Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.)
by C. A. Toledano
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quality, calidad quantity, cantidad quarter, cuarto queen, reina queer, extrano question, cuestion, asunto in question, consabido to question, dudar, preguntar quick, pronto quiet, tranquilo, sobrio, apagado (colour) quilting, acolchado quire, mano quite candidly, con el corazon en la mano quota, cuota quotation, cotizacion, (cita) to quote, citar, cotizar


to rack one's brains, devanarse los sesos rails, carriles, rieles, railes railway, ferrocarril rain, lluvia to rain, llover raisins, pasas ratepayer, contribuyente, vecino rattan furniture, muebles de bejuco rays, rayos razor, navaja de afeitar to read, leer reading, lectura ready, pronto, listo ready money, dinero efectivo reason, razon reasonable, razonable, arreglado rebate, rebaja, reduccion to make a rebate, bonificar to recapitulate, resumir receipt, recibo to receive, acoger, recibir reception, recibo to recommend, recomendar, abonar record, colmo to record, consignar to have recourse, acudir a to recover, recobrar red, encarnado, rojo to reduce, reducir reduction, rebaja, reduccion to refer, referir references, informes to reflect, reflexionar reflection, reflejo refreshment, refresco to refund, refundir refusal, negativa to refuse, rehusar, negarse a regardless of expense, sin mirar a gastos region, comarca to register (letters, etc.), certificar registered office (of a firm), domicilio regulations, reglamentos to reign, reinar to reject, rechazar to rejoice, alegrarse to relate, contar, dar cuenta relating to, acerca de to remain, quedar remainder, resto, restante to remark, observar remiss, lento, moroso to remit, to send, remitir remittance, remesa remnants, restos to remove, remover, quitar to render help, prestar ayuda to rent, alquilar to repeat, repetir to repent, arrepentirse to reply, contestar, responder report, informe, parte, relacion to report, dar cuenta to represent, representar representative, representante reputation, fama request, peticion to require, requerir, exigir requirements, necesidades to reserve, reservar to reside, residir, vivir residence, domicilio resources, recursos respect, respeto to respect, respetar respectable, formal, respetable with respect to, con respecto a, respecto de result, resultado to resume, reanudar retail, al por menor to return, devolver, regresar revenue, ingresos review, revista to revoke, revocar reward, premio ribbon, cinta rice, arroz rich, richly, rico, acaudalado, ricamente to get rid of, librarse, deshacerse de ridiculously low (of prices), irrisorio right, derecho, justo to be right, tener razon rim, reborde riot, motin rise, alza, aumento risk, riesgo, peligro risky, arriesgado, peligroso river, rio to rob, robar to rock (a cradle), mecer roll, rollo to roll, arrollar roller, cilindro room, cuarto, cabida rope, soga rose, rosa rotten, podrido rough and ready man, hombre llano round, redondo route, via rubber, caucho, goma elastica rubber heels (revolving), rodajas de goma rug, tapete to ruin, echar a perder, arruinar to rule, regir, gobernar, dominar, reinar rule, regla, regimen ruler, regla rumour, rumor, especie to run, correr to run down, atropellar to run to, acudir a


=sad=, triste =safely=, sin novedad, a salvamento =sail=, vela =sailing vessel=, velero=, buque=, de vela =saint, holy=, santo =salary=, sueldo =sale=, venta =salvage=, salvamento =same=, mismo =sardines=, sardinas =sash=, cinto =satins (brocaded)=, satines (brochados) =satisfied=, satisfecho =Saturday=, Sabado =to save=, ahorrar =sawing machine=, sierra mecanica =to say=, decir, manifestar =scalloped=, festoneado =scandalous=, escandaloso =scarcely=, apenas =schooner=, goleta =science=, ciencia =scissors=, tijeras =to scold=, reconvenir =score=, veintena =screw (of a boat)=, helice (el or la) =screws=, tornillos =not over-scrupulous=, de manga ancha =scuttle=, caja de carbon =seal=, sello =to seal=, sellar =sealing-wax=, lacre =to search=, buscar =season=, estacion, temporada =to seat=, asentar =secretary=, secretario =to secure=, asegurar =securities=, valores =to see=, ver =seeing that=, visto que =to seem=, parecer =to select=, elegir, escoger =selection=, surtido =to sell=, vender =selvedge=, orilla =senate=, senado =to send=, enviar, mandar, remitir =to send back=, devolver =to send a remittance=, hacer una remesa =to send for=, mandar buscar =sensible=, discreto, juicioso =sentence=, frase =September=, Setiembre =sergeant=, sargento =series=, la serie =to serve=, servir =service=, servicio, utilidad =session (parliamentary)=, legislatura =to set out=, partir =set of patterns=, muestrario =to settle=, arreglar, definir, liquidar =settlement=, saldo =several=, varios =shade (of colour)=, el matiz =shame=, vergueenza =shape=, forma =share=, accion =shareholder=, accionista =sharp=, agudo =shawl=, chal =shears=, cizallas =sheet (bed)=, sabana =shell-fish=, mariscos =to shelter=, abrigar =shilling=, chelin =ship=, barco, buque, navio =to ship=, embarcar =shipment=, remesa, embarque =shipowners=, armadores =shipper=, exportador =shirt=, camisa =shocking=, escandaloso =shoes=, zapatos =shop=, tienda =shopkeeper=, tendero =short=, corto =short cut=, atajo =shortly=, en breve=, proximamente =shoulder=, espalda =shout=, grito =shovel=, pala =to show=, mostrar, acusar, exhibir, hacer constar, ensenar =shrewd=, fino =to shrink=, encojerse =shrivelled=, encojido =shrunk=, encojido =side=, lado =side arms=, armas blancas =sight=, vista =to sight=, avistar =sign=, senal =to sign=, firmar =signature=, firma =signed guarantee=, indemnidad =to be silent=, callarse =silk=, seda =silk hat=, sombrero de copa =silver=, plata =similar=, semejante =simpleton=, tonto, necio =sincere=, sincero =sincere man=, hombre llano =sincerity=, sinceridad =single, simple, plain=, simple =sister-in-law=, cunada =skates=, patines =sketch=, croquis =skin=, piel =sky=, cielo =sky-blue=, azul celeste =slack=, flojo =slackness=, flojedad =slate colour=, plomo =sleep=, sueno =to sleep=, dormir =slender=, exiguo =slight=, exiguo, ligero =slip=, boletin, volante =slope=, cuesta =slow=, lento, moroso, tardo =by slow train=, a pequena velocidad =slowly=, despacio =sly=, socarron =small=, pequeno, exiguo =smaller=, menor =smallware=, quincalla =smile=, sonrisa =to smoke (of a chimney)=, humear =smooth=, liso =smuggling=, matute =to snow=, nevar =snow=, nieve =so and so=, fulano =so, as ... as=, tan ... como =society=, sociedad =socks=, calcetines =soda=, soda, sosa =sofa=, el sofa =soft=, blando, suave =to soften=, ablandar =soil=, suelo =soldier=, soldado =sole=, exclusivo =solely=, unicamente =to solicit=, solicitar =solicitor=, abogado (procurador legal) =solidity=, solidez =some=, algun, alguno, algunos, unos =something=, algo =somewhat=, algo =soon=, pronto =sordid=, ruin =sorrow=, dolor =to be sorry=, sentir =so that=, de modo que, para que =so to say=, por decirlo asi =sour=, agrio =source=, fuente, manantial =source (to have from a good)=, tener de buena tinta =south=, sur, sud =space=, cabida =spades=, palas =Spanish=, espanol =Spanish peas=, garbanzos =spare pieces (machinery)=, piezas de repuesto =sparrow=, gorrion =to speak=, hablar =to speak for=, abonar =species=, especie =speculation=, especulacion =speed=, prisa =speedy=, pronto =to spend=, gastar =spices=, especias =to spin=, hilar =spinner=, hilador =in spite of=, a pesar de =to spoil=, gastar, echar a perder =spoon=, cuchara =spokes=, rayos =spot=, mancha, punto, sitio =spot cotton=, algodon disponible =spring=, resorte =spring (season)=, primavera =squeamish=, melindroso =to squeeze out=, exprimir, arrancar =squire=, hijodalgo, hidalgo =stain=, mancha =stamp=, timbre =stamp-rack=, porta-estampillas =stamps (postage)=, sellos =standard-bearer=, porta-bandera =standing=, posicion =to start from=, arrancar de =statement=, cuenta =statistics=, estadisticas =stay=, estancia =to steal=, robar =steam-engine=, maquina a vapor =steamer=, buque de vapor, vapor =steel=, acero =step=, paso =stick=, garrote =still=, todavia =sting=, herida (fig.) =to stir=, remover =stockings=, medias =stock-jobber=, agiotista =stocks=, existencias =stool=, escano =to stop payment=, suspender los pagos =to stop short in the middle of one's speech=, cortarse =stores=, depositos, almacenes =storm=, temporal, tormenta =stove=, estufa, calorifero =stowage=, estiva =straight=, derecho =straightforward=, recto, leal =to strain=, forzar =strange=, extrano =street=, calle =to stretch=, extender =strike=, huelga =striped goods=, listados =stripes=, rayas =stroll=, paseo =strong, fast, firm=, fuerte =to struggle against=, luchar =to study=, estudiar =to stumble=, tropezar =subject=, asunto =to submit=, someter =subsidence=, hundimiento =to succeed=, suceder =to succeed in=, conseguir, obtener =success=, buen exito =such, such a=, tal =sudden=, repentino =to suffer=, sufrir =suffering=, sufrimiento =to suffice=, bastar =sugar=, azucar =sugar mill=, trapiche =suitings=, panos =sum=, suma =summer=, verano =to summon=, citar ante los tribunales =sun=, sol =Sunday=, domingo =supper=, cena =to suppose=, suponer =to suppress=, suprimir =supply and demand=, demanda y oferta =to supply oneself=, abastecerse =surety=, fiador =surface=, superficie =to surprise=, maravillar =surprising=, sorprendente =to suspect=, sospechar =to sweep=, barrer =sword=, espada =symptoms=, sintomas


