Upon this neglect the Lord Bellamont, and some others who knew what great captures had been made by the Pirates, and what a prodigious wealth must be in their possession, were tempted to fit out a ship at their own private charge, and to give the command of it to Captain Kid; and to give the thing a greater reputation, as well as to keep their seamen under the better command, they procured the King's Commission for the said Captain Kid.
Captain Kid had also another Commission, which was called a Commission of Reprisals; for it being then War time, this Commission was to justify him in the taking of French Merchant Ships, in case he should meet with any. He sail'd out of Plymouth in May 1696, in the Adventure Galley of thirty guns, and eighty men; the place he first design'd for was New York; in his Voyage thither he took a French Banker, but this was no Act of Piracy, he having a Commission for that purpose, as we have just observed.
When he arrived at New York he put up Articles for engaging more Hands, it being necessary to his Ship's crew, since he proposed to deal with a desperate enemy: The terms he offered were, that every man should have a share of what was taken, reserving for himself and Owners forty shares. Upon this encouragement he soon increas'd his company to a hundred and fifty five men.
With this company he first sail'd for Maderas, where he took in wine and some other necessaries; from thence he proceeded to Bonavist, one of the Cape de Verd Islands, to furnish the ship with salt, and from thence went immediately to St. Jago, another of the Cape de Verd Islands, in order to stock himself with provisions. When all this was done, he bent his course to Madagascar, the known rendezvous of Pirates; in this way he fell in with Captain Warren, Commodore of three Men-of-War; he acquainted them with his design, kept them company two or three days, and then leaving them, made the best way for Madagascar, where he arrived in February 1696, just nine months from his departure from Plymouth.
It does not appear all this while that he had the least design of turning Pirate; for near Mahala and Joanna both he met with several Indian ships richly laden, to which he did not offer the least violence, tho' he was strong enough to have done what he pleas'd with them; and the first outrage or depredation I find he committed upon mankind, was after his repairing his ship, and leaving Joanna; he touch'd at a place call'd Mabbee, upon the Red Sea, where he took some Guinea Corn from the natives, by force.
After this he sail'd to Bab's Key, a Place upon a little Island at the entrance of the Red Sea; here it was that he first began to open himself to his ship's company, and let them understand that he intended to change his measures; for, happening to talk of the Moca Fleet, which was to sail that way, he said We have been unsuccessful hitherto, but courage, my Boys, we'll make our fortunes out of this Fleet: And finding that none of them appear'd averse to it, he order'd a boat out, well mann'd, to go upon the coast to make discoveries, commanding them to take a prisoner and bring to him, or get intelligence any way they could. The boat return'd in a few days, bringing him word, that they saw fourteen or fifteen ships ready to sail, some with English, some with Dutch, and some with Moorish Colours. He therefore order'd a man continually to watch at the mast-head, least this Fleet should go by them; and about four days after, towards evening, it appear'd in sight, being convoy'd by one English and one Dutch Man-of-War. Kid soon fell in with them, and getting into the midst of them, fir'd at a Moorish ship which was next him; but the Men-of-War taking the Alarm, bore down upon Kid, and firing upon him, obliged him to sheer off, he not being strong enough to contend with them. Now he had begun hostilities, he resolv'd to go on, and therefore he went and cruis'd along the coast of Malabar; the first Prize he met was a small vessel belonging to Aden, the vessel was Moorish, and the Owners were Moorish Merchants, but the Master was an Englishman, his name was Parker. Kid forc'd him and a Portugueze that was call'd Don Antonio, which were all the Europeans on Board, to take on with them; the first he design'd as a pilot, and the last as an interpreter. He also used the men very cruelly, causing them to be hoisted up by the arms, and drubb'd with a naked cutlass, to force them to discover whether they had money on board, and where it lay; but as they had neither gold nor silver on board, he got nothing by his cruelty; however, he took from them a bale of pepper, and a bale of coffee, and so let them go.
