add to each gallon 10 grains of thymol and a quarter-ounce of rosemary that had been previously dissolved in six quarts of alcohol.
Odorless Disinfectants. Mercuric chloride, 1 part; cupric sulphate, 10 parts; zinc sulphate, 50 parts; sodium chloride, 65 parts; water to make 1,000 parts.
Emery for Lapping Purposes. Fill a pint bottle with machine oil and emery flour, in the proportion of 7 parts oil and 1 part emery. Allow it to stand for twenty minutes, after shaking up well, then pour off half the contents, without disturbing the settlings, and the part so poured off contains only the finest of the emery particles, and is the only part which should be used on the lapping roller.
EXPLOSIVES.—Common Gunpowder. Potassium nitrate, 75 parts; charcoal, 15 parts; sulphur, 10 parts.
Dynamite. 75 per cent. nitro-glycerine; 25 per cent. infusorial earth.
Giant Powder. 36 per cent. nitro-glycerine; 48 per cent. nitrate of potash; 8 per cent. of sulphur; 8 per cent. charcoal.
Fulminate. Chlorate of potassia, 6 parts; pure lampblack, 4 parts; sulphur, 1 part. A blow will cause it to explode.
FILES.—How to Keep Clean. Olive oil is the proper substance to rub over files, as this will prevent the creases from filling up while in use, and preserve the file for a longer time, and also enable it to do better cutting.
To Renew Old Files. Use a potash bath for boiling them in, and afterwards brush them well so as to get the creases clean. Then stretch a cotton cloth between two supports, and after plunging the file into nitric acid, use the stretched cloth to wipe off the acid. The object is to remove the acid from the ridges of the file, so the acid will only eat out or etch the deep portions between the ridges, and not affect the edges or teeth.
FIRE PROOF MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCES.—For Wood. For the kind where it is desired to apply with a brush, use 100 parts sodium silicate; 50 parts of Spanish white, and 100 parts of glue. It must be applied hot.
Another good preparation is made as follows: Sodium silicate, 350 parts; asbestos, powdered, 350 parts; and boiling water 1,000 parts.
For Coating Steel, etc. Silica, 50 parts; plastic fire clay, 10 parts; ball clay, 3 parts. To be thoroughly mixed.
For Paper. Ammonium sulphate, 8 parts; boracic acid, 3 parts; borax, 2 parts; water, 100 parts. This is applied in a liquid state to the paper surface.
FLOOR DRESSINGS.—Oil Stain. Neats' foot oil, 1 part; cottonseed oil, 1 part; petroleum oil, 1 part. This may be colored with anything desired, like burnt sienna, annatto, or other coloring material.
Ballroom Powder. Hard paraffine, 1 pound; powdered boric acid, 7 pounds; oil of lavender, 1 drachm; oil of neroli, 20 minims.
FOOT POWDERS.—For Perspiring Feet. Balsam Peru, 15 minims; formic acid, 1 drachm; chloral hydrate, 1 drachm; alcohol to make 3 ounces.
For Easing Feet. Tannaform, 1 drachm; talcum, 2 drachms; lycopodium, 30 grains.
Frost Bites. Carbolized water, 4 drachms; nitric acid, 1 drop; oil of geranium, 1 drop.
GLASS.—To cut glass, hold it under water, and use a pair of shears.
To make a hole through glass, place a circle of moist earth on the glass, and form a hole in this the diameter wanted for the hole, and in this hole pour molten lead, and the part touched by the lead will fall out.
To Frost Glass. Cover it with a mixture of 6 ounces of magnesium sulphate, 2 ounces of dextrine, and 20 ounces of water. This produces a fine effect.
To imitate ground glass, use a composition of sandarac, 2-1/2 ounces; mastic, 1/2 ounce; ether, 24 ounces; and benzine, 16 ounces.
IRON AND STEEL.—How to distinguish them. Wash the metal and put it into a solution of bichromate of potash to which has been added a small amount of sulphuric acid. In a minute or so take out the metal, wash and wipe it. Soft steel and cast iron will have the appearance of an ash-gray tint; tempered steels will be black; and puddled or refined irons will be nearly white and have a metallic reflection.