table, mesa table (of figures), cuadro tact, tacto tailor, sastre to take, tomar to take amiss, tomar a mal to take away, quitar to take care (of oneself), cuidar(se) to take charge, encargarse to take into consideration, tener en cuenta to take into tow, traer a remolque, remolcar to take much trouble, afanarse to take notice, hacer caso to take on lease, alquilar, tomar en arriendo to take place, verificarse to take steps, dar pasos to take the start, tomar la delantera to take up, recoger tallow greaves, heces de sebo tariff reform, reforma arancelaria task, tarea tax, impuesto tea, te to teach, ensenar teaching, ensenanza teeth, dientes to telephone, telefonear to tell, decir temper, genio temporarily, temporalmente tenant, inquilino tender, tierno term, plazo terms, condiciones textile, textil textiles, tejidos to thank, agradecer =thanks to ... =, merced a ... that, ese,-a,-o, aquel-lla-llo, que their, su then, entonces, luego, pues there, alla, alli, ahi therefore, portanto there is, there are, hay there to be, haber thick, grueso, espeso thief, ladron thimble, dedal thing, cosa to think, creer, pensar third (frac.), tercio thirst, sed this, este,-a,-o thousand, mil threshing machines, trilladores to throw, echar to thunder, tronar Thursday, jueves ticket, etiqueta, rotulo ticking, terliz timber, madera time, tiempo, epoca at the same time, al mismo tiempo, a la par que tin, estano to tire, cansar to-day, hoy ton, tonelada tongs, tenazas tongue, lengua too (also), tambien too, too much, demasiado tools, herramientas top, cima touch, tacto to tow, traer a remolque, remolcar towards, para con, hacia to what extent?, ?hasta que punto? town, ciudad, poblacion, villa, pueblo trade, comercio trade union, asociacion de obreros train, tren to transport, tra(n)sportar to travel, viajar traveller (commercial), viajante traveller (tourist, etc.), viajero treasure, tesoro to treat, to try, to endeavour, tratar tree, arbol trial, prueba, ensayo trick, enganifa trifles, pequeneces to trifle with, burlarse trifling amount, una friolera trimmings, guarniciones, adornos trouserings, telas para pantalones trousers, pantalones trunk, baul truss, fardito trust, confianza trustworthy, fidedigno to trust, confiar trustee, sindico truth, verdad to try, probar, tratar Tuesday, martes Turkey red handkerchiefs, panuelos de Andrinopolis turn for the worse, empeoramiento to turn, volver turnover, giro twill, asargado, cruzado, aterlizado, diagonal twine, bramante to twist, torcer tyres, llantas


umpire, arbitro uncertainty, incertidumbre uncle, tio under, debajo de to undersell, malbaratar to understand, comprender, entender to undertake, comprometerse, emprender undertaking, empresa uneasiness, malcontento unfavorable, desfavorable to unfold, desplegar unforeseen, imprevisto unhappy, unfortunate, desdichado, infeliz unless, a menos que unloading, descarga unnavigable, innavegable unprecedented, sin precedente unripe, inmaturo, verde unsuitability, inconveniencia until, hasta que unwillingly, de mala gana upon, sobre upright, integro, cabal to upset, desconcertar to urge, apremiar, apresurar to use for the first time, estrenar useful, util usefulness, utilidad utility, utilidad


vagabonds, (company of), hampa value, valor valve, valvula variety, variedad varnish, el barniz velvet, terciopelo velveteen, pana venture, ensayo very, muy vest, chaleco via, via to vie with, trabajar, ir, a porfia, haberselas con view, vista villa, quinta village, pueblo vineyards, vinas violet, violeta virtue, virtud to visit, visitar vivid, vivo vividly, vivamente viz., es decir, a saber vocabulary, vocabulario


