[100] In some of the sentences one verb or another is allowable, according to the meaning intended. [101] "Foundations," p. 115. [102] The Century Dictionary. [103] A.S. Hill: Principles of Rhetoric, revised edition, p. 38. [104] A.S. Hill: Principles of Rhetoric, revised edition, p. 19. [105] Murray's Dictionary.
Tell the difference in meaning between—
1. I accept (except) him. 2. Telegraphic communication was affected (effected). 3. The medicine alleviated (relieved) her suffering. 4. He alluded to (referred to, mentioned) the battle of Gettysburg. 5. The first sentence was not well construed (constructed). 6. Mr. Fox was convinced (convicted). 7. Blanche of Devon disclosed (discovered) the treachery of Murdock. 8. We are going riding (driving) this afternoon. 9. He rides (drives) well. 10. I will inquire about (investigate) the business methods of the building association. 11. The furniture has been secured (insured). 12. Let (leave) me alone. 13. He advised (persuaded) me to have my life insured. 14. He purposed (proposed) to divide the class. 15. Did you suspect (expect) us?
Insert the proper word in each blank, and give the reason for your choice:—[106]
ACCEPT, EXCEPT. 1. Let us —— the terms which they propose. 2. In saying that the Alexandrians have a bad character, I —— a few persons. 3. Why did you not —— the gift? 4. He was ——ed from the general condemnation. 5. It gives me pleasure to —— your invitation.
ADVERTISE, ADVISE. 6. The procession was ——d to start at half-past two o'clock. 7. Under these circumstances we —— total abstinence. 8. The merchants were ——d of the risk. 9. When I return, I shall —— you.
AFFECT, EFFECT. 10. She was greatly ——ed by the news. 11. When a man is hardened in crime, no fear can —— him. 12. They sailed away without ——ing their purpose. 13. What he planned, he ——ed. 14. Bodily exercise indirectly ——s all the organs of the body. 15. The loud crash ——ed my hearing for a while. 16. Severe cold will —— peach-trees. 17. The invention of the telephone was not ——ed without great labor.
ALLEVIATE, RELIEVE. 18. Some fruits are excellent to —— thirst. 19. He gave me an opiate to —— my pain. 20. His charity went far to —— the wants of the poor. 21. My cares were ——ed by his friendship.
ALLOW, ADMIT, THINK. 22. He ——(ed) it would rain to-day. 23. He would not —— her to come. 24. I —— she will come. 25. He at last ——s that I was right.
ALLUDE TO, REFER TO, MENTION. 26. A Latin inscription ——ing (to) the name of the road is cut on the rock. 27. The people of the country, ——ing (to) the whiteness of its foam, call the cascade "Sour-milk Falls." 28. I proceed to another affection of our nature which bears strong testimony to our being born for religion. I —— (to) the emotion which leads us to revere what is higher than we. 29. He ——s (to) enterprises which he cannot reveal but with the hazard of his life.
ARGUE, AUGUR. 30. It ——s ill for an army when there are dissensions at headquarters. 31. Not to know me ——s yourself unknown. 32. E'en though vanquished he could —— still.
COMPARE TO, COMPARE WITH, CONTRAST. 33. The generosity of one person is most strongly felt when ——d to (with) the meanness of another. 34. In Luke xv. the sinner is ——d to (with) a sheep. 35. Solon ——d the people to (with) the sea, and orators to (with) the winds; because the sea would be quiet if the winds did not trouble it. 36. It appears no unjust simile to —— the affairs of this great continent to (with) the mechanism of a clock. 37. Goethe ——s translators to (with) carriers who convey good wine to market, though it gets unaccountably watered by the way. 38. To —— the goodness of God to (with) our rebellion will tend to make us humble and thankful. 39. He who ——s his own condition to (with) that of others will see that he has many reasons to consider himself fortunate. 40. The treatment of the Indians by Penn may be ——d to (with) the treatment of them by other colonists. 41. Burke ——s the parks of a city to (with) the lungs of the body.
CONSTRUE, CONSTRUCT. 42. We might —— his words in a bad sense. 43. How is this passage in Virgil to be ——d? 44. That sentence is obscure; it is not well ——ed.
CONVINCE, CONVICT. 45. The jury, having been ——d of the prisoner's guilt, ——d him. 46. I hope you may succeed in ——ing him of his error.
DETECT, DISCRIMINATE. 47. I cannot —— the error in the account. 48. The chemist ——d the presence of arsenic in the coffee.
DISCOVER, DISCLOSE. 49. Events have ——d the designs of the government. 50. We often —— our mistakes when it is too late.
DOMINATE, DOMINEER. 51. Three powers there are that —— the world: Fraud, Force, and Right. 52. No true gentleman ——s his servants.
DRIVE, RIDE. 53. While Mrs. A. and her children were ——ing in the park the horses ran away and overturned the carriage. 54. Will you go ——ing with me in my new pony-cart. 55. While ——ing in the park Mr. C. was thrown from his horse.
ELICIT, ELIMINATE. 56. Discussion is a good way to —— truth. 57. His bearing under the trying circumstances ——d the approval of all high-minded men. 58. It is the duty of a statesman to try to —— the worst elements of society and to retain the best. 59. Let us try to —— the true facts from this mass of evidence.
ESTIMATE, ESTEEM. 60. I —— him for his own sake. 61. Men do not —— highly the virtues of their enemies. 62. The shell of the hawksbill turtle is much ——d for making combs. 63. At what amount do you —— the cost of the journey.
EXPOSE, EXPOUND. 64. Daniel Webster ——d the Constitution of the United States. 65. Daniel Webster ——d the villany of the Knapps. 66. The text was well ——d in the sermon. 67. It is the business of the police to —— vice.
INSURE, SECURE. 68. Will you —— my factory against fire? 69. For woods before and hills behind —it both from rain and wind. 70. The cargoes of ocean steamers are generally fully ——d. 71. The city is ——d by strong fortifications. 72. How are we to —— to labor its due honor? 73. To enjoy the benefits which the liberty of the press ——s, we must submit to the evils which it creates.
INVESTIGATE, INQUIRE. 74. A committee was appointed to —— the needs of the laboring classes. 75. I will —— his name and rank. 76. Edison has been busy —— ing the nature of electricity. 77. A commission was appointed to —— the causes of the strike.
LET, LEAVE. 78. Please —— me take you to town. 79. We —— that to the judgment of the umpire. 80. Pharaoh said, "I will —— you go." 81. Why do you—- your house go to ruin? 82. Peace I —— with you. 83. I will —— you know my decision to-morrow. 84. Please —— me out at the corner of Twenty-third Street. 85. —— us free to act. 86. —— go! 87. —— the beggar in. 88. —— us —— him to himself. 89. He —— the cat out of the bag.
LOCATE, FIND. 90. The missing man has at last been ——d by the police in Kansas City. 91. The part of the city in which the mint is ——d.
PERSUADE, ADVISE. 92. Almost thou ——st me to be a Christian. 93. I ——d him to take a walk every day, but I could not —— him to do it. 94. Columbus was ——d to give up the thought of sailing westward in search of the Indies. 95. When in mid-ocean, Columbus was ——d to alter his course.
PREDICATE, PREDICT. 96. This very result was ——d two years ago. 97. Ambition may be ——d us the predominant trait in Napoleon's character. 98. He ——s that the month of July will be rainy. 99. Disaster to the voyage was ——d by the enemies of Columbus.
PRESCRIBE, PROSCRIBE. 100. Sylla and Marius ——d each other's adherents. 101. The doctor ——d quinine in doses of four grains each. 102. It is easier to —— principles of conduct than to follow them. 103. The Puritans ——d theatres. 104. The number of electors is ——d by law.
PURPOSE, PROPOSE. 105. I don't —— to let you escape so easily. 106. I —— that we go boating. 107. We —— d to go to-morrow, but I fear the rain will prevent us. 108. I —— to work hard this year. 109. Bassanio ——d to pay the bond thrice over, but Shylock declined the offer, for he ——d, if possible, to lake Antonio's life.
REPULSE, REPEL. 110. He gently —— their entreaties. 111. The charge of Pickett's troops at Gettysburg was ——d.
START, BEGIN, COMMENCE. 112. Rosalind tells Orlando to —— his courtship, and he wishes to —— with a kiss. 113. The Spectator was ——(d) by Steele. 114. We have ——(d) Homer's "Iliad." 115. We have ——(d) to find out our ignorance. 116. We ——d to feel that perhaps Darcy is not very bad, after all. 117. We ——(d) in an omnibus at seven o'clock. 118. She has ——(d) to study French. 119. Franklin's voyage was ——(d) under unpleasant circumstances. 120. It ——(d) to rain in torrents. 121. The play has ——(d). 122. Hostilities have ——(d). 123. The people of Philadelphia were so much pleased with Franklin's pavement that they ——(d) paving all the streets.
SUSPECT, EXPECT, ANTICIPATE. 124. I —— that my grandfather was a wild lad. 125. I —— great pleasure from our association in this work. 126. The burglars —— that detectives are on their tracks, but they —— to elude the officers by hiding in the country. 127. I was determined to —— their fury by first falling into a passion myself. 128. I —— that my father will come on a late train to-night. 129. I —— that the rogue thinks himself safe from detection. 130. The death of the general is hourly ——ed.
[106] In some of the sentences one verb or another is allowable, according to the meaning intended.
Tell why the italicized words in the following sentences are misused, and substitute for them better expressions:—
1. The death of his son greatly effected him. 2. The Prince of Wales does not propose to send a challenge to the owner of the yacht Puritan. 3. He is learning me to ride a bicycle. 4. I cannot predicate what may hereafter happen. 5. Will you loan me your sled for this afternoon? 6. It is even stated on the best of authority that the Minneapolis is capable of attaining a speed of twenty-four knots an hour, and of keeping it up. 7. Miss Duhe claims that the clairvoyant divulged many things that were known to her only. 8. It is evident that whatever transpired during the interview was informal and private. 9. There is little in the "Elegy" to locate the church-yard which is referred to. 10. He says he cannot except the invitation. 11. Is the Governor's wife stopping at the Springs Hotel? 12. Dr. H.'s well-known views have led him to champion the cause of Dr. B. 13. I do not propose to disrespect[1] the Sabbath. 14. Macaulay says Voltaire gestured[1] like a monkey. 15. I love to see kittens play. 16. I expect he must have arrived last night. 17. I calculate it will rain soon. 18. This dry weather argues ill for the corn crop. 19. Mrs. Dennett broke open the door, and found a startling state of affairs. In the hallway her daughter Grace was lying prostrate, and seemed to be in an unconscious state. She awoke her daughter, who, after she had regained her senses, related what had transpired. 20. Elizabeth allowed that he had given a very rational account of it. 21. He calculates to go to-morrow morning. 22. The Abbe was beheaded, not hung. 23. I am looking for a fault which I cannot exactly locate. 24. James W. Reed, who mysteriously disappeared several weeks ago, has been located in England. 25. I expect you feel tired after your long walk. 26. The strike of the tailors, which it was claimed would transpire yesterday, failed to materialize. 27. Do you allow to go to town to-day? 28. She tried to locate the places whence the sounds came. 29. Floods in all directions. Middle and New England States enjoy their annual freshets.[107] 30. I had hard work to restrain[108] from taking some.