To Harden Iron or Steel. If wrought iron, put in the charge 20 parts, by weight, of common salt, 2 parts of potassium cyanide, .3 part of potassium bichromate, .15 part of broken glass.
To harden cast iron, there should be added to the charge the following: To 60 parts of water, add 2-1/2 parts of vinegar, 3 parts of common salt, and .25 part of hydrochloric acid.
To soften castings: Heat them to a high temperature and cover them with fine coal dust and allow to cool gradually.
LACQUERS.—For Aluminum. Dissolve 100 parts of gum lac in 300 parts of ammonia and heat for an hour moderately in a water bath. The aluminum must be well cleaned before applying. Heat the aluminum plate afterwards.
For Brass. Make a compound as follows; Annatto, 1/4 ounce; saffro, 1/4 ounce; turmeric, 1 ounce; seed lac, 3 ounces; and alcohol, 1 pint. Allow the mixture to stand for three days, then strain in the vessel which contains the seed lac, and allow to stand until all is dissolved.
For Copper. Heat fine, thickly liquid amber varnish so it can be readily applied to the copper, and this is allowed to dry. Then heat the coated object until it commences to smoke and turn brown.
LUBRICANTS.—Heavy machinery oils. Use paraffine, 8 pounds; palm oil, 20 pounds; and oleonaptha, 12 pounds. Dissolve the paraffine in the oleonaptha at a temperature of 160 degrees and then stir in the palm oil a little at a time.
For Cutting Tools. Heat six gallons of water and put in three and a half pounds of soft soap and a half gallon of clean refuse oil. It should be well mixed.
For high-speed bearings. Use flaky graphite and kerosene oil. Apply this as soon as there is any indication of heating in the bearings.
For lathe centers, one part of graphite and four parts of tallow thoroughly mixed and applied will be very serviceable.
For Wooden Gears. Use tallow, 30 parts; palm oil; 20 parts; fish oil, 10 parts; and graphite, 20 parts.
PAPER.—FIRE PROOF PAPER.—Make the following solution: Ammonium sulphate, 8 parts; boracic acid, 3 parts; water, 100 parts. Mix at a temperature of 120 degrees. Paper coated with this will resist heat.
Filter Paper. Dip the paper into nitric acid of 1.433 specific gravity, and subsequently wash and dry it. This makes a fine filtering body.
Carbon Paper. A variety of substances may be used, such as fine soot or ivory black, ultramarine or Paris blue. Mix either with fine grain soap, so it is of a uniform consistency and then apply to the paper with a stiff brush, rubbing it in until it is evenly spread over the surface.
Tracing Paper. Take unsized paper and apply a coat of varnish made of equal parts of Canada balsam and oil of turpentine. To increase the transparency give another coat. The sheets must be well dried before using.
1. Pure water, 30 ounces; sulphite soda, 5 ounces; carbonate soda, 2-1/2 ounces.
2. Pure water, 24 ounces; oxalic acid, 15 grains; pyrogallic acid, 1 ounce.
To develop use of solution 1, 1 ounce; solution 2, 1/2 ounce; and water, 3 ounces.
Stock solutions for developing: Make solution No. 1 as follows: water, 32 ounces; tolidol, I ounce; sodium sulphate, 1-1/2 ounces.
Solution No. 2: Water, 32 ounces; sodium sulphate.
Solution No. 3: Water, 32 ounces; sodium carbonate, from 4 to 6 ounces.
Fixing bath. Add two ounces of S. P. C. clarifier (acid bisulphate of sodium) solution to one quart of hypo solution 1 in 5.
Clearing solution. Saturated solution of alum, 20 ounces; and hydrochloric acid, 1 ounce. Varnish. Brush over the negative a solution of equal parts of benzol and Japanese gold size.
PLASTERS.—Court Plaster. Use good quality silk, and on this spread a solution of isinglass warmed. Dry and repeat several times, then apply several coats of balsam of Peru. Or,
On muslin or silk properly stretched, apply a thin coating of smooth strained flour paste, and when dry several coats of colorless gelatine are added. The gelatine is applied warm, and cooled before the fabric is taken off.
PLATING.—Bronze coating. For antiques, use vinegar, 1,000 parts; by weight, powdered bloodstone, 125 parts; plumbago, 25 parts. Apply with brush.