wages, sueldo waistcoat, chaleco to wait for, esperar to wait upon, visitar to wake up, despertar walk, paseo to walk, andar to want, necesitar, querer to be wanted, hacer falta to be wanting, faltar want of foresight, imprevidencia war, guerra warehouse, almacen warehouseman, almacenero, dependiente de almacen to warn, advertir to take warning, escarmentar warrant, cedula to warrant, justificar to waste, desperdiciar, malgastar waste-paper basket, cestilla watch, reloj to watch over, vigilar water, agua way, manera, modo, via wealth, riqueza wealthy, acaudalado to wear, gastar, llevar to wear for the first time, estrenar wearing apparel, vestidos, ropa, hato to weave, tejer weaver, tejedor webbing, tejido elastico Wednesday, miercoles week, semana weight, peso to welcome, agasajar well, bien, pues west, oeste to wet, banar whale, ballena what, que (inter.), lo que wheat, trigo when, cuando whenever, cuandoquiera where, donde wherever, dondequiera whether, si, sea que which, que, el cual whichever, cualquiera while, mientras whim, antojo Whitsuntide, Pentecostes white, blanco who, que, quien, el cual whoever, quienquiera, cualquiera wholesale, al por mayor whom, quien whose, cuyo wicked, malo widower, viudo width, anchura, ancho wife, mujer, esposa will, voluntad to win, vencer to win over, granjearse wind, viento window, ventana wine, vino wine (adj.), vinicolo winsome, simpatico winter, invierno wireless, radiograma wise, juicioso, sabio to wish, desear to wish to have, querer wishful, deseoso with great effort, a duras penas within, dentro de without, sin, sin que woman, mujer to wonder, maravillarse to be wont, soler wood, madera wool, lana word, palabra, vocablo to work, trabajar, obrar to work (mines), explotar workman, obrero, operario workshop, taller world, mundo world (adj.), mundial worth, valor to be worth, poseer, valer to be worth while, valer la pena wound, herida to wound, herir wrap, bata wreck, naufragar to wreck, echar a perder to wrench, arrancar to write, escribir to write to each other, escribirse writer, escritor writing (n.), letra, escrito writing desk, escritorio writing pad, carpeta written agreement, contrato to wrangle with someone, haberselas con uno on the wrong side, al reves


yard, yarda yard (Spanish), vara yarn, hilado year, ano yellow, amarillo yes, si yesterday, ayer yet, todavia, aun to yield, to submit, ceder, darse a partido young, joven young age, juventud young man, woman, joven youth, juventud


zinc, zinc



1. Words of Greek etymology ending in ma

El dilema (the dilemma) El diploma (the diploma) El epigrama (the epigram) El problema (the problem) El sintoma (the symptom) El telegrama (the telegram)

etc., etc.

But La amalgama (the amalgamation) La diadema (the diadem) La estratagema (the stratagem) La proclama (the proclamation)

2. Most of the compound nouns (very few in number)—

El cortaplumas (the penknife) El guardacosta (the coasting-vessel) El paraguas (the umbrella) El tirabala (the popgun)

3. El dia (the day)

El Etna (Etna (volcano)) El mapa (the map) El sofa (the sofa) El Volga [210] (the Volga) And all words ending in accented a.

[Footnote 210: And all rivers and mountains ending in a.]

4. Masculine nouns ending in d

El adalid (the warrior or chieftain) El ardid (the trick) El ataud (coffin) El cesped (the turf, lawn) El sud (the south)

5. Masculine nouns ending in ion

El embrion (the embryo) El gorrion (the sparrow) El morrion (parts of an armour) El sarampion (measles)

6. Feminine nouns ending in i or y

La diocesi (the diocese) La grey (the flock) La ley (the law) La metropoli (the metropolis)

Almost all.

7. Feminine noun ending in j— La troj (the granary)

8. Feminine nouns ending in l

La cal (lime) La capital (capital—town) La carcel (prison) La col (cabbage) La miel (honey) La piel (skin) La sal (salt) La senal (signal) La vocal (vowel)

And a few more.

9. Feminine nouns ending in n

La cargazon (the load) La crin (the horsehair) La desazon (the ailment) La imagen (the image) La razon (the reason) La sinrazon (the injustice) La sarten (the frying-pan) La sien (the temple)

Almost all.

10. Feminine nouns ending in o

La mano (the hand)

Only word, excepting "nao" (ship), now obsolete, and "seo" (cathedral), little used.

11. Feminine nouns ending in r

La flor (the flower) La labor (the needlework) La segur (the axe)

Almost all.

12. Feminine nouns ending in s

La bilis (the bile) La crisis (the crisis) La elipsis (ellipsis) La lis (fleur-de-lis) La mies (the crop) La perifrasis (the periphrase) La tos (the cough)

And a few others.

13. Feminine noun ending in u

La tribu (the tribe)

14. Feminine nouns ending in z

La codorniz (the partridge) La cerviz (the cervix) La cruz (the cross) La coz (the back-kick) La luz (the light) La nariz (the nose) La nuez (the nut) La pez (the pitch) La voz (the voice) La raiz (the root) La tez (the complexion) La vez (the time, once, etc., etc.)

And a few others less important.

15. Feminine nouns ending in e. (This is the most numerous list of exceptions)—

Las aves (the birds) La barbarie (the barbarity) La base (the basis) La calle (the street) La carne (the flesh) La fiebre (the fever) La fuente (the fountain) El hambre (f.), (the hunger) La mente (the mind) La noche (the night) La parte (the part) La quiete (the quiet) La sangre (the blood) La serpiente (the serpent) La torre (the tower)

Besides the masculine and feminine genders, some nouns are called: de genero comun, epiceno, and ambiguo. The noun is called "de genero comun" (common gender) when with the same termination it may indicate both a male and female being by using a different article—

Un—una albacea (an executor, executrix) Un—una artista (an artist, artiste) Un—una Belga[211] (a Belgian) Un—una idiota (an idiot) Un—una indigena (a native) Un—una martir (a martyr) Un—una reo (a culprit) Un—una culpable (a culprit) Un—una gimnasta (a gymnast) Un—una homicida (a murderer, a murderess) Un—una suicida (one who commits suicide) Un—una testigo (a witness)

[Footnote 211: And so all nouns of nationality ending in a or e.]

The noun is called Epicene when, with the same termination and the same article, it indicates both male and female—

El aguila (the eagle—male and female) El buitre (the vulture—male and female) El avestruz (the ostrich—male and female) La rata (the rat—male and female)

Distinction would be made by adding "macho" or "hembra."

El aguila macho (the eagle—male) El avestruz hembra (the ostrich—female)

N.B.—Most of the names of animals belong to this class.

The term "ambiguo" is applied to nouns which are masculine or feminine, with different meaning, or the gender of which is not well defined—

Analasis (analysis), doubtful gender El aroma (the aroma) La aroma (the acacia flower) La or el arte (the art) Los or Las artes Las bellas artes (the arts, generally fem.) (the fine arts, always fem.) La barba (the beard) El barba (a character in Spanish plays) El cabecilla (chieftain or ringleader La cabecilla (the little head) of rebels) El calavera (the madcap) La calavera (the skull) El canal (the canal) La canal (the gutter) El capital (money) La capital (the town) El colera (cholera) La colera (wrath) El cometa (comet) La cometa (the kite, toy) El corte (the cut) La corte (the court) El cura (the priest) La cura (the cure) El doblez (the fold) La doblez (duplicity) El or la dote (dowry), generally Las dotes (good parts, gifts), fem. in the pl. always fem. El fantasma (the phantom) La fantasma (the bogie-man) El frente (the front) La frente (the forehead) El haz (the sheaf) La haz (face, surface) Lente (lenses), doubtful gender La orden (command, order for El orden (order); as, buen orden goods, etc.) (good order) Las sagradas ordenes (holy orders) Las varias ordenes (various religious orders) El parte (report) La parte (part) El pendiente (ear-ring) La pendiente (slope) El pez (fish) La pez (pitch) El tema (exercise, theme) La tema (fear, obstinacy) Tilde (~), doubtful gender

"Mar" (sea) is either Masc. or fem., but names of particular seas are all masculine—

El mar rojo (the Red Sea) El mar Caspio (the Caspian Sea)

The compounds of "mar" are feminine—

Baja mar (low sea) Pleamar (high water)

The following masculine nouns have their equivalent feminine formed by inflexion.