[107] Heading in a newspaper. [108] Consult a dictionary.
Illustrate by original sentences the proper use of each of these verbs:—
Allow, learn, leave, let, loan, locate, accede, accredit, credit, arise, rise, captivate, depreciate, deprecate, impugn, impute, like, love, antagonize, champion, calculate, bring, carry, fetch, claim, assert, allege, maintain, admit, confess, demand, hire, let, lease, materialize, plead, argue, state, stop, transpire, accept, except, advertise, advise, affect, effect, alleviate, relieve, augur, compare to, compare with, contrast, construe, construct, convince, convict, detect, discriminate, disclose, discover, dominate, domineer, drive, ride, eliminate, elicit, insure, secure, esteem, estimate, expose, expound, investigate, persuade, convince, predicate, predict, prescribe, proscribe, purpose, propose, repulse, start, suspect, expect, anticipate.
[109] See Note to Teacher, p. 41.
AN ADJECTIVE is a word joined by way of description or limitation to a noun or a pronoun.
An ADVERB is a word joined by way of limitation or emphasis to a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
VULGARISMS.[110]—Every educated person is expected to know the correct use of the following words:—
GOOD, WELL.—Good is an adjective: the adverb corresponding to it is well. We say, "He had a good sleep;" "He slept well." Well is sometimes an adjective, as in "You look well."
LIKELY, PROBABLY, LIKE.—Likely is now used as an adjective only, except in the phrase "As likely as not;" ad the corresponding adverb is probably. We say, "He is likely to come;" "He will probably come." Like as an adjective means "similar," as, "Men of like excellence;" "He looks like his grandfather;" "He was a man of like passions as we are." In the sense of "in the same manner as" like is followed by a noun or a pronoun in the objective case, and is called by some an adverb, by others a preposition: as, "He talks like her."
LESS, FEWER, SMALLER.—Less refers to quantity, fewer to number, smaller to size.
MOST, ALMOST.—Most denotes "the greatest number, quantity, or degree." It is always superlative and never means "nearly," which is the proper meaning of almost. We say, "Most of the boys are here; the time has almost come."
NEAR, NEARLY.—Near is an adjective; the corresponding adverb is nearly.
PLENTY is now in good use as a noun only, as "Plenty of corn and wine."[111] Shakespeare used the word as an adjective in "Reasons as plenty as blackberries," but this use is obsolete. The use of plenty as an adverb, as "The food is plenty good enough," is a vulgarism.
SOME, SOMEWHAT, SOMETHING.—Some is an adjective, as, "Some water;" "Some brighter clime." Somewhat is an adverb, as, "He is somewhat better." "Somewhat" is occasionally used as a noun, as, "Somewhat of doubt remains," but in this sense something is more common.
THIS, THESE; THAT, THOSE.—This (plural these) and that (plural those) are the only adjectives in English that have distinct forms for the plural. A common mistake is to use the plural forms with singular collective nouns, as "kind," "class," "sort."
FIRST, SECOND, SECONDLY, etc.—First is both adjective and adverb. Second, third etc., are adjectives only; the corresponding adverbs are secondly, thirdly, etc. Firstly is a vulgarism.
Everywheres, illy, lesser, light-complected, muchly, nowhere near, unbeknown are not in reputable use.
[110] "Foundations," pp. 118-120. [111] See page 32.
Insert the proper word in each blank, and give the reason for your choice:—
GOOD, WELL. 1. George played —— in the football game this afternoon; he is a —— runner. 2. She embroiders very ——. 3. The draperies do not hang as —— as I thought they would. 4. Your coat fits you very ——. 5. He always behaves ——. 6. This pen will not write ——. 7. He did the work as —— as I could expect. 8. This is a —— picture; the artist paints ——. 9. Mr. A. is a —— workman. See how —— he has laid this hearth. 10. George writes ——. 11. Charles does not look —— to-day. 12. He says he does not feel ——.
Likely, probably, like. 13. It became evident that the duke was not —— to have his own way in the assembly. 14. There is a difference between what may possibly and what may —— be done. 15. Just as —— as not you will meet him on the road. 16. He is —— to die of hunger. 17. He will —— die of hunger. 18. It seems —— that he will be elected. 19. —— he will be elected. 20. Japan will —— defeat China.. 21. If a man does not care for himself, it is not —— that he will care much for others. 22. They are as —— as two peas. 23. Tell me who is married, and who is —— to be. 24. This is a —— story. 25. As —— as not you love her yourself.
LESS, FEWER, SMALLER. 26. A proper fraction is —— than a unit, because it expresses —— parts than a unit contains. 27. I caught seven fish; Carl caught a —— number. 28. Look for no —— punishment than death. 29. I saw not —— than twenty beggars to-day. 30. Rebellion is sometimes a —— evil than endurance. 31. Not —— than twelve banks in New York failed to-day. 32. We have —— than a half a ton of coal left. 33. People who live in the country have —— things to talk about than city people. 34. He received —— good than he conferred. 35. I have —— books than you. 36. There were —— people there than I expected.
MOST, ALMOST. 37. I have —— finished my lesson. 38. You will find me in my office —— any day. 39. —— men dread death. 40. We come here —— every summer. 41. We have —— done. 42. This wheat is —— too thick. 43. Though I saw —— everything else, I failed to see Hagenbeck's trained animals. 44. —— everybody has imperfect eyes. 45. The old man's strength is —— gone. 46. —— boys like play. 47. It rains in some places —— every day. 48. —— all flowers are beautiful.
NEAR, NEARLY. 49. It isn't —— finished yet. 50. We are —— the end of the lesson. 51. I am —— suffocated. 52. We are not —— through our work. 53. He is not —— so young as I. 54. I will answer you as —— as I can remember. 55. We are —— the end of the term; our school-days are —— over. 56. Mr. Patterson came very —— breaking the greatest record ever made in America.
SOME, SOMEWHAT, SOMETHING. 57. Thank you, I feel —— better this morning. 58. —— attempted, —— done, has earned a night's repose. 59. He resembles his father ——. 60. She felt —— encouraged by this (these) news. 61. —— evil beast hath devoured him. 62. He knows —— of Arabic. 63. We came back —— sooner than we intended. 64. If a man thinketh himself to be —— when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. 65. Dorothy looks —— like her mother. 66. Yes, I'm —— frightened, I admit. 67. It provoked me ——. 68. A widow, —— old, and very poor.
THIS, THESE; THAT, THOSE. 69. You will always see —— kind of man lounging in front of taverns. 70. Take up —— ashes. 71. —— pile of clothes is (are) to be carried to the laundry. 72. —— kind of tree is (are) common in Pennsylvania. 73. —— brass tongs cost three dollars. 74. —— class will be graduated in June. 75. In New England there is not one country-house in fifty which has not its walls ornamented with half a score of poems of —— sort. 76. How do you like —— style of shoe? 77. Do you like —— sort of pen? 78. —— sort of person is always entertaining. 79. Look at —— assortment of knives. 80. Beware of —— kind of dog. 81. Problems of —— sort are very easy to solve. 82. Young ladies should let —— sort of thing alone.
FIRST, SECOND, SECONDLY, ETC. 83. I shall —— show why we should worship God, and —— explain how we should worship him. 84. Adam was formed ——, then Eve. 85. Let us consider —— what the young ruler desired; —— what he had; —— what he lacked. 86. My —— proposition is that the measure is unnecessary; my —— that it is unjust; my —— that it is unconstitutional. 87. I will not lie; I will die ——. 88. I like the old English ballads because, ——, they are very quaint; ——, they show the derivations of many of our words; and, ——, they show different steps which our language has taken in becoming what it is.
ADJECTIVE or ADVERB.[112]—Illiterate persons often forget that adjectives go with nouns and pronouns, but adverbs with verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Even cultivated persons are sometimes in doubt whether to use an adjective or an adverb after certain verbs, as "grow," "look," "sound," "smell," "taste." If the added word applies to the subject of the verb, it should be an adjective; if to the verb, it should be an adverb. We say "We feel warm" when we mean that we are warm; we say "We feel warmly on this subject," when we mean that our feeling is warm. "As a rule, it is proper to use an adjective whenever some form of the verb 'to be' or 'to seem' may be substituted for the verb, an adverb when no such substitution can be made."[113] Thus, "He looked angry; he spoke angrily." Sometimes we may use either adjective or adverb with no difference in meaning: as, "We were sitting quiet (quietly) round the fire."
Regarding the form of adverbs, ill-taught pupils often suppose that all words ending in "-ly" are adverbs, and that all adverbs end in "-ly." A glance at the italicized words in the following expressions will remove this delusion: "Come here;" "very pretty;" "he then rose;" "lay it lengthwise;" "he fell backward;" "run fast;" "now it is done;" "a friendly Indian;" "a buzzing fly." Though no comprehensive rule can be given for the form of adverbs, which must be learned for the most part by observation, it may be helpful to know that most "adjectives of quality," like gentle, true, take the suffix "-ly" to make a corresponding adverb; and that the comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs ending in "-ly" usually prefix more and most.
[112] "Foundations," pp. 120-128. [113] Ibid., p. 121.
1. Write careful (carefully). 2. His teacher spoke cold (coldly) to him after she found he had acted dishonorable (dishonorably). 3. Speak slow (slowly) and distinct (distinctly). 4. He behaved bad (badly). 5. He is a remarkable (remarkably) good shot. 6. They were in a terrible (terribly) dangerous position. 7. I am only tolerable (tolerably) well, sir. 8. He acted very different (differently) from his brother. 9. It is discouraging to see how bad (badly) the affairs of our nation are sometimes managed. 10. He writes plainer (more plainly) than he once did. 11. You are exceeding (exceedingly) kind. 12. He struggled manful (manfully) against the waves. 13. You have been wrong (wrongly) informed. 14. Sure (surely) he is a fine gentleman. 15. She dresses suitable (suitably) to her station. 16. That part of the work was managed easy (easily) enough. 17. You behaved very proper (properly). 18. I can read easier (more easily) than I can write. 19. She knew her lesson perfect (perfectly) to-day. 20. I live free (freely) from care. 21. Lessons are easiest (most easily) learned in the morning. 22. Walk as quiet (quietly) as you can. 23. He acted independent (independently). 24. He spoke quite decided (decidedly). 25. We ought to value our privileges higher (more highly). 26. He was ill (illy) equipped for the journey.[114] 27. Relative (relatively) to its size, an ant is ten times stronger than a man. 28. That will ill (illy) accord with my notions.[114] 29. He is an exceeding (exceedingly) good boy. 30. One can scarce (scarcely) help smiling at the blindness of this critic. 31. I had studied grammar previous (previously) to his instructing me, but to no purpose.
[114] See page 110.
Distinguish between— 1. We found the way easy (easily). 2. The prunes are boiling soft (softly). 3. He appeared prompt (promptly). 4. It looks good (well). 5. We arrived safe (safely).