Soon after this he came up with a Moorish Ship, the Master whereof was a Dutchman, call'd Schipper Mitchel, and chased her under French Colours, which they observing, hoisted French Colours too: When he came up with her, he hail'd her in French, and they having a Frenchman on board, answer'd him in the same language; upon which he order'd them to send their boat on board; they were oblig'd to do so, and having examin'd who they were, and from whence they came; he ask'd the Frenchman, who was a passenger, if he had a French pass for himself? The Frenchman gave him to understand that he had. Then he told the Frenchman he must pass for Captain, and by God, says he, you are the Captain: The Frenchman durst not refuse doing as he would have him: The meaning of this was, that he would seize the Ship as fair Prize, and as if she belonged to French Subjects, according to a commission he had for that purpose; tho', one would think, after what he had already done, that he need not have recourse to a quibble to give his actions a colour.
In short, he took the cargoe and sold it some time after, yet still he seem'd to have some fears upon him least these proceedings should have a bad end; for, coming up with a Dutch Ship some time, when his men thought of nothing but attacking her, Kid oppos'd it; upon which a mutiny arose, and the majority being for taking the said ship, and arming themselves to man the boat to go and seize her, he told them, such as did, never should come on Board him again; which put an end to the design, so that he kept company with the said ship some time, without offering her any violence: However, this dispute was the occasion of an accident, upon which an indictment was afterwards grounded against Kid; for Moor, the Gunner, being one day upon deck, and talking with Kid about the said Dutch Ship, some words arose betwixt them, and Moor told Kid, that he had ruin'd them all; upon which, Kid, calling him Dog, took up a bucket and struck him with it, which breaking his skull, he died the next day.
But Kid's penitential fit did not last long, for coasting along Malabar, he met with a great number of boats, all which he plunder'd. Upon the same Coast he also lit upon a Portugueze Ship, which he kept possession of a week, and then having taking out of her some chests of Indian goods, thirty jars of butter, and some wax, iron, and a hundred bags of rice, he let her go.
The Adventure Galley was now so old and leaky, that they were forced to keep two pumps continually going, wherefore Kid shifted all the guns and tackle out of her into the Queda Merchant, intending her for his Man-of-War; and as he had divided the Money before, he now made a division of the remainder of the cargo: Soon after which, the greatest part of the company left him, some going on board Captain Culliford, and others absconding in the Country, so that he had not above forty men left.
He put to sea and happened to touch at Amboyna, one of the Dutch Spice Islands, where he was told, that the news of his Actions had reach'd England, and that he was there declared a Pirate.
The truth on't is, his Piracies so alarmed our Merchants, that some motions were made in Parliament, to enquire into the commission that was given him, and the persons who fitted him out: These proceedings seem'd to lean a little hard upon the Lord Bellamont, who thought himself so much touch'd thereby, that he published a Justification of himself in a pamphlet after Kid's execution. In the mean time, it was thought advisable, to publish a Proclamation, offering the King's free Pardon to all such Pirates as should voluntarily surrender themselves, whatever Piracies they had been guilty of at any time, before the last day of April, 1699—That is to say, for all Piracies committed Eastward of the Cape of Good Hope, to the Longitude and Meridian of Socatora, and Cape Camorin. In which Proclamation, Avery and Kid were excepted by Name.
When Kid left Amboyna he knew nothing of this Proclamation, for certainly had he had notice of his being excepted in it, he would not have been so infatuated, to run himself into the very jaws of danger; but relying upon his interest with the Lord Bellamont, and fancying, that a French Pass or two he found on board some of the ships he took, would serve to countenance the matter, and that part of the booty he got would gain him new friends—I say, all these things made him flatter himself that all would be hushed, and that justice would but wink at him. Wherefor he sail'd directly for New York, where he was no sooner arrived, but by the Lord Bellamont's orders, he was secured with all his papers and effects. Many of his fellow-adventurers who had forsook him at Madagascar, came over from thence passengers, some to New England and some to Jersey; where hearing of the King's Proclamation for pardoning of Pirates, they surrendered themselves to the Governor of those places: At first they were admitted to bail, but soon after were laid in strict confinement, where they were kept for some time, till an opportunity happened of sending them with their Captain over to England to be tried.