N.B.—We omit those in which the inflexion consists of the change of the last vowel to a, or the addition of a, as—

El autor, la autora (the author, authoress) El holgazan, la holgazana (the lazy man, lazy woman) El primo, la prima (the cousin, masc. and fem.) El vecino, la vecina (the neighbour, masc. and fem.)

El abad (abbot) La abadesa (abbess) El actor (actor) La actriz (actress) El baron (baron) La baronesa (baroness) El canonigo (canon) La canonesa (canoness) El cantor (singer) La cantatriz (singer) El conde (count) La condesa (countess) El diacono (deacon) La diaconisa (deaconess) El duque (duke) La duquesa (duchess) El elector (elector) La electriz (electress) El emperador (emperor) La emperatriz (empress) El filosofo (philosopher) La filosofesa (philosopher) El gallo (cock) La gallina (hen) El heroe (hero) La heroina (heroine) El poeta (poet) La poetisa (poetess) El principe (prince) La princesa (princess) El profeta (prophet) La profetisa (prophetess) El rey (king) La reina (queen) El sacerdote (priest) La sacerdotisa (priestess) El vizconde (viscount) La vizcondesa (viscountess) El Zar (czar) La Zarina (czarina)

Notice also—

El asistente (assistant) La asistenta (assistant) El infante (child under 7; La infanta (child; Span. Royal also Span., Royal Prince) Princess) El pariente (relative) La parienta (relative) El presidente (president) La presidenta (president) El sirviente (manservant) La sirvienta (maidservant)

There are only a few more of this class.


Un abogado makes in the fem. Una muger abogado Un medico " " " " " medico Un comadron " " " " comadre (midwife)

The following nouns of persons and animals have two different forms to represent the two sexes—

El buey (ox) La vaca (cow) El caballo (stallion) La yegua (mare) El carnero (ram) La oveja (ewe) El fraile (friar) La soror (sister) El hombre (man) La muger (woman) El macho cabrio or cabron (he-goat) La cabra (she-goat) El marido (husband) La muger (the wife) El padre (father) La madre (mother) El padrastro (step-father) La madrastra (step-mother) El padrino (god-father) La madrina (god-mother) El toro (bull) La vaca (cow) El yerno (son-in-law) La nuera (daughter-in-law)

Many names of animals are either common, as—

El anade, la anade (the duck) El liebre, la liebre (the hare) El tigre, la tigre (the tiger, tigress)

Or they change o of the masculine into a or add a, to form the feminine, as—

Un ganso (a gander) Una gansa (a goose) Un leon (the lion) Una leona (a lioness) Un mulo (a mule) Una mula (a she-mule) Un pollino (an ass) Una pollina (a she-ass)

Most are epicene as already stated (p. 246).



Afueras (environs) Aguaderas (frames to carry water) Albricias (reward for good news—also used as interjection: joy! joy!!) Andas (stretcher, also frame for carrying an image) Calendas (calends) Calzoncillos (drawers) Carnestolendas (carnival) Celos (jealously—"Celo"—zeal) Hacer cosquillas (to tickle) Despabilladoras (snuffers) Enaguas (skirt) Fauces (gullet) Modales (manners) Mientes—also Mente (the mind) Parrillas (gridiron) Puches (sort of fritters) Tenazas (tongs, pincers) Tijeras (scissors) Tinieblas (utter darkness) Viveres (victuals) Zaragueelles (kind of breeches)

Note the following—

A ciegas (blindly) A ojos cegarritas (blindly) A horcajadas (astride) A hurtadillas (on the sly) A sabiendas (knowingly) De puntillas (on tiptoe) A tientas (groping) De bobilis bobilis (without toil) De bruces (on all fours) En ayunas (fasting) En volandas (in the air, off one's feet)

The following plurals, besides the ordinary, have also a different meaning from the singular—

El alfiler (pin) Los alfileres (pins, pin-money) El dia (day) Los dias (days, birthday) La esposa (wife) Las esposas (wives, handcuffs) El grillo (the cricket) Los grilles (crickets, shackles) La letra (letter) Las letras (letters—literary knowledge) El padre (father) Los padres[212] (fathers, parents)

[Footnote 212: In the same manner all masculine plurals include also the plurals of both genders, as: Hermanos (brothers, also brothers and sisters).]

We make the following remarks on the plural of compound words.

The elements which concur to the formation of compound nouns are—

A B Verbs Adjectives Prepositions Nouns Adverbs Participles Conjunctions Pronouns Prefixes


The elements in A are invariable except:

Un bullebulle (busybody), Unos bullebulles Un quehacer (occupation), Unos quehaceres Pasapasa (sleight of hand), Pasapasas (sleight of hand tricks)

The elements in B take the mark of the plural:

Alzacuello (minister's collar) Alzacuellos Alzapano (curtain hook), Alzapanios Andanino (child's cart), Andaninios Antepasado (ancestor), Antepasados Ave Maria (a prayer), Ave Marias Cualquiera (whatever), Cualesquiera Entremetido (intruder, busybody), Entremetidos Gentilhombre (man of gentle birth), Gentileshombres Guardafuego (fire-guard), Guardafuegos Hijodalgo (squire), Hijosdalgo Pasamano (handrail, lace-edgings), Pasamanos Pasatiempo (pastime), Pasatiempos Picaparte (latch or latchkey), Picapartes Pisaverde (beau), Pisaverdes Portaestandarte (standard bearer), Portaestandartes Portafusil (musket-sling), Portafusiles Puercoespin (porcupine), Puercosespines Quienquiera (whoever), Quienesquiera Quitasol (parasol), Quitasoles Ricahembra (woman of gentle birth), Ricashembras Sobrecama (counterpane), Sobrecamas Sobredicho (aforesaid), Sobredichos Tapaboca (slap on the mouth), Tapabocas Tiraboton (button-hook), Tirabotones

N.B.—When the second of the two words commences with r this letter should be doubled—

Ropa (clothes), guardarropa (wardrobe), guardarropas (pl.)

In compound nouns (very rare) formed of two nouns of which the first stands as an adjective to the second, the first noun remains invariable, the second only taking the mark of the plural—

Ferrocarril (railway), Ferrocarriles Madreselva (honeysuckle), Madreselvas

In the following compound nouns formed of an adjective and a noun, the adjective remains invariable in the plural, as—

Bajamar (low tide), Bajamares Bajorelieve (bas-relief), Bajorelieves Belladona (belladonna), Belladonas Blancomanjar (blanc-mange), Blancomanjares Plenamar (full tide), Plenamares Salvoconducto (safe conduct), Salvoconductos Salvaguardia (safeguard), Salvaguardias Santa Barbara (powder magazine), Santa Barbaras

In compound nouns formed of two words, the first of which has suffered the loss or change of a letter, this first component remains invariable—

(N.B.—Many such words are found in Spanish.)