Which of the italicized words is preferable? Give the reason:— 1. Velvet feels smooth (smoothly). 2. Clouds sail slow (slowly) through the air. 3. This carriage rides easy (easily). 4. How sweet (sweetly) these roses smell! 5. They felt very bad (badly) at being beaten.[115] 6. Your piano sounds different (differently) from ours. 7. The storm is raging furious (furiously). 8. This milk tastes sour (sourly). 9. The soldiers fought gallant (gallantly). 10. She looked cold (coldly) on his offer of marriage. 11. Ethel looks sweet (sweetly) in a white gown. 12. How beautiful (beautifully) the stars appear to-night! 13. This coat goes on easy (easily). 14. How beautiful (beautifully) Katharine looks this morning. 15. Luther stood firm (firmly) in spite of abuse. 16. It looks strange (strangely) to see you here. 17. Deal gentle (gently) with them. 18. The cry sounded shrill (shrilly). 19. Larks sing sweet (sweetly). 20. He felt awkward (awkwardly) in the presence of ladies. 21. He has acted strange (strangely). 22. The water feels warm (warmly). 23. We feel warm (warmly) on that subject. 24. The dead warrior looked fierce (fiercely). 25. The wind blows very cold (coldly) to-day. 26. War clouds rolling dim (dimly). 27. The shutters are painted green (greenly). 28. She works good (well) and neat (neatly). 29. Protestants believe that the bread of the Lord's supper is not real (really) changed, but remains real (really) bread. 30. Homer says the blood of the gods is not real (really) blood, but only something like it. 31. Real (really) kings hide away their crowns in their wardrobes, and affect a plain and poor exterior.
ALONE, ONLY.—"In the Bible and earlier English alone is often used for the adverb only, but it is now becoming restricted to its own sense of 'solitary,' 'unaccompanied by other persons or things';"[116] as, "He rode all unarmed, and he rode all alone." Only is both adjective and adverb.
[115] See "Foundations," p. 121. [116] The Century Dictionary.
Fill each blank with the proper word ("only," "alone"):—
1. She —— of all the family had courage to go —— into that darkened room. 2. These books are sold in sets ——. 3. Man cannot live on bread ——. 4. This fault —— is enough to make her disagreeable. 5. By chance —— did he escape the gallows. 6. Not —— at Ephesus, but throughout all Asia, Paul persuaded many people. 7. To be successful a school paper must be supported, not —— with subscriptions, but also with contributions.
OMITTED ADVERBS.[117]—Adverbs necessary to the sense should not be omitted. This fault is especially common after so, too, and very—words which, as they express degree, properly qualify adjectives or adverbs, and not verbs or participles; also after behave, which, like the noun "behavior," requires a qualifying word to determine the meaning.
[117] "Foundations," p. 123.
Supply the omitted adverbs:—
1. He was very struck by what she said. 2. I wish you would behave. 3. The king was very dissatisfied with his wife. 4. I have too trusted to my own wild wants. 5. If you cannot behave yourself, you had better stay at home. 6. We are very pleased to see you.
REDUNDANT ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS.[118]—A word that is not needed is said to be "redundant." Redundant expressions should be carefully avoided.
[118] Ibid., pp. 123-125.
Strike out the useless adjectives and adverbs:—
1. From thence they marched twenty miles. 2. Which do you prefer most, apples or oranges? 3. Whenever I meet him he always stops me. 4. Celia wished to accompany Rosalind; therefore they both set out together. 5. The view from the top is simply beautiful. 6. Finally Rosalind disclosed her true identity. 7. The exercises are appointed for 2 P.M. to-morrow afternoon. 8. There are numerous mountain streams all throughout this region which abound in brook trout. 9. The central pith of the report is as follows. 10. Secluded and alone, he now partook of his solitary repast, which he entirely consumed. 11. Out of the second term I took out the factor x. 12. Right in behind East Rock we have a beautiful lake. 13. When everything was all ready they started off. 14. He was a boy of eighteen years old. 15. If the ground is uneven they just level it off with a shovel. 16. Once the two twins were shipwrecked while on a sailing voyage. 17. The purple bird was once a royal king named Picus. 18. A large search-light will show a sail at a distance of three or four miles away. 19. Each of the provinces was ruled over by a duke. 20. When he returned he entered into the printing business. 21. He had a good chance to shift off the sky to the shoulders of Hercules. 22. The mud falls off from the wheels and makes the street dirty. 23. An old merchant of Syracuse, named Ageon, had two twin sons. 24. He was almost universally admired and respected by all who knew him. 25. Pretty soon the man's hands began to get all blistered. 26. Before you go you must first finish your work. 27. He did it equally as well as his friends. 28. It must be ten years ago since he left town. 29. Collect together all the fragments. 30. The play opens up with a scene in a forest. 31. He has the universal good-will of everybody. 32. Please raise up the window. 33. The story ends up happily. 34. They always entered school together every morning. 35. Out of the entire pack only two dogs remained. 36. He went away, but soon reappeared again. 37. A monstrous large snake crawled out from under the identical stone on which you are this very minute sitting. 38. I was deceived by false misrepresentations. 39. This question opened up the whole subject. 40. Let us, however, endeavor to trace up some of this hearsay evidence as far towards its source as we are able. 41. I will see you later on.
MISUSED ADJECTIVES and ADVERBS.[119]—See the remarks under "Misused Nouns." An amusing illustration of misused adjectives was furnished by an illiterate man who introduced his second wife to a friend as "My late wife."
AGGRAVATING, IRRITATING.—In good use aggravating means "making heavier, more grave, worse in some way." It is often misused for irritating, exasperating, or provoking.
ALL, THE WHOLE.—See page 120.
APT, LIKELY, LIABLE.—Apt implies a natural predisposition, an habitual tendency. "Likely implies a probability of whatever character; liable, an unpleasant probability."[120] One is apt to speak quickly, likely to hear good news, liable to be hurt.
BOTH, EACH, EVERY.—Both, meaning "the two, and not merely one of them," groups objects, as, "Both were men of hot temper." Each means "all of any number, considered one by one," as, "Each boy recited in his turn." Every means "all of any number, considered as composing a group or class," as, "Every pupil should have a dictionary and use it freely." "Every directs attention chiefly to the totality, each chiefly to the individuals composing it. It may also be observed that each usually refers to a numerically definite group.... Thus, 'Each theory is open to objection' relates to an understood enumeration of theories, but 'Every theory is open to objection' refers to all theories that may exist."[121]
MANY, MUCH.—Many refers to number, much to quantity.
MUTUAL, COMMON.—Mutual properly means "reciprocal," "interchanged." It is often misused for common in the sense of "belonging equally to both or all," especially in the phrase, "A mutual friend."
PARTLY, PARTIALLY.—"Partly, in the sense of 'in part,' is preferable to partially, since partially also means 'with partiality.'"[122]
QUITE, VERY.—Quite properly means "entirely"; in the sense of "very" or "to a considerable degree" it is not in good use.
SO-AS, AS-AS.—Both so and as are used as adverbs of degree correlative with the conjunction "as": unless there is a negative in the clause as is generally used; with a negative so is preferable to as. We say "It is as cold as ice," "It is not so good as it looks."
[119] "Foundations," p. 125. [120] Ibid., p. 128. [121] Murray's Dictionary. [122] A.S. Hill: Principles of Rhetoric, revised edition, p. 19.
Tell the difference in meaning between—
1. The circumstances of the offense are aggravating (exasperating). 2. She gave an orange to both (each) of them. 3. Each (every) man has his faults. 4. I had a call from both (each) of the boys. 5. He is apt (likely) to win the race. 6. A mutual (common) friendship. 7. The weekly reports are partially (partly) made out.
Insert the proper word in each blank:—
AGGRAVATING, IRRITATING. 1. Some of his remarks were ——. 2. The prisoner said his wife's conduct had been very ——. 3. He has an —— manner. 4. He was too —— by half. 5. The murder was committed under —— circumstances.
ALL, THE WHOLE. 6. —— (of) the boys were sent off at a day's notice to their homes.
[For additional exercises, see page 125].
APT, LIKELY, LIABLE. 7. An industrious man is —— to succeed. 8. The ship was —— to founder at any moment. 9. Bad books are —— to corrupt the reader, 10. If a man does not care for himself, he is not —— to care much for other people. 11. Youth is —— to err. 12. Any kind of taxation is —— to be looked on as a grievance. 13. We are constantly —— to accidents. 14. Men are —— to think well of themselves, their nation, their courage, and their strength.
BOTH, EACH, EVERY. 15. —— of them has (have) taken a different course. 16. —— went his way. 17. He told me to invite —— brother and sister. 18. He gave his hand to —— of them. 19. In —— cheek (cheeks) appears a pretty dimple. 20. I am feeling better in —— way. 21. The oak and the elm have —— a distinct character. 22. He'll be hanged yet, though —— drop of water swear against it. 23. —— soldier has a musket, and —— one fires as fast as he can. 24. —— inhabitant, male or female, young or old, was there. 25. In —— ten women that the gods make, the devils mar five. 26. There is a row of beautiful elm-trees on —— side(s) of the road.
MANY, MUCH. 27. We saw as —— as twenty tramps. 28. He blames his uncle for —— of his misfortune. 29. I found that —— of the accidents on this railroad are caused by negligence. 30. How —— of your peaches have you sold?
MUTUAL, COMMON. 31. Charles and his wife were happy in their —— love. 32. They parted with —— good feeling. 33. We have a —— friend in Mr. Phelps. 34. I find, Miss Vernon, that we have some —— friends.
PARTLY, PARTIALLY. 35. Beware of acting ——. 36. All men are —— buried in the grave of custom. 37. This is —— true. 38. The city of York is —— surrounded by a wall.
QUITE, VERY. 39. The country is —— open. 40. The snow has —— covered the ground. 41. Books —— worthless are —— harmless. 42. The island is —— close to the mainland. 43. He was —— dead when they found him. 44. You are —— mistaken. 45. He is —— ill.
SO-AS, AS-AS. 46. She is —— amiable as she is beautiful. 47. He is —— tall as his brother, but not —— tall as I. 48. You have never —— much as answered my letter. 49. Come —— quickly as you can. 50. No other country suffered —— much as England.
APPARENTLY, EVIDENTLY, MANIFESTLY.—"Apparently is properly used of that which seems, but may not be, real; evidently, of that which both seems and is real."[123] Manifestly is stronger than evidently.
AVERAGE, ORDINARY.—Average implies an arithmetical computation; if four persons lose respectively $10, $20, $30, and $40, the average loss is $25. The word is used figuratively by Dr. O.W. Holmes in "The average intellect of five hundred persons, taken as they come, is not very high." In the sense of "usual," "common in occurrence," "of the usual standard," ordinary is preferable to average.
BOUND, DETERMINED.—Bound properly means "obliged," "fated," or "under necessity": as, "A man is bound by his word;" "We hold ourselves in gratitude bound to receive ... all such persons." In the sense of "determined" hound is not in good use. In the sense of "sure" it is in colloquial, but not in literary, use.