Accordingly a Sessions of Admiralty being held at the Old Baily, in May, 1701, Captain Kid, Nicholas Churchill, James How, Robert Lumley, William Jenkins, Gabriel Loff, Hugh Parrot, Richard Barlicorn, Abel Owens, and Darby Mullins, were arraingn'd for Piracy and Robbery on the High Seas, and all found guilty, except three; these were Robert Lumley, William Jenkins, and Richard Barlicorn, who proving themselves to be apprentices to some of the officers of the ship, and producing their Indentures in Court, were acquitted.
Kid was tried upon an indictment of Murder also, viz. for killing Moor the Gunner, and found guilty of the same. Nicholas Churchill and James How pleaded the King's Pardon, as having surrendered themselves within the time limited in the Proclamation, and Colonel Bass, Governor of West Jersey, to whom they surrendered, being in Court, and called upon, proved the same; however, this plea was over-ruled by the Court, because there being four Commissioners named in the Proclamation, it was adjudged no other person was qualified to receive their surrender, and that they could not be intitled to the benefit.
As to Captain Kid's Defence, he insisted much upon his own innocence, and the villany of his men; he said he went out in a laudable employment and had no occasion, being then in good circumstances, to go a-Pirating; that the men often mutinied against him, and did as they pleas'd; that he was threatened to be shot in his cabin, and that ninety five left him at one time, and set fire to his boat, so that he was disabled from bringing his ship home, or the Prizes he took, to have them regularly condemn'd, which he said were taken by virtue of a commission under the broad seal, they having French Passes—The Captain called one Col. Hewson to his Reputation, who gave him an extraordinary character, and declared to the Court, that he had served under his command, and been in two engagements with him against the French, in which he fought as well as any man he ever saw; that there were only Kid's Ship and his own against Monsieur du Cass, who commanded a squadron of six sail, and they got the better of him, but this being several years before the facts mentioned in the Indictment were committed, prov'd of no manner of service to the Prisoner on his Trial.
As to the friendship shown to Culliford, a notorious Pirate, Kid denied, and said, he intended to have taken him, but his men being a parcel of rogues and villains refused to stand by him, and several of them ran away from his ship to the said Pirate.—But the evidence being full and particular against him, he was found Guilty as before mentioned.
When Kid was asked what he had to say why Sentence should not pass against him, he answered, That he had nothing to say, but that he had been sworn against by perjured wicked People. And when Sentence was pronounced, he said, My Lord it is a very hard Sentence. For my part I am the innocentest Person of them all, only I have been sworn against by perjured Persons.
Wherefore about a week after, Capt. Kid, Nicholas Churchill, James How, Gabriel Loff, Hugh Parrot, Abel Owen, and Darby Mullins, were executed at Execution Dock, and afterwards hung up in Chains, at some distance from each other, down the river, where their Bodies hung exposed for many years.
Edward England went Mate of a Sloop that sailed out of Jamaica, and was taken by Winter, a Pirate, from whom he had the Command of a Sloop just before their Settlement at Providence. The man was brave and good natured, and far from being cruel, as most of them are; and would not have committed such barbarous actions as he did, had not his comrades compelled him to it.
He sailed to the Coast of Africa, after the Island of Providence was inhabited by the English. In his Passage he took several Ships, particularly the Cadogan Snow belonging to Bristol, one Skinner Master, who was murdered by those very men who had formerly served under him, upon a quarrel that happened between Skinner and them, about their wages: He shipped them on board a Man-of-War, from whence they deserted, and went on board a ship in the West-Indies, where they were taken by a pirate, and brought to Providence, and then they sailed with Captain England a-Pirating.
As soon as Skinner came on board, he saw his old Boatswain, who said, Ah! Captain Skinner is it you, I am much in your Debt, and now I shall pay you in your own Coin. These words put the Captain in a panic Fear: And indeed he had Reason enough to be afraid, for they immediately seized him, bound him to the Windlass, pelted him with Glass Bottles, afterwards whipt him about the Deck, and then said, because he had been a good Master, he should have an easy Death, and so shot him through the Head; the vessel and her Cargoe being given to Howel Davis.