Artimana (trick), Artimanas Barbicano (white-bearded man), Barbicanos Barbilindo (beardless man), Barbilindos Boquirrubio (rosy-lipped), Boquirrubios Cojitranco (lame fellow—disparagingly), Cojitrancos Cuellierguido (stiff-necked man), Cuellierguidos Gallipavo (turkey), Gallipavos Manirroto (spendthrift), Manirrotos Marisabidilla (blue stocking), Marisabidillas Ojinegro (black-eyed), Ojinegros Ojizarco (blue-eyed), Ojizarcos Patizambo (bandy-legged), Patizambos Pechicolorado (robin redbreast), Pechicolorados Pleamar (high tide), Pleamares Tragicomedia (tragi-comedy), Tragicomedias Viandante (wayfarer), Viandantes

The following make their plural as follows—

Bancarrota (bankruptcy), Bancarrotas Coliflor (cauliflower), Coliflores Dares y tomares (wrangling), used only in pl. Dimes y diretes (ifs, ands and buts), used only in pl. Don Diego de noche (four o'clocks—flower), Don Diegos de noche Maritornes (ill-shaped woman), Maritornes Parabien (compliment), Parabienes Vaiven (vibration), Vaivenes

The following are examples of the large class of nouns (compound) formed with a verb or adverb and a plural noun and which are used for both numbers—

Azotacalles (idler) Buscavidas (pryer) Cortaplumas (penknife) Chupaflores (humming-bird) Destripaterrones (navvy) Lavamanos (wash-hand stand) Limpiabotas (boot-black) Matamoros (boaster) Mondadientes (toothpick) Papahueros (ninny) Papamoscas (ninny) Papanatas (ninny) Paracaidas (parachute) Paraguas (umbrella) Pelagatos (ragamuffin) Pintamonas (slap-dasher or bad partner) Sacacorchos (corkscrew) Salvavidas (life-boats) Sepancuantos (slap or blow)

The following also are used for both numbers without alteration—

Correveidile (tale-bearer) Hazmereir (laughing-stock) Metomentodo (busybody) Paternoster (Lord's Prayer) Quitaipon (ornament for headstall of draught beasts) Sabelotodo (presumptious man) Sinvergueenza (barefaced man)



Abisinia (abisinio), Abyssinia Adrianopolis, Adrianopole Africa (africano), Africa Alava (alaveno, alaves), Alava Albania (albanes), Albania Alcala de Henares (complutense), Alcala Alemania (aleman), Germany Alicante (alicantino), Alicante Alsacia (alsaciano), Alsatia Amberes, Antwerp America (americano), America Andalucia (andaluz), Andalusia Antillas (antillano), West Indies Arabia (arabe, arabigo), Arabia Aragon (aragones), Arragon Argel (argelino), Algiers Argentina (argentine), Argentine Armenia (armenio), Armenia Asia (asiatico), Asia Atenas (ateniense), Athens Austria (austriaco), Austria Avila (abulense), Avila Barcelona (barcelones), Barcelona Basilea, Basle Baviera (bavaro), Bavaria Belen, Bethlehem Belgica (belga, belgico), Belgium Bilbao (bilbaino), Bilbao Bohemia (bohemo), Bohemia Bolivia (boliviano), Bolivia Bolonia (bolones), Bologna Brasil (brasileno), Brazil Bretana (breton), Brittany Brujas, Bruges Bruselas, Brussels Buenos Aires (bonaerense, porteno), Buenos Aires Bulgaria (bulgaro), Bulgaria Burdeos, Bordeaux Burgos (burgales), Burgos Cadiz (gaditano), Cadiz Calabria (calabres), Calabria Caldea (caldeo), Chaldaea Canada (canadiense), Canada Canarias (canario), Canary Islands Caracas (caraqueno), Caracas Cartago (cartagines), Carthage Castilla (castellano), Castille Cataluna (catalan), Catalonia Cerdena (sardo), Sardinia Chile (chileno), Chili China (chino), China Colombia (colombiano), Colombia Copenhague, Copenhagen Cordoba (cordobes), Cordova Corcega (corso), Corsica Corfu (corfiota), Corfu Dardanelos, Dardenelles Dinamarca (danes, dinamarques), Denmark Dresde, Dresden Ecuador (ecuatoriano), Equador Egipto (egipcio), Egypt Escocia (escoces), Scotland Esmirna, Smyrna Espana (espanol), Spanish Estocolmo, Stockholm Etiopia (etiope), Ethiopia Europa (europeo), European Extremadura (extremeno) Extremadura Fenicia (fenicio), Phoenician Filipinas (filipino), Philippine Islands Flandes (flamenco), Flanders Florencia (florentino), Florentine Francia (frances), France Gales (gales), Wales Galicia (gallego), Galicia (Spain) Gascuna (gascon), Gascony Genova (genoves), Genoa Gibraltar (gibraltareno), Gibraltar Ginebra (ginebrino), Geneva Gran Bretana (britanico), Great Britain Granada (granadino), Granada Grecia (griego), Greece Guadalajara (guadalajareno), Guadalajara Guatemala (guatemalteco), Guatemala Guipuzcoa (guipuzcoano), Guipuzcoa Habana (habanero, habano), Havannah Holanda (holandes), Holland Honduras (hondureno), Honduras Hungria (hungaro), Hungary India (indios), India Inglaterra (ingles), England Irlanda (irlandes), Ireland Italia (italiano), Italy Japon (japones), Japan La Mancha (manchego), La Mancha Leon (leones), Leon (Spain) Lieja, Liege Lima (limeno), Lima Liorna (liornes), Leghorn Lisboa (lisbonense), Lisbon Lombardia (lombardo), Lombardy Londres (londinense), London Macedonia (macedonio), Macedonia Madrid (madrileno), Madrid Malaga (malagueno), Malaga Malta (maltes), Malta Mallorca (mallorquin), Majorca Maracaibo (maracaibero), Maracaibo Marruecos (marroqui), Morocco Marsella (marselles), Marseilles Menorca (menorquin), Minorca Mejico (mejicano), Mexico Murcia (murciano), Murcia Napoles (napolitano), Naples Navarra (navarro), Navarre Normandia (normando), Normandy Noruega (noruego), Norway Pamplona (pamplones), Pamplona Paraguay (paraguayano), Paraguay Paris (parisiense), Paris Persia (persa or persiano), Persia Peru (peruano), Peru Piamonte (piamontes), Piedmont Polonia (polaco), Poland Portugal (portugues), Portugal Puerto Rico (portorriqueno), Porto Rico Roma (romano), Rome Rumania (rumano), Roumania Rusia (ruso), Russia Saboya (saboyardo), Savoy Sajonia (sajon), Saxony Salamanca (salmantino, salamanques), Salamanca Salvador (salvadoreno), Salvador San Sebastian (donostiarra), San Sebastian Serbia (serbio), Serbia Sevilla (sevillano), Seville Sicilia (siciliano), Sicily Suecia (sueco), Sweden Suiza (suizo), Switzerland Tetuan (tetuani), Tetuan Troya (troyano), Troy Tunez (tunecino), Tunis Turquia (turco), Turkey Uruguay (uruguayano), Uruguay Valencia (valenciano), Valencia Valladolid (valisoletano), Valladolid Varsovia (varsoviano), Warsaw Vascongadas, Provincias (vascongado, vascuence), Basque Provinces Venecia (veneciano), Venice Venezuela (venezolano), Venezuela Vera Cruz (veracruzano), Vera Cruz Viena (vienes), Vienna Vigo (vigues), Vigo Vitoria (vitoriano), Vitoria Yucatan (yucateco), Yucatan Zaragoza (zaragozano), Zaragoza



[Footnote 213: The terminations on and ito or ico may be taken by practically all nouns (avoiding cacophony, as: Pantalonon, habitacionona, etc.); the others may not and consequently should not be used by students, until learnt by practice.]