CONTINUAL, CONTINUOUS.—"Continual is used of frequently repeated acts, as, 'Continual dropping wears away a stone;' continuous, of uninterrupted action, as, 'the continuous flowing of a river.'"[125]
DEADLY, DEATHLY.—"Deathly, in the sense of 'resembling death,' as, 'She was deathly pale,' is preferable to deadly, since deadly also means 'inflicting death.'"[124]
DECIDED, DECISIVE.—"A decided opinion is a strong opinion, which perhaps decides nothing; a decisive opinion settles the question at issue. A lawyer may have decided views on a case; the judgment of a court is decisive."[125]
DUMB, STUPID.—Dumb properly means "mute," "silent." Its misuse for stupid is partly due, especially in Pennsylvania, to its resemblance to the German dumm.
EXISTING, EXTANT.—That is extant which has escaped the ravages of time (used chiefly of books, manuscripts, etc.); that is existing which has existence.
FUNNY, ODD.—Funny means "comical;" in the sense of "strange" or "odd" it is not in good use.
HEALTHY, HEALTHFUL, WHOLESOME.—That is healthy which is in good health; that is healthful or wholesome which produces health. Wholesome commonly applies to food.
HUMAN, HUMANE.—Human denotes what pertains to man as man; as, "human nature," "human sacrifices." Humane means "compassionate."
LATEST, LAST.—Latest, like the word "late," contains a distinct reference to time; that is latest which comes after all others in time: as, "The latest news;" "The latest fashion." Last, which was originally a contraction of "latest," is now used without any distinct reference to time, and denotes that which comes after all others in space or in a series: as, "The last house on the street;" "The Last of the Mohicans."
LENGTHY, LONG.—Lengthy is said to have originated in the United States, but the earliest quotations found are from British authors. In the introduction to the second series of The Biglow Papers, Mr. Lowell wrote: "We have given back to England the excellent adjective lengthy ... thus enabling their journalists to characterize our President's messages by a word civilly compromising between long and tedious, so as not to endanger the peace of the two countries by wounding our national sensitiveness to British criticism." Lengthy is used chiefly of discourses or writings, and implies tediousness. Long is used of anything that has length.
MAD, ANGRY.—Mad means "insane;" in the sense of "angry" it is not in good use.
NEW, NOVEL.—That is new which is not old; that is novel which is both new and strange.
ORAL, VERBAL.—"Oral, in the sense of 'in spoken words,' is preferable to verbal, since verbal means 'in words' whether spoken or written."[126]
PITIABLE, PITIFUL.—"Pitiable, in the sense of 'deserving pity,' is preferable to pitiful, since pitiful also means 'compassionate,' as, 'The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.'"[126]
PRACTICABLE, PRACTICAL.—That is practicable which can be done; that is practical which is not theoretical only: as, "a practicable plan," "a practical electrician."
PROMINENT, EMINENT.—Prominent means "conspicuous," "standing out so as to be easily seen;" eminent means "distinguished in character or rank."
REAL, REALLY, VERY.—Real is properly an adjective, meaning "not imaginary or counterfeit," as, "real diamonds." Its misuse for the adverbs really and very, as, "This is real pretty," is a vulgarism.
SCARED, AFRAID.—The participle scared means "frightened;" afraid is an adjective meaning "in fear." Before "of," the proper word is afraid: as, "She is afraid of horses." Scared of is not in good use.
GRAND, GORGEOUS, AWFUL, SPLENDID, ELEGANT, LOVELY, MAGNIFICENT.—Grand properly implies "grandeur;" gorgeous, "splendid colors;" awful, "awe;" elegant, "elegance;" splendid, "splendor;" lovely, "surpassing loveliness;" magnificent, "magnificence."
"We talk, sometimes, with people whose conversation would lead you to suppose that they had lived in a museum, where all the objects were monsters and extremes.... They use the superlative of grammar: 'most perfect,' 'most exquisite,' 'most horrible.' Like the French, they are enchanted, they are desolate, because you have got or have not got a shoestring or a wafer you happen to want—not perceiving that superlatives are diminutives and weaken.... All this comes of poverty. We are unskilful definers. From want of skill to convey quality, we hope to move admiration by quantity. Language should aim to describe the fact.... 'Tis very wearisome, this straining talk, these experiences all exquisite, intense, and tremendous."[127]
[123] A.S. Hill: Principles of Rhetoric, revised edition, p. 39. [124] Ibid., p. 18. [125] Ibid., p. 38. [126] A.S. Hill: Principles of Rhetoric, revised edition, p. 19. [127] R.W. Emerson; The Superlative.
Tell the difference in meaning between—
1. The average (ordinary) yield of wheat. 2. He is bound (determined) to come. 3. There was continual (continuous) fighting for three days. 4. It was deadly (deathly) cold in the cave. 5. A decided (decisive) victory. 6. The boy is dumb (stupid). 7. His story is apparently (evidently, manifestly) true. 8. The existing (extant) portraits of Milton. 9. His actions were very funny (odd). 10. This is a healthy (wholesome) plant. 11. A human (humane) being. 12. His latest (last) attempt. 13. Long (lengthy) explanations. 14. She became mad (angry). 15. A new (novel) style. 16. An oral (verbal) message. 17. A pitiable (pitiful) man. 18. Your purpose seems practical (practicable). 19. A prominent (an eminent) man. 20. He was really (very) glad to see us.
Insert the proper word in each blank:—
APPARENTLY, EVIDENTLY, MANIFESTLY. 1. The motion which—- belongs to the sun, really belongs to the earth. 2. The stranger was—- in the prime of manhood. 3. The apparent (evident) discrepancy between the two narratives is not real. 4. Our country is—- growing in wealth. 5. A straight line is—- the shortest distance between two points.
AVERAGE, ORDINARY. 6. To be excited is not the—- state of the mind. 7. This picture has only—- merit. 8.—- conversation is not instructive. 9. The—- American is not wealthy. 10. The—- expenses per man of the Yale class of '95 during Freshman year were $912. 11. The life of the—- man is safer and more comfortable than it was a century ago. 12. The—- age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was nearly forty-four. 13. Their—- duties were easy.
BOUND, DETERMINED. 14. He worked hard at his piece, for he was—- to speak it well. 15. We have promised, therefore we are—- to go. 16. I am—- to win, if I can. 17. They were—- that they would see the end of the play, even though they should miss their train.
CONTINUAL, CONTINUOUS. 18. He was exposed to—- interruptions. 19. A—- line in space. 20. —— victory makes leaders insolent. 21. A —— siege of six months. 22. The power of abstract study or of —— thought is rare.
DEADLY, DEATHLY. 23. A —— stillness. 24. The —— bite of the rattlesnake. 25. My wound is ——. 26. Her hands were —— cold. 27. She, poor thing, was looking —— pale. 28. Many savages have seen a musket kill small animals and yet have not known how —— an instrument it is.
DECIDED, DECISIVE. 29. He felt a —— aversion to company. 30. Smith spoke out boldly in a —— tone. 31. Creasy's "Fifteen —— Battles of the World." 32. The nature of lightning was not known until Franklin made his —— experiment.
DUMB, STUPID 33. A man who cannot write with wit on a proper subject is dull and ——. 34. A deaf and —— person. 35. I was struck —— with astonishment. 36. Judging from his recitations, I should say that John is either lazy or ——.
EXTANT, EXISTING. 37. God created all —— things. 38. Only two authentic portraits of Shakespeare are ——. 39. There are —— seven hundred and sixty-five of Cicero's letters. 40. Every citizen should exert himself to remove —— evils.
FUNNY, ODD. 41. It is —— he never told me of his marriage. 42. He made the boys laugh by drawing —— pictures on his slate. 43. You must have thought it —— we didn't send for you. 44. He amused us with —— stories.
HEALTHY, HEALTHFUL, WHOLESOME. 45. Tomatoes are said to be a very —— food. 46. If a —— body contributes to the health of the mind, so also a —— mind keeps the body well. 47. Gardening is a —— recreation for a man of study or business. 48. —— food in a —— climate makes a —— man. 49. A —— situation. A —— constitution.- ——diet.
HUMAN, HUMANE. 50. A—- disposition is not cruel. 51. To err is—-; to forgive, divine. 52. In the time of Abraham—- sacrifices were common among his heathen neighbors. 53. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a —— organization.
LATEST, LAST. 54. The—- men in the procession. 55. The—- news. 56. The—- of the Incas. 57. Have you read the—- novel? 58. The—- foot-ball game of the season will be played with the Yale Freshmen.
LENGTHY, LONG. 59. Cotton Mather wrote many—- dissertations. 60. It is a—- ride from Ellen's Isle to Stirling. 61. A—- line of ancestors. 63. We were wearied by his—- explanations.
MAD, ANGRY. 63. His sarcastic manner makes me—-. 64. That is nothing to get—- at. 65. I have heard my grandsire say full oft, Extremity of griefs would make men —-.
NEW, NOVEL. 66. We have a—- horse. 67. A—- feature of the entertainment was the "Broom Drill." 68. At the World's Fair we saw many—- sights, especially in the Midway Plaisance. 69. Alice had many—- experiences in Wonder Land.
ORAL, VERBAL. 70. Some slight—- changes have been made in the new edition of this book. 71. Were your instructions—- or written.
PITIABLE, PITIFUL. 72. The condition of the poor in our great cities is—-. 73. Be gentle unto griefs and needs, Be —- as woman should. 74. The wretched girl was in a—- plight. 75. A—- sight.
PRACTICABLE, PRACTICAL. 76. We have hired a —— gardener. 77. This plan of campaign is not ——. 78. We found the road not —— because of the heavy rains. 79. A victory may be a —— defeat.
PROMINENT, EMINENT. 80. Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being ——. 81. The figure of a man is —— in the picture. 82. Frogs have —— eyes. 83. Washington was a (an) —— man. 84. John Quincy Adams was the —— son of a (an) —— father.
REAL, REALLY, VERY. 85. She came home looking —— well after her long visit. 86. Protestants believe that the bread of the Lord's supper is not —— changed, but remains —— bread. 87. Homer tells us that the blood of the gods is not —— blood, but only something like it. 88. I am —— glad you have come. 89. He is —— dead. 90. It was —— kind in you to send me flowers. 91. Yes, I am —— old; I am sixty. 92. He speaks —— well, doesn't he? 93. —— kings hide away their crowns in their wardrobes, and affect a plain and poor exterior. 94. This is —— pretty. 95. We came on a —— fast train. 96. She seemed —— glad to see us. 97. The hotel is situated —— near the sea.
SCARED, AFRAID. 98. She was badly —— when her horse ran away. 99. Harry is —— of tramps. 100. Helen was —— of the cows in the meadow.
Illustrate by original sentences the correct use of each of these words: —Both, each, every, aggravating, liable, likely, apt, mutual, partially, quite, average, bound, continual, continuous, deadly, deathly, decided, decisive, dumb, apparently, evidently, extant, funny, healthy, healthful, wholesome, human, humane, latest, last, lengthy, mad, novel, verbal, pitiable, pitiful, practicable, practical, prominent, eminent, real, really, scared, grand, gorgeous, awful, splendid, elegant, lovely, magnificent.