For brass where a copper surface is desired, make a rouge with a little chloride of platinum and water, and apply with a brush.
For gas fixtures. Use a bronze paint and mix with it five times its volume of spirit of turpentine, and to this mixture add dried slaked lime, about 40 grains to the pint. Agitate well and decant the clear liquid.
COLORING METALS.—Brilliant black for iron. Selenious acid, 6 parts; cupric sulphate, 10 parts; water 1,000 parts; nitric acid, 5 parts.
Blue-black. Selenious acid, 10 parts; nitric acid, 5 parts; cupric sulphate; water, 1,000 parts. The colors will be varied dependent on the time the objects are immersed in the solution.
Brass may be colored brown by using an acid solution of nitrate of silver and bismuth; or a light bronze by an acid solution of nitrate of silver and copper; or black by a solution of nitrate of copper.
To copper plate aluminum, take 30 parts of sulphate of copper; 30 parts of cream of tartar; 25 parts of soda; and 1,000 parts of water. The article to be coated is merely dipped into the solution.
POLISHERS.—Floor Polish. Permanganate of potash in boiling water, applied to the floor hot, will produce a stain, the color being dependent on the number of coats. The floor may them be polished with beeswax and turpentine.
For Furniture. Make a paste of equal parts of plaster of paris, whiting, pumice stone and litharge, mixed with Japan dryer, boiled linseed oil and turpentine. This may be colored to suit. This will fill the cracks of the wood. Afterwards rub over the entire surface of the wood with a mixture of 1 part Japan, 2 of linseed oil, and three parts of turpentine, also colored, and after this has been allowed to slightly harden, rub it off, and within a day or two it will have hardened sufficiently so that the surface can be polished.
Stove Polish. Ceresine, 12 parts; Japan wax, 10 parts; turpentine oil, 100 parts; lampblack, 12 parts; graphite, 10 parts. Melt the ceresine and wax together, and cool off partly, and then add and stir in the graphite and lampblack which were previously mixed up with the turpentine.
PUTTY.—Black Putty. Whiting and antimony sulphide, and soluble glass. This can be polished finely after hardening.
Common Putty. Whiting and linseed oil mixed up to form a dough.
RUST PREVENTIVE.—For Machinery. Dissolve an ounce of camphor in one pound of melted lard. Mix with this enough fine black lead to give it an iron color. After it has been on for a day, rub off with a cloth.
For tools, yellow vaseline is the best substance.
For zinc, clean the plate by immersing in water that has a small amount of sulphuric acid in it. Then wash clean and coat with asphalt varnish.
SOLDERS.—For aluminum. Use 5 parts of tin and 1 part of aluminum as the alloy, and solder with the iron or a blow pipe.
Yellow hard solder. Brass, 3-1/2 parts; and zinc, 1 part.
For easily fusing, make an alloy of equal parts of brass and zinc.
For a white hard solder use brass, 12 parts; zinc, 1 part; and tin, 2 parts.
SOLDERING FLUXES.—For soft soldering, use a solution of chloride of zinc and sal ammoniac. Powdered rosin is also used.
For hard soldering, borax is used most frequently.
A mixture of equal parts of cryolite and barium chloride is very good in soldering bronze or aluminum alloys.
Other hard solders are alloyed as follows: brass, 4 parts; and zinc, 5 parts. Also brass, 7 parts; and zinc, 2 parts.
Steel Tempering-.-Heat the steel red hot and then plunge it into sealing wax.
For tempering small steel springs, they may be plunged into a fish oil which has a small amount of rosin and tallow.
VARNISHES.—Black Varnish. Shellac, 5 parts; borax, 2 parts; glycerine, 2 parts; aniline black, 6 parts; water, 45 parts. Dissolve the shellac in hot water and add the other ingredients at a temperature of 200 degrees.
A good can varnish is made by dissolving 15 parts of shellac, and adding thereto 2 parts of Venice turpentine, 8 parts of sandarac, and 75 parts of spirits.
A varnish for tin and other small metal boxes is made of 75 parts alcohol, which dissolves 15 parts of shellac, and 3 parts of turpentine.
SEALING WAX.—For modeling purposes. White wax, 20 parts; turpentine, 5 parts; sesame oil, 2 parts; vermilion, 2 parts.