Bestiecita (little beast) Bestiezuela (little beast) (disparaging) Chiquito (little child) Chiquitin (little child) Florecita (little flower) Florecilla (little flower) (insignificant) Hombron (big, tall man) Hombrote (big, tall man) (disparaging) Hombracho (big, tall man) (disparaging) Hombrachon (big, tall man) (disparaging) Hombrazo (big, tall man) (disparaging) Hombronazo (big, tall man) (disparaging) Juanito (little John) Labradorcito (little labourer) Lagarto—Lagartija (little lizard) Lio—Liecito (little bundle) Libron (large, big book) Librazo (large, big book) (disparaging) Libracho (large, big book) (disparaging) Librote (large, big book) (disparaging) Llavin (little key, latchkey) Manuel—Manolo (little Manuel) Manuel—Manolito (little Manuel) Madrecita (little mother) Madrecica (little mother) Pajarraco (big bird) (disparaging) Papelon (large paper) Plazoleta (little square) Reinecita (little queen) Tamborcito[214] (little drum) Tamborcico (little drum)

[Footnote 214: Ito is more Castillian. Ico is more Aragonese. They are both used.]

We repeat that the peculiarity of Augmentative and Diminutive terminations (with the exception of the Augment. on, which denotes only increase) is that besides the idea of increase or diminution a further disparaging or endearing meaning is implied although not distinctly defined.

These terminations in many cases substitute the use of adjectives to great advantage, and are largely used by Spaniards, especially the diminutives which, for this reason, should be carefully noticed.

A diminutive noun can also be further qualified by an adjective, as—

Mi padre me regalo este gracioso librito: My father made me a present of this pretty little book.

Diminutives can be made of Augmentatives and vice-versa—

Escoba (broom), Escobilla, Escobillon Sala (drawing-room), Salon, Saloncillo

If a masculine noun ends in a its diminutive also ends in a

Un drama (drama), Un dramita Un poema (poem), Un poemita

But not nouns that indicate male persons—

Papa (Papa), Papaito

Although on and ote are generally augmentative terminations, in the following words and a few more, they are used as diminutives—

Calle (street) Callejon (narrow street, alley) Carro (cart) Carreton (little cart) Isla (island) Islote (little barren island) Torre (tower) Torrejon (turret)

Besides Augmentative and Diminutive terminations, there are some terminations which, without indicating increase or decrease, are used to indicate disparagement pure and simple—

Calducho (bad broth) Gentualla (mob) Gentuza (insignificant people) Libraco (nasty book) Madrastra (step-mother) Medicastro (bad doctor) Mujeruca (old wife, gossip) Poetastro (bad poet)

The Augmentative and Diminutive terminations (especially the latter) are found added to adjectives and, although more rarely, to other parts of speech also. They must be learnt by practice, however, as they cannot be used indiscriminately.


El picarillo (picaruelo) quiere el otro cuello que es mas blanquito: The little rogue wants the other collar which is nice and clean (lit., whiter).

Como me gusta la blanca nieve acabadita de caer: How pretty is the snow just newly fallen.

Mira a aquella chica tan bien vestidita de azul: Look at that little girl so prettily dressed in blue

Vino callandito: He came in as quietly as a mouse.

Vive cerquita de nuestra casa: He lives quite close to our house.

Poquito a poco hila la vieja el copo (proverb): Little by little the old woman spins her distaff (Slow and sure wins the race)

Translation of the English "ish" after colours—

Amarillento (yellowish) Azulado (bluish) Azulino (bluish) Blanquecino (whitish) Morenito (brownish) Que tira a moreno (brownish) Negruzco (blackish) Pardusco (greyish) Que tira a pardo o gris (greyish) Rojizo (reddish) Verdoso (greenish) Verdusco (greenish)

Notice also—

Anaranjado (orange-coloured) Avellanado (nut-coloured, tawny) Celeste (sky-blue) Dorado (golden) Pajizo (straw-coloured) Perlino (pearl-coloured) Plateado (silvery) Rosado (rose-coloured, pink, rosy) Terreo (ashen-pale) Trigueno (brown, wheat-coloured)



[Footnote 215: This list is comprehensive, but not exhaustive; some of these verbs, besides the preposition given, may be followed by others. Practice in reading is the best master.]

Abordar (una nave) a (or con) otra: To board (a ship). Abrasarse en deseos: To be burning with desire. Abundar de (or en) riquezas: To abound with riches. Abusar de la amistad: To abuse friendship. Acertar con la casa: To find the right house. Adelantarse a otros: To take the start on others. Admirarse de un suceso: To wonder at an event. Aficionarse a alguna cosa: To grow fond of anything. Alejarse de su tierra: To depart from one's country. Alimentarse con (or de) yerbas: To feed on vegetables. Anticiparse a otro: To forestall another. Apiadarse con los pobres: To have pity on the poor. Aportar a Barcelona: To put into Barcelona. Apreciar en mucho: To appreciate highly. Arder de colera: To burn with anger. Armarse de paciencia: To arm oneself with patience. Arrimarse a la pared: To lean against the wall. Arrostrar (con (or por)) los peligros: To face the dangers. Atender (a) los negocios: To attend to business. Aventajarse a otros: To excel others.

Banar con (de or en) lagrimas: To bathe with tears. Barbear con la pared: To run against the wall. Brindar a la salud de alguno: To drink the health of someone. Brindar con regalos: To give presents. Burlarse de algo: To laugh at something.

Caber de pies: There to be standing room. Calificar de docto: To call one learned. Cambiar una cosa con (or por) otra: To exchange one thing for another. Campar por su respeto: To keep to oneself. Carecer de medios: To lack means. Casar or casarse con alguno: To marry someone. Cesar de correr: To cease running. Cifrar su dicha en la virtud: To make one's happiness consist in virtue. Clavar a (or en) la pared: To nail on the wall. Cojear del pie derecho: To limp with the right foot. Colgar de un clavo: To hang on a nail. Colmar de mercedes: To load with benefits. Comerciar con su credito: To trade on one's credit. Comprar de (or a) una persona: To buy from someone. Comprar al fiado: To buy on credit. Comprometerse a pagar: To undertake to pay. Confiar en (or de) alguno: To trust anybody. Conservarse con (or en) salud: To keep in good health. Contar con su auxilio: To count on his help. Contravenir a la ley: To contravene the law. Convenir al enfermo: To suit the patient. Correr con los gastos: To undertake the expense. Cortar por lo sano: To cut short (an argument, etc.). Cumplir a uno hacer una cosa: To be one's duty to do something. Chancearse con alguno: To joke with someone.

Danarse del pecho: To injure one's chest. Dar con la carga en el suelo: To throw down the load. Dar con quien lo entiende: To come across someone who understands it. Dar contra un poste: To knock against a post. Dar de barato: To grant for argument's sake. Darse por vencido: To give it up. Decir bien una cosa con otra: To match well together. Decir para si: To say to oneself. Dejar de escribir: To cease writing, to fail to write. Demandar ante el juez (or en juicio): To summon. Depender de alguno: To be dependent on someone. Desayunarse con chocolate: To breakfast on chocolate. Desconfiar de alguno: To mistrust one. Descuidarse de (or en) su obligacion: To neglect one's duty. Desfallecer de animo: To lose courage. Deshacerse de los generos: To get rid of the goods. Detestar de la mentira: To hate lying. Disfrutar de buena renta: To enjoy a good income. Doblar por un difunto: To sound the death knell. Dudar de alguna cosa: To doubt something.