USE of the COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE.—The comparative degree is preferable when two things or sets of things are compared, the superlative when three or more are compared.
To say "Iron is more useful than any metal" is clearly incorrect, because iron is included in "any metal," and of course iron is not more useful than itself. We must in thought set iron off in a class by itself, which we can do by inserting "other" after "any." "Iron is more useful than any other metal" is correct. After comparatives accompanied by "than," the words "any" and "all" should be followed by "other."
To say "Iron is the most useful of any (or, any other) metal" is also clearly incorrect, because we mean that iron is the most useful, not of "one metal (no matter which)" or of "some metals (no matter which)," but of all metals. We should therefore omit the word "any," saying simply "Iron is the most useful of (all) metals." It is also incorrect to say "Iron is the most useful of all other metals," for iron is not one of the "other metals." Beware of using "any" or "other" with superlatives followed by "of."
[128] See note To the Teacher, p. 41.
Which of the italicized forms is preferable?— 1. Of London and Paris, London is the wealthier (wealthiest). 2. Of two evils, choose the less (least). 3. The older (oldest) of the three boys was sent to college. 4. Which can run the faster (fastest), your horse or mine? 5. Of the two Latin poets, Virgil and Horace, the first (former) is the better (best) known. 6. Which is the better (best) of the two? 7. Which is the farther (farthest) east, Boston New York, or Philadelphia? 8. There is no doubt about him (his) being the better (best) in the little group of friends. 9. Which is the larger (largest) number, the minuend or the subtrahend?
Explain and correct the errors in the following sentences:—
1. This picture is, of all others, the one I like best. 2. This engraving of mine I like better than any picture I have. 3. London is more crowded than any city in Great Britain. 4. London is the most crowded of any city in Great Britain. 5. She of all other girls ought to be the last to complain. 6. Our grammar lessons are the hardest of any we have. 7. St. Peter's is larger than any church in the world. 8. St. Peter's is the largest of any church in the world. 9. Noah and his family outlived all the people who lived before the flood. 10. Solomon was wiser than all men. 11. This State exports more cotton than all the states. 12. A cowboy is the most picturesque of any men. 13. Tabby has the worst temper of any cat I know. 14. He thinks Gettysburg has the prettiest girls of any town of its size. 15. The proposed method of Mr. F.G. Jackson, the English arctic explorer, appears to be the most practical and business-like of any yet undertaken for exploring the polar regions.
Construct sentences comparing the following things, using first a comparative, then a superlative form:—
1. The large population of China; the smaller populations of other countries. EXAMPLE.—China has a larger population than any other country. Of all countries, China has the largest population in the world. 2. John, who is very mischievous; other boys, who are less mischievous. 3. Eve, who was exceedingly fair; her daughters (female descendants), who are less fair. 4. Smith, the best athlete; the other boys in the school. 5. Mary's recitations; the poorer recitations of her classmates. 6. The population of London; the population of the other cities in the world. 7. The circulation of the "Star;" the smaller circulation of other newspapers in the county. 8. Ethel's eyes; the eyes of her playmates, which are not so bright. 9. The examination papers of Professor A.; the easier papers set by other teachers. 10. Philip; his classmates, who are less bright. 11. Solomon, the wisest king; other kings. 12. Samson, the strongest man; other men. 13. Jacob's love for Joseph; his love for his other children. 14. Youth; the other periods of life, which are less important. 15. Demosthenes; the other and inferior orators of Greece. 16. The books read by Fannie; the fewer books read by her classmates. 17. This shady grove; other groves I know, which are less shady. 18. The reign of Louis XIV.; the shorter reigns of other French kings. 19. Shakespeare; other English poets, all of whom are inferior to him. 20. The Falls of Niagara; other falls in the United States.
ADJECTIVES and ADVERBS INCAPABLE OF COMPARISON.[129]— Some adjectives and adverbs have meanings which do not vary in degree: as, dead, perfect, wooden. Such adjectives cannot properly be compared or modified by the words "more," "most," "so," "too," and "very."
[129] "Foundations," p. 135.
Which of the following adjectives and adverbs do not vary in degree?— Absolutely, brave, cloudless, cold, conclusively, continually, entirely, essentially, extreme, faultless, French, fundamental, golden, happy, impregnable, inaudible, incessant, incredible, indispensable, insatiate, inseparable, intangible, intolerable, invariable, long, masterly, round, sharp, square, sufficient, unanimous, unbearable, unbounded, unerring, unique, universally, unparalleled, unprecedented.
MISPLACED ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS.[130]—A word, a phrase, or a clause used as an adjective or an adverb should come next to the word, or words, which it modifies.
The word only requires special care. Observe how the position of only affects the meaning in the following sentences: "Only he lost his hat;" "He only lost his hat;" "He lost only his hat," or "He lost his hat only;" "He lost his only hat."
[130] "Foundations," p. 136.
Correct the errors of position in the following sentences:—
1. Metal reflectors are only used now for cheap search-lights. 2. I will only mention some of the best. 3. I only had time to read "King Lear." 4. He only spoke to me, not to you. 5. Coons are only killed with the help of dogs. The coon only comes out in the night-time. 6. Lost, a Scotch terrier, by a gentleman, with his ears cut close. 7. Canteens were issued to the soldiers with short necks. 8. We all went to the sea-shore for a little fresh air from the city. 9. At one time Franklin was seen bringing some paper to his printing-office from the place where he had purchased it in a wheelbarrow. 10. He went to Germany to patronize the people in the little German villages from which he came with his great wealth. 11. The three young men set out and finally arrived at the college dressed in girls' clothes. 12. The maskers were nearly dressed alike. 13. Erected to the memory of John Smith accidentally shot as a mark of affection by his brother. 14. Lost, an umbrella by a gentleman with an ivory head. 15. A piano for sale by a lady about to cross the channel in an oak case with carved legs. 16. He blew out his brains after bidding his wife good-bye with a gun. 17. The Moor, seizing a bolster, full of rage and jealousy, smothered Desdemona. 18. Wanted, a handsome Shetland pony suitable for a child with a long mane and tail. 19. Wolsey left many buildings which he had begun at his death in an unfinished state. 20. My cousin caught a crab and took it home in a pail of water which we had for our tea. 21. I scarcely ever remember to have had a rougher walk.
ADVERBS between TO and THE INFINITIVE.—"A careful writer will do well to avoid the construction which places the adverb between to and the infinitive. It is true that the construction is a common one; but it is also true that those who are most addicted to the practice are not those who count most as authorities on questions of good usage."[131]
[131] "Foundations," p. 140.
Improve the arrangement in the following sentences—
1. Hermes caused the milk pitcher of the old couple to never be empty. 2. His political enemies tried to in this way impeach the courage of the President. 3. He promises to earnestly try to do better. 4. To really know the man we must read his books. 5. Another project is to in some way modify the power of the House of Lords. 6. She dwelt upon what was comforting, though conscious that there was little to veritably console. 7. He proposed to either largely decrease the appropriation or to wholly do away with it.
MISUSED PREPOSITIONS.[132]—A writer, in choosing the proper preposition to express his meaning, must rely chiefly on his sense of idiom, that is, his knowledge of English usage, but he may find the following notes helpful.
AMONG, BETWEEN.—"Among is the proper word when the reference is to more than two persons or things, or groups of persons or things; between, when the reference is to two only."[133]
AT, IN.—Before names of places to denote "where," at is used when the place is so small as to be treated as a mere point, or when, although large, it is viewed as a mere point; in is used when it is desired to make prominent the idea "within the bounds of:" as, "He arrived at Liverpool in the morning and remained in that city two days." Before the name of the place in which the speaker dwells, if the place is of any size, in is generally preferred to at, unless the place is so remote that it dwindles in the mental vision to a point.
BACK OF.—Back of, though frequently heard in conversation and sometimes seen in print, is not in good use.
BESIDE, BESIDES.—Beside means "by the side of;" besides is now used only in the sense of "in addition to," "other than:" as, "Who sits beside you?" "Who besides us knows this?"
BY, WITH.—To introduce the agent of an action by is now commonly used; the material instrument or tool is usually introduced by with: as, "Duncan was murdered by Macbeth with a dagger."
DIFFERENT FROM, DIFFERENT TO.—Different from is preferable to different to and different than.
IN, INTO.—"In implies presence inside of, or within; into implies movement to the inside of. Before a man can move in a room, he must already have moved into it."[134]
IN, ON.—Before names of streets, in implies some reference to surroundings; on is less definite, indicating location only.
ON TO, ONTO.—"Good use does not support either on to or onto."[135]
WAIT FOR, WAIT ON.—To wait for means "to await," as, "We will wait for you at the corner." To wait on means "to attend on," as, "At dinner the women waited on the men."
[132] "Foundations," pp. 142-148. [133] Ibid., p. 143. [134] Ibid., p. 145. [135] "Foundations," p. 146.
Insert the proper preposition in each blank:—
AMONG, BETWEEN. 1. He divided the apples —— the five boys. 2. There was a generous rivalry —— the two friends. 3. I have no preference —— many of Tennyson's poems. 4. There is bad feeling —— China and Japan. 5. The money was divided —— the six heirs.
AT, IN. 6. Napoleon died —— Longwood, a villa on the island of St. Helena; Byron died —— Missolonghi, —— Greece. 7. Did he graduate —— Oxford or —— Cambridge? 8. He is now —— Ireland. 9. Milton was educated —— Christ's College. 10. When shall we arrive —— Rome? 11. I am eager to visit a hundred places —— Florence. 12. We live —— New York. 13. Macaulay lived —— London.
BESIDE, BESIDES. 14. Have you nothing to tell us —— what we have already heard? 15. The boy stood —— her. 16. —— the large planets, there are hundreds of smaller planets called "asteroids." 17. Let me sit —— you.
BY, WITH. 18. The door was fastened —— nails —— the carpenter. 19. The Great Charter was signed —— King John. 20. Thebes was founded —— Cadmus. 21. Truth finds an easy entrance into the mind when she is introduced —— Desire and attended —— Pleasure. 22. He entertained us —— a story. 23. He struck me —— his cane.
IN, INTO. 24. The dog is —— the water. 25. Come —— the house. 26. Look —— my desk. 27. Put more life —— your speaking. 28. Throw it —— the fire. 29. What put this idea —— your head? 30. Carry the basket —— the kitchen. 31. She threw herself —— a chair.
IN, ON. 32. The cable cars —— Broadway. 33. Ellen and Harry are playing —— the street. 34. The Murray Hill Hotel is —— Fourth Avenue. 35. They carry on their business —— William Street.