Ordinary Sealing. 4 pounds of shellac, 1 pound Venice turpentine, add 3 pounds of vermilion. Unite by heat.
The Estimate is on the basis of Lineal Feet. 1 cu. ft. of Steel—490 lbs.
==============================+================ Weight in Pounds Weight in Pounds Sizes in Sizes in Inches + - - Inches - - Round Square Round Square - - - - 1/16 .110 .013 1-1/16 3.014 3.400 1/8 .042 .053 1-1/8 3.379 3.838 3/16 .094 .119 1-3/16 3.766 4.303 1/4 .167 .212 1-1/4 4.173 4.795 5/16 .261 .333 1-5/16 4.600 5.312 3/8 .375 .478 1-3/8 5.049 5.857 7/16 .511 .651 1-7/16 5.518 6.428 1/2 .667 .850 1-1/2 6.008 7.650 9/16 .845 1.026 1-9/16 6.520 7.650 5/8 1.043 1.328 1-5/8 7.051 8.301 11/16 1.262 1.608 1-11/16 7.604 8.978 3/4 1.502 1.913 1-3/4 8.178 10.41 13/16 1.773 2.245 1-13/16 8.773 11.17 7/8 2.044 2.603 1-7/8 9.388 11.95 15/16 2.347 2.989 1-15/16 10.02 12.76 1 2.670 3.400 2 10.68 13.60 - - - -
========+============================================================ Thickness in Width Inches -+ + + + + + + -+ + 1/16 .212 .265 .32 .372 .425 .477 .53 .588 .63 1/8 .425 .53 .64 .745 .85 .955 1.06 1.17 1.27 3/16 .638 .797 .957 1.11 1.28 1.44 1.59 1.75 1.91 1/4 .85 1.06 1.28 1.49 1.70 1.91 2.12 2.34 2.55 5/16 1.06 1.33 1.59 1.86 2.12 2.39 2.65 2.92 3.19 3/8 1.28 1.59 1.92 2.23 2.55 2.87 3.19 3.51 3.83 7/16 1.49 1.85 2.23 2.60 2.98 3.35 3.72 4.09 4.46 1/2 1.70 2.12 2.55 2.98 3.40 3.83 4.25 4.67 5.10 9/16 1.92 2.39 2.87 3.35 3.83 4.30 4.78 5.26 5.74 5/8 2.12 2.65 3.19 3.72 4.25 4.78 5.31 5.84 6.38 11/16 2.34 2.92 3.51 4.09 4.67 5.26 5.84 6.43 7.02 3/4 2.55 3.19 3.83 4.47 5.10 5.75 6.38 7.02 7.65 13/16 2.76 3.45 4.14 4.48 5.53 6.21 6.90 7.60 8.29 7/8 2.98 3.72 4.47 5.20 5.95 6.69 7.44 8.18 8.93 15/16 3.19 3.99 4.78 5.58 6.38 7.18 7.97 8.77 9.57 1 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 6.80 7.65 8.50 9.35 10.20 -+ + + + + + + -+ +
For Merchandise of all kinds.
16 Drams (dr.) make 1 Ounce (oz.) 16 Ounces make 1 Pound (pd.) 25 Pounds make 1 Quarter (qr.) 4 Quarters, or 100 lbs., make 1 Hundredweight (cwt.) 20 Hundredweights make 1 Ton (T.) 2,240 Pounds make 1 Long ton (L. T.)
For Gold, Silver, and Precious Metals.
24 Grains (gr.) make 1 Pennyweight (pwt.) 20 Pennyweights make 1 Ounce (oz.) 12 Ounces make 1 Pound (pd.)
For Drugs, Medicals and Chemicals.
20 Grains (gr.) make 1 Scruple (sc.) 3 Scruples make 1 Dram (dr.) 8 Drams make 1 Ounce (oz.) 12 Ounces make 1 Pound (pd.)
For Surveyors' Use.