After this England went into an Harbour to clean his Ship, and also fitted up the Peterborough, which he called the Victory. Then putting out to sea, they sailed for the East-Indies, and took Madagascar, by the Way. From thence, after taking in water and provisions, they went for Malabar, in the Empire of the Mogul. Here they took several Indian Vessels, and one European, a Dutch Ship, which they exchanged for one of their own, and then came back to Madagascar, where they sent several Hands on shore to kill venison, and then resolved to seek out for the remains of Avery's Crew; but returning without success, they being settled on the other side, they stay'd no longer than till they had cleaned their ships, and then sailed to Juanna.
In the Year 1720, the Bombay Fleet, consisting of four Grabs, the London Chandois, and some other ships, carried 1000 Men to bombard and batter Gapra, a fort belonging to Angria, on the Malabar Coast; which they not being able to do, fell in with the Pirates, in their return to Bombay: But Captain Upton the Commodore, having no orders, would not engage them; which so provoked the Governor, for missing so favourable an opportunity of cutting the Pirates all off, that he gave the command to Captain Mackra, with orders to fight them wherever he met with them.
But the Pirates proceeded to the southward, and took a small ship out of Orincro Road, with a Dutch and two Portugueze Men on board, one of which they sent to the Captain, to inform him, that if he would supply them with provisions and water he should have his ship again. But the Master would not agree to it; thereupon they sent other persons ashore, and swore he should be the last man they would give quarter to, and so put directly for Laccadeva Island, and arrived there in three days. But being informed by a Menchew, there was no anchor-ground there, they went to the next Island, called Melincha, whence they were driven by a storm, leaving behind them a hundred people, and all their water-casks: But in a week's time, they regained the island, took their people on board, and filled the water-casks. Provisions being scarce, they resolved to visit the Dutch at Cochin, and after three days sail, arrived off of Tellechery, where they took a small Vessel belonging to Governor Adams; who giving an account of Captain Mackra's fitting out against them, put them into a grievous passion.
Afterward they arrived at Mauritius, where they refitted the Victory, and then sailed the 5th of April for Madagascar, but called first at the Island Mascarine, at which they found a Portugueze ship of seventy guns at anchor, disabled by a violent storm, so that they easily became a Prize to the Pirates. She had on board the Conde Ereceira Vice-Roy of Goa, also they found on board her, in diamonds only, to the value of four millions of Dollars. They made the Vice-Roy a prisoner; but in consideration of his losses, accepted of a ransom of 2000 dollars and then set him and his followers ashore. Learning that an Ostender was on the leeward of that Island, they sailed and took her, and sent her to Madagascar with news of their success, where they followed themselves soon after, with two hundred Mozambique Negroes in the Portugueze Ship.
When Taylor came with the Portugueze Prize to Madagascar, they found that the Ostender had made his men drunk, and seized his ship, which they carried to the Mozambique; from thence the Governor ordered her to Goa. But the Pirates staid and clean'd the Cassandra, and divided very great plunder. Some, who thought they had got enough, staid at Madagascar, and the rest, having no occasion for two ships, burnt the Victory, she being leaky, and went on board the Cassandra, under the Command of Captain Taylor, designing to go for Cochin to dispose of his diamonds, amongst his old Friends the Dutch, and also to avoid the dangers of the Men-of-War that were in pursuit of them. But as he was preparing to sail, and heard of four Men-of-War coming after him; therefore he altered his mind, and sailed for the Main of Africa, and put in at Delagoa: But the Pirates were surprized in the evening with some shot from the shore. They took it for a desert shore, but it proved otherwise; for a few months before, the Dutch East India Company had settled one hundred men upon it, who, not being supplied with necessaries, were reduced to about sixteen; whom Taylor, upon their humble petition took aboard, and they all became Pirates with him.