"With certain words good use requires special prepositions. Among these words are the following:—
abhorrence of. absolve from. accord with. acquit of. adapted to or for. affinity between, to, or with. agree with (a person). agree to (a proposal). averse from or to. bestow upon. change for (a thing). change with (a person). comply with. center on (= give to). confer with (= talk with). confide in (= trust in). confide to (= intrust to). conform to. in conformity with or to. convenient for or to. conversant with. correspond to or with (a thing). correspond with (a person). dependent on (but independent of). derogatory to. differ from (a person or thing). differ from or with (in opinion). disappointed of (what we cannot get). disappointed in (what we have). dissent from. glad at or of. involve in. martyr for or to. need of. part from or with. profit by. reconcile to or with. taste of (food). taste for (art). Thirst for or after."[136]
[136] "Foundations," p. 148.
I. Tell the difference in meaning between—
1. She confides in (to) her sister. 2. He differs from (with) me. 3. We are disappointed of (in) our guests. 4. He is in (at) New York. 5. He waited on (for) his mother.
II. Tell what prepositions are required with these words: Abhorrence, absolve, accord, acquit, adapted, affinity, agree, agreeable, averse, bestow, change (verb), comply, confer, confide, conform, in conformity, convenient, conversant, correspond, dependent, derogatory, differ, different, disappointed, dissent (verb), eager, exception, expert, glad, independent, involve, martyr, need (noun), part (verb), profit (verb), reconcile, taste (noun), thirst (noun), worthy.
Insert the proper preposition in each blank:—[137]
1. Please wait —— me; I will come as soon as I can. 2. She married him —— her father's consent. 3. The cathedral was rich —— all kinds of golden vessels. 4. Moses received the laws —— the people on Mount Sinai. 5. Evangeline died —— Philadelphia. 6. —— whom did they rent the house? 7. —— whom can I rely? 8. The boy went in search —— his sister. 9. The streams —— this region abound —— trout. 10. The traces of a struggle were seen —— the tree. 11. They got —— the carriage and rode away. 12. He has moved —— New York, where he lives —— an elegant mansion. 13. He thought that he put the money —— his pocket, but he found it —— his shoe. 14. The paper was cut —— small strips. 15. We stood —— the landing. 16. The firemen went —— the roof of the house. 17. He is down —— the village. 18. What was the matter —— him? 19. He died —— a fever. 20. When we were —— Rome we stayed —— a small hotel. 21. He lives —— a frame house —— Cambridge. 22. Her unladylike behavior gave occasion —— many unpleasant remarks. 23. Caterpillars change —— butterflies. 24. She lives —— College Street, —— No. 1009. 25. It was conducive —— my comfort. 26. The calm was followed —— a sudden storm. 27. The soil of Virginia is adapted —— the production of hemp and tobacco. 28. The flower is excellently adapted —— catching insects. 29. Congress consists —— a Senate and a House of Representatives. 30. —— what does happiness consist? 31. —— some sentences the conjunction is omitted. 32. A judge who has an interest in a case is disqualified —— hearing it. 33. He was accused —— robbery. 34. He died —— starvation, she —— pneumonia. 35. You may rely —— what I say, and confide —— my honesty. 36. The bird flew —— the tree. 37. He let the knife fall —— the creek. 38. What is my grief in comparison —— that which she bears? 39. Most persons feel an abhorrence —— snakes. 40. He aspires —— political distinction. 41. We were disappointed —— the pleasure of seeing you. 42. There is need —— great watchfulness. 43. I have been —— New Orleans, and I am now going —— New York. 44. We lived —— a little village —— the South. 45. I find no difficulty —— keeping up with my class. 46. —— every class of people selfishness prevails. 47. He divided his estate —— his son, his daughter, and his nephew. 48. He is very different —— his brother. 49. This was different —— what I expected. 50. Compare your work —— his, and you will see the difference. 51. My old yacht was small in comparison —— this. 52. He is adapted —— an out-door life. 53. His disobedience was attended —— serious consequences. 54. His mother was overcome —— grief. 55. We were accompanied —— our parents. 56. A man should try to rid himself —— prejudice. 57. He will profit —— his experience. 58. The room was redolent —— the perfume. 59. You must conform —— the rules. 60. Fondness —— horses was his leading trait. 61. We felt the need —— some adviser. 62. I cannot reconcile this assertion —— your other one. 63. Let us cut it —— three equal parts. 64. He is acquitted —— all blame. 65. The Pope absolved him —— his oath of allegiance. 66. This fact does not accord —— her declaration. 67. I do not agree —— you; therefore I cannot agree —— your proposal. 68. The queen bestowed —— Tennyson the title of baron. 69. The college has conferred —— my uncle the degree of Doctor of Divinity. 70. The two emperors conferred —— each other for an hour. 71. He is conversant —— many languages. 72. They were independent —— each other. 73. His sisters are dependent —— him. 74. That is not derogatory —— their character. 75. I dissent —— that proposition. 76. We are glad —— his promotion. 77. He has a taste —— poetry; she, a thirst —— knowledge. 78. In 1842 he emerged —— obscurity. 79. His property was merged —— the common stock. 80. She often went —— town shopping. 81. He plunged —— the deepest part of the lake. 82. These bands of Indians were accompanied —— settlers from Detroit. 83. The settlers were in company —— Indians. 84. His proposal is likely to stir up ill-will —— the various classes. 85. The Greeks, fearing that they would be surrounded, wheeled about and halted, with the river —— their backs. 86. We are within three miles —— Salisbury.
OMITTED PREPOSITIONS.[138]—"Beware of omitting a preposition that is needed to make the meaning clear or the sentence grammatical."[139]
"Before 'home' the preposition 'at' should never be omitted, but the preposition 'to' is always omitted: e.g., 'I am going home.'"[138]
[137] In this exercise the pupil must rely chiefly on his knowledge of English usage or on a dictionary. In some of the sentences more than one preposition is allowable, according to the sense. [138] "Foundations," p. 149. [139] Ibid., p. 150.
Insert the necessary prepositions in the following sentences:—
1. What use is this piece of ribbon? 2. The oak was five feet diameter. 3. My business prevented me attending the last meeting of the committee. 4. I could not refrain shedding tears. 5. The remark is worthy the fool that made it. 6. It is unworthy your notice. 7. He lives the other side the river. 8. He fled the country, and went either to England or France. 9. Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as admiration. 10. Religion is a comfort in youth as well as old age. 11. It's no use to give up. 12. This side the mountain the country is thickly settled; the other side there are few inhabitants. 13. I wrote Mr. Knapp to come Wednesday, and promised that he should find us home. 14. Wealth is more conducive to worldliness than piety. 15. He is not home, but I think he is coming home to-night.
REDUNDANT PREPOSITIONS.[140]—Beware of inserting prepositions which are not needed.
[140] Ibid., p. 150.
Strike out the redundant prepositions:—
1. He met a boy of about eighteen years old. 2. Cadmus stood pondering upon what he should do. 3. Let a gallows be erected of fifty cubits high. 4. Hercules was very willing to take the world off from his shoulders and give it to Atlas again. 5. No one can help from loving her. 6. From thence in two days the Greeks marched twenty miles. 7. There was much of wisdom in their plan. 8. A workman fell off of the ladder. 9. On one day I caught five trout, on another twelve. 10. We must examine into this subject more carefully. 11. A child copies after its parents. 12. The proposal to go to the woods was approved of by all of the boys. 13. At about what time will father return? 14. After having heard his story, I gave him a dollar. 15. The spring is near to the house. 16. Bruno followed on after his master. 17. Wanted, a young man of from sixteen to twenty-one years of age. 18. They went on to the steamer soon after dinner. 19. Look out of the window.
VULGARISMS.[141]—Every educated person is expected to know the correct use of the following words:—
LIKE, AS.—In good use like is never a conjunction, and therefore it cannot be used instead of as to introduce a clause. It is incorrect to say, "Walk like I walk," but one may say, "He walks like me," or "He looks like his grandfather."[142]
EXCEPT, WITHOUT, UNLESS.—Except, which was originally a past-participle, was once in good use as a conjunction; but in modern use it has been displaced as a conjunction by unless, and is now a preposition only. We may say, "All went except me," but we may not say, "Except you go with me, I will stay at home." Another word not in good use as a conjunction, but often heard instead of "unless," is without.
[141] "Foundations," p. 152. [142] See page 109.
Insert the proper word in each blank:—
LIKE, AS. 1. Do —— I do. 2. She fears a chicken —— you fear a snake. 3. Thin bushy hair falls down on each side of his face somewhat —— Longfellow's hair did in his later life. 4. I wish I could sing —— she can. 5. I will be a lawyer —— my father. 6. I will be a lawyer —— my father was. 7. She looks —— (if) she were crying. 8. He acted —— (if) he were guilty. 9. Our snow-tunnel looked —— we imagined Aladdin's cave looked. 10. He treated me —— a cat treats a mouse. 11. Seventy-five cents a day will not feed those men —— they wish to be fed. 12. The lines in this stanza are not forced —— in other stanzas. 13. If I were a boy —— Ralph is, I would try to stop the thing.
EXCEPT, WITHOUT, UNLESS. 14. I do not know how my horse got away —— somebody untied him. 15. Do not come —— you hear from me. 16. I will not go —— father is willing. 17. I will not go —— father's consent. 18. —— you study better, you will be dropped. 19. It will be cool to-morrow —— a hot wave comes. 20. I cannot go —— money. 21. I cannot go —— father sends me some money. 22. I will be there promptly —— I hear from you. 23. Do not write —— you feel in the mood for it. 24. She has no fault —— diffidence. 25. She has no fault —— it be diffidence. 26. He cannot enlist —— with his guardian's consent.
MISUSED CONJUNCTIONS.[143]—Conjunctions are few in number and are more definite in their meanings than prepositions. Most errors in using them spring from confused thinking or hasty writing. "A close reasoner and a good writer in general may be known by his pertinent use of connectives."[144]
AND.—And has, generally speaking, the meaning of "in addition to."
BUT.—But implies some exception, opposition, or contrast. Equivalent, or nearly equivalent, expressions are "however," "on the other hand," "yet," "nevertheless."
AS.—"As has so many meanings that it is better, when possible, to use a conjunction that covers less ground."[145]
BECAUSE, FOR, SINCE.—The difference between these words is chiefly a difference in emphasis. "We will not go, because it is raining" is the strongest way of expressing the relation of cause and effect. In "Since it is raining, we will not go," the emphasis is shifted from the cause to the effect, which becomes the prominent idea. In "We will not go, for it is raining," the reason, "it is raining," is announced as itself a bit of news. Often the choice between these words is decided by the ear.
HOW.—How properly means "in what manner" or "to what extent." It is often misused for "that" to introduce an object clause.
NOR, OR.—Nor is the correlative of neither, sometimes of other negatives. Or is the correlative of either.
THEREFORE, SO.—In the sense of "for this reason," therefore is preferable to so, since so has other meanings.
THOUGH.—Though means "notwithstanding," "in spite of the fact that."
AS IF, AS THOUGH.—"_As if_ is, on the whole, preferable to _as though."[146]
WHEN, WHILE.—When means "at the time that;" while, "during the time that," "as long as." "When fixes attention on a date or period; while fixes attention on the lapse of time."[147]
[143] "Foundations," p.152. [144] Coleridge: Table Talk. Quoted by A.S. Hill in Principles of Rhetoric. [145] "Foundations," p. 153. [146] "Foundations," p. 156. [147] Ibid., p. 157.