12 Inches make 1 Foot 3 Feet make 1 Yard 5-1/2 Yards make 1 Rod 40 Rods make 1 Furlong 8 Furlongs 1 Mile
12 Inches make 1 Foot 3 Feet make 1 Yard 6 Feet make 1 Fathom 5-1/2 Yards make 1 Rod or pole 40 Poles make 1 Furlong 8 Furlongs make 1 Mile 3 Miles make 1 League 69-1/2 Miles make 1 Degree
144 square inches make 1 square foot 9 square feet make 1 square yard 30-1/2 square yards make 1 square pole 40 square poles make 1 square rod 4 square rods make 1 acre 640 square acres make 1 acre mile
1,728 Cubic inches make 1 Cubic foot 27 Cubic feet make 1 Cubic yard 128 Cubic feet make 1 Cord of wood 24-3/4 Cubic feet make 1 Perch of stone
2 Pints make 1 Quart (qt.) 8 Quarts make 1 peck (pk.) 4 Pecks make 1 Bushel (bu.) 36 Bushels make 1 Chaldron (ch.)
4 Gills (g.) make 1 Pint (pt.) 2 Pints make 1 Quart (qt.) 4 Quarts make 1 Gallon (gal.) 31-1/2 Gallons make 1 Barrel (bbl.) 2 Bbls., or 63 gals., make. 1 Hogshead (hhd.)
24 Sheets (sh.) make 1 Quire (qu.) 20 Quires make 1 Ream (r.) 10 Reams make 1 Bale (ba.) or bundle.
Greatest artificial cold 220 degrees below Fahr. " natural " 73.7 " " " Mercury freezes 39 " " " Mixture of snow and salt 4 " " " Greatest density of water at 39.2 " above " Blood Heat 97.9 " " " Alcohol boils 172.4 " " " Water boils 212 " " " Mercury boils 662 " " " Sulphur boils 824 " " " Silver melts 1,749 " " " Cast iron melts 2,786 " " "
The tests are made by using a cubic inch of the metal and compressing it, and by trying to draw apart a square inch of metal. Indicated in pounds.
============================================ Tension Compression - - Aluminum 15,000 12,000 Brass, cast 24,000 30,000 Bronze, gun metal 32,000 20,000 " manganese 60,000 120,000 " phosphor 50,000 ...... Copper, cast 24,000 40,000 " wire annealed. 36,000 ...... " " unannealed 60,000 ...... Iron, cast 15,000 ...... " " annealed 60,000 80,000 " " unannealed 80,000 ...... " wrought 48,000 46,000 Lead, cast 2,000 ...... Steel castings 70,000 70,000 " plow 270,000 ...... " structural 60,000 60,000 " wire annealed 80,000 ...... " crucible 180,000 ...... Tin 3,800 6,000 - -
==============================================+====================== Temperature Changes in Degrees Fahrenheit + -+ Mixtures From To -+ -+ Common salt, 1 part; snow, 3 parts 32 zero .0 Common salt, 1 part; snow 1 part 32 -.4 Calcium chloride, 3 parts; snow 1 part 32 -27 Calcium chloride, 2 parts; snow 1 part 32 -44 Sal ammoniac, 5 parts; salt-peter 5 parts; water 16 parts. 50 -10 Sal ammoniac, 1 part; salt-peter 1 part; water 1 part 46 -11 Ammonium nitrate, 1 part; water 1 part 50 -3 Potassium hydrate, 4 parts; snow 3 parts 32 -35 -+ -+
Phosphorus 120 degrees Fahrenheit Bi-sulphide of carbon 300 " " Gun-cotton 430 " " Nitro-glycerine 490 " " Phosphorus, amorphous 500 " " Rifle powder 550 " " Charcoal 660 " " Dry pine wood 800 " " Oak 900 " "
In studying matters pertaining to power and heat, certain terms are used, such as horsepower, horsepower-hours, watts, watt-hours, kilowatt, kilowatt-hours, foot-pounds, joule, and B. T. U. (British Thermal Unit).
The following tables give a comprehensive idea of the values of the different terms:
1 Horsepower-hour = 0.746 kilowatt-hour = 1,980,000 foot-pounds of water evaporated at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, raised from 62 degrees to 212 degrees.
1 Kilowatt-hour = 1,000 watt-hours = 1.34 horse-power-hours = 2,653,200 foot-pounds = 3,600,000 joules = 3,420 B. T. U. = 3.54 pounds of water evaporated at 212 degrees = 22.8 pounds of water raised from 62 to 212 degrees.
