Junto, plural of, 18.
Laid, lay, lain, distinguished, 61-62. Lasso, plural of, 18. Last, latest, distinguished, 123. Lay, lie, laid, lain, distinguished, 61-62. Learn, teach, distinguished, 95. Lease, let, hire, distinguished, 95. Leave, let, distinguished, 100. Lend, loan, distinguished, 93. Lengthy, long, distinguished, 123. Less, fewer, smaller, distinguished, 109. Lesser, 110. Let, leave, distinguished, 100. Let, lease, hire, distinguished, 95. Letters, plural of, 19. Liable, likely, apt, distinguished, 119. Lie, lay, distinguished, 61-62; principal parts of, 62. Light, alight, distinguished, 62. Light-complected, 110. Lighted, lit, distinguished, 62. Like, as, distinguished, 142. Like, likely, probably, distinguished, 109. Like, love, distinguished, 95. Likely, liable, apt, distinguished, 119. Limit, limitation, distinguished, 31. Lion, feminine of, 21. Loan, lend, distinguished, 93. Locate, find, distinguished, 100. Long, lengthy, distinguished, 123. Lot, number, distinguished, 31. Love, like, distinguished, 95. Lovely, 124.
Mad, angry, distinguished, 128. Magnificent, 124. Manifestly, evidently, apparently, distinguished, 122. Maintain, assert, allege, etc., distinguished, 94-95. Majority, plurality, distinguished, 31. Man after man, number of, 58. Many, much, distinguished, 119. Many a, number of, 89. Marquis, feminine of, 21. Materialize, appear, distinguished, 95. May, can, distinguished, 71. Me, myself, I, proper choice among, 43-45. Me, my, before verbal nouns, 51. Memento, plural of, 18. Mention, refer to, allude to, distinguished, 99. Middle, centre, distinguished, 30. Might, distinguished from could, 71; tense of the infinitive with, 79. Misplaced adjectives and adverbs, 132-133; correlatives, 148-149. Misused nouns, 22-42; verbs, 92-108; adjectives and adverbs, 119-129; prepositions, 134-139; conjunctions, 143-146. Monk, feminine corresponding to, 21. Most, almost, distinguished, 109. Much, many, distinguished, 119. Muchly, 110. MURRAY'S DICTIONARY, quoted, 54, 94, 101, 119. Must, tense of the infinitive with, 78-79. Mutual, common, distinguished, 119. My, me, before verbal nouns, 51, 52. Myself, me, I, proper choice among, 43-45.
National use, 4-6. Near, nearly, distinguished, 109. Need, tense of the infinitive with, 78-79. Negligence, neglect, distinguished, 31. Neither, number of, 58, 89; distinguished from no one, 55-66. Neither—nor, number of the verb with singular subjects joined by, 89. New, novel, distinguished, 123. Newspapers and good use, 7. Nobody, number of, 58. Nominative or objective, 43-50. No one, neither, choice between,55-56. Nor, or, choice between, 144. Notional verbs, defined, 72. Nouns, 16-42; form of the possessive case, 16-17; use and misuse of the possessive case, 17-18; singular and plural, 18-21; plural forms of foreign origin, 20; gender, 21; abbreviations, 22; misused, 22-42; gerunds and verbal nouns, 50-51. Novel, new, distinguished, 123. Novice, novitiate, distinguished, 31. Nowhere near, 110. Number, singular and plural, of nouns, 18-21; of pronouns, 58-60; of verbs, 89-92; of adjectives, 110. Number, distinguished from quantity and amount, 29; from lot, 81. Number, quantity, amount, distinguished, 29. Nun, masculine corresponding to, 21.
Oasis, plural of, 21. Objective case, 43-50. Observance, observation, distinguished, 26. Obsolete, defined, 4, Octavo, plural of, 18. Odd, funny, distinguished, 122. Of after verbal nouns, 51. Of which, whose, choice between, 54. Omitted articles, 13; pronouns, 60; adverbs, 117; prepositions, 140; conjunctions, 146. On, in, before names of streets, distinguished, 135. On, for, after wait, distinguished, 135. One, possessive and reflexive of, 56-57. Only, distinguished from alone, 116; position of, 132. Onto, 135. Oppose, antagonize, distinguished, 94. Or, nor, use of, 144. Oral, verbal, distinguished, 123. Ordinary, average, distinguished, 122. Organism, organization, distinguished, 31. Other, with comparatives and superlatives, 129. Ought, tense of the infinitive with, 78-79. Our, us, before verbal nouns, 51. Ourselves, we, us, proper choice among, 43-46.