Insert the proper conjunction in each blank, if a conjunction is needed. Do not confine your choice to those mentioned above:—
1. Roland was mild and modest, —— Charles was coarse and boastful. 2. —— they were without provisions, they thought they should starve. 3. In Addison's day innumerable vices were prevalent, —— chief among them was the custom of drinking. 4. Charles was a large, brawny fellow, —— Orlando was a slender youth. 5. When the barn was full of people, the doors were suddenly shut and bolted —— the barn was set on fire. 6. Hereward's men wanted booty, —— Hereward took them to the Golden Borough. 7. He read a short —— interesting account of "Theobald's." 8. Longfellow received a good education —— he was not a poor boy. 9. He was disappointed in the speed of his yacht, —— he had expected her to be very fast. 10. The man said "to sell" was not needed on the sign —— no one would expect the hats to be given away. 11. There is no doubt —— the earth is spherical. 12. I know very little about the "Arabian Nights" —— I have never read that book. 13. When Gulliver began to pull, the ships would not move —— their anchors held them. 14. He had to be cautious in using his Bible —— at that time reading it was prohibited; —— he fastened it with tapes on the underside of a stool. 15. The Liberal Arts Building at Chicago had twice as much iron in its frame —— the Brooklyn Bridge. 16. The lumbermen must keep open a road to the railroad, —— all their provisions must be brought from the city. 17. Scarcely had I thrown in my line —— I felt a nibble. 18. The fly seems to have been created for no other purpose —— to purify the air. 19. At first you wonder where the boats are, —— on entering the grove you can see only a small cabin. 20. I do not doubt —— he will succeed. 21. I cannot deny —— he is honest. 22. He was dismissed, not so much because he was too young —— because he was indolent. 23. The land is equally adapted to farming —— to pasturage. 24. Proportion is —— simple —— compound. 25. I wonder —— he will come. 26. The last of the horses had scarcely crossed the bridge —— the head of the third battalion appeared on the other side. 27. He looked as —— he could play football. 28. —— I saw her, she was young —— beautiful. 29. Bruce spoke of himself as being neither Scotch —— English. 30. I could —— buy —— borrow it. 31. He has no love —— veneration for his superiors. 32. There was no place so hidden —— so remote —— the plague did not find it. 33. We need not, —— do not, complain of our lot. 34. He could not deny —— he had borrowed money. 35. There is no question —— the universe has bounds. 36. A corrupt government is nothing else —— a reigning sin. 37. She thinks, I regret to say, of little else —— clothes. 38. O fairest flower, no sooner blown —— blasted. 39. There is no other hat here —— mine. 40. —— you have come, I will go with you. 41. —— Virgil was the better artist, Homer was the greater genius. 42. He has not decided —— he will let me go to college. 43. Sheep are white —— black. 44. The King has no arbitrary power; your Lordships have not —— the Commons; —— the whole Legislature. 45. No tie of gratitude —— of honor could bind him. 46. She had no sooner arrived —— she prepared to go boating. 47. Scarcely had she left the house —— she returned. 48. He was punished, —— he was guilty. 49. He was punished, —— he was not guilty. 50. We cannot go —— we finish our task. 51. —— the rain came down in torrents, we started for the lake. 52. She could —— dance —— sing, —— she played the piano. 53. I do not know —— I shall walk —— ride. 54. Hardly had he left the room —— the prisoner attempted to escape. 55. The chances are ten to one —— he will forget it. 56. Stand up so —— you can be seen.
OMITTED CONJUNCTIONS.—Careless writers sometimes omit conjunctions that are necessary either to the grammar or to the sense. A common form of this fault is illustrated in "This is as good if not better than that"—a sentence in which "as" is omitted after "as good." The best way to correct the sentence is to recast it, thus: "This is as good as that, if not better."
Correct the faults in these sentences:—
1. Ralph is as young or younger than Harry. 2. Cedar is more durable but not so hard as oak. 3. I never heard any one speak more fluently or so wittily as he. 4. She is fairer but not so amiable as her sister. 5. Though not so old, he is wiser than his brother.
REDUNDANT CONJUNCTIONS.—[148] Careless writers sometimes insert conjunctions that are useless or worse than useless. A common form of this fault is the use in certain cases of "and" or "but" before the words "who," "which," "when," or "where," which are themselves connectives: as, "The challenge was accepted by Orlando, a young man little known up to that time, but to whom Rosalind had taken a great liking." If the relative clause introduced by "who," "which," "when," or "where" is to be joined to a preceding relative clause, the conjunction is proper: as, "The challenge was accepted by Orlando, a young man who was little known at that time, but to whom Rosalind had taken a great liking."
[148] See "Foundations," pp. 208-211.
Which conjunctions in these sentences are redundant?—
1. I have again been so fortunate as to obtain the assistance of Dr. Jones, a teacher of great experience, and whose ideas are quite in harmony with my own. 2. Franklin had noticed for some time the extreme dirtiness of the streets, and especially of the street that he lived on. 3. This animal was considered as irresistible. 4. But how to get him there was a problem. But it was decided to convey him on one of the wagons used in carrying the Emperor's men-of-war from the woods, where they were made, to the water. 5. He forgot to pay for the wine—a shortness of memory common with such men, and which his host did not presume to correct. 6. Next came Louis, Duke of Orleans, the first prince of the blood royal, and to whom the attendants rendered homage as the future king. 7. So from all this you can see that such things are not impossible. 8. Her expression of countenance induced most persons to address her with a deference inconsistent with her station, and which nevertheless she received with easy composure. 9. Our escort consisted of MacGregor, and five or six of the handsomest, best armed, and most athletic mountaineers of his band, and whom he had generally in immediate attendance upon his own person. 10. The little town of Lambtos, Mrs. Gardiner's former home, and where she had lately learned that some acquaintance still remained. 11. He spoke in a deep and low tone, but which nevertheless was heard from one end of the hall to the other.
MISPLACED CORRELATIVES.—When conjunctions are used as correlatives, as "both-and," "either-or," each of the correlated words should be so placed as to indicate clearly what ideas are to be connected in thought. This principle is violated in "He not only visited Paris, but Berlin also." In this sentence the position of "not only" before the verb "visited" leads one to expect some corresponding verb in the second part of the sentence; in fact, however, the two connected words are "Paris" and "Berlin;" "visited" applies to both. This meaning is clearly indicated by putting "not only" before "Paris:" thus, "He visited not only Paris, but Berlin also." As a rule the word after the first correlative should be the same part of speech as the word after the second correlative.
Correct the errors of position in—
1. Few complaints were made either by the men or the women. 2. Search-lights are not useful only on ships, but also on land. 3. Adversity both teaches to think and to be patient. 4. My uncle gave me not only the boat, but also taught me to row it. 5. The prisoner was not only accused of robbery, but of treason. 6. The wise ruler does not aim at the punishment of offenders, but at the prevention of offences. 7. The king was weak both in body and mind. 8. He either is stupid or insolent. 9. He worked not to provide for the future, but the present. 10. Every composition is liable to criticism both in regard to its design and to its execution. 11. The gods are either angry or nature is too powerful. 12. We are neither acquainted with the Doctor nor with his family. 13. In estimating the work of Luther, we must neither forget the temper of the man nor the age in which he lived. 14. The wise teacher should not aim to repress, but to encourage his pupils. 15. Such rules are useless both for teachers and pupils. 16. Her success is neither the result of cleverness nor of studiousness.
The following suggestions are made in answer to many inquiries from teachers who perceive the rare excellence of the "Foundations of Rhetoric," but who do not clearly see, because of the novel method of the book, how to turn its merits to account in their class-rooms. The suggestions outline one way in which the book has been used to great advantage.
It should never be forgotten that the illustrative sentences in the "Foundations" have no value except as they help the student to grasp a principle that he can apply in his own use of language. In every case the emphasis should be laid on the principle which is announced or illustrated. Merely learning the corrected sentences by heart is useless and should not be permitted.
In taking a class over PART I., which treats of words, it is the writer's practice to assign a short lesson—from one to three pages—in connection with every recitation in English. The leading ideas and most typical sentences in each lesson are privately marked in the teacher's book with colored pencil, so that they may readily catch his eye, and from five to twelve minutes of each recitation period are taken up with a rapid questioning on these leading ideas and typical sentences. Corrections or answers unaccompanied by reasons are not accepted. Attention is always fixed, not on the form of the illustrative sentence, but on the principle of usage under discussion. Pupils would rather commit to memory the sentences than trouble themselves about reasons; but they will master reasons when they find they must. After principles have been mastered, exercises in the choice of forms and words are needed in order that knowledge may be converted into habit.
In PARTS II. and III. the lessons are equally short and the emphasis is unceasingly laid on the question "Why?" If the subject is difficult, it is desirable, at the time that the lesson is assigned, to lead the class over the text and some of the illustrative sentences in order to open, as it were, the eyes of the pupils. Since these parts of the book treat not of single words, but of sentences and paragraphs, recitations on them seem to call for the use of pencil or chalk. One successful teacher conducts the recitation with books open, requiring her pupils to cover the correct sentences with a strip of paper while they explain and correct the faults in the incorrect sentences. The writer's practice is to paste the faulty sentences on cards of convenient size and thickness—the arrangement of columns is such that the sentences can all be cut from one old book—and to distribute them among eight or ten pupils at the beginning of the recitation hour. While other matters are being attended to, these pupils write the sentences in correct form on the blackboard, and, when the time comes, give their reasons for the changes which they have made. Their work is discussed, if necessary, by the whole class. Reviews and written tests should be frequent. As fast as the various principles explained and illustrated in PARTS II. and III. are studied, the attention of pupils should be immediately turned to their own writing. It will be far more profitable for them to correct their own offences against clearness, force, ease, and unity than to correct similar offences committed by others. For this reason the PRACTICAL EXERCISES IN ENGLISH contains no exercises on the subjects discussed in PARTS II. and III. of the "Foundations."