Here they stayed about four months, careened their ships, and left Delagoa the latter end of December: But not agreeing among themselves, they parted those who were weary of that sort of life, went on board the Portugueze Prize, and sailed for Madagascar; the others went on board the Cassandra, and sailed for the Spanish West Indies. The Mermaid Man-of-War, which was a convoy to some Merchant-men, about 30 leagues distance, would have gone to attack them, had not the Merchants, whom he had the care of, declar'd their protection was of more service than destroying the Pirates; and so he was oblig'd to be content with only dispatching the news of it to Jamaica. This brought down the Lanceston, though it was a day or two too late, for they had just before surrendered, with all their riches, to the Governor of Porto-Bello, where they now live upon their Spoils, saying, others would have done as much, had they had the same opportunity; swearing, That whatever Robberies they had committed they are not the only Rogues in the World; for that the South-Sea[A] did more Mischief in one Year, than they were able to do in their whole Lives.
[A] The South-Sea Bubble.
John Gow, alias Smith, was born at a place called Caristoun, in the Orkney Islands, and was brought up a sailor from his youth, having served on board several Men-of-War, and last of all on board the Suffolk, along with T. Swan, who was engaged with him in the conspiracy to murder Captain Ferneau, and seize the ship and cargoe, as they went off the Texel, but they were prevented by James Belvin, who was led into the secret and discovered it. Captain Ferneau taking little notice of it, contented himself with turning off Swan, and preferred Gow to be second Mate and Gunner.
They sailed on board the George Galley, August the 1st, 1724, from the Texel to Santa Cruz, having 15000l. on board, when Gow designed to have seized the Ship as they went out, but could not get a party strong enough to join with him, till he worked up a misunderstanding between the Captain and part of the crew, concerning the provisions of the ship, particularly Winter, Peterson, and Mc.Cawley, who came upon the Quarter-Deck, in presence of the Owners, just before they sailed, and made a long complaint against the Captain; who assured them that if there was any wrong done them, it was not by his consent; and that he would enquire into it as soon as they had unmoored the ship.
About eight a clock at night, Captain Ferneau, as usual, called them up to prayers in the great Cabin, and then set the watch, and went to sleep, little thinking his end was so near, when Winter, Rawlisson, and Melvin, begun the scene of blood, Gow lying snug in his hammock, as if he knew nothing of the matter, till he saw whether the villany would succeed, or not. Winter cut the Doctor's throat as he was asleep in his hammock, and then went up to Melvin and Rawlisson, who in the mean time had seized the Captain and cut his throat also, but not touching the windpipe, Gow stept up and shot him with a brace of bullets, and then threw him over-board. Mc.Cawley cut Stephen Algiers the Clerk's throat, as he lay in the hammock, and Williams shot him dead afterwards. Peterson cut the throat of Bonaventure Jelphs, the Chief Mate; and Michael Moor, at the Command of Williams, shot him.
After this Williams came upon the Quarter-Deck, and saluted Gow with Captain Ferneau's sword, first striking it upon one of the guns, and saying, Welcome Captain Gow, welcome to your new Command. After which, Gow told the men, That if any of them durst murmur or cabal together, they must expect to meet with the same Fate; and then calling a Council, they agreed to go, Upon the Account, as they called it.
They called the ship the Revenge, and mounted six more of her guns, she being able to carry four and twenty in all. But instead of going to Genoa as intended, they sailed for the coasts of Spain and Portugal, in hopes of getting a ship laden with wine, to keep up their spirits; but all was alike they met with; and instead of wine, they contented themselves with fish, which they took out of a ship called the Delight of Poole, Thomas Wise, Master, bound from New-England to Cadiz, out of which they took the men, and what they wanted, and then sunk the Ship, to prevent their being discovered to the English Men-of-War who lay in the Straights.
On the 18th of December, they took the Snow-Galley, out of which Crew they kept Rob, and discharged the Captain and the rest of the men, after having plundered the Ship of the arms, ammunition, cloth, provisions, sails, anchors, cables, and then let her go.