Parenthesis, plural of, 21. Part, portion, distinguished, 31. Participle, defined, 50. Partly, partially, distinguished, 119. Parts of verbs, principal, 61-62. Party, person, distinguished, 23. Penny, plurals of, 19. Perfect indicative, 78; infinitive, 78-79. Person, change from one to another in pronouns, 56-57. Person, party, distinguished, 23. Persuade, advise, distinguished, 100. Phenomenon, plural of, 21. Piano, plural of, 18. Pitiable, pitiful, distinguished, 123. Plea, argument, distinguished, 29. Plead, principal parts of, 62. Plenty, distinguished from abundance, 32; as adjective and adverb, 109-110. Plural of nouns, 18-21; of pronouns, 58-60; of verbs, 89-92; of adjectives, 110. Plurality, majority, distinguished, 31. Portion, part, distinguished, 31. Possessive case, of nouns, 16; of pronouns, 43. Practicable, practical, distinguished, 123. Predicate, predict, distinguished, 100. Predominance, prominence, distinguished, 32. PREPOSITIONS, 134-141; misused, 134-139; omitted, 140; redundant, 140. Prescribe, proscribe, distinguished, 100. Present use, 3-4. Principal parts of verbs, 61-62. Probably, likely, like, distinguished, 109. Produce, product, production, distinguished, 32. Prominence, predominance, distinguished, 32. Prominent, eminent, distinguished, 123. PRONOUNS, 43—60; possessive case of, 43, 56; in "self," 44-45; before verbal nouns, 50-61; choice of relative, 53-55; omission of, 53-54; change of, 56-57; singular or plural, 58; omitted, 60; redundant, 60. Proper nouns, plural of, 18; 19 note 3. Proposal, proposition, distinguished, 26. Propose, purpose, distinguished, 100. Proscribe, prescribe, distinguished, 100. Prove, principal parts of, 62. Provincialisms, defined, 10. Proviso, plural of, 18. Punctuation of relative clauses, 53. Purpose, propose, distinguished, 100.
Quantity, number, amount, distinguished, 29. Quarto, plural of, 18. Quite, very, distinguished, 119.
Raise, principal parts of, 62; distinguished from rise, 62. Ram, feminine corresponding to, 21. Rang, rung, distinguished, 62. Real, really, very, distinguished, 124. Receipt, recipe, distinguished, 32. Recourse, resource, resort, distinguished, 32. Redundant articles, 13; pronouns, 60; adjectives and adverbs, 117; prepositions, 140; conjunctions, 146-147. Refer to, allude to, mention, distinguished, 99. Reflexive pronouns, 45, 57. Relation, relationship, distinguished, 26. Relative, relation, distinguished, 32. Relative pronouns, 53-54. Relieve, alleviate, distinguished, 99. Remainder, rest, balance, distinguished, 29. Repel, repulse, distinguished, 100. Reputable use, 6. Reputation, character, distinguished, 30. Requirement, requisite, requisition, distinguished, 32. Resort, resource, recourse, distinguished, 32. Rest, remainder, balance, distinguished, 29. Ride, principal parts of, 62; distinguished from drive, 4, 99. Rise, principal parts of, 62; distinguished from raise, 62; from arise, 92. Run, principal parts of, 62.
Same as, same that, distinguished, 64. Sang, sung, distinguished, 62. Sank, sunk, distinguished, 62. Sat, set, sit, 62. Scared, afraid, distinguished, 124. Second, secondly, distinguished, 110. Secreting, secretion, distinguished, 32. Secure, insure, distinguished, 100. See, principal parts of, 62. Self, pronouns in, 44-45, 57. Sequence of tenses, 78. Seraph, plural of, 21. Series, succession, distinguished, 23. Set, principal parts of, 62; distinguished from sit, 62. Sewage, sewerage, distinguished, 32. Shake, principal parts of, 62. Shall or will, 72-77. She, her, herself, proper choice among, 43-45. Shoe, principal parts of, 62. Shot, plurals of, 19. Should distinguished from would, 74, 77; in sense of ought, tense of the infinitive with, 78-79. Show, principal parts of, 62. Shrank, shrunk, distinguished, 62. Since, for, because, distinguished, 143. Singular and plural, nouns, 18-21; pronouns, 58-60; verbs, 89, 92; adjectives, 110. Sit, principal parts of, 62; distinguished from set and sat, 62. Situation, site, distinguished, 32. Slang, defined, 10. Slay, principal parts of, 62. Slew, Slain, distinguished, 62. Smaller, fewer Jess, distinguished, 109. So or as, correlative to as, 119-120. So, therefore, distinguished, 144. Solecisms, defined, 