Echar en tierra: To throw on the ground. Echar de casa: To turn out of the house. Echar de ver una cosa: To perceive (realise) a thing. Echarla de rico: To assume airs of a rich man. Embelesarse con alguna cosa: To go into raptures over anything. Embutir de algodon: To stuff with cotton. Enajenarse de alguna cosa: To do away with anything. Encargarse de algun negocio: To undertake a business. Encontrarse con un amigo: To meet a friend. Encuadernar a la rustica, en pasta: To bind in paper covers, in boards. Escarmentar con la desgracia: To take warning from misfortune. Esmerarse en alguna cosa: To take pains with anything.

Fiarse a (de, en) alguno: To trust in anyone. Firmar de propria mano: To sign with one's own hand. Forrar de (con, en) pieles: To line with skins. Fumar en pipa: To smoke the pipe.

Girar a cargo de alguno: To draw on someone. Girar sobre Paris: To draw on Paris. Guardarse de alguno: To guard against anybody. Gustar de bromas: To be fond of joking.

Haberselas con otros: To wrangle, to have a bone to pick, to vie with Hacer de galan en un drama: To take the part of principal actor in a drama. Herir de muerte: To wound fatally. Hincarse de rodillas: To fall on one's knees. Hocicar con (contra, en) alguna cosa: To run against anything.

Igualar (igualarse) a (or con) otro: To equal another, to match. Indemnizar del perjuicio: To indemnify for the loss. Influir con el jefe: To influence the chief. Insistir en (sobre) una cosa: To insist on something. Inspirar una idea a alguno: To inspire anybody with an idea. Inundar de (or en) agua: To flood with water.

Librar a cargo de un banquero: To draw on a banker. Librar una letra sobre Paris: To draw a bill on Paris. Lindar (una tierra) con otra: To border on another. Llegar a la posada: To reach the inn. Llevarse bien con el vecino: To get on well with the neighbour. Llover a cantaros: To rain in bucketfuls.

Maravillarse con (or de) una noticia: To be surprised at some news. Marcar a fuego: To brand. Mejorar de condicion: To improve in condition. Mejorar en tercio y quinto: To improve greatly.

Oler a rosas: To smell of roses.

Parecerse a otro: To be similar to another. Pensar en (sobre) alguna cosa: To think of something. Pensar para si: To think to oneself. Perecerse de risa: To die with laughter. Pintar de azul: To paint blue. Poblar de arboles: To plant with trees. Ponerse a escribir: To commence writing. Prescindir de una cosa: To dispense with anything. Presumir de rico: To feign riches. Proveer a la necesidad publica: To provide the needs of the public.

Quedar a deber: To remain owing. Quedarse con lo ajeno: To keep other people's property.

Rebosar de alegria: To teem with joy. Recibir a cuenta: To receive on account. Recibir de criado: To admit as a servant. Recibir por esposa: To receive as a wife. Reclamar a fulano: To claim from so and so. Responder a la pregunta: To answer the question. Reventar de risa: To burst with laughter. Rodear de una pared: To surround with a wall.

Saber a vino: To taste of wine. Salirse con la suya: To have one's own way. Salvarse a nado: To save oneself by swimming. Sentarse a la mesa: To sit down at table. Sonar con ladrones: To dream of thieves. Suplicar (apelar) de la sentencia: To appeal against the sentence.

Tachar de ligero: To tax one with levity. Tener a menos hablar a uno: Not to deign to speak to one. Tenerse de pie: To stand on foot. Tenir de (en) negro: To dye black. Tomar a pecho: To take to heart. Tomar hacia la derecha: To turn to the right. Trabajar a destajo: To do work by the job. Trabarse de palabras: To quarrel. Transportar a lomo: To carry on one's back.

Varar en la playa: To run aground. Velar a los muertos: To watch over the dead. Vengarse de una ofensa: To avenge an insult. Vengarse en el ofensor: To avenge oneself on the offender. Venir a casa: To come home. Ver de hacer algo: To try and do something. Vestir a la moda: To dress in the fashion. Vestir de mascara: To dress in fancy dress. Vestirse de pano: To dress in cloth. Vivir a su gusto: To live after one's taste.


The Simple tenses only are given—Compound tenses are formed with the verb "haber" followed by the past participle.

Infinitive Mood. Hablar Temer Partir Tener Pres. Part. Hablando Temiendo Partiendo Teniendo Past Part. Hablado Temido Partido Tenido Indic. Pres. Hablo Temo Parto Tengo Hablas Temes Partes Tienes Habla Teme Parte Tiene Hablamos Tememos Partimos Tenemos Hablais Temeis Partis Teneis Hablan Temen Parten Tienen Indic. Imperf. Hablaba Temia Partia Tenia Hablabas Temias Partias Tenias Hablaba Temia Partia Tenia Hablabamos Temiamos Partiamos Teniamos Hablabais Temiais Partiais Teniais Hablaban Temian Partian Tenian Past Def. Hable Temi Parti Tuve Hablaste Temiste Partiste Tuviste Hablo Temio Partio Tuvo Hablamos Temimos Partimos Tuvimos Hablasteis Temisteis Partisteis Tuvisteis Hablaron Temieron Partieron Tuvieron Future Hablare Temere Partire Tendre Hablaras Temeras Partiras Tendras Hablara Temera Partira Tendra Hablaremos Temeremos Partiremos Tendremos Hablareis Temereis Partireis Tendreis Hablaran Temeran Partiran Tendran Conditional. Hablaria Temeria Partiria Tendria Hablarias Temerias Partirias Tendrias Hablaria Temeria Partiria Tendria Hablariamos Temeriamos Partiriamos Tendriamos Hablariais Temeriais Partiriais Tendriais Hablarian Temerian Partirian Tendrian Subj. Pres. Hable Tema Parta Tenga Hables Temas Partas Tengas Hable Tema Parta Tenga Hablemos Temamos Partamos Tengamos Hableis Temais Partais Tengais Hablen Teman Partan Tengan Subj. Imperf. Hablase Temiese Partiese Tuviese (1st form) Hablases Temieses Partieses Tuvieses Hablase Temiese Partiese Tuviese Hablasemos Temiesemos Partiesemos Tuviesemos Hablaseis Temieseis Partieseis Tuvieseis Hablasen Temiesen Partiesen Tuviesen Subj. Imperf. Hablara Temiera Partiera Tuviera (2nd form) Hablaras Temieras Partieras Tuvieras Hablara Temiera Partiera Tuviera Hablaramos Temieramos Partieramos Tuvieramos Hablarais Temierais Partierais Tuvierais Hablaran Temieran Partieran Tuvieran Subj. Future. Hablare Temiere Partiere Tuviere Hablares Temieres Partieres Tuvieres Hablare Temiere Partiere Tuviere Hablaremos Temieremos Partieremos Tuvieremos Hablareis Temiereis Partiereis Tuviereis Hablaren Temieren Partieren Tuvieren Imperative. Habla Teme Parte Ten Hable Tema Parta Tenga Hablemos Temamos Partamos Tengamos Hablad Temed Partid Tened Hablen Teman Partan Tengan