By this time, they were got a great way to the southward; and being in want of water as well as wind, they agreed to go to Maderas, which Island they made in two days, cruising about it near a week, expecting some vessel to come in or come out; but the Country discovering what they were, they were disappointed in their attempts. Then they stood away for Porto Santa, where they put up British Colours, and sent their Boat ashore with a compliment to the Governor, desiring leave to Water, and buy some refreshments; which he readily agreed to, and went with them to pay the English Captain a Visit, who received him in a very grand Manner. But the refreshments not coming as expected, he at length told him he was his Prisoner, and must remain so till the provisions were come on board, which was not till next day, when Gow discharged him, giving him three Cerons of Bees-wax, and three Guns at his going away.
Having now got provisions, they agreed to return to the Coasts of Spain and Portugal; where they had not been above two days, before they met with the Batchelor, Benjamin Cross Master, from New-England bound to Cadiz; out of which they took Cross and his Men, and gave the Ship to Captain Wise, as also 24 Cerons of Bees-wax to him and his mate, and to his four men 8 Cerons. After this they took a French Ship from Cadiz, loaded with wine, oil, and fruit, which was what they wanted, and manned her with their own men, taking on board the Revenge the French Master, and his 12 Men, and most Part of the cargoe, with five guns and their carriages, ammunition, small arms, and sails, and gave the ship to Somerville, Captain of the Snow Galley; and to Captain Cross the New-English Man, to who they gave half the ship and cargoe and Somerville had all his Men, but Alexander Rob, whom they detained, and who was executed in 1725, for engaging along with them.
Soon after they saw a large ship to the windward bearing down upon them, which at first they thought to have been a Portugueze Man-of-War; but they found afterwards, it was a French Merchant Ship coming home from the West-Indies, which not fearing them, came on to the windward. Gow perceiving she was a Ship of great strength, called all his men together, telling them they had a great many prisoners on board, and that he could not trust many of his own men; besides, six of his best Hands were on Board the other Ship, therefore he advised them not to meddle with her, she being far superior in Force. This so exasperated Williams, that he demanded of Gow to give his orders for fighting; but he, by the advice of the whole crew, declined it; whereupon Williams snapt his pistol at his Face; which not going off, made him still madder. Winter and Peterson standing by him fired each a Pistol at Williams, one shooting him through the arm, and the other in the belly; at which he fell, and they believing he was killed, were going to throw him overboard, when he leapt up, and ran into the Powder-Room, with his pistol cocked in his hand, swearing he would blow them all up; which he had certainly done, had they not prevented him that very moment, he having opened the scuttle to do it.
They immediately put him in irons, and hand-cuffed him, and then put him between decks, in a place prepared for prisoners.
Two days after this, they took the Triumvirate, a Bristol Sloop, Joel Davis Master, bound from Newfoundland to Oporto, with fish; from whence they took all her provisions, arms, sails, and two of her men, and then let her go with the rest, and all her cargoe. Not knowing what to do with Williams, they resolved to put him on board them, and send him away, for fear of further danger, ordering the Master to put him on board the first English man of War he should meet with, to hang him for Piracy; which when Williams found they were resolved to do, he made all the submission he was able to Captain Gow, begging for pardon, knowing if he was carried to Lisbon he should meet with his deserts. But all his entreaties would not do, he was brought up double fettered, when he begged they would throw him into the sea, and drown him, rather than give him up to be hanged in chains, which he knew he deserved from the Portugueze as well as English. This made many of them begin to relent and pity him; but considering his savage disposition, they knew there was no safety to keep him on board, and so resolved to let him go, and give him a hearty curse at parting, wishing him a safe voyage to the gallows, not dreaming that they themselves should accompany him.
The Bristol Captain obeyed their orders, and as soon as he came to Lisbon put him on board the Argyle man of War, Captain Bowler Commander, who brought him home not above three days before Gow and his Crew came to keep him company.
In the middle of last January, they arrived at Caristoun in the Isles of Orkney, when Gow gave them instructions, what account they should give of themselves to the people of the country, to avoid suspicion. But now began their misfortunes, for several of their men began to think of making their escape, the first was one Read, who took an opportunity to get away when the boat went ashore, who went to a farm-house which lay under a hill where he hired a horse and rode to Kirkwall, a market town about twelve miles off, where he informed them what they were; whereupon they raised the Country to defend themselves. The Pirates soon hearing what was done, ten more of them went away with the longboat, making the best of their way for Scotland, who were some time after taken in the Frith of Edinburgh, and made Prisoners.