10. Solicitude, solicitation, distinguished, 26. Solo, plural of, 18. Some, somewhat, something, distinguished, 110. SONNENSCHEIN, PROFESSOR, quoted, 83. Speak, principal parts of, 62. Speciality, specialty, distinguished, 33. Splendid, 124. Spoke, spoken, distinguished, 62. Sprang, sprung, distinguished, 62. Staff, plurals of, 19. Staff, feminine corresponding to, 21. Start, begin, commence, distinguished, 100-101. State, declare, assert, etc., distinguished, 94-95. Statement, assertion, distinguished, 23. Stay, stop, distinguished, 95, Steal, principal parts of, 62. Stiletto, plural of, 18. Stimulant, stimulation, stimulus, distinguished, 26. Stole, stolen, distinguished, 62. Stop, stay, distinguished, 95. Stratum, plural of, 21. Stupid, dumb, distinguished, 122. Subjunctive, 82-89; forms of, 83-84; uses of, 84-86; in conditional sentences, 85-86; in wishes, 86. Succession, scries, distinguished, 23. Suggestions to teachers, 151. Sultan, feminine of, 21. Superfluous articles, 13; pronouns, 60; adjectives and adverbs, 117-118; prepositions, 140; conjunctions, 146-147. Superlative, use of the, 129-131. Support, champion, distinguished, 94. Suspect, expect, anticipate, distinguished, 101. Swam, swum, distinguished, 62. Symbols, plural of, 19.
Tableau, plural of, 21. Take, principal parts of, 62. Teach, learn, distinguished, 95. Teachers, suggestions to, 151-152. Tense, questions of, 78-82; in conditional sentences, 85; in wishes, 86. Testimony, verdict, distinguished, 23. Than, clause after, often omitted in part, 45 note 2. That distinguished from as after same, 54. That, those, 110. That, who, which, as relatives, 53-54. The or a, 12. The before verbal nouns, 51. Thee, thyself, thou, proper choice among, 43-45. Their, them, before verbal nouns, 51. Them, themselves, they, proper choice among, 43-45. Therefore, so, choice between, 144. These, this, 110. Thesis, plural of, 21. They, them, themselves, proper choice among, 43-45. This, these, 110. Those, that, 110. Thou, thee, thyself, proper choice among, 43-45. Though, 144; verbs in clauses introduced by, 86. Throw, principal parts of, 62. Thyself, thee, thou, proper choice among, 43-45. Tiger, feminine of, 21. Together with, words joined to the subject by, 89. Torso, plural of, 18. Transpire, happen, distinguished, 96. Tyro, plural of, 18.
Unbeknown, 110. Union, unity, distinguished, 33. Unless, verbs in clauses introduced by, 86; distinguished from without and except, 142. Us or our before verbal nouns, 51. Us, ourselves, we, pro per choice among, 43-45.
USE 3-11; defined, 6; conversation and, 7; newspapers and, 7; no one book or writer decisive of, 7-8; relation of dictionaries to, 9. Use, present, 3-4; national, 4-6; reputable, 6.
Verbal nouns, construction with, 50-51. Verbal, oral, distinguished, 123. VERBS, 61-108; principal parts often misused, 61-70; contractions, 71; may or can, 71; will or shall, 72-76; notional and auxiliary, defined, 72; would or should, 74-77; questions of tense, 78-82; indicative or subjunctive, 82-89; singular or plural, 89-92; misused, 92-108. Verdict, testimony, distinguished, 23. Very, distinguished from quite, 119; from real, really, 124. Visitor, visitant, 33. Vocation, avocation, distinguished, 25-26. Vulgarisms, defined, 10; in the use of adjectives and adverbs, 109-113; of conjunctions, 142-143.
Wait for, wait on, distinguished, 135. Wake, principal parts of, 62. We, us, ourselves, proper choice among, 43-45. Well, good, distinguished, 109. WENDELL, BARRETT, quoted, 7-8. Went, gone, distinguished, 61. What as a relative pronoun, 54. When, while, distinguished, 144. Which, who, that (relative), proper choice among, 53-55. Who, whom, choice between, 43-45. Who, which, that (relative), proper choice among, 53-55. Whoever, whomever, choice between, 45. Whole, all, distinguished, 23. Wholesome, healthy, healthful, distinguished, 122-123. Whose, of which, choice between, 54. Will or shall, 72-76. Wishes, moods and tenses in, 86. Witch, masculine corresponding to, 21. With, words joined to the subject by, 89; distinguished from by, 134. Without, except, unless, distinguished 142. Wizard, feminine corresponding to 21. Would or should, 74-77. Write, principal parts of, 62.