Auxiliary Verbs

Infinitive Mood. Haber Ser Estar Pres. Part. Habiendo Siendo Estando Past Part. Habido Sido Estado Indic. Pres. He Soy Estoy Has Eres Estas Ha Es Esta Hemos Somos Estamos Habeis Sois Estais Han Son Estan Indic. Imperf. Habia Era Estaba Habias Eras Estabas Habia Era Estaba Habiamos Eramos Estabamos Habiais Erais Estabais Habian Eran Estaban Past Def. Hube Fui Estuve Hubiste Fuiste Estuviste Hubo Fue Estuvo Hubimos Fuimos Estuvimos Hubisteis Fuisteis Estuvisteis Hubieron Fueron Estuvieron Future Habre Sere Estare Habras Seras Estaras Habra Sera Estara Habremos Seremos Estaremos Habreis Sereis Estareis Habran Seran Estaran Conditional. Habria Seria Estaria Habrias Serias Estarias Habria Seria Estaria Habriamos Seriamos Estariamos Habriais Seriais Estariais Habrian Serian Estarian Subj. Pres. Haya Sea Este Hayas Seas Estes Haya Sea Este Hayamos Seamos Estemos Hayais Seais Esteis Hayan Sean Esten Subj. Imperf. Hubiese Fuese Estuviese (1st form) Hubieses Fueses Estuvieses Hubiese Fuese Estuviese Hubiesemos Fuesemos Estuviesemos Hubieseis Fueseis Estuvieseis Hubiesen Fuesen Estuviesen Subj. Imperf. Hubiera Fuera Estuviera (2nd form) Hubieras Fueras Estuvieras Hubiera Fuera Estuviera Hubieramos Fueramos Estuvieramos Hubierais Fuerais Estuvierais Hubieran Fueran Estivieran Subj. Future Hubiere Fuere Estuviere Hubieres Fueres Estuvieres Hubiere Fuere Estuviere Hubieremos Fueremos Estuvieremos Hubiereis Fuereis Estuviereis Hubieren Fueren Estuvieren Imperative He Se Esta Haya Sea Este Hayamos Seamos Estemos Hayed Sed Estad Hayan Sean Esten

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "SER" AND "ESTAR" (for easy reference).

Ser is used— i. To form the Passive Voice. ii. To denote an inherent quality.

Estar is used— i. To denote state in locality, viz., "to be" in a place. ii. To denote condition (as opposed to inherent quality).


Use Ser— i. Before a noun (even if an adjective or an article intervenes). ii. When "to be" is used impersonally. iii. When "to be" denotes possession. iv. Before pobre, rico, felis, and infeliz.



Pensar (to think).

Pres. Ind., Pienso, piensas, piensa,—,—, piensan. Pres. Subj., Piense, pienses, piense,—,—, piensen. Imperative, Piensa, piense,—,—, piensen.

Entender (to understand).

Pres. Ind., Entiendo, entiendes, entiende,—,—, entienden. Pres. Subj., Entienda, entiendas, entienda,—,—, entiendan. Imperative, Entiende, entienda,—,—, entiendan.

Sentir (to feel).

Pres. Ind., Siento, sientes, siente,—,—, sienten. Pres. Subj., Sienta, sientas, sienta, sintamos,[217] sintais,[217] sientan. Imperative, Siente, sienta, sintamos,[217]—, sientan.

Acordar (to agree).

Pres. Ind., Acuerdo, acuerdas, acuerda,—,—, acuerdan. Pres. Subj., Acuerde, acuerdes, acuerde,—,—, acuerden. Imperative, Acuerda, acuerde,—,—, acuerden.

Mover (to move).

Pres. Ind., Muevo, mueves, mueve,—,—, mueven. Pres. Subj., Mueva, muevas, mueva,—,—, muevan. Imperative, Mueve, mueva,—,—, muevan.

Dormir (to sleep).[216]

Pres. Ind., Duermo, duermes, duerme,—,—, duermen. Pres. Subj., Duerma, duermas, duerma, durmamos,[217] durmais,[217] duerman. Imperative, Duerme, duerma, durmamos,[217]—, duerman.

[Footnote 216: Morir (to die) is the only verb conjugated like Dormir; but past part. Muerto.]

[Footnote 217: Notice the additional irregularities.]

Principal Verbs conjugated like "Pensar"—

Acertar (to hit the mark) Acrecentar (to increase) Alentar (to encourage) Apretar (to squeeze) Arrendar (to lease, to hire) Asentarse (to sit down) Aterrar (to pull down) Atravesar (to cross)

Calentar (to warm) Cegar (to blind) Cerrar (to shut, to close) Comendar (to commend) Comenzar (to begin) Confesar (to confess)

Desmembrar (to dismember) Despertar (to awake)

Empedrar (to pave) Empezar (to begin) Encerrar (to shut in) Enmendar (to correct)

Gobernar (to govern)

Manifestar (to manifest) Mentar (to mention)

Negar (to deny)

Plegar (to fold)

Quebrar (to break)

Recomendar (to recommend) Reventar (to burst)

Temblar (to tremble) Tentar (to tempt, to attempt) Tropezar (to stumble)

Principal Verbs conjugated like "Entender"—

Ascender (to go up) Atender (to attend)

Condescender (to condescend) Contender (to contend)

Defender (to defend) Descender (to descend)

Encender (to light) Extender (to extend)

Perder (to lose)

Tender (to stretch)

Verter (to shed, to spill)

Principal Verbs conjugated like "Sentir"—

Adherir[218] (to adhere) Adquirir[218] (to acquire) Advertir[218] (to notice, to warn) Arrepentirse (to repent) Asentir (to assent)

Consentir (to consent)

Erguir (to erect, to raise)

Hervir (to boil)

Mentir (to lie)

[Footnote 218: And all in erir, irir, ertir.]

Principal Verbs conjugated like "Acordar"—

Acostarse (to go to bed) Almorzar (to breakfast) Apostar (to bet) Aprobar (to approve) Avergonzarse (to be ashamed)

Colgar (to hang) Consolar (to comfort) Contar (to relate) Costar (to cost)

Encontrar (to meet)

Forzar (to force)

Hollar (to tread)

Mostrar (to show)

Poblar (to people) Probar (to prove)

Recordar (to remind, to remember) Renovar (to renew) Rodar (to roll) Rogar (to pray)

Soldar (to solder) Soltar (to loosen) Sonar (to sound) Sonar (to dream)

Tostar (to toast) Trocar (to exchange, to barter)

Volar (to fly)

Principal Verbs conjugated like "Mover"—

Absolver (_And all in _olver_) (to absolve)

Cocer (to bake, to cook)

Demoler (to demolish) Doler (to ache)

Moler (to grind) Morder (to bite)

Oler (to smell)[219]

[Footnote 219: Huelo, etc., (because no words begin with ue).]

Promover (to promote)

Soler (to be accustomed)

Torcer (to twist)


Cenir (And all in enir) (to gird) Competir (to compete) Concebir (to conceive) Corregir (to correct)

Derretir (to melt)

Elegir (to elect, to select) Embestir (to run down, to assail)

Freir (to fry)

Gemir (to moan)

Impedir (to prevent)

Medir (to measure)

Regir (to rule, to govern) Reir (to laugh) Repetir (to repeat)

Seguir (to follow) Servir (to serve)

Vestir (to dress, to clothe)


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