This so provoked Gow, that he resolved to plunder the Country, be the consequence what it would, and in order thereto, he sent Belvin his Boatswain, with Rob and Four more, to Mr. Honnyman's house, the Sheriff, who not being at home, his Servants let them in, not suspecting their design. They immediately fell to work, but Mr. Honnyman's Daughter had the presence of mind to hide the money in a tub of feathers, till she found an opportunity to carry it away, by the contrivance of Alexander Rob, who was placed centinel at the door. But when the Boatswain found the treasure was gone, Gow having before told them where it lay, he swore he would burn the house, and all that was in it, which the young Lady hearing, she runs to the Charter-room where the Treasure lay, and threw it out of the Window, jumping herself after. However, they plundered the house of about fifty pounds, and some plate, and then forced a servant who played on the bag-pipes, to pipe before them to the ship, whom they also detained, and was brought along with them to the Marshalsea, where he was sick till his release.
The next day they weighed anchor, and came to Calf-Sound, where the boatswain went ashore again with four armed Men, meeting with no Plunder. From thence they went to the Island of Eda, to plunder the house of Mr. Fea, whom Gow had formerly been School-fellow with, and knowing him to be a Man of Courage, believed that the Alarm at Caristoun had drawn him thither: But Mr. Fea's wife at that Time being very sick in Bed, kept him at home, and having notice of them he sent a letter to Gow by James Laing, to desire him to withdraw, assuring him that most of the inhabitants were fled to the mountains on the report of his being a Pirate, desiring him to send the messenger safe back, at whose return the affrights of the people would be over. Gow sent him word back, that he would write to nobody, but if Mr. Fea would send his men with a Boat, he would reward them handsomely, which Mr. Fea hearing, he ordered his great Boat to be staved, and sunk, and the sails to be carried out of sight. In the mean time, perceiving Gow's boat come on shore, with five men in it, well armed, he met them, and said if they would go to a Publick House in the neighbourhood, and take a cup of ale with him, he would see what he could do to serve them, which they agreed to, seeing Mr. Fea was all alone, not suspecting any danger. Mr. Fea had before given orders for half a dozen men, well armed, to lie in ambush to surprize them, which being done, Mr. Fea sent to Mr. Gow to let him know, that the country was alarmed, and that it would be his best way peaceable to surrender, which Gow did in a day or two, thinking thereby to make himself an evidence; but it would not do, although he complied so far as to delude all his men ashore one after another, who would certainly have cut his throat, had they known of any ways afterwards to have escaped.
They were put on board the Greyhound, which delivered them into the Marshalsea, March 30, 1714, where they continued till June following, when eight of them were hanged at Execution Dock, viz. John Gow, James Williams, James Belvin, John Winter, Peter Rawlisson, Daniel Mc.Cawley, William Ingram, for another Piracy under Anstis, and a month afterwards Alexander Rob was hanged for Piracy under Gow.
Transcriber's Note
Fraser notes in his foreword to this book that the original author's spelling was "indefinite even for his own day", and adds that it has "has been more or less modernized" in this edition; however, there are still many inconsistencies in spelling, use of hyphenation and italics, and capitalisation of words. These inconsistencies, along with archaic spelling, have been retained throughout.
Minor typographic errors in punctuation have been corrected without note. The word 'with' was printed as 'htiw' (page 138), and has been corrected. The word 'were' has been amended to 'where' (page 139, "... where they sent several Hands ..."), for the sentence to make sense. Two instances of transposed letters have also been corrected—sieze changed to seize, and Goaler changed to Gaoler. The original title page illustration also contained an error, Jnae, which referred to a month. This was cross-checked with the rest of the text, and has been amended to read June in the transcription of the text.
The frontispiece illustration has been moved to follow the front matter.