1 Horsepower = 746 watts = 0.746 kilowatts.= 33,000 foot-pounds per second = 2,550 B. T. U. per min. = 0.71 B. T. U. per second = 2.64 pounds of water evaporated per hour at 212 degrees.
1 Kilowatt = 1,000 watts = 1.34 horsepower = 2,653,200 foot-pounds per hour = 44,220 foot-pounds per min. = 737 foot-pounds per second = 3,420 B. T. U. per hour = 57 B. T. U. per min. = 0.95 B. T. U. per second = 3.54 pounds of water evaporated per hour at 212.
1 Watt = 1 joule per second = 0.00134 horse-power = 0.001 kilowatt = 342 B. T. U. per hour = 44.22 foot-pounds per min. = 0.74 foot-pounds per second = 0.0035 pounds of water evaporated per hour at 212 degrees.
1 B. T. U. (British Thermal Unit) = 1,052 watt-seconds = 778 foot-pounds = 0.252 calorie = 0.000292 kilowatt-hours = 0.000391 horsepower-hour = 0.00104 pounds of water evaporated at 212 degrees.
1 Foot-pound = 1.36 joule = 0.000000377 kilowatt-hour = 0.00129 B. T. U. = 0.0000005 horsepower-hour.
1 Joule = 1 watt-second = 0.000000278 kilowatt-hour = 0.00095 B. T. U. = 0.74 foot-pounds.
There is no trade or occupation which calls forth the inventive faculty to a greater degree than the machinist's. Whether it be in the direction of making some new tool, needed in some special work, or in devising a particular movement, or mechanical expedient, the machinist must be prepared to meet the issues and decide on the best structural arrangement.
Opportunities also come daily to the workers in machine shops to a greater extent than other artisans, because inventors in every line bring inventions to them to be built and experimentally tested.
A knowledge of the rights and duties of inventors, and of the men who build the models, is very desirable; and for your convenience we append the following information:
The inventor of a device is he who has conceived an idea and has put it into some concrete form.
A mere idea is not an invention.
The article so conceived and constructed, must be both new and useful. There must be some utility. It may be simply a toy, or something to amuse.
If A has an idea, and he employs and pays B to work out the device, and put it into practical shape, A is the inventor, although B may have materially modified, or even wholly changed it. B is simply the agent or tool to bring it to perfection, and his pay for doing the work is his compensation.
An inventor has two years' time within which he may apply for a patent, after he has completed his device and begun the sale of it. If he sells the article for more than two years before applying for a patent, this will bar a grant.
Two or more inventors may apply for a patent, provided each has contributed something toward bringing it to its perfected state. Each cannot apply separately. The patent issued will be owned by them jointly.
Joint owners of a patent are not partners, unless they have signed partnership papers respecting the patent. Because they are partners in some other enterprise, disconnected from the patent, that does not constitute them partners in the patent. They are merely joint owners.
If they have no special agreement with respect to the patent each can grant licenses to manufacture, independently of the others, without being compelled to account to the others, and each has a right to sell his interest without asking permission of the others.
An inventor is one who has devised an invention. A patentee is one who owns a patent, or an interest in one, be he the inventor or not.
The United States government does not grant Caveats. The only protection offered is by way of patent.
A patent runs for a period of seventeen years, and may be renewed by act of Congress only, for a further term of seven years.
An interference is a proceeding in the Patent Office to determine who is the first inventor of a device. The following is a brief statement of the course followed:
When two or more applicants have applications pending, which, in the opinion of the Examiner, appear to be similar, the Office may declare an interference.
If an applicant has an application pending, and the Examiner rejects it on reference to a patent already issued, the applicant may demand an interference, and the Office will then grant a hearing to determine which of the two is entitled to the patent.
The first step, after the declaration of interference, is to request that each applicant file a preliminary statement, under oath, in which he must set forth the following:
First: The date of conception of the invention.
Second: Date of the first reduction to writing, or the preparation of drawings.
Third: Date of making of the first model or device.
Fourth: When a complete machine was first produced.
These statements are filed in the Patent Office, and opened on the same day, and times are then set for the respective parties to take testimony.
If one of the parties was the first to conceive and reduce to practice, as well as the first to file his application, he will be adjudged to be the first inventor, without necessitating the taking of testimony. |