A, an, or the, 12. Abbot, feminine corresponding to, 21. Abbreviations, 22. Ability, capacity, distinguished, 29. Abundance, plenty, distinguished, 32. Accept, except, distinguished, 99. Acceptance, acceptation, distinguished, 25. Access, accession, distinguished, 25. Accredit, credit, distinguished, 92. Actor, feminine corresponding to, 21. Acts, actions, distinguished, 25. Adherence, adhesion, distinguished, 29. ADJECTIVES, 109-133; defined, 109; vulgarisms in the use of, 109-113; singular and plural, 110; adjective or adverb, 113-116; redundant, 117-118; misused, 119-129; use of the comparative and superlative degrees, 129-131; adjectives incapable of comparison, 131-132; misplaced, 132-133. Admit, confess, distinguished, 95. Advance, advancement, distinguished, 25. ADVERBS, 109-133; defined,109; vulgarisms in the use of, 109-113; adverb or adjective, 113-116; redundant, 117-118; misused, 119-129; use of the comparative and superlative degrees, 129-131; adverbs incapable of comparison, 131-132; misplaced, 132-133; between to and the infinitive, 133. Advise distinguished from advertise, 99; from persuade, 100. Affect, effect, distinguished, 99. Affirm, claim, maintain, distinguished, 94-95. Afraid, scared, distinguished, 124. Aggravating, irritating, distinguished, 119. Ain't, 71. Alienisms, defined, 10. Alight, light, distinguished, 62. All distinguished from the whole, 23; from each, 56; after comparatives, 129. Allege, affirm, assert, etc., distinguished, 94. Alleviate, relieve, distinguished, 99. Allow, admit, think, distinguished, 99. Allude to, refer to, mention, distinguished, 99. Allusion, illusion, delusion, distinguished, 25. Almost, most, distinguished, 109. Alone, only, distinguished, 116. Alumnus, alumna, plural of, 20. Americanisms, defined, 10. Among, between, distinguished, 134. Amount, quantity, number, distinguished, 29. Analysis, plural of, 20. And, 143. Anglicisms, defined, 10. Angry, mad, distinguished, 123. Antagonize, oppose, distinguished, 94. Anticipate, expect, suspect, distinguished, 101. Any, with comparatives and superlatives, 129. Any one, number of, 58; distinguished from either, 55-56. Apparently, evidently, manifestly, distinguished, 122. Appear, materialize, distinguished, 95. Apt, likely, liable, distinguished, 119. Archaic, defined, 10. Aren't, 71. Argue, augur, distinguished, 99. Argument, plea, distinguished, 29. Arise, rise, distinguished, 92. ARTICLES, 12-15; meaning of, 12; generic, 12; superfluous and omitted, 13. As, clause after, often omitted in part, 45 note 2; a relative pronoun, 54; distinguished from that after same, 54; from so when correlative with as, 119-120; from like, 142. As if preferred to as though, 144. As well as, words joined to the subject by, 89. Ask, demand, distinguished, 95. Assert, allege, declare, etc., distinguished, 94-95. Assertion, statement, distinguished, 23. At, in, before names of places, distinguished, 134. Augur, argue, distinguished, 99. Auxiliary verbs, defined, 72. Average, ordinary, distinguished, 122. Avocation, vocation, distinguished, 25. Awake, principal parts of, 61. Awful, 124.
Bachelor, feminine corresponding to, 21. Back of, 134. Bacterium, plural of, 20. Balance, rest, remainder, distinguished, 29. Barbarism, defined, 10. Barge, for omnibus, 4. Beau, plural of, 21. Because, for, since, distinguished, 143. Began, begun, distinguished, 61. Begin, principal parts of, 61; distinguished from commence, start, 100-101. Beseech, principal parts of, 61. Beside, besides, distinguished, 134. Between, among, distinguished, 134. BIBLE, quoted, 3. Bid, principal parts of, 61. Blow, principal parts of, 61. Bound, determined, distinguished, 122. Both, each, every, distinguished, 119. Break, principal parts of, 61. Bring, fetch, carry, distinguished, 94. Broke, broken, distinguished, 61. Buck, feminine corresponding to, 21. Bullock, feminine corresponding to, 21. Burglarize, 10. Burst, principal parts of, 61. But, 143. By, with, distinguished, 134.
Calculate, intend, distinguished, 94. Can or may, 71. Can't, 71. Canto, plural of, 18. Capacity, ability, distinguished, 29. Captivate, capture, distinguished, 92. Carry, fetch, bring, distinguished, 94. Case, possessive, of nouns, 17; of pronouns, 43; nominative or objective, 43-50. Centre, middle, distinguished, 30. CENTURY DICTIONARY, quoted, 25, 26, 32, 54, 92, 99, 116. Champion, support, distinguished, 94. Change of pronoun, 56-58. Character, reputation, distinguished, 30. CHAUCER, quoted, 72. Cherub, plural of, 21. Choose, principal parts of, 61. Claim, assert, allege, etc., distinguished, 94-95. COLERIDGE, S.T., quoted, 143. Colloquialisms, defined, 10. Come, principal parts of, 61. Commence, begin, start, distinguished, 100-101. Common, mutual, distinguished, 119. Compare with, compare to, contrast, distinguished, 99. Comparative and superlative, use of the, 129-131. Comparison, adjectives and adverbs incapable of, 131-132. Complement, compliment, distinguished, 30. Completion, completeness, distinguished, 26. Compound nouns, possessive of, 16; plural of, 18. Conditional mood, 85; sentences, 85-86. Confess, admit, distinguished, 95. CONJUNCTIONS, 142-149; vulgarisms in the use of, 142—143; misused, 143-146; omitted, 146.; redundant, 146-148; misplaced correlatives, 148-149. Conscience, consciousness, distinguished, 30. Construe, construct, distinguished, 99. Continual, continuous, distinguished, 122. Contractions, 43, 71. Contrast, compare to, compare with, distinguished, 99. Conversation and good use, 7. Convince, convict, distinguished, 99. Could, distinguished from might, 71-72; tense of the infinitive with, 79. Council, counsel, distinguished, 30. Countess, masculine corresponding to, 21. Credit, accredit, distinguished, 92. Crisis, plural of, 21. Curriculum, plural of, 21. Custom, habit, distinguished, 30. Czar, feminine corresponding to, 21.
Daresn't, 71. Datum, plural of, 21. Deadly, deathly, distinguished, 122. Deception, deceit, distinguished, 30. Declare, assert, claim, etc., distinguished, 94-95. Decided, decisive, distinguished, 122. Delusion, illusion, allusion, distinguished, 25. Demand, ask, distinguished, 95. Dependent clauses, will or shall in, 73; tenses in, 78. Depreciate, deprecate, distinguished, 92-93. Detect, discriminate, distinguished,99. Determined, bound, distinguished, 122. Dictionaries, usefulness of, 9; quoted, see CENTURY and MURRAY. Die (noun), plurals of, 19. Different from, different to, 134. Disclose, discover, distinguished, 99. Discover, invent, distinguished, 31. Discriminate, detect, distinguished, 99. Dive, principal parts of, 61. Do, principal parts of, 61. Doe, masculine corresponding to, 21. Doesn't, 71. Dominate, domineer, distinguished, 99. Don't, 71. Drake, feminine corresponding to, 21. Drank, drunk, distinguished, 62. Drive, principal parts of, 61; distinguished from ride, 99. Duck, masculine corresponding to, 21. Duke, feminine corresponding to, 21. Dumb, stupid, distinguished, 122. Duodecimo, plural of, 18.
Each, distinguished from all, 56; from every and both, 119; number of, 58, 89. Earl, feminine corresponding to, 21. EARLE, JOHN, quoted, 82. Eat, principal parts of, 61. Effect, affect, distinguished, 99. Egoists, egotists; egoism, egotism, distinguished, 30. Either, distinguished from any one, 55-56; number of, 58, 89. Either—or, number of the verb with singular subjects connected by, 89. Electrocute, 10. Elegant, 124. Elicit, eliminate, distinguished, 100. EMERSON, R.W., quoted, 124. Emigration, immigration, distinguished, 30. Eminent, prominent, distinguished, 123. Enormity, enormousness, distinguished, 30. Enthuse, 10. Esteem, estimate, estimation, distinguished, nouns, 30; verbs, 100. Every, number of, 58, 89; distinguished from each and both, 119. Everywheres, 110. Evidently, apparently, manifestly, distinguished, 122. Ewe, masculine corresponding to, 21. Except, accept, distinguished, 99. Except, without, unless, distinguished, 142. Existing, extant, distinguished, 122. Expect, suspect, anticipate, distinguished, 101. Expose, expound, distinguished, 100. Extant, existing, distinguished, 122.
Falsity, falseness, distinguished, 31. Fetch, bring, carry, distinguished, 94. Fewer, less, smaller, distinguished, 109. Figures, plural of, 19. Find, locate, distinguished, 100. Fish, plurals of, 19. Flee, principal parts of, 61. Fled, flew, flown, distinguished, 61. Fly, principal parts of, 61. For, because, since, distinguished, 143-144. For, on, after wait, distinguished, 135. Foreign origin, plural of nouns of, 20-21. Foreignisms, defined, 10. Forget, principal parts of, 61. FOUNDATIONS OF RHETORIC, A.S. Hill's, 9; quoted, 6, 17, 54, 67, 61, 62, 113, 119, 133, 134, 135, 136, 143, 144. Frances, Francis, distinguished, 21. Freeze, principal parts of, 61. Frighten, 100. Froze, frozen, distinguished, 61. Funny, odd, distinguished, 122.
Gallicisms, defined, 10. Gander, feminine corresponding to, 21. Gender, nouns of different, 21. Genius, plural of, 21. Genus, plural of, 21. Gerunds, 50-51. Get, principal parts of, 61. Go, principal parts of, 61. Good reading, the foundation of good writing and speaking, 8. GOOD USE, 3-11; defined, 6; conversation and, 7; newspapers and, 7; not to be learned from any one book or writer, 7; to be learned from good reading, 8; and from dictionaries, 9; and from books like the "Foundations of Rhetoric," 9. Good, well, distinguished, 109. Goose, masculine corresponding to, 21. Gorgeous, 124. Gotten for got, 61. Grand, 124. Gums for overshoes, 4.
Habit, custom, distinguished, 30. Halo, plural of, 18. Hang, principal parts of, 61. Happen, transpire, distinguished, 96. Hart, feminine of, 21. He, him, himself, proper choice among, 43-45. He, his, him, for mankind in general, 58. Healthy, healthful, wholesome, distinguished, 122-123. Heifer, masculine corresponding to, 21. Her, herself, she, proper choice among, 43-45. Hero, feminine corresponding to, 21. HILL, A.S., quoted, 6, 8, 17, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 54, 61, 62, 74, 89, 92, 95, 99, 100, 113, 119, 122, 123, 133, 134, 135, 140, 143, 144. Him, his, before verbal nouns, 61. Him, himself, he, proper choice among, 43-45. Hind, masculine corresponding to, 21. Hire, let, lease, distinguished, 95. His, him, before verbal nouns, 51. Home, distinguished from house, 23; preposition before, 140. How, 144. Human, humane, distinguished, 123. Hung, hanged, distinguished, 61. Hypothesis, plural of, 21.
I, me, myself, proper choice among, 43-45. Identity, identification, distinguished, 31. Illusion, allusion, delusion, distinguished, 25. Illy, 110. Immigration, emigration, distinguished, 30. Import, importance, distinguished, 81. Improprieties, defined, 10. Impugn, impute, distinguished, 93. In, at, into, on, distinguished, 134-135. In addition to, words joined to the subject by, 89. Index, plurals of, 19. Indicative, use of the perfect, 78; indicative or subjunctive, 82-89. Infinitive, tenses of the, 78-79; adverbs between to and the, 133. Inquire, investigate, distinguished, 100. Insure, secure, distinguished, 100. Intend, calculate, distinguished, 94. Invent, discover, distinguished, 31. Investigate, inquire, distinguished, 100. It, its, before verbal nouns